'6.obi exin U REPUBLICAN COUNTY W CONVEN VENON. THE REPUBLICAI•rELECTORS of the County of rotter are requested to choose Three Delegates from each Township, on Frthay, the 20th day of August; next, to rep resent said township in a County Convention to be:held in Coudersport, on ... TUSDAY, AUGUST 24TH, for the ppose of putting in nomination Can didates clir County Officers, to be supported at the ensuing election, and for the transaction of such ther .business as may come before them. I is earnestly reqUested that full del egations e sent from each township. A list of the Vrgi!ance Committees of the several townships is published herewith, Is - Mose duty it will be to attend to the organiz ttioe. of :J:e Primary Meetings, A. C. TAGGART, • Cu:firm:sof Cgun'y Committee, Coudersport, July 20, 1358. Vio•ilance Cornanit,tees: egifny. - 0.-wayo G. W. G. J9dd, I E. Lyman, Llenrylsoa,H. H. Lyman, j. C. Bi . slzJi). I 1 Jerome Chesebro, Abboll. wid Coawity, I John Carel!, Frederick Suhr, I J. Q. Merrick. George P..titn. Binghlyni. Isaac Jooe5 7 1 F. Perry; Waiter Lednard. Clara. Sala Steven. , •, Peter Vaud ..rr.tcka, Au.stin Alien Portage. EJwr.rd Huff, H. F. Siv.,r, I lA,lnue! Lucore Coudtoport. ISnac Benson, Z. J. Thompson, Elena - J. Olmsted Eulu ha Barak Niles, Lyman Nelson, 0. J. Spaand: Ger.eJer 0. H. Perry, Charles Leach, S. E. Darrow•.' Ilarrt:on. Israel Dudge, Henry Outman, WuLey Bunis. Hector. C. P. Kilbourn, Cyrus Suuderlin, James Tanner. . Homer. Edwin Thatcher, Jacob Pect, Abel U. Crosby. Hebron. George W. Stillman, George Estes, G. C. Rossiter. Jacksan. David Crowell, Rufus Thompson Kelting. Pliny Harris, E. Flinchbaugh, Jason Lewis. We commence, in this number a con tinued story from tha Atlantic Monthly, entitled "Loo Loa." It is from the pen of a favorite Anti-Slavery writer, Mrs. L. Maria Child; and wi.s..commend it to our readers as an excellent story, well worth a careful perusal. Z40%1011:8 .Magazine and PittIICIIN:A Noatkly, for July, has reached us at las,. It is the first number of the new V:olunie, and though ours is a " printer" copy, it bears evidence of mucli improvement . on the last volume. Try and scud ours,along next time in proper season. " Zack," for August, is already lonm. ing up fryin among our pile of exchanges. It is the Magazine aumag all on this or the other side of the " big pond," for our reading in leisure hours. It is the cher:p est $3 3/agazine we are acquainted trliti. John A. Giay, It) and 18 Jacob St., ,N. Y., is the publisher. Fire.—We regret to learn that on Mon day . evening , last, about 5 o'clock, the house of Mi., W WI. HENRY ITAR.RI:ON, in' l3arri>on township, was entirely de stroyed by firr---a portion _only of his goods being saved. The la's is nearly I $4OO, and will fall heavy upon .who was a young man, and was just fair ly started in life. The fire is lsuppos.ed to have been caus ed by the oldest sou of 'Mr. H., about 41 years of ag.J. Mr. Harrison used his . Rood-house to r shirm sh i ngles in, and the .cook-stove stood ti; the house on a plat form which projected into the weod-house, where a large pile of dry shingle-shaviiips .were laying in front of or near the stove. Mrs. 11. went out to feed the hogs, leav ing her two children in the house. There vas a very little fire in the stove; but ?when she returned the entire pile of kliavings was in flames, and the fire be yond control. It is supposed that the boy pulled some of the coals out of the .stove into the shavings. The boy was . nowhere to be found during the piogress of the fire, and after it had gone down * the embers were carefully looked over for his ashes—but no traces could be found .when lo! about dark he came out of the gornfield, where he bad run to, and re mained in his fright; and where he, no doubt, gave vent to his sorrow for having been the cause of so much mischief. CAUTLON: WHEREAS ray Wife, SARAH ANN has left 'my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I herebywarn all per sons not to trust her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. RUSSELL B. BIKER. Homer, June 28 : 11358:-50-3t. 4tbx althrtOurtittf. GOOD J. In. Judd ez Co., - ' - AT THE OLD CORNER, .WHERE THEY HAVE B*CEIVED, C littits.est., Pieueant Njattherr John J Rob,rtsi John F. Rvuiet. John Lvn:un, Chriiopher Knowlton E. H. Burt. Stacardson. Henry Andresou, Leroy Cuttenden. STOCK. 'OF GROCERIES Sy?ranitr. Robert Young, Yardo , l Haskins, C. C. Reel. Summit. Merrick Jackson, Alfred Ayres, • ' J. M. B ts,;ett. gtffars; Cliliarro,Zto, ItliplasHses9 Siorden. G. L. Catlin, Matthew Ostrander, H. L. Bird. Sharon. Joseph Mann, Wm. L. Starkweather, A. L. Ballard. Ulysses. 0. A. Lewis, Lacian Bird, Dan Baker. West Branch. - Erastus Crippen, S. M. Conable, Lemuel Hammond Wkarton. John Bensley, J. W. Rounds, John Bearaid. Everything, etc. RECEIVED DAILY FROM DUN I NEWS. SAVING MONEY - IS i MAKING MONEY! Which you can do by \calling on AND ARE STILL RECEIVING •1 : LAiIGEST -9 AND Bed Selected 'ln Town. OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES, IN SHORT, FLOUR, PORK, To i l e by,, KIRK AND BUFFALO I BY -3 ;,..... A•\•*3. .r- -, _i4 r, t' u ~ ' • ls i 3 '....* • . - - ~ L , • 1 ,1 1 5 Z,. .1, -: '-' K , r )4 t 1 - 4'.t 4.3 • ..- , I • ' BAH 3 AND WILL BE SOLD Low frn- Cash. PURCHASERS HIVE ONLY TO CALL TO BE CONVECCED ?HAT JUDD CAN BEAT THEM ALL SELLING. WE WILL SELL AS i LOW, OR LOW. 6 Than Others, OR Sink the Ship! FRIEND - S, NZIGIIBORS, AND ALL, CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSAVES BEFORE PER- CHASING ELSEWHERE. J. M. JUDD 4.. Co. Coudersport, July 1, 1859. -*aides and Regulations TeiST 0 1:1 ' PREMIUMS FIRST ANNIIALTAiIt N. . • - • • \.'-' • attrtg. %dolt' ri.4-& - :Nittintifrat.grtatig, . . . : TO BE HELD AT COUDEROORT,VA., Wednsday and Thursday, OctobOr 13th & 1441,1058'. . • RULES 'AND , -REGUL4kTIONS : I. All Animals, to be entitled to compete for Preminnis, Shall - have been kept' and owned in-the County, by the persons presenting them, at least 'four months previous - to the Annual Fair, and all animals, exceed breeding stick., shall have beep bred and raised in the County ; but , when Workinglo,sen or Matched ilorSes . .or Mares are,eutered fur Premiums, they shall be : eligible if one -was raised in the county. . . - 11. No person or persons shall be permitted to compete fora PreMium on any article of - Domestic Manufacture, or Butter or Cheese, unless the same shall have been made or manufactuied by such, person or persons; or his or , their fathily 9: families, within the year that it shall be offered fur a premium. 111. Exhibitors must become mataberS of the Society and have their articles and animals entered on the Seeretary's book on or before the day next preceding' the opening of the Exhibition ; and - all articles and animals must be brought within the enclosure as early as noon of the first day of exhibition, in order that they may be suitably arranged. The Managers do not intend, to . ASSURE any exhibitor who NEGLECTS these requirements, that his articles "can be - : 4 übwitted to the Judges.- While every effort will be made to secure the•e -aatination and proper notice of ev ery article on exhibition. justice . to tho,ie mho comply with the rules of the Society requires that they shall in all cases first receive attention, - . ], - IV. Articles or-animals removed before the eloSe of the Exhibition (except by permission of the President) can not receive a Premien), though awarded. V. Should any individual eater'an animal in any other name than - that of the Ilona. fide.owner, the person making such - entry shidi. not be allowed a premium should one be reported by the Judges, and shall • be precluded front competing at any future exhibition of the Society. VI. Persons entering stock of the age of three years and under, shall furnish the Judges evidence of the time when the animal§ were dropped, to e filed by them with the Secretary; and the ages of animals above this,; to be given on making their entries. . . - VII. The Judges shall in all cases withhold prCmiums where the:animal or- 'at.- , tiele is not worthy, though - them be no competition'. - VIII. No premiums are to be awarded to Bulls, Cows, or Heifers that have been fitted for . the butcher—the intention of the Society being to promote the rear ing of superior animals for breeding Purposes. IX. Whenever it shall appear to the Judges.that.artieles of superior merithave been presented, not noticed in the Premium List, they shall. make special report thereof to the Board of Managers. . . X. It ii particularly desired that-no persons shall be present while the Judges are examining the Stock referred to them, except" those . taking charge of the ani mals, unless by special request. . LIST OF PREMIUMS: •CAT TLE.—.Nittere and Improved Breed. Best Bull, 3 years old and upward, of each, • - do 2 do do do - - do 1 do do do - do. Calf do - - Best• Heifer Calf, . do . - - Best Yoke of Oxen,, - - - - , , - Second best Yoke of Oxen, - Best Yoke of Steers, 3 years old, - - - - lest Yoke of Steers, 2 years old; - - - ... Best Yoke of Steers, 1 year old. - - -, - Best Training of Steers, in each class, by Boys under . 1.6 years old, Best Milch Cow, - • - - - - 2nd do do do - - - - - [To be kept on Grass during the experiment and for two weeks previous to each period of trial—each period to be of 10 days, and at intetyals ornot less than one mcinth apart. The statement furnished to contain—the Age and Breed of. Cowl; time of Calving; quantity of Milk in both weight and measure, and also the weight of Butter, during the period of 10 days. Butter made to be exhibited at the Fair, and also the Cow. Statement to be verified by the ::lii , lavit of the competitor and at hest one other person hurling a knowledge of the facts.] Best Cheese—not less than 10 Its.. - • 1 00 HORSES.— Thorough-Bred—Draught—For All Work. Best Stallion, of each, -- - - Best Brood - are, of each, (with foal at her toot) 4 y'rs old and up wa rd, Best Gelding, of each, 4 years old and upward - - Best do do 3,4, and 1 year old, each, Best Mare, do do do Best do 4 years old and upward, Best Sucking Cult, , - - Best Span of Carriage-Horses, Matched, Best Span of Draught-Horses, - Best. Span of Mules, - - SHEEP.—Lang.Wooled—.3fiddle-Wdoled—.VerinosSazons—Cross Breeds, Best Buck,.of each, 2 years old and upward, - , - • Best do 4- do under 2 years old, - - - - Bost l'eu of Ewes, 2 years old and upward - - - - Best Pen o J Ewes, under 2 years old, - - - . Best Pen 3 Buck Lambs, - - - -i, - - do do Ewe do - - - Best Samples of Wool, not less than 5 Fleeces, - . - - - . [Samples of each to be deposited in Museum of Society.] , Best Sheep Dog, - - - - - - . Large Breed, which will weigh over 350 lbs. 1 Small Breed, which will weigh less than 350 lbs. at malare aye at mature age. ' . Best Boar,_2 years old and over. 1 year old, 6 months old-- 7 each - - Best Breeding Sow, 2 ears and over, 1 year old, 6 months old—each Best Sow, 6 months-and under 1 bear old, - - - Best Lot of not less than 5 Pigs, under 6 months old, Best Cured Bain, - - [The ll.+m'to be cooked and brought to the Exhibition with the skin on, accompanied alsci with a smtemeut of the mode of curing.] Best Lot, (not less than 1 Cock & 2 Ilens,) Native & Improved Breeds, each, 1 00 . [Of Dunghill Fowls and Guinea liens, a lot of not less than u will be required. Best Display of Pigeons, , ..• • Best General Lot of Poultry owned by one person, . • DAIRY, GRAZING AND GRAIN FARMS Best Farm, 2nd do do 3rd do do (Condition Cultivatlon and Buildings will be considered by the Judges in their award, and a statement of tile Mtnagenient will be required of each competitor. They ate also requested to notify the Recording Secretary at an-.early date, to enable the Judges to visit their-Farms during the growing season.] WHEAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, BARLEY, BUCKWHEAT. Best 3 Acres of each, . .. . 3 00 • 2nd do do do . - . . . . 100 - Best and most Timothy Hay, from 3 Acres, . 1 50 . . do do Clover do do . . . 150 pest i acre of Potatoes or Turnips, each, . . , . . 100 h est t acre of Field Beets, Carrots, White Field Beans; or Peas, each, 75 [Competitors for Premiums on the above must exhibit a sample of the crop at the •Fdir, furnish u statement of the_iitode of cultivation, and also a certificate of two respectable neighbors as to the product and'neasurement of the ground.] TIMOTHY, (Large and Small,) CLOVER AND. FLAX SEED. 1 " Best B el of each,. • . . ' '1 00 . . GARDEN-VEGETABLES, SUGAR AND HONEY. Best Assortment of Vegetables, ; . . Best Sample4f each, . do •. do do Best Specimen o \ f: Best Specimen of bees, a star OF TEM I= SIVLNE POU'LTRY raised by youth not over 16 years old,- ,han 10 lbs., _ . . • ~ to be taken without destroying the and kind of hivOs to be furnished, ,50 t of each, .f etieh - Variety, oved until close of Exhibition Best Assortra , Best §smples I [Not to be tie , jury.] • _ HOUSEHOLD SIANUFACTURES, &O. of Jlidges, compoied of Ladies, will be sivointed, With to the most deserving, not exceeding in any case $1- Oil 1 (A Committe commend awa , . . 1 1 IdEMIANICAL AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND IsIANCIPAI [A Discretionary Committee wilt be appointed. with instructions to Tecom for the.best article of any kinds that may be exhibited, not exceeding $1 50, 1 : I -.. Tas maw 'Pasnrits willibe Paid in Money, or, at the option c Or, in AGRI ULTURA.L BOOKS, furnished with a • ' - a' -A- crertilif E4 i tg- yived--Dip lowa - 2 in -hich will e inserted the name of the person to whom the Premium iintiaidet;"‘. I I.r L Co cl r , Ettsroa. June 10, 18os. 11 . 1 , - 00 :Feti ~.l~egi~zau~~s~~s• I.iLnou r nee C;nTlidTles -7--- or ti ;:--- nce a y l . i AncaNce, for . occupying —eacA[athlitional line tO cents. 11 e it IT F the' rlt of $1 col 10 lines or tes;- r l r Cou I ty Treasurpi. Editor of the otter Ammo/ : Sta—PlePse announce the a me Of 541.4 STEVENS. Esq., of Clara as a cm:Hid:lto fl the o ffi ce ' of COUNTY T e to the de . nision . of the I{ , publiCan Cannty.( onvention. Mr. Stevens hAS been long-and wel tknown to . the RepuhlicanS of this County :e a staunch and unwaverhg!member of theparty. and has equal dlainv ' ' -nv other candidate for the office. - ' SUARUN. 1 Sharon, Co iP• Felow"-Ci a degr--...e10f Pride in having bee atilnliabitant of Potker County for a goodly nO m bey of years. -I hereby Ire sent myself to you u - sm Candidate.lfor the Of fice of cousTr TREA.A:REn—rsubj,t. ; course. to the decision of the Rein . : c,.0 Nom inating Convention. - - JASON' LEWIS, Keating, July, IT, 1858. Assernbly-- f inti-Lecoriipton. I. To the Electors of the Represcreatice. D;sfrig , composed the 'Counties of Tioja . and l'Jtter :-1 am a Candidate. for the °Tice of Beivesenth tive in the next General Assembbi. Should I be elected, my constuents may nest assured that, to the belt of my ability, they will be represented upOn the principles" of tile, Dacia- - ration of Independence and the Constitution of the. Union; jankl especially that the People of the Territories (including Kans,as,) have tlid lame right to resist the Enforcdincilt of Slavery upon them a'ainst their will, thatioar Fathdrs had to tesist the Stamp Act of George 111.. and. throw his Tea into Boston Harbor. If this. be Trdaion, make the most of it. I LW. M. KILBOITIINE.i Pike; Potter Co,, Pa., Juan 30, 1838. • A• 4 4, Tin :COLUMN 3 AND ,REMEMBER, ITHMI ABOUT MAELNG PURCHASES, THAT I • D. - E' OLMSTED'S. STOCK IS REPLENISHED AGAIN WITH NEW 4- SEASONABLE', • G 0D S BOUGHT LOW, AND .FOR SALE AT SMALL ADVANCE. HOT WE ATHEIL And More Expected ! LAWNS, BARE G E : - CHALLIES, and other SUMMER GOODS, JUST RECEIVED, and will be SOLD CIIEAO; , , Also, a LARGE STOCK of COTTONADFS, • -• LINENS. DRILLS,; for MEN AND BUTS' SUMME • AT LOW FIGURES FOR READY PAY. .1 • • Heil 2" S. 200 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 I_oo 2 0i PALM-LEAFSTBAW, COLORED LEGHORN , . andthe LARGEST 4 B E S T' riPsortment' of SOFT HATS ever oliti•- . ed in THIS MARKET! 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 2 00 Boots & Shoes! LARGE ASSORTMENTS - LOW PRICES-AND, WE AT IS OF MORE IMPORTANCE, ARE 'YELL MADE FROM GOOD STOCK. 50 200 MAKE ITAY Whilet4o Sun But before commencing, see that you have plenty of good utensils, such • as . SCYTHES, §NA.TITS, FORE'S 57, RAKES. If anything is lacking, please call at OLmstED's--Plenty on hand. 5 00 4 00 3 00 Clothifig Cloths; ;_. CRAVATS, COLLARS and a large lot of GLOVES & HOSIERY non - on hand. Gft9CERIES., A full supply, at the lowest prices 1 1 00 50 '5O 150 .-T. T. Warrante4.`to give satisfaction, or the money-I refunded: TRY kV. Coudersport, July 13, 1858. ORCHARD AND GARDEN FRUITS. =I Precantbmv - will be; adopte _ ... . . .. Couders:l3cirtAiUtd . ray.:- NOTICE is hereby given . -HiWaKF:leetion. will be held by the Stockhel, era Of said triti-:' tation, at the Court House in Ceiadiiport,'ort' ' Falb :IS. THE GTH DAY 0 Al.lGl74T,nexti: between the hours of I and 5 O'clnek e. 14 ,2 for; - the purpose of electing TR •STEES, sys re.-. quired by law. By order .f the - Board. 1 Codersport, July 20, 1658. ' : - - " ' By this we understand a c.llection of sand like sulbtance 'lariat. beenl, dgcd in the pais iige of the urine.. When - 0 - sytetit is : ill - -n healthy st rte,, This, substances carried Off 1.1,y the imtural passage of theodY; but whea there is a weakness Of. any organ, especially; the laths:Ts, they becoMe imlapable of expoll-. Ing suet+ sandy concretions, aad csinsegnently - th,sy are lodged in the kis - 1110:s, urethra, or the 7-bladder,&us ng great iullsolianation to those .. , :rang, -tad great ~ pains, arsd swelling; and'. esa difilealty in 't'uiding the urine.- It ,hai • I"seraadmi.tes.l by many physicians. s that; 'N'orst,'s "vault Boot Pills ureimsde out of smile particular plaids Whinli have a wondm . ful cliarip.ing !Mins:nee in dissolving the-sabstauen ‘‘,-;sicit'has clogged the passage, and by Isie.ir . 'essAing properties, they exl,el all intlaninta lila, and leave the water, passnge. in an active, lals sl healthy state. From three.to four of these, I Pills night and morning, from one. to . lave . weeks, oral decide how this' dreadful . disease is to be treated, and as they remove the cause of every k in 1. of slsease, itris utterly impossible cor them to fail in curing lhe gravel, as they', unclog the passage, and leave the parts in a healthy and lively condition. 1)r. Morse's Indian Root Pills are soli): by all dealers in Meilieines. -- - ilttentioo . -: THE WHOLET CLARK &PHILLIPS, - R - rtiodl o av c e D run the er we g lln it o T wri olt,, _ at Wellsville, for the last two years, have made a general fitting up outside and in, and lawre filled it up to overflowing With GROCERIES Et - PROVISIOIS s - BOOTS & SHOES, a. genearal v/riety of Hard - ware : & Cutlery, comprising nil things.fiecessary for "Families, • Mills, Mechanics, Farmers, ,57. c.:; and we aro bourid not only to Regulate, but to beat the" crowd in the • ' i LOWEST-' RICES, - . .. AND s • - : . - BEST QUALITIES, • . ~ in 'this town and Olean. II tine of the firm hav ing had OVER 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE in. Mexchandizing.—and with abundalnt pecania ry facilities, we know:wci can l .. B A_ C 1 -7 . IT P our statements, and - eve _vbod,y Li invited to test the truth of the same. • -I .- We furnish Merchantsand PedlMl 'CHOICE 1R SUPERFINE FLOUR at $4 bbli-;.,SALT at,ii, $1,75; Fine YOUNG-II -SON TE 37.1 cts.qg lb.; Choice WEIITE Fl? and TROUT $4,5t) 1.! 1-bbl.; BEST NAILS $.4,25 11 4e;;;,—other. things in proportion.. We can dad you good, and expect to receive p:e.y for mai labor .and investment by selling large arnonnts,- in the wholesale way, to M , :rehants, Hotels, Fedlara &c. We are aware that every -Picininni .shop tells the same yarn, :1 . 0 advertiS tea tides more than they have-or :.:zta do; bid come and see-us, and you will say . 1 - ' - 1 . . . E. El. CLAillii4one'of the.firm-4Lai built a - Taaliiti-o - Office, 13 adjoining the store, and is prepared to furpiA DRAFTS AND BILLS OF EXCHANGE for this country Engl. Ihd, Ireland 'and .Beot land, nt,lie Collections lißentittances,buy nll 11 11 tf "E" T Tir - 0 at its value, furals'll QOM aad Sliver,:&-z., and other thiugs growing Olt of the busine3A. - . -• LOCATION—Foot (fr PLANK-ROAD ST., on the R.til-Roftd - . e cL rtv. Wellsr:lle, July 7,•18:03.---10.51-1f. Z. J. 1116M1.3.0,,•-(!' CARRIAGE l‘r:, WAGON 31AK.E13 and• RE PAIRER. Couden4p.)rt, Potter Co.. Pq:, takes this method of infarMing. the pal)-„ Aj im r ,, lie in gcneral that he is prepared. to do ail work in hiS line-with proniptneas; in a workman-like manner, anti...utup the., most accommodating. terms. Pr.yrricnt for Repairing invariably required' madelivery pf. the work. Ile; All kinds of P?.OIMCE taken on account of Work. •• • 10:35. AdminisVrator's Noticei - HERE ikS Letter 3 of-administration'to W ' tae Estate ',of ISAAC PCILLIPS, late 'Of Clara Townsliip,,potterCounty, deeeasOd; have been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted to said estate are requested ;to make immediate payment, and those. having claims against the same, will present -them duly authenticated for settlement: - - N. P.HILLIParAdm's. Clara, May 29, l858:-10:48-6t., Adininistrdior'B l•rotic6: LETTERS of administration on the.Esiate of GABRIEL BARNES, late - of Sharon Teift ship, Potter County, Pa.,. deceavd, having been grant, - ..d to the undersigned, allthci.se in debted to the said ectaie will make inimediais payment, and thoge haring claim's agains4ihe same, will present tlizduly nue entleatedfor settlement. J. BARNES, Adner;- SELENA.I. BARNES; Atinat.t. Millport, June 14, 1858.;--10:4E14t. to - pmmtiA- octions to' To, URNS. -- - ,mead - an award': t the De?osi." Spzeiqi itotitas. DO GIUVEL AND 'Sj NO LIE TO THIS ! 1 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers