SINGLE COPIES; VOLIM X!..--NIIIIIBER 45. THE TOTTER JOURIVILi . ee. _ . . . . - • • - - , e ... - advantages of - marriage, conveys a sound Miehelet's idea of the' husband as he her own - ;fair reputation,Or - as The only Settle - Some diffieratielf.eriateoffiti'tifiliiit . • *rat: . • --• '- ' • should be, is' this :-'''• . !. - tueile-otenteetedninithevillagei - orthere ehurCh: mainbeit'lihf ; :in - "okterteelie " Fortunate is he who rescues a woman, '‘ Nething, has been of more service, to- by ; rendering her society agreeable up her cheraetere -requestedSiVititieWite who frees her from the physical fatalism me than the, friendShip•of thoseen whom One warm. snuemere afternoon ~, as be present .::- "': - Preient. - -.- -:-- - "l!\''' '' - '''' "f - : - "" in which she is held by nature, from the 1 everything is told=--I mean physicians. Squire:P.' was',Sittine near his office door, . ' The Parsona: who was weakiness imposed upon her by.seclusion, I I have been intimately eepiainted with ~stholiag" Ids - prpe,"A7ipt -Liezie Was pass- Mire knewthefealltyitaditinif trititiltik from so much misery, sciinarry drawbacks ! Several: of the most illustrious of this ceneling by 'with- great: speed;-ruminating be. sisters,- as Atin(_Lizsielletillieliti Happy he who instructs her, elevates her, eury. - •I haye been, fur ten, years,. :Morel the news of . the day, _when the Squire iXele - ,UMS a particular 'frieirebr fliettets ; s t rengthens her, and makes her his own' than the friend, I may say the brothereoflbreught• her. suddefily to, as -the. sailors 'P.'s, - requested -hirhlire,:tatiiite ,, xcrit: . t ; For in delivering her, he - also; delivers .an eminent physiologist, who carried with 'saY, by - "what's,,your Murry, aunt Lizzie? ; nothing of it to his wife.`i :Murtha Stst'•;' e. —.,,u of girls and boys 1 himself. ; . - - h im into the natura l an exquisite *kik in." -The Ind hide-, idle beverirant- tool r the hint,: 'end telling' -bit *gall& , . lie refrain of our carp joys, I - it, - - 250 To seem to old for simple tors. 1 In this mutual deliverance man must,; sense of moral things. * - there was a Parish' nitgetiiig;;:iitipieatoill 4 Oil iof course, take the initiative. He e is I learned much from him on man. sub- flee, an d " -the following convers atio n : so o nher 'to bp petdyby2O'cldek, - "andliefohli ri 50 !To catch a shadow in the 0.1. - . . .. .. 1 —-' - c ft. • A slit._._ . _ ,in better health - (especially. (especially. in jects, but especially of Icive. - , . . I commenced., -- • '.. e ... e, -. 1 ;;:: : - . 1 : lad! tor here .. e - ":- -- I; Ile , ''',.,'i -:',- -z^.' , I i . not having to endure the great malady oft' One thing struck Me in this very deli- i- :" Wall, Squire P.,1 have been think-1 - 'Accordingly the lintir:,Of "Erecting*** maternity.) - He has a solid education. late 'and gifted man, the :systematic-per- ing this 1(i - reticent what a nieful 1 man :you , -thee Whole villagefidedleithe iilei, id. Ile is favored by-the jaws. -He has the I fection of his domestic life.. He had a I might be, :if you'd -only, leave off your mid& could - not licild' ' -;fifiltatil AO best occupatioe to himself, and earns much i wife, comely but graceful, iguorant but 1 light conversat i ons as goo d boaksays, eyea were alternately on the; Squire-it* more than woman. He is his own master; I charmine, (a native of Savoy)- He had' and becomeaserioua mari—you. ruiehebe Susey-B.`=.:Mis. P. sttt r itid Sitney kW. if not suited in one place, he can go to , found-means to engage, her in . Ina ideas, lan ornament to both church and State; as tea as though she had - eievietti efifitte another. Poor Androtheda, alas ! -must !his researches and his discoveries lour Minister says." el. .- -; -.- . - _I night. - -Tie Parsizine - iiitlf - toftd*d ties* die on her rock ; ifshe were clever enough! He worked with no display . of instru- t "Why, as to that ,' Aunt Liz:zie,acheer- l and in as delicate a itilinneetivislietibli, to free herself and get ,away from it, we : ments; no' laboratory; near her and by. his . fal countenance I consider as the lestin- !stated the story about!StMeir 811 40:11; would say : 'She is an adventurer.' r, fir - ide,-inventing such a '.reduced' and 1 des of a grateful heart, and you. know ihe Observed' was -fir every j liodfsustilat, But once delivered by you, dear Perse- /convenient apparatus as. to car on in a i what the: Bible', says. on that- „subject— rand -which which he` id- not -hinittelf s hekifir's s sus, from what will she not rescue you in Icommop room experiments, on e compli- -"When ye-fast, be not: as the hypocrite's `word of—and SquireP, 4 - -beittt ailed - CA return ? Let :us emunerate :- - .- : 1 cated, which, on a lare e' escale, w hid have ;of a sad countenance, - hut appoint .thy to stand' as . a Wits) -,' ftete pelt - lift " ice 2 1 From the servitued of your base pas-;taken him away fronihorrie and front Lis 1 head and /Leash thy face (aunt Lizele be-'lively colors--the evils 'pf I itlatideret with \ isions : If your home is a happy one, you wife, ! and thus broken up this ' nion and lean; to feel for.her peffiket- handkerchief; IWhichtheir village hid liteirinferittect,46llll ;Fill' apt we underehe smoky lamps of a i harmony of minds: : - e"-' .. : - -- for _he Was a taker of siniff,): that: thon!•particulaily t h e:church eilled'Oti..-Ailuit - 1 , !ball-garden in quest of love, - nor. to . the' ' A - great trial . come .upon :limo His appear ; not un tormeneo fast. ! •,. , .! e. - ILizele in pr&eenee - of theinierankeituilltil !sfeeet of intoxication. -. • -- - '• • !Wife, in coesequenee of a., ,femily_ malady,l ,"Now e there SqUireee•that'a : just. what! fore , ' the ehthili;le;cottie :eitiVend'itialtet i The servitude of weaknazs: You will 1 became insane, and centieued_ so, fur l a ' e l told yon—see have the sc r ip- 1 aekdowledgmiert -for r .-- iitolitineiti -V* : not drag , yourself feebly along, like your- lyear or two.. Me kept her with- bun, and; ter at your tongues eede .what a useful loath - 1.--;- :Aunt LiiiiettlepolOgf **le'tliiit !pitiful- comrade—that young old man, so continued Ids labors in the midst Of this I man you might be in our church, if. On'd ;She' wily told . Deacon Shiperi 7 iiti&on't•i-u o pale, debased and broken down, whom the harrowing distraction. - • - j odly be a doer as well as a harer-of, the' aird she took ah oath- thatr-3,11 iroeldst% 1 women ridicule. True lave will preserve; - Her madness was mild etiorieli, but she I wind," • ," e - • _.-. ' . -:, ' i never 'tell 'nobody , elle , orile' I, ,ltericima you fram this, arid consecrate yourstrengtb. 1 talked continually. • She, dreamed - wide 1 ;" As to that, Aunt Lizzie:, I don't see !Snipe's wife had, ifappeirsittiefin ; The servitude of melanehofy :He who , awake. Site was troubled with vain fearS. 1 that your "prrjeanors" - :as you call them IToo haker'S sister never tee tell[-itolinder i 1 is str on g, and does ainan's work—he who, : She interlarded all co n sersation with queer ;are a whit better than I am, in petrate. 1 on't—and so. it went trotteli'the-iehbie ea e• r !in going out to his daily toil, leaves at ; speech, and hardly permited you to fol- 1 I respect A Sincere profesion as ranch _ 2s:church, and-thence ugh th e, trait& home a beloved creature who loves andlow the - thread olanidea. Her hueband's any ; man; but I know enough of one oft The Squire thee 'n noWiedOl lefotte . ' i; thinks of him alone, is by that very fact !patienee - never failed him. One day I i vienr_church, whom you think ag.reat deal' thewholemeeting, the hebad, - ailie tale a ;inspired with.eheerfniness, and he is hap.; exprs - ed my admiration of his , conduct. roT,:eo know that she is no better than tkel'Aunt Lizzie e ilept wi l t church inmates', e ,py all the day. He said to tee :"In an asylum, where ishio e le!" . ' , . I hall the war np to One-nini•that'be The servitude of money: Receive" for; they would treat her harshly, 'Where they "! At: th es e innuendo e s, -Aunt -Lizzie's ; believed her to be one 1 Orithelikeriest of ;a. truth this exact mathematical maxim--; would not put up with her little whims, Ilitele _black -eyes began to twin -e; she their members, inxeintibli ,- titlisherteethir __ .! Two pers.nns spend kss than one. 1 sile would become entirely mad, and would i 'lelown beside the :Squire, in order to t would' hear :or - retail :kuider.,:e - AAW-tyitir Prim tie Paih:delpAk Ewing Dattetin. i I see many bachelors who remain such r tnevei recover. But well treated, not be-:speak in a lower tone—spread hand-' were ' now= alternately fourSue4,-- B. 4Ltid The Prohibited [look "On I from sheer fright at the expensiveness of ; ing startled or frightened, seeing only a i kerchief over her, lap, and_ be e I to, tap Squire- P.'s` wife —A. . tiLinkii:eojOyeett Love , matrimony e and yet spend infinitely more; a friendly 'face., blearing only connected !the cover of her seieff,,,,box in trite style, kind of diabolieaV .i 1 t'' , if; liriaii-'::dre Literary men of poetic" tastes and amor-: than a married man after all.' They live, andd - sensible words.' she Will he cared at ; and. all thinp being in readiness fora r%e - • Squire no scemerpereepredelfireitiefirtirdie ow t em p eramen t s are apt t o experience; very dearly at the cafes and rmaurants,llast without any otherzernedy." And so, iulae _siege. of "scandeltunniagnatam,"'shei ed - hissentencebeidechiringthatt*elitteli n strange lotesinfe a peculiar fas c ination and - at the theatres. - Havana segars, in fact it did really happen: . 'commenced fire— „ ~,; ;.4 --,--- . :- :: ' :.-, !member, to shot:la t e i'lMeedeeresees t eii to write a book dabbling in sensuous fan-; smoked all day, are to their solitude - an ; 'I do not believe that w ore xemarka-_a ...Now,,, Squire, I want to know what 1 friefref reffelle - - - -r] elee e-e•• - 1.- -zeal le_ eic, exploring the deesest secrets of wo. i extra:meant necessity - ; ble example of affection cap apywhere be ; you mean by one - of cue:church ?- :I know ! :;'- Aunt Lizzie dreer - ia hetc finireindet man's nature. analyzing. the Combinations ';- Why do they smoke ? "To forget,"; found. Young men, in their - first trans- ` wire yea mean—the trollope- e I didn't likeld huge bonnet,'-as ntorthieleittfitiiderislit of morality with earthly instincts. and the! they say- Nothing can he more dins, ; ports for a young and prettg mistree, who' Seknany curls aboiet her- heed when she' shell; and trarebedisiay iotobiiedertiiii beautiful with the bestial. M. i. Miehej. trans. We shouldneYer forget Woe to ;has nothing but roses for them, think ' told her experience.", -- - --• , • iof the - room,-like a deli thati*lffiltellf-kab lei, the great scholar, has experiencedtids: him who forget evi ls , for he never seeks 1 themselves very far advanced in levee' The - stnirefiriaing curiosity was put--,iing sheep.-- -The Szelairek as: nstea4e`biiiisi area, and the result has been a hook on: their antidote The man;theeitizea who," They would give their life for her" l tinghis boots on, had' no occasion to add ; ant into a fit of laughteciesefehiehlit Lore— a mese extraordinary Work—one . ..foe - el:as, ruins not only hiniselt but his , dare Sl7. Life itself is often e.x...iy to glee, ' opus to the _ heele: - .Air ,the. obriady had ! wife, S'uste, B. andeeentbacPatann;carahl e ri t l ee e r written con a e t ore, and as we country. A blessed thine it is to have-, and to 'give is but the affair of te!r. instant; one in het' head ft at - wee' 1 .- Worth' both, of not refrain joining --and Pantatl43.-siftere exe,te:d that the author war , more - than by your hearth stonea reliable and toying' but the perseyerbig gentleness of a well; them. A.ceardirAy be had - no peace tin e : pmrd acknowledged that-ISO:ire P e -hail twenty yews cue-seed in cemp'iling Ma- woman, •to whom yon can open your tried patience, which endures for 'years :til he consentvle; explain wheelie meant ,-, given a death blow - to seandellir the *A /:-..... L. it' 0Y T. 1 terial; for it, it will be justly conjectured . heart, with whom con can suffer. She ` the pains of continued interrepeee, the 'Dy the expre-eelon Fin peiegte"---this - was; lege wW.eleelilapeesellexteotakbiOnattt iL ENG iN. I.: ER, %tura - gy 0 n ,„,.-: that - it is net only well Written, but pre- will prevent von from either deeming or tranquil endurance which ea-Leeks-Ay Tee- a ilw-r .word w:itle Aunt I.:x2'' !, &me_ - I , , ..- me - . , ~. - ei- , t e RAUGIIT's'MAN, llire'eare. Pa:'- - e 0... ! seers some meet erericeas ei.e..eryation.s. ' fergettoiee We must all sufkr, and love,: titis . , reassure, streneehensla coo- t sander -1 . " .)70-e--, Aunt Pe;e.eie, will you, t a ke a; - itai * \--- - , iH . .. , -7c. ,,, P11S a 2,1 iif-` 6 entlT ,rte tl - - 1 tc .:- ' .I'hie werk bee been recently eery well a - nd think- 12 that is the' true life of me and diseased mind, -pes - by evil:, Bible cloth; that you will neverconamu- t , contmuele A Thousand 31 11.311MMIGEw'- 1...:,3.n.-ss entrusted Whim. First-55.7.,._ ____ _ - _ .... , •ee irereo -:- .. - - - - ,, f ' 1 • ...1 , a • - - - i i l _...1...._ , -4,,,ir BLUEIED SVEUT IturtNiNci, Thos. S. Chase,, Ti whom all Letters an Cotatannications sroula Lc addressetl; to secure attention. Advance: 81,23 per Anneim. , a rerlllS of Advertisin - o• r- a - 1 - .4-uan: [lo lines] 1 insertion,. - - -- . 50 ;., 1 I - ~ 3- :.- -- - $1 50 1 r,..Ali subsequent insertion less num 13, 25 1 .'" , riare thive months, 2 50 1 • six 1. ft. 400 f l ue u 550 I I . • • one year, - C 00 - 1 , ,,.. , e and figure Work, per sq.,-3 ins. , 300 r..,, , e, ,übse q ueat insertion, - ... __ .-. _ ,- ...,0 '; : t.'4la:nn six months. -.-- - --- _ Is 0 0 ' 10 00 I- is 4. - - .00 i 1 / " -... /6 00 iy.it4‘ - : : :::/ 4111:02, tlispiaTed, per :noun 65 00 ' six months, - 31 00 --'. " " three " 16 00 --. ,i " one month, -6 00 J. 1 ~ - - ii per square- of It, lines. each insertinn- under 4 -1 00 1 tun of caiumus will he inserted at the same 1 _ riy.3.... I,4ln:,:zator's or Eseetttar'a Nu/ice, 200 4 .o:litor's Notices, each, 1 50 4 elz:itts Sales, per tract, 1 50 kkriage Notices, each, 1 00 -. Notices. mei], - , - /50 - .t.amtras trator's Sales, per square for 4 1. 12S: rtialtiit. ,:, :. i - ::: i - Professional Cards. each, :a: elceding e lines per year. - - 'iarciarand Editorial Notices. per line, _ . 1 - ....'''' All trhnsient advertisements must be ..i:d la advance, and no notice will be taken ffildVe:ll.seillCrltS 1.113111 a dist:trice, lin ks:: t h ey . .. :.-r A:Camp:ln:ea by the rat ey or satisfactory :•11-rtu. 'e• ?atsi.iuss CaOs JOHN S. MANN, • i.A ~ IQR,'"i ET AND COUSSF.J.3.OI: AT I.W.A - c.a&-.-iport. Pa.., witl- attend- tile. sevc-xal i t irts in Potter and MlCtan CA31111 . 2.C5. :U b "i•ize , ..:s intrusted in his e:are trill rceeire :11:1: attention. Ofnce ea Main L. oppo- '! ti: Court 'louse, loil i KNOX. icORNET AT LAN, rotader.i?ort, Ps., Trill tiarir attend .the I:4lurts in Potter and Cale adjoining Cutintiezz. 1(0 i ARTHUR G. OLMSTED, COUNSF.LLOR • AT LAW. esludersp:lrt: attend to all busine.=s tvrast4,l to , atre., with proniptnes Oice. 111 TeLllptraliCe "tk: ;13..Y7, 11.tia St. ISAAC ,lIENSAYS - . :01:NET . LAIII. CaaderN:port. arad bustaesi e u trtkzt e d ;,) Etira. with ze sad pransyktiars4.l tit;irt elnmer of . West' Thiid .stic I riVea ' • sq.') 1..--1•• translated: by Dr. J. W. Palmer of New: man. 1 •'. dreams, 'is, perhapo, -a proof cf the great-' nicate • what. Tam a-ban:. to te.ll - you to a• - A- thousand tenet:* minutes • Void .= - Vaal:, author of•the Golden Dagen, Cali- ': Same men - call themseLes bachelors. 'est of the highest love. • !living Lein; and that yew .cult keep it ttny little son es he raised ins eiyiti-,frnia ~.1.7:-.i - . fornia arid India, :tad other toe.rlaa A Rut are they really sol I have long What surirLsed. me more than all was -'while yob lire n aintatiriviClable secret?" -conning his aeogratoby- es D; !" Itlokta T --- J. W. 8111.0, few extraets, which we give, will induce sought, hat I - have not yet• found that - the abedience that he Obtaitied from Iter;- s ." Yes, Squire, I declare I won't never", d.nol frater than wemareled-orii - the :ears '':'•:: - . - aia - a- - • a aa a . .. = , a.,--... -; ai . •-•-- --t `-• ts' 2 - 1 - •-='-t's-= -fl - • tne pbileaorlical reader to read the wh01e..., mvi - hica-1 being. I have discarered that as to matters she eanl,l not anders+.and •.teli rada:alV nothing -about it as long a/r, f'when we went to Ohio' .; 'rte' lire tali --.: , -..-s-z.votit ::::1(.1 faithfaly, ilreeez-:-.7 =as . - ' < i - It War be u: saved that the tracslation is every body is married; some by tempo- . A reaault of the complete harmony 'and , breathe the breath of life - and 11l takes traveling at the rate ell .seats - fib 'aaaf a-, ;I<i Pos.: 0!..-,,:t in I.:isur.lct-sp4. - A-t, k-,7.-- , . .:1,- ~ 1, - :3. of It. L. Bird_ in ,Su-e-den T-s-r , _; ereented with wonderful f/delitY, deliettcy, ' eery usinmetaa. - only, it is true-secret and •_ p. crt'eat moral developinent in width she "Bi'.ble cath cn. it; . there,arawtin as I live, :hour, I heard some pet4ann raja n".:a -- .a• - ..r tra - a.:.,.:tr r‘v:4-.7.:C.i0n paid to ex-3-..-...1in lag bolas , and satenath. shameful these, lasting sometimes for • had lived. With a body very much ire- Squire; before yea or any other ma ,4 .ster - _• ." Yet, my Wit_ the airiblost rinArtroltra : a.a.aresaaeata. G0e..1 :ea naves gice:-= Th e f e l:k at -i n . - ex t ra ct contaias what h.-- months, saymetine. for a areek,_ and often' p a ired, a naiad utterly hea.-I,talered, some- it-- the Whole country." , .- .- ?'ton mind the tdOsions!,•littninary inky a laaa `fearfully true, not only for Fars, but for only for an hour. Thy marethaes. o:° thita still remained in her, surviving all' " Well, then, lea know when I rent' travels insnitely - faster than any tear, a W. K. KINC/, i our own artat cities- When it is remeM- hourli duration., which are the utter de- • the re- -- t--ommpanioaship and the le.--e..a..a=i- up to Roston a y.r ago." 'Yet yea never heard of the- eartlt"'nr:itnitor„, .•aistar... DRAFTSMA_N _IND et - a:Va. - r- - :bervai thal the u- au of eld mail= in 'gradation uf the woman, are not effected .y of pleasinz; jg a ta r, ad. Love. ' '." Yea yes, Squire. and I know who' off the track, or a erA% - iima between it and ANC - Ca. -" - -3 , 5 11 - - N . -Tt• X - 1-1 - -1 C<-"- l'a- vir-; our Atlantic ci:ies Is actually tarsier than at a less o.a.t to the man_ It is.casier to'l felt ttaaared hi-this firat„ and br others'-x6t with you too-Suser B. and Doll "'Maher planets, or an exilotrintWed View "':: " b"'i'v=. s -' f•-'r, ''•';'' 7 - 7 -' l Jer-''• 1. '" Id " in Paris, the reader will acquit us ci es- feed a whale ehan a Dame cur Cantitlios-"trardoaaut= to it, that be:weep, t'ae pre:calla' T., and, her -sister Prudence." -. • - sands•of peep-beiria knell, " "been*- , . ~_,.-. :1-,.. , 11 7 , 4..._ , ...r.5izi.c.. Le.Z,Zii...c. neat-ea _lf the wife has no feamle friends arlie 1, ed •ta3rld of phaak-leaLsaa..--, and the world.; .'" Nere.i mind who went with me, Aunt emit' syStervis arelle - d'-'"irtiihTroolii:.• He :1-s zi-..c;-, ff rt-gzineo... P. zi..-_Ls of :Lay - 21 ---c7eraf t " : .. - - - - „,!.. ---, 170 ,-- --.. i, - ,---- . 4 - 1 -s - • “We carnet conceal :tem ourselve - that ' roraary tacr,es her •to extravagance in , mom or less nee, where;:n moralists abide, `,.i . i'a"ie there was a whole lot of pasaen-' originated the desigt, I, CI was the glapd -- --= - o. T. ELLISi... - NY, . - 'in theta- latter time; the inclinations hare' dem--, she sends almcat- nothing. She _ i s ' a mixed sphere. which I may =II 'that'. sera-1342a bat"- l• • - - :arc teat -He earn and it stood .aadersaoaeptef).-amaahanataa - ralmiei at, year expenses to such a de- ; o f toh l atzry aa , l-ty-taatt•- Is to .. - _-11-3 - ,,- ef '" None cf your btatsa SqUire-out with ifag... The imatmoe - trams inrelieest L - r - a., - 7.a. - G Pllisia TAN, C o4 <de.--,1-10-_-: .?-a... , of ~ i s are roameraus. 1 w in s=ll , o. t wo Tree th a t th e formula- circa above is to" h a 'ai t s ka. - 1 ,, ,,a =a free at Stat, which it--:- 'if fall's rat act z-4- - --a - tpoilop''---- • r • er;i7aina onward fell dlothonsind pint, 0 2 , ^, :t . ... 7 - - -zlt'zrz.s Ilr:e:-._ , _ .t: . - • • 1,- meutal and pliya.ical at the same ionzer correct We 'must not say " two , ear:mg-1r love, '':.',..a . ..a.c5.• at 'fast a hilp.p3- ;teat i•-' Bua- -Aunt Lithe, I'm akal . d you'll ;ar-d G4s eatteLzei-jai moot 2..;:t. a:a • va-asity :laza he 'will pro=„Tay re- •• 'l'N- ' . - - a - - •• - -me -air ch its.- stral,.•-alat to the bmia'•peasta,r.s„" but "four persons end les " c ...,.-sit v and a we=d nature. . , b-ring me into -a serape-- ,-••- i eompletely elemou..- - tela in therrhananta ~...1: a aa...--..a.: tar araa-saaaa, saar,a-as. ,o/ a - , a, ••• aa za...;- s-. 1. l- t:zi!..r"-.1-. far--eria aa- 'and' e'eadimine it, tend to paralyze all our, than one." She supports the tiro ehil- Lis the aa- . ..t tre,7l; of 107 e 1 0 erinze ,"1 - ve t o ld ; 0 - a over au d gyre 9 _ i re , an d per ,-,,, eta i t i_. T 4 „ai l/ 4 :1 ,4 40 a _ ......E. , . , --a )r C. W. F..;.is. F....-,1.. t ,:::- - ast ral Mc-a-ittea. - era ra. b «1-C i d ....• . - '. this. • • that za-hzaay never shall I 'l , 3W' not:lin e ,. a" l'are •lauded in the Igkowint AA* • - - araeut 1.1,_ and par Wife kraaart I -ain't 1 and yet how they sin: intWiesiggriftanen" •• Faz a zaaturc Fait, the increasina in- Whe - o the marriaaae is juthamous, sntiar a - - a a... a s z)..-.---s- 1- 4 ;`''';---" rssion of saki:tr.:7ns liquars . and warcaim- - ,ea hato with forethought, when the fand- 2 ". F . '""'• II '? 1. " ;- r'. '":" .4. (*. r t I-t--- r - t 3" • ' '..1: - .lk - T-" .1 : ' ' '. • - I when. e t -mowed w ilt,: jii - aria:: I L' • S.1 1 :111 - ii JiaN-Vii has been searehing irreistinly, with re- 'l3adoes not-increase too rapidly, the wife, „ - The Scandal Noneer. - ; g. M c w if e ! i iso ,mii. t , h ave ih er t ws . of fie . .. 4j0i 1„,,,,,, a . -t e r mite ; .1-73;13eit to s -'-'l.--;-F-iliin:tle..-:. _I 1 - ''...'..J ' - 4 7 "" AS *7 ' lD. ("-- ' S:r4-7.•7:17::- , 171.32 . 4 I was going to sty for the arothi-- ; cur ima_aiiions, row , Nen 1 -away to - .i.Let. varyira ae.:`"1111".. to the poplilatioa tar from Mate; a hiradtance. to lib er ty o f , . -- - -Jr- Ft::: -.- r ...‘7'.:k - 12 , ....5:z.T.E0 - 2. - ;1 ,- , la/ a• , ,a&..- - - ---- . ..,-.% i ,--- - ,..,..,i,,..1 1 ,1„..:c ao. t. .: ,--. l „ , p a _ - , -here t) - 11u.rina the mica, hapele._ly de-: action. is on the ..-zr"..aary-, itsnatural and N-ew let at work.. Miachier, film art why. Aunt ;-- if She shoa.d Ww - ', the plama itary systertg. eVirliencnithis - •:-.:1 : - airavina it-aail-e., pezetratiag deper , ..- - -ets-tMI element, Why is it thazt the :afost-'it--' -- ' , . - - li - r - brhui and .31. • little wielecie it - into th`e Dhssimi et-one:ay, rezathiaz even .i . ; Enallahrnan emiamtes s o easily, an d to • A un t Lae was D e acon Saipe's wifes!' i" We'll, dent armed s curie, cute Is just now artbzi - 6,61 ' the hi - with the race it...--a...4.'--but everywhere l i e- -so n.); - _,th adv a ntage for Enalind toera-A .:5 f r . 7, ...5ter-s maiden ladv of *haat tifty--she ' far . alla rid take y +oath that- no liviag , Sara of the cold . to timeanti- Latrag now, giving him, erenia his.harae, • Because his wife faila ee wa him. Expt i went to all the Meetinsept a rettautr . lcoltaar sh a n't never as l eaz u 'na ve , k taw `r , shine- the f rt i, t v iii e l i ..-- sair l e . ,1 ze , , r ,,_, b - le lareit ... 4mce f ilt ...„, x li tsiy en i„, s _,: i a , g e l t ly Cr'laaar, gike India)) t. 6 .En- 4 as:ea/rat t every liith; death and r'..23.!- 4-a \ l lii,. - p en's" "! . _1 . ; • - =hold from the win Serara She - mer. ,,, ,, - _ : 2 1,,ash- a - aataa , we ma y sat,..has sown th e .. r ;:_ atae , with their cati - -.2.2‹,`Lnrc , i 3:2 LLe -i" w,i - J., thini-if cr:4l. 411,17AILNYW it-It are sittinc , el e, ' ladei -With the M. W. - MANN. ~-;:. . n 7.7 s 1 ., , , 0rtzs 1 z .,... r..x . ritimmy.mia f, . ' - •'...• , i0 need to him ot . - -oelety. of love, of- whole erra-th with solid Emellial - a• -eak-aim.': babies knew' eve --- -a aLI - 4 - , in :I- e ne7.a. -- h- 'Crt . with ere ea ,t.t..e ri - cam Of yomithotisauad bott& justE,r4tly, folinuatisaa j:F , :Nrs. rz., ~.. Ittl.ei,i. N w tf. 341, l 2 ,an i ,s ;in t he i r ste ad_ t h e d; ea ,„, 7 ple ;2l -11 . 2 is the strength of the &t ally which laarbra - d-alto - sred all ire Toting ra-_,..-- - liedaelurch members .n=rly; half the , war full bloolom - 2 4, an fold* i: li=elei• 144.2 , : i',..: : - - - :.- - •- cane_ ,- • of a tali ay lire. impt-elna, ' with them Lu - made the poirea and the : lra:4llva hew to make stop, mad when tha-3- 14 ...: l" . _ • , -," ~ ' ' '''' ritaeat . e ,•-t o ' it h e • - k w: 4 • ,4 . ,-- co.l-1,44,.-1 ..r.,.- . 4,, : antes had / 7 ....r.i tack arara..ale every child ta the - lAnnt. - .1i....a - -aie drew in a /.4.,-;cr- bnealla-',4'od.. - Your eyes as4rWitk-lnifinkyoW _ ; .31.111 E GILI.ON. - .er - - - -talent - of the =lna.' • . tee ,a,..- z a n unman (as the polnamy of • There are sk.l=e singularly sii i iami it....,hoaase - Set 'craataisajec?'"•until the 1-aik.: shut- up her =•----6 ba±, - and int it in`her bare just surioeyed#te Imo.`t na tOrmwitise •:-7:zl-17.: ..t."- - -, 7.,tm0r., ta ta • a r c.; ft e taly, et • the ... ., - . 4 d oes - ) a s th eae f a aa more dcstrae-'- 2. - ---;-aaa in the nest extracts- : ~ t changed- In fine, she Was a kmd of v - 11-', iirl=s-- '' 'r' ''•- 'r. hand with winch _,_ _ioar iorily-killitrlwirit, • - is avaraa„l Ilaa'ar.a, -.3a.a.? aa-Fasite Ca.a.a: , th .. e., kilet i a i te, E,...i.i t h . , s ta ma tata t iand. "oCaptire lave, . enneerl - cd in-. ora.T.L., - ; hce EatteArna-vent her, time in 1-.% - filaz; ,cz The l•ikeliart7etour aviihmembieralr"evielie their wonderfullediptneen Wile .11 , 4.. Cl.. oehataaat. Port& to, Pa. •'!%.,.Ae inspire of ir.:114 is barren- It tares' tram hotm to bema - e, saritt3ing cut a gr:st: / the - &-ht. it Was Straea •B --likeliPtv--igairime, for litlieh 3 Ireridgeliiillet: -\-- &-i‘....--;,cva , .. 4 - -1--I ti-- ,,, ria I.) ci. -- r- 61 - en - AMT. e'-‘1"-/2/3.-IF'- T A 7\ ,_:, ./ LI :.;:.:,1 r- . " Ma... ai. , &;" are steadlly en the decrea.:ae • -ar•_, t•-• itself Its l-rzie b u t adds to it% et shade oe vs..---. •,-- 0-- -, --aa-tn ..e,:ra-a-,;traa aa-ao at haaas ~..'-...tatm•taa---a tip the eye.eirmititiitg• litiededel paw. ----:" -1- "azcl.ati -epatts..) Ana, what is , torture, and never grows. The basst.," but always c7trlade..) with "the - way cf Well, ane thinta I lmars-.;the way of r-bel tars of a rairroseopi t i tilt' hand' - . Arb ‘ ... ...e we Gad... A . _.:L1....-Z , -- 41- --': 4:E.-7:5:- r., : t lei servers, th e a ae m a a- is mtantathed - atte af cell:my tike 31iddle Agm) was - s arrars is hard, •;„- "p" -a: - 2. 3.1 m. A„ rr • ata.../gra-..arr is 1:-.a• d ;•• aut 1 heie TG:CEI, ollir snaltien) ma-yielding - :vie& - r . ,.... "Pa:Ma - 4ED & KELLY. - -zazal rely V=ale In Parii.-, What. she is, wily prafactire tqf rail& peat rear is ai B. ~, -, , .. m , the e 2 =-Zie W15,,,T0 pat; her ti!,-AM the nor tell nebady•on't,•kairicfcrsariadn':mee to ear' &light - ate Wista a Illimok„ nry - - _ - .'--t - - - :- A - STOVES- TIN & .'l l-- -Er 13 -ON' r„ --, ex -3, :: -: =a ..,,,,, , ,a , •‘ailer. • at at omit(' • war...atria almc. Abehnd am- tosaikA :."hetnam cf zny_hent, - ft): same anah. - m•-v 'as: the- wrali, if Sieh a thine - :: 1 -1, bei son., When - we koak abriaanposltheandin „,.'"--;.:7•E. a^.-...aa :sta. :-.e._<....-Zy .*-.-,7, 7 ...-, , ite :be ("--:.‘-zrt - c she , _ ,_-, , wife Mere ca was Datte.. The Free -Sias -a.z. wh; , .RO.- :,,aiag r-Fee - 1 t Armt Lith.e. wz.--s 1:-.17.noira, car clam-gh would be :.snatt.ed lot God we are Impreenia 'anti lbi Aid .71"1".- . --- e-...d.r.r,-,......-t. ..i35... - 3.1.: zrast Sittt.-1 1 :;.7e: - '.-•-- nc-s a ""' e-- •' m l - a . .1 - ,„ .., ~,..., --„a t . z. j a .... 7;x -,..4 F , T i t ., c - her tweray-Efth year_ . Hence, a mt ear' have found and =tared the!' pauper art, : trays ra---.7 find af am:ar a -- a anaera lad rama-a--i, like al-- - ---a- without a ale - he ~"j. that -It '''• au act efintotrokSeensket 'ilathe ,= - P. .• - -;:. - :::.:,...,1.... -.. ' • -,. ''' .. ef vr"t;a••••• ----a- frequestly oflived ar• the chatthes le traailim,• _ sad others, witheart r --- aa•-a - ol to time ez plate; ln a' few merzents. Aunt 1.- ± TirL. took Almighty. Nieuwe ct;the woicene be .%._. _.,.... y..._..r.:-.. - ... -...., ...,...... ---- -I*.ry se" - e.U . rn• ei 4- 7 ;• - •a-aae er brelen 'continued those great forum century i: 4 sMate of their =rads; haw they en- ilz.'r der: za-tore the ST-',...a.e gave anathilomi.d. ma ear to cur i feeble anniidicuted 0I7) - Ex:sporta - HOTEL. - ' a l a, ' - ' heal-la in cen_aeueat - ea Marriage k not to teat aay by lace-altars labarr. 'Loyatd their winds,' &e. TheeeraTacani,-alan andaaly re -...1, as she wld'""..- , aWatl-,,' pa Yakata - "' ' . •"- - I! • -1•-• ••••,- - a.........a35-lallE. Itaaritu - sr. Cazarr at i 4. - .1, - - , - 1 4. - a- ~.a = aa,,,,--) ..s. .- .- .... a --- la a_ even hindi-aaeromehtowaarrattottics. " 31.--rfarge the may ...mat wiairah ar. ware trenerally f'S.ll-ewed b 3-.. a string af br;rit---le.. me -A-eae. far a sem-e,.". '' • - !, ' • ... E. - a '''''''''` .l-- "'''' - •-j - i,a`' . -An 2 - mhum.tri smae of Wings- t a - -- tLat once _--nr4le" . 5 . _ C.iimirs with its - two essera- sma-2,23,' vallial was m1..-.--Ta*a; to v:::--1--- - aZT r,ll was net may lardaveS.9l:are.P.; - A ate= wicie- lam -lE4o.seirl _....._...t-t. ' ---._.._._.________ . n :.,, ene 1.,,,, A - e i s b a t a war upon the woman,- tial pearets; mrata-a . 3- hr pare happir-a, the paa. - --ae tad hapramess ti same cf her_ resat: as a very -partre" . • pate 4-tam Pa.-saes; - ..w:•reza . ‘e-k.-1-- - "..stio 2 5 1 1*t?„Srtairol ALL/W/3NY MOUSE, ...-..: -ao la.>, v i .. . ‘ - e - trr , a..... ! -,.,-. 4 .'h er; an d, and at times. brilliancy - by velumm.ra ale-' >' :1eg!..." I.:1:s and friar:lst boat ` h x - rte.:534 ZeH3C.z... - .V...!:;Z: /13^,' t 6. a1...,- , ...m.- . z . a -- , ....ea m -- - tP 7 it:": l will; . 1715 - -- _ 4 .7 1 ,4 1- . , vi . 5 ..3 " I " - 1 ••-• N::; 7 L ''"- t'7-0.Z::'•-..MZ, C O :tS4. , -ar - P T ‘2 -. ' 7 ' - :- - ,'" s - 3. -' -..."- f Z=r=l.2l..t. .CY:e.. , 1.... 2, !" NI e".zZ3Z-'• /se./ VT to amr-e.'"atinenae. wad= free :xl-:.1t".*. - e-z - --::.^=l of ii.'..- "ce-Ar t - A -- - :=t 7.1:S csr . a.u. ii ., -3,. ....a."-;s - 'al-aed - af, the- thaarelia aa- i =ay - clitEe • r„,,iiib.,-,,, t , me . az i ~..! , : r..., ..--t i, .2 .7i. .4 ., z , - mt - endl '''`,--: v:' , -- I‘ , --,-4-.-e. , ---.i1,-5 -.7... , .7-11.7. (4.." Co-. - - 'ir"m z•':- - -"-tz• - ••- , -- --:-- - :- : *, - a - - - - - o ~.. Via;.; - • - "---. 17 -I••ii'a •-•:. - a . aza • The fanzwieg eItZT-Zl:7 salarag. terth the 'art_ 721'....Z.:-:T a- tie:L:7Z el-.II•FiFY:I".I` -:'ILIS' :. - - - rt2 Coaterante rx.r.o_ in C - 342.: t , ' - ' i c. p, E IN • lERY ESE - - _ . , ' . -• 7 - .' -7 ',"-:. • : :-..,:..;,-47.,:,,,,,..,,',..,..'i1.:,t.,,,„,,,,,..-.777,...!J,-,_,2,-_,.,,,,f,,-j,,,4,,,,,-.:,,,,..,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ......,•,,1*.i . e7e.,..e, e 9, -, ....,, , , eol,olVlgea _fece7c4areeeirri'-tarfreelle : :LteteFeeeetiee.7l - AreZe,',:i. , ,Sete.;:se,i'le".:NM.,,,,ll.4,lo4:, r .e.....P. , ,,Qiiewe • -"- --! .., ' i''''iT j. ,', : - ''' . e. -.• -` t .00 11 ft, 1 / 4 A, .......... ' ' -f. ,, , :,'' j.j ,• (1 ~,1, ,:, .1 Z,:: :.:j 1v. ,. . : ;.`,..". - .,::::::,.*-. J . Y_', , ,,, ^,......' - 7 , ‘. 4 1 ,7v 1 •2..., , -, - ' -,: .-• . - . ..,..- :. ~-:. ..-: .. : ... ... . . . . . . ~ . 0 ":. • ;,...,:: .1_ ... , -...! .-:.'.. !., l ' JI. 7 :41k . : . . . , . u : .:, .- ... ...... .:„„. i ,, 44 . .;.„. 1 . , .. . ... .. .... ..., .., •. . ~, 7 .:.: -,:.: r_.;'.'.',.11411 . . - . -`_Js-:; .. .::;-. :'; , ','''''.t , . 1.•'..:...i: "1',.':; ,- 7;`,-:: ',..,, ' , . - . . ,_. . . .-...---.- ' ' It(ttis ,Coanta: D-enn the Y. N. Evening Fait NO LONGER YOUNG. No longer young! how sad it seems, To mark our mornitto's waning beams, To feel our dreams are only dreauis. To hear in mirth of girls and boys The refrain of our mirky joys, To seem to old for simple toys. To catch a shadow in the glass— A flitting shadow as we pass— A face no longer young, alas! Lore's prophecy roung rears enfold, Tithe steals its glow wrilt fingers cold— There's something sad in growing old. It never comes again, in sooth, With manhood's wisdom, ages truth, The pleasunt fever of our youth. We find, while memory's sea we sound, rarest treasure wreaked around, How much we missed, bow little found • Once from Life's miser hand we Uought ,Joy, wilder than our wildest thought, But hit, she kept the joy we sought.. For no new gill we still may bow ; :She binds upon our faded brow, No opaline crown of promise nBw. We bear no more the - exultant palm, Triumphant, toward our zeuith's calm, But groping erareward, sing a psalm: lE3 ;The self-asserting soul will crave The song-like joy, it sought t o save— ; 'Twill shrink back front the dress, dark bare 500 Age hail its pleasure, nee its pain, The ripeness of Time's soberer reign, The sated eye, the burdened brain Tice palsied pulse, the measured mien, The vearning for what once hath been, The waiting for the dread unsten! Hon - happyywith whitening hair. Ana filet.. ail limn:Nl with lines of care, ;The soul looks upward youn , ilatl fair. CiWitt grAiliff, MIN REA *.Oota io . ' .- . .4l:,tiliel ; b;illio, - i6 ;•.',.:06. tiii, ii6',setqiiptioil.-ot iff0hi1i,:,:t.i1.11•11070.:41,1-1-a.71.40 BY sbarr CLEMMEIt tMI COUDERSPORT,.POTTHR COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 30,'1 . 850,, 11 1 ..1' :;'''',-Ltfi....?ct ...~:,~ .. f . ~.= ONTE. : -" TEBES:7 41.25 :TER I AILIMUL ~~s,~ls~ it :~~ ~ _ ) ',).Z i.O • • ' ~s‘ s I.;+ '•:',_:::._ ~ ..:1i.T.::1-':?:. f 0,!4 k: 1 1v.7:.7.• - r i'if - ....r.i el 1-0 !I v 1 SUM
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