tpltrigV - ...aligr4tgltg; SWALkUVER T'other day as I was ty-ining Rossi. fut• h erntrli to dine in, ;What. of di' 'midst the heap,. .. k 9hU:ulil 'I light ;ast . _ despwate .tlte tiny traitor. Love himself! ' PT the w:11:gs I pinched him up ilte a Said in stcup. . ,Of wine I, sank hits, And what (i'ye think did7—Ll hira I thought lihri dead i lot h I :T.lnre he liven with tf..rifol:l :lee; gird now this ',inonlen, his fiel him ticking tyhuart-strinds. Hum% Drat Lettpss on i.Leq lipcVne. We know not Low it may apputr to oiherB. ORA to us there i an evident decline in drunk jeneq.4, ev.;:u in thiz ctity. It is true. and a most famenta4le trir, - .1l it is. that ;here are SOT'S(' PVelre to funrteeri. hundred pl:tees where the #igilid death is dealt out for so much a e1:1,1 , h It is equapy• true that nearly twelve hundred pf these ttlaces a:e ;iLiensed by the City Coen pit, and that they hold a diploma from the Mayor, wider the solemn sanction of the ci!; - ,*.. F reat 52;13. Bal as this state of Oing3 appears. we, arc patistietLtha,t drinking is on tlif; decline. It is tree that-but little is qoing by tan:l.ereneil so- Fictir3, cotpvared fqrtner years; nor iS it expcctc . 4 ; prolicr!y unclirst-4oti, is uo Temperance socie!ies are necessary, -in the putset, to alraken the public conscience, and bhyw to tae thinking nand the t.:l - rible curse pf intoxicating drink,.. Their Ivor]; 111/5 faithfully accomplished. Everyw,:l ere, in ail respectable society, it: the " eup"lprbiddu to Amer. E;erywh'ere the "thing" hides liehipd p screen, eyeu if it is legally sold. Every cc- Epectahle hotel has kicked the her down ecl- Jar, and if men will nt.tke victims of genius ,and virtue and minhoud, they roust no„ gu • Away from / society. Every respectnble gir; refuses the hand of a pan whose breath is tainted with the fine.; of Tehisky, Every mattemployed for rvsiLm pible station in iny reqr•mtahle bitintzs. be a sober matt. This is becoming and pore the rile of nprelintit Y. is 'em ploy a clerk who drinks no Ill:111 can be 11 member of any church who drinks, vud even posy the )lethodist church, le.atin,.; oil of ices, has began her Noseriptivepower on iubaceo, which is the. best indicat.;un of the ady.ince temperance, step by step, nyder the guiding ;tar of hint who tauglra that whether ye pr drink, or whatever ye do, do all to the glory pf God." .If a •mttp gets drunk in Le hJ, if poor, marched to the Police court, where he is either liped or seat to the The jaw keeps clositig, in upon tho drinker as fast ps publia,sentinieat will allow, and in a lik,ry pliort time, if we can judge public sentiment aright, it 'will be as unlawful to' make a man drink as it is now to be the drunkar.i. Years ago there was a much Liu , : propor tion of alcohol drank than now ; its place hay ing been supplied by ginger wine, beer and eider. Public sentiment is everywhere grom : jug against it, nod graduAly, bit suridy,— ierhaps—it is doing out. At pi cc, pf amusement it is no longer safe IA- the drunkard upon its boards, It disgusts a 1:d . and makes a gentleman an:yrY. It has I itch been tried in till:: city. and found not t, The demand everywnere is fir sob,r men..ind the law of supply 11:-1 demand will hold as true ii this particuilr as any other. We knOw of many young man in this r;ty who have Leen drunkards for years, who are now sober men. Once they neglected their padlit,s awl ceased to per:brm any manly da ties. Now .they are industrious and frugal, and are receiving public approbation on e‘ery hand. We repeat, "drankcn‘vg is on the ,' [Chicago 1) lily Vaion. OLE BELL AT Bum E.-A private let t,er to a musical c!entlentan, in New iork states - that Ole lull bad been; received with great“enthnsiasm, not only at Ber gen, thd city of 11is birth, bra in Ciiristi every city or village through which he passel "Froni the theatre he was followed home by thou,amls of per pons, accompanied by a band of Music. and, even after he had' entered his hotel, the euthusia.stic multitude continued for pome time to pour forth, their joyous ac : plamations at his safe return to his lath , corDvPrqaT AC*DEMY3 REV, J. Principal liE academic Year is divided into three sessions of thirteen weeks eacli : "Tae 'Winter Turin eOn?mences, Tuesday, .pec, 15, 1857. The Spring Term, commences ? Tuesday. April 6, 1858. . • The Fall Term commences, Tuesday, Aug.. 1858. Competent Teachers have 4ocured for Avery branch of Study. . Classes will be so crranged that students pay enter to advantage at any data. A Teachers Class will be orgitnized, in Whkli pate attention be paid to tae studies usually aught in Comma Schools, and the best meth"- e g ofinttpartinglustruction. . FXPENSr.3 PEP. TEPOI, Priznaiy .liiithelies, • coninvin •ling!ish, liigiterEnglilf,it with 4.lg,ebra, 4.75 Ilislier Matlieriia tics, 6,eli Latin and Grc'eli, t'i t oy praiying; (extra) 2,:,(.1 Musire, trite use of Pia no i: (c.x-tra) 10.9 11 Frcnch, (extra) . ' .' :I,(iu Witltont other §tudico, ' t.,c).J P'°° l # ftei±t; - each, /.,-0T The p!l.l l secces of this Idstithtler tinzier the Preeeptorship or Mr. Ils:tiusicbr. Ims itoNe 7 id the Trustees to secure ti contiutiation 9ri).- '6erviPes. We trust an intelligeht put)!ne crib give it Till support which seems to be due to uett_stilustitution. ELI REES, Pres't G. B. OVERTON, 62e',y. LEWIS MANN, AMOS FRENCH, - .• " •• SOBIESKI ROSS. I :44-P - 4! - . 2 i 4.14 . 5.!:: - :..14§. 00 ..C.ONSUNIPT.I '' • AN:D. :A:F:li , ' '- ? .. . . gISEASES OF THE tUNBS , AI4.I THI3pAT "ERE Ppsillo„ 1 " , _ . .. 1 1 • • .:. - 4CI L 7R,SZ ' E :r;* 7:.111; ALLAW2c7i, 1 TI - Tificir Cionveca the i reme(lie3 to Vue e•avi t. yv tics in . tite it , ;.l.g,f/titrurigh the eir.pdssa igeA, .411.ri,eutalit4c in: iireet euntnet 1.v41t. the / Idiseae, .titittralizes lie ttiberifalitentiqter, ul- IT.iys tire epttO r e - usel.-, It free on ,e1u.....,,,exuee ;, ? heels de . ltfpic4, puriiici. the - I. , :uud. intp.i.rt: , rert , L , U yihF.hts - Co the nen ciu,": ~ , , y !-Q, 01 !giving - 7. 1 4:1f IA:10 a tid enerl. , ,T ~.0 in,iD i ,er i ,at i l, for the restoration of heelLh. To be able to elate eirc l ieiTZ.nthy tleJt Con,utriptiott is curabb i by.inh.t!atien; bi to . toe. a Alarce of o -, le:outre.' ;t is a inuelt tinder z4t.7 control Lc 1 attne,' .111)3...111...u.t as :41,.. , .. ocher fort:l:debit, !.fisettze; nii/:.-:y o,u, of Cl cry - hilittl) e:i. e,e,: . e,ait he ' cured, in tht; Intl ,itag - c.i. :tint tit-: per i cent. in the .iecund : :pt.t in Lite tiurtl. :-..t.1,:e it li illi.Possaoe to .ace =note titan live per cer.:.. for the .I.tuto, ece ,;.; Cut up by the du...eaie :i.:: , to Ltd deli tutee i , ) /1..;411ie1d Skill. Evelti . ,ituu - - 1 ever, it-'_. tlie, lasi >t, , .„e, Irth:ldiOti OtiorKs Qr..- ' traordleat'v relief to ti , .e gFuthein_4 - it;:ely.ling this fearful seuur,4i., whi;:.ll r.uitually Lie.ttr , r,.. - ,.. i ninely-ti , ,e fhv0.,....nd, per.-ons in, the Vi,i,e4l Szate, alone . ; atla e ecrre,t vale i,1,.:',:0ti chows i that (.1 the pre.sent.i.upt(lation of the eat ;h. eighty otilliuns.: ; are dest::Lekl to fill the Cut.- sumptive's graves_ , ..) Truly the quiver of tlem.'d nas no arrow so fatal i r i: Cuti:tilin:rtimi. In all ttges it has Leto ' the enemy ut life, tor it spares neither : , g,.. iinr :::% but SlvVvpii O'i al:i...t, tile lif., , e, lil—heilZitii . .ll, the gro t eft l n :id the ,cited;. 1; . % the help . ut illhit• B.ilirtitrz I,'eir.4 -, I . oin It rout .•tnuetli every ga;2,:i and p . erfeet ...,:: : ift : I :nu ,II - :illb!ed to offer to tin. a:lib - it-I u perm min: stm t ; spei:ily.eure in tlonsumptiun. T:,, Ii; St canse of tubercles is .:eta .lupiire I,l ooi i, :In.! the l'ullec.ll4te erh;.,'t. Pil.,,t zlee.l by t I ,: t tr de s 0- sition in the Ituigi is to prevent the tee ail iu:ssion of air inm 11 . ,5 :CA' tells, V% hlt4l seises .1 weaki.i.teti vitality thungli the en: i tt ,tystetn. Then surely it i.'-', moce ratibiial to t..).:•:;.et g eat er t•;• ,o•I from medicines enter'ng the ea.,:i'ties of Lim lung::: thou Do n ,viluse mialinist erect through toe stomach; the patient will itilvo'::, final the Intig• - ; free and the breathing t. its 2.•, Y.: ter ltthali4 rt•niedies. Thus Inhalation ia a Ittintl renimly, uticrtheless it ....e. : 6is cunstitabm atly, and with snore power and eertfilitty Until remedies ,administered by the stionmen. Tu more tit. powarrui owl direct iniitieuoe of Lid: this mode et' ail in inist rat i o it. chlorui'crin inimled will entizely: ilestt•o•, - seusibtlity ill a teNii" IIIIII:La'S, IlitriLlyZing the entire nervous :system, sci stoat a limb may be amputated with out tile; 'slightest pain; Inhaling the ordautry limnii:-g - gets rill - destroy 1::e in- a few hogirs. tit. I n d ,ll,o4iqn of ammonia Will rouse thy systalliiNC . atil ta;liting or :Ipparini t 1.7 d • ,t.. 1. The odor iii imi.:ly it the nuati , ..itie.: i, per ,1 , • m the slit a few minitt. s aft..r being, ta . : 1•••1, ami may he inim ii,i.• ell :letecte , l it, .5 Brood. A C.It r i V li• il:g 111 C r(i: 1. IA: c,4l•:itg:ic.-;:i q c:;1.,.;:, of iLi:ai.lti,,ii, i> tiw fat: that sh•kness 1.-.: al tv,•-s: I,ruilliced•by breathiM;l : f in! air—is no: this positive (,valence that proper remeilii s , carefully - iireinuoil :Ind judiciou:lj- :tdmiii:s tered througit tic lung; simuld prodnde the Mtppiest result.'.' During eighteen years' procticv, many,t ionsands sufll.l lug trout dis eases of the Mu s and ihrollti have been un der tily mixt., aniA I Inivo effected many remark able cures, ev.Mtiafter the sufferers fiat been it:uncut:wed in lie: last stages, which folly sat i:sqes me that'cnimmption is no huger it tsars!•ase. My reatuteut of consumption i , dorigitial,F.TO .Ij lt inded 04 long exneri,lace and a IMt ri nigh .iii - t!msti'gation. My re.Wlect:acquaiti ; laps , : with the; nature of tubercle 4, &c.. 011. V .- hieB 111:2 to dilqing.ti.. it, 1 miiiily, the v.ll ',ow form.: of dise4sii that siroulitte, consumption, ' anti apply 1 11'1 pri i per retneu.ets, ritrely being , mist:tit:en eyed it, a single erne. This Mniii.- iarity, in comp:mica with certain t m.holot..:it al ith i lu:crOscoi:ic disc..e:ltie.:, tinlt):e...; lib?. tore i liege the litiv4s fruit till etreet , 3 of cuittracted • vi , est -, to e , ,large the ciir-It. pni icy th e m oo d impr it to it reoev.e 1 vital:ty, billing energ . t... t il t o ne to the entire ,-; : vsterii. Melieiues , n itit !tll diteeti,:m3 cent, to Pilly i part of tile Vatted - S . :a:co.: met Can:tills by pa ildn I, comiminicating their symptom , ht: tell i'. • Bat this cure W onl.l be more certain it' thi i patient should pay me a 1 isit, t‘lit..ll ..oafs' lies 111 C: au oliiicrtunity to ei•atnitte. the lung , lilltl el 10114; VI- 1p pi eserilm Whir, h:ach :,,,,atv: certainty, and flora the cure could be effected with.itt lit seeing Coe patient again. Cr, \V. GI I) . , Office 3.131. Fiib rt Street,,(Oid NO. 1CY.,)1:,),..- - 21.0w - Twelfth, • • 1101' ARD ASSOCIAT3()N FiIiLADEI,III.IA. Avti/urio", ehdowmeni rerirf of tit , ,;r!.- I ;e.- trg::6cd, cr(i!ic.:ed MO all persons alThe!cl w;tit Seal , eas. _IL es, smelt ss SITtIitIATORRIKEA, :-;EMI NAL WEANESS, IM I'o rENcE, CONtin- ItiltEA, SVITILIS, the Vice of ONANISM, or & . .e • The fIoWAND A' - ;;SOCIATION, in view o; the awful deAructiou of human !if”, eause!l he St;%-an!i dise.yses, and e kick s- s upon the unf6rtatnate vh-tiins of :-.och disea-ses be Quacks. several yehrs t1, , .;•0 directed their Consulting t . _-ur - , - eon,:tF ( f.A I: I I'ABLE .keT worthy of their rnune, to op:ai a Di ---pen :ary treatment of ibis ela,- of discaes. in all their forms, and. to MEDICAL AD- G:RATCS, to on woo apply by letter. with a deseripticm" of their conditio, - (ag:, ocenpatmn, haldts pi I,ccs. ;th.l in ts.ts.;:-- of ex t rrnie ertv, - to MEDICIN ES ttf. CIIARf:g. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest of the at:e, and wit 'furnish the approved modern treatront. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel as, red that their labors in this sPere of be; nevolent effort, have ,heen of great benefit to the afflicted, especiall'v to the yonoz, and they -hard iq , olt - ed to devote themselves, with re newed goal, to this very itopurtant" but much despised cause. Ju Publi,hed hy the AQsnci.7tian, a Ile port on Spermaterrivka. or 6entin:ll VVe li:tress. the \lop 31:1.-Altrh:ttiun ur zielf -IVtiuse.itna other .of the • Or be sent by.mtal,,(ittrasealed, c!iveigpeoPli:EE F - CIDA itO E,- oil:- re ipt of TWO -ST P • $2.10 3,511 . . . ii.U , si fiir Riport or 'trorttr.rfit, Dr. 31:o :; (,; ii :R. uxiAjo [IN, cops al tint; 6 Li rge(in : • i ku , var,l A•s6ociation, \u.2 6u41.11.Ni3t.1i ..`i:reet, l'bil.oc. , ..iiii.a. P. By •oiNici• ni th'e.,, 1). HEAP,'IMELT.),PrethieIO - L.II3CIIILD , Secietai-2/. ! 110.21-:1y GMEZLOTIIqG of-Cliener:f t - ar. t0a 1 ,..h .. a.i.? . E. K. efANCEIt'S,, .1 ' - D. W. articled i 4 the pria Lbale by /1 0 1.) 4.•`S . . i ID • g\ll . ghst, - - • ~,r 4az 0 5 , • d4,..0 L.........,. '.. 4 ,Y a . : 144 e t tf, WiTh CHERRY PECTORAL ; For the phl cure of COUGHS, COLD, ROMISENESS, PRONCILITIS,IiTIOOPIXG-COLpt ? act?, A.$lllllA, CONSVIIPTION, TQ CUTE A hait,it). 111'1'11. HEADACHE AND 801t.ENES OFITHE itODY. Take tho Chevy l'ectol:q on griin , 4 bed and \vial-, Li) w;trin. to ptse .1 doring the night. FOR a..r)-J\ NI? CUI:(311, tnt.e ir7 Tsort , , noon and evenin . g. ut cortling to the tlirc r titans cu the Lot Lie, awl the tii:fl:!itity , will SOCUI he removed. Norte :ILI long snll'er front thii tronbl..:lvhen ti..y find it e, a 1e so Perron .. afba led , v:10: sea;s:,l Cough. wh:••11 brt , nks them of their rest at t it lot, n'ill rind t:tb - .ing• the gtiorry Peett.will rn, tivin!'" moy i t t ,Rllfe of solpii r 4libro;o•n sic :111f1 Great relief front suffering:antl att nit:to te ct-e. titfurtli il to tlion.etratk wit.) tire thr,s by tills rcitnoth - . • From its igrecAde effect , . in tline mare tint them-wIV c unit 'tiling to forego its nee when tit- necessity f;tr it has ceased. rtISINCiEITS S1'E.11;111 4 aln.ilde,•its action rne rdid in sin•dd . 1 1 . :1111iCe it r-irinvo. n'd iinars , :atn , ... in 0 lew ;1101 I;or..lerfiitiy increa,es the 1004 e" and of. dn. void:. .‘STMIA. is gentirail:. much rclitived ; rim! often holly tnirtil Clp theze some so oh-tin ifc as to yiebt ei,:iN Ivto nn niedic'ine. The CnErinv Pi CTI.;- 11.1 r than ir they can he enrcd. L;IONCIII:El6 or irritation of the thr,,il pn('_ upperpnrtion of the lungs. may be •ii.trt4l be taking Cherry Pceteral in smnll and l'retiitert ilo-es i The tinenna eof ortabl • • re.- i • soon il) 0 -' 0 7.(1 . 1e1 Ca. CROUP. Give an emetic 6f antimony. be tblinwed by I.tyge ;mil requent d 'sus of' the 1.1,tr.y twin it :•411..111, ,,, the Likini in i. ,,n, it Ni is itut tail to CCII:CaI In:1y be brtlk i rri —lll.l sow: cAred Inc 11,:. use :ipecd; , y r.utored ty. il•ye I'il_ e"i:l , lc ~.1:1:1. 1'(:e ~`!' 11; :•.I0 V. 1.10 ut 11W tilCrry I'eetur.ll 111,e.1 t' rION iu it:: earlie:t it inr tiie advle:: uC ; I t Ili rttt sici.m it'tin , l in o'er. ctie c,rectit r. 1. alch,t ~. tre; . Liliv II V.lll .3eldt)' to sobLio.• the ducal CONSUMPTION e.f . the 4 i'L.T :ItAl. shoithi be given scs ;Ad.!' trzd to what the path:a requirci, can bear. tdways. atroila ary 'infrequently cures }) , ltients that were c cred past Wopc. There are rilany thol .icattered all oyrr the country-, whit fe pruelahu 11,4 they owe theiy l and I , rcst.litlitthl;ll t.; the Cherry I'eeto yenrs of trial, instead of kill airing the cot filei;Vt in this invilivin for ti :IA i.,Con ^nd notinkt,y i:lt CXce . .2ding the irio•t,.. , ri:llllll: eXpi:(1411.11„: li• tit, intrinsic vit.- , 11,!1;onchi ctitrtirrini t , ioni,tivli ;if sitin-vcr , .. ~ r ,•zitoito • 01 t:n ;t voj os. I \Viii!t inor ,r 'OA 0 0,, t... 1( : 1 11.1 fri• n•it 1. l vvry • ill-Irv,: two , L, t n ,illl It6‘..f . rj . or c Nt. nd •wot!,lvr' , ll., — ;s ton liultIvr0;18 11,11(1110o re ,l;e to 1,0 ,r-;•2.••tt-n it i 4 1;•'I ,t1,:01(1 , 1 it •r1111.)t-; 11.0. odly ;'s n D.:ter •111 - iing:l. , ,i cu. e the mat Rile, fur w111;:.'“ ,t clj l ..yud. 1.111;o , Llrtic f wt.; 171,1 , 2 r on I I , e;`ci IILL; L;r:;1111,11 hec•on( "r cho rr,,, ht• V. p.ilacc f T'ue inan:u'actur , d•he ala t:; t.d uunrta.i IL un : liln o•.\ 'A 114 itlV.ql.'. c. , •enrat y aral c ue. :‘11(1 I.r,)tecttai law ir,au ..aunte!l•:iL4. cuti:l(lll.2fitly can In, retied ur, ....nuurae waiu :it adulteration. Pr.,p.trt'd subt by C. _N. \-;.:11. Sold I.y SLITH 'INF:: and I). \V. SP EN an•l ny . c );uitry rv•rehi , nt: awl tlrn"i•t e,ytvit2rv. NEW GOOD - ,:-. Low VFiees and Ltisltayl.bay, AT SHARON CENTEit TSlTiiiii2ll.ll3EitS arc ofrering for cal.?. an cn,ifely new stock. con,ist.ibg . , of HAIIIAy_II3E, .11001.6 4 HATS & CAL';, CM -1'.A11.A:,(w;...3, WALL 1:E..11)Y 1\ 0 r I( In oar lecton. , the wants of all Ir-ve been reinembef e d. The oentivmen ta:t find in our :Locke of IZe:t.iy nn clegant Fithhilnable suit, or 0. subAnt,tia.l. Bu.ones,, and we have 1.1.it3 4; Caps anti Bouts 61/oes to Ladies can find Fashionable Bonnets beaattit:tiy triunactl, or Lontietsa n d trinitnin g ; g ood assottineut of Gress Goods, pi4l ; Gloves, Mitts, ll•~siery ' and .t And, last but tore.:(l :lad skeleton Skirts ; I,S,ttans, Whalehonc , and !rats ; beautiful Jet Necklaect. ilra.,•lcts, Co ra ls, Fans, and.doo litany other thin g s t.) umelate,—all of ‘l%. Are scllin g low fir C sli. Lumber, or any Lind of Produce. ;. FLourt, MEAL, FISII ezc., eon statitly n Land. -4: J. IT. (MAYES. Sharon C.-nteT, l'utwr Co., Julie' 5, 1857.-10:::—Lf. Executor i•;' Notice. Letters :testamentary liacin7been granted io the unilm-s:gne.i . W on the last ill and Teta mem. of .Anson' fluN•ren. late of Florrilmn Township. Potter County ; dee'd. all those ir dehtul to the estate, will make immediate pnylllellt. and those having el"iins against the saute will present theriVto' • .AGUSTUS STREETER., 1 Ex . rs ISRAEL DODGE. Varrimai Feb. 25, 1858.-6 t. :d plinted tlireetion,; :tad the pot, =lll= GIFTS TM THE, PE9PLEI The , New York Mercury ) THE' L4RG ST TWO ,E;(l,l. l l,Art WFEKLY•. IN THE .I*(:)4'LD , EAFTY I 4. : POLLiNiNS . CRIGR44 IN EACH NUMBER. • Splendidly .ilnstrate4, TWES'ELET4' YEA': OF. PUOLICATiON ei 01) ?)) ;i0;,i1)1'1$Z) No, utlier pans cau boast pf euch a toluzy of tv.lvnted and eelehr.vt,:i authors as the coil, iributorial ..eorp.., of the NEW YORK .MEIiCY -4Y, who ft , : ruish its c . ...lannts. wee;.ly,,wi ill the gt0.,...1.1,5ur1ii.4g and fa..ici aYing ruti.;:uees ai cl ever. perused. , D8...1. 11 1101IINSON, • INLD BUNTLINE. J. IA IST BRANDON, 'T..17 i:1 U`: .14.:1N : Ii N w'on t'-; rno-t• Fnceesifai and poptil romnr!Cerz. , y0p.41;:n1,1 couttibut ; lll“ f)r tht ma in mot I [ . .., - (!s of tat. :.1 . 41.1(21.71.11". .Itul eat it r ttoninin4 conipli:te :4torici; and 4Aci , _,liet , —to:,:ty ini rnvtn:6 amount of now. and zun,:rit.l iniactl:an3 —than any ut htr itio llowTai•o'rs An'':' without ptiun. 14:110:., 1 OlLix :%Ik;iICUIZY deli.. coolinnii 11,11, 3.11•1 ;3)1 tue••;t sealchlug imaie • su , pL ritn-ity Olin the Uip?iiniup ribriv:airms or the day witl l,e nppartnt at this fir -t ‘Ve :inn; additinn to a onc-thirq I. r,cr tnan itny 01' iu pot :Lod n,l in 11111.n.:e2tit'llt.'d V Ili- L : f ill , „;•;• 1 ! . .•;1• 1 111:; 111.1Ltel', EcUIZA IN LIUCF,Mi:NT: A . 1:1(lacilAc, G,..1e to L'ecr ; / ,',,ltscriLe, A Gift. worth from 75 cents to ,F. , 4 - 0 00 hi •, Gold, will Lr presented to e,AI sub- , iululedi:oe)v on r&cekt 4 ziuh:priptwo money. T One nom , for one -, N^ 00 mat 1 gift.; Oue copy for tnt), % ) 11111.1 Une cUps for three.:.;, suo and Three c:lples, one, :3;) 00• and 3 Oci; Fist; one year, 800 and 5 len copies, vac uu and lu Toe article to he dis:iibuted ar eon:prized ;t1 the );lotting ut . Gold coat:lining X3OO. 0:14 h. (h) 1 , 1 du . 00! . (14 • lu.. e 10 Pat. I.ev. - hunt'l4. cased watches 100. .Gold V: , h 5t d'o 00. each. luk.) dol 5.). each. vu Layjics • Gold Watcliez. 85.. each. 2A) jiitec llooltng Cased \' aches, -8(). each. Mactuttes, $:10 to '',• , •15. each. tither Y;nichtts, 10 to 11:t. each iii uuo t o Gt,tud. rcst. and Fop GictteF, 1.011 :lg. cod:. =9 ME lEEE ) I 1, 1 . 11 , , [I( t• i 11,1 14)111 Ln ket , , Ericelet brooches. Breast Plus, Cuff 61m .re 1i.111,2,5. Shia 6tudz, NV.ltelt Gnid am; 6111, - er Th:mble:i, :tad a uf taint . arti- ! eles wol prom 75 cent , ' to F"... , 15 e.teii. n 1.1 and tThi and. 1 nnu e • all Li;llletiLat:ty on reecipt sithscription mon ey. the. sul , -crier': name 1.0.• eiavrcti apoe uur e,ubt•eriptioa hook, orposite a number, and the girt corre,r,r,ding w;talhat number will be urw,rded -within three the r, tu,lit or' C7:lllc.:Ss, putt-11:141. 1 ve“ st.l).:( Orkt of the nbov , Nu so:),cr'i.tion period tili:r u.te scar will be entiti-t1 to a .g:t't. A i r - All Con.:;nALickuions sata.l be ed .lr.,-c,l to C,AULD \VELL SOUTH / 4 t, Prs)!.rif•loi, 9 r tip! Noss - :IR 4:l*-1 CLIS•y. Zspriwe s r...7t.t. N. Y. pocwicu :5 , 42 e taOLDEII 141.1133 viz. ustrated. 18,5 8. LI (list rateCl Tur Nev Yr,rk hi GULDEN (•f I,t 'gest, nn i i cal taPrat.y . ll:ll , l( is (I. he ch . v. Al 1111)C1 f.,!llilr; 0 C 1.1 ti Zt . 2. t:!rltli PAES, kin. 1....11TV COLrmss,•o!' ter : :Anil ELEGAN 1 ,- ,Tilt. rii y'eelt A Giftworth fro in.. 50 cents tO $5OO 00 in gold, ivlll be pre. seated to eacasubsciiiJer itnine diately ora rec!-_-ipt• of the sub scrii tion money. Onn -Copy for one par S'2. no, and 1 gird y 30, :Ind 2 gini, , la .7, :lil t , ft): fits r:7T;• 0,1, :cad AND Ti Cul'llS T'Lrt , Copies, one year,i-- .. .) 03, 0r,,17d g:fis. ifiyu t7upits, one year, Sit 00, end 3 ,;itt. Tin p , ,pie , , one - cur, ..,i IZ . , 00, :yid 1 oif::: Tweuly-o:leeop, s one yera—:,,=-:in CO at:d 21 gitns Ile'artielts to be disLi ibutud ore corbi.r:lqeti iu ',lie fo:luwing li- t : 2 .I.'aeliage44 o.f Gold, ccmt:r in ivg $5OO e:1411. - 5 do do do ' 200 eAfbli. 10 . 410 do do lott eagle, 10 Fa tet.t Leyte hunting, cite- ), .00 em ~ . t . n . Uti Wutri•rl, 1 20 Bold W.0.4.1t . :,, .i. , '-q• ca{-1.. ,) , k) SO e.:16... luo do ' 20 (1104 sw 1.411.1,,44 ticiol WatchQs r Huntin:4 eapt. Sup, , *:11) to .j'_s ea .11. loot) t,ohi Go, 1 , 1, Vest, std • Fob C tin in=, • Lockt Is, Brooches, Lai Brous, Bre2:t Pius, Cuff Vats. Sleeve Buttons. I . 4ins. Shirt Stuck. Watch gold anti thinihks. and :),. , %ariety of other ,vorth to o l eents to Say (10 cacti. I.,l i tuediatuly on reetipt or the stioseniktrt, money, the subseribcr4 name will be entqed upon our hook epposite a .1 . 061- her, apd the gift correiTooding with that 'fi a in her will be forwardpd, Within one ueek, to the, 1,1 l malt or expres , ,l2,ort poOl. vrir.Ul pmmunieationlsllo:llil he rublreszl d to nd 49 Mo'rats Buld:pg, Broatitiy New - York. 1U:36—t3,1. 6pueimen Copies sent free. • YA.TOI4§ , uQUI.V TIT iii iiitsLitil • W• k •N• L a t. ; l4,l r •N ie. -& ii t a : : : ;; n i r . t a ll ' . i e l e '3l l l-t. T ' 4 s r ,tl e ul i t li n t c :. l . valuable. assortment of }nun' TrALE,Es A . all , varieties usually cultivated. ' These Trees• are young mid 6t* xigorousgrowth. - 11ke -mantles are the most choice known, and are warranted 'timiciNs......-klsbi a. fine sloe of ti II N A.3IEN T A 1... TREES and SHRUM; RY, for I:l' . - 1• - address orders to C. BEACIL Pen van. a. Vales Co., N. Y. - Orders left with ItO13",. Coudersport, Pa.,. will be promptly filled. 10:2-6tao. EMS! LPORT READ -.411A111 I ERS. Doutbserilmrs XakelAia.AAethq, q 1 in their.S.rien(l3 that thl:3 - as* is z eeipet A'auci are now.opening,' v iii,tboici arid at;irtibl4 stock of ' - S'f MIX 4ND F4NCY,;DRY GO,ODS ich.l bier intita..ilte.attentio.u.or .who stock is large seen with.g.,reat care, ar,4 is par. aafttpletl ti , the `runts seetioxt 1 t.ttitiury, sastud:l).}l).}L;ouds y ). r T4C:II "F..F. : IOII,e;.TIITMIINCIS.,.TitpDONS, I ItraIBI:OIDERFES. I'.A.T.ZAbuLS - • • 4..1011 , 1t.5, .CASSINiLItES • . EN,‘ti, l' t.;-c/iS; .11 061111\7„ a s - apiety of oilict article , . too unrocrons ention. V'c bare ills° te;:omplete assort ; of to wl ties,rl Lis tieul, of Ot silts 1 DI and I= if..-I.B,DIVAITE AND w11:0'4 . 11:".:itrid 1111 C 0111111 . 0 . 111 y ClV`f ; 1} ::+c( 1,1 V( a r lon;:ble tentl f.., s' r.s ,11114, t• F !: itufs. 1856.—V:111 N. W. .PATTNT 1_1%.21.11111. 11.4 3. 4i VAC Trlt C 311.9. 4138 Bl'do2 i 6 S . Ooq. Door Eat of Broadway, Lale 46S 1.:roor rj - Ityd NEIC-Y . OIIK, D. 1833.1 VINVITE an exmilipetinn of their greet veri- V et's trod - ‘.tifierior .I ,,, i , rtin(nt r t r 4HAIR:=4: tne llv , tetnred'a.. their own e:i.ofir,iinien;,i ittio , :sr their intinoi:gto anti (Lite- VtIT VE V( I ACTING I 1:2C1.7.3:137.Yr =Eoi====l TR.A.Ti.:I..I.NG V.1.1..1D C;)Ali?. 4'ANlsti F:•PIF,:cf; AND CITATIZS. spiN,u D A.51 . 1131.AT1C I 7:mbrquipz...lle nos cunndrite assottiAent, , and etwicrst kinds fur Purior , f, Drazrifig Loam's, ,:rd. Counting Puid :c 1. it!“)ii.•, 1' .11 rz. 7 very (LA , — ailati,tiu. Ii: COI • lf”lq, ' CF.lll:sll . . c:l'..'e th- :Aged, th; ro'l 1;1 , 1.11.1 If I ,,, :tit ,•1 l'lt lilt c:it II t; . zt ery ,!, d , : ti,eLd y ,itt• i•) ur cuitelles N.1:11 41,;,/,:///:,10 Of J afreot;,.r.,.• l'i s tiP:r 3iin of . iltt. 11.;I;; bc (1 - ttud I‘) o;Acr. A War uxi lit pat pry etjtt.R. Ns n' by Ir.:, ;it t• iut,t..• , l. tut,' [,‘l tat rtt ttit.:ttn liti.%tti...l.d to ;Alt" pqrt. 1111 C V. L.: Id. , ECON()NLY! f:ING'S•NLW Yiiil LIKE T. An Arm 'Cit:tir, Couch anti 3rll,t(art,ll:outus n t u. .] Gi twejre dint-rent posi:i.k). or vltang, F, to tnee, the r;tricii requirente;ll.s fur c•th ~, Cl t,iet:in c.ree, hixtirr ft < . ,(111.1)11 - 1 . V. t II 1 11 1 '1 , 112.5: : , 1r 11:1'111:111 1' - mttcil CIL \ ''/Vri Y(JI: LINE IT. i!. ,:111113 - ()In:r pit; hap eyer utunti hicoat:4 qz ihis or any: ()JILT utnitiiev,; . 'The pritte twat . 1-Vieen'to D r4Cortn;ll-; , , • To PubUr• 1;!- - ? . .t;tittnc, a.: n t*hnlit this C.11,k11: 8. tntl will be sail lic.i iu voy r. ,tu6rr C U th, itiust Broon Ond tio“:* r." :% 0 4 ;•,-, j - - - •! , • • I s t IsAV 1;01)1. 1 .-;—.A .I:me A. , ::( irt:t/L'i•t. jll,l '5l ret Ci V. Li RENC; . +,II:iICN MEEICAL SCIENCE Tke best Thorapeiztle cve:r - nic'KINSON'S 7: 3 \ •L k: Yi 1 I ' .I C , 'q`,...'f 1 ) , 01 0 lieu!' it 11. e k i . ; i4; e ; fe,,5.1311 and :gt portion of f the i,;;Leligt•nt men or th, - 1:11,11. It 1., not. ti-eri &mn sli taut that the hi ucet. met y, :ma afl oche 'lttern.ti ,lTug roo:licatice," 1)01..41 asie , ,, with perfect sarity I. tits pooint ing benefit to ptisterity. Vt'hererr tithze nut, chines have Leen introduced, trey excite the i het wonder rind aio•;:);:klus :01::ttell to lireyelit, relieve. :11 - 1(11: , 16 every iise i tt.te ,ii; ei dent to Ittana ore part ielL -1.1.1r1y those pai,,i,ll. and foraild., hie diseat.:- es which have fur centuries hunk d the pro learnint end skill of physic:inns., ItoM tfbatet et ean, , e there amy be an ex, ness or ilelleiency of the nervous g ,lefki,t.ey of Om r,eids ind secretions—tbc nwgnet;e priori -ch.::: of the , y,tr tii al • :114t1 ctn on slfely I i.,torcd to their norm.:lem dition iiy an tTilitcntitm mntmeto-eler!r:cilv, Lv : It ,r) ICN M.At t ELECTRIC :11.\C1.11NE. T:lis appal-atm; v.lll ni ti prevent, roil sp , !ed•ly rercve and cure Col.ll , AlMptioll, Serolula, Rheumatism, Nenralgia, and all other rrinladir.,;, however bnpeless and 'They are rinir.eutly usefnl in all :. , extittl. aid urinary dLmdcn, particu larly where the - constitution has been'brohen lowa anti rpined by unnatural solitary habits to whinli-tnn inany"oc Vie young - of both sexes' are so ill rne'lli:thly true C. np. NiACiIINF, is w . itliotit the' dangt , .ro , is !ittit.ais of Ivatterie.i a nd alba reiiderii it Sjilletic t c to all others, fWi) scurf 6afety rind It 11,aiiilsoin. , ? orp,ameill; wit be' npVlied by a' child ; and wll la:st a Hil•-time, to 'the great Saving of tAok...tor's bills ttc. I'ItICE OF TILT TtIACIIINM $1:). It will be sf:fety packed and sent • tr) nlll' part et the Tjaltekl States.. Sold' whole4:afe and retail at the 3iedietlOillee,No,.:3B:;6llTll SEVFNTII Street, Adelrells, " • _ 10-1-IT. 611...ANGES AND, LEMONS just received by 40:3 , W . 4 J.-11. - .GRANT,s. .•. PTO C. iAItGE FOR ,SHOWING TILE . w 11:-;.GOid fi ~ s juit•feccilid- A OLAIS.TED'S;'I Tnr. WELCOII . IE visrron, r--- f tf TiLi; tVitieirapaltufivsonied eat 'ln the 2C 01'1(1 I= CavAtatici! FAScIIYATINC LITATAIIY I 4+CP IieITLY,..)II):\I:IILY 'W,A7TINI: 6(4-es. ifs' Jr.tie :11Lcstt brief 'Months' it 3 cti poiry,;ltrit,y . ui t:ll:nKjtals ,tl ; l 4'Pl • , , 'fee li'avitt, offered ti,r choice litetitry.tirorts, the Steiks, Ittratis.ticeit, Essitys i .(' ) tp t r hog inteiestirn- rts:ifErg Trios ••tltrittenct.ti in:4:11111:11y last, tit7d cre aril{ cd m the. Visitor. Tlie'New Volume wii! be colatneiwediii'ilti i: ly urehtly iThpri,v(Al h will ..cut.thin vy I:ll7e...?:izstl royal {lCtliiyu. geS, h cent voll,nle tit licurly 40) 'pges fur :ho rkie , 34.llth,g u vti,tttlitt•Of the seer ica4.411; oh rill subjects, 'equal - to sviist tcGuld pott in thp • pi,ll: sti:r:c.S s tit-lchSt telihz; t ritlytlwe. - 4 . 01 f1i: of :;ic ; most. roliiditir rallrilliant ::ml tamale contributors arc cutltri. b: tun unci :..1).1'.2c ro uti exiiehf . . 9, to IrciAlor tvery Loceptablp to a rtfiuoLl and cotittroptty, . • • • pultl:cinic•t; fs ttiltiptctl to :ill. elro. -, scs ni I.copk--.:thc ri,ttgg•nnil tilc ttld—iLt;d ttLue. el, Cr geell itt d pf.:7llSed, ;accts 1 - I .‘:;y- Now is the tint., to stiWcribe to the New •Voliwte:.• : : • - The back numbers - may be hid mmplete fur 3 cants each, or the whole leries of 12 numbers for Twt:NTY,Fiv}; cant;. iottoccitzeitti to t;lubs nod cool. RolliePiller, ()Or ttirpir.- arc. Fifty 611 uac ; Qar,.tiir or three i c s ill sir othlresiior Cliie etTAIP.AN Y, • -. Po , llither.4.- .Ntititil Seventh S:met, ( . A)) tairq ; greut; flrt cy 1150 *l c ings fn . to nefltlect t 4 N:itl;'re!:: Litre - . _„-,- (51 - 4 :4 F.E.R , A T II :Ica a' CVitE 1s - gaarantee4 3N AT, - VTAGLs SECTZ - ET DI SEA SES, -Nerroas-lh.Lifi;y, ri,lurf,!, 41 , rft, Gru rr. Jhabefee, Vimcqzwr , i the Eitiur i t 'a,ide :Mt:reit n at jail, 1;U, : ink Pnins in 11,1 . • I.;nnt S JJI I.l•Fri%i ~Vose acrd Files, L7rcrx up. h , er,i, i ;r,.fiait , Epihrt lEMZI (/„hce. ow/ th i!,e Yea. liar oryun.„ t'cii its TRuit.iiiig, Lois of Nlem ory. Loss i. 4 i'w.% 1 , 111)11CSS Of ViSit;tt %Vial plePti;trt 1;.(ei.9 :Tiler I htf brftn Ole 11,c Lick. s in Ile bat k 1111:41 tiLzitl„ frith Id tr! : 11:1111311; uu;ii secs. • It matters not frOin o tke originated, Itc•Veccrlong, stninqn,g or t 1), :• n:• Ilia: ease, rer,r , 7! , i, l ' erini7l,lll . d iil a ~carter 1:Inv thatfa retuutt,Cl - i cure tan Le , C.: , - lvelt,d 1:y any Oh trentn,er.i. e•, cu after like dk-ta:c i.its ka:fih. (1 the skill gif em'inont phy,l - resit (cal 811 their n:ei:s of cure. 'l Le metli64les arc pleasant without oilbr;causin^: u ;e1.1%•b0 rola tree - frdir — lliert;nry oY liaL . :;,Ta. Vorlog• ttrv i nly oars prnetitlp,llini•e resew d froin the jaws of I:oath - many thoitgantUi i O 3 O , iu tlzo I:LA Of 1.1.0 ee beet, I_.;Neu up, to die. by tl eir 11,:eillitikriv.IF,i!;g 1., o.:e , . \din tbertiiiivesmia: et I,,y' tale. ti 'CII ilftt. v)tli curt , : S. nit .1 , 1 ,- mar-os it rtt. Ott g,reiltest tnemiti. to he:Cita: os, tt are tlieLri , l tauszt pi Cl:11, 4'4101011, :it; Lf tiler lea it] nr to ;he 4 , 1. s a reriii.mut tine is scari'cly t ver tructi ,, l,' a nitil(fi' f :ia; o tilt 'mutts of ihrim.parrnt „ntson 1:10:tiot to Curt 11,e 11 betas .11:1. 1,1111 i .".: 11,0 v. 4'll ii V di: ( - 45i,.11.Q-. h ., .... ;:•.. into it rapßi Lint sl'uoid !lie Iptll tic ticatment cut:. ly vie ini it rr , , !Lc, ii t :,l;d 111 tto tt , t ao ni n tiith fia bit tousti . ,.,l:m.s, ilia chili...ALl:if lift co: cullt a n.ll 1101 s oilitr — att. et.ims of tf,e ,fon. Throat a tidttm ags., cmaiiihg I. :::s:ehtt. of sni;,i , riug co.r..igvAi.,; . Oil t i.. IV. ~21" i• l .. , . . . . ~`.....'.1 'Lc' .: , -111.....ii', i,... r.r.otiler. ti,.)rtni,!:!l4:e clierni '.. ht.. 1,1 42 eta no htag else :11 11. v - flici.ii ...".'.- 10j_llo O. ii'lill::•11 t's'i'.. l l-.''. Su il.';!*1: ' r i' 1 it dr: ill 1:1 , 611 Olt; ..y,t , m, dr:'. win its t:•oil•:':.',, of a few yc:ls at domn to a.O. LIM g uve.. It. tit::•ti•ty,tt littt t•-•.) 1 ••, 1., 111, ttliddly r.tistct: tty the Ca, e , g't.,•;; Of 1;1 . 1 , , "lust,. it '..rt*.t± Lim tri pie veat.: r,? o ;ter l e:Lp, meta t''..111..t titstllt;•lit:€• , l ntratin!.:". : 1 10.1 Idl ear)hiy harp:nos& tetrve.4 uti•tch`tql to Lot:y predi -posed to ( li - pfition srrl.a tra:n of evi, i r eied thOn =t-If. 17ttb tb . t , ronf (knee If tlsqt re" tb e 'no fortona te vio'ne , -ef Self-Alnisekhat a point silentaosl speedy titre can be :greeted, pt. td with the ithandounw:4 of practices lintii!rds - eau be iestoied, to 1.01,05 t, igorgus hettitl . l, • o: tel arc cautioned against tilt u, cf Paitigt for thei.e .are to roar lop - Oo'coi.siloares :n the Po:iithns. of the public pH*: :Ind rob the t•pwory Futl'ererX tiiintfA canii cuuds of sluack . .4;01.1 - or::. of vi,u3112,- in? venthd tent re (.4:Chilly ttlnI121.0! uwriy:'of 14>p'eallefl'1'1:-telyt Ail of - :con,tain . Cor/crile . ni)limate.7:l:l:ll is Ono of tiie atrangca I'n` p:,rt.tionso nierrury and ii'-dondly potion, .insttacl of curing thr Qystein hr life. . 9'ilree-I'r)l l .ir_h? of the Ilatilt:t •riositruta c in use /tie lin Luz.) by iinfn•ii.ei.O.eti•niid ignomr.t •personx, 1,1,? pi;:.)}et -niatrj - il laud' 'RT..' - 0:11:1'. 1 1 of ntly lon , wiedzi.ja Me. 1 1 0 , 4.4 unz otijCet lutq that to in: 1 4 e"conit • ".• Irregelrri!ies,nnell ,tllseeses n'etales tre4tf3 . t.ii prieeiples twenty - yel:rs of iirtictiee, ;:ntl snitetitittcd. thousi , nth; VI the tnoscr, umrlte.ble curls. Ate: sent to aey rat O. the Unltt tii•htttet; or 'Gee: ea, by iwtiviits . otteeu,ttikug .g.ynintotr.s by . It. (.4 fSusii;ess vori-t•gr, ontithee Etrictlyconfideeti :l. Afittre'4;.... , ti•-S7V•INE ffi AT:F,R"- - NT.ILLE;II'. . O.c:e Fillae - t, ' . (0.1d!No: - 1 .109 . ) t N.). .., • (41d No. . 10:6-Iy. ., BELOW TWBLVIT, " P ILI LA D PA P a LA.. vi t Ew- GUU.I)S—A , Lu'rztr; and Spleuoid As' 111 ni ..ort eat just retT a VAISTEVS le, • -1 10i1 : • • - - - Vc . BELOW 1. 1 .1 n. 11, • ILII.AD.E;L?.aI,A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers