filic4l aimotweillertts. gar Ire will announce CandidateSfor (Vice at the rate of $1 each, tx ADV,INCE,for 41l occupying 10 lines or less—each additional linejlo cents. ASSenlblYmAlltf.!LeCOMptOn. To the Electors of the Representative .District composed of the Counties of Tiogaand Potter :—I am a Candidate for the office of Representa tive in the nest General Assembly. Should I he elected, my constuents may rest assured that, to the best of my ability, they will be represented upon the principles of'the Decla ration of Independence and the Constitution of the Union; and especially that the People of the Territories kincluding Kansas,) have the same right to resist the enforcement of Slavery upon them avainst their will, that Our Fathers had to resist the Stamp Act of George 111., and throw his Tea into Boston Harbor. If, this be Treason,' make the most of it. JNO. M. KILBOURNE. Potter Co., Pa., Juiie 30, 1858. *iv MindigOlints. COURT PROCLAMATION. IVI IPErlelsEi dent j h u e d H o n t . n o d t rt he 11l ons. J W h e ct e h . Mann and G. 0. Colvin, Associate Jarbres of "the Courts of Oyer Terminer tind General Jail Delivory, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of CoMmon Plea; for the County of Potter, have, issued fht•ir precept, bearing date the nineteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, 'and to me di rectul, for holding a Court of Oycr and Term iner and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Ses sions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Picas, in the Borough' of Conder sport; on MONDAY, the loth day of Septem ber next, and to continue one week . . • Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oners, Justices of the Pence and Constables within the county, that they be then and there l in their proprr persons, at 10 o'clock M. of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisi tions, examinations, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their Mikes ap pertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recog.nizances to prossecute against he prisoners that 'are or shall be in the jail of said county of Potter, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at COLDRSPORT, August 25, 1858, and I and the 82d year of the Independence of the United States of America. - A. C. TAGGAItT, Sheriff. --- SHERIFF'S SALES, . B • Y VIRTUE of Sundry writs of Irendilioni Expellee and Fisd Fades issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Potter Co., Pa., and to Me directed, I shall expose to_ public sale or outcry, at the Court HOuse in the Bor. ough of Coudersport, on Monday the 20th day. of - September, 1858, at 10 o'clock , the following described real estate, to wit : Certain real estate situate in Roulet town.L.' ship, Putter county, Pa.; beginning at a post iu the north line of lot surveyed-to William' Fessenden, thence North one hundred rodsi thence West one hundred and, sixty rods thence South one hundred rods. thence Easti rim hundred and sixty rods to She place of, beginning, being part of IN arrant 2,100; con; taming one hundred acres, of which advents' acres are improved, on which are one lug house. two frame barns one corn-house and ; an apple orchard.—ALSO—One other lot of! land in said township, beginning at a post in south line of 100 acre lot deeded to David Wordeu thirty rods west of the S. E. corner of the same, thence South 43 rods to Philati-;, der Reed's lot. thence Wt st by Reed's north line 140 rods. thence North 43 rods to a cor-: ner, thence East 140 rods to' the place of be ginning; coma ining :15 acres of which 25 acres are improved, on which are one log and frame house, one log barn, one water saw mill and an apple orchard.—ALSO—A tract of land sit- ! , nate in the township of Clara, beginning at a, post in the north line of a lot surveyed to Jesse' Morey 23 rods east of the N. corner of said lot: thence North 107.8. rods, East IGO rods, Sontll, 25.8 rods:West 55 rods. South 22 rod.:, and West 105 rods to the place of beginning. being part' of Warrant 3.923 ; containing 100 acres,.forty acres of which are chopped, ten nubs improv ed, with one log house and one log barn, thereon.—ALSO—A certain tract situate htl Roulet township, beginning at a post in the west line of a 117.5 acre lot sold to Ray k Martin 11 rods— of the smith-west corner' of same thence West one hundred and sixty rods, South fifty rods, East one hundred and sixty rods, and North fifty rods to the place of beginning, being part of Warrants 2,225 and 2,105 ; containing fifty acres. Seized, taken in execution,: and to be sold, as the property of Samuel Palmer and Perrin Palmer. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in the Borough of Coudersport. Potter county, Pa., Lots Nos. 152 4: 133 on Square No, 12, bound ed North by Fourth Street, East by Main St., South by lots of J. S. Mann, West by lots of L. B. Cole. on which is erected one frame dwelling, house and one frame barn.—ALSO —Certain real e , ,t,ite sit ur..;., - ; in A y town ship, in said county. hoarded on the North by Lots Nos. 74 & 55, on ti:- Eat lands of the Fox Estate, 03 1.11. Q So,;;ii by Lot No. 67 and Bingham Lands, and on he Pf t by Lots Nos. 54, 63 & 65; contqiniug two ilun - deed and seventy-five acres and eight-tenths of an acre, (tieing Lot No. 56 of the allotment of Bingham Lands in Allegany township.) of which 80 acres are improved and 20 axes chopped, on which are erected one frame house. one frame barn and one log house, and with some fruit trees thereon. Seized, Liken in execution, and to be sold its the property of Win. T. Jones. • ALSO—Cer a in real estate situate in Harri son township, Potter county ; Pa., bounded on the North by lands of Fos ..S; Boss, East by lands of H. Harrison, South by lot conveyed to John Rockwell, and West by unseated lands of Fox ;s: Ross ; containing fifty acres and two tenths of an acre, being the west half of Lot No. 112, and a part of Warraut No. 1,192, of which two acres are imaroveo.—ALSO—One other lot situate in Harrison township, Potter county, Pa., bounded on the North by the above-described lot; on the East'by the lands of H. Harris, on the South by hulas of Brown, and on . the West by lands of Brown ; supposed to contain five acres, be .the same more or less, all of which is improved, and on. which is erected one frame house. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John M. Wilcox and Mary Wilcox, with notice to John B. Porter, Terre Tenant. 7 • ALSO—Certain real estate, to wit: Being Lot No. 86 of the allotinent of lands of 11. C. Barber in Harrison townsh p, :Potter county, Pa., bounded on the North by Lot. No. 83, on the East by Unseated lands of Fox 4 Ross, of the South by Lot No. 89 and unsCa•ed lands of Fox & Ross, and on the West by; Lots Nos 49 &83 ; containing 106.4, acres, of which twenty-five acres are improved, and on which is erected one frame house, .and with an app ore.liArcl thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sohi as the property of John Davis. ALSO—Certain real estato- situate in the Boro' of" 'Coudersport, in the county of Potter, to wit: Square No 20, containing one acre and six4euths of an acre, on which is tone two-story frame house and some fruit trees.— ALSO-4.,0ts Nos. 128 & 127 on Square No. IL on which are two two-story frathe store houses and on& frame barn,: • Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of W. T. & A. P. Jones. ALSO—Certain real estate, to wit: Two Village Lots situate in the Borough of Cou dersport, being L'ts Nos. 108 & 107 on Square No. 11, bounded on the North by Third St., on the East by Lots Nos. 128 & 1129, on the South Jy Lot No. 118, and on the West by West S t.; on which arc erected one frame house atad one frame barn. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Luman Bell, Jr.. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Bing ham township, Potter county Pa., bounded on the North by land of John 31illler, on the East by lands of Philander Hawley, deceased, and John Russell, on the South by lands of Pearce & Luddingtoa, on the Test by lands of Sam uel Hopkins ; containing seventy-four acres, more of less, of - which twelve acres are ha proved and fifteen acres chopped, with one tog bouae thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold ] as the property of Lyman G. Crum. ALSO—Certain real estate, to wit: One- 1 third of 944 acres and one-half of an acre on Warrant No. 4,647, situate in Wharton town ship, or: Sylvania township. Potter county, hounded North by Warrant No. 4.693, East t Warrant No. 4,682 and lands of F. R. Backus,' ; , South by Warrant No. 4, - 732 and lands of F l . R. Backus, and West by Warrant No. 2,160 all improved. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold' as the property of Thomas Wands. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Os.. wayo township._ Potter county, Pa., bounded on the North by lands of Seymour Johnson, on the East by lands of N. C. Goff, on the South and West by lands of Seymour Johnson ; con eighty-nine acres, of which five acres are improved, on which are erected one frame house and one log barn. Seized,. taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Lockwood. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Os way° township, Potter county, Pa., bounded on the North by linids of the Bingham'Estate, on the East by lands of S. P. Lyman, on the South by lands of Noah , Crittenden, and on the West by lands of Fox; containing ninety-six acres of land, eight acres of which are improved. Seized. taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Franktin Gale. ALSO—Pertain real estate situate in Whar ton ToWnship. Potter County, Pa.,'cornmencink• on the !etnk of the Sinuemaltoning Creek six rods above , the Saw-Mill built by the Cards, thence past about four or five rods to the gut. thence Sonth-eist along the gut far enough to make Mt acre, thence Westerly to the bank of said Creek, thence up the Creek to the place of beginning; containing, one acre all improv ed, on Which there is one Water Saw-Mill, ;and one board shanty. Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold :15 the property of Jonathan Card, Levi B. Card, Georp P. W. Card. ALSO—Certain real estat . e . , ,tnate in Gene see ToWnship. Potter Co.. Pa.. bounded on the North by the New York State Line and lands ofJames Osborne, East by landA of John Cham bers. SOuth be lands of Charles & Ira Leach, West bY lands of Michael M'Nalty & James Osborne; containing one hundred and seven tv-iive Acres, of which sixty acres are improv el, on Which is erected one frame house, one log house, one log barn, and some fruit trees. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Patrick Burke. ALSO—Certain real estate situate, in Har rison Township. Potter Co., Pn., hounded on the North by lands of B. J. Scofield. East by lands of T. C. Enzlish & 0. Olney, South by lone::: of Joel English, and West. by lands of Elisha 14ri:x lot No. 63 of the allot ment of lands of M. C. Barber: containing fif ty-one mid six-tenths acres. of which tea acres are improved, with one log house and one log shed thereon. Seized, taken in Cxechtion, and to be sold as the nroperty of William Cook: ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Eula lia Torynship, and Borough of Coudersport, Potter Co , Pa., bounded on the North by the Jersey Shore Turnpike Road, on the East by Nathan Woodcock S east line of Wrirrant No. 2123, South by loti of W. B. Gordnier & A. F. Jones. West by Sobieski Ross containing one hundred and sixty-nine acres, of which twelve acres are improved. and upon which arc erect ed one frame house and one frame barn and out buildings. Seize'd. taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Crittenden. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Homer Township, Putter Co., Pa.. beginning at a post at the north-east corner of a let of two hun dred acres conveyed by John Keating Z Co. & J. J. k C. IL DeNewville. thence East one hundred and sixty rode to a lot in possession of garrison Edgcomb. thence North fifty-eight rods to a post. thrare West fifty-two rods to a beech. thence North twenty rods to the south east coz - iier of a lot conveyed to Harry Lyman, thence West one hundred and. eight rods to to the south-west corner of the List menti••n ed lot. thence South severity-eight rods to the place of beginninri•t containing- seventy-one And five: tenths acres. fifteen acres of which arc improved, on whiA are erected one frame .hence and one frame barn. Seized. taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James Blauvelt. ALSO—C:3rtain real estate situate in Whar ton township, Potter county, Pa,, beginning at a corner in the forks of jhe Eat-Folk 2:11(1 First Fork of the Sinnemahoning creek, tht ace South one hundred and seventy-five perches to a post. thence one hundred and five and five-tenths.perches \Vest to a corner in the First-Fork of the Sinnemahoning creek; thence up said creek to a corner of a lot surveyed to S. Freenian, afterward to James Ayres, thence North 12t3 perches to a post. thence North 87° East 78 perches to a hemlock, thence North 67° East; in the creek 22 perches to a corner, thence North 7° East in the creek 20 perches, thence North 27° West in the creek 114 perch es. thende North 40° East in the creek 42. perches, ;thence North 18° East in the creek -12 perches, thence :",ast seventy perches to a hemlock,' thence South 251 perches to a post and stones, thence East fifty-four perches and four-teut'hs of a perch to a stub, thence South eighty-tWo, perches to a hemlock, thence West twenty-five perches to a corner in the East Fork of the Sinnemahoning Creek, thence North 70° west eighty-three perches to the place of beginning ; containing three hundred and forty r eight acres and E.'s-tenths of an acre. being partsi of Wa'rrants No. 4685, 4727 'and 1927, excepting fifty acres conveyed by James Bartron to Stephen Horton on - the south end '1 the 14 of which fifty acres are. improved, m which are erected one frame horse, one Frame barn. one frame shed, one log house, Ind withapple and peach trees thereon. Seized taken in eseoution, and to be sold .s the property a James Bertron. ' A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff. Coudersport, Aug. 24, 1858. Ruks and. Regulations _-AND- USTWAWARDING 111 K OF THE FIRST !ANNUAL FAIR ItEtta C.iy.%.tirifff.tai & gpitintifrai ,ii- TO 11E1 HELD AT cotrwansponT, PA.; Wednesday and ThUrsday; October 13th& 14t RULES AND REGULATIONS: I. All Animals,_ to be entitled to compete for Premiums, shall' have been kept and owned in the County; by the persons presenting them, at least: . feur months previous to the Annual Fair, and all animals, except breeding stock, halt have bred and raised in.the County ; but when Working Oxen or Matched norses or Mares are entered for Premiums, they shalL be eligible if one was raised iu the county. IL No person or pet's Ons shall be permitted to compete for a Premium on any article of Domeetic Maniffacture, or Butter or Cheese, unless the same i shall have been made or manulitatdred by Audi person or persons, or his or. their family or families, within the year that it shall be offered for a premium. .1 • Exhibitors must become members of the Society and have their articles and animals entered on the Secietary ' s book on or bet Ore the day. next preceding the opening of the Exhibition; and all articles and animals must be brought within the enclosure as early as noon of the first day of exhibition, in circler that they may be suitably arranged. The Maria;•ers doMot intend to ASSURE any exhibitor who NEGLECTS these requirements, that his articles coo be submitted to the Judges While every effort will be made ito secure the examination and proper notice of ev. ery article on exhibition; justice.:tu those who comply with the rules of the Society requires that they shall in all eases first receive attention. IV. Articles or animals removed before the close of the Exhibition.(except permission of the President) can not receive a Premium, though awarded. V. Should any individual enter an animal in any other name than that -of the bona tide owner, the person making such entry shall not be allowed a premium .should one be reported by the .Judges, and shall be precluded front competing at any future exhibition of the Society-. VI. Persons entering. stock the age of three years and under,- shall furnish the Judges evidence of the time when the animals were dropped, to be, filed by them with the Secretary; and the ages of animals above this, to be given on making their entries. VII. The Judges shall in all cases withhold premiums where the animal or ,nr . tiele is not worthy, though them he no competition. VIII. No premiums are to be awarded to Bulls, Cows, or Heifers that have been fitted for the butcher—the intention of the Society being to promote the rear ing of superior animals for breeding purposes. - IX. Whenever it shall appear to the Judges that articles of sitperi6r merit have been presented, not noticed in the Premium .List, they shall make special report thereof to the Board - of Managers. X. It is particularly desired that no persons shall be present while the JuAges are examining the Stock referred to them, except those taking char , e Of the ani mals, unle.:-.5 by special request. LIST OF COMMITTEES OF JUDGES: The following Committees of Judges on Premiums have been appointed by the Board of Managers of the Potter County Agricultural aud Horticultur.,l Society : ON SHEEP. - ' GARDEN AND ORCUARD LADIES' DISCRETIONARY Wm. .11 . DODIraii, - FRUIT. COMMITTEE. Lewis Lyman, Jesse M. Grecnrnan i Mrs.. J. M. Hamilton, Clark Crum, Dr. Edward Jorg, " :Lewis Mann, Henry Nelson, (AlFy,) Henry Yentzer, " P. A Stebbins, Seth Taggart, R. W. Benton, " A. C. Taggart, B. D. Dolbee, A. 13. Bennett. " H. A. Nelson, 0. H.- Perry, LIOCSEMOLD MANCFAC- " F. W. Knox, " N. S. Mills, " A. F. Jone', " NelSon Clark. ON CATTLE Ashhel Monroe, Gaylord G. Colvin, W. B. Ayres, Joseph Knowlton, Lucien Bird, Almeron Nelson, Isaac Thompson, Geo. W. G. Judd, W. H Warner, . IT. H. Lyman, -Munson C. Stevens .Ino. M. Kilbourn, Win. H. Hydorn, S. Ross, Henry A ndresont ON HORSES. Titus W. Burt, Nelson Perham, NotWI J. Mills, Lyman Nekon, Ira Canfield, Henry Phillips, John 11. White. • ON FARM. Timothy Ives, David Crowell, Garane'r If. Olmsted, Dennis Hall.. MEMII GRAIN s MUSS Daniel Clark, David White, C. I'. Kilbourn, John Taggart, 14.1:1.0 How, Seth Briggg. Barak Niles, Geo. Estes, David Crowell, Lewis Lyman, U. C. Warner. Altention, THE WHOLE! CLARK PHILLIPS, WllO have run the well-known "OLD REGULATOR," at Wellsville. for the last two nears, here made a general fitting, up outside nntl in, and have filled it up to overflowing with GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, BOOTS S S II OES, a genearal variety o Hardware &I Cutlery'. comprising all things necessary fur .11.1113, Mechanics, Fanners, ice.; and we are bound not only to Regulate, but to beat the crowd in the LOWEST PgicEs, BEST QUALITIES, in this town and Olean. One of the firm lniv ing hail OVER •.20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE in .Merchamlizing,—auti with abundant pecunia ry facilities, we know we can BACK UP Our statements, and everybody is invited to test the truth of the same. We furnish Merchants and Pcißars CHOICE SUPERFINE FLOUR at $4 1-) bbl. ; SALT at 1,75; Fine YOUNG-HYSON TEA:I7I cts. lb.; Choice WHITE FISH and TROUT .$4,50 BEST NAILS 5-1,25 Il keg,—other things in proportion. We can do you good. and expect to receive pay tor our labor and investment by selling large amonts, in the wholesale way, to Merchants, Hotels, Pedlars Se. We twe aware that evert• Picaninni shop tells the same yarn, and advertise ten times more titan they have or can do ; but come and see us', and you will say. NO LIE TO. THIS! E. P. CLARK—one of the firm—has built a Banking :Office adjoining the store, and is prepared to furnish DRAFTS AND BILLS OF EXCHANGE . for this country England, Ireland and Scot land, make Collections &Rentittances, buy al' TI/Oirgb at its value, furnish Gold aad Silver, &c., anti other things growing out of the business. LOCATION—Foot of PLANK-ROAD ST. on the Rail-Road Track. CLARK , & PHILLIPS. Wellsville, July 7, 1858.-10:51-tf. OF THE I=2 Mrs. T. Ives, " D. F. , Ulassmire, " Jno. B. Smith. " Alrueron Nelson, " W. T Jones, " Josei h Mann, " S. Ross. " Collins Smith, " S. M. Mills, Isaac. Benson. Sala :Stevens. MECLIASICAL .4 FARMING Ambrose Corey, IMPL=ENTS. Harris Lyman, Eli Rees, John S :Alartn, N. H. Ilallock, J. Q. Merrick, \V. H. Metzger, O. A. Le•.cis, 11. L. Bird, D. F. Glassm!re. TO EVERY FEJLI IR IN THE UNITED • .ST.-17'E S. MRS. MONTAGUE'S FEMALE CORDIAL, VOR THE CURE OF AT THOSE PAINFUL DISEASE` PECULIAiR. TO WOMEN. Mrs. MONTAGUE, for many years afflicted with most of the diseases that are common to females, spending a large 4wttme in ten years in tryinq• the difrerent ineats of treatment for her relief. to no avail, wasprevailed upon by MAW' of her frientnto visit Cuba, December . 4:1, 'for the purpose of repining her former health. While there, she obtained a prescrip tion from a Spanish Physician— Wirtse silver locks • 'Were tending to thG grave." With which, through the ,mercy of God, she was restored to her health. . . . After her return she made known to bun dreds lwr leurile sufferers the effects of the remedy with egg:llli as gre'At success. • This extraordinary nielljeine is offered to the public for the relief and of all the painful and dangerous diseases til!culiar to women,. and that the female cousti6ltiou is subject to. To tho4e suffering, from ' 4 Prolapsus Uteri," Lueorrhoea. Atrunorrhoea,Olenorrhagia, Dys menorrhoea-Chlorosis, a speedy cure can be obtained. To tho.w suffering from Falling of the Womb or Uterine Weakness of any kind, the Female Cordial is especially recommended. It is war ranted to cure this painful disease if perse vered in. In all spinal affections, pain in the region of the l'eMS, Lowness of Spirits, Hysteria Sick-headache, and all those diseases arising from the peculiar formation of women, the Cordial will be found o: immense value. This medicine moderates all excess, and re moves all obstruction ; it invigorates the de biliated constitution for the duties of life, and when taken in middle age proves,a blessing. Modesty forbids us, in a public advertise ment, to make full the details ; but the wrap per around each letter will fully explain-every case. Merchants, females, or others, by seeding a three cent, stamp, can have any kformation respecting the operations of the medicine. Agents wanted in every village in the Uni ted States. Put up in half-Pint bottles ; $2,00 per bottles; 50 per cent. off to the trade. All orders must be addressed to 11:1-1y. ./ r. . Notice ' of Ap lication. VOTIOE is hereby given that application ill " has been made, in due form of I.w, to • lie Court or Common Pleas', of Potter County, f,r a charter of incorporation of the Flnsr ANTIIODrST EPISCOPAL CIIURCII at OSWayO, and chat the Court has appointed the THIRD :lOND.AI* of September next, for the hearing-, if parties interested. ISAAC-BENSON, • Att'y for Applicants: ' e. P. &roar . , Prat., }of - .... 11. H. EW AN', SEey. Boardoj Trus. • Aug.:, 1858, . Min GENT'S' DISCRETIONARY lEMEMBE S. Ross, Almeron 'Nelson, Alexander Eyt Jacob George Weimer, Dr. J. D. STONEEIOAD, (Sole Pro.prietor,). Len'istoccfn, Pa.. Box ill 1M o,l`+ AW COIMINI AN,D . REMEMBER, • WHEN ABOUT MARING PURCHASES, ~I~E~~~ D. E. OLMSTED'S STOCK IS REPLENISHED A.GALN WITH ,1858. NEW 4. SEASONABLE GOODS, BOUGHT L AND FOR SALE• AT: A - SMALL ADVANCE. • HOT . WEATHER, And. More Expected LAWNS, BAREGES, CHALLIES, and other; summlir. GOODS, , . JUST RECEIVED, and will be SOLDAREAP ; Also. a LARGE STOCK of COTTONADES, LINEN'S, DRILLS, fie., fur MEN AND BOYS' S U/St E R WEAR, AT LOW FIGURES / VOR READY PAYS / • Ha TS. =I COLOREIi: LEGHORN awl the ,ti.AI.II.GEST toots .& Shoes! . LARGE ASSORTMENTS -- LOW PRICES-AND, WHAT IS OF MORE IMPORTANCE, ARE WELL MADE FROM GOOD STOCK. MAKE HAY While the Sun Shines .! But before commencing, see that you have plenty of goo utensils, such as SCYTHES, SNATHS, FORKS & RAKES. If anything is lacking, please call at OLMSTED'S—PIenty oil hand. Clothin g , Cloths -7 CRAVATS, COLLARS and a large lot of GLOES & HOSIER.Y now - on GROCERIES. A full Supply, at the lowesl prices. rgi rip El IT .111 • _I • • • • Warrailted to give satisfaction, or the money refunded. TRY 11'. Coudersport, July 13, 1858. e _,_,-, A Card' from Dr. James 31. Jarrett of the Nen - 'fork Lung 9infirmary.--My connection for the past eight years with the abovednstitutiou, as Chief Physician, and a twelve years' course Of steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Consump tion and Its kindred diseases, together with my unrivalled opportunities and advantages of I pathological research—aided not a little Ly perfect system of Medical Inhalatitin—ha4 en- I aided me to arrive at a decisive, direct, \ and successful course of treatment for-the positive and radical cure of all diseases of the Throat, Lanus, aid Air-ra,i4ves. By Inhalation, the: vapor and cerative properties of medicines are directly addressed to the diseased organs and the inte:mments. Ido not advise the use of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the ex.clu sion of general treatment; and although - I con eider it a useful adjuvant in the proper man eage:tient of those fearful and often fatal dig ' eases, yet' I deem it very necessarv - that each I patient should have the benefit of bath general' and leech treatment. The-success of my treat-. nicht in the above diseases, and the high Oar ' acter of the Institution over which I have so Ilong had the honor to preside, are toe well known to need any eulogy or comment from Inc. At the solicitation of many private., and professiorial friends, through whose philan thropic aid the above charity has been-long I and liberally supported, and after die consid- I eration, I, have concluded to make such ar, rangetnents as will bring the benefits of .my , j experience and treatment within the, reach of j all, and not confine myself, as heretofore, to rthose only who entered the Infirmary, or who were able, to visit me at my office. Hoping I therefore that the arranesement will give entire satisfaction, both to my professiounl brethren and the public, I would respectfully announce in conclusion , that I can note be conailled per sonally or by etter, on all diseases as. above, and that the medicines, the same as used in' the Institution, prepared to suit each individ ual case. Inhaling Vapors, .Medical Inhalers, SC. ) ce., will be forwarded by express to any part of the .United States or the Canadas. My terms Of treatment by letter are as folloWs, viz.: $l2 per month for each patient, which will include medicine sufficient ior one menth'ss' use; also,,lnhaling Vapor, and an Inhaling I Apparatus. Payment as follows i- to be paid to Express Agent on receipt of the box' of Medicine, and the balance $ll to be paid at the expiration of the month, if the patient be, cured or is entirely satisfied with the treat ment. Patients, by giving a full history of their ease,': and their symptoms in full,•ean be. treated as *ell by letter as by personal exam- - ination. Patients availing themselveS of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon hurnediaito and permanent relief, as he seldom has to • treat a case over thirty days. Letters for ad vice promptly answered. For further-partic ulars address JAMES JARRETT, No. 820 Broadway, cor;Twelfth St., N. Y. P. S.—Physicians and others visiting the city are respectfully invited to call at the In firmary, where many interesting cases can be witnessed, and where. our Unproved apparatus ?or the inhalation of medicated vapor can be seen and inspected. 11:Z-0tno. EMI THAT BEST nv.lorlment of SOFT HATS ever offer ed in THIS MARKET'!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers