7ag. - ME 111111 MN EIS =A MEE MEM . i,;EUBLISIEW f;-.i.t 711111.5i,17,„ wit! _ SF' • if e TER , . ,„Teumw • rim.urp.-FrrriT*l.llPlPitY^ifNTo Whoia alt Pill Theis So AD - hue , ' ibtae lr il'-iftielbetiiniaia*" i 1 be Ir4dressed, so odegro •Tetsm—iftivitriabistilt - Adwasave: $1,2.5 per Annwirp, ,- • , -'reds of Aciv.etii*ng.l' I.sqtqul4lo /logs] / uo9rtion, Satirsili;eqtient .'"25 . Y 00, it sur " • :4 00 'is -nine •-•4g:` . •"„,, , 1j5.50 f . tini - ii . l , 7*, •`' 4 `..• 4 • . 1 • 4 '. 4 k, :00 416 4°,1 u24, fg 4re, WP ric tr 3 .j 113. .! 00 evet4 sebampientliis 50 •eeittatta!,tiis.-:*sittia; -•4` •• 18 00, :;- • 1!): j • 30%00 Administrator's or' ' tiecutlittoe:Nntiee, •• S 00 Anditor's Notices; each , , 'l' 50 Sheriff's Sales' Ter tract .; 1 5,3,. Marriage Notices, - - - - r - 1 ,00 Business or PrOfe.thiOnal 'Cirda, • not exceding'B piaci; per year,_ - ,on• Special and Editorial Notices., per line, 10 leirbAll' transient: advertisements Inuit 'be' paid in advance; and lathed of -advertisemente front a distance, unless they are accompanied by the,nionei , or sati,ifactory reference. '• - , • .• . 1 uout,so JOLIN , S. NANI`.I;-: ATTORNEY-AND; COUNSELLOR. AT !L AW.. Condereport, pain 'w;ll—ftttead the several Courts in kotter sosd . :ll'Keun All holiness entrusted ia - his care !rill ieCeive prompt attention.. Office s oir Main at','opPo, site the Court Hotise. • - • 10:1 • • • . F. 3V. li/NOX• • ATTORNEY, AT - LAW, Coudersport; Pa., Neill iegularly attend the' Courts - in Potter and the adjoining Counties.' •' 10:1 • ,ARTEUR - 'G. OLMSTED, ATTORNEY k COUNSELLOR AT, LAW, Corideisport, Pa.; will attend to all bu:sines, entrusted to his care, with piomptnes anti fidelity. Office in Temperance Bldck, sec , and fibor, Main St. - - 10:1 ISAAC BENSON.. .1 ATTORIEY AT LAW. Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business entrusted - to him, with care and promptness. Office corner of Wes: and Third sta. - . . 10:1,. L. P. IVLLLISTON, ; ATTORNEr AT LAW, Well4boro', Tioga Co Pa., will attaild. die Courts in Potter as M'Kean Counties: 9:13: A. CONE, ATTORNEY -AT LAW, IfVellsboro', TioguCo. Ya.,..4r111 regularly attend the Courts 'o Potter County. • . 9:13 It. W. BENTON, SUSVEYOR AND 'CONVEYANCER; Ray- Mond P. 0., (Allegany Ti).,)Potter Co., Pa.", will attend to all business in his line, with care and dispatch. r 9:33 L. • SURVEYOR, DRAFTSMAN AND 'CONVEY ANCEE, Smethport; leKean Co., -Pu" wil Attend to business for. non-resident land ' bidders, upon reastlnal!le terms. Referen ces given if .requiretl. P. S.—Nlap.i of an., part of 'the County made to order.; 9:13 0. T: .ELLISON, PEACTICIrG PHYSICIAN;-Cduderiport, Pa. respectfully informs the.eitiaens of the vil lage and vicinity, that ,he lira:x . lply re, spond to all calls for professionallserviccs Office on Maiii it. -,'in bliildirig• formerly oc copied by C: W. :9:22 , - C. e, JONES, LEWIS )(ANN. ,A. r. JONES. • JONES, MANN & JONES , ptAußs IN DRY GOODS, liardware„ Bo is , dc , Shoes, Graceiies and :provisions, Main st, ca'aderspda,`Pi. coLuira, . • , - A. JO E 3 , ~i3311,TH ,&,.JOl.ll3Sj , • DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, Articl:-.3,Ststiotter,y, Dry Goods Groceries, ke.; Main st., Coudersport, Pa. - ' 10:1. D. E. OLMSTED,_ DEALER Di DRY GOODS,: REAPY-MADE Cluthiag, Crockery, (iroceTies, ,s.c..„3lainst.; Coudenport, Pa. ; ,I0:1 • M. W. 3.IANN;' DEALER IN BOOKS lc STATIONERY; MAG AZINES and MuAic, corner of Main al I -Third et;, Coudersport, Pa. lO4 • E. HARMING lON, 04 - nAcrsport,'Pa:; havin . , gr: ed a window aelckson'e• Store will ca.trion'tha Watch. and Jewelry. business there. s.A fuse assoLluient cot - de‘,: -Au constantly -on hand... Watches Jewelry carefully repaired, in the, best atyle, onathe shortest noticall'WOrliiratr4.ed. UENILY J. .O (suctmucut. To. d .81(1"111,) •-„.. DEALER IN STOVES,., IN,k,g49f. WARE, Maui-Bt., nearly oppositee 'Court Rouse,- Couderaitort,:'n, - -Tin r 'igieri 'Si/cot: Iroti Wart made-to ordtr, in gooll 45.6 • phort notice.- -; - 2 : ' COUDERSPORT 110TEV GLASSMIRE, Px9PfietAr. ,POrneri of iwn'and Second StFeets,,Couderspori;Pot 7 ter Co.; Ps, - • • - "r - ' 9:44• •„. , ALLEGANy - . IIQUS.E; Eimers!, mAmt.s; • Potter Co., seven' leg =north, of Goa dersport, on the Wellsville Road. ,19:44 • • ____ . . .... . . ._ _ . - _. ~ . ifi%3•il •- - , Ti • ~, .;, , , ollt •..i f i' l; •ri, C •t , =: ; ;;1 3 ;:yr,1 7 .1 3 - f ; '-f-.1-,ritft ; ;. :4S . it. 7.1107,7 -.:3,;- 'Ely -,,t;, - - •:-t...,-r..r . , : Fit,...;bala-fia - 1! - -,---.,*. oak, i ',Jul!. i-- : . i k ,. , a i r 4. T i. i . i f , ~, 4 .. e '' • ' ''' . D .- -- • - .... ---- 1 1.-el ' 1 1 1:111 1 r.l Lir -1 , -t- -.2- .001 - I \, .; ..,, ....1., ------ ~- ~ -,,,,:-.; et ,) . 73 , ... 42 ft : iiLIZI.;:i7. - -i , 'A''' a'/'' ••' t t , ' , Z.. . 1 la . 7t.,*11,-.1. 1 ,_) +l. ..•:, ,;,....... r . ______ .., _,..._ _ ' • , ....,,, - ' `l - 10/.1 A. A • . Oi r " t A V ...1.11., - 1\ I f , 1 11 -„ 4 -,-,, a - .9 1. - j-_, tr 4 . : 1 .. •, : .c . , i 1 1 , 1 4 ei ,-,. 7 1• 1;•; , :t5u1 ,j .. ., I I . ; ~. :j • , ~...,17., ~, Am , e - —j - -r -- -; ' '. , • : I lk . , 1 t(:)) -. .- „ . • _.. . . - -1, . .., . ..' 4 11." VI . .Z - .' ZIF q." 1 4.1.!_, ' - ,r!;ti ....= 1:0'. , ' lnCrl:i , Jttr(v)C.-. •, .. " J ., '/ , I . fto +.rri. ',l--,..,--•/-... :::J::• -;!.; --..!• • , '1 , 1.5i. • ti c ilce' ..- I' .' • .1. -01 A . . t . L t ,• , t t;e1 1 . ,a ti. ,,,-1 ,1 • ir: - , i,T, - - • .. t ; .. - li; 10 '''' '• , 1 ( '' . :l 4i , 4 • (_•. , ~, . "„ , >6s ...it 3 -',. --- i•--•/ .1 - - '‘'‘ t F 'Ll' ?ROI 3 , _ u . 5. , .c. 1.0 q;- '.;, +f: .., ~- . , ; , i t ~ 0 ‘11 ,. ‘ ~4 4.:;. . /i ib. ,1,; , : I. fil ; 1 1 . .i::.-.4 1,..... , 32:'' •' ''.- 4 ' 7Cl ' '; - - .6.6, 01.16:63.6162 , ill i;...: 1 31; .' \\ Dill -, ,j. . 1,17 '- tg :" 7:9 , t ' AO , ' • ~5 k 411.. 1 ..--" A ag.' A ,„ 2 1. ) , ..:.. ;,',,j. P. As ----s ' s % 0 <• .. ,t,: ~... _ _ .2:,, , r _.. ._ f t ~... sir, - ANS' . • : i I. , .: j :,-, . . 4th 1,, , i--.1 --•,. : ---- H t. t . _ • :::;.'ll -: ..,--..,;,icii. 446p:4. b11...i 4:', - ,!:k! .3 tft -5,: : , 1 - ~.f..,:'''' ,: _ . •):0 ..:':::.! ~‘?1, ; , ; .111 -, ..... 0 7;::: „La . .-.•-• • • t — •-- ,;- - - .., - - 1 '. •. '• - i r ----- '' ':,,••l!' • ' . • , j . 4••• ~,•LT, : 1 - 4.).i+.5.41‘,41' .E.Li•• , .[-,-, D.t 1 ...n.I .!,`,• . ..--.:., ai- ',. ,.- • .1,, , --:: , ......,. -. ,--, T ' ...-,- 1-.7, :e.,..-- - ! , ..j0 .-:-- ‘', •-.;• •• - 1 il- ;.-{ ii 1 :4 ''--r: l ; , ud'lri - :; r - pir 3'- ;, J 21 .,. ./i . I.1: —!‘ • .11 , 1 , ; 4/ I .F'+"/' - .- •''' •' ' '' ••• - '' ' - --- '• •-' • -' ‘- '"- "I .-.--.•:)• '• - • 4-..'--- `i,=_. . - '''' s`" ' ' --'; ' '-'" --'' -*" ''" ' - ' )!.3 ,'"?' • , .. -•,, r•i.,0.-...,--. . :-.2-, ct ui, ..- , -.•-'o'.. , 1 • ''' . 1:1' 1.- c . - : ... . •-•—. ::—...---,. , • -.315.i 'lt, T-3.a1tf,•41 JP.; 'l,-3 •,:. t'3 f I L ,,- .-?s•II:t • --, --, , 1' ,•, ,' - ( 14 -...- .1 ~.-i _ -..:4.1 e „!..,-..., ••, (..,., -.,, .;..,._..... ! ..... 5: ,. ~„411, b _010,10 s molhopplies, of ite- bilm i e , A.Ra •• ile„ intlint of .411 u. !kis. ° • -,.. • f f.!T IMMZIMMI 1 tt ; . g orkr4 3 '''tfrE'Lrrri,t CO iN:i .• .Fg Has. p.t,.aotriwtca.,` Tarnik - Araiy,'fitgieWohd thin ' • - , -;4 3 N 11 : 1 :!9u? 14 r 1 4 141 .10 1 0 4 0. 0 1/ ,With tsfs of 41/V P, Y l/1 1 , ''„ ,Silver tablet, r hiank,sind bitglst; Downy piUoilted ', satin , 3ihed; ` y mat 1, ioite.iint, c'hanitift6 &a , the tlaitottasiiiit aad groont'l -4 , 0 f Om Kultrtkiter'i rcroi4 W 1 0"4"1 4 9?9tP ,- 4 1 .1P*44° 1 31• 1 0 ; Ahl,:what lotre-watlied , cradle.bed_-' Keeps to-.night ths - nestling , hea4, - •• „ Or on what , soft, pillowing hreast, Is the cheruh form at r 9 t4, Tltit ere Tong' with ;darkened eYe,. SleePing Whitely robed, mitt still, and_enicl, - flowers l!lippit?gfrlit!A°4l‘ • Shall this dainty conch snfole? • 4 1 1 What'bittPr 8 0 1 ' 2 i _ All, this satin sheet rain, . And what towering hopes ,be hid Neath this tiny, cofrui lid; '' Scared); iarge'enOugh tO•ises.r = Little words : that must" bethire, Little winds; cut. deep and..trtie,-.:. ; .Bleeding mothers' hearts : aneyv~ : , ' Sweet,•pet.ng,fue, and ‘!.A.cap Two P" Oh eau sorrow's; hovering plume Round our pathw,ay cast a gloma, , Chill and darksitmeas the shade By infaist's 'coffin made From our aims an angellies,' And our startled daizled eyes : ,` • • Weeping round its vacant place, Cannot rise its path to trace * , Cannot seethe angel s facet. grischli - Cali., This is what they . Say, I know, but that doesn't quite make it so. Monfey is an ex6ellebt thing, and has 'done a great work for the world—as the drunken '4?.ai tor - laid water had for -navigatiOn; bat. metimes it so happens that' when a !Bari `ieciires all he mina at,.'heis as dia'ebiii rented as before lie had a dollar in the rma The girls make the - Most - of the „thief in this matter . ; for they will hard.: :y look at anybOdy who is "tier and hence many a young folio*, Who islcom petent to 'make a woman happy all her days, is obliged to 'take up with a shiv ery bachelor's commons,' till he is either in luck or in his : :iolthat is oft e.n just about the satnething. Sarah Storms was one 'of a family of seventeen daughters; and that familynn!:, fortunately chanced to he poor.•' •lienCe the mother` kept "a iharieyd uri 'all the opportunities that for' "matches!' She grew 'aikebn'as an oPerafoi in' State' street,:and didn't it imie - half us much; either. 'Sarah Ought to haieleen married . long ago; said-her mother. , She was-•:Ll' am itOt. - toludas low old ; but old enough to take the . prefii, 'Mrs.; certainty. inOther 'lad . been lOokl ing•out for her, and - she had been looking out for herself.' ' Two or three energetic, ."Nevei mind !" -thonglit she toheiself. 4 enterprising and likely 'young men had "At least, I can makeup filirit;byhaving I I bestowed their favors n vain; and two or my sisters and my' mot* around'me,7 three more had - con - chided that it was no Yes, she tried that experiment, and tried use fpr theM to try,either. l So there she it:thoroughly. , . Thii , was the way ofit. was, pretty; well ashore, as • yon'ean see She could nrirbear•-tcpbtrleft alone so for . yourirelt . What tor do; 'she didn't muchrio young girl could. Therefore, know, till along came a rich; old bachilor she sentlei:lier . CfnitSr to cermie and share -:-.biith rich and old-,--whoseeniedtiihae heri&Afortu4 freely?•` 'And they tisane. nirried into the place expressly fUrilie' Seian,aia , Julia; - rma• Ellen, 'and' Finny; purpose .)1 re ving`i e worthy . S tor ms and ry, : tley wereall t ere, ith'th their r Camay " of their trouble. 'He was a strap Mother,'hed•Elliabeth - 'bides.' They Iva - All that "was kn o w n ' -' ' t he r e ' rY'da 'lS' ' f diem ger to ev e r ybody . , ..._ vrls!were eve y. ome-o , of him was, that he was rich; ' And , for eta:Yea to:airmen aame stayed to sapper ; Airs; Storms;. and Sarah; too, that ''was siluie - were there, all tiiimigirthe evening. enough.' It'vrai - enough for all the :Mon- Thei"teiethe'lirmie by. Storm, without ey hunters besideff.':";voi..f a rieli:stran':' trying to ,come short of a 'pith' by , a sin ger come ' iii" - Settle 'inioni'them, was like gie lettei -: eierhauled the 'kitchen, , the waking 'ir , p.iiiiilii %ne; inarcung,`and - firid- parlciii the;pantry, " ' Ili' all cher - &titer:did tug - the irli6le 'menageke--;4oPliariti',aed arrangement's, igrat and' Mall, ihey .had all-right,betbre,their doors:' - '''' - '' . ...,'''' . busy and e n ergetie hands: . =They arrang= it would 'make a dew:On leugh in meet- edilie' table, and bunted roter 'Mi. Mul ini,L, te, tell idea the niaiii - little ',l . 6; -- ii - e - .4 Egiies:ii&sawive• ,,, Thef-woddered,' and that - iiere practised by the raother' Sterna; held nil:their -1 1in , ~an• a un .in to: first ' enlist, and' 686'ingiiesiiiheidteri= tintli, =trtii-utii!i'Sbiruns -fainilir:;-iond not ties "(if, idt.mitii4zi, richitiariier:; Mr gufitgan'tPividditbe, became .i3Ccii. An'ii piiii i did 11: . , j a''ebniii 'they' didi, pants furnished th 131411 every - Other ' female` in :teiin- int hei#,L , 'l,miy , Mulligan . : loieui• to = gra iheni Oft Aija. 'their I friendiihip 'ili' eenii#: . n et t l e d. ,„ , 1 L.. - g _ ,„: ~ ,:, i• i , I (inei l i s ae. l ' t then,' ' hiang 'a 'eerie& liiii - iii: ;'-',i tiiiiii, iistri its; olio day;:mdowt,:go.td quaintance, hiiiitieiiiiiSkigitt'Qori- your riiabdiefil id inch?' , It ;did zot, volt , co -•- . t r i tt r i. .11M Vi a; ' 1 1 ..) 46:1.110 . ?, - 1,311.rj;7_, Ii:, Got Ftom the Portlind Transcript. - Money: is All: cdfikoal.leonfsived, ,to.lfiria-grzef.Ju9l-19:911; c ikty bieia. I Other girls held .11P- - P, , #KRYI -,. 0D e ‘,71 18 - a cleare r - field for operation. --- . ..What iid 'sirs. Nothing: W hat did shg.aare? " , 'Aii - lintillidt;slaCc - tbitik-er, but the swiftest „way of marrying oftheiqUiling daughter, and: marry; her sorttecit& ' =And :she succeeded in that ~ , too: - Sarah 'Storms had a pretty,lnfintilel - face; and showed; a row of teeth as white,:ia'ea r dii . Whenever she laughed., , errtall and graceful figure too, and .took pains to snow, pretty foot as,-`ofteuee Mr. Mr4fiian:ii`s - in the way ef And What did he' know 'abant WOnienot uiatrimonyor any of the fineVand f4rer • . • 'qualities thatiarh - ao.essantial to' deme,stie felicity?' Nothing:• Sarah Vtain:preiti - , and s- he'liked 'her looks-she -appeared to be very attentive - to thim, and his fancy_howAhlere4 hind 'lulled So he stole over on evening, and offered himself _plump. Shc, didn't refuse him, Ana you needn't think she di-4. 14- or di4 l lfi ,u;other sit dews after 6:had gone until Sarah baelitold her, tbe, story, and cried an ;bent' or two, abeut 'NO, kind reader, yeu lcdoNi•better - as:Wel! is*,l do. They made - a family Thank giVing over the, event, , hopi cii;l eieri other family in the towa' iirig a Fast. r ' "They were married. Sarah Storms was' straightviai'Sfis. Dfulli n Sonic of the girls' said 'they neve' . would own such a name; but it is fair to say of their" thatthey were envious. How could they help it, when Sarah had ' , drawn the only, prize, and they but abominable blanks ? They made . a great party on the occasion, and a great . fuSs. All le town and emu; -try were set in an uproar, just because an ; old man was going to marry a young girl , —as if that would mend the-matter; at all, when there was no such thing as •mend-. in it fir the aForid.' Mr. Mtilligan'mov-' ed. his new young wife into a nide house, 'nicelyfurnished, and told leer the re she EMI El RE ME was, weaning, I suppose, that there z was no help for her, r : But she thought he only meant that she was the mistress. ,'/Every thing was in order. Everything was'fine. The rooms were newly furnished, but lacked 'the cozy look of home. The walls were high and chilly. The atmosphere was strange atmosphere, and Sarah didn't know for a time whethei she - was going to get used to it, , But there,she was, alone and thoughtful. Before this, she believed that as sobn as she was mar ried, all her old friends would flock in to see her and express their. envy -0i - her good luck. would -have macie 4er, sci`muich happier, you know. But not a liVin4 soul came near her. A few mid dle-aged people, old housekeepers them- selves, dropped in to make wedding calls', but Fis for young folks, her se - hoohnates and playmates, they kept away froM her, and looked askance at her itrlmeeting. ttiu it ~...". its,_" , ;--.; gnuatt'uke- it,.. l igtue , ,ltji t ita3 an O rde r . Shi 14quip it hitirin44e.'"''''! ''''''• ..). 4g ')„t c .:,-"ali i? .l 4 ~._, here . iii, ~.0 7.- ., '-' Lt in yo ur yi are toget er . more_ , thin` is fo r Fcitit.' good:" ' Aid be lan t.J'i , ,_;-,,:4•.._. ~„ - ~t., ~ : :'i!i- PP 3 M ?...,.? 'lilt.lw9 , ri:% . , TO Orusgeit fceliag came ...t!yerAir. Didsite*er stnp,,tn think! tbat,bir htt7 7 , 10 '4 0 1441t.illt*f 1 1hfat!gln!,t9.4! is t . 1 4 .. it!P ( 9 ,B °Pl ll 9 l 7: tt 1 1., , toPJ Not NtlS.ttft.qr,'aiA's *q t l iB3 Rtirr nice .1..,_ djag ,for :dinner... • " S ee hero,',' 1,11 said th young wife to her huband : g!p,ee Y l4 lt. 4,4.t!k121v1.-leLt-inr;,!....-E, ..t' r " I : !QV pud4iog,lhiYl ,Well ;how many ; do. they -expect , yon.to send: hack againl7 7 = , and 'Otterit refused to' taste' ti bit of it: .•... ~'sat,uli's hea:rt,imput again.,: 'Al,,you4 1 girl; liki her.. 1,111, never!t i lio4gtitt each: thinga or her - husband ; ;espeoiilly -as she knew .beforehand. how; rich' hi 1 w: ,: ' ', 46 . Conld have fed, the stortnifainly the year round, and;aOt laie felt it i 'tio trouble; was he mouideet.. , . .., ..ii .1. (';'.-- -. : •,,. Christmas . came along.- , ."Mr. „Min. sari," said she, teasingly. 1 , lle grunted" Monosyllable-. at :her,, and-.listened:: .t‘l, 'ait to :make mothern present, yen „know- 1 ~. , sae has been p i kind toms.since me were tnartied!'. •„Ii - ~ , - , . . 1. i • , __,: ~1 "Altogether totukind,l, hennswered.y, ( He eyeii. filled instantly..; "BatEl can't help wanting -to-do somethinglor my ouz:matheriq saidshe.: -,, .. v. 1 4 - "Then '`why don't . yon'tto it 7- brit not with' nty niohey,'let lite tell you." -- '''l There it - .iivO'.;: Si 'ii.4 'marries/. ; . pile Of-meaey, .*lthout stopping : ta e.?n sider whit _kind. eta. L 12 1 ,11 ' S 43 : 4is . lik „tly to get ;along with ip ; !aal new / sh 3 was , learning at a.terrible cost 'of her 11 tppi ness. :Of course, the Stoiras. family heard' of his sentiments toward. , her. , , But she was satisfied-for a time to ponder upon it by herself. There „ was ever so much pride in the wal to begin with; and how could she ni#lce a needless fwis before the , public ?- Therefore/. sllg concluded to' )'9: reheat, tO see Boar matters:. Would, come ` out. /One evening - ,,againi Sarah:made -11.• little 'party unbeknown . to her' husband;' Cie 'thought that . ihnilshe.: ',ecintil avoid; irritating him. ~, ,For he -seemed to, hive grown so,crabhed and cross of .late, thfro, was no use-trying to doanythingwith hip: They were_ all aslembled in one' robin,' and hiving the time: of it you ban think of. Susan,. and. Yulia, and Ellen and Fanny and Elizabeth—they' were there in the best of dress and the highest of spirits—together with Mrs. Storms ;of course. - She had engineered this little affairherself, all with her own hands and brain. - This she meant as a sort_of coup cl'etat to show Mr. Mulligan, the linsband of her , daughter Sarah Mulligan, that there "Were ' soine' '440 ',that conld,ir done just as,well es . others, and, that she' knew hoito do them too. 'So therewas her whole faMily, except ilfr.4 , Stnrins; at the was nobody.'” Such a time as the were' having The '''beit lamps" were lig d, and Made:day ' of the ' - darkest corners: The fire glowed in a niass of living coals, warming every 'hand and" heart there was there. " Sarah looked's:a conip'Ssed = and couragenus asl,she possibly could, While her , niather kept one eye on ilia rest, and the ; 0ther 7 .,...-and the better_ one---on the door.:, f lf „Mr.. Molligan came in, _she, , was , to - assume responsibility, authority, every, thing eisef- ::•Sar4 'was tO ', ga jaSt., for nothing. "I'll break himnf this habit of growling,.. , '';_thoug,lit Mrs. Storeas ;., and the sooner it's done - • the 'better for him and. for us.' 'Pll' let him know that L am - still my . iiiiiihtei's' mother; and 'Vial never threw ker_, away when I consented 'iv let tier marry", iiiiTi. l Wc , shal,l ' Aee whO rules, and see pretty soon; I'M thinking.'! _Thetun Went on-.oames plays romps, . . , . . c . ~., P ... chat and laughter.. The room wasn little , world, Of Heard-happiness. Mm St9Mis pretended to take i n :parC in :then),lo 'rielfi bnt stilfshe *as` nneasy;;notta Say- an - c:Oixifortgble.'airiii ctian'i : know ex:ipili. bow she • .feel ) She flt:,lllFa p l liikiii,i , 1;10 tho. * or gTen ql4-.Fi9ere; r..ein.* WinnCtkinsi,,i . She .W 43 tiaciking qt Act_ b4- .. .,thitiliint ihe'-'hlid kgr4t:deal:ratii4 et hp. vi l uila . -104:rsitit is'ithilec *0 1 66644 tiu:;, *it:ite - i_*Aig 0 ,0: ii*l . it! ll i . `Hide difference, for biforOeiin uuiitip?, S OAIR 3 ! /e/ 741t . w- aa 14 7 . . F . R:9Y.4* 40 door oPecied./112dicuhe-Wted. l aktit 4 494 . _ - 411 forAzsomeut, surs . rvin 4444 '.. no ma li'd' f ' ' li'€ l 4''s,i 11'6;10 5 t ' ll'un nutii'i 9110 is 'io'il'eS64;iiiii. , -, x(ah lila tn. .thirik ilfisia '" danght i er:" ' wish sou d re, tile ; iahotilan The .‘ - 4.- per.. 4, p0 yo into'her hags: - 14 , 41 8 as m, «Never I please, I' owl]. ised only to find th deni: frg egg: „ .b3 ": D. gettii can yo clo • Intel ir66l ylro!L have Mr. •• • • I ins .rimit4i s: ; ' Upon *hie tilde all ter", rah inclusive "I CTu.ni,o said 'the hus 'set up to cry -"Co:mato the latter, persuasive "If you g) everrsaid h peril " .: v:: The moth Even she, • di the Conseque thelist.• 1 ,S 1 would .come be-sorry. fori ii sent for :son Biatthe d3t let a single I lie said he ded to main The consequ ation at once came public broken.dawn own and away; and other and (I bubble of 31 broken, Wad around... Bi has thought her hand sin titular inqui • as well as t band. A11,.1 do well to TIIE BiAtt CAME TO ,ITAVE d. SHORT TAI Norwegian fable satis factorily ace unts for the; short,tail ofithe • zar. The' • ear, •it seems was„ottee met by a fox ivll. ca7ied,a,,-194,of, ; fish, l and iwans erto,the.ques,tion*owhe ya,(l, obtained the . , replicsliltat,hp hadpughtl t!leal The, a desire to lin NT. al.t art,so . usefuli when tine fox infor.ne him that he had oply.to make 4 01 0a:th.ica,audtail. muststopto .g.ettpugha,ncknOt r mind, it hurt you - little," said the friendly, a d- ‘tfor a sensation,of Rijn is r a, Aura sign that, yo have, a,,bite r ..Tll.ljonger the time; th , . -anore,the fish: goverthe-- I*. W 11 99,$ 11 :4,PuT5 y 9 -. beer fol lows' his tail in `t When he pi ofkilrufWeit l 43 . t6tibi , iiii;;,:...•;-; Mu Ski Hort. Chart situ eiders .r. MEM .?:.1 ;,:'-_:111 :': , tl ''' 1 'i-t7.7:j. 164iillt. ?iiii6 ) l iiWiTive: it,ii6,1 , 24;1: - liiiii, it itiiire, i'iiil .r, i''iiiiiii.`gai.6 ;eili,uiit ..-, ~,, ,, t7,,.,,,,1,,: ~: :'l F iziii:''Whel'is`e'''.l k onie' itpi lia l loiiii:d in-6i' .. ' ''' - ' - , , if, '' ,• , J' st d Ale, assnming' a i n 'c;nit"'"'.onii,'-iffe 14 nii t.,..-f...,,:. -., ~. 17. ' ' ; a :: triVe 'i ei .i,l oi is iiii t ' aezat,er it, I didn't marri 1 ,Ei11. i,.. 1 ; 1 ' ..! . ..1 grew rld . and loje her teni - : , I inein 'fo' aiy, oi,' l ahn,iik: tia'. not' at libSrti t tn . conie 9 /a y - ;",,, - ' •-• . MIE -4 :` - P•t , rec.ol!ect, that it you myown rJpert . Ipturu= uppp' rt her. F uch you `call U.4"b.igiVr4; • g be not much better ;'l _.:.1: heal th4? - oliie;t9?.? pti hict 4 bAtei 1M 40, - - g .‘ • • ;,• and _• sot • up, p. =ga t u'a•hteis 'to 'folloW' her;' 0 I.yoiCto soy here with S. autil to hie Sarah with your mother,"---Bald ingt forward and taking a !Id of her. I fcirbid you this klatl33 for- Oirott leave at -your. own =I • r was too lit ch for -her.--r. signing as she Was, forght :ices; and troeped • off .with` e hiiiweir that Par.. Xiilligan. round in. the morning; and •) $o in thelmoming‘ she is of heedlugateesiolothes. ,ratine.cr husbaini I wauld not Ei3l kriev his.rights, and inten- in thein.. And he ace of it was, that a' separ.: l took. place; the matter be. :caudal; Sarah was a:poor,, wail:aril: her mother.fretted 4 tier family's happiness all Mr_ Mulligan":moved'off to • taint quarters:. Atitl,"se. this 4.,Storm's:own blowing, hid alien, a,mere tear drop, to the t. not a girlin;all that.town give away her heart or • d - with - out first Making par-, relation :to the 'temper e pocket of her eutnie heother young' ladies would :e hint-er two fro:it :their ha rfrP 094. a !' i n il fg.ilt4!7: ~pullout" Fedalwas th> loitrtietions and kept e hole till it was frozep , fitet:,' learille4mll4,f , the tail came 4114 aliMitasiet I. sr, Atthilatiataccotatts; Bailittojwas ved+ to Qf hem Hoz* 005 reitoratioli it hoar)) -y1 -1,-:;;1 .- , -r • , ME ,• ; ..: 7.• :-. Ei • •• 2.( 4 11105.t• - a. 'CHASE , . ".- •••:, 0,•• i••TI ;411.. .• j " 4-1.1 TARIM . iii'-isl;2s TER ANWOZ • . . . wouitoraditiiics~a.mtesips and Ingli /001/ 41,Cintraitii . - . The itiehimind Whig itiii'Stinfi?ya 4441326E14** gentleman: l Of 'Mir 'iaqiinintinese! &Witted the morning service in One ofMir 4fhj... - 'i !enable churches. liaiiindlytilnilu 'in a luxuriCWmishiMiga pew, - and had 'hardly settled himilelf; and taken. mob, servittOti of htslietol)so, before ofuiYoung lady entered, and with 'a'graee': fur - wan - Of the hand;•Pieviiiiiihi friend• .• - fromrising ` to givezer cruet,. a. ly hylaii! F aiiirea'dac,B6 ih-644 g .e;a4dvith!al q iiiie t 'BlllilOiliat itii - hokiie a ilturiPiiig, 'hilidea; her 'ac4gli;.f { hor the'bnali. *big' hi r iC' *a' ih "prayed `and the fain gel' knelt nlO . -ii 01194;0:Ste:re Peipliked!Oliii"friiiiik E4 toltnoti which moat or hei - diivetedacits. "Presently the ` pray..' er-wa eimgregatioir resumed their Oaffriend fully raised his eyes,frro the ; laitform by had. bqe'l? eo earnestly ecuwittg4e4.4lleU she, looiteir up, she would doteq, mg After a coupte:QfliecTutt he darted, a .furtive glance , at Acjiarmer , ..i , .aud•:NT/L1 4stenished to, see her 5ti 1 1.29Cher...,7 knees; • he. looked closely, ask4saY . was much_ atTqctedwtt'eci!iihlK. agitation: 413Ld911)),t,.-.fro* poivei,cif,* preacher. , th44 l ?ii.he watched her ch°, B oY. 49. ti emotion became More violent- molting/ her hand behind her,,she ,cony* . siyelyzr,asp her: , anfrstr*Lasyi it were, to rend, the brilliant fabric p her . ,_ dress. The sight was exceedingly pa*, full to behold, bid he still gaxe4,4e . ,oie entranced, with wonder and astonishment. After a minute the 1 *:_ed-ber. face, heretofore concealed PS 1414 with her hand in , _LI --takeible becitento Mir friend; - t q‘. ckly moved alMig the'Peii 'tdirardi-ler;:und ine!inedd lite • :ear as she - itished-to:uif OEM something. " Please helP me whispered; "my dress has caught, and I can't gefniel) A hrief examination revealed the cause of of the difficulty; the fair girl ware faih; ionable high-heeled shoes; kneelingupon loth knees, these heels' oteOurse ' , stuck out aCright 'angle's; and in this position the highest hoop of her new fangled skirt caught over them, and thus rendered it impossible • fort her to -raise herself Or straighten her limbs. ""The more the struggled the tighter she was. bound; . eo she was constrained to call -for' :belP.-- This was. itianeliately, if not scientifically tendered; anditheiCtrie-neiti;prayer was made, she merely inalined 'heraelt upon the back of the - front pew-thinking, no doubt, that she was not in praying twine. . ,DEATII TO .11E .A.iIOLIEOIIiD7LiTh:,I:e" 4 a community of Perfectionists at 'Octe4s, - New York , whose community of bairn* extend to the omestic relations. - e " (i ' 'its' lastinumber of their organ , thee dircu/ar, • • t: .I , =4 , • -, anonUncesthUt "without any Aireet ,r efer-, once to Scripture proof, it might be - dame onstrated that, under the rOisnepthible Communism, death will office which' :bei,'. abolished. The, g ood offic e 4l 4eit' 4 3 44 i performsis), to keep 4..q9414t;:c1i0i1 t . c#lioil, the, „. parasite life of Satan in Oiis*orlif, by removing the'clifferent actors fro* the scene, thus prolongingthe.contestbeiween good' and; ivil. :'• Ifl this iii - the',Oiiio of death, i.. is very ktitry to • einieeir wstsit4iT of things •iii:vviiiehtits t miniiitratiOn. -Will , . oot bo neosisaiy; -; . .lVhoreitilerericrienger eiists::.the .rnecessity' for icatterinestatt ' weakening theforea'of Inman zuttore, for thOJ-Sake - ofdestosying - ,Alte• , - - evil, there !leatlitin no _longer snli9er the Ismioseli: of G r od; ; and will be ibolishod.q-- . _:'•,:• CoNvrnrioN 'or MoKxst..-!-Tlo3.tAd of. McKim, for theloOfder of Nora. , was 10.19106 d at it 0 1 44014 ; .,4 'Oen' iOgOf 'the 7411'44 - .by am ae i live ''of a,' long ands e1a,v,004, cli - aikel4,4iiio:liy 7 , ik: _ • T,lie .... ili.rj;:i, 'ital. l' aiiaibienielit: 3 4 tiiii;'ignairealiv4rdit''sfegiartflivit4t first degree. , Sox ,E k iky _ roorniiethi', prisoner' was .sthiten..,-Idte:4OW,-;,..110 denied:llia statouoatt OtireXPX4.:4lW -40NOZZOIlligtar 14'theh /fltj.fif An-; list - next. as the ' 43.0xeciSton.., - , ; 0 -. IN U DE ill .1; ~ s. .!r i't}~ ~. •~1 II; = 11111 1 , . • f ~ =I lEEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers