. •. _ • • It, • 7- : : 7777 1 . f- ; g/ff Until r ;47 gag r „stkiestifEtt:orasg., P 9. 4 047 4- 7. philadelpiriv! :Thal rapid eomplltion:-of the 21irtbaryli rte direeting e atrentiocrof;Thila ruercbanta . 0 our trad9:: . 7 "Shij . private . let , tev-ve'e!oretl -by, tui, chat al village (that „et.giy a en btouf - coirespandent,) io Mich- Jtj'sa.:,Fii i:Orther - . ty, Mis:a.Lo'LOrieb;•ot Craw. ler4 her neck, -back,- arid,. front irhich injuries;sbe:died,soon after.:. She iiad - been Takrietticit'zis-weelisi anti-was abont 19, 'yeahr-,1 The weather . bte. dating' On _past"two weeks has been very eold'; and - to-day (Wednes.tlay),.syC . haye fires to peke ; our *face comfortahleto work- in - , Last Wed csday night (ith).portions . 9Lonr 'min& y were Tisited,by#lteavy -frost, which jured the btieksilieat' and'eorn "crops ,to considerable , extent,—in some portions rholly destroying the other leinities the frOst - , ,did scarcely any inju y. In some : village - gardens we notice hat potatoAiri weld. 'Completely red, -while. in -others they were only lightly injured.:; We iiegletind . laSi Week that he McKean his . just conimenced ts sixth , doing so . In. reasemits sise,somvr ha 4.: and- roil np a ew 'and bean tifullefidinci, ind our wt . !• young friend; 'Nichols, ,has at. epted Tll6: , CL'iliejr. is Piig Pt 'dor:best ex - chant: and e: of- tht line of - "Notilt, .aief, so true to eir party's - :We are glad to api'frona,,tbc Ce . tizen ; that it is well.sus. iited, though' teare'.sure that; like the etP\ r, its usefulness - would e greatly enhanced were its subscription increa;vedj.tbihe srOntparatiye: prep,or on of the party-strength in-the-coduty— r oiler Words,...Were the party as faithful I the paper asithe - papOr is- to the party. if the fullowing,'which we extract from notice, in tlii.Catzen, we Will alloW our aders to judge for themselves :. Porriti.The:Journa/ has corinenc • its twelfth volume. The Journal we elieve, is one he oldeit- free-soil pe ers in the northern tier of counties. 'hen the I, iinciples contained iu the \VII ,ot Proviso were endorsed by the almost tire Democracy of the North, the Jour= al was considered by all, a good Demo atie paper. The Journal stands now here it - did then ;it advocates the same al-inc. A few Searshave,worked many ilitieal changes ; -cud- many', who were cc in SaVor of free — terriiories, have gone r after strange gods: -'They; are lest in c rice swaMps.of.S,OUth Caroliqa. Al! hear. from.diem- is..;•Blach_,Re blican"„or l'unconstitutional7:as,it.ts nds from - their new !porters. • • The.' oz:7-nal:has d - muchgood work. - hak"hs.i.V6d - the 'spread healthy..refoim," :and. the Republican rtv of -Potter - county is indebted to the , urinal pore'-than to . any other cause; : their present - prosperity, - Of course, e RProiblieons rifthis.,eounty could. not SO ungrateful not. to give to the , urnal their warm Eid. hearty 'supports IVe_pre.stinie that ilie . timeronsfriends the Cmillersport'Aeademy - will be gat ed to learn that: the-present and last ma of the. der the.siiparliftenddifeii.of the Rev. J. ENDRICK, is - one of the.-Most: flourish g, not only in - regard to. numbers, but regard -to the'ebaracter of. the students attendance; and so many, "old familiar ces" must give gladnesi to the - heart of Principal, beyond 'even the:fullness . of e school. • When Mr. Ilendricic, four, years since, cepted the. .position: ‘of" Principal, dark ends, "big with doubt" and distrust, rag over the InstitittiOn,'threatening its efulness and even its ,existence. Dis. , uragennuts hemmed , it in on all sides; id many of its .warm.friends stood, fear g, doubting, aia;tienililing-.;'- and al ough hisfirit'terth nialtifes'ted his for the place, it was several ries had passed r :that::its . friends felt se re. But his energy and detercanation his - fibleis for ihe price - Overcame all .stacks that lay an the way; and created confidence whieh - liatione on increas : g from that time untilnow, when, clung oat i 4 Strengt,b, i . it : is able to rater the - lists' for the prize against In , itutions: of arsiniilak 'kind hails een more r,ich.lj,..oi46iyed.- - . have . hatrinrer,al students here who d previouslybeen - instrUe4dltt Oberlin nd Alfied;'also 'Rime -frUm Other ccluipfs the State:of New York, all of whom ve done us the .nonor .to say, that, th.e, d found no better :teacher in - any of inn inititutionsitnan ours --I;roiiigAil = . • . . . . . ":: . V. , : -. . , .'5cv.::.. ,, ' , ..",44 , ,... -- ,...r..0.t.. , Art , .1. , .... - "..: - . , ..c.....ti...,i'-` , ,i7;:at.i. , - , ...,4.' W.' oeirgieh - 4 , t;15 4 +..,-. ,,,,,,,. ..-1 ~ . .-4, 4" ' , 74 42. , -;....,.., ,- , - .-4,... . . all obseptra,s, that: tilt is-. tint 'f#.s. l .l"qtotict rtatii".l#M • 7., 048'10 . 11 of bivh • ii*mt I C to 'inerstiail' ci diaicivinti;ie-attenda the:110 ~.,,...antaoFattendant- n pon country, .who are anxiously "endeaForing to :obtain an eduCatiOn been tfreilred,)l3 ilia 1 . 4 of-.lOxury i k:44 like whose in early ei Well aif their-Olen exec tiira sY 44; i:3' :titialifted, ivoixt:of.frietidly sympathy and encourage .ment _to those„ whose. lot. it is to':cOntind with. difficulties,l:;,"having drunk' of , the cup of Which they drink,"—lii . CorieOld:l tory and strengthening siorde are fraught with benefits to tLem which will _be - in valnable now and henceiorth, „ . It is a great i-atisfaction fa parents : to feel that tlieiF children have, been. en trusted to the care of , a° teacher, ittltcse daily life 'is an" i'mpres.ssve lesion Of the coati results-of early habits of industry and perseierance.. In him they have au example of what one man, with a will and energy to hold fait . that which is good, may do for himself and , oth-ers' Not only as a teacher, bat as a Citizen,' has his inthlenee' been fur the,", , ood of l people," and we feel surethat,on his retirement .from: the pbsitiOn he has so long and faithfully held, the best xvislies of all with Whom he - ls., acquainted will accompany him: • • Mr. Hendrick will remain with - us and dc . vote his entire enertzies, during the coming winter, to the diiiies of ids office 'a County Superifitendent 7 to which, in some, future number, .we intend to call the attention of the friends of education in this county; and we will also take-oc casion- to say-a few ,words as to the'.re cessity._and importance of oui• citizens,tak ing steps fur erecting a new building :for academical - purposes in this place. We trust that iii the meantime our 'citizens will - talk the matter over. Married.-1:1 this Borongh, .on Wednesday morning last, by he llon. J. Darling, IV.II. KING, Ell.; to ANN EGIZA: YOCNG, 'att.or this Bgrougli.—Smethpor& citizen, 1,011 a., A T • OLMS,PED Se: KELLY'S STORE can always be found the best of Cooking„ Box and Barlo - r 'STOVES. Also, TIN and SHET-IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES.. SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD- , [IONS. Also, . Agricultural Implements, such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS. CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DUG-POWERS, Sc. THEIR WORK is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County—Tetms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused. Store on-Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1859.-50 Divorce Notice. Orpha Lucina Lord, 1 N 0.89 Dec. Term, 1859, by her next friend, Com Mon Pleas of William Patterson, j- Potter County, 1- LIM. TN . DiyoccE. Wellington Lord. J To Wellington, Lord, Despondent.—Whereas a Subpoena and alias Subpoena having been issued.and returned'' VA you arc hereby notified to be. and np pear at our next Court of Common Pleas for this county, for an application will be made to said Court for a divorce, on the part - of Li bellant. : IA: C. TAGGA.D.T, Sheriff. Coudersport, Aug. 24, 1350. TAKgs NOTWEI . , IFyo u Rant to get y our Watch- kEitt es or Clocks put in good run rang bider; take thyn to DATTOS'S, You will find hint 'On Laud - to do your Work - on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, at • No. 2 'PHCE.PTIJ: BLOCK opposite Parmelee's Drug. and Book Store. Jewelry, neatly repaired, .and work , done on short...notice,. cheap for cash. • •.• JOBS B. DkYTON. Wellsville, April 17, 1859. 40-6 mo. COUDERSPOIiT.ACADEfff. 1859. REV. J. lIENDRICK A. M., PIII4CIPAL. SPRI,NG and SUUMER . TERNI commences ' Tuesday; Aprit 5: FALL TER3Lcommences TueSdayi,August 23.. Rates of Tuition: Primary Branches ? . • $2 50 Common English," • , • 2-50 Higher English, with Algebra., Higher Matheinatics, -600 Latin and Greek, . ; • 6 QO Drawing (extra) , 2 50 Music, with. use of Piado, (extra.). _ 00 French, (extra) . 3,00 French, without other studies, ', 500 Room Rent;_ each,, „ Vac' Competent Teachers hate been secur ed for every branch of StUdy. [3l.] - Special Notice to ike Ladies. SUZITTE, FASHION. :MRS. GRIDLEI. tenders her • thanks to the citizens of Potter ; iind ; adjoining counties, for their generous patronage. She would say to. the public, that she .has on hanilasplendid assortment of Millinery Goods,•whieli She trill sell retail'or wholesale at the lowest ra`fes, es pecially, to those in "the trade, at a small ad vance from ti. Y. prices._ All orders-prompt ly attended to. - „ 3. E. GRIDLEY' deliier Bonnets tpapy, place ordered. Bleaching and Repairing done up in the. latest style, with_ taste t.: Tlie large quantity of work to he-•'doneover,'Will be . delivered at_ the earliest moment. _Ladies please call or send_inyourordersi,Sliop.locat ted a/ . wiles west , _! E. 11. N. Giti.PLETs. Viviseg Mar 3 1833.-38. - I.} • :! gtgqi ' - ---"' BERleira . 'SALts' - - • -,'' '' .101 Y VIRTUE of aunciry.terik,-o„r9ia itippt. :Ekponas„Fiet:i FhhiaCand leys . rt ..Facias I :iiff44 o 44. PA§ e go tlf-40.:C0 1 . 7 PA°14 1 e"PZ P9 1 0 7 ' ~Q.ifigNi PA4o.l l .9.n.iSlnic(fe , ,eili - reeio,l.s l l4:cli ',ezpore to puLlie san e or outcry, Ft - 0: e,t,'onril i fonse in p i ggrier.794,971,319AP, Y,gi o 1 9th d al of SeMetsiliketi,l4s.9,4:-..khcillOck,:a:;74.6iildloir liVlO,Fae...itfai_ilstalftlaiFits.'; ...:i:_:-.r:;!" :,, .•_-:.! 11 Certain reaL'estathsituate.in OsicakO.Town- ;shinPottejeo:„..Paq beinded: ni followk: Oh the Whitby-land- of. - .-ThComas• Crittentteh and William Lteitter :Sr Co;..cin the •Ncirtli..:by lauds. of Joel Etaiskinsi , Charles. H. Shut:mak...C. J . .Kenyon and Noah Crittenden', on'tlieDast by landslof.;:Wm:ll-Vaitgitll,-Geo:. - W.:Tyler, C. - II: Simniqns,'llerj.. D. Dolby and ilio. - ..W.• Tyler, 1 and. OM AlielSoxitli-lilainli-of. George . W. - . Ty. ler ; contanine:about: forty nor ch . :of-land, all improved; titi',ivbielp-is.:e.teoted . :olih.ttio-Stori". 'frame dwellin, , , , , house,: ono small frank. dwell inPiausOwo:frarixe-bariiS; aiiill - With - aohell fruit trees ther-eidi,• being Emit orlot-N0..20 by 1 jthi - alliktnient of--then:Binglaidi liindi Fin'. 04:e. drayo Township.-:.:: .--.- ,•.•'-'..-:- .- ::• . ....... ; j ' , Selihd,liaken in'.exhclithia . ..and to be sold; as theilioPerty of Slierdin•Bra dice... - .-!' . -ALSCertain:real 'esfate'Sitaitte partly hi` Hebron and,:partlY iu.Clara Townships; Patter C 0.,, Pa., begiontirr at a. hemlock tree _for a' cornet; being: the Noith4est corder of the lot originally sold to Worden; thence. North. 352 poles' to a- beech freei - be hg the South Corner of C. Byam's purchase, thence East 232 'poles to a corner in the E.- line of Ridgeway's laud, thence South on said E. line 352 - poles to a post coiner in Said . E: line;. thence W. 2321 -poles to - the place of beginning; containing 510 j acres of land. being -part of Warrant' N0._5864, - ,1 'of : which- about forty acres-are improved, with one frame horse, one frame barn and: sheds, one water saw-mill and :Mine fruit, trees the:o ho. ; .. , :.Saite3, : taken hi execution and' to .be-sold as the property of Foster Reynolds and -Wm. .T.lones. . • - A LSO-Certai n real estate situate in .Whe ton Township i - Potter, Co., Pa., - comnieticiitg on the bank of:the ,SitmemabOning'Crecks six iodi :above the saw=mill '.built- by - the , Cards, thence about four or five rods to thoi-gut;.titcrice South-eat along the gut: -far enough to make an acre, thence Weiterly_tollid.Diank of said creek, thence up, the creek to the . place of be ginning; containing one nerd - of itnpried land, hai,which-is one w.ater•satti-mill and one frame dwellini Seized,. taken in. executpn .an 4 :to 'be :sold properiy. ofChristopher Evelyit; Jr._ ALSO—derta . iii . real estate Situate in Altar : . ton Township, Potter co.,Pa.,.begintartg . at a poSt in the North-east.corner of a lot contract: ed to Aires, thence Stirth one hundred and 'iifty-seren rods to, t . pOst, thence 'East twenty-nine rods to a post, thence North to the West -bank tif,the Sinnemaliiminn• ,creek, thence aliiiig;tbe - Wesi bank of the Sr . nneina honing'Ci6o: by: * the Several courses ,thereof to the IVerrai . tt line,-thencti along the Atorrant line:We# Gee hundred and twenty-five, rods to a:post, thenicO . South -three hundred and thirteen rods to a post, thence East . live 'iin dred and twenty-five rods to the:place of be ginning; containing six hundred and twenty- nine acres, be the same more or less, and being part of 'Warrant No. 4027—said land being'unimprored.' • .. Seized ; taken in execution and to be sold as the property of II .W. May. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Whar ton Township, ,Potter Co., .Pa.,, bounded on the North-by lands late ofJonnthan Card, Le vi B. Gird and George P. W. Card, EaSt by J. L. Nelson, South and West by the Sinnenia hening Creek; containing about three acres, of which about two acres are improved, with one frame shanty and one frame shed erected thereon.—ALSO—One cther lot situate in Township,. County and State aforesaid, bound ed on the North by -unseated lands,. East by the Sinuemahoning Creek, and South and West by unseated lands, containing about one hundred acres of which about three acres are improved. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property:of Jonathan Card, Levi B. Card and George P. W. Card. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Sha ron Township, Potter County, Pa., bounded on the North by - lands of Michael Lamb and Joseph Mann, East:by landS of Gabriel Barnes, dec'd, South by lands of Joseph - Derring and John West, and on the West by unseated lauds of the Keating Estate, containing one hundred acres, of which about tiventy.acres are im proved, with one frame bouse r one frame barn and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of L. D. Christman. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Jack son Township, Potter County, Pa., bounded on the North by lands of the Bingham Estate and Lot No. 2; on the East by Lot No. 2, on the South by lands of the Hingham Estate. and on the West by Lot No., 4 . and, lands, of the Bingham Esinte,:being , Lot No: . 3 of the allot ment- of lands in .14cl:son-Township,- Potter containing 'ninety-seven and four: tenths acres; of which. thirty-five acres are improved; on which are erected one frame house, one log, house, one.frame barn, quo old frame barn, and with an apple orchard thereon. Seized,- taken in execution and to be sold as - the property of. M. Chapel. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Eula lia Township, Potter County, Pa., bounded on the North by lands of the Bingham / Estate, East by L. D. Spafferd, South by lands ofJohn Crittenden and C. W. Ellis, arid West by lands of John Crittenden and S. Reis, containing one hundred acres, of which, twenty-five acres are improved, on which are erected one frame dwelling linuie, one frame barn and other out buildings, and with some fruit trees thereon. —ALSO--one other Lot situate in„..Eulalia Township, bounded North by lands of E. Stark Weather and L. D. Spofford, East by the Highway, South by,L., D. Spifford, West by lands of L. D. Spafford, containing seventy acres, of Which lifty - acres . are improved.— ALSO—One. other lot situate in Township, ,Courityand State above Mentioned, bounded on the North by lands'of the Bingham Estate, on the Emit by lands call. A. Nelson and the North Hollowroad, South .by the Lyman,sville and Coudersport road, and West by lands of ,L. 1): §patford Fontaining . :eighty.eight acres of which twenty acres are traproyed. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Nathan._ Woodcock - a4a A. -Woodcock. „ -. • . • ALSO—,-Certairt.real estate .situat in Ear rison-TOwnibip, POtter County, contain ing one hundred and twenty acres; an& lif.innif ed as folloivi': On the North by land:S . of S. S. I . l,tobertsna and Samuel , Stone, on the East, by -lands of gainuel Stoneand-Hamilton Whita, on the Spufh by lands of Samuel Goodell,- and "on the West,,by fands of William Cobb and. lint No. 106 .of the binds,of lilargOret C. Bar: ber, being Lit No: 10.4. of the allotmentnf hinds of Margaret C, Barber, in, Harrison Township, and 'being of 'Warrant_ No: 416, Potter- County; Pa., one hUndred Orrei of the said Lands-being Improved, on which -are erected. two frame housesir one frame house "partly erected, -two frarne barns, one:log barn, ,and with somefrnit trees thereon. .• Seized,-taken in execntinn' and tp be sold as the property of Ira Ellis. ALSQ - --7Cerfainrea. 4 l. e;R eStittneted . ,in,no 7 ,- irte'r Townshiti;:pettter 4 VO.; Pre.._,7ttcrifnded' 'On the - NorthlaPland4Of-iittnes:WletiffriiVi Hiti4 South Ma d. ;West !Iyi,..inmenidd , .lfuisl,of .YOli n i Keating:,eotcainirig:-fitly ~, sinad,l,ront% 4.entlis acres ? - ,with abbot fifteeneOreA.imp rospd.„6lf,e. - acres chopped, 44a One eeitielibiise,gniiriiciii§ shop and min frame'barn' ifteionll4 - ''''• .. - t ij i? :-. •• - • Seiied; taker:ln 'exeentiiiiillhd!-liiltie;lold as:the-property. of Jirines - H.,'Quitntrrrz , . - r4- - i , T-! ..ALSO--:tetteln•iiril - iistaie";,..Vtitio in Sha=- ron Township, PcitteFCanitty, Pa., bounded [as follows.: Be,g,imiliik.it::i4ost corner' stand ' ing ninteen degreefiWie t i4wenty-nine rods 1. und three tenths frinii thii7North T east corner . of L. Wood's' Lot; 'therieeSouth 11 . 4 r, West ' fifteen riadi7elid'.e.ightitehtbsiti IxosS, corner at the Ntirthlitle:inf eta. load,Alerice:by ;the North side ra I Said. icia'd' iN'brilil , ..,lse West twelve rOds to_tioet ic'ciinei,lidaii tiro . - Enst aide -of the se-id:ll'4' tlierice:NOrtll-2 . fii i '• I -EiSt Six- teen and threhlteratlis: rods tete post and eon-' tier, thence Sinittli 7(4° Eitsit'dighey and two;• ; tenths rods triithe:plate...ofsbeginning; con- I tainingg one. :3ete' tit-.land strict : ideasufe, 'on 'which are d'im'ifritine::ilivelling.'-house, one frame bartiiind‘nnektorelibige-4LSO—One !other lot titiiitel-iiiiCfatilTOWESliip, Potter `County, Prii., - 'aintienciitifi..'aEii.PoSeeorner in the Bistriot liiiebetiteeir Distri eta t.To's. 's and thence Soulli One Ituriarrio and - oni and two-I• , tenths perches to:a,post .corner, therteo _West one hundred and seventy 7 opeand seven-tenths. perches io.a Post, thence North-thi'rty-orie de-, green East one hundred and eighteen and one., tenth percbes to a post ebvuer, - thence East, one hundred end ten and•ntne,t,enths perches'i to the phice of beginning ;I containing eighty nine acres and forty-live hundredthS, ofwhielt thirty acres are improved, .with % One frame house, one log house, one log barn! And some fruit trees thereon., . . -.. i . . Seized, taken: in executio n and to be. Sold as W. , the property of II .13; Graves and J..H. Graves. - ALSO—Certain real esinte - situtite in Hee- . tor Township,iPotter Cortn i ty, Pa:, bounded Oh the North by Bingham lanils:and kits forrner.:l Iv owned liv•,Edward -...A10rd, on! the: East; South and, Weirtlw:Bing . hantlaudi. being lot No., 191 ~ iva Viiiii`f V.art . tin a t'N'a:l9.Bl con- Luning 'one' hundred • rteres mere'4 . leSs; tif teem acre's' of. irltich- - tire intprOVed',l with One log house, one ,frathe'liiintse,- . one lod barn and semi fruit trees thereon. J :.- '• l• . ':' ' • 'Seized, taken id - execiatiOn 'and tip be Sold RS the 'property of Henry 'Kottrig; with•-notice to .i Austin•llolls., terre tenant. -.i • • ' • 1 ALSO realestate situate-in Pike Township, Potter C0.,..:P.,--liound l eil on the. North by unSeeted lands, 'o,n the:E4V.by Ain seated lands, on the South' by Nnsetited.lrpds i ' and on the West by t lot Noi r ',2o.l;elonirig to 0: Ilunsickert - .cOntaining six t y acres,( being lot . No. 32 of-t he allotment of ithe Ashley -Lands; in said township. and part oTWarrart`x No. r,12r . ,:i —ALSO,-On4i other lot •Situate in township and county above- ruentioried,; and i described, as billows, to . Wit: ' - Bound dint the North - by lot No. 3 belonging to Jos: Sunderlfm• on the East. by unseated 'Writhe, 'o' the Solidi by un seated lanoDiusto!s - lhe .: 3 -wt. by hits . Nos. 19 I . ..5: 22; ..cp.ntaiujng one bun red and , twenty-sic . and. seven-tenths acres, it - being icit No. 10; and part of Warrants No . 5122 •.t 5127, of. which about twelve acres are improved.-and ten acres olioliped, on which. is 'erected one over-shot saw=mill, one fra teclWelling house; one frame barn and one lo house::—ALSO— One other lot, -described a. followaY Bounded on the North by unseated limits and lot No. 29,, on the East blots Nos. •1' & 19•an'd 'unseated lands, on the South by lots Nos. 32.;5: 23, and, on 'the West, by lots Nos. 21 5: 1 27; containing ode hundred acres, being lotislo.9 Lind part of Warrarits Nod. 5123 & :• 1 12p.—Ar.,S0--0114, eqitr.l undivided half of loft No. 27, (described' as follows : Bounded on the North by unseat ed lands and lot NO. 29, on the Hastily.lot No. 9. on the South by lot No. 21 andi. unseated lands, and on the West b; unseated lands ; containing 9T.2 acreS, beidg part of Warrant No. 5123. . . S. -td '^- .:•eized, taken in executi' m and, to .. as the property oflonatha Stevenson.. :11.SO-o:n.3in real est: to Situate in Hec tor Township,' Potter Co.,' Pa., deeribed as follows, to wit:: Ileginnin.; at be South-east - corner of Warrant No. 159 , thence'along said Warrant line West 13$ pe cites, thetfce North 53 perches anl:l4-17 of -a p reh to icist, thence West 41 perches to a pos ' thence 'North 57 perches and 3-3.7 of a perch to a post, thence' East 1401 percheir, thence SoutVl6 perehes,'' to the place of beginning ; Cont.t i lug one hum- dred acres more or less, about Vijay acres of: which are-improved, with one log and frame house, one frame barn and some fruit trees 1 thereon.—ALSO—One other- lot situate in Harrison Township, PotterlCo.,:Pa4 bounded; on the North b'y lends of S, B. Goodell, on the East by lot of NelSon Doty on .the South by I the highway, and on the -West by lands of S. ' P. Goodell ;-containing about one acre, more or less, all in) aTed r and On whieMis erected 1, • one frame house and store.... - :, 1 Seized, taken in executton -.and.4.6 be- Sold as the property-of E. E: Tanner: - - I - - , . ALSO—Certain Teal' estate situate 'in Pike Township. Potter Co.L,Pa:; - bounded the, „North ty lot N0.;14, On ' the East byilota Nos. 14, 22. ,k 35, on the South by - lot - 0..22 - and: . unseated lends of the Binglinin Estate; on the. West by Unsealed lands and lots N0i.13'..t 36; being lots Nos.; 11 .1; 12 of the subdiyision of of the lands . of .the 7. BinZham. Estite.'in Pike Township; containing o.ne,huudredand fifty five acres,:aboat fifty acres; of which are im proved, with three frame houses, tiro frame barns, one sakT-mill and' some kuit trees, thereon.—ALSO—Lot N 0.136 in the Town-; ship, County and State aforesaid, bOunded on the North and East by lot No. 14, South by lot No. 13 and !by unseated lands, and an the West by:unseated lands and- by-lot No. 15;' containing onelhundred and four - anTcs, with about four acres ituproved,l and a log house:. erected thircori. `-; •. . Seized, taken in axecutiOn . and to. be 'sold as. the proi,crty of Elijah Johnston,: tlaiTiishee of Action • •-•1 1l . ALSO—Certain'real estate : situate in Gen.' esee TownshiKPotter Co.; Pa. bounded on the North . bY`hitilrol."lL - S.Vit ' 321 - Of - .tlie -al lotment of the : Bingham. Laps in, said Town ship, on the East.by iots%Nbs..-32 ' 88 & 8.9 4 -on the West by lots \Nos'. 28, ' 1 7;:19."&:8.i.and.,en the South 67,14r:0-forme+ iu_posaession,of anti. formerly.Ln Own as the,North half of the mill lot of liar? Lorii, South. of Ellisburg; containing obi) t. i one•hundred aud, fifty acres; s Of fifty mires aria mi'which are erected One aline &Telling honse; one store house, one fiakie barn and . Othir out=buildings, bald With'iiVer iappWcirchtirdsi .thereon; . Seized, tiiikeri.in ea - eelll'MA tobe setitas . : the property Of John - Tteal. - ALSO—Certain real estate . ses Towns:ll4),i Potter GM,I, Pa., bet:indict ot, the 'worth by lands 'Of 11. - ,Dent4'East - by Lands of ff. H.lrent r -SontVlsly of 11.,11.' Dent it'nd West': by hindi"of,ll.ll, 'Dant; con tainieg-fifty acres, - of Which aboutforty acres: are jinprored, and'sonie friit 'trees thCreon: 'Seized, taken in execution and be tiold, as the . properk? of ' , • A. C. TA.GGART,sheriff. Coudersport :Aug: 24, 1.1152.-... SUBSCRIBE FOR THE lE FRIENDS'OE SE =M= = ..., ' ft4F 4 NIS: ~ 1,..:;:t„: _, 01..1 N.r„IS 101%..r.::::;,i .i . •;7: - . .!.. , . , .:. : }, ' ' r , !,.'' -- .;z1•• . - 6 07 ..,,. t igio ß .l 0 J::..-;•--,.----7:-STO' R.' - - : - E, . 4, 1 . '''r''' 6.:, 'f . 4 :if Id • '4VA - Ztbilet, - Orear 193 .? Ie• !I ll'm -7-4 & - 104 2 - "GWderk,j-yelliaditi. Utlei: ' ! -- - -2- 4: 9 7, , ,, 4 c o r -.1 2 V-2.4* . n./ -!• •:-,,.• ~..,,, • ..: - ..... - ze - -... 11HE Propribtot44llol:bcilklatablishment 11.-_,Vcolild respeetAtlty tnform.t.beittlytbitanta of Doudemort, suit Po ter county generally, that-n'ts anu , '„prepaiN to suPilly thein - frith BOOM L :SHOLV(7.4 TEli'S' - 1, - E4III'ER.: FINDIAt S i - !4:4, off' .oi e .. bet Iriptiim. at . pri: i ty ces which.le:annof Malt suit. iWe liafa_ on bind, 34.13 y c.on4tatrtl, receiving' from, Nevr York, ihn"ll l . nesttissortpl nt ne,goods.:thitteiAl be found in luta . Ortiol of th - e..cotiiitty;:.and 'will sell'ille'-?:(me at - Pfi es which 'wilt- .." •-, • DEFV`' 1 COIY:EIIiTIf3N. -' ' ':- '' SOI;E' ifr,..1717XR) ' _,, L l ' : ,': '''- 1 ' , LYPRXRZEIT R If . ".IUP SKINS; '' - ' FR.Elfga .a,ll, S - KlNS(lgenuine) I PEGS, NAILS,AWLSI nd FINP.LNGS.:of ec;, ery description - , krkgnitp ides to., snit" putcha. l sets, at , 1 ,:... , :. - - , ~, v , ~. RIPMIICOL`f , - !.:0 ICE'S, F O R - ,CASH. ; ,.; . - Ali goad's: sold ai . our lestablisbirient are of the Rest'llnality; and vilD by WARRANTED. Terms Cash Only.; - ' Give - us a trial. '. - • • GEORGE T: WARREN. Wellsville, 3.1:14 , 19, 1.89.---40. gal 6 wOrders sent by riaail, or left at' tlic Jouanar. OFFICE, Coudersport, 'Pill be prompt ly and carefully *Mendell to. NEW `S,IOCK sommtcoms 1., "JUST, RECEIVED. BY" C. H. SIMMONS „ 9 o,:tayo ; Lod Prices . . . Al FA V 0:13..A L 11,t1 • t: T(:1 • . 'C i cusli 't - mj MILC 'PIVOTS, k • NOW RECEIVING taySitinmeiStdek, I ichieh,embrdees everythipg usuttily kept by weotintryMerebaht— • I DRY GOODS, GROCERIE'S, - . • HARD-WARE,'" •' • BOO'ES SROES, REEDY-31.AEECOTHING, - • II T's CAPS, " • • TRO'CKER Y,' kc all of which will be sold at low figures for cash or appror.ed credit: . _ . GOOD TEAS FOR 45 CENTS, Ladies' Fine Congress and' other Gaiters, from 75 as: to $l,OO. MESS STOGA BOOTS; $2,50- . . " CALF' - ".. 3,65 FINE DE LAINES, 20 GOOD LAWNS, . '.127} • and all other goods in proportion, for ReadY Pay of most kinds: SZf, Caali.paid for GOOD LUMBER.. •:'. - 'C. H. SIMMONS. Oswayo, Joao 15, 1859.—L13-Iy.. B. S.. COLWELTA WILL SELL Flottie9 9 1110,41 - :•• FEED, 'FISH, &C:, Cheaper than ANY OTHER MERCHANT CAN SELL FOR ICASrb • . and will take in .paiwent allikinds of good Iv-pi also Vai,Ca - 0 . 1 . f9r LUMBER Also, will pay the highest going prices in tIASII - TORIVOOL.- ColmEit.s.l. 9w r ! ..Tupe 1.?:50,-744.-Gmot EEC State Agricultural' Society . . , . TlsNinth An Exhibition of the Perin -1 sylrauia State - Agricultural . Society,: Will be - at -Porrelton',:Philadelphia, , on Tees dayi,Wednestlay; •ThursdaY and - Fridny, the 28th, 29th and 30th, dart of September. On the. Ist Beptqmber, the. Secretary will.re more. to the Aoems . of the ety-for the promotion OflAgrieulture, Nix.' 626 Che . stnut. Street,- Thiladelphia, , •where Books of Entry.for. the ExhibitiOn.will be opened.- Letters addressed to the- Secretary; liar ris burg, :Tan ,ife Go wri/, Philada., or Charle4.K. Engle, 13 , tstieton, will meet with attention till Ist September! - DAVIDTAGGART, Prea'l. - A. 0.-HEISTER, Secretary. lari• Goods for Exhibition,: carried on all the Railroads - in the State; to end fro, free of charge., •—• • : - - , 52-st. - LIST OF CAUSES, 1 7 1 4 TIIIAL - at Sept. Term: - '1859, bf the Court of Comition. Picas, of Potter: coun ty, Pa. S. S. :White r: . • • • ti..Clarkg,Philllp . ket et!. Purili, for: use, 4 ,•" 2 P.-,B.Dedrielc, W:•& . " ' 4 D. Stai,sa. 1V: IT. • -S. Bradlee. llillyer &Bush, W.• • Jones-, i, I J4ckson ,t . '• Sheppardi . G. W.,Lewis-- •: • , „ • M. 'Tanis, Mani g Jones. Starlieather - ' ' Sbers*ood.'. Haskirt,'use of Platt, "-D. Ellis.' - •-'• - ncerer“, . 44 :11tompsim: • -•' J0ne.1.4 Protber, tj, ": , ,Trustja.ll...B.Cburch, Dent, - , Loyel0 ; - -Lansing;; --. • cr Tut: - •.. Jones, White; 41- Stevens - "itol.;:' • Ford,for- I t:Wo.Tilionesi et aL • SV!...T , Jongs, •-$llll Jacks 94.! f:;? June - I,g Brattier, -Colpt' • 7 . Killbeurn;uie - CorMtin, l4- T#: Tied: Canfield, ".Starloreatber: - al. - ; Chamberlaln, , 1. 2 Rinney;•_•,- Kea;ing.; "; Fobes r J; t. jr.; • "rWOOdarcl: W. T, Jones, 11 ", Stnit / b. C: S. FJOnes,. - _ 4 ' 41 Kinney.% , -•• ••- • Breneman, t • •-- ", Barclay; , Same,. 2 • - ", - Same. Abagail Strong, et 41,, "' W. T.,&A, - P. Jones., - Rears , Totiker; 41 1WrIli Ciitler,"; _ J' ' I 11. - ;..ol3lSTP,SPidthly, Coudersport, Aug 16, 1853 JOIFANAL, ItEE 1"0 ,SS: ======l PENNSYLOTANIA EthRWI'ION. Di L ' t / : 4 ' 0 Olt DWI/A C 1 A: . 0.1.41TE 4 A - S.SOR -. 23iMet !er r' :., - ,S_ ; #1 70 1 41 - 0111374 1 5 RY - ,030131$ * l ' B `.:, • 4.00.';'.. it.iTaltbi. cull.r.4,tr, l ,A#oo: , ,ws. 49, . 4 t.A, ?'' . , r o issio . r9cliery ee , ALI Ai gddit suick 7 onfißOßL ' b _ SChdotßOO 8 ' . I - STATIONERY..- - - i All 0 f w,hic, OgY-Isl4 Bello LO ... „... i BE BOUGHTBILSEWLIEFat Thr,:l. TH.E COUNT Y . - ' RODUCE OF AIX *INAS , - I •' . - ..• .. • 4 , .• ' •V1E .23 _ r , t .-. 0, . . 1 , 4 , I l ' EXCHANGE FO I L IGOODSp.b.,ii .) - FcirAvhich the 111GlIEST•PRICE:itillitir r • - '4 4 ; They can lbe,found ut alLtireeti",;(V t ',o, an . d.unday:eic'epted,) at• the Slott fob . ;:teiti occupied. byt D. BAKER, : =:r o.) . In lilysses - - rendyi to trait upon Customers. '_ • • • t -,,,f ;1.:: N. .--Ill'e Fare come toile contiluld'OttAtitll, 1 ”li.F.AD-k::•-A.t.':'-; :•, ': : is better for all parties, avdmet stalk, UM.* fore do bustnesd , On this'systein:': , -,; -' ,l ;- - s;At ti, , sses, ,liine''24, i85 . 9.,=-1tt 5 5'.1, 4 ',,;', ;:,,';'''')' . .. _ . , THE .. SECRET INFMIMES,:er ,fa •`N YOUTIV ANDVATIMI- 1 47 ''' ittstiiqfbilslizi Ce 411.3, 2F5 1 44.4101154da fitt 4l ,l-F,EIVAVORDS•O:I43I* •ti - ' RAI' 0 N.A.L. •,1 . ELVATt. Ilitlii,r, withbut 3ieditilAv,fl. of Seirmaturillea,v.w..Local ?Weakness' i Nactlit•Z nal Etnissions, Genital and :Nervous DebilliW Premature:Decay. of :the- system; ImpatttusV and impftlintents to Maytime Keneptß.v.u..,7, - BY B. DE LANEY, M. D. - -. The imporlant fact that the wianYaitituaA comPlaints,'oitiittatitit in the iippituriciiiiii ' .• sulitnde of, 'youthi' - rtray'lie: easilf"r,iiruitira v , will OUT ":%att101!: E, i 3 in this striitlltraeitteititt* ly demonstrated; lend: the entirely neti'ittitil, higlly' sueceS.Sfal treatment, as adopted - 10Tti` Author, fully, -expliiinidi- by ineins of which..., everk - one - is k nabled to cure tusisctit;iififiet*. and tat theleait possible emit, - 'thereby 'aV411. 4 ,. ing 1111 the ailverti4d nostrum's ofth'e "Mit ; ,_.,- 1 „, St,nt to 'any ad tlreiti, :gra Hs 'anti: postilieeTicf, a se'lled envelope, by remitting' , (post'` twoostage stamps to Du_ R. DALAXiiir,,:li! irt - ' ' ' • • [inside - WT.. r :zl, Eas 31st-Street, Sew York CiCity.,.:".. N EW.. STOC OF SUMMER GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY , .STEBBINgs Low Prices AND VORABLE TEllll$ ma Cash and Short-Time BATielrit. - _ LADIES AND GEDEELEISEN:i:,;,rS ,NOW RECEIVING nay.:Z11111011111 Stock, which embraces almost every thltl usually .kept by %Ito Country, itercit,nt-71.:; DRY GOODS,- .GROCERI lUD - WARE. , BOOTS & It EAD Y"-MA. 08. .; CLOINEtaii HATS & CA' ' . CR O - CKI * nil of•zrhich I propose to sell at Jow,s for cash or approved _credit. ,•:.- •:. Call and ee our GOODS and _T . / . o.`'. CES. Being thankful 44*Olit'fa*!0:: hope, to be ,able . nOi#' Coloirgr pp* ble indu3ements. STRIIIIINAL , T Coudersport, May 25; 1850:740P--'=',=:-:‘if: EMOVALD'' LE. 011.1311STED has.' raukrrad•-•-ofro3 1 door North, into thcf.atorerfosznerlyca. Cuplad.liy Schoomaker Jackunt. Thankful for past favors; I *mild solicit 6 cont4mance of the veryliberalpationagaliktit. , l, tofore basic. wed, avhica I shalLendeiprot. to;tl merit by fair dealing and , Eciling good-Article! 1 At Reasonable 'PkiCee4 consisting of the usual , viliatt DRy GOODS, CLOTHING, - ADO OTS HATS - 4 1 a • • - GROCEZitlEfik CROCICEAY I :I I 4 7 • is no*lirge.and mylotenticat is to sell , : CHEAPER THAN - EVER EIEFORErs. - - ,.1, A 7 = GREAT REDUCTION ottitmitioOktilli , wc. taines;clibutitiltek. Pitriiiojs, Igitts .. , atatothiie . Summer Goods. Prices reduOid4o:9lo4.l4, .TREJIGItitll': ,--•"'''' . - I'' '.-''''''''"',. IS AIA II .1314:MD'S 'Tir_ell,iii(Ork a ;Scythes;, of Geinzansteeli citotzsteer44 l Ail - - rer-steleli else," StiatiiS;" Poklgr;, -, 1ike1i,.,m4 many: other parte lag_ Utiiisli!i. !kt - z iiTeS knyllit pric - es,.ccips:tatitly on hand ...,: ~-,,,, , , I,39OI I 446; i SHOESLItSI lateititikk ; in the county. Especial _gerstalmilii 4 klg, to get-those whictiJire 'good Voir Aiiiiils .T.Elt ~01.40THING:7 L p EP141. , 1 4 is well stocked, and klee4Asiii be mattaitto factory.,- - - 4 ' ' - - - . " - . torv. • SeGA% TE4,..coPygg,. a :$1311:7.4a sortnieut of Groceries,Eriigass, ; Pails, ; *ci Al low:prices..,.'- . 4.- ' --- ' 11 - .EciktTl-1 1 Y- - 73REA.D. '''"l• , Janes Pyle' s r•DietetrA'Saffifi,l4l.ll.-- Call . aod oodsin my NEW 17 - 41tTERIT010 dy PaY; culd'° ll Ctedit irccistomers,•l-el*ll sell at Tow -D: E: opts .L udersport, July 6, 11352.-46. • the 1 up PaYi II EMI BM _n ' ' ME EffeMl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers