Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 02, 1848, Image 3

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    Jimmy Buchanan
"Pennsylvania's favorite son" is hit
by Jahn Donkey in a recent number ra
ther severely, although not harder than
is jt..itified by his previously avowed
sentiments. He is represented in a cut
standing at a table on which are display
ed his various political gulls and traps
Which he is endeavoring to vend to his
customers at very reduced prices: the
following is the manner in which he so
licits patronage—" Any article on this
board for ten cents ! Here you have a
copy of my speech again the war of
1812, or my letter in favor of the war
of 1847—a1l for ten cents 1 Here you
hove my views on the Tariff of '42, and
the Tariff' of '47, so judiciously min
gled' that you can't tell t'othor from
which—all for ten cents ! Here yeti have
that drop of Democratic blood which I
Was so anxious to let out of my veins—
all for ten - cents! Any article on this
board for ten cents—laborer's wages !"
Clay, Calhoun and Dallas are repre
sented as examining his wares, and they
express great astonishment as to " how
he can manage to sell his wares so
cheap." •
Our Troops Vtctorius!—The North Amer
can of the 26th ult., says: By telegraph
from St. Louis to the Pittsburg papers,
we have confirmatory accounts of the
battle fo.tight at Rosalie, sixty miles
from Chihuahua. The Americans were
victories, and the Govener of Chihua
hua, with a large number of prisoners
and fourteen pieces of artillery, were
taken by our troops. The loss in killed
and wounded on both sides is represen
ted asiteavy.
FORTH I—One month ago, and Louis Phil
ippe, M. Guizot and Prince Metternich,
held in iron chains more than one hun
dred millions of people, and to-day they
are dependant upon courtesy and chari
ity for support, supplients for their lives,
and hiding themselves from the just in
dignation of the people whom they had
oppressed. What a moral this reverse
contains !
Daowsmsas, Swimming of the Head,
s roaring noise in the ears. headache. palpitation
of the heart, &c.— right's Indian Vegetable
Pills ate a certain cure for the above unpleasant
compl.inte, because they purge 'from the body
those stagnant and corrupt humors which, when
floating In the general mass of circu'ation. are the
cause of a rush of blood to the head giddineas.
dimness of eight, drowsiness, pain of the head. and
many other symptoms of a loaded and corrupt
state of the blond.
Wr ght I 'than Vegetable Plitt ars also ono
Of the very heat medicines fur the curs of indiges
tion. and therefore will not only remove the above
unpleaeant symptoms, hut will mom assuredly re
store the hatly to a state of sound health.
01 . 8R104 , Of atfg:Zr coated counterfeits..a
Tie only n. ij oaland genuine Indian V geta
ble Pills hang the signature .f William Wrirs
Iw-illy& with a pin on the lop label of eget& • b
Nme other is ce ru;ne and to counterfeit this is
Forgery. The genuine for sale by
T. K. simoNros, , , ole Agent for Hunting
don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair 8c Robin
ean.:ihaile Gap; lair & o.,Frankatown; Orliison
It Co., Orliisonie; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysliurg;
Hunter 8c Co., West Sarre and l'eteraburg; Graff
eg an., Man, Hill; D. 9. Bell, M'Elavy'a Fort;
James Maguire. Saulshurg; John W. Myton. En
cl....ilk; George H. Steiner, "'liter Street; A.
W. Creeswell. Petersburg; Milliken 8c Herder,
Mill•craek; anal wholesale and retail at the prin
t office, 161 Race stre.t,Philatletphia.
On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev.
George G. Field, Mr. JOHN READ, to I
Mien ANN Mote, both of this borough.
For the huge pile of wedding cake,
and other good things, which accompa
nied the above notice, the happy couple
will please accept the.Printers' choicest
blessing: May prosperity, and all the
little natural comforts of which the con
nubial. state gives hope, be showered
upon them in rich abundance.
On Tuesday morning last, by the Rev.
John Peebles, Mr. JOHN SCHHUCEER, of
Wood berry township, Blair county, to
Miss SARAH KER, daughter of John Ker,
Esq., of Walker township, Huntingdon
On Thursday 20th ult., by John Al
this county.
In this borough, on Monday 24th ult.,
WILLIAX A. MARTIN, Sen., in the 77th
year of his age.
On Thursday 20th ult., IsAan
aged about 62 years.
In Alexandria on the 22d ult., JANE
Itl'Ounts, aged aboin 21 years.
The .71a sic is.e
The Flour 'nuke! has boon quiet. 500 barrels
w o srarn anti at $6 rerbaerol; common brands of
Penn a are held at $5 876. Corn Meal is dull
at $2.25 per burrs .
The receipts of Grain continua light. Sales of
about 12.000 bu. Wheat have beer. made at 135
al36c. far (Air to good reds. and 140 c. per Pu. for
white ; and 2500 bu. Rye at 77 a 786 c. Corn is
wanted at 60 a 61c. for good yellow, with sales
during the week of about ;5.000 bu. Oats are in
moderato request. with eaten of Southern at 42 a
43e., and l'a. at 45c. Whiskey is dull at a
21c. in this, and 22c. per gall. in bbla.
Fti; ens —750 bushels fair and p into cloverseed
mold at $3 626 a 3,75; Flaxseed is selling at 135
eta; Timothy acmes and wanted.
It is equally effectual for the cure of Liver corn•
plsint. Jaundice. Enlargement of the Liver : also
Enlargement of the Spleen, called Ague Cake, and
tirr curious forms of bilious Indigestion. These,
with the other varied affections of such climate..
arising from a common miasmal cause, are only
modifications of the same disease, and equally
controlled by the same remedy.
Certificates without number could be given of
the efficacy of this medicine in curing the above
mentioned diseases, but ate not Jet mcd necessary,
as a simple trial of it by the afflicted will fully at
test its virtues.
BALTIMORE, April 28. ' I Price $1 50 per bottle.
Howard street Sour sells at $5.68i ; city Mille
to held at $6 corn tura) $1 137 i; red wheat
$1 374 white corn 44 ; yellow corn 48 , oats 40
to 41 There is no a^ti•ity ir. any other article.
Great and Glorious News!
For the People of Huntingdon Town and
County generally !
Extraordinary Reduction in
Notwithstanding much wrangling awl great di
veroity of opinion now exists among politicians as
to who shall bo the candidates of the respective
parties for the Presidency, it is on admitted tact
among all climes end all parties, that
have just opened at their old qtand in Main Street,
Huntingdon, an ossertinent of
Spring and Sannner
not only the cheapest by at least Ica per cent., hut
decidedly the best adapted to the wants of the
People generally, that has ever been opened in this
seek, t of the htale.
Their stock consists in pad of Cloths, Cassi
mere., Bennetts, end a great variety of cheap
goods suitable for Men's and lioy's Summer weer.
Mullins of every quality and at astonishing low
prices; Linens, Bed Ticking, Sheetings, Umbrel.
las and Parasols. Sun Shades, B<c., &c.
Aldo Calicoes end Gingliams of s quality and
at prices that must suit the views of all.
. . .
Also, Silks, Lawns, Moulin de Loins and Dal
written of the finest quality and at prices that
can't be beat !" Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Gloves,
Mitts, Ribbons, Hosiery, &c., &c. Also, an ele
gant assortment of
Leghorn and Straw Bonnets,
and CSIPS,
of every variety. A large aaeortment of
Booths and 'Toes,
made in the most substnntial manner. A general
assortment of
Hardware, Queensware, Glassware,
Paints, Oils, Salt, 4 c., &c.
The subscribers desire to return thanks to their
friends and the public generally, for the liberal pat
ronage heretofore extended to them. And in ask
ing a continuance of public favor, desire to state
that their new stock of Gonda having linen pur
chased for U BH, they are enabled to offer thorn
at !irkes as low, if not lower, than any other or
ish men t in the county. Call, examine and
judge for yourselves.
tray 2, 1848
" Encourage your Own"
Cabinet Ttare /Inntitaelor,,
Main Sireet, Huntingdon, ra
%7 ouLD avail themselves of this method of
V informing their friends and the public at
large that they continue to carry 011 the
Lusinesa, at their old stand, one door east of the
dwelling hoaae of .1. G. .Niles. Esq., and directly
opposite the ['rioting Office of the •' Hunting Inn
Journal," where they will ho pleased to furnish
those who may favor them with their rukorn, with
all articles in their line on the most reaaonahle
terms. Hating supplied theme ves with a very
large and superior stock of stuff, they have no
hesitation in scouring the Public that they can
furnish work, which, for chespncaa, beauty and
durability, cannot he surpassed by and other shop
in the county.
They wil keep constantly on hand, and make
to order,
Card Tables, Bedsteads, Centre Tables,
Cupboards, Stands, Dough Troughs,
Wash Stands, Wardrobes, Secretaries,
Breakfast Tables, Pedestals, &c.
Old furniture repaired at the eery shorted no
tice. Coma. made end funerals attended, either
in town or country, at the shortest notice. They
keep a Hoarse for the accommodotion.of their cus
Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange
for furniture and work.
Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore
extended to them, they earure the public that no
efforts will be spared on their part to deserve a con
tinuance and increase of public patrouage.
may 2, 1848-If.
for the cure of
Fevcr and ../Igue, Chill Fever,. Dumb
.ague, Intermittent & Remittent Fevers,
Liver Complaint, Jau dice, Enlarge
ment of the Liver, Enlargement . of
the Spleen, and all the various
forms of Bilious Diseases.
This Invaluable medicine was prepared from an
extensive practice of se,eral years in a bilious cli
mate,. and is Kayla Known To tan of curing
Flyer and Ague, or any of the diseases above
named. •
Those who are suffering from affections of this
kind, as also those who have become invalids from
their effects upon V.:e constitution, will find the
!Neu. (HOL•0000L a meet invaluable remedy
for purifying tho blood, and thoroughly cleansing
from the spit= the morbid effects of a bilious cli
The wonderful operation of the C holagogue in
eradicating ens front the human system, can only
explain its extraordinary agency in the speedy,
thorough and permanent sure of fever and ague,
and the various grades of intermittent and remit
tent fevers.
A6KNTP.-TllOB READ & SON, Horning.
don; G. 11. Steiner, Waterstreet; Moore & Swoope,
Alexandria; J. Milliken & co., Mill Creek.
%fay 2, IN4H•tf.
Regimental Orders
The enrolled militia composing the Ist Bathe-
Lotion, 3d Regiment, 10th Division, I'. M. are
hereby commanded to mcetat the house of Sam
ple Flemming, in the borough of Alexandria on
Wednesday the lith of May next. The 2d
Battalion at the house of A. P. Owens In the bor
ough of Pirmingham, on Thursday the IRth of
May, for review and inspection.
R. F. lIA•iLI;T'P,
Cul. 3d Reg. 10th Div. P.M
may 2, 1843.
Five Dollars Reward
Info motion in wanted by the nubscriber of a Box
of Books, directed G. Miner Hulk Huntingdon,
Pa., care of Funk and Miller, Harrisburg," and
some other a, iting on the box. Said box was
loot or nnscarded between the 17th day of May
and the beginning of June loot. Any informntion
concerning said Box can be given to J. & W. Sax
ton, litintingdon. who will pay the (meld upon
the delivery of the Box and Book..
G. HILLS, Lancaster, Pa.
fluty 2, 1848.30
Dissolution of Partnership.
rpHE partnership heretofore existing between
Geo. W. Whittaker and Geo. Raymond, in
the publication of the Huntingdon Messenger,
has been mutually dissolved. The books of tho
fi in will be left at the office of the " Meeselgor . '
for set tletncnt.
May 2, 1848.
N. B. Having purchased the Messenger Pres.,
&c., I will, in a few weeks, resume its
publiention, when it will be sent to its old sub
scribers, and the new terms made known.
At the Store of
Al the old Stand, in Market Square, Hunting.
don, Pa.
The public are informed that I have received
an entire now clock of
Spring & Summer Goods,
being by far the best assortment ever brought to
this place, among which will be found Cloths of
all kinds, Cassinets, Kentucky Joane,Gambroons,
French. Pelgiutn and Fancy Cassimeres, Croton,
Oregon and Tweed Cloth. Vestkgs.Flannelo and
Drillings, and a variety of Cotton Goode for Sum
mer wear. French and Irish Linens and Checks,
Bed Tickino„ Mtaslins and Shootings. Umbrellas
and Parasols. A large assortment of Calicoes of
the newest tittles, at low juices.
Earlston, French. Scotch and Domestic Ging
hams and Halzorines, Diapers, Table C loths, Cot
ton Fringe. Mouslin de Laines, French Lawns
and Scarfs, Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Black and
Fancy Alpacas. Morinnes, bilk Gloves, Mitt,
Lidice Caps. Ribbons Hosiery, &c., &c.
Also, a very excellent assortment of Hats,
Caps, end
Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, Pala Leaf
Hats, Boots and Shoes
W4RE, FISII, S4LT,&c., &c., with a
fine, var i ety of Goods of all kind;,
The above stock of good; having been selected
with g cat care, and purchased at reduced prices
for Cash, in the city of Philadelphia, I atn enabled
to offer
Great Bargains,
and hope that all will examine my stock before
purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell
as low as any one in Pennsylvania, Please call
and see my geode, as it affords me pleasure at all
Omen to show them.
Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Flour, Cloverseed &
Flaxseed, Butler, Eggs, Lard, Bacon. Soap, Bees.
wax, &e., taken in exchange for Goods.
NOTICE is hereby given that the books
for the subscription of stock to the
" Drake's Ferry and Broad Top Railroad
company," will be opened at
Shirleyehurg, at the store of 11. Brewster, on
Monday, Bth May.
Caasvi le, at the store of H. Spree, on Monday,
Bth May.
Bedford, at the Hotel of Co!. Ottingor, on Mon
day, 15th May.
Huntingdon, at the hotel of Thos. Wallace, on
Monday, 15th May.
Phi adclphia, et the office of Calvin Blythe, Esq.,
No. 1, north 6th etreet,on Monday, 22d May.
At which places one or more of the un
dersigned Commissioners will attend,
and keep the books open for said pur
pose for six judicial days, agreeably to
the act of incorporation for said company.
John Brewster, John Dougherty,
Robert Speer, E. S. Howard,
T. T. Cromwell, Wm. Lyon,
A. P. Wilson, Joseph Ottinger,
• Jacob Cresswell, Calvin Blythe,
John McLain, Jr. John Savage,
John Sharer, S 4 m. M. Meredith,
Theodore Franks.
April, 11, 1848.] Commissioners.
nEztrixAN STUMP,
6 miles above Havro de Grace,
Will at all times purchase Wheat at a price
Within TWO CENT. of Philadelphia Market.
ci:y. Owners and Boatmen are invited to call.
Plaster may bo had at the Mill.
april 25,1848.
I 1 Xll VI Th
constantly on hand and for sale by
Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia.
A. W. Benedict,
ATTORNEY AT LAW , Huntingdon,Pa.—
Office at his old residence in Main street. a
few doors west of the old Court House. He will
attend to any boldness entrusted to bun in the say.
raf (carts cf Huntingdon snd adjoining counties.
rite Veopteti Atore,
THE subscriber respectfully informs
his friends and the public that he has
received and opened a splended stock of
comprising the latest, finest and most
fashionable styles—Broadcloths, Cassi
mars, Satineits, Vestings of all lcinds,
Cashmeres, Tweeds, etc., etc, Among
his assortment may be found
Ladies' Dress Goods
too numereus to mention—call and see
for yourselves. His stock of Ready
is larger, and superior, to any other in
the place, and embraces Coats, Panta
loons and Vests, of almost every styli
and quality, and will be sold cheaper
than the cheapest. He has, also, a good
assortment of Boots and Shoes, of all
sizes and quality, and HATS, CAPS, and
BONNETS, which he will sell very low.--
His stock of
is large and of the best qualities, and
will be sold very cheap.
The public are respectfully invited to
call at the "PEOPLE'S STORE , " adjoining
the residence of Hon. .James Gwin,
where they can get better bargains than
at any other place in town.
(* — Country Produce' taken in exchange
for goods, for which higher prices will
be given than can be had at any other
Huntingdon, apl7 '4B,
Ridge Road, above Buttonwood, Et.,
Inox Rantaros for public and private buildings',
and public squares, of every variety of form ! ,
and pattern.
Cs:ma-ray nAlu.s, of classic and unique deaignsl
—embracing upwards of one hundred different
Now URAI Rs and SETTEES, for Gardens, Halls
and Piazzas—new style.
VERANDAS and PILASTERS. for Cottages, made in
every style.
Superior WnoconT IRON GATES, for Carriageen-1
New style BALCONT Hitacxres, &c.
IRON TABLES of various styles, embracing Louis
XlV.Elixabethean. Gothic, and modern patterns,
with White and Gold Italian Mart!e tops.—
These tables have been introduced by the sub
scriber for Hotels, Restaurant'', Ice Cream Se
loons, &c. They are beautiful articles of fur
niture for Hat Stores and other establishments
whore it is desirable to make a grand display.
(1 , 7 lie has recently constructed an elegant
substantial Omer IRON HISTICING Post', in form
admirably adapted to permanency of position,
highly ornamented, and re presenting r. well execu
ted HEAD of that noble animal, the Horse. Such
an article has long been a desideratum, and is
now offered to the good taste of the public.
Strangers visiting Philadelphia, ere respectfully
invited to call at his Wararooma, and examine his
different specimens of new and beautiful work.
ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor,
Ridge Road, above Buttonwood St., Phila.
a7 . 11e has recently published, at great expense,
an original work exhibiting the new designs and
patterns which are executed at his establishment,
embracing all the above articles, and the varioua
and splendid patterns of Cemetry,l3alcony, Step,
and other Railings which have been manufactured
for Laurel Hill and other celebrated Cemeteries,
designed expressly for his own establishment, and
which may be sent to any part of the world to
those who desire to trinket a selection. Undoubted
reference will ha required to ensure it prompt re
turn of the work, after an opportunity for making
the selection.
Philadelphia. April 25, 1849-4 t.
Philadelphia China Store.
rpHE Subscribers. proprietors of one of the old.
L eat and most extensive China Stores in the
i United States, have now on hand a very large sop
, ply of
Connnon Ware, Granite Ware, China
Ware, and Glass Ware,
embracing all the varieties ever imported, which
they will sell in large or small quantities, Mae
, sale or Retail, to suit the wants of the people, at
prices to defy competition.
. The advantages to be derived from having a
large stock to select from, ought certainly to he ap
t parent to every one ;only two need be mentioned:
lat. The variety to please the taste.
, 2d. The advantage of purchasing at the loweat
prices ; for it is certainly evident to every thinking
. mind, that the larger the business done, the
smaller theprofit required. It is so in every branch
of trade. The manufacturer sells to the who've:lle
package dente!; the wholesale package dealer
sells to the jobber, and the jobber to the retail
country dealer: so that the farmer or consumer
of the article paps at least four profits!
Why pay so many profits when you can come
directly to head quarters?
219 Chet iut street, above 7th street.
april2s, 1848-2m.]
- AT RS. SUSAN HAMPSON respectfully in-
JA j . lorms the public that alto has again taken this
well known house, kept for ninny years by Mr.
John McConnell. Ohe is now prepared to accom
modate all who may favor her with their custom
in a way that " can't be beat!" No pains will
be spared by Mrs. H. to make the " Black Bear
Tavern," under her management, still merit its
well known popularity ; and the public may rest
-assured that she will use her best endeavors toten
der to all her friends ample justice.
Site is prepared to accommodate bearders by the
week, month ory ear.
CE)Ka I U0:8 LD3
lAhereby given, that my wife, Ann
IA Dilworth, has left my bed and board, without
my knowledge or consent. All pertons are there
fore cautioned against harboring or !rooting her
on my account, as I will pay no debts of her con
tracting. T 110N1AS DILWORTH.
Cromwell township, april 3t•
Husiness in the counties of Huntingdon, Blair and
minim will be rernralyand carefully *Minded to.
themselves of this means of making
known to their old friends and customers that they
have greatly enlarged' their room, and ore now
opening at the old and well known corner, a very
large and splendid assortment of
Spring and Summer' Goods,
which will be sold
ao rev Cent. Cheaper
than was ever before known in this latitude.
Their stock is heavy and has been selected with
great care, so that the wants of the WHOLE
PEOPLE may be euplied. In addition to their
firmer variety they have added a fine assortment
of HATS, CAPS', and
Rea dy-01mM Clothing,
which now renders their eatabi:ehmeat a
Grand Bazar
where everything useful and ornamental may be
found,and at prices which DEFY all competition !
For example: They are selling sFlet.tlit:
Dress Lawns for lai cents. per yard,
Calicoes, from gto 6 do. do.,
Bleached Muslin at 4. do. do.,
Good Brown Sugar at 61 cents per lb. , •''
best Rio Coffee at 10 cents per lb.; Mo
lasses, 25 cents per gallon. And to cap
the climax, they are able and willing to
sell a FULL SUIT of Ready-made Cloth
ing for the small sum of 2.51.
For further particulars, please call at
the 'OLD LOCUST CORNER,' where
the important fact will be proven that
Fisher, MeMurtrie & Co. have thelargest,
the BEST and the CHESPEST stock of
Goods ever offered for sale in Hunting
don! [April 6, 1848.
Grand Exhibition !
riinE public are informed that the subscriber has
I just received from tho the east a very large
and splendid assortment of HENS' & YOUTHS'
clothing, which he offers for sale at the very lowest
prices. Among the stock will be found supe, fine,
black, bit o, brown and olive, dress and frock coats;
also. alpaca, cashmerette, tweed, linen and cotton
frock, dress and sack coats ; also, a first rate article
of oil cloth coats; also every variety of pants,
vests, drawers and woolen a d cotton undershirts;
pleated linen breasted shirts; ginghern. check and
and striped and plan Wien shirts; linen collars
and breasts; gloves, hosiery and susrenders ; also,
an elegant variety of cravats and stocks. Also, a
general assortment of
of all sizes; new style of fancy HATS & CAPS,
leghorn, chip &c.; mobilities of every variety ; in
Owl, a filll suit of, any quality, price. order or
color can be hod at his stand, in the corner room of
iiSNARES ROW "opposite Whittaker's hotel
N. B. The public will bear in miild
that I have the largest and best assort !
ment in H untingdon, all of which is war
ranted to be well made and fashionably
cut. Call and judge for yourselves be-
fore purchasing elsewhere.
The Alexandria
been edt
te the
of subscribers, all who a are
tions in superior style (one of them being a prac
tical moulder of long experience) and on the low
eat and most accommodating terms.
Castings for Forges, Rolling Mille,
Water pipes, Grist and Saw Mills,
Threshing Machines, and all other kinds
of machinery which may be ordered will
be furnished on the shortest notice.
Stoves of various sizes will be constantly
kept on hand for both wood and coal.
We have lately procured a
Cooking ot e
of two different sizes, which for conve
nience and excellence they will warrant
to surpass the celebrated "Queen of the
West" and "Hathaway" stoves, the for
mer of which we are also prepared to
supply. .11. so, Coal Cooking Stoves,
Parlor and Charnbtr stoves of the most
elegant patterns.
110110 W ie 'are,
Such as Pots, Wash Kettles, &c. Ploughs of
such variety that all may be suited. Carriage and
Waggon hoses from the smallest to the largest,
sled and sleigh soles, and in fine any and every
thing in our line of business can be had immedi
alely, or at the shortest notice.
Old metal and country produce taken
in exchange.
__ _
6113 2 CID 11 , <E>
No. 1001 Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa,
HITAVE just received from the Eastern
Markets a very extensive and the
most magnificent and best assortment of
ARTICLES, ever brought to Hunting
don: Consisting, in part, of Gold Lever
Watches, full Jewelled, from $4O to
$120; Silver Levers, from $l6 to $3O,
and common watches at any price—all
of which are warranted for one year.
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired
'with' the greatest care, on the most rea
sonable terms and warranted. [ap 4.
Bridge Proposals.
MITE undersigned Commissioners of Hunting.
don county, will receive proposals at their
office in Huntingdon, on and until Thursday the
4th day May next, for the erection of a Biidge
across the Little Juniata River, near Bailee Forge,
in Porter township.
The plan and specifications can be seen at the
Cominiseioners' Office.
Another Grand Trinturn
ttgto=lbnxona !
By the last train from the defer
of New York & Philadelphia !-
Successful passtige•throutrh the "Raging
Kanaw! !".
Safe arrival of the moat magnifi
cent tissortutent of the fuiest and
cheapest Fabrics every brought
to the county of Huntingdon !
The export duties having been taken oir
every kind of DLLY Goons, Groceries,
&c., &c., &c.,
Are enabled to present to their cus
tomers an assortment of goods of unri
valled excellence, at prices•so low as to,
be within the reach of all.
Call and See
Muslins from 2 to IS cts per yard.
Calicoe " 2to 18 do.
Ginghams " 12 to 40 do.
Lawns " 12 to 37 do.
Mouslin de Lain 12 to 37 do.
Shawls " $l.OO to $8.50.
Coffee " 64 to 10 cts per lb.
Sugar " 6 to 10 do..
Tea "25 to 100 do.
Molasses " 8 to 20 cts per quart.
S.l LT, PL.ISTER, FISH, efC., 4-C.
What do you think of a full suit (made
up) of excellent clothes, at
rcr $2.00? —fat
All of the very best quality, and to be
sold on their usual accommodating
terms. rapll.l4f,
T HE subscribers would inform their friends/ end
the public that they have received and opened
a LW oniontAtrt rut stock of
selected with great earn, end suited to the spring
and summer seasons. In their stock of Ladies'
Dress (; ands, may 1 e found all the newest styles.
such as Paris Lustre, Hair Cord Ginglisms, Eoli
ennes, Monterey Plaids. Mohtir Lustres, Organ
dies, with a large lot of Lawns and Calicoes at all
prices. Among their goods for the Gentlimen are
Cashmerets, Cashmaret Plaids, Drap D'A Merle,
Drop d'Eie Mohair Cords, Napoleon Velvet
Cords, Linen Coat checks, Drilling, Summer
V“tings, &r., &c.
The; would also invite intention to their stock of
Su g ars— 5, 6 and 8 cents per pound—
Molasses, from 37h to 40 cents per
gallon ; and every other article usually
kept in a Grocery Store, at equally
low prices.
-11 Beaver, Silk, Leghorn & Palm.
. Leaf Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Urn
brellas, Parasols and Shades f
Ribbons, Artificial Flowers, &c.
We have also a handsome assortment of
Boots and Shoes. Also—Fish, Salt %
Plaster, Iron and Nails.
7 The above stock having been purchased en
tirely for Casa, we are enabled to offer at LOWER
Pllicrs than such goods can be obtained elsewhere.
Those, therefore, wishing to purchase, will please
call and examine our stock, as we take great pleas
ure in showing our grinds.
In the store room formerly occupied by Jacob
"Miler, opposite the residence of Judge (win,
kinds of Country Produce ta•
ken in exchange for goods. [spll.
Executors' *otico,
Estate of Adam Lightner, late of Barren
township, Hunting.!on county,
\ToTicE is hereby given that Letters Testa
-111 mernary on the last Will and Testament of
said deed hove h en granted to the undersigned.--
Therefore all persona mile! ted to mid estate nitll
make immediate payment, and them having claim.
or demands against the same are requested to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement to
Regimental Orders.
I, HE Voluntee‘a and Militia eompoaing the tat
Regiment, 2d Brigade, 10th Division, P. M.,
are hereby required to train by Company on the
let Monday and let day of May next. and by
Battalion for parade and review, ae follows: Ist
Battalion will meat at Orbiaonia, Cromwell town.
ship. on Friday the 12th day of May ; 2nd Bat
talion at Ceasville, on Saturday 18th day of May
next. JOHN hTEVER,
Out, tut R. 2,1 LI. 10th D. P.M
Can twp., aprl S.
Estate of John Carmon, late of Barree
township, Huntingdon county, dec'd.
ETTERS of administration (with the
Ivill annexed) having been granted
to the undersigned on said estate, all
persons having claims against the same
are requested to present them for settle
ment, and those indebted are requested
to make immediate payment to
apll.6t. -
Administrator's Notice.
T ETTE RS of administration on the ;elate of
IA Alex. Owlet, Esq., I,de of the borough of
Huntingdon, deed., hating been panted to the
undersigned, he hereby givee notice to all preens
indebted to raid dec'd to come forward and make
payment, and to all persons having demand*
against the sante to present them properly authen
ticated, without delay.
Ppri 12 3 - ft t