GS f ; ''' • ' yi ''- ' ISUl , talig_ ga IEO4 Own ',Mali. Fnc.ll44il',f4 l lintn my hands; whichl deem putjiontion in your paper, 'and . mend it for you to [ print,' Led 44g. X 9, 1858. S. t..apill.up here young man, and let its talk, to you :—)rott have trusted alone to the ,t,ontents of father's purse, or to his flit I tame fur your influence or success io busi ness, TiElink you that father has attained kr,cminerice in his profession without RI- Alustry, ,or that he has _amassed honestly, without energy and activity, the fortune 'on have been leaning" upon ? Suppose fatherijas_the 4 rocks' in abundatice,_ if ,you Beyer earned any thing for him, you have more business with those rocks' than a gosling has with a tortoise. A'nd is the old gentleman is lavish of his cash towards you while he allows you to idle away your time, you'd better leave yes; run Away, rather than be made an im 'becile or scoundrel through so corrupting pm influence. If you never helped your self at all, if you have eaten father's bread pail butter, and .smoked father's ciaar's, put a swell in father's bum, and tried to pot on father'S 'influence and reputation, you might far better have, been a poor canal boy, the son of a chimney - sweep, 9r 11 boot black—and, indeed, we would not swap with you the situation of a peior, }calf-starved; motherless calf. Miserable pbfe l ets you are that depend entirely upon 7 out parents, playing gentleman, (at/as dandy loafer?) What in the mine of cowmen sense are you thinking of ? Wake up,there. - - go to work with either your hati4or brains, or both, and be something. Don't merely have it to boast that you have grown in - father's house, that you bare vegetated as other green -horns; but let folks know that you count due.' Throw off your coat, clinch the saw, the plow-handle, the pick-age, the spade—any thing, that_will 'enable you to stir your blood. :Ely around and tear your jacket;— bire yourself out to some potato-patch ; — Jaeyourself to stophog-holes—rat her than Jae the passive recipient of the old gentle man's bounty. If you have no other Means of having fin of, your own, buy with your earnings An empty barrel and put your beadinto it and roll down hill when you ka,entitied to a resting spell. Look about you. Who are they that have worth - and tifluence ? At they those that depend alone on their father's purse? (Jr are they those that have climbed their way to their position by their own industry. True your parent?s influence may secure you the 'forms Of respect; but let them lose their ,mproperty or die and what are you ? A iserable fledging—a bunch of flesh and bones that needs to be taken care of. Take off, then, that ring from your lily finger—break your eaneshave your up per lip—wipe your nose—hold up yonr ,Itead=,--and 'you' will seem to breathe a new atmosphere, possess a ncw frame, tread a new earth, wake to a new destiny 7—and you may then begin to aspire to manhood. ANON. A-DP.OLL PRESIDENT.-I 4 a late j;ium lier of the Albany Evening Journal, Tin - 11.- )m Weed tells us what a droll President re have got, in the following concise words "-He entered the White House, with I promise of freedom to Kansas on his 1 and a scheme for enslaving it in his lapcket. .11e declared war against circu ting notes and in . six weeks was issuing them. himself. Before the ink was dry with which he, pledged " Economy," be had' drained the treasury of its last dollar. 'Before the printers were done steroetyping his inflexible .determination never to bor row, he was in Wall street soliciting a loan. "He congratulated the country on the fitaalind of slavery agitation, and he has been agitating iti fever since. He ordered aulding to stop the filibusters, and then recalled him for doing it. Walker of Nicaragua he Prenouneed an' outlaw and ..tendered him the hospitalities of the White House, Walker of Kansas he furnished with written instructions, and turued him put for obeying them. 3vithheld -the troops from Utah, where he proclaimed there was war, in or- Ader to keep them in Kansas, where he insisted all was peace,- He sells Forts at the icTit, for pi tithe of'ther cost, in order to buy sites at the east at ten times their I value—his subordinates in both • cases 'ocketing the difference. He is contin ually asking for new steam frigates; but he will not use those he has either on the -coastif the Gulf of Mexico, ' .He sends out -4- steamer, ostensibly to patch - the Styx, but with private orders in tho 'captain's desk to do nothing of the rt Claiming to be the most frugal of residents, he has spent more than any pf predecessors. AssUming to be above party prejudices, ho makes partisan phip -the- basis even 'of his invitations to dinner," - POLITENESS.—As to politeness, pally have attempted to define it. I be pave it is best to be knewn by deicription =. definition not being able to oompri.e it. TM/ 4°7ever, veotureto pall it 4,be teverotiog ip,trifies," or the preference of others:to oorselyes io little daily, hourly . occurrences in the commerce-of life.- It • is a perpetual attention to the wants of t• hose with whoit we are, by which atten • 04 -„ye either preient or remove them'. ceremonious; formal, rents; stiff civilities, will never be polite. peso--that must be easy, natural ; unstud- ied, manly, noble; .and whatlvrill giVe this but u mild benevolent- and perpetually attentive ,to exert that amiable disposition in trifles' to all yon converse and live with.-7--Zord I Math:am. . - Tusentso iNCIDWIT.—.4. little poy .lied - died. His liody wasslaid out in. a' darkened, roots, waiting' to be laid in the cold, lone graye. His aticted mother..and bereaved lit." tle sister ivenilin to look at the sweet face of the precious sleeper, for his face was beauti ful even in df:ath. As they stood gazing on the face cif one so beloved and cherished the little girl .asked to shake his hand. The moth er at first did not think it hest, bu;t the child repeated ; the request, and seemed - anxious about it ;; she took the cold, bloOdless hand of her sleeping boy, and placed it in; he hands of his weepingsister. The dear Child looked at it u moment, caressed it fondly,; and then loci,ked ,dp to her mother through :tears and line, and said : "Mother, this hand never struck me!" What Could have been mere touching and Lovely ?-.—E.cclianye. • • INTELLECTUAL WomEN.-J,—There is something refreshing about the society of an intellectual woman. , She rarely drops into the senseless jargon of " small talk," and in her conversation aims to amuse and edify her friends. Sheridan has said— " Wonien_ govern us; let us render them perfect; the more they are enlightened, so much More shall we be. On the cultiva tion of the mind of women depends the wisdoM of men. It is- by women that Nature writes on the hearts of men.". EPIGRAM Tom on his wife could not bestOw One tear of sorrow when she died ; Eterlife llad made so many flow, That all the briny fount was dried. .• AN English writer, (remarks an es change), says American ladies of the pres ent clay feel or affect a spirit of independ ence. We certainly have seen, at fash ionable parties; - many a lady, who we thought might very appropriately recite SmoHetes fine lines to Independence : "Thy spirit, Independence, let me share. Lii)rd of the lion-heart and eagle eye, Thy{ steps I follow with my bosom bare." LIST OF CAUSES for trial in Potter County Court, at September Term, 1858. ' nsef ° vs. A. P. Cone, J. Mills, Reynidds, " E. Reles & Jno, Lyman, " Grimes, et al. Whakon Tp. use oft " John Earl, jr., et al. Henry Nelson, Wilkinson, " Wilkinson.. Curtie,Erwin & Brooks," Reynolds, Carpenter, " Shay, Kronie, " Martin, Mallory et at. Ross, , " 31Intyre, Dickinson,- " C. W. Ellis, Allegany, Township, " J. Lyman, late Ter. • ' Same, ~ Same. Enswerth, ." " Pike Township, Dwight, _ " Reynolds, Kahn ; ,‘ Jones Mann d: Jones Ayres, " Haskius, t Weservelt , " Jones, Davis, - " Jones, Harkin use of N. C...} " Ellis, , kG. N. Platt. Baskin use of S. P. } " Maynard & 'Wilcox, : Johnson, Bently, " Barse, Jones, - " Bradlee, et. al. Corn'tla use of Potter Co. " Bartron, Jones et a/. Joaes, . " Cone .sr, Ellison,- Pearce, " Clark, Glaiee, " Jones, S. G. &W. Lansing., " Hall,. A. $. Ford, use of "W.T.S: A. F. Jones, Mann & Enos, . Ellsworth, White Jackson School Dis't.. & Ives. Edwards, , '° Nichols, - Eldridge, - « Morley, survi'r EMI " 'Hopkins k Jones, H. OLMSTED, Proth'y. ;attention THE WHOLE! CLARK & PHILLIPS, IxT.llO have run the well. , lnown . Yif "OLD REGULATOR,", at Wellsville, for the last two years, have made a general fitting up outside and in, and- have filled it up to overflowing with GROCERIES ,St PROVISIONS, BOOTS & SHOES,a genearal variety o Hardware& Cutle - ev, comprising all things necessary for Families, Mills, Mechanics, Farriers, .k.c.; and , we bound ar not only to Regulate, but to beat the crowd in the LOWEST PRICES; ma • BEST QUALITIES, - in this town and Olean. One of the 'firm bay ing had - OVER 2.09 YEARS' EXPERIENCE in Nlerchandizing,—and with abundant pecunia ry facilities, we know We can BACK UP Our Statements, and everybody is invited to test the troth of the same. We furnish Merchants and Pedlars CHOICE SUPERFINE FLOUR at s4' bbl. ' • SALT at $1,75 ; Fine YOUNG-HYSON TH A 37,1 cts. 11J.;, Choice WHITE FISH and TROUT $4,50 `ll i-bbl.; BEST NAILS $4,25 w keg,—other things in proportion. We can do you, good, and expect to receive pay for our labor and investment by selling large amonts, in the ' wholesale way, to Merchants, Hotels, Pedlars We are aware that every Picaninni shop tells the same yarn, and advertise ten times 'more than tldey have or can do ; but come and see us; and you will say, NO LIE TO THIS ! E. P. CLARK—one of the firm—has built a Bankinn . Office adjoining the store, and is.nrepared to furnish • DRAFTS AND BILLS OF EXCHANGE for this country, England, Ireland and Scot land, make Collections &Remittances, huyall -1 ; Verffa• it its value, furnish Gold and Silver, &e., and other things growing out of the business. LOCATION—Foot of PLANK-ROAD on the Rail-Road Track. - • • CLARK St PHILLIP. . Wellsville, July 7, 1858.-10:51—V. MEM CAUTION .. Merchants and Traders will be on 'their guard and not be imposed upon by a Connternalt of Morse's Indian Root Par, - signed 4. B. oare .011pin:dna Indian no:it Ells hare thkname sad sigaitars of 4. J. Whale d co., cm Above we present -yon with a likeness of DR. MORSE—the inventor Of MORSE'S IN DIAN ROOT PILLS. This philanthropiSt has spent the greater part.of his life in traveling, having visited Europe, Asia, and Africa, as well as North America—has spent three Years among the Indians of our Western country— it was in this way that the Indian Root Pills were first discovered.- Dr. Morse was the first man to establish the fact that all clisea'ses arise from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD—that our strength, health and life. depended upon this I vital fluid. Wlien the various passages becothe clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony with the differelt functions of thd body, the blood loses its action, becomes thiclt„corrupted and. dig ' eased ; thus causing all pains; sickness and distress of every name ; our strength is ex hausted, our health we are deprived of, and if nature is not assisted in 'throwing off the.stg nant humors, the bliiodi will become choked and cease to act, and thus our light of life will forever be blown out. I.ljow important then that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open! And hew pleasant to us that we have it in' our power to put la medicine in your reach, 'namely, Morse'S. Ip dian Root Pills', manufactured from plants and roots which grow aiound the monntant ous cliffs in Nature's gaiden, for the health and recovery of diseased man. One of the rod,ts from-which these Pills ere made is a Sudoridc, which opens the pores of the skin, and assists Nature in threiving 04-the finer parts of the corruption within. The second is a -pleat which is an Expectorant, that opens and en clogs the passage to the lungs, and th - us, in a soothing manner-, performs its duty by throiv ing off phlegm, and other humors froth. the lungs by copious *nth*: The third is a Di uretic, which gives easeand double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged, they Arliw large amounts of • imptirity from the blood„ which is then thrown but bountifully by the urinary or water passage ' and which could. not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic, and accompanies the other properties of the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken Pp and' conveyed off in great quantities by the bowels. From the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's Indian Robt Pun not Only enter the stomach, but become united, with the blood, for they' find way to every part, and completely rout out and cleanse the systeni - from all impurity, and the life of the body, Which, is the blood, be comes perfectly healthy; consequently all, sickness and paid is driven from the system, for they cannot remain:when the body becomes So pure and clear. t The: reason why pople are so distressed when sick, and - why so many die, is because they'd() not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts, and which will open-the natural passages for the disease to he cast out; hence, a large quantity.of food and other mat- 1 ter is lodged, and the:stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass ; thus nadetgoing disagreeable fermen tation, constantly mixing with the blood,which throws corrupted matter through every vein and artery, until life is taken from the body by disease.' Dr. Morse's PILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory, by restoring millions of the sick to blooming health and happiness. Yes, thousands who have been racked •or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning elements of raging fever, and who have been brought, us it were, within a step of the silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they would have been numbered with the dead, had it not 'been for this great and wonderful medicine, Morse's Indian Root Pills. After one or two doses had been taken, they were astonished, and abso lutely surprised, in witnessing their charming effects. Not only do they give immediate ease and strength; and take away all sickness, pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at the foundation of the', disease, which is the bleed. Therefore,. it will be shown, especially by those who use these Pills, that they will so cleanse and purify, that dis ease—that deadly enemy-:--will take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty will again return, and the prospect of-a long and happy life will cherish and brighten your days, Sold by SMITH & JONES, Coudersport; also by all Medicine Dealers in the county. A. J. WHITE & CO.-, No, 50 Leonard St., New York, Proprietors; WM. MUDGE & CO., (proprietors of Dr. A. Trask's Magnetic Ointment,) Earl vine, Madischt Co,, N. Y., General Agents. COUE.T PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS the Hon. Robert G. White, President Judge, and the Hons. Joseph Mann and G. G. Colvin, Associate Judges of the Courts, of Oyer &- Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and . Court of Common Pleas for the County of Potter, have issued their precept, bearing date the nineteenth day or August, in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and fifty-eight, and to me di rected, for holding a Court of Oyer and Term-I iner and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Ses sions of the Peace,' Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas; in the Borough of Conder sport, on MONDAY, the 20th day of Septem ber hest, and to continue one week. - Notioe is therefore hereby given to the Cor oners, Justices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proprr persons, at .10 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their rolls, •records, inquisi tions, examinations, and other rem3mbrances, to do those things which to their offices ap pertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizanees to prossecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said county of Potter,•are to be then and there to prosecute against them as will he just. • Dated at COLIMISPOICT, August 25,1858, and and. the 82d year of the Indept ndence of the United States of America. ' Z. J. TIIOMPSON, CARRIAGE WAGON 3tAgEfl and RE PAIRER, Coudersport, Potter Co.:, Pa.. takes this method of informing the pub lic in general that he is prepared to. do all work in his line With promptness, in a workman-like Inanttir, and upon the most accommodating terms. Payment for Repairing. invariably required on delivery of . the work.. All kinds of --PRODUCE taken on account of work. 10:35. 10:46-1y.: A. C. TAGGART, Sbpriff. HAMS, MELODEONS MIRO THE CASH SYSTEM. ADOPTED. PrieeA Greatly Reducecl, "Oil ACE - WATERN; 3.13 Bro'adtvay,l 4 T. Y.,' AGENT FOR THE BEST BOSTON SyN."l% • ' . — lnstruments, rretE, Largest .2i.s.i.ortmeut 'of Pianos, Melo demis, Musical Instruments; and Musical Merchandise of all kinds; in the United States. Pianos_ from Ten different Arnufactories, com prising thdse - of every variety of ,style, fr3m the plain, neat and substrultial:6/ octaves, in Walnut or Rosewood Cases; from 5100 to $2OO, to thoSe of the most debut finislkup to One ThoUsand Dollars. No house- in the Union can compete with the above - in the. number, !variety and celebrity of its instruments, nor in the ExtreMely low prices at - which - they are 13ORACE WATERS'- MODERN IMPROVED PIANOS, ' with or without Iron Frames, pos-: ses,sing iri their improVements of over-strings and action, , a length of scale and compass of tone equal' to. the .Grand Piano, united with the beauty`nd durability: of structure of the Square Piano. They are yustly'pronounced by the Press and by the first Musical Masters, to be equal to those of any other, manufacturer They are built of the best and most thorough ly seasoned material, and guaranteed to stand the action of every climate. Each InstruMent guaranteed to give satifaction, or purchase money refunded. . HORACE WATERS' MELODEONS.—Sti. perior Instruments inlouell and durability Of make. (Tuned the equal temperament.) Me lodeons of all other styles and makes. Price $45, $6O, $75, $lOO, sl2s,'sl4o—double s Reeds and two banks of Keys, s2oo—lesa liberal discount. Clergymen and Churches, an extra discount. MARTIN'S GUITARS, • • BROWN'S HARPS, FLUTES, FLUTINAS, • ACCORDEONS, ;VIOLINS, and Musical Instruments of all kinds, at lower prices than ever before offered to the public. A large discount to Teachers and Schools. The trade supplied on the most liberal terms. SECOND-HAND PIANOS, at great bar gains, constantly in store,—price from $3O to $l4O. MUSlt...One•of the. largest and best se lected catalogues of Music now published, comprising many of the choice and most pop ular airs of the day, and will be sold at one third off from the regular prices. Music sent by mail to all parts of the coun try, post-paid. Particular and personal atten tion paid to all orders received by mail. 'Sat isfaction guaranteed in every instance. Pianos and Melodeons for rent and rent allowed on puachase. Pianos and Melodeons for sale on monthly payments.. Second-hand Pianos ta ken in exchange for new. General and select Catalogues and Schedule of prices forwarded to all parts of the country by mail, -Great inducements offered to AGENTS in all parts of the 'country, to sell the Horace Waters' Pianos, todeonq, and Catalogue of Music. 8:46 .A PRIZ.V. *OR EVERYBODY! hi. 1 WHO SUBSCRIBES FOR THE New York Weekly Press ; 1 . A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED FAMILY NEWSPAPER ! frpHE NEW YORK WEEKLY PRESS is one JL of the best literary papers of the day. A large Quarto containing TWENTY PAGES. or SIXTY COLUMNS. of entertaining matter; and ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED every week. • . A GIFT WORTH FROM 50 CENTS TO $lOOO 00 . WILL "BE SENT TO EACH SUB SCRIBER ON RECEIPT OF THE SUB SCRIPTION MONEY. TERMS 77 IN ADVANCE : One copy for one year, and 1 gift, $2 On Three copies one year, and 3 gifts, 5 00 Fire copies one year, and 5 gifts, 8 0( Ten copies one Year, and 10 gifts, 15 00 Twenty one copies one year, and 21 gifts, 30 00 The articles to be distributed are comprised in the following list:l United Stales Treasury Note, $lOOO 00, 2 do do do 500 00, each. 5 do do 'do 200 00, each: 10 do do do 100 00, each. 10 Patent 'Dever Hunting Cased Watches, 100'00, each. '2O Gold Watches, 75;00,each. 50 do' 60;00, each. 100 do 50100, each. 300 Litdies' Gold Watches, 35100, each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased,' Watches, 30 00, each. 500 jiver Watches, sls'oo to 2$ 00, each. 1000 t old Guard, Vest • and Fob Chains, 10 00 to 30 00, cab. 1000 Gold Pens and il I Pencilk, 5 00 to 15 00, each. Gold Lockets, Bracelets, - Broolaes,. Ear Drops Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Slerle Buttons, Rings Shirt Studs, Watch Keycr,' Gold and Silveri Thimbles, and a variety of l other arti cles, Worth from 60 cents to $l5 01 each. On receipt of the subscription money, the subscriber's name will be entered upon out b00k.4 opposite a number, and the gift-corres pondibg with that number will b forwarded withitt one week to hini, by tatai4 or express, post lid. Th re is neither humbug nor lottery about the a ore as every subscriber ik sure of a prizelpf,vtilue. We prefer to mace this lib eral distribution among them instead of giv ing aParge commission to Agents giving to the subscriber`the amount that would go to the Agent and in many cases a h ' ti itdred,fold mo • - All communications elm Id be ad dressed to r • ' •• • DANIEL , ADEE, Pcm4iSBER, ' [10:13] • 211 Centre street, Nezo Era. 1 , Register's Notice.• NOTICE is hereby given thatithe following iceoents have been - passed'and filed in the Register's Office in Potter Coiitity ' and that the same. will be presented, to the Orphans' Court of said county, for con6rmatima and al lowance,-'on TUESDAY, the 21st; day:of Sep tember ne:at, at the Court the Boro' of Cciudersport, ) T. Account of Polly Higley,,Administratrix of Ofe"estate of Daniel Higley, deed, late of He-. broa.,}OWnship. , . • Acg.ouitt of•Wni. H. Idetzge Adniinistra tor of the 'estate of F. L. Matzger, dec'd, late of 6'e Bsrou, h of CoudersPort.l , i 'A. B. BUTTERWORTII, Atwitter., CoUderpport, Aug. 141868. I 1 ' • Atules and Regulations Li T F 11\ IaRDING JUN' FIRST ANNUAL FAIR • ' Agtitit tat &. - Pittlitult, vat grzti t t C TO itt HELD ,AT COtiDEUSPORI4 PA., Wednesday and Thil.r:sday, October 13th & 14th,18 5 I RT - f,, ES AND REGULATIONS- : - I. All Animals, to be entitled to compete fer. Pretuiums, shall have been k and owned in the County, by the ‘ persons presenting thenr,..At least four r non t previous to the Annual Pair, and all animals, except breeding stuek,shall 1, 00 1 14 bred and raised in, the County; but when Working:Oxen or Matched R orse3 ',Slates are entered fOr Premiums, they shall. - be eligible if one, was raised in ih r county. li.. No iperson or persons shall be permitted to compete for a Premium - on article of,Doineetic Manufacture, or Butter or Cheese; unless the same shall bl r ", been made 'or manufactured by such person or persons, or his or their familyl o; families, !within the, year that it shall be offered for premium. Ekhibitora must become members of the Society and have their. artii i i et and animals entered on the Searetary's book on or before the day next prec e di ng the opening, of the Exhibition; and-all articles and animals Mast be brought witlila theenclosure as early as noon of the first day of exhibition, in order that they e el be suitably arranged. The Managers do not intend to Assunh any exhibitor-4o NEGLECTS these requirements, that his articles can be submitted to the j u dg e 3 While every effortjwill be-Blade to secure the examination and proper Doti& eller. ery article on exhibition, justice to those who co2nply _with the rules of th e s ect „,, requires that"they iu all cases first receive attention. 4rticles or animals removed before the close of the Ehibition (eXP.94 I by permission of the President) can not receive a Premium; though awarded. V. Should any individual enter an animal in any other name than that.ohl in bona fide owner, the person making such entry shall not be allowed a premium should one be reported by the Judges, and shall be precluded from competiu any future exhibition of the Society. , -VI. Persons entering stook of the age of three years and under, shall furnish the - Judges evidence of the time when the animals were,clropped, to be filedby them _with the Secretary; and the ages of animals above this, to he given on making their entries. VII. The Judges shalkin all cases withhold premiums where the animal or at , tide is not worthy, though there be no competition. VIII. No premiums are to be awarded to Bulls, .Cows, - or. Heifers that hire been fitted for the butcher—the intention of the Society being to promote thereat ing of superior animals for breeding •purposes. IX. Whenever it shall appear to the Judges that articles of superiors:Le - liar been presented, not noticed in the Premium. List, they shall make special repo • thereof to the Board of iSlanagers. X. It is .particularly desired that no persons shall be present while the Jud i; are eiamiuinglthe Stock referred to them, except these taking charge of the coals, uulez..s by special request. LIST OF COMMITTEES - OF ETIT-TPertS: The following Committees of Judges on Premiums have been appointed by the Board Managers of the Potter County Agricultural and Horticultural Society : ON SHEEP. GARDEN AND 0120/I.lttp LADIES' DISCRETIONM Wm. 11I . D011gralt, . ' FRUIT. ; COMMIT/4F. Lewis Lyman, Jesse Id. Greer=Ook r• . Mrs. J, If. Hamilton,, Clark Crum, Dr. Edward Jorg, .4! Lewis Mona, Henry Nelson, (AlPy,) Henry Yentzer, • r it p. A Stebbialp Seth Taggart, R. W. Benton,' - ; -rt A. C. Taggart, B. D. Doibee, A. B. Bennett. u. 11. A. Nelson, O.'H. Perry, HOUSEHOLD. MANUFAC.. " F. W. Enos, ns: ' s. . ' ; 66 N. J. Mills, Mrs T. 6 A. F. June , ., . ar u e " D; F. Glassmire,. 46 Nelson. Clark 66 Jno. B. Smith. GENT'S' DISCREttr " Almeron Nelson, comumn . " W. T. Jones, S. Ross, " Joseph Manor ~ Almeron Nelson, "S. Ross. - . Alexander Eyilapt, " Collins Smith,. J aco b g„kh ow, " S. M. Mills, George Weimer, " Isaac Bees". - Sala Stevens. BlEcn.oripAL & nattatuso Ambrose Corey, rarPLEISEXTS.. I Harris Lyman, Eli Rees, John S Mann, N. H. Hallock, J. Q. Merrick,`" W. IL Metzger,. , - i 0. A. Lewis, -, - H. L. Bird, D. F. Glassmire: ' ON CeTTLE. Ashbel Munroe, Gaylord G. Colvin, W. B. Ayres, Joseph Knowlton, Lucien Bird, .thneron Nelson, ' Isaac Thompson, Gen. W. G. Judd, W. 1-1 yarner, Alanson C. Stevens 11. 11. Lyman, Jno. M-Kilbourn, • Wm. H. Hydorn, S. Ross, Henry Andreson, ON HORSES Titus W. Butt, Nelson Perham, ~ s attel J. Mills, yman Nelson, a Canfield,, ON FARMS. Timothy Ives, D.tvid Crowell, Gardner H. Olmsted, Dennis Hall. denry s; John H. White. OP SWIPE Barak Niles,' Geo. Estes, GRAIN & GRASS Daniel Clark, David White, C. P. Kilbourn, John Tavart, Isaac P. Howe, Brigg!. • Javid Crowell, Lewis Lyman, O. C. Warner. iIOWAR D•ASSOCIATIO.N PHILADELPHIA. A- Benevolent Institution, established by special endowment for the relief of the sick; and dis • tressed,: afflicted with Virulent and .Epidentic diseases. rino all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseas e ~ such as SPERMATORRUCEA, SEMI NAL . WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE, GONOR REHEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM; or SELF ABUSE, &c. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in vievr.of the deStruction of human life, caused by Stxual diSeases, and tie deteptions prac tised upon the unfortunate vid - z,ims of such diseases by. Quacks, Several yearsago directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT wortlayj of their name ' to open a Dispen ry for the treatment of this class of diseases in all their forms; and to give MEDICAL ADI V ICE GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, kc.,l and in cases of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to add that the Association commands 'the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approied modern treatment. The-Directors, on a-review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of be nevolent effort, have been of great benefit to the - afflicted, especially to the young,!ind the.) have resolved to devote themselves, with re-. netired zeal to this very important but thud) despised cause. - Just Published loylthe Association, a Re port on Spermatorrhcea, or Seminal Weakness, the Vice, of Onanism, Masturbation or Self- Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sexual Or= gaps, by. the Consulting Surgeon, which will be - sent by inail, (in a sealed envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on reeeipt Of TWO STAMPS for postagel. .1 Address; for Report or treatment, Dr. GEORGE R: CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard ASsociation; No. 'g South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa, I By order t - 4' the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. . GEO, FAIRCHILD, Set!rwarv. KFIDZIE'S PATE NT WATER FILTER: , THE BEST FILTER KNOWN for Family use; !has given.the highest satifaction for many - yeafs ; is scientific in construction, port., able,"durable and cheap. It renders rain wa ter.perfectlyipure and sweet, making cisterns more economical than wells, and avoiding the diseases arising from the hard water of lime stone regions. Five sizes; retail from: $8 to $12.. Wholesale to - the trade atthitiluttldis count. Can be for Warded safely any distance. Forraerlyi made .by J.. E. Cheney & Co:; made now onlyibY JAMES TERRY & CO., at the old stand of 1-E. - C.. &ipo„ State Street; Roches . - ter, N. Y. For descriptive circulars address . . [1..10:47 rn.l JAMES TERRY & CO XTO CHKRGH - .FOR 'SHOWING THE 'NNW Go44just received at OLNISTBO'S: . , 01 1 ,THE OF THE OY POULTRY. NEW GOODS. Low Prices and Ready, AT SHARON CENTER. MBE SUBSCRIBERS are offering an entirely new stock, consistini DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, lIARD) CQOCKERY, GLASS WARE, BM k SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Uk BRELLAS, PARASOLS, WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER, READY MADE CLOTHING, YANKEE NOTIONS .5.:c In mil. selections the' wants of all hat remembered. The Gentlemen can find stock of Ready Made Clothing an t Fashionable suit, or a substantial Its suit, and we have Hats & Caps and Be Shoes to match. . The Ladiel can find- Fnshionable beautifully trimmed, or bonnets and tti a - good assortment of DLL: s Goo_ds, at mings; Gloves, Mitts, Hosiery and Gat And, last but not least; corded and si Skirts ; also, Rattans, Skirt-Whalebr Brass Skirt-Hoops; beautiful .Jet Ne and' Bracelets, Corals, Fans, and, too other things to enuinerate.- - --all of wbi are selling low for Cash; Lumber, or at of Produce. FLOUR, MEAL, FISH tc stantly on hand. W. B. & J. H. G. Sharon Centei, Potter Go, ra, 18.57.-10:3—tf. n if.ANGES AND LEMOS just reel . D.;& J. 11. Gra' I II U U BE II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers