Jimmy Buchanan "Pennsylvania's favorite son" is hit by Jahn Donkey in a recent number ra ther severely, although not harder than is jt..itified by his previously avowed sentiments. He is represented in a cut standing at a table on which are display ed his various political gulls and traps Which he is endeavoring to vend to his customers at very reduced prices: the following is the manner in which he so licits patronage—" Any article on this board for ten cents ! Here you have a copy of my speech again the war of 1812, or my letter in favor of the war of 1847—a1l for ten cents 1 Here you hove my views on the Tariff of '42, and the Tariff' of '47, so judiciously min gled' that you can't tell t'othor from which—all for ten cents ! Here yeti have that drop of Democratic blood which I Was so anxious to let out of my veins— all for ten - cents! Any article on this board for ten cents—laborer's wages !" Clay, Calhoun and Dallas are repre sented as examining his wares, and they express great astonishment as to " how he can manage to sell his wares so cheap." • ANOTHER BATTLE IN NEW MEXICO!- Our Troops Vtctorius!—The North Amer can of the 26th ult., says: By telegraph from St. Louis to the Pittsburg papers, we have confirmatory accounts of the battle fo.tight at Rosalie, sixty miles from Chihuahua. The Americans were victories, and the Govener of Chihua hua, with a large number of prisoners and fourteen pieces of artillery, were taken by our troops. The loss in killed and wounded on both sides is represen ted asiteavy. WHO KNOWS WHAT A DAY MAY BRING FORTH I—One month ago, and Louis Phil ippe, M. Guizot and Prince Metternich, held in iron chains more than one hun dred millions of people, and to-day they are dependant upon courtesy and chari ity for support, supplients for their lives, and hiding themselves from the just in dignation of the people whom they had oppressed. What a moral this reverse contains ! Daowsmsas, Swimming of the Head, s roaring noise in the ears. headache. palpitation of the heart, &c.— right's Indian Vegetable Pills ate a certain cure for the above unpleasant compl.inte, because they purge 'from the body those stagnant and corrupt humors which, when floating In the general mass of circu'ation. are the cause of a rush of blood to the head giddineas. dimness of eight, drowsiness, pain of the head. and many other symptoms of a loaded and corrupt state of the blond. Wr ght I 'than Vegetable Plitt ars also ono Of the very heat medicines fur the curs of indiges tion. and therefore will not only remove the above unpleaeant symptoms, hut will mom assuredly re store the hatly to a state of sound health. 01 . 8R104 , Of atfg:Zr coated counterfeits..a Tie only n. ij oaland genuine Indian V geta ble Pills hang the signature .f William Wrirs Iw-illy& with a pin on the lop label of eget& • b Nme other is ce ru;ne and to counterfeit this is Forgery. The genuine for sale by T. K. simoNros, , , ole Agent for Hunting don; Charles Porter, Alexandria; Blair 8c Robin ean.:ihaile Gap; lair & o.,Frankatown; Orliison It Co., Orliisonie; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysliurg; Hunter 8c Co., West Sarre and l'eteraburg; Graff eg an., Man, Hill; D. 9. Bell, M'Elavy'a Fort; James Maguire. Saulshurg; John W. Myton. En cl....ilk; George H. Steiner, "'liter Street; A. W. Creeswell. Petersburg; Milliken 8c Herder, Mill•craek; anal wholesale and retail at the prin t office, 161 Race stre.t,Philatletphia. MARRIED, On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. George G. Field, Mr. JOHN READ, to I Mien ANN Mote, both of this borough. For the huge pile of wedding cake, and other good things, which accompa nied the above notice, the happy couple will please accept the.Printers' choicest blessing: May prosperity, and all the little natural comforts of which the con nubial. state gives hope, be showered upon them in rich abundance. On Tuesday morning last, by the Rev. John Peebles, Mr. JOHN SCHHUCEER, of Wood berry township, Blair county, to Miss SARAH KER, daughter of John Ker, Esq., of Walker township, Huntingdon county. On Thursday 20th ult., by John Al bright, Esq., MT. CHRISTOPHER DECKER, to Mid MARGARET CAMBERLAIN, both of this county. DIED, In this borough, on Monday 24th ult., WILLIAX A. MARTIN, Sen., in the 77th year of his age. On Thursday 20th ult., IsAan aged about 62 years. In Alexandria on the 22d ult., JANE Itl'Ounts, aged aboin 21 years. The .71a sic is.e PSZLADELPHT.A, April 28. The Flour 'nuke! has boon quiet. 500 barrels w o srarn anti at $6 rerbaerol; common brands of Penn a are held at $5 876. Corn Meal is dull at $2.25 per burrs . The receipts of Grain continua light. Sales of about 12.000 bu. Wheat have beer. made at 135 al36c. far (Air to good reds. and 140 c. per Pu. for white ; and 2500 bu. Rye at 77 a 786 c. Corn is wanted at 60 a 61c. for good yellow, with sales during the week of about ;5.000 bu. Oats are in moderato request. with eaten of Southern at 42 a 43e., and l'a. at 45c. Whiskey is dull at a 21c. in this, and 22c. per gall. in bbla. Fti; ens —750 bushels fair and p into cloverseed mold at $3 626 a 3,75; Flaxseed is selling at 135 eta; Timothy acmes and wanted. It is equally effectual for the cure of Liver corn• plsint. Jaundice. Enlargement of the Liver : also Enlargement of the Spleen, called Ague Cake, and tirr curious forms of bilious Indigestion. These, with the other varied affections of such climate.. arising from a common miasmal cause, are only modifications of the same disease, and equally controlled by the same remedy. Certificates without number could be given of the efficacy of this medicine in curing the above mentioned diseases, but ate not Jet mcd necessary, as a simple trial of it by the afflicted will fully at test its virtues. BALTIMORE, April 28. ' I Price $1 50 per bottle. Howard street Sour sells at $5.68i ; city Mille to held at $6 corn tura) $1 137 i; red wheat $1 374 white corn 44 ; yellow corn 48 , oats 40 to 41 There is no a^ti•ity ir. any other article. Great and Glorious News! For the People of Huntingdon Town and County generally ! Extraordinary Reduction in Prices Notwithstanding much wrangling awl great di veroity of opinion now exists among politicians as to who shall bo the candidates of the respective parties for the Presidency, it is on admitted tact among all climes end all parties, that SWOOPE & AFRICA have just opened at their old qtand in Main Street, Huntingdon, an ossertinent of Spring and Sannner GOODS, not only the cheapest by at least Ica per cent., hut decidedly the best adapted to the wants of the People generally, that has ever been opened in this seek, t of the htale. Their stock consists in pad of Cloths, Cassi mere., Bennetts, end a great variety of cheap goods suitable for Men's and lioy's Summer weer. Mullins of every quality and at astonishing low prices; Linens, Bed Ticking, Sheetings, Umbrel. las and Parasols. Sun Shades, B No. 1001 Market Square, Huntingdon, Pa, H H. NWT ESL BRO., HITAVE just received from the Eastern Markets a very extensive and the most magnificent and best assortment of WATCAES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTICLES, ever brought to Hunting don: Consisting, in part, of Gold Lever Watches, full Jewelled, from $4O to $120; Silver Levers, from $l6 to $3O, and common watches at any price—all of which are warranted for one year. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired 'with' the greatest care, on the most rea sonable terms and warranted. [ap 4. Bridge Proposals. MITE undersigned Commissioners of Hunting. don county, will receive proposals at their office in Huntingdon, on and until Thursday the 4th day May next, for the erection of a Biidge across the Little Juniata River, near Bailee Forge, in Porter township. The plan and specifications can be seen at the Cominiseioners' Office. DANIEL TEAGUE. ROBERT CUMNIINS, JOSHUA GREENLAND, Cenntnirnioners. sprl7.3i Another Grand Trinturn OF THE ttgto=lbnxona ! By the last train from the defer of New York & Philadelphia !- Successful passtige•throutrh the "Raging Kanaw! !". Safe arrival of the moat magnifi cent tissortutent of the fuiest and cheapest Fabrics every brought to the county of Huntingdon ! The export duties having been taken oir every kind of DLLY Goons, Groceries, &c., &c., &c., J. & W. SAXTON Are enabled to present to their cus tomers an assortment of goods of unri valled excellence, at prices•so low as to, be within the reach of all. Call and See Muslins from 2 to IS cts per yard. Calicoe " 2to 18 do. Ginghams " 12 to 40 do. Lawns " 12 to 37 do. Mouslin de Lain 12 to 37 do. Shawls " $l.OO to $8.50. Coffee " 64 to 10 cts per lb. Sugar " 6 to 10 do.. Tea "25 to 100 do. Molasses " 8 to 20 cts per quart. S.l LT, PL.ISTER, FISH, efC., 4-C. What do you think of a full suit (made up) of excellent clothes, at rcr $2.00? —fat All of the very best quality, and to be sold on their usual accommodating terms. rapll.l4f, NEW STORE! NEW & C .EAP SPRING GOODS! T HE subscribers would inform their friends/ end the public that they have received and opened a LW oniontAtrt rut stock of selected with great earn, end suited to the spring and summer seasons. In their stock of Ladies' Dress (; ands, may 1 e found all the newest styles. such as Paris Lustre, Hair Cord Ginglisms, Eoli ennes, Monterey Plaids. Mohtir Lustres, Organ dies, with a large lot of Lawns and Calicoes at all prices. Among their goods for the Gentlimen are Cashmerets, Cashmaret Plaids, Drap D'A Merle, Drop d'Eie Mohair Cords, Napoleon Velvet Cords, Linen Coat checks, Drilling, Summer V“tings, &r., &c. The; would also invite intention to their stock of GROCERIES, Su g ars— 5, 6 and 8 cents per pound— Molasses, from 37h to 40 cents per gallon ; and every other article usually kept in a Grocery Store, at equally low prices. • -11 Beaver, Silk, Leghorn & Palm. . Leaf Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Urn brellas, Parasols and Shades f Ribbons, Artificial Flowers, &c. We have also a handsome assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes. Also—Fish, Salt % Plaster, Iron and Nails. 7 The above stock having been purchased en tirely for Casa, we are enabled to offer at LOWER Pllicrs than such goods can be obtained elsewhere. Those, therefore, wishing to purchase, will please call and examine our stock, as we take great pleas ure in showing our grinds. - DORSEY 4 MAGUIRE, In the store room formerly occupied by Jacob "Miler, opposite the residence of Judge (win, Huntingdon._ kinds of Country Produce ta• ken in exchange for goods. [spll. Executors' *otico, Estate of Adam Lightner, late of Barren township, Hunting.!on county, \ToTicE is hereby given that Letters Testa -111 mernary on the last Will and Testament of said deed hove h en granted to the undersigned.-- Therefore all persona mile! ted to mid estate nitll make immediate payment, and them having claim. or demands against the same are requested to pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement to HENRY LIGHTNER. ' ADAM LIGHTNER. Jr. Executors. apl7•6L Regimental Orders. I, HE Voluntee‘a and Militia eompoaing the tat Regiment, 2d Brigade, 10th Division, P. M., are hereby required to train by Company on the let Monday and let day of May next. and by Battalion for parade and review, ae follows: Ist Battalion will meat at Orbiaonia, Cromwell town. ship. on Friday the 12th day of May ; 2nd Bat talion at Ceasville, on Saturday 18th day of May next. JOHN hTEVER, Out, tut R. 2,1 LI. 10th D. P.M Can twp., aprl S. .IDMIJVISTRJITORS' XOTIC E. Estate of John Carmon, late of Barree township, Huntingdon county, dec'd. ETTERS of administration (with the j Ivill annexed) having been granted to the undersigned on said estate, all persons having claims against the same are requested to present them for settle ment, and those indebted are requested to make immediate payment to ALEX. CARMON, apll.6t. - Administrator's Notice. T ETTE RS of administration on the ;elate of IA Alex. Owlet, Esq., I,de of the borough of Huntingdon, deed., hating been panted to the undersigned, he hereby givee notice to all preens indebted to raid dec'd to come forward and make payment, and to all persons having demand* against the sante to present them properly authen ticated, without delay. NVNI. P. ORBISON, Admlnimrstor. Ppri 12 3 - ft t