PRICES REDUCED. = =w43.1, rip r=4 P=l ~~~. T~F:~. - "lra y"ri B. & W. SNe.:‘,R F: Return tlioir sin- thanks to the citi zens of Iltin!iwylon and t..e Heple in general for sustaining tiwra against high priced compe tition. They have just returned from the City with a splendid stork of Spring and Summer Goods, For Men and Boys, Consisting of Business., Dress, Sack and Frock COATS, of nll colors, sin, and kinds, suited to the season ; Pants, Vests and Standing Collar Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts, which for beauty of fit, comfort and elegance are unequalled. Purchasers will at all times get a neat garmmt and a gond fitby buying their Clothing from B. Si. W. SNARE, PIIIIADELPIII,I t c• \•Ell' YORK . Suit(ll for Persons of all Tastes. Boots, Shoes, Gaiters and Slipp,rs for sum mer. [l7 - We keep the largest assortment of Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valise Trunks at the lowest prices, that is offereo for sale in the county. Umbrellas and all other articles usual ly kept (amd a number of at ticks too numerous to name) in a w,ll regulated Clothing Store. f 37" these goods have all been purchased for Cash, which will enable us to sell them 21 per centum lower than goods bought on the c r e dit system ...ED B. & W. SNARE, March 27, 1851.-3 m. 3. D. WILLIAMS. JOHN HAFT, JR. 3. D. WILLIAAVIS d Co wh o k s ,d e G rocers and Conani.ion Merchants and Dealers in Produce and Pittsburg 211anqfactores, No. 11G, Wood Street, Pittsburg, 150 doz. Pomeroy's Corn Brooms. 125 as Holmes' Patent Zinc Wash Brushes 100 kegs No. I & Pure White Lead. 100 Dotes W. R. & Cream Cheese. 100 « Mould, Strained & Star Candles, 100 " Ro,in and Palm Soap. 200 « • Window Glass, assorted. .50 Pearl Starch, Saleratus. 150 packages Green and Black Teas. 100 bags Rio, Laguyra and Java Coffee. 100 bbls. N. 0. and S. H. Molasses. 25 " 4, " and Golden Syrup. 50 4, Loaf, Crus!ied and Pule. Sugars .50 hhds. N. Orleans Sugar. Lard Oil, Bacon, Dried Beef, &e., On accommodating Terms. Refer to Merchants Thomas Read & Son, c‘i Fisher & M'Murtrie, ig d Charles Miller, ai Honorable John Ker Marcia 27, 1851.-1 y Huntingdon SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONE & SONS, Importers and Dealers in Silks, Ribbons and ,Mille ner/l Goods, No. 45, South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA, HA VE received, by late arrivals, a large and handsome assortment of Spring Millinery Goods, S,lected by one of the firm in France. They now in store Gla, Silks for casing Bonnets. Fancy Bonnetand Cap Ribbons. Plain Mantua and Satin Ribbons all widths. A large assortment of Artificial Flowers. White and colored Crapes and Crape Leone. France Chip Hat 3. Fancy Nets and Laces. Fancy Lease Trimmings—Cups. (billings—Casing Wire—Crown, Covered Whalebooeq, Ste., Ste.. with all oth• er articlea app•rtaining to the Millinery Trade, March 20, 1821.—1 m. NEW GOODS! First Arrival this Spring I MORE NEW GOODS ore expected this day at the "ELEPHANT," consisting in part of Cone toga Sheetings, at the old price. lilf•arhed & unbleached Muslim from 3 to 12i c. Spl. nail Ruby Calicos. C.t root Chain, all colors. Lancaster Ginghams, I2lj cents per yard. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Tobacco, Mackerel, &e., &c., all of which will be sold at the usual low rates which have rendered the "ELEPHANT" 'rim Store of the county. WILLIAM 11. PEIGHTAL. Huntingdon, March 13,—tf. JOSEPH H. SNYDER'S Wholesale Tobacco Warehouse, No. 218, N. 3rd St., Philadelphia. C°UNTRY Storekeepers and Tobacconists in general, coming to the city to purchase their spring supply, will do well to outland ex amine my goods. 1 have on hand a large stock of Leaf Tobacco, and a complete assortment of SNUFFS, MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, and SEGARS, which 1 can sell wholesale and retail as iow as any other house in the city.— Do not forget to call at JOSEPH H. SNYDER'S, No. 218, N. 3rd st. (3 doors below Callow hill,) at the sign of the large Indian Chief. N. 13 . . All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to, on the most reasonable terms. Philad'a, March 0,1851.-3 m Booksellers, Country Merchants and Teachers. WE Respearuilyrequ7tlL7attention of all dealers in SCHOOL, MISCELLANE— OUS or BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, PAPER and WINDOW SHADEs, to our su perior facilities for supplying at unusually low rates, for cash or approved credit, every article pertaining to our business. A long and active experience warrants us in saying that we can offer inducements to pier. chasers, EQUALLED BY FEW-EXCELLED BY NONE. We earnestly ask an examination of our mode of conducting business, believing it an experi ment is made , it will be found for the interest of those desiring goods in our line to continue operating with us. Opr stock is at all seasons large, and selected with particular reference to the want. of Penn sylvania, Ohio and the near trade gc,ridly. Orders by snail or otherwise (Irv) ached promptly and at the lowest rates known in any marker. The highest price given for RAGS in cash. PECK & BLISS, North East Corner of Third & Arch ets. PHILADELPAI A. Philad'a, March 0, 1861.-ttn. HUNTINGDON MARBLE WORKS. New A It. czD Lrrangemeni THE subscriber has purchased the entire inter est of R. G. STEWART, in the Huntingdon Mar-: . ble Works, and would respectfully announce that he has on hand a large and well assorted lot of of MARBLE, which he offers to the citizens of Huntingdon and adjoining counties, at prices which cannot fail to suit all who may •:ant either Mt /NUM ENTS, TOMBS, 11E,11) AND Foul' sTuNES, or any work usually done in an estab lishment.of this kind. Persons wishing nny work in his lino, woubldo well to give the subscriber a call as he is determined nut to he outdone by any other establishment, either in materinl or work manship, on the Juniata. Cr The establishment has been removed to the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Hawkins, near the Railroad Watering Station. CV`' The subscriber wilt collect all accounts due the firm and pay all debts of the same, the accounts being left in his hands. ItirJOIIN G. STEWART will continue to art as agent fur the concern. GEORGE BELL. Huntingdon, April 24, 1851.-31 n. C. CHESEBROUGH & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 16, SOUTH IVIIAILVES, PHILADELPHIA, Dealers in FISH, CHEESE AND PRO— VISIONS, have constantly on hand an assort ment of DRIED and PICKLED FISH, &c., viz: Mackerel, I Codfish,, I Hams, I Butter, Salmon, Beef, ' Pails, Shad,Pork, Shoulders, &c .l Herrings, Lard, I Cheese, March 6, I SI! WHITE'S BONNET MANUFACTORY. No. 41 South Seemed Street, l'ldmlelphie. i GOOD - TESTIMONY. NOW conducted by Thomas White, son of its The Louisville Courier thus sleaks of Bull's Sarsaparilla: late proprietor, at the Old Stand, where ' We have been shown, by 3lr. John Bull, proprietor of Dealers will at all times find a stock of Forcign that world-reJlownett , p , yeparatimi l "IluilT tinta t Ztr i tt . it , of end DomPstie Straw, Luce, Feeney, Crape rind odri=::t ur t i n h l in n i ‘ l ' .. i .,..v,T l .'„f:;n n i ti ,..,?:,'„n„,i; n o i l . ono :, t e i2 Silk BONNETS, Panama, Palm Leaf, arid eve-' most eminent nid pbysklamt in Ma Wcst, Siting a detailed ry variety of Straw HATS, and eta't Lucia' i i i . , , , r ,,int: ,. . ,,, u , r ,. 0 . .1L tie . , n ,s u e or , ! r n..3n ti lVi ; l NL e . i.: p re :a t xt ord, per unequalled by any other for extent T i l ' lfs 13 . 104. ent client nod damning la dy had lot suffered or beauty of manufacture, and at very lost' from proittpetts uteri, liner ell., piles, and chrome disease. prices' baring facilities for P r ' duein g these gie t l,7,;7t, l L a ad t , trd " jit.lT:lisTr s jss " r o a d g e d a er t: n atru: nto p- i. goods possessed by no other establishment. , Von. silk beatlactr., and riolcid attacks of cramp. After To the Ladies and Milliners generally, lie ~t.aral, u ,rdi of li: r husband's stlll, and applying to mutat would tender his erateful acknowledgments far e.' ~i b ..,'!': -I ,," ; ';.',l';.7.'„r: i i , l ',l ) ,;',l; b ' t i!' 42,7 1 ,: ii n t e a n r„ , a ! their kind approval o fit business system of a r r' ; ',,e , ',;el:,:-,',..t - rin, 'r'.11.,d,i,,,t 'relief, sir was induced to o ' so this house, and begs to assure them that no ef- ..10111 b'oil's SU1,181,11 . 1i)U." And a hat was the happy forts on his part shall he wanting, to merit a vslirrt After the use of a few Leah's, a perfect and wen continuance of their liberal patroness.. They 'f'''lat cure—tht• lady restored to puled health, and to her „ s „„i a„, o f ri oa, will still be greeted with the some old familiar sod, lacers ~e the nue we speak of, must afford Mr. Bull faces, who will at all times entire Vour to ere.- li n tre pet i t:grali , fl= i tl i nruld lite fi n cr:stolof o e r oun o t i cute their commissions with 11 del iI y titid prompt- 411;tt ' sale . of Ills truly ralitatlNlTaw, being Its author ness, [Philadelphia, Feb. 10, I 5.11.-3 m. is glory and Minor enough; and he eon pay twtho world, -- without fear of commiliellon, " 1 hare in my poverty re- tiered more human suffering, thin did Stephen Girard or HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY . . Jolty Jacob Astor with their millions." Tii E subscriber wishes to inform the public ', RHEUMATISM CURED ! in general, that he is now fully prepared to Lei :.:: ciao are suffering under the agonizing tortures of do Castings of all kinds, and will keep on hand a Itheumatkqu read the followittg, and see what may be done General - Assortment of Castings, , atr them, If they will use the infallibleremedy: . _ _ consisting of COOKING STOVES, Air-tight,l slily 122, 1848. , i MR an N LL Dray N U • r N - 1" 17:71 ' te K 1::: Parlor, i - Plate, Wood•ttua Coal stoves—all of have ix:en u attll:nd : witli I,ll . ..amati• mof tl t set:c e re;T:Zin. which are new patterns not before int ro,lticed set,. 1 vies at tic, sin the gret.t.'d ,:goat' of pain. 1 tried into this section of country. Alio, variety of every netudy 1 vot , i , l , . , l t procitre for J:i. , • ,,t l:,:iset but found no Ploogh patterns of the kinds now in use. A r,',,',.712, 1 ,',.,,,':`;Ti.f i ,„,.. ‘ ':,,1,1t,!,',`.,,' ,';,.,,V.',,,";,,",r,:: ( 1 1j..7,,Z, general assortment of Hollow- ware castings, ' insti,in. mot greatly improved my general health more consisting of Kettles,. Dutch Ovens, Skillets, Ii1,:.1 , 1 , 11 , 113: n i ut i t i l i ielit i e r. l at i, i;‘ , . , t. r i sed o . 1 t i vtlxo 3 f e t a l from pals pats Pan., 8 .•, gte• Miscontinjo , art i , tes 7 such as term i'- ' , l ;. ' t t r c :•e n . t atii . it ' eii ' d itai,vs no best medicine ° trai7ilirr Wagon Boxes, Sled and Sleigh Sol,s, Smoothing Plisonnith.nt. Mu AM BMW Et.l. Irons, Rolling Mill and Forge castings, Window it is 1114171 , ,77 to pmduce further testimony in favor of this Grates for cellars, Linttes and sills for houses, ' tte"iit reined) , 18 hes only to he tried Mid proved, lo eon sash Wei g hts and Water Pipes ; also Sweg • vtrr'a the l ' u ' lk of iii " Iv "" 1 " " '"" Y. Anvils and Mandrels for Inteloinitlis, made to Notice to Females, order on the shortest notice. We will sell eve- John Bull's Sarsaparilla is one of the greatest female ry article in our line on the nio4 reasonable 'li , 17111...,1108 711 W in existence. In those numerous cocas terms for Cash, and will take till , kill " ~M . ' Dui ,' r:i""etil."',l7itiliVeMi.ttosuoi'biiitt't'P.iii".'n.efj:tulil energy is produce and old metal in extmarsge for CAS, or ors B i .ro i ru i s . e atal overwrought, when niTthoo Is pate nnit ings. The Foundry is Situated at [ha Southern colorless, the strength feehle and yielding, the spirit trou end of Huntingdon, along the canal. • ! w,-d and depressed, the health ',when, mind einiken, and —then Bull's gars*. ' 07' CaStinir. Of all kinds Will be kept at the 1 i i . .? . .lZl . ll ° l . S il ,: i 4v i i i .r ii :h l )ll g iVe i t i :Ty. ° lrtv°, 3 Sl 'i s i ts nature in the per shop of Win. B. Zeigler, as for.rwrly, at N. E. i r rooms.. of her duly, hams the whole syrtein, renOWS corner of Market Square, Huntingdon. ; perm:own lip the natural energies, removes obstructions, ,s will checks I'KeI,F,R. 777, les 1711170 41 111 Maltby blood, and imparts n All orders addressed to R. U. 'ii Gill health and happiness. Were /adios generally to adopt tho be promptly attended to. • : nsi. et this meaiiiis., we would tea far less suffering, disease R. C. M . GILL. I nod tuthnpitiness coning them than now exists, health would HUntingdOn, May 20 1850. , tide, the plitee of disease, th t rosy cheek would succeed tho , 11T d it fi l i iIiVp.71. 7 4 1 : 4 " liVi i tt e t 71:1 1 u H ro i n ° „ 'i :t1slo t : l t ar t:}r i l i i d ee l Ze i' , Farm fee Sale. 1 or made iniscrelhe hy continued suffering and affliction. At that critical period termed the "turn of life," which is The subscriber offiers his farm at private i.ft, n attended with PO match danger, Bull's Sarsaparilla le sale, situate in Woodcock Valley, Hopewell L",,:n1,1: 7'''i t ,V)ll l l,"l . !,',', l l:L lr ,ro t l. 4, 1 t 1 , 1 eZ nal:Y=li township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands ; u ' ieniselees i or this valuta:lu 1 310db:inc. of Daniel Brumbaugh, Leonard Weaver, and I others, containing 221 acres, more or less,about i A LEAIJTIFVL CLEAR SKIN. 100 acres cleared and in a tolerable good state ! flow we all admire it clear, beautiful, white skin, and a of cultivation, 20 Beres of which is meadow ; ; s r Tin c e °' il'iin t', ;.%ers il it w in " s 4 o ." tie t° vo " Uti " y " to " t r e " :l ' .o4• P° : most of the remainder is well timbered, a con- ; ;citing to ,•isni.:th., , , lotions, wielies paints, and ecloring siderahle part of which is locust and chestnut ,• 1 materials, to restore to them a seta:lance of what disease considerable of the timber land is tillable, and ' ; It: stiV. '" Vi l •na ° l:;„ l9 dr t a l li t i' :ire 'il ' i l, i ll o g i. r t e d n e t t:. " it i (7n t n ° . there are several springs of never failing water 1 It beautii:es the akin by rentoving every particle of morbid on the premises, with an apple orchard and sad digeased metier front the blood, making it pure, heal other fruit trees, part of which beat choice n ti , i : ): , ,u , ;.: .!, , , -,u'•l vessel, fruit. The buildings are, a large frame bank 1:0'.,,, slur r,esias, or youth. Lielles,'lthandon the use of barn, log dwelling house, stone spring house, 1 ~11itA and mixture, end use Ihtt's Yrirsaparilia, the only '• A the .tu the who is ButECient; and frame shop, and a saw mill. Apply to the sub- , e r t "" l ) ."""Y* 1 a nut is enough for Lk hulks. scriber on the premises. _ ... Dec. 21, 1820.—tf.] o:7 — Hollidaysburg Regiiter," << Whig," a nd c , Standard," publish until otherwise order ed, and charge this office. THOMAS JACKSON, TuomAs E. Fan:suLty, Blair county. Lancaster county. DAVID M'Mlywrate, WILLIAM GLEIM, Huntinadon co. Lancaster county. JAMES GARDNER, Rlcu'n. IL BRYAN, Blair county. Lancaster county. Central Penn'a. Banking House, nF BRYAN, GLEIM & CO.— ()Mee on Alio gheuy street, a few doors west of the Court House, and nearly opposite the Post Office, Hol.. hdaysburg, Pa. The Company is now ready to transact bust wiss. Upon money deposited for a specific period of three, six, nine or twelve months, in terest will be paid at such rates as are usually allowed by Savingr Institutions. Transient de posites received, payable on demand. R. R. BRYAN, Cashier. Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1850. 100 AGENTS WANTED. TO travel in the Southern, Middle or Northern States. Steady employment will be given fur a number of years to respectable young men of bus ness habits and possessed of a good common edu cation and gentlemanly address. Snell young men would find it greatly to their advantage, as it will atlbrd an opportunity to see a large portion of the country, and at the same time cant, besides all ex penses, from $3OO to $5OO a year. Some Agents have earned double that amount. Much depends upon ability to act, perseverance and economy, it being a pleasant business. Those who desire fur ther information can obtain the same by tuldres sing, post paid, JACOB MONK. Philadelphia, Dec. 17, 1850. RARE AND EXCELLENT! SCOTT'S CHEAP WATCHES AND JEW ELRY are going off rapidly, at the low rates at which he sells. His stock is new, large and well selected, and people find it advantageous to call with him before making purchases elsewhere. Nov. 12, 1820. Of_ 7 - . 7 ; • • ' „ - BULL'S SARSAPARILLA. P;1,!: . .1),1',1 g np0 i f I' S SIX '4 TIME S r.t. p%r a ol l e g :I t ti a r i n aa fi Sarr•nparillu us any nindlnr preparation In America. Price one dollar per Itottle, or ids bottles for (cc dollars. . . It hos tarn a well ostablished fact for yea; past, that Sarsaparilla, when pure and mamorly prepared, was the only true panacea for all diseases originating from an impure state of the blood, tho use of mercury, Intoxicating drings, coil habits In youth, barrenness, 81c. We boldly usoort, that JOHN BULL'S Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla is the Only preparation before the public, that is prepared on strictly scientific prineiph, of uniform strength. The Sarsaparilla is purchased oil bout regard to price, and every pound, before being used. is subject to the strictest chemical tests, and its genuineness ascertained before being tussl Sarsaparilla also contains the virtues of several other valuable mettles' roots, I,etber forming the best rompaand, awl producing 711 E CUILATICE Anotr IN nlr. RNOWN WORLD I This Medielne, Ashen used according direction, WILL 0171tIO WITHOUT rszr, S r,fula or King's ErM Moseys, Tonnes, Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas, (Thronir &re Ityce, Rinwomin or Tellers, &oh! Mead, leheamalhan, in the Bones or .tants, 01r1 &Pres and Cleers, Swelling of the Glands, Syphilis, Dyspepsia, Salt Rheum, Diseases of the Kidneys, Loss Appetite . , Diseases arising from. the use of Mercury, Min utthe Side, and Shoulders, Gene ral Milt! g, Dropsy, Liuntago. .laundii, Costiveness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Wimitness or the Chest, Pulmonary Mo tions, untl all other diseases tending to produce CONSUMPTION, Liver Complaint. Female Irregularities and Complaints, Slek Mid NerVo,ls Ilendnehe, Low Spirits, Night Sweats, Exposure or hopr,ohnee in Life, Chronic Conelitutional Elseat+es; and is n ,pring and summer drink, and general ton', for the system, and a gentle and pleneant purgative, far superior to Blue Lick or Congress water, Salts, or SM. litr Powders! JOHN rLumNIER THAN AVIA EVER OFMRED IN FAVOR OF ANY MEDICINE. Read the testintony of JO. _Moore. Ma. Jonx ha 1.0,-1 have un hesitation in saying that I imlieve your Norsopurala to ho the lot article ever manu factured, fn• the cure of Scrofula, Syphilis, and many other Cutaneous or Ulanduhu• ARM:lions, having used it with entire success In numbers of the above eases. Louisville, Dee. 20, 1847. JAR. M. D 100111:, AL D. From Dr. L. P. Fandell,,PrOstor of Chemistry in Louie title All.dicul Cbllege. I have looked mer the list of Ingredients composing Juno Ittat's CO3IPOUND EXTRACT 1.11 , SARSAPARILLA, and have on in.lintioll lu saying that they form a safe com pound. and ono that promises null In chronic diseases, to which it is applicable. L. P. YANDELL, DI. D. Louisville, Juno ti, 1818. From Dr. Pyles, Physician by appointment to the Louisville Marine Itoxpital. LoiclevaLE, March 20, 1849. I have examined the preparation of the pretterlptlon of JOHN BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, and believe the coml.. Ron to Le en excellent ore, anti well calculated to produco an alterative impression on the eyatem. 1 have need it both in public .d private practice, .d think It the best artiat of Sarcaparilla In nee. 81. PYLES, M. D., lb:aka:at Phyalciuu, Marine Hospital. BM'S SAII9,IP.tIiTI.L.I.-00 where you will, to rteatuboata bound for NuArvin, New Orleans, St. Louis, Cincinnati, hladiron, Ireakrort, or for the Omen River country, and you will find 111111.1 M bupplles of this preparation about 1.19, shipp ed on Uounl. But few merchants! visit our city, In whatever branch of trade Kamer they may be engaged, but have orders for more or Ices of Bull's Sarsaparilla. Louisville Democrat. Manufactured ut Dr. JOHN BULL'S Laboratory, 81 Fourth street, Louisville, Ky. For Sale nt the Store of T. READ & SON, in the borough of Huntingdon. [Mnrch 20, 1851. Hardware Cheaper. JOHN A. NEFF, for many years in the house of Mr. Buehler & Bro., desires to inform his friends of Huntingdon county that he has connected himself with the lirm of Messrs. Lower & Barron, No. 171, North Third Street, 3rd door above Vine Street, where he will be pleased to offer every article in the Ho newAILE 1,1,1 E AT Amen Lowsa camas than ever before sent to his native county. Philad'a, March 20, 1851.—tf. Are you Insured I . . IF not, insure you; property ut once in the Cum berland Valley Mutual Insurance Company. Apply to Geo. W. SPEER, Agent, Bridgeport, Pa. BETTER TESTAMOvVr THE AMERICAN OIL. GREAT THE celebrated American Oil has been in use Improvement In Dagnerreotypeing I long enough to test its powers. It is rec- ITAN LOAN & Co., No. 118, Chesnut street, ommended as one of the best, if not the very y Philadelphia, have, by recent discoveries in best medicine for the cure of Rheumatism, hy- their art, enabled themselves to take pimures at i sipelas, Tester, Toothache, Cramps, Spasms, all times, with grout certainty—as well in stonny cholic, burns and scalds, bowel complaints, as clear weather—which are justly pronoitnced by quinsy. croup and sore throat, inflamation, &c. artists and scietitic men, UWRIVALT.ED, for depth of Read the following certificate: I tone and softness alight and shade. By working IluNu"." , March 11, 18e0. themselves, they not only produce pictures which For the benefit of sufferers like me and oth- are GOOD ciTEm „, , het by tits the best ers, Ido freely declare the following facts:7f and cheapest which can lie produced at any other have suffered inore or less for twenty years with establishment. Their charge for pictures in hand the most desperate Rheumatism, and also for 18 some improved cases, range from ONE DOLLAR years at times with most desperate pain in the to three dollars, depending on the size of the Pies stomach, which at times seemed to expand ae ih tune, being scarcely one-half the prices charged at it would burst; also for many years I was ter' other establishments, fur pictures of equal size— ribly troubled with cramps in my legs—indeed but of inferior duality. Their GALLERY or POR- I can't describe all my sufferings for so long a xours, consisting of some hundreds, embraces a time. I could do no business for the last ten collection of DISTINGUISHED A MERICANS years, nor had I a single good night's sleep for worthy the attention of visiters to their rooms, the last five years. I never could find any relief which are OPEN AT ALL TIMES. worth mentioning, until last November, when - I The collection which they had deposited in the met with the Extract of American Oil, end to exhibition of the Franklin Institute; was constant my no little surprise 1 got relieved of all in a ly surrounded by dense crowds of admirers, who short time end to this day. I respectfully in- were load in their praise of the artists' skill. Cite all who choose to call and see me upon the To guard against every Possibility of mistake, matter; such I can tell much more. I can say they guarantee every picture to lie of the best lim it has done wonders on others around 'me in va- tenets., and unless it is entirely satisfactory to the lions complaints. If ever an article was put customer, NO GIIAIIGE IS MADE. out honestly, this is one. I know it sells rap- Itir IVlien visiting the city call at their rooms, idly here. No family in the land will be with_ whether you wish a Daguerreotype or not. The out it when they once know its use. admission is tree, and you will be pleased with J on , your visit. Don't fiirget the number, 118 Chesnut street, a few doors below Fourth. Dust. Norms, March 11, 18,50. I'lliladelphitt, Nov. 19, 1850. 1 do hereby certify to the following facts GLASGOW & STEEL, That I bade su ff ered for fi ve years past with ' pain in my back, spine and kidnies, and never Saddle, Harness tL Trunk Manufacturers. received any relief but by bleeding, for a few ri 'HE undersigned are now associated in the days only. Last November I got a bottle of above business, in the old stand heretofore the Extract of American Oil, I used it inward- occupied by Win. Glasgow, in Main street, near ly, and to my surprise it removed the complaint ly opposite the store of T. Read & Son. Every 111 a short time. From what I have seen and thing in their line will be furnished on the beard of its wondrous effects upon others index- shortest notice; and on terms that cannot fail to perate cases, I can freely recommend u', and be- suit all. . They munufacture the most of their lieve it to be worth all the humbugs in the land, work themselves, and can therefore assure the and do believe it will do all for what it is so public that every article will be made in the best highly recommended. C. Coors. and must durable manlier. • 1:17' A large assortment of superior SAD- LowISTOWN, March 1850. DLES, READY MADE, always on hand. 1 never before gave a certificate, but this I TY' Hides, and country produce, generally, give with a clear conscience for the benefit of taken in exclinege for work. snfferers like myself. I suffered with the Ery- Wm. Gi.sseow returns thanks for the liberal sipelas or St. Antony's Fire, mixed with Tet patronage heretofore extended to him, and hopes ter, so pronounced by my doctor, for 11 years. that his old patrons will continue to patronize The suffering I endured is beyond description. the new firm. WM. GLASGOW, At times all my hair came off my head. During August 27, 1800. WM. J. STEEL. this time I hail no relief for more then a few days at a time. Last October 1 got a bottle of SADDLES AND HARNESS. the Extract of American Oil, used it inwardly DUMBAUGH & CO., respectfully inform the and outwardly, and to my great astonishment J ) public that they are prepared to carry on in and my neighbors, I got clear of it in a short all its various branches, Saddle and Harness time, and to this time I have noticed its won- Makin„ and are ready to furnish their custom deans effects on other desperate complaints. I ers with all Idle ls of Valices, Trunks, and re,- do assure my friends and the public that. it is ne t bees Pinch, 'doeskin, and Tub Side Saddles indeed a wonderful thing for many complaints. (' from the ' cheapeet to the best.) Also Shelter I invite all whochoose to visit me in Lewietown, saddles, wagon and carriage Harness, Bridles, My maiden name tuns Nancy Magarky, now • collars, whips, Ikc„ Widow NANCY VINES. LEATHER.—Having a Tannery in the im rt:7, The American Oil is for sale by A. S. inediate vicinity of Huntingdon, they are pre. t I:1 RRISON, Iluatinedon, General Agent for pared to furnish all who favor them with their Hee:h e eded county. Those who wish a supply custom, at their saddle and harness shop, with of the roddieine will call on him. Leather of all kinds, of superior quality and fin- Al3 o for sale by Samuel Hvey, Ale...lris, isii, which will be disposed of cheap for cash or Iliiiithwilen county; Catharine Hart, Lewis- country produce. The highest price in trade town, Mifflin county; John 11. Given, M'Con- paid for beef and calf hides, bark, &c. nelstown; Daniel Decker, M'lreetown ; Mays Huntingdon, May 20 , 1950. ly. S. Harrison, Shirleysburg. [Aug. NO.-1 y. --- (HEAP AND GOOD WATCHES, itiILNIVOOD ACADEMY. - t . WELRY AND SILVER WARE, at the noAßDisu SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN. J Philadelphia Watch" and Jewelry Store, No. -i- , Sneer. Gee, Ileemeonoe CoeNTY, Pa.— 53, North Third 5t,,,,t. ize , •• J. r. , ir ol" ,, "' , A . lir " and J • IL nr * Gold Lever \Valid., :, full jeweled, 18 caret ilf'Giaece, A. M., Principals. The Winter circl e $3O and over ; Silver Lever Watches, full Session will commence on the first Wednesday jeweled, $lO and over ; Silver Lepine, jeweled, of November, 1850, to continue five months.— . i I I and over; Silver Quartier Watches, $5 to The course of instruction embraces all the $lO ; Geld Pencils, SI to $l2 ; Gold Pencils, branches necessary to prepare young men either warranted, $1 and °ye,. for the higher classes in College, or for the slit- Breast Pins, Finger Rings, and every des- Jewelry in like . proportion. He dies of a profession, and the active business of ocip , ion ar life. The Aemlemy building is new, commo- would wish to inform his friends in Huntingdon thous, and in every way adapted to the accorn county, that he, has eniergoil his establishment, modation of a large number of boarders. The and ereatly increased his already extensive stock locution is distinguished for its healthfulness, of g oads, which he now offers for sale at such and the moral and religious character of the sur- ." that'willstriketerrort a ll• Prices 0 c ompetitors. rounding community. It is easy of access, be- Call and see me ; I will charge you nothing for hie on the stage route connecting Chambersburg with the Central Railroad, at Drake's Ferry. ''' ,„ okm . _. g Don't forget the RED SIGN, six doors North of our friend Hirst's City lintel. TERMS Pelt SeSSION.—For Orthoeraphy, N Reading and Writing, $1; Arithmetic, Goegra- THOS, READ, Jr. phy, phy, Grammar, Composition, Natural Philos°. Sep t . phy, Astronomy, Physiology, Chemistry, &e., Philadelphia,t 1 , North Third Street. 1850. $3; Mathematics, Greek and Latin hingeeees, FOR SALE. $l2; French and German, each $5, Boarding, . V valuable farm end tract of land situate on exclusive of fuel and light, $1,25 per week.— L i the It Allah wick Creek, in Huntingelon For reference, or further particulars, address ! JAMES Y. M'GINNES. ft 0 . 0 7 acres , county, containing•by the official dra -- , - I but by subsequent re-surveys has been found to Shade Gap, Oct. 15,• 1850. contain a large excess over the official quantity, Lots in Altoona few Sale. , originally surveyed . in pursuance of a warrant I in the name of David Franks, and is now in the LOTS FOR SALE IN ALTOONA six miles occupancy of Simon Gratz. A good part of the north of flolliclaysliurg,anil aboatone mile north- tract is improved bottom land of first rate quail west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county. ty, and is well worth the attention of . persons After the 2lst clay of May, the LOTS in said wishing to purchase a good farm. It is but about Tows will be open to the public for vale. oil, and a hall irides from Orbisonia, four miles It is well known that the Penneyiv a ni a Rail from Shirleysburg—within about eight miles Road Company have selected this place for the from the Pennsylvania Canal and the same dis erection of their main Machine and other Shopa lance from the Pennsylvania Rail Road and is and are now building the same. in the immediate neighborhood of several Iron The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall Works. For further information and particulars, throwing at once a large amount of trade to this apply to Miles & Dorris, Attorneys at Law in place. The main inducement at this time in of- the Borough of Huntingdon. fering Lots for sale ' being, to secure the requis- . J. GEO. MILES, Attorney in fact for its Machinists and Ti•aclesmen, and homes for Joseph Gratz and Jacob Grati, Trustees for the the Machinists and other employees of Cie Rail heirs of Michael Gratz, deed. Road Company. Early application will secure July 23, 1950. Lots at a low price. For further information apply to C. H. NIA V_ ER, nt Altoona, or to R. A. Me.IIURTRIE, Encourage Your Own Mechanics! f\WEN & WM. BOAT, would respectfully kJ announce to the public, that they are now i carrying on the COACH MAKING BUSINESS I CLOCKS! CLOCKS! CLOCKS! in all its various branches, at the old stand for merly occupied by. Adams & Boat, a few door. I N any quantity, and of all the various patterns west of the Presbyterian church, where they are the market affords, may be obtained at No. now manufacturing Buggies, Carriages, Bureau -33 North ad Street, six doors north of the City ches, Rockaways, Dearborna, &c., in short any Hotel, at the Manufacturers lowest cash priers. thing in the line of carriage making, of the very Clocks purchased at the above establishment best kind of material, and in the latest and most may be depended upon as being good and darn- approved style. ble time keepers, or the money refunded in case They have on hand now several Buggies and of the failure of any Clock to perform according Roekiiways, finished in the latest style. They to the recommendation. Purchasers, now is have a good assortment of Lumber, selected with the time, and here is the place for bargains, and a great deal of care, seasoned for use, and invite although I do not pretend to sell Clocks for less those who are desirous of purchasing vehicles to than cost, I can sell them at a figure which does call and examine their work and materials, and not admit of complaint on the part of the closest judge for themselves, as they intend to make buyer, and for the simple reason that I sell ex- good work and warrant it to be so. All kinds clasively for cash. of country produce taken in exchange for work. THOS. READ, Jr. N. B.—OWEN BOAT returns his thanks to No. 51, North Third Street, Philadelphia. his friends and the public generally, for their Sept. 10, 18:50.—tf. j very liberal patronage, and hopes, by strict at -- . tention to business, to merit a continuance of the Tomkins' British Plate Powder. ; same, under the new firm. We have some sec- VOA cleansing, polshing; and beautifying ond hand work which is of o good quality, which • Silver, Silver Plated Ware, Iwe will sell right. Give us a call. We will German Silver, Albata Plate, I sell low for cash. Britannia Ware, And all white Metals. Huntingdon, Aug. 13, 1850. The undersigned have received from the pa tentee the exclusive right to manufacture these SCOTT TRIUMPIIANT preparations for the-United States. The Plate QI'LIiNDID stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, Powder bas been most extensively used for 10 and JEWELRY, at Philadelphia prices. number of years in Great Britain, and is now Just received at Sco t t's Cheapfewelry Store, three used tty most of the manufacturers ofsilver and doors west of T. Road & Suns store. The public other wares In New York and Philadelphia ; are respectfully solicited to call and see. likewise by nearly all respectable families and hotel proprietors in the Union. DR. J. D. STONEROAD, WM. TOMKINS, & CO., Manufacturers, H AVING 23i South Second street, Philadelphia. otters his professional services to that corn . For sale at T. K. Simi:lto:ea Store, Hunting- munity. All calls trusted to his care will receive don, Pa. his utmost attention. June 4 1316—tf. MARRIAGE : WHY SO OFTEN UNHAPPY THE CAUSES AND TUE REMEDY! MANY and many a wife endures years of bodily suffering and of mental anguish, prostrate and help less, embittering her life, that of her husbond, and hazarding the future welfare of her children, arising from causes which, if known, would have spored the suffering, the anguish to the wife, and to the hus band embarrassments and pecuniary difficulties hav ing their origin in the mind being weighed down and harassed in consequence of the sickness of the com panion of his bosom. How important that the causes should be known to every wife, to every husband, that the dreadful and harrowing consequences to the health and hap piness of both may be avoided ! Life is too short and health too precious to admit any portion of the one to be spent without the full enjoyment of the other. The timely possession of a little work entitled as follows has been the means of saving the health sad the life of thousands, as over TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND copies have been sold since the first edition was ie• sued. The author has been induced to advertise it by the urgent and pressing request of tlioao who have been indebted to its publication for all they hold dear (that nil may have an opportunity of obtaining ii), and who have favored him with thousands of letters of encomium, Some of which are annexed to the other tiaement. THE MARRIED WOMAN'S Private Medical Companion, BY DR. A. DI. MALTRICEAU, PROFESSOR OF DISEASES OF WOMEN. Thentieth Edition. 18,n0., Prue, THIS WORK IS INTENDED ESPEOTAL• LY FOR THE lIIARRIEW, or those contemptn• marringe, an it iliseloies important secrets whieli should be known to them particularly. Here, every female—the wife, the mother—the .me either budding into womitnhond, or the one ie die decline of years, in whew nature contemplates an important change—cite discover the causes, avian coma, and the most efficient remedies and most cer tain mode of ewe, in every complaint to which her sex is subject. • The revelations contained in its pages have proved R blessing to timusseils, ns the innumerable letters received by the author (which he is permitted by the writers to publish) will attest. SICKLY AND 'UNHAPPY WIVES. Extract of a Letter font a Gcnlh Yvan in Dayton, 0. D A VTON, May I, 18.17. "Da. A. M. MAURI C u —44 Dear Sir: "fho Married*Woman's Private Medical Companion,' liar which r cecina.' one dollar to your address, came solely to hand. I would not have troubled you with these few lines, but that I an impelled by a sense of gratitude, tio myself mid wire. to give utterance to our sincere and heartfelt emotions. , "My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some three years ne more, in consequence of her great an- OA and multi:ging some months before and during confinement; every successive ono !nom and mord debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life in im minent danger, and which was. on the last occasion, despaired of. I supposed that this stale of things was inevitable, and resigned myself to meet the worst. At this time (now about two months) I heard yuur book highly spoken of. ns containing some matters reaching my case. On its receipt and perusal, I ran not 'spress to ynu the relief it adbriled my distressed Mina and the joy its pnges imparted to my wife. on learning that the great discovery of M. DI. Des.. meauxprovided a remedy. It opened n prospect to me which I little conceived was possible. No peen- Mary consideration ran ever repay the obligations I ant under to you for having been the menus of ire parting to us the matters contained in' The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion.' But fur this. ere another year would have passed over my head, in nil human probability my wife week] have been in her esave, and coy children left motherless." Extract from, a Letter. Competence and Health. L ANcAsitti, Pa, Oct. 24, 1847. t. qtr DcAll Sin I know you will have the kind• rt. l,•:• with me in encroaching upon your time, w I,it ~ I acknowledge (in behalf of myself and wife♦ the o'.ll..ratiotts we feel ourselves under to you in ha*. tram ~1.1, 1 1• known amain Emitters, contained in your tot., in c doable Mnrried Woman's Private Medical t'o t! nott tt .' It Ins been worth its weight in gold bt If 1 express myself rather warmly, you will I can not /I 0 so too warmly, when y inform st .t extent to which 1 have, through it, been I will state my aituntion when I obtained titt,ottlt flip merest curiosity 1 look upon tt tt.t tc:.! of II: ttt,t fortunnte events of my life. R..tno ten yearn, anti wan the father b.,. I as Imp, strngglitig unceasingly t:.l' 111.! II I n moderate competency, but 1b.,. nis . toy tilmmt vxerlionti at the end loft tt..• ttt ..ot wi.cro I was nt the I.i . eitanig or each year: :Tod that with the noel minted economy, Buff,. the liemssaries of life. Filially, this It, hove its ill'ect upon 1,1;1'1: I ti it I.a , s taipi.ble to, endure its contai, I I. :I :!..• n, , ssity of itersevorance. , en my part Was ,t: , ii:: ,d the p r ostrated condi• !..• ,N 11.N1.111.1,.1.11.41111,11 imenniuion) for oda low 11 Iho liine voithied to her bed, and of ! • ill t the charge and manage. ,1• :it ~t • 1!!! a, Ile- emeliiion Timm from ,• , I. I v ~11.r.01t. Oh! what wotilti . 4, ...r• ' I.. . io live over ognin! :;,. 1.1, i'iVentolinve been spared•• .'• !,...ger nights prostrate on a 1.0,1 111 %Nell have boon tod, 1,o; I n riocett x of ' . TttF. hi %nail: n 1111A, ' , I 1 . . 11.1,11. CUMPANtorI: " , all a I 1) 17 . ;t;1 , :ft 111.1.IVERIES, er,TRUCTI ON :I , 2ECULARITIES, &C. : ..• obstruction or irrug • stem, which utn .'tg 1.1 . which they ore ;;......y forbids Booking ! ••. ; • ..P.. r flout pro/opsus .! • • .•,./faur-o/Gas (weak , • are in constant • ; o • • dingcuttlittentent! ii ut dattucrous drliverirs. Rod !fru! •II!' liret l ll l. l l .lllllllll . llellllll , lllg mull' time, will tivfl alto 111U31113 Ur ev.tion, nmetionitiou, Palo rod . Poni a Letter. To those just Muffled -"Mid I known!" Plll.l.lylllA. Nov. :9, 1817. 4. I) „ A. M. Slat H o d I I t nowuot the in, plitlatil hi 'The Married lVoinan's Privnin Medical Companion' sumo yew.s ago, how tm•11 might have escaped I have suffered year!' from 1 . 0.ei whirl) ill point out in your book, wit , intr. i n ring what to n do. 1 obtoio,l 0 copy, owl :lnin:l toy Cilon . WOMAN! Or. I trust female will avail liersclief the inrormat ion contained in its pages." Letters ore dully received of this character, noun- cessnry to present. To those yet unmarried, but contemplating mar Huge, or ismiutps hesitating as to the propriety of incurring Clio responsibilities attetninnt upon it, the importance of helot; possessed of tne revelittions con tnined iu them pages, so iutimateiy involving their future happint so, can nut be appreciated. It is, of tout-se, impracticable to convey Inn, lolly the various subjects treated of, as they are of A t, tore strictly intended Mr the mnrril•d, or those eon• tampion. notrringe ; neither is icltecessarv, since It is evory one's duty to become 'museumd of knowl edge wh'rr••hv the sotrerimis to which a wife, n moth er. or n sister, may I„•'ni ran be obviated. rr Copies will Le Kent by Mail free of Pootogo if, I le PII retinae!, rr on on. rm.( i n t rift);,,, Dollar, " THE MAR 111E1) Vk ()MAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM. PA NION" iv sort (nori/ed frrr) to any part of dm United Stem All letters must be postpaid fox,..ept thou, vont ainitm a remittance), and addroae.l to Dr. A. M. 1 1, 1 AU RICCA (1, Box 1221, New York City. PuLlishinq 0111 c, No. 1,9 Liberty at., New York. Over 40,009 Caplets hove been sent by MAIL within theca months with perket safety KIM rer tilotv 07 For aalo by HORACE W SMITH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers