li 601i::"•, - 00: :7 .,0' oitiji,..:,:,,i, corp - ithir. - 54;;Eilptp - ?A' p er . " .--- ;; — il.:-- , •Laur;:i" • niiiltertiriiish` 110: ietif' ,atne'tO wheb, a s, her pqem wig be publikdxed 771 e A.cadem,ypow has .about joinitig thd,alass';') s evOiy • -' _ ,1 Dealer intlims vs that-ihoui:1;';41„ , 00-"feet'et Cherry'licrtniyer:isill:"be, uted front :,t,hiA-,placp to .o*AeAn:, j iiii's . u _»aking _ lBB vOgori:lizialls'llif 180O et each.`. 'Tins bidneil; f trade here, and wilt bO likely, •to `ery important; one another y . k'roa.—A-light . frost was visible- 121 , he valleys of..this corin-ty iorning - , but: fat' ,Can Icarn:tto a mage. to - pr,ic7.`vtig drops' was sustained. lie weather has ,hcen remarkably cold icift atarday last, buts warindrehantve noticeable:this -(Weducsdey):atOra- The Is City Comnierml -College of ittAnrgli, Pa. guarantees to give thor- lasitifotion in every branch study. dvertisea joits cireular.:, It is - now the. rgest and 11104 thorough:Comareveial choel of the country,..and students are snstant!y attending - frenn the most_ dis ,ut-Btates. • , We print herewith the list of Prelui: ills and Judges, and, the Rules and Regn ..tions for the-Second •Agricultural .hair thiscounty. It is late coining before owing to the inability of the 'ounittee to deterthine the proper class prethinins to offer, in view of. the frest; at now, that they have deteimined en we trust our farmers will all ert th6inselves to make the exhibi= . on creditable to. themselves and the eoun- It -will be:seelr that additional pre iiutas pre: oifere'd 4 sud tliat the coil; in it.' es of Judge's are more comprehensive an they ',were' last 'Year. Per Sons re •iving a copy of this number'ef the it:ltNAL will de well to • preServe it, as ley -.inay•not so easily get hold.,of "the enaion'liSt The . Orator for the easion has • hot". yet •Le'en etigaged, we , Att;•oro, Burealis.—'The as onorufeht, .witnessed last Sunday ght was the most brilliaut.amipeculiar er :vvititessed perhaps:by jany of the escot .generations,' except those io have seen them in their far northern. uuti;..:•As we are not good at describ gsuch things, we extract the following •setiitticit of the event from a lengthy tile in the N. Ece.Post of Monday and .which was evidently written by e versed in such matters. The extract • maim-is somewhat lengthy ) : but. will kind 4oKtlry - of the space it oceuples . our.eelninns,:. • The dAy . preVions had been unusually of for the season; and the sky • cloudy. rained for-a'sbort•titne Burin 'the mid e of the day, but in. the afternoon the uds'di and - tlic;SUn Set in un ;tided - - It was observed that the:twill:At ap-I 'citheruStial length. • About ciglit lock it Waslperecived -that the prolong light, ,being' the' legacy of! e sun, emanated from a singular !utuin-1 s, clod& ,that swept in a long trail ofl lid : light across the,virestern part 6f the avens, extending half way to the zenith: • e staisiiere - not, visible _through the . aser - P:iii - of this cloud, which-retained • position and appearance for sonic time. theri:graauZLY shifted,.'and "extended; s u ng itcw.,,,ph as es of beauty,: "At about 9 o'clock the . atmospheric splay seemed _to reach its culmination, d its aspect as seen from: elevated po. ions and bonse-tops i conimanding a full ew of the horizon on all sides, Was such to arOuie.:the inoSt,Ovcrpowering • emo as.. At •the - zenith, directly abave the eetator, appeared a•larL7e circlet - of white Id red, dotted with stars, while from is radiated .in every direction and currents of 'quivering, light, th rrliiie and red; Must Of these shoots light Were transparent, and-•tho stars yond beamed through with unobstruct ' beauty. .To the cast and to tile west! • huge fields of luminous clouds, tinted ,th 'a bright:rosy flash, wholly: unlike at produced by the rising sun, and, if ssible, even more beautiful. For some minutes this . Climax remained. The by crown, : g,einin,cd" and. fringed by .arkliug stars v retalucd its proud posi on in. the zenith, .and the tremulous. arcs of light - floated and quivered down ards like some imperial train waved :by he cool , niglit'wieds:: :At times it Sir , - ‘sted a ,tflightiliand, and an outstretched nu,,,botind it the -wrist with a laraeelet f iubv and .diateond, with 'the ppen_palm ela - as if in.:b•ne . dictiou over the earth. • bile the fingers of light"reached - ahnoit o the distant *Timm. , -.• &Op, aalye'rettlhas,betintifUllyspok -I:afa Stnuesy - ba't soon' o, "tb.e.hands f angels shifteirthe7 glOtious scenery .of he li~a4ns; The mass of apnareut red loud te'thd etist inured laway southward, radually ifad n whi hi the 'corresponding . ed clouds, on the west seemed to sink iu o a chaos of dark!oloud that, with a fringe 'f blue,' skirted -the western • horizon: *kite, those ,iiittges'fe. - ric'taVittg. pldeein the:' , eSst; hi 3 O;.yiesti-s.oe...*C;blOrOfOitilnt appliti • tiati't * :degieesapdtiieiri ~liy' l 117:5":dett:' lig(ilti.cavesktg Inapy'Ale,,g , rees, eeT l 4 ll l. 6 ,dslidVa raightiAlutn!rtMiii*oildi-*l . .tit:ttejursa Thi:l4e4l,:g44iildV-44.!)r -1,1 g:ifs, Ojai:* !asitta ci`t7lf:lP, time it blance to an eagle, and the's . the. slighest, almost impreceptible change; transformed it into a. tortoise : , : then ed to Stieeo ticross.th6 heaveas-fp . 011.-: tna ,the.iPPenaai:k*Oir:'#ol`6str3r:oliro4. and -reminding one: of. the, AiTrt., , lteroes of 'Ctssiani . For'.abeat: half andicur.these remarhatle chatigo. ionic place, and. then the li4tS gradually disappeared::, ;In a short 'time, hoWever, they were.resp.tnet. Sheets of the same white luminous ;cloud agatn illuminated the sky ; • producim , about the saute aniount. of light 'as the full moon, and' the night' became' altedst as the . . . •. • ..:...• .. . , e 01-. ) .., ..... . • , ;.:: .. /.- Pays the Tnition for a full Minise . irO ti lio:Iro City College, the largest, most extensively pat ronized and hest organized'Coninyehial Sawa in the' United Satti.s. • '-• -• 'OUR LARGE HALES,: For Writing, Commercial Calculations, Book, E.:eeping anti beepires. thne to complete a full eonrse,' froth 6to 10 weeks; Eveiy Student; upon gradua ting, is ; guaranteed to be compatent ttirnanage the Books of any 11nAness, anti qualified: to earn a salary of front • $5OO 10 ,$1.,000, Stuthnits enter at any time-4o Vacation— Review at pleasure. . First Premiums for Best writing .. Awarded•this Institution. The best and great est variety of Penmanship in atty.-one Hall of the Union. is found here. ' '; • , . , , Ministers's 071 S reeei,Cd'at half ' prieo. Fur Circular and Siiceiniens - of Writing, in close trio letter stamps, and address • F. W. JENKINS, Pittsbuigh, - 10:9-1.y* COURT PROCLAMATION. l i li r l c tn .; t JosephVhite ( - I ‘ e S tt t Jude, and the Ilous. Mann and G. G. Colvin, AsSociate Judges or the Courts of Oycr S Terminer and .Geueral Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Continua Pleas for the County of Potter, have issued their' precept, bearing date the eleventh day . of Aug., in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and to me di rected, for holding a Court of Oyer and Term iner and General Jail Delierv, Quarter. Ses sions of the. Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas, iu the Borough of. Couder sport, on MONDAY, the null day of Sep tember nest, and to continue one week Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oners, Justices of the Peace. and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper personS, at 10 o'clock A. IL of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisi tions:examinations, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their ofiloes ap-, pertain to be done. And those who arc bound by their recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or :hall- be in the jail of said county of Potter, arc to be then and there to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at Cu,:museonr, Aug. 11, 1859, and the B.lth year of the Indept ndenee of the United States of America. A. C. TAGG.-111.T, Sheriff. A GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE!! 756 et PER MON - TIT, and all expenses paid. 1.3 Aors - rs wanted in every town 'and county throughout the United States gage in it light and easy business, 'in which the above profit, may certainly be realized. For particulars address with,starnp, 51-4[. I Dr. 0. PHELPS BROWN, • No. 21 Grafichst., Jersey City, N.J NEW JEWELRY STORE. IL BUTTERWORTH located .11:El...hitmlelf in till's Borough, in'tlie store. of J. B. Smrrn, on the corner of Second mid Main streets, has opened a JEW EL11.47-ESTABLISH I, MENT, for the:'purpose of REPAIRING , . WATCHES, _ . • - CLOCKS, and, - e JEWEtIIt. Hating come years ° experience In the bust n es's, 'feel confident in giving the poldic EIZAL SATISFACTION: - The patronage of the public is solicited. Please. give ine'it Ali worli . warranted or no pay,, - - A general assortment of Istateltes,", Cloaks . and Jewelry on hand-aid for sale... t.7ondersport, June 30, 187,9.-48. TAKE', NOTICE! F'you Want to get your IVatch- • " • es or Clocks pitt.iri gOod run- --- ning order, take them to DAYTON'S.' :Yoh! will find him on hand to do' your - work:lm. short notice, and in a workmanlike manner,•••at • lco. 2; PIIaLVII BLOCK opposite ',Varraelce's . Drug and 'ljook Store. Jetveiry:nently. repaired; and wcirk: done on short notice, cheap forcasli. JOIIN - 13. DAYTON. Wellsville, April 17, 1859: • . , _ , . COUDERSPORT ACADEMY; :1859; M., PitiNcir.u.. SPRING and . SL 7 3I3IRR TEtlll cointhences • - .Ttie - sddk, 'Apt'll - u: FALL TERlT.tomfgences •" = • . , • ; Tuesday, August 23. •• Rates of Tuition' : Primary 13-ant:hes, . "' • . • , Common - liiglicr,English, With Algebra, : Higher - - Latin and Greek, Drawing (extra) . • ; Music, with rise of Piand, "(44a) French, (extra) . , • - French,; cithout otlier,4tudicl i ! r u IfootrOtent, - • • 1 , 1 ,Ctriupetent Teicheriliavo-bccu_scsurr, cd for every : Dram:ll of Study. [3l.] E!=MEME=E IMMEGMIMiI gWatPlo'S- I :SALEg. il i rtlitt U l / 2 3 endhi'dpi, thd cow' foteoliftiOril'lerbi r' Potters nti id II in troilifcr;speit, MOND1)1"- ) the - 19th. i3hy`t3f SePtkinb'ei.; 18:0,41 . 1 11) ing: . - deyetib , 44. - e . if<l tt?zii7 k -1• 1 -C404.444,eiti4tP 16 : ° ,3' *44 . .i 4 Pii " ; 11AP,IY,ottef fife, %Veit b , s btnti '9s:thof ,Thiiinas 'critlenden ICllliam Leiter „"del4etNort,lk W 144. of; t 1O0, 11.4aliiiii, - IClntrlci:Z.M . 46l:3,• (dude Of Wni.ll'D'oiigiill -1 ; Cleo. tliq ''N'S" -. 4,ilefV: IL" 'Simmanp, Beej:P.,Dcdby, and .Geo: and on'iti6'Smithbilrinilo-of Georrige`W?.. Ty. let cou tanirig - atiout. foity - neres: of lank , all improvetli'•oii - which is erected one -. two-stony fritnie direlling :house, one:small frarne inpt house; tivo - fr.tniO barns; Ind: with sown fruit trees: thereoh• - being part-of lot - INo. 20 by , tiieltllatrnent: - Binghant• Lands' in wave TOwnsltiv.i -- •z• - • •••-• : --• taken - in exeintion.iantt to , be ifold as prOpertY She'..demlBrOdlei3.--, l• • I -ALSO—Vortoin real estate Situate partly in lletiriin pitrtiOrtUlasiirfo%rnShipsq-Potter.i 'co., Pa., begin nin. , ,P . ixt. a Irctnropkt tree for. 'f corner; lfeitig:tfie,Sortli-irest corner 'of'tit miginallysold tolVorden, thence ...North, 3.52 a,becch ireed?eing the abut 4 Cornet. of (3,.lyant' - o, purchase ? thenee F•ast. 232 poles to 'a cornet in tlie,E.. hue of Ridgeway's land, thence South on saitlO. poles_ to al .post corner In said E. line, •-tkence_'W. 232, poles to.the place.of,beginning4 . contailling:sl'o: acres of land, being- _part of Warrant-No. 580-41 of which about forty acres ate improvedovith one franto house, one franie barn. and sheds, 'one -water saw-mill add some fruit trees'th ere- Seiied, taken in_eieention and- to be sold as the , propcity of Toster Reynolds, and• Wm; .ALSO—Certain realestate situate in Whar ton Township, Potter •Co., Pa., commencing on. the bunk of the Sinnentahonhig Creek six ;rods above the . saw-mill :built by the. Cards, thence about four or five rodito the gilt; thence South;enEt along the gat far enougli.to_ntake an acre, thence Westerly - to` the bank of said. creek, thence up the.creek to the place of be... ginning;' containing one• acre of .improved land, on whichis ooe'Nrater saw=mill and one frame dwelling house. - ; Seited, takeri in execution and - to be sold as--the property of Christopher Evelyn„Jr.. ALSO G'ertnin real estate situate in What.- ton Township, I'otter.Co.,rPa:, - beginning at a post in the North-cast corner of a lot contract ed to James Ayres, thence North:one hundred and fifty-seven- rods: to .a post, 'thence' East twenty-nine rods to a post, thence :North to the West .bank of. the 'Sinnemalioning creek, thence.along the West bank of the Sinnema honing creek by the several courses thereof to the Warrant line, thence along the Warrant line West five hundred , and twenty-fire -rods to a post, thence South three hundred -. end. thirteen rods to a post; thence. East' five' hun dred and twenty-five rods to the place of .be ginning ; containing six hundred and twenty- being .be-.the same .more or less, and being part of Warrant No., 49,°.7—sail: being unimproved. -t- , , . • Seized, taken in execution 'and to be sold as the property of:H W. May. ALSO—Certain real situate iu ar-- ton ToWnShin, Potter . Co., Pa., bounded -on the North by lauds late.of Jonathan Card; Le-- vi-B. Card and George P. W: Card, East by J. L. Nelson, South and West by the. Sinnema-- honing. Creek ; containing about three :wres t of which about- two acres are improved, with one frame shanty:and one frame shed erected thereon.—ALSO—One ether lot situate in Township. County and State aforesaid, bound-. ed - on' the North by unseated lands,' East by the Sinnemahoning Creek, and South and West by unseated lands, containing about one hundred acres of which about three acres are improved. - . taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Jonathan Card, Levi -B. carivand - Gecifge P. NV: -card: _ ALSO—Certain real estate situate , in ron Township, Plater County, I'a. i bounded on the North by lands of Michael Lamb and Joseph .Ilaun, East by la.nds.of Gabriel Barnes, dee'd, Stint:it by lands of jos.eph De ring and John West, and On the West by unseated lands of the Keating Estate, containing one htiadred acres, of..which about twenty acres 'are im proved, 'Wih mm frame Louse, one franie harn and some fruit trees thereon. • Seized . ; 'taken - in exectilien sold as the prdprtY.of L. LVOltristnnr. ALSO , ---Certain real - estate situate in Jack son Township, Potter. County, pa., bounded on the North by lands of the Bingham Estate and Lot No. 2, on the 'Emit by- Lot No. 2,-on the Soutitby lands:of the Bingham Estate. nild on the West by Lot .No., 4 and lands the .Bingham-Estate, being Lot No. 3 of the allot.; meat of lands in Jackson - Township, Potfer 1 County, containing hinety:seven and four-I tenths acres, of which- thirty , live• acres improved, on which arc erected one frame"} house, one log house x one.frauie barn, cum old frame barn, antiWitkan apple orcrar , }l thereon. ' • Seized, taken in elecutibn - and : to be sold as the property. of 3i. Chapel. ALSO—Certain real est:QC *situal.e Eula-; lia Township, Potter. County, Par., bounded on I the North by lands of - the Bingham Estate. East by L. D. Spall'ord, South by lands of John j Crit tendeu and ,C. IV. Ellis, and : West by lauds -of .iohn. Crittenden and S. Boss, containing one, hundred acres, of-w.ltich tWenty-live acres nre-improved, on which arc erected one 'frame dwelling house, one frame barn and other out buildings, and with some fruit trees .thereom --.ALSO—one other Lot situate in Township, bounded, North by laruls , .of E. Stariiwcather and L. D. Spa fiord : East-by the Highway, South by L., D. Spatfurd, WeSt by I,mas of L. D. Spatford, containing seventy acres, of. which .fifty Arcs are improved. -t ALSG--One• other- lot situate in .Towuship, o ! County, - and State above mentioned, bounded oh the North by lands of the Bingham Estate, on the East by lands of lb. A. Nelson nail the 1 North llollow road; South by the Lymansrille and CondeesPert . 15nitl,' and West by hinds of 1 L. to. sparrofa Containing-eighty-eight' tieres of which twenty acres are tinproved. , • • Seized; takbriiin execution and to be sold as the property of Nathan : Woodcock and.A; W - oodcock. - •• • • ALSO. , —Certainreat estate situate in Har rison Township, Potter County, 'lilt., cntitttin big. one hundred and tWenty acres, andbound,- ed'iii folldWav Ott the North' by; lands. Of S. - 8:: JtobertScin and &mind Stcirte;tin East'by landi-of Samuel SteliO and Hamilton' ou the &ilth- bylands Of Samuel Goodell, and .$2 50 on the - West:by liiiids - of . ,,wirnark - Cittili Mid '. 340. Lot No. Orrthfrittinid Of Mriignre't 4 'l5 her; being t NO: 164,0 f theallOtnienf Ob•tqf Mitigatet ilarrision.Townshipk ,6 . 00 pti,id ,lietpi . part, of Warrant N0 .. . , '1316; Niter 2".o.[CotintY, ,hutidred acres 'Of the'said •• 16!00:t lands being improved; on which arc efeeted 66 twalrame Wouses; - bite '• - fraine hense: 360 erected, two frame barns, one log bhrti, anti with some fruit trees thereou., , , Seized, ; to..yeu in execution and to be sold as tie proper!" of fro."ElliS. = =ME . . • •.• ALSO—Certain real estate sztgated . , . . Iner-TQWR-skir,,,P.9tlPrCkpi_'pp.,; bondcll 4n .thel:Nbith' . .by 'lads Oflainea Sconth,-and,: West' ihr-wde.4t44: tlitstiJar Keating; containing,- rfoturrtenths aeres, - .with, about 'fiftoenneres*uprove4::: Aye: acres chOppe,diandonentnO.kons•e;og'frarde shop .and nue frante.batti.Xhirt,ol/;',1!. I t4:lCt) n. exetititW n as the property of James, • i .d.1,:80-iCertnia-repl.•*stateisitantettn roniToknship, ,Botter,County; , ..P.oiv.Pottrided , nafollows.: . :Beginning - at: it , poak corner istrind . . ins niirteerti degrees West -ttventy4tine-,rods and.throe. teig.l34l'from , tbe .1:N011bl-elk; corner of L. Wood's. Lot, Iken.Ce •Sot,nl4.44.',..."West t'teeturods.antheiglit-,tenthi- to itt.PO4:•cOrnet at the Nortli.sitleinf the.,rond, ,thencti;•by: the Nerth pt.:said - ,rowt_Nortli •:West twelve rods to post corner. nearthe.linetrside Of the said roadi.thenee !North 2,5` . ',!.)4a5ti •six.= teen and three=tenths rods to-a•-post and .cor nor, thence Sonth!-754? Bast-,eighty.nud two tenths rods to the place , of; beginning; eon tabling one acre of land strict : tneaSure, on which- are ••ono Iron° ,:dwelling,, bonse one' frame. .barn and one store liewser7 l .Al,B,o44J other: lot site:lW 'inCllarn'fowrisliip . ,l rot l ßl'• County, Pu.,!continencingat ; a,pn'at-corner the : Distriet.line betweertiDOtriets.N.o l .l. 4ntr: .3, thence South-nue lwdreettooLonewcuLtwo ; tenths -yerelies_to.a peat ;corner; thence .West' one hundred awl seventy-onnaud seven-tenths. perches,_thence...North tlti . rtyrone de grees Nast owelittndrednud eighteen ond,one teoth perches to•tt post corner, .thencert'ast one liewiredd anlen and Kitie-tenthaqlerches to the place of beginning; cOntainitpieighty 7 . nine acres awl ferty-tiVe hundredths., Of which thirty acres are iniproVed. with min -t'r-atne bons,e, one log house; one .10g: barn-autl' ‘ sOwe fruit trees. thereon.. . , •! ! • Seized, taken. in exeention and to be sold as' theproperty of W. It Graves tad 11.,(raves.• Ai,So , ....,Certaitt ,real. estate sit irate-itt lice tor 'Township, -I.'otter'Co an untied- on. the North by Bingham. lands! and lots'. forme - ly owned by Bdwaril • Alvoi.d, On the Elif, South and .M'est by iliog,hant land's. heing,let . ! :No. LOI atid' part of Warrant No. '1798 ; eon taining one hundred. acre's, - Wore or less,: of--. teen acre; of 'which are imProved,,,,* with , one log lthuse, one. frame house, 'one 100 bairn and som , -.fruittreesthdreop.. ' • ' • 1 , " Seized, taken in exocutien and' to! iold as the property of llmiry l'Oulig,:tVitli notice to Austin Bolls, terre tenant. ! ;• ALSO—Certain real estate situate•tin't'ike •Township, Potter Co., ,Pal,! North by wiseated,lands, Easel,-by un seated lands, on. the SonthJl3,y. tinge:add lands, and on the. West b . )/ lot'Np,..2()belouaing to C. 11unsi,eker; contaildug . sixty', acres, "being! lot No. 3:: of tile allotineht:of.!the':ASlde'y Lands in said township.and Part of Warrant Na'. 512" . --ALSO-One other lot situate in township and conoty•above mentionpll, and' described as follows; to Wit.: Bounded - on the.Nortlfby lot No. 3 in:Joni:to , to Jo,`: Stuiderlin On -the liast by unseated carids; on; the South- ' seated lands, and on the: West bf loti.„Nos.'l9 22; 'Containing onehundredancliweijty-six: and seven-tenths acres, it- !being lotlN,o.' 10, and part of Warrants! Nes.. 5122- 5:151.27, of which about twelve acres lore improved 'and ten' acres chopped.' on - which is creeted, one over-shot•zww-inill,'orie frame dwellitig one fraWe barn and' 7 --lALSO • One other lot; described.itslfolthivr:.;llounded on the North 1i3,-...unscated-lands anlll4No. 29; on. flie East - by . ..lots Nos, Iflk - 16 and_Utis'ented larrds,•im the Smith, lay lotqosi on the West by lots Nos. 211..k!:27.;" - :enutnining one hundred acres, being ldt N 0.9 and part of I Warrants Nos. V 123 & equal„tindivided-halQef lot; No. 27, described,: as follows : Bounded on th r d North by unseat=, • ed lands and - lot No. 29, on the East 4,loi!No:, ti, on the-South by lot No.; 21 and•.nnseated lands, and on the West by unseated lands ; containing 91.2 acres, being part of Warrant No. 5123. . -. Seized, taken in executiOn and to be sold as the property of Jonathan, SteTenso',n. ADDITIONAL g' LEA. j . .. ALSO—Certain real estate situate 'in Hec tor Township, Potter Co.,' Pa., described as follows, to wit. :- Beginning at the Sonth-east corner. of Warrant N 0.159.9, thence along saidl Warrant line West:l3C perches, thence North. .7)8 perches and 14-17 of a perch to post, thence West 41, perches twit post, thence ;forth •.57 1 perches awl 3-17 . of a perdh to n.posl, thence' EaSt 1461 perches, thenCe !otitli 11G tperehes, to the place of beginning ; contain:l%l , one hon.., tired aerez more or lesS, alfout thilty;aeres of which are improved, with l one log and frianael house, one.• frame barn aria sonic frialt trees' tliereen.i-,ALSO--i-Ocie' other. lot - situate . in Harrison Township, Potter} Co. 3 . l l.'a.;llmunded on the,lSorth by lands '0t:5..111.-Vroodell,on. the East by lot of NelsonDetY,l6n the loud' hi - the highway, and' on the \Vest by landr. of S: P. Gooticill . etintainingahemt one acre;.inorel or less, all imprFecl, and Qt r which iS erected,; one frame house and store. ' H ' - 1 ' . Seized, taken in Oxecution and to Lhe [ geld as the property of_E; E: Tanner. ....1 _; ALSO—(certain ral estate situate' in Pike Tovinship, Potter ,o.,Piti„!bountled o,it' the North l 2 & - 3 y .Ilot No. 14 on the !East by lots Nos.t 14, 2„on - the 'ontlii by lot Noi, 22 awl unseated lands of tl c Bingham Esta4!, l on the West by unseated .h nos and lots No 5413 & 36,1 I bein ,, lots Nos: 114 / 1 , 2 of;the sub-Alivisioniof of the landi of the Bingham !Estate! in Pike Township; contain iigoiie hundred:l;nd fifty-] live acres, about fill - acres of IWhieli I are int- i proved, with three , frame douses, trio frante barns, one saw-milll and some fruit trees: thereon.—ALSO—Lot Noi 36 in t 4." ToWn ship, County and Slate aforesaid, bohniled on the North and'East hy lot No) 14; South by lot No. 13 and by u iscated lands; antl on" the West : by Unseated liAntls - and by lotiNO._ 15; containing one Jinn !red and four acres, with; about four:acres improved and 'a lag hoitsc erected therein':: • ' '' • !- ' : I , ' -I' ll . Seized, taken in execution and to', bd . cold as the prii3Orty of Elijah Johnston, Garnishee l i of Alfronrliewii% ' •'• ' 11 ", i ~, ! - ! A LSO—Certain' . real estate kitnatei in Gen esee ToWnship, Potter- Co:, pa., .bolunded-on ! 'the NOrth by loti Ns: 28i 135 4 32 .or the. itt- - • ititinent of Cie 13ing,tani'LaW14 in Kull •Town ship, on the-Ea:it b'' lots Nos. 2, 881&-80,'On the West by-'lots . .N - s.- - 28; 27,119, k ? Oi; and on the South -by laralS fornierly in 2posseSitinlof Ile rry Lord, and fo rnerly kitoWn as the.Nortlt half of the mill lot of lirtritl.,Ord; Eoiithiof Ell isb urg ; eeintaini, :g l aliiiiit; one hundred dud fifty acres, of whielr fifty acrei arelmiirOved, on which are erected One frbittsdW,ellin etiou se, one store house, : nue framerhatin . and other out-buildings, and' : with twO'apple' orchardS thereon. ' . 1 ~ : . . • : i Seized, execut ion and to be sold as the property :of John „ • ,ALSO—Certaiirre'al estate Situated tHrys-, ses Township, Potter: Do.; - •Pit.,' bounded ot, the North by 'ands: of 1T.H. 1 - Dent, East by hindi bf - lf. IL Dent; Seaith • by htnds ,of IL, H. Dent and we'st by H, .pent tabling fifty acres, of Which about flirty acres are' and sonic frith trees thereon'. :'1 :• Seizedi_ taken' in de.ciitinri 'Tiiid4o "be sold' as the proPerty pf E. E, ' - .. , Sheriff. 'Contlersport, An , • ' ••• _ • " ,pußspum FOR THE Jogabl,m.„ - YE rraasTis'i)i A. FREE PR.E.E. =IEI MC=I li WARREN'S - - -„,,, , 0:: , , . ~ ~. ..y. ;,. -4:,p, f p, c - In ''ltitl Ir - - liti--- . --; - ttUB:. a ........„...:. ilia in •: strce4-: (warily. oppOs0(0).Bit/diciir ' . & Bros.'..GioeirlifiYil'etteitilte, Alle . - haolo2 Yi,l /VIE PFopri'etor ortba - dbove establishment lIL wpuld reapieffally itifotnfthe inhabitants Of CondersiiMittd -Pottffekinnty` - generally, lime be is now prePa+etrtei'stipPl'y them. with 'BOOTS.! 511028, AlsirEfts, i:L.F.a TIIER FLyDrATGfff.ife: JciflveitAbscryttitilai'at pri: ees !which cantio i elltil 'tw:sult2.l i :We' have _on hanti, apd are:constantly reeelyng frain..%New, IYoric r t(io Mies' tissortntent_of doods•Oitt can be fo nit 1 in. this.. portion,• . .of,thalep,a,ntu,' and ilt sell tha, inices w111.0.41;ilk DEFY COVIPETI7IOM , • : 7- '' '.'"! --: " ''''... . -• " ,'UPPI.7I - LE:.-fl'lrE7t* KIT'SKIATS',: - , ' ,PRENCIT'CIiLr 'slag,g'(geririine): ; PP,IN-kl , i,, : AWLS, _an4 FiNDl t Nti , S,,.of er— ery•deseriptionrin, %Multi ties. to'! suit pntebs-. REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. FOR CASH,' - All goods 'sold atone establis Intent , are • of the Best Quality;; :end` hill' be WARRANTEB:' I TeiltiS iDaSh Otelk: i'.4i'ye OS 'n trill: L . GEORGE T.-I WARREN. , ' W ellsvillri - May 1.9'; 18: - ,a;—.4o: ..-;..•—:' ." Ir'4"°Orders sent by mail,. or 1(1t. at the JOVIINAL (,)ii;icv, Coudersport , Will be'prchapt: 1 ly and carefully attended tn. ' 1 • - ' - , NEW STOCK Stiltiv, IP: oDs 'Jt§t: IiEbEIVED!.BY • ' l r C 11-51.31310 N-S • 1 9 I .-•.:, 0 swa - voh . - - H t 1 _ .; • Low- I -Prices .• .„ • I vOR S Cash Giiid.lSkoi.t..Tiiiie ißuyers. M • NOW: ItECEIVIN4II;I uiumcr Stney, !1 NO111:11 . clubnLees, every tiling usually kept by a Couktry IICCChIIIt • DRY GOODS, . GROCERIES, _ lIARD-)VAltli, ..• BOOTS .5. SHOES, • - READY -11A DE CLOTHING, • .; • _ A•T S .CAPS, ; CROCKERY, Sc., all of which old figures for leash, or approved ' - GOOD TEAS FOR 45,cpFrs, ,Lid/es' Fine Covrpss,and othti Gaitcts, from . 75 cts. to 51.,90." STOGA: BOOTS,j $2,50 1 1 1, , CALF . 3,65 • ' FINE DE LAINES, 21) i . GO,OD LAWNS, , . •: I 1241 . , • and all other 'goods Io proPartioti, for Ready Tay of most kinds, .!,, • ,• I rte' Cash paid for GOOD - LUMBER. • 1, • simmoss. - [ Ostrnyo, June -15, 1856. 17 -43Hly.- • . gm ' irit r ..... i . F ri . i rili it1it 2 0%..3 Ira • •", .-.. .i. 1 - ';: . ;: i i, 1.a1;11,!•ii .)&013_0e0 .' 4 ~,•• , : s•,. .11 .'l 7 l •trrii;E! a ' SUMMEIt' GO . k a.D4," 0 - '-1 ;BUST Ittdiftitfi' ji '... ': -3 " 3 . p„ 11. , 8 ...,t 1 ..1t ,„,..„, . . ...., . , . -Q.• • - ..• -1: . - 4''€ B S • COLWELI, - .3 i .i::11)U'il4 .., WILL SELL; 1 . .. , Lilfat,i:PrteeS . .i...l.,l l / 1 •4 _yr g, • Flout Meal - •, ~,. • A X-17. ~ :::. .-! - , -nq FEED, FISEI, PsOliEK &C.,, TERMoc, - r 1 FAVORABLE . , at ` • Cheaer-tlizin — ' 1 '.; .-. '., i :, , r6 ..:1i1.:(,; , , , -. rio:t ,rion't „ . • ANY OTHER 3IERCIIANT,CAN SELL FOR; Cash and Short -Tinite- : Ilii*ffileti" • • • d_kS.II, - • 1 it,. • . ' C. trAbiES ' itEii - difi l iii*iiiiti fl '; - and Will fake in' pa} went" all, "kinds' of good . • ...• .. . .... , ...... . irirrit ,LTIAIBER - AM NOW'. BEOELVING zny.!.BASIMIUt Ii f .1_ Scoi:lZ - ,,lrl?ich einbroces'iilinostikftil4S 7r , • usually:kept bi- ihO•Conntiy Merclill't . i I I win also Pay Cash for LU3IBER: •• ~ ;.. • '''.-.. • -• t • ;.; i.L , .! 2 “ .7 , 1:••t SittTs 1 . • I DR% t./001):1, = Also,' will pay the hig,liest going prices in i • GROCERIES, .f , ,,: , 3 1 .,11 - - 84 , ..;,-3. .r , (ASll4 l Oll' . WOOL. 111 P D-WIRF %. • • • • •''• - • • ',./‘ --r'lit I"- ' BOOTS .5;--S14•0138,-- - ;- .- ' Cornensron`r,.Line 22, 1839 .- , 44.,cm0 - .•• - • - ~, !• REA.EtY-MADE• -0110THING; 7;- : A." --I .. • ; _ .; ...T S :fr...- C=A I P.-S; ll -rio-ast PENNSYLVANtA. • . ' ' • ' i • -C .11:0 C•li flit y -- -4. .- State Agricultural Society all . of wllich lwropo,-ie \ i05e11 . J.4 .;. 197.. figv,eA,.. l4 • • Exalinatrioar: - for cosh or-approved credit. • . • 9111-IE-Ninth 'inn aiii "Emil ibi t fon 'of the Penn- i= Call Altd 'FC9•OIIr, OIDOP.' ,a P d 4 l g t .l. - syiviinin. State Agricultural Society. will! CES. 1:1-3eiiig ; tbliichir . ftir,pst;faygr4 1 4, t o n. held at Powelton,l Philadelphia, on Mei-. I hope tOlhe ,g)Jo now -0 . offer .frlre,*pnip..,, „It flay; Wednesday,' Thursdity 'and Friilty, the ; ble indtteenients: -- P. -.&.-:STEBIINS. : ' 27th, 28111, 29th arull3Otli, daysiof September. i ~. i On tlic Ist Septenibe't, the Secretary will re- 1,. '' -; ? ud F rs -l ic T t l' lra Y 25 )1 1859 ' ..4°C !'''' .1:3 - €1 . . - • - ' irafr move' to the Booths Of the Philadelphia Sock: . ••-' I •- I-• ' •• ''• ' '.' ••' " •;*•• ak - ''' ' s , dty for thespromotion of Ag.rienitare, No-624 : , .iit 1;31 1v:404-4,. 043. Ohestnnt s Street, 'Pkillicielphia,l where, Books •• -- - ...:. ~ ...:.. _ .•:....,. .. .:, ....,..itit . ti Eiji:4i of Entry tOr the Eithiliition Will - be opened. -: ife ~Irii ' Letteni addressed to the .S'er'Ftc)ry, at !Lir- •id,Tim,,,:•• fish u ./..a/2 ..IfeCotr l pt;Pitihttlai,or C'liartres dingle, Bnstleton ' • will-ineet with:attention till Ist September. DAVI DIAgGAnT; Pres'4— A, Q. 11E1S1'ER, Secretary. , ::.. • - Ee:3— Goods for Exhibition, - parried. on 111.1 , the Railroad's iu thelState ; to and fro, free of charge.• • '4, • 52-st. CAUSES, Term; ,•1859,"0f- the n. Pleas Potter coun- LIST 0 ITRIAL nt I: Court of Comm its, Pa. - -• i LS. Si . White, : . i "Purdy; for Use; • • : 'W. k 31: S. - Ennis, W. T. Jones . ; - •- . - Hillver 7ki Bush; , • ' I W. ; I:. Jones, fill clip:it-14 : i . • 1 Kalen, - i . :-. •. : i . ; Starkweather, ;.; • • . - llnskin, use of •Platt . 1,13 t ever, '4onesd & 7lirother, , ‘Vilmltt, ,',.. ii ;; • • i , i I,bent . ; • , , i Lansingi; , .."• -'• ,•-: .I Jones,- - . - . White,.. ~ , •:. .. I Ford, for use,- •• i i • liW., g." Jones,.., , ' .Jone. 4 '& Brother, Killb.ourripuse -Gum , Canfield, -. :. --- ~‘..; I A. ,F,,Jonesi ~: .- - i [Chamberlain,. - I Keating;:et ttli' - , J. L. -Phenix ; jr:,-. - ::a. I,W..T.,:jones, . .. : ,•.i 1•pBY 0 - 11 4 . - - -i - , -, .', • 7 lWi,Uq, .... :: -- .'3 . Brenemani.--,:••:: , I 1,--: -Salim, i. i ;• . :-. • •••••:' . •Ab s agaili..slrbilgi ti' 'Ruh]; illepr4t ,Y,oukeri• - -•,{.:, • ..; •-• , - iil Cotuleistiort;Aug: ... i vs. otaik "P. Dedrik, " J. D. Staysa.. " rr S. Bradlee. C. W. Ellis. " Jacksliti & Rees. ". " Jcines,.3landkJeineg. " Sherwooci... rr 11. Ellis. c`,. • . " Thompson..:: • " 11. Lord, - " Trust's 3L E. Church; "C. & IL Loucks, • ; .• • rr .Ives.i Straight, ".- Stevens, et al. • . " W. T.'lones, et al . . ".X. V. Jackson::.• ~ Rige; ' • . • ' ":Starksydather.... - C::lrep; et al.: " 'Kinney, -: .; "lobe§ dL Baekus, •z . - .'Amitil.• • : • ".•C. S. , :Tones, Adna'r. ." Kinney:, - ." Barclay., ;W:, I%* ifonesz • Cutler:. ''- ,L.ANAIISTED,-Prorre!j. 16, 1559 = IR LAMIVRANOLS: ',..,,: :• - i ...- ~:,::,0 f. 'r:4 ll ' '' ' I . . ' -1: ' '• ' ,' Jk• = - 4' . '• iii - R g , A*--VOMPLE - ttNir*SiStlMpAiffilnit t .,Fth...l3l,vviri v irif • i :. intittlitt 1. 3,L s!O iS V t t i ttl4.o 66 Irk 6 f$ 0 :4 , .. : 1 .,. . , ..,titt ~ , , _.., • . : . ..,; Sixiel . , .CrOakill,ry.,!str,4l3 , B*Flia ... olkolii 45.gniii.;g9.94.40.9,9V01§1 3 ~,1, 10 444,. 'it'Seit — Ofst" , l 9 / 4 )04/1" . 1.7•..%-. .:...:,li,i i thstAtioNEAyflccy INlctlFo_ inlor ottb ii. w iiiirgatAstnowohmopi,.. ••• ••-, *lf9yuirli* , iAi-liEtati*!i:q4 l :, TITIP; VOlaNiFitig ,,.,:, . - 4 ~..,4gpi* A-pA,..41 1 4;x4. aoni.i. 1. , _..., ~,.;:: ~,./..., ~, , ;,..,, , , , , L f . oi itiik :L.,.EXCELINCrIi FO& rii . oooA - At :For:44th ;the OlGHtStilidelt 001iiiiildri" . , Jrti Eig(ean , tot *mid liCall‘lttilits`,S(W~ ' Arid Satidarixteiteilic et -iii'ditlttireei~' ` c je e 4iiii i tr i,,D:`l3A - KER;eba , :,y•l: 1.•:.344,tt . 0 1 40 1 1 t 1 • ~- ar. - 1 . 1 . 1E -^ ell!', .7iri . : 111-111 1%44' infl udt, is_ seal 1.- .: ..1 , ; , racy Tlo- ro•lilitif reily to wait,' litioi - Ciikp,S2 , 4k. - ~ ' A r .. .., 1 . . iii; 7 -1Ve 1 1y ' i, * 446 — tii4,41;4444 . 1 .. :1-tt'XiiY..-PAI.I6 i ":•-icta Siii . is 14etter Air. all. parties r .antluvq:44ll,:tlifit. fore ilitS system- -, -11 + . ' .11141 • U.I.Ss:Ss3I Jane 7- 1 .4,14:4Rie-,WPRed ili.--,,,1ati1l , tt TEE SECRE'Lf f ELTEUMIT I ISS ...'`Ose-00 YOUTH 10411111 AII ITlkqttli T , • tlstAi l tlbiisllca,'o.htis;Rs -11 7 1171401 1 1 . ;FEW I 4 - 131161t$IFT/115 ) 1 R.XT Id Y.& 14'2T VS Mr= ' • of Ser • matorrhea 2 or;l6 E feal ne . 94 so „esfi ad an li tg a t, nal Emissions;uenital andligerpimp p b)l7, Premadrre Deeay of - the s3stem n hofett" acrd Impediments tecllarringeledffitrir . ", ll " r t , t DE DAkEITS. EPfJ ut , • The impoitUnt fact thlit lfie l riciafikalalrfn complai ts; orig hi:lU ng. solitude' of,, pay „,boildasilr itimotrititt WITIIOIII' 31funotxn,,is,in this snuAttlfetpkiltrol ly demonstrated.; mid the entirely mOlcrlyt,A rr highly sueeessful treatinent„, as ndttp - d . 0",,,t715 .1 1 _s,nthor,lfitlly explained', by., Mennrit adopted, every one is enabler.! tb - eirtgrulitaitttlittfe Ji and at the least possiblexostitthereb?-sVikestt ing all the advertized nosymns 9f ,t4,9 : 09,3r 1 . 1711 4 Simt,th any.address, gT‘is (14120.,tr .fi r tab a sr:14'0(11 env'elqg , , by re : 1114,4;1g Urns(' v - 011, two postagestarailS East 31st,Street; New 'York; dity:.: If fivt .0118 , • ; [insitteltarp tvstir El - 01,11 5 T1glat - remove -:1 4 4 1 1°4E • ddor North, into the storeloiniery.bc. -cup ie - tl Schooma ker & Jnclfsoii `."t' Thu nkr,d for. pa s r - ; Jo - 4hr, ookiicii, co ati i.ta n c of: fife- i'Cisr 1 eral Piiironagt !tiff . tofore "r• tiPvf merit by, ri deal i ng-n ng7gOcidirilaltii•At At .1-tedorialile Piib!?si3r l- '"iar My stork, consisting of tho iisitai , vatistiOrcti DRY 6.00 D%. !.- "'to CLOTHINGL • • • 1 BOOO I XS:B4'SIXPES) - 1t4T04 1 . 1 : * ? 'Stlf • • Groot, tit - ooltrz.y - Asi.o- --- • large;now and. ; .intantipigap,„sok,„. THAN EVER BEEORE,P, , Iita acif! 0 RE AT .upucTioN on - Latpts, -challitAtttP,- _ Laines, 0tb1, 5 4 • Suinin er , Pritcs: ftdu'o,d pu:),4 THEM OUT! ••••• '" - 1 .' 1 ' 4 • S A I.AII - B-L Q*o D 'Scythes, of German-steel, Oast-steel and Sid .xer-steel:; PPticti r l*K.l44 many Otif,er FartnlULUlenSitbl 4 t r # l o - V.Pfka • prices . , •cdogtntl'y'ql.f.ii_tliull•'„ .! BOOTS .t.C; ~Sgo4, - 11)6_1811K4titiC in the coUnly. dippecial cart Liken 6t ge • ing to get-tttoss 'Mach are__ gob& antedarsibitk. • TIIEI.crAYru'ING - EVA.Rii is wig.stOdked., ilytii,7ll2;;;; factory. • . • . SUGAR, TEA, COF:FEE . ,_ii'tult , iiiil", aortineptler 71; z. , 1, .131 : tEAr i Os;C James IPyle's -* • the: Goo f liiriliptNE NV QU-AILTEIF.C3 Pairond'orietlidit-bitfthfi" paying' cOtomert4i 81141116 M kit* • .It•OLISTED74' - '!- 1 . Coudersport, .Inly 6, .859.-46... El 71:7 !!. Sti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers