':';..4:044 . :44 - r_:4:t. - ::::;7:- 1, • . 1 - pipit ea game , Amo - Pi • norilcutttatrial: IfQteit-for the D 1 9 1 # 1 4. If the ~,Ireather nolitiones es fine as it its at preient all the Qarif gardett crops willintye been planted . [,afore, this' nuMber reaches, 014' resders. lily peps; Onioriii,4aVitic,eatibiges; cau liflowers, lettuce, radishes. celery, , 41.0*-4 will have been sown on the warniwt . In the garden. If not, they should he Own , immediately ; least:es snOn-as' the ground is in;:werkitag oomlitien, hut' teat till then. If not alreadYdone, a few I early potatoes should be planted innuedi ately. keeping tlietnitt'a warm place for a few day!, befure, planting, They will -start earlier. Peas, if pn4sible, should be planted hi-tt single Tow; as - they:then 'get i wore- light and heat, and produce .earlier end more abundantly. If this cannot be I done, plant in rows four feet apart or five' feet, with a row of early 'cauliflowers or cabbage between them, . Seine English gardners plant'peri in hills - from three to tire feet apart, according to the variety, five or six peas to each They : are ', poled like beans. The amount of seed eecessary depends on the variety; 'th e . early dwarf kinds require sheet :30 peas to each lineal foot; dwarf marrowfats, tall marreiwfais 'and 'all of similar' habit, 12, The small sited peas should be planted 21 inches deep; the large sized $1 inches. Do not tread then in, espec ially if the soil is at all wet or heavy,— Kent,,Cliampion of England, and Knight's Dwarf Marrow. sown at the same time, will ripen in siiiite_squin.- The . ' Vicrmpiou,of ,Engittud is axtelloious pea, 1 end very productive. BEANS.—l'lant -on warm, dry soil, in hills fear: feet; apart, Tlv! soil should be as rich as possible. Stick a pole about ten feet. long in each bill, and', plant five or sir beans around it. - This is better than poling _when' the beans are up, as. the .. .operation istipt_ to disturb the plants. Threir-pjanti in a hill are suffi cient. If cold, 'Wet weather comes, and the plant's. die, Opin•igain immediately. E,3t4tiNti BEAS: N are sown_ in 'drills' like peas, - They should have a warm soil and a snarly, aituatiori., •One pint of beans will plant a row fifty feet .long:.. If. wore than one row is needed,: Maki the rows'tiro feet deep. . . •. Orti,oss Atitit C.ittacers should be:sown irt,:reWn one foot apart. The foruier de light' in rather a heavy loam; the latter In-Idhie Ideep, , rich • 'Soil. The -• Eerly Shortho ? is 'the' best - carrot for table use: It may be eaten ',When quite ydung, and should consequently he sewn thick, and thinned put AS ,wattted,- ItaBDfEPB _AND. Beuts. r -Row in rows two: feat- apart, and thtn. out to twelve inches in the tows., . - - • CABBADB AND CA.llLiFLniVErts.--- . .Sow on a warm' beidei or gentle hot-bed. Sow thick,` so es :to'harve;plenty for the fly and enough fCr: yourself, and thin out and transplant. J1,4._ thief. They are always better for transplanting before finally set ting out. , The same -remarks apply to celery - and . tomatoes; ...It l • aargsaav- CANEs, • if they have,been covitid - be;taken out and tied to stakes. T.heutnies should be, shortened backiltraving their*. front two to your feot lon,, ,, ,.acCording to strength. - . - AtiiiiitAtits Reps should be slightly forked' over ,and manured.. , TEIZ-IloT-BED•will require careful at tention. thia -tuonth.`. : If too cold, some fresh,- warililtorse.dung should be flaced retina it.' The"eneumber vines should he gagged' down, cutting out all but the , strong and fruitful vines. These should' be trained so as to i . cover 'all the gpace— say.froni to fifteen inches aintrt.-H As wen as the fruit is set, and begins to sraell, - the Vines siti.uld he pinched off two leaves above the fruit. ..By the titne the Grit euenitibers are ready to cut. the - vines vallitavi - -puihed - out ag,ain and. f,irm'ed deti fruit, Which will grow raPidl2fas soon as the other is removed: the vine is very strong, not more than one cucum bot,,,should-Jraieft on at - The celery; tomatoes, egg- plants, &e.; eons tit boxes Pi• the hot.bed; should be r*netied _to 'a Gold . friree,' or it the weath'- erTia very_ itarM," to rt.sunny_ border. In transplauting r uir.e- should be taken :to disturb the roots as little as possible. They should;-have a gentle watering, if (memo.; fy, - Witli"Water of a temperature of above, BO `obey. should, be : set out- in • rows fourAipio_irrelles apart, and remain here till the trounci is rtady for their fitialset ting-out„. . . ; 11U lustre - a gond vegetable garden, the soil= cannot be' tea' rich. Ripid growth is desiribla'lt,is . better' to manure in the fall ;,. f itui; if i thia:bas b een neglect ed, the moo_an& sliotild Door be spaded and heavi ly =inured with rich. woll-rottml dOng. auti:be,eare.ful thorcrughly :incorporate it with the soilr - - " WAY TO CULTIVATE POtA-, VoLgio = ' .. PrePtiTe the :grotind well; and if Ad IV strong turf. .the ground may he fur rowed7verr shallow.. Drop the potatoes any , desired:Alga= apart - y At please,. gocer „theta, with a .00w, :Malt ng a sha_rp age.' ilistirli.some. of tt.e end. Mille by tru•ning. a 'wand ; but with a , little tom .-,secd and a:hoe that evil. may -be lxnfletiied.- - The -potatoes will be ebwered rather deep; And some days'after planting fnita:i.ciiimuon kill. Chain; hook each end of,the Clud re, iron lid .gOod bunch oS tiro. ber hrush, and•liitch your team to it cen. tro link of the chain. putting a spreader into the Chain in order to carry the front egd OftheTbrtrah in _each furrow, letting the brushy parts lap over each other; lay a short board across, and you may ride at eerie, and see your ;Imbeds swept . as clean a 511,41 stouid.deaireg:' ©fter:tfee_potato~s hatve • begun, to breik - . krotteil, repeat the eatue operation, and you Will heyleased . - see all -the-3111811 14etls breshiti tali of the hills. The iou:4 , 44 :done by hoe and ap, Run; u (us, / 4 1. 1,./., - A:. -4 2 .1 HARtlOWlNFFlP 4 quiroEs.—!;lf,jmfa , oei jiisu - before' tbri*,Aouti - are genii ng. thnntelf the greu nd,, the - atter. bur:of.hoeing The harrowing .also breaks the •crust of the soil, and - the sheet 'Can-penetrate' through the-ground inure readily,. It. has:alStian: Either 'advaniagei'iit reHnerea,ti i Portion' the soil:from-above, the plant, and thug the plant - receives , .during: the titat. stages of its growth, when-ithe soil i‘f cold, the more direct' influence , of the san.si present`an engraving • of arrow used Engle& for this purpose; •It .is utaile tw:, parts, 'each-being convex,. and! übout two feet' wide. connected by a har laiiruss theta Odn its rtheir'separaiien to a greater or smaller distaiie, a.s to fit the width;of ; and it is drawn by one home, ,which wallts between the drills on whichliteperaites - . . LEM iPD AsitEs.—.7liciro,nyhty/eacts eii,..ashei---tzentain' "no potash. .: In' seine places,hoWever, they,are nut leached thor unghly;:nod such ashes. When' applied to ground do good: _'Occasionally is raised With them privions..to leaching, to increase toe, Causticity; when , this 'is the wow, this' nine - with, prodttee cood.ef, feet on Solis,. destitqte• of: . , more-or less charcoal; this aleSorbs ammonia 'from tile air, or substances' eon, Itaining it , 1 when :4 brought in contiot, and ;this anintonia is !given out to plants dur. ling their iirpoess of growth. ,The char. 1 cOal 4 therefore , :useftd, wheri applied to !this soil, as a fixer of aintoonia, apd it 6 one.or, the best. If the soil wants potash, f 1 ea h a ashes Will not supply the lack . !if mum* barn - sari barnarti , ptantire is the cure; lif A:0 be. ter . apply 's; few bushels Of. the. 1 cot:union air-Slaked .o.i r tiule ur marl; ifs fixer of anononiai plaster (ground gypsitin or sulphate of Jitne), is the, best-- Oh.io . . WITHOUT anoliao4 to use n. tie oxyg en. _ ni , land return' the!.earbo the- at ospherei I;piants could Without: plants to carb , in: • Pnd return the oxygen to ',the carlictsphereyauirlial:.s could nut live.. f. -..A.dialittistrotor's , Notje. L ' TERS of 4dniinistration on the Estate s.oluat , litah, late of - lienesee tOwn ship, Potter Co., Pa:i deceased,. having been granted to the - undersigned, ail'persops Indebt ed to .said estate 'will make immediate 'pay ment,,and thoSe 'haying elttimti against the Fame will present them to me for' settlement. • WILLIAM KURD. Adm'r. • Genesee. March 13;18'59 Administra . trix Notiee, 'ETTERsot Administration on the Estath 1.41 of CIIARItS C.: WARNER, late of Harrison toWnship. Potter;; 6., 'Pa., deceased,. haying been granted tio.the undersigned.. nil persons indebted to sithi..escate will make immediate payment, and thnse having Maims against the same will presedt them o tpe fur-settlement. MARY ANN WARNER. Adner gairlson: March 7. 1853.-30.6t* 11_1[CAVY CORN-FED HOGS, from Wyn, Ming and Living3ton Counties, are being paelied, an'd, will Le - untiLlannary. 1859, by 20 ! ui sn h Year, of the Enterprise 2 NEW LIST OF GIFTS, FOR 1859. CATALOGUES . FREE - TO : G. EVANS, ffit or;giimi aift 5.004 sloie, • Nu. 439 Ch e stnut 'Street Philudelpia COmmences the New Year. with an - enlarged 1.141AW - gne, a greater variety of Gifts. increased facilities for buying Goods and doing business. and is now preparrd to. offer greater induce ments to Book buyers thaq ever before, Time has proved that the Gift System is permanent. EVANS,is determinedto prove that his Estate , lishme it. is conducted under.that stem-in a more i bent' and imp. , rtrial manner than any other.. Having lived dawn almost nil opposi -thin: and having the legitimacy of his - plan'hf operation acknowledged from Maine . to. Cali fornini he can, afford to be generous. - Try him, and judge fur yourself.: • - :. ' - . SCHEDULE - OF GIFTS. Pateni Engl6h Lever Gold Watches. $lOO 00 Patent Anchor Lever Gold Watches . . 50 Ou LadieS' IBk. Case Gold Lever. Watches, 50 00 LadieS' iBk. Case Gold Lever-Watches, . - cipen dial, 35 OC Cientit; Silver Lever Watches,' ' ' 25' 00 Gentf Silver Lever Watches, _ 15 00 .Gent.i' Silver Lepine Watches, - Ou Parlor Time Pieces, nev . pattern, 10 00 LadiO.Blegant Black Silk. Dpess.Pnt- - -, ` teins - — 15 . 00 Ladies' do Plaid - do do 12'00 Lad4s! Come° Sets, (Pia" and_ Drops;}'_: extra fine, • . . 'l5 00 ILadik Cameo Sets, • ;- cto 110_00 Lad4s'lGold Braceleti.Stone Settings, 00 Ladiag Gold Bracelets, plain or englav-: • ad Band, ~ - 5 00 Gents.:SqlidGOld Vest,Chains. new pat., 14 - 00 Gents' hrsl,Englisli plated Vest Chains,' -.5 00 -Ladies' Guaids, - or Chatelaine Chains, :choice. 15 00 Large Gold Spring Lockets, double cases, 10 00 Large Gold ? Snap Lockets: , do .5 00 Meditim'size, Ica. 3, 'Lockets, - . do 3 00 }teary Gold Pencil Cases; with Gold Pens, 7 50 Suinrior Gtild Peps; with Holders d: tso.s, , 3 00 Lidies' Gold Pencils, ' • " • • • • .2 00 Gents' Hervey Gold Pencils;. , _• - • ' • 350 Gents' god Pens, With Silyer Extension ‘, 2 00 Ladies' G-ol'd Pens, in Bakes with Ivory," Holders; , 113ttlers, - ,1 50 . Ladies' MOSsie Gold StiMe Seta, - 19'00 'Ladies' Fpdrentine SOS, Pin4and Drops,, 10 00 •La4lies'.-letSets,_ do l . 'do . .7_50 Ladies Lava, - do:, • ~do -10 go 'Ladies' . Caruso Pins, large. 500 Ladies" "do do - mediud!, . ' 350 :Ladies" ;do ' do small, ' 250 Ladies' Gold Stone Pins, •. 2 50 Ladies Box and Glass Ilipi.tkure or Hair - 4 2 00 Ladies' Plain Gold Pins, nevr pattern, 250 Ladies' do Ear Drops, •.! 2-00 Misses': do Gold Pins, , 150 Gents' bluster Pins, opal centre, 2 50 Ell Gekts'. Siolti.Stone,f!ins.:, •.; Gents' Cameo or 3losalc.l3olom*iidsc, 450 Gen tiq:ograved do do -;• •2. toi Gents': Plain '+- 40 -Az , ••;"-`- do Gents'.Sleeir,e Jant.tonsv-i-t Ledies'• :do: do • . 1-, ,r,SI C : 10" E•adies'jPesrl Card cases, 04t. lAdies'enmeo, xiossic v lor,Clold tibbon- Pins,? t c 1 5(1 Gents Pearl..PockatAtniTes, 1 3, blades,:ti best 'quality; - 7 : . - - 1 ix, Vr ents , ..fleff,or Iv,ory4,- - , z de AO. SlisseC.LOva -44v1 ,Gaid7W49,tell;Zeyti end-Pencils - 14ente— .'Mon, . _.-liarah.subt and 1110ani. will be ea ibeir,guird Davi :.bs ,_/ 111141211 4°° 411611e4 t li rt i e ge lt irifire m'ae ladll lpd rnif t G Rin ts ', bold TA 'lgs,:with.Ston tti e Setting, 2 st; :•=r ia r r il43° : , • :" lind sl g aitta° ; a f ar7 4114 " . ' 9O ladies',:.:_; AO. . • •-‘ '" '• • • Sets Silver-Ptated.Tes 5p00n5 , ;.:2,00 Silver-Plated.Butter Knives, .:.100 Ladies' or Gents',,Porte-mennaies,•••,-.:1 50 Gentti' , Gold••Watch E„eps or Vestlilooks, :100 Ladies' Florentine Breast Pins, , ..3 50 Ladies' Jet • •--do . ,„ t • ,3 50 Ladies' Mosaic . ' - '0 00 Ladies" Cameo Ear Drops,. v, ,• , VV:: - 4 50 Misses' .do . f do • • . • :2 50. Misses' Ear Drops, with Stone Setting, - . 2 0 Misses', Gald -aracelet, lialf Round Rand,-4 0 0 Ladies' ;,, do do 0.00 Gents' Scarf Pin, V • • ... 200 Gents' Jet Studs, i ; ".• 300 Gentsr Jet Sleeve Muttons, v, azo Misses' Gnid Crosses; • • , 50 Miscellaneous Gifts. net entsiocrated'in the above List, varying in vainir _ _ !., from : I • ,25 cents to $35 00 •e SSJO worth of, the. above Gifts will he impartially distr*ted among Purchasers with every $l,OOO worth of Rooks sold.. 411 Books Sold at Publishers' lowest prices. . . , - All books that - Evans ,dues not . publish him self art, bought direct, trout the Publishers, and in large quantities. - -Books to suit every taste are to'be.found on his Catalogue, - at prices which would be an inducenten. even, without the Gift System, which, °Biwa so many adai tiOnal advantages... :• _ . IWorks by the most popular authors, and 'dead, in all styles, from. the most 00907 td the plain and substantial, at astonishing loge prioes. CATALOGUES SENT FREE TO ANY 'ADORES'S. • Bay'd Tit vlor'iTrni's. Works'of Dean Swift,, Works oiMissl3renter, “, , Jture lialiburton !' - Bulwer, : , . -,, ~ ' " pr. liivinastone,, "• De Fcie,, '!.* Lavvrence ° Sterne, " - Addison, " Waverly NOvels, ' " Thackeray, Works of, D. Franklin, " -Dr. Johnson,' ,_ •"• Thos, Jefferson, ." J. F. Cooper; • •." Charles Dickens. -:". J. T..lleatiley, • .; " Mrs. Sontiiniorth, " , Frank Forrester, 4' Mrs. Rentz, • " Duel Miller, ",- ". Mrs. Set-Iv/kik; . 4 • „Cap Mayne Reid, "- Clintitie,Bronte, Watien.lrving„ "- .drAe " U. Spurgeon ".._Cant Mariyatt, Peter Parley, ". ,Mni. Moodie, 4, St!) °lle _ ", • Fielding, " Perry, • " Wilke9 , •,;••• " :Burton, ‘• HISTORY' AND" BIOGRAPHY O' THE tlol` CELEBRATED AUTHORS Bancroft, " Goodrich,. _ Ferguson; e o 12; • Lord,. , Sphrks. o numerous to mention. Allison, Hume, ~ Macaulay, Prescott, • . Gibbon; .• Robertson Headley, . And e. host of others, to , ANCIENT AND MODERN POETS. • Butler, - ' - Milton. T. B. Reid, • Spenser, Mrs. J,,srnicson, - . Chaucer,. - Byron, : , • Mrs. Humans, • Scott, - Mrs. Norton, Moore. - 'Kemble, . Dryden; •- I • Longfellow, Pope, - , Tennyson, • Barns, • Cowper, Leigh Hunt. _ Whittier, Mrs- Sigouroey, Dante, "Rogers, •• i - • EW. Ellsworth, Southey, • Hnod, IL Kirk. White, I Tupper, Tasso, t Gdickmith, Mrs. , amieson, . Wordsworth, - Alice Carey, Shelley, • Keat.. Montgomery, Edgar-4. Poe,. . "Bryant, " ' He has the above in all styles of binding,' from plain - chub to the finest calf and'antique, to suit all classes of purchasers, He sells these as cheap-us any other house in the coun try, besides the additional advantage of a Gift with each Book sold, . -LBUMS FOR:THE Albums' of ail sizes aticl styles Or binding. to s u; t all tastes.. priativel illustrate i'with mag nificent Steel Engravings. BIBLES, PRAYER BOORS : HYMN BOOKS. Metlird't Hymn 13oaks. Epilcol Prayer Books, Blptist Hymn B loki Catholic Prayer Books, ,Lnth'an Hymn Book:. ?re‘byt'n Hymn Books, Of '.411 sizes. and- t ound '- l in- all styles, ,Ar,i hesque, Turkey morocco, Antique,;Yelv.et, ac., with aud without . chteps..l- • ` 1 ' - • .- - : 1 - "FAMILY BIBLES. : 1 : . 1 s' - A large assortment of Family Bibles, of all descriptions and all prices, from. $1 to $5O, illustrited witiv tine engravings, printed with large type, on 'g'ood paper and in: various styles bf. binding; from the. simplest to the most ornamental: . Pylpit Bibles; In va , ; rlous styles,.at loik prices._ • A. complete Classified Catalogue of Books, in every, department of literature. con taining a complete List of (lifts, - with full in._ strii etio ris to Agents and parsons tbrmi ng Cli b will he sent free to any part of the Union. Per sons wishing to form Li entries, should have it as a book ot reference before making out their Beitit fot it, and you will be-convinced of the cheapness and varlet. or the Books, be sides being'plensed with the'liberhlity of the system. • - - Orders from:the country promptly and tutt isfaciarily-filled, and goods sent by mail or.ex press'to any.part of the. country. - A ny' btaik published in thellui Led States,-the retail price of which is One Dellar or upwards, will bc promptlr sent bY'uiall on receipt Of publisheei pri^e. with. postage as pet catilogue. Liber dconnuissihns persons formirig Clubs': Parsons acting as Agents for "us can reap all the advantages of the Gift-sys tem without any 'cost' to ,themselves, - .. th us get tin a Library. of - gocicl honks very .short time; . besides which,; the Gitti ,received .with the commission books; will sell for wore than enough to amply. pay - them fur their tro Agents wanted in et ery town in the Vuton. Persons wishing to act as such, and all 'lose doss of a Catalogue, will - confer a favor sending their address to G - . 1 Giftißoolc;Storc and I'ublishin.9 Ifou#, • ,43l clitsrtio 4TIIGZT, [33-tl.3t.] Philadelphia, Pa, e.ive:We4resent you with a-Inconel:a ol DR:4 MORSE--the. inventor 61. MORSE'S . DliiN ROOT PILLS. This philanthropist hat: spent,the 'venter part of his life inltraveling having-visited Europe, Asia, and Africa. n well as North•AMerion::-.has spenfthree year . among the Indians of our - Western• country=- it 1 1, 133 tn this way that the; Indian Root Pill; Were first discovered. Dr. Morse - Was the first. min to n3tablish -the fact that all diseaes arise from' IMPURITY OF .TIIE , ILOOIY. , r that our streneth. health and. life ,deperidefi upon. this vital fluid. '. • , . When the/ various.passii,ges beconne clogged: and do 'not act in porfeet harmony with , the ditferett functions of the , body, thebluodloses. its action, becomes thick, corrupted and; dis. eased;: thus-,causing all- pains, sickness and distress of every name ; our strength bansted, onr - health we are deprived of, if iiatetre'is not as in throwing off th ' e stag nant humors, the .blood , will become choked and 'cease to act, and thus our light of life will forever ho:blonva out. Now important then that !we should keeip the various passages-of the body free and open, And, hew . pleasant to us that we have . it' in Mir power" to put -a medicine!in your roach, namely.' Murse's In dian lif l at Pills, inaninfactiired from: plants and rowe'ivhich grow-orotund. the. _mountain -0113 cliffs iu Natiire'S garden, for the health and recoverY,hrdiseo.Sed mad. One . the routs froin Which these Pills are made is a Sudorific, which opens the" pores of skin; arid assists Nature in throwing. Ont the Aner parts of tbe . corruption within: T,,The second; is, tt. „plant whicir is an Expectorant, that-opens and un clogs the passage to ;the lungs, and - thus,- in a soothing manner/ performs its dtity . by throw ing off Phlegm, - and;, other- limners from the lungs by copious spitting. The thlrd.is uretic, which gives ease and -double. strength to the kidneys ; ;thus eneouraged,. they draw large amounts of- inepurity froth the blood,. Which is then-thrown out bountifully. by _the iirinary or water .pansage; and *Which eoUld not have been disoltargal .in any other way: The fourthis.a. .Catilartie. and iaeootnpatties the oilier properties ;of the Pills.witile engaged m purifying the, blood; the coarser. particles f a - linty:why which :Oannot pass ;by the other outlets, are tlit*taken up and conveyed off in great quAntities the bowels. - , 1 $ :Virg., Townsend, S. 31. Smacker, " T.. S. Arthur, • a A. S.. Roe, D. p. Thompson, Sam Slick, • " .11 . a0on Harland, ~,CbArles Lamb, . 6 Rdivard Everett, " Lorenzo-Dove, From the above,-t,t is shown that Dr. Morse7l3 odian Goat not oi-Iy-enter the stomachj, :but become united: withr the blood, for tbey fine way to every part, end completely rout out' and cleanse. the systemfrom all. imp, rity,:add.- the life of the body; which is the blood,' be- 1. comes - perfectly healthy; consequently .all i sickness and pain is driven'frrtint the system, I for they Calinet'remaiti when the body becomes so . pnro and clear. 1. ; , . The reason itylisJ ; •;petiplel-are so, distresse&l when sick,' and writs° many die, Is becautie'' they not get a :Mndleinie which will pass: to the afflicted parts; and 4lifelt will open the' natural passages for the disease . W be,cast oat; hence. a large quantity of food and other mat ter is lodged, and the stomach: and ,intestines are, literally oterllOwing with the corrupted ! , man ; thus u4dergaing disagreeable fermen tation, constantly- mixing with the blood,whieli throws corrupted matter through everyvvei l: and artery, utitil.lifc is taken ; from,. the .body by disease.' Dr. Morsels PILLS have added to thetnseiveS Victory: Upori. victory',-bY restoring millions of the sick. to blooming health and happiness. Yes, th-ntsandsWhti have; been rackellorrtormented with Sietkattsi. Pain and , anguish. and whose feeble. ft-tunes:have been I scorched fly' the (turning- ekitieuts of raring. ! ! fever, and who .baVe been brought. as it were,. within a Step'of the silent grave, now stand ready to.iestify. that they would have b .en numbered wilt. th e for td. had it not: been this great and wenderfal n;edittine, Morse's Indian Eliot After one or two-doses had been taken, they were. astonished, and Aso, lately surprised, in -witnessing their charming effects. - Not only do they give immediate ease and strength, and take away all sickness, pain and anguish, b;:t they at ence. go to work 'at the -foimdation of the disease., whiCh iS the bitted. • Therefore, it .will; be shown. especially by those Who use these Pills. that they will so.cleause and parifv, that ease—that deadly enemy—will take its flight,, and the flush of yonth and beauty will' retarn. and the prospect of a long and happy life will cherish and brighten your dayc... Sold by SMITH kJONTES,.Condersport; also .by" all :Medicine Dealers in. the -county. J. WHITE. 'CO., - Sole Proprietors, No. 50 - Leonard st., New- York; .W M. MUDGE & CO.. proprietors of Dr. A. Trask's.Magnetic meitt,)' Earlville,Madisoti Co., N. Y„ General Agouti.. iit)% AR i) ASS( WIATION:1 PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent lastitutiofi, established by special esuloicment for the relitf of the ' tressed,' cOlieted With •Virulent and • - , Epidimic diseases. - • ALs HOWARD ASSOCIATION, i • yr o 1 - .the awfUl destruction of huntau,,„ 'ed Sertial diseases, several years rect . -, ed Consulting. SUrgoon, to. ilpe ,* • ..ppu , sary for tho-treattnent of this class . in all their forins; and to give - MEDICWAD 7. I VICE GRATIS, to :all. who apply by' with deseripth 43 of their eondition, (age; . ' occupation, habits of-life. &cl.l and in cases of extretnepovertV, to FURSISit;MED.I . CINES FREE 'OR CRA.RGE. The Directors of the Associat'on;' in, eir late Anon'a th l Report express` the highest SlGs= fact'on with the success has attended the labors of their Surgeons, hi the, cure - or spermxtorrhm - a, Setain'al'Weakn e ss,-.G o nory,. Gleet; Syphilis, the Vieft Onaniiiii' or Self-Abuse;-Disease of ,the Kidneys -and p.iad,. der, &e.; 'and order a enutinnatfee . of the: Itanae :plan for ensuing year. An adn3lr.sble Report on SPerritabirthtea, or Seminal We-tkneis-, the vice of Ofianisitn,slas turbatiotr "Self-Abuse, - and other •Disesiies of the S,exutil•9rgattp, by-the Consulting' ur- - gem), Will. be sent by•mail, On a sealed eni-el aped FREE OF CRAR,GE,•on receipt of STAMPS for postage:, -j - A Address, 'for 'Report; (m i ... tfea ' Nient; 8141,L1N HOUGHTOlblis.' Acting-'• Sttrgettn,. Howard,Associationi No: 2 &lath liinttOtfetlV Philadelphia; pw ros STONE .LigE, in bbl.-orbuUti.st, IL/ greatly reduced prices. can be had a 5.. ,. 20 : ",.:CLARK k PHILLIPS. OUTS!,' SIiCjES, tintralo. Oier.; Shoes. for men; women and children, by the case, dozed or pail., at .20 CLAM; do PIiILLIPS, 03 BM 4 - ,. , .• ' • , rs: iara „. 1 , - r itiiite . '' - 4 , " - dtftitifutd= y';'-ift,triliir we Itiire lii; rnredicP,,,i4P4ucelr',lßokv.:effe.cvsk,aitetatOyl piiii - can beiade: lt is aigitia&tritia ex.44it ef - FiniflinithiPnEthi;ib-fi ‘finbin'id'iiiik' otherH *hgt#3.29414 0f.114 11 , IliTi;FrialtqagYe-Powet asi al littera:an' elective ausidsote for the diseases 'Siirsiipitrifliiiizreinitato curs, - , -*ltiWbeliOeli ffint,.auch:al,*edy,ii . i.-vvitut^by,..thisse l „,it9 suffer from Stiunieus rinirplitinii, enil;that,cule thiiitiNkill - neeeirbplish ; theit=eitri niiiiiiirirve D i 'AirffinelisU.*Page r ,t o Ittlia-:** * St Clt4 01)4 1 4tieted, fellow-citizens.• How cturitpjetelytituf 6fiipardct*iiidiiii hriiib'eaviiraieu by et,per. i.niitilt Onlintrlintetbe Noist *Pi 34,bliticiild of the folloningcourVEo e u 'I * Efawrims - J,•iti - -''' ' trenxi - tri' upi.reirosic; , EituPTlVs3,ANDitlki• et itt Dili EARL% : Illenns, Pormes, = Diorrais - =?Temails,i Sit.r( ifunuu, §c,tzti - gp.xt,,,-,Eivv . in us, /op ~SvPuttryie !As rEciifins,, MEV:11114,1. DIFIEVIi, I)n,Am, NETT- . Iretriti ott Tie Dtt•Loinir.rfx, Dam*, -Dye; PEPSIA, AND: I,VDTG'ATION' t ,,,EttANIPEL&S, Xtt.)3l3 011. Sr. : A.NTII OXY:S Finn,„ and i‘idecif the. Whole class of eouiplainti 'arising:front Lir igurr 00 run B!.bOD. - - .y-wi , .: - ITli 1 ,•,* 1 r This d will 'be fr nd a gfel ' and Us compound wl._ faun& a i.prk , motel of health - , When tak7n'in the spring, to expel . the, foul , humors:, which falter ,in :the; blond at that season of the ypar,,, e . fly the time ly of them maay is tklmg disoiderii are , nipped- in. - the bud.. -11ultitudeal eatt,,,by the aid of this renietly,, spare thmusely.e , v;froM the enduranee ibul eruptions and . ulcerous acres, through - Whick the systent.will I;trive4lt. -rid, itself of ,corruptiorii, if' not assisted do . this thru'ghl the 'natural' chtiroioki of ' the! body by an':alteratiie ritedicitie.. .Cleanseont :the 411,i4tcd_blcxid whenever you its' impurities tairsting thretigh t skinin pimples, eruptions, ar 'sores ; cleanse it when yon .fund. ob stroetedand sloggi h in_tboyeins; Cleanse it iheneyer it ; ;s foul, anal, your feelings' will tell you, when. '' Peon.itherendpartiedar;'dlsOrlet - . i; felt; people 'enjoy : better health,- slid' llye longer, for cleansing , the. blood: - :Keep' the 'ileocl healthy, and .all is.wellt but }rittl this pabulum :of life diFordered, there! eau Elie no 1 Ittsting . :health. Soaner or .later ", something must go wron„,, , i .and the great Machinery of ifa is disordered or oyerthroWn." - • ' • • •..Sarsaparilla- has,. anct7d-zerves, much,' the reputation; of aecouraghing these ends. Ilut the World . has been..,egre` giouslY'deceiied by it.reparations• of it, - partly , because 'the drug alone - has not' allAhe virtue thlit is claimed les it, but more A,ci e n u se many preparations, pretending to be.*centrattcl'extracts of it, contain but little oil:tin:virtue §.4sa:parine ! or oily . think; else. : . , Per-Mg - late Cease the been rids_ lid by bulge boitick pretending to given. quart of Extract of ,Sip§aparillit for one dollar.. Elcst of these have bten frauds -upon the, sick, fcr. they, not' only contain little,. if .any; . SursitPS:, rilla, but often no curative piiiperties WhateV= cr. Hence, bitter and-Vitiatul disappointment has followed:the use of the various oxtlac.ts, of Sarsaparilla which goad the Market, until the Muneitsclf is insily,ilispisek and has become synonymous withiMpcsition and cheat. Still we call this - compound Satsiparill pod intend to supply such a remedy as. shall rosette the name from:the load. of , obloquy nhinh rots upon it., And ,we think we huve. - ground for believing it Ilia virtues Which' itiOilesirtille by the ordinitryrun of the diseases it i 4 intend: ed to °cure: in order to secure their Complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be-jutliciously taken aecording. to ditections the bottle. . PEEPAILED M A Ss. , Price,:sl per Bottles Bottles for Ayer's Cherry' Pectoral, . has woo' foi itself such 'a renown :for the titre. of every variety of T hroat and Lang Complaint.' that it is 'entirely unnecessar; tor: us toy recount the evidence of its virtues, vrherever it has-, Leen' em ployed. As it. has long been in' c o nstant" use throughout this section, we need not 'do More than. assure the people its quality, is kept up to the test it ever has been, and that it may be , relied on to . do for their relief all it has ever'heeit'fouud to do. • • • Ayer's 'Cathartic TEI33 =az cot , - • • .C.3(iremess Jaundice, Doppia: ludigestion s Dysentery; ,4,ll44pelds,!,lle<ulitclie, Piks,,lilreconatiam,.Eruptions end :Ntiss Liver, anzfilond, Drop fy...Telieni Tumors and Sufi - Worms, Goat, Neuralgia, as a Dinne and for Purifying Mai Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the ii,ost. sensi tive can nike. them pleasantly. and, they are ,the best aperier.tiu the -world for all eir4,.parpesee of a family physic. Price Molenta per Pox; FiveToxes for el.oo. ' Great numbeis of Clergymen. PhySicians; States.. men, and eminent pee-onages, have lent' their names to certify them:liar:llloml usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents belocr named fur nish gratis'ctur.Auntuesic Ar.statrAC in which they are given ;'with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol loWed fOr their cure. • • • ...Do not bet put tiff tip unprinciplid dealers with other. preparations .they make more, profit on. Demand 'Arrays, and take no 'ethers. 'The sick want the best aid , there is for them, arid_ theyshould have it. • All our Remedies aro • • •- • - SOld h‘• SIIITFi & JONES, and VW. SPEN CER? Criirsport -CCRBY BON,- Ulysses; A.• B.J I 0111•0 1 ,1. = Cushinerville ; MANY , . At NJOHOLS, Millpert 7,,C, H. 81:0lOSS,Dswityn; and by nll Merchants and Druggishs.:, 1,48 4;k:• - - - •-••••, Eyem ell:I-Cars Open niGkIHT;.:A.IJOUTHRA:CE I _ II sill :,:ye that bath ears, let, hint hear, N aiia he that. IfiAirt:Yes, ret . biin come and wlniderett.ingdoutja.NqllsYMe t the City pf.Tanner,iss e and .e:ipeciaily, .at the ...Old Regtihitor,t where thirtY , two men and seven boys aro .wapti.d.:to work_fifteenliciurs every day, (Sundays exeeptcd,)"and he :thut bath uo money come. - Bring a board, litiUg a shibgte, bring_ .• a hog - , • 411.g it geese, bring u deer; bring a bide, bring a mink, bring n - ptilt, bring your butter—bring what you like, you shall not tie turned empty Away becn Ues von have not the filthy lucre to, buy yourbread.i This ondetb the first-lesson: :,CLARK &111.1ILLIPS. VERYTILING bought and auld.st tbe Oid VA Regulator, except Gas‘Glai Scandal and Bloiney. Soft - Soup and Soder,.k4 sixpence a pound, must be bad•at 'Some Bigthtrs, atSonle Brotbers, in.this town.' 20 ;`,.. - .7;;; ,, ;',i;.:1 - 1- CLARK -OLAltg'B4-.PI.III,LMS render ; them thanite 1.2=t0" the;gb6d peopTe•ot. this - -Commen , wealth for their most liberal ip#tronagi l and they.: di) tenderlkeir spielat," - thanites f tcotbpir eompetiters. and' .. ba . y.,?thera, Air - their..gentle ,barliing for at time, coticoeteWlfaliehoodfof ;all time; . etriy jealousy ; I far bcl 44 - ttubt it 'Arai !meet (or, bet big:preyed:bur ?So g 4 aheitd. The more the better. 20 • •'.'s - ;CL;ARK*PIIILLIPS: , 11 4 11.0trii, and', ,, lleans; . - Florae Peek 1:-.-Corn- Meat; Gate, Shorts: enough to rap. ply"a 'tition, at the Old , Regulator. , •'d• 20 - -*/ -mo'ollAitGE FOR . SITOWING THE NEW 1,.1 Goods just received at i-OLMSTEP'S,' immiummeg= 4 ' • PHAZEVOitAMETI/Oit • r AFWVAtitall tkit r . 4 I,34t.l4lPcrat',Zi TRAVkiTY , 'O"4 '"' tiattir: NEWSPAPER r • /VIE NEW YPIIic..._,WAgKLYPIESS I ~L 1 on ,l . 4 txx a m. papiiii:pf,thq 6 1.4 large ' TivENTV `PAG2. I er - 5.1XTY , C01.155018:44 er4ertafornittuatti7, apo A.I QsTLY U T.E. , 4 7 Tlitt ;e y st i, ipgek,C - , - O,IF:T 'WORTH' : PADA MIN* JED $lOOO 00-WIUVIE;SENT• TO EAOU ltrB. SORIBER.__VN sra. scamilpri MONEY • F ToNs:;_or . , Anv.acM One copy fd netyear and 1 gift, 2 ", Three copieetipq - year,:tind.3,gifts,...:',..•,., : b Fire copies dndyesry and 14 gifts, 4 22 , Ten copies oine year, sud 10 gifts, - " is 2 0 Twenty 7 ono CoPieSone`seatf,nrid'2loS,3o The articlel toilediatributed argcomprigat iii therfolloiviiig '-" _ Isiniud :States Treastity- '• • , • f;' • - _ $lOOO 2 do -. do , 500 00,eath., do des - 200 00 ,esilf. ' do : Soo Audi, ` 7 l4i Patent' lever - rfunaig -•-•• . . Cased Watchei, 'lOO 00, - est.b., 20: Gobi_ Watches, ,• • ' .75 00; each, 50 • _do , • 60 00, each, 100: d6 • *' 5 000;esc1., 300 ',tidies* 35 00, eselL. 200 ,Sile,cr ,Hunting eased " - Watches, • •30 00, ad'. ' 500 'Silver- Watches, - ...:515 00 to 25 00, task 1000 Gold Ginird..YeA . • . . . and roV,Ch4ina, "10 00 to 30 00, - eitli: 1000 Ooldl - Pens • and • -- Pencils, , . . Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, lot Drops, Breast tins, Cuff Pius, Sleere Buttons, Ttings, ,Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold -and Silver Thimbles, and a variety of Other itti. 'clos, Worth from 50 cents . to"sls 00 each ; • tin re c eipt , of the .subscription 'money,tis sn scriber's name will .be entered upon ma bgbks oppOsite a atuxiber, and the gift term. .4nding with that number wilt be forwarded within one Week. to him; iy mail or crptu t post paid: , . There a neither hu m bug nor lottery allot the above; as every subscriber .is sure of 'prize of value. We s prefer- to Make thin 11 •eral distribution among. them instead of git ing it.large cOrniniasion to AgCnts, giving in the subscriber the amount that would go In, the Agent:and,in many cases a hundred Add , more. dressed to . DANIEL ADEE, P.uousups, 211 Centii street; New York. CIOA3) I). L. 47,, M. IL DANIEL' HAVE MEE JUST RECEIV . Fret= New Ircirk;• . - ... -.. _ O.ii%II : O,VTE . 1 , :-. r ; riilV:4ll4?,:Wititt ~_..-. ~,,,.: 14 . . : 5 %..5wgyiy,....7., _ 0.. F ::;,-.. j)ftY','OOQDS . BOOTS ,'.& SHOES HATS & CA' OUrriPRYI GROCERIES, Crockery Glassware Also, a good stock , of iIStELLANEO3 Achool Book 8) •, 'STATION'ERY:, &C.; - .111 of wbich they witt , erll AS LOW SSG: BE BOUt4II;r:E4SEWITERE'Iti THE ;.)COUNTY PRODUCE Di-ALL KINDS -*'.4 . (II•ANGt Fent: GOODS, ior'whieb the HIGHEST PRICE Wilibe - . . / They can be found lit an times, (Satunt Ind Sunday 'exceptid) cit, the Store form occupied by D. BAKtli.; ' IN IPTISV7II ! E r. rCrtditO 'weir upon CUatoira.. havieriiii to the conclusion ' : `:READY PAY" is better . for all, parties, .and vsr,e shall, the fore, dO,busbasgs on this system. , - /4 IL A. rums. trlyssoi, Nov. 4. 1858.--6:tf. • EILLEOII7.HEAD-QUARTEiII Trlfiß stibseriliers' take this method of JL formitiz their friends that theyare in . ceipt of, - and_ siro . now opening, a choice desirable atpelt-of, 7 _ _ OAPLE - ANDi!.4%.NOT DRY GOODS, , „ . to vihicli 'they InVIM - the 'aiteption of all doSire to make-purchases: , • Our Stock is has been - selectod,with great snare, and is tieularly adnOtep, 7auts of 046 sec ti of our couutry'.. - 04tsioelt Of Dry Goods ' DRESSbOODS,TIIIiI3IINGS,RIBI O ' S INITADIDERIES; P.ARASOU. MOTHS; -CASSIMERESA VESTINGS DO-_ NESTICS, ,r; ,SIIIItTINGS', • -LT ENS;! :PRINTS, - •-•• jnOSTERY, ' BRAWLS, and ,a-Variety of other iirtieles,_ too atm Wuetitiop. WehpareFilso a complete niint of pßoPprtB;-.'llATlDians p t.,:,,onocKEßy; altotvlickwiti .40-dchd 'uncommonly. • for ready pay, ass;d; for approved credit os iettionable terms'as eior other estnblou'' wa; ' M111P 0 4 1 , - Axig• 11086.-9;0 ~ Y I"' ej,-.4_lllO,llPSOli , PARMAGE WAGON iItAKED * COliderSO:Oft;POUCt CO, .::tins: inetho'd of informing: the peb lie in genoraLthat he' hi• prepared to' do' all workjii his he; with Fon' in a si , orkiiittei4ilie manner, and nett tut,,,"!;lkc.,cl). lAttipthating terms. Pa 4"4l4lrnah' invariably reinieid %ha- Net/11.z ,- get.'„ . .All kinds of rn'. txtketi - °R .- account of work, . ~:, ] 5 00 to 15 00, each; :~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers