Democratischer Berichter und Centre County Anzeiger. (Aaronsburg, Pa.) 1847-1858, October 19, 1855, Image 3

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    AS i Wire?
~ unfere Druckerei gebradt weld
Cwd in Dem Garten unfers Nachbarn,
of oldy.
gray horie, and g .
{that's re Truth. mrreed 3 what a hy Ar.
OE hog
oT i *
hp 2
"3 y
-— lie =
einbejalblt. werden foll, fobald- die.
Ervichtung vou Gebduden, 1. 8
nothwendig mad. Das Land
liegt in Penns Valley, Sentre
County, etroa 21 Meifen vou der
Penn fyloania Eifenbahn an der.
Spruce Creel. Die mit der An.
ftellung eines Principals fir die
gedachte Anftalt beauftragte Come
mittee Hat ju Suniien de fel
Charles BD. Trego von Philadel:
phia bevichiet und wurde inftruirt,
ihn von fener Bab in Kenntuif
ju feen.
3u Ehicags warden m } Montag
por acdht Tagen die ausgedehuren
SGebdude der Union Eifenbabmvar
gen: Sabrif durch) Feuer periidrt,
wodurch ein BWerlut von $60 000
Le fourde,
£5 Srofe Rorseibe — Bors
ii. wurde cine NRothribe auf
Daniel enter, wuchs, und die 261
Roll tm Umfang maf, und 9 PN.
wicgt. I8er fann’s bieten ?
£3 Das IWaetter.— Freitag, 12,
teiib 3 Samitag und Sonntag Falt
inh Ad Mm
The glorious Senty eigth, memorable
fr having witnessed a grand anti-temper- |,
ance demonstration (that's one lie dictated
by a fanatic religious brain) in Aarounsburg,
is past. All the emmissaries of Rum and
Satan (among whom were two priests who
are fond of mince-pies seasoned with bran-
dy) did what they could to rdlly the faith-
{ul servants of king alchohol. George, one
ol the satellites of the Berichter, was dis-
patched Lo ‘Harrisburg (that’s another lie)
to make certain ga Rum orator (and that’s
another) far the day. The Freeburg Band
“was called. to aid by the charm of music
to gather the people together, {Q thou om-
nicient ALpua—verily, thou art great, In-
deed, it is a serious question with some.
whether Zhou art not the genuine Solomon
They came theday previous, and
were escorted from the ed e of tow. by
PHA 18 noteven a gentleman) whose bright
shiming face, did syrmkingly contrast with |:
the quadruped he rode, (and with the Judas
face of the religious blackguard Arras)
Nex! in a buggy appears his brother, with
a young man, lately married, and who
makes a living by getting boozy, (another
base lie, Arepma; this young man is a
great deal better than yoeu—he never at.
temted ropbing your eharacter, for it is by
no means a thing to be envied, and were
he your equal, hell would be his portion).
After the buggy you see two horses, and
4wo boys. add the cattle once more, and you
have the whole thing (except the renowned
and illustrious Jackass who assumed the
name below, ALPHA).
The Band, for beginners did tolerably
well, and could we have disconcerted it
from the object that brought it here, (and
had its charming music to greet us at our
blackguard fizzle held on the 10th of Aug.
last, in the little grove not far North from
a noted cornfield] we would have enjoyed
the music. * The first delegation came (rom
the distillery, and upwards, [and [rom the
neighborhood of the Lutheran and German
Reformed church, form rly in a thriving con
dition, but, of late, by the preaching of pol.
itics instead of pure and undefiled religion
and efforts made to deminish the resources
of the Berichter's daily bread,—its congre-
gations are being torn asunder and scat-
tered, and the Holy Tabernacle, dedicated
to the Great Jehovah, is prostituted to
policieal stump-speeches and fanaticism.)
George was mounted high upon a fine gray
horse, [about as high as cope of the B’hoys,
who, 10 keep pace with the fashions ol this
world, must swing in a thing called a sulky)
given to him for the occasion by brother
John. The beautiful whiie hat above,
[which is paid for, and honestly paid, but
not with the six do'lars due the Berichter
by Bill Brown, nor money obtained of our
noble community to preach “jug-law”.relig-
ion instead of Christ and Him erucified,]
and the large gray horse below, did make
our accomplished PM. for once, look quite
manish. [Uhat’s so! He might, witha
few additions, have perfectly resembled
his friend Arras ; for instance, by throw-
ing his hair up and in confusion—Arena
says this always makes Lim look intelligent;
but poor fellow, he dont for a moment re-
flect that he is under special obligations to
~ his kindly disposed looking. glass —The P
M., by immitating, might have looked like
Avrma in every particular, ‘but he scorned
the idea of looking hke a know-nothing-
Jackass] He was one of the chief Mar-
shalls. The delegation passed through our’
burg to Millheim to escort ail that “might
come [rom the North and West, [and when
they came back didn’t suddenly and mi-
raculously vamouse behind the noted corn-
field, at the West end of town because less
came in than avent out, like on the 10th of
August last] U'hanks however, to the in-
Tie ign vh :
Gen. Buchanan ie called to pres ;
— the ‘meeting, (and a certain brags ae
,|individual, known by the name Arena |;
{ wantonly and recklessly deserted theiy call-
Seal irk Ballefante in’ particular, [and = Bie 1.
‘especial thanks to the satanic 1mp, oe Taher £ +5; 2 4 ¥ " rr oh
despatched to those places where the great Am 1ften Diejes, in hiladelphia Ddutrdy den
ALPHA is not known, to circulate his hell- Ehrro. 3-3 A Bomberger, . . D. Gol §.
born falsehoods, and spend his wrath abroad. © ®t 08.8, , bon Centre “und Mii
He could effect nothing at home,] Scarce Bictori a e Virginia, dter von Art
ly a man was seen [rom those sections, $ eww De tr ich i on Bilan
[Why Arp, you must have been as blind | phia.
as your brother Knownothing - Bats, al-
though you fauey beng a leetle the smart.
estamong them all. Some of the nost re-
spectable citizens of Nittany’ Be eal
here, and the reason why yor “not see
them, is probably, owing to 1 having
been gloriously boozy, tight or DRUNK, in
order to give the convention a bad name
with one drunken man at least. ] ‘The more
ignorant, and unchristian the section from |;
whence they came, the larger the represen.
tation. [Thati is a compliment, upon Miles,
Penn, Gregg, Potter, Hoe apd Nittany
valley on general, and the farmers of those
sections. will please manifest a laudable dis-
position to appreciate ALPHA’S opinion of
them at the proper time and lace.] All
having argived, they moved forward towards
Aaronsburg. There were near 200 horses,
and some four hundred men, women and
®attin cin langed Jrigtos, 14
Leben; und hoffe
Llib ai)
Ju empfangen.
+4 per Dhila,
Waizen, ;
Moggen > song be 2°
Weljhtorn, . "
Hafey, JE 3 . Ef
Sladdjaamen, .
Grundbir %
Roggenbranntewein, . .
Wir witnjdién bem nd einer
ed inen Sorter.
Raine und col ode Sot i336, efi
Cajdymerett und Tweed u. §.
Hojen, im neueften Style, einfuche und ios
Difthe Caffimire, Troeed, oc.
ais ein fehr grojes foment vo jeder |
ember, Ragen, feidene Couper,
itdyer, 2c.
Gbenfalls Hitte und Rapper bon berfide-
tox fa d
1 85)
¥ i“
boys, all told in the procession. Qaly 3 41
sone four hundred, eh y Why Ai os Uepfelbrannterein, av 40
are the most accomplished religious liar Leindl, 1 § : 5
extant. You can tell lies faster than a horse Flaer, (Waigen t y B rel 7 75
can run, and old Nick would refuse to stake bo. (Jogger - 6 00
two cents against you, because he would be Xafbutter A nl 17
sure to lose the wager ] Hnjang $3 H
This after all, considering the exertion} _
put forth ; the fine weather; leisure season,
was a small affair, [that’s another lie. and}
the man that told it, is ALPHA] The meet-
ing was called to order, in a stammeri
way by the venerable Kuriz
and a great al lik
nns valley
ing, in
canstituted himself secretary, and took his
seat just where it was intended by the meet-
ting no gentleman should sit, and the right
chap occupied it] Mr. B’s countenance
gives unmistakable evidence that he has
been introduced to Bacchus [and that low,
unpringipled religious hypocrit and coward-
ly blackguard, ALPHA] before to-day, [and
in every instance found the latter the one
to be shunned as the worst nuisance of the
two] A number of Vice Presidents were
made, among whom note looked more
learned, or made a more gentlemanly ap-
pearance than your friend the Rerichter
rand his friend ALpHA, the acknowledged
Demosthenes of—Penns valley.]
~ General B opened the meeting with a
few introductory remarks. He stated the
jobject of the meeting was to oppose the
Maine Law in general He said the law
was a perfect nullity in NewYork. If he
meant the city he was in part. egrrect ; ; il
od what he ough To know z not True,
['I'hat 1s more likely to be trae than a story
put aff int by some fellow who must have
an elastic conscierce. that one man in Dau-
phin connty, cut off, tied, and shocked, in
one day, five acres of corn!] He said the
law was voted down in Miine, which is
another misstatement. [The Legislature
of Maine will ere long prove, that the omni
cient ALPHA’s attempt to deceive the peo
ple with his denial of the above fact, that
he has fooled a goose—himseil] Yet with
these. and other blunders, there was more
sense and argument, if you may call it ar-
gument 1n what he said than in all that
followed, [including the fellow who was
busilv engaged, in the corner, with a pen-
cil spoiling his paper, and fearing to come
out to meet the eagle eye of him that follow=
The great chavipion. of the day, was
of Harrisburg. Now all we know of this
remarkable man, :
§ which will give us a
little insight into the character of the man.
He gave us to know that he was the greats]
est devil among his brothers, [one untruth]
a blaek sheep, (another falsehcod) and al-
though chrisuanity was a good thing, yel
he was no christion. He was a Rumsucher.
(Here are three monster falsehoods con-
tained mn just four lines, uttered too, with
all the barefacedness natural to a religious
hypoerit, who carries the Bible in ope hand
Waffen bes Bolfes mit Hove
however a certain Captain Jacob Ziegler |
x ene aT ih
am Store von Jo
Zinfina Creet Willy, Centre
wird mit den BViychern der Fitia bon
und § o ffman, su welder 3 #it alle Die an
jene Firma auf ivgead eine Weife jduidia find,
jum legten Wal aufgefordet erden, Nidytig-
teit yt madyen, denn nad) biefer beftimmten
Jeit werden affe Sdyulden dud den Friedens-
ridyter eingetricben, umd die Lnfojten werden
nidye in $Rotter fondern bon Hoined Taunjdip
ang ergehep. So neh Dit ’
horige beidfigiigng. :
© u b per, rn
Dt. 19. 1855. “i |
Neue Hutu: He i
am ts at oa
Bolfs wobiftifer Store!
$s dee biutiqen frieqet in
“& per Janl urd ee i
Snotonethingd vid = CH
k fiers ai ies
drigeren Preifien alg” je jnver Mr accommodi-
ven, am alten Stand in der Stadt Yarongburg,
fo woh bekannt lien, als der, Bolts tv ohlfeile
Store’ vou Ae
Sas, B, Coburn,
welcher foeben einen grofen Jujafy ju {einem
fritheren Worrath von Gittery erbalten hat,
110 offevirt er jet feigen Freunden und Gdn.
nern einen audgedchnten nnd wohl anderlefe-
nen Borrath von Kaufmannd Waaren toeidye
firbaavr ®eld dugclauft tourden, wud
werden daher fo
IB obIfeil als die FBobifeilften’/
vertauft, und fein Mitte.
€ein Waaren bejtepen gum I
Eifenwaaren, |
~ Dueensmwaaien,
Ciefeln 2 &Schuly
Heil aud
Bool, Suis und
Seiden HHL,
Kappens Sirol 2
Leghorn Bonnets,
&pecereien und
Oel 2 Farben, Fhirnif, Kite, Slag,
Biicher nud Sdhreibmaterialen, Fenfierpapicr,
nud eine Ausvah! vou
and the assasins dagger in the other.)
From this little history, we have not
formed the best opinion of the wan, (he
told us the truth, to be sure, but we must
not let on that we are ashamed of owur-
selves in the face of so many intelligent
people, mostly from our ewn churches in
this vicinity) Bis appearance gives ered- |
ibility to what he says in reference to him-
sell; (that he is the best looking man be-
tween ‘himself and ALPHA, as well as the
smarter.) and his speech corfirms it. His
missiles were aimed at the ministers of the
Gospel (2), and against Prohibition. Aad
such a speech! Bat glad I am that none
(of our religious hypocrites, dressed in the
mininsterial robe, who ean beat the low.
est pettifogger in low scurrilous epithets)
be obtained who was willing to vituperate
the characters of the ministers {who have
ing as Embassadors from the Court of Heav-
en) and plead for rum, (so that our mince-
pies may not suffer for the want ofit) But
my sheet ds full (and my head 1s empty.
That's so.) ALPHA.
Penn’s Vailey. Oct 1st 1855.
ABobifeiler als das Wobfeilfie !
Bink Wei, Plefferfanfe und
Arnold’s Sbriibfluid
ait haben am Bolts wohfeilen ie in Ya
rondburg bon. 3
telligence and morality of Nittany valley in
nearer (Mifflinburg or) Harrisburg, could}
Trocfen Waaren
bon jeder benennung du allen Keiten auf houd.
EF" Dem gechrten Vublitum flattet ex hicrs
‘mit feinen perbindlidhen Dant file die ihm ers |! esl
viefene Gunit ab, und bitfet um Deffen feratere
Gewogenheit, indem er durdy firenge BVedadyt~
jamteit in feinem Gefdhdfte und feinem alten
Motto , Fleiner Profit wud gejchioinde Bertiu=
fet alle die bei ihm anrufess mdgen yu befries
andes Produfren,
Allerhand Landedprodutteu iverden i tanfd)
fiir Waaren angenommey. z. 5
I$. Gob.
Yarensbarg, Oct. 19 55.
Dep 1°
Neue Kiciver Stove,
pon Thos. Harper,
Der Unterzeidynete benadyridtigt srgebente) 1
feine Kunden uud dad Bublifum iiberhaupt,
dafy er jest Daf grogte Lager
Sertig Gemachee Kleider,
audgepadt und auf hand hat weld)ed jemald in
Yarongburg angeboten wurde, gemadyt aud
dent auSertodhlteften und modijdten Waaren,
die er gefonnen ift
voobyfeiler ju perfaufen
ald dicfelben irgend wo im Lande berfauft fper-
den fduncu. Er meldet nur twenige Hetil
bou feinent Borratlhy wie jolgt:
Oct. 19. 308 § Coburn
Grobe und feine Ueber» Rice,
oreo hat
: und Gafrtet fit
: fed an vufe ay wad fobe fiir fidy felbft.
oi erwaare bo
2 haupt alle Arter ‘pon Bittern,
| Candftobr getodhuiid) gehalten foerdetr.
fer Motto ift :
und Uebetfdbutye,
haitd Stoffen fiir Weften, eles. er ur Bu-|
fricdenteit yu fueider verfertigen tann.
Ihos Har Pe] t.
Yavonsburg, Oct. 12 185.
Anfenbr in Aaronsburg!
wo | Rene Merbrviirdigteiten in
Gross und Dearict’s Store,
Unterjdyricbenen wiinfdyen hiermit ihre
alten Freunde und dag Publitum fiber.
haupt 3u benadyrichtigen, daf fie foeber bon
Rhiladelphia einen grofen Jufubhr a
fen und tohlfeiliten Waaren erhalten haben, |,
L Die jemal® in Diefer Umgegend gefehen und
gum Berfauf angebofen worden find.
Darunter befiuden fic) alle fit dicje Jahres
peit pajfende i
Trocene Waavel,
alg Ruch, Kajfimire, Caffinett bon allen Fa
ben und Qreifen ; Wejten-Jeuge cine or
Beri enheit 5 pradtige Ecidentvaaren, ald
Sdawls, Drefjes, Pantillag :c., ungemein
jchdne Alpaccad, Delaing, Gingham, febr feyd-
ne und twoblfeile Kattune, geblcidyte und unge-
bleichte Mtusline, fdydn und Andel
Une |
Edyueller Verkauf und Feiner
Wrofit 1 elt ft dig Jeit angurufen, gu feo
fen und gu faufen. Dad Bejehen per 98aa-
5 fojtet nidts, ud bad eigen it fein Tru-
“ie bidher genofje ud
freundidaftlid), und bei guter
aft danten tir
edientung hofs | a
_ | fen wir die Gewogenheit unferer Breunde fer
ner ju bebgjten.
Gross u Yearid
of Sarousburg, Oct. 5. 55.
Bj; State und Thibit Shaivld
toohlfeil yu haben $y wobhlfeilen
Bolts. Sab P. Coburn
bn Jor
is ? Apminifirators Nachricht.|
ahrt a Pa Hye ni ift Ydminiftrations-
teffamentatifden. Radlap
ded perftorbenen BILD Coons, lefithin
pon Renn Iaunfdhip, crtheilt worden.
&5 toerden Daher alle Diejenige weldye an
obenacnannten Nady laf ded BVerftor beyen {dyul-
dig {ind oder rediliche Forderungen haben,
hiermit anfgefordert, bei dem Unterzeidyneten
angtivufen und Ridtigteit ju machen.
Robert Smith,
Teun Ip, Sept. 7. 155. Adminifr.
Adpminiftracors Nachricht.
G5 it dem Unterseidyneten Adminiftrationd
Bollmaht uqefertiat worden, in Betreff veh
Stadylaffed ded letithin in Yaronsburg perftors
pericn Abfalon Rupp
£6 werden dabher alle Dicfertige toeldye’ an
{den Verftorbencn Sdyuldig find oder redytmdg-
age Forderungen haben, hiermit aufgefordert,
bei dem Untergeidyneten angurpfen und Rid)»
tigleit yu madyen.
Henry A Mingle,
~ Ocffentlicher Beran.
Der WNutergeichucte toird auf denr Weege
per Ydminiftrationd-Vollmadt nacd)befdriebe-
ned Hinterlaffenidyafts Cigenthum auf Sams
ftag den 20. Oftober an der Wobhnuig ded ber»
ftorbenen Henry Alepander, in Penn IP., bf-
fentlidy 3um Verkauf aujbieten laffen, einen
Etridy Land enthaltend
Bei Acker Land,
in fPeun Ip legend, greajead an Laud pon
Chriftopher Kern, Jonas Sauderd und Dan-
jel tearich, tporauf ein aut
FBohubhausd, cin Stall und|
iL Shop mit Drebroerfiatee
LESuud Waiiertraft, befindet, dedglerdyen
cin ' furiger treibender Saumparien ings Der
Die Verjteigerung beginnt Nadymittagd wm
2 hr, wo die Verfteigerungs Bedingungen
befannt gemadyt werden, bei dem Untergeidynes
ten. : Sacob intel,
Rennderectmill, Sept. 21. b3. Adm.
Privat BVerfauf.
Der Nuteraeichnete bictet hievmit privatin
gum Berkauf an
¢ wo 35 Ycker Rand
in TM cild Taunidyip liegend, eine diertel Meile
bou Gi &tore; darauf befindet fid) cin
nh joeiftdctiges wettergebords
tes und gngeftrichenes
Sretn. Biock-Wohubaus,
| eine Se Scherer nebft anderen nothwendigen
33 Aepfelbiume
nahe an der Ihr.
land ju dem Plafy gehdrend
terseidyneten ju erlangen.
Henry Gorman,
Meils Tp., Sept. 14.55. vgent.
TEPER mats x Frey,
: , Gaffimicr | ap
e pil.
| trefticher Waffertraft.
autferlefene Frihie tragend, und alle Sorten
anderer Dbjtbdume nud vortrefjlihed Wajjer
Stebjt dem find nod) 66 Acker uted Hols-
Nihere Audfunit hieriiber ift bei dem Un-
Y'his Academy has been in successful pit
tion during the past year; and has been Jiboraily
patronized by the citizens cf the town and its Via
i the @indersigned proposes to take charge of ‘==
pine and no labor, or exertion will be =: J
spored upon” his part, 10 mak eit a school ofa =
wie pe Is for th disit laf know - &
ae s for the ac ust ion .
$ pRapils for Fk he aed i x
“The Satin is retired aud’ bonsiifal ail is
Jeelebrated for its uniform healthful ess, The
{schoot edifice has been lalely repaired, and will
coaveiiently accommodate from fifty to sixty pu-
The Trustees have in contemplation the
erection of a new building during the cotning
The course of instruction is thorough and sys-
tematic. Young men will have every opportu
ty to prepare themselves for Teaching, for busi-
ness, or for the advanced c'asses in College. To
young ladies the course of instruction will afford
eatin or those furnished by any female coninalry
in the land,
The moral culture of the pupils will be stricit-
ly atl nded to, The Bible shall bea familia r
book, and its inspired doctrines shall form the ba -
sis o moral training.
~The first quarter will commence on Thgraduy
the 1st of November.
English branches, $4 00
Mathematics, "4 50
Ancient Languages, 5 00
Gorman and French,
Music on Piano,
do Gaitar,
g, uD t= Rey. M, J, Avtewas, Lectarer on Natural Phils
ie in cinem
_ osophy and Christian Ethies,
ev, M. A. Suri, Lecturer on Moral Science
and Political Eesnomy. 3
Mr. Danyze Worr, Assistant, *
Mrs. B, Arvraaw, Teacher of masic on the Piano_ x
N. B,—For further pasticulars inquire of Rev.
M. J. Alleman, and Rev. M, A. Smith. ;
Austin fo Pa, Ae 17,0885. 2 17, 1855, =
"Privat at Bevfauf,
Der Untergeidhnete bietet Hiermit adhe
|{dricbencn Strid) excellent : gi
$Holiland, 76 Acker
enthaltend, privatim sum Berfauf an, grengend
an Land von Dabid Neidigh nnd Sohn Hess;
darauj befindet fidy eine Slgmithle mit bor=
Gigenthum (cin Nadylaf Der
ite Cha cis) nicht aud der
Hand pertauft wird, fo wird Dadfelbe am 13.
Wenn i
ber ftorbenen
Brioni atifgebofen toerdern.
Die Vertaufsbedingungen werden Ju jener
{3eit befannf gemadyt.
Tho Hofterman,
; gominiftrator;
$ained Tp., Aug. 24. °55.
Sugelaufene Kub.
Gine helibraune Kuh von circa 4 Jahren
alf, mit einem toeifen Kopf, fam por ohngefdk iv
4 Woden auf dic Bauereh) de Unterzeidses
ten. Der vedyetmdfige Cigenthitmer Derfelbe nt
wird hiermit aufgefordert fein Cigenthumsdred
auf Dicfelbe zu betveifen, und Diefelbe gege nt
Critattung der Koften in Cmpfang su nehmen,
idrigenfall nady Ablauf der gefefzlichen Jucit
nad) Den Landebgefelsen damit verfahren oir d.
Samuel Shafer.
Meild Ip., Sept 14 1855.
Weizen, Roger, Serre;
afer feefaamen:
“fund SladSfammen wird perlangt fiir toeldye die
|nbebire Gafeh-Preifen bezahlt toerden am Store
#3. 31 55. Bross 2. Beorid
Posten! Poften!! Poften!!
Gine Unzahl gehauene junge Rajtanien =
ften twobifeil jum Lerfauj an ded Wolfe
foohlfecilen Stove.
April 6. Fad P. Coburn
Dutter 16 Cents, Cer 10 Sento,
Dic obigen hodften Preifjen tverden jet
bezablt fiir utter und Cier am toohlfeilen
Etore in Aaroudburg von
April 6. Gross un Yearid.
Stall und Cifen,
Sp terhand Eien und Stahl ijt immer Bu
haben am Stohr der Wirterscidyneten in
Aarondburg. Oro & Pearid
Somme und fehet Die neue
IBaaren !
“Nehmlidy : Ginghams, Katun, Musline,
yor 3 und gefdymitdte Cafimers und Satti-
need. lle werden wobifeil verfauft bei
Grodfdu Dearid.
Aug. 31. 55.
Newer Eifenwaar Store.
= aushalter, aditung !
Kann gefunden werden ant netten
fartaaren Store pon Rep noldd & Meo
Sabdden i in Letwibburg : Qidterfide, Lidts
jdheeren, gidyleine, Kaffeemithlen, Meffer u.
Gabel, Sdecren, rund und obal Badpfan-
nen wid 9Wafjereffeln, Feueridauffeln und
Jangen, Ireppenftangen, oc, weldye alle wohls
feil in Pee vertauft werden. Lidied fommit
her und febet. May 18. '55.
oi tidyenmadher werden fortivdhrend an
! unierm &tore Eliptic Epriags, chien,
Qabenbdnver, Ireffen, Ciden Felge, Bogen,
und eine volifommene Audiabl bon 2rimings,
an dem Hardwaaren Store von
Repuolddu MeFadden
Qefvisburg, Mai 18. '55 13
t the commencement of the coming - y
mo oes osiy ode on G3
October auf difentlider Verjicigerung Jun. % £