Coin a 6 enutg. AS'onza.-ofour Luinbermen who have just! returned fromiTittsbarz., Cincinnati, and other towns along the Ohio river, repurt that thumb very little demand for in n'ber, and that . What is sold brings very little cash. 3/Most yards have a larch: portion of last year's stock iu store. 4474 ve--(f rfu . I hope, it is, too, for those-white clouds overhead look ominous) —is given by the radiance and warmth of 'to'day's (Tuesday's) sun. Monday night the rain fell in torrents. To-day, however, our farmers and. gardeners wear smiling :tountenauces, and weather-acers are confi dent'that, our month of intermittent rain storms an end. Alaile kfut to our farmers suggested :itself to our mind a day or two since, and •which, if acted upon, may result in sonic rprofit. Just about these 'days a speehnem of caterpillar, peculiar to orchards, is spin ming its webs over the apple-trees and pre paring to become the pest of the farmer :w well as of the housewife. Just now tthere is a "spell of wea her, and an ac live boy, with a scrub broom can earn full -wages in climbing the trees and destroying (the webs in their present half-finished state. The caterpillars arc now but about -one-third grown mid the labor ,of destroy ing. them to-day trifling, compared with what it will hark become two weeks hence. —Tioga Agitator. Peterson's Phitaclelphia .Conntofeit Detector, for June, has been sent 'Lis by the publishers, T. B. Peterson & Broth ers,'3o6 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. It is / fast gainin , - , the reputation of being ,the best Bank Note List in the Union. -The publishers' names are a sufficient guarantee of its character, aside front the fact. that Drexel & Co. correct it.. We would advise any of our bu-iness men who .may subscribe for it, to take the Semi- Monthly edition. It reports 38 new coun terfeits since its May issue—hence the ad vantage of the Semi-Monthly edition. The American mind is suggestive, in ventive, energetic. It scales the rugged pathways on the side-hill of Science with almost indifferent ease—stopping by the way to pultdate the idea which has sus"- gested to it that the right kind of a plow would soon turn that side-hill into a nice fur growing Art-ichokes----and arrives at the summit with wonderful ra pidity and seeming fullness of breath. We are reminded of this by the fact that Sew ing Machines—five years singe scarcely dreamed of as ti probability at this age— now in the most •extensive and approved use—those manufactured by the Grover & Baker company, as far as we can learn taking the lead, and, so far as we know, very justly, too. There is some talk of a ;food old lash ioued celebration of Independence Pay in this place. The Sabbath Schools of thi, village have determined to celebrate it. and desire all the Sabbath Sehool , throu:,h out the county, that can wake it conven ient, to join thetu. :11r. C. 14. Allen, haF kindly consented to. prop.we ft paper ball,on for the children,, which will ha sent, up . during the day.: 'The I.)ivisidn of the S. of T., arc -also moiling in the r ter, and desire to coiiperate with !he citizens gen- erally, to procurd firit-clams.; speaker to. address them. We llop2 the patriosm! of our citizens may have arWopprt unit\\ of.venting itself,i,:though we triit withcatt • the cooperation of King Alcohol or Prince .Strychnine. would call the attention of our read ers to a communication on the 4th pa e, of this paper entitled " The Oil of Grass." I . It contains some excellent suggestions in regard to the importance of stock-raising. , Every man and woman, boy and girl, in the county should read it—but do not let the reading of it suffice. Action is what) Will cause it to bear fruit. Let every man, woman, boy and girl in the county prepare Zmn. ething —no matter what—to be exhib ited at the Fair this fall in his or her own name; if you cannot come yourself, send I it by some one who is coming from your Way ; at all events he represented by sonic product of your agricultural, horticultural, mechanical, or scientific taste or genius. No matter if you are certain to fail of win- Ding a premium—your name will be on .;thjlist of those who will try now, and will be willing to try ac , ain. There will be no premium in the list so well worth driving for as the reputation of being,de sirous of adding to the wealth and pros yerity of the county by becoming a first rate Farmer. Boys, struggle for that ! DISEASE OF THE STOMACH The stomach is the most liable to get out of order. Hence how important that no diseased matter clog its operittion, which would cause nausea, and distress by our food. It also weakens the brain, destroys the memory, cre ates pain and dimness, and various adletions 'in the head. It produces great difficulty in breathing and swallowing. Sometimes faint ing and fits will ensue ; also bad breath,, rest lessness and great loss of strength. If not immediately attended to, the blood will carry ,the disease through the whole system. and death will end the work. From 2t05 of these Pills a day will keep the digestive organs in a healthy condition, and unclog or carry away all impure matter, and thoroughly restore-and cleanse the stomach ; at the same time the Pills will so purify the blood, as to drive all manner of disease from the system. WORMS In a quantity of corrupted matter, there is always to be found a nest of worms. They cannot, neither -.vill the -staff an-iwhere else. Weak stomach and bowels are sUhject to them, as they have not sufileient pp'arer to digest their food: Hence a large henp of matter u is lodged, and worms nAust be th'e, result. A few doses of these pills vrtill ...,tisturf.) their nest, and drive them out of the systernd It should he rem , _mibM.ed,ltliat an occasion al dose when in he. 1.10; e.9xl;i4lly after taking cold, will prevent thti dine 'from Ibrming in the body. I Dr. Morse's IntP ,an Root Pills:are sold by all dealers in Meqiciue. GROVER Sr, 16PiER'S CELEEIIAT6 FLITILY SEWING TIAOHINES, 41)5 BROADWAy. Ns)\* 720 CLIESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHEA.. - Tbese.Maehines arej;now justly ad mitted to be the best in tfse for! Family Sewing. making a uew, strOng. an'tl elastic >titch, which will rity even if every fourth stitch be hut. Ciifulars sent on ap plication by letter. Agents want:d. [33. 41iii 'l 7 liitrtitmilits: " CAUTION . Merchants and Tniders rill be on their guard god not be imposed upon by ef Counterfeit a Mecca's Indian Root iiißr.ed A. B. Mcore. genuine Indian Picot Mlle have the name and sigsiatUre Whife 6 Ca. • on each box. Above we present you with a likeness of DR. MORSE—the inventor of 4 MORSE'S IN DIAN ROOT PILLS. : This philanthropist has spent the greater part: of his life in traveling. having visited Europe, Asia, and. Africa, as well as North America—has spent three years among the Indians iaf, our Western county}. it was in this way that the Indian Root Pills were first discovered. Dr. M.)rse was the first man to establish the fact, that all diseases arise from IMPURITY OF TILE BLOOD—that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. When the various passitges become ciocgpa, and do not act in perfect harmony with th'e functions of the body, the blood Lyski, its action, becomes tiiick, corrupted and eased ; thus causing distress of every name ; our strength ii i - - , :-. hausted, our health We are deprived of, an , li i nuatire is not its -isted in throwing off the st.t4- nant humor , : the blood , will .becime clidlu'd and cease to m•t. and :Las our light of life will I forever be hio,N a jut. How important then that we should li,ep the various passages oil the body free and open.: And how pleasant' to us that we have it in: our power to put a medicine in your reach,; namely, Morse's In- dian Root Pills, mandf.tctured from plants , and roots which grow around the mountain ous cliffs in Nature's garden ; for the health and recovery of discmed man. One of the roots from which these 'ills are made is a Sudorific, which opens the pores Of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the finer parts of he corruption within. Thi second is ,„ a plant which is an, that opens and no gg clo the passage to tiro lungs. and thus, in a: - soothing mano..r, perimmis its ditty by throw- in¢ off phlegm. and caber humors from the lungs by couious spitting. The third is a Di arctic. which gives easd and doubli: strength to the Isidneys : thus el:mu-Aged,. thaw draw large amounts of yuparity from the blood. which is then thrown nut boantifully by the urinary - or n - atei• p, iss.t, - "?. mid which could not have been d':‘,eharge.:l in :illy other 1, ay. 1 The fourth is a C.itnartie. and aecarupanies the other pr ,, pertios of tee Pills while eligaged I in purifying the blood ;' the coarser particles of impurity wtileh i•annoz pa...s by the other outlets, ave thus t iken up and conveyed oil' in great quantities by the bowed. . F t ram the above. itisi-di.iwil that Dr. Morse's Indian Ito ,t Pills not only enter the stomach, but become united Witib the blood, for they j find w -y part..lnd completely rout out 2.11,1 cle-rise the Sy . tern from ail invert. v, and um life ui the body, is the blood, be comes perfectly healthy; en' sequently rll sickne , :s and' p.iin is driven from the systom. fur they cannot remain when the body becomes so pare and clear. The reason why people aro so distressed when sick, and why so 'many- die, is because, thcy'do not g et medicine'swhich Will pass I to the alllicted parts, and w blab will open the I natural passages for the disease to be cast out; ! hence, a large quantity of food and other mat- I ter is lodgel, and the stona left and intestines I are literally ot - orilowing w;th the corrupted nines; thus nadergoiga disagi-eeable fermen- ! tation, constant!y mixing with the blood,which throws corruided matter through every vein' and artery, until lit'e is taken front the body! by d:sease. Dr. M,rse . s Pti..LS have added to I themselves victory upon viotury, by restoring millions of the sick to blimmmg health and! happiness. Yes, thousands who have been! racked or tormented with sickness, pain andl anguish, and whose feeble :rimes have beemi scorched by the bureMg . 'clmnents of raging / fever, and who have, been brought, as it were, l-within a step of the silent grave, now stand / ready to testify thati they would have. ben' numbered with the do id, had it not been fur ; I this great and wonderful medicine, Morse'sl I Indian Rout Pills. After one or two doses hid been taken, they wale astonished, and ahs)- iutely surprised, in witnelsin;„ , the r charming effects. Not only do / they/give immediate race' and strength, and take away all sickness, pain and anguish, but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease, which is the blocd. Therefore, it will De shown, especially by those who use these Pills, that they will so cleanse and purify, that dis ease—that deadly erierny—will take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty •ti`ill again return, and the prospect cf a long stud happy life will cherish and ',brighten your days. Sold by SMITH ,t,IONRS, Coudersport; also by all Medicine De.tfers in the county. A. J. WHITE 4; CO., No. 50 Leonard St., New . York, Proprietors; WM. MUDGE it CO., iproprietors of Dr. A. Trask . s gagnetic Ointment,) Earl rills, Madison Co., N. Y., General Agents. PIANOS AND MELODEONS, THE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Potter Ca., that I will tar nish to order, Pianos and Melodeons from the best manufactories in the Union, and upon reasonable terms. All letters of inquiry will receive prompt attention. Address, C. D. BROWN. Ulysses, Potter Co., Pa. Ulysses, May 25, 1855.-4528 t. . ! • SHERIFF'S -SALES.- - Y l'l,?.TU:*: of Sundry writs of Venditioni Expern'as and Fieri Facia.; issued out of the Court of. Common Pleas of Potter Co., Pa.; and to me directed; I shall expose .to public sale or outcm at the Court Ho - use in the Ear gh of CouderspOrt, on llonday the 21st day of June, 1855,, at 10 o'clock, A. M. : the fCII - owing described real estate, to wit : Levari. FITCWS: All the two undivided one-third parts of the following desCribed tracts of land, 'situate in the township!of Pike; Potter coanty' r and state of Pennsylvania. known by the r. ;me of •• Pike property and the Cottb Lot." containing ; together. three thousand eight hundred'acres, more or less,. bounded .and described as fol- lows, to wit One tract in warr.inVfe name D. Kilbourn, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, containingtwo hundred acres more or le:s, bounded North by Cobb Sr, Cranthill, 1]...5.t by Crandall and Tioga county, South - lir the Kilbouruld - .. Mill lands, and West by Cubit —exceptinrz, Wowercr, the smoil nt'ek of land adjoinikg the county line, b,:ing, North by the Loses. ALSO—The BAbcoel: lot, direct- ly south of the above and west of the Mill lot hounded by, the Kilbourn warrant, West by Tubbs & Johnsons, South by Johnsons and unseated lands, and East by the Mill lot, con taining seventy-six mires more or less.—ALSO— Ohe other tract, called the Ktlbonrn Mill Lot : Beginning at a stone heap, thence West one hundred and sixty perches to a hemlock, thence South' one hundred and sixty-four perches to a white walnut, thence East one hundred iind twenty perches to a pout, thence by the western boundary-line of S. M. Losey's I forty-seven perches to a post, thence East by 1 the same forty perches to a post. thence North I twelve perches to a post, thence by the south I liahlt of the creek South eight degrees, East i twenty-two perches to a post, thence North I eighty degrees East eighteen percheu, thence North eleven perches to a Most, thence North' seventy-three degrees West twenty-Six perches 1 to a post, thencc North live dcgreei Wet six teen perches *o a pwit, thence South six de-1 grecs West by the road fourteen perches to a' post, thyme North by S. Ni. Losey's lot - to the place of beginning; containing one hun- ' dred and ninety-one acres; one hundred and fifty acres improved, on which is erected a saw dnill, time frame dwelling houses, one store-house, one barn, two sheds and other buildings, and with some fruit treesthereon.— ALSO—One tract beginning at a post, in the dividing line between Potter and Toga coun ties, thence North seven hundred and forty five perches to a hlack oak, thence West three hundred and one perches to a white pine, ,thence South three hundred and ninety-nine perches to a white pine, thence East one hun t dred and sixteen perches to a black oak, thence youth two hundred and ten perches to a post., theme E'tst -eighty-one perches to a post. ? thence South one hundred and forty-six perch es to a post, thence East one hundred and five I per-h 0.5 to the place of beginning; coutainin ,ne ti; iri.3and arid eighty-eight acres and two I t --,t .- .: .ta acre more or less.—ALSO—Three •,! ' :t2l •'I Warrauted to A. C. Cran , lall by '::;•-•!1...e,1 .1 Inuary Can t€7,th, Auno rot.. tt...;,;•ta• - 1 eigia out•trol. an , l thirty s..t.;::, c0Lt. ,, sore; , olfe tbou,and and ri;' , y-tobe two teaCks of to acre, four .. ; fourteen acres and fir:-baltlts of an !CVO, .IVd L•or hanAred and twenty act es ; Beginning at a ~bite pine, tile north-west cor ner of the tirst-mentioned Beet, thence West live hundred and thirty-live perches to a white pine, thence South six hundred and eleven perches to a post and stones, thence East one hundrzid and ten perches to a post and stones. thence North two hundred and twelve perches to a pitch-pine knot and stones, thence East about one hundred and fifty perches to a post, thence South three hundred and ninety perch es to a post, thence East one hundred and seventy perches to a hemlock. thence North three hundred and ninety pm - chess to a post, thence East one hundred and Lee perches to n white pine, theme North th:ee•hunilred and ninety-nine percit'Yi to the pl ice of beginning. —ALSO—lme ether tract. bounded No th and West by lank,:, warranted to A. C. Crandall, East by lauds a: said Crandall arid lands hut windy owned by David Kilhourn, and by lands of said Kilbourn and part •of Warrant fonr thousand three lintich'ed and seventeen (4 317); coutaia:ng about three hundred acres, Inure or Seized. taken in PxecutiOn, and to be sold' as the property of Che4ter Rohinson S Joan , 1.; trbeii. Executors of U. B. Goodman, deco iced. :old (AI USgOod, Guard! to .f Goommin and Win. A. poodamn. Heirs at- Law of 0. B. Goodman. deee:ased. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Dila lia townithip; Potter county, Pa., b•Plade:l North by lands of E. Vatteilwegen, Ea,; by iands of tile Bingham Estate and J o hn Wed:- worth, South by lands of OR. Bingham Estate, :mil . ',Vest by lan& of .liorris !mat ; containing >ixty-three acres and an al . lowabee of six per cem. of which BLit ty acre. , are improved, is erected one ft , m;me da citing house, one frame barn and ono fratne shop. Se:zetl, taken in execution; and to be sold as the property of Harry Lent.. ALSO—Certain reel estate situate in Hebron township, Potter county, Pa., 1, muded on the North by lands of S, I'. Reynolds, on the East by the highway, South by George Stillman, and west by hinds iif F. W. Knox ; containing ten acres more or lees , on winch is erected one frame house and one frame barn, and with an apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of A. R. Stillman. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Gene see township, Potter county, Pa., bounded on the North by lads Nos. 22'4 24, East by lot No. 21, South by lot No. 24, and Weat by lot Nu. 25 of the allotment of the Fox Estate in Genesee i township ; containing eighty-three and six-tenths acres of lands, of which forty acres are improved, on which is one log house, one frame tarp. oue grainary-house and an apple orchard. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Asa Downs. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in the Borough of Coudersport, and being parts 'of lots Nos. 203 4: 238 ou Square No. 22, bound ed as follov. s Beginning at the- north-west corner of lands formerly occupied by L. B. 'Cole, thence North 5' E :at two perches to a post, thence South SS" East by the south line of Fourth Street sixteen perches to a post: thence North 85° West by the line of said Cole's land 16 perches to the place of begin ning ; containing thirty-two perches of land, with one two-story dwelling. house, one frame barn and other out-buildings, a well of water and some fruit trees- thereon.—ALSO—An other lot, situate on the North side of the Pub lic Square. fronting the Square tbrty-six fret and extending back to an alley, and on the E ist by lot occupied by D. W. Spencer, on the So ith by, the Public Square, and West by lot now in possession of A 11. Butterworth ; on winch there is a frame building occupied for ft •Stare. Seized. taken in execution, and to be sold as the priperty of L: F. Maynard and W. T. Jones. ALSO—Certain real estate situatein Euls.- lia townahip, Potter County, Pa., bounded on the North nod Eat by unseated lends, South by land of W. C.l.c.sby and unseated lands, and West by unseated lands; containing about 400 acres of land more or less, and being lots • - - .„ Nos. 2:43 t '& 40 of the sub-divisiOu of the Bing ham. EStatd - in said - township; of which about 45 aeres'are improved, with one . frame house, one frame barn, other on - t-houseg, and Some fruit trees thereon:—.4LSO-HlOne other 'piece or parc O l of; land situate in .:the totsmship.nnd . county :Aforesaid; bounded ion the North by lands of J. M. Hamilton, on the East by un s,eated land, on the South by. lands of T. W. Smith, l and on the West by - unseated lands containing thir!y-eight d l 4-10 acres of land, and betug lot N 0..-15 of the 'sub-division.of the Bingham Lands in said township.—ALSO- 1 Otte other piece or parcel of land bounded and Ocseribtid us follows : 13eginting at the north-' east coiner of Square No. twenty-one (21) on the plat of the tillage of Coudersport, Potter county, Pa., being the north-west corner here of, thence South by the east line of Square No. twenty-And a lot in possession of ,Abiathar flounsv . ine eighteen - rods to post the south ! west comer_ hereof, thencz. - , north-easterly clev- en r s odS and-two tenths to ti,past, thence north westet lti• sixteen rods and eight tenths to the south line of Second Street, thence westerly by the south line of Secriuti Street six rods tifk the Ones of beginning; crint.tining one hun dred and furry-sereu square rods. all of which is improved, With some f nit trees, out-h-ouseS acid an, out-door cellar thereon. , Seized, taken in e.g.ecutiOn, and to be sold as the property of Crosby W. Ell ,s. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in the Borough of Coudersport, in the county of 1 ) Ot= ter, to wit; Square No. twenty, containing one sere and silt tenths of ail acre,.,,on which is one two-story frame house and several fruit trees.—ALSO—Lots Nos. 126 Z.: 127 ou Square No. 11; on which are two two-story frame store-houses and one-frame barn. Seiz'ed, taken in execution, and to he sold as the property of W. Ts Jones and A. F. Jones.. ALSO—Certain real estate, to wit : Situate in Allegany toWnship, Putter county, Pa., hounded on the North by the lands of DeWitt Nicholson, on the East by.lands in possession of S. Rice, on the South .by lands of Henry Rodgel:s and Charles Lee, and on the \Vest by lands of Daniel Raymond ; containing ninety one and two tenths acres,'of which ten acres are improved, with one log house thereon. Sei4cd, taken in execution, and to be sold as the; property of Joseph F. Raymond. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in He bron township, Potter county, Pa., bounded , on the North by lands of Olcott & Matteson, on the East, South & West by lands of M. Matte son, being lot 47 of the allotment of the Bing ham lands in Hebron township; containing seventy-two and" four tenths acres, ten acres of which is improved, with one board house, one frame for a barn and one-log barn thereon. Sicied, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Phineas Goodwin. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Pike township, Putter County, Pa., bounded and described as follows : On. the North by lot NO. 17c ori the East by lots Nos: 14, 22 & 35, on the South by lot No. 22 and by unseated Muds of the Bingham Estate, on the West by un seated lands and by lots 13 and 36, being lots Nos. 12 & it of the sub-divisiun of the lands lof the Bingham Estate in said township.; cott tainiag one hundred and fifty-five acres, with about fifty a ,4 r,s improved, out which are erec ted three 'frame house!, two frame barns anti one and with some fruit trees there ' on.—ALSO,--Lot no 36, in the township, coon ty and state aforesaid, bounded on the Mort and Elst by tot No. 14, on the South by No. 13 and by unseated lands, and on th, West by unseated lands and by lot Nu. lt; containing one hundred and four acres, abou. ten acres improved, ten acres choppd, an,: with one frame house, one frame barn and a Mr , ' house erected . thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Elijah Johnson. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Pike t-township, Potter county, Pa., bounded on the East by the Tioga count;' line. on the North by lands of 0. B. Goodman Co., on the. West • by lands of O. B. Goodman ; and on the Sutith by lands of Samuel Losey ; containing tWo hundred and twenty-live acres of land, on which thrire are eighty acres improved, two i frame pauses, three frame barns, two bee , houses and other out-buildings ; apple orchards Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the proper.ty of A. T. Losey. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Hula ' lia township, Putter county, Pa., bounded on `the North by lands of N. J. Mills and Keating Lands and J. M. Tuttle, East by J. M. Tuttle, A. Nelson and Keating Lands. South .by A. Nelson and „Keating Lands, and West by Heat- I ing Lands ; emit titling two . hundred and forty steen acres and four tenths of an acre, the same being all improved.. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Leonard McKee. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Homer township, Potter county, Pa.: Beginning at a post 'at the north-east corner of a lot of two hundred acres convened by John Keating & Co. to J. J. & C. H. beMewville, thence East, one hundred and sixty rods to a lot in posses ion of Ilarison Edgecomb, thence North fifty-_ eight rods to a post, thence West fifty-two rods to a beech, thence North twenty rods to the south-east corner of a lot conveyed to Harry Lyman, thence West one hundred and eight rods to the south-west corner of the last mentioned lot, thence South seventy-eight' rods to the, place of beginning; containing seventy one and five tenths acres, fifteen acres of which are improved, on which is erected one frame house and one frame barn. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold! as the property of James Blauvelt. ALSO—Certain real estate, to wit : Lot Nos. 16 & 2d of the allotment of the lands of So bieski Ross in Allegany township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded on the North by lot No. 11 and! by lands of Fox & Ross, on the East by lands of Fox & Ross, on the South by lands of Fox! & Ross and by lots Nos. 27 & 114 and by lands of the Estate of S. M. Fox, deceased, on the West by lots Nos. 8, 10, 17, 20 & 114 ; con taining- three hundred and fourteen and 5-in acres and'allowauce of six per cent. fur roads &c., of which one hundred acres are improved, on which are erected one frame barn, one' frame house, one frame store-house, and with an apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in execution,. and to be sold as the property of Franklin Forsyth. ALSO—The following described real estate, to wit: Situated iu Ulysses and Bingham ' townships. Potter county, Pa., bounded on the North by lands of Cyrus Cornisii l East by lands of F. M. Stevens, South b lands of Lester Fling and H. H. Dent, and West by lands of H. H. Dent; containing fort}'-rtes . and nine tenths acres, being lot No 103, of Which five acres are improved and five acres chopped. Seized, taken in execution, and 'to be Sold ns the property of Ezekiel Montgomery. ALSO—The following described real estate, situate in Harrison township, Potter county,, Pa.: Beginning at a post standingiu west line of allot of land now in possession of George Gilbert, thence North fifty-seven degrees West one hundred and twenty-eight perches to al post, thence South two degrees West one hun dred,and forty-two perches to a post, thence. North sixty degrees East one hundred and thirty-six perches to the place of beginning-; supposed to contain fifty acres more or lees, six acres slashed. taken in execution', ' and-to be sold as the property of Frederick!frolromb. des'eribed real iistati., situate in Hebrop townshiri, 'Potter • county. Pa.: Bounded on the North lip :l ands ofJosenh S. & Joseph C. Riley and byllands of the Fox Estate. East by lands of iheFox Estate, Jo seph Stone and Post, South by lands of Jake M. Greenman, West by lot No. 54 and unseated lands of the Fox Estate, being lot: No. 52 and part - of Wtirrant No. 12.86 ; _con taining one hundred and fifty and 6-10 . acres with an allowance of six per cent. for roads. &C., of Whfch fifty acres are Improved, ou which is erected one frami dwelling house and one frame barn, and witli rn -tipple or chard thereon_ Seized. taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James A.- P..Greenman and Charles S. Jones. - ALSO—Certain real estate sihinte in Whar ton township, Potter County, Pa., hotino,ed on the Norarby lends of F. Cowaa. East and West by lands of E. Foster, and Smith by Archibald Logue; 'containing 64 - acres, of whieh,there i 3 about twelve acres improved, on whirl' are unclog house,onetv'slied anchsome fruit trees. Seized taken in execution, 1 and to be sold as the property of John - Jordan. A. C. TAGGART, Sher Coudersport, May 25, 18;78.1 _ LIST OFi CAUSES; FOR Trial at 'JUNE TERM, 1858, of the, Court of Common Pleas cif Potter County. I W. T. Jones, 1.4.•re10F,S Dwight. Gillingham, use oft 44 A; P: Cone. N. J. Mills, Asa, Russell & Ffaskin, " { Stevens, Luke Stevens, et al. Foster Reynolds, " Thomas Gilliland, Pike Township, " D. J..Chappell. E. Rees &J. Lyman jr. " JameS Grimes,: ci al. W. T. Jones, „ {N. Y. Jackson .k Eli RCC3, . W. G. McClelland, use" A. Woodcock. Matthew Wilkinson, R Temple Wilkinson. W. T. Jones & Co., " N. Woodcock. ' Curtis,Erwin /Brook" S. P .11.cynolds. , '. E. M. Carpenter, • " Richard Shay, jr. John Krouse, . " Zucheus Mallory, d al. Sobieski Ross, " R. W. Mlntyte, Weisel Dickinson, " C. W. Ellis. Allegany Township, " John Lyman. Same, ' • " Same. IS. E. Ensworth, " PikelTownship . Alonzo Dwight, " S. 1 1 . Reynolds. ' Isaac Kale'', " Jones, Mann ...t . Jones, Saml P. Westervelt," W. T. Jones, John A. Davis, " W. T. Jones. Hoskin, use of Platt } ,< Harry Ellis. & Platt. .., Raskin use of S. P. } o M £1.3" fir d & Wilcox. Johnson, William Radde, " CarOredo, et al. William Radde, " IlanS Rarunsen, et al Nathan Woodcock, . " Crittenden & Johnson „ f A. P. Cone & 0. T W. T. Jones, 1 I ' Ellison. Jonathan Glace, } " Sylv]anus Sonez. S. G. 4: W. Lanst-ng, " David T. MIL S. G. k W. Lansing, d Dennis Hall. John E. Edwards, " • Joruithan Nichols. 0. 11. J. OLMSTED, Prothar,otary. I PLIOTIIONOTAIVIS OFFICE' 1 . . Coudersport, April 13 1858. PRIZE FOR EVERYBODY! WIIO SUBSCRIBE.% FOR THE New York Weekly Fressi A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED FADIILY NEWSPAPER ! THE NEW YORK WEEKLY PUSS is one of tbe best literary papers of the day. A large Quarto enntaining TWENTY PAGES, or SIXTY COLITNINS. of entertaining matter, and ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED evert week. ' A 0-IFT, WORTH FROM 50 CENTS TO i' , loon-o0 WILL BE SENT TO EACH SUB SCRIBER ON RECEIPT OF THE SUB SCRIPTION MONEY. , TERMS-IN ADVANCE One copy fur one year, :twill gift, $2 00 Three copies one year, and 3 gilts, 5 00 Five copies one year, and 5, gifts, 3 Os Ten copies . one year, and 10 gifts, l5 00 Twenty-one copies one year, and 2.1 gifts, 30 00 The articles to be distribluted are comprised in the foilowinA - :- 1 United States Treastiry Note, $lOOO 00, 2 - do do do 500 00, et-ch 5 do do do 200 00, ettch 10 do do do 100 00, each 10 Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches, 20 Guld Watches, 50 do 100 do 300 Ladies' Gold Watehei, 200 Silver Boating Caled Watches, i 30 00, each 500 Silver Watches, $l5 00 to 25 00, each 1000 Gold Guard,_VeA - and Fob Chains, 10 00 to 3a 00, each. 1000 Gold Pens and Pencils, t 5 00 to 15 00, each. Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, liar Drops, Breast Pins, Cat`` Pius, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Whtch Keys, Gold and Silver Thimbles,'an a variety of other arti cles, worth from 50 cents to $15.00 each. On receipt of the subscription money, the subscriber's name will bed entered upon our , books opposite a number, and the gift cor.:es ponding with that numberrwill be forwark'ed within one week to him, lby mail or express, post paid. There is neither humbug nor lottery about the above, as every subsTriber is sure of a prize of value. We prefer to make this lib eral distribution among them instead of giv ing a large commission to Agents, giving the subscriber the •amounll that would go the Agent and in many cased a hundred-fol more." alt .eommunicatioUs should be ad dressed to DANIEL ADEE, Postasuia. 211 Centre s t reet, New York. .t 4 :lr& - Zr.AVe. %tit [10:43] T ROU SAN DS THROUGHOUT TSIE COUNTRY ARE SCK. Thousands would Give half their Fortunes to , BE•Wr ~.- EL.. SEND them to Dr. TY ER who, by Spirit aid, can SER what of ers guess. at ; can see your disease, see all it extent and progress and sec the means of cure For descriptive cir cular and a list of almost miraculous cares per formed during the past 4e years in the West and South, send one three cent stamp, and address Dr. S. Tyler, 442 .12roadway, Nekv York. Persons at a distance I can be treated by sending a lock of hair, age, sex and syinptoms. Consultation fcc, $5. ; 110-tf I . New Hbr7 d`v®r `s3nibnts: ISIS. , 10" RICIIAREISON'S - lADVERTISINT:HOUSE. 363 3110.9.11 WAY, N. Y., Inzdtes the'speciirl atlention'clall Agente—A.Decders and Readers generally to tlielottotthkg fresh and valuable Advertisements from , New Yoik city, A. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATEG NEWSPAPER HA ER ' :6 1 WEEIiLYi . . . . ... , lotiNgi .of eibiliplioq. . 'l. .-- Employs the Best Talent in the Wo - rl4l- ... ' tEMM-INV.kttIADLV IN ADVANCE. '..-S. - . One copy for tiventv weeks . .14 - 0.,.., . . . One copy for one year • :1•510.., One eopy , for two years . " 4 C 1 •..- Five copies for one yeiir • 0-00 - Twelve copies for one year • 20't4. • Twaityr-tive cepie2 for one year ' :40 do. 1 Harpar's "Weelily" and .- , MagazineilLone• year, 54,03. . . Postmasters sending a club- of twelVe or. twenty-five, wilfreceive a copy gratis.. '1 Subscriptions they commence with any num ' ber. , Spreimen numbers gratuitously suppliall. - Rack numbers furnished to anY es 7 tent. t ; cierg,ymen and Teachers supplied at lowest ' Club Rale3. . , . HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers!. 35-3tno Franklin Square, NOW- Oa"; A GREAT BOOK FOR AGENTS. Published this Day, Feb. - 9, .ISSS 7 . Fifty Years in Chainslt OR, TES'. LIFE OF AN AMERICAN SLAVE, . WRITTEN lII' rumsrts. 4 43P Pages ; Cloth, Gilt BaCk. Price $1 This is the title of one of the mostintensely interesting biographies of the day. It is ti plain history of an American slave in the far South,- who, after t3Vo or three eticapes*nd re captures; finally-, mvold man, found freedoin. and rest in one of the Northern States. r • WHAT Tlik PRESS SAY., The story is told with simnlioity, but with much power mid patiiiis. Withei%clakes it will find if difficult to lay' it down - ha lit is finished.— National Era, Washington, narrative of real experience like tif4ia,bove willPhave far more effect age lust slo.yery than the ingeniously wronglit novel, howevetAruei to -life Its piem"res May be.--Am. Beiptistt . Here is a book of facts, stranger tbamtiction, end a thousand-fold more thrilling; al simple tale of life-long oppiession, revealing truly, the workings of the "peculiar institution" in our country. To the story-loving we wodd say, here is a story Worth'. reading.—Mission , Reiord. A THOROUGH CANVASSER IS WASTED. In each county in ; the free States, to engage in the sale of the above work- immediately. Such can easily clear from $5O TO $lOO PER MONTH. The work is beautifully printed andibouud, and is as large as the books that sell for $ 1.25 ; but as we mean to sell at least ONE HUN DRED THOUSAND, COPIES; through agents, we hare rtHile the retail price ONE.DOLLAR. A SAMPLE COPY of the book will be sent by mail, postage paid, on receipt of the price, and our private circular to Agents, with ttrms, etc. Address H. DAYTON, .Publislier, - 21no. No. 29 Ann-street New York We subjoin a few names of those who re commend MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER AND ZYLOBALSAMIJ3I. ['rest. Eaton, of Union University : "The fall ing of ceased, and - my grevlocki chang,cd_ to original color." Rev. C. A. - 13uckbee, Treas. Am. Bible Union, N. Y.:. "Icheerfully add my testirnony." Rev. 11. V. Degen, Ed. "Guide to Ikiiness,' Euston: "We can testify to its ef fetts." RtV. E. R. Fairchild, Cor. Sec. Clt'n Union, N. Y.: " Us •d in my faMily with ben eficial effects." Rev. A..Webster,"Ch'n Era," lloston: "Since using your preparations, I am neither bald or grey as heretofore."- Rev. Jas. 11. Cornell, Cor. Sec., ete'., N. Y.: "It has re stored the hair of one of me family to its orig inal color. and stopped its, falling out,!' eta:, eV,. We lean quote from numerous others of Rice standing in Europe and America, brit for fur ther information ' send for circular tq MRS. S. A. ALEEVS WORLD'S HAW. RESTORER DEPOT; [35-3m0..1 No. 355 Broom4st.,'N. Y. SOLD -EVERYWHERE. CONSUMPTION, SCROFULAAOR'n. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, Debility, and all DiseJsea ari:ing from; a Scrotw kus or finyoceris.ried slate of the 13:oot.". • lIEGEMAN, CLARK s CO.'S GEXCLNE C OD-L 1 YEN: 100 00, each 73 00, each I ex 00, each 50 00, each tlas sto,a. - 1 the t -, 2st of over ten,years e4perienee,.. at.d i 3 ucoramended by all the most eminent physicians as the mo.;t4.•aluable remedy in use. Dr. Wita.w.ts, the cekbrated Physician of the Landon Consumption Hospital ; took notes Of its effects in about 500 , cases, and. found. it mare efficacious than all remedies yet discov ered. 33 00, each This:ewe:ly. so valuable when pure, be comes worthless or injurious when adulterated • See that the label has the eagle and mortar, and the signature over the cork of each bottle, as thousands have been cored by the use of the genuine article who,had used whets with out success. Sold by all Druggiits._ 35-3 mo. I (lIIIRISTADOROIS HAIR D. Within a nuti-sliell all tlie.therits lie, Of Christadaro's never equaled Dye;_ Red ittaakes black, to brown transforras a grey, And keeps the fibres alWays - from. decay. This matchless revitalizing Dye" still holds its position as the most .fiarmless and etheacious Ifair Dye in the World.. Prepare,t and sold, wliblesale and retailYttlid applied in 'en private rooms, at CIfRISTADORO'SNo.,G Astor House,] and by all Druggists uid Perfumes in the United States: AGENT.HGEo. H. KnYSE-11, Pittsburgh, Pa - 135 : -3mo.] - TO COUNTRY MERCaciSTS-52 Having remoced to the specious lofts iu the CARY BUILDING, 105 and 107 CHAMBERS STREET, and 89 4k . 9r READE -STREET, NEW YORK, Is now offering for cash or on - approyed credit, a large and well-assorted stock of i, '• • . HATS; . CAPS,STRAW .GOODS, • , UMBRELLAS & PARASOLS,_ • . Of all the styles, qualities.and materials usu ally found in market. • Having one Of the larg est sale-rooms in the city i (50' by 150 feet,) with ample facilities, and. an experience of ,near twenty years in thli business,' purchaser,' 'may .feel assured. of being aS well served a this house us at any other in-the trade. , Ira,. Orders from, the country, filled w ',care and promptness. ' IT IS NOT A DYE. UEGEM.AN & CO S, W I Li l l, I A .11TS:': - ; Lacs WILLIAMS L' 4 , 11 U 1558. E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers