Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 13, 1858, Image 1

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ifunt,ugDoll ) 417
The "nuNT,N.DoN JouRNAL , is publislien at
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The following story is not entirely new
but 13 good and %y id bear vuhli4ng
ono* a year:—
About half-post eleven o'clock on
clay night, a human leg, enveloped :o
broadcloth, m:gbt tirtv..2 'orvn s,on
Deacon Cephou Iln :
The leg .woo to, ~,., • , , . ,
I,ttrscii rl a ;i. :t: ,
- u :atnee:ir
aywved ' 4 , ,•I; ,
ly won hit. wily ii
..Wonder how the ul i I)eii, •
mode by orderin' rii,. i, 't to diirk•m
door ogniril" soliloquised the young gently.
for it. °Promised him I wouldn't lit
didn't say nothiti' I.`amt winders.
ders is no good as doors, it there ahl . ! 1.)
nails to tear trowsers onto. WO,RI, ii
Sally'll conic down. The critter pra
ised ille. I'm cleared to move about litir- ;
.cause Linight break my shins over soot,
thing or 'nother and wake the old fins
Cold enough to freeze a Polish bear.
O, here comes
The beamtiotis maid &Tended with a
riensnnt smile, a tidlow candlu, and a
of lucifer nitt!e!it.6 After reci•iving a rap
turous greeting, she made a rousing fire
in the coot stove, and the Inip,,y couple
sat down to enjoythe sweet interchange
of vows and hopes. lint the course of
true love ran not a whit smoother in old
Barberry's kitchen thon it does elsewhere
and Joe, who was looking up his :mind to
treat himself to a kisr, was startled by the,
voice of the Pono,n, her father, shouting
front • hi, it• at, r
“sally ...dial are you getting lip in the
middle of like iiig!it for!”
' , Tell him it's most morning;' whisper.
ed Joe.
"I can't tell 0 9b,' 4 said Sally.
"I'll make it truth. then," said Joe; and
rutting to the hug- old fashioned clock
that stood in the corner, he set it at fire.
..Look at the clock and tell me wha t
is," cried the old man.
five by the dock," cried Sally;
and curroborahng her words, the dock
struck five
The Myers sat ilewo again and resumed
their conversation. Nuddently the Atair.
case began to creak. '9pod gracious! We
father," exclaimed
'The Deacon, by thundr! cried J n.—
' , Hide me, Nally!"
'Where can I hide you!"cried the dis„
bracted girl.
I know," said lie squeeze into
the clock case." And without another
word, he concealed himself iu the case and
Closed the door.
Tho Deacon was dressed, and seated
himself f . (i'int by the, cooking stove, pul.
led out out his ,)ipe, lighted it and began
deliberately to entoke.
"Five o mock eh 1" said he. "Well, I
shall have time to smoke three or four
pipes, and then I'll go and feed the Grit.
'Hadn't you better feed the critters
lust 1" suggested the' dint ful Sally.
"No; sntokin' clear my head and wakes
use up." replied the Deacon, who seemed
ass a whit disposed to hurry his sajoyment
But r r•r-r•whiz ding! ding! ding !
went the clock.
"Tormented lightning !" cried the Dea
con, starting up and dropping his pipe on
the at...we ; "what on earth's that?"
"It's only the clock striking five," re
plied Sally. tremulously.
Whiz ding! ding! ding! went the old
clock, furiously.
"Power of creation ?" cried the Deacon
hve ! It's struck more than a
hundred already."
"Deacon Barberry !" cried the Deacon's
better half who had hastily robed herself
and now came plunging down the stair•
case in the wildest state of alarm, .`what
in the universe is the matter with the
clock ! '
"r3oodness only knows !' replied the old
man, "Its been a hundred years in the
family, and it never cried so afore."
W Liz ! ding ! ding ! whi•z z! went the
clock nein.
It'll burst itself !" cried the old lady
shedding a flood of tears, "and there won't
be nothin' loft of it!"
It's bewitched !" cried the Deacon,
who retained a leaven of good old New
Engiand superstition in hie nature. “Any
how," said he, after a pau , e, advancing
resoluteiy towards the clock, "111 see
going on iti
..0, don't," cried his daughter seizing
one of his coat tails, while his wife clung
to the other, •Don't!" chorused both the
wonien together.
Lot go my raiment !" shouted the Dee
con ; .1 nit attired of the powers of dark-
But the women wouldn't let go; so the
Deacon slipped out his coat, and while
from the sudden sensation of resistance,
they fell heavily upon the floor, he piched
forward and seized the knob of the clock.
Ilia no human power conld open it, for
holding it trout the inside with a
‘,;.; •!..n.con began to ho dreadfully
,ave one more tug, wh,i.
of n ft eta" ui distre,
• . titan tile clock 011,
at the t:meon ;tr.!
r'.lcl:••ti Leftii
.rt,:crd its fit ; i,ropcnicp, The
ilettetts. the old iauynuJ tinny fled n i t
ind Joe Vaywee,l. extricated hin-.
the clack, erected his eicape in
the -,:i;•• in which he entered.
'l•ha next day all Appleton was alive
with the story of how Deacon Burberry's
cluck had been bewitched, and although
ninny beleiced it, yet some, and espeeily
Joe AIGYWeed, affkied to discredit the
whole affair, and hinted that the deacon
hod been trying the experiment of tasting
frozen cider, and that the vagar es of tie
cock case existed only in a thsteutperel
However, the interdict being taking oil,
Jou wr.s allowed to resume his courting,
and won the assent or the old people to his
union with Sally, by repairing the old
clock till it went an well as ever.
Fashionntae Call and all tinny Said.
'Bow do you do, my dear ?' -
.Putty thank you ' (they kiss )
'How yoti been lids ago ?'
'Putty l'ow have you been ?'
'h er . ,. well, thank you.'
'Pleasant day ?'
.Yes, very bright, but we had a show
er yesterday.'
'Are all your peop'e well 1' •
'Very well, I'm obliged to you.'
'Have you seen Mary B—lately ?'
; but I've seen Susan C—.'
'You don't say so ! Ts she well 1'
'Very 'well, I believe' (Rising)
.N 1 (tot you go ?'
'Yes, ndeed ; I have seven calls to
'Do call again soon 1'
'Thank you—but you don't call on me
in an age.?
.0. you should not say so; I'm sure,
I'm very good.'
'Good 'aye.'
'Good bye.' (They kiss.)
An Oblivious Witness.
Action for iVerk and labor done in cut.
ting a ditch on 'defendant's land. Plea.
Payment set oft in bacon and corn meal,
Plaintiff's son on the stand. Recol-
lects the ditching perfectly, but seems to
have forgotten all about the bacon.
'You say your daddy did all this ditch
ing. Do you know what he got in pny
for it ?' inquired Col C. for defendant.
'He never gut anything, as ever I
heard on, that's what he never got,' an
swered the witness.
iDidn't your daddy get corn and bacon
from defendant in pay for that ditching
Never heard of his setting no corn or
‘What did your daddy and bin family I COVERI/ORte in t e e n s+
live on last summer ?'
Tittles, mostly.' To the Honorable the Senator* and Mem
.W hat sort of victuals ?' • hero the House of &presentative* of
, Well, meat and bread, and some whis-b.e r• . a ssenia 1. q 7
a :
key.' Gntat.EmEN :-lly the suffrages of your
• Where did he get that meat and bread? fellow citizens, you h ave twit charged hundred and fitly two dollars and sixty
Well, lust from one, and then from the 'five cents, [ !46,552 65;] old claims on
with the duty of representing them, and
the interests of the Commonwealth. in the the Mein Litre adjusted under the severe)
'Didn't he get some of it tram defen- legislative branch of the government The Acts of Assembly, forty six thousand five
dant ?' responsibilities you have assumed. and the hundred and forty eight dollars and fifty
•lle mought.' duties to be performed, should ever he re- seveneents [516,548 57.] and for the new
know he moughe; but did he ? that'sgarded as paramount to every se lfi sh or State Arsenol and Farmers High School,
the question.' partizan consideration. The prosperity of forty five thousand dollars (e 15.000 00.
'Well, he !nought, and then again you the State, and the general welfare of t h e ' The interest on the funded debt, due in
know he !mightn't.' people, should receive your earnest atten- February end August last, was then
(k% ith considerable excitement, and in tins , and be the aim and end of your leg promptly paid, and that failing due in
tones of thunder.) 'Answer 'the questionFebruery next, will be psi' out of availit•
illative aetion. To promote these objects
sir, and no more of this trifling with your I will cheerfully, in every le:gal and con- ble means now in the Treasury. By vir
oath. Did your daddy, or did he not, getstinitonal manner , - d ur i ng the confine.
tue of the provisions of the Act of the 13th
earn and bacon from the delendant ior sure of my o ffi cialterm, co operate with lof October. 1857, entitled l•An Act provi
ditching.'you. ding
for the Resumption of Specie Pay-
'Well, now, lie mought; it don't occur TI„ past year. with the exception of re-; merits by the Banks, end for the Relief of
adzactly, you Imo iv.' cent financial embarrassment, hen been Debtors," the State Treasurer will be en
Ilere•hts honor interferes, and, with a o ne of general prosperity. No foreign abler] to pay the interest doe in February
stern judicial frowii, addresses the witnessin specie or its equivalent. The credit of
wars—nofraternalstrife asdisturb e dth e
thus :. peaceful quiet of our h omes. Unwonted
the Commonwealth has been fully and
health, with its blessings, has been vouch- honorably sustained. The promptness
soled to us. Seed tiro„ and harvest have with which every legitimate demand up
not laded—the earth bath yielded her in- en the Treasury has been met, has inspi•
crease, and richly rewarded the labor of red public confidence in our securities; end
the husbandman. The Arts and Sciences alth nigh recent and existing financial re
have been ridvanced, and the great Inter- vulsion may embarrass the operations of
este of Ede , Tepidity • and Religion the Trensury, and reduce, to some extent
Wier:vie nem; itiged an 3 seetairied. Our the revenue. yet the ability of the State to
nation to is unity—our fret- iiistitutiens in meet her engagements and maintain her
their integriiy, with our rights and privi credit, under tin honest and economical
leges, civil at,il relieine, have been pro.' administration of her finances, is undoubt
serveil mi. Messina ed. 'The hon.. nod credit of the State
the goodee s3 4 Al:nighty Cod. wit should "l"'-e• sad elm be preserved intact.
reoder tit the homege of grateful
The Commissioners of the Sinking
!worts and the devotion of our sincere Fund. report the corn of four hundred and
praise; and whilet humbly ncknowledg• fourteen thousand nine hundred and
ing His mercies to us as a people, let us twenty dollars and twenty nine cents,
-rill further express our gratitude to Him ($114.920 29 as now in the Creesury to'
by nets of individual chanty and kindness the credit of that fund. This mount will
to the poor artd helpless in 011 f nil-Ist. Stir- be applied to the redemption of ladot
fibs the hears, and adver.ity Note yet in circulation, and to the pay.
darkens the homes of many of our citi- talent of the funded debt of the Coininon
zeiis. Our liberality should be generous; 'veal'''.
o isle benefactions munificent; and thus 'I he Commissioners of this fund, on
whilst the wants of the poor nod suffering the 7th day of deptember last, reported
tire nilieved, the generous giver will find a to me that the sum of one million forty
rich reward in the pleaenre that results two thousand eight hundred and fifty se,
from communicated good. et- dollars rind sixty four cents, [51,012,
The finance!, of the Commonwealth are 857 64] of the debt of the Common
in a very satisfactory condition. During wealth, was held by them. as follows—
the past year every demand upon the --'-
Treasury has been promptly paid, from
the revenue , ' derived from, the ordinary
sources. The operations of this Depart
ment will be presented to you, in detail, in
the report of the Stow Treasurer.
For the fiscal year ending November
30111, 1557. the receipts at the Treasury.
ineduiliiig, balance in the Treasury on the
first day of December. 1856, of one mil•
lion two hundred and forty four thousand
seven hundred and ninety five dollars
and forty two cents, (1,244,795 42,) were
five millions nine hundred mud thirty five
thousand three hundred and eighty three
dollars and twenty six cents (85,935,-
383 26.1 The aggregate expenditures
for the same period, were five million four
hundred and seven thousand two hun
dred and sever.ty six do hats and seventy
nine cents. (5,407,276 79.) Balance in
the 'Treasury December 1, 1857. Gee bun
tired and tweniy eight thousand one fitin.
dred and six diillers and forty seven cents
r 8 5 ,28,106 -17.) Excluding the balance
;n the Treasury on the first day of De
cember. 1856. the receipts from • all sour
ces were four million six hundred and
itness you must answer :Fu question
or the court will be compelled to deal with
you Can't you say yea or no.'
.111 ell, then, answer yes or no. Did or'
did not your daddy get corn and bacon
;mom the defendant at the u n to referred to?
ioqoire , l the Court.
-Now fully aroused and comicions of his
Well, J atlgo, I can't atlzactly remem
ber, you know, seeing as how it's all dun
bin stone and eat up, but,' planting ban
self firmly, as one determined to out %vitt'
it, no the beai of my recollection, il my
memory serves me right, he nought, and
then again he moughtn't.'
The plaintiff saved his bacon. Ver.
ict accordingly.
NlESsith Eprrok,:—We had plea.
,nre . of amoral ing no thiturday. 26th, Dec
an eksmittsoion of the School under
ilk. charge of 'l'. J. Hyatt, at Harmony
t.lrove, Clay Township, Huntingdon Co.,
l'a. Several citizens and teachers were
present to witness the exercises which
were highly entertaining. llv request of
Mr. jy a tt, at the dose of the examina
tion. n number of addresses were delivered
to the school by teachers and citizens.
It is but doing justice to the teacher to
say that grent credit is dun biro for the
mannor in which the scholars equitted
On the evening of the same day a
"'Poachers' Institute." was held at the
:an, place And notwithstanding the
inclemency of the weather n vast number
of people, both old and young, was as in
attendance and listened with marked nt.
tention to the exercises which were as
follows :
On motion P Brice, was called to the
chair, and I'. 3. Myatt appointed Seers
tosy. A. R. Miller wns then called to
deliver an openiiiir :ii!dress, to which, he
Len lily responded. After which the
subject (10 tee educate fur ti" was
very appropriately introduced and discus
sed with forcible suggestions, by J. B.
Moreland, Esq., and contingi.d by Messrs.
Flynn, D. Price, I). Miller, knd others, for
n considerable length of time. On me.
lion said discussion, closed and he sub
ject of School Government was introdu
ced and opened in quite an entertaining
monitor by Mr. Ilyatt and cnntinued
a lute hour by teachers nod citizens prey
ern. Mr. Miller then delivered to the pa
rentsa brief I cture on the necessity of
their ets.ting schools which was followed
I with an applicable song by the teacher of
this school slid his pupils. On motion,
I'. s.—We are highly gratified to know
, that the citizens of this place, manifest
such an interest in the education of their
youth and in the upbuilditig of their
school. On.uccount.of diaguelified tea
chers this school for years past, was in a
backward condition, but through the un-
I tiring labor of so zealous an instructor. as
Mr Hyatt, it now ranks among the first
in this section, and bids fair for rapid ad
, vanoement. SPECTA:I OR.
lisirTwo regiments of volunteers have been
organized is California, and are ready at the
tap of the drain to march against the Mormons.
and, for the same service, ten regiments could
be mustered in that state in less than sixty days.
We give to day the official letter from
Com. Paulding to the naval department, com
municating the circumstances under which hi.
arrested Walker and his men. The document
is a capital otte, avid reflect, credit on the Com
Total, $1,042,057 6.1
As required by law, 1 directed the certi
ficates and evidences of this indebtedness
to be cancelled ; and on the lUth of Sep•
tember, 1857, issued my proclamation de
claring the payment, extinguishment and
final discharge, of one million forty.two
thousand eight hundred and fifty seven dol
lars and sixty four cents ($1,012.857 64)
of the public debt.
addition'to the amount reported to be
iu the 1 reasury, to the credit of the sink
iug fund, and applicable to the payment
of the public debt, the Commissioners of
the fund now hold the sum of seven and
a half tnillions of dollars, (7,500,000) bonds
on the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
pledged by law to the payment of the run
ninety thousand five hundred and eighty ded debt of the Commonwealth.
even dollars and ei4hty four cents. (s4. i fly the 4th section of the 11th article of
600.587 $4.) The ordinary expendi• the Constitution, as amended and ratified
tures for the 'snie period were three mil• by a majority of the qualified voters of the
lion nine hundred and ninety two thous. State, at the general election held on the
and three hundred and seventy dollars nod second Tuesday of October, 185", it is
twenty nine cents, ($3,992,970 29; ex. ; made the duty of the Legislature at its
hibitiug an excess of receipts over.expen• first session, after the adoption of this a
ditures of six hundred and ninety eight.' menchnent, to create a sinking fund, which
thousand two hundred and seventeen do!• aim! be sufficient to pay the accruring in.
Tare and fifty five cents,: (11608,217 55.) serest an the present public debt, and any
The extraordinary payments for the year additional debt thereafter constitutionally
were one tnillionloui hundred and four contracted, and annunlly to reduce tho
teen thousand nine 'minim,' and six del- principal thereof by a sarn not Into than
. .
fi:cy cvtit:3, 'J 1 11,414.966 WO v., • hundred and fifty •thousand dollars,
to wit : To too completion of the • (e. 40,000 VU,) which "Sinking Fund
Portage Railroad, forty nine thousand six- Shall consist of the annual income of the
ty.oeo dollars and ninety two cents, [sl9, public works from time to time, 'owned by
661 SP! ;i to the Northlinineh extension the Mute, or the procees of the cute of the
one hundred and thirty eiimt thousand see-1 satae, or any part thereof, and of tho in
en hundred and ninety eight donors and come or proceeds of sale of stocks owned
eighty five cents; [5138,798 1450 to no. by the State, together with other funds or
lay the South Track of the Columbia Rail. resources that ,may be designated by law..
road, ninety one thousand four hundred The said Sinking Fund may be increased
and five dollars and forty sir cents, [WI, from time to time by a-signing to it any
405 46;] to enlarge the Delaware Divis par; of the taxes or other revenues of the
ion, forty six thousand two hundred and State, not :required 'for the oroinnry and
sixty tl reo dollars, [840,268 00;] for ince current expenses of government, and, un
tire power in 1850,eighty one thousand less in case of war, invasion or insurrec
six hundred and four dollars and 'twenty
,lion, no part of, said Sinking Fund shall
four cents, ($81,604 24;) for repair in by used or applied : otherwise than in ex.
111.55 and 18013. fort, nine thousand. et tinguiehment of she public debt, until the
hundred and sixty four dollars an: seven
ty eight cents, ($19,564 76;) fur the re
demption of loans, eight hundred and
twenty thousand ninety sever, dollars and
three cents, 01320,097 03;] damages on
the Public Works, forty six thousand five
Loans of 19th of Aril, 1803, oven
• due, ton por4ry 8400,000 00
Loans of t'th of May, 1854, over
due, tem porwy 164,000 00
Cert iti cat es of stock. loans of April
111.1 t, 1048, 0 per cent 66,501 00
Certificates of stock, loans of sari•
• bus dates, 5 per cent. 0.310 64
Relief notes caffeelled and destroyed 373,040 00
tf f. in Treasury, set aside for
cancellation, :10,000 00
amount of such debt is reduced below the
sum of five millions of dollars," ($5,000,-
This being the first session of the Leg
islature since the adoption of this amend
ment, the duty therein enjoined devolves
upon you, and should be promply and
faithfully discharged.
The founded debt and unfounded debt
of the State, including temporary loans,
on the first day of Decemoer, 1856, on
per Reports of Auditor General and state
Treasurer, was as follows, viz :
}TM). 1,1;11T.
C per cent loans, 1 4 511.781 00
- 11 .1 'll 38,864.094 50
388,200 00
100,000 00
--39,666,075 00
1 1{ li
Total funded debt-
Rellatotes in eircurn,22o,ss6 00
Int. certiti's outsig, 24,691 37
" unclaimed, 4,448 39
Domestic creditors, 1,164 00
Bal. temporary loan,
April 19, 1853,
Bal. temporary loot
400,000 00
1 , 1,000 00
May 9: 195 i,
Unfunded debt,
834,859 7
404 1.515.
The funded and unfunded debt at the close
of the last fiscal year, December 1 ; 1R57, wa
a s follows, viz:
6 per cent. lunn, 445.180'00
5 " 38,773.212 52
4} II 388,200 00
4 " " " 802 60
Total funded debt ------39,706,592
Ft, notes in eirean 114,121 00
hit certiti'i, nutseg 2:1,4;3 22
" vinelnimed 4,448 :18
Domestic creditors 802 08
Unfunded debt, --- 1;5'1 I
Total debt Dee. 1, 1857,
40.701,83. i
Total debt Dee. 1,185 a,
Total debt Dee, I, I'i:A
Decrease during Ihte C,,,l3ear, 820,097 3:
These statements exhibit the gratifyiN
fact, that during the past fiscal year, th.
public debt has been reduCed eight hue
dud and twenty thousand, ninety-se vet
dollars and fifty-fire cents. Durit.g.
same period barge appropnations and pay
rwnts were lead, on account of our publi
improvements, for old and unsettled claim
Adjusted under tine act of last session, en
for other extraordinary purposes.
The condition of die Treasury pri,,r to
the suspension of specie payments by the
Banks, justified the approprini . ion or at
least two hundred thousand dollars more
in payment of the public debt, and arrange
ments were made by the Treasurer, under
the direction of Commissioners of the
Sinking Fund, to liquidate that axiount ;
but after the susrnsion, and the conse
quent financial embarrassment of the coon.
try, the proposed payment,from prudential
motives was postponed. pail this pay
ment been made, in addition to the pay
ments already reported, the statements and
calculations' in my last annual m. serige-in
relation to the early payment and final ex
tinguishrnent of the pnblic debt, would
thus far have been sustained by their ac
tual verification.
The causes that prevented their realiza
tion, it is believed will soon cease to of
feet injuriously the revenues of the Com
monwealth. Acturted by that indomitia
ble energy that has ever characterized the
American people ng fora moment
but not dishenr e adverse cis
cuinstances t 0 - 7 —roused to
mgre vigorus'action by disaster and defeat
cur progress cannot long be checked, nor
our prosperiky long be interrupted Con
, lididenee,the sensitive. yet powerlull
agency, that binds in unity and strength
the great finnncial commercial and indus
trial interests of nor country and the
world hos been suddenly impaired. produ
cing financial and commercial distress,
and affecting the revenues of the Com
monwealth; but with the advantnges.res
ulting from the rapid developement of our
resources during the last quarter era cen
turythe immensely valuable increase of
our agricultural, mining and manufactu
ring industry during the same period—
the abundant harvests of the past yenr—
our comp'eted improvements, and al! the
elements of material wealth in our midst,
its restoration at an early period is uo t
problernaticul. Returning . confiden,
will be the herald of returning prosperity.
Notwithstanding, then, the present eii.
barrassinent and gloomy condition of the
country, after a carOul conSideration tit
the present and prospective condition of
the finances and resources of the Common-
Wealth, I cannot hesitate to reaffirm my
belief. "that the time in not far distant
when Pennsylvania will stand redeemed
from the oppression of her pu(tlic debt,
and her people be relived from a taxation
unposed to meet its securing interest and
maintain thd faith and credit of the Com
monwealth," and that "by practicing strict
economy in all department, of the 4ier.
erninent—avoiding extravagant expendi•
ture—refuring to undertake any new
schems of internal improvement, and hol
ding to a rigid accountability the receiv
ing and disbursing agents of the Siate,•
the renlization of these views may be an•
ticipated with confidence,"
As corroborative of the opinion new and
heretofore expressed, a brief review of the
poerationg of the Treasury during the past
three years. as connected with the pay-
Itnent of the debt of the Commonwealth/
Ininy not be inappropriate. In my first
annual messnge to the Legislature the fact
was states. that during the three years in
tervening between 11.cember 1, 1851, and
December 1, the public debt had
been increased one million, five hundred
non eighty four thousand, three hundred
and fifty nine dollars end thirty four cents
iand that the tootl debt nt the close of tho
fiscal year, December 1, 1851, was forty
lone millions, six hundred and ninety eight
thousand, five hundred nail ninety five
dollars, and seventy four cents. (3111,698,-
i 595 74 ) At the close of the late fiscal
year. December 1, 1857, three years bier
the funded and unfunded debt. us before
Ishown, was thirty nine millions, eight
hundred and eighty one thousand. seven
hundrod and thirty right dollars und oven-
ty two cents; 069,881,738 220 decrensn
in three years, one million, eight hundred
and sixteen thousand. eight hundred and
finy seven dollars and fifty two emus, (*I,
Thus is
.three years :he public debt has
ual payment and
the ex
porary loans, °sir miliiou eiv,h hundred
and sixteen thousand eight hundred and
lit . tv•seven dollars and fif
o sun of four hundred
ind,nine hundred and
and fourteen tt
wenty dollars and twenty•nine ents
414.: 20 29] now in the sinking fund.
.nd applicable to the payment of the fund
d debt; the reduction will millionti, two
tnared a d Ihirty•one thowiand, serer'
hundred and sevenly.svven dolhas and
These facet
not only g
sluicing lend the sum
hundred thousand
s—hood's of the Pennsyt
vama railroad company, bearing interest at
the rate of line per cent= per annum,
peyublo semi annually, and pledged to the
payment of the funded debt. If this sum
be added to the reduction before stated, we
have presented to us a virtual if sot an ac
tual decrease of the State debt, of nine
millions seven hundred and seventy seven
I dollars and eighty-one cents, Ei.,731,771
81 ;] showing the total funded and unfun
ded debt of the State on the first day of
lDecember, 1857, to have been thirty one
1 millions nine hundred and sixty-six thou
, , ,
sail e i g h t hun d re d and eighteen dollars
and forty out cents. C:11,066.818 41
I In anticipative el the sale of the main
Ilute and the decrease in the public.debt,
the State tax, by an Oct of the last regular
was reduced front three to two and
a half mills on the dollar; a reduction
equal to one sixth of the tax imposed for
purposes prior to that act. These
facts speak for themselves. Well may
the people be cot,gratulated on such an nu
piciou, beginning in the process of
ilatiou, nod well [nay they with confidence
anticipate the day of their deliverance
front State =onion. Financial and coin
inercinl embitrritssment may postpone—
(nothisig but unwise tegislati,n, arid the Ira
' prudent I , dishonest management of our
finances: Cats prevent the early renlizntiort
ot their well founded anticipations.
The zonditign o: the public works, their
rytteral operation, the reciptii and expendi
tures during the past fiscal 3 ear, will .be
pr,.-iiird to you in detail in the report Of
thv roinihissfritter:
The !Ott! rec,ipts nt the Treasury, from
!the puhliC S, fir the year ending No.
veniher including receipts from
the main line , up to the Ist day of August,
were one million three hunched and
eight thousand hve and ninety-eight dol.
tars and sixty-two Cents, [1,108.508 62
'the' aggregate expenditures for the same
period were 1,512,705 07, the expend'.
tures'exceding the revenues 4,107 05.
receipts nt the Treasury from the
s,v,rai Div sions here es follows :
Nhin Line, to .Augnstl 1537 8796,540 33
SUStIII. .11
. 111 a no' North 11
, est Branch
I,;. isiuus
Delaware Division
The receipts front the Delaware Divis
ion ar, .1e,3 than those to the previous
year. The
,contemplution at rival Rail
roads and other causes, lave lessened the
receipts from this important division of
our public works, sod it is feared will con
tinue to decreass.them. Its management
Ass been ottisfstwory, sndznmper.A with
of tern
287,718 95
2::4,329 34