U 1 `' 4 4; 11 .-IY - Al-EftrATTlaarraS 1.1: . - sor.t.!p - _- 1 -gagp-t*e , :tetf i ttitY, 14 1 4042D..ng5 - IX.o:la:. 0°... 4430 iPeTirst 33.30111 1 . tiViWi*4 20004iV : iok osoo EntxviD-WOHfrar OV ART. plit-g o. -D , rp raLA 7 R„BO 80RIO:R Vl' ea - .e "4:BR, • TE(} ; (igg,-q-,144111:iny OFFER. 4-o.,gros Ggrir X 4 The union iif...;43IER.O.NT:S.3IAGAZiNE and Jr GIT.NA/r§ has given to the cos fil*ed wofi: a 41;eulatistu. secoud tsbut one pulaihraticm• IA the country, and has secured fur it m_combinatia,a of literary- and, jrtivLiC ta4ci:fprol!ably,iinillaleil by any °th y tnakatine iri the world., During the first raVntli, the sale in the trade urcl cletaandfroal . . and Subscribers exceeded - 90,000 copies, the i;lumbers already issued of the consolidated • Work at e urkiversally , conceded to have sur passed, iti iLe z.lliriess of its literary cul.tents, • hod the beauty and profeatne4s of their•picto r illustrations, any' magazine ever before : issueds from the Atu.trican :press. Encouraged by these evidtuices of favor, the publishers i • Lape tl2tertuineti to commence the new volume 1 a kuguary with still additional attractions, ;.ad t' 4fl'er such inducements to sub - scribers iss cinuot fail_ to place it, in circulation:at the ,______lscadof American magazines. With this view they now - tumor:we the following splenili.d programme, They haze ,purchased that su p erla and costly . steeblitatkensTraying, f t TEM . LAST STY.UktR i " tend trill present a copy o' it to to Q , very three "dollar...subscriber for the year iStS, It was Fagraved at a cost qt over $6,q04, by the late celebrated A. L. Dick, from the original of Illilhael 3lorghen, after Leonardo Da Vinci. 1 and is the largest steel-pinto engraving over pzecuted in this country, b.eing three times , tanit , the of Ordinary three-dollar engravings. The first impressions of this engraying, are pall ut $lO, and it Wag the intention of the Artist that none of the engravings I , lto[ hl ever • Ite Offered for. a less sum than $5, tieing - worth that amount. Thus every threcTaloliar tuhscriber'will receive the inlingazine one year .--cliesp at three. dollars—ant this splendid Frqr.tring, richly worth thugettiag for s3;the vAlue of ciaht dajlars. commence striking off the engrav trigs insal:illi.ctely, yet it can Itaraf:y. impressions of so large. a pl: , te 14kon as fast as they will he called .th 4ribers. We shall, therefor;; furnish them he iheJ order in which suhsciitii.:ivi ;ire r,.,evired. Th,se who desire is obtain their engravings . prly and front the firE:l: imprer.pAnns. E-2ild to their subscripti -ns del tr. 'Pee engraving c. an cn be sent r ma.,!, pr in any caber mamr:a, us 4:111.41 o: tier. $20,009 IN WORKS OF ART. In adlition to the superb engraving- of "Tiie; Witicu will. oe presented every three,doli,tr suhierily:r I.r 1656, Cat the publishers have, compithitt crrangera.mts for the distribution, on 'the 25th• day of De “Ce'mbo“. 1858, of a .:eries of spienclot xvorks of art. consisting of one hunared rich ani rare Paintings. Valued at irate. L:1,00 to 1,,000 neeit. Also, 2,0(,0 magnificent Steel-Plate En gravings, worth from $.3 to $5 each, and I,OtP) thoicelloliday Books., worth from SI to S 5 Each, making - , in all, over TIIREEITIOL;SAND GIFTS, worth TWENTY TIIOI'6AND DOl.- 1, 4 1.118. ,Unclose $3 to the publisher; and yon will edmmence receiving the Magazine by return You-will :also neeiva with the first FOpy a numbered subscril•tion receipt entitlLg you to the Engraving of "THE LAST SUPPER," . . gtcia a cloaca to draw . eac 'cos t'acsc m TIIIIEtE VIOVS4ND PEILES." - . -li=sons Osl2, j you sit/1147d suncribe jai - -1 ENV :SON'S VIAGAZINZ . L , • V'qr 1858, Because is literary contentz win, raring the year. etibritce cautributious .froin r •• Aver ONE 111NDRED different writurs and I:tinkers,' numbering among them the most flisltquislied of American authors. Second: Because its editorial departments,. Studio," "Odr Window," and -Oar Olio," vd:l each be conducted by au able editor ---j find it will- surpass, in the variety and rich:Ass ft* its editorial contents, any other magazine. Third: Because it will contain, daring the year, nearly six hundred original pictorial froxp, designs from thu first Ameri ran artists. Runk: P t ec4o.4 . fo;• the sitM of three dol lars yon will receive this splendid monthly. wore richly worth that start than any other ;nagazine, and the superb engraving of "TUE 'MAST SUPPER," worth five dollars. Fifth: Because you will very likely draw cue of the three thousand prizes to, be distrib nted on the 25th, day of December, I,S5 perhaps one that is north ;SLOW. ' Notwithstanding - that- these extraordinary lixduceraenta.can hardly fail to accomplish the cbjects of the Publishers without further ef forts, yet they have determined to contlunc Virqugh the year THE GREAT LIBRARY OFFER. To any person who will get up a club of twenty:four subscribers, either at nue or more post-offices, we will present a splendid Library, consisting of over Forty Large llonnd Vol umes, embrasing the most pdpular works the market. The club, may be farmed at. the flub price, Two Dollars a year, without the engraving, or at the fill! price, Three Dollars. with the engraving of the lest Supper to s ich subscriber. List and description of the Li nary, and specimen copy of the Magazine, via be forwarded on recOipt of 25 cents. Over CIO Libraries or 8,000 volumes, have already been distributed in accordaoed with this offer, d.we should be glad of an opportunity to furbish a Library to every clergyman, to every 'drool tea Cher, or to same one at every po ittfte in tb4r:o,ulatry. AGENTS GE.TTING RICH The success which or meats are meeting is rltaort astonishing. , Amour, the many evidencei 'of this fact, w-4 aza pezeilutd to vuhlisti the follu ping: Gzsrusstrx- . -' The followqr,v; facts In lelation 4o what year Agents are doing in this section; may-bo of use to sonio enterprising yousa man It; want , of employment. The fter. 4uhn. E. Ardon, of this ritacie; Ikas made, since last Qhristmai, aver sj,ooo In his agency, Mr. David ileath. Rid3l.l'. Ma., Your General - Agent for, Platt County, is making per day p, each. Slit - pikgsnt employed , by ad trams. Weimer .t.Evans, of Oregtin, M 0.., your Auente- far liolt Coatty; are making Nu/ 44 o.ly, itailyo.or tormhie gmartt, has 2 • 44 4, duce the Celtinith 4.4 y of list January, vs' *1,700; beSidetv. paying, for 300 acres of buTiness worth over $1,000,-, ~-- S You Are i,be.. - rty to publish s tbls4 eut,- if soli 1 1 1 e, isuU to refer to *auk Oittli4,pariiiis rtu " .. a . D44:614 'GREGG, Cain ' atQn, *is _ F With 5u41.4 - indacerneati-iffsisre'spifisi,„abY l body can obtrin sub.soriborl„.;g9,hiitite eV9- ry: gentlemAtr out of fliplopnent, and every lady who d'sr =aplea btrnoncti-maTing • .c- c:ttpaiion itkipir at once' for an. agency.-:-- Applicants slsoull inclose 23 cents syce- Wien copy Ofithe s 3.la.gazilie, which will her fOrw..tr.do au4W-or to return Waif. - " 1 . - I . , SP.IIOIMEN ENG ItA:VING, As we tl?sit'ato.pl . iteo - ln the Italic's cif every personwht?. pri'rrust.s to get inv O elub,inntlal of s everyiskent, n copy eitgr.tViiiv,"or THE 1 0 23.51: SOPP;11." ns n sittvittien, will vc:eleVe tito en ~rLLrin'„ pits:-paid, returtrinitil, slissiteoi inrps etlr itiablientins and, one of tilt.. num bered scbselptitin re . ceirts, entitling itittiii.eld rto the ft6i.- . azitie one-yes,; and 14 chance in the distFiciution.' This tifler.ik tinly to , those wiho desir,s to act as.agents onto lornr club . Atli ress No' s 271 Eroadiviiv . ;ll. Y. PL4I4I, , ,IELOMONS & MUSIC • !MO c A sn SYSTEM: ADOPTED. Price 4:Greatly' Reduced, • • '- - HORACE IVATERK. A. +r • • : IVCi. 15:33 Brocubccig, A. 1., i AGENT FOR THE BEST. BOSTON a N: Y. Itrurnents. 'l 4 ' .- 1214 0- • • of Pianos, Jfelo- I T " d E c u l fs,ll e ln 't sie:iri i n t sTr e ti a m t t tas. andusieai Mereltandye of all kitids;in the tnit,:ast.tes. I Pianos fruit Ten diiferent Manufactories, com prising ttio`Fe of every variety of st . ..Tle, from I the pltiin 'feat and substantial GI octaves, in , Walnut oi• ROsewoud eases, from e i :.1,51). to S3UO : 1 . to thOse Oti the most ele,, , Ant finish up to Out !Thous:ll4 Poltars. No hottie in the Union I can compete with the abOve •in the -nunilleri variety MO eelehrity of its instruments, nor in the Ex.tileaiely low prices at milich they are 501d...‘ , . 1 1 11011.A.DE.WATEX3' MODERN IMPROVED pu.N . u4 withor without Iron Frames, pus sessing i their improvements of over•:strings Land actikin, a length of scale and compass of 1 touacquak to the Grand Piano, un;tuti with :le behtit: and durab;lity cd structute.,,f the SquAre piano. They are jacUl: t = pi:it:minced, h,:, - the Pre. , ..4 had by tit; first Musical Masters; to 1',... equ ii [fp thcise of any other nit aof z.O Laren ; they are: ()dill of the be.ri a I.d fao.,i, hior.dugh t Y.Zet:.o ie!(.l L 'in at;rial, arid g . 1.:::::ttl - te.:d I.p. I inti the am io!a: of ever; el:rn , ti.:. ' Each Itimiaaa,r.z :4 - au.r:.nte; 4 . tt ••i gi e sat:faction, or itreli,,e -1 money Tet!tad,nl. - . 50.Z09)-11:1S1) tirnt cii.itt...ndy- in stet,—pries lco.o „..sid :. , t . 1 itupqrz: xv_vm - 1:3 - . -mEr...oaEaNs.—sil, t pr.rwi 1 1.;:1*, ; :ne, , ..., ,u 1,,,,h :Wu dur.,b,..ity of ala•.e. ,1,,, , ,!. t::, ~p,,1 temp e raw,cat.) Mc , lorteo:13-tIf nll other style: and makes. l' ice isls, ::: , ,O ;!,:•,:75, .$ 1 0.J 7 $1.::5, :614.0- 10 i ii2ziii ar,f., ” ii two hanks uf. Keys,..s2oo—less a !Lbcr.d disc Atilt. C.c.erzymen and Chu:Tilts, !au extr4lit - count. . . • MARTIN'S tiuir-A.ns, . Br.dwy6 HARPS, ' • , , ici.i:TE.9, • I FLUTINAS, I • ACELIitIEONS, I I,: , VIOLINS, ; and Musical Instruments of all kinds ; at lower prices tin ever before offered to the public. r 4 larzt; iti.count to Teachers and Schools. !The trade supplied oh the most literal terms. 1 311:;',i14_: ~..04 e of the largest and best se le-e.e.l hatitlomues of. Mintic now published, , comprising many of the cmo:cc and most pop ! itlat airy of the . day, It-,,,1d will be sold at one ! third oil; from the resitiar prices. Musi4'.Dent by until tOall pails of the coon ! try, p0.,..-4-pu.id,. Particular awl personal, atten tion itaio, to all orders Misit - ed by mlil. t,at sfn,t;tion guarautee4 in every im2tanc , !..Piano:: 1, anct lici6de3m - t fur rent and rent allui..-ed on P4acil*-1 Pianos and llelockons fur laic on 1 montiq p , ytuctits. ::•.; 2C:111d-il.111 , 1 PIATIOS 111- L Keu in exChan,g,e for new. Gunixal and select 1 eataloitie4_ and Schedule Of prices fot-warded i to all part,s of the country by mail. Vrif - Great induccmients offered to AGENTS in r.ll Pa:ts of the country, to sell the florae:. I WatersrPianos, Melodeons, and Catalogue of Music. I 5:46. • " PitOVISION E. Oiler ) s.Grev,t Taidij.ceraeruts ! • TO BUYERS. Q. ; • ifl ROHERIES, PROVISIONS at the l 'store formerly occupied by U. W. SPENCER, ou 3d Street, North side of Public Square. 1, !GROCERIES. ; • - A gaud assortment constantly on hand, from which I Will enumerate a few of the leading articles, such as Sugar, Mustard, Candy, Cotfer,; Cinnamon, Nuts Molasses, Papper.Sauce, Crackers, . ; Sy !ail) 5 , Catsup, Soap, I'eppe2 . , Yeast, Candles, Spiq, Oils, Shot, Ginger, Tobacco, _ Lead, Clot - es, Suu f, . . "G." Caps, Garb. Soda, Sugars, ' C.-Tartar, and !Many other things:too numerous to men tion, will be found in this department, which will be: sold at a trilling •advance from cost, for ready pay, . PROVISICI-N$ Constantly on hsud, , stich as POPE gAAS, SUOUL S DERS, EISIt, SALT, BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, BEANS, : OATS, FLOUR; CORN !NEAL, !BUCE,WHEAT FLOUR, DRIEL) APPLES, PBIED PLUMS, • and many other articles in the Elie of Drovhi sit:Ma l i:tot necessary to , mention. Also, WOODETS . WARE, such ks Brooms; Wash-Tubs and Boards, Mops, Dinner Boss, Sc., wilica will be sold low for cash ijr. ready pay. -• Oats, Potatoes, Baiter, Eggii Cheese, and in fact almost everything a farmq raise', will be', taken in exchange for Goods, at their cash value. I hiyite the at, tenriati a Villagers, Farmers and Lumbermen who desire to mi - ike in:char.:fa in the abavi them to call beihre par-. closin g;elSewhore, t .- E. K.-SPENCER. Co4ilerspoet, juice 9, 1657, 7 -1,0;3. VATES COY/Litt 141.41.5ati:.7. _ , 171 41 47ri l kt. OLEi 4'; CO., of the Yates County 1144,:iirspritu. have for sale a lat,re and raivaoler ass:Ailment cf. riZ,VVi' TUXES' of yai:iettes , usually : cultivated. . These Trees:, are 'catiag and pf rigOrousgrowth. ,The qualitieS are the most 'elioice know; and Jae wairnAteo,' cxxo:.x.c. AlSo, a tine stock •of tiI..EES ; - and ,S.U.P.U.B.BEItY,- fur 411 . • ta"Addresg i*ders IOC:BE:1CH, Pen Yates Co., N. Y, Orders left with ROBT. NILF,4S,' CouderErrt I'4l l will 1:43 • prointiC4 filled; , • `I3OIN AR I) ASSOCIATION, - . _ 11:Itnevolent Institution, alablish4d: by spcuial .).son - datcment for the relief of the seickand dii tressed, afflicted with Virulent and ;, di cases.. = Irtli? all persons oAlAted §s, ;nth ns SPLRMATORETICA, SE111:= `AL : - WEAKNESS, JIIPOTENCE,::GONOR; 1211(EA, GLEET, 0 4 6: Vice ~of O.N.A:NISIL or SELF ABUSE, te.,.4c• ! - ;- - The HOWARD ASSOCIATION,:fu viesilOf the Awful- destruction. of humamlife, entiseil Sexual diseases, and V:e..deceptions pra ; c-. tired upon the untbrtuuate-victims =of - ,suelt diseases by Quacks, several yearsn„,rfo directed their Consulting nrg,eon, as a CHARITA I3LE ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispen siry for the treatment of this doss of diseases; in all their fort:lSO - Ind to give MEDICAL AD VICE GRAM, to-sit who apply by letter, w:th a desortpti:di of their condition, (age, Oce.upatiem, - habits of and in cases of extreme poverty, to -FURNISH MEDICINES FRU OF CHA.M.II4I. It is Aieedless to add that the Association commands the - highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern trvattnettt, • The Directors, on a review o the past, feel assured that their tabors in this sphere of be nevolent effort ; have been of great benefit to theaLfllicted, especially to - the young, and they have:resolved to devote themselves, with •re-• newed seal, to this very important but vouch despised cause, • •Jtist i'uhltilved by the Association, a Re port on Spermatorrhce, or SominalWeakness, the Vice of Cinaaism, Masturbation or Self- Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sexual „ansi by the Consultirg Sureon, which Wilt lie S'ent by mail, (in a_ sealed envelope,) FREE OF C11.11.1G., on receipt of TIVO STAMPS (In postage, • Addres , , for Report or treatment. - 11 r. GEORGE R. CALHDL'N. Consulting Surgeon, lbr.vatrd Association, No. 2 South Ninth Stveet, Philadelphia, Pa.. By order of the Directors. - EZJL 1). WELL,- President, GEO. FAIRCIfiLL) ; s'..creiarg; L10:24-1y AriPORTANT DISCOVERY, CONSUMPTION AND ALL DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND 'NWT FOSITI,VELY A rt,LE, OTC ININAL-fitbithiti % eu.iveys rtinC,lie3 to 1.1.e. - 6 , ,r1 V ties ,n ;he tangs through the air ge.:, ttn i «wling iu (tire t ecott 10, with : the 11,:atr.tf,ZCS tilt tubercular rea!l'..r, al lays the :() , Ign,'eau,es a fi ne..ls the lung ; ,, purfti,es ren , ..ved vitaliry to the Lel:V01:,; .. , y,lt`llll 7 •117 4:tt Brit :able rt,t.tsr.tt:oxi, 11011114. To be a:de to that Co.iiiii.fl.lloll i 3 enrA,l.. %y iti.aititzc..3, is to un,lim Cd pica - sure. L. is as mileit.undcr tile. ettatrol of ireittwent 113 any .o.lier, 1:1:1 :y oat of esh herl:red to the first Str.;;Q=, awl t. is per cent. ill the second; het in, the tf.. - ird sfage it is 10 .t..,ve more than five per cent., for the Lungs are so cut by-tn- tlisase as , to.bid defiance to medical 51d1.1.- ever, in the last stages, J.nlialation affords ex traordinarr relief to the suffering attewling this fearful scourge, which annually de,troys. t ninety-five thousand persons in • the United States alone ; and a correct calenlation shows that of the present .populatiort of the earth, eighty millions are 'destined to fill the Coa -1 • sty:Tuve• s graves. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal-as Consumption. In alt ages it has been the great enemy of lifo, fur it spares neither age nor sea, but sweeps Mr alike the brave, th • beautiful, the graceful and the gifted. By the help of that tiuprente .Being from whom rorneth every ;pod and pmfect.gift, I am en alibied to otter to filo aillicted la permanent and, speedy cure iu COnsumption. The tirst cause of tuberoe.s is f:cim impure blood, and the iramediat_ elfcet produced by their depo sition in the lungs is to prevee,t the, free ad miss ion of air into the 'Air eels, .which causes a weakened vitality thrdugh the CU system. rhea surely it is more rb,tionaf to expect great er good front medicines entering the cavitie, of the lung; titan fLogn those 4dminiAered through the stomach; tlre patient w.li always Lid the lungs free aud the I.l7eathingeasy, af ter Inhaling remedies. Thus, lzhalation is a iocal.tlemedy, tie% ertheless. it acts constitution ally. and trita more power and certainty than remedies administeted by' the stomach,. To prose the powerful and direct inlluenee of this this mode Of administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility- in a few minutes', paralyzing the entire nert'ons system, so that a limb may be amputated with out the slightest pain;.-Inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life inn few hours. The inhalation of annuunia *ill rouse the system when fainting or a.pparently dead. The many of the medicines is perceptible in the skin a fe.w mintites after being inhaled, and may be inunciliately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of tlie constitutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that. sickness is al -ways produced by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously athninis tered thratigh the lungs should produce the happiest results? During eighteen years' practice, many thousands suffering- from dis eases of the lungs and throat, have been un der my care, and have effected many remark able curws„ even af:er tie, sufferers" had been pronounced in the last sttiges, which fully sat isfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatmeNtt of consumption is original, and' founded on long experience and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquaia tance with the nature of tubercles, &c., ena bles 'me to clistingbish, tbe - various forms of disease that _simulate ectusatription and apply the'proper; remedies, rarely heing tnistali,en ereu in a . single case.. • This. fanfil laritY; in connection With certain pathological and wiicrweetpic discoveries; enables me to re lieve the lungs from the effects of contracted chests, to enlarge. the:chest. Putify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality; giving energy and tine to the entire system. Medicines withfull directions 'seat to any part of the Milted snites and Canadas by pa- Licata communicating,their sintritortis by letter: Bat the cure - Gull ho mdre ceAnia: if the sbetliri pay Me a visit,. which• would giVe:me an opportunity to examine the lung , - and enable ma to pres.erihe with inuch greater certainty, and then the enre could be eifecteal Without toy seeing the patient again, G, W. GRAHA.I\rj,,;.M. Office 1131 ' Filbt rt.. Stieet E (Old No. 10 . 2),) 1a.t. , 10t7 , T•tivelfth . •- • PHIL.A.D4LPfII4, , - CUE CLOTIII..N.G•of Chehey's ramiurgf tax: 1•D oa hair' at: :" 4 i • D. • • NE and E tcp e articles in, the Dna _ linefer, 4. sale by ',:0•24 E. K. S., lIIIMMIE - I For the rapid Citre of corous, coLns, HOARSEIVE - SS; IigtO4CIIITIS s iVIIOOPIIG-COUGli t CROUP, fi,STEIII*, AND , cossrmrirm. TO CURE A COLD:. 'WITH. READACITE AND SORENESS CT THE BODY. ! Take_tho Oherry Peuoral on going to43ed'rdadilp warm, to, • went during the night:, _ FOR A COLD-AND COUGII, tape in mern ing, noon and evening; according Write direr. tions . on-t e bottle, and ; thedifficulty Will soon he removed, None will Nng - Stiffer from this trouble when they dud It can he, so readily cured. Persons Mill( ted with a seated cough, which breaks them of their rest at night, will find - by taking the Cherry Pectoral on going to bed, they may be sure of sound,•mabrOken sleep and cd.use.lnent" refreshing rest. Great' relief from suffering,' and at ultimate - cure, is afforded , to thousands wild aro thus afflicted, by this invaluabl • remedy. From its a'grecable effects in these eases, many find themselves univilling to'forego use v;lcin the necessity for itlas ceased. T'o SINGERS ANi) PUBLIC SPEAKERS this remedy is laminable, as by its' action on the thront and lungs, when taken - in small quantities, it'rethoresnll hoUrieness in a few (tours, and Wonderfully increases the power and flexibility of the voice. AST IIXI A is generally much relieved, and often wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral. .Thtt there are some cases so• obstinate as to yield entirely to no medicine. The CIE: a= PECTO, PAL - will cure them if they can he cured, BRONCHITIS or irritation of thothroaf and u 4 per portion of the lungs,. may ha cured bt taking Cherry Pectorril in small and frequent doses. The uncomfortable oppression is soon relicted. CROUP. Ctrcnnemrticofantlmany. to be followed, by large and fretiilent lases cf the Cherry evtoral, :2:101 it su!,dues the dis ease. -di takiu iu sea6ou, it «iit not fail to cure. WHOOPING COUGH :may braen up and soon clued Ivy the use of Cherry Peetarid. THE INI'LUENZA. is speedily rernoxed this retiv- dy. Numerous in: , tanees ben notieeC.. whete v. hide fanrl:.es were pr,,,leeß;d fron.i . any con.-etpltnee •, 067 lie ghbors without the Cherry Peetor,l, were Ltv , ering - the - Co.N.-CAIPIItiN s!ages, it shoild he taken under the advice or a good phy:dei-,:n if pos. , ..ible, and is every case a cal r •gui.d to the 'p; iated clireei;ons on the 11 judiciously u-ed, and the patient is carefully nursrd uleautkme, it will ~, e lclutn to s'ul - Aue the Ili CUNz:CMPtION of the Lungs, the (.:-Enici rk:cionAl, should be given is 4.1u;- 'ses adapted. to what the patient requires mid [eau Lear. always affords relief, and not tir,freqn.ently cures li:ftients that were eon.sid j ezeti pa.st !lope. There are many thol:isands all over the country, mlio feel and proclaim that they owe their and. prest.at heal:4-to the Cherry reetoraf. Many ye:lrs of trial, iastea - d of impairing the public eomidence in this medicine, has won for it an •ar,preci:itian. and notoriety by lhr e:.eeeding the most sanguine expectations of its friends. Nothing but its itttrmsic toes raid the umnistakeuble benefit conferred un thonsandi of sufferers. could originate and maint tin the roputationit enjoys. While trifiny inferiqr remedies thrust upon the corn muntCy, have thired and been discarded. this has gained friends by every triA, conferred benefits on the ailliked they can never forget. and iirodueed cures 'too numerous and too re turd:able to be for otter. While it is fraud - .Ton the public, to pretend thol any one medicine will enee— still there is abundant proof that the Cherry Peetural does not only as a ,generhl bat almost invariably cure the maladies for which it is ern: , l• , yed. As 'time makes these facts wider end better known. this medicine has grzt dually become the best of the afflicted, froin the log cabin of the Ante:lc:to Peasant, to the places of Ettropan Tin, Casnav l'nc , , , ozia. is manufactured Lc a practical Chemist, and every ounce of it un der his own eye, AV Ith booriable accuracy and care., It is sealed and protected by law front counterfeits, consequently can he relied on as genuine without adulteration, Prepared and sold hy.LIMES Cs. AVER, Prac tical and Atmlylical Chemist,Lowell, Mass. Sold by SEITII. 8 JONES and D. W. SPEN CER, Coudersport, and by country Merchants and druggists everywhere. NEW GOODS, Low writes akad Ready Pay, AT SHARON CENTER, MITE SUBSCRIBERS tore, ogering for sale an entirely new stocL' w eonsisting of DRY GOODS. GROOMES, HARDWARE, CQOCKERY", GLASS WARE, BOOTS ' S SHOES, HATS 3. CAPS, Ui‘l. DR ELLIS,- PARASOLS WINDOW SHADES, WALL' PAPER, READY MADE CLOTHING, .YANKFA , NOTIONS, . . In our selections :the wants of all have beer, remembered. The 'Gentlemen can find in our stock of Ready Made Clothing an. elegant Fashionable' suit, or a -iubstantial Business suit, and we have Hats & Caps and Flouts & Shore, to match. - The ladies can find Fashionable ,113onnets heautiltdiy trimmed, or bonnets and trimming; a good assorfatent of Dress Goods, rind trim mings.; Olav'eS, Mitts, llosiery and Oaiters.— And,last but not least, corded and, ski Mon Skirts ; also, Rattans,' Skirt-Whaleimne end Brass Skirt-Hops; beautiful Jet :4;ecltlaces and -Bracelets, Corals, Fans, and tpo many. other.things to enumerate,--all of whieh are sellin,7 - low for Cash, Lumber, 0r any kind -if Produce. FLOUR, MEAL, FISH i&c., con- Aantly on hand. -- - W It.&J.U.'GIItvES. Sharon. Center, Potter Co., Juni 5, 1857.=-10:3-tf.. ; • .Ndrninistrator's.Ndlicq... im7HE'REAS Lzttei's of adtiiini4tratimV:tci 1: V, the Estate' of JosEpts. r;mt ii, late of Harrison T3ernship,gotter ,Coon.- ~r4t., ; de. ceased; hive been granted to the u i dersigned, ail persons indebted :to said pstite "re reqtiest q ed to . make iraniediate pment; ,sind tlioie baring clams agaiaii the same, ;tin preiierit iheurtci the anisserlher, in Binghatn'Town;blP near Jone*' . COrners; duly - antiteittieated : for Settlement. IVII. J. CIITLEit:Ader - ' 'W4htliVreb. 22, -18r...3.---10.414t. • .__ . . .. hit „ tb sctiersl24titk4l24loguißtto t. in forming . forming thei - Mildi thlt`trtia , r - ceigt Of,l and are. noti:dpening, a choice and desirahkstoek.of T - ‘.l .-- . 1 ~Q K 7, c't .. - C . , ST4PLE AN - li - Fitior,-DIZIYThrOODS, „-. .. ....._ ~,, - . ~ 'they invite 'the'attention' Of -alValio irialie'iSiiichaSes., 'Our stock is.lalte selected - with "great oare,.and:is par tidapted. io the wants titthis' section knitti::: Our stOck of pi" Goads-coal •, §.ol:loDB;TiiliDlECCS.Rrzit)i;s; iiiiII,OID.E.R.IES, rAvoisoLp - VLOTHS, .0.41 SSIgEItE4 . 7 .. ' NTE,STI.NGSJA:) 7 ::: - YESTICS, '• :. STIIII.III , S; • , ''LElis, rItINTE4 IN , ~ gosti . ty, SHAWLS. . I to w o hic desire't.' e f his bee fieularl 1 6 bur d Sista of . 1 DRE$' MEI El and-n Variety of other articles, too numerous to mention. We haw also a cotuplete assort xuentofJ GROCERIES, HARDIVAIIA ' AND ' CROCKEItY;, ; all or.whieh will be sold uncommonly cheap for ready pay, and for approved credit on as reasonable terms as any other - establishment. • • YANX &NICHOLS_ Dlillpgrt Aug:'lV, . • . 1. W. ZING E( SON, PATENT -, CIIAIR MANUFACTURERS, 438 13roonle Street, One Dotir East Cif.DrUs4wity, [Late ;468 DrOad - 2 1rtiv 11 , iEleV - -YORK, • , [Established ; [l. D. 183.,1 • • IVIT,E an, examination, of their ;great rari:. ety and superior assortment: of ;CHAIRS, ticanuthetnred - at their on - trestablishment„and under Weir ituntediato,ol\:scryatirini and direc tion, incirittlitig ;•: , • . PIVOT PXYCkLY,INCI CHAIRS,.{ SELItACTIN,G-E-X- WiSIO.VRCUMBENT CHAIRS, . " IMPROVED INVALID WHEEL I 'FIIAIRS, MAJOR SEAIILE'S TRAVELINt. IN VALID CHAIR. . - SPANISHAND SQL,T.';:: SPINAL AND TNVALID SC., Euittra::i* . ; the most complete and Cti:iiceattinds for l'cirlore, Chrit.:!• re, Gctrctenr, .Litraricg, Cot CiViccx, Pc: Ll 2: itu:ionz , , Dew istri together with every dsirtil.-le sor i i Ike comfort, c,nvcnicnce P.11.i S:- k, the: ..41, , c0!,11.1c 14r7a, the Lc In point of ingenuity of Aesig fini,ll, quality and richness °fin frilness of oxeenticil, dUrabilitya ihe.4e chairs tire unsuruussed. W. XING a: 60N, welt. awarded only Pri - ie awl the fac , ..l. fur prel , ...rable to beds of paticri's ttfi is al ni.h .Spinal • To tiler arm of the elmir mat' be attached a ccatve Silent TE ng or wr4iligi:mi., :tad uu e6mb:nation-de,ird tyia iic ta:it:ttfactureil.to zo order. • A Ciretzln.r expinnatr.ry,' 603, will be sent by . ,run...l if requested, and orders [with re mnn iuees,lprumptly forwrudcd to ally art of tilt.. Ns: o ld. LUXURY "Sz ECONOMY! KING'S NEW tlita. "AS YOU'LIKE IT," • An Arm Clair, Reclit ng Chair, Conch and Bedstead, (coasts /I IN ox ,] 47: SIISCCIiIibIe. of twelve difierent positions or ctOvtgei,•, to moo the varied requireintnt7 for conitbrt, convcni mee, 1 wiry and economy, [in apace as well as, price.) Wl'ether in sickness Or.litalh. celebrated oxs you taxi rt.," excels hi many respects, any chair perb,:ip.% ever nianu that red in this or any other country. The price varies from Fiftga to Thirty Dol lar,. aes'ording to fini , ll. To Public Institutions, as wellas to indlyid dal.,.. this CHAU; is a wry (10iraiqe artielo : and v. ill 1)2 la any l i mn:l:er on tin. most liberal terms. ApplY to,or M. Vir. KING S.: SON, 42,8 Brooms at.. One door e.e4t.'of Broadway. Foal, ( Late 41j3 Brpadway.,] 9:ll—Ty. vEW GOODS—A rine .Assortment just reteivtd at OLMSTED'S. GREAT REVOLUTION IN MEDIAL SCIENCE. Tilac best Therapeutic Agent ever intrelitTed. . DR. DICK.I.N§ON'S :var t y,...1 .,,;,, 1. 1 1 , k. 1i w; Ej i ,l,ll,:iLnExCE \ ' 046 , 'N');Ftb,Scvs t .<........,4.,thserbing atten-( 1 - - - 0rt4.,-,=,4-7-...,:'• ti m: of the idedi-1 '..,:. : : ..47_0r; _,.. w., mil Profession and' L _„,,,_,;,.,,z,-,,r„,,,,:„. alinty - portion of: .the intellitzentlay-' men of the land. It is now 'clearly demon strated that the lancet, mercnry, and all other internal "drug medication" May he laid aside with perfect safety to the pa]tieut and rabid -1 ing benefit to posterity. Wherever these nut 4 chines haVe been introduced] they excite thci highest wonder and praise. J The apparatus is.a dapted to preVent,,relievel and cure ever) disease incident to InunanityHmore particu larly all those painful and formidable diseas es, which have for centuries bailled the proJ, fot rifest learnini and skill oi l physicians. From whaterm entice there may be an( exi CCES or delidiency of the nervous fluid—pro 4 clueing an (excess or deficiency of the acidi -aril alkaline secretions—the I nugnetic priliti l pies:of the system are, deranged ; and can ou4 ly be safely restored to their normal condition by t nw,dicatiOn of magueto4electricity, by mrnits of ' DR. DIC.W.INSON'S MAGNETO RI.X.DTIIIe MACHINE, Thi apparatus will positively prevent, and spendily' relieve and mire co,n,sy,mution, Scrofuln,'.Rheumatism i l'alsies, Nettra'lgiaospinal Diseases, and al 1 other painful ~. ..I.n;ladic e _si. hon. yet. hopeless ant of long stand They are eminently useful in all sexual and urinary 'ili .O:rtlefs, partici', ;ally where the Constitutsionihas been broken doll* and.ruined by unnatisplitary ambits,, to Ithich too many of the yeAng.of Lathsexes i ..tre „so lamentably prone, DR. DICUNSON'S XAGNETO, ELECTRIC 1 MACHINE is withoat the 4.o!ger . ous conipli r j cations of batteries: ndacids-4-whicli fact alone 1 renders.it superior to . all. otil;ers oil the score, of neatfiess,cleanlinesi, safety; and . ..utilify---:- It is, in fact, a handsome parlor ornar t ie'oti aiay be applied by a ; child; and will lait a . liftlutei to . the go'at sailing of Doctdr'': 1 billS.;.,tc. I,I;JCE OF THE n4crins:p sio„ It will: l?e safely_ pileke4, ;and' sent to tiny pert Of the United States.; Sold" whoicsalb and.fetail rt tlle3ierlical ()Nce`,No, ps NORI'll SEVENTH Street, delOhia. Addreis, i. A. C. DICKL'ISoN, 10-1-ly GANGES' L'PrilCM 11 voloa4ißor, roR 5110 k, INO THE NE /OF Goods jest rCetgred at 01:SISTEDt: • • TAeyekiiCOSeitikt - - cal in th.e. tiorkl 7 Cittielaticin 1.00,6C0. . .-.• nritiS - ELEGANT- ATMG .I , LITtRARY , AND , F4 I 'ILYIIONTIILT SlAGAZlhlE.eloies its first j uu next.- During the.few brief months oFits tence it has sitsineti popularitrundquall t d in the annals Of the'Pieis: — The . idbliihdrs lairing:citi'ered.liberid Pre.. rfor.eltuice literary efforts, dm Stories, llot4neea,,Eoays,..Poetry, and otitqt spdrk.. ling arid, interesting rending was colordnee(l in Jfrilutry,• lest, and,. are heing ed in the yisitox..,. = , ... The Nmi - N'alume.will be ecunmeaced•lade. ly - fiI I lii-, -greatly improved:- and ;enlarged.— Eac uuniher will. coutain:rthirty-two extra ' larie sized royal octavo pages, makings wag. itifieent volume of nearly, int? pages •Tor the year-:-or- presenting: nn amount 'of , the del. cost reading on all Subjects,- equal to what would cost ire.the _boos stem at least fifty ceois, payable , 61)7ra : table in advance. Spice otthe most popilar audhrilliant male andifemale•feautritiutora. axe regular ~eontri.. but Ors and. the publishers will spare no pains or e t i . pense to render the ~ c Welcome Visitor" • . every way acceptable to a refuied'aua intelli. gent community. • • , -_ - -The plibiication is adapted to all classes. of prole.—the yoting and the.old- r aqd where., evert seen and perused, meets - with:jadeet:sal, acceptation. . - ,E„.. Now is the time to subscribe to elk Newl ',Volume. _ - ..', : - 1 .• - K - * The back numbers may be bad ,(to complete setsyfirr 3-eints each, or the. whole series of 12 numbers .for Tim:Ty-ma i cents. . Liberal inducements to . Clubs rend Can.. Reinember ' our terms arc 'ift y cents forno year, for a • single copy, or three cop. ies will, be sent under one cover or address for One Dollar.. • Address, COSDEN. k.COMPANY ''. Publishers, No. 28 North Seventh &rear, (up v . :ars.) philadelpli:a.. • . iori_ly B CHAIRS. Of all ifit.;•ee.se ; the great, first cause Springs from neglect of Satur!es laws IUFFER ,iN OT I :. vi leis a: CURE is glaaiiarttcod ' ° iN .ALL STAGE's Ot ' ECE:ZT DISEASES, 5 e ii., 1 , 6 „,„ ~verL , Uu., lici.u:ay t ..sitie, , i,c!. 1.,,c4., Grai.,l,ll-iaicra x iii: ! th..-3.0f at, KlUffiC.y.Y fiLd o.:3sortnunt, Room; piing House", Ltrrbers, to t., - .l.l. , :laptett r, thT jne and Lazy, els•gartee of chettpAess, Fin. thew, M. tae iirbt and recommend F :couches. for I.4:ohniatic or .I.l!fia'der, - Mercurial Itheuinalisid,- - :_•.'erift.lo, Paine in the Bouce and ..4nk(e. , , buie,7BE. , t: 111. e Lang. , Throat, .:Vose atict.Elicg, UMero up.n . the Bola orLiints,Canetre . ,Dropy,..lerilcidie.gri, St. Vita's Dance, and alldizcuscs ari.ring fri,m a deriffement (l* the Sexual' ' Org mai, . i UCH . as Nervous Tienibling,, I.OSs of 31cm. li ory, Less- of l'owe-r, Cenertil IYeakness, mucus of Vh..i on with peetillar stets apipar b:.fure the eyes, I.oss of `..:r:t711;, Wakeful. .:,s, Dyspepsia., Li , . er Disease, I:;;;1111tions upen. e inee, - I'ain in the In:A:It :Ld -head, Female egnlar iti es and all hal:l'D-per cllsci!...rge:: from tit sexes. It matterE not iron' is hat scam e disease arigivated, howerer)utig standing t obstinate the-,cazie, rccererbi 13 ce.tiaiii, And in shorter time than a permanent cure can be cl eted by any other treatment, even after the ::eitse has baffled the skill ;qc eminent phy6i aus and resisted all their means of cure. The editines are pleasant withoutodol.:,causint.;no ekness end free from meroury.orlsmo, . .. raring twenty years of practice, I have rooeued from the jaws of Death many thotisands i vibe, in the last stages of the-above metitiened dig.. e!tses had been given. tip to die by their pliysi, ciums, which warrants me inPromisirig to the filleted, who alai - lanes, tlietitses under my Clare, a-perfect and most speedy vire, 'Secret 1 Piseases are the greatest to health, as I tlbey are the first cosine of Con ion, Scrof ula, and sto ny other diseases, nnd should be A ?error to the human filthily; As a permiinciit cure is scarcely ever cacti:din =jot ify of ilia 1 Cases falling into !the • hands of . thcutitpctent persons, %rho not only fail to, curii the discesea i,ut ruin the constitution, tilling the system ivitli men:my, which, -uith the disease, hop. tens the sufferer into a rapid Consuraptifin. . r I lint should. the di-ease and the treatment !not cause death speedily and the victim oar, !sic; ' the disease is entailed upon the children,, ,: dwno at e horn with feeble constitutions, and I: ihe'eurrent of life corrupted by a virus which !betrays itself in Scrofula, Tetter. 1: leers, Erup- tious an other affections of the skin,' Eve,, Throat and Lungs, entailing upoU 6 ern a brief caisteneo of suffering and consigning them to - an ear.lV grave, . . SET.. i ..;' Pi SE is anothaformidable enemy .to health, for nothing elSe in, the dread- cats , logue Of human diseases causes so destructive a drain upon the system, drawinr„,:its thousands of victims through a- few years of suffering , down to an untimely grate, It t - lcstroys Cho Nervous system, rapidly-wasrea sway the en- ! orgies of life,- causes mental derangement, prevents LW's proper development of the sysit ni,- disqualifies for marriage, society, business' hnd all earthly happiness, - and leicves the sal ferer.wreeked in. body. and Mind, predisposed to consumption and-a train of cells more to be dreaded than death itself. With the -fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate victims of Self-Abuse that a - permanent and speedy curs can be affected, so.d with the ahandoriment of ruinous practices my patients can be restored to robust, vigorous health. . The afflicted are cautioned against thd ise , of Patent Medicines, for there !:are so point ingenious snares in the colon - ink of the public prints to catch and rob .the mawary sufferers. that utillions have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds of .quack- doctors, or. the equally -poisonous Jtostruins vended es. "Patent Meanings," I have carefully analyzed many of the en celled Patent, Medicines sad, find that nearly all ofthent eardnin Corrosive& Sublimate, which is one of the;strongest pro, Prat -jails of .Olercury and a .deadly ;wire% ollieli instead of curtsy the' cliscssC llisT' l-64 the system for life. . Three-fourths of -the patent *astrems nest in use plitup by:unprincipled arid ignorol persons, who do rut-understand even. Itbe sit phabet of -the inn& tin undies, raid are - el/v.0.11y as destitute of any Imowletkil - e- . nf.A.he huntnk .system, bitving one. object 4 only lip, view, is 4 that to make Money - regardlesitaf consennen** CCS. . ~. • • irregularities and tilldiscaseS of males And Aunties treated en principles estabiialied by :t•.venty yenrs of practice,-and Sanctioned ft' thousands of the unnstiesnarhUldn cures. -,Med ieinea with - lull - divot:Vous sent to any- part d the United .States Or .Danadas,. by patients communicating i their symPtouti by. 'Mut Business correspondence strictly. con4dentiel. Address- , •• • - •- • .• • :: _ J. SUMMERVILLE,X. D. Offi.ce NO. 1131 -Filbert St, 10:6-ly jurt received tiy . GRAVES: . • - 'IM GOODS--A Largp Splondid sorttririt 4 jist, fat' 1" • I lIIASTEVO. {Old Igo, .0P,,) BELOW Tvrzt,rpf,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers