y'~J'#~~ ~ ._ it6ll an' '.l4iii4il::::: Pll7-7- 114e t e --- press to-day, (Wedneadeb; of then are engaged in rais e frame of the large, new Griot gems. Can Afield Lord, in this Kinpbury has, we learn from Ategeati Citizen, resigned the Tres : t h e McKean County Bank:—. responsible man connected with institution is left without head or it or b,-,dv. ;pia Stated meeting of the Penn 1i Presbytery commenced its see this place on Tuesday evening. g a c onsiderable nttendance from Ibborine counties, and the open ,on by the Rev. S. J. McCullough, tor, attracted a large audience on evening. are informed that the Corn crop county is not generally so much as was at first supposed, but the lee crop 'as almost entirely des- The that crop is nearly as un to as the Buckwheat though from .cane—the rust. Only a few that iv sown esf.aped destruction. This eat misfortune to our county. 1y reference to our political an ements, it' will be seen that SAM recently the well-known driver of :ney Shyle Stage, puts himself for leatlinate fur the county treaswer. z!aiti polled one of the two St; sight- rates in this county in 1856. tainly deserves the support of his sud will no doubt receive every We advise Into not to venture in •tesse township in his electioneering ')as, as it is, dangerous latitude for .Sothiogia !operate gavg of thieves, counter , house-burners and plundereri - has broken up in our neighboring N. Y. Eight of them een arrested and confined in the 3y Co., jail. Their names are C: Way. Reuben M. am 'John W. ), Jay B. Luther, Himin Conder- Wm. R. Powell.. - Ammisa Havar )tapson Richardson—the last nam :g charged with setting fire to the if Wellsville recently. Two oth icd Smith Wood and James Pow !d. John W. Garrison to evidence—both of the name be ;in Westfield, Tioga CO., Pa., Powell and Haver were arrested iesperate encounter. Richardson ted near Ellisburg, in this coup : he was secreted six feet under .ow. Our citizens should be on ok oat for such "customers on Cir- The. Atlantic Telegraph Jubilee York, on the Ist inst., was an af -11 worthy of the subject. The ban za tranyparencies, with their mottos izaiptions were characteristic of dom. We give an inscription nnred on'a Furniture Store : .ice all Nations— " MARRIED. TeeLlay, August sth, 1858, in the of Progress, at the Altar of Commerce, with the New World. May they never :arced. • "Bomr, test 16th, 1858, in the Bed of the Ocean tie and Enterprise, The Atlantic Tele- May it live to honor its parents. "DIED, thy, Augnst 16th. 1858, from an Elec 4, Old Fogyism. May he rest in oice at the Marriage, the Birth and lilalelphia and many other cities Iles, the jubilant feeling was man- V similar demonstrations. ?.li:iLt 4 l aimogneetqults. • till announce Candidates for Oillee at eedi, Is AD AXLE, for all occupying !•Ts--each additional line 10 cent. TREASCREII.---The undersigned lattice himself ns an American lide :cralc Candidate for the Office of °aaater. . SAMUEL, IicNIEL. ort, S pt. 7 4 1858.* I Y—Antl-Lecompton. ;telers of the Representative District . the Countf fs of Tioga and Potter p--1. Idlate for the office of Reprisenta ' pert 'General Assembly. Should I' , ray eonstueuts may rest assured le best of my ability, they will be upon the principles of the Decla tedependence and the Constitution Jo; and especially that the People dories (including Kansas,) have the to resat the enforcenient of Slavery waitat their will, that our Fathers -d the Stamp Act of George 111.. 5 ,,w his Tea Into Boston Harbor. If Treason, make. the moat of it. JNO. 10L130ITRNE. %ler Co., Pa., lime . 30,-1858. eiql troika. - 'AND BLOTCHES: alt of inipure blood. The blood lei and clogged. The sk in . is' not, ;It oldie impurities so inapoitant .0 'untr many 'young - men and women their faces covered with pimples a, Who are endeavoring to remove /t tiseef soaps and 'resales of Vari- This is very dangerous and should Pieticed by persons desirous of good /10 thers 'alio have children 'afflicted OEM EIMMIM=IE with:sores and-eruptions should never 'dry them up by =tuna! applications, for ja this way they will drive in the humors and pro duce ill health for the child daring Its whose life erne. - - 'Thera is no mothewthat likes to sae beithiklren-afflicted with feeble health.' MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS are pre pared expressly for--the cure of ernpticus Of the skin; such as Pimples,. Blotches, Sores,Wp. They cleanse the blood of all impurities, pro ducing a beautiful, clear and healthy skin, lift) much admired`by all peoole of taste _and', re finement Dr. 111 ore's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in-Medieines . , alitu glitirrtiorwitts • Council Notice. IL.T a. regular meeting of the Town Connell of-the Borough of Coudersport, held do the 2nd day of' August, 1858, the . following Preamble and Resolution was passed : Wasness, There are certain SIDE-WALKS which were ordered to be built, by Ordinat4e of May; 1857, now remaining unbuilt and un finished; therefore, Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to give notice. that SEALED" PROPOSALS will be received until the FIRST 'MONDAY 4N SEPTEMBER NEXT. at the Office of the Town Council, for building and completing the fol lowing Side-walks : On South side of Second St., opposite Lots Nos. r llO, 181. St 168;" (in North side of Second St., opposite Lots NOP. 109, 126 and Lots of I. Benson ;- on East side of Main St, opposite Lots Nos.' 168 & 169 ; 6EI South side of Third St., opposite Lot No. 129; on North side of Fourth St. opposite Lot NO. 134 ; and on South side of Fula St., opposite Lots Nos. 98 4: 137. At which time and place above mentioned Contracts ern.a be avrard4d to, the lowest and best bidders. By cider of Council, SAM% H. STORRS, Sec'y. POSTPONEMENT.—The above Le:ting is postponed until Monday the 18th Inst., at the same place. By order of Council, BAWL H. t TORRS, Seel!. Coudersport, Sept. 6, 1858. - - DYSPEPSIA. AND FITS. DR. 0. PHELPS BROW, I THE GREAT CURER OF CONSUMPTION, •vas for years so badly afflicted by Dyspq s.a, that fur a part of the time he was confined to his bed. He was eventually cured by prescription furnished him by a young clair voyant girl. This prescription, given him by a mere child, while in a state of trance, has cured everybody who has taken it, never hat ing failed once. It is equally as sure in cases of FITS as of DYSPEPSIA. The ingredients may be found in any di lig store. I will send this valuable prescription to any person on the ! receipt of one stamp to pay p.istag,e. Ad dress .Dll. O. PHELPS BROWN. No. 21 Grand st., Jersey City, N. J 7-3 mos., inside. DR. CULVERWELL ON MANHOOD. A MEDICAL ESSAY ON A NEW, CERTAIN ANo RADICAL CURE OF SPERMA TORRHCEA, &c., WITHOUT THE; USE OF INTERNAL AIEDI- CINES, CAUTERIZATION, OR ANY - MEOHANI CAL APPLIAN- I . . . , CES. Jinx Ptammiin, the 6th edition, in a sealed evelope, gratis and mailed to any addiest, post-paid, on receipt of two stamps. This little work, emanating from a celebra ted member of the medical profession, givas the most important information ever published to all persons entertaining doubts of their Physical condition, or who are conscious of having hazarded their health and happiness+ containing the particulars of an entirely new and perfect remedy fur Spermatorthcea or Seminal Weakness, Debility, Nervousness, Dti pretzsion of Spirits, Loss of Energy, Lassitude, Timidity, Li%olantary Seminla Discharga; paired Sight and Memory Blotches and Pim pies un the Face, Piles, indigestion, Puipitti.- tion of the Heart, and Bodily Prostration of the whole system, inducing impotency and mental and physical incapacity,—by means Of which every one may cure himself privately. and at a trifling expense. "Address DR. CH. J. C. KLLNE. Ist Ai eitue, cor. 18th street, New York; Post 'BIZ, No. 4586. • [7-3 mos., inside.] BRANDRETH'S PILLS PURIFY THE BLOOD. Continued pain or uneasiness to any organ is generally cured by one or more doses of Brandreth's Pills. Tuirty years' personiii ex perience by the undersigned fully justify ibis assertion. Dr. James Lull, of Potsdam, N. Y., says :--- " I have cured the deplorable costiveness of the bowels with Brandreth's pills, when every other remedy had failed, and the patient . was given up to die. Skin diseases of an invete rate and painful character, such as erysipelas, salt rheum, fetter and summer-heat, I have seen eradicated by their use. I have cured the rheumatic, the epileptic, the jaralytic end the consumptive with these excellent alone." In jaundice and all affections of the liver. dyspepsia, dysentery and diarrhee.t, pleurisy, sudden pains and inflammations. ,female, oo structions, scorbutic and scrofulous, even gouty and nem algic affections, have given In-a : - to the use of this medicine, and now, utter twenty years' experience, my estimation of Brandreth's Pills continues to increase. OBSTRUCTION. A young lady, beautiful and healthy, took cold, which caused a serious obstruction for two years; her health was broken down and her beauty departed. At length Drandretles Pills were tried; eleven doses, of from two to four iwere taken in fifteen days preceeding the usual period. Iteffularity was restored, and ner bestial and good looks recovered. WUIMS Brandreth's Pills are the best cermifuge ; they are infallible. A little child, six. years old, for some weeks was drooping; its Mother gave it one of Brandreth's sugar coated pills the next day there came away a worm sixteen inches long, and as large as a child's finger. The chili was well. • PLEURISY.' • A gentleman, away from tome, was, taken with pleurisy; the indentation was terrible; every breath made him writh e with agora ; Eight Xtrandreth's Pills were swallowed, and: warm oil appliNl locally; the pills operatedi and the pain weft relieved; plenty of gruel wasitak&o. and six more pills, and the second day !Inpa tient was cart& - „ These statements should have weight; and prevent the use of poisonous drugs, and stop the sad practice of bleeding. 1 B. BRANDB.ETS. Brandreth's Pills are sold at the Principal Office, 294 Canal skeet, Brandreth Building, at 25 cents per box, and the same; sugar Coa ted, 13 cents, warranted to keep as well flit the plain. Bold also, by SMITH I JONE3,•Con dersport. [7—l mo. , i ns ide.)_ • ELEOTIO PROOLAZIAT/ON. URSUANT to an act of the _General Ai ienibly Of the C ommonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitled "an .Act relating to the elec tions of this CoMmonwealth," approved the second day of July, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, I, A. C. TAGGAItT, Sheriff of the county.of Potter, Pennsylvania, do hereby mate-known and give notice to the electors'of the county aforesaid, that a Gene.- nil Election will be held in said county of Potter, on the SECOND TUESDAY (12th) of $./tober, 1858, at which time State and County Lacers as follows are to be elected, to wit: One person for Judge of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of vania. • One perso n for Canal Commissioner of. the Commonwealth of Pennsy/tronia. One person for Member of.; Congress frr the XVth Congressional District, cam posed of the Cdunties of Lyedming, Sul livan, Center; Clinton, Potter and Afijiin. . Two persons for Members of the louse of Representatives of the General Assem bly of Pennsykania,ln conjunction , with the county of Tioga, to represent the coun ties of 2'inga and Potter. One person for 2'reaturer of the county of Potter. One Person. for CominissiOner of the county of Potter. One person for Auditor of the county I of Potter. . I also make known and give notice, as in and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I am directed.' thai every. person, excepting Jai tiees of the Peitce who hold any office of ap pointment of profit or trust under the Govern ment of the United States or of this State, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subor dinate officerior agent, who is or shall be em ployed under ,the legislative, judiciary, or ex ecutive department of this State or the United States or of any city' or incorporated district, and also that every member of Congress and of the State Legirlature, and of the select and common council of any city, or. commissioner of any incorporated district ; is bylaw incapa ble of holding or, exercising at the - same time the office or appointment of Judge. Inspector, or Clerk of any election in this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector or Judge, or other offi cer of any such eltetion shall be eligible to any office then to be voted for. Also, that in the fourth section of the Act of Assembly, entitled An Act relating to elections and for other purposes," approved pril 16th, 1840, it is enacted that the afore-. said 13th section shall not be construed as to prevent any military officer or Borough officer from serving as Judge, Inspector, or Clerk of • any general or special election in this Com monwealth. It is further directed that the meeting of the return judges at the Court House in Con dereitort to makt out the general returns, shall be on the first Friday succeeding the general electiou, which will be the 15th day of Octo ber. The return judges of the counties of Lycom ing, Sullivan, Center, Clinton, Potter and Mif flin, comprising the XVth Congressional His= trict, will meet at the Court House in Lock Haven, Clinton county, Tuesday, the 19th day of October nest, to make out an official return for Member of Congress. The; return judges of Potter and Tioga counties shall meet at the Court House in the Borough of Wellsboro', in the county of Tioga, on Tuesday, the 19th day of October, 1858, to make return for Members of Assembly. I also hereby made known and give notice that the places for holding the aforesaid gen eral election in the several townships and boroughs within the county of Potter, are as follows, to suit For the township of Abbott, at the house formerly occupied by T. B. Abbott in said township. For the township of Allegany, at the school house near the place formerly owned by Ches ter Andrews, in said township. For the township of Bingham, at the house of A. R. Lewis, in said township. For the township of Clara, at the school house near Sala Steven',in said township. For the township of Eulalia, at the New Court House iu the Borough of Coudersport. For the township of Genesee, at the house now occupied by S. S. Basco, in Ellisburg. . For the township of Harrison, at the house recently occupied by Ira Bartholamew, in said township. For the township of Hebron, at the school house No. 5; near Henry Ingraham's in said township. For the township of Hector, at the house of Anna Wilbur, in said township. For the township of Homer, at the school house near Jacob Peet's in said township. For the township of Jackson, at the house of Benjamin Barse, in said township. For the township of Keating, at the house of Pliny Harris, in said township. For the township of Oswayo, at the house of John Wells, in said township. For the township of Pike, at the house of EEjah Johnson, in said township. -„ For the township of Pleasant Valley, int the school house in said township. . For the township of Portage at the Sizer school house, in said township. For the township of Roulet, at the school house near George Weimer's in said township. For the township of. Sharon at the Sharon Center school house, near JOhn Voorhees'. For the township of Sweden, at the house of Asenatif Taggart, in said township. For , the township of Stewardson, at the house of John S. Ciark. in said township. For:the township of Summit, at the house formerly occupied by Uel Cook, in said town ship. . . For the township of Sylvania, at the school house:near .1. M. Rees', in said township. For the township of Ulysses, at the house of Atlas Bennett, in said township. Fur the township of West Branch, at the lionse' of Lemuel Hammond, in said township. Foe the township of Wharton at the house of Stephen Horton, in said township. For the, , Borough of Coudersport, at the COurt House in said Boieugh. Given under my hand, this 26th day of August, A: D. 1858. A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff. . . SHERIFFS SALES. BY, VIRTUE of Sundry ,writa of Venditioni Exponas and Fieri Facial issued .out of the Court of Common Pleas of Potter Co., Pa., :And to me directed, I shall 'expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House in the Bor oughl,,of Coudersport, on. Monday . the 20th day of September, 1858, at 10 o'cloek, A. the following described real estate, to wit : • Certain real estate situate in Roulet town ship, Potter county, Pa., beginning at a post in the north line of lot surveyed to William Fessenden, thence North one hundred rods, thence West one hundred and sixty rods, thende Soiith one hundred rods, thence East one hundred and sixty rods to the place of begtaning, being part of Warrant 2,199; con taitusg one hundred acres, of which seventy ems are insproVed,. on which are one log liBE=3ol house, two - framnbarns, one- comlouse and an ap ple orchard.—ALSO—One 'other, lot of land in said township, beginning at nrist - in south - line of 100 acre lot deeded to -Daiiid Worden thirty rods West of thti E: "Muir Of the same, thence &nth 43 rods to Philatt-, der Heed's lot, thence West by. Reed's north line 140-rods, thence North 43 rods to a cor ner, thence, East likereds to the place of be- , ginning.; centainingss acres of which 25 acres are improved, on which etre analog and frame house, one log barn,- one water saw - mill and an apple orchard.—ALSO--A tract of land sit uateln'theitownship of Clara, beginning at . a post in the north line of 'a lot surveyed toJesse Morey 25 rods east of the N, corner of said.lot, thence North 107.8 rods, East.l6o rods, Sonth 25:8 rods; West 55 roads, South 22 rods, and West 105 rods to the place of-beginning, being part of Warrant 3,923; containing 100 acres, forty acres of which are - chopped, ten acres improv ed, with one log house and one log barn thereon.—ALSO—A certain tract situate in Roulet township, beginning at a post - in' the west linerof a 117.5 acre lot sold to Bay t Martin 11 rods of the south-west corner of same. thence West one hundred and sixty rods, South fifty rods, East one hundred and sixty rods, and North fifty rods to the place of beginning, being part of Warrants 2;225 and 2,165; containing fifty acres: Seized, taken in execution, and .to be sold as the property of Samuel Palmer and Perrin Palmer. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in the Borough of Coudersport, Potter county, Pa.. Lots Nos. 132 & 133 on Square No. 12, hound ed North by Fourth Street, East by Main St.,. South by lots of J. S. Mann, West by lots of L. B. Cole, on which is' erected one frame dwelling house and- one frame haru.—ALSO —Certain real estate situate in Allegany town ship, in solid county, - beunded on the North by Lots Nos. 74 & 65, on the East by unseated lands of the.. Fox Estate, on the South by Lot No. 67 and ißingham Lands, and on the West by Lots Nos., 54, i 3 & 65; containing two hun dred and seventy-fire acres and eight-tenths of an acre, '(being Lot No. 58 of the allotment of Bingham Lands in Allegany township.) ~of which 80 acres are improved and 20 acres chopped, 'on which are ere^ted - one frame house, one frame barn and one log house, arid with some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to. be sold as the property- of Wm. T. Jones. ALSO—Cer: ain real estate situate in Harri son township, Potter county, Pa., bounded on the North by lands of Fox & Ross, Bast by lands of H. Harrison, South by lot conveyed to John Rock Well, and West by unseated lands of Fox & Ross ;- containing fifty acres and two tenths of an acre, being the west half of Lot No. 112, and a part of Warrant No. 1,192, of which two acres are imoraven.—ALSO—One other lot situate in Harrison township, Potter county, Pa., bounded on the North by the above-described lot; on the East by the lands of H. Harris, on the South by lands of Brown, and on the Wein by lands of Brown; supposed to contain five acres, be the same more or less, all of which is improved, and on which is erected one frame house. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of, John M. Wilcox and Mary Wilcox, with notice to John B. Porter, Terre Tenant. ALSO—Certain real estate. to wit: Being Lot No. 86 of the allotment of lands of. M. C. Barber in Harrison townslfp, 'Potter county, Pa., bounded on the North by tot No. 83, on the East by unseated lands of Fox & Ross, on. the South by Lot No. 89 and unseated lands of Fox & Ross, anCon the West by Lots Nos. 89 & ;_ containing 106.4 acres, of which twenty-five acres are improved, and on which is erected one frame house, and with an apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Davis. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in the Boro' of Coudersport, in the county of Potter, to wit: Square No 20, containing one acre and six-tenths of an acre, on which is one two-story frame house and some fruit trees.— ALSO—Lots Nos. 126 & 127 on Square No. 11, on which are two two-story frame store houses and one frame barn. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of W. T. & A. F. Jones. ALSO—Certain real estate, to wit: Two Viilrge Lots situate in the Borough of Cou dersport, being L-ts Nos. 106 & 107 on Sciiiare No. 11, bounded on the North by Third St., on the East by Lots Nos. 128 & 129, on the South by Lot No. 118, and -on the West by \Vest St.; on which are erected one- frame house and one frame barn. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Luman Bea, jr. • ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Bing ham township, Potter county Pa., bounded on the North -by land of John Muller, on this East by lands of Philander Hawley, deceased, and John Russell, ou the South by lands of Pearce Laddington, on the West by lands of Sam., uel Hopkins; containing seventy-four acres, more or less, of which twelve acres are im proved and fifteen acres ehopped, with one log house thereon. - Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Lyman G. Crum. ALSO—Certain real estate, to wit: I One third of 944 acres and one-half of an acre on Warrant No. 4,647, situate in Wharton; town ship, or Sylvania township, Potter county, Pa., bounded North by Warrant No. 4,693, Dust by Warrant No. 4,682-and lands of F. R. Backus, South: by Warrant No. 4,752 and lands; of F. R. 114kus. and West by Warrant No. 2,160 all improved. . Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Thomas Wands.. - . ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Os wayo 'townshipiTotter county, Pa., bounded on the North by lines of Seymour Johnson, on the East by_lands-OrN. C. Goff, on the South and West by lands of Seymour Johnsoff ; leon taining eighty-nine acres, of which five acres are improved, on which are,erected one frame houseand one log barn. " I Seized, taken in execution, and to be: sold as the property of John Lockwood. I ALSO—Certain real estate situate in 'Os wayo 'township, Potter county, Pa., bounded on the North by lands of the Bingham ,Estate, on the East by lands of S. P. Lyman; on the South- by lands of Noah Crittenden, and on- the West by lands of -Fox; containing ninety-six acres of land, eight acres Oilwhich are improved. • Seized, taken in execution, and to, be sold as the property of Franklin Gale. I I - ALSO—Certain real estate sitnateinlWhar ton Township, Potter County, Pa., commencing on the bank of the Sinnemahoning Creek six rods above the Saw-Mill built by the !Cards; thence east about four or five rods to the gut, thence South-east along the gut far eriough to make an acre, thence Westerly to the.bank_of said Creek, thende up the Creek to the place. of beginning; containing one, acre all ilnproy ed; on which there is one - Water Saw-Mill, and one board shanty. • Seized, taken in execution, and to ie'sold as the property of Jonathan Card, Let? &Card, do Geinge P. W. Card. - • ! , ALSO—Certain real estate sitnista in Gene see Township, Potter Co., Pa.. bounded offtbe North by the New York State Line and hinds ofJameithiburne, East bylands ofJotuS Cham bers, South by lands• of .Charles Ira: Leach, West by lands of Michael It James Efflil Osborne; .. ll ' - -' b died ' ' d seven- con ming one un , OW i , ty-five acres, of which sixty ikC s arelpsprov--, ed,.on which is erected one 'fra e - house, one log house, one li*bare, ands irieffruit trees. Seized, taken in execution,. (and to be.sold as the property of Patrkk Berke.' '1 ALPO—Certain real-estate situate ln Har- rison :Township, Potter Co,. Pe., bUtinded on ,the North-by lands 'of B. J. Seofield,i East by landiof T.:11. Eiiglish & 0. , Olney', South - by lands; of Joel English, and WeSt by 1 lands of Elishit-English, being lot N 0.19 e of the aHot ment of lands of M. C. Barber ; 1 contaiitier, fif ty-one and sir-tenths acres, of *bleb ten acres are ireproved,'with one log house aid one log shed thereon. - I- - 1 ' • ' - --- '- " , Seized, taken in execution, ;and to' be sold as the iiroperty of William Cbok. i ALSO—Certain real estate isituatelin lis TOvimship, and Borough of COnderSport, Potter Co., Pa., bounded on the North' by the Jersey Snore Turnpike'. on - the Bast by Nathaii Woodcock & east Rue of Warrant. No. 2123, Sonth by lots of NF. G4rdnier &A. F. Jones. West by Sobieski Ross; binltnininx one hundred and sixty-nine acres, of which twelve acres are improved, 'and upon Which Jim erect ed one frame house and one fOme barn and out buildings. j . 1 Seized, taken in execution. and to be sold as the property of John Crittende!. 1 I.• , • ALSO-- Certain real estate situate in Ifonier Township, Potter Co.; Pa., beginning,,at post', at the north-east corner 'of a lot of two hun dred acres conveyed by John - Keating & co. J. J. & C. H. DeNewville, thence .East one hundred and sixty rods to a lot in ;Possession of Harrison Edgcomb. thence North fifty-eight rods to a post, thence West fifty-tWo rods to a beech, thence North twenty rods to the south east corner of a lot conveyed to Harry Lyman, thence West one hundred and eight rods to to the south-west corner of thej last mention edlot, thence South seventy-eight ;rods to the place of beginning; conbtinirig seventy-one and five tenths acres. fifteen acres df which are improved, on which are evicted oie frame house and one frame barn. I . • Seized, ,taken in execution, and' to be sold as the' property ofJames Blauvelt. , ALSO=Certain real estate situate in Whar ton tovraship, Potter county, Pa.; b l iginning, at a corner in the forks of the E:ist- , ork and First Fork of the Sirineniaboni tic creek, thence South one hundred and seventy-lice perches to a post,' thence one hundred and five and five-tentha perches West to aj corner' in the First-Fork of the Sinnemahoning creek, thence up said creek to a corner of a lot surveyed to S. Freeman, afterward to James Ayres, thenCe North 126. perches to a post, thence North 87° East 78 perches to a hemlock;! thenCe North 67° East in the creek 22 percites•to.a corner, thence North 7° East in the creek!2o perches, thence North 27° West in the creek 114 perch es, thence North 40° East in the creek 43 perches. thence North 18° ,East in the creek 12 perches, thence East seventy perches to a hemlock, thence South 251 perches to a post' and stones, thence East fifty-four perches and four-tenths of a perch to a stub, thence South eighty-two perches to a hemlock, thence West twenty-five perches to. a corner in the East- Fork of the Sinn , smahoning j Creek, thence North 70° west eighty-three perches to the place of beginning; containinq three hundred and forty-eight acres and six-tenths of an acre, being parts of Warrants No. 4685, 4727 and 492 , , excepting fifty acres conveyed by James Bartron to Stephen Horton oni the south end of the lot, of which fifty acres are improved. on which are erected one fraine house, one frame barn, one frame shed, 'one log house, and with apple and peach tree!; thereon. Seized, ,taken in execution,' - and to be sold as the property of James /:tirtrort. A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff. Coudersport, Aug. 24, 1858: 22 Cliff Street, New-York MAN UFACT MIER OP I GLASS SYRINGES, HOMEOPATHIC VIALS GRADUATED MEASURES, NURS ERY BOTTLES, ETC. -Glass Ware for Chemists, Druggists, Per fumers, Photographers, etc. Green Glassware by the package. A liberal discount l made to the trade. Orders from Country Druggists and Dealers solicited. Price Liss sent on appli cation. I 1:2-3rao.c4co. TO EVERY FEMALE IN THE 'UNITED ST_ - TES. ; MRS:. M3NTAGUE'S FEMALE CORDIAL, FOR THE CURE OF ALL THOSE PAINFUL DISEASES PECULIAR TO NVbIEN. tl ? Mrs. . MONTAGUE. for many year afflicted with most of the diseases that are c mmoa to females, spending a large fortuneten years in trying the different means of tre; tment fur her relief, to no avail, was pretailed upon by many of her friends to visit Cubs, December '4B, for the purpose of regaining.. health. While there, she obtained Lion from a Spanish Physician— " Whose silver locks Were tending to the gravo," With which, through the mercy A) was restored to her youthful health After her return she made known to hula-. dreds of her female sufferers the effects of the remedy with equally as great succeis. This extraordinary medicine is offered to the nubile for the relief and cure of all the-painful and dangerous diseases peculiar to women, and that the female constitution is subject to. To those suffering from " Prolapsits Lucorrhoea, Atnmorrhorfa. AL - moult:1On, Dys. menorrhoea-Cillorosis, a speedy cute can be obtained. •- To those suffering from Falling. of .11e Womb or Uterine Weakness of any kind, the Female Cordial is especially recommended. It is war ranted to cure this painful diseases if perse vered in. . In all spinal affections. pain in the region of the PelTis, Lowne of Spirits; Sick-headache, and all th..;se diseases arising from ,the peculiar formation of iriameoi the Cordial will be fouad oi an immense ra:ue. This medicine moderates all excess, and re moves all obstruction; it invigorates the de billeted constinition for the'duties Of life, and wheal taken in middle age proves a blessing. Modesty forbids us, in a public 'advertise miiit,l to make full the details; but the wrap 7 'per around each letter will fully explain every . Merchants, females, or others, byi sending a three, tent stamp, can have any i/Sormation respeetit4ctke'opetations of the medicine. Agents wanted in every village in the Uni ted States. ,at 'up in half pint bottles ; $2,00 per bottles ; 60 \ per cent. off to the trade. All orders mast be addressed to STOSPROAD • _ • 11:1-1y. , Lewis wn, Pa., Box ill., ' pRA.I 3 ER ani'l TAILOR, late kth - the City of Liverpool, England.' • Shop' opposite Court Holm; Coudersport, Pot car Co. Pa. N. 13:—.Partlettlar att .Lion paid to CUT TING.. • , R O ANGP AND L o.‘i"S juit reqeived.by , 10:3 ' W 13. &J. H. GRAVES. . • 0D- • Large and Splendid sort:neat j received at • euisrmys. , , IMES! A. H. C. BROCKEN, . , . WHEN ABOUT:..*BINGL - ' PURCiIASFA -. • HST° E OLMSTED'S-1 STOCK IS. REPLTsNISRED AGA N ; 'NEW . 4.- - SEASON_'AOLE D BOUGHT AHD • FOR SALE - AT 'A - SMALL: 1, ADVANCE.- HOT - WEATHER . . And More Expected LANPNS BARE G:lii CIIALLIES; and other SUMMER GOODS, • JUST RECEIVED, and • will be SOLD CHEAP; Also, a LARGE STOCK of COTTONADES, LINENS, DRILLS,I - for MEN AND BOYS', ' • - • ' • , AT LOW FIGURES FOR READY TAT. 04 ml. PALIt-LEAF,STR4W, COLORED LaiHORN and the LARGEST k Boots &. Shoes!' LARGE ASSORTMENTS - Low, PRICES-AND, WHAT IS OF MORE IMPORTANCE, ARE WELL MADE FROM GOOD STOCK. MAKE HAY While the Sun Shines' I But befoie.connencinc , ,.seethat, you have plenty of good utensils, such as • SCYTHES, MIMS, FORM & If anything is lacking, please e,411 at OLIIISTED'S—PIenty on haVd-.., Clothing,. Vlothsil CRAVATS, COLLARS and a large lad GLOVES & HOSIERY now on hsnd. GROCERIES; A. full suppl±; at the lowest ptices: -T. T. 7. T. T., . Warranted to give satisfaction, or, the money refnnded. Coudersport, July, 13, 1858 A Card. rrOm Dr. James - 3f. .garret of. the. New York Lung! InEirinary..--fly connection fur the '.past . eight years with the above Institution, as .Chiet Physician, and a twelve years' course of steady. devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Consump tion and its kindred diseases, together with, ray unrivalled opportunities and advantages of ; pathological research-aided not a : little by perfect system of .Medical inhalation—has en abled me to arrive at a decisive, .direct, anal'; successful course of treatment for the positive and radical cure of nil of the Throat Lungs, and Air-Passages. By Inhalation.;., the vapor and curative properties of medicines are directly- addressed, to the diseased organs and, the integuments. Ido not advise the Medical Inhalation Of any kind, - to the exclu sion of general treatment; and although reo4- .sider it a useful adjuvant in the proper 'mkt. agement of those. fearful and often fatal dita,,, eases, yet I deem it very necessary. that each = .patient should haVe the benefit of bothgenefut :ind local treatment! . The success of my treat-., merit in the above diseases, and the highchair.' acter of the Institution over which - I have - so, long had the boner! to preside, are too'tvelf -, known to need any eulogy or comment: from me. At the solicitation of many private and professional friends, through whose phiian- , thropie aid the above charity has been long: and liberally supported, and after die' 'oration. I have ccinclnded to make, sunk ai rangementalas will bring the benefits nip - : experience and treatment within the -- reach'ef all, and not confine, myielf, as heretofore; - to those only who enteredthe Infirmary, er,Wheil were Ale to, visit me at my of f ice. 'Wingg' therefore 'that the arrangement will giveentire 4 satisf.etion, both to my professional' brethreh: and the public, I Would respectfully arinotliabit in conclusion, that./ Can now be consulted simony or letter, en all diseases as abovi,- , and that the' medicines, the same as ;need" the InStitution, prepaVed to snit each nal case. Inhaling trapors,lledietil will be forwarded by, express to ant - part ' of the Tufted States or the Crumbs: Tesx&!.. My termi.of treatinent by lettei arcinsfellOWS, viz:; $l2 per Month for each patient; which , will include medicine sufficientfor one menth'ii use; also, Inhaling Vapor, and I Apparatus. Payinent . maid to . Express 'Agent on receipt iOf the.libt of Medicine, and the balance $6 . tclbe, paid r at 3 the expiration of the Month; if the patient be: cured or is' entirely satisfied with' the-,treat meet. Patients, by 'giving fallThistaiY - 61" their case, and their symptoms itcfbl4 ,- canhe-. treated as well by !letter as bypersoiml eiena47 ination. "Patientsiavailing themselvisk of Jarrett's treatment may rely upon immediate' and permanent relief, as , he seldom': hai: to t treat a case over thirty days.- Lettereforad= s .- vice promptly answered. For further-partic:r ulara address •-..- LOIES , II. JARRETT. M. No. 820 Broad Way, cor. Twelfth St., P. s l .4hysicians and others !city are respecifully invited-to call at the Ite•it firrnary, where msny interesting cities 'Min be , ortrita.l64, - iiiial;Mieriti• our .imps..oteCopfprf •••*kT., for'thellihtilition'aMtdicated inpor,,can..l* . seen mad -insiect. ' q " •. .11:241zik "" • • l er former prescrip- God,. she , BEST assortment of SOFT HATS ever offer ed in THIS HARKEN!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers