- - WM. BREWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS .;i:,v HOOK AND STATIONERY sTone. n the "Globe" Office Building, Market Spare HUNTING ON, I'A. The subscriber respeNfally informs the cid lens of frantingdon ne,t adjoining that he hen opened a Nee- Book end Stationery Store, iu the corner room of the lobe" buil ding, wheee May be found in general assort •rnent of Miscellaneous and School Books and Stationery, all of which he will sell at reason .able prices. Ile will add to his stock weekly All Books aild articles in demand, und expects in a short time to have on lined as full a stock of saleable Books, Stationery, Ste., as can be found in nay tot, in the Stole. nntdo the necessary nrrangetnents w ith publishers, any Book wanted and not, up• on hiv , holvel,nill be ordered and lurni4hed at oily prima • " " Ai; lie desirel to do a lively Itakesa with emr.i! profits, a liberal share of patronnue is Dec.”,,',58. tt afetfe of Mary Shindy. den.) ADMINIST:IATows NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estste nt Many Shri, sly, late of Porter township. dee, having beet gra it , d to the uudersigneil, ell persons indebted to ssid e,tt ate aro required to make immediate payment, ane those having claims will present them ‘l , l.yittvllciticated for rettlement to WM. LEWIS. jtl7t:‘, N. 13.—Th, Administrator rviil attend is alloxrindrla, on the Ft!) and 15th days of Jar, uary hist. Ant., township, .tan. 5. IES quic .), - )ilan - a 1 ° -11 • • hick we have le . • Tectaril alterative •• . • . ;centrated extract .:, • . with other • • ,iiiver re • • Os. riiseasea 1,...,1...Ted . • ••••• those who - ; • 1 • i~. _ i~I. ',. .' i .. .~ .. .:: 1' .~ .. ~ , • ' raY , Nr.u. ...i.r.,ir~, .. i _T, ...... ,; ,~ ~, ~. I , y th , , • cii•orfieri .• i ell • t witli this ,nin,thing • . • . r y of : . :\• . the .- • 'I.. " cif . .red by It, par.?, bemuse the drug m;r+, thut is claimed !,,,, ±•• ••• • ( Ntracts t.f it, t.f hnve I , een • , for v.? : • 1 ,, 1 , 1t, , AL., 1 . 4 I extra( r f 11 . • , ; earl ii,tct , , • , . 7;. • . p r t", _ ; : rot ycy.'6 -Pectoral, , , 1 1 3 ~l2i,"ha_ t2C fills C, p2,1....01:15;(7, Intligesi . . . . . • , . • Ihad,,, he, • 11Weer, TaMOIS I,', , me, Nornthda, ca a Ptoilgiug eI y ,ted, FO that the most Borst t-te tt , I.lonontly. and they 1110 the hest ftporieut ...odd fur ull the purposes of a (catty phyni, Pricy 5.3 ,r For, 5 Toros for . Croat uttloLrt.; of Clerrytotu. Stew, end ,minor.[ he,c t e n t their Lateo. toverlit'ya, etertloessofthese r• lu:' , 11 , :. hit our opneo hero wiil tot itoro.i.. the ; ....on of 11,1, The Acct iodow steed fur cm. A genic, s :.t.ti.tN.tcitt ohicltthey aro ;v,til also hill der.eriftliCliti of the above complaints, soil the treatment that attould It fol lowed for their cure. Do tit he put off by unprincipled dealers wiih Other preprerhAis they make more profit en. Demand At nni t.,i tt , t other:. went the best aid thorn theta, Ella 00/ have Alt our Iteniedies are for eta 1,7 jonm R.AD, Agent guntingdon, Pu. Nov. 10, 1858.-Iy, - • 1 1 ob. • . • • , • ,scicct Voctril. we (AN coNquutt, IF YE WI, pY ANANIAS M. SAWYER, Rit,reed Ittiiert.—sbn of !altar— Stuntly ixtf:reg every day Fur existence Oh. my brother. Thou shalt triumph in the fray. Ott lire's chatigefUl fi Id of action, Though defeat may oft appear, Thou shall win the victor's laurels, If thou Witt but persevere. Though thou art obscure and lowly, Fe may reach the wiohed•fer go;t1. Grasp the - priueg, wealth and statiog, If thou bast a dauntless soul It thou bust a resolution T nt inistbruine cannot sl'oike; One on which the angry %urgea An impression fail to Alt (Lou sneered at ,;, r ,,f d er id e d L. the soirvii.ea lofty born? herd ye no`. 11; loot's Or th". weak mind's harmless scorn. Art 07t00 friendleJs —friends w:11 gather As do courtiers, king 3 around, 'When thou lust ttchiercd \Viten 010111E1s poiiiion Strung in luith, let natt4ht repel thee ; 'l'hou shalt in the end preval; i in ita battlel, rti; t), • :ts t, tt mi.C•ity Lonte., rang 'l'u rcuur,a ~ ~ .. ~ .., . Hirs ui tierce eilklea‘ot ;.eeit spent by : .ui 1.8 Int.t ii: ' ta!, tile field , . t up Luc ;,' 1141' I, t not qt,t if ye wll . Around lire 11.11 y 0.1,1 isECCt • a tu., • • , v. , rloti!, ..1 II .11r 01 ,r ! .4; ~ in d tto c. t‘vvi ty e I, .11 till ( riu..H r 01 .. 4441' ; WS "I Can Ii Ill " q•i , i• • riny H: , , • !, t and Woive it • 1 4 r 1 ., ;,1.1 , it teStitt, to ,%• iv t 1 . . 11:1 tohey .• lii, 1.1 y4..1,1,11 r• 4011, , 1 0, it 3 ‘1 . 1,U L 1,11,1 944 ; n f, :ill I Li4r . ' j • rj, et iitllll, pLiCrS 11,1 s n,.1 cit :r 111.11 As ti hour v hta v..ry ? 11 . 11 v, /II V ItWI 11. ( . : It i uhi HI,: rui rsII - at ( h i . d which y , I%vi the 1.11:2'1. 4 1 Soppt,e now .1 ilieny is innuied ; 1.0 ' , mond throu.;li tl e dr• c•: , takes n mity /it/ ' c wile-thinking it will ' l ' old wnt glide 1 .. . co, ie., i t chr Sh e gel, i , .0) tt That!, I.llt. ytlllllg Mail e 1111 . , nn seli.ctq it dress iit so tole', der turd. t pr . !f , riti his p 01, us UP' s lowly yurds aslis the e1..r1i,. ',mod Sloe it' the Id .. 1 4 wenly five. ' 6,iy N!rock twelve wed dishypcured. to o.io•r '\ly poi spt of ilia, Lot in too too. made o miss yards wo, 11,1 sill!. It i , Two, cover our chore!f stropl,.,kod you are Duly a high cross with the of C or ,„, for It.t rhrev.' . , oil inS;‘,.4ll.,vtivt• 'tin matter, toy dear;' tirlico the (Punt... of t...e Apostles walk, MIL 1111411 il:.1:11.1 dress will still he scant.', cones to front. tutus, lacm!.; ito:s. Tile poor loan 11...,13 oat that ho 11..4 sa - on on to LIN pi.ice. ed ..thi,• 4 by rotun n hub, girl, and he does so, 11110t1112r, CO . lll, 1/111. 111 I, ll lt. thclt it will coat our or livo ditto as , c,uc) 1 ,„„,.11•! As %.11, to clothe her as ht expected tot ',winnow: cunt, perchthi tot to.. i ). A . few days pass ; wants an.; e t, of the eiucL , ah . a ly ll, pe ~ther dress, and her lord protests. Now, t stn . to t i , Is cc Is „,. c k „„.; cr „,„ observe how she maney,es ;she approaches so loud a . w ‘vith 7 the clinic., t•.,ahe • si Plea No. I—nalitely, The Persuasive . us to be totstolico f ro n,il e„c.i. T how hard he has to fight ! She a ll i s na still a s t; tells him hoe: sbe loves lllill-$31019. 1143 clo c k t, the tv,oidet of Eu,.., %,„, hair, culls him a hing—nslts if he has the itiat!e in 1571, and has p , rfoi.livil heart to deny her. [fate says lie has, sho mechanical 11.111..kr0 CV(If inept prceed, to rabout fifty yearn, when It out i.l Plea No 2-- or, The DeNtilule pair, She informs him of the fact that oh., has I nothing to wear, and says a nuts is a brit , Tim HUMAN t . TRUCTURI: — . rift, is who would not give his wire soniething to iron enough in the hlioal of -12 mon to in ike wear. That she is not at ht he seen. VIOL i „,„„L„ p..OWe will cry shame on hint. In vain he human twain in the of the h says that •.beauty unadorned is adorned the that 0' m horse only a 401)1 t. most." Sin asks if he can he so mean ns cl . sof the human jiW exert • u farce at 53 t reflse her If he s,tys "yes,'' she pro• I pounds and those of Mastiffs wide, needs to tit r more, the slteleton of a wan wog., Plea No. 3—or The Pouting Plea.— (roar 12 to It pounds, and do. blood 27 to consists morn of gesture thou spereh Itealtuy beer tit (4hs tie.tr• She Hits ut (hp tab'o with.her little tioielly [month but a diseased one v. i'l tome turner( op. and her lisle eyes turn. d down limos weigh 12 (a (1 IMMO, The '1 , 1.1 , 111 She eats li(lle, (till he pet to business.) 1.41 Coi.:stS 200 !). , 41t,,, there one :1* ti miglis (4(.1, arid walks about th e boa !ie the hand; the uuluuee of ram varies fro:u a b a d teayered glitad. She t peaks (oily 12 to 13 on t 1 side; tiie It teeth at to .y dune not , mr"," ,11,1 "ti , lt , too' maturi t y Is 39. A man is about half no it would he so," lis3 ~ ( t served bar intuit longer in the worui:.g I.ll+lll he is at Fhould he dare to say , tit d. t, - ' she pro I night. The pulse alit child is 120 a rain credo to luta; at puberty Sus, (rod lit (JO only Oil. Plea No. 4—or The Property plea.— She politely asks for the bud. money she DeetritAve Are at Danavide, N. Y. had when she was married ; certainly she Dunsville, N, Y., Alml 4.--The Cull do what she wishes with h. r own ? In Ilona' Hotel, leg, :her with several line fact. she had no property when they were i blocks of dwellings, u;erd blind yesterday. married; all her worldly goods consisted of The loss is estimated at 8.50,000. ,4,,,..-- .„. 1, -,,* A.-... •4. : „ .,* _ -: , '', 144( 0 . ii:, —i, t 4 ls tg Itij •tirio. 1 • V lii I ) r e . ~-,,,' • „r• I ..iti . ),, ' 1 i • . ,zo..- -...." _ ----, ___: - , - . 7 . -- - It ft ' V "..t."B. end ''nape knitting Play ; Tun VALUE OF Frye MlNtrib ., • -- Y ,,,, caw :Von/ - To,. Mesh:: lillli tit. , c..e..r.- of 1 aisgllestg Philosopher ' ' l'n:, I , r, , F.wis., llncitiNe.--l'he fol• • but ;hese knitting-pins she tilways 11..1,0s • say if pen wnsi, fin, nimin,„ it ie. ,„,, :o w ii,„,, e „r• ii,.p„,„„„,„,i, , , , , i,„ii co, $l5, The awl. , eel ' el work o , leed ''Nunes ( d • ' lowitig from Pitath. contains an admirn in !,In oven and thon ntiloss eh,' OMlCitieti 11111e11; tall probably if sn,, n..,,,1,. fi „ min , 000 , n„d „„.rt.h, t h e de,,,,,,,, , ,,,d e,,,,,t,t,. no Ardiy Sorgcta; - rocorels the 101Mtviou .he ,I,,ecripiim. 01 nei old Inshi tried and in him ho fore she gets to plea No. 4. Should ; um: yoursoll Y''Ll I , id" some nor else to :Mg al thew la-t 1.,11e.et over 61,100. Citr• ITlCidert A.. 1 , 61114' cct.rred during tho enlmilde setting* ninclitne: coon tads fail she proceeds to waste f?,.. e.,;,,,,,,, 5, „,„1 ~I,„t „,,J,,,, ~.„, I p . , s. (.„,,, h i , ~,,,I 1 4 ,„,,,, , ,,, „ i .,, 0 „ ,1„, ~,,„,,, I,C 1t of 18::.!.-- - I remember one day, in The v 0 1. .: hose sowing machine A Irian l'ku N°. s—°r Th e toinpiinit ' ve jdits.. If • t i thed folio,: )„,iir ~ ; .,,,,10„., ii,,,, ~,,,t,,, i , ' ~-, ~ 1,.. 'l'l,, 0,,,,,h,ers Of the last sns•ion msl i' l o; I. 'S 1“, pilaf r""l"ls.. l "llkut, ..l" g can have is s wan. it is one that requites united pr,seimed an omptitatted fore-arm I but a kind wore, to set it in motion, rnre- A Ali it, Jr )arced lovt•rs nro oral to 1 ,1 1 1, be - , 11 , ,,r;.., of an boor. N et, .f !Imre. t,..., ',on brushed tin i 0 shrewd financial dedds ' , o it. " i th lu iPPY Rom, and he is competed , one 1,1.1,11 ~.I dig', oof Son to •:0tt,.., ' ~, ~,, ~,,,,,..„„ 0 *4._ . „ „.,, t h e 1. ,,,, 1 ,1,, , au I and it, doing so, could ilill dig rofrtin iroat I ly gots nut of reprir, makes tint little noise for hours. without wi h them, DP, 1,,y ono, If ;he 11.1 door ' :011.' It t'Vt., V lwr. ,841,1 li, Illilltli, 11l ,I , , ~.bud 01,11 (Illt• 11 , 01.1•• • ii loads lild0) W II 1 , 111,1 d laugh; the tiller mks cotsmainly on i wdi 5,...,,,,,,,,,,p;,.d1y : his face. I the slightes.t trimming. or the small su• tied Mr F-m , ailis, she—i. e„ th, coadiemitt oat . , t. ?:.,t emi,,l it come. tet ? 11 iev. ..1 tho , one ot r•lt . '' 1 . ....,,...0.------ . I e‘W hat is the matter? This :!nett riot pert, hot Living necossary. It will make • --,vould ' novo his I a ?ivory. 11 sh • !mil tram I ito. filia,„. hours,'aml ffierit 1.• los I Intirt hid Ilr, , teizz ~, ;dd . , %omit; have livoil a .1... won al be 11 holy hour, about cieht ': l'il.hY : Lt°"'H Ho" 2."" 4‘ Tr f "le ' ' :'tilt n inn as a sudj• c• for laill,llitor.” shirt darn stockings. tow on buttons lo ,t• :.. tin the arealie. If she had mar ,I, ,;:' ~ t. , 1 kit r. ti.n , ro a weee•lit and , l'. . "' 1.'" . ""g o l "a' :1"(P.'""d'I in ('" ' .• Is it not, dories; but oxcust , tuo—l. lest ~1, ;,, ek„, 1,„„di,,,,. c ),,,,f, cii , on , p i nu ! n..3,inrr A 01a 1 u•I VS ~.1001-, to CI 3 . llUeg 10ail , ~ . • ~ , .., tied—ill fact, an had lap, i.er trit.d . ,,,i -._ "'"'''' "."- " 3'Hr "r """ i"""lr'd d ''' ' It•' „ 11 7 ,1 been I tr . -, •ver il months moue- ;" .i .:'' i l" i '‘ ; I" , ""Y i " ""Y -"I i '"Il l f°l"' • 'l'd l'lllufficlule children's ir'-.s 1 • tied weeti!.l 11,,,, totem treated ;he a Itintian If., o. 0 .1„,,,1i such a tc.'.sie es 'Hit c..,iiii ce,:sitiily ~,k,„g. , :,ipi,; vi,,,,,t es a clerk .ill. : :' ,1,,: .. . '''' . - ,;(),,' " •r." i oie. i, :.iiy i . , 1.1 ,Liiig vim may give it; anti tieing. flo, pc chops, becomes a little no. he ~ roe tit' aay ...iablisiiiiiem ? Now go , , 5 .,1,,,, i .,„ i n n 0„,,, (go . , lending houses, ~.(;,.,:"1.,/,.:,.?;rg0u01. tyro 101 l „ s i iny i ng, „ i d 1 ,x,,,1 .„, 1,,, fore 1 ill:3 it 1 , 1 , 1 tin behind your back as well as your face, In fact, you ; gry, on I Nil:fut.:As if slit. isit,i iiiiirthid itil:iiii mitt ii,,,,k• 1.0 N• hist fin, min WCS Call be , got me to attend to it, as I am coiptral. s hq , 'titi bistro dressed I , lre Et, ! lint it, 111111,1;1111'd C.).111.13111;(12,4 his ill luck, one I i 11, `. I ili. , leave t h e house foe days, and it will • • sho has married him , lt• miisi wear whet . —..- : friends who knew he had mechanical tat- ,v ,.. „.iii. invih, in r ,,,., or tin, ~,,,._ ~ i.: 1„),,,, ‘,...Liug just the .sunw. If it 'rat, e - . I had lathered him, „ikon him by tho tics- ,7. but doubtful whotlier he could Make g. I out if order a little from hang he. can give h••r This rouses hor bmie,tor, Dcacriptior, of our Saviour. ; fI.. It 1,1111 1.110.,//ti • Ay, that 'ht. fitllow.. It itiv , sll us-ful as n cleric Ot Sll IeSMIIO, put nod was itt , at sl ) Pliag ( 1. , ranur• when a ..,, . tjorked, it mends itself d y being lef t mill she colpics immediate!: 10 itie.2; me. t.;, , 0 :,.. .al, e i . y N t i ltri• 1111 /1 , 111 /lit. iiilerllgni:l}ry 111 11110 which we have • Plea :, .. 0 -or Th, Pl:ti C , 101.7. ire -- can..., I.nl eith.o, nth' Ow ',” It . 1 . 1 . t alii.• ler :181 , 011 time, eft, which it re• piiini• , ~ , i ii, i 1 Il.note, w!mee li•• el , I -I u, ,1 us the caption of this onicii•• T he 1 satv of Ins Ilend anti my Arm. Excuse' „,,.„, to i. ,, , ~,,„.i ~,. „.io, g.r„,„r vigor which nonsi,t,,,f a throat 111 tn, 10 tier oio ~ thee. mid iniiii,. iii , hruid,na,,ihni ii., 1.,.,,,,,0i pre,. 0. th.tt vay of t.O litany v , :lnat.l.. •:tanit reply a,: 11111 t a trade uns not ill re- PpeC iii ,, , ,j, , ,,, 0r „ Jr 1 ;‘ ,.1 ; ; ;;. I, u , 1 ~,, , ,,,a . ,„„,,,, 1 evor. Of course sewiug machines vary • I nn . ~,,u y N on , tio. J.,,.. ~i . 1i,.,. own b 0,,,,„ ~ sot, pts. It was we i r., , tau illt , 1,1 ,. , ipl t.II , !.,,,. ~.: II 1111 . 1tolilliir. Ocellplll ,, ll. Ull.lCt t. ,i, a thing , ~e _ ....,, . 1 A , great deal. Sotne are much quicker :. the slim whore- Jesus Ca tilt pith ..Iles,: , 1-: t',ll,- delusive , Moo. our cores are crowded u`'`' ' '' ,,,,_ to slots, and mak, I.or otis,ralilee. : :him others. It rlottorids in n great meas . . .1„., h in ,,,, nu c., .„..i i , l!OW TIN, DE , IL LOSr.—The Dl,lll Netv, no men l , 's ovrr aid- „ sharp all ! nilinli.flY: by l'ul'im' U"ffl"11"": G"'""•''. with Y"""g "1"" " ' Pr -' • ti ow sww . w. 1.1wiw....c.,, i.,;,. 1,,, in,,,, ;,,,,l whi, 1,,,e:,.;.... ~f ti),• foot. ~, ,,g ann.d for it,, soul oh a young ;non.— ut, upon the particular i)atern you select• tiles , ph•at lie ,gon - rali ,. .. fa;it. at Ni. I ; '• `', '"l'leh ' t: / .. dips' , ' ei t ' , Ttt, ito,ii w.t to curo.it all the wont. If Sou are fortunate in ntct,ing out the and only in extrome c. 0..: ~ a s to No. 6.. """"'".. h tuns III" """"I j" in"'" i :::,:.':',.:,/,l",,Gti'obitnj::‘,':•;.::::,:‘,',[:::.l.":,', x "' i . . ' , ' . ' „ . Young A un : rics could :pod; ' slid if hit : chute it pattern iii H wilt'. '''' for in. Si is Wiolllll ladle Lll 1.V.1, It Ilil.lll 111.• .iff.O. 1 ' ' the 6.''''''' i" write "HS' '''''' " r 'Hi.' tin '' did not 1 .,,,t1d it as fn :, ,is a cattle, hi. s„nl 1 , ciiiice , inn , sing , wil'ln ' ww-iclu g' and tin, ~ ~i. ~,an. ~, ~ ,,r ... , , . . , p „ rinbc,• which transpired whilt he held l i d. " . '"• when her ' - I I ) "in 1 " r munn e I. "' • in. , ; 1 , ,,,,, , „,„ loco in life ~, „.. ~, ~,„:,,, ~,,,. lr,u, the forfeit. For sovoral years Voting; ''`'"" to I°' n ' nor no ha ppy us lie 1 , r, :alt te, at, ii.i...l, , iit, or steal the an. : " - husband's Imo. Is in hand — the sewing ~ ~,.,.„,. c„,l , i„.1„,.„ ,i,„, ~ „,,, ,!,,, „,,, ~- Antelrie.... ho pt ta1t,..1 of the , Lcril by the ; • (idle w.0.h., ,. 1 , n,. p 0, , ,, , b. 1,,,,,,,,,,,.,1 by ; ::;.aiscript Fai hers : :machine may let pronounced perfect of iza .1 .. • twirl,' of them i.l I- •vit'l ,nv • r . .1.1 ~i 1 (1 fast Wlloltlll, liar vs, 1 . 1 c., but dm • by „,,,,, ei.,,, r.i . ~,...rs. .11„,,,, 1..,.. c,),, Ti. t, o op,a,el in (I. , •se. our dugs :i mo.,i . t , t•, • . • , , me.eo,l .I,sos Christ, W n., ho is got by , T IL,' I r,;,2; op chanty, wine, ,I. i,•I ,• wt t.: vi ”" ' 1 ""'!" n l'.rg" '"I.SIt wish hum• "Ind' lam, 100 n... touch so, that there is no make. , Young! SIIIn. In That world thole. possibly, replace _ .., 11, tiallliles is avc.•;,t, t! 1,,,t.' . • t, •••,• , v,,• ~, -tv, • ,! lit tiv..,.1 , .. it '' '"" ii im i ) " . • s 'lm' t ''g' :, rid ii. : t,,itl.or fir love or ittooog. lii short no chef • :-. e , < a !•st resort, striae.] a news: ' . it a prophot of grea, !pith; but his 1,...11 1 . :11• VA,' i lelV 1 11 H I 1., . '. ~ ,11:61 pie ' gont lonian s establislinten! is complete . ~, I t,,,i growled at tie bill at disciples coil hi, this jinn of ame. 11, , tail ill the sot c 4. 1, ,1 ::1-1,, ,',',, ~,c l..t, Potito' it ,.. ~„ , „ 1 . a paimar, 11 , a , , n , fie. , lit , ix , without one of these sewing machines in kith ',used the dead, rttlytt I all manner 111 . of Ilit• present day. horn ruined 111011,1,1 s 11,1,11, 111 d 111 11111, 111:11 ow. d tip ,• drael l l '" I'' ' . ! ~. _ d iSt`i, , ,i. fie is a ition:of stature, viii and :of yoten2 mon, end will rah' thou..' I , I Koko" at the end. „fa year. Tho netts c•• •, *.,... with a very rliddy c0mm....b.. ; nore . ,--liteirp,e.deeet. Mrlii it church (not qu7t, 11 hur.dred ~ • e ~ . i Ito be littidt.r Nay love rim ti ,, ir. 1 ,-... .......t , "'" -- s - "" , "..-- ,,,, --- , - , .......... PP' , wi'a , daa a. 1,11 - a soul was Saved. no, from Lynii) it person entered a pew„ - :. • ; ':, , i, ir 13 the color of the liltort wlit•ii 1 ; (?goo 1:,L,.., Fitt A Lt. _/), 01 .,, , , l in. . bild. heltt•ving ho had gat A good seet, un• to ~ ~,, ; 1.:J... ' • cars. ‘oliencealown• 1. I4‘7 ) l llicotorLs s C". . - ; , ,g, i s oh n , ii i ii „t i l,.. I ,, „ ii ,i l ync hi ng i ; 1 . 1/11.1111aIt'ly tat down 1/illlll thl) dross Of a iiii „ l i i „ , i ii , iii i niiii .,, n ,,, s, in „ii,,„,,,,,,,. lilt who Inippeund In lio nutlet ; highl -: 1111111 ii ,... 1 1 ,1Y1 , 1, j is Oil . 11.1'. . , : C4a.9ir Ziiin 12111 Ssieli.. ri1 ,, ,i,, g i ‘ moan. 'Calling „,,, i,, c0n,,,;;;1)., c - imilitteed. In an instant he rose to ~, c.. ..• • t i.. a .. a, ... ~, ......-1 I 1 • . .• , ;.,,,,, ~,,, k werd girt, it,. d digt, r of ,0,1,.. 81, ‘ „,1,,,, g ,;,,, d,,,;1„,1,. 1„ 11 „„.,,,,,,,,f et atirt hogged chi , lady's parch,- ~,, , _sPIIA NT ! '' '' • ' ' • '' ' ' • ” • - • '.• '• . .‘• ~, in A rkuo•u ', hav m u.IZ came is iii•gracefill and lazities , , Imitiolui. A. w""1:: " --" --tre p a"I); ' I' . 11"" • i' , Y ,,,,, i." , " , • to , e .at.lea• void :ill tit , ttl,tvo vices owl anti lit 0311 r'' ' '" l'W"I". " 1. " Y u " , 01-cCregrY ' '4 If' .te. "'''''''' 'l' ' '''. "''' •.• ,'' '''''':" l . ',, , ~ ~ , I, it 3 wing d•-ot,:i. i., , .iii.d llddrii, eon t„.„,,„ . N „,,.,. 1 ,, „A ‘ ,,,,„,., !,, , fri w .. ,, ,, j . i. , ing wrong," „ F .. i.<1 . 11 T a ', i . re ... em b er o "SI,tF t 4 ly i,u, , i , in , r , ~'., •• , , ~-, ~ in would bn to iii•ify I, ' , J. , ' th i'n. i\i. eer net the hypocrite. lieop gond t lt,Tri.. iit 1,.1 . (Liy , "w hat is emigrating? , e• tt..e. tme hen:Jima s ou t h o f Ow :-, 10113- • , qlll/..113 1 . SpeAli the truth at all times • • Etaigrating. d. , ur, is li yonotz lady going lo r•-pro,i,ig. !,, ,-- .•,','. !•; , . ,!..,..• ; , v , b 11111 ,r , "'''' tin- rS: . lirlll. (GSM) rugetl. ' ,u , • , I ID to Austr tliii.--••11; hat is colonizing, ma - --- 1 nuir "Colonising, is marrying there, i t-ut h. 111111 havilify, n idnitly. " --•• Mumma ; (should ~ ...a.. ~., the to go to Anstr &a." ~. , ~ ~, 1 ' C;1 . .. I -•-• • •, lit lint Lop nut 1C,. • all l :di )1.41. 30 ft; arid " LIBERTY ANT UNION. NOR , AND FOREVER, ONE ANN INSEPARABLE. " NTINGDnN, ['A•• WE ONESDAY, APRIL 13, 1859 Li. • rah,. It'. en .„ ; „„ ,„ ,•,, th „ Clu L cic f)ther (rich , .! , ,t. 1.% 111116110 d " i,. ix•• , r ..• .... ~ _... _.~ _'v~._, _. ~. _, ..... .. • .• ;. (I It, vxj,, wit• ! _ . ~~~ Uru is Ihr i~ 1, 01.11. II 0.,11110 If .1, in aJtli.. ut to o , for 'host. tiotird Lim! tt.. IMO o: dittas milog 11..pr,..e.t0u No t;toirnhor t‘lll chug to e• t i $14.1 —Ow .0, ;dread) c.,st I , i 1.11111. lhu 1111Ciellk 1,1 , 1 :11,11 I 14 . 01 I •• •1i. , 11 •r— -cost 0ti,11.• ' '‘,.• • $12. , J o.' au,l,i .; Irk it i• L., ,‘ 41 11,11' l • , 1 . 1 , 1 , , , 1,1 r ki IL 1;100 112.1! lip i•f•t:..rill I, WO E • detail, iii nly t ,ipprtil/1111(11111, t , t th, mi,l that it i. , sum tted 1,1,1 1,0,111,.t.‘1 i t 1.11,i. 011111 t•Xlrt•utl lIIN. r' nd• i. LIII. Illrill , • 1111iLl ul !lir viriou4 ,„s ,ntrillillre .01 , 110 roo 8.1.300. n grid vxvrii,, , , ; it .11r z 4 p.•uk-ker Orr, Cir ;"'!.; i."""tlr nrnitons 4 " i; "' ill " innate partner. who wits choir grit, was ltoo;"*;! Ity Bt'y n;liiin inform.' or his at P o " ; " ; " in "' mils " Ili " curd lt mditintient, and dome of iho ayinpaibiz. .a It out sullicimit, be are ili4"l, the h „ r to un , cnit Ile C"1,111, lilt which the iidetir pro ; e. 111,1111,S 111111 011 C.. Ito dmlrooeil 'lrmo pill SJOO. Should he di•eoe. %.1 I (1.11 . 1 do it 'fore the hull crowd! 'she er p.m 11,1 brow, lie triooo 0 to it nod 1;; , ; wrrult nn, . lie C• 111 ct ; tor:tight for the ilre,ong room, f,illowe i l 6 .;;;;; , ;;;;,,;',!,;!* trio: o fr''' l ' lukc “" by a bevy 01 lautfiling girls st., •! Omer, d Siit,-; —la lie ; lu^~ltnwit), 'op ramp sack to her hoods, tool it $l5 nod a $145 o.llllond a $9O lounge; l Brown ' s trod thud tinjay 'towel' till a $145 clock lrlle ; mean good formothin' snalia.r out of old Ilia it ;9 tune either to write it note trout a I Tithe yiTi, ruck, eh, . 4 ' s ° j"kst""dr on " or I ymirtielf! out' I f ever l ketch ye speak.' Mde take 'lib cloak and hat from a $l7 I to i joins I'll lick ye it ;thin an inch ti . clothed rack ;tad temporarily te:dent yer life: you'd better believe it it!' Roars self from it room of such !•ru publican oho• o f laughter followed this spirited conduct. phony'" and tooth puller was fain to make tin es- And am it is tfiroll.:Itollt the Capitol. cop, 'rho next day hr left the village count of the coitintiltee of ways and in...ins has not returned to ii,—The A+ kanstis in furnished at en exponyo of 182.740, oar girl becumn a pet, and intuit, at very of tbo items being a "fine book- desk end . respectable appearanoe in society. A IP i• 110 1 1 In , _ 1 „1nv,,..,\, 1 ‘,.,_ _ ~.! •lr h ur, win iirldw•t rnot i ,'iu, ”11.1 half "If _ . n. !rent 'HI .1 "" Pr"' .1 ' I " . " 8 ' Y" . 111 dlY. 1( . , I'm to bo , .1 pm in n i g ht, dm.s the mean, • d In. r loog. Lod: loan the an] of I ^"t il :I 11l i• it h., iiiistrot.s; •• net,. ;Ale %corn, unit "r fn•d "N , . lUOre , nO lino ' r ""‘'aah; but I."y tht. h.r to have him, and n ' Initiate r I :mil I)..ttlirr, NMI to J pkoi. or Nick her tvilil n vin, to.cld him I w , ubl." I 1 11% 1 1 l I ,rr ny' for hall, to I)EAT;T:•%V:I7 - 017uht nothing 1..• ,1 he night fir• b,. it h ou , ( k at h, :,r' ),,. and ate (3hiciigo Jouriml ha? the tullutving mad,. g,rtsmi tit - , Ther: is dignity about that going away t••r of fre.,il Zl'.l lie, We call dynir.:; that w ',pivot; Ch. mtn • . To , h-".. " ....doh( of .nurali ty about us, that putting ~•i:t aside with a pale hand, the azdo, curani ns S ... • 11. • .“.•; 'bat ten ~f tiro world; th it verauring away fro, •.. t r. ••• r ..• ••• . tlit• first It ( oar livos,. fir •ro wi..t :01:1', isl: . ; I .-1,• IS WWI lag lath JO wen) augo.olued ••;•, ...• ~ig foreign COUll!ry, ii yellow tos,tts un her whit, satin not 1... d d, •,,. :my limp We know about (111,1'S eiZr.)ert,;.ing ber Tsele lifUt ',tads slam:lrd, for c0...01,t, Brown's horror, her none e(yr ten., ;ld go hither, and we fl :gen lit-ad and fri•clifra face wero ; very much doubt if any would if thy eft with n pral'o,ian of groeti . aud pilaw : bow footnitlalde s'.oo, intended la 11 , 1 eN. Cliti ,, ll us bellll•C‘lellere. , ix , y, the , fisuppli,Leil Cretin tl 1,1,1 Ilitou;;;1 brat ditilfo Willi her, tal,,t3g t I!. 'too. or t ot pa to. to concoul hi 4 disgt•t. ;lot! Ito, hurried tto•ity to the tvlo,t room t o,coito Ii sot-comic cotoplittlellto nod ri.ht,ilt• 01 hii iIJ ..11tiou,." 'l'lr uhfor• Mir , •S iy, Ponipryou niggiir, whore you get tint mini bat ?" , Why at de 9:10p, oil course." "What is the yr cc of n article ns tint I " thai'l know, trig. -1 don't knots- -de s/top hope , ' Wasn't (tar:, WitaT (:41:4 You Do ?—'6lVhnt is par moo. , ?" snit! Now Orknos merchant too hali-alligatoe sort of a fellow who oppli , (l to I.ioi for empluyomot. , Aly name's lenhod Wing a hen I ant at liont.•." tv,. tlle anew,. 4 • 11' ere wai 300 horn:" 1 11 wos lywn nowlwre—but was pick,' out ni the Al floating down i•trenryi sot *a raft .^ 11'11111 cnn you do if I employ coo ‘.l citn whip titer wvight m wild —swimtip Niagara Fa lls—twic o Nye wt.!: Ihtre live ate! climb seven C" , nt puce." Of course the trier chiim hint right (dr. Cern% by like a police iron 13'caus• one lake.; down what the takes up. Young wen riioufd bear in mind that cout•unil_ cigar 4, prohtnity, shat collate and bluster doa't moke VOL. XXIV. NO. 15, No ritta :euxrEasEtr.--A new note purpomoz to he the g-ouitte issue of tha strnuds.hurg 4.t01r. has just been eh, colted• The vignette represents a canal sc , ne, widi horses on the right,. watering. 0, the left, a wan sitting' and a 1000150 .14:inding, under a tree On the lower right c.” nee, toe lipires of t co seam, n , Alla op fee, tog horse. The eogra vlog is ooseral,ly executed, and altogether unhlie the geott gig " It wi d«cid d nt th Janunry tt•rui the Sopron' , Court of Alaboum. .t a por,on who, pit nt gratlcl mother was thy dm:ghtor urn mulmt,), by a negress is putout wit eis opinst a white person, hill - mu:6 fun fdohor, natural grand fooer, and great•grauliathet are white MAY is c7lnliiler , tl arl IliOrtllll . .o mar• ryhig month A young girt usked not long -inc-.in unlit, herself to a lover who named Alit` in his proposals. The .ady hinted May was unlucky. ' , Well mike it Juno, then," replied the swain. iliiwo her ey, and with in blush, rej.im•d.-ieiiuldn't Api.i do as well?" cH c(n , td.o 60111elitTle8 saineoia, hg.tged in popular grimes 1t wringteem ms IT use the words 'sha ft, mortal coil.' storied up rubbing his eyen, and exclaimed ; ,Hoid no is niy deal" kvoinuu has found her i.sphexe. ut 0,11. It is about twenty-seven feet u. round, trunk of hoops. -Why is n vin like so:dier? Ad sty,. It is trained, has ten drill,. and .hoots IrdrlV hy is h the best letter in the nlphnhet for a deaf woman? il•cause it igiukt, hei cnr hen,. riarA couple was married last week on a cake of floating ice m the Ohio &J.,, rather ciati r wedding cake 'hat. ffigr••• hut's the rock on which we split, ' us the 1111111 SYR' to his wife, t hen asked rock the cradh.. '•Lne,s•l❑ ncottuge" is all very well when ' ion own the cutinge end have inuaey out on interest. THE gentleman wilt., tips pressed s, ' eysenowy brute did nut catch curd. A NEEDLu will Guar , tf carefully laid ea' the •urfaeu of water.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers