• - T ' a nation," an i sehet noires! a takeican SWjaihipia itlate o ma-e-A YOUNG' uADY • .-- • ... • ',- -• • 1 ever accrete I* aneopertion or commaulataa Attic; tut BY A. "P.BEXIING Tom " -- That Nut acahlisialiata a tir success es atieved by. i Aceo so mean a basiness as that of Peen meana whickeinttOveneahe law of Eta f ner Tuili a roity•torn snit happily, the el . eel Right.. Thefree alletMentof limited , jewing from the Pittebure De a . 2 ,n ac a potions of the Pnblie Lauds to Actual ... , Settlers theme,. mid every hopeful plan I rare,: , e. intended to diminish the sum of human l 'Az Murdouksrille, some young laat&a misery - from dearth of employment or ;in had selected a shady cook •ind were; en- , adequate recorepeuse-every scheme mei joelog & river bath, when two poetry' fel-4 -"y that. 'eeks to help theonfortanatel le paean t., !tors, atiolling in the woods, heard en un- hy enabling and teaching thew' to help] uspel pleshiog iet s be water, and folloneng taesoselvete--must. command oar eaastait their ears, were amazed and---Aba'd . we sympathy and maipenation. , say it?-edelighted, on tuaeing a s harp , Within the preseritrar,rgE I'llIBL - NE hand in the'liver, to .behold tare water I h as provided itself with a new ind faster orephe floating ila the rippling cerretth I Press at a meat edo,ooo, merely that, fairer than the naiads and more euchant- !some of (tor eubseribers may receive their jug than wren!!. ew mealin g t6nl s# lv e . h I rapers a mail earlier than they Otherwise ono of the %scab angered thirty dollars nett do. With corze•poodents at ,the en the min:tieing powers of a flaxen- neeht important points throughout the eie haired dieatity against a small darleeyed lazed world, end a staff of. writers Owen bemity-the two being the leaders of they front the best in the country, vie believe party and the most expert so-jamas.- that even those wlio dislike the poLitimi The wager was accepted. The two had of our sheet concede to its frankness in a.ri a : tut for a long swim a a strong swini stowing its convictions and lability in and a swim together, when the fairbeired I' m: d o w n i ng them. - We *Neal, then, to elm shrieked at a turtle; mad terribly :those who believe dig an tnereisiej eireu frightened sank under the neve. I 6 laden of Toe Tatectias would tooduce to ft was a strunle between gallantry I the political, intellectual and Moral well- Arid duty with the young man; bnt the t beige of the Republic, tohid us in effect ot.e who hid Accepted the challengeleapt fh: such increase. As we employ ne from his hiding. place raw the stream, 1 t „ ve li ng , policitors of eutiscriptions, we. end striking out boldly, succeeded in f esk our ;preseot Deimos in every locality , For County Tres:tow, '-The Reroublical anti American !FlatlT CELTCRE: or, a Gaidt . ta tber. ,, ... i cation and Management of Fr iltTreri lra. seizing the insensible and drowning state Conventions .tit Synicuae N. a - de ,, cripti „„ rF Is 4 . girl ItO Speak to their eeighbore and"friends in kLI REES. of . Couder.-port. .. ; r. . rut ,an a. review arm and dragged bee to the shore- Of course , 0 , 0 b e h a lf. we s h a ll g l a dl y rece i ve f rom tailed to unite on a ticeet, and - on the - fur Miscellaneous tiottsehoidße , :tip ttl f - 7 1 For County Countanioner, I illustrated. By Thos. Greg, , N--tr T . the remain:ler of the party had fled, but ;any friend lists of those who ; would re- JEROME CHESEBRO of Oswayo. soon el:tamed, took charge of the inaniee . „ e i ve an d rea d a apeeimen copy of one of ow er a ee, put., era, ?rio t t f 11th inst. made separate nominations as I map ill, paperol 3 . B4o . cennts: chliotht :s sc, t - w (4... 1 For County Autiltor. f o ll ows : 1 ' mate form, and restored her to eonscions - aaur editions, and shall be particularly lia• We would evil attention to an at. The Ft-publicans neminated for Governor, 1 Fruit culture has but jtet love ea. rev. In consideration of the sit-vice raa. f i lwhosend WILLIAM B. GRAVES, of Clara. . , rate uto Loose may us suee a time on our last page in regard to the i Edwin D. Morgan; of New York: Lieutenant. , seise Performed the Young fellows Sere grant- rnames from pesteatfices at: whieh we have '-• , i the attention it dmerveseud p , OUR .TERNIS, t * v i ctims of the Stever Echo. It is writ -1; vie Governor, P.oben CamPlaell,;of StenhenA C -t" 4 absolution_ 7he lierc:ae metier of the G naw eo et o scr ib ere . wh a t ever additi ona I rung lady, however, claimed the ; thirty !way th in = from and after the first of Octuber will :ten h a uouthern man and in - be made to o ur eireilation shall ber , q, ca d • • • Y •-•- nal Commis..-.ioner., Hiram Gardner. of Nina- gladly welcome this - work as t h e taas , published as ; State Prison Inspertor, Josiah K. Everest, :i t conta i tis i s well _ oakeahteli la :td , uollars, on the score that his nymph had lb I, ed by bl ea per annum in &mance, a an n° , 1 a Southern paper, and is undoubtecdv ar-: I. 1 4 c para .tee i ncreased efforts and ex-1 of Clint-me ) . SR' fruit-orowth. Every perspft lib:11U t , y The Americans nom:noted for Governor,: instruct veal - chusequently bend a, flirly won the match. If it at not iintt-t -peuditurehto mace our issue More nuns _ paper will be sent after the time paid for 1 enforeed. irayeri in its most favorable colors B 4 up the pone', men puriewe that the; v ie and useful ' hare Mahar.. Th enc e terms will be strictly - .1 iLnrenzo Bo- rows ; Lientenant-Governor, ladies shall try again." ; !bee n . i thatt they - I thenie: S. Itenum - Canal Cor.r.nrsuPr, Jas..' ' The elbsin sentence ofthe article is a F stir . , r d `;`" We desire our readere to take partic u lar ' g ; i n Th., rapou , or m o d roe : Pnson An- tree, or g round enough for one toproscr., 1 I notice of t h is announcement, !queer one to write after the labor that 1 - - • spertor, wm A. Russell, of Washington. s.ltouid reed . iL .To be mean.' afel is f r i t - --- --- In addition to the above we give! has gone before it. We would ask aA 1 i ; TPLE SEW - Ton NI TRIBCSE, ! Tr 9 TranoxE is printed on a large im-1 i i 1 This aeti. aof the Convention r,!aces .-, . • eeliture, es In anething eke yen e m ASS 8 - 3,9, :Friel sheet, folded in quarto forum, and i due notice to Delinquents that unless! , ; Charlestoman• "ifhe is nut in a 'Area lour State rickets in the f field,-the Re. know hew to do it; and this &eh Pm indebtedness ' ' • i their to us is pam up i measure eei , 3 , , lenal etl to subueribers on the following ill in common with everel .he The successful laying of the trans -At-: TEINIS : as soon as the above date, their ac- - I e'''' ,P 1 a • , , much mformatiou one can not yell dieral. . i .oen Ainen - can. Abeition or 'Genii : - Lamle. Tela-aphic Cable narks a new ere ! Deter Tiescso per annum $6 1 c.yants will be put in the hands of a ,Slave -holder . of the effect of those ''l`tealf 4- 1 ' Smith, uad the le-corepton. The result ' out. Th e pl a ce i s so =mall that aay cu , in the history of Human Proer-a. II etioe- l, i • , assn.-a-Er-4v/ ritn acs t ' !Justice of the Peace for immediate - ing pins" to I" which he so pawky alludes? tis now very doubtful, arol in place of ad- ff „I - le • d e a a, a • • J , min a o it. There is no et i tee forth. EuroN, Western Aai.s. and North.: one F , •11`.1 - • one eeer SI 1 eeltectioe by due course of law. Could he not wield a powerful i n fl uence.: „„ ine eny 1 7;c -illations of our- own we ieeetiens some fruits mot be wads i 5 • •z, pen ern Africa lie within nn hour's 6 - lance; Ts°,c,')?!.': 4 ' , °a' '.' c - ar t ? ; by example and in other ways, to remove; e•ve °Plow extra ' let from the two leaThig :Weif- d' ' 1 cu l d , , five 11_ ortms, one rear 11 25 : J0 Ictont y ovate 6 from our *hoes , and the hettk watch de- , I le :- . c ar , :-.2„,.. -.2„,.. 20 1 le-Read the erospectos of the N. Y. , - , i en , o k um.., .0 on. c.c.. . . ; b t t• ; e emp Ingri of thihe. gains ? No.' Republimm papers of the State, rich of i - - - rides the fete of a kite/dem, the capture I i NrciltiX TSIZCaIt. 1 2"..15ime in another cotama.. It is eminently .. _,____, , ev • e 1 ; An inquiry. era Vienna or Gibraltar, the fell of a' : One Copy, one year S 3 " : the fo -t. ' br-hed "th r - in.--. •-- leasea'rs are too eortreot 'ear ' • whieh adymmetel a different policy. The , ; 5- I . rerat• ;on- pa 1.- in e , 0,04. .> For the Po:ter/van:. dynasty, the triumph of a uaurpatien, the : Three Copi , on,. year ;and valuable in Seuth Carolina for that- i e r ae ene sacs : , I Fi. el Copirs. one sear birth of an heir to royalty, the death of a f --- , . _ - Et , • 12 tia"' The election in Vermont lest week! Hie motto is •'I ' ILI - 1 ; : UR. EDITOR: It you will law la '''-'-- preach and you -.T he at tem p t to;con.lane the two par- ki d - all ow I -I lease ' tee Cope._ tae 'tear may l Is flees to nle, al. -0 1-, Sieholas or Wellington, in any country: T n ,..h t y- t:, ) ,.i e .z.„ 'to our adtirest at the , . k rtsulted in a majority of over 14,0d0 for alo the practice." . J i ties repm-ented at Syracusa in a mated qt. thteogh the caimans of yomit a which touches the Mediterranean, the, r..te of it per aanam 20 , i _..; t the Republlcan ticket--a rain of nearly ' e ed . :hi against the aleaorred l'l-stires" az.' - 1 wieli to kuitw what has bteeet ti Femme, the Black Sea or the German ' Twenty Copies. to ot, , achb-rra Of ear.% , ~,, and I We' The Congressional Conference at , the corrupt and faithl es s men of the Bu- -B ok c oma , • '' 1 ' - DkVlT:rei and aay larger rumba . - two 3 tWD-thirds 01 three-itrarees i Ozeon, will be publishei in New-Yerk the i al', . - „-. 1 e . 1 - , ds . w-ir ittee. was Ml= swine rate of al ..o each . i minsport on the 7th inst. nominated •• chanan Democrat - Iy, appears to have fail-, Le d i n t h e tal o a ' dem ma d e next morning. if not oe the very day aft An. _, „.., „, et ti of tartars ' majority the same way is the legialature. t . - l per...," sen--1..„, ilz .1 'a or , ' tne Hon. ..13311ES T. HALE, of Bellefonte, ' I ed. We r ,m7ret this result, bet are not i T eac h ers . Aa a aoa i et i on at o ewato . • i:s occurrence. In a moh.eot, as it were, mor e will. be entitled to an earta, copy. which is OS) &large gain. ,A good meal rote was Hale tsurpriaed at it ' A little tame experience:l m i ata k c am, • we were then pea we have been thrown into the immediate i S.tbscripttc?.e. crty CaMSlenCti at any time. : for the October elections, we think. lon the fireat a ballet - The - - ' ' l seems to be necessary td the masaes er to ; hi, • intellectual neitehborhood of the' rhole- Term.-.-'eways cash in advance. All le,tem to j 4. .- ill ; Petrikeu, IT. We have not received ;the leaders of the tea parties. A men- ,TT eailerl of the report tben ,r ; l e I be add-e....ed to:a.so tne report on some tateer I civilized sad a .are'as Port" of the semi - . ' - ° a • I ter A. J. Monroe, of Knoxville, Tioea i the 11‘..013-ACE, G nEELe.I. ..t. C.} , . s a published proceedings oe the Confer-I bivation of them is inevitable, but the' - . eras • - in a stort trine. it betzete t . hart...zoos wor',d. The rise and full ofl - ' , Tribune haitd,o;-s, Na.......au-st., New-Tors: i Co., announces himself as an independent'. enee, thoug h it is now more than a week! time for it has not „ _ ,yet arrived.: Basta pretty /way • "limit time" ha somks in. London or Paris will benreforti , 1 _saw-Ye-er Se; t. Is5S. t be reported &mei day to day in the jouno, _ I didate. for Auemblv, i n epace i t i on to ...ince; but the conferen from this cennteet la L...y...gh the antimparea! coiiperautoti has i an d as vet no r e p or t appears .. - . thus prevented oi far aa the State, commitacea curate dhecoaragea? nels of our sea-at - lard creee. The boldt! . 1 Fatee tar -V. T. Ereczny Pore. IMt Williston. He runs under the espe o Te,rrt th.lt its action was entirely . karma - Ie I. - ea . : > i tweet ts chocernee. we erast .t tnay yet, too (m ad ame l ia th e pee , eperators in Wall-street wi ll refuse to huel An Anti-Slavery Candidate fer!ei2l at ices of the Lecoreptonites. Ile; mous e and the nomination unanimouale he found practicable iu the Coner....sional o jf or - b k _ er sell until they L'ATtlred the quetetioes I Gosurnor in Virginia. ) t '-nd heartily ratified. ,- e gem that committee to .7 1 . . „ ‘ should have oempany-therefore we pm- - • ~ enstrien. especially where the two ptitti their perete se.renee is unevau to ' of that day's tineines en the Rer..l Ex- The subjoined card appears ameng the; I - - 1- , - t e at t h e L eeiempton i tes o f C o l s corm .) 31r. Hale is one of the stronstmat men I ties acting separately are sure to be heat- i mitan d o f t h et ,„ ai„ e t h ey chanee and at the Borne, wheeze anti e- advertisements of a Richmond daily piper.? Ich c e hi, in the State, and will ably and efficientle {en by the erflOW ol2 far:" !many meriterieus weeks that a i tiens will have closed an hoar or 'eo be-' Mr. Abram, who propmees himself as earn ity nominate N. - L. Dike, Ems., of t - -. . . t The Ereaise Part hives the matter :is iteposaible, or are there nowt, ens this district if elected. NO man l atre ours =begat. A revelotieu in Par- ? grunts fur Governor of h arguita, 03 thel place, who run so far behind) last year. .6rePres • • - . is, an important vote in Parliament, an in- i grout ef hia eppoeition to slavery, a_.l - aifferend • 1 mold have been selected who is better; - 5 - 1 ;are aniline 'to recoteMend? lea sort-et:on ie. lii:, a tire in Coreetintinoe &vita- what a few years since would have! Zee John W. Forney. in his speech at''The datiberations of the convention . • taint WE.3tetjer. dithatatieft =X IV' i tereed in its interests, or who can man; • a `tented theme-Arcs wei wen 1:e • -.e.,, will be diserteetel ereund the break-, prceaared Mei the honor of a visit fran I Vest Chafer, N. Y., last week. asented ' were marhed t a r -oi_hout the a detertnize- correctly reflect the whes of its canno t - • . iteol and the re rt ineesplaed a. tetables a New-lacrk a few latears eater' tl'ie r.kez,..-‘engers of Judea? Lanai, with 2MI hearers that Pennsylvania wank!' l tion to interpeee tio otneacies to an hen- , a - pcf I i emcee In order Coat o: - 'ere some imimmttime th.at tat . he oceurrenee. A luielty tiough idient petite invitattoo either to leave the sirs: ~ oar- 'modem may a t aaioral•le widen, for thU e l ection at least , -t . - . -ire FORTY THOUSAND AN - ILLE-• transfermation in thttnditoee efliumaa or take a met of tar end ft,..ers. Ofthei - 1 that he is well known and well thought ;all who are animated by a common he al-' EP ~E 0 Who are enenged in the ire :COMPTON MAJORITY. Col. Forney!, i .•-• • eac-iiiree a untlduranc of teat-t • existence has bus: been effected by tire; candidate himself we only kuow what ape of outside of his district, we print the: its to the Shrrery Prepagande, and to tee ,• - 0 ~ • :irate wire streichime Gerais the otemo'a ' pears, in Lis card , but a nete fr ee lire. nett pretty good in pelitical calculations, and : fnuawine: C ., the zsgp,.,o Ot , teveten, of deuce, freed aria proft.ey ine reamed IT . _ A - Itou;s rd o• *lts hero bed (rum the moo; of welt :d to the: thiaddriessea to us, aSeins that he is cure of: datilitlese femettedews the will ana wishes i. by which it tariyeat As as earnest 41 3 n- 6 g ea' _ • • . : JA c aT H E.B' amze T. Mate, .E of edefonte. ~ - Wili are etroe- Britisii America, anti one inevitable re-- receivine a vote e vrhich will astonish; of thoae .. . a.nt i_a deenniptat a tes still mirtn _: been n , - ~ ted fir („_ . l. -their emeenty, in matter, they toek growl e - oon "Tea. b y „...•• aei ohree e has a . the initiative in appeiptine a comm i" e , snow their who-idea:ne e -et. salt of :his must be an nnemempled sore- ere ,rytatady but himailf." It is imp.. - rent ' themv.lees Democrats. ! Peaple's Ceaferea in oppteitien to Ah • , . , _ a-- ,„, a. . • . ~,,a D igu - ro z, =may of feeling and intermit among the .fromithas that somebody is to k aitonish- ; to el./et-Pr wan a , L.:a-cation 01 . Anior-E - • tzsoN W moor- Mr. White will End-the: - - 1 c . c s klea,a *aliens of Chrietendent, sad a c...= ..ens led at the rruit--either Mr. Abeam ori Sitar The Lyeeming Ccactic & •it L. .=as ti Lan tin ~ .I.t .t..vracuse. to ascertain; e aPe- a - • amempton swindle hard to tarry,. !ha . . . ah . • &sue. for a more intimate 30.1101,3tatirt7; the Piehlie--and we need riot 53 ) that Re ek po hp e e ee t e e preme di nce of the HALK vs ea ., of the bea iaen in the et ,. ie.. rhet.. : :c.: t ,?re tla:s ... --Itrang wz: , ..ca the- ... 51 erir ■ ~, I -I, i . with *ugh others doing thronela theme,' hope; -le wil t be the public. 1., . . . e , . , ,-, . • . -,, • . , . , • •• - eence.. me t....mven.f. , Ju cr.ko,:d 6-•..tsistent- ' bfi::::,l3 Ilinat3- , Aamtmstratino t.onztanat Lonterence, • ino wet b e eiceteo De a iaree majoray. -.4 . r. _ dram of of the Newspaper Proms. It seraisi With reg...nl to :fie method 'by ;phial: . .. te ea. to reteier the_r elope:at:on 2;731. 7 11511 ' •bZ..." deec ni t eiho a e'eel.e word of etaito-; iferrza . eaaal rtiaira'..oh- PleLreFOS ..eaD aLtaaitam-' - • hardly possible that thonomda sheuld not' Mr. Abram 15r0pax to abeiish Slavery i s ? __ a. tee eommon enemy tore cry or pleasant. j_ ,.... ~,,, . . ••••.• h_eumelorth reenleray reed their Own jeur-a Virginia, it gill be ea. a i t is - -ite &- aly enough to ei ee r eee t cial reference to it This is et . ~ .., - _.... of ...._, e e , ae„ . .e. 1.. a - ''d treet- -c• • -rest Pri - s;Pact -- wwn' e de-a 'rasa-ea in (Vie - emir-Inset th? , l kind :';';''' t a - ra "; - ` l-‘l.-' '. ..arthree eee an active mei ueited =el.' . - h - • ' oecoracs te:ce an* ri.--zgeo- Tr,- tia n.a.,, who base hitherta been content with .it when i: is brought before Coogrea hal ment from a imper that desieed to ; g oo.* , e . .-. _ . , -eat eacemb to se:tat: tee Repuhlicees able to east of tt... imr....---..ites :Fr r.t.:•-x; aa ocessional glean* at those taken by !the representatives ef the slri.ve =atm.; but !,. t h e K... - issue a few w.otiths einee.--'. l a` a Y 3 , e.--:,.. , -.._ , _mr..?t tii.....,.: 3 -,.Fpr,:.t.,,,,--. , 1,,bz.:. :he Amt.-pear- Ctervereion wee it the ratatte. i nce- maze yr/ -....: g Mee aF: tliih- E*71711...1r5; while many who have: in the meantime, witheut •yiag hey:hind We aaaar _ -" a ~. a , . , aUU "'eC c. ::". o t" . fi 4 . tn . 1 r'lle- Let: i bare= ee ::ca. T h .: , h a d per s onal' ends 1 ., , y rtr ......„-, ! „-___ 9 1, 41 . f„ L ... c , rselt ,: _e l. Irtr.7e.,f IS £.:.%' sweetly „L ehi er . e .,,,,,e. - . .a . • -- er- ce-.a. , -- -- , el:- be.= mateet with a Weekly iwne, will ien its Layne, we mar above that et '''te- cer e : .a' " a'. 1 ' , leerre, to whach th e retenees of the prih-: 7- °,7u----- -') 24 ". , to Ilia gotra.:s rust ti.rat it rrii ° i W e ! r ' ME= Er: 11,e 71. e c5,....-.--„*. zx...5. 11%4 , 45 'heed-Weekly cr Daily. In ,•tainly aaite as legitimate an appropriation Istz t ez ea w " - h i e agree with oar frie•ni of the row- and of Ice Ameeiwn party were riche . ' -- -, -- - - --- oj eee DOW' requite a ... a , 0r. 4 tiCE- , ....-- ,ILVISts Tars: 2:.- s ho r t, iseeieeeee, always a vital element i..f the rablic beids as a soiree:a' °tams fotanot yield any eneloragement to the me an icle, thet the • pre -em of Jndee Hale'e -u&rdiz.--t.e. As soon theetetnme ap-a ,tree e e ae - oe e ee i e a - ae , - .. 7 . 0 .., eaeha-a e e growth is w i s d om . s u , c e 43 in bosineth„ I fluall members uf Congtvis I are Land w h o so re „ m eely i; m ap ac i I w U r i w i a d': 4 .. , ..,„. 4i ,... ;.. clod if la e ply a hae -a s i a t h e i parent. the Repubatran evirettiC3 r.. C.-2- : '.1111.1.% li-AherS leer: - 2.1.-4 e a;•:--11:: e. 1 I 7_____.7:-''' '' „ 1• •t fro 6 --- Ante-lire.. C e ee e i a ti en i wita see-h- ame ererate Ze C tOr-:. or tiajoyarmet in life, Lea mea , brie in-i Toting. every sehion: ; • fram As amt.. -1- Perhaps the art:-" , ffe 70,r:et s-e --efiv- ;tai no 4 ed Ta - - -e ",- ; an a• - -.:- .” . t e ..,_ , _ aea _ a y; •-• Asa:enable to ;IL l -re :sat Pewee es r 3 3 ,3-1.1 t-I Lerch::: —, to thetr cooz•ratoenth. be- ate-pone' et:eh; -- aa - 'a „..'5. ?'-:"...z...' - "nct-:= El-q 2 .11.. Callej.... *ol' tie o'-4--c ir :..3.1n 7 mto punish the recent refusal of hat little time to act in now , anti Repel,' • - „2-, • acs. r - t-: tie:: cuss m- ‘.... teree. -Tar. New-Yoto-Tarnome, now more -a- - a-, -•_ _ e -e- : ; • , ...--Qt - Itilli arti se?oeting Witt eandiames I .... a a ,, et e„, ~, 4 - tat a ,.... 2 s-. ....overr_or of me ..•3-..'s• .t.e of Virzvna. a._ ' , a shai„ k the A-imintratioa Convention of Frank- , ii mi . e . h id t - tee - -,a " i aa . - - v i l la! ."- --ha' ;Or - _ ~..., thou sevento yeers old, which was the i _ az . ea ,e, whe , - bui l I - - ...• -- 5 - 03 go ..) Wi..... ica....tetate I all ~t.s ~.o Amerli3n,, who. t6Fa.pth - c.i.: wi L I , L . L ...- e _ Th, e _-,,, 1 . 4 1: , : ,,-..:44:...-e. • - : eft. a y p05...e5.),....- sv-x_•- ! „.. . _ -..t t - 1 . - i . orsta t eamal in the world that app....• ; n e m e e ,...„.,..„.. 4 ci _n t . 14, : -,,l• e d = _-;,, z3 c ei no county to recogniate tha Zah - - - Inato' ree , _with teat tem ana eam-ay so re l easite ea; zn,y of the patriotic parom-u for Wliick. i :..I' , ebi:f:irn 5P.ie...41-ar.l' :-'•7--‘• repalArly ea an idrperial eioht-prge zheer i a-mcs of theinaKe I...trAt. the maner, 2CG.--...:•-i serrites of GeV. Packer. i- • f e. • E'-'2 Kr-noblizut ram wee orraanized, cant. Marehalha;l s 4 74 - 157 . e l . 9 'ur -- ••• ,:asurez-u.vet. Thereereomy . - a .. -. e .,..,„ a at ea l ow a pr i m e a s e we its, ma d . c hi c h : :he ...efrrth ..o ttit app.:nat.-0 he rase.. exu.L..c- 4 , - -... v. I h:..-.trete to approve or, :cr.? do we de obi : ... 7. -. . e ts - --"er f..-. 7: the cm . .. y-onaz slaved isr We have receird the first No- eft to woie ire lus attained al-e unearallecl argree-te 0-.: - 13 '7 cf'-4.-aveirrekf. 74 - 1 . 211 ' . _ 8 . .. ; Lie El.a *7:41:11 as ahorera.;.. &tr.- --= , :nu the apeamil will be fully .. - --,-,-stamett ' , ,-.- _- ' „, - - . f ...", -.---' • sac r!....qr mageraneo herr= alre Cm 7....1 -3..5.W. , . - .11111. 42, i ; l De . : .. .! .. .a.Z.:l , e •••••/ r . 4. ..::t. .. 0. .1.4 , . -a e „ mire than 2rsae - ahlaselmeheiptiomee mazer- 1 -7", A \ -- az ,- , a , : . , ,z e. ,. 4 it e ht.n .,..„ A •..,,,„.,,,,... 64 idle Choir& Press, an indepe-udett paeeri _ . - A arm; a, bes=='.7.l B derar 24-"-i '-- - -- 1 -- 1 "'-'- ;„ I Vides is Steftstglit- t - ; .PEN:vsTi.:VASIA &AYE FAte..-We d - „e- -- - - 1 a -0.....- - fully solicits its else! of ram pittemege? tares tee: she gave . e a t ahhea. seams in:ea-Alta at Bellefonte, by Wien Pettey: rne ebt _ appy 44041 - ___ ikiine . is i % _ ....oat:ill 24" kr! ea pecc.e - . - which the Metroplitan Press ts hence- 4 I:ST, w ttts p 1. ...,, itt la , = , ^'` of her nwt*- - . ,. nd 3. G. K orn, eaz a the es of the _ a ``... 4 ;sire to direct the amentioa of oar seuter_•"• - • 1-1 - ' e x al t cc e s trained , at a tonvv-Ireek,lv cont..l;4'c rive a's ' 6, )c-"*. t"',,t's tee-- 1 ' 21 ?-glittb 1 !_ 11 5 4 , - ..., i aere-hborime. Cmgertkortal sod o ataxia?: 'ee; th ad - - =Kati , i Dr. Mats,es Indian ItorA Pa, et rte par r w...---. etae..• with 6ttes, ri.:-• bzig. Win *meaty, the. tell ma - ____,- _..3 j a° e vim, to eteremo. 1 b to &atm. It sAi t aS t' , Weialiy the patron- i _ ... a. i , __ ..1 ix= F2 1 . 7 -liii- 1 %.- . ror-4, 1 1-03 ,11; darer, is well known be his .formes ece-Pee-' -• o Incwe Austral Fair of I he State Aehical e - o Age and attire firer a 117 2 -0 • 4 : 1 n-le-ts 7 ." -- ; - states af the feaerst. rakn)k,nve tiles - mee- 1 ,e, e- =Limn nomications, ibenA be a waramoitolei Stir. 4em 4,7._ y, to be hal tr. Pittsbarr,.' el those who hate all farms ef oppasien the :a: s e -aiativere, Est is te....-em-- ft act fest he' tn . an with eatety 4l urea as who as in P li - tt e th e _i n t hi s cear aie an d dicta t e.' j , . .‘,, and desire that ever rariecal m .. ing a-Ne:;:=4 , -- ,-,,,,,, - Gilt nve bat artiir g. 44 it,:: Beal e r ....... W e a d v i se you to I,_,th e ': taach;d that - a h .oa-ar•Meaciee- ott 7 ....sda.g, Sept_ 2eire lee , •,,. - ________ zo , •...w.wEr2i - 4 eeere -.7.-t. T. be free to employ h's fehalt: la titan in- V'? r b `- % m l *ri f al Y -4 - 44 rlO " L ' i Elir. ‘" 4:l * - ir• pt of ea Lai/goodie:pa r-se 0 the? a) continue unt3 Friar ea---aeer, l et :, ' eige - Nr; 1,- TEL-1- . aeheee -- P e ; arts party is 90 matter.itatii of by the very; 1 pre_ .-, ,+; e - 2 L' .. , vrm.7.-1 azmoence kint.elf sa _az _1 tmeall inanaer as he ..,'.. Caeca. 1i. ,, t--c: e. ._„„ ,,, ,„. -„,„ , ( i ng , , ttotbsee. aue meet assent arrarageereate eamene: Dehierete eoe_..derze. er tta e... - ,x.t.ho ii-4au exteediaiheety atri lime 1 me memett ar.:ll be mire. F sam, a....,, eve....ea.......r.t ano trr.e, t the ea* tbe dare-the moat er=i tea Lac ARRAY' i , =bare of im aminisno Tbe Republic:lm .--; a e rr. T. J oesaiaa ; eve been tie by it s^ . • .naquo of • the , `-'' - i ems's -- k*•"'h ----•-• it Siaveaty-leat it feather a* rest like-1 } - . vrie to C t at platy wlli ecadmnn ye the ::: , atchaeiterf is invite-v.lle, bat el irLiod . ... - ' Ce--....rrrittzl,StV-'- t; "Izs. -5 -+ 1 " lece te ad who imek ae-t lab= T - Or- the tre-; Gigc4 - 341. BraZiErrt'M CIALROES-- iyar,q the reneetest tape of inalepeackace.r• - . , 1" .14...:iCT al to metier tom' the vearett exhie, ; 1.-—awe ,u weeteer than tie weakmat. It utas Leib' l : e ,, e a• t h e _e ar e ca o pee i an d e n d eotr i a li Asisentialy-Anti-] era of Nat.i. thrif,'- pleor, ienxam-iir.;-Tmet befree "ear:die-box Jtmat" - went teat m in s l ow r an d( t o b eat a d vwn t ese _ _ a 'ea -;•••; hel7 )asked why? We ate, becareae of die, . e ,: h has .. i ie • lmi 1 To ar..areors re as firprs"jai it b z . val i a ' th e Is rc l ect i oz - o f A mer i w „,a _ re , a_ C...., .-V.:.::lt tO " tarn 4 penny, .r. ,eana. ,,, m , in a neutral or comm i tte d nrm-f6 . L.i , pradocz 0.1 oar:Oslo. weez lee • oea tr y a l y ae.„-&-ii- dishrircinaing azies on 3 In , hare irf A-Med oar; modem by letting , , _ r- .. variety of its cinaazah demenU and. there-- - ' • osa 7 -.-,eed ef-tis Cornoto" of roos , . .ro pr. -tad Mr. Karim. yovir be.iseL* Put- c o f - - p CITCL. ThegrOweds• ere yeaey efeaste l ie nt ei am a Canatr.' e the oe...re. it... • -11 .... "- /"'":"OrrAs.--35 1r 4 ::-.tli ainee-Nationehl Preertee !oil ail aeem of rectraeu. Mr. Peareeett i . ..%-e„ Us sttwepaay 11,0 tfteln 81 , W,,.-- .IT =weed ferthee.wr..m .„ 33 ~. „., - t i,- a ....„,„ ~„„•,..,, teat G. = , = ,21 ..A. 4 : a. -.--....... t - Pror.d s .-hinte... - r. , al 0,-,:4:-_--z.st a.-4 =eue.-:.- 1 tag - wee - a .....„e ......r, has Put l a slop to as '•• 'tier we weed a hiLr''.T wish fa mntest- 4 'es d feimia-7 i r "ti" . 2 4, 4W-, 33 welt ac - , a , . t " l '''''` 2ne derthi. my oxe