LIST OF JURORS—Aug. Term, 1851 GRAND JURORS. David Beck, jr Farmer, Warriorsmark township, Benjamin Boors, Just. Peace, Cromwell Jacob Baker, farmer, Springfield Solomon Boyers, farmer, Springfield Peter Curfman, farmer, Cass Ephraim Doyle, carpenter, Shirley Martin Flenner, wagon maker, Walker John B Given, merchant, Walker James Ewing , farmer, Brume Barlets Ealy, blacksmith, Brady Oliver Etnier, farmer, Shirley James Horning, farmer, Barre° Miles Lewis, firmer, West John Levingston, farmer, West John Lyon, iron master, Franklin Robert Kinkead, just. peace, Morris William Moore, merchant, Porter Henry B Mytinger, gentleman, Monis Thomas B Orbison, merchant, Cromwell Solonion Rough, miller, Porter George II Steiner, merchant, Morris John Stryker, farmer, West George Sipes, farmer, Cromwell Hiram Williamson, farmer, West TRAVERSE JURORS FIRST WEEK. Daniel Africa, laborer, Henderson township, Henry Brewster, merchant, Shirley William Campbell, farmer, Dublin Richard Culegato, blacksmith, Cromwell Nicholas Corbin, shoemaker, Cass William Dowling, shoemaker,'West James Enlrekin , merchant, opewell Thomas Enyart, farmer, Penn David Fraker, merchant, Shirley Caleb Guyer, farmer, Warriorsmark Charles Green, farmer, West James Galbraith, farmer, Shirley John Gersinger, farmer, Penn James K Ilampson, inn Keeper, Brady Adam Roffman, chairmaker, Walker David Jeffries, Just. peace, Dublin George Keith, farmer, Tod Lenard G Kessler, merchant, Brady William S Lincoln, farmer, Walker George Leas, farmer, Warriorsinark David MeMurtrie, merchant, Henderson George McWilliams, merchant, Morris Charles Mickley, manager, Tod David B Mong, farmer, Warrioraniark James Miller, farmer, Brady townshil , George W Haltom, farmer, Franklin Daniel Neff, farmer, Porter Philip Piper, gentleman, Porter Benjamin F Patton, Merchant, Warriorsmark William Pheasant, farmer, Union Samuel Pollet, bricklaYer, Henderson John Rouse, farmer, Dublin Hugh Seeds, farmer, Franklin 'John Smith, farmer Blum Samuel Smith, laborer, Henderson Mid Smith, just. peace, Union 4zariah Sockets, farmer, Warriorsmark Cliristain Shontz jr, farmer, Hopewell James Siberts, farmer, Tell Henry Shively, farmer, West Thomas G Striker, plasterer, Walker Thomas &hell, taylor, Warriorsmark James Stewart, (manor) farmer, Barre° A J Taylor, saddler Dublin Walter Vantries, constable, Warriorsmark Casper Weight, farmer, Morris John Whitney, manager, Tod Thomas Irvine, farmer, Union SECOND WEER. Alexander Ambrose, founder Franklin Township, James Alexander, farmer, Jackson Washington Baker, farmer, Tod Jacob E Bare, fabvair, Springfield William W Campbell, farmer, Tell Abraham Cresswclf, merchant, West Conrad Curfman, farmer, Cass John Donelson, farmer, Hopewell James Ewing, farmer, Franklin John Flemming, farmer, Cromwell Daniel Grainier, fanner, Warrioreinark Alen Green, farmer, Burma David Henderson, farmer, Fraklin Samuel Jones, carpenter, Franklin William Jordan, farmer, Cromwell Henry Leo, farmer, Jackson Peter Leviugston, farmer, Barren James Lane Sr., miller, Brady George Liningor, farmer, Walker James M Lloyd, farmer, Walker John Moore, carpentei., Shirley John McKinstrey, farmer, Shirley John McCarty, farmer, Brady James McCracken, farmer, Brady David Parker, blacksmith, Warriarmark John Porter, merchant, Porter John Price, farmer, Shirley • Job Plympton, machinist, Morris Edward L Plowman, farmer, Brady William Rutter, farmer, Cromwell Joseph Read, flirmer, West Richardson Read, merchant, Cass William Stinson, farmer, Tod John C Wilson, farmer, West Levi Westbrook, shoemaker, Henderson Henry Zimmerman, Justice Peace, Hopewell PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 9th day of April A. D. 1851, under the hands and seals of the Hon. George Taylor, President of the Court of Com mon Please, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of Penn sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cam bria, and the Hon. James Gwin and Jonathan McWilliams his associates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon,,,ipstices assigned, appointed, to hear try and detdßnine all and every indictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State aro made capital or felo nies of death and other offences crimes and misde meanors, which have been or shall hereafter ho committed or perpetinted for crimes aforesaid —I am commanded to make public prOclamatiou throughout my whole bailiwick that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Coinnion fleas and Quarter sessions, will be held at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on the second Mon day (and I lth day) of August next, and those who will prosecute the said prisoners ho then and there to prosecute them as it shall bo just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coronors and Constables within said county ho then and there in their proper persons, at to o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, inquisitions, exami nations and remembrances, to do those things which to their offices respectfully appertain. Dated at Huntingdon the 23d day of July in the year of our Lord 1851, and the 75th year of American Independence. WM. B. ZEIGLER, SAT: July 24,1851. PROCLAMATION. AXTHEnuis by a precept to tno directed by the VV Judges of the Common Pleas of the coun ty of Ilunting•don, bearing test, the oth of April, 1351, I am commanded to make Public Procla mation throughout my whole baliwiek, that a court of Common Pleas, will ho held at the Court Houso in the borough Of Huntingdon, on the 3d Monday (and 18th day) of August, A. D.„ 1951, for the trial of all issues in said Court, which re mains undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the trial of all issues are required to appear. Dated at Huntingdon the 23,1 of July in the year of our Lord 1851, and the 75th year of American Independence. WM. R. ZERILEII, Sherif): tily 2k, 1851. SIIERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a certain writ of Vend. Ex. to me directed. I will, on Monday the 11th day of Au gust next, at two o'clock P. M. expose to sale by public outcry, at the Court House, in the bor ough of Huntingdon, the following described real estate, to wit : . . _ All' Hefts. right, title and interest in and to all that certain tract of land situate in Jackson Townshiii, Huntingdon county, containing about ono hundred acres more or less, adjoining lands of Shenkwiler, of William & JOhn Smith and others, having thereon erected, a two story dwelling house, and cabin barn; from forty to sixty acres cleared. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John Buightal. WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff: Huntingdon July 24th, 1851.-3 t. iii SPORTSMEN TAKE NOTICE." JOIIN KMDER, North-East cor. Walnut & Second Stn., Phila delphia. HAS on band, just received, a complete As sortment of SHOT GUNS, Powder Flasks, Game Bags, and all other Sporting Apparatus of the best and approved patterns. Ho has constantly on hand SPORTING POW DER of all 'descriptions, Percussion Caps, Shot, Bullet Moulds, Ball and Blank Cartridges, and a general assortment of materials for Gun Makers, Also PERCUSSION CAPS of o superior qual ity, designed expressly for U. S. Rifles. An Assortment of FISHING TACKLE always on band. All the atiove, and any other articles in his lino, the Subscriber will sell as low as any other estab lishment in the United States. In testimony of his skill as a manufacturer, the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, in the years 1840 and 1842, awarded to him TWO CERTIFI CATES— and in the years 1844, 1846, 1847, 1848 and 1850 FIVE SILVER MEDALS, all of which may be seen at his place of business. JOHN KR , Phillura, July 24, 1811.-3 m. JOHN KRIDER Refreshments. FREDERICK & CHRISTIAN SNYDER Take this method of informing the Public, that in addition to their Ice Cream Saloon they have fitted up in splendid style an EATING I Roost for gentlemen, where every luxury, as well as the substantial& of the season, will be served up in such a manner, as to make an Epicurean smack his lips with gusto. Spring Chickens, Opters, Boast Bed; Boiled Lamb, Roast Mutton, s-c. 4-c., with all the fixins can be had at any time. Suppers will be prepared for parties on timely notice being given. We arc determined to spare no efforts to make our establishinent a place of agreeable resort. Our stock offruitsd• Conjectionaries, is unrivalled. We wish every person to give us a call, when we arc certain we shall hat% the extronie pleasure, of having them "conic again and again." F. €: C. SNYDER. Hunt., July, 1851. tf FITS, FITS, FITS. JOHN A. KING Begs leave to retnrn his sincere thanks, for the very liberal patronage he has heretofore received, and at the same time informs a generous public, that he still continues the TAILORING BUSINESS, at the old stand of Jacob Snyder, where ho will be pleased to have his friends call and leave their measures. Every garment is warranted to fit neatly, and shall ho well made. JOHN A. XING, Hunt., July, 1851 PROPOSALS. Written and Verbal, will be received at SCOTT'S Cheap Jewelry Store, opposite tho Sons of Temperance Hull, for any number of Watches or Clocks, and any quantity of the most fashion able Jewelry, &c., which ho is now prepared to furnish on the very lowest terms, wholesale and retail, having just returned from the east with a new supply . Purchasers are respectfully invited to give him a bid. N. B. Watches and Clocks carefully repaired and cleaned and Warranted. Bunt. July 10, 1851. tf Do you owe Stevens, Snyder & Co. Persons whose accounts with that firm are unset tled may save themselves costs & trouble by calling at the office of Daniel Africa Esq., in whose hands the books- have been placed. Such as arc either unpaid, or not amicably ascertained and settled within three weeks from this date will be sued up on. As persons may be entitled to credits that era not entered, they should see to the matter soon. [July 17, 1851.-3 t NOTICE. AMAN 6c MARKS inform the public that they still continuo to make coffins at the old stand formerly occupied by Thomas Burchinell in the roar of the Sons of Temperance hell, fronting on Washington Street, and attend funerels either in town or country. They keep a splendid llcarso for the accommodation of their customers. July 17, 1851.—tf 2 lIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS.—These cel ebrated Bitters prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 120 Arch street, Philadelphia, are performing as tonishing cures throughout the whole codntry.— We can bear witness to their curative powers in the case of a friend of ours who had the Liver Complain, and who had tried almost every other medicine, but without effect. After taking a few bottles of these Bitters he was entirely cured. To those who are similarly afflicted we recommend them to take the preparation, knowing that they will cure the disease spoken of, and many others to which " flesh is heir to." There is a spurious article made in Philadelphia. The only place to get the genuine article is 120 Arch street, Phila delphia, of Dr. Jackson, or Isis agents throughout the country. TO PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. ITILE untlesieed begs leave to call the atten tion of Printers and Publishers, to the fact that he continues to manufacture all kinds of BOOK, NEWSPAPER, JOB and FANCY TYPE at his old stand, N. W. Corner of Third & Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, at his usual low prices for cash. Ile has just introduced a large quantity of new style JOB & FANCY TYPE, all of which arc made of the best metal; and for beauty of finish and durability, cannot be surpass ed by any other foundry in the Union. His long experience in the difihrent brunettes of the trade as well as in the mixing of metals, will, ho flatters himself, enabled bins to make a bettor article and at a much loss price than any of his competitors. Ile keeps constantly on hand a largo variety of Cases,Chases,Composing Sticks,lmposing-stones, Common and Brass Galleys, Stands, Bodkins, Brass Rules, Leads, Printing Presses, Furniture, and all other articles required iu a Printing Office. Old Typo taken in exchange for new at nine cents per pound. _ . Printer; arc requested to call and examine his spechnents before purchasing elsewhere. All or ders thankfully received and promptly attended to, at his Philadelphia Typo Foundry, corner of Third and Chestnut streets. L. I'EL OUZ E, July 3,1,351,1 y. THE AMERICAN AR 'P-UNION NEW YORK. PROGRAMME FOR 1851. Every subscriber of five dollars is a member for the year, and is entitled to. I. A copy of each number of the BULLETIN (referred to in a proceeding number,) which shall be issued in 1851, during and after the month in which payment of his subscription shall be made. This is a monthly publication, of sixteen or more quarto pages, of three columns each, illustrated with Engravings and Etchings from works of the most distinguished artiste. 11. A print of Mr. Jones's line Engraving on Steel, measuring nineteen inches by twenty-one inches, after Mr. Woodville's celebrated painting of Mexican News, representing a group at the door of an inn, listening to the reading of account of the first battles of the Into Mexican War. 111. A set ofFive Prints from finished line En gravings on Steel, of the average size of eight inches, by ten inches, and executed by distin guished American Engravers, after the following paintings, viz.: Margin Crossing the Pede, By Bonney, Mount Washington, from the Valley of Conway, By Kensett, American Harvesting Scenery, By Cropsey, Old '7B and Young '4B, By Woodville, Bargaining for a Horse, By Mount. Thus forming a Gallery of American Art, of convenient size for binding, or for preservation in a portfolio, instead of fronting, if desired. IV. A share in the distribution of several hun dred paintings, sculptures, and drawings in water color. The subscriber has thus an unequalled oppor tunity to achieve the triple purpose of obtaining a valuable return for a small investment—of se curing the possession of a superior work, gratify ing his taste for Art, and of atlbrding encourage ment to promising Artists of his own country. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED BY] J. T. SCOTT. Honorary Secretary Huntingdon, July 17, 1811. REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all persona inter ested, that the following named persons have set tled their accounts in the Register's office, at Hun tingdon, and that the said accounts will he pre sented tbr confirmation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court to be hold at Huntingdon, in and for said county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 15th day of August next. 1. Ephraim Yingling Administrator of the estato of Jacob Stambaugh Into of Tod township, (iced. 2. John Skinner, Executor of the last will and testament of Robert M'Farland, late of Tell township, 3. Benjamin Leas, Administrator of the estate of Mary Barton, late of the borough of Shirleys burg,lideed. 4. Trust account of Christian and Daniel To der, Trustees appointed by the Court to sell the real estate of Daniel Yoder, late of Brady town ship, dec'd. 5. John M'Caban, Administrator of Barton M'Mullen Esq., late of the borough of Hunting don, dec'd. 6. Benedict Stevens, Esq., Administrator of the estate of Samuel N. Wharton late of Crom well township, dec'd. 7: John Meehan, Executor of the last will and testament of James M'Cahan, late of the borough of Huntingdon, dec'd. 8. John Neff, ono of the Executors of the last will and testament of George Mung, late of War riorsmark township, dec'd. 9. John Shaver, Esq., Administrator of the estate of Allen 0. Brown, late of the borough of Shirlcysberg, deed. 10. William Grafius, Administrator of the es tate of John P. Dean, late of the borough of Alexandria, deed. 11. Israel Grafi us, Executor of the last will and testanieut of Catharine Atirandt, late of Morrris township, deed. 12. John Porter, Executor of the last will and testament of Jonathan Johnston late of the bor ough of Alexandria, dec'd. 13. Adam Steffei and Samuel Stacy Admin istrators of the estate of Leonard Steffey, late of Barreeloamship, gee'd. _ 14. CatharinWShultz Administratrix with the will annexed of Philip Shultz late of the borough of Huntingdon, dee'd. 15. Daniel Neff, Jacob Harnetno and Alex ander Stitt Administrators of the estate of Hen ry Neff, late of the borough of Alexandria, deed. M. F. CAMPBELL, Register. Register's Office, Huntingdon, July 11,1851. PHILADELPHIA ART UNION. The Art Union of Philadelphia was established by its founders, and incorporated by the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania, for the purpose of extend ing throughout the American community that at tachment to the floe arts which is distinctive of national refinement and civilization. Every person subscribing five dollars becomes a member of the Art Union until the succeeding annual meeting in December. Subscribers for thisyear arc entitled to their choice of any two of the four following splendid engravings, any ono of which is fully worth the subscription price: 1. JOHN limox's INTERVIEW WITII MARY QUEEN OF SCOTTS. 2. RUTII AND BOAZ. 3. MERCY'S DREAM. 4. CHRISTIANA AND HER CHILDREN. Each subscriber also receives a copy of the Art Union Reporter, monthly, after his subscrip tion: this shotild induce early subscriptions. Af ter payment of all expenses, the balance of the funds arising from subscriptions is represented by prize certcates, ranging from $4O to $lOOO, which aro distributed by lot among the members, on the last week-day in December, and are avail able only for the purchase of original works of American Artists. Titus, for five dollars each member is sure of receiving two engravings which could not be pur chased elsewhere with the same money, and has also the chance of obtaining a fine original paint ing to be selected by himself. JOHN SCOTT, Esq., is the Honorary Secre tary fur this county, and will receive and remit subscriptions. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS AT TITE NEW STORE IN Warriorsmark, Pa. THE undersigned having recently opened a now Store in the town of Warnorsmark in this coun ty, can assure the people of that place and sur• rounding country, that ho will sell Cheaper•, any thing in his line, than has over been sold in the place heretofore. His assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Glassware is very com plete anti of the. best quality. Persons wishing bargains had better call early as the rush is so great since opening, or they will be too into. All kinds of Grain, Country Proclaims awl Lamer exchanged for at the highest cash prices. N. B. A fine assortment of Lumber constantly on hand, which will bo sold cheap for cash. JNO. J. PATTERSON. July 3, 1851.-0. F ANCY Articles in endless variety at B. Snare's Store. NOTICE. THE sutscriher gives notice that his wife, Mary Ann Carter did, on the 7th day of May, 18.51, leave his bed and hoard. HO therefore cautions all persons front harboring or trusting her on his account, an he will pay no debts of her contract ing. JOSEPH CARTER. ltuntingdon, July 3 , 1851.- 3t.' HO ! LOOK HERE! (-Vacti , cs , l2t)TE:Tuaysau.c.,Da- RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of the borough of Huntingdon, and the public generally, that he has token the shop formerly occupied by T. Adams, where ho is carrying on business as a CABINET MAKER, in nit its branches, and he hereby solicits a share of the public patronage. By strict attention to his business (intending to be nt home at nil times) and care in the manufacture of articles, he hopes to please those who my become his pat rons and, also, to induce a fair trade. He makes Coffins and attends Funerals on the shortest notice. erlle has a SPLENDID HEARSE for the accommodation of those living in the country. Huntingdon, June 26, 1851.-3 m. Executor's Notice. Estato of WILLIAM SCHEAFEER, late of Shirley township, deed. LETTERS Testamentary haring been granted by the Register of Huntingdon County to the un dersigned on the above estate, all persons lowing claims against the estate of said deceased, are re quested to present their accounts, deli authenti cated, for settlement, and all persons indebted to said estate will make payment without delay. MARY ANN SCHEAFFER, Jane 26, 1851.-6 t. • Executor's Notice. Estate of WILMIAM WILSON, late of West township, deceased.' LETTERS Testamentary having been granted by the Register of .11untingdon County to the un dersigned on the above estate, all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are re quested to present their accounts, duly authenti cated, for settlement, and all persons indebted to said estate will make payment.without delay. WILLIAM WILSON, West Township, Jnne 10,'51.-6t.•.] Executor. PORTSTOWN aaracz) cal 2 HENRY CORNPROBST Has just received at his "BASIN STORE" a tremendous stock of goods from Philadelphia, which he is enabled to sell at greatly reduced prices, in consequence of having purChased the same much lower than usual. His stock embraces everything required to sup ply the wants of the community and consists in part of a most splendid variety of DRY GOODS, ' BOOTS AND SHOE', QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE AND GROCERIES, All of which will be sold 20 per cent. lower then similar articles can bo had for in Iluntingdon. Persons who have any regard for economy should give him a call, when lie will take great pleasure in convincing them that his store is the place to save money. Ills stock of FISH, SALT, &c. is very large, and as he has all his goods brought on in his own boats, it is reasonable to suppose that he can sell lower thhn anybOdy else. I ant sincerely grateful to the community for the very liberal share of patronage I have hereto fore received, and trust that my great reduction in prices will be the means of having it continued and greatly increased. HENRY CORNPROBST. May 29,1821.—tf. 10 natf Barrels Herring for sale by J. 6. II: Saxton May 29, '5l. ABeautiful lot of the latest style of Bonnets, large and small. Also, chililren's Flats for sale by J. ( 5. W. Saxton. May 29,'51. A Beautiful lot of Parasols for salo by J. 6. 11. Sa.rion, May 29, 51. TIIE llnost fast colored 121 cent Lawns tbr solo by J. i s. li. Saxton. May 29, 51. ASplendid assortment of Ladies Slippers for sale by J. ( 5. W. Saxton. May 29, '5l. TILE best assortment of Hardware in town, for sale by J. 1 5. Saxtott. May 29, '5l. I RON PUMPS and Lead Pipe, fur well or cis. tern, for sale by J. &. W. Saxton. May 29, '5l. NOTICE To the heirs and to the creditors of John Stewart, dee'd. All persons interested are hereby notified that the Trust account of John P. Stewart, Trustee of the estate of his father John Stewart, late of West township, Huntingdon county, deceased, under and by virtue of an article of agreement recorded is the office for recording of deeds in said county, has been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of, the Court of Common Pleas of said county, and that the same will be presented to the said Court on the second Monday of August next, for con firmation; at which time the same will be allowed by said Court, unless cause be shown why it should not be allowed. TIIEO. H. CREMER, Proery. May 22, 1851. DORTE MONNAIES-8 or 10 different kinds; 11 front 25 cents to 3 dollars at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. FANS -A beautiful assortment at various prices. Also, Card Cases, Poquet Holders, fancy En velopes, Note Paper, and other articles expressly for the Ladies, fur sale at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. nAGLEY'S Superior Coil Pons, in gall and silver patent extension cases, warranted to give entire satisfaction, for sale at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. A LLEN'S REVOLVERS, and various other 11 kinds of Pistols, at tho lowest prices, at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. FIGIIT DAY and thirty-hour brass clocks, in beautiful mahogany nod rose-wood cases war ranted to ram well, for sato at Scott's Cheap Jewelry Store. .Administrator's Notice. Dant° of J. K. HENDERSON, Esq., late of the borough of Iluntingqon, LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the above estate, all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased aro requested to present their accounts properly authenticated for settlement, and all per sons indebted to said estate will make payment without delay. • M. A. 11FNDERSON, duly 1R51.-6tl Arbubtisfrninr. 1101 FOR THE COUNTRY! .c.>uf-uF•c. GLASGOW & STEEL, . . Beg leave to inform the community that they are prepared to furnish Horses And Buggies upon the shortest notice to all those who may ho disposed to avail themselves of this delightful season of the year to take excursions to the country, or any place else. . _ _ They arc, at all times, ready to furnish the best kind of stock, and none who call upon them need entertain any apprehensions as to the quality of their stock or their disposition to accommodate. Huntingdon, June 22, 1851.—tf. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county to dis tribute the balance in the hands of Charles Green and Henry M'Cracken, Executors of Elisha Green, late of West township, in said county, dec'd, amongst the legatees of said de ceased antler his last Will, hereby gives notice that he will attend for the purpose of making said distribution on Friday the eleventh day of July next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, When and where all persons interested may attend. I JOHN REED, Auditor. June le, 1851.-st. QIX DOLLARS and Fifty cents for the largest 1-1 Gold Pencils, nt Ed. Snare's Jewelry Store. LADIES Gold Pens and Pencils at the Cheap Corner Jewelry Store. B OOKS and STATIONARY of all kinds at Ed. Snare's Store. I. D. WILLIAMS. JOHN HAFT, JR Z. D. WILLIAM dh CO., rholcsale Grocers and Commission Merchants and ...... beidersi;: Produce and Pittsburg Manufactures, No. 116, Wood Street, Pittsburg, T g O a ltE o , d odf the arrive most this H A n v, e ß elt, N a T rolio N wt re cent Importations, which are offered on the most reasonable terms: 115 catty boxes prime Green Tea. 45 half cheats do do 46 " Oolong and Chain. 100 bags Rio Coffeo. 15 " Lnguyra and Java. 60 boxes B's, s's ; and Ilb lump tobacco. 35 bbls. Nos. 1 and 3 Mackerel. 20 and do No. 1 . do 2 and tdo oxes scaled Herring. 1300 lbs extra Madder. 3 bales Cassia, 1 halo Cloves, 6 bags Pepper & Alspico 1 bbl ' Nutmegs, 2 bbls Ground Ginger, 1 bbl ground pepper, 1 bld Ground Pimento, 10 kegs ground Mustard 10 kegs ground Cassia, 10 do do Cloves, 2 bbls Garret's Snuff, 45 bxs Stearin Candles, 20 bxs Star Candles, 10 do Sperm do 100 doz Masons Black'g 100 lbs sup. Rice Flour, 100 lbs S. F. Indigo, 20 doz Ink, 150 dor, Corn Brooms, 125 do. Patent Zinc 50 bxs extra pure Starch, Wash Boards, 25 do Saleratus, 75 bbis N. 0. Molasses, 15 bbls S. H. Molasses, 10 do Golden Syrup, 25 do Loaf, Crushed; 5501bs seedless Raisins, & Powdered Sugar, 50 drums Smyrna Figs, 20jars Bordeaux Prunes, 50 lbs Sicily Prunes, 5 boxes Rock Candy, 2 boxes Genoa Citrons, Id do Cocoa & Chocolate, 5 do Castile & Almond 12 doz Military Soap, Soap, I Ithl sup. Carl,. Soda, 1 bbl Cream Tartar, 1 case Pearl Sago 2 cases Isinglass, . 2 cases Sicily & defined I case Arrow Boot, Liquorice,lso Bath Brick, 1 bbl . Flour Suphur, 100 gross Attaches, 100 dos Extract of Lem. 5 dos Lemon Sugar, on, Rose & Venilla,l cask Sal Soda, Glass, Nails, White Lad, Lard oil, &e. Refer 16 Merchants Thomas Read & Son, ‘, Fisher & M'Murtrie, Charles Miller, Honorable John Ker, Huntingdon. May 15, 1851.—1 y. ,REFRES[IING. The subscriber, in his efforts to make folks as comfortable as possible, takes this method of as suring everybody in quest of felicity, that he is new prepared to furnish ICE CREAM and DE LIGHTFUL CARES. to persons both at home and Arend. His arrangements are ample and persons residing at either of the points named be low had better send in their orders considerably before immediately in order to secure the richest and best. The facilities afforded by the Railroad enables bins to assure all who may favor him with their orders that they may rely upon his being punctual in tilling all from the following places, viz: NEWTON HAMILTON, SPRUCE CREEK, MOUNT UNION, BIRMINGHAM, Mitt CREEK, FOSTORIA, HUNTINGDON, ALTOONA, . RO, And any other place in the United States. JOHN MARKS. Huntingdon, Juno 12, 1851. 1,9-" M (UILDEWS PATKNTO SALAMANLIER SAFES. TIIE VALIDITY OF THIS PAT=IT, (al ter having been vigorously contested by suits at law for the lust six years,) bus been fully and finally established in the Supreme Court of the United States. The undersigned, at his depot, has on hand a largo assortment of the genuine PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES. ALSO, ALL RINDS OF 1120 X CHESTS, MONEY BOXES, VAULT DOORS AND RANK VAULTS, Both Fire, and Burifige Proof: With New and Second Hand Safes of other ma kers—forming tho largest misorttneut in the world, Also, tho following IZZI CD 4:5) r. JONES' CHANGEABLE, COMBINATION, PERMUTATION, AND LETTER CHANG EAB LE ANTI-G UN . POWDER LOCKS; HALL'S NEIV PATENT POWDER AND BURGLAR-PROOF LOCK; DAY, NEII'ELL DAYS; And Lucks . 2 1 . celanwted JOHN FARREL, No. 34 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Sole Agent for the State of Pennsylvania. Juno 26, 1851.-6 t. NOTICE. TIM undersigned bogs leave to inform tho and the "rest of mankind," that he is desirous of settling up the books of the late firm of Gil lam & Cornprohst. The books have been trans ferred to me and as I nut. determined to close the accounts, persons indebted had better call and make a satisfactory arrangement. HENRY CORNPIIMIST. Juno 19, 1851.-tf. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned, Auditor,. appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to dis tribute the proceeds of the sale of the real c., tate of Henry Whitezel, bite of WeFt town ship, deed, in the hands of his Administrators, among those entitled to receive the same, her, by gives notice to all persons interee , d. he will attend- for the purpose of ma: I distribution, on Thursday the tenth July next, at two o'clock, P. M., at 1:i• - in the borough of Huntingdon, when a.,.! • all persons interested may attend. . JOHN REED, Auditor June 12, 1851.—Lit. Administrator's Notice Estate of JAMES B. smrrn, late of Jaeksoi township, deceased. LETTERS of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the Estate of said deceased, all persons knowing themselves in debted will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated to WM. B. SMITH, Administrator June 12, 1851.-61 Town Lots for Sale. The subscriber has several town lots, situate in the most pleasant part of West Huntinellon, (the ground formerly used by him as a Brick Yard) which he will dispose of on very reasonable terms. k. C.. S UMMER S. Huntingdon, May 15, 1851.—tf. NOVELS AND SCHOot i77;)(41i.S for sale at May 22, '5l. Ed. Snare's. SILVER SPOONS of the latest patterns can ho had at E. Snare's Jewelry Store. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASES OF TILE KIDNEYS, AND ALL diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Ikea-burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the stomach, Sour Eructations,Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomac, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or webs before the Sight, Fever and dull pain in. the Head, Defi ciency of perspiration, Yellowness, of, the. Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Limbs, lire., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil and Great depres sion of Spirits, can be effectually cured by DR. HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, Prepared by M. JACKSON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, 120 Arch Street. Philadelphia. . Their power over the above diseases is not ex celled—if equalled—by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. Those Bitters are worthy the attentioa of Aiwa this. Possessing great virtues hubs reetilication of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exer cising the most searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestive organs, they aro withal, safe, certain and pleasant. REM) AND BE CONVINCED. From the "Boston Boo." Tho editor said, Dec. 22nd Dr. 'Wand's celebrated Getman Bitters fpc the cure of Live, Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsta, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservedly ono of the Most popular medicines of the day. These Bitters have been used by tlionsands, and a friend at our elbow says he had himself received an effec tual and permanent cure of Liver Complaint from the use of this remedy. We aro convinced that, in the use of those Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength and vigor—qt fact worthy of great consideration. They sire pleasant in tast and smell, and can bo used by persona with the most delicate stomachs with safety, under any circum stances. Wo aro speaking from experience, and to the afflicted we advise their uso. "SCOTT'S WEEKLY," one of the hest Literary papers published, said Aug. 25 "DU. 110OFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, mans fitetured by 1)r. Jackson, sire now recommended by some of tho most prominent members of the faculty as an article of much efficacy in cases of female weakness. As such is the case, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves much sickness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to their health, as we know from experience the salutary eflbct they have upon weak systems." MORE EVIDENCE, The "Philadelphia Saturday G.etic." the hest fainily newspaper publishes! in the United States, Tile editor Oys of DR. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. "It is seldom that we recommend what. are termed Patent Medicines, to the cofldence and patronage of our readers; and therefore when we recommend Dr. Iloolland's German Bitters, we wish it to ho distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that arc nois ed about for a brief period and then forgotten after they have done their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine long established, universally prized, and whets has met the hearty approval of the fac ulty itself: Evidence upon evidence has been received (like the foregoing) lions all sections of the Union, the last three years, and Lice strongest testimony in its favor, is, that icre is more of it used in the prac tice of the regular Physicians of Philadelphia, than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can easily bo esablished, and fully proving that a scientific Preparation will meet with their quiet approval when presented oven in this form. That this Medicine will care Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no ono can doubt after using it as directed. It acts specifically upon the stomach and liver; it is preferable to calomel in all bilious dis eases—the effect is immediate. They. can be ad ministered to female or infimt with safety and re liable benefit at any time. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. This medicine has attained that high character which is neeeary fur all medicines to attain to induce counterfeiters to put forth spurious articles at the risk of the lives of those who arc innocently deceived. Look well to the marks ,f the genuine They have, the written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle, without which they are smrious. For sale Wholesale mut Retale at the. GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No . . Un ..Ireli street, one door below Sixth, Philadollihia; and by respectable dealers morally through the country. PRICES REDUCED. • . To enable all classes ofini•alitls to enjoy thead vantages of their mat restorative powers: Single Bottle 75 cents . . Also for solo by Thomas Rood & Son, Hunt ingdon, Pa. ; John Lutz, Ehippensburg, Pa.; Thomas E. Orbison Orhisonin , Pa. ; J. & .1. Kelly, Burnt Cabins, (July 3, I R51.-Iy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers