ES 6Ant itA igtamtg. Mil Died.—ln Owego. , Feb. 27th, JOHN o . k arss, son of F. L. and A. D. Jones, 22 months and 8 days. 0- Mr. M. H. COBB, late editor of Tioga Agitator, was united in the tali bonds of .matrimony," on the 3d „it, to Miss BETSEY B. BIXBY. Our wishes -still continue with him ; in latest arrangement. By the way, is the "pioneer's work" alluded to in sa ledictory.--Bradford Reporter. To Straight American candidate for , ye r--Clayton Trneax—was elected in a oden. N. J-, on k'uesday, by a major ,p or 06 over both the other candidates. We hope this Trueax will do good ser- in hwving down the crime of that ell ighted city—and ,may it occasionally ogloce off," and relieve the neighboring village of Philadelphia of a little of its ciugnality. a Annie" is a new contributor, whom y e gladly welcome to our columns--as ril 1150 our readers' gratefully read her 6 , , ntriblitions as we hope to publish them f:O9 time to time. Read her article in number, entitled "These Latter There are thoughts in them well north an effort at practical emulation.— Trite often, - ANNIE, —you are truly vrel one,to a choice corner in the JOURNAL. L l islative.—The following act passed ;ally in the House last Thursday eve ling; and we trust it will be speedily ant through" the Senate and signed by Governor : Au act to repeal the act, approved 4ril 20, 1858, supplementary to an act i;proced 31st March, 1856. to regulate Seale of intoxicating liquors, so tar as timid supplementary act applies to the linty of Potter. Ciket .Club.—Tho following gentlemen reformed themselves into a club for weekly r dee at the exciting and healthy game of with SAIL nod. ED. as the cap rat of the primitive match. We presume r till soon become's° proficient in practice to authorize us to challenge the " crack in the United-States and Canadas " : STEBSI , N.9, C. S. H. STOMAS, C. A. C. Taggart, - C. S. Jones, I. S. Mann, P. A. Stebbins, jr., i. Schoomaker, H. J. Olmsted, p. E. Olmsted, A. F. Jones, 'B. B Overton Z. J. Thompson, • B. Smith, A. G. - Olmsted, • 'F. B. Jenkins, E A. Jones, N.D. Kelly, S. P. Hut. 7 F. Knox. Ez. Starkweather. ifr are in receipt of "Guy Mannering," eecond nuwber of Messrs. T. B Pe- is & Brothers cheap edition of the , irerly Novels. A number is publish iecery Saturday, at 306 Chestnut St., nladelphia,- by this eminently enter ing firm—each number containing a :piece -novel, at the low price of 25 a number, or a complete 'sett, in :r covers, will be sent by mail ; post , to any part of the United States, :ceipt of $5 by the publishers. The !cl, Edinburg edition, from which published verbatim, contains .48 es, and costs S72—a vast reduction for the same matter. Address T. Peterson & Brothers, 306 Chestnut Philadelphia. inePittsburg D ibpaich of the 17th inst ,UMBER is beginning to come down I the upper streams in considerable tides; fears are entertained, however, the aggregate amount to run this , will be far less thttn the demand, the prices will range correspondingly Lumber now commands from s7''', per cubic M._ Shingles are in cle at $3 25 per N. Lath have not to come into market; they are now at from $1 871 to $2 per M." eat is a "cubic M," Mr. Dispatch? Warren Wail of last week says : 'he rafts are running briskly this ;day) morning. The water is at a dug stage and the weather is Spring tud delightful." (ant Trees.—We trust our readers,_ tiler in villages or not, have determin )lant out a large number of shade it trees the present Spring. The la growing tree about your house, ig the road, is far beyond the ordi thuate. The Erie Gazette speaks forcibly, and wisely on this subject : the shade trees which line most of treets, constitute the pride and glory 3 , especially In growing seasons. In Itammer they are a source of comfort, at all times they are pleasing to the Id grateful to the senses. Let them .!cl up where they are not, and let am ambition to make this a notice feature of our Ctty. would be a narrow 113 w of the sub- Suppose that TREES are merely use )l'l:laments—that they fulfil no of- It to adorn a city.,'Their moral much higher; an they are to be by a higher measure, and for a purpose, They are perpetual reve of the Creator's pew, j wisdom, and ta. They teach us, to despise much rich we are brought into daily,coli look beyond the conventionalities; life and its hollowness and rotten for pleasure and happiness.'" The Rev.ll. H. RICE, pastor of the E. Church of this place, is doing a gooll work for his cause and his church hi this place and_ neighborhood. The two or three weeks he held. meeting every evening, and his earnest sad inipressiye sermons and prayers were effective ' las shown by the large and respectable 'audi ences constantly in attendance ,upon the meetings. He is what may be properly called a "practical thinker," and delivers his ideas with a dictioti which at once car ries them with force to the heart- of, his hearers. His illustrations are pointed and sufficiently common-place to render :his sermons easily comprehended by all minds —hence their effectiveness. Independ— ent of dogmatism and sophism, they offend none. Last Sabbath morning he uttered a creed for all men—as he said, a plat:. form -upon which all christian minds; could meet and agree. His text was Ec clesiastes xii, 13 .t 14 : " Let us hear the cdnclusion of , the Whole matter : Fear GO and keep }his commandments : fur this is the whOle :du ty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every_ secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil." And then applied it as a greed by giv• ing the definitiOn of the commandments of God as stated by Jesus. Matthew xxit, 37, 38, 39 & 40 "Jesus said unto him,-Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,land with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first hod great commandMent. And tlie second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. , On these two commandments hang all the law.and the prophets." The illustrations of these two passages of Scripture formed a most excellent ;dis course. Mr. nice has been requested to re-deliver it some time in the future, and we trust he will yield to the invitation,; and we hope he will have a largr audi- ence, the(' PRICE CURRENT. Corrected every Wednestlay,.by P. A. STEB BINS, wholesale and retail Dealer in Gro ceries and Provisions. Main Street, COUDERSPORT, PA. Apples, green, ? bush., - $75 to 100 do dried, " 175 ' 2 25- Beans," I 25 2 00 Beeswax, 11 lb., 20 25 Beef, " 6 7 , Beef IfidesT " G 6- , . . Berries, dried, `V quart 10 IS Buckwheat, 1-0 bush., 63 75 Butter, 11 lb., 20 22 Cheese, " 8 121 Oorn, ll bush., •1 00 106 Corn Meal. per cwt., 250 ,3 00 Eggs, ' , il doz., 12- 15 Flour, superfine, qp bbl., 750 800 do extra, " .8 00 850 do„ double extra, " 850 900 Elantini lb., 12 14 Hay, 11 ton, 10 00 11 00 Honey, ? lb., 10 12i Lard. " . 12 16 Maple Sugar, per lb., 8 10 Oats, '1 3 .713 osh , , 50 56 Onions, " . 100 ,i 1 121 Pork, II bbl.„ 20 50 23 50 'do 10 lb., - 10 12, 1 1 t do in whole hog, 10 lb., 6 . ' 7A Potatoes, it bush., 50 ,56 Poultry, '-'0 lb., 5 6 Rye, 11 bush., 1 00 1 124 Salt, `ll bbl., • - :3 50 do 10 sack, 1 25; Sausages, 12 14* Trout, 'il }-bbl:, , 600 i 6 50 Wheat, 7to bush ° 125 11 50 White Fish, per. 3-11 bl., 600 I :6 50 Wool, per. lb., 30 ! 1 35 , , speoipi Teachers' Examinations. HOMER. Friday, April Ist, at the school house near Jacob Peet's. COLESBURG, Monday, April 4th. HEBRON. Friday, April Bth, at the Hollen -beck school house. - • I SHARON; Saturday, April 9th. at the school house near the mouth of Honeoye Creek. ULYSSES, Friday, April 15th, at the house of Atlas Bennett. HARRISON, Saturday April 16th, !at the Dodge school house. Ser The examinations at each of the above places to commence at 10 o'clock A. xi Other notices will be given in due time. March 23. J. HENDRICK, Co, Ssp't. THE BOWELS AND THEIR FUNCTIONS As perfect health is the greatest blessing that we can enjoy, without which 'all other blessings are of little consequence, tiro I deem it of great importance to point out :the way for you to enjoy it. The bowels mustbe kept in a state by which they are enabled to carry oft the useless matter; they are the niain;chan nel which nature has appointed to Carry eve rything-that is unnecessary. And 'it is im possible to tell what a large amount of sickness has been caused by costipation, or costiveness: in other words, by not keeping the bowels regular ; it is the cause of unnatural irritation of the mucous membranes of the bowels., Hav ing lost their natural strength, they cannot object to what is required of them, Hence, the bowels become inflamed. and unless you find a speedy relief, a thousand other: com plaints are ever ready to. drag you through' a miserable and wretched life. Sucb medicines must be given as will cleanse the stomach and bowels, and restore. their natural ;strength To accomplish this there is no compound ,'so valuable as these Pills; all other 'medicines sink to utter insignificance when compared to them; It seems AO though the Author !of Na ture had designed them for this as, yell as other complaints. From two to. five ;Pills, a day will increase strength and appetite, and. cleanse the stomach and intestines from what ever is injurious. . - I Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills* sold by all dealers in Medicines. L. P. WILLISTON, ATTORNEX AT LAW, Welisboro 7 , Tioga Co., Pa., will ttend the Courts in Potter and 3l'lican Counties. 9:13' • 3f :hint* SMALt MICAVING pnidipeeial attention to the mil -1 ■ tivation JoOsmnll fruits, , and *wed pains or - expenseito procure evei7thing of the kind rare and , valuable v l am - now prepared to furnish, in large or small quantities, on reas onable terms, the following varieties: BLACKBERRIES. -NEW ROCHELLE, OR LAWTON.-50,000 strong and vigordus plants of this superior vit.; riety, at.the following reduced prices: 100 Plants, $ lO,OO 20 Plants, $-1,00 -40 do 1 6,001 10 do- 2,00 30 do - 5,00 4 do - 1,00 Circulars, giving information asionnnage merit of plants and general cultivation, will be forwarded to all purchasers. DORCHESTER. 7 -A very long, beautiful, sweet, berry, and abundant bearer. Highly esteemed. , NEWMAN'S THORNLESS —Prized on ac; count of its comparative freedom front thorns, and its abundant yield of excellent fruit, tile' not so large as the first two varieth-s. Prices same. RASPBERRIES.. ' ERINCLE'S . ORANGE, $2 per d'ozen•, FAS TOLFF, RIVER'S LARGE FRUITED MONTH LY, KNEVETT'S GIANT, HUDSON RIVER ANTWERP, RED ANTWERP and YELLOW ANTWERP, at $1 per dozen. and $5 per 100 plants. STRAWBERRIES. MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES, embracing nearly all the Foreign and :%.:;ttive kinds, poth old and new, worthy of cultiva tion. ONE ITUNDIIED THOUSAND PEABODY'S SEEDLING, at • 50 cents per dozen--$2 per hundred—slo per thousand. Great care has been taken to procure and preserve these ~ varieties, true to name, and they are WARRANTED CORRECT. - Catalogues sent on application, enclosing stamp. Address J. KNOX, 32-4 t Box 478, Pittsburgh; Pa. Administrator Notice. LETTEETTERS of Administration on the Estate RS of SAMUEL HURD, late of Genesee town ship, Potter Co:, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebt ed to said estate will make immediate pay ment, and thoSe having claims against the seine will present them to me for settlement. WILLIAM HUED. Adner. Genesee. March 14, 1859.-31 1 61* 1 COUDERSPORT ACADEMY, 1859. .Rev. J. HENDRICK. A. M.. PRINCIPAL. SPRING and SUMMER TERM commences Tuesday, April 5. FALL TERM commences Tuesday, August 23. - Rates of Tuition: Primary Branches, . $2 50 Common English, . - 350 nigher English, with Algebra, 4 75 nigher Mathematics, - 600 Latin and Greek, ' 600 Drawing (extra) 2 50 Music, with use of Piano, (extra) 10 00 French, (extra) 3 00 French, withoul other studies, 5 00 Room Rent, each, 1 00 pe'• Competent Teachers have been sectm ,ie'd for every brinch of Study. [3l.] Administratrix Notiee LETTERS of Administration on the Estate of CIIARLES C. WARNER, late of Harrison township, Potter Co., Pa., deceased, having been granted fo the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate- will- make immediate k payment, and thou having claims against the same will present them' 'o• mo for setttemerfe. MART ANN WARNER, Adm'x. Harrison, 31arch 7, 1859.-30-6t* THE" NE PLUS ULTIIA OF SEWING MACHINES. THE PATENT:' LEVER SEWING NIA CHINE 3L . NUFACTURED BY THE GLOBE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, :339 Broadway, New York, May be truly regarded as the " ue plus altra" of sewing machines ' and all who, are wi , b:ng to find a Machine which is capable of dui:.2. any kind of sewing for!ors - and wives, with a satisfaction teretofory nu nu r should lose no time iu ordering one of the PATENT LEVER .11ACHINES, are to occupy a simil:tr pos.lion tow,rds sewing Machines that' , , tand 7 everybody know; its occupie.; to wards a Lapine or any other second rate watch. This Machiue makes the •• Lock stitch." which looks the same ca both sides of the fabrie, and cannot be ripped. PRICE $5O. In all respects equal to machines heretofore sold at a hundred dollars and upwards - Specimens of sewing done by the PATENT LEVER MACHINE, will be forwarded to any part of the country, upon receipt of a postage stamp. N. B. An energetic and reliable agent is wanted in every town and village of the.Uni ted States and Canadas to sell the above nam ed machine. An advantageous arrangement will he made with the right kind of merchant who is willing to have the exclusive agency. Address Globe Manufacturing Company, 11:30 339 Broadway, N. Y. WHO SELLS THE AMERICAN SMOKER? WHY EVERY DRUGGIST-•AND CIGAR DEALER * If they dont now, they will hereafter. Dont fail to, engage r"o. THE CALUMET OF PEACE! THE 'CALUMET OF PEACE! THE CALUMET OF PEACE! WHAT IS THE CALUMET OF PEACE? . WHAT IS IT ? WHERE IS IT ? IT IS THE AMERICAN SMOKER. gerSee advertisement. QUIET NERVES, QUIET NERVES! NO EXCUSE. FOR NERVOUS HUSBANDS. HUSBAND GO BUY THE AMERICAN' SMOKER. THIS IS TO BE THE ORDER OF THE DAY, From every wife.who has a smoking hus band—and no good husband who wants to have peace in the family will fail to obey the orders . )11:29] kay"See advertisement. See advertisement. lIARDWARB, Iron and Nails, Glass, Sash JAIL and Putty, Paints and Oils,- Alcohol, Camphene and Burning Fluid, at 20 ' CLARK & PHILLIPS. WAVY CORN-FED HOGS, from Wy0.1.1. .1.1. Ming and Livingston Counties, are being packed, and will be until January, 1859, by 20 • CLAIM & PHILLIPS. SUBSCRIBE FOR. THE POTTER JOURNAL'? • , . The Amerlaen Trades Compa fik; was organized November 8, 1857, with a Capital of one -hundred thousand. dollars._l This Company w-a.sformed with aview of tak- , (rig up inventors of small articles of; getter:lll utility, who aro unable to. make independent arrangt meats for introducing their inventions;, bg an. writable* arrangement with them for their rights by purchase out and out, or by tariff on the articles manufactured and sold.! The inventive genius of this country has long called for an Institution of thiz • kind. The American mind is "so active, that thousands of things are invented, many of which would be really useful to the community,,but which are never-introduced, because the Inventors of them have no means to carry them oat. !ffhe capital of this Company will be deveted to the development of rerilly useful inventions; The . Company have a Committee on Patents Whose duty it is to pass upon all applications; and from their -large experience in such Matt tern Inventors have a security that their in: ventiohs will not bo misjudged; and the high character of the parties composing that. Comp mittee is a sufficient guaranty that plans and specification; may he submitted before patents are applied for, without any risk of advan i tau being taken of this circumstahce, and when desired t , ) do so, the Company will take out patents for others,•securing for the invent tor all of his invention that is patentable. This Company respectfully invite• inventors I to submit to them their plans; and it will be ; !furthering the objects of the Company if its Officers and agents can. be of any service to them. ' Any one of the following modes isaceepta ble to this Clompttny: First To manufacture any articles fqr Which their machinery is adapted by contract, the inventors receiving the articles and paying for thO same on delivery. Second:. They buy any patent which is ap proved-of by their committee. Third: They will manufacture and sell any article which they choose - to a f doßt-, - giving to the Inventor such a proportion of-the profits aS may he agreed upon. The extensive- building, No: 22 and 24 Frankfurt-st., New York, being about 60 feet front by over 100 feet deep; and 7 stories high above the sidewalk, is owned by the President of the Company, and is occupied in part by all the machinery, wareroom and offices of the Company, where all its business and Sales are transacted. 71.1je Zintetican Z.:ratio Oomp'g What they manuntetufe, THE AMERICAN SMOKER, Consisting of a great variety or unique and beautiful patterns of Cigar Tubes; also, sev eral varieties of Pipe Tubes. The peculiarity abaikt these i rticles is that each one is arrang ed so as to receive a damp sponge, through which the smoke of the burning cigar hat to pass on its way to the mouth. This damp sponge not only cools the smoke, but extracts from it the nicotine oil, the poisonous proper ty of the Tobacco, which renders the breath less offensive. Smokers will find the use of these Tubes a luxury never before attained except by using the Turkish water-jar. Their use will also greatly promote the health oftbe habitual smoker and preserve the sweetness of the breath. THE AMERICAN CARPET HOOK. Is a little contrivance for putting down carpets without tacks: This is a new article,. which has never before been upon the market.. But it possesses, the merit of enabling a person to put down or take up it carpet of the largest size in general use in fifteen minutes, without any injury to the floor or carpet. It is very cheap—chea, er in the long run than tackeT— and the great faculty with which even a serv ant can take up and put down carpets, with out the possibility of a mistake, renders it in valuable to the housekeeper. THE AMERICAN PEN HOLDER & WIPER. It is a neat invention for holding a wet sponge, into whie.h•the pen is thrust, always coming out clean and ready for use. A very conven ient article for the Counting -, House Desk and Library Table. 11:29 . The American Smoker is an arti cle of great utility and .benefit to Smokers. Persons afflice - ted with Bronchitis, Asthma, Dysfiep.ia, Liver complaints or Kidney affecw ti o n: : can procure SPONGES MEntoxren for these various diseases by Old Dr. THORP. Sold by Ow ',:RICAN TRADES COMPANY, Nos. 22 and Fra:/kfor[-st. IN EVIIIV BoDY'S . MOCITHI - IN EvERY i;u:;r:: MOUTH! l)(_!)\ - S MOUTH! IVIIA I'S BODY'S MOUTH? W!.F S IN EVERY BODY'S MOUTH? NYHAT'S IN EVERY BODY'S MOUTH? WHY^ THE AMERICAN SMOKER." •• AMERICAN SMOKER." WHY 'IHE AMERICAN SMOKER." STi:D? , ED WITH DIAMONDS. STUDDED WITH DIAMONDS. STPI)-DED WITH DIAMONDS IVHAI'S SI ISt , i/ED WITH DIAMONDS WEY PRESIDE:ST BUCHANAN'S . AMERICAN SMOKER, Wbiva b.::: been ordered of THE AMERICAN TRADE COMPANY. 22 & 2- frankfort Street, - . New York. DENTAL CARD. A BLAKE, Dentist, would return his thanks • to his patrons, and inform them that he is again in COUDEBSPORT, to remain a week or two, prepared to perform all opera tions in Dentistry upon the most approved principles of the Dental art. In no branch of Surgery or the Mechanical Arts has greater improVement been made than in surgical and mechanical Dentistry. TEETH inserted from one to an entire set. " Allen's Continuous Gum Work, Platinum Base." (which some call the superior style), furnished to those who prefer it. • Coudersport, March 9,1859.-3 t. • THE GREATEST LUXURY OF THE AGE! THE GREATEST LUXURY op THE AGE! HAVE YOU TRIED IT ? . HAVE YOU TRIED IT? NO! WHAT IS IT ? WHAT IS IT T • WHY THE AMERICAN SMOKER THE AMERICAN SMOKER I • • THE AMERICAN .SMOKER ! . . THE AMERICAN SMOKER! • ! - WHERE CAN IT BE HAD? . ! WHERE CAN IT BE HA 0 ? • WHAT SEGAR STORE KEEPS IT? WHO SELLS IT? WHO SELLS IT? See advertiSement of " AMERICAN Tlteklit COMPANY," in another place. P. S. No .RMALER IN CHUMS or Toßecco, in any City or Town can bo considered as lieep_ ing pasfila with the progress of the age who does not order at once a sample box of the Ameri can Smoker—for the benefit of his customers. rA Sample box—postage paid—Wil only cost a few dollars. - IFF ANYBODY', including maids and matrons, I. old or young, plain or pretty, wish to buy or sell anything, we give it as our candid ouiti ion, they had better come to that same Old Regulator, kept in full blast by ' 20 CLARK & PHILLIPS, • MIRAI3ILE DICTU $1999,747.29,05! HARK! HARK ! What Noise Is That I OT IT IS THE RUSH At . THAT OLD • REGULATOR., in full plastTrom 6A. m., to 9 P. m., by the good people from Dan to Baresheba, after the good things therein con tained. Wellsville is a fast City, and the'peo pie are fast nags: 0! my fi how they do work at that old Store I• Farming and Log ging can't begin with it ; and' they don't try to bait any body with 6c. Sugar, and 'call it good. Suel4 might possibly do for Vinegar, if Cleansed. $lO,OOO worth of choice Pork, brought in I • the Hog from Wyoming and Livingston coun ties, - packed by Clark A: ; '3OOOO Sugar Cured .Hams; 22000 Shoulders; 12000 Pure Lard ; 6000 Boots and Shoes ; 47000; Horse Feed; 95790 Nails; 4,1 to 5c.; 78000,i Hard ware, Crow-Bars, Iron, Tin Ware, Stone and Wooden Ware, Tools for Mechanics. Farmers and everybody; 1600 Flour, $4,15 to •, 76 Cliests of Tea, froml3s to ':sc. ; Paints, Oils, Fluid, Alcohol; Catphene,-and 200000, other things ; 400 Bushels Stone Lime, cheap '•, Rub bers and Buffalo Over-Shoes, for Men; Women and Children. I t, . . WANTED! . . at that "Old Regula l tor " in Wellsville; foot of Plank Road street, on Railroad, surround- ed by Shingle Shauties; Lime Shanties, Poik Packing and Flour*anties, all the good peo ple, mail and she-mail. including the pretty Lasses and prim 0 d Maids, -to carry off the needful, substantia and fanciful things therein contained.- Thus , ndeth Want No. 1. No. 2 calleth for ' - . 2000000 Sawed Shingles, 1500000 Shaved 2000000 Lumber, Also big Deers and Little Dears, some Bears, some' Patridges, some Porcupine, Cash $lO, Butter, Cheese, Hoats, Ogs, Poultry, Corn, &c. Come all ye wlio wish to buy or sell; we will do you good. Doubt it not if any say nay,— it is not our fault that fools and -- are not all defunct. So now we are prepared to greet you with a Merry Chrigtmaa and a Hap py New Year I CLARK & PHILLIPS, Wellsville, Dec. 21, 1858. (11:22 P. S. If that Printer made $l5OO by mind ing his own business, and $5OO mord by let ting his neighbor's alone, what mouirht some some others do? Let unhappy medlers answer. NOTICE. THE PUBLIC are hereby notified that hay ing purchased the Saw-Mill Property at Lymansville, in the county of Potter, now oc cupied by Elihu Starkweather; I • hare ap pointed the said Elihn Starkweather my Agent, for the transaction of all - business in relation to the carrying on the business of Stocking and Manufacturing Lumber at the said Mill. AUSTIN A. KIRBY. Coudersport, Oct: 5, 18 7. 11:16-3mo* TO EVERY FEMALE. IN THE UNITED STATES. MRS. MONTAGUE'S FEMALE CORDIAL. VOR THE CURE OF ALL THOSE PAINFUL I.' DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN. Mrs. MONTAGUE, for many years afflicted with most of the diseases that are common to females, spending a large fortune - in ten years in tryihg the different means of treatment fur her relief, to no avail, was prevailed upon by many of her friend's to visit Cuba, December '4B, for the purpose of regaining her former health. While there, she obtained a prescrip tion from a Spanish Physician— " Whose silver locks Were tending to the grave." With which, through the Mercy of God, the was restored to her After her return she made known to hun dreds of her female sufferers the effects of the remedy with equally as great SUCCC9B. This extraordinary medicine is offered to the public for the relief and cure of all the painful and dangerous diseases peculiar to women, and, that the female constitution is subject to. To those suffering from "Prolapses Uteri," Lucorrhoea, Amenorrhoea, Menorrhagia, Dys mcnorrhoea-Chlorosis, a speedy cure can be obtained. TO those suffering from Falling of the Womb or Uterine Weakness of any kind, the Female Cordial is especially recommended. It is war ranted to cure this painful disease if perse vered in. In all spinal affections, pain in- the region of the Pelvis, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria Sick-headache, and all those diseases arising from the peculiar formation of _women, the Cordial will be found of a:n immense value. This medicine moderates all excess, and re moves all obstruction; it invigorates the de billeted constitution for the duties of life, and when" taken in middle age proves a blessing. Modesty forbids us, in a public advertise ment, to make full the details; but the, wrap per around each letter will fully explain every case. n Merchants, females, or others, by seeding a three cent stamp, can have any information respecting the•operations of the medicine. Agents wanted in every village in the Uni ted States. Put up , in half pint bottles; $2,00 per bottles ;50 per cent : eff to the trade: All orders must be addressed-to Dr_ J. D. STONEROAD, (Sole Proprietor,) Lewistown, Pa., Box 111 11:1-ly NEW GOODS, Prices AND FAVORABLE TERMS. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS Cash and Short7Tlme Buyers, AT THE EMPORIUM STORE! LADIES AND. GENTLEMEN: lAM NOW RECEIVING My second Winter Stock, which embraces almost everything usually kept by the Country Merchant— DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD-WARE, BOOTS tc. SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATSA CAPS, . CROCKERY, .k.c.; all of which I propose to sell - at low figures, for'easb or approved credit. 'alt and see - our , GOODS and PRI . .CES. Being thankful for past favors, I hope to -be able nosy to offer more favora ble :inducements.. P. A. STEBBINS. Coudersport,' Feb. 1,1.859.-25. . * 0 4 . () : • • ( al f x livi / "_/ v - i .., j -- IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Ptrrserama, Pa. 1 I CitearsWan 1856. 800 Students attending .Tairday, l lllsB. - ; - Now the largest and most thorough Co mercial School of the United States. Young men prepared forlactnal duties of the Coutt• ing Room. J. C. SMITH, A. M. Prof. of Book-keetibag and Science of Accounts. . , A. T, DOETRETT Teacher ' or Arithmetic 'sad Commercial &lei:dation, J. A. Havoincic and T. C. JEssue, Teachers of Book-keeping. . . A COWLEY and W. A. MILLER Profit. of Pen manship. ' - • SLNGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY , BOOS KEEPING, As used in every department of business. COMMERCIAL ARITBSIETIC—RAPID BUS INESS WRITINDETECTLNG COUNTERFEIT, MONEY— MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCR—COK MERCIAL LAW— • Are taught, and all other subjects netati•- sary for the success and , thorough educlailow of a praCtical business man: • • ~ . . .1. 2• PREMIUMS. Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh, far the past three years, also in Eastern and We - tern Cities, forhesWriting, • NOT ENGRAVED WORK.. - IPIPORTANT INFORMATION. Students enter at any time No vacatlC4.-.. Time Unlimited—RevieW at pleasure—Grad= mates assisted in obtaining situations—Titi tion for full Commercial Course, s3s,odi ' At -erase time 8 to 12 weeks; Board, $2.80, per week; Stationery s6,oo—Entire cost, seo,oe to $70,00. _ . • ler& Ministers' Soria received at Walvis*. For Card—Circular--Specimens of Bast ness and Ornamental Writing—inclow twa stamps, and address ' • F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh, Pa. 10:9-1y* • EC - A CARD. PAiladelpAie, Pa • The undersigned, the Founder and Publish. er of VAN COURT'S COUNTERFEIT Dialer. TOR, desirous of retiring from this bratielt-of business, has merged that old established work in the popular BANK NOTE REPORTER of IMLAY a BICKNELL. Having published Van Court's Detector since 1839, the under signed reluctantly parts with his old friends and subscribers ; but this reluctance is less. ened by the conviction, that in IMLAY k. BICKNELL'S BANK NOTE REPORTER they will receive a work that matches the times. J. VAN COURT. Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 1858. NOTICE. All Subscriptions to Imlay & iicknell'a. BANK NOTE 'REPORTER are Payable scrupuldusly in - Advance. This is the oldest Bank Note Publication in the world. For thirty long years it has main tamed an unsullied reputation, and continues to be the necessary companion of all business people over_the whole continent of America. THE COINS. OF THE WORLD! Now in-press by Tansy k 13mitnem, will be given gratuitously to all old and new sub scribers: all Coin Charts, Guides and Mu aals, as compared with this, may be consider• led waste paper. 1 ' ' TERMS. To the Semi-Monthly, - $1,50 per anaam. Monthly, 1,00 ' 1 Single Copies, at the .Counter, 10 Cents. " Mailed, 12 " Address ;IMLAY do BICKNELL, Box 1150, Post Office, Philadelphia, PA. [22-3mp.] • I ANNOIINCEItiENT_EXTMLOI4. DINARY . No „Hurabug. A LADIES' FASHIONABLE FUEN/IMING STORE IN POTTER COUNTY. IRS. E. 11. N. GRIDLEY has established a fashionable and, extensive Ladies' Fur nishing Store, at Ulysses, Potter Co., Pa., three miles west of Lewisville, where she willtake furnishing Millinery, Mantauntsk ing,'and Ladies' Apparel generally, in better style and at much levier fates then ever before offered in this county. , Mrs. G. receives the fashions, from New York regnlarly,• ant is therefore enabled to make or repair Bonnets &c., in the latest style and with unexceptiona— ble taste and durability. All articles warrant ed to he as represented She desires the pub lic to call and assure themselves of the nor rectness of her statements. Messrs. Larabee & Co., will receive and sup. ply orders to customers at Lewisville. T. E. Gridley will receive and protoptly dlt orders; throughoUt this and the adjoining counties; at shop prices. Special arrangements made for irolidai supplies, In connection with the above, T. E.GRID• LEY Would announce to the public of Pot ter and the adjoining counties, that he win regularly visit them, prepared to furnish all articles of Female ,and Mate Attire, mad Family Goods in general, warranted to be precisely as be shall represent, and at much lower pllce tban can be bought of any other person to the county. , (11:31j A man ESSAY on nuns NOME Just published, the 25th thousand, ins s6al• ed envelope, price 10 cents; or sent, postpod, by the Publishers, for 3 stamps : A MEDICAL ESSAY ox TILE PHYSICAL EXISAINITISII AND DECAY of the frame from liwitagenes, Infection and the injurious consequences 9f Mercury, With the modern mans of ewe. By R. J. MILVERWELL, M. D. Member of the Royal College of Surgerms; &c., &c., &c. !NW Spermatorrhoia, or Seminal Bmiestiouir; Nervous Debility, Impotency, Logs of ftira b Depression of Spirits, Timidity, mews ota• Sexual Organs, and Impediments to Marti* generally, are promptly and effectually mired by the. Author's novel and most seemed mode or treatment, by means of whichft Is= valid can regain pristine health without -hay. lug recourse to dangerous and ezpenstm gist cines. Rim the London Lalscet.--" Thdontraitein ever written on a subject of vital ineportmooloe% weU worthy the Author's exalted reputotios‘" Address the Publishers: C. J. C. MAIN 11 C0.,,•15t Avenue, cor. 19th Street,.Post SDa 4586, New York City. [2l-3 !nos. insido . PGRE LEAF LARD, in firkins and tabs; can be had at,the Old Regulator. Also, Sugar Cured Hauls, a plenty of Heads, fikants and Ribs, 20 II U Il HEALTH WITHOUT PHYSIC; CLARK & runtips ra
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers