The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, September 16, 1858, Image 2

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T ' a nation," an i sehet noires! a takeican
SWjaihipia itlate o ma-e-A YOUNG' uADY • .-- • ... • ',- -• • 1
ever accrete I* aneopertion or commaulataa
Attic; tut BY A. "P.BEXIING Tom " -- That Nut acahlisialiata a tir success es atieved by. i
Aceo so mean a basiness as that of Peen meana whickeinttOveneahe law of Eta
f ner Tuili a roity•torn snit happily, the el . eel Right.. Thefree alletMentof limited ,
jewing from the Pittebure De a . 2 ,n ac a potions of the Pnblie Lauds to Actual
, Settlers theme,. mid every hopeful plan I
rare,: ,
e. intended to diminish the sum of human
l 'Az Murdouksrille, some young laat&a misery - from dearth of employment or ;in
had selected a shady cook •ind were; en- , adequate recorepeuse-every scheme mei
joelog & river bath, when two poetry' fel-4 -"y that. 'eeks to help theonfortanatel
le paean t.,
!tors, atiolling in the woods, heard en un- hy enabling and teaching thew' to help]
uspel pleshiog iet s be water, and folloneng taesoselvete--must. command oar eaastait
their ears, were amazed and---Aba'd . we sympathy and maipenation. ,
say it?-edelighted, on tuaeing a s harp , Within the preseritrar,rgE I'llIBL - NE
hand in the'liver, to .behold tare water I h as provided itself with a new ind faster
orephe floating ila the rippling cerretth I Press at a meat edo,ooo, merely that,
fairer than the naiads and more euchant- !some of (tor eubseribers may receive their
jug than wren!!. ew mealin g t6nl s# lv e . h I rapers a mail earlier than they Otherwise
ono of the %scab angered thirty dollars nett do. With corze•poodents at ,the
en the min:tieing powers of a flaxen- neeht important points throughout the eie
haired dieatity against a small darleeyed lazed world, end a staff of. writers Owen
bemity-the two being the leaders of they front the best in the country, vie believe
party and the most expert so-jamas.- that even those wlio dislike the poLitimi
The wager was accepted. The two had of our sheet concede to its frankness in
a.ri a : tut for a long swim a a strong swini stowing its convictions and lability in
and a swim together, when the fairbeired I' m: d o w n i ng them. - We *Neal, then, to
elm shrieked at a turtle; mad terribly :those who believe dig an tnereisiej eireu
frightened sank under the neve. I 6
laden of Toe Tatectias would tooduce to
ft was a strunle between gallantry I the political, intellectual and Moral well-
Arid duty with the young man; bnt the t beige of the Republic, tohid us in effect
ot.e who hid Accepted the challengeleapt fh: such increase. As we employ ne
from his hiding. place raw the stream, 1 t „ ve li ng ,
policitors of eutiscriptions, we.
end striking out boldly, succeeded in f esk our ;preseot Deimos in every locality , For County Tres:tow, '-The Reroublical anti American !FlatlT CELTCRE: or, a Gaidt . ta tber. ,,
... i cation and Management of Fr iltTreri lra.
seizing the insensible and drowning state Conventions .tit Synicuae N. a - de ,, cripti „„ rF Is 4 .
girl ItO Speak to their eeighbore and"friends in kLI REES. of . Couder.-port. .. ; r. . rut ,an a. review arm
and dragged bee to the shore- Of course , 0 , 0 b e h a lf. we s h a ll g l a dl y rece i ve f rom tailed to unite on a ticeet, and - on the - fur Miscellaneous tiottsehoidße , :tip ttl f - 7
1 For County Countanioner, I illustrated. By Thos. Greg, , N--tr T .
the remain:ler of the party had fled, but ;any friend lists of those who ; would re- JEROME CHESEBRO of Oswayo.
soon el:tamed, took charge of the inaniee . „ e i ve an d rea d a apeeimen copy of one of ow er a ee, put., era, ?rio t t f
11th inst. made separate nominations as I
3 . B4o . cennts:
chliotht :s sc, t - w (4...
1 For County Autiltor. f o ll ows : 1 '
mate form, and restored her to eonscions - aaur editions, and shall be particularly lia• We would evil attention to an at.
The Ft-publicans neminated for Governor, 1 Fruit culture has but jtet love ea.
rev. In consideration of the sit-vice raa. f i lwhosend WILLIAM B. GRAVES, of Clara. . ,
rate uto Loose may us suee a time on our last page in regard to the i Edwin D. Morgan; of New York: Lieutenant. ,
seise Performed the Young fellows Sere grant- rnames from pesteatfices at: whieh we have '-• , i the attention it dmerveseud p
OUR .TERNIS, t * v i ctims of the Stever Echo. It is writ
-1; vie Governor, P.oben CamPlaell,;of StenhenA C -t"
4 absolution_ 7he lierc:ae metier of the G naw eo et o scr ib ere . wh a t ever additi ona I
rung lady, however, claimed the ; thirty !way th in = from and after the first of Octuber will :ten h a uouthern man and in -
be made to o ur eireilation shall ber , q, ca d • • • Y •-•-
nal Commis..-.ioner., Hiram Gardner. of Nina- gladly welcome this - work as t h e taas ,
published as ; State Prison Inspertor, Josiah K. Everest, :i t conta i tis i s well _ oakeahteli la
:td ,
uollars, on the score that his nymph had lb I, ed by bl ea per annum in &mance, a
an n°
, 1 a Southern paper, and is undoubtecdv ar-: I. 1 4
c para .tee i ncreased efforts and ex-1 of Clint-me ) .
SR' fruit-orowth. Every perspft lib:11U t
, y The Americans nom:noted for Governor,: instruct veal - chusequently bend a,
flirly won the match. If it at not iintt-t
-peuditurehto mace our issue More nuns _ paper will be sent after the time paid for 1
enforeed. irayeri in its most favorable colors
B 4 up the pone', men puriewe that the; v ie and useful ' hare Mahar.. Th enc e terms will be strictly - .1 iLnrenzo Bo- rows ; Lientenant-Governor,
ladies shall try again." ; !bee n . i thatt they - I thenie: S. Itenum - Canal Cor.r.nrsuPr, Jas..'
' The elbsin sentence ofthe article is a F stir . , r d
`;`" We desire our readere to take partic u lar ' g ; i n Th., rapou , or m o d roe : Pnson An- tree, or g round enough for one toproscr.,
1 I notice of t h is announcement, !queer one to write after the labor that 1 - -
• spertor, wm A. Russell, of Washington. s.ltouid reed . iL .To be mean.' afel is f r i t
- --- ---
In addition to the above we give! has gone before it. We would ask aA 1 i ;
TPLE SEW - Ton NI TRIBCSE, ! Tr 9 TranoxE is printed on a large im-1 i i 1 This aeti. aof the Convention r,!aces .-, . •
eeliture, es In anething eke yen e m
ASS 8 - 3,9, :Friel sheet, folded in quarto forum, and i due notice to Delinquents that unless!
, ; Charlestoman• "ifhe is nut in a 'Area lour State rickets in the f field,-the Re. know hew to do it; and this &eh Pm
indebtedness ' ' •
i their to us is pam up i measure eei , 3 , ,
lenal etl to subueribers on the following ill in common with everel .he
The successful laying of the trans -At-: TEINIS : as soon as the above date, their ac- - I e'''' ,P 1 a • , , much mformatiou one can not yell dieral.
. i .oen Ainen - can. Abeition or 'Genii : -
Lamle. Tela-aphic Cable narks a new ere ! Deter Tiescso per annum $6 1 c.yants will be put in the hands of a ,Slave -holder . of the effect of those ''l`tealf 4- 1 ' Smith, uad the le-corepton. The result ' out. Th e pl a ce i s so =mall that aay cu ,
in the history of Human Proer-a. II etioe- l, i •
, assn.-a-Er-4v/ ritn acs
t ' !Justice of the Peace for immediate - ing pins" to I"
which he so pawky alludes? tis now very doubtful, arol in place of ad- ff „I - le • d e a a, a • •
J , min a o it. There is no et i tee
forth. EuroN, Western Aai.s. and North.: one F , •11`.1 - • one eeer SI 1 eeltectioe by due course of law. Could he not wield a powerful i n fl uence.: „„ ine eny
1 7;c -illations of our- own we ieeetiens some fruits mot be wads i
5 • •z, pen
ern Africa lie within nn hour's 6 - lance; Ts°,c,')?!.': 4 ' , °a' '.' c - ar t
? ; by example and in other ways, to remove; e•ve °Plow extra
' let from the two leaThig :Weif- d' ' 1 cu l d
, , five 11_ ortms, one rear 11 25 : J0 Ictont y ovate 6
from our *hoes , and the hettk watch de- , I le :- . c ar , :-.2„,.. -.2„,.. 20 1 le-Read the erospectos of the N. Y. ,
, i en , o k um.., .0 on. c.c.. . . ; b t t•
; e emp Ingri of thihe. gains ? No.' Republimm papers of the State, rich of i - - -
rides the fete of a kite/dem, the capture I i NrciltiX TSIZCaIt. 1 2"..15ime in another cotama.. It is eminently ..
_,____, , ev • e 1 ; An inquiry.
era Vienna or Gibraltar, the fell of a' : One Copy, one year S 3 " : the fo -t. ' br-hed "th r - in.--. •-- leasea'rs are too eortreot
'ear ' •
whieh adymmetel a different policy. The , ;
5- I . rerat• ;on- pa 1.- in e , 0,04.
.> For the Po:ter/van:.
dynasty, the triumph of a uaurpatien, the : Three Copi , on,. year ;and valuable in Seuth Carolina for that- i e r ae ene sacs : ,
Fi. el Copirs. one sear
birth of an heir to royalty, the death of a f --- , . _ - Et
, •
12 tia"' The election in Vermont lest week! Hie motto is •'I ' ILI - 1 ;
: UR. EDITOR: It you will law la
'''-'-- preach and you -.T he at tem p t to;con.lane the two par- ki d - all ow I -I lease '
tee Cope._ tae 'tear may l Is flees to nle, al.
-0 1-,
Sieholas or Wellington, in any country: T n ,..h t y- t:, ) ,.i e .z.„ 'to our adtirest at the , .
k rtsulted in a majority of over 14,0d0 for alo the practice."
. J i ties repm-ented at Syracusa in a mated qt. thteogh the caimans of yomit a
which touches the Mediterranean, the, r..te of it per aanam 20 , i
t the Republlcan ticket--a rain of nearly ' e ed . :hi against the aleaorred l'l-stires" az.' - 1 wieli to kuitw what has bteeet ti
Femme, the Black Sea or the German ' Twenty Copies. to ot, , achb-rra Of ear.% , ~,,
and I We' The Congressional Conference at , the corrupt and faithl es s men of the Bu- -B ok c oma , • '' 1 '
- DkVlT:rei and aay larger rumba . - two 3 tWD-thirds 01 three-itrarees i
Ozeon, will be publishei in New-Yerk the i al', . - „-. 1 e . 1 - , ds . w-ir ittee. was Ml=
swine rate of al ..o each . i minsport on the 7th inst. nominated •• chanan Democrat - Iy, appears to have fail-, Le d i n t h e tal o a ' dem ma d e
next morning. if not oe the very day aft An. _, „.., „, et ti of tartars ' majority the same way is the legialature. t . -
l per...," sen--1..„, ilz .1 'a or , ' tne Hon. ..13311ES T. HALE, of Bellefonte, '
I ed. We r
,m7ret this result, bet are not i T eac h ers . Aa a aoa i et i on at o ewato .
i:s occurrence. In a moh.eot, as it were, mor e will. be entitled to an earta, copy. which is OS) &large gain. ,A good meal rote was Hale tsurpriaed at it ' A little tame experience:l m i ata k c am,
• we were then pea
we have been thrown into the immediate i S.tbscripttc?.e. crty CaMSlenCti at any time.
: for the October elections, we think. lon the fireat
a ballet -
The - - ' ' l seems to be necessary td the masaes er to ; hi, •
intellectual neitehborhood of the' rhole- Term.-.-'eways cash in advance. All le,tem to j 4. .- ill ; Petrikeu, IT. We have not received
;the leaders of the tea parties. A men- ,TT eailerl of the report tben ,r
; l e I be add-e....ed tne report on some tateer I
civilized sad a .are'as Port" of the semi - . ' - ° a • I ter A. J. Monroe, of Knoxville, Tioea i the
11‘..013-ACE, G nEELe.I. ..t. C.} , . s a published proceedings oe the Confer-I bivation of them is inevitable, but the' - . eras • -
in a stort trine. it betzete
t .
hart...zoos wor',d. The rise and full ofl - '
, Tribune haitd,o;-s,, New-Tors: i Co., announces himself as an independent'. enee, thoug h it is now more than a week! time for it has not
„ _ ,yet arrived.: Basta pretty /way • "limit time" ha
somks in. London or Paris will benreforti , 1 _saw-Ye-er Se; t. Is5S. t
be reported &mei day to day in the jouno, _ I didate. for Auemblv, i n epace i t i on to ...ince; but the conferen from this cennteet la the antimparea! coiiperautoti has i an d as vet no r e p or t appears
.. - . thus prevented oi far aa the State, commitacea curate dhecoaragea?
nels of our sea-at - lard creee. The boldt! . 1 Fatee tar -V. T. Ereczny Pore. IMt Williston. He runs under the espe o Te,rrt its action was entirely . karma - Ie I. - ea . : >
i tweet ts chocernee. we erast .t tnay yet, too (m ad ame l ia th e pee ,
eperators in Wall-street wi ll refuse to huel An Anti-Slavery Candidate fer!ei2l at ices of the Lecoreptonites. Ile; mous e and the nomination unanimouale he found practicable iu the Coner....sional o jf or - b k _
er sell until they L'ATtlred the quetetioes I Gosurnor in Virginia.
) t '-nd heartily ratified. ,- e gem that committee to .7 1
. .
„ ‘ should have oempany-therefore we pm- - • ~ enstrien. especially where the two ptitti their
perete se.renee is unevau to '
of that day's tineines en the Rer..l Ex- The subjoined card appears ameng the; I - - 1-
, -
t e at t h e L eeiempton i tes o f C o l s corm .) 31r. Hale is one of the stronstmat men I ties acting separately are sure to be heat- i mitan d o f t h et ,„ ai„ e t h ey
chanee and at the Borne, wheeze anti e- advertisements of a Richmond daily piper.? Ich c e
hi, in the State, and will ably and efficientle {en by the erflOW ol2 far:" !many meriterieus weeks that a i
tiens will have closed an hoar or 'eo be-' Mr. Abram, who propmees himself as earn ity nominate N. - L. Dike, Ems., of t -
-. . . t The Ereaise Part hives the matter :is iteposaible, or are there nowt,
ens this district if elected. NO man l
atre ours =begat. A revelotieu in Par- ? grunts fur Governor of h arguita, 03 thel place, who run so far behind) last year. .6rePres • • - .
is, an important vote in Parliament, an in- i grout ef hia eppoeition to slavery, a_.l - aifferend •
1 mold have been selected who is better; - 5 - 1 ;are aniline 'to recoteMend? lea
sort-et:on ie. lii:, a tire in Coreetintinoe &vita- what a few years since would have! Zee John W. Forney. in his speech at''The datiberations of the convention .
• taint WE.3tetjer. dithatatieft =X IV'
i tereed in its interests, or who can man;
• a `tented theme-Arcs wei wen 1:e •
-.e.,, will be diserteetel ereund the break-, prceaared Mei the honor of a visit fran I Vest Chafer, N. Y., last week. asented ' were marhed t a r -oi_hout the a detertnize-
correctly reflect the whes of its canno t - • . iteol and the re rt ineesplaed
a. tetables a New-lacrk a few latears eater' tl'ie r.kez,..-‘engers of Judea? Lanai, with 2MI hearers that Pennsylvania wank!' l tion to interpeee tio otneacies to an hen- , a - pcf I
i emcee In order Coat o: - 'ere some imimmttime tat .
he oceurrenee. A luielty tiough idient petite invitattoo either to leave the sirs: ~ oar- 'modem may a t aaioral•le widen, for thU e l ection at least ,
-t . - . -ire FORTY THOUSAND AN - ILLE-•
transfermation in thttnditoee efliumaa or take a met of tar end ft,..ers. Ofthei - 1 that he is well known and well thought ;all who are animated by a common he al-' EP ~E 0 Who are enenged in the ire
:COMPTON MAJORITY. Col. Forney!, i .•-• • eac-iiiree a untlduranc of teat-t • existence has bus: been effected by tire; candidate himself we only kuow what ape of outside of his district, we print the: its to the Shrrery Prepagande, and to tee ,• - 0 ~ •
:irate wire streichime Gerais the otemo'a ' pears, in Lis card , but a nete fr ee lire. nett pretty good in pelitical calculations, and : fnuawine: C .,
the zsgp,.,o Ot ,
teveten, of deuce, freed aria proft.ey ine reamed IT . _
A - Itou;s rd o• *lts hero
bed (rum the moo; of welt :d to the: thiaddriessea to us, aSeins that he is cure of: datilitlese femettedews the will ana wishes i. by which it tariyeat As as earnest 41 3 n- 6 g ea' _ • • .
: JA c aT H E.B'
amze T. Mate, .E of edefonte. ~ - Wili are etroe-
Britisii America, anti one inevitable re-- receivine a vote e vrhich will astonish; of thoae
.. . a.nt i_a deenniptat a tes still mirtn _: been
n , -
~ ted fir („_ . l. -their emeenty, in matter, they toek growl e -
oon "Tea. b y „...•• aei ohree
e has
a . the initiative in appeiptine a comm i" e , snow their who-idea:ne e -et.
salt of :his must be an nnemempled sore- ere
,rytatady but himailf." It is imp..
- rent ' themv.lees Democrats. ! Peaple's Ceaferea in oppteitien to Ah • , . , _ a-- ,„, a. . • .
~,,a D igu - ro z,
=may of feeling and intermit among the .fromithas that somebody is to k aitonish- ; to el./et-Pr wan a , L.:a-cation 01 . Anior-E - •
tzsoN W moor- Mr. White will End-the: - - 1 c . c s klea,a
*aliens of Chrietendent, sad a c...= ..ens led at the rruit--either Mr. Abeam ori Sitar The Lyeeming Ccactic & •it L. .=as ti Lan tin ~ .I.t .t..vracuse. to ascertain; e aPe- a -
• amempton swindle hard to tarry,. !ha . . . ah . •
&sue. for a more intimate 30.1101,3tatirt7; the Piehlie--and we need riot 53 ) that Re ek po hp e e ee t e e preme di nce of the HALK vs ea ., of the bea iaen in the et ,. ie.. rhet.. : :c.: t ,?re tla:s ...
--Itrang wz: , the-
... 51 erir
~, I -I, i .
with *ugh others doing thronela theme,' hope; -le wil t be the public. 1., . . . e , . , ,-, . • . -,, • . , . , • •• - eence.. me t....mven.f. , Ju cr.ko,:d 6-•..tsistent- ' bfi::::,l3 Ilinat3-
, Aamtmstratino t.onztanat Lonterence, • ino wet b e eiceteo De a iaree majoray. -.4 . r. _
dram of of the Newspaper Proms. It seraisi With to :fie method 'by ;phial: . .. te ea. to reteier the_r elope:at:on 2;731. 7 11511
' •bZ..." deec ni t eiho a e'eel.e word of etaito-; iferrza . eaaal rtiaira'..oh- PleLreFOS ..eaD aLtaaitam-' - •
hardly possible that thonomda sheuld not' Mr. Abram 15r0pax to abeiish Slavery i s ?
__ a. tee eommon enemy tore cry or pleasant. j_ ,.... ~,,, . . ••••.•
h_eumelorth reenleray reed their Own jeur-a Virginia, it gill be ea. a i t is - -ite &-
aly enough to ei ee r eee t cial reference to it This is et .
.., - _.... of ...._, e e , ae„ . .e. 1.. a
- ''d treet- -c• • -rest Pri - s;Pact -- wwn' e de-a 'rasa-ea in (Vie - emir-Inset th? , l kind :';';''' t a - ra "; - ` l-‘l.-' '.
..arthree eee an active mei ueited =el.' . - h - • ' oecoracs te:ce an* ri.--zgeo- Tr,- tia
n.a.,, who base hitherta been content with .it when i: is brought before Coogrea hal ment from a imper that desieed to ; g oo.* , e . .-. _ . , -eat eacemb to se:tat: tee Repuhlicees able to east of tt... imr....---..ites :Fr r.t.:•-x;
aa ocessional glean* at those taken by !the representatives ef the =atm.; but !,. t h e K... - issue a few w.otiths einee.--'. l a` a Y 3 , e.--:,.. , -.._ , _mr..?t tii.....,.: 3 -,.Fpr,:.t.,,,,--.
, 1,,bz.:. :he Amt.-pear- Ctervereion wee it the ratatte. i nce- maze yr/ -....: g Mee aF:
tliih- E*71711...1r5; while many who have: in the meantime, witheut •yiag hey:hind We
aaaar _ -" a ~. a , . , aUU "'eC c. ::". o t" . fi 4 . tn . 1 r'lle- Let: i bare= ee ::ca. T h .: , h a d per s onal' ends 1 ., , y rtr ......„-, ! „-___ 9 1, 41 . f„ L ... c , rselt ,:
_e l.
Irtr.7e.,f IS £.:.%' sweetly „L ehi er . e .,,,,,e. - .
.a . • -- er- ce-.a. , -- -- , el:-
be.= mateet with a Weekly iwne, will ien its Layne, we mar above that et '''te- cer e : .a' " a'. 1 ' , leerre, to whach th e retenees of the prih-: 7- °,7u----- -') 24 ". ,
to Ilia gotra.:s rust ti.rat it rrii ° i W e ! r ' ME= Er: 11,e 71. e c5,....-.--„*. zx...5. 11%4 , 45
'heed-Weekly cr Daily. In ,•tainly aaite as legitimate an appropriation Istz t ez ea w " - h i e agree with oar frie•ni of the row- and of Ice Ameeiwn party were riche . ' -- -, -- - - --- oj eee
DOW' requite a ... a ,
0r. 4 tiCE- , ....-- ,ILVISts Tars: 2:.-
s ho r t, iseeieeeee, always a vital element i..f the rablic beids as a soiree:a' °tams fotanot yield any eneloragement to the me
an icle, thet the • pre -em of Jndee Hale'e -u&rdiz.--t.e. As soon theetetnme ap-a ,tree e e ae - oe e ee i e a - ae , - .. 7 . 0 .., eaeha-a
e e growth is w i s d om . s u , c e 43 in bosineth„ I fluall members uf Congtvis I are Land w h o so re „ m eely i; m ap ac i I w U r i w i a d': 4 .. , ..,„. 4i ,... ;.. clod if la e ply a hae -a s i a t h e i parent. the Repubatran evirettiC3 r.. C.-2- : '.1111.1.% li-AherS leer: - 2.1.-4 e a;•:--11::
e. 1 I 7_____.7:-''' '' „ 1• •t fro 6 --- Ante-lire.. C e ee e i a ti en i wita see-h- ame ererate Ze C tOr-:.
or tiajoyarmet in life, Lea mea , brie in-i Toting. every sehion: ; •
fram As amt.. -1- Perhaps the art:-" , ffe 70,r:et s-e --efiv- ;tai no 4 ed Ta - - -e ",- ; an a• - -.:- .” . t e ..,_ , _ aea _ a y; •-•
Asa:enable to ;IL l -re :sat Pewee es r 3 3 ,3-1.1 t-I Lerch::: —, to thetr cooz•ratoenth. be- ate-pone' et:eh; -- aa - 'a „..'5. ?'-:"...z...' -
"nct-:= El-q 2 .11.. Callej.... *ol' tie o'-4--c ir :..3.1n 7 mto punish the recent refusal of hat little time to act in now , anti Repel,' • - „2-, • acs. r - t-: tie:: cuss m- ‘.... teree.
-Tar. New-Yoto-Tarnome, now more -a- - a-, -•_ _ e -e- : ; • , ...--Qt - Itilli arti se?oeting Witt eandiames I .... a a ,, et e„, ~, 4 - tat a ,.... 2 s-.
....overr_or of me ..•3-..'s• .t.e of Virzvna. a._
' , a shai„ k the A-imintratioa Convention of Frank- , ii mi . e . h id t - tee - -,a " i aa . - - v i l la! ."- --ha' ;Or - _ ~...,
thou sevento yeers old, which was the i
_ az . ea ,e, whe , - bui l I - - ...•
-- 5 - 03 go ..) Wi..... ica....tetate I all
~t.s ~.o Amerli3n,, who. t6Fa.pth - c.i.: wi L I , L . L ...- e _ Th, e _-,,, 1 . 4 1: , : ,,-..:44:...-e. •
- : eft. a y p05...e5.),....- sv-x_•- ! „.. . _
-..t t - 1 . - i .
orsta t eamal in the world that app....• ; n e m e e ,...„.,..„.. 4 ci _n t . 14, : -,,l• e d = _-;,, z3 c ei no county to recogniate tha Zah - - - Inato' ree , _with teat tem ana eam-ay so re l easite ea; zn,y of the patriotic parom-u for Wliick. i :..I' , ebi:f:irn' :-'•7--‘•
repalArly ea an idrperial eioht-prge zheer i a-mcs of theinaKe I...trAt. the maner, 2CG.--...:•-i serrites of GeV. Packer. i- • f e. • E'-'2 Kr-noblizut ram wee orraanized, cant. Marehalha;l s 4 74 - 157 . e l . 9 'ur -- •••
, Thereereomy . - a .. -. e .,..,„ a
at ea l ow a pr i m e a s e we its, ma d . c hi c h : :he ...efrrth ..o ttit app.:nat.-0 he rase.. exu.L..c- 4 , - -... v. I h:..-.trete to approve or, :cr.? do we de obi : ... 7. -. . e ts - --"er f..-. 7: the cm . ..
y-onaz slaved isr We have receird the first No- eft to woie ire
lus attained al-e unearallecl argree-te 0-.: - 13 '7 cf'-4.-aveirrekf. 74 - 1 . 211 ' . _ 8 . .. ; Lie El.a *7:41:11 as ahorera.;.. &tr.- --=
, :nu the apeamil will be fully .. - --,-,-stamett ' , ,-.- _- ' „, - - . f ...", -.---'
• sac r!....qr mageraneo herr= alre Cm 7....1 -3..5.W. , . - .11111. 42, i ; l De . : .. .! .. .a.Z.:l , e •••••/ r . 4. ..::t. .. 0. .1.4 , . -a e „
mire than 2rsae - ahlaselmeheiptiomee mazer- 1 -7", A \ -- az ,- , a , : . , ,z e. ,. 4 it e ht.n .,..„ A •..,,,„.,,,,... 64 idle Choir& Press, an indepe-udett paeeri _ . - A arm; a, bes=='.7.l B derar 24-"-i '-- - -- 1 -- 1 "'-'-
;„ I Vides is Steftstglit- t -
; .PEN:vsTi.:VASIA &AYE FAte..-We d - „e- -- - - 1 a -0.....-
fully solicits its else! of ram pittemege? tares tee: she gave . e a t ahhea. seams in:ea-Alta at Bellefonte, by Wien Pettey: rne ebt _ appy 44041 - ___ ikiine . is i % _ ....oat:ill 24" kr! ea pecc.e -
. -
which the Metroplitan Press ts hence- 4 I:ST, w ttts p 1. ...,, itt la , = , ^'` of her nwt*- - . ,. nd 3. G. K orn, eaz a the es of the _ a ``... 4 ;sire to direct the amentioa of oar seuter_•"• - • 1-1 - '
e x al t cc e s trained , at a tonvv-Ireek,lv cont..l;4'c rive a's ' 6, )c-"*. t"',,t's tee-- 1 ' 21 ?-glittb 1 !_ 11 5 4 , - ..., i aere-hborime. Cmgertkortal sod o ataxia?: 'ee; th ad - - =Kati , i Dr. Mats,es Indian ItorA Pa,
et rte par r w...---. etae..• with 6ttes, ri.:-• bzig. Win *meaty, the. tell ma - ____,-
_..3 j a° e vim,
eteremo. 1 b
to &atm. It sAi t aS t' , Weialiy the patron- i _ ... a. i ,
__ ..1 ix= F2 1 . 7 -liii- 1 %.- . ror-4, 1 1-03 ,11; darer, is well known be his .formes ece-Pee-' -•
o Incwe Austral Fair of I he State Aehical
e - o
Age and attire firer a 117 2 -0 • 4 : 1 n-le-ts 7 ." -- ; - states af the feaerst. rakn)k,nve tiles - mee- 1 ,e, e-
=Limn nomications, ibenA be a waramoitolei Stir. 4em
4,7._ y, to be hal tr. Pittsbarr,.'
el those who hate all farms ef oppasien the
:a: s e -aiativere, Est is te....-em-- ft act fest he' tn . an with eatety 4l urea as who as in P li - tt e th e _i n t hi s cear aie an d dicta t e.' j , . .‘,,
and desire that ever rariecal m .. ing a-Ne:;:=4 , -- ,-,,,,,, - Gilt nve bat artiir g. 44 it,:: Beal e r ....... W e a d v i se you to I,_,th e ': taach;d
that - a h .oa-ar•Meaciee- ott 7 ....sda.g, Sept_ 2eire lee , •,,.
- ________
zo , •...w.wEr2i - 4 eeere -.7.-t. T.
be free to employ h's fehalt: la titan in- V'? r b `- % m l *ri f al Y -4 - 44 rlO " L ' i Elir. ‘" 4:l * - ir• pt of ea Lai/goodie:pa r-se 0 the? a) continue unt3 Friar ea---aeer, l et :, ' eige - Nr; 1,- TEL-1- . aeheee --
P e ; arts party is 90 matter.itatii of by the very; 1 pre_ .-, ,+;
e - 2 L' .. , vrm.7.-1 azmoence kint.elf sa _az _1
tmeall inanaer as he ..,'.. Caeca. 1i. ,, t--c: e. ._„„ ,,, ,„. -„,„ , ( i
ng , , ttotbsee. aue meet assent arrarageereate eamene: Dehierete eoe_..derze. er tta
e... - ,x.t.ho ii-4au exteediaiheety atri lime 1
me memett ar.:ll be mire.
sam, a....,, eve....ea.......r.t ano trr.e, t the ea* tbe dare-the moat er=i tea
Lac ARRAY' i , =bare of im aminisno Tbe Republic:lm .--; a e rr. T. J oesaiaa
; eve been tie by it s^ . •
.naquo of • the , `-'' - i ems's -- k*•"'h ----•-•
it Siaveaty-leat it feather a* rest like-1 }
- . vrie to C t at platy wlli ecadmnn ye the :::
, atchaeiterf is invite-v.lle, bat el irLiod . ... - ' Ce--....rrrittzl,StV-'- t; "Izs. -5 -+ 1
lece te ad who imek ae-t lab= T - Or- the tre-; Gigc4 - 341. BraZiErrt'M CIALROES-- iyar,q the reneetest tape of inalepeackace.r• - . , 1" .14...:iCT al to metier tom' the vearett exhie, ;
,u weeteer than tie weakmat. It utas Leib' l : e ,, e a• t h e
_e ar e ca o pee i an d e n d eotr i a li Asisentialy-Anti-]
era of Nat.i. thrif,'- pleor, ienxam-iir.;-Tmet befree "ear:die-box Jtmat" - went teat m in s l ow r an d( t o b eat a d vwn t ese _ _
a 'ea -;•••; hel7 )asked why? We ate, becareae of die, . e ,: h has .. i ie • lmi 1 To ar..areors re as firprs"jai
it b z . val i a ' th e Is rc l ect i oz - o f A mer i w „,a _ re , a_ C...., .-V.:.::lt tO " tarn 4 penny, .r. ,eana. ,,, m , in a neutral or comm i tte d nrm-f6 . L.i , pradocz 0.1 oar:Oslo. weez lee
oea tr y a l y ae.„-&-ii- dishrircinaing azies on 3 In , hare irf A-Med oar; modem by letting , , _ r-
.. variety of its cinaazah demenU and. there-- - ' • osa 7 -.-,eed ef-tis Cornoto" of roos ,
. .ro pr. -tad Mr. Karim. yovir be.iseL* Put- c o f - - p CITCL. ThegrOweds• ere yeaey efeaste l ie nt ei am a Canatr.' e the it...
• -11 .... "-
/"'":"OrrAs.--35 1r 4 ::-.tli ainee-Nationehl Preertee !oil ail aeem of rectraeu. Mr. Peareeett i . ..%-e„ Us sttwepaay 11,0 tfteln 81 , W,,.-- .IT =weed ferthee.wr..m .„ 33 ~. „., - t i,- a ....„,„ ~„„•,..,, teat G. = , = ,21 ..A. 4 : a. -.--.......
t -
Pror.d s .-hinte... - r. , al 0,-, a.-4 =eue.-:.- 1 tag - wee - a .....„e ......r, has Put l a slop to as '••
'tier we weed a hiLr''.T wish fa mntest- 4
'es d feimia-7 i r "ti" . 2 4, 4W-, 33 welt ac - , a , . t " l '''''` 2ne derthi. my oxe<r4.--ts sralt_
f act ream. then hr &teazel e-erte-ea:ahis sheenhodon by umitihiag a th e conume-a ,____ ... .. . - .T 4 " 1 ,--on z and ratpannenta; ..)..e rano=
id e s ßao otb! eat to 11-._-. 10-_‹. et" eay ekeet.o
anti exteasen--airwhe seethi, ratherhaee Item ti 4: rarer: engeeemenes. ti_ the Mama; _
sear! htermat Illretga;tratts Iteta seem ' personal analiiate. • This tendesey temeb aare , ammed 0 .i a n i ,:,---
. e•72.43!lrstcs.. r:tf .1-th..__o•mce art es' s
s! l e 'Sati t ,N;...... ..-.1 rmr'....r. de.rotegi to !hoe oz„.1.• t....te " P.n. shat off the Leciemeetee te e... - .....
ee ._ - ta , b e i n he 13 --... w i t h t o e pa i o.a 4 ...than all other tames is OMIT to liammeet teri z e d - • - l a . _
ter elm trear ; e prezeinas fio,aot the Cmaza: saea ceoecia--'1,..
_ a .. t: '"'
,reetrien ef s Rii.troA to the P:helac them i rah ateeo" lineal not be retaaaned. Thialbhatal deweett&n is Breton . As chi-; 11 "ae macs= a the am -Pewee pa cely - o l e o we ! a , 4 ea - Im b - 'ice e.--e Tervi-tc. ...6.--te - -4-.:67-°"-__ ,
...,, NI - "*"=„1:0431 IMLS e3ttik43 - coa......zershae ex- de mee c e t e- the =neat; aleeereee" belie IWO I • same i...a.. to moat its rsherhaer
,IRS C oe r _re ag ma co: caz a pall v a, _ Me0„1,,,=,,,- _ _ . i . 1 -3 fast , we note the teroda:t.n.-lat.- ________,, -
..1 Tee heamaimaa c! a te 4 , a ,,,, ea se , e ,
i t 417 - = .
_. _ , 4 _, A ,
im - arma or C4ibi - -- 4 3 what Wharat re - i
.eitma and sae variaws . 73111 r 3 'eA .5 - , 2. l tre ; rata,, or mime there&mblishateint of :Lei We hare 'llhae utmost itonffdemv is the take 'TY , - x.r.,L=ts w,..-- at: , ----
L .
i 1
termea h. tw ee..__eg y car pe l me t s imard•=te l eo hitta dudgeoa lawsuit. • See of teem ... ea ..... 41..hiE
es ristor
orit=ont - - - a t h e -,..... ti, -ige A. 0. 11.1=ter, ef Ffmrrisbeer e •" 4 tca mil L-1 '''-'' 4 -' l4l- tr'-? --_____,' ,
'edam' expriadettwes by sbialehdtirge. cohere; prieiWy elea t ' e t a t-, th ey r ad c e a&a en 4arken-
, -aar- /la t eareg-nty ne r em=ana cf Pte' : a 10 us zs - - ma i s tepi d to t f mt I ==gl l .- 3 =w -k. Tea 1 . - r
-c' . r a' as i e r:
- 1 s' be A - renanothe .. 4.
I-. ,: , ..44a-ty redrei-e- the Army psi .Navy,l i zakresta. acs a Bee ••• liathylatme: ... at e
taird - l' beaseae
e• e....- iTeuee• film orb be not core than a t ecam. e , we Ix!Sere the. a. large t preeper as c oo estetaravez mt haa aac m a . i ir.0.8 ,,
, soi•
an d sai. ... z 5 ..8 . 4 me a l ti t =t c n a r t .3 .z,--4.4.-tb‘timizeont*astets,ayi=t raenvigit asap sbEnated It ante; a*, silly of theca ate sash fen& kris se "Tort e s tte twt of Prendamessraapsli-1 netwPinerSititill-,:as"
. , .
I -,4.
corks of beneficial:toe Which's-Mai:lre to
Weis our obikireu.—all who prOfOutidlY
, t6eite that "BnirtyoursEss iihidteth
they do threaten to expose " Prince Jack,"
provided be does not return tothetzi his
General Barnett is de
termined:On wiping out every stain of cal
houniiiu in the Snrteyor Geoerareernir
went, aid is endeavoring to render the
office worthy. the people's confidenep—
iurretteirth (4uses) 7'intes.-
ili'liilitF - ..)putitai.
DWI gointiog, Sept 6,1858 t
ieptbiiii4q 6timri9 -V41110100;
JAMES T. HALE, of Centre.
For Manta of A:ient&ty,.
LEWIS MANN, of Cow:fel - 4'od,
L. P. WILLISTON, of Well.boro'.
(Subject,to decision of the Conference.)
quedie of his Coetens.tuiglrinipa Or , atnoi.
.-enrato I- -
mt. own h°
swag ate i!to
iions as tto beioade the sohjetat - 4 ! *Jegal
taveatigatto . a., -Alie tap Mitch:cleat the
*laity o f a yeligion whie 4 pettaira kitian o
under such cirminnst, tp itoff - M4
dap - agaiii the .elcri* 'itrbes - irk lee than a
twelve-month:. Much more 'ile-WeAlcoubl;
the morality of a religions society which
permits the 'return -of such a meta preach
to them. Verily, the ways of this world
are singular. •
ler TheDepublicans of the, 3CEV'th
Congnmsional District have not yet sne
cceacil in Making a nomination, as will be
seen by the - following extract fr i oin the
Erie Coriititutiou: .1.
"This (Thursday) . morning the 13317 C
of Gen- Dick 'was ! withdrasia by the Craw
ford Conferees, - and they: proposed that
lion. John Walker should :be , nomi
nated. The Erie Conferees refused to re
cede from Mr. Babbitt, and after between
20 an(1 . 30 bailottiugs during which !the
vote stood steadily, Wale s—Babbitt 5
—the Convention adjourned without num
inatiug, and the Crawford Conferee.; gave
notice that they would refer the question
back to the people or to the Convention
which appointed thew.
s• They asked the Erie Confereee to do
likewise and allow the people of -Erie
County to decide as to future action-, but
this proposition was rejected, and Mr:
Babbitt's friends thus obstinately declined
to trust the people to settle the question:"
r:;:t*dyte-Oil:y; 10; ire'desire ta . tiete#l4 1
40<iende 1414 . 4ipep*lVf4:. belt:** 1
Ak,li - 047 11 V4 11 t: 4 4' ;4 1, 04 : - -4eoaei I
~. . •
bjr:T•idoch 'the; enemy _,fitly 44eiettito 1
ke*..t new f00t44 01 4 - . in, thin ': T 4
ntiecteek - Of eur. -- eitn4i4fe far , Oi:nireetriir
tliiii . :oltriet, is:iii:'3ireail.teeittio.*T':
pehOut upon the amount of his niaotY
[in this county. Tf the Republicans of
any. county„-the_4trict :Allow them- .
[ ielies to be divided .by local issues,- the
suCcess. uf , -our- .tztndithite4si:•. extremely
clottbtful; hut the 4efectioU el even. a few
Reptiblitaiturttponfmere4col issues -1 1 / 8 y
Ire -elect the traiturOullAl.-iWhite. ', We
repa, rd it, =ibereff4e, the, ditty . of . : evety
Republican ,in .t be cocety to Stand by the
whole ticket : and voteit t '"On or Aloe."
I The aiaragenajority this fall for the
!eounty. and district tiets Should be 750:
:.We feel !are .in Proinieingl this .majority
Ito Hon. JimeS 2. - 11 ale, ii' the Republ!.
cans of l'otter moray Firerlt and vote seal
i ougy; and rebake with the proper spirit
'the efihrt-to create.clisseikti9ns by the use
•of personal and irrelevant issues. Re
publicans of.Yotter ' shall our promise be
IveriEed, and our district 'redeemed from
1 Slavery! • Remember that in union there
16 strength. . s.-
- : 4W T ---14*64 1 . 4
hrojer — lrett that meat
rinitoo o4 , e rb r ecemaghsfr
of Meta' fundeid . e g i nt , ut
lie he - id tie, twenty in - maw ; t ?
wide - V - 400 minim stalls; sho;irig of
leis aheek fit. which he wilt requit e Au
tees= a 4od of itit! striae, im 'N e i i s
will aced fose.petur: 1.0 the satueco suc ,
datiotrice Offers au additiek sweei
premium td those of the published lig..
nayfree so.,..which .I take this a l *
od of tuakiag f gown.
• -
01 .
"For the larrost \and best 1 11
thorough-bred cattle, sheep,l4 l , fainzti
and hilcfas ram stock, - by the exlib;t, t
ottier - thanidairynian, combining debits
properties - with regard to feeding, r a il,
ing,-wool-growing, &c. premin ry e
plows. and •05. 2d premium, s
Merino Buck, to be furni, i h e d by j
Goe, free . to Society. •
"The -ExeeutiveCommittee. , pr el i m ,
to the Exhibition, will annocuee
judges on this premitun, its etas , and ter
et necL..(sary informatiori, for ecimpeti tc „ .
and make , it known as soon ar
through the press... Becetuly nwirea
letters from three gentlemen la_Ohio,
intend to ',mune exhibitors; one frr,
gentleman in Viiginia, and one Lit s
gentleman froui Pkniaslelphiacounti,,6
intends bringing on his herd of cattle.
this looks encouraging, for a good erir.
Li o n. - - , A. O. IL"
3.0414 , 11