Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 31, 1847, Image 4

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    ' ..
(11 , 110/4 TUC WATION•L EltA.l her feeble arm, she resolved to attempt SADDLE, HARNESS & LEATHER
Legend of Starved Rook; his rescue. MANUFACTORY.
Silently as the autumn leaf on the bo-
LONG and fiercely had savage warfare THE undersigned take this method of
son of the wave, a light canoe glides
raged between two tribes in the Far informingtheir friends and the pub.
wkhin the shadow of the opposite bluff. iL ,
efiurally tb,t the
, Ning
West. From the shores of Lake Mich- rated articles,
The mother sat with her child, cautious
igen to the banks of the Illinois, step by together with all manlier of work pertaining to
ly moving the frail bark ; and as favored their business, will be disposed of to purchasers,
step, the invaded tribe had contended ,by an overhanging tree, it shot out part- .d made up to order in a workmanlike and ap•
for the homes of their wives and chil- ly across the stream, the warrior on the proved style, very cheap, for
r sh or co h u o nt w r.%pr t o- o
dren, and the burial places of their filth- duce . c
, All
, t ni tt.
e is necessary
o h
cliff leaped boldly out into the water.
ers ; and as the triumphant invaders The whizzing arrows flew, death-wing- qua
sped onward in their wild career, leaving nees. will call at their shop,
' ed. With a fearful cry the warrior
behind them the smouldering ashes of Three doors west of Buoy's Jewelry Es
leaped from the dark waters, then sank
the wigwam and the mangled forms of tab/is/intent, HUNTINGDON,
into their depths to rise no more. At
helpless infancy and feeble old age, faint- Where the public can at all times be accommated
the same moment, clasping her child to w i th
er grew the hopes of that feeble but gal. her breast, the mother sprang from the Red and Oak Sole Leather, Skirting,
last band, of successful resistance. Al- canoe , and found a grave with her war- Harness and Bridle Leather , Upper
veady had the last village been assailed, l nor usband in the bosom of the placid Leather, Calfskins, Spanish and
and what was once the peaceful home of 1 river.
Country Kips and Sheepskins.
many happy hearts, was now a pile of I Again the death song arose from the' Also, a first rate quality of
smoking ruins; the dismal howl of the fugitives on the rock ; and when the i BOOTS
wolf alone broke the fearful stillness of morning broke, it brought no hope to !
11 and
the dark forest, which had so lately re- them. The noontide sun beat fiercely I SHO E S ,
sounded with the happy sounds of life. on their throbbing brows, and their
The Illinois, once a numerous and parched lips refused them utterance. for Men, Women
powerful tribe, claimed as their hunting i Far below the bright river swept along , 111116"
:—o' 44" and Children, of
grounds the beautiful prairies and gent- i a thousand sparkling ripples, glancing 1 1,7-4-- all qualities and
PP"' , -,
fy sloping hills crowned with majestic l in the sutibesims, its cool depths muck - - I They prices.
forests, that stretch in rich luxuriance ! , ! ,
mg their miming thirst, and tempting ! also continue to carry all its various
from the shores of Lake Michigan to the . them to seek a watery grave. But pride . "lei branches, SADDLE and HAR
,-; \ NI. SS making, and are randy tit
banks of the Mississippi. In an evil I forbade—sooner linger on, enduring the pli - '\ furnish their customers with ell
hour, the Pottawatomies, a tribe inhab- I horrors of starvation, till death should . _ ,, 5.-'--
iting the eastern shores of Lake Mehl
•l come to their relief, than that their hated !rags. kinds of Trunlo. de V o ti d e d e i s e , s, C ( a h r o p m et
Plush. H . or e k t ila t. n ) d Tub
A i
LBO . , Shaffer i Saddle,,
gin, stirred up by that worst foe of the ' enemies should triumph. Never should !
U r
all h k e i i n p ers, " Waggon and Carriage ( fatness, EH-
red man, "Fire NN ater;" . for imagined the scalps of the Illinois grace the wig- ! dies, c „ ii , i ,„ , whip . &c.
wrongs or to glut a savage thirst for warn of their foes. As they had lived, 1 All of which will be disposed of cheap . for !
blood, waged a war of extermination so would they die, unconquerable to the , Cash or any kind of country produce. The high- i
against the Illinois. I last. Proudly as the savage warrior n for beef hides , calf hides, .
' "l
Price ' in
trade, give n
Driven backward, still fiercely con- upon his funeral pile disdains to glut the bath. &c. JJ. ' •
tending for each foot of soil they claim- malice of his foes by betrayal of fear or i'23'.47-stn.
N. li.—Two apprentices will be tsken at the
ed as the gift of the Great Spirit, the suffering, so did that devoted band upon ! above estalllishment if application be inade soon,
feeble band of Illinois, vanquished in the desert rock nerve themselves to en-' -
battle, yet disdaining to surrender meek- dare the pangs of death by starvation. Valuable Ore-Dank at Water-Power
ly to their foes, like a stag at bay, stood , When, spent and feeble, thcir voices re-
For Sale.
beneath the towering bluff of their own fused to chant the death song, with one THE
e. of subscriber wishes to dis Coal L pose of a and bouts situat 300
river, glaring upon their surrounding mighty effort they raised the war whoop. on t acr very rich Ore and e
he waters of randy Creek, ir. Perry township,
foes, in all the impotence of revengeful,
—Fierce, but brief, was the cry —the I Jefferson county, l'enn'a.
despair. Suddenly, with a cry they triumph of pride and revenge over phy- The property is situate on three branches of
spring forward, scale the cliff, and far sical suffering. Sandy Creek, which unite upon the premises,
above their foes ring out the shrill cry , The startled foe seized the tomahawk, abundant power for sere al Furnaces,
of defiance and death. Alas, short is and replied in proud defiance. It was I a ffording
Rollin tr•M ills 8c c.,
fourth of a tnile of the Ore bank. Tithin h ire
t he Ore is of
all w one
their triumph. The wily enemy sees in vain. No sound was heard from the the seine kind, hut of a richer quality, that is used
and at once secures his prey ;t he e---- lift
clitT. Silently as the shadows steal at the Great We tern works in Armstrong county.
stands insulated on the banks of the riv- across the landscape, at eventide the i I here ate also on the premises abundance of Hitu- 1
er, rising full a hundred feet above the warriors passed away. I 'nitwits Coal, Limestone, and Sandstone. T he I
surface of the water, and towards the , The wol f howls for her mate from the Creek is now navigable, for Arks, ticc. in time of I
land it is inaccessible save at one point. '
dark rock, and the loathsome bird of high water, from within seven miles of the prop
erty, and could, with little expense, be made so
On every side were the besiegers, with prey circles above them. There are ' from the premises. There is a Saw-Mill in opera
the deadly arrow pointed, and the tom- none to bury them. They are the last tins 011 the premises. The land is all well timber-
nhawk uplifted. Close beneath the of their race. M. L. B. , eil , and well timbered lands may be purchased tit
cliff lurked the canoe, with its murder- , N. B. About fourteen years ago, the .
d tl o n i i hi i r inniediate
. neighborhood at from one to two
ous occupant, ready to impale the des- writer first heard of the Starved Rock, 1 This l p p e r r orerty undoubted . ), affords facilities for
aerate wretch who, maddened by thirst, from a friend who had purchased lands
in a moment of frenzy should fling him- on the Illinois river, includid,g its site. the manufacture of trod, possessed by few situations
1 in Pennsylvania, and to an enterprising capitalist
self headlong into the cool water be- ,He bad often climbed the rocky cliff, acquainted with the business is a location much to ,
neath. I where stone arrow-heads and human be desired.
i i ntende d
Night came. Weary and exhausted, bones still attest the truth of the lead- As this advertisement s merely to draw
the attention of those acquainted with the iron ba
the besieged lay down on the barren ing facts upon which this sketch is siness to the lands, the subscriber deems it unneces
rock. The twilight dew fell softly on founded.
their burning brows, and the cool breeze 1 ,any to dwell longer on the advantages possessed
_ _
played amid their dark locks.—Many an The Soldier's Last Letter., of course call and examine it. Those desirous of
eye was turned upward in the silent !
! There is touching interest as well as 1 further particulars ore invited to call on tho subseri
watches of that fearful night, and faith judicious council in the following beau- her Hsu, on the premises, or on Mr. Gaskell,
Agent of g the Holland Land-Company, at Punta
fearfully strove to lift the dark pall that 61111 extract, published by the Alton
tawney, Jefferson county.
shadowed the future. Somewhere be- Telegraph, from a letter written on the
yond those stars lay the happy hunting- eve of the battle of Buena Vista, by Cold Spring, Jefferson Co., Pa. 8y20.4t,
grounds which their fathers trod, and to Lieut. Fletcher of the Illinois Volunteers,
which their wives and little ones were who fell on the next day in the fight:
beckoning them. Fierce memories of
L .,-,
EAR COLONEL :—To-morrow we ex
the dark strife, even the deep burning .
pect to have an engagement with a su
for revenge, were now forgotten, and as
erior Mexi frce ; and on the eve
a dream had passed. Its wild hopes,
of the affair, can I
hav o e believed , it proper to
its burning desires, its deeds of daring
address you a few lines. As you are
were remembered no more. Slowly
well aware, the object of my heart is
fruin their midst there rose ten aged
the welfare of my little child; and as far
chief. His white hair gleamed in the
I have been able, I have provided for
wan sunlight, like the mist on the brow
! her.
°f of the dark hills, Every eye was en- I
Should I fall, I leave her entirely with
chained ; the deep breathing of the war.
rior alone broke the stillness. Mourn-
You and your wife; but I have written
ful as the sound of the muffled drum or to my brother, requesting him to throw
the wailing of the autumn wind, rose his botherly protection over her; and if,
the chant of the death song. The owl
at any time, you think fit to send her to
answered from her lonely nest, and from him, he will receive her as his own
the echoing cliffs the sad wail reverber-
child, and protect her as such. Should
ated along the shores of the river.
The she remain with you, I wish that she
aged warrior sang; and, as memory tree-
should receive a good education as the
little means left her will afford; and
ed years of his life, with kindling eye
all things, teach her that truth
he recounted the deeds of daring he had above
and virtue are to women what the soul
done: when the Illinois, numerous as
is to the body—the life of its life.
the buffalo on the plain, held toll the
neighboring tribes in awe—when their
Teach her that to bejult to all--in thought in word—in deed, is the true, the great
warriors were swift of foot and sure of _ . aim of a good mind; and those who
hand—and while the deer and panther
strive to accomplish that purpose, ,el
and bear were an easy prey, their war
, dam fail to live at peace with the vorld,
cry echoed through the forest, and the
and accomplish the "great destiny" for
scalps of their enemies were in every ,
which they are created.
wigwam. Triutnphantly rang the song;
of the chieftain, and thought' "Did You Ever."
the vanquished warriors sprang to their ! Did you ever see a newspaper corres
feet, fiercely brandishing the battle axe pondent who did not write to the editor
above their heads, and yellin g the war ' o f a “ highly interesting . ' paper.
whoop. ' Did you ever see a candidate for office
As the List faint echo sighed across who, in the course of his canvass, could
the bosom of the waters, a plaintive detect any personal deformity in the vo-
n - loan '
like that of the turtle-dove, was ters' children— or who saw any thing
heard from the depths of the neighbor.' else than "interesting babies" in his
ing wood. A noble brave, who, after' travels 1
joining in the exulting war whoop, had ! Did you ever see a retail trader who
thrown himself despairingly upon the did not sell his goods "50 per cent
ground, rose, and bending eagerly for- cheaper than any other house in town ;"
ward, listened to the faint cry. Again 'or a man disposing of his stock, who
it was heard. The warrior sprang for-, was not as selling off at first cost 1"
ward, and had not his intention been ! Dial you ever see a vender of patent
seen, and a strong twin prevented, he medicines who was not patronized by
bad thrown himself headlong from the the President and several members of
cliff, to find death or deliverance in the Congress 1"
waters beneath. Did you ever see a pretender, what-
In the wild uproar and confusion of ever might be his peculiar calling, who
the attack upon the last village of the was not willing to submit his claims to
Illinois, a young matron had escaped' a discerning public 1
with her child from the horrid masa- i Did you ever see a steamboat blow up
cre, and, concealing herself in the forest,' for which blame could attach to the sap
had followed for days on the trail of the twin or engineer I
pursuers apd the pursued, subsisting : Did you ever see a lawyer address
upon wild-fruits and nuts, bearing her , any other than a "highly intelligent and
child in her arms, and living only in the ' respectable jury 1"
hope that her warrior would yet triumph, Did you ever see a man removed from
or that site should share his fate. She office who was not "proscribed for his
had traced them to the fatal rock, and I indeliethienee, anal persecuted for his
with woroan's love in her heart. nerving ' politics !"
THE aghst•riber offers to the trade, or by retail
I_ a large and general assortment of the following
articles, being all of his own importation or manu
Buyers of goods in this line a. c invited to ex
amine the assortment. and orders are solicited.with
the assurance that every effort will he made to give
satisfaction and insure a continuance of custom.
Gold &Silver Lever \Vetches of ordinaay quality.
Do. do. do. of superior
Do. do. do. Anchors& Lepines.
Silver double cased English end Swiss verge
Watches, with light, medium and heavy case.,
Gold Jewelry in all varieties, fine and common.
Silver Plated, and Silver %Vomit.
Musical Boxed, playing 2,4, 6, 8 and 10 tunes.
Gold and Silver Spectacled.
Diamond P intetfGold Pens.
Mantel and Office Clo. ke, in gilt end other frames.
%N'atchmakers"rools rind Nt 'aerials of ell sorts.
Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans. steel Beads, &c.
Having every facility for obtaining goods on the
most advantageous te; no, corresponding induce•
ments will be offered to purchasers.
112 Chesnut St., Philadelphia.
Above Buttonwood Street, Philada.
'P this establishment may be found the greatest .
J variety of Plana and beautiful Patterns of 1
IRON RAILINGA in the United ,tates, to which
the attention of those in want of any description,
and especially for Cemeteries, is particularly invi
The principal part of all the handsome Railing.
at Lau. el Hill, Monument, and other celebrated
Cemeteries in the city and county of Philadelphia,
which have been so highly extolled by the public
press, were executed at this manufactory.
A large Wareroorn is connected with the estab
lishment, where is kept constantly un baud tt largo
stock of ready-made Iron Railings, Ornamental
Iron Settees, Iron Chairs, new style plain and orna
mental Iron Gate*, with an extensive assortment of
Iron Posts, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, drc. Alan in
gvat variety, Wrought and a ast Iron Orna mental,
suitable for Railings and other purposes.
The subscriber would aloe state that in his Pat•
tern and Designing Department he hue employed
some of the best talent in the country, whose con
stant attention is devoted to the busineva—forming
altogether one of the most complete anal systematic
estabi,ishments of the kind in the Union.
ROBERT V\ 00D, Proprietor.
Ridge Road, above Buttonwood at,
Philadelphia, Feb. 3,1847-6 m
Estate of Elizabeth Brotherline, late of
the borough of Huntingdon, dec'd.
XTOTI','E is hereby given, that Letters of Ad
lV have been granted to the under
signed on the said estate. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and persona having claims will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Philadelphia Advertisements.
Nate, Caps, Ladies' Mon, Boas, di.e..
To Merchants, Hatters, and Others.
Hat 4. Cap Ware House &Manufitctory,
No. 196 Market Street,
Second Door below Sixth, Philadelphia,
It EBP EU'iLjLLYlnikit attention
theirleand copleteockf
I HATS and CAPS, manufactured under
their owr, immediate direction and su
perintendence with all the advantages
of modern improvement. to enable them to com-
I the important qualities of durability, taste and
beauty of finish with extreme cheapness of price
An immense and beautiful assortment of all ye
' rieties and prices of Heaver. Brush,:- ilk. Moleskin,
Russia. Cassimere, Wool, Sporting and Ashland
l lats. Also, a general assortment of every variety
of CAPS—Otter, F. r pal, Hair deal Muskrat,
Plain and Fancy Cloth every 'style, Red, black
and Brown Mohair, Sealette, Glazed, Oiled silk &
Fur Caps
Ladies' Muffs, Boas, &c., ut the very lowest
• prices.
Buyers by the dozen or less, are invited to call
and see if it is riot to their interest to d al us
Particular attention paid to the packing of Hats,
Cape, &c.
Cash paid for Muskrat and Shipping Fur..
No. 196 Market Street below Si v., Street.
Philadelphia, J ly '2O, 1997 -3.,..
CIA 11. k` io
A. J.
Venitran Illind Manufacturer,
No. 12 North Sixth Street, (a few doors
above Market St.) Philada.
- ETAS now on hand the largest and most fashion
LI able assortment of Nit-row Slat and other
'Venetian Blinds of any establishment in the Uni
ted States. which he will lien, wholesale and re
tail, at the lowest price..
The citizens of Huntingdon are respectfully so.
Honed to call on him before purchasing el.ewhere,
as he is confident of giving entire satisfaction to all
who may thus favor him with a call.
Old ,linds Repainted and Trimmed so as to look
equil to new.
Orders punctually attended to, and the Blinds
forwarded with despatch.
B. J. .LI MS,
Xo. 40 Market Street, Philada.
(IFFEI . tti for sale a large stock of F:esh Drug..
k,) Medicines and Dye Stuff+, to which they call
the attention of Country Merchants and Dealers
visiting the city.
Coach. Cabinet, Japan, Black, and other Var
nishes, of a superior quality. Also, Vt hire and
Red Lead,Window Glass, Paints and Oils—cheap
it. than ever.
t;:f T. & C. are also proprietors of the Indian
Vegetable Balsam, celebrated throughout theitown
and neighboring States ns the best preparation for
the cu eof Coughs, Colds, Asthma, &c. Money
refunded in evety instance where no benefit is re
[Philadelphia, jan27-6m
Expaawm.a , a , , - , acias
No. 201 Market Street, one door above
Fifth, JV'orth Side, Philadelphia.
IMPORTERS lind Wholesale Dealersin DRUGS,
eines, Olistetrica I Instruments, Druggists' Glassware,
Window Glass Paints, Oils. Dyes, Perfumery, &c.
Druggists, country Merchants and Physicians,
supplied with the above articles on the most favora
ble terina. Strict and prompt attention paid to or
ders. Every article warranted.
JAS. A. TURNER, hie of V.
(Successors to Potts, Linn 4. Harris,)
.Yo. 2134 dilarket Street, Philada.
KEEP constantly on hand a full assortment of
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals. Surgical Instru
ments, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glass,
Dye Stuffs. Patent Medicines, &c. &c., all of
which they offer to country merchants, and others,
on the most advantageous terms. All orders, by
letter or otherwise, filled with the greatest care and
despatch. ChAUDILT:N U. LINN,
t.T.t3:iprolic•* - Agsrmii,
I.OR the cure of Pulmonary Consump
tion, Coughs, Colds, .dsthma, influen
za, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Difficulty of
Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side,
Spitting of Blood, Croup, Nervous Tre
mours, Hooping Cough, 4-c.
Proof*follows upon proof of the virtues of
Read the following New Certificates
M I LFORU, Perry Co., Pa., Oct. 1. 1848
Messrs. Robinson, Collins n 1 o —Sub : This
is to inform you that I uus afflicted for 20 years
with a violent pain in my limas', no much su that
I could hardly lot in bed at night. Cough attended,
followed by emaciation and other decided symp
toms of consumption. 1 applied to seveial eminent
physicians, and took n great deal of medicine with
out any relief whatever. I was advised to try Dr.
Daviex I.ompuund Syrup of Wild Cherry and
Tar, of which I took two bottles,uhich entirely re
lieved me of my complaint; therefore I can with
confidence recommend it to all who are in a like
er afflicted, as a most valuable Medicine.
JOHN Too,' KT.
The authenticity of the above statement is
vouched for by Mr. Isaac Murphy, a merchant of
Milford, who knows Mr. Toomey, and the circutm
emcee of his case. Mr. 'l'. is now sixty years of
Price, $1 per bottle.
Robison, Collins, & Co., Phila'd., gen
eral agents.
For sale by THOS. READ & SON,
Huntingdon ; P. Shoenberger, at all his
Furnaces ; Royers, at all their Furnaces;
Patton & Tussey, Arch Springs; B. F.
Bell, Laurel Run Mills, and Spencer &
Flood, Williamsburg.
Feb. 10, 1847-6 M.
TWICE'S blanko of all kinds for vent this
,J office.
Philadelphia Advertisements. I Philadelphia Adverti.svments.
PEROT dd. norrmAN
Produce and General Commission
No. 79, North Wharves, below Vine St., Philads.,
ARE prepared to receive all kinds of
produce on Consignment, on which
they will make liberal advances, when required.—
they trust, with their knowledge of, and attention
to business, they will receive a share of the patron
age of Merchants, Millers, and other.. They re
fer to
Dutilh & Humphreys,
Plan. Hollingshead & Co.,
Lea, Bunker & Co.,
P. & W. 8. Perot,
i'mith, Brothers & Co.,
. Rockhill,
J. & J. Milliken,
Francis McCoy,
Dr. J. Ard,
s 'mud 11,111 ken
F .1. 11.. if
P1,11(1. , 1 , 11,1 :',1,,i114 1847—Gin
, ;bseriber, of the late firm of
I Buck & Moore, takes this method
of informing his friends and the public in general,
that he has b..ught out the interest of N. L. Buck,
at the old established CLOTHING STAND, No.
254, Msnxt, STII F.ET. IPa ILAn ELPnr A, and is now
prepared to furnish all kinds of Ready-tnade
CLOTHING, at prices which cannot but secure
to him the patronage of all who desire to purchase
cheap clothing. I have splendid French Cloth
Dress and Frock Costs. from $5.50 to VS: do.
Pants from 75 cents to $6 ; Vests, born 62} cents
to $4; suit of summer clothing for $2.25. Also,
all kinds of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods at es
tremely low prices.
Wholesale dealers in Clothing would do well to
call at the store of JOSEPH J. MOORE,
254 Market street, Philadelphia.
may 19-If.
Flour, Produce and General Commission
No. 116, Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE,
OFFER their services to the Merchants and Fin
mers of the -.usquehanna and Juniata rallies
for the sale of Flour, Grain, and roduce generally,
in the Baltimore Market, and f om their extensive
acquaintance among purchasers and shippers, can
safely warrant satisfactory sales.
Correspondents will be kept constantly advised
of the state of tie Market. &c.
Refer to Messrs. ilson & Sons,
Isaac Reynol , 's & Son,
Davidson & Saunders,
Reynolds & Smith. Fs
and Messrs. Tingley. Caldwell & English. Phila.
delphia. [may 19-2 m.
The Grard Life Insurance, slnnuity and
Trust Company of Philadelphia.
Capital s3oo,ooo—Charter Perpetual.
Ornce-159 t bebnut Street,
CONTINUE to 'mike Insurance on Lives, grant
Annuities and Endowments, and to accept
Trusts from Individuals, Corporate Bodies and
Courts of Justice, and execute them agreeably to
the desire of the parties; and receive Deposites of
Money in Trust rind on I tercet.
The Company add a Bonus at stated periods to
the Insurances for Life. The first bonus woe op
propriated in December. 1844, amounting to ten
par cent. on the sum insured under the oldest poll
cies to 8i per cent., 7 per cent. &c.; on others in
proportion to the time of standing; making an ad
dition of $lOO, $B7 50, $75, &c., on every $l.OOO
originally insured.
The operation of the bonus will be seen by the
following examples from the Life Insurance Regis
ter of the Company, thus:
Aint. of Policy & Po
Bonus or nun payable at party's
Policy. Sum ined addition decease.
No. 58 1,000 100 1,100
80 2,500 250 2,750
204 4,000 400 4,400
276 2,000 175 2,176
333 5,000 437 50
Rates for insuring $lOO on a single life
Age. For 1 year. For 7years, For Life,
annually. annually.
20 $0 01 $0 95 $1 77
90 1 31 1 96 2 36
40 1 69 1 93 3 20
50 1 96 2 09 4 60
60 4 35 4 91 7 00
Example :—A person aged 30 years next birth
day, by paying the ( ;ompony $1 31, would secure
to his family or heirs $lOO, should he die in one
year; or for $l3 10 he secures to them $1,000: or
for $l3 60 annually for seven yucca, he secures to
Ithem $l,OOO should he die in annex yearn; or for
1 523 00 paid annually during life, he provide.
$lOOO whenever he dies; for $65 50 they would
receive $5 000 should he die in one year.
Further particula a respecting Life insurance
Trusts, &c., may be had at the Office.
R. W. RI ARD President.
.IN O. F. J e IVIES, Actuary.
Philadelphia, \ larch 17. 1847. 6m
or Physical Training, to make their
Ldrev in this World Long and Happy,
by the author of " Education: as
It Is, Ought To Be, and Might
Be," First American Edition,
with additions:
Being an elementary and interesting treatise on
Self K.,,vlelje. ontaining short and entertain
ing articles on
Food, Heart, Glands, Strength,
Eating, Stomach, Nerves, Recreations,
Digestion, Liver, Brains, Old Age,
Blood, Lunge, Mind, Man,
Secretions, A rteilisi, Senses, Woman,
Head, Veins, Health, Disease,
Together with the Great Secret—Success in Life
how attained—How to do Good—Causes end
EtTeets of Error—H ebits—Prpsione—Women de•
scribed—Men described—Man'. Errors-- Rich and
Pont—Sexes—Virtue and Vice--Youthful Error.
—Woman how made delicate—Woman's Virtues.
Ambition, dec.
The whole designed for the noble purpose of im
proving and extending education amongst the peo
plc, imparting valuable knuwledgon the physiol
ogy of the human frame and the laws which gov
ern mental and bodily health. eel etc.
cry Any person sending 25 cents enclosed in a
letter shall receive one copy by mail, nt five copies
will be sent for $l. Address, postage paid,
G. B. ZIEBER & Co.
may 26-47 ly) Philadelphia.
oC).This valuable work contain. (in duodecimo
fermi 177 pars,
NO. 87
North Third Street, Philadelphia.
From Dr. Hare, the celebrated Professor of
Chemistry in the University of Ponn's.
Philadelphia, Oc!.
0 Dear Sir—Having tried of your Ink, I will
thankvnu to send me another bottle, as I find it to
beexcellent. lam yours, truly,
From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distinguished
for his numerous scientific researches.
" Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati,
January 17, 1844.
Having used Mr. Hover's Writing Ink, I am
_ .
satisfied that it is the best which has ever come to my
knowledge. and especially is It excellent for the
use of the Steel Pens, and will not corrode them,
even in long use. JOHN LOCKE,
Prof. of Chemistry."..
Ilovetos Adamantine Cement.
From: a well known scientific gentleman.
" Philadelphia, Feb. 27, 1846.
Mr. Joseph E. Hover—Sir: A use of your Cr.
went, and some practical tests of its superiority, has
nduced me to recommend it to others as an invalu
able article for mending China, Glass or Cabinet
Analytic Chemist."
For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at that Menu•
factory, No. 87 North Third street, opposite Cherry
Street, Philadelphia, by
JO-EH E. HOVER, Manufacturer.
je9: jy 27:*47-ly.
IJAVE removed their Store to No. 116
corner of Carpenter'a Court, Philadelphia, where Ut
they are constantly receiving from their Factory ;
Also, splendid DECORATED FRES . 0 PA.
PER for Parlote. The latent and moot approved
ty lee of Architectural Designs, Columns with/
Capitals, Heaters and Paneling, Stowe., Pete' a
tale, Imitation Recessee, &c. 'Fhey are elan ME:. a
ing a new article of DOUBLE WINDOW CUR
TAIN PAPER, 44 wide.
H. & B. also inform the public that their. Is
the only Factory in the country which produces
many of the above articles, such as Statues, Pe.
donate. Niches, Fire Board I'rinte, &c., and
which they warrant equal to any imported. They
ate in possession of
Received from the Institutes at Boston, New York
and, being the high,: Premiums
*warded for paper Hangings by those inst4titione
for the last four years.
Philadelphia, March 31, i 847. 3m
Itteporianl to Stove Dealers—
THE attention of Stove Dealers in this place Is
1 invited to our assortment of Cooking, Parlor,
Hall and office Stoves, and especially to
Atwood's Empire Hot air
Cooking Stove,
As th bestcooking apparatus ever invented, it her
ing obtained a et lebrity. wherever it hes been intro
duced. never before attained by any Cooking Stove.
The operation of baking being performed in this
stove by hot Air. instead of heat radiated from the
oven plates, renders it equal for baking to a Brick
Oven, or to the Tin oven for roasting; wohin,-; tt,
unnecessary to turn or change the article while
cooking, and removing all liability to burn.
are desirous to have the Stove introduced in this
market, and to that end liberal term. will be given
to a responsible dealer, willing to take hold of them,
and only one will be permitted to sell theta in the
Wholesale , tove Dealer/ 223 North econtl 'tree
may 26.47.) Philadelphia.
Dr. Keelers Vegetable Pann• \
s- the removal and permanent cure of all dis- ;
eases arising front an impure stato of the Blood
and habit of the body, viz: Chronic a ff ections of
the Chest, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, Catarrh, &c.
, 4
Scrofula in all its stages, letter, Scald-head, Or
tuncores affections o f the body, face and at, era
... ...
ilia, Chronic Rheumatism, (heOnic enlargements
of the ligaments and joints, White Swellings,
Syphilitic Affections, Constitutional diaordere
arising from debility, Mercurial and hereditary pre
dispositions, &c.
Ty It is now admitted by Pathologists, that no
original temperament, complexion, constitution, or
form of body. confers complete immunity from Her
editary diseases; that scrofula, consumption and ,
other affections having a similarity of origin occur I
in all : although observation convinces uri, that in
dividuals and families, possessing certain character-
Janice are more frequently the subject of these runt
adios than others. These diming are n morbid coil
dition of the whole system of nutrition—these pro. I
' ducts being but the effects of an alteration of the
Illood and necretims,—the ulcers, abuses. enlarged
glauds inflainations, c„ bein4 mirely attendant
phenomena. The cause exists prior to the phenom
ena, and must be destroyed before perfect health 'l O
can be established. This may be done by Dr. Kel
ler's Vegetable Panacea, the most eel lain remedy
for all diseases arising from au impure state of the ‘i
blood and system of nutrition, ever presented to
the notice of the eftlicteil.
Prepared corner of 3d and South streets, Phil
adelphia: and sold by John N. Prowell, and Jones
& ,imonton, Huntingdon, and by Druggist. and
Merchants throughout the county. Price-4i per
bottle, larte size.
5.437 50
Estate of Jacob Van Tries, Esq., late o
Warriorsmark twp., dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Admin.
iatration on he said estate have been granted
to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said
estate ere requested to make immediate payment,
end those having daiins against it wilt present them
duly authenticated, to DAVID ROIik.SON,
DiSSOIIIIIOII of Partnership.
T"Epartnership heretofore existing under the
firm of Jones & Simonton was thistle) , (July
15th) dissolved by mutual consent. All persons
having unsettled accounts with said firm will please
call on E. M. Jones and settle them. The business
hereafter will be continued by 'l'. K. Simonton at
the old stand
A. W. Benedict,
ATTORNEY Al' LAW, Huntingdon.
Office at his old residence in Main street, s
few doors west of the old Court House. He will
attend to any buainess entrusted to him in the se ,
trill Courts of Huntingdon and adjoining teunths,