BY JAS. CLARK. • Auditor's Notice. Tsai* of GEORGE BUCHANAN. Deed. riIRE undersigned Auditor, appointed to dia -1 tribute the balance in the hands of William Buchanan, surviving acting Administrator of GEORGE BUCHANAN, late of Hopewell township, dec'd.,among the heirs of said de ceased, will attend, for that purpose, at his office in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday, the 31st day of December inst. at 10 o'clock, A. x. JACOB MILLER, Auditor. Dec. 3, 1850.—.1t. Auditor's Notice. rstate of ALEXANDER RAMSEY, Deed. f HE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of the county of Hunting don, to ascertain and report liens, &c., against the real estate of ALEXANDER RAMSEY, late of Springfield township, dee'd., - hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that he will attend to the duties of the said appointment on Friday, the 27th day of December, A. D. 1850, at-10 o'clock, A. M. at his office, in the Borough of Huntingdon, when and where all persons interested may attend. JOHN REED, Auditor. . Dec., 3, 1850.-It. MILNWOOD ACADEMY. ROARDINti SCHOOL FOR YOUNG MEN. SHADE GAT, fIUNTINGDON COUNTY, Rey. Y. M'Ginnes, A. 111., and .1. H. W. M'Ginnes, A. M., Principals. The Winter Session will commence on the first Wednesday of November, 1850, to continue five months.— The course of instruction embraces all the branches necessary to prepare young men either for the higher classes in College, or for the stu dies of a profession, and the active business of life. The Academy building is new, commo dious, and in every way adapted to the accom mndation of a large number of boarders. The location is distinguished for its healthfulness, 'and the moral and religious character of the sur rounding community. It is easy of access, be ing on the stage route connecting Chambersburg with the Central Railroad, at Drake's Ferry. TERMS ren SESSION.—For Orthography, Reading and Writing, $5; Arithmetic, Geogra phy, Grammar, Composition, Natural Philoso phy, Astronomy, 'Physiology, Chemistry, &c., $8; Mathematics, Greek and Latin languages, $l2; FrenCh and German, each $5. Boarding, exclusive of fuel and light, $1,25 per week. For reference, or further particulars, address IA MES Y. WGINNES. Shade Gap, Oct. 15, 1850. "STAND FROM UNDER !" FOR fear you will be crnshedby the avalanche of ,Fall and Winter Goods which J. & W. SAXTON have just received and opened for public inspection and purchase, at their store in Huntingdon, so celebrated for their cheapness and variety. The crowds assembling at their store daily, are only equalled by the numbers nightly rushing for seats at a Jenny Lind .roneertt We have better and cheaper Goods than can be found at any other establish ment in the country. 1.1 you don't believe this assertion, "just drop in, you won't intrude," and verify it by examining qualities and prices. To enumerate in detail all the articles we have for sale. would occupy too much space in the paper, to the exclusion of "marriages," always so interesting to the fairer portion of our nu merous customers. We will mention but a few. We have For the ladies, (first in our es teem, and 'first in the hearts of their country- , men,") Long Shawls, Thibet Shawls, Silks, French Merino, Alpacas ' Bonnet Ribbon, Cash mere de Lanes, Jenny Lind Cloth, Ladies' and Children's Muffs, &c. tkc. with every desirable article of'DRESS GOODS. BY" The Ladies will not forget that their de- , partment is confined to the store on the corner, opposite Costs' Hotel. BOOTS AND- SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. A splendid assortment of the aboVe article. FRESH GROCERIES, of which we have the very best, and will sell at a very small advance on cost. Just call and examine for yourselves. HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold low for cash or country produce. 11:7" We will receive and store Grain, also, and pay the highest market prices, and it is ad mitted by all to be the most convenient place to unload Grain in att, about town. J. &. W. SAXTON. Huntingdon, Oct. 29, 1850. N. S. LAIVRENCE, Agent for the sale of Southern Manufacturing Company', Writing Paper. WAZZHOOS6 No. 3, MINOR Sr. PHILADELPHIA, 200 CASES of the above superior Papsie now in store, and for sale to the trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part or— Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 11, 15, and 18 lbs., blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extra super and superfine Folio Posts, blue and white, plain and rif.ed. Superfine Commercial Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and fine Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-House Capa and Poste, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and white. , Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfine blue linen thin Letters. Extra super Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Pr.pers and Envelopes. Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Superfine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and pri es& A leo, 1000 reams white and assorted Shoe Papers, Bonnet Boards, white and assorte Tis sue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorts - d blue Mediums, Cap Wrappers, Hardw e • per., &c. July VARIETY of articles too numerous to men tion for sale at Cull...Ream': Green), and confeetionasy “Head Quarters.. DANIEL AFRICA, ITISTICE OF THE PEAC E.—Office in Main J Hnntingrlon, Pa. c +) ' ,1 4. (f1,1400 'Aft 441 1 , 0 I - • - I: Iflet From the Rechmond Whig. UNION FOREVER. Perish the hand that would destroy The temple of our sires ! Perish the heart that hopes for joy In its consuming fires ! Let not the monster he forgot Who dares to light the flame, But curse him with a traitor's lot And with a traitor's name ! Our fainting hopes refuse to die, Our Aottering bulwarks stand, And Freedom's banner still floats high O'er a united Land ! The stars that gem its azure folds May cease awhile to shine ; But tremble not! The arm that holds The flagstaff; is divine ! While the dark raven bodes despair And still our fears renews, The noble Eagle, high in air, His onward way pursues. He dreads not there the tempest's wrath, Though all its thunders roll; But soars above the tempest's path, Exulting, to the goal. FORGIYNESS. BY FINLEY JOHNSON. Ilow shall I act, 0 gracious God ! Toward my fellow man, To fit me for a dwelling place Within thy favored land How shall I.calm my weary soul When to despair 'tis driven, "Forgive," a voice in sweetness said, And thou shalt be forgiven. Then should thy foes encompass thee, And thy good name divide, 0, hearken to that angel voice, Let kindness be thy guide; And lot thy soul not from its rest By these harsh acts be driven, "Forgive, forgive !" the spirit cries, As thou would'st be forgiven. And though thou shouldst forgive thy foes Seven times, with grievouS pain; And though they should shy soul offend Yea, seven times again; Though thou at lust, through weariness, • Be to resentment driven, Remember thou must still forgive, Or never be forgiven. Let angry feelings disappear, Like moon-light clouds away— Like snow that falls where water glides— Like dews of early day; Let not thy love by angry foes From its repose be driven, But 0! "Forgive," and rest assured 'Thou, too, shalt be forgiven. A New Way of Enlisting Recruits. 1 There is no class of people for whom the coun trymen of the sonthern states have so great a dis like, as those wearing fine clothes ; and there is no surer way of becoming unpopular with them than by going among them fashionably dressed. This aversion extended as far back as the revolutionary war, as the following incident will show: During the revolutionary war, a Capt. E-, a member of one of the first families of Charleston, having lost in a skirmish most of his men, went to the interior of South Carolina for the purpose of .enlisting recruits. Having appointed a rendezvous he spent a day or two in looking about the coun try. At the time and place appointed, he found a large number assembled, pot one of whom would enlist. After several hours spent to no purpose, lie appointed a rendezvous for the next day and left the ground. Next day came, and with it the same era •tl, but he met with no more success than be fore. What could he the matter? It was the first time during the war that a recruting officer bad been entirely unsuccessful. Something must be wrong, and he determined to know what it was.— Taking one of them aside, he asked : ",Why is it that Iget no recruits ?" " You don't think," answered the countryman, "that we are 'going to 'list under such a looking man as you are 4 You are dressed too fine to be much of a fighter." In those days knee-breeches and silk stockings were fashionable, and the captain was stressed in that style. • There lay his unpopularity. Ile tat tled to the countrymen and said— "So you object to my dress, do you? Very well come here to-morrow, and I shall have recruits." Next day the same crowd had assembled, anx ious to know what now idea the dandy captain had got into his head. After the crowd had assembled Capt. N. stepped out and said in a clear uud dis tinct voice— " My friends, I understand that you object to me because I am dressed a little finer than your selves. You think lam unable to fight on that account. Now I wish to make a proposition to you. I will whip as many of you as will come out one at a time, with the understanding that every man is to enlist after he is whipped. Pick your men and send them out." After a dart consultation ; a huge, broad shoul dered fellow - came out. The captain drew off his coat very coolly. Fie was large and well made, and a superior boxer. The countryman rushed up, intending to brush out the captain in a few minutes. Ile mistook his man, however, and soon measured his length on the grass. A greater bully than the first, stepped out to take hie place, and EOM took his place on the HUNTINGDON, PA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1850. ground. The countrymen stared. They had no idea such a man could light. He had, however, enlisted two men, and must not be allowed to go any farther. The bully of the crowd now stepped out to take the gentleman in hand. He was a stout fellow, weighing about 280 pounds, and bragged that he had never been whipped. He knew noth ing, however, about boxing, and he very soon fol lowed his companions. Never was a crowd so ut terly confounded. Three of their best men whip ped by a man from the city. They could hardly realize it, and stood perfectly motionless. " Well, my friend, are you satisfied l I have enlisted three of your beat men—l suppose you have no objection, now, to following their exam ple 1" " Not a bit of it," responded one of the crowd, "you'll do to tie to, old fellow, Come, boys, fall They did so, and in a short time the captain had his company filled, and offers of more than he could find room for.— Yankee Blade. The Progress of the Age. We cannot keep up with the progress of the age —it shoots ahead of all calculation and anticipation and we must make up our minds to allow nothing to surprise or astonish ns. After beholding the wonders of steam, and the electric telegraph, we are ready to believe in anything. It is less than seven years since our commerce in the Pacific seemed to be limited to our whalers and a few tra ding ships to Valparaiso and Callao. Panama was only known as a neutral ground, where a Congress of nations was to be hold. Vessels occasionally reached California, and now and then a ship bound to the mouth of the Columbia river, for a cargo of furs, passed by the golden gates of San Francisco, when even its handful of inhabitants had but a vague idea that they were standing on mines of the precious metals; yet in a short space of time what wonderful changes have taken place h A war with Mexico—the conquest and surrender of California --the country erected into a State—millions and millions of gold dug from the bowels of the earth —a thousand ships lying in the bay of San Fran cisco—a hundred thousand inhabitants in San Francisco—an immense emigrolion pouring in from all directions—mountains laid open—rivers dammed—thousands digging for ore; and adven tures who almost begged their way to California, are now parading Broadway with bushy heads, Spanish cloaks, diamond breast-pins, and a pocket fun of "rocks." The sailing of a line of splendid steamers from San Francisco to Panama, full of happy, joyous passengers, and each having a mill ion of gold on board, is now a weekly altkir, and creates no particular sensation. "Away they go," says a contemporary, "like some conscious crea ture of huge bulk and power, proud of its irresisti ble force, glorying in the admiration it excites, snorting, puffing and pawing up the clement through which it drives, rushing onward, almost indepen dent of man's superintendence, yct perfectly sub mitting to his control, and yielding to and obeying his will as tame as a galley slave." What won derful things have been wrought through their agency, as a medium of communication with dis tant regions, within a year. Perhaps there is not a family in the nation but has ofibred a prayer for the safety of some of those great ploughing curs, as they bore away from and to their native shores some dear friend or relation. We now hear of steam from California to China. That trade will soon be opened. Doriblinglhe Cape of Good Hope will be a rare occurrence. The Straits of Mag ellan will be the highway to nations hereafter. If we remain a united people, it is impossible to fix limites to the greatness and importance of this country.—Noah's Messenger. "I Am Never Alone:, An old man sat in his easy chair. He was alone. His eyes were so dim that he clipped read the printed page—he had long ceased to hear any com mon sound, and it was only in broken whispers that ho could hold communion with those around, and often hours passed by in which the silence of his thought was not broken by an outward voice. He had outlived his generation;—one by one the companions of his boy-hood and youth had been laid in the grave, until none remained of all those he had once known and loved. To those to whom the future is one bright path of hope, and happi ness, and social love, how unevniable seemed his condition—how cheerless his days ! I have said ho was alone. A gentle and thoughtful child stole into his silent room, and twined her arm lovingly around his neck. "I fear ed you would bo lonely, dear grandfather," she said, "and so I came to sit a while with you. Are you not very lonely here, with no one to speak to, or to love?" The old man paused for a moment and laid Ids hand upon the head of the gentle child. "I am never alone, my child," he said. "How can I be lonely? for God is with me ; the Com forter comes from the Father to dwell in my soul, and my Saviour'is ever near to cheer and instruct me. I nit at His feet anti learn of Him ; and though pain and sickness often conies to warn me that this earthly house of my tabernacle is soon to be dissolved, I know that there is prepared for me a mansion, the glories of which no tongue can tell, no heart conceive. The love of God is like living water to my soul. Seek in your youth this foun tain, my child. Drink deep of its living waters, and then when your hair shall be whitened for the grave, when all sources of earthly enjoyment are taken away, you too can say, I am never alone." Let this testimony of an aged and devoted ser vant of Christ sink deep into the heart of every one who reads these lines. Seek while in youth the source of that consolation which can be your joy in sickness, in trial, and insolitude--your stay wlien all earthly helps have failed. Then is ill it be your blessed privilege to say, "I, too tun never alone."—CArestian A Word to Parents. BOYS IN THE STREET AFTER NIGHTFALL.—I have long been an observer, as I am a sympathi zing lover, of boys. I like to see them happy, cheerful, gleesome. lam not willing that they be cheated out of the rightful heritage of youth— indeed, I can hardly understand how a high-toned useful man, can be the ripened fruit of a boy who has not enjoyed a fitir share of the glad privileges duo a youth. But while I watch, with a very jealous eye, all rights and customs which entrench upon the proper rights of boys, lam equally ap prehensive, lest parents, who are not forethought ful, and who have not habituated themselvs to close observation upon this subject, permit their sons in indulgences which are almost certain to result in their demoralization, if not in their total ruin; and among the habits which I have observed as tending most surly to min, I know of none snore prominent than that of parents permitting their sons to be in the street after nightfall. It is ruin ous to their morals in almost all instances ; they acquire, under cover of night, an unhealthful and excited state of mind—bad and vulgar, immoral and profane language, obscene practices, alumni sentiments, a lawless and riotous bearing; inked it is in the street after nightfall that boys princi pally acquire the education of the bad, capacity for becoming rowdy, dissolute criminal men.— But few boys in any city or town or vi!lage, who have this ill-advised and totally unnecessary in dulgence, ever attain to the desired eminence of useful citizens. Parents should in this particular have a most rigid and inflexible rule, that will never permit a son, under any circumstances what ever, to go into the streets after nightfatll, wills a view of engaging in out-of-door sports, or of meet ing other boys for social or chance occupation.— A rigid rule of this kind, Invariably adhered to will soon deaden the desire for such dangerous practi ces. Boys should be taught to have pleasures around the family centre table, in reading in con versation, and in quiet amusements. Boys, gcp tlemen's sons, are seen in the streets after nightfall, behaving in a manner entirely de structive of good morals. Fathers and mothers keep your boys home at night, and see that yon take pains to make your homes pleasant,attractive profitable to them; and above all, keep them from indulging ,in street pastimes during the day or eve ning hours of the Sabbath,. The Marriage Alter. Judge Charleton, in a recent clapcut address before the Young Men's Literary Association, at Augusta, Ga., thus sketches a marriage scene. " I have drawn for you many pictures of death, let me sketch for you now a brief; but bright scene of beautiful life. It is the marriage inter, a lovely female clothed in all the freshness of youtli and surpassing beauty, leans upon the arm of him to whom she has just pledged her faith, to whom she has given herself, forever. Look in her eyes, ye gloomy Philosophers, and tell me, ifyou dare, that there is no happiness on earth. See the trusting the heroic devotion, which compelsher to leave country and parents for a comparative stranger.— She has lunched her frail bark on a wide and stor my sea; she has Banded over her happiness in this world to another's keeping; but she has done it fearlessly, for love whispers to her. that her chosen guardian and protector has a noble and manly heart. Oh ! woe to hint that deceivs her I Oh ! woe to him that 'forgets his oath and his manhood. "We have all read the story of the husband who, in a moment of hasty wrath, said to her who had but a fine moments before united her fate to his— "'lf you are not satisfied with my conduct, go, return to your friends and to your happiness.' "And will you give nie back that which I, brought to you 7' asked the weeping Wife. " he replied, your wealth shall go with you, I covet it not.' " 'Alas !' she answered, I thought not of my wealth—l spoke of melded affections—ofiny buoy ant hope—of my departed lore—eau you give me back these ?' " 'No ! said the man, throwing himself at her feet. 'No ! I cannot restore these; but I can do more—l will keep them unsullied and unstained. I will cherish them through my life and in my death ; never again will I fbrget that I have sworn to protect and cheer her who gave up to toe all that she held most dear.' "Did I not tell soh there WaS poetry in woman's word. See it here, the mild gentle reproof of love winning back, from its harshness and rudeness, the stern unyielding temper of an angry man. Alt, if creation's fitirer sex only knew their strongest weapons, how many of wedlock's fierce battles would be unfought—how much of unhappiness and coolness would be avoided." Never Give a Hick for a Hit. I learned a good lesson when 1 was a little girl, said a lady. ene frosty morning I was looking out of the window into soy fathers's barn-yard, where stood many cows, oxen and horses, waiting to drink. It was a cold morning. The cattle all stood very still and meek, till one of the cows at tempted to turn. In making the attempt,she hap pened to hit her next neighbor; whereupon, the neighbor kicked and hit another. In five minutes the whole herd were kicking each other with fury. My mother laughed and said, "See what cornea of kicking when you aro hit. Just so I have seen one cross word set a whole family by the (awesome frosty morning." Afterwards, if my brothers or myself were a little irritable, she would say, "Take cane my children: remember bow the tight in the yard began. Never give back a kick for a hit, and you will save yourself and others a great deal of trouble." cir The N. 0. Pi.•ayune says thnt the accounts of damages to the Sugar crops, by frost, are corn in daily worse and worse. It is feared that half the crop will he spni': l'eforc taken in. I- -V 34 i4ournar (7 Remembrance of past Benefits. I once called upon a neighbor says Humphrey, who was watering an old stump of a geranium, which seemed to me to give very little promise of green'Teaf or flower. 'Neighbor,' said I, 'your la bor will be lost.' 'Perhaps so,' said she, 'but I can hardly part with my old tree for all that. I cannot help call ing to mind what it has been, and how often it Las made my window look cheerful with its fresh, green leaves, and its fine scarlet flowers.' This reply completely silenced me, for I thought in my heart that my neighbor was right end I was wrong. It is a good sign to remember past advan tages. I called on a friend who was giving a mouthful of oats in a sieve to an old• horse gazing in his pad dock. 'You may corn your horse,' said I, 'as much as you will, but it is not at all likely that hp will over be able to work again.' 'True,' replied he, 'but I have no wish to forget the work he has done for me.—Many a weary day he has been my companion, carrying me safely on his back, or drawing me in my gig; and while old Dinger lives I hope never to grudge him a mouth ful of grass or corn.' 'Right,' thought I, 'and the feeling is a credita ble one, but it is not always, nor often that a poor brute falls into such bands. I shall think the bet ter of you for your humanity.' I called on a relative who was waited on by a very old servant, who made sad blunders : indeed the old man was almost blind, and'very feeble.— `Old Peter's day is over,' said I ; 'sad blunders he makes, and sad blimders he will wake, fur his day is gone by.' know it,' replied my rotative ; but if his day IA gone by, mine is not, and while I live Peter shall have a home under the roof of the muster he has faithfully served. Ile has been a good servant to me and to my father before sic, and eglit little do I expect from him in the way of service. Pe ter I say, served me, and it is n 37 Wm to sprve Peter.' I honored my kind-hearteil relative for his re membrance of services, and for his attention to an old servant. So that to speak the truth I got good from my neighbor, my friend, and my relative. Aspect of Death in Childhood. Few things appear so very beautiful as a very young child in its shroud. The little innocent face looks so sublimely simple and confiding amongst the cold terrors of death—erimeless, and fearless, that little mortal has passed alone under the shad ow, and explored the mystery of dissolution.— There is death in its sublimest and purest image —no hatred, no hypocrisy, no suspicion, no care for the morrow even darkened that little face; death has come lovingly upon it; there is nothing cruel in victory. The yearnings of love, indeed, cannot he stifled, for the prattle, and smiles, and the little world of theughts that were ro deligl.rul, are gone forever. Awe, too, will overcast us in its presence, for we are looking on death; but we do not fear for the lonely voyager—for the child has gone, simply and trusting, into the presence of its Whist, Father, and of such, we know, is the Kingdom of Heaven. RARE rItEAK.--AbOUt five weeks ago, a strange little bird was observed to have taken up its quar ters among a brood of chickens belonging to our informant. He says the bird continues in the Hock, up to this time, nightly retires under the hen's wings, and otherwise deports itself as a bone fide chicken. When it first came, it was about the size of the chicks, but they have far oat-grown the stranger which remains in state quo. 11Ir. 11. R. l'ennvbacker is the gentleman who furnishes evi dence of this rare freak. He says ho never saw any other bird like the one above mentioned.— Where did it come from 7—[Parkersburg Gazette. Cr A western editor announces the death of a lady of his acquaintance, and touchingly adds, 'All her trials and these were neither few nor many, were borne with patience and fortitude. In her decease, the sick have lost an invaluable friend.— Long will she seem to stand at their bed-side, as she was wont, with the balm of consolation iu one hand, and a cup of rhubarb in the other. tom} A negro servant having one day received a reprimand from his mistress for sonic trifling of fence, was so much irtritatcd, that she went direct ly out, kneeled down, and made the following pray er: "Oh ! brood masa Lord ! come take me rite out of die world dis Larry nalittute—if you no conic yourself, send de dibble or any body else!" ALL TILE SAME TIMIO.-When Dr. Johnson courted Mrs. Porter, whom he afterwards married, he told her that ho was of mean extraction, had no money, and that he had an uncle hanged. The lady, by way of reducing herself to an equality with the doctor, replied that she had no more money than himself; and that, though she had not a rel ative hanged, she had fifty who deserved hanging ! ENOUDII SAID. -It is exceedingly gratifying, when you ask a civil question, to receive a decis ive, no-mistake answer. It saves a world of troub le, to be told exactly what the interrogated party thinks, without quibbbling or evasion. Here is a specimen of what we call a satisfactory answer : "A lady asked her physician whether snuff was in jurious to the brains. "No," said he, "fur nobody who lass any brains ever takes snuff.' " "Er Gilber Stuart the celebrated portrait pain ter once mot a holy in the street, in Boston, who saluted him with— " Ah, gr. Stuart, I have just seem your mina tnro, and kissed it, bee use it was so much like you." "And did it kiss you in return ?" " by no." " Then," said Stuart, “it was not like Me." VOL. XV.---NO. 49. An Editor's Dream on a iiiice of Wedding Cake. It is a good old custom always to furnish your friends a slice of wedding cake to dream on, as well as plenty to eat. If you simply pat it uodcr your pillow after eating moderately ut supper, yap will likely dream pleasant dreams; but if you eat too much before lying down, then lookout for trouble. Our brother of the Evansville, Indiana, Journal, lately suffered in this _way, and hero is his sad ex perience. Ile warned, ye caters of too much wed ding cake " With the wedding notice in another column, we received from the fair hands of the Bride a piece of the elegant wedding cake to dream on.— Well we put it under our pillow, shut our eye. sweetly us an infant, and blessed with an easy con science soon snored most prodigiously. The spirit of dreams gently touched us, and lo ! in fancy, we were married! Yes, at one side stood a fair being the bride au week, who looked more tit for heav en than earth, and as the sequel proved, we were afterwards sorry she did pot belong above and had stayed there altogether. Time flew by like a dream. For nearly three weeks, the god of love seemed to have taken the happy couple to himself. It was "my love," "my dove," "dearest," "sweetest"— ringing in our ears every moment we could be egught from business, which was all the time, so much did we like this novel language and the fond caresses. Oh that the dream had been broken off here, and we had been left to anticipate such joys without an alloy as a part to be of our future his tory ! But uo ! some evil genius placed it in the lietul of our duck is have pudding for dinner just to please her lord, Ina hungry dream we sat down to dinner, promising ourself a desert of kisses es wall us belng promised a desert ofpudding. Well the pudding moment arrived, and a huge slice al most obscured from sight the plate before us. " Diy dear," said we fondly, "did you make this ?" " Yes, love ; ain't it nice 1" • " Glorious; the beet bread pudding I ever test ed." " It's plum pudding, ducky," suggested my Pill , " Oh no, dearest, it's bread pudding; I always was fond of em." 4 . Call that bread pudding!" exclaimed my wife while her pretty lip slightly curled with contempt. . . " Certainly, my dear, I reckon I've had to eat enough at the Sherwood Rouse, to know bread pudding, love by all means." ‘' Husband, this is really too bad. Plum pad. dice is twice as herd to make as bread pudding, and is more expensive and a great deal better. I any this is plum pudding, sir," and ray wite's pret ty Wow flushed with excitement. " My dear, my love, my sweety," exclaimed I, soothingly, "do not get angry; sure it's very good Wit is bread padding." 'You mean, low wretch,' replied my wife in a high tone, 'you know it is pltun pudding.' 'Ma'am, it is so meanly pnt tot etherand so bad ' ly burned, that the old boy himself would not know it. I will not be contradicted in mn• own house, it is bread pudding and the meanest kind at that.' 'lt is plum pudding!' shrieked my wife, as she hurled a glass of claret in my Ewe, the glass itself tapping the claret front my nose. 'Bread pudding !' gasped I, pluck to tho last, and grasping a roast chicken by the left leg `Burn pudding ! rose above the din, as I had a distinct perception of feeling two plates smash across my head. 'Bread pudding!' we groaned' n a rage, as thu chicken left our hand, and flying with swift wing across the table, landed in Madam's bosotn. `Plum pudding!' resounded the war cry from the enemy, as the gravy dish took us where we had been depositing the first part of our diuucr, and a plate of beets logded upon our white vest. Bread pudding, forever!' shouted we in defi ance, dodging the soup 4imeon, and in our agility upsetting the table and Wing beneath its contents. 'Plum pudding !' yelled our amiable spouse, as noticing our misfortune, she detemined to keep us down by piling upon our head the dishes with nu gentle hand. Then in rapid succession followed the war cries. 'Plum pudding!' shrieked she with every dish, as if to give it emphasis and force. 'Bread pudding; in smothered tones came up from the huge Idle in reply. Thou it was. 'plum pudding' in rapid succession, the last cry growing feebler, till just as I can distinctly recollect, it had grown to a whisper; 'plain pudding' resounded like thunder, followed by a tremendous crash, an my with leaped upon the pile with delicate feet and emninenced jumping up sad down—whim, thank heaven, I awoke, and thus saved my life. We shall never dream on wedding cake again— that's the moral—Peterseurg 'Old Squire was elected Judge ofthe Inferior Court of some county in Georgia. When he went home, his delighted wife exclaimed, 'Now my dear, you are Judge--what am IT 'The sum* darned old fool you Idlers *as,' was the tart reply. er "Father did yon ever have another wife be sides mother?" "No, my boy ; what possessed you to ask such a question." "Because I saw in the old family bible where you married Anna Dotniny in 1835, and that isn't Mother, for her name wns Sally Smith." or The man who cheats the printer left tons last week, in company with the woman whO flogs her husband—they were joined a short distance from town by the man who stole a stick of Nun rice from a sick negro baby. Three noble travel ing oompanions. CZ.A man out Wort athertiges his truant wife : "On the sth of July, on the night of a Modiay, eloped fitom her husband, the vire of Jan Grut - dy. His grief tin' her absence each day growing deeper, shoal, any mon find her, ha begs liitn t., -- keep RT."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers