Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 05, 1855, Image 1

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flittre is a little mystic cloelt
No human eye (lath seen ;
That l'eateth nn--ntyl beateth on,
From morning until e'en.
And alien the soul i 3 wrapped in sleep,
Aka hearetli not a sound,
It ticks and ticks tho livelong night,
And never manna' down.
t) wondrous is that work of art,
Which hoellc the passing hour,
But art ne'cr formed, nor mind conceived
'rho lite clock's magic power.
Nor set in gold, nor flecked with gems,
By wealth and price possessed ;
By rich or poor, or high or low,
Each beats it in his breast.
"When life's deep stream, 'mid bedsof flowers
All still and softly glides,
the wavelet's step, with a gentle beat,
It warns of passing tides.
'When threatening darkness gathers o'er,
And hope's bright vision he
Like the sullen stroke of the waled oar,
It benteth heavily.
When passion nerves the warrior's nrin
For deeds of hute and wrong,
Though heeded not the fearful sound,
The knell is deep nod etrng.
Such is the clock that measures life,
tii iL ,h amt spirit b!olvl ;
And thus 'twill ran within the breast,
'fill that strong.! iiii, is ended.
o : se :J., MUT.
As " all the World - and his 'wifs are be
ing, daily importuned, through the new,-
papers, to 'hey a farm" somewhere in
the backwoods of Pennsylvania, the follow
ing narrative of a recent adventure in the
region niter,' the lends of promise,. so clo•
(ineptly deseribed in advertisements, arc
located, will he found interesting,.
,J1:11510,' SHORE, PA , Nov.
,20, 1555,
Mr. Edit,
—in the early history of
thiS ci unt+y, we rend of many remarkable
adventures toad thrilling episodes in the
lives of hunters and pioneers, that appear
ijuitc marvellous; blt probably there are
none possee,cl of more d,ep and thrilling
interest than the following, which occurred
recently t—The hero of this adventure,
Arvine Clark, f'sl., us a highly reveeta•
He citizen of the borough of Jersey Shute,
and in the employ of the “Farming and
Land Association," as agent, which is es
tablishing a new nolo.)y near the site of the
famous Ole Bull settle nent. Being an
experienced woodsman and old hunter, he
is peculiarly fitted as an agent to explore
the wilds of that region. The story was
related to the writer by Mr. C. himself,
and may be relied upon as being correct.
On the dill of November last, Nlr. C.
eves exploring the route for a new road to
the settlement, through a wild and gloomy
ildernesS. As the shades of evening
drew on he commenced to retrace his
s•cp.;, as he supposed, through land of W.
Silver, Esq., of Hieladelphia ; but he was
disappoimed and lost his way. lie be
came alarmed, and as as the dusky shades
of !eight were setting around, he found
himself in a dense forest, nt least eight
miles from the settlement. 13ecetning ve
ry tired from rapid walking, he sat down
upon a log to rest a moment and contem
plate leis situation. Ills attention was
suddenly arrested by a rustling ire the bus
hes close by, and on cautiously looking
routed, beheld a huge bear coming towards
him. To draw up Isis trusty rifle and
shoot the beast, was the work of a moment
Bruin gave a fearfuland awful roar, which
stroke the gloomy selitude, tend then was
still. Fearing that the beast was only
wr.ruled, Clark hastily reloaded his gun
with two balls, the /as/ in his pouch, and
discharged them into the body of the 'non,
slur, when he c auteously ke t iroaclecd and
found that he was dead. He desvribes the
roar of the beast, es, he ree ( nvea 'els death
wound, as terrihc ? >w, t t calculated to make
the stoutest heart quail with fear.
A dark end'gloomy night was settling
down on him—he had no bullets for his
gun— was far in the wilderness without
food or shelter, surround ,d by wild ani
mals. He had no marches t t kindle a fire
--his situation was desperate and to add
io his further discomfort, it commenced
raining. IVhat was to be done! To re
main there without a fire seas exceedingly
dangerous. With these reflections he con
tinued to grope his way through the laurel
hoping to find a path that might lead tea
hunter's habitation, but to vain. The night
was dark as Egypt, and the howling of a'
pack of wolves greeted his ears. Being.
an old man, he s ton became exhausted and'
found that he would have to remain there
for the night. Coming to an aged hem
lock he seated himself at its root for the
night. Could he but obtain a fire Ito
would be comparatively safe. Thu effort
was made by collecting rent% dry mate•
vials, and loading his gun with powder, fi
red the charge into a dry cotton hanker
chief. It was a failure ! As the gip was
discharged, another boar, apparently with
in twenty feat of him, gave a hideous and
awful roar that made Clark's hair stand on
end. Bruin was terribly frightened by the
discharge of the gun, and kastily scam
pared off, much to the relief of Clark, who
now began to fairly realize the danger of
his situation. .
Here he remained, not daring to fall a
sleep. About two o'clock in the morning,
to add to the horrors of his situation, the
yell of a panther was heard. The beast
approached—came nearer, every few mi
nutes uttering a screech that froze the
blood in his veins ! As a last resort to de
fend himself from the attack of the savage
animal, be roloade 1 his gun putting in soma
three cent pieces and steel pens, (for he
had nothing else) which he hoped might
do some execution. The animal came so
near that the glare of his eyes in the dark.
ness resembled two balls of fire ! Clark
expected every minute to receive the fatal
spring. There he remained, without da
ring to move ; with the fiery eyes of the
1 panther fixed upon him I In this dread
ful situation expecting every minute to be
torn in pieces, he remained till the break
of day, when he was relieved from dange;
and the animal disappeared. Hungry,
weary and excited, he left for the settle:
went, where he arrived about noon, and
; related his thrilling adventure. A party
proceeded to the place where the bear was
shotoind brought in his carcass, which
proved to be a very large one. It was
dressed and forwarded to New York. It
' was several days before Clark fairly recov
lered front the fatigue, the fear, and excite
! men! of that night, which will never be
I removed from his mind.
Reader, how would yon like to spend
such a night in the gloomy wilds of a Pot
ter enemy wilderness?
Dr. Duff.
There are a few, we imagine, among our
readers, who do remember with La
pressions of regard and respect, the ven
erable Dr. Duff, whose visit to our coun
try excited such marked attention. Dr.
Duff, has, we learn from the Preskyterian,
returned to his field of Missionary Inbor
in India, though his health is still extreme
ly feeble. Such ardor in the holy cause
in which he is engaged is but character
istic of the noble spirit which he has nl
ways manifested. At a meeting of the
Preebyt. , ry of Edenburgh, held on the llth
alt , after an appropriate prayer by Rev.
Dr. ("widish, Dr. Duff delivered a deeply
moving farewell addres, from which we
extract the following:
Farewell to Scotland.
And now, this my home-work being for
the present finished, while exigencies of
a peculiar kind appear to call me back a
gain to the Indian field, I cheerfully obey
the summons; and despite its manifold
lion and attractions, I now feel as if, in full
ness of heart I can nay, fare l tvell to Scot-
laud—to Scotland ! honored by ancient
memories and associations of undying glo
ry and eenowu I Scotland, on whose
soil were fought some of the mightiest bat
;ties for civil and religious liberty—Scot
land, thou country and holm. of the bra
vest among undaunted Reformers !—Scot
land, thou chosen abode and last resting-,
place of the ashes of most heroic and da
ring martyrs I—yet fa rewell, Scotland !
Farewell to all that is in thee ! Farewell
1 from peculiarity of natural temperament, ,
i I um prepared to say, Farewell ye moun• ,
tains and hills, with your exhilniting loree-
zes, where the soil! ;,as nt tittles risen to
the Clevation of lila Rock of Ages, and
!;,aired to the hill whence alone aid can
come, Farewell ye rivers and murmut-
I ing brooks,along whose shady banks it has
been often toy lot to roam, enjoying in your
solitude the sweetest society ! Farewell,
ye rocky and rugged strands, where I have
so often stood and gazed at the foaming
billows, as they dashed and surged ever
lasti ngly at your feet ! Farewell, ye
churches and halls throughout this laud,
where it has been so often any priri lege
to plead the cause of n perishing world :
and when, in so doing, I have hod such
precidus glimpses of the King, of Elms beau
ty, wielding the sceptre of grace o'er a
wakened, quickened and ransomed souls.
Farewell, ye abodes of the righteous,
whether manses or ordinary dwellings, m
I which this weary,' pilgrimmed body has
toften found sweet rest and shelter, and
this wearied spirit the most genial fellow
ship. Farewell, too, ye hoin es of earliest
youth, linked to my soul by associations
of endearment, •vhich time can never ef
i face. Aye, and farewell ye graves of my
fathers, never likely to receive my mortal
remains? And welcome India Welcome
India, with thy benighted perishing mil
lions; because, in the vision of faith, I
see the renovating process that is to elevate
them from the lowest depths of debase
ment and shame to the noblest heights of
celestial glory. Welcome, you majestic
hills, the loftiest on this our globe ; for
though cold be your summits, and clothed
with the drapery of eternal winter, in the
vision of faith I can go beyond and behold
the mountain of the Lord's house estab
lished on the top of the mountains, with
the innumerable multitudes of India's ado
ring worshippers joyously thronging to
words it. Welcome, too, ye mighty, stu
pendous fabrics of a dark lowering idola
try, because, in the vision of faith, I can
ode in your certain downfall, and in the
benutious temples of Christianity reared
over your ruins, cue of the mightiest mon
uments to the triumph and glory of our a
dored Immanuel.
Welcome, too, thou majestic Ganges, in
whose waters, through every age, such
countless multitudes hasp been engulphed
in the vain hope of obtaining thereby a
sure passport to immortality, because, in
the vision of fa . th, I behold the myriads of
my deluded votaries forsaking thy turbid
though sacred waters, and learning to
wash their robes and make them white in
the blood of the Lamb. Welcome—if the
Lord ao will's it—welcome, sooner or later,
a quiet resting-place on thy sunny banks,
amid the'Elindu people for whose delis.
crane° from the tyranic sway of the foul
est and cruellest idolatries on earth, I have
groaned and travelled in soul agony.
Fare ye well, then, reverend fathers,
and beloved brethern and sisters in the
Lord—fare ye well in time ; fare ye well
through all eternity ; And in view of that
bright and glorious eternity, welcome,
thrice welcome, thou resurrection morn,
when the graves of every clime and every
age, from the time of the righteous Abel
down to the period of the lad trumpet
sound, willgiye up their dead ; and ttio
ransomed myriads of the Lord, ascending
on high, shall enter the mansions of glory
—the palaces of light—in Immanuel's
land ; and there together, in indissoluNe
and blissful harmony, celebrate the jubi
lee of a once groaning but then renovated
universe ! Farewell ! Farewell !
Mr. Gillies then engaged in prayer;
and the blessing having been pronounced,
the large audience separated.
Elopement—Extraordinary Proceedings.
The Clairborne (La ) Advocate of dip
31st ultimo,. has an account of an extra-
ordinary series of events, which is pub•
lished under the heading, "Elopement,
marriage, civil commotion and bloodshed,'
and of which the following is a considers•
About four )r six weeks ago there elo
ped from Terryville, in Clairbor ne parish,
one Dr. Clement and one Sarah T. Wa.
fer, an orphan heiress of a wealthy Lou
isiana planter, being at the time at school
at Terryville. To Arkansas they proceed,
with the utmost despatch, where the nup
tial ceremony was duly performed.
On their return the happy couple were the brother of the bride, who pro.
ceeded to chastise the groom for the ab•
duction of his sister. Finally, hower, they
were allowed to proceed to the residence
of the doctor in Arcadia, Bienville parish
whence a few days afterwards, the bride
was summoned to the bedside of a sick
sister. While at her house, Mrs. Cle•
merit signed a letter written by her brother
in-law, in which she hccused her husband
of deception, cowardice, age and ugliness,
and 'viewed her determination not to live
with him. She then accompanied her
sister to Red River, in the parish of Ros•
sitier, and took up her residence in the
house of another sister.
Dr. Clement followed in P l ursuit with
fifteen stalwart friends armed cap apic and
demanded the person of Mrs. Clement,
who, under the circumstances yielded, on
condition that she should be taken to the
residence of her uncle, Rev. Mr. Wafer,
an estimable gentleman, and be there al.;
lowed two days for reflection as to her fu
ture course.
Her brother immediately raised a force
of armed men, and undertook to rescue
his sister, but on approaching the house
of his uncle, found it surrounded by the
Doctor's army, with cocked guns, and
thought fit to retire.
He immediately proceeded to Homer,
and inside such representations as caused
issuance of a warrant for the arrest of Dr.
Clement and party for the forcible abduc
tion and imprisonment of his sister. The
Deputy Sheriff summoned a pose, to whom
the Doctor's party submitted.
Next morning about nine o'clock. Clair.
borne woe thrown into riolent commotion
by the sudden appearance in its midst, on
horseback, and all with double-barrelled
guns, of the entire body of men, some six
ty in number, thrown together as above
stated, on the night previous, and in the
centre of the concourse, ;arable dictu, the ,
hero and heroine, seated side by side in a
buggy. The bloodshed' spelmn of shove
was caused by the nccidental discharge of
one of the guns of this party, wounding
a lawyer who was standing in his office.
The parties were brought before a jus
tice for trial and a habeas corpus was issu
by the Judge of the District Court and
served upon the Doctor commanding him
to produce his wile. The result of the
trial was that all parties were discharged.
But trouble had not ended here ; for, while
the excitement was going on, our heroine
was spirited away to parts unknown ; but
the general opinion is that she has been
transported to Arkansas, where she is pro
tected or guarded by forty double-barrelled
shot guns and a howitzer I Ind thither a
considerable pert of the muisitude recent.
ly asse.nbled in Clairborne have betaken
themselves, "armed and equipped" as the
law dant direct.
It appeared on the trial of one of the
writs that Miss Wafer hid been engaged
to a brother of her sister in law : but, soine
person unknown having forged a letter
purporting to be from her Puce wherein
she was discarded, her elopement with the
Doctor was precipitated, and the unfortu
nate girl soon found that she was linked
to a man whom she could not love, but in
fact, positively disliked.
Breach of Promise.
Not a little excitement was created in
the Lexington market yesterday morning
by the appearance of a young lady, who
visited the market, cowhide in hand, for
the purpose of revenging herself on a mar.
tied man who had been trifling with her
affection. She approached the false one
as he was busily engaged at his avocation
of selling potatoes, hind withodt tittering a
syllable, commenced the wori:Of recireatrin g
her grievance by administering to him a
very severe flaggelation. The attack was
made at a time and under circumstances
which precluded the object of her ire from
defending himself, and he could do nothing
better than endure the chastisement. 'rho
lady cut him very severely abodt the face,
and greatly disfigured his physiognomy.
The reason assigned for instituting this
summary punishment, was recited by the
lady, ns follows :—The vender of the pota
toes has been courting the lady for about
six months past, and a marriage contract
having been agreed upon by them, she
was daily in expectation of a union with
him. A few days since she saw the au•
nouncement of his marriage to another la
dy, and determined to chastise him for his
double dealing, and accordingly repaired
to the market house and dealt with him
as above stated. The occurrence caused
a great deal of talk in the market, and in
order to get a sight at a man who was
whipped by n woman, many persons call.
ed upon him for their potatoes, and in a
short time he had disposed of his stock,
and returned to his newly wedded wife by
whom he was doubtless ceinforted.—Bal.
timore Comnterrial althertiser.
ACup of Coffee,
Henry Ward Beecher has a drealizing
sense" of what good coffee is. He writes
thus:—''Breakfast i° ready. A most use
ful and salutary custom is that of breakfast.
One may w;irk with the hand without
breakfast, but not with the head—the ma
chine must be wound up, The blue must
be taken out of your spirits, and the grey
out of your eyes. A cup of coffee—real
coffee—home-browned, home ground, that
cornea to you as dark as a hazel eye, but
changes to a golden bronze as you temper
it with cream, from its birth, thick, tender
ly yellow, perfectly sweet, neither lumpy
nor frothing on the Java ; such a cup of
coffee is a match for twenty blue devils.
and will exercise them all. Isioluntnrily
one draws in kis breath by the nostrils.—
The fragrant savor fills his seneca with
pleasure—for no coffee can be good in the
mouth that does not first send a sweet of
fering of odor to the nostrils."
Wilms President Pierce was standing
near the hotel at which he had taken
rooms, says the Charlottesville ,•Republi
can" of a recent date, oa little chap of a
few summers, finding his hat-band un
buckled, went up to the President and ac•
coated him. "Fix may hat-band, sin"—
"What is your namo ?" said the Presi
dent. "Derbee.—" "Do you know
me !" .Yes you are the president," said
young America; 'fix my hat-hand.' Thu
President fixed his hatband, and then
young Amerita wont to his play, con
tented and happy that he, too, was the
President's peer.
(garious pttrg.
"Lyme Addrest to the Mune."
How bewtiful is this ere nite,
How brite the stare du shine,
All eater slepes in trankiltilm,
But this lone hart of mine.
Our dog hes kwit a barkin now
At fellers pessin' hi,
Hese gamin at the far of mune
With cam and plassid i.
Wen nub the, thou pail-faced thing,
A hanging in the skim,
Upward on wild tuntramled wing
Mi tbots cuts dirt and size.
O bud 1 kwit this klod of kla,
And sore oboe the mud,
Ide baith mi sole in heggetaity
In yonder cleasy cloud.
How kan the poit's hiborn sole
Mix with erth's vnlgar erne ?
Wud it not rather tli awa
And hyde from mortal vu
Ah yes ! had I a pare of wings
To go to yonder mune,
I ges ide ins as goon eta there
From now until ilex June.
And thare a roving up and down
Thrue purty floors Ido go,
Or listing to the tinkling rills
Wot from the mountings flu.
The "poit" pursues the theme for some dis
tance beyond this point, bathe has already out.
stripped his readers, as well as himself; and we'
think it eater to take hint down.
A proper understanding of the proxi
mate as well as the ultimate results aimed
at in the various mechanical operations
upon the soil would undoubtedly lead to a
better performance of these operations.—
Of the millions who follow the plow in
its unending furrow from their boyhood's
day's, when they can scarcely mach up to
the handles, and steady the share with
their youthful but muscular arms, until
they lie down beneath the clods they have
so often I .ltrnf W munnarativelY ,
know more of the rationale of plowing
than the brute semi.reasoners that drag the
I implement along. The latter know from
experience that by 'noddy submitting to
the yoke they avoid the goad of the whip ;
the former, with a little more exercise of
their reasoning faculties, know by exptri •
once, also, that they can avoid the goad
of starvation by breaking up the soil with
some such implement--called a plow--as
their fathers used. The admission of air
loaded with for food for the coming crop,
the disintegration of the earthy particles
and the unlocking of the hidden elements,
the preparation of a suitable bed or nest
for the tender rootlets, the proper admix
ture of the upper vegetable mold with the
mineral stones underneath, the supertor
value ore Mot shelter deep down below the
scorching rays of the sun, the destruction
of poisonous compounds, existing in the
native soil by the admission of air, the be
neficial effect of of disintegrating frosts up
on ground deeply plowed in Autumn--
these and many other similar questions of
importance, in themselves deeply interes,
ting, are not these which use•aliy occupy
the thoughts of the mass of agricultural la
borers. These various topics, connected
with the single operation of plowing, are
each worthy of a chapter longer titan the
limits of a newspaper article. We Will
now refer briefly to a single ono of them as
being appropriate to the season, viz :
The general experience of farmers has
provided that there is a deoided advantage
resulting from breaking up the soil deeply
in Autumn for most of the spring crcps,
and this process, developed by and found
ed upon experience, is sustained by intelti.
gent theory.
There are few soils worth cultivating
at all which do not contain more or less of
materials that can be reralered nv ailuble for
by the combined notion of air and frost.
All our soils were originally derived from
rocks which have been broken up and
worn down by floods, by the alternate ex
pansion and contraction of heat and cold,
and the chemical action of the air or gases
mingled with it. Upon the surface, a long
continuance of these agencies has redueed
a portion of the soil to a finely divided
state, while below the reach of frost the
particles remain in the coarse or fine
state in which they wero originally depos--
itod by the floods which once swept over
the surface, and deposited them in their
present position. The action of frost usu
ally extends but a few inches below the
surface, and it is an object for the cultiva
tor to so break up and arrange the surface
as to extend their action as deeply as possi
We know a gardener, residing near a
country town, who devotes his whole time
end labor to a single sere of ground, end
he raises for the market from this limitedl •
space fully enough to sustain a large fern- t -((‘
aCt5 lA' ;..tfancies'
,-, • • •
ily in comfortable circumstances, besides _ •!
"laying up" a little every year. His in-
variable practice is to throw the whole STATIC An T mt. TUI: [INT ran
elaborate article on the rigs
plot into high, narrow ridges every Au- rieultu B ra -- 1 Departm!rit of the Linty, .al
tuinn, and let it he thus till Spring. These : is ~ 1111,160 n in Paris In the let of October
ridges are from three to four feet hied', n'umber of Revue des Deux•Mondes, the
when first thrown, and are as narrow a foremost and most fair-dealing Review of
they can well be made. The appearance !
of a section of the surface, after the cothe Continent, opens with an appreciative
paragraph teaching the United States,
pletion of the ridging is somewhat like the
which is worthy of translati on :
following :
"At the London Exhibition in 1861,
AAAAAAA Russia and the United States of North A
soDuring Winter the side crumbles down
merle's, figured in face of .one• another,—
as to partly fill up the intervening hol-
One admired in the Russian comparlment
lows, but the ridges are still elevated two
or more feet at the close of Winter. Ifurniture in malachite, mosaic splendid
stuffs, tisues of gad and silver. The
We can readily perceive the effects of
such an arrangement. Owing to the nar-. American compartment offered, on th
rawness of the ridges the frost penetrates contrary, only some hales of cotton, care of
to the centre of each, while in the bottom 1 Indian corn, and heaps of salt pork. Nev
ofe the furrows it goes down as deeply as it.; er WOO contrast more striking ! To the ye
would have done from the undisturbed sur- ! of the superficial observer, nil the clean
loge was for the apparent magnificence of
face, and by this means the whole soil un
dergoes the freezing prooess to the depth ! one against the modesty and almost the :n
-or nearly three feet. It is thus mellowed
and fitted for the reception of the roots oil
i digence of the other ; but a moment's re-
Section was enough to show the superior,
future crops. The air is admitted to that !ty of the useful and tarly r:odecttve in
depth, and oxydizes or destroys the poi- dustry of the American Republic, over the
sonous compounds that abound in all soils industry of luxury and show of the Em
not subjected to its action. I Aire. 'Chas i sumptuous furniture could
The air also circulates freely through I rerve only the parlors of the Czar and his
the ridges, and deposits its rich stores of court whilst the cotton the rare and pork
ammonia and other nutritious gases. The I clothe end nourish a population which
supplies of organic plant-food from this grows visibly to the eye, and maintains
source saves from one-fourth to one-third ! besides an immense exportation. The
of the manure that would otherwise be re. I power and wealth of the United States
quired. •
'lle ground is much sooner freed from
venter in the Spring, and more quickly
warned up by the vernal sun, so that
spring planting and sowing cart be com•
menced several days sooner than
land, as is abundantly proved by the fact
that the cultivator of the iibove garden is
always first to market with potatoes, to. H
manors, peas and other vegetables.
; The surface is retudily levelled in the
Spring by running a double furrow through
the centre of the ridges, and afterwards
going over them with a harrow.
In the instance above given, the ridging
is commenced with a plow and completed
with a spade. But the process is npelica
ble in a limited degree over large fields, ,
with the use of the plow only. A double
mould-board plow—one turning a furrow
both ways—is a convenient implement for
the operation. With a strong team such
a plow can be run deeply through the
ground at intervals of two or two and a
half feet, which will leave n succession of
deep furrows and narrow ridges. On
heavy, clayey soils, it would be desirable
to run the same or a smaller plow a second
time through each furrow. When this is
done, a wide yoke or long double tree is
required, then the horses or oxen may
walk in the two furrows on either side of
the one in which the plow runs.
But even such a plan may be dispensed
with ; the al . :ninon plow will answer.—
With, the land may be thrown into
narrow ridges by turning one furrow upon
the unbroken soil, and lapping another up•
on the top of this from the other side. The
third furrow will of course form the first
of the second ridge. In this method it is
necessary to have a narrow strip in the
middle of the furrow, as a guide to the
'land side' of the plow.
All the advantages alluded to in the de
scription of the garden plot, are afforded
to the Spring crops, including the better
pulverization of the soil, the earlier Spring
working, the addition of ammonia from the
atmosphere, &c.
A soil thus exposed is better pulverized
than if three antes plowed, and in this
sense we may appropriately term this
IVinter exposure of the soil to cold and
heat, 'plowing with the elements.'
.Hoarding and En Aging.
An old mon was toiling - through the
burden and heat of the day in cultiming
his field with his own hands, and deposit.
ing the promising seed into the (Told - 0 lap
of the yielding earth.
Suddenly there stood before him, under
the shade• of a huge linden tree, a di•
vino vision. The old man was struck
with amazement.
1 am Solomon," spoke the phantom,
in a friendly voice. "What are you do•
log here, old man !"
"If you are Solomon,' inquired the ven
erable laborer, "how can you ask this?
In my youth you sent the to the ant ; I
saw its occupation, and learned from that
insect to be industrious and to gather.--
What I then learned I have followed out
to this hour."
..You have only learned half of your
lesson," resumed the spirit. "Go again
to the nut, and you will learn trout that in
sect to rest in the winter of your life, and
to enjoy what you have gathered up.—
VOL. 20. NO. 4-.9i
repose this simple base. Who would
venture to compare this indefinite expan
sion of the human race from Canada to
the Mississlpi; these cities which rise as
by enchantment, these deserts which are
peopled in n season these innumerable re,
sels, these rnilways, all this tumult of life.
witl! the dull immortality of the teal tut-
innerated phrenologist was passing though
one of our New England villages stopping
at each house he passed, in hope of ma
king his scientific acquirements the means
of putting a stray quarter into a pocket•
book which was far froin being pletor•
Among others, he bad stopped at a ills
tic farm house, the proprietor of which
was busily engaged in the back yard, split
ting wood for consumption in the approach•
ing winter.
The old farmer did not take much no
tice of our phrenologist, who, after watch
ing the axe ascend add descend a few thucs
ventured to broach the object of his sni
it, by saying :
, •Sir , I tau a phronologi,t7 Would you.
like to have ine examine the heads of your
childron ? I will do it cheap."
"Wall said the farmer, pausing betwe.i.
two strokes. I rayther guess they don't
need it. The old woman erratic 'CM
. wills a line.loollt coral, once a week."
MrThe •hnrd shell Baptists` are n
well kdown set in the south and
west. They go dead against all Bib!,
temperance, and education societies , hate
missions to the heathen, and all modern
schemes for converting the rest of man.
kindOf coureo they ate opposed to
learning, and speak as they are suddenly
moved. A Georgia correspondent relates
the following of one of their preaehers:—
.Two of them were in the same pulpit
together. While one was preaching he
happened to say, 'When Abraham built
the ark.'
The one behind strove to correct his
blunder by spying out loud. .Abr. !:3ni
warn% thar.'
But the spanker pushed ou. heedless of
the interruption, end only took occasion
shortly to repeat, still more decidedly, 'I
say, when Abraham built the aek.'
say,' cried out the other, •.lbrahain
worst thur.'
The hard shell was too hard to be hea•
ten down in this way, addressing the peo
ple, exclaimed, with great indignation, 'I
say Abraham was that or that Amor:B !'
ville Beacon gives some additional particu
lars of the recen. elopement and marriage
of an Irishman at Now Hope, with a young
American girl. It appears that the young
girl was only fourteen years of age, and of
course mingled sympathy and indignation
of the circles of women who sit in judge
ment over such offenders was deep and
loudly expressed ; but at length it was
discovered that the Irishman was good
looking, had a good bringing up, and was
not a Catholieeaml the storm subsidd—
the bridogroom . gettiug off with a commit
ment to risen, instead of a inuch more
owners punishment firm egi,aterl.