Ea toina exiunty. This is Court Week here, but there w b g en very.little business done as yet,. Read the advertisement of •RedpatWe To B oo k. We would not fear to fully v oiend the work Without seeing it, from cir-knOwledge of the-author. $35 Pays for a Course of Instruction g the Iruu City College of Pittsburg, P a . y a ng wen graduating at this Institution s ,, g carantied to be capable to manage t h e books of any business concern and earn from 8500 to 81000 per :at, viii Republican Meeting. At a meeting of the Republicans of Bitter County, convened at the Court Couderspurt on Tuesday evening t ; t 2?..od inst., called to order by A: C. 1, 1;; ;;rt, Esq., W3I. B. GRAVES was f l e eted President, ISRAEL DODGE and Vice Presidents, N i ck: WHIPPLE, ES - I'S., L. 11. It.7itnell, Secretary. The object of the meeting, was stated S. Mann, Esq., who moved that a 6;l e aate be chosen td -the State Couven when A. G. Olmsted, Esq., was uuan isou4 chosen such delegate. 3loved that the chair appoint a County Committee for the ensuing year. The . chair appointed G. B. Overton, 11. L . Bi r d, G. G. Colvin, J. C. Thompson, aA. Lewis, Collins Smith, Cyrus Sun and Julius Baker. Mr. Rodgers moved that each town hip be all wed-one d legate in our Conn ; C o veution, and one additional ,dele 'ate for every fifty voters residing in the y,rmbip ; to which motion J. S. Mann T6ed an amendment, providing that each orkhip that cast ten or less Republican outs for-Congressman last Fall, should entitled to one delegat; those casting ;..tween ten and twenty, two delegates; '.le that cast forty, three delegates ;_and n e additional delegate for every forty ad : iiional votes cast. After a pretty full discussion by Messrs. fodgers, J. S. Mann, L. H. Kinney, S. .evens, Julius Baker, Z. F Robinson, J. L: Bird, S. 11. Martin, H. 0. Perry, C.Sonderlin, Rev. Mr. Robertson, of Mr >on. Joseph Mann, Lewis Mann, L. Bird, Kiibouru and others, lion. Joseph lann moved that the whole subject „be :Id on the table, which was carried. The following resolution, offered by J. ;.)lana i Esq., was unanimously adopted : E.s"lr , d, That the vote of Allison White in ..!ellout, against Mr..Grow's proposition to r iTethe pioneer ten years to pay for his home, ci Bigler's vote in the ;Senate against the Iceitead 131 H, show the sympathies and ten: :-,:its•of the party to whiCh they belong- to i 3 favor of the speculator and agiiinst the ?Nplct. !1r..13.a5e0 offered the following Rovir , ti. That the bill now pending before t.:l...,:aare of State. to the lection of State and. Count. the approbation of this, tataling and our 7e,rntative is requested tontrge it; p:l.L.Sage.. Nut carried. X resolution was offered, requesting our ! , presentative to introduce and urge the of a bill autboriziii . g the levying !Potstaxes upon unseated lands the , ae asiipon seated lands or re , ident tax- Okts. and providing for the collection of in the smile manner that otlicr are by laW collected. Carried. • Op motion, adjo'urned sine di. • W. ti. GItIVES, Pre,;/t. 11. KINSEY, StCretarg. PENNSYLVA: , iIA EDITORIAL CON VEN •',N.--The Convention ruet on IVednes v afternoon, in the Hall of the House :Representatives, liarri,.bur. The at :dance was large. Morton McMichael, ut die Philadelphia :17prth , c.preziitied, assisted by live Vice Pres and two Secretaries. Some eighty '. , tubers were in attendance, from various :rt s of the State. Mr, McMichael on thug tip: chair, wade a happy speech. Jrertior Packer wlts present, by iuvita ,u, and addressed the ConviMtion in a :tech redolent with happy thoughts, and trtssive of .the great rrood which the '.tiltßs of the people had derived from the iitssi The Governor's speech was deliv t%d is the must felicitous manner, and ves listened to attentively and warmly re- Eiced. The Business Committee wade I, itnailed report, which was referred to a `fret committee of three, who are to re rial at a special C6nrcution, to be held L 4 the third Wednesday of August, at Pittsbur g . The Constitution was adopt ti and signed during the evening. Va -143 other propositions were submitted ltd referred to the Business Committee. z ilarnsburz was fired upon as the place holding the nest annual meeting on third Wednesday of February. Mr. terney made the closing speech, which ky a m sterly production. The Conven `:4, which was the largest one of the kind ner held in the United States, adjourned 'lairpast eleven,.the best feeling Laving trexailed during the session. It must be gratifrin to the profession that the Edi aitil Association of this State has been at ntessfntly inaugurated, for to the especially, is the- motto applicable, tier in " union there is strength."--.lliii -0/../ou rii a /. len u 0 ..,; hni ~,.. ide ' .. Fit:`, l ; tr i3' giv 7 ; . n . : . r. e '. •2 - qt • ' •VS A ow,* rd , t - - - t -tin I:. no of .4 .-t - Is', , t . 11 g. ,vi.: on tel. I .' ----, 110. • AP 1 tilg 'rEN NSYLVANIA AND THE TARIFF.— d'-- 1 ' /he whip is cracking.loud over the shoal ... A, ‘trt of the Pennsylvania Democrats. The o_ ~ . i 5.,, „. Lave drivers at Washington, spea.hiug 1, '-;. 11 /rough their agent, the editor of the n s , i ` 64 8, gives the Keystone brethren to Q L ' ld erEtand that their natural craving for 41_f a • 2 - riff will be lashed right out of. them. h ' 34 Paper says : "Our associates in the Keystone State have already been indulged to the utmost limit of forbearance'.' They have b4en tolerated for years in the open profession of heresy. We permitted them to sicri flee Dallas for his intrepid fidelity-to 'the principles of the party, and we allOweel them to promote Buchanan becauXe of his! non-conformity to a cardinal point cif Dem ocratic doctrine. These things have been done for the Protectionist Demoeracy"oi 'and yet they hat-4 the 'au dacity to exact a still furtLer compromise of principle. The demand is iLiuffe..able. Protection is another name for .Abolition ism, and raLer than be responsible 'for its impos:tion; the representatives of the slave holding States won d surrender the con trol of the Government." " MR. VAUGEIN, editor of the Leaven worth (Kansas) Times, is out in a 'eard in his ow - if - de - fence, in reference to the• re cent fugitive slave case. He says : "That I helped Charley Fistieirto escape may be true---that I am rejoiced in his escape is certain. It is also equally true and cer tain that I am responsible for all that has appeared in the Times relative to the matter. If I have uutinged any law, let rev suffer. If any individual feels 4tr grieved, he can have all -the satisfaction he desires." THE Olean Adveriiscr says that the amount of lumber annually floated out of the Alleghany river and its tributaries, is from one hundred . and fifty to one bun dred and seventy-fivu millions of feet; but thinks the coming spring the.aniuunt will not exceed one hundred million. spez;gi WHY WILL YOU DELA? i Why will you neglect that disease:which is taking such deep root, and which gives you warning by that hacking cough, that you are fast ripenipg for 'eternity? Why encourage that pain in the side, the raising of blood, I those night sweats ; or that difficult breathing, which silently whisper in your ear that some 'thing must be dune to save•you from the grave of the consumptive? Why act so care lessly by permitting that disease to destroy your health, and hasten you to be tomb from 1 . whence no traveler ever yet ret rned? SILENCE THAT,DREADFUL COUGH I Or death must carry you to yoni, silent grave. Why delay while there is yet hope? Con sumption is caused by impure hamors of the blood being deposited in the cells of the lungs. Hence, the lungs ace like a spring of Water, when roiled lip by the dirt or mud, of clear Water constantly flows through the •prings, impurities or mud will be cenveyed aivay by the pure water Just so with the blood when kept in a clean or pure state; as it constantly flows through the lungs, it carries away all corrupt. matter. and perfect health will be the result. Front two to four Pills taken every night or every other night, or enough to keep the bowels regular, will in a reasonable time cure consumption. The reason these pills are, tied more than ail others, is because tliey are ! wade of purifying vegetables, and cleanse the body from all corrupt matter, and drive out disease of every description, quicker and in a milder way than any other Pills. Dr. 3lnrse's:llan Root Pills . are sold by all dealers in Medicines. PRICE c EU~E ::cT, • Corrected every Wednes , :ay, by P. A..sTer, - - BINS, wholes:du and retail Dedivr in Grp- eerie; and Provisions. Main Street, CUUDERSPORT, Apples, green, -- 0 bush., $ 75 to 100 do dri,:d, - 175 225 Lleuns, 1 25 2 Ott 11,:eswax, 1-) lb., 20 25 lier. 6 ' 7 li..ef hides, " 6 • 61 Berrie:, dried. (l quart .10 18 Buckwheat, 1-,:i busu., 63 75 hotter, 1 1 lb., 20 22 Cheese, " 8 121 Corn. 14 built., 100 1 06 1 Corn Meat, per cwt., 200 ' 250 Ergs 1 1 doz., - 15 18 Flour, superfine, 1 4 bbl., 725 •7 50 do extra, 775 800 Rains, '8) lb., , 12 : 15 Say, -- e ton, 000 ' 10 00 Honey, it lb., 10 121 Lard, " 12 16 Oats, 1 ,1. busk., 5O 56 ' Unions, " . 75 100 Turk, - r ) bbl., 20 50 23 50 do e. lb., , I lt4 121 do in whole hog, - -e, lb., ' 61 7i Potatoes. - -t.) bush., 501 ' s'; Poultry, 14 lb., ' Er' 6 Rye, {? bush., 871 1 00 Salt, t ,,.. bbl., • • 350 do 14 sack, - 25 Sausages, .12. ,14 Trout, "-{? I t . -bbl., 5 50 6 bu Wheat, V bush., 1 25 1 50 White Fish, per. i-bbl., 5 00 6 00 Wool, per. lb., ,30 -i 35 Sheep Pelts, each„ ' 75 1 00 pacTuAtEs OF SLAVERY. N PRES, and will be published January EL 15, THE ROVING EDITOR; OR, Talks with Mayes in the Bentham States: BY JAMES ItaerAril, of Kansas. • One neat vol., 121n0., 375 pp., Illustrated Price $1 This book is a narrative of three journeys afoot, between Washington and New Orleans; contains lengthy repoits of confidential coni rversatioQ- with the slaves in Virginia, the ' Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana lively descriptions of social Southern and plantation life;' a graphic sketch of advent* in Missouri ; and the most searching and thorl ough and reliable investigation of Zmerican slavery ever published in our, country. Time author has given a full and ana fearless report of slave sentiment—a thing never hitherto at tempted in America.' Let every one who would know what Southern slavery is=slavery rjs seen by the slaves—read this volume of their oral evidence, and startling record of thelr hopes and future designs., • - In the 0.-',hor'- As to the aathor's skill as a writer; it will he seen that extremes have, met and agite : .1 " Redpath could not be dull,- or tame, pr slavish if he were to try; he has not au idle Lone in him and if eccentric and humorous, 'tie all for humanity. Re has a rare mind and nature; both full of grit, and will war against wrong and tyranny with all: their might.',.— Hum J. C. Vaughn', in Leavenworth. 'Tiara. , . " A vigorous writer."—St. Louis Republican. " A d--d rascal, but the best writer we Lieverhad out west.'—Gen. Stringfellow: Copies sent by' mail, postage paid, to any ;part of the United. States, on receipt of the !price, $1: Address, I A. B. BURDICK, Publisher, a-Spruce Street, New York. * 4 .* Editors publishing the adore adver tisement and this note a few times, and notic ing it editorially,' by senditig a' marked copy of their paper to, the publisher, will receive n copy by return Tail. • • Miss SOUTH WORTH, COLONEL CLOCLETT, CHARLES RURDETT, • THOMAS DUN ENGLISH, E. a, 'HENRY CL I APP.IuN., • GEORGE ARNOLD,. SAMUEL YOUNG, Bias. ANNA WHELPLEY, Miss VI ROINIIKAUGILN, Bias. DI. NFRNUN, Miss HATTIE CLARE, PINLEY JOHNSON. Write only for the '. GOLDEN PRIZE. - GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. THE COMM PPEE • ILLUSTRATED, DEAN & SALTER, SUCCESSORS TO BECKET & CO. The New Yprk Weekly GOLDEN PRIZE is one or the largest and best literary papers of tht , day—an Imperial Quarto, containing right pages, or forty columns, of the most inter esting and fascinating reading matter, from the - very first writers of the day, giie m ll 9 Ditisl I. A t a gbeN A kiRESENT, WORTH FROM 50 CENTS TO. 8500 00, Will be given to each 'subscriber immediately on receipt of the subscription money. This is presented at a Memento of Friendship. and not as an inducement to obtain subscribers. . ° TERMS : One copy for I year, • $3 00 and 1 Present. One copy for 2 years, 3 50 and 2 Presents One copy for 3 years, 500 and 3 " One espy for 5 years, 8 00 and 5 " AND TO CLUBS, Three copies. 1 year, ss ' oo and 3 " Five copies, I year, 800 and 5 " Ten copies, 1 year, 15 00 and 10 " Twenty-one cop's, 1 y'r, 30 00 and 21 " The articles to be given away are comprised in the following list: 2 Packages of Gold, con= tainingssoo 00 each 5 do - do 200 00 each 10 do • do do 100 each 10 PatentLeverHuntingCas- ed Watches, 100 each 20 Gold Watches, 75 each 50 do (la 60 each 100 do do 30. each 300 Ladies' Gold Watches, 35 each 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches, 30 00 each 500 Silver Watches, $lO 00 to 25 00 each 1000 Gold Guard, Vest, and Fob Chains, $lO 00 to 30'00 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins. Cull' Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs; Watch Keys. Gold and Sil. ver Thimbles - . and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 each. We present to every person sending u, 50 subscribers, a t , .;:z2 each. a Gold Watch worth $4O to any one sending us 100 sub scribers, at $2 each, a Gold Watch, $9O. Ev ery,subscriber will also receive a present. Immediately on receipt of the money, the subscriber's name dill he entered upon out book, and the present will be forwarded with in one week, by mail or r_rpress, post paid. All communications should be ad dressed to DEAN S. SALTER, ' Proprietor., 335 Broadway, New Turk je10:58-1tem.ly. • A STATEMENT of the FIN A.VCIAL FFAII?S of do BOROUGH OF COUDERSPORT, For the Yeor 1658: ES PE.YDITURES : For Clerk's SAlary. $2O 00 For Clerk's Extra Services, 70 For Printino, • 12 25 Fur Blank Books & Stationary, 910 For Speci4 Police Circus day, 500 For Attorney Fees, - 3 00 For Pay of Borough Auditors. 300 For Balance due Treas. of '56, 137 For Work on Streets & Cross- , ings, and Plank for Cross- • ings & Sluice, RECEIPTS: From A. llounsville, Collector fur 185,7, $7 40 From A. JRounsville, Collector for-1858i 589 80 From Win. H. Ilvdorn, County Treasurer, 1 no From Circus License, 11 00 From N. Schoomaker, on ac count of C. W. Johnson's Side-Walk - 49 50 Deduct Treasurer's pet ventage and bal. due Treas. of, 1857, 14 60 6G2 if. Excess of Receipt's over Expenditures, scud excess having beo applied to the payment of Borough Debts, $3:l 36 On the rst of February, 1858, the LIAM TIES of the Borough, 4 reported by a Coi mittee of the Council, were as follows: Orders outstanding, : 7 $554 06 Add Errors since discoy'd, 134 . Due on Judgments, 4(2 81 Add.for Costs, ; 12 84 Total Debt, Feb. 1, 1858, Deduct available Asseti, as then re -iiorted, • Excess of Debt over Assets, Fehniary4th, 1859; Orders outstanding, .$265 94 Due on Judgments & Costs, .392 35 . Total Debt, 658 29 Deduct available assets, 728 67 Excess of Debt orernvnilithld Assets, 520 62 ReduCtion of Borough Liabilities, -- during the year -18 1 58, . Snns to =—_—_—_-_ .13'y order of Council. 11. J. OUSTED, Sec y. . . Zttitrttruttitts. . Ac rninistratora' Notice. lA EWERS of Administration:. on the•E'state of SAIICELLIARLING. late of Hector Potter Co., Pa.,-deceased, hariag ',been granted to the undersigned, personk in debted to said estate -will make imme ate payment. and those having 'claims againstlthe same will present them to us for settleme i nt. , • FRANCIS STRANG,I 7 „,1,.i, • LOVINA.CARLING,P ( 7T,F Hector, Feb. 14,1859.-17-W,- 4! • I DE NTISTRY ! • ' [ 1 TT M. SHEERAR, Dentist, of 'Wellsville, • Allegany Co., N. Y., respectfully an 7 nounces tO the 'people of Potter and the l o:(4 joining COunties in Penn'a; that he is'pernml i neatly established in Wellsville, and is prek pared.to perform the 'carious opeiationS in Dentistry. Especial attention is solicited to his style of inserting ARTIFICIAL TEETH. superior to any other style known, called "Allen's Continuous Gum." All work War ranted. Letters of inquiry promptly answered. Nov. 10, 1854. H. M. SHEEltill. LiAnfmmtE, Iron and Nails. GIaSS. Sash 1 - 1 and Putty. Paints and Oils, Alcohol, Camph-ene and Burninz Fluid. at .- ,20 C4ARK...t. PHILLIPS. • F ANYRODY,lncluding maids and matronii, I old or young, plain or pretty. wish to buy or sell anything. we give it as our candid ion. they had better. came to that same Old Regulator, kert in full blast by 20 CLARE Sr. PHILLIPS. - Scrofula, or King's Evil. is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the I blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Beim in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, s and may. burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, al:sive all, by the venereal infection. What ; ever. be its origin, it is hereditary in the 'con stitution, descending "from parents to children limp the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems toAlc the rod of Him who says; 4 , .1 will visa theiniquities of the fathers upon their children." • Its effects commence by deposition from the blood -of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles ; in the. glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blocid, depresses the energies of life c so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by' disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of-the liver, kidneys, brain,. And, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. • One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the iystem we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AY . ER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can' devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disortler from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only- scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise -from it, such as Eaten - vs land SKIN DISEASES, ST. Axrnoxv's FIRE, ROSE, Or ERYSIPELAS. PIMPLES, pn:TIII,ES, BLOTCRF.S, BLAINS and BOIL., TUMORS, TETTEIL and SALT Itur.rir, SCALD BEAD, RINGWORM, RHEUMATISM, SYPHILITIC and MERCURIAL I)IS EASES, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY, .and, indeed, ALL Coscrt.encrs ARISING pram VITLA TED OR IMPURE BLOOD. The popular' belief in g. impurity gf - the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, Without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's.Cathartie Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF AFAMILTPHYSIO, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search,-and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Ant only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable. and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis. my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: Cogire seas, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered Stomach, _Nausea, Indifitst ion, Pans in ynd Morbid inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a Ibw state of the body or obstruction of its functions. BIM '290 74 $676 70 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOE TIM - RAPID CURE OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. lion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages. of the diseaie. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu nitrous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub:. liclv known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its - luperiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues arc known,' the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten $555 40 476 45 $1,U31 85 104 12 $927 72 PREPARED DY - DR. .3. C.. AYE & CO. • Sold by SMITH k. JONES, and D.W. SPEN CER: Coudersport; COREY 5.7 SUN, Ui3 - sses ; A. IL JIORTo:I, Cushinr.trille ; MA .N IsZICIIO LS. )(Murat ; C. 11. SIMMONS, Osivayo; and by ail Merchants aul Druggists. [11:75., LOWELL, MASS. It/RA ILILE DICTU! $19.1!9A : .€7,29,4a5 HARK ! . HARK !! What Noise is That'! IS THE RUSH AT THAT. OLD . REGULATOR, in full blast from 6 It., to 9 P. - 31., by the ‘ good people from Dan to Baresheba, afier the good things thfrvin con tained. is'a fatd City, and the pen ple are, fast clams. 0 !! how they do Work at that-old Store ! Farthing and Log ging can't hegin frith it ; and they don't: try to bait any body with 6c. Sugar; and call lit . 1 nod. Such might possibly do fur Vinegar ; if Claansed. • $lO.OOO worth of choice Pork, brought in the Hog from 'Wyoming and Livingston coun ties, packed by Clark k Phillips; 30000 Sul2:lr 'Cured Hams:, 22000 Shoulders;, 12000 Pure laud {MOO Boots. aml Shoes ; 47000 Horim Feed; 95790 Nails. 44- to sc; 78000 'ware. Crow-Bars, Iron, Tin Ware, Stone' and Wooden Ware, Tools for Mechanics. Farmers and: everybody ; 1600 Flour, $4,75 to $7 . ; 7tl Chests of Tea i from 33 -to 'sc.; Points: Fluid, Alcohol, Cawphene. and 200p50, other things; 40u Bushels . Stone Lime, cheap ; Rub bers and Buffalo Over-Shoes, for mai Women and Children. WANTED! at that "Old Regulator" in Wellsville. foot of Plank Road street, ou the Railrhad, surround ed by Shingle Shanties. Lime Shanties, Pork Packing awl Flour Shanties, all the good peo ple, mail and she-mail. including , the pretty Lasses and prim Old Maids, to entry off the needful, substantial and fanciful things therein contained. Thus endeth Want No. 1. No. 2 calleth for 2000000 Sawed Shingles, nOOOOO Shaved do. 2000000 Lumber, Also big Deers and Little Dears, some Dear;, , ome Patridges, some Pot cupine, Caxit $lO, Rutter, Cheese. Moats, Cgs, Poultry. Corn, ke. Come all ye who wish to buy or sell; we Will do you good. Doubt it not if any say nay.— it is not our fault that fools Ana . are not all defunct. So now We are prepared to greet you , hvith a Merry Christmas and a Hap py New Year! CLARK L., PHILLIPS. Wellsville ' Dec. 21, 1858. [11:22 P. S. If that Printer made slsoo by mind ing his own business,.and $5OO more by let ting his neighbor's alone, what - mong/t/ some some others do? Let unhappy =tilers answer NOTICE. THE PUBLIC are hereby uotiF.ed thUt hiv ing purchased the Saw-Mill Property at Lvmansville. in the county of Potter, now oc cupied by Elihu Starkweather, I have ap pointed the said Elihu Starkweather my Agent, for the transaction of all business in relation to 'the carrying on the business of Stocking and Manufacturing Limber at the said_Mill. AUSTIN A. KIIIIIY, Coudersport, Oct. 5, 13 T.— 11:13-',1mo* TO EVERY FE.I/.1 1 , 1 LV USITED STATES. MRS. MONTAGUE'S FEMALE COROIAL, OR T[ CURE OF .1 Lr. THOSE PAINFUL A. DISEASES PECULIAR. TO WOMEN. Mrs, MosrAurg, for many years afflicted with most of the diseases that are common to females, spending a large fortune in ten years in trying the different means of treatment fur her relief. to no avail, was prevailed - upon by many of her friends to visit Cuba, December '4B, - for the purpose oireg lining her former health. While there, she obtained a prescriii- Lion from a Spanish Physician— "Whose silver larks Were tending to the grave." With which, through the mercy of God, she was restored to her youthful health. After her return she . made known to hun dreds'of her female sufferers the effects of the remedy lyith equally as great succes:"4. This extraorilinary medicine is offered to the public for the relief and cure of all the painfii! and dangerous diseases peculiar to women. and that the feukale constitution is subject to: To those suffering from "Prolapses Uteri," Lucorrhoea. Amenorrhoea. Menorrbagia. Dys menorrhoca-Chlorosis, a .speedy cure can he obtained. To thosesitircrint; from Fulling of tlfe.Woniti •ir Uterine Weakdess of any kind. the Female Cordial is especially recommended. It ii. tea , - ranted to core this painfdl di , case if perse vered in. In all spinal afTections, pain in the rer4et of the Pel - is. Lowness of Spiiits, Siek-headache, and all those disease; from the peculiar formation of woolen, Elie Cordial will be found of nn immense value. This medicine moderates all exces , , and re moves all obstruction ; it invigorates the de - biliated constitution for the duties of life, aiad when take in middle age proves a hlessinz. Modesty forbids us, in a public adcerli>,- ment, to make full thedetatis ; but the wrap per around each letter 'will fully explain every case. Merchants, females, or (Alters, by seriling three cent stamp, can have any iufbrniation respecting the operations of the medicine. Agents - wanted in every village in the Uni ted States. Put up in half pint bottles ; 52.0.) per bottles; 50 per cent. off to the trade. All orders mast be addressed to Dr. J. D. STONTROAD, (Sole Proprietor,) • Lewistown, Pa., Box I I 1 11:1-1v NEW GO* S 9 Low Prices . AND. FAVORABLE TERM. EXTRAOHDIIiMa 111DITOMENT8 TO Cash and Short-Time Buyers, AT THE EMPORIUM STORE! :LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: I. AM NOW RECEIVING my second Winter Stock, which embraces almost everything Usually kept by the Country Merchant s — - DRY . DRY . GOODS, • • GROCERIES, . . HARD-WARE, - • BOOTS t SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS k CROCKERY, &c.; . , all of which I propose to sell . at low .figures, fur cash or approved credit. Call•and Pee our GOODS and PRI CES. Being thankful for past favOrs, I hope to be able now to offer more favora ble inducements. :.P. A. STEBBINS. Coudersport, Feb. 1, 1859.-25: cridAV/46 - IRGN - CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. PITTSSCRGII, P:tp - - - CIiAP.T.MED . 300hstu4enis attattting Yanuary, 1553.. w the larest an& west thorough were's' Selioel of OW I.;riltetlStat. , s, men prepared for actual iluties of the C 0...... inc.:Zoom. l• • . A. M. Prof,.ef Booli-liceping ft:n.l • Scieuce of Aeconni.4. ,• 1 ` - A. 'l'. DocritETT. Tesehor of Arithmt.•tie an • Conunerclul J. _l. Iltvl;sh - x - :cad T: C. JENKINS; Teacher; .of ruck-Itt <Ting: 1 .j • ..I.,CowLEY and W. Nlti.,LE.rt Profs. of Pc • j ut:m.4:4p. SINGLE AND DOItBIiE 7:S11117 NEEI'Vq, • A nFeti in inery d4pa-tnn•nt of COMMERCIAL A RITII MET IC —R 11 . 1:ITIS'Ci- DU I:CV - SO COUNTERFiEI'r MTRCA NT IL E. .I':OI;;RESPOSDENCE--COM- „ • . Arc taught, anti all other subject; - sary for- : the success hat thorongl: of a practical linsiitts.: 1? P 1).1 triNi S. -* Drawn :111 the prentituns in the pag three yr!...r3.1.h.in in EaAern :tn•l tern. Cities, for he:4 Writing. NOT ENGIIAIrED 11,TOn:tii IM PORTANT: IN F . Students enter at any Time unlimited—Review at pleasure—:4.;:-., nates assisted in obtaining situations-1-c tion for full Commercial Course, $35,1.i.:, erase time 8 to 12 weeks; Board, s'.2q -1 , • week ; titetkinei v sB,o6—Entire cost, to 570,00. riir Minister:: Sons received at half p:74. , For Card—Circular4LSpeeimens of 11a . nes: , and Orintm,etal. I ,Writing—ipelos.• stamps, and addre:,3 F. W. JENKINS. Pittsburgh, Pa 1(1:9-11-* A CARD. : Philadephia, l'a. The unders4med, the Founder and Publi,J, er of VAN COURT'S COUNTERFEIT DETEr.... TOR, desirous of retiring from this branch business, has merged that old establish: work in the popular BANK NOTE W.:PORTE:- of IMLA'I t BWKNELLt Having publish' '.au Du!p!'t%);• i•iir:e 1839, the ond,r reln,tantly parts with his old' frieu; and ..utiscp•ll,er;..; but 'this re:lettuce is .le, • cued 'by the con.detion. that in IMLAY .' BICKNELL'S BANK NOTE REPORTER. will receive a nork that matches the tinier. J. \ AN: COURT . Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 1858.7 NOTICE. Subscriptions to Imlay & Bicknell's NOTE•REPO T E are Payable scrupulously in Advance. Thi is the.ohle.t Bank Note'Publication in th world, For thirty long years it has main Mined an unsullied reputation-, and continue to be the necessary companion of all busine , pvople over the whole continent of America TEE COINS OF THE WORLD ?ow in press by ALAI A: BICKNELL, WM b( given gratuitously to all old and new gab scribers. All Coin Charts, Guides and i!ii;th uals;as compared with this, may be consi(!:: ed waste paper. — ERALs To the Semi-Monthly, $1;50 per mum: , 11(mOtly, 1,00 •• liingie Copies, :et the Counter, 10 Ceu: I= MOled, 12 .lddre.;s IMLAY t• BICKNELT !1,--, 1; I Past: Office, Philathlpif, :INNOUNCEng .. ENT DIS ARV No .1 iumbrux. _ . LADIES' rAsHIo.NABLE FIIB.NIS:LIN STORE lIOTTER C3 , Ui7TY. 11. ( . 00.1)Ln* has extciaslye F., nishiu , .ii Stork., at l'ot Ler Co.. wci , t. r 1 Lt.wisville, where SllO joil`)Y ,li, Milliner. A . :A %ire! goner:ll:y, =:‘ la a 1:•! :,t !IYI , , + . l' rotes than ever oin•riiiii in this Crlll 11 MrS. G. l'eCts:Vl•F rf(%111 YOrk IT:411:111y, ilWr , fOrt; enni,i d .ind with ditraldit. All article, I o deFir 1 :1 , -st;ri! tilrroiilve.s tly; I=l L.lrahee sjCu., will ply Order: to eu,Lonwrs at Lewisvil T. E. Gridley kill reet•icc and prc. orders, thron,.,oheut this and the comities, at shop prices. Speeiai arraitittoeatl. made f‘q k'onnecton ith Che T.E.6.7.:=ii wouLi aanuunr to tie pu!)1...; to and he n.djHieling rezu:arly visit them, prePared to ful - i; -11 articles of Foliate and Male Attire, an I re • Goods in general. warranted to be u• as lie shall represent, and at much love than can be bon;, , lit of Any other person comity. HEALTH WITHOUT PHYSIO: A PRIZE ESSAY on N ERVOUS DISEASES 'Just published. the 25th thousand, in a sc... ed envelope, pried lv cents; orscut, the PfubliAters, f9r statups : 31}:DICAL ESSAY ON TUE PrIYKIC.tL AND DECAY of the frame from Indulgent e, Infection and the jujurious consequences Mercury, Kith the modern means of rare. By R. J. CLVERIVELL, M. D. .'3fember of the Royal College of Surgeone, &c., &c., &c. §permatorrliceaor SerninalEmiLion=, Nervous Debility, Impotency, Loss of Energy, Depression of 6pirlts, Timidity, D'esease,olit e>-of.u ;•• Sexual Organs, and Impediments to.Marrl,g generally, are proinptly and effectually fiurv , l by the :Author's. novel' and most - succ.essful mode of treatment, byineaus orwhlch the In valid can regain pristine health without hay= tug recourse to dangerous and expensive medi cines. • From the London Lancet.—" .rie test freatis•: erer icritte* . on tz . sultject of vital importance to aii, welt trorcky Me AtiMor's exalted reputation."- Address the PUblishers :- C. J.T. Rust: .k Co., Ist Avenue,j cor. 19th Street s Post Box 4586, New York City. [2l-3 mos. inside.] WRE LEAP LARD, in firkins and .tuba, E can be had at the Old Regulator. Aiso, 'Sugar Cured lb ut , ;, a plenty of Heads, Shainis arid Iti 21.) CLARK 4; PHILLIPS. ri liOOlC i~~. '1 MN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers