Ottaltinp, ,IIIITiLNG 7 11411) TEE .itORNLVG. Mier :the dew icon the clover, And the ghrse ig AUtlllllll bloom, end th'e primrose over With acorn enp.s' are st:e.-a yul the la:;.:y roolesi sit cawing t g_igh pp'en the tallest It; ici Ply fleii'ers; [Owing, „TV the Tnilkinc , through the lee:. ads ' ' • nen c to the - • ,The cilic . koo free . ; ' • An.; the, blackbird at.the dawning - ' Alngi dear end ripe, • .. With his golden:pipV, ' .TO the milking maid in the morning -Thep the ;pm is on. the Kenn-stalk, • 'And the herein green hedge-rows Mashes her face with the slew-drops, T dill to'my new i ileh cows. /Pe pntridge springs, on dewy wings, And the ,hcesant, under the bough,- Flashes the sheep ofhls purple rings, • Ail my milk-White h.eifers low. •'. :And sings for me, " In green-wood tree, The throstie due at the dewy ing; And the elv lark he Pipes cheerily To the milking maid in the morning, INFANTS 4P.FT,TIG FOR DI VqE.CE.— speCia), Will: Before 'Judge Sutherland, very amusing petition for a divorce was pFesep,ted, t 9 the :fudge, which may rt4lten as highly illustrative of an age ,Of progress. Edward Ayers, "an infant, Aged fourteen," applied 'by petition to have a gnatdian appointed to prosecute a uit for divorce from liis 7 --.the petition pr's, not the guardian's- 77 wife. ,The Judge having read the papers, enquired bow old the interesting lady might be, sad was informed she Was about sixteen. he *Jirdge he signed the paper, and granted the prayer of the petition, ap pointing James flosford such guardian. Y. Cam. Adv. . - Ser Governor Blacksnake, the Indian chief, ptill lives on the Alleginitly Itcserratkru.qatta laugus Co., IC exact age is not ',mown by himself or anybody el:3e, but it is sunposed pie is one Inindred and sixteen years old. He was a favorite of General Washington. during ibe Revolutionary Witt, and has now it beauti ful silver medal whichwas presented to him by Washington.—Exchange. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA . - . •: • sI Benevolent Institutio n , estal . trit.ihed hy epecia l endowment for the relitf of the eiek and ais frened, afflicted lt-fth Virulent and Epidemic diseasee. WO all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseas es, such as SPERMATORRIItEA, SEMI AL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE,' GONOR BHCEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of pNANism, or SELF ABUSE, Sc., The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of, the awful destruction of human life, caused'. by Sexual diseases, and tl.e deceptions prac tised upon the unfortunate victims of such iseases by Quacks, several years ago directed kheir Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE, ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispicn Fairy for the treatment of this class of diseases, In all their forms, and to giVe MEDICAL AD VICE GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, With a desdription of their condition, (age, peeupation, habits of life. &c..) and in cases of extreme poverty, to EURNish MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to. add that the Association commands the highest I'led,ieal skill of the age, and will furnish the mat approved modern- treatment. The Directors, on a review of th'e past, fee; fissurdd that their labors in this 'sphere of be bevolent effort, have been of great benefit to the - afflicted, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with re riewed'aeal, to this very important but much despised cause. :,Just Published by the Association, a Re pdrt on Spermatorrheeit, orSeminal Weakne"Ss - , i the Vice of Onanism Masturbation or Self- 1 • "thu§e, and other Diseases of the Sexual tans ; by the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail, (in a sealed envelope.) FREE' riCHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS I postage. , Address; for Report or treatment, Dr: GEORGE R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Lfowatd AsSociation, No. 2 South Niuth Street, iladelphia, Pa. By order of the Director'. ; • . EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. EPEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. , = LIST OP CAUSES, OR - Trial'at JENE TERM, 1653, of the I,E Court of Common Pleas of Potter County. W. T. Jones, vs. Deloss Dwight. pillingham, use of} „ A. P. Cone. f' N. J. Mills,' rtussell & Hoskin, „ f .Ass. Stevens, Luke 1 . Stevens. et a.!. Voiter Reynolds, " Thomas Gilliland, pike Township, " D. J. Chappell. p. Rees la. Lyn' an jr." James Grimes, et al. P6 e . T. Jones, „ {N. V. Jackson & Eli . Rees, ay. G. McClelland, use ‘f A. Woodcock. Matthew Wilkinson, 9 Temple Wilkinson. IV. T. Jones 4; Co., " N. Wondcp . ck. urtis,Erwin*Brook" S. P. Reynolds. .3f. Carpenter, " Richard Shay. jr. , 1, ohn-Krouse, " Zacheus Mallory, et al. I Sobieski Ross, " R. W. M'lntyre, Verse! Dickinson " C. W. Ellis. Allegany Township, " John Lyman. same, " Same. S..E. Ensworth, " Pike Township. Alonzo Dwight, 'S. P. Reynolds, Isaac Kalen, 9 Jones, Mann & Jones, Sam? P. Westervelt," W.'T. JOnes, f l ohn A. Davis, "W. T. Jegtes. askin, use of Platt 1 " Harry Ellis. ' - ,k Platt, F_ , askln use of S.P. t " Maynard & Wilcox. Johnson, William Radde, " Carl Bredo, et al. Villiam Radde, " Hans Rarunsen, et a 1 N'athan Woodcock, " Crittenden & Johnson. IT. T, Jones, in {4- P. Cone &0. T. Ellison. ionatban Glace, " Sylvanns Jones. .G. & W. Lansing," David T. Hall. .G. &W. Lansing," Dennis Hail. ;On E. Edwards, " Jonathan Nichols. - _ H. J. OLMSTED, Prothonotary. .PIIOTRONOTABY'S Omen kzpltlerport, April 12 1858. } H. GOLD ROGERS, itrOMpti ti COUNSELLOR AT LAW, will attend'to• the collection of claims, debts and -notes in the Collets of Law of Potter and 11eKean counties. Butts for the recovery of hinds .of n.oul:eside* will be particular:y *ilentled to.-* Z. J. T11031PSON; CARRIAGE -WAGON 11AN.E.4 and .RE FAIRER, Conderispott,Totter CO. ; Pa., takes - this method of informing the pub- lie ingeneral .that he is prepardi . -to do all')Vdrk i 1 his line' with bromptnessi • in a workinau-like' manner, and tipon the; most aceotamodating, terms.. Payment for Repairing invariably required on delivery of the work. All lands of PRODUCE taken on account of work.' ; 10:35. .1 COIE01:10 T SrOR A.CADE3I7C, . 1851 1- 58.. REV. J. iIENDRICK., Principal. TR"- Academie Year is divided into three sessions of thirteen u - cely each' : The Winter Term commences, i Tuesday, Dire. 15, 1 , 157; . . ) The Spring Term , c!i.unt[p . cos, Tuesday, April U, 1.C53.. - . [ • . The Fall Term commences, Tuesday,.,ll,rs. 24, 1858. . Competent Teachers have been secured for every branch of Study. -- ; - [ . Classes will he so arranged that, students may enter to advantage at any tinge. A Teachers Class will be drganized, in which due attention will be paid to the studies usually taught in Comma Schools, and the best Meth od of h.aparting histruCtiou. , Vc.PEN-ST;B PER TERM. Primary Branches, - 52,50 Common English, ' 3,50 Higher English with Algebra, - 4,75 Higher Matheavitics, 6,00 Latin and Greek, 6,00 Drawing, (extra) : 2.50 Music, with use of,Piano, (extra) 10,00 French. (extra) 3 OC , Without o,ther studies, 5,00 Room Reut, each, ' 1,50 The past success of this Institution nnler the Precepturi,hip of Mr. IlEsnaN::: has induc ed the TruFtve_ to r,neure a continuation of his serviee , T.. We trust an intelligent public will give it, that support v, hith seems to be due to snult ari Institution, ELI 11 . 2.,E5, Pres't. G. B. OVERTON, Sec'y. LEWIS '.'‘IANN, KMOS FRESCiI; 13. SOBIESKI ROSS. DO YOU EVER WANT ANY THING FllO'M :NEW YORK? IF SO, ',E N . l) YOLIZ ORDER. TO N. CANT CO.„ S:5 Barclay St. LMb.ST everT one, certainly every mer hl• chant. has tiun ,- .tinw-s very strongly wish ed that hr; had a reli.l'r.ic,eorrespondent and, friend living in this great .metropolis to whom he cooed seitd for the transaction of scrim bu siness. or the rurchase of =ogle article, that he could not mate it convenient to go to the city to do, , or to 1.m:,7 himself, with ful! ctmfidence, that the business would hi, well done, and at a reasonable expense to hint. 11-!via' become satisfied by a considerably extended observa tion and experience that this is an almost uni versal want, we have established our house to supply it. We have found that thousands of persons from Maine to cteorzia are constantly sending to us to e . :,.ecitt orders, ir_volVing pur chases varying from 25 cants tc as many hun dred dollars, and we belie've in every ease, those etnploying us havej been satisliell 1,..)111 with the quality of the services rendered and equity of our charges. We mean that cur charges shall in all'easesi he flit. and reasQna ble, predicated on '-the tiutd and labor consumed. at is certain, that heiitg constant ly in the market, largely for c.r-sh, we dart I:CY ear,rl:ll thici any single pur chaser can. In fact, we Save to oci- friend 4 much more in prices than the commis. - .i.70t we charge - . No man, Is ho only . oecaslo,:muy comes here can be ihmidar with a Moirlie: so extensive fk 3 ,',/cl;eing. here all time, are it n , quainted v7ith it, and '•idor~ where to go to dud evnty this:;; in first hand, and at t:.e rates: V. e have found that many of our distant ,friends wish to snd country produce to sell,• snmetitues the pro ceeds to be invested in goods, sometimes iu money. Accordingly we have mad,: the very beet arrangements to enable us to do justiee to those who may consign to us. Our - charges for selling are a usually five per cent.. although iu special cases of cery large or very small transactions, equity might require it tp be va ried from that. We have a circular giving more at iem„.:ll.l the scope and plan of our bus. iness, with Statement of our chat ges for buy ing some of the leading articles, whit .Willie sent on applzatic.u. Letters of inquiry only should contain stamps to prep.v the replies. REFER 1,1 PERMISSION- TO Wm. G. Larnb , 2rt, of A. & A. Lawrence & Co., New York. IVrn L. King, of N'aylor:k Co- New York: David S. iirOca, of David S. E.ruls , :a S 7. Co., Philadelphia. Joseph C:thlt, Phil le'.picia. G. Bat; Blake, of B1:1e, Howe 4: Co., Bos ton: P. Cabot 8: Co.. gocton. Stanfield, Wentworth .F.; ('0., - Doe t ton. J. C . , Cabo;, of Wales, Cabot & Co., St Louis.'" Anti many °there,. N. B.—Partici'lar attention is gi7 ,- .;n'to pro curing Itnurance Policies, ILiie, Fire and Ma rine). in the best and-most reliable offices: In formation furnished of, the standing and res ponsibility of Insurance Coinp?.uics, Raiiro:lsis and other Corporations. 1.40-tf. Health and ieauty. 41 OW to he the most beautifil wotrian io the world. low to he more beautiful after marriage, instead of more ugly, as most wives now are. How to transmit your beauty to yotir children without I.4Lsit, , g, it yourself. How to be sweet Without !p,erfume, cheerful without stimulant, rosy without rogue and ra diaut without paint. The beaus twit certain, within the reach of erery woman and are de tailed with ample dirtatti\ons in a "Letter to Ladies," which will lie mailed prepaid to any address on the receipt of 23 cents isZ stawps or American coin . address d4o—tf. • DR. T. L. CLIAPMAN, No.-47 West 13th Street, New York, 1 - 1 IV. SPENCER is Agent for many of the XV • most popular Medicines now in us'c, a few of which he will mention: J. It STAFFORD Co'.'S OLIVE TAR. DR. D. JAYNE. it SON'S FAMILY MEDI— CINES. J. C. ITER CO.'S CHERRY PECTORAL IND PILLS. . SEVERAL KLNDS OF CHERRY SYRUPS, Sc:, Sc.; .I".T.ll.`Sinfiord ,S; Cr;'s. Olive Tar is ap 'plied and inhaled by It earlnz., on. INHALER around the neck aad on tic breast. His OL IVE OL'TMENT is applied where the skin is broken, a*l irk popular remedy where known. Good or the Whooping: Clough. 10.3. 01 - ecy • rz. S t (s.:*' -.- -...\--—uilllt's 11., ---- tlit , - ?r __ ~17:4,- .., ': - f 4 1 FIMSI W, -" ' - -n t ,_c _ 0 ' 6 CAUTION . . Merchants and Traders trill 1* on their guard and 'not be imposed upori by a Counterteit of Morse's Indian Root Pills, signed 4.11. Ikon. All genuind Indian Root Pins have• the name.and signature o[4., 1 . i r i,,,a ce Ca., qn each boa. Above we present con` with a likeness of DR. MORSE—the inventor of MORSE'S INC. ROOT PILLS. This philanthropist ha's Spent the greater part of his life in trayeling, haying visited Europe,, Asia, and Africa. as Well as North America---11:ts spent three - years. anz,ongdhe Indians of our We:a ern country-- it was it: this way that the Indian Root Pills 'were tirrd. discovered. Dr. Morse was the fi - rst loan. to establich the fact that all discascs'aricc front It PKilyin: OF TIIP, FLOOD—that oar strength, health and life depended ttpor, title vital ttaid.. . . When tit.: various ialssagesllecorneclogizerl„ and do not act in perfect harmony with the differelt functions of the body, the blued loses its action. becomes. thick, corrupted and dis , intsed ; thus causing all pains, sickness and distress of ever; uatne ;. our stcength is ex ! boosted, our-health we are deprived of, and i: nature is not assisted in thrc - .yin . ; off the eag [mint humors, the blood will . ycolue eh,aked and cease to act, and thus oar litfid of life lyitl foreter be blown out, I!,,tc important ram that we should ;cep Vari , `llS passage.> of the, body free and cps'' Awl how pleasant. to us that we have it in ont power to put a me b••ine in your thach, imna.dv. it of marinf.oqureli from, plants and roe is which erow around the monu•nirt ous cliffs ;a Ntatlre' garden, for the health atul. rey'.Yrery of wr. One 0)•1 from which the,..e Pdls ~ remade is a Sudo ifie, whirls optnr , the p. , res of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the 'liner parts of the corraption within. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant. that opens and un clogs the passage to the lungs, and thus, in a soothing manner, performs its duty by throw ing oil' phlepi,m, and other humors front the lungs by enpionq spitting. The third 10. a F'i, uretic, , Which gives ease and dmble atr.ot,t,th to the kidneys; tins eneourrged, they d: :.w large 'amottnts of' impurity from the blood, which is then thrown out bonntitally by the urinary cr water pa.::age, and which could not hat• , ,. been discite;.g •d in any othor way. The fourth is a Catharti", and t.cet,m;innics the other properties of the he engaged in purifying the tikesl; the coarser particles t of impurity which rollout pars by the other outlets, are thus taken up and conveyed oil great quantities by the bowels. Front the above. it i shown that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills not oily enter the stomach, bu' bodingunited Ns ;th the blood, for they find way to eve . : - port, and completely ront out and cican. , :e the system from all impurity, and the life of the. body, ~ vhich is the blood, be comes perfectly healthy; consequently. all sickne , s end pain is driven from the systern, f or they cannot rema:n when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason wlty people arc - so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because the , do not gee a medicine ; which will pnss to the afflicted parts, and which will open tho_ natural passages for the disease. to b.e cast oni; hence, n large gum: ity of food and other mat , ter is lodged, and the stern:lob nod intcstioes arc overflowing ,w , th the corrupt. d Moss ; thus uadergoieg fermen tation. constantly mixing it h the hloyd,which .thr.,ws :nat:er . throegh every vein ard artery, until lif.• is taltcu f, , tn the - body In di.:ease. I , ::.LS -e 0.b1,11 to themselves vietttr: l'‘'trny j by restoring ra:lhoos the sod: to I,:o.uniag health and h tho.,so-oi who Ilitt-t b?tin racked or I - ,ehh pain and art,zu , sh, and het " ..' been scorched by the burrii:itr e' . ::nes of ra:ring fev,tr, who have hers iught, as it were. within a step cm' the sil mt.- gat- e. new stand ready to testilv that they wall have numlitred with the dead, lied it not been for this greot and wonderful medicine. Morse's, ludian Root Pills. After one or two doses had been taken; they were astcia , shed. and abso., bitedy surprised, in witntss,:ng tht , ir charming erects : :.`;ot only do they give immediate ease aid strength, and take away all sickness. pain and anguish, bat they nt once go to work at the foundation of the disease. which is the blood. Therefore, it will be ,thown, especially by those who use these Pill , that they will so cleanstt and purify, that dis ease—that dekily - eienl:,--wid take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty will again return, 'and the pro .pest of ii long and happy.' life will cherish and brighten your S ,- )ld by SMIPII Coutler=port ' • a 150 . ,, by Medieire Deniers in the A. .1.; W: . IIITE & CO- No. 50 Leonard St., New York ' Proprietors: WM. MUDGE & proprietors of Dr. A. Trask's Magnetic eintarmt,,l Earl vide, Madison Co., N. Y., General Agents: - NEW GOODS. Palces and ffladi,y Pay, .AT Slizißt.N CENTER. SUBSCRIBEP.S ere offering for sale .111_ an entirety new rotes sting or DRY G00D..;, , ir.AS:S WARE. Bt;;YrS S11!)ES, 'EATS. & BRELLAS, PARASOL. , :;, va:VlnV,r SHADES WA - YA:DE,rTinsa, Y.,ASKEE NoTION:3, &c., In our selections the wants of all been remembered. The C.:antic:nen can find in our stock of Ready `.Nlade Clothing an elegant Fashionable- snit, or a silbstanticl Bodiless suit, and we haveTtats z Caps and Boots & Shoes to match. The Ladies can find Fashionable Bonnets beautifully trimmed, or bonnets and trimming; a pod assortment of Dress Goods, end trim mings; Gloves. Mitts,.llosiery and Gaiters.---- And; last but that lutist, corded and skeleton Skirts ; also, Rattans, Skirt-Whalebone and Brass Skirt-Hoops;. beautiful Rt. Necklaces and Bracelets, Corals, - Fans, and too 'many other things to enumfrate,----J7.1 cf ~,11 4 1 1 1 we arc selling low for Cash, Lumber, qr an.kind of Produce. FOUR, MUA-L, FISII &.c., con . stantly on band. W. 13. & J:11. GRAVES. Sharon Center, Potter Co., Pr-, June 5, i557.-10:3-tf. MARK GILLON, DRAPER and TAILOR, late from the City of, England. Shop opposite Court. House, CoUder.Tt,rt, Potter Co. Pa. N. B.—Particular allcation pail to CUT TING. , 10:35-1y. %JEW GOODS--A 'Fine Aisoetaneut just 111 received :it (a.MSTFAYS, . . - - . .i-rititoßTAtv.t.,,-D - motiv.Eßy-itioutporik. , .BEAD-QuART_ERE , - - '. ' - - T"' subscribers - ,taketbiq: motlip . Cof . .inl-; '.l.. '' ' 'C'.ON' STJAII S TIONTi. :- ... ...:. forming their friends.s44 they.c.F.iili .!..,:, ' ' '' ' ''' .- '' ' ' , 'Oefpfotltind are ; iicir opening, .a: . eiloiee 3 and. . desiiable'stock Of .''-.' . ' ' ' • ' ' 1 - D IS.E .4 St S O.F•THE LURGS , .AA,Tki.livIi±i - . •.. ST:ti.i,E 4.. ND F..4.4.NOtijitY'.o.olV, to ••:. • ' - . 7 - - - . 4 / 1 E PP# 447. . Xi? ••• -.•,- "---"- " -toile.ii : . . . . 'mi . invite the atteution of alltwho CURAIIA.E . firg 4 3 N4I4 (11 4 11 "/ONt; - : pukepUrchaSes. 'Qur stock islarge , UTlllCLE.conveys the reineilies tii,.the cav/-. 1 has been selected with great eare, , ar . idis; prit.- V. V ' ties in the lungs through the-air passa- ticularly ikdaptefrto the. wants of .this,seetign ges, , and 'coming i:4l direct contact With the , of out country.., Our stock 01 Dry Goods:con disease neutralizes the Inhere:lhr, 'ttl;•• , slits of ' - ... lays the cough; ..cau.4es a free and ,easy expec ..l:lU.Ss 'GO 011$;TRIM)11 . .N0 5,111138 ()NS, • toratioW, heals'. the lungs, purifies the blood, -• EnIIII'OIDEItIES, P.*IASOLS imparts:renewed vitality to the nerv.ous system, . - . CLOT - HS, CA,S.S4I§RES . . giving that tone and energy so indiSpensable I . . .. itEsT i NGs. . Dt.) ,, ,i .-, _ for the restoration of health." To be able to _ , I MESTICS, .4 state confidently. that Consumption is curable ' '',.. : .... :. ISHIRTINGS, . by inhalation . , is to me a sonree of unalloyed '- - . Ti to Ns pRINTs .- • - . piensure. It is as much under the control of •• - 4 IlOSillillt‘'', SII.VifLS, medical treatment as any -other formidable. ..•-.... , • disea:ie ; ninety' out of every hUndred cases and a variet2,- of other articles,,(( numerous cue first stages, and fifty 'el?, to mention..! I e have also a. c tuplute assort cent, bf, , . cured in the . • 1 , . .., - . , i lIIC II G Ca I cent, in the seegnd ; but in the third stage it i - is impossible to, save more than five - per cent., for the Lungs are so cut up by the disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, how ever, in the last stages, Inhalation affords ex traordinary relief to the suffering' attending. ;his fearfsl scourge,, which annuitlly•destroys ninety-fivO thousand persons in the United States alone and a correct caleul,ttion shows that of the , present population of the earth, .eighty millions are destined to till the COLT sumptiVes - graves., Truly the diver of dealt., has no arrow so, fatal. as Consumption. In all ages it -has-been the great-enemy of life, fir it spares neither age nor sex, bul. sweeps off alike the brave, tic,. beautiful, the graceful and the gitteth By the h-lo of that Supreme Being from whom coimoth every good and perfect gift, I 11111 en alibkd to offer to the afflicted a permanent cure iu Commuption. The first came 1 , ;b::::eles - is ficm, h..plue, blood, and the pf,edtmce-i by their depot sition iil r; lungs is to prevent the. ft ee ad nussion of air into the air celis, which causes we,t!- - -encd thrungh the entire systems. They. surely it is 11107 , ,, rational to expt;ct great g.,(4l, from medicines entering the cavities of tae itinas than f. - (na at:ministered througa the stomach; the Fatten., ‘N ill always had the lungs free and the breathing ea;;, af ter Inhaling remedies. Thus, lalialatiott is a local remedy, nevertheless itnets constitution ally, and with more power and certainty than remedhis administtn.d by the stomach. To ;rove flue powerful and direct influence of this. this mode of-adm.aistration. chloroform. inhaled gill, entirely destroy sensii,ility in a few minutes, paralyzdig -the entire nervous s„-lean, so thtit a limb may be amputated with out the slightest pain; Inhaling the ordinary burnia:, , ,-,as will destroy-hie in a few hours. Th. 2. inh. , ;:tdion of zunmunia wit], sy - Aem when faiming - or arparerfly and. The odor of many of the me is perceptible in the skin a few minutes after brine inhaled. and may be immedlately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional effect, of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is al ways produced by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously'adminis bored through the lungs should produce the happiest -fest:lts? During- eighteen years' practice, many thousands suffering from dis eases- of the Itings and throat. hal, c been der my - care, and I have effected many remark able cures,even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages, which fully- sat isfies me that itonsumption is no longer a. fatal disease. My treatment of consumption is Original, and founded on long, Operience unit a thorough investigation. My perfect acquain, Mime with fife nature. of .tubercles, ena bles me to distinguish; readily, the various Corms'of disease that simulpto consumption,' and apply the proper remedies, rarely mistakon even in a single ease. This famil iarity, iu connection with certain pathological and ;flieroscopie discoveries, enables me to re- , lieve the lungs from the effects of contracted chests, to enlarge the chest. purify the blood. ins a; t to it renewed vitality,- giving - energy and tone fo the entire sy , tem. ' Medicines With- full Airections-seut to r,ny part of the I.7.lited States and Canadas pa :ients Corn!amaicating their symptom, by letter. But the cure Aro* lir more certain if tlic patient - should pay me a visit, Which wouhi give me an opportiinity to f.;.timine the lung. , and emadeitwi to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without toy; seeing the patient Xgain. W. GTIAHAM, M. D., Off4.ce 1131 Filbert Street, (Old No. 109,) Belot Twelfth, PHILADELPHIA ? PA, - • PROVINION STORE, . , 'E. X, SPENOLS, Offers'Grvat inducements TO BUYERS OF triROCEEIES, &c., :it U the stove . - formerly occupied by D. W . Si?ENCEit, on 3d Street, North side of Public A good assortment constantly op hand, from which I will enumerate a few of the lending articles, such as • Sugar, . -Mustard, - Candy, Col - lbe, : Cinnamon, .Nute• Molasses, ' -Pept,eruce, Creel ors, Syrups, Catsup, Soap, Peppin., ~ Yeast, Candles, . Spice, Oils, Shot, Ginger, Tobacco, Lead, Cloves, - Sim '' • "Q." Caps, CE:!). t , oda, Segars, P. Tartar, a .1 ::,..:y t ! tiler thin ? - toe numerous to men tion, w; il he found in this departnrpt, which -rill be $Olll at a trilling advance from cost, tar road.). pay. _ _ 10:4•.;-ly • . Constantly on hand, such as PORK, HAMS : SHOULDERS FISH, SALT, BUTER, CHEESE, BEANS, ' 41TS, FLOUR; CORN BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PLI:3IS, and many other articles inthe line of.ppyi si,Ans not necessary to mention. Also; • • WOODEN WARE, such as Brooms. W.1!,11-Tui)s and Boards,Vops, pi l; m:rl4o.xes, sze., which will he sold low for cash or ready Oat's, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, 'and in fact almo,st:eyttryclting farmer raises, will be taken' in exchange for Gouda, at their cash value.' I incite the at tentF;rt of Villagers, Fnrnters and Lunibermen v!Ito 42sire to make purchases in' flip above articles, nod solicit them to call before pur chasing elsewhere. "E, K. SPENCER. Coudersps - trt, June 9, 1857.-10:3. ntEACIIED MUSLLNS and a fe,,w other tieles in 14 line of Staple Dry Coed - , low for cash at • - E._K. SPENCERT, 10:3 D. W. S., Q . OMB CLOTHING of Chenty'snianufat :are . haal at E.. K. SPENCER'S, , I . D. W. S:, .g' in A R.ANGES AND LEMONS just received by 'CY 10:3 . 7 vi' . 'R. di J. H. GRAVES. GROCERIES PrOVISIONS GROCTIIip, ITARDIV RE 5',..N1:1, - • •.:, , CROCKEP,XI . all of which will be sold unc mrnonlY cheap for.reinly liay,.nrid for appro ., . ed Credit on its reasonaide It:rills-as an y (Abe establishincot. :d 4 1 . ......N 3:NICHOLS. Millport, Ang. 11, 1856.-9:12; ly. ' GREAT REVOLUTION 1N MEDICAL SCIENCE. Tile be 'Therapeutic Agent Introduced. i 13.• bieVaNSON' 4 9 r17, - A M4V3NETO ELEC. ‘,',..11... '..•,,,,- . ,., , ," , ...:- ,, g ,- 2.1V:',75 , 4,,,„ TRW .1f .1„CIIINE t ' 4 f -;"'-',V4; 5 4:-. 1 .53.2::• ,, r, % ,is _ ex?iting the , Af...1, 9 b,,orbing a tte . 't ,1 7 - * - 1.1 'no of the Merit °4l4";t.,';...P:PTE e.i 1 Profes-ion arid ... - __. : _t ,, :g4i...) . 1.4.-- , a large portion of the intelligent men of the, Ind. It is non- clearly demon strated that tiic lancet, mercury, and albother internal " drug melieation" may be lai3 aside with perfect safety to the. patient and abid ing benefit to posterity. Wherever these-ma chines have been introduced, they eXeite the highest won l'er and praise, The. apvarat./.3 is adapted to riyel;ent, relieve. and . .i.ure every disease incid pt to huManity,—more'partieu larty all thus painful and formidable diseaf,i, •r fur centuries bellied the Dra.. hy t and skill of plays:l e .:ca l s._ `rvet cause tr , '.:%‘. may he 'an ex ney of the nervous ftid--,--2ro ecces or deficietic:,- of the fields 'eetetionz'—the magnetic' prinei- Istcrt are deranged, .and-can on estored to their normal condition atiOn of 0-igneto:•electileity, IiICKIN:•.:05!8 MAGNETO es which hay roundest leer Fronlwhnf ee. , 35; r r defiej dacihg an. and alLmline plea iv ~e safely: . IC'y an appli tueang. of, g I'ACLIINE. This apparatus will avent, , vand g ,ec•dilc relieve and nption, S.- a la, Rheumatism, Spilmt Diseases, an,4 all inmiaclies, however hopeleis and ing, They are cmineutly useful ati•„ urinary . disorders, ,ta)r:iett he 'Constitution has been brok , m line,: by unnatural 53olitar.y habits Many. of the yonn, of both' sexes prune, MAGNETO ELECTRIC without the dangerous compli teries and acids—which fact alone wrior to all other 4 on the score k:leanline. ,, s, safety and utility.— , al handsome parlor ornament; p,ositiv,i, In cure C Ncri other painful of long :tan in all sexual.' larly where down and r. to %which tan are SO lalM-1 DI. DICK MACHINE i. cations - of ha renders it su l of neatness,, It Is, in fac edl by a child ; and will last a the great caving of Doctor's may he ap life-time, t PRICE 0 It will be part of the THE MACHINE ,$.1.0 so.kly packed and sent to any United Slates. Sold wholesale the :11ed . N.LI 381'1'011TH trect, Philadelphia. Address, A. C. DICKINSON, and ret.til a SEVENTH ' 10-1-1 y E FOR EVERY!! ODT: IN= Elm St - BSC:RIBES FOR TIIP 'ark Weekly Press/ flew IfF2AtTIFULLY .. V NEWSPAPgiIk: liE4 YAM -, HE YEW I I of the 1) large Qliart. or lirxTy and ELEbAi week. ' YORK WEEKLY PRESS is Om , sl literary papers of the day, 4 1 cm! TWENTY - PAGES, - 1,171 - N , I. of enterminiMr matter: •TLY ILLUSTItAry 4 D every ORTlTfhplf tO, CENTS TO A GIFT ;coon oo NNT CF IBER ' SCRIPITION BE• TO EACH .); RECEIPT 0 - 1? THE. s,un mo.N4y. S-IN ADVANCE Ono e. py for Throe copies Five c' :pies o Ten collies or ( Twenty-one c The' nrtieic in the firillovvi I United Note, do. do do itent Oftse,:! I 20 gold W: 50 I do 100 i, do 300 V . ldies' 9 200 f.,ilver .; one year, and 1 gift, $2 00 the year, and 3 gifts, 5 00 le year, and 5 gift, 8 00 year; and 10 gifts, 15 00 one year, end 21 gifts, 30 00 s to be distributed ere comprised g list t States Treasury $lOOO 00, ._, do do aOO 00, each do dO 200 . 00, each (Lo do ' 100'00, each Lever Hunting 'itches, . 100 00, each Itches, 75 00, each 2 5 10 10 P, 50 00, each old Watches, 35 00, cacti miting, eased , Watel 500 silver 1000 Gold G s, • • 30 00, each atches, sts 00 to 25 00, each ard, Vest Chaing, 10 00 to 30 00, each j4us and .• and PI 1000 Gold Pencil, 5 00 to 15 00, each. id' Lock its, Bracelet?, Brooches, Ear : preast Piro, GMT Pins., Sleeve Buttons, ~ Shirt tutlS, -Watch Boys ,Gold and 1 : 'fliimbhs, and., a variety oilither arti worth:-fr6ra 50 dents to. x;l5 00. each. . reetipti t f the . subzeription money, the n . fiber's rim will be entered 'upon our 5j oppOsitt a .nunther, and the 'gift corres g. . with., hat taninher will 'be .forwarded 0 11:1 . : l ii v s ti . e e k ve t r o y h:na ub , sc t r y ib - P id. , . . . . .'re is neither humbug nor lottery about subscriber : Z s 9 s r u re ex press , • ••,f va , lnel We 'prefer to make - Gila lib- - i , i a s rg iri e lm ep f ot ra t: i ii ils m io n a lig to ttke g n e i n h t i o s : e g a i d c • i o il f g, g to ii: :, Liescribe the, amount that tonld•go to.J. c:TI .frent an .in many cases a hundred-foldi,4". Gol Drops Rings Silver cles, 1 , . munications - should be ad- Nit!, Punisnrat, • a 211 Centre' street, New 1 • " , • • Ali co, to I dress ME • teOteep.s . t'izait/ /a2zdv.p7itest Ark(lt ca/ 16' icorld - 100;eido,' OE Tws• Et:P..O ANT AND: ‘ I ASCINATING LITERARY ANTI :FAMILY MONTILLA' MAGAZINE elcisei its first volunie- in _June next.-.,,During the. kW brief months ;of its ex; • tetiee it has attained 4 popularity uncqthillcii la !the - itimals of the'Press. ' ' The - publishers • buYing offered.liberabrre, ;mums for choice literary efforts, the' Rinfoinees, Essil . o 7 ' Netry, and other 4)14e ling, and interesting reading was commenced in ..I.e.nuarY lust, and lure being still puldis3 l '.. ed,in the Yisifor., • The New Volume will be commenced. irtJti; lyi 1837, gFeatly;improved and enlarged. Each number will contain 'thirty-t* extra large sized royal . octavo pages,Making a mals niticent voldme of nearly -inns pages for. the year,—or presentin g autouni• of the-choi cest reading'. on all subjects, equal to What would ,00st in the bold.: slt.fes least fifty cents, payable in,yariahly id advance. Sonic of the most popUlar aud brilliant -main and female contributors are, 'regular 'contri butors and the publishers will spare no pains or, expense to r,ender. the " WelemLle VisitOri! every way acceptable Ito a relined and gent community. The publication is adanted to all classes ,o 1 people—the young aiiil the 014---;10 ever seen and perused, meets with universal tweeptntioli, Now is the tithe to subscribe to flip New - Volume' • , * ff * The hack': tubers may 1:;e had (to .complete sets) for. 4. vents each, ot! the whole series of 1.2 nubibers: for rtvr.zo-v.,F;rt: cents, Liberal it:duet-awl:4s to .Clubs and' Cara. vassers, ' • I . . . 1e,,.'-neraeiuber, our terms are IFiftycento for one your, for a single copy, orl 'three, cope ids will he seut nt,Uei one cover oriadtlress for One Dollar. A, - i l COSDEN k CaIiPA..NY,. :Publishers, N0. , 34 North Seventh' Street, (Up - stairs,) Ph lla aetlihin.. -I lo• 1 .1"/ Y Of 1.11 disease; We YT t, firs cause Springs frora.negleei'of Natur t p's laws. • STIFFER MOT! *ken a CUR* is gnaianteedi ! - • ._ IN ALL STAGES OF SECRET IDISEA Sgf-Abuse, ICerveus Gravel, Dialees, biseases of the Bladder, • ilereuridl Blieurnatig4 Pains in (lie Bonealand Ankles, .4 Lungs, Throat, .iVia;e and Eges,t Body or Limbs; Cancers, ProTsy, St. Vita's _Dance, and all dinare, a d ! Tsbyement 41 i. .St.rual Ciryai:l3, . , Sucu a..§ Nerve. u , TreuWing, Boss o'f Mem. bey, Liss of POwer, Genero Wes.YnesS, Dimness of Vis:ozi with peculiar Spots :appear. big before the ,yes, Loss-of Sight, :Wakeful= 'ess, Dyspepsh., Liver Disease, ErnptionsMpoa the faye. Pain in th'it . back and heed, Vilnale irregularities and felt it proper.discharges from both sexes. It matiterS not from what enusp the disease origintled, however longstanding or obstinate the ca. e, recomsy ix ceitailj, end id a shorter timethanpermanent cure cmi:he of : tected by any othe treatment,. even after the: t disease h i as baffled the skill Of eminentphysi : . clans and resiited a l lltheirmeaus of cure: The medicines are pleas Ant Without odor, ea using 110 'sickness and lreelfrom mercury or balsam, During twenty yea 7 of practice,l have rescued front the jaws of D ath ninny thousands, wilt", in the last stages of the above nientiemeddis. eases had been givn up to die by theirphysi. clans,. whieh warrants me_ in promising te the afflicted, who nury!place themselves tinder my rare, a perfect and most speedy cure. Soviet. Diseases are the g'eatest enemies to health, as' they are the first - et use of Consunipticin, Serof.. 1 u:a, and many other diseases, anti should be a: terror to the t calm. n .hreily, As . a perTunuent cure is scareelyA , v , r effected, a majority of the eases falling into the bands_ of incompetent persons, who not only fail to cure the diseases but 'ruin the eon titutinn, filling .the systeni with mercury = , wit eh, with the disease, has-. T tens the sufferer i to a rapid Crinitamption. . But should the disease and the treatment not cause deatli.speedily and the. victim mar. ries, the disease bt- entailed upon-the children, who are burn .. t'ili feeble constitutions, - and the current of I:fe coinTpted by a virus. - which / 'betrays itself in ;Scrofula, Totter, U Iccrs, Emir tions an other.alteptions of the.'skin, Eyes, Throat and I,ung i , entailing upon them-u brief ' existence of suffering and consigning them to, an car iv. grave., . . . SEEP ABUSE Is another fcrraidable enemy to healtlyfor not ring else in the 'dread 'cats; logue of human Aiseases eau - Sesso destructive a drain upon the s L ivstera, draWing its thensand4 of Victims throueh a few years of cialcring down to' an unthlely ”rave. lt tleAroys the, Nervous "system; iapidly Wastes away the en ergies -of life, e. uses- mental derangeineiiti prevents the prop . r development of the system, disqualifies for arriage, socitlty,' business'. and all carthlq:-liippiiless, and leaves the std . -. fcrer wrecked in roily hind Mind, 'predispOsed, to consumption and a train of evils more to he dreaded than - death itself. With the' fidleFt confidence I assure the unfortunate victims of . Self,, basethat a permanent and_ speedy cure can be 4tieptca, earl with the ahandoutuent of ruinons practipeS lay patients eau le restored to robust, vigorous health. - , The atilictrsd ai,e cautioned- against the use of Patertt . Medicines, for there are so "many ingenious snares the .columns ofj.he•publit , prints fo eafeli and rob the unwary sufferers millions haile their constitutions ruined by•tlie vile opmP,outtils of quack doctors ' or the equally poiSonous nostrums vended. as "Patent Medicines." I. have carefully analyzed many of the's() called Patent Medicines and" find that nearly all of theM ctintain corrosivg Sublimate, which is one of 'the strongest pre.' partitions of mercury and a deadly poison, which instead of Nniring the disensli disable the system-for life. _ Three-fourthS of the patent nostrums non in use are Put . up In. unprincipled and ignorant persons, who do !riot understand even the al phabet of the niciferia tnedka, and are' equally as destittqe of ariy knowledge of -the - human system; haVing one objeet °illy in view, and. that to make money regardlet - ,s'of consequen ces. . CO 00,.cach Irregularities. and all dischsei of Males and females treated oft principles 'established by twenty years of practice,. and sanctioned by thousands of the_ most remarkable cures:lied icines with full directions sent to any part of the 'United States; or. Canadas, by patients , communicating syiaptoms b leLter• - ' - llusiness correspondence- strictly - cihnfidential. Address: , ' ; • , • . J. SITIVINIE,RVILLE, 17. D, Office 1131 Filbert Eit., • (0/A PTO. 109,) BELOW TUT.LFTII, PIIILLIDELPIIIA. 10:6-13' 1 . - rVEW GOODS-A.Large and Splendid M- L 1 sortracut just receivea at '10:1" - eL-31STZY41. SES, law, Clercs KiArNs'tereid t; SeroMet, iiseases leers 'Top t4c lEpiliTtie fits, SuristugVru.N . _ •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers