;real diminution of Sabbath labor on the part of VALUABLE REAL ESTATE TO I'' UR C MIS ER 8. 1 Trial List for A ov. Term 1 43. others, we fool it to be our duty to recommend to--New.-- AT TIDEING desirous to have me real estate ! companies and individuals to abstain entirely from 1ig.14 sold at a fair price for the times and of • I'lllB2' MEEK. ztor z all labour on that holy day, and by example OS well V5.44141 1 4.g,t , ftatir. paying my debts as far, and as soon as pis- I Walter's heirs v Stoner & Stoner Bible, I tmilt. this early opportunity to un- Ramsey v Gratius as precept aid in promoting the benevolent design IN pursuance of an nounce the sale of the followimig described : Walter's heirs v Stoner 8c Stoner ,we have in view. order of the Or- , property by the Sheriff at the November Hewit v Seeds Resolved, That we will endeavor to raise the sum Nt j , f e 4, 4 , b ans Court of Hun. court, now next ensuing, and most respect- I Bossertnan v Royer et al fully invite persons to call and examine the !Johnston• v Denlinger's ado r. of fifty dollars in aid of the funds of the Philatiel- ' lr. ' 111 4 tingdon county, will . 1. , - ' VI • , same. : Lex & son v Ennis et al phia sabliath Association, for the present year. li. s , iCA ~.,- -k• be exposed to public ONE HALF LOT, , Wharton's children v Swoope's Adm'rs. Resat:en', 'flint the pr.:ceding. of this meeting , sale, on the premises, on Thursday the 9th ~n „ .,„; „ , J f O'Friel's &era. v Hatfield aFob Lex on . the west, with n a • -- -- --. be signed by the Milers, and that the editors of this I day of November next, 1843, the following - tW,„ - ; • I; • Royer et al v Ake .. Huntingdon, Nov. I, I 9 43., couffly, be requested to publish thorn in their several ' uilding, with brick front, 30 by o 4 real estate, late of John Miller, Esq. of the feet, three and a halt stories high, plastered , ! Smith & M'N'unara v Baughman Reed & sons ' v Betts & CO. papers. i borough of Huntingdon, tlec'd., viz : from top to bottom, containing M'Kee & Hewit v Slionio's Ex'rs C All that lot of ground on the northerly 1!2 Rooms and two Cellars , Closed with prayer by the Rev. M. Crownover. Hoover v Royer et al side of lull street, opposite the Market JAMES STEEL, President. calculated for two families—splendidly fin_ . Raymond & Cu. 1, Huffman et al ;house in the borough of Huntingdon, Witt' with consists and dormant windows in Patterson v Cmild well George Th •u(,' 17 Secrete . fronting 50 feet on Hill street, and ex- front; with double stable, 18 by 30 feet, and ! Culbertson v Kemp et al --. '''''' —— -.-:. • ' • '''' ' tending back 185 leet to Washington atiier back buildings, and protected by a I M'Neal v Shore wharf 8i Wet high. I M'Connel's Ex'rs. v M'Nemara et al To Advertisers. ,1.7.1?.. Z --- oa, - -M-0...ta.a 9 1 street; bounded by Bath street on the . I Creswell v Kemp et al Advertisements must he handed in on Tuesday A*o TIC E . west, and a lot of Samuel Steel, Esq. on Two thirds of' a Lot, awning before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in .211 i OTICE is hereby given to all persons ' the east, with a large two story brick adjoining the above,. protected by a stone • SECOND WEEK. next morning's paper. house and frame stable thereon erected. wharf fia feet high. with a concerned, that the following na- an mg 0 eet ront y 0 cet Brick B . Id* 4 f f b 2 f All that other lot of ground on the nor- Holliday% Ex'rs. v Alexander Corn'th for use v M'Cartney et al -- ---- - --- - nied persons have settled their accounts in (C)'OATS and CORN will be taken, a the the Register's Office at Huntingdon, and therly side of Hill street, in said borough, back, with a back building Com'th v Ennis et al fronting 50 feet on said street, and extend- 18 by 20fiet, Ream v Kring'sAdni'r market price, in payment of subscription and job- that the said accounts will be presented three and a half stories I • I ' • lug back 200 feet to Washington street, Ling due this office. fur confirmation and allowance at an Or- ' g containing 10 Com'th for use v Jackson rooms, with large hall s , a u nd '' Piaza, and all Same v Woods !being lot No. 104 in the nlan of said town, v Price --- - - -- ' . plums' Court to be held at Huntingdon, in ' plastered, and a cellar under the whole buil- Lex & son boontled by a lot late of John Yocum on cling—cornish and dormant windows in front Kenip for use v Green The Death of Dill Johnson. and for the county of Huntingdon ' on - The lowa Re orter icesg this account of the %I'ednesday the 15th day of November the east, with a two story house, part log —three rooms and the hall splendidly pa- Baker v Benner p and part frame, and a blacksmith shop pered, and four Russian Sheet Iron Grates, Smith v Nl'Lain Okeumstances connected with the death of this next, viz : permanently fixed in the fire-places--porch Rogers v Hewit et al thereon. individual: , 1. Joseph S. P. Harris and Dr. A lexan- All those two adjoining* lots of g•roun . t . 1 to the back-building—also a back building Wilson v Commissioners et al tier M'Kainey, Administrators with the Com'th for use v Lightner et al ii The 'Queen,' ,is daughter) in violadon of theon the southerlyll'll • side of i sweet, in said Knox ill annexed of Aaron Burns,Eq.,dee, on the lot. One third of a Lot, Brown et al v Royer et al rules of 'royal etiquette,' contracted a matrimonial w . . who was adminiatrutor de bonis nun with' alliance with the son of a peasant, and taking ad- w ill annexe ,' „ I .' thewest,and ItfJ 1 M'C. I 0 feet' • ' aoo o in a ian on the 8i high, with a Murphy's Adm x v Magee the estate of Dr. John v Kimmy vantage of the . heroe's' absence, the knot was tied east; . each of said lots fronting 50 feet on Brick building 20 feel front by 50/I back, St win Baker, late of Frankstown township, dec.Hartley v M'Cord and the marriage consummated. At this very in- Hill street, and extending in depth 200 (being the store-room, and it is said to be the 1 . u ...,...., 2. Francis Christy, Administrator of v James feet to Allegheny street, and being lots most sple . ndid in the county)—three and a K 4',7,,` wresting Period, 'William' made his aPPear.ncai ' Ihe estate of Joseph Christy, lute of Blair v Hart ter et al half stories high ; the third story being in ` ' ...armed and equipped for bloody strife,' and with t o v, [l shii), il ec Vase LI. No. 82 and 83 in the plan of said town • , one room, second story in three rooms, first King v Hart with a large two story weather boarded ' Hall v Conrad's Ad'mr. his usual violence and promptitude, made the 3. John Burst, Administrator de bonis story being the house, partframe andparog, alarge lug Kurfman v E. Co bins' Ex'r. h t log, l . Queen' arise and accompany him to the maternal non of the estate of Samuel McClelland, STORE ROOM, stable with a stone basement, and a tan and all plastered—the store being furnished Overseers of Cumb. v Overseers ot Hunt'n Johnstoncabin, at the same time holding the bridegroom in late of Barree township, deceased. • v Brubaker et al yard and large Frame Tan House thereon. in the beat style, having the common steel- H irst painful distress, by moans a. cocked pistol, which 4. Danie I N ell', Jacob Ilarncaire and v Johnston had gained a frightful proximity to tit. person.-- Alexander Stilt, Administrators of the es- 'rite title of the above property is hulls- ving: with glass cases round the whale rocm, v Tlionipson putable. and 32 drawers, two heavy panneied coun- Ginter v Dorsey & Co, The lady obeyed. and her husband havingpro,, m d fate of Henry Nell, decd, who was one of tent, with heavy popular plank tops, each Gardner . Terms 'if Sale—One half of the par- counter being 36 feet long—also sash doors M'Cahan v Buchanan a rifle, proceeded to Johnson's cabin, and shot the the Guardians of John N. Swoope, a ini- v Cath. Cong, Holli hapless villian through the heart. Mr. Peck is now nor son of Henry Swoope, late of Bed• 1 c lase money to be paid on the confirma- between store and office. All the above ruaysbur g . lord county, deceased. lion of the sale, and residue within one buildings in one black. Adams et al in the jail of Washington . county awaiting hisM'Gary v M'N;mara et al trial." 5. Daniel Neil; Jacob Harncane and year thereafter, with interest ;to be secu- Call and see, gentlemen, I will be happy red by the bond and mortgage of the pur- to show you throu 1. Curtins Adm'r v Mvton • Morrow for use v John's Atlm'r Alexander Stitt, Administrators of the ea- VOHN BOUSLOUGH. s„,„ tate of Henry Neff, dec'd, who was one of chaser. By the court, Sept. 27, 1843. tc. V Same For the Journal. JOHN REED, Clerk. Lingatelt 1.4. use v Milliken the Guardians of Henry W. Sweetie, a .---.-- The Infant's Tear. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A.M. niinot• son of Henry Swoope late of Bed- Com'th for use v Shaver et al At the funeral of a little child about two years of said day. Attendance will given by ' lil ' -a—laC:::)1:9 C°.. " Cuthbert ford county, deceased. ' v Dougherty et al old, his little sister only between the age of three and C. Samuel Dean, one, and the survi -11 Oct., 1843. JACOB MILLER, Trustee, &c. oo wiri-Mroare. no Walker's Ex'rs v M'Cama ut four years wept deeply, and:refused to be comforted.' vine Executor of the last will and testa- iIItDESPEOTFULLY informs the citizens Blair v Monts Stevens for use v Green It was a holy yearning of the young heart, after the went of John Dean, late of Mortis town - 4.14 of Huntingdon, and the public in gen lost one, when we might suppose the mind incapa- • ship, deceased. CHAIRS ! CHAIRS ! ! Eldridge et al v Barr Marshall v O'Friel's Eseis eral, that he still continues the tile of comprehending the nature of death or the 7. Samuel Dean and W illiam Caldwell, The subscriber is now prepared to furnish Gates v Wheeland's Adm'r Tailoring Rosiness, sundered do—and an exceedingly mourning scene. Executors at the last will and testament of every description of CHAIRS, from the Same v Same at his old stand, in Main street, in the ho-- Com'tlt for use v O'Friers Ex'rs , plant kitchen to the most splendid and lash- Robert Dean, deed, who was one of the rough of Huntingdon, in the brick house Lowry's Ad'ntr v Lowry I stood by the grave, mid the thronging crowd,losable one for the parlor. Also the As the coffin was lowered down:— Executors .of the last will and testament LUXURIOUS AND EASY 'CHAIR Li t n o rt: a ti c , c l . .v a rn itet l i: t h , i tt e l s e : l l i t ul e lly t w i p i h e r o e s p t m :r:e y d ° f a f an,Tdoill.?ehmaiidamys McGuireil " al in d f for ru w v Chilcott 'Twos a child that fiU'd the burial shroud, of John Dean, late of Morris township, v Wirier. Ex'rs For the sleep of the damp, cold ground. deceased. FOR THE INVALID, V Male in which the feeble and afflicted invalid. with a call. ' 8. Samuel Dean and William Caldwell, Brady v same Executors of the last will and testament though unable to walk even with the aid of 1 crutches may with ease move himself from He , receives. regularly, from New York, Dempsey Scott • s New York, Parts and London S_ltelley v same of It &Jell Dean, lute of Morris township ' room tO ' room through the garden and in FASHIONS; Cleary Dooley V same v deceased. the street, with great rapidity. , and he is determined to employ none but the wag v 9. John Acker and Alichael Hetrick, Those who are about going to housekeep- best and most experienced workmen; and v Executors of the last will and testament ' ing, will find it to their advantage to give ; Ire gnarantees to execute all orders in his ." l ing v of Christian Acker, late of Aloodberry m a call, whilst the Student and Gentle- ' line in the most fashi•inable and woikman- Taylor et al m:n of leisure are sure to fiad in his newl township, deceased. Y like manner, or accordin wishesl ftet I gto the and , e ue a invented Revolving. Chair, that comfort 'orders of for use JOHN REED, Register. w hi c h no oche,'article . of the ... . . orders of customers. kind is capable ' COUNTRY PRODUCE will be taken, Rogers Register's Office, Hunting- of affording. Country merchants and ship- at the market price , in payment o f wom k McGdpin don, Oct. 18, A. D. 1843, ? pers can be supplied with any quantity at ! d one at his shop. Johnston for use short notice. FOR SALE OR RENT. • AJIRAHAM McDONOUGH, continuance of Thankful for !ma favors he solicits a Bartlett ' ' public patronage. Weight . No 113 Smolt Second street, two doors 16, 1843.—tt. Hoover That well known property called the 1 , 1 „,. D ,,, ; , r i • " August . olintelpi• iia. Shafrirsville stand, near Waterstreet, will alay 31, 1843.---1 sr. - tie offered for sale or rent, at public outcry, on Saturday the 4th day of November next. Umbrella, Parasol 4. Sun-shade -...•••...-- Eff....alinTliAßQ)l334 o exposed to sale collectively. Should a No. 493 Market Street,—above 13th, , No 4 Sorb's. Fourth street, below Market, sale tint be e ff ected in that way, they will PHILADELPHIA, Omit be tarred separately. 'file real es- Philadelphia. Respectfully invites the attention of those tale independent of the Merchandise, con- ' JOS,A 11 W. CLARKE, who buy for cash (as he sells on no other data of , terms) to , fo r very large and splendid assort ( Successor to R. &chic.) ment of Hardware and Cutlery, just re fl(1) AI, Cl 9 lI.CEa. al Respectfully announces to the ladies and ceived from England, in addition to his usual PUBLIC MEETING. or the best quality of Lune Slone Lan d gentlemen of Huntiugdon county, that he has stock of • ' Boroughof A meeting a the citizens a theA good two story TAVERN HOUSE, a constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a Foreign and Domestic Hardware, large and splendid assortment of Sun-shades, of the best quality. 1 large convenient slonehouse, , Huntingdon, friendly to the measures now in ope- , „ ,••,'' Paras•ils and Umbrellas of the very best and sufficient STABLING ration for the promotion of the observance of the 4' . i ! il l , I materials that can be obtained in this mar- elsewhere, h e e a r r e ne a stl d y r i tquests er thern to examine er . 4 ` for a number of horses, &c. • ket, and being manufactured under his ini- t,aummsteli,etlhoewnetsot Sabbath, especially along our public thoroughfares, . prices at which ah a t t l e se r ;c sc an Where is also a fountain pump at the door med i ate superin . tend . ence, the quality . and call notwithstanding the distance and until- ' was convened in the Presbyterian church, on Fri- • .wor :inauship will lot warranted equal, it not of never lailino• limestone water. And fluenced b th • ik f• t * t I d I y e nal, s o in el es et . day evening the 20th Oct., amid organized by cal-' also a .:, . superior, to any in the city, at the lowest . • never fs:htne stream of water passes eis in the same business, and enquire the ling lames Steel Esq., to the chair, and appointing ' - cash prises. through the premises, sufficiently strut). V.• Merchants are invited to call •nd ex- slices a the same goods at his store. l 6 G. Taylor, Esq. Secretary. The exercises opened ' . .. . .e. . a It is his fixed determination, and he wish to supply a timothy or many other value- amine the stock. es it Si) distinctly understood, not only to sell with prayer by the Rev. Joins Peebles. ti , e and profitable machineries. Phil'a September 27, 1843. 3m. as cheap as any other store, but positively I After an interesting address by the Rev.O.s. The conditions for the above will be — Powell, agent of the Philadelphia Sabbaths Associa- made known on the day of sale. WASHINGTON HOTEL. His arrangements are so made, he be don, the following resolutions were moved, and af- The store consists of a quantity of MARKET SQUARE, 11 ARRISBURG, Pa Neves, as to enable him to do so, and yet 1 profit. At all events cash snake a smal . .. . . , calk ter some interchange of sentiment amongst seventh .Illerehandize, The subscriber respectfully announces to his purchasers will bud it their interest to persons present, unanimously adopted: of the best kind, well selected, and bought friends and the public generally, that he has HENRY L. ELDER, Resolved, That whilst we recognize the Divine on the lowest terms, none of which can be taken the above named well known Tavern Stand, (formerly kept by Wm. E. Carnp,) Cheap Hardware Store and Nail origin of the institution of the Sabbath, and cone- considered old stock. The same will be where he will endeavor to serve those that Warehouse, No. 493 lharket Street, quently requiring a most sacred observance, we per- , sold at a very liberal percentage 03' the may call upon him in the most satisfactory between 131/a and Broad. ccive additional reasons why it should be kept holy, first cost. manner: The Horse is centrally and plea- Philadelphia, Aug. 23, 1843. in the happy tendency it has to promote order and The terms to be one halt in hand, the santly located, anti is furnished throughout _ with the best of bedding and other farniture, Estate of Rebecca Dean advance the best interests of society at large, as balance nn the Ist April 1844. and his accommodations ale such ilia° make , well as the moral, intellectual and physical wo n-be. Should th e rea l es t a t e Ho t b e Bald, the ,it a convenient and desirable stopping place. Late of Tyrone township, deceased. ing of individuals. purchaser of the tnerchantlize shall then irp No exertions will be spared to make Vera() FICE is hereby given, that Letters whitgreeale in sill its . departments to those 4\ll Resolved, That the history of mankind presents have the first chance to rent the stand.testamentary on the last will and tes o may favor him with a call. Persons desirous to embark in thetament of said deceased have been granted instances of the evil consequences of neglecting the FREDERICK J. FENN. to the subscribers. All persons therefore Sabbath, too palpable and numerous to allow of a Mercantile Business, December 21, 1842. indebted to the estate of said deceasd, are doubt that sooner or later the visitations of Divine would do well by securing the above pro- requested to make immediate payment, and ies!!!!!!licivortake them who set at naught the perty—for it has certainly many cotter- ROCKDALE FOUNDRY all having claims to present them duly au -1 thenticated for settlement, to ber the Sabbath Day to Keep it ' niences and advantages. It is located on precept, area meinJAMES MORROW, Ex'r. the turnpike, end but ii hew hundred rods Alt HE subscriber would respectfully in- Holy." form the citizens of Huntingdon and the Sept. 20, 1843. 6t Tyrone tp. a. from the Canal--and surrounded by a rich "Ll` -. . . Resolved, That the prevalent desecration of me ' ' adjoining counties, that he still continues to -- • and thickly settled neighborhood. Sabbath, by travelling, and by the transportation ofcare ofbusiiiess at the Rockdale Foundry, JUST received, and for sale, wholesale Sale tocommence on thepremises, at _ _ . . .(lover Creek, .two miles from Williams- and retail, a large supply of Doctor Merchandise, on our rivers, lakes, canals and rail- _ _ 11o'clock A. M., where due attendance burg, where he is prepared to execute all and Bal 1/11 CT I• sam of i i , terry—a .o, roads, is extremely alarming, as being productive of will be given by the subscriberi, orders in his line, of the best materials mind . most unhappy cowequenees to religion and morals, -II I LEM AN, TUSSEY & Co. houck's Panacea at tune Huntingdon Drug workmanship, amid with promptness and de- ---: .„ , , spiitch Store. 1110 s. READ. and to all the best interests of our country, and cal- Shaferscille, Oct. 11, 18-13. —pd. He will keep constantly on hand stoves of - ______ colored to call down the wrath of God, and therefore .__________ _____ ______ every description, such as Estate of Nicholas Hetrick, demands dm active interposition of the patriot . 9 .1 1 a 74. ,c' ' '.'T7',5374.17. Coolthis, rot Vlate, wellas the devoted of the Redeemer. THOMAS DOUGLASS. GUN-SMITH, Parlor, Coal. Rotary, Cooking and Late of ll oodberry township, dec'd. Resolved, That we hail with jay the introduction IVood Stoves; Notice is hereby given, that letters testa aIe4ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, of organized efforts for the removal of this great mentary on the last will and testament of the t 5,74 and the public generally, that lie still Livingston Ploughs, said deceased, have been granted to the evil, and the Betiding of Missionaries along the line continues the above business in Anvils, Hammers, Hollow Ware undersigned. All persons indebted to said of our great thoroughfares, and especially the man- .lIVCON AEL LSTO IV N, and every kind cf castings necessary for for- estate are requested to make immediate pay ifestation of a disposition by numerous transporta- and is prepared to manufacture all kinds of gee, mills or machinery of any description ; went, and these having claims or demands tion companies and private merchants to co-operate Guns or Pistols, or to make any necessary re- wagon boxes of all descriptions, ect. , which against the same are requested to present in this benevelent design. pairs nine, :my article of the kind. If careful can be had on as grind terms us they can be tt em duty authenticated for settlement, to Resolved, That while we rejoice in the strict oh- l nt' ii n patronage ill merit success, lie hopes to se- had at any other ictinch•y in the county or MICHAEL HETRICK, .Huston tp. e tt u t r e etl ' etrimage of the sharp shooters of state. Remember the Rockdale Found' ry PETER SORRICK, lfroodberry tp. 'anyone° of the Sabbath, by ono of the lines of this county. - WILLIAM KENNEDY. I --• Executors transportation, sit the Pennsylvania Canac, and the October 11, 1842. . Jan. 11th 1843. --- , i 4iksto t f , E..-,_:.: .A: FJ ' ' ' cEpliaco oTlaDuazzaam.a. WOOD WANTED. Wood is wanted at this Mike in payment of sub. geription, advertising and job work. And among the throng of the solemn mass, That mourned a neighbor's grief, Was the sister-child of the loved and lost, In tearer had sought relief. Four years had 'not come to that little girl With its culture or its care, When she tasted the woes of a bitter world And shed that mourner's tear. As her soft dark eyes from her heart fill'd ere With its waters uncontroll'd, I thought of the sundered tie that toro Her bruised and tortured soul. "rwas the last, hard cradle—sleep of him Whose prattle had tuned her ear, And Laura wept !—and her eyes grew dint As they laid her brother there. Few may have drop'd a single tear; Few thought of that grave-scene more— One wept, at least, for her Howard there, 'Till her infant heart was sore. T. P. C Huntingdon, October 29, 1843. Oct. 18, 181.3.-6 t pd The patrons of W right's Indian Vege table Pills, Will also bear in mind that the directions which accompany each box of I Pills, have been secured by copywright, and the proper form, viz: " Entered acs cording to the act of Congress, in the year ' 1840, by William Wright, in the Clerk's 081ce, of the District Court of the E.is : tern District of Pennsylvania," will be i found at the bottom of - the first page of ' said directions. Thus it will be seen, that a trifling at. tention on the part of the purchaser to the above particulars, will put an effectual stop to this wholesale robbery, and drive, it is hoped, all depredators upon society to an honest calling. The following highly respectable store keepers have been appointed agents for the sale of NATURAL pßiNcipLgs. Wright's Lanus Vegetable Pills, of the North American ('allegeof H lth It is written in the Book of Nature and . common sense, that the natural vegetable , Henry Huntingdon. Leaniollida3 , s. productions of every country are, if prop- B. F. MI, Antes township! ' g ' erly applied, amply sufficient for the cure Robert McNamara, Newry. of every malady incident to that clime. , Samuel S. Isett, '1 yrune township. Millikens ec Kessler,Mill Creek. WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS William Stewart,_ ea . A.& N. CrEsswell Petersbt •g• are founded upon the principle, that the , Gemmel & Porter;Alexandr u ia: human body is subject to but one disease, . Moore & Steiner, Water Street. viz: corrupt humors, which, when con& Joseph Patton, Jr. Duncansville. ned to the circulation, give rise to those R. H. McCormick, Collinsville. disordered motions of the blood called fe- Offices devoted Willet, Frankstown. to e l x es c a lt l t e si a v i v i i c? ' ret i t iP e N s o sie 2EB vets; but when lodged in the various parts i the medicin s e v ,t of the body, are toe cause not only of ' Greenwich street, New York ; nod No. 198 every ache or pain we sufir, but every . Tremont street, Boston; and Principal Of malady incider.t to man. fice No. 169 Race street, Philadelphia. It should be remembered that Wright's N. H. The public are respectfully in- Indianformed that the fills made by one V. 0. Vegetable Pills are composed of , Flack, and sold by a man named Pat lc,r, roots and herbs, which grow spontaneous- street, are not the genuino Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills ; and as ly on our own soil, and consequently are in so admirably adapted to one constitutions . that, while they cannot possibly injure even counterfeiters and their associates sell at the most delicate, a perseverance in their halt price, it is absolutely impossble for , to hae the enuine tediciol. use, according to directions, is absolutely them certain to thin disease ()revery name from 4 * Be v particu g las in al l l t cases to ne f a r sk sa foer die body. the genuine Wright'a Indian Vegetable Mien we wish to restore a swamp or Pill'. morass to fertility, do we not drain it or November SO, 1842. the superabundant water lln like man EXCHANGE HOTEL ner, if we would restore the body to health , we must cleanse it from impurity. HUNTINGDON, PA. IVright's Indian Vegetable Pills, will , PETER, ravnvasizoN, be (maid peculiarly adapted to carrying co ß un e t s f e tt e n t (Ttt public generally, ;Jr l ' ; . l ut. this remov . e'd to and ap ic en g er r rooti t e ' rt4 c ;e u i ' i s t o p u ei t t a b l i i s grand cor,up p t u r h i u ly n in o g rs , biencaaunseeatshyeyserix, and large and commodious brick building natural manner, and while they every day situate at the centre of the Diamond, former- Gave EASE AND PLEASURE, I ly occupied by C. Coins, where the " way worn traveller" will find every attention that will ni n s t=gt w h i i i s i c rc u c n e v i vience and cenifort. the constitution is restored to such a state : of health and vigor, that disease will find , c his especial (men no abiding place in the body. tion, and shall always be abundantly supplied BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! ' with the best to be hail In the county. As the great popularity of W right's Indi- His BAR is furnished with the choicest an Vegetable Pills, has raised up a host of Vk i ., s_nd Liquors. ii,?it•helmikallstLcl,,Nails and bc: t i. t .t , i ii n ti tl e te ) ) s l t .t li c .r e s , against impostors, e c will always be in attendance; and the hoar travelling are aa about icautioned the country, selling to the unsuspecting pledges himself to make every exertion to storekeepers a spurious article for the render his louse a "home" to all who may above celebrated Pills. favor him with a call. The stranger and It should be remembered that, all who the t e tn . 1 ) :=T:,!, , ,;1 , , , , , ;, ,i , , , , ::, , i t , i , f , il , l i - Ore sell the genuine medicine are provided t Ce ' l He tenders his tleu . iks ' ao ' llis t id t c; c 'u ti e s: with a certificate of agency, of which the comers for past. fav,s, Suit respceatillY SO !UllOWIR4 is a copy : BO ARDERS will lie taken by th Li liz its a contintionce ~1 their it:an:lag, MS is to certify that the within na- Li med -is a regular and duly appointed Y e ri m i r l ; s o 4 r 3 w T • -Agent for the sale of Wright' Indian __Y " __ • . Vegetable Pills, in the town of -, in N o'6' i C 1- . ••, the State of --, and this certificate, which ALL persons who know thrmse Ts in. is &veil by Win. Wright, Vice President 'CA nebted to the subscriber for subscrip of the North American College of Health, iiu. :alvortisitig or i ,ot, %((hk, sic t, quested that actin. , t a t b t tit,t , k; payment immediately, If not stoner, . .. p t leave these " ei l lgins" in must also be countersigned by Clerk or Agent, from when% s.iid certih- 1 • i snot t tim e cat's is received V same ✓ McGintie et al ✓ McKee et al ✓ Walls ✓ Howits Thia certificate of agency will be re newed every twelve months; theret6re, if any alteration should be made in the date, do net purchase. 'file public are further informed that all who receive Ow above certificate, at also equiretl to foIlowin; 0:7" PLEDG E. -co This is to certify, that the subscriber by certificate bearing eycn date herewith, signed with the proper handwriting of William IVright, Vice President of the North American College of Health, - been appointed Agent for the sale or WRIGHT's ING/AN VEGETABLE PILLS, Or Indian Purgative, in the town of --, and State of -, to hold and continue in said agency during the pleasure of the said William Wright, and no longar, any thin; contained in the said certificate signed by the said William Wright, to the contrary thereof notwith standing. In consideration whereof, I hereby covenant and agree to and %, ith the said %r% illiam Wright that I will not sell, or expose to sale, any medicine hear ing the above or a similar name during, my said agency, other than that which l re ceive from his authorized agent or agents, under the penalty of five hundred dollars to be paid by him, as liquidated damages. of itness - hand and seal, the - day for- one thousand eight hundred and forty -- *I hus it will be seen that the friends of the genuine medicine may he perfectly free from any apprehension of fraud, as all agents, who are provided with a certificate of agency, have invariably SIGNED THE PLEDGE not to sell any Indian Vegetable Pills'es• cept those received from the above named William Wright, or his authorized agents. Country agents and other, will be on their guard against travelling imposters, and remember that all authorized travel lirg npnts are also provided with a coil. Licata of agency as above described, and that Pills offered :Mr sole, by those who cannot show a certificate of agency, are Bare to 5e counterfeit. It will be further observed that all genu ine medicine has the title expressed in NIL on the sides of the boxes thus: WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE:PILLS, (Indian Purgative) OF THE NORTH AMERICA COLLEGE OF lIE A LTII F. V LVERL'IMIT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers