SHERIFFS SAILb: PeY VIHTES - of- Sundry writs of Venditiorii kr a vonas and Rims; Facias issued out of f Court of CommopPletts of Potter Co., Pa., .spAid IQ itle.dirieted, I 'shall erposef to - public pale or outcry, 4t,"tho Court House in the Bor. .-6 1 %. 4-4 f cogOenipoiVi)iz MOnday the ,15 . 111 day .: Brrebripryi • 1858, at id o'clock, A. M., the Ittltowine, deserilied real estate, to Wit i • •• 4 , ggitaitit rani estate, situate in Genesee town .44ip, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north Nos. 22 t 24, east bylot No. 21, south $6, 24, the west 1;)y lot No. 2i, of the ''allotment of t.he'f o* estate in Genesee town taiptv,thoree and-six-tenths .:ttPfa's of land, of 'which - about thirty-five acres Are improved, on •e:ltieli-tu.e one tog house, one log barn,and orchard..-Seizc, taken in execution, and to be sold the property of Asa Doirns. ALS2-..-Certain real estate to wit: one un ellyidcil Vag part or motets of the following six Warszints of laud situate in the townships of . /lector: A t Pike, Potter Co., Pa., and described as follows. Warrant No. 5122 containing 604 " at:Fo4,' No. 5123 containing 1000 a c res , N o . 1.24 Containing 7 . K) acres, situate in townships of Ifeetof k pike—ALSO—Warrant No. 5123 ' rgritaining' 0,29 acres, No. 5128 containing 1.040 acres, and warrant No. 5127 containing . 950 acres of land, situate in Pike township 'lkforesaid same being known as tile Ashley buds, subject to a mortgage given bey Hunsik er & Garlock- to -W. A. Walker, recorded on Book 8.. Page 13, of Miscellaneous Records. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Cornelius. flunsikee. - ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Pleas yalle7 township, Potter Co., Pa., Begin plug at the north-west corner of a lot surveyed to George Weimer, Jr., thence east to the north line of said George Weimer's lot, one hundred • and eighty-four perches, thence north eighty eeckes, thence west two hundred perches, tkence south thirty perches, thence - east six , - teen percileif, thence south fifty perches to the Olsen of beginning, containing ninety-tive pares, beiag.part - of warrant No. '2.157 of which t.ffty'acresslre improved, with one frame house, eye log house, and one lug barn thereon. ,41tet.1; taken in excention, and to be sold as • the property of William Worden. ALSO—Cerisin real estate situate in Thetor Township, Potter Co. P., BoWnded nonli by - _ lands of W. 13,..ST,au g lite t , east by the Tioga POulty.lin,south by lands of Andrew Mallory it.W.ll.Guernsey and west lav unseated lands pft.he Bingham Estate, containing one hun dred and fifty metes, about. twenty acres of _which are improved, on trhiekthere are one frame hcins, _one log shed, and some small (Nit trees. seized, taken in execntiOn, and to he sold as the propertv of Erastus Guernsey. ALSO-Certain real estate sit oats in Sharon Township, Potter Co., P.s., and bounded' as follows to wit . Beginning, et a post the north west corner. of Simon Draku's lot, thence by _the line of said lot's:nail ninety-nine perches to it post, thence north fifty degrees west one hut:- tired and six . and 2:1 u perches to a post, thence _north thirty-,thrce and eight tvatlis perches to .a black ash :corner, thence along the road Smith fifty degrees, east sixtyzfour and three, tenths perches to the place of beginning, con taining forty-four acres and one hundred and tvienty r nine perches strict measure, of which . ithciut fo4ricresure improved, on which there is of frame house, one rrame barn, and some "fruit trees. Seized, Miceli in execution, and to be sold as - the property of Justin Fobes & Ethel V. Bron . son. ALSO—certain real estate to wit : the one equal undivided half part of the following de, scribed tracts of land situate iu Portage Town ship, Potter Co., Pa.; surveyed in pursuance _ of warrant Nos. 4020, 4621, 4022 46t, 4624, .4625, 016, 4G37, 4428, 4649, John Barrow. jr., warrantee, containing eleven hundred acres each, and an allowEnce of six per cent, fur Toads, Ace., and being all unimproved land. . Seized, taken in execatiun, and to be Sold as ,the property of John L. Mther, ra.—.A. certain two story saw ntin, situate in ilie Township of Bingham. in •setid county, on the East Branch of toe Gene .aee river, said saw-mill being fifty feet in length and fifty feet in width, and the lot and c urte.- . :lage appurtenant thereto described as follows : Commencing ten rods south and eight}-five rods west of tile south-west corner of said mill a heMloek stump two rods south of a creek, "thence south 32° east sixty-two rods to a beech, thence north 45° east eighteen rods to post, thence north 22° west in the newly -3 / 4 a14 out road forty-sit rods to a small hemlock ?tump, thence north 37° west along said road toe post; thence south 41.° . west twenty-four A -ads to the place of beginning, containing nine acres and seventeen rods. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Levi Mulls. .111.. t SO—Certain real estate commencing at the north-east corner of Lewis Lyman's lot, hhence east sixty-six rods, thence north one undred rods, thence west forty-four rods, `thence north "twenty-five rods, thence west One hundred and sixty rods, south twenty,five :Tods, thence east forty-four rods, thence south pne hundred rods, thence east. ninety-four rods to the place of beginuing, containing Onelt un _ftetl ltud twenty-fire acres, being parts of Wax/nuts Nos. 2153 and 2183 of which sixty acres eie - iinproved, an which is erected two frame hoaxes, one frame barn, one log house. :und with an apple orchard thereon. • ' Sei;ed, taken iq Wention, and to be sold as the property•of J. C. Tesseu d en. , • ALSO=-Certain real estate to wit : situate Oswayo Township, Potter Co„ Pa., Begin ping it a post in the west line. of land la pds :session of W. L.:Shattuck, thence east one huu -died and forty rods to the north-west corner pf a lot formerly owned by Thomas NV. Olcot, 'thence 'loath by said Oleot's lands one hun 'tired and twenty-three rods to a post, thence . east eighty rods to a poet, thence south one "hundred and seven rods to a posl, thence west tlyiortl4 *lli - of lot No. one hundred and - sixty rode to rt post, thence north one hundred 'and sever} and two tenths rods to a post, thence 'peat sixty-three rods to a post in the east line 'tif iamb in poisessiqn 4 . W. L. ' Shattuck, ;thence north on hundred and twenty-one rels: Rd seven tenths to the place of begin -pins, containing two - hundred' and thirteen ! • fi9res, of which forty acres are improved. being lJotNo. allotment of land in Ctswao •Tiiiinehir), - on which are three frame dwelling 41ottses, one frame barn, one water saw-mill,- :and itn apple forchard. r'' itiliedititkert in execution, and to be sold ns Abe property of William T. Jones, A. F. Jones, 'peorge„;W.-Bradlee 4 4. S. Lawton. ,1 ALSO-: : -Certain - real estate t o wit: situate in Pike ToWnship, Potter Co., Pa., lifeginnidg pt ahemeck, thence south eighty-nine degrees 'Otist , fortysiod.4 to a stake and stones, south - Otte degree west forty-two rods to a "stake and -stones i ttouth eighty-nine degrees east thi - 4 11 T - ei 4111 8 14 tonths rods to a stake, south one Idegrett•west one hundred and forty-fonr rods :ip-s; stake; north 89° West seventy-four rods 431+12;10 to a stalte,'north One degree east eigh- V4trrint- rods to a stake, north 89° west forty ?oda tri *stake, north one degree east twepty ftve(rqdrter a hemlopk, south 89° .east forty' 4T:tts to ikstake, north one degree east seren.ty "fouT roilettithepldee of beginning, eloilialianig eight7extes;with about thirty acres Improved, ticTilleAns c . eciedi.hTe4 ipPle_4 o useqs_ew'y ' fiaiiitilsaW4-otielirsakrinittcsnapi and other out buildinc4s;•., - with some fruit trees:tliereson.--ALSO-4ine:otlter..l.ot ititwtto in.rike - &nekS•ori Toivisiiip.s,...,beginalnriti and fifty-fiye rods te, np o St, i 'soitth'anyidegFe:‘.. - .;:yest eighty and eight tiaitlis i•oa - S* _LE; a posti;soutl, Solo. west.pne hundred and nine rods tiia•post, north olio degree cast,eighty and eight tenths' rods to t i tle Pliice llegitiming, eon fifty:-odeaind seven , teatyslaereS, , : - orvillich' 12 acres are!impicived.-Ori viddidi are one lug house and 'Rome fruit trees . -;-,..1143(3-L-Onti otili tot. situate i+i Pik Township, ',beginning at a poS three Butte red perches e , :ist Id the north,wes corner, of thence north eighty ' perchei to-a post, tlacnce olist eighty perches to:a post, thence south eighty_ psrchestol, post, theube %vest re the Plitce lor • begiliiiing, con=. 6 . lling fOTty.acre:i. more or less.---A LSO—One' °the: I=lt situate as aforesnid, being lot No. 2, bottnileif north, east and south .h lands of' Cortieli4Hnusiker, and West by lands !iift;Cir., ueiius Idunsiker -S, 114 .3L /),. i 01i41111illg thirty acre.--11.: - 30—J-Oice other lot situate in Pike Tunmship, aforesabli ;Amaded north; east and south by. lands .of _11..1L. Pout. - beinglot NoL2Cdon.i..he map 'of ninghaln Trustees, and part of warrant No. 09 I, containing' fifty acres.-41...50----..). trite!. of la n d . in Pike Tow n : ship, buundad n by rands of theßiwrinini latirls'of the Ilinglinm .1 tale and of James .11.irtitc, satttli hflarids• of the 'l3inghafo'Ziti:.te. and Irdst by lands of S. H. Martin, - 'notitaining nineti-thre.e acres. Seized ; taken in execution, and to be sold as the pr iperty.:of S. U. "Martin. • - ALSO.-17. fa.—All that certain two tracts ; of land situated on the trlqr:r.; of Kettle Creek, ISewardson lownAip, Potter Co., Pre.: One tract in the warrantee flume of Nicklin S Grif i fiat, gr.:tilted:by the commonwealth of Pennla.. ( No. 5 : 156 , ,) containing one thnusitini - ninety rand a half acre; :of lsnd -whFch• Crosby W. Ueorg-e StewardEmi, !Ay Deed dated the 1:;(1.1-dayl of September, A. 1). 1850, con veyed to OliverlVatqon, which Deed is record led in Potter Co,, iq j Deed 'Wok - pa!„ , , - es 1157 153, and the Watson eon_ the Jaw by Deed bearing date the 20th day of November, A. D,18.:K1, to John P. Cow. an ; aria the other. tract surveyed in the :War rantee name of Nicklin'k Griffith,. granted 14' the conimonwealthif Penn.7a aforesaid,. (N - o. 5.957) containing one thonSand 'and ninety- . -for/rand alralf acres, of which twenty acres are improved, on which are erected (rne log house and three lag barns. Seized.-taken in execution. and to bo sold as the property of John C. Dodge . Charles Dodge.__ ALSO. Fe.- -Certain real estate. to wit: Lots Nos, Id 2; cef the allotment of lands of . Sobieski Ross in Allegany township, Potter Co., Pa.. Bounded on the North by lot No. 11 and b lands Of Fox Sr . Rossi on the East by lands of F'Qx & Ross, on the south by 1 inds of Fox & Ross,'bv lots Nos. 27 & 114 and hi= lands of the estate of Fox, deed, and wes; by lots d, 10.17, 20 S.: 114. Contain ing thrcc hundred 'and fourteen and 5.10 acres and allowance of six per cent. for roads &c., of which one hundred acres are improved, on which are erected one frame barn; one' Trans' e house and one frame store-house, and with an apple orchard thereon. Seized,_taken in execution, and to be sold as the property ofiFranklin Forsytit._ ALSO—Wert:du ! real estate situate-in Alle gany Towship, Potter Co„ Pa., BOunded on the north by.lands of A. PreSho, east by lands of Fox & Ross, south by lands of bhp Reggie, and on the west by lands - of Lake Darling, cohtaiaing - one hundred and twenty-seven acres and t3:10 of an accre, about; fifty acres of which are improved, on which are erected one frame dwelling house, and'cute frame barn. Seized, taken in executhap, and to be sold as the property of ilrial:..ktwttod, with notice to G. W. McKinney & Chas. Stanley, Terre Ten. ants.. , ALSO.—`,3criain real estate, being lot No. 3: of the allotment of lands of the Bingham Estate in Oswayo Township, ' , Otter Co., Pa., Beginning at the, N. W. corner of lot No. 26, thence N. one hundred and sixty-five rods to a Beech. thence E. 210 rods to a post, thence S. It 5 rods to a post, thence W. on the.N.line of lot No. 26; - 21h rods to the place of beginning, containing 204.3 agree be the same more or 112 s, With the usual allowance of six per cent. fur roads 4-,:c4, and being part of Warrniit No. 1850 —ALSO—Lori Nos. 1 S 2 of the allot ment of lands of the Bitighatn Estate in Alte piny Township, Beg,inning at a Beech the S. W. corner of lot No. 3, thence 1° E. 140 rods to a post. thence W. 240 rodS. to a post, thence N. 10 .rods to a post, thence W. 80' tads to a Beech, thence S.' 13,2 rods to a post, t!teneo E. GS rods to a • post; thence 5:.68.4 rods, thence , S. 80° E. line of lot No. 115, 229 rods to a poSt, thence S. 45° E. by line or said lot 102 rods to a-post, thence •5. , . 60° E.• 40 rods to a post, thence N. by lines of lots Nos. 3, 5 3: 113, 186 rods, thence N. 'Ol.l rods to the place of beginning ; containing 442.4 acres be the same more or less, with the usual al lowance of sic percent. for roads itc.,.and be ing part of Warrants Nos.r 1849 5t 4374, and the same being : unimproved, • Seized, taken in execution, and ;to lie sold as the property of Simnel Lyman:: . A.- Ci. TAGGART,:SheriT, Condc.rsport; Jan. 20,1857. PROVINION- STORE. E. • SPENCER, Offerp . Great Induce4 - 4.e4t TO BUYERS OF 11120CERIES, PROVISIONS &c., t tho store formerly occupied by SPF,NCE , R, Qll 3d Street, North side of - Public Square. GROCERIES, • • -. i A good assortment constantly on hand,. from - which I will cumnerate a. few - of "the' leading articles, such as •• Sugar, Mustard, Caedy, • Coffee, ' .Ciunamon, Nuts •• • Molasses„ Popper Sauce, Crackers, .Syrups, • !Cat.sup, Soap. • Pepper, Yeast, . %Candles, Spice, Oils, • • Shot, • - Ginger, ', Tobacco, - Leadi ,Cloves, •• _Snuff, - 11 0." Caps, Carb..Soda, Segars,- .• •C. Tartar l and many other. , her. things too mkt:l:le:roes to men., ion,-will he ‘foundin this department, which will be sold at e. trilling - Advance from cost, for ready' pay. • _ PROVISIONS Constantly on hand,;such as 1 PORK,• HAMS, ,SHOULDERS, FISH, . SALT, BUTTER, -CHEESE, LARD, BEANS, • OATS,',. FLOUR; . CORN :.MEAL, •• • BUCKWHEAT :"FLOUR, DRIED .• , APPLES, DRIED PLUMS, • ' and. many -other articles in the line of Provi. 8100,3 nut necessary to mention; 'AVOODENI WARE, such as Brooms, Wadi-Tubs tind - Boaids,3l - Ops, Dinner Boxes, ke.;, which - will be - sold Icily for cash er ready. pay. Oats, Potatoes,Butter, Eggs, Cheese, and in fact almost eretThing:a farmer-raises, will, he taken in exchange.-for Goof-404 their cash value.- I 'invite: the eV tendon of Villagers, Farmers and Lumbermen who desire to make purchases in 'the. above articles; solicit.them to call before par= oh'ising elsew,h,ore. E. la. SPENCER.. Ooedergpr“U„rte ,*. pratattuaTA - • A Benitiolent Irutrtalion, otablialsed bii:4eciaL "iridomment far --- ire:seek afflicted with Vindent and' t Epidemic diseaeee r . •.• ,trb . all persons aillreed with Sexual Diseas- - ' 1 . es; such urSPATAIXTOIII3IitEA;VaII. - /4 4I; IKENIOESS; IMPOTENCE, GOMM- . I IIIIG3A,: GKEET;•,•lsonads, the Nice of 19NANISM, or S,ELF!,APE.)SEc...44c,',..Afe:4I .I`.: ' 'I __The ITOWARD - 'ASSOCIATION; in "view of. the: awful . " destruction of human :life, caused by ; e4ual diseasch_an . 4.--V7e deceptions prim", ti=ed upon the unfdrtinutte yie_ti,uts of, such I discuses by'Quaclis;tikr.ll•Tetirago directed .Ltheir COnsultineSorgeou ; as'tiCHAßlAtlLE 1Af...1,' worthy of theirliameoo• nieill h PlSliell . lial l f for the trefttgient - of tit fiplass of iliseasei, old' all their foriti.s,'andlozivellEtitaL AD,- I : VICE GRATIS, to OP' - *li••WpplY hi'lettcr, L Wittra:llocriptit.n of their condition, (age„ occupation; habits of life. &c.,). and in cases of extreme poyertylto F_URNISII JIEDICINES I FREE On. CHARGE. It Is. needleSs ,to add that the A'ssocip.iimi commands the 'highest 1 Medical skill of the age, and yiip. rt,migi . ,tke' Imost approved ind&rn . treatment. Tice Directors, coAt review of the past, feel assimed Unit their laboiA in this sphere of be•••. I neyfflent effort, hhve been of &est benelit_to I the atiliCted, eipecially toftlit • uit, and they have resolVed to devote them • ves, with re- I neWed zeal, to - 1111s vertirop• r nt•Lbut•-miteh: despised-cause. I. Just .Published by the _Assochttion, a Re ! port on Spermutot:fluna, or Seminal Weakness, the Vice- of. Onnnistn,, Masturbation, or,- 'Self ! Ibuse,:and other DiseaSes of the Sexual Or gans, by, the Consulting ,Surgeen, which will . be sent by Mail, '(in a sealefflenvelope,).FßEE I OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS. for postage. - ' - • - : ' . . 4 . - Address. for Report or treatment, Dr. I GEORGE ii—CALHOPN Cousfiltinc , SUraeon.• . ..._:.., _ .., n ! iioWarilassociation, No. 3 South Ninth Street, I Philadelphia, Pa. .. . gy order ~ f the'Direotors. ‘EZRA D. FIEARTWELL; Presidenr. REQ. 1 AIRCIIII D, Secretary. L10:141y PIANOS, BIELOpEONS :MUSIC. ------TILE--GASH SYSTEM .A.DOPTED, Pr . ibe - Greatiy, lieduced. BORACE:MATERS • .2vo: 333. Beott&i7.7), ../N r . i',..;' AGENT FOR THE BEST BOSTON- & N.. T, • Itistr11111009.:•' '''.' _ IPTIHE Largest assortment' ' ofPianos, Melo-, i -- A -- deonsTiMusical Instruments, and Musical Merchandise of all kinds, in the United States, Pianos from Ten,dillereut.Matittfactories, cony ' prising those= of every variety - Of ;•style."lfroni I the plain, neat and sobstuutial Itt, octaves, in Walnut ay. Bosewo o d ,e a ses, from *150 : to $ 200, Ito those a the most elegant. finish up to Obi,' Thousand Dollars;... No, house .in :the Union can; compete with the 2thwe,-ity: the • number, variety ,And celehrity, of ; its . ; instruments,., nor in the Extremely - low prices at which they are i sold, - c ! nonA.cE WATERS'-MODERN IMPROVED I PIANOS, withor'sVithotit Iron Frames, pos ; sessing!la theirimProvements Of 'over-strings and action; a leugth of scale aud .coMpass pf i tone equal to the Grand 'Piano, - united with 1 the beauty anddurability of structure of the Square Pirinit. They are justly pronounced by the VsFeas and by'thelrst Milsical Masters,. to he equal to those - of Any other , Mannfaeturer, They aro: built of the best and most thorouglY. ly seasoned material, and gunranteed-te, stand 'the - Action of every climate; .Bacli Instrument , guaranteed, to give satifaction, or purchase Imeney refunded. ' SECOND-HANB,.PLANOS, at great bar gains,rr constantly 'in Store,—price frours4 to I $l4O. - I HORACE WATERS' MELODEONS.-tSu perior Instrument?' in touch and ,dUrability of !make. (Tuned the equal temperament.)' 'Me lodeons of air other styles and makes. Price $-15,-• $6O, $75, $lOO, $125, sl4o—double IReeds and two ; banks 'of Keys, •820,0 , ---ICes' a liberal discount. ,Clergymen .and Churches. an extra diseount. - MAILTIN'S GUITARS, ;'. : , ' , • • BROWN'S HARP,S, ' ' • • ' 1 • FLUTES,. ; ,•.,• - • ': ;1-. . ' . FLUTINAS, , • .; i ACCORDEONS,.,,. , VIOLINS,. and Musical .Insquerients 'of all kinds f ailower I prices than ever before offered: to ; the public. ' A large discount _to , Teachers, and , S.chools. l'The trade stapplied ort the ~most-liberal terms. MUSlC:—.one.of thelargest kind best se : leeted • 'Catalogues , or Music' now IpubliskA ,I comprising many of the choice and most pope I War airs of the den - and - trill be sold at one- I third-off from the regular; prices.; i ' `l';,' 1 Musk sent by ; maif to 411 parts of the coun try, post-paid. 'Particidarand lierAtinal. often- I-tion paid; to all orders received'b'Y mail. ' Sat isfaction guaranteed in every instance. Pianos and Melodeons for rent and : rent allowed on puuohase. Pianos and Melodeons fcr sale on monthly paymentS. Seeoud-hand Pianos ta ken in exchange-for new. • General and select Ca.talogues'and,Sehedule of prices forwarded to all-parts of the country by Mail. •••• sam-Great inducements offered to. AGENTS Lin all parts of the country, to sell the-Horace Waters' Pianos; Melodeons, and Catalogue of iMusic. - : . ," -" ~ : I ..8:46, . 1.1)W. SPENCER is Agent for many of the most popular Medicines now in use, a lbw of whieb•he will Mention: : • • / - J.ll. STAFFORD & CO.'S OLIVE TAR. DR. Q...,,JAYNE• CINES, .J. C. AT.F 4 n. CO.'S CHERRY PECTORAL AND PILLS • . I]SEVERAL KIN - DS OF SYRUPS, 4ke;ote., 4c, ./ 4k, Co;'s Olive Tar is -ap plied and inhaled by wearing' on INHALER around the neck and on tile breast. His GLte IVE OLNTMENT slip is broken, - aild Is popularretneily witert,lmown. Good fithe Whooping Cough. ‘10:2. ATEB-- COUNTY NUR~ER~T, "INT- H. OLIN & CQ,,of the Yates County 11 Nurseries,lM‘.6 for sale a large aml valuabld assortment - of' , lffil.firr grlfsiPCS of all varieties usually - cultivated, Trees are young and of yikorolig oro*th) The Aualities-are-the most choice known, and nre t!arranted i:GENUINE. Also, a fine stock of ORNAMENTA-TREF-4 ,SIIH.UBBERY; for fall delivery. • • , XOW'Addiess 0163 tO.c.BEAC,EI„PegfYigi,, 'Yates Co., N. Y. Ordefi left - Witii NOWT,. W. . - Cogeriport, Pa., will be promptly filled:'" ' 10:2—Man. mop LEACTUED MILILINS nnti*fq4,lizt„eir'r'; •Lp 4i cies in t4e Ivry 'Goce itrcrfor mh7 s at E. IC.. SPENbER'S,• 10:2 zi • - .D. W. S , QRANI:MS lAND LtMONS , jist redeitjd• 16; _ 40:3 W. 1 ,1114Pil OVA rg,4,-. I=ME=ll - COLDs / HoAIk§NESS f - BROWcerks,WHOokiNG.torGif, eget? ASTInIt AND , 9 CONSUMPTION. ANI) Nolte the efherriPectdral• - On:gtqng - to liedind , ivriip up . . warm, t.otlweit dikritig•thd ,1 7 ,911 cOLD Sake in, Torn -nonifttild'eVening; ecoillitgio' the direc bong •ozi' the . ITht tit; , tent.l difgeU'lty wiltsoon :be , femo vdd ;. None', will long suffer from this ;trot4ble,Nyltell'tiley find ;it fait Ue .so yeadily Personsdin( ted with a seated cough, whieli'breaks them of their rest at night, will !find by taking thO . Cherry - Peetornroit- geittg I:tor.bed,:.they mac he sure of Sound, unbroken and 'clittii , q - nent refreshing rest. Gliat `relief from suffering, Mnl an ultimate eure,is arfOrdedlo'fb - onsamis who are thus afflicted, by this inValtrable rerdedy, -•, -• ' i From its agiteable :effeets in' these. - -eases, mani find. themselves unwilling to forego its. use when Alte - neeCssiiy_for it has ceased. - 'TO - S-INGEDIS AND PUM:IO- , 'SREAKERS this rnned.l.-- netion:inl the throat and lungs, when taken _matt ipniritities, it remotez - rall honr.4eness in a fen hours, and ivonderiblly increases the . •power and flexibility of the voice: • • ASTIIMA * is -generally'. Much relievdd, arid often wholly cur+...l kr Cherry-l'ectoral.• But there are-some cases so obstinate as to yield entirely to no medicine. The CIIERRY Pecro. tt~tr twill iure them if they can be cured. - or irritation of the throat and upper portion of .; 4) t e. lungsoisoy tayingpherry Pectoral in stnalland frequent doies. Thc:.ottoornfortable.oppression is soon retioved, CRQX.Tp. emetic . et:antimony. to be followedbly iarge and trequentdoses' (it the "(lierisPectural, until it subdites.the dis ease,. If taken in S not-fail to cure. „ . , wilot)P4,G COI4I may. be. _broken 'up 4114'seon cured 11 the,,Use oiCiterry;reptvral. • 'Mi.: 1N1 . 11..L 7 E1Ng.4; speedi:y romoved,,by this remedy.. Numerous•instances have been nolit:edwitere whoic ; Ayere, protected from any serious consequences, -.white their tieiglibors.tvithout the Cherry Pectoral, were these. FOltf . QPN:i.U.Nli'lloN in its earliest stages, it should he , ta ken. under . the ,ad vice of a;nod phYsiciaii if possi 'and V cry-, etisb, With. a eitiefti! , riga . td'in ntett'diretqiOns the IfjudiciOusly used; and the liatienfis carefully nursed meantime, it'will seldhin lsil te.subthte.the disease.. . For s - ditted CONSUMPTION of, the ,Lungs. the CIIEIZRY PECrort.u. should he'giVezi in do. 'ads adapted to What the , pit tient 'requires , (EMI can beat. always affords relief; ' atid: not unfrequently cures.patients.that were consid ered .pa'it. hope. There i ‘ ire,, many ! thousands iseatter4all oveF,tite:conntry, 'who feel and that'' they • owe - their live; and present health 'to•the Cherry Pectoral. .Idany.years of trial,, instend ,of impairing :tbe:ittibhe ectrifideuee in this medicine,, ha won for it: an appreciation and' notoriety by* far :exceeding the 'Most. sanguine 'expectations of its friends.. Nothing but its intriusitr: vir tues/414 the unmistakeable heneftt conferred On thousands of sufferers, could originate and and maintain the reputation it enjoys. i :SVltile many inferior remedies thrust Orion the cern munity; lurre failed and been trscarded. this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they fan nceriforget. and produced cures too numerous andltop re markable to be forgotten. - While it is ire ud. - . - poktiteAoßdic to pretend that any one medicine will infallibly still-there is abundant proof that • the Cherry Pectoral'Aloes not only as a general thing. but almost invariably.cnre the maladies for which if,. is - employed. ", . . 'As time makes th?se facts wider and better known, this medicine: l llas gradually become ,the best reliance of the afflicted, from the log, cabin of the Antericaat,Peasant, to the palaceS Of European Kings., The CHERRY PECTORAL is manufactared by a practical Chemitt, and every ounce of it un der his Own eye, with invariable accuracy and cure. It-is sealed Af?',:y*otecte4 by law from conntertits, consequently earl be relilld on as genuine without adulteration. prepared rind sold byJAMES C. AyER, Prac tical and Analytical Chetnist,Lowell Mass. . Sold by SEITII A: JONES and D. W. SPEN CER, Coutlilisp?rt, and by country merchants and druggists everywhere. NEW ,GOODS; Low- Pyioels aractfacady_l3 -- , T 811,iP4.* . TIM SUBSCRIBERS : tire olrerino•lfor sale .aiventirely new stoelc,:conSistio ' g of DRY GDODS,, ROCERIES,IIA I:HWA RE,. CQUCii.ELY.,,VLASS WARE, HOOTS , silotiz, I.IA'ts . & , OAPS; iR ' PARAzOLS, • ' 'IVINDOW SHADES, WALL. ',L'APER,‘: READY a4.1-#; phur. r ikviu,7 Nwrioss.. , . ". In our seleetioug-the-iiants MI-tart-been tuniembered-.=- The Gentlemen can find iu our stock of'Re:ady Made Clothing, glegaat Flishionable suit, or--,4„"Obstantral Business suit, amk . we Shoes to MittCh,,- . The LtidicS r can- find . s h ip t n a Ick 1 e bonnets hentitiftillylrimine4;6oOuuctsandttimmiugi asOdd assurtfueut - ot - Dieii(Mods, und . triM 7 , :016ves, 111tts, Hosiery and (I ) aiters:,=-, - Alidylagt bitt:init' least,. corded and skeleton skirts • also, Rattiins;' - Skirt-whale and Brass ISkirt-JloilliSi bettfitifur'Yee' , l"eciihieds and Bra:cilets, Fatis;''aad too ..iith - 6 . r:things to entirtimititeall-iii , *lllch•iv r e :are-selling-low -for Cash, Lumber; orltuay kind df:Pcbdifa.')::FLOUß. 7 MEAL, Eu.s.o &c., con= staritly on hand. "J., .I,4I.,CiIiAVES,(I 'Sharon, denter,-I;utter Pa.,l June 5, • A & e -N• U 1 ca..S.- 01,1043 i ' Ni4TICE islierAy-givell t -Anditor •• f : appointed 6y,tlto : Court folnakd tion_of the_praceeds of the •sale of r ,, al estate, tAto3. eitse of. Oakley'Reach vrnms.i . Harrison Rosa and J. 11. White,ovill attend to file du ties,of ippoirktirierit; the,.pfoo of the Protlton4iary, on'•,Sitinidayitle sixth • 40 `of February 'flet; at 2 'o'eloek F i ;" 1 :id; - • • IL .L'OTSLSTDD I UOtideriPort, • - 4 • . •Ez,bAKl,btp.;,kakeetilfs. nte9l94-R jn , 1n rAcia11.W40441,94440- tH ceipt of, and arc now openini, a choke and ireltnibrifltifettir""" 'DrF °OBS, eflitlflalo Our4Rtoeleis large ha h"e6n selected with great care, and is par titularly, adap , ted to thc Nants of this section of our country. Our tfoClecif PrYPoods.COri sisti'.Of ' ~I),RESSf3,O6 S, ITNP,RII:IItONS ..... EN DROIDD RI ES';'" , - C1:01'118; • ~. ESTIN DO- '• - mr.srpi(!s, • s .. :•cr..; 1 I.IOSIEPY SIIA 5 7 • and : o variety of other articles, too numerous to nientioia,'" We complete ussort ,aaoot of • . . -GROIDERIES,-:;DARDWARE ;AND .cItOC.K.E V; - .; all of which sold'uneonnnOnly- cheap tor rea ,pay, and' - for„tipproved credit on as :1 6 reason: ftym.i.: - ni tiny other estithlishment. . - . MANN kNICIIOUS. Aug. II; 1856.-9;i3 Ty. Kirt.o--ze EON . • • - • PATENT . • ifitt.litrrALC'TiT RE ft S, 13ropme. Street, Cue DObt . Enst ELikte 4tiS NEW-YORK " • . .. • "[Dip eiLTide:4 - .4. 1.5.3;3.,1 . . ITE p r ti.t.:.‘atnillajlon of, tl) ; gr,c.4 gty and. supdrkor ~assorlnents ; c,IIAI inanufactkupd Fa.) ; .lleir !..w.13 asty, ; llli§bruent ihunetEate übserv,tto_4 in :111(10g PIVOT REVOLVING CIIAIRS.I • • . SELF-AGTING EXTENSION RECI.T!...IBENT 131,PROVD INVALID WiIEEL.CHAIRS : sMAjOR SEARLE'S TRAVIZLING INYAI.ID CHAIR. SPANISH SPRING AND J 1 CHAIRS. RIIIIMATIC. SPINAL AND ASTHMATIC INVALID CHAIRS, &C., &C., Ernbritcirli4he most completeAtssortramit, choicestkihds for Parlors, DrificittY Rooms, :Chambers, Gad'''s, Libraries, Co:tilting llutises, Ofces, Publicjastitaiians, Den.qsbsiTiorbers, ' together witlPevery desirable sort , adopted to the.; comfort, conveniinee nod -Inxitry:.f the Ski - 7 the iyrd,-the 'he Lame and Luzy. lit point of ingenuity of di - , 4 'glii-olrgatwe of finish qualirP , riehm faitil ftaiiuss of eXtly rill: ai,i 1.;,y ;411:1cliNtotess, th.26e clotirs pre I:ll,nipn.,.:eit.. For them, 11, W.:KING &. SON, Its, , ar;led the first nod only-Prize Medal. amt. ,tht, facoPy recommend therryas far prc.f,,rable to beds or couches patit , nts . ;:aftlieted wiih 'Spinal Asthmatic or Bron,Viia7alrec,6o/fi. froTtifiter arm. or thecheir indy. beiittdched '?..suP'Wlit l .llren-!iii4g or writing P,Es!ir !ma 'cptnynitjen ie7. , ired be inant4etured tO W order. • eutl.,, sent•by'rnail it •regitestil, and orti cry, (with re . - -nittartees.J. prurapri,".'..furivard:fl. to ani- part'of the, irorbi t , • • ( riTTN - L 7 RY' . & -KNit'S NEW CHAIR "AS YOU LIKE An Arm Chair. Reclining Chair, Couch and Bedstead, [comets. 0 IN ON ,J is susceptible of twelve differtrit positions or Changes, to 'meet the. varietl:requirements for ccmiort, conreni enae, luxury and economy, Op space as well a. price.] Whether in siness or heath, Chi; .celebrated Cll4 l / 2 .11 . ; "as YOU LIKE, IT," excels in many respects, any chair perhaps, over maim factUrea in this or any other country. • , The price varios i .frout Fifiecn to, Thirty lars, of voiding to lini h. lustitatiOns, :wove]] as to individ uals, this . is a very ,desirable article, and, will be supplied. in any number on the nioSt liberal teems. Apply to or address 317 t. KING 4: SON, 423 th`otllll6 •st..i 3 One:dgclr:easf .i)f Broadway. littm. Yop..b:,, : flatf 44;8 I.3roaciwv: '9:44 , -I.y. . , . . kT, EIS , * GOODS—A fine Assortment. just £' received At OLMSTED'S. GREAT - REVOLUTION IN MEDICAL SCIENCE.' -The . bestThei•apeutie Agent • evor - Introduced. . • DR:C KI. NS ON 'S AGNETO • \ ' T'M JIACIIIN , exciting the hsorbi rig a t ten r4Z,,.p.Y.,;*.1..--tetion of the 'Medi cal Profession . :Ind - a larr , e portion of - 'he . _ the hit gen t lay men of thland. • It is now 'clearly demon strated thar the lancet,'merenry, and' all other Internal "drug fnedication' - niny be laid aside with perfect safety to the patient• and abid inVittietit to posterity. Wherever these ma , • eluttes'lAve been introduced, they excite the larliesf wonder. And ,praise... r The ppa atus is adapted toln•Ovetit;'relieye and cure ereer disease incidene:tohtunaitity,--more particu larly all those painful and forinidable diseas es which-havelor .centuries baffled thepro- Toimilesflearnin, and of physicians. Froth whatevel enuse there:may be an ex eess'er deficiency of the.nervotti fluid—pro dading n or - ;defleteney of the acids and alkaline'e magnetic princi ples of the system are 'deranged; and can on, safely restored , to their 'normal condition by am applieation of ma2meto-'electricity, by means of DR. DICKINSON'S 'MAGNETO 'ELECTRIC MACHINE. This'apparatus will positively prevent, and speedily relieve :and cure. • Consumption, Scrolchr, Rheumatism, Palates, Neuralgia; - .Spinal 'Diseases, and all other painful maladies, however hopeless and °flung standing. 'They nre- eminentlitise,9l sexual and urinary dliorders, :particu clarly:where theF,Constitution hai been "biokrt.' 'down and ruined by:unnatural solitary'hobits 'to which too marir - athe'Young of both sexes ..arelso lamentably prone., • - - ••.i 'PR. DICKINSON'S I.AGNETO--ELECTRIO f 'MACHINE' is withoutrthe !daugerbas'eempll_ ! ctitio*of hatterirk d tteitl.4-'•4hich fact alone Tenders it superior-twat!. others - on: the 'score .oftheatnesk, cleanliness, safety and, , 'utilitY.LL. It is; in fact, a handsome, .parlor- omen - tent; may: be applipd - :brir child ;: 'hist' a life-time, to the great :saving- of Vector's ‘te. . , = II _ ' , RICE OP TIIMBIACIIINE$10; -"i It• :witi . . ite =fair. Tateke'd, nnc sent to any part of the:lUnited StateS.• I - - Sold: Arboleiale at-the Medical . OlfiVe-No, 38 NOR" SEVENTH. Street,-Philadelidifa:- r, i0 -I=-=ly. - - tli 4 'lo CHARGE Fwouttly r rivd, THE NEW Goods just re'caiyed.ut. :D'S, • A .NE `'2 irollSi'ltrnatit-IV4O$ fob 11: for sale by JUNKS, MANN I4IO N/la ittlipart, Attie 11, 1851, tft A. C. DICKINSON', ;.M.D • • ,(, s , Frovagmentitmtnieno ....":„:-11-7 ell,r - : , 4:: , ':1-7 - T/'ri .q4 e gltr a lf c ! n 4 w P le ii ,`'f e r i. ' 2( 4 in 1 e wprlt' - • -..,..:•4_,,,. .., . .. ~: ..,.,1,. - ." . :F , t ...- ,c, C117c00419 7/opoo.. . Till'.-ELtGAirk, • AN.4 tASCDZATIizo LITERARY .4Di: F.44l.4'ei:',lloliTilLY 31 . A o rA zi k. ,w, c i osas ;4.Er . firit vhnue in June ne4. During the fewlb`riMtmontlui of its _ix, ienee. 4has, attained ili PoPlih/F4Y- iiit 6 ltLided in the :Inns's of the Pltss.. ,- , • ..• i rl The ind.dishers„,llo ',.ig . OfFered lifierall?ie. ,mums forfehoiee,.lite .. ry effort-S. the 'Stories, Rothaties t ;E:§•says,, Po 'try-, ding other .i.tili, liug - and intereting • re was commenced in January last, and etre heing stilt iilash, •_ ....... . • ed in ihe The.New.Volurne Sri Ihn conwouleea , aved and eidargu— Eteh ntantieviwill tarn. . thirty-twii - large royal beta!, pirges;nfiticini nificent veltone . - 02ji.eariz 400 pages. fur the year—,or alnount' uf - the_ cest reading en iol' rultieets, cijual to 'what would Bost In 1114'. boot;' stores iit - I!:ntt•lifty cents, piyable 41V:11:4:by -"?tirtnce. ' - S9mo racA repOrir e r iid, brilliant prate and fectiale contrilititoFsr are ecinfri. butors and the, .paidisbers spurc - nri pains sir expenso to render" the 1. - W(11;0;1e 'Visitor every way aeceptitble to a refined. gent einninunity; .- . . . , . . The piiblicaticn) i. 4. nAttpletl 'to nli . elassrs - of; people—the yOunc,itn4 - the old—nud 'where. ever Feel' and perutet.i; aeets.Wit4 - uniVersa aCCeptVA ion'. - . ,, ie:t- !goy', is the `tiro: to subsciiiid - to t 4,.. „ New Volume. -' . ' ' - ' ** * The'.lmek numbers 'lnnv 'lie '.lln,a (1...., ~ . ... . complete sets) for . 'if' ectits'e' , A:ll, of the 'wholf series_of 12 uutiihers for .rWr.xTv-t•ir,:: cents: LiVern..l induct: . ti> ("labs racd cl-Ilerr.ember,'otir terros'o.reirifty cent s for 011:: - year, for u innle copy, or three cop. li3s svut under one 'co - yr r.thiresz!ot One Dollar. Ittl(11-ess, COSDEN C COMPANy, _ . Publklters, -No-. 38 North Seventh Stre.t. (tip stairs.) Of ail disease i . the•gre:u, first cause Springs from lieglct lairs :SUFFER NOT ! When a • CUE 'ls guaranteed I 'ALL c f r , . SECRET DISEASES;. Self—Ataa',. Nertioza; Debi Strleturer , ,i Glatt, Grarel, - BittAelex, DiTeare.v ty" the Rif;hey, Bladder, Mercurial Bheuma'tilan, Pains in the Bones and A ;r4•(ti, ire;r:l.^.4 ri.e Tiirtfatt, - Nt,se mar EyeN, thc .1)f,n1r311,141/Ppit St. rita'A yr.rcr , Vi• i 11:1 lifyiplliC;lt q:9 - .OIC i,tvrtil Ulf.eP,', S ICII 11E , of licir o r, Loss of l'clr• et, tiunerai Dinmess of yis!onl with .pec nlior spots.eFue.,-t -;ag before the creS, Loss •of ..Sig,lll. Wakeful: ties.,Dys . Liver Disem c..EriTtiot: , the ttlife ; ;.4i. Fei.:rde irreguterities both sexes.. , it antltrrs not item what cau.t the disease.originated; however lorgstandit.g or obstinate the case, rceoreiw fa cei law, and in a shorter time than a perinaner t cure can be ef fected by any otherireatment,: oven after- the disease has baffled the skill of eminent physi cians and resistedal! their means of cure. 'ibe medicines are ple:Ortnt . withopt oder; causin no sickness and. free t'rom meroury or ha klatn. During twenty years Of practice,l have rescued from the jiews of Death wily:thousands, whe, in the. last.stages of the •tiboye mCnti*ned ewes had beet, pitta up to'die, hy.their pkysi• clans, - winch warrants ine in promising to the afflicted, who may place themselves under oiv cure, a perfect and Moat speedy cure, Seeirt Diseases are-the zentezt er.emieg to'health,as they Are the first cain , eoi,COnsaiription,t , cruf, ula, and many other diseasesomd uhutild be it terror.tmthe Iranian ifarapyi , - As. a pet:maw-1 cure is scare'elyei - cr etreeled, d Majority of its ea,-cs falling into the hands 'et' leech, petent persons, who not caqy fail to rare the but ruin the constitution, tilling the system with mercury, which, with the dilzeuee, has. tins the.sulrererint6 a rapid Consumption. _ . • Btit .shOnld the 'disease .11 nd the trentcient not cause cleath speedily and the iietiru mar t leS, the dise!ise d,ritalieci the children, who are born with i feeble constitution:, end the' current of life cbrrupted liy n Tiros which betrays Snrbfula„ Thtter, ricers. Erup tions ch other rtifekluns 'of rthe • skin. Eyes, Throat'arid.laing'.s, entailing upon tlAein a btinf existence of suirerg and consigitig Qum to. nn early grave. SELF ABUSE isanother formidable enemy, to health, for tiothing else in the dread cata logue of human tli.C.a ses causes so destructive a drain upon the i•VE•ll ni. drawing its tllol:Fr•nds ,of victims threill' - a, few . years of suffering i down to an -nr,tinfely gni VC. • It destroy§ . the Nervous system,idsiddly n a .7 . 1`.3.9 away, the co ergiei Of -life, .Calises mental „derangement, prevents the proper development of the sysitin, disqualifies foe 'endrriAp,e, swiety, botineis' and all earthly' limipinetis, and lenyea the suf ferer wrecked in hckly anti Mind. proTispoted to consMniption itr.d a train of evils more to be (trended than death itself. Witlo l- the- fullest confidence I ossittel the unfortunate :victims 'of Sejl-Mmse . that it permanent and speedy tare I can - bemtfeeted, 'mid with the -abantionme.tu of t ruinous, practicesM i y patients can be restored to robust; vig.ortiusltealtli, -- -:' The afflicted are Cautioned, againit the ire of Patent .11ediciner., for there: are so many I'' ir^eulous snares it; the columns of the .public i prints to ettich and roll :the r unwerysufieters. }that millions havi -their: constitutions mired 1 by the vile comt.ounds of. quack doctors. 0: r the equaity poisonous , - )ln.i.trklins vended al I "Patent Iledicines.;" I havO carefully ntualYz - e4 I many of the so 'called; Patent iNlkdieines inii 1 find - that nearly „all of them contain Vorresire Sublimate, whioh is - 'ony of , the strongest pre;:. partitions of mercury and, n deadly .poisett, _which instead-Of Curing the. disease disables, the. System. for life: ; - . i - " •' Pree-courth of thei'patent.nostrunts roc in .use al-r put up by. unprincipled and ignollo persons, who do uot. under:AM:o' evio the- °l- - - Plitabet of :the nigteria:mcclica, Eto are ega`lill aS Aestittile of any knoirledge of -the htungrs system, haying tine - objet,onlyiin -fete,, And. that-do.make money regardless Of cpr,,,:equeo.- Irregularities find all : diseases of Males females treated '.on principles ,established bi• twenty y'earS ' pinetic'e, - siinetioac a I.y tliouSanda of UM most remarkable eni-cs. ieines with full difeci - ions SeitlO any pat the United -Sthles or Catiallas, cOnirn r oMetttink tlieie eymptotas: Ictter.-& -13'usineser cofresimnde.nee‘StrietViOadei tirl. Address. - ' • • - J. strm - I,\‘xEßv.T.T.,a„ 1131 Filbert. • 031.4 No. : 10 7 9,) P. 41 I A. ri L-P if I A NEW GOODS;-..Aclar4iek,and Splendid 4 sorknente . jttA re ‘ cetreftat • - 1it.V.11"."--,1 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers