lot the fair find uncontrolled determination of the pc plc of Kansas themselves' . the Alecision of the question whether , she , frhoukl come into the Union as a Slave or . Free State. This was flit: fiurdee of al! *,,speeph-.' to of his ad*ot-ates r .the printe.resses a theparty. committees-n-tht4diteriaf ileclgfatiuint of the "Democratic" press: l ]';teen :in his ,inaugural address, the same riooEttoliot4v.as-tioader and - i - the iustrue ns givemq t tn . ?, illeeted,g.overnor of ICamait3yasseiterated. tilt this would Pie !ktttliti tO.tlie ieslos of .those vr , c 1 , '); ere TeteriniiMio'fifstazeri Upon ~,„,414gt_lbsuittouttluVeite. 'itaileni'and: ?I -, Allhoitata-uAhwores's strenuous ef-: IMPOltit ftilentvid Nekidentiallnilue ABigviikilatOttiofttkrrarittrutmoilE efitit7l44tiftlyttltiplied.forms; of Tarim pike” fopierittiou§g l Con - gta.ss; ritiiim-:: ...,101:41041440:elf :I:fatties! :against -) tftillitlis-ANti.tiouri 1 imairitnien t zon , paid* the - 29)uspiratcra 'a.gainst pop- W-Itgl!ts!..i ki• ;he! Teintory at, 14comptim; foilltepttrpose• of eiving slaverra.secog , _ trilidlpoiitilut, - -atidrtylug the hands of the. irlftVi!!rttleirlailhrta 'to nd-thetriseives. 4slotemioritioli!they:regard as irreconL pitableWittPtheirluterests and prosperi -1,11 VAille.in'this%the - administration; OlSlrdracelikik ohhcoidad,rhy ' working,: oil tlfivittinetif itenthersi whoseresist plito4loldid to thoi.blandrihments and inlisdeatiltetjstrettsersitif offesial favor, ifitUreingothrotth: Cokr,resti a , modified . inalgint*hfeti idle ' - *phopl e ti f :lab se, s were Abset4PhePsith:tchribeqii - one'hand tuld 1 elsilitltrjolgiet tirer--g , itistaut tuhuiisiOu Artoldtaiv-if .7theiViniltir crinsent'-:to .the AtbdtitiOnanf , tittery; terit'a.l.coutinued tiblfdidW of tortithriOlyttpilige r . shoidd thkitliptittS illtOtiffer, ttnr:l I offMers apoint pig* lituiftl*ptettlaml - shocild Certify that thilrayttstituttO a. population tt , least #fltiblirsthilFlN*ltied ttoliecasw--Of•Ord: .041103 , thetliOpetthiit.qthey would le ,fa.' 1 , Ma ittr li missian- But; - .thanks to . ; Itittlititnitple "ipiiitwof =lhe- American 1 1 0 0 Ple l l 1 4/0 totidouts , :ot Kansas- -have ofjoautftWitt Mir Lyindicaticti_+•of their, rremittralik 7:the. leauce -, 6f-free- labor ; FA Itoedhispoi" goitrnm'ent prohibitions, ,I "... fott4ft-coristittititiwit7 . -eccordancel cifitigliettuktofh t - will *, t f 4'662 najority;c6 fit' Slifettfiti&:% Of course r , 'it the to identified'. With the ittilaitiWati9ll,oiPl'teVertlamia-mich, the I grhaPttlClNVilfEri and. ;he. iliCtatioti , of 1 qtyol)44-ndigts,:='have..,re'sisted I tWati4tidtOttlf .ihrstniajyr4ty;: and iintima.l asitrellirllerelTen.thet theidmiasion of.j Faltionihtilyttlllitie:Trlptii , el , and 'pre-. Idiatildillf tcritishidentforth`d Per. , :istent — Ati46lo7it. er*OPleitti-Pri.4dore. 'Shall ioritif4alide•Of*etinsylvtinithe Prond .raltete inthtti-enerriies C.l - the In wittlY 1046 , 3 frecaom tlin - :building tip 'a bilitiy%filr.jowlligivt COntiriortwealitt;;- I.ltealifrfutihnudert-ltittes -of .relauke . of j OilttolObititiotiite:'dispesitiou;mid _polioy, 1 iiiiicitlterOftlie raounliness :Of those pria- i apretilltlatith litiinititatiens are fiend- 1 ,fill abil 16 effect refusei to the majority iortlittlgcople tlitight to frame their own .-aletittltion4 , 4lirivernment unless they rlithnkraltifiat--440viiion which chall oiteffisttlietgaftt . y:! .T3initifuently among fanlktz.FiVilteherndt tindicate the • righ - t! ortiiii fiNkfietiniilrtolgoln:nrKl 'limas these] Altlielrifllßels? and 7estabiigli -there the tratiliirdit etf-2 ;Fri.:W . :UV:kr '' Which has tougita r civiardist-s - Oli4 - pros . p.iiity, arid tofifeelftbgilitidtlitijg:tire trot and en eihterttKtitaiefOttinilederat Arch f: . 1 1,4Tot,j6ifft°*Itlij tiriF• ffoit: to ",ever flifftVri nit - dist; tt'fieiqObotrijo , lcan: 4 B,SOiiiffefi l iicifi4talulisti. : .'of . sivery t itIVAIIIP - Ifirtffee - re6iiiiiitieris -'ori the --- . Vilditiiiiiiiibill'Of 'AOViis`q` , ls6iitii gaVl"lllf6fefiSirliik6yi.Aiiilieito Tint ' thF fi;rthtii-itice, of their de -1-!--..-. 'il t , .—FY77-'.7 - ' ,-- "`" , - ---- I,i - ' - ' 2. .( t, - pi) Peityt , reg, ea4l,alf iiftelieli6 in tlibf , t**A r g - V ifr iftirieK should tire' peel' trTl.ll* . itifta - by ' their' le,gislatie n ' to , 1 - t7aVgliaT.p s roiiiien's irrta vor 'of 'slit re ifflijnirdtlng'tiTi36 e taftlie - p!otection ;-9 3 ,fijiredjillar:i' titutioii"' arid- thni iltAlilif§tr*TA) Weit:he'friajn - ritY - to Wiyits7pifiliJialiiiient'arid yerpetii ,tllW;i(tatti,--.)tlieni'-'''-Th'eie 'Men' insist KgiiNiq ddrifaii hail ie . :rigid tb 'Cs itfaesfle'ittiketifacii!dutY'tir 'siistain I Vielda tiviiitirbativii-'slatb'lator 'lntel p 4 e ) .14 - ' , 41iii564 ii 6 find :tire 'Aiitaiti iiiiiiriflkinilOittiO Poky," i'd "PennsA-, Envoi ttliiliiolitiinis Oils StateTon e4oVnd tiiiiiddie - Si of its - Siete 'Corn ''''lriilll2sl7lkeakk'tsi OW deetrine, - an d onasrargl e:iir, , i'priety an& duty . of its iVireitFenfofceinent'l4 eOniresq, ' This tlitettitelinigiirfadii alidlirisentedjby 'those ' tceociltiCitilig 4 , ll :re." ' b% 4 atte' r *iThl Ca of - 1:' . ..5 tittt'lN:426'orietirred'idby their- al-1 fleilittistreitetinif - freeebarnonitvealth. ikeilreMetiiiiicr Of . ,illid 44A - briar ' 'spirit, OVElPRialisiiffifitt - nieri are t rn o.becoe, Vag :` C't) iga l iff;fieVolOied'iiioiist, Oa . ' It. chirE . Vitiipi. Of lilb . neople r of * - , iii"Witiliaj wird bY'lle lahinctif their iffittiWwaiddififidu9hettiftithS-CMi _ 1 1411401101044pilpr*cren0 States, `tuerlYililiired . :OeFlO tlieittriftliiss4or 41.1 1 ! 1 gilni&E Of,V4liiiiii whatever m , ,Pli?'"1 lidriciia ( .seila'of - natiiiid 1 f' '',noiiiiiiinifof .bar r en wakes. ~..- , . '...' illheritancir Ifhi . h 'We afi4 r -illie6 iiiiight' tie iiade ildp Of i'llqnse; population, ..ttlitgiffrp:lFikty • and ' con etlx.•:ifs‘p.apaetty for"..pro liittfebt? o'er Ny'tisystere mi.; td .. .shinstd 'hy "a mffiq-he'''thravrf .00 . in r an annhci4 4 Oinis n it Will tit i giiiiport to' its;prodigal iiib'tah 5 116607 ike- history . ' 4 *.ebltilei*Siites,''for feCirt i pri*d . pieiitietors gopoiiiii: foisc.or 'vast , titlii:WOM: O'rliii.tid- :to' the fotindation, and even the.ohurches of God lie waste, the decendanta of the dweller and worshippers being scattered far andwide. and the exhanqed\laq ... ...s„ retitile tarilure foiOti‘ . ;:or Ipii =#allow a d delitilaCtit', is tif r . ter',unitititfriltie.4. • ka''nh are: ttieresu4ts of thel4seain #1114;h claims the Inttieriof and exclosive•right to the proprietorship of our Territories as against the labor of Atnericau.freenen,,which conquers, the natural • wilderneSs—improvek yikoti,the bounties of Providence, and &Olin -gcti'er ntioif' to generation increases the products of the soil—adds to', the natural' wealth; 47 - 1 .A4l ' 4 'lllliltlitor enthinx4s.ogesVPSlFP3M,:ini.oßt c 9 14 1 1 4 6. 1- ell i. - iedauMe-OPti•tatkciffatal tul,IY--a4ill:` , t4l.l4§4ol4 3 lo o rging4Pailu4 l & 9l ;A l t' 7 l it ensitipltt 4.44 / eactlikliAs.l 4r.q..r1c.%1701 4 .‘,' peeple saf:PAUll.l.llPPin,..Yilling to accede 1 ti . s.tt lietnaud .P4O 4 1i-JYAIAt 9f ,:slay.e6 47 lbor, which thiasYtiepriFes.' ypitr • dee,end-, ants sf - the -- Tiit -totettoduce their jp , - da m itiiirtlie Teiritp,ries: 2 o; the,'"Cnidtt, "and , become free holden', '.there,`• , caress 'they ivilreorisetit te, degrade 'tb'emSeli;ei td the level of :crinality W s itti :the' negro sliver -Are;Yon ' Willing Illet:iliese: .vast . Territtrtini4the mnilificOnt: 'gift ..ct a Yotititeons -Providence by ias-tobe bless ed-and., kept—shall' be sacrificed to the: cialliens of kliavery;:aiici nitre forfeit: the 'd'erileflieiMty *Oct fertility' which 'has Demi committed, to us, 'in 'trust • - for the!, benefit-of Mir ;posterity, iilnd'ef Mankind? The r reepairemotie of the "IlaisarAlliflitsln've _Cade los the Territories, by •CaiiigieS4;: is tiOvi boldly put fkirtli, '. and has recelyea, the'recognation of that-lar0: divi'sion 'ofd .",,thePsmoemtie '..pality," 'Which' adhered to - the naticitapl atimiuistratien - ii;titisl State and elsewhere.", It is-air issue „which I must bo met, and - itis To - riyou to declare at :the 'poTliTypllt decision Apo - p - itj „Yort cannot oppose .11,, ari4,:li t 'plic saute 'tithe 'support the ; so, styled',l), em,ocratic . Lok i et" in . Pennsylvania. : Einboldened,by the ready gubmisSion''. which la . iulTheen• yielded to' nll their dement:lA . -bp tlin-*.ikd: l mittistra,tiott:Democratic - parthlatid - resoyt lute in ; their, determination, to -gush, i out. free labor wilefeveri,t pen_ppme into tlom ; petitionlyill their own Yosti r ld syiteiri; the prepagiiiLliits oe r sfai•Eiy . flake'adtiiii'lli` i deteithiiiel-to take - the still -further step I of reiipening.the ; African ; Slave=: Trade.; and ',beim . . already introdneed . into. :the country cargoes ofsavage liegroes;.sru ug;:,, sled across :the , ocean, !and . lnoV held •tcil compulseryser , viceLoh thettioc, sugar and cotton fieirls.of the Smith. ,ITlie :.paint, has arrirctl -at which in the Jpath of,,:,re trogressien which has been pursued from: the 'position taken by the_fatmera , of , _our. Institutions on Slavery audits. cognate questions, men are bland Who boldly juts tify the infamous traffic in human . flesh which was prohibited half .a.• oentury , ago] by an American Congress, ,visited with i the penalties of piracy, nu& stigmatized 1 in - the estimation of the Nyhole civilized) ' and Christian world. as ‘fthe'stun of all in- I iquities." ' - . • ~ • The leading men of the Southern States I high . in the confidence of the "Democrat- 1 in parts;," and holding elevated public trusts; are.heard- boldly "demanding that ; Congress shall - repeal 'the'- pun' 6 hmon tsi 1 prorided for these •Vlio- intro - duce' Slay.es i from -Africa, and "Demberatie-v State; IConveuticins:unite in the demerit!. South- i err' Courts and .Turieslefuse , to_ punish i the pirates-'wh - en 'arrested ', , ,an - d ihdicted, and the National-Adrnifildttation:is whet; impotent or Unwilling to:intercept -their vessels en the sea,- or • Secure thel.arrest i and Conviction of the , Offenders;after they ha'!ie'lande,d - ,their cargo, , .. laid!' 'reeei ved ' the'whgeSloCtlieir;'crith.-" , , It is' , inSisted that'the Sonifa must have" On - increase of slaiezfin 'order-'to enable: . her "to• leciu teit the 'point' of stspreniaey with free' lal,Or in States to , be'admittecl into the Union 10 preien t file - Free 'States Troni oh tai n inga entuplete , tiscendatiey: :, The' bttle *Mob has bpen Nre;. , ed i between- the . oppugnant systeins of- la4r,' always . *• r t,o the disad;wn tag& of-Fitedoin,-wherhas-been - deserted and betrayed by , those who • professed to be - defoted 'La - her valise, 'lies its erisii in tbis'atterupt to teliivp the slave- trade==-a" . aelietrie which is inatiealmost ;incredible by , it's audabity, , 1 imtneritlity. and - trnelty. Unrortutriately; feet§ prove - its existence; and 'Many' of the .a,. , TgreSliOes::of slavery 'propaa.andiSm, which haie- - alre4dy been consalitiated, Were far.tuoto - improbable of accoMplislirrient, - an'd 'received .far let's encouragement= and-conntenance at the start; tauthie the-M6st fing,rant of them all,' -Oksla f priocipie -: is' the maxim;- of wisdom; and 'the - voice of'- Pennsylvania should,be• pronounced in the most cm, phatie,:terms of condemnation ofti project which must shock ' the -moral sense °of ev ery'eue 13f her - rightminded eitizans.- ) ' ~ *' .-!:*:: . ;:*,_ .*. •:* :,_*:.,7'..:. It is'-a'remarkable peculiarity:l3f the presetit,'Xatiorial , - I . S.dniinistratioti-,:that with 'dehe!e*irevene anda-people suffering in all 'their ' , liustness interests from the unfriendly policy: of the?. Gosv etnment, expen'ditures- have increased to an .unprecedontdd-ionotint, and 'Corrtiption;: peculationrniistnanage tn'etiti- and favoritiSn],. prevail •at .tho.eost of file - PeOeral `-Tteastiry: •- • When' Mr. BpChttniti entered upon hisL office,. 130 found 14 surplus of-$2-1,900,0011 on .hand. Before the f i rst his term had closed- this as all exbinbted—the issue of 020,1Xi0,600 Treasul3* notes, and' 4, stock loan of the like ;amdunt were ;au thorized by:the first sesSion : of Congress after his iriauguration—the total annual losPenditures of the r year 'which ended on the '4othOf Juno„l.BsB,l:each ed the enormous'amount bf 589,628,867, arid the appropriations for the, ensuing yeitr:eltored: the Bum- of -$98,85,201;24' - and; this4tai*ss 41 ,0 2470000' than the j a . 4iit , ifstration, asked for. When John . Qttine:y ' Adains thirty years ago, expended .sonig ' - ;$15,000,0 0 0 annually, the outery . ngalitst 'his extravagance ~ ;!as `loudest d Incessant,llr.Buchant - 5P . 1,, , , , e among Wit& raised. it, for polfticar Xect; Itut h,e•litti,,not„,.°nly near,iy.:,:loi.-. itripled;,biKb.as, „In limo of prat riruf peaces with all natiOns, far ,exceeded the annual apenditures when the country 1 was engaged in a foreign war, with fleets I on the enemy i coasts and,..an, army, ; lita rin 'his (.300. - If stheio •eipenses were jndipions and legitimate, there would be ';"les4itanse:t°-edrriplaiit?; biii;siiii6fititit4e .l...."4.llStritiaLeate.i.g.l9:lAanlETlA pnrposea„And to offpot „partisp de-sins : , !,The nq.Y , /#41:43 1F9°P3214. 1 144. 51 Ain: 4 1 / 1 1 1 .itaYaF FAR I I I4 ./nkt , 'L- 4 1,gWVh then iilit! h*Eglr ( ire'EhAFik- wi ,, g 2- 97 . the, electiciii lo Congress of the * friends .of trte r admi.a . i.strathAi, and 4s-snopportet:a t.in aitentpt,ing,t9 e2 . 4intin,ltiitihe Leaomplgt.l fraiid P llo .l l trag9;•FP4tiels for . .l4ding shipa.,aria-:snpplyingpaf ..tir ',the. tats, Waxe awaided„nnt:ti?.tlic:.*F.cif, Waders,. butt° family sprinections Of members ; of the ; Cabinet:, mitp,.est4blillinients. w.liese recommendation- ritferle . 4 by. ibti; "Piet* . dent Himself to, 'thet . §`eeretary.efthe ?Tail, was th#t . they. exe.reise a atrplag hiddenpp, in. a Congressional ..r . ifs trictc, anctoirgliti tb be rewarded, fcir ,d . eserting_ Ad - politipt associations toicoutribite t0,11. 1 / 4 1i . .,..1,3uc1ian. Ail:P election, "4,0-1a.1i , - 6 99ullag 6 iwit; t 9 th .. en3 to :work the p ; elscAon of, hfe 'ffkqtlilst9 - CClPfl.rqs.r •:-LaTge;Pt3raiasLi 6 f 1 4 es- Nv.4e,," 0 14 3 %•m1 . ,:!44F.', nntei . iAl ftif. !. 1 1.grUJI 4 1 1 .1;t;•Tirl'fitt9P1.Vg° mict&afleiF, I relatferts of ; pie,fupl,b,ertpl'ln; 40,0,1 r. ,0,, q e.s ieprentatives, who pleasedhe "2 4 4,dutu ,f k IsP'0•191I AY-ts•PPr,t.i9g-ifrA4-ana. as,; urel„qr .o.l,meAel,:s,9oks Ra . Aly,.sw2po4o:l; ' to, wield pitlitipl i ffitttienselin . particular-, loo,aiities f • ..,...., •iI r• ."-,1 • •••-,.-- ...--. • -1,1 I-••• I A - mail . 1 43. 0 ; -ii_l Icr-Pr, Pi? nor 6 o .fl*, Pt_iORPCIt 4. an expese,'All'C'DT,S•.nlill. tg.P 0 '.. 11 . 1 P9 13 1ar,,,t.4.,,-FTTIPPs, ,. -0 5 1iN . , imother.paFfs qi . he Rwatry m and'pe . psl- - iiii , ill t'h'. P:C,!;'fit•Ys.O9•PP,ll 3l ;P - ,PC,•°P I -, - tziodations,of 4.ysTsopipl aTR,..„1p1i14115qp,1,1,,,• thoughtherevenln9t . L . thedszlitai 0 pp : Ilk tlin§9 l §.9;sre4c.Ced t. 4 Po 4; j ) .PrAY.INTt• ihq illit• In t*,, d91 2 4'f1.4•••,9f - i i ,li'lli.• t priuting,,,lS,rge . r. ,'Etef,alp'clians. - and jrzi.A4g, ' ttp on t hct_t'i over nmentili ave bee ii: (le,ret 0 . . k. 4 14 .etfloled!l ) .Y. a CP'PTit4PR-Pf , C9 l ?"igsst, and 4-44 s4osv?ii4c•OWLir.Pis • 17 . „f4 l " 7 §,uP:. ports .. ,the...a4ruitmtrationi ..3 `lacking !Ake, support and aynTa",thylqf , the Iteopin,,,tsi subsidiFpd..ffout the profits Of . the printing land iiinding : done fir pongresslaid other. departrappts. .This speeffie,lirOti OfebtOne and ag , P. 4 . 4 : 12 ?ata,4MiniaPrg 101 1 Tiliet..ll l2 . t ;;neatly, e;tapdea l3 hnt.sl4 &nit ; ~ ontea tt.. ourselves with the examplpS , given, and: ask the people _.whether', the ado inistra : 60- I? and the . paTti" - NThiql,i- ..13r5titi64 it, are longer, worthy . oftlieir cOnficl l enVa and! support ! . Vulalip,.yir:tse js,the life .1)1 . 641 of free government, antlwitlitiqiit'reptkl Heart institutions • hasten.to ruin.. The 1 1 task of i'9l'orm.i the, Yr9rk: of - the, , . ..p . ociple themselves; they •mnst achieve it hy disnifsAino• unfaithful public Servants; antl l replacin g. them with others. of prat Ipteg- 1 ! rity 'and patNotisiii. 'While the flovera-I went is thus (ierp.oral4ed by extravagant I I ex.pcnifiture en unworthy robjcpts, for ! ' partisan ends, vascillation and s uneertignty 1 ! - mark many of its public, acts. • The nat ; ! uralized citizens of 019 IT nip% to- .0040 the was,so „largely ', if not! entirely, indebted . for its, iccess to potydr,! I aud whuse . exclusivefriends.its party! 1 professes , to le, were shocked by an official declaration t.fitit _they ,could 11°.'; 1 claftn-the protection ofPifit , 1 . ,7 4 -oi,e,rnmeitt I shell:4l . 49'Y tY4ie. : 0 1 •44' ~- Pativq-Iclin ti Os sari lioheir viiiiired to„ r,ender nal; tarl services ; . tutd they-,noirldAnt he, else flan disgusted, whem,terrifica,:y t t the possijle re.sult of such a ileplartition c tlie Presider t i .Seßretii.v. o4itate and, Altpf,i i ie.i Get,z - tal, put,forth three ..sitbScalletip ,s;fficial p,ift, lipatioui on the same, stilajeet,,., each ,tlif ferino• from .the '9;traei ', and: all .interitl - ,3 to avert the pelitlearcorisequences of the i l•drstAtiq ktf, , and rather to . Dl:event l.he a1i94;444 -9f., fonder- friends' than to, ward lt.l l Cir liirrhts - 1 Wlifeb iffeY, s had tyst coM. propalsed, and. ,under their 'Offtelar.Sila•'- lira ho plaeed ,tu_itbe.',hands oftrei,, ,, •9 1 monarchs an ildrolisfiin - :;lrltielf:wOuld be' retorted upon tere. Witb,irresietible,efWers when they should"., at . teinp :In, contest . with,them t the• de ettfri e 'tit' tire frailienoble` al • ,l'egia . rige ,w . hielt: t.hp'y.ciairkt 9: be,4uf i f by I OP4F u 40 19 ti,?.Y l :sWie 6 ls• . • ' I ; • : Too..:optorep„s .r 4 teroatu,ae.patO .} -. .A11.?f5" trir t 4 ea topoie4. of..the oop.aties Tioga, Potter, McKean and Darien, suet iu conventional Catitiepitort. an_Wednes ft,lptettriter 21st to bopinao a. , ean-i diehlte for §tate, ::lelegates pre§oilt,, there were F,. Taylor ang. lfrom Olmsted, Oyer. to4lar(l.,A Taggart \V.„CpFIO,,,) , VI.IA.„Ni44a' $4 . ,17. .F,r(ieTan . !Ijonteetinglva.4p.fllartgor4eritlept ing 0r.*0k.D,,,Pq.-, ;to. tlie,ollair, A r; lld _appointing and -t• 40 ,0:1n .; Op motion,. „Otay• App.0,312r 4. Isfichols,,tVsT. I?, - - ,9lrertort and Fif oue from l eaph,pounty,:on Re s olutions., -The Convention '4:leetcl4."to;yote rltio roce,,aod Oat a t*orit..y; 143.: gate§,Es4ould be - ,ttqeessary;•t4:).'elloot. a choice. Wilson, of r, , • -4,0. Taggart noinitatecllsaao : l3,enson, of Potter.- :. : :. - I sco- Mela,pfiYatretw,f c 1 _ li Freeman norainatefilrJTA:Wil- Haul ,of McKeon. it'...v'•: - .•,.-; "P'' .2, ; " F, r 121 iots the voee..74t?: the sin -. each candid e reeeivino\Xlizitel4;-fite illtin‘ ro 'Sir. IllitrtausliitnrdnApped; tiCtheiFote t lk.tvii ,n thro4 fk, ;. l l li-: Q - Ortelkm - ...altie. etween.q tim4 tri..dNitili . on. - fter27 moelii:liitli4lll? about the same 'reedit, the Scofield - was dropped, and Mr. iWilliamd' 0 again .taken ap, making a tie betiveen him and iMr. Wii oti .1 , - Attu . . -. I.dt ballOq t the ,ieutiiiention. iegirl6,fioiainiii,iiiie; brie, tif ,no choice Bas - Inade after 25 more bal. lite. i r l:sr Aiteii - A.7 -17MITA-Cl,%mtiaViiircii att. A l ; Y — rs , SiTo 9 .9:.Cikki.}P,V€44Y.'§At tinYfi AAA t49l* Onl4 B oo hth , loci I§a'ao3Rowtrsloiockplwypt23,ps, f.iico DE-rivf94g, t G4..,0vqr.t0% oP4Q;;iTagg9rtsiPi ,- 4.:14i P, • 1 3 rOlvt!ii 4n4 iPslO4.lT.a4-J - j . nlntinnill - FIPM.AeIActiAa,I. fter44rf-A, to, b'e Alp Ocit4inp - 0 tapipelf JOre- ; von ion. A.,,CR,OLIMAAPjf.r4t,4. 3 Nit r io enw c ifEstsk , ill, POWAS); ' •**.i :.;L• #llsatta iial. 4 P 0673 D - E.P.SrqnTv - if. 4 .5, . . _ . • ,:r4tit'o4ll g6ept. iszo. 7.1.7,5774" -1-.1t9V.140-P13.84:fk: ' „liptMe44 .l sTqco, l l - i1fe1.,18,59:. ~'' : , .:;.,it•-.2 , • ~,,) _ ~:: - 1 11..._r_. 1 . 1.'W Ls I C s '. ''./ ~ : i , I , 11l I t / .) • -ForAuDfrottl G - z.:4tirAi; i :; at:- , 4 ''• TEO3l..Vti - I, 4 , f etaCrilt giN•ciii•YiiiV r ' 1 - 1 • ;4/ , ,p.„,? (:: 1...,,,,, .-41,-f.4 ~; iff7; .‘,l ; !iff ) ...:.§4 1 .FrY,T9FW E iv . ,:44 , 1,44 I,,,TLIL,LIAOI-11. ZlF4tfl,:gftre.rksf-n., - ,, 5:i1.) ,1,2 . ); . l',. 3).. -II i J:./ . .. ' 1.1 , .:, JeJ .. I.'l /.1 . , 1110 . 1 1k rI R 91 13 , 1 1 1 1 iii El i Age . P f,./..i 1. i_ 1. I ; 'h:r.gAlhilGsliEglqolll;!elf TOtt r el . ) l)' . ; " Il'r. . (.1.. J. 1« ....Voi AHEM ilb i lti Se. lit ./i /U..' ' 1 • 1i r, LFIVIS MANN; *£ Potte4l r 4 :::;i4iS 7: 10Tt'ENZQ , ZiNVlTOTONva.f;;Vicea't , r, ' -I,l , lAuliitt tPliiisi•99,ArPl)9 l FEngei] : 4., r. 1 ''''t .F.9.4', 2 k0F4 11 T4 441 e 4. i,..', i .l, ."..„ ' '-' ' "..Aliglip3.A. - 1 4 . 0. X..T,0,NV; ",.. ~.' 1 ,11:4 : ..r-, ,-, 1 ' i1'11,14.1 .: 1 I'. , :""1 Ma: Le.. , ...tAn. V9,n , PP"? N " R, •.. l4.i.w; t 1.• mr. ITT i ..NRI'' 11. Mins SOYI --, 'Foel.• 4 ...., , ,1.44 q , '4-4 ~,, ~ porigTy'COillilSlONEM, ,; s ) 'i ' . ";IEpWIN tITATCHER,. 1 , . .l . - '1 • = 3 `- 1 'lt?bfv&iiii l lc6 4l ' o fli'"l l .' "" .= ' f IairiITATER.R. SLAIYE.Ta =44' '4 v ; " ' ' 1 ; 1 - 1 -pciii Cfit&iy , Stiivisdit,'" l -' - ' l'-''"'" r.. -- 1.1 1-1411,310 N tR. 'ROBINSON: ' 4 •,07 1 ' . -- 44Y.133a11k5,ki5b-een Tq9Ruiittai. e..d. 1 far Qovernor, hjr •Abe... Republic:lms,, of n d '‘ , - o i f t„ st t s. ,i i ..441di ,-: i;: , I ~, 4-i , ~ 1 1 '+, ' IVile 'lain, just:Os-vie go to preos s : r. that tlioß ( uehaftites have determined'` to , rili isyn,: . in ,kit;-:. cif :12flphi4i '''ks j aii'Prl ile4 I:PeitVli(iscailslid4t Tet,,siiVriit, 1)1:4 1 114kelote4 .ItPiliAio:rt ' qlit-'(f . the ' r.-bi any) liili pleas romiimber tthat hel is-a full. jbloOtled Ititilrer; mid - I the'nOminde - of that. Pari;yl, *hrit;.;?e'r they rimS , reill, him. Te have delayed going to press until this (Thip.itia'afternoon; in order to glye th . result of the Eena4iarial',.Con i:KOoe.: NowitAstaniting a jarge ~ num._ 1 ber:of .b:. lots were thken,lbe best. -feel.: I ing was tplintatned hetwden the'deleg,a . fes dait , ;' tli eiltiPciditiiVieliee'.' ' 4 :lt ;Will . be seen.by r feepiacii so 'tibg tillilibrige4 pro emi bi gs, whieh.wA “ giy,e : „wit,h6l4 '/ ,e pm went. this - week fur , reantr.of_rodm laud Esq,', of . this t 1; 'lBBtti lot;, • Ihe I itgplbs,P. L eptesl9l;a : psTook 113 g , a n a bocly,clf,plepP,TßFllaii2s ) ;9T7 Con - inn-tit= in titis- place, er itlet in. ._.. ..,7 0 3 ,- t 111 .440ri4 1- .o.9uficT9nol ) 11 ,af, br,'.lught.s - versa of our;hrctlferN,orth Tiet 7 F4aItUTO 't ~ illi lilitefil ' , We/tad:the yilea;3ll ur i e'Of ; tneethi,; - inA r ftitiiyin?, l tlie r iid4uiti t. J!, .. • i!.....-2,- ,3 _ ...7. , _, . . _.....--- . _ .., , „J ;lope of _t,ilam.not - c t49 'typrten Ry,2.1 a who vie .l quothetterr ,et;mirlinient, ; than to ;say hi paper is I one7of the: best- of. its I class. In he' Tier I , ' • Otir I f rietls.'ot. the :31;9g . ''ci' 3 0 1 {,t"Zciii : ;CtAtTi:': r‘ Ipg§iii :and liic , ll9lq , lryl!POiMs . lll9n#Ailil . o4 4 J-creA.N4 gnd wg.-, , A0101-4A04-_g#,IYJh4M dr6iglad to"tßko-them by-the litnil nal , Ottr friboil Youlici in itif thb Tioia4l.4itaror convieteei the list of prefesignai brat . ero r t crirvi rppet,lii.;'llT'e. of ,profession_ are_ gentlemen .nna men , of talenj i t'an Nyorth; . apc}eeern".t'e be we ,ldsel'l ith . ' tkiir 'visit: :' WA) trust. to I cCee t.,, tic& ' iafti l lt l ift' ih d fittie l'ai.4ell as .a? tia' , Pth 1 7 1. - .,P f t i i i _!;#4tg7P4 f i§K,, WU .and:t i bo .tt jotohlg '00.43tga,;:.,L;4 4i;, :' , i 1 -f,l l . S: §Ontrg.tte - Zab - ovn.tWals ,iti'.! type Arelliaitr lettlna - de"the'ne4rmilAanijeof 0 KWflll4;:qok,ifellivert;'pewtik' Ift ttpi , :iki ',4igiA'9:4;.lol#loii-i:: 1 314-1.5%,as fa; .ne J wct r linow, •th r e, , nhlegt , ', '.', . , .. ii , • iltf- ktnll- fipolittes an the Nor, ..• Tier 3 , 1 7APVilf it ,l . .l 77 .1.. §FPL 14 1 1 059 ' .B4i l 9l%Pcq erg9un.flt4.Qui:Tfil r I ; . ciEPIT4 I , , Yds Ptl•i:TfPre*S'9ur t e Alki°vL , atker. ytti4YY , fau long tp4eipap.ksivqp i tl4l4fic ! fzya4,4lntold 4n, W is P e i l so ,lo ;aW oll ,r!t(ofitV'li4l.ll:?9,r ApaterLeo, es .to , azer.ymrgpApm oflq!e 4r, 0 1 414 4r99tfcll9J-4,e:XATI P S to ;fin iyh~ch. your ,d 3 0 i,i4 (4, :4P , Y; 0, . 011 RtYA9 3 ,1e:t• l Yst.i 0 dePP4ol , 4ec9 ilePelstY7[l l ?4,4i,B office, *1 4 ...TP . Yt Tfgq aNtre-pf tßetl4oi,'4 1 /09:R0st/10g jiltritiut4gpagior ~.q B.Atas#lol , 9P,PSWEeallgq' Sciff9AßP,Pen.d. tge - I local Postoffrces in your county are blgm . \ ..faulty in . the 4.lrec Y , I; 4 ... h 4,„ „, Tbe truth is that we cans , to ~ , , mose)titil 1 t)id overhaul_ and disttqb t lokerihe • -SCitit.liern mail b. „ antie.'diSiu illiTirs p mail ; la.l.istit f : e lafiet ) .41011 o it not ~ 5. .- ih !! n e . - - ? it '. , ... d. have been do e t „ vour '' b n - eis, WO should have repeat.4ly been pt, Cd to ratan your paper it; your, office or correetiou in.-addrew.--- : - No . - - - Postiaractor dirt be'sur*ed - to knowl the location of Otthol•n thnztqnniiiit -Olin a` - - .., gin of thirty-four States and Terrtto- - . , :Ilatialladegle* ..tiff 134 0 „ak0 - 1054 his officd - diinesitiriv r eti - otttertim liii consilltrir*:', ai1.4,01r. every Other pOtt"addie.S4 w r liiV4u . ,: 7 ; in the 11 5 i446 1 1; 'fidiVflie' 7 6Stly parried that arc annoyedin - this ulineil V. e mail Messen. ier on the ear4, : ,has : Ke,.. , todly,called-,, our attention to-ther thing,r, haille,does in .his litifig 4itlilyptir 'papir, , theatord'.sbnly 'knows. No doubtlilartiveii4siet l to the ongitytt:tssibkeetfor-fueb , i ,-:. : '^ . l 7,. :: 1 frOt.thatioti twill' ciinfect'thiknat. ter in 1114, 44403.itt r efti Thilit4:o,%"dbing; the fair t1 . 1 , p1; to p l inilish; ilifi' hiiiCr for the benefira - the:piiiii!:aireri 4 1 -‘l 7 4aiton, i Pike Ir_allei, l ;,lleltfOn4Witne`r:, l asiorth Vharton, Xettlel , P4roebi. 0 6 iiiihNg and the• balanpe of th.e offwes in fact...but - - 4 ~' ..4.: , 2 ,-. ,4 those now meottoued . .aio parlifip,s, the, most atr_fatiltrif ithereloan.henyt degrees in their.bffericeo VlEV+Postmastergare,ol Course rliable:. tolm, reported Ito' the)De partment, but if Ira; camtafordllo ,give them a bligiiileiti lfitir"rialldr:-Itcritone for your -own offeniC4'we J velralf fhe ac count icptitee,-,l7Ytoliti'tfiity; ;1, , ~, , ,Yr ---'''''-' bli.`'24l:"YoihisTbasi,V. Z,I. 1.0. , 1 'O. ~.ric, 7 . 1: - n 1.:., .. , ...v.!:-<,. 4.1, • .• ** L 1 cumpnance with 140 , above letterrwe.givcritaiilsce in our col iimns--41"epingyAhese'. iiniktutusteit who Come in fiii'ularliaid to thrii.sebliling will profit thereby ..::M (for,i ourselves, we leall , onot ti.ql4ll.o4hgeberal plump; tt being an estahli~hed rule in aonitnVil, ink • depattutescrt;' , .'tof write; the ;po.stoffice; ir6ptfets orPnek ages.l4cept-.Enug,le, 04:Changers, ~un4 i thisq ;intended:fig .. .Such iFsuitill...y,ol4ea':l SS - Neif 'York, Philadelphia; batonvitts burg, Erie, Harrisburg,B. ellefonte; iCII - ,knosvn . moi3Oinsignificant ',postmasters • in' the We the" os'tiiiiister y. at, .e bunr 1 blo an acknowleilsoment of his ignerance as ' plieWanil he • sheitld' Inetnber;lthut • itvliel effort to refurm our Short-coming in'thili'''inat ter, •be' has Un dertaken to revise postal tour-of-the-country—a stupenautis,underz taking, lie 'however, will not quarrel *it'll' . 31'r!Jehiistop about the mere Matter ; of Nyriting, another line on the address of Mirpaela"gA - L-the few, we mean,, nut ,comi pg. np to .his standard—if he . will agree to wake„ the reformation general: , - • , .-IV•e -Are opposed to partial re -Whnn .- NVe• alone have' to .rkirinin`j I:49,gryi‘s ;1‘;,1 ;•,..!cs If! I 1415c9.1".cr.Y..5 2 pker , r-PtTeYkE" C.). k °Il -V.' 71 Tfildine. • t ,§:pt 1.86Q 1 ' ger4PA I.pere: was, organt;ect, ;11 . the of .Z;w e 'Y°Fk CM?' uki*i ;the . the for: ,scime,„ & Oa:a, reason s, I passed. itiVe`..',the ,hancls. „of. , some e - ap . t tal t ists, Ifav_a., • ta).§iS; the pirectori lea Sid tag g.rclitatP god. springs, to, 3.1F.,f1g, r. 4 D r *: Well 'litkoyu, on, the aye n c*il,9, 'gut 1 1, 1 *-,FP o thd:.4. w114,?s 13 .P4-9f,!; .111 1 . 0 . F.P. 4eW1k , 8f, 7 1- I :eetOlO , tiligki4 - sW:q 1:9; -11 ,4 1 9ni fl,O o. 6 .fa*Fl 9 , 9satI,9;SPY9iOiPI I, O. , IOPEP-a : %.9,f , water a . 5c,t,84,) , te141 . 14 , . 01 toemry ;I'4 ;11:9*si i a.nc"4ay). Tlie:PWPP, , nnr ‘‘)Bill.fPr n e gallons;per miuute . .,o viaffr'alid, 01,0 p, a large Wheu ,th 9, pil'rises ati,the water runs, out from thQ hOttom.: In. a few days they Will'have, a pump of three Ames, the .caßaity, Of the one, now ,us A and, then hti ,froth ten to tWelv.e . n 7 dred &align he. the ifilfyyield, The: spsings,along stream,,l under, stand,h .- axebeen ,mos y,., abe, up erse 91u41,j)LPi,e3Ifirr4; , ,who, fOnoikly . own edj ;the , One.)2oW. in gp. 3 ' • ,'l3l ' • 7 t'J'l 4 . • 4.14 Pf 9 1MC * 1 0 i a lt ;#L teIS P SII I nn P9f 't PK (f° i R9Y er ,iY• C l f !o l 4)F as K e ß,! i N e , ;of Yeasl:4ll3l 7 - / 1i eP , .)%rg911:4 4 3P- 9 f3g?J'il=wo , leoo . I E_DWP3. I i!, . Et00rra14c(1449.4(1 ty iaavhieir this disOvoak:haa : been..made; :having I;edyi liorn -and-Tait:ad ',there.' The thd4pridis, / , - Whritt rd t to the . , • • 1, 81 4 1 .99 Pfdt4S gt ° l4 lll t.q l olf ‘ §#F a ,audjs 0.150508.44:Pf, tit4,4P 2 4 B e . a - medicinal: and chemteat:proporticeL, tide 4 1 the - bfsV FRP: . ! ,e j! l ,t r drg r 't 3 , ° ,P? 4- 1? . 11 • R a f I) PY = hood we swallowed' with good ,efrebt . 'mabrY te&spbbifal az cathartic pedleu9csalistiiiiiticitithrto4iV;t , iiVithert, at lt tratit4f to legkzb ""'4 I 44' 14.14 only, objection being its stron g and'sdilier nauseous scent.—ED.lousl 1/4 ~ • New -Publications. Alt:. enietrising publisher, GxeSsz 4-'1: OB,. 439_ Chestnut St., Philadel. pia; 1..3, jusi, added to kis - extensive It uf - .p ... 9 pse.ar COL. DAVID CROCKETT, .1 Ar wanks! ex HIMSELF. ..."` _-......- CrlllMpriSing his early life, Hunting Atli.% tares, Daring Deeds in border and Indic t b4AV_arfarae Services under...--G,P4e* .44. 0 m0,21A the Creek Nyarjtlectiongering Epjecims, Can e , in Congress, Trial:ilia TiiiirlidAre Northe rn tste*T4tatl-stranteszo Indclierit.WßAAberit.,/thaPAMIPt of 4 Iprious tett,' at tb .kLlatrar. t-tiVElT.iitt-vOiNi: BFd gotddylirriiit IWrrillieib;tllloVartia 'ilil• ilerpbirldllortk 'Anterierm=au - s. e.r:e• ?: .1 i t 1 "Colonel 4Crotialasakit aUshAlitctei. - it, hitobiogesphythas.lbsson,:longel cittt - ofspri nt: )tis reputation:far Atecanttleitylltwobtstt,p r , ,A.Mithilk9.l l ; ku A i tst...ei i ge n 49la t i l l..kpltiis, outrageous and t i o s ene nonsew, Ja - Voths t klromters, rinpilffliegelis6Avitiiv humor, i ITGis v4l urn e ,tiatTeglifigirdedrth e gilulgic Iwork,73lsthlieVeisitiVa4ditseas:otad . -Iwilt b e ;AI& to the'promast = genera** -of-•kesdem., Istei is -rmtrked and characteristic as fat 'sl i ebject was ittlilpoitrattleithfultyetrAn sad hehti!the-less-sel that it isis/thouteffettp in t ,i Or fdetfy-illai 4 e anif-sincere. -We shell riiiein: b•er the amiable original in Etc northern lour, and:recall man/ °film incidents ttr.‘thiCh hit 'lieibli- alludesi ‘.ll;ontearesharve•eiook6:l-mpai n tha like sincei and rejoicain , thissopnbliesti m aVaitract ofjustieo; to retriersran honest mist f froth; ir ulgar mistepresentation." , ~ o)A"oopr of tite.Book,-itad'e handsome present ,eililltlie sent by-mail, post-paid, -upon receipt . Or-$llOO -for the hook-, and 21 cents for pe s t. . I ft e l^ r. ' • .I : ' ,k. ' ,i trY7..1...! i:1 ,::: ii tWriewdElassitleaCkalatige of Books and ,Gtrtir,l with' indnahMentsto Agents, will la ;dentAree t ilon - ipPtieation. - Address, ,- •=l.:Te G% V. EVANS, Publisher, ..:•.) '1 430 Chestnut Street, ihtiladelphia, Ps, t.-;.:: .:l: z. 5 - _ -_-r-F-. ;:: ' A. HISTORY OF ALL-RELIGIONS:.con - - - a stateuitat-cifihaSNigin: VDrielopm , D6ctpinea and Goverakanstkof.theltelig , I)onorainati Mi. ill Europa And , the, Bn • -Ztates r with Ziographicab_Sketches amint Divines. By-SAwAti. 11,8stnctta; D. - Fablidtettllty7fßlTASk alumaox, Publishing Rouse; 33 South'Street t adelphijaitVo..7l - 1f". 7 - - he subject-of7lteli;ioll, , Ond4ho •Doe of Se cts-inns hitter,nl3 - .l4.isorbing4 ititeres thb zhpu,ghtfali m pbserrer, and a work,iv affiards 11;e: kipsl.rea. inforusatioAi.in..s con ienpand nocessible form, Ist kmoderhte h !; Weitrai rge tly AY . sought for vjtb avidity, and mugt ceMm In the presen . t-work, the origin, development doctrinil 48141 qur . 4 iand • culiarttrek of'or'fit eighlettffecelti' tellgioct; ;, and accurate - i : ?an4 viAll . ntlfgekng She jetfoils tier}' lµgqh z_ntga d pr beoctliVd•lvi(kgret dif fictfitY afed'expenVe; 'And'mug labor eritire.v „ - ,the Fe , wbrksiseti - ! ' - Suittekeit' . l its•'eildentlj pfepared thii carit,kland''it - -exbibits 'greet abflif.y and learning. The nilleleit'on the ferent religions i a l reicery;ipapa.F,AitilTy - ivritten,i, - ..„ and show the Careful iikplyi)ftin unprcjudieedr final so ~n 'inibd, the•itnpottaitee. and valf bc't r oci'highiireStiuitilea iif sitch psr sucl unbiassed' effinft' _kind, a5...t00, often, those - wetending i to give,', - correct-iirforniatiotrup4l i nch , zsublects .prehulie . ell in' fli - oi••of some, partiettlnr sectt-1 or denominations. Mr. nuliion' has brotiglit' out the weirk in n Teri Autudseme:Jorm, and;.. the public is indebted to him foi , a very val 4: able, instructive and ugeful book.: The price A , $ 1,00; is remarkably low for such a work, and' , in order ths.t. if niay. liiVQ:ii4ilDit and exten. k sive circulation, lit...will ientliieth tayaddrese;; , .. Accompanied with n- vitlllableGifte.op there. ccipt of - the price.and twenty:calls:to., prepayli Hostage. 11 , . Rulison will send fr,ye,,on application,i his new, enlarged . 'Ad remised Catalogue OfC, Cooke. "mat ifti,f - nOnftlinflid relitive'to' 'the' F,tttlilishni6ntrt'ofrlig:intabs'inf the GiWßankthnSineS - s:', , Address; t•- . t •• , •• ,1 -DIJANBI-RULLSONiii • iCittnkei City P-ablittaingalotise;l: 33,5tiiithrThird Street, Phillidelp.liii4,P4i . ,THE Univeitalisis Ve s rprot held St'Rt.e.tic) . ei4 few . d4ye'oge'Aifore,, dEid„.„ - ihep ,adjoiiii}Od; 0:0;41o .; Alimsfield.Peakithe .highaistpoio‘iP th' Stute;,. fAdaertnori was delivered to anti:, dianee - of twenty-five handred - Vtscingiby the .Rev: Wm. S. Balkh, who elleitedlct diseouree ' hOrdelivered seven yediFeinedibefeiV ofvfattditioteYerf - 11.1 G! ieb.tfOniiii the Oiient,..:ol.•••;- • -;;;• ; • '..1154,. ;-: ; . _ qr afei•Wi: -,l ll46 . liiiipoaid:naw 1" . Stn ,e; t6)j,e7.,a11.ett,J;410,*4 s Contain -an-area-4-1-20;648 - Liqiiiie_aniles F . j the. folloaingpiihnddarYi• lions and ,dis• taileeav from; 27_ '; to) EZTieilegrans',nnttb lititOle;' l 4-71,:-:; , 4dleii .. Alt ; 102 , i - t*!110 . 44Akaiiili line, ; :44 1 -1 , 44 1'1 ,c4iNA19A I t 4. 1 1.0! 40" on tite north liaa-, - .o4(Ymiles iltid allac4ea• , lE94ippg, CFRIIENT; 'Corrected ileil•Widnistll4TtYr i . A. 5TE0..1,„ irhillesale'ailidretallilileider iu.Gro; • eetlin amdqatovisicais..l - MaiToStreet, - -• _ ,et€OI:IDBBSEOUT ZA.t • greiu, lao6lAh $75 to 100 do dfie4,,,-, , f ,-)1,.. ,2 50 " - 3 000 Pear's?: "`1 200 13"6,44,a,Vib.,• c ‘ ' l2 it -‘• 15- • se Beef Bide , a~ - - 6 - 1 Berries, brie 4T 10 . - .1 5 • Buokwycat i *.fsAli,, 24.- 8, 75 41fq i V - Lt Clidese • r'"a 12/ • 4. - • Corn Meal. peyc,wt..,. 1 t . :17, 1 425 2 15 Eggst 511 IQ, 12 sni3ii•Arte`...4lAft,ll4 1.100 NiotATIR 4I-* F Z l: ifj e, 2 gt -••' "I 50 JIG'S oi2 r . Ilafr 14117 10 "10 . ,,00 - 1 ' l2 l raid, it *- r - • .4'4: 8 .118 - Oats,' qp so 61 2 7.8712, - .1 .02 fork,:` bbLp c . . ;.I‘lr $0.1)0 .430 0 z ila4b4; r 1 .Fl 2 dti , ,lntschglelicelp .6 • PnEatoes, bush.; - As ° : - are • .. - 77. - : - . -2 ' p ou ltry : Ali is4t. fli - :Rfe;va . ;i4l; - 7871 Sail4ibbt-L 3!„; A 0 660 / dol/4"er-s.aell, :LAS Trout, %)•,..10 2 1/11. 17eaVtii11111 r-;:A.D:1-4R0 "W ite 66v k. ivr4ol?Dieg. .18 tvn.7.-.- -';35 14.4" MEM
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