Erie weekly observer. (Erie [Pa.]) 1853-1859, August 15, 1857, Image 4

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thri. • VinraiitlNe •
Does any one know who Lord Raglan *Jul—
Was he a General under Cornwallis in the Rev. ,
olutionary war, or did tie fight Napoleon in Spain,
or who was be? It is so long since one heaq of
him that perhaps none,,bnt very learned persons
ought to be expected to remember his history.
It is actually twenty months since he died; and
twenty months in the present age are as long as
twenty years of old= time.
The general ides. circulated by the French and
English press during the late war was that Lord
Raglan was a slew coast' The Baron de Ba-,
unites says thid. His staff officer says, on the con.
trary, that Lord Raglan was really a fire eater;
that he insisted on the expedition to the Crimea
in opposition to the French; that he insisted on
the rapid march to Sebastopol in spite of their
objection; that ho wanted to assault on arrival,
but was overruled by his allies: that he urged
an assault after Inkermann, but was again
thwarted by Canrobert; that the whole tenor of
his intercourse with that unfortunate officer was
entreaty on his side, timidity, indecision, and
delay on that of his French ally. We have no !
doubt that the staff officer is right Pelissier
was the'only man of rim the French had in the
Crimea, and he and Lord Raglan were always
fast friends.
wa4 a man of extraordinary good nature
and =liability. Never once durieg,. his many
disputes with the French Generals did he offend
any one 4 In his own army he was beloved.—
His own carriage w's always used for wounded
officers; hiq servo is and horses were perpetually
at work for other people. staff were furious
eorrtespondents of the Lomita papers
for abasing / hint; their censures never ruffled
him, nor .d'rd he ever retaliate in any way On
one occi(sion when a party of lookers on crowded
unpleasantly round him at a battle, his aids prof
posed to order them tiff. "No, no:" said Lord
Raglan with a sunk; -we wilr get under lire,
'and then you may dernd upon it, all who are
not obliged to stay will depart." The staff inev
ed forward accordingly, and in one minute from
the first shot there was not an "outsider" to't'e
With his comrades-in‘arms by was gentle as
a woman. ' When Caurobert gave up the cow
mud of the army, he continued to treat him
with the'satue respect as he had paid hins,pre
viously:, which so affectell the poor French gene
ral that he could nut helcsaying, "You, 'milord
are the same to me id adstrsity, as you were in
prosperity; it is not so with other men." Even
in dealing with -o intractable an imbecile as
Lord hucau, and so tirestonea bungler as Adini•
ral DuudaQ, he was alway, kind, and gentle and
considerate. (Yoder, fire dsring an, action,
never noticed that men wer shot down by his
side; lint—atter each affair he visited every hui
, pital and vraunded officer, and was happy a, the
elder Napoleon in his expressions of sympathy
This habit of his getting under fire was Si) in
veterate that the French used to say, "Milford
rather likes being than othetwise
At Inkermann he was exposed during the whole
action, and a party of Russian riflemen made a
target of hi, :gaff. several officers had
fallen, when., one of the survivors ventured 'to
suggest to his lordship that their position was
dangerous, "Why; yes," answered Lord Raglan,
-"they seem to be firing at us a little, but I iP
a better view of the battle from here " And be
staid where he w,s to the great discomfort of the
It was at the same battle that a sergeant of
fasileers, drawing himself up to salute Lord
Raglan as be passed, had his cap knocked off
by a round eh it The man picked up his cap,
dilated it on, his knee, put it on, and completed
the salute. near thing, that, my man,"
said Lord Raglan with a l i mo. "Yes, my lord;
but a miss is as good as a mile," said the ser
At the ill-starred 'assault on the lgth of June
Lord Raglan and General Jones took up *Or
position 'n a mortar battery Shot and shell
came flying round them so thick .that Lord Rag
lan misdeal! his officers lid down. He and Jones
leaned over the parapet to watch. They talked,
we learn, very calmly and' quietly - while that ter
rible assult was being made, with the round shot
ssia Minnie balls singing incessantly round their
heads, till General Jones was knocked down by
a piece of shell One can fancy the feelings of
the young officers as they looked up from their
shelter at those two weatherbeateo, grizzly heads!
so cool and quiet in that terrible moment., and
so unconscious of the hail of shot. Even Napo
leon required to allay his excitement by taking
- Now that our European friends are at peace I
once more, they must look back, one would think,
with some feeling of horror at this war. There
was young Tyron—a ootineetion it is believeli •)f
the famous Governor of more than one or the
American colonies just before the Revolutiou
a very fine fello,w, we are told. He was a dad
shot, and, though he was killed at an early part
of the siege, be boasted that he had shot with
his own band over a It andre4.l Russians. At
Inkermann he toolt up his station oa an emi
nence, with two men to load for him, and shot
from thirty to forty Russians in little more than
This staff officer was evidently one of those
gentlemen who, the papers used to say, couldn't
breakfast comfortably until they had "spotted
& Russian. He says quietly, "A man in the
rifle brigade made a good shot to-day. Seeing
a Cossack Tartlet on awhile horse at a consider--
able distance he thought he might as well knock
him over. He accordingly fired, and the man
fell the horse trotting away. The distance was
said to be upwards of 1800 yards." The staff
officer is impartial in his oomOendation. lie
adds that a Russian did just as well a day or two
'before. "A French Officer of engineers was
making a reconoipanee of the enemy's works at
a distance of nearly a mile. The Russians fired
a gun at him,' his leg was taken, off by a round
shot, and he bled to death before he oeuld be
taken to the hospital "
Poor Lord Raglan! Up every morning before
daylight, writing for an hour or two before brtalt
fest; ifter a hasty cup of coffee, visits front quar
termaster general, adjutant general, general of
engineers, officer commanding the artillery, coal •
missary general, inspector of hospitals, with each
of whom there was business of isportance to
transact; then more writing till 1 or 2 P. H ,
when the brigade and divisiof officers well re
. mitred; this over, he rode till dusk through the
camp, visiting hospitals, camps, new regiments,
sick officers; then-.sore writing till eight, the
dinner hour; after dinner, business with th staff,
orders for the next day; and day al as it
began, withbirritiog often till past toi ght. A
contrast thin sort of life, with that of e coin.)
manderssin-chief of olden times!
Stich a labor naturally fell heavy on a man
who had been in his prime of youth at Water
loo. Cares and trhipeties; the clamor of the
press at home not t tnrosturaffi, though perhaps
unjustly, making him responsible for the faults
•••• -e system; the loss of friends by daily casu
wore.the old General greaten". /away.. -
t is deeply effected by some of the latter in
'ideate of his life. Returning slowly and sadly
to headquarters after the repulse of the 18th of
Juno, in which he had seen Ida friends slaugh
tered, and the prestige of his army almost brok
en, he 'found. on irrival that the mail from Ship
land had just arrived. The-first leites he open•
ed entained the death of his only surviving
sister - .)
Thin 7 Fsesteonrt,.lol old_ and dear .friond;'bell
helestessly ill. load Andllsament - to wee his,
sod took leave of his devil odifeeted: He in,
tended te have gone to his' funeral, aed dressed
f ur an pupae; hut aa- the last onoinent,bis for
titude tare way, arid he wee trite overeome.—
The hand of death was upon Ilenselt. That
evening be fell ill, Two days afterwaids, hav
ing sunk vertiter, ihee-Nolleeted his reinainiog
strength, sad told Col. Steel, his secretary part
ly is words and pertly . by signs, that he thought
telegraphic lamer sitonld be sent to Eoflatid,
Psinisting that a new eennnander is elm( .be
appointed. The morning after his den* all the
general gillesn collected - a:Quad his bedside to
aloe Ma beep then was sot ow of the gray, Baird
old soldiers who did not give wax at this sight
Pekiiisier stood for wore than au hair at his heir
sideeryitig like a ohild
Of this great man, who is Jet destined to play
an important part in history, the staff officer tells
a story, which, we believe, has never appeased
in point before. On the morning fiziqr-for the
assault on the Mamelon, just as Geo Pelissier
was mounting his horse to witness the attack, he
received a telegraphic message from the Empe
ror ordering him on no account to assault the
Mamelon, as such a step could not fail to be at
tended with defeat and disaster Men Pelissier
put the message in his pocket without speaking,
went off and toll( the Mamelon; then, on his ri -
tura home, showed the message to his staff
THE DEAD MAN'S CASTLE -- (110 Se to littah
Territory, northwest from Sacrament), is a curi
ous rock, called by its discoveries the "Dead
Man's Castle." It stands on the edge of a deep,
precipitous cannon, is %bout two hutolr,•l f.. t
long, rises perpendi)Fularly to the hei: ( ht Aev
enty or eighty feet; and at a dititance look% a ,
though it might have been the work of antique
giants, who had si t ufi turrets awl dug ,tit
notches like windows A stunted e. dar stand•
segtinel on top, but it is of I, storm beaten awl
drooping, and threaten's to total:11c down Al
the tr ttom there is a small grotto, some tweEty
feet in diameter and extending up, probably,
nearly to the top of the rock, whence desc• tol. a
small stream of wator, Which has dug nut a little,
reservoir at the base The voice of au , water is
sweet and musical ; it has been singing it, slue
notorious song there for a thousand years The
natue was applied t i it l'roru the menu:lst:int. E.
of some hone, aupposed to be hoopla, beilig
found in a caAity of the roes.
A ".11.kuti SitEld,”—A ;hard shell of a In.ti
ieter down South, rec. oily: comment.' d his *sc .
(tours , a. follow- :
"Btethereu, rut gwitte preach a very plji
tairmou W day—ilue that every woman can iito
derstati—from the text—
" An' 'now 1 thee, lady, Lhat we iove
one another '
"Thew ar's the words youA find tu the - ou.
eyt d ,•baptor of the tWo epd .I,•hu
wa. ,)tue, time h. 1.•
ed that he mount IL John, ehat,ei I
oi'LNl\ , ,
‘t Nu. ..C. Itertit► lii•ek.!ttlxtr i.. 1 1 rel. I- tfc, l'a
R..•n,ng a Large •nd w e ll -t.,cl I
Ihr,t fr.•ua g. 4.14 Ll' )14rolf.trtikrie*,*k l ich ' o I. A .•
in .
I. k Dr: l'ilVOTtEtz..: 0 AITER -i PLAIN AND BONI. It'
-zt.liN, TIE:. AND Bt. ,ht, \., WI. ;t- TI. It TIE- .
Omit,. Patent Leather, Calf, Om iii, i c-rgre•• liAlterli
O.IC4rA Ties, Slipk, rte Meer, ~ :t .1. and
i'- i 'f, Kip and Atop' B 'A+, Chi en'. Shoe., of
every desertptton, t.1...i her .k 1 every
usually kept i' 4 th„,i and
Shoe St .4r.
All kind,' of work made to order ou rM.rt noii.
0. c ockNir if .01? 4 ..
0 . . . ........ .0 •
•;,.41 , 0
_-: `, • 1...
I gill
,•!, . ,
, .....• t!
1 / 4
i * • I :-. I f Ail 911111 ..$
• ir .
. -
.. .
. .
• ---/ -7.. \
- •
. ..., zi
Anything in the above Line
a . . i=a.
No. t,.Meyeteae Sleek s State Street,
Ante-sly oppoirit. tke /unmet. of Ledoitll, Kepi, 6Co
8,41. Pa-„
" I jciFAV I r
Ici gAlisat,
I/ROL/OA/I A ;mi.Au.
No 5 Reed Howe; Erie Pa.
Chii, Der- Glass, Perfumer., .corrrical sad apse!
lesstwwwwls, Trustee. Supporlees, b- miss.
Pere /fuss h.! Leiesorel leadeeai Asepses, 4,
W. would cal. lbw attention of the public to the lett.. and -II
1w1r , t..1 •toek of itE.DICLNIE3, 'LC., which we lure on
Land and will sell at the lowest possible bruit, country Mer
chants Ponlif do well to else ties call, as we can furnish goods in
our line at New York prices. All the popilar Patent Medicine* ..1
theday, W notarial* sad itetsul at Proprietor. prices and Just from
their head& Being young men, and haring no sympathy valtkioist
fogyism, no matter from what siurce It remelt, we shall artye p
leaf rather them be led. Please Owe us a rail, as we helve h 7 stmt
attention to Dustups to merit 'lllB liberal patronage which. his
thus far been intended In oil r business career
Yr* Fib. 21, 14;,7
dam Baah , Blind and Door
34UiCE8 CROOK & Co
BUILDERS and Manufactures of mind, gash sad D our P. 141
it between lth 6th strettst.rti Pa.
All kinds of butlding Lumber taken ld'earbaufre fr I A., v
loan tit," of clear 1.0.110 6 00111 d Plne Lumber f..r which for
highest market price will be paid In mist,
JANIE , I. I Ft(W.K, W‘f I ,
L., U. *.)olt R, ;SA WI. hi ,
Feb "PI, I ii 47 RICH ARD PrrF.
- Lumber Yard Removed .1
TfiE Subscriber hos rwanTed na , L ember Tatd to the fio of
French Stroot,.—Esot Janos' Doc*, giber* be Is prepare 4 t.
toi .rm y =latest as prim to CASH far go ,n i r k or
in. Whiff. Wocii7 Boar: 10 &1Y rt
" "Cbaar Plank,••
&XS, 47X6, 7X7, White Wood enlumnf, ln & ft ;
li. la. 1 4 veamerrif R. AM*, 10 k . 12 fr.t lone,
13 k 13.nrnes Itl 12 G.a Iner t
4-4 • Cherr, Board. 10 t lone
4-4 inch Whits Wood 80111411, 10 k 12
3 k 1 1n hick " thick Plkuk." "•• • ••
k., 1 , 4, 1 ' 4 In. ttuck 16, 12, 14 14, an.' 1.. !vet
long. Bns, Jk.n , l7. 1.5,57 F. 1 s:A•44.
E undersigned thankful for the general patronage which the
IL citizens of LEI, and rteinav have heretofore ,1% en hub. seowld
resptietfully tiitonn the public iksat he now hits and sill keep on
stivatly on Land
Plaster in Bulk or Barrel,
of tbs best quality, at the ?Limon* or Goal Was. 9r st Lip CO9l
Yud oo Eighth Stemt, k.ast. of King', Malt House Fanners, no
is the time to
by using plenty of this Terelltzing mourn. It will pa, our m ,, or
back with law pronto. Also the bort
Blacksmith or Douse Coal!
bald constantly on band: warranted to ere satisfaction. or mone
refunded. and pa for all trouble, on return of the coal_ The posi
tion tot Pint turd It Ulu rerj beat !Akins eltv hvlng on a level
slat tie kand. thilWe Li so long gad Mete hlil Co Cur ouver n
Eigh Street and the CanaJ,,
of Lora Ron Roue,
toteOrio . ko buy your Coal, where you can
have it weighed' on s pair of Fairbamk's Hay
Scales, sod save one -Hendliug.
Cosh It!pt , nod no other, whish ars Um best in the market
GZIC VII A CA/64a_ Orders as Os met througlt the root
or to the Coal pies of
iris, March 7, 0 lit67.—ly. 418.
MX) V. M. ?HOUR •
---- 1121 RI
urANToo, 30IN000 fest of good WHITE W and CUCI.7II
11l BSA rtoome, Lig inahra *kid Ito WI lochel
oddest owe Tteinting Milton If.torrenth
Wyo.* 111411
.. -
.. o I whoa it, may •• • •
A .1.14 persons wile know themeless toddled tollairsbeesibere
.11. either by Note's, Book Amount, sot ltottAettist palm p. r
IWO /11108401 012 or before the lent day of Aprillvest=tes Sr
s o seosts wlll be left wi th • Amur or OE . A 1 p fir
Me, March 11, 11167. SIOSNBTT, BA 0 "
T MeV_ OI L.-409 along f^
Le Erie, 1.110, MT.
Park How Book Store.
Ayam larirs Melt tot I nialllllllllll sod Retail Trade, o f
kind, just naselved and fur male cheaper than inner, by
Ray 2. 11167. 1 1. LIVIN.
ASIMr some ed yliorto i se, nut, Allege r Rao, asid Lon
wogs Pruitt, to to told Tory low tor Cosh at
:19,7,C s sllll:Cifilizi
AGooD_ApookummT or Pala LO4 itiltiand and
hour stns r R I
ll* MO,. BIM Mir MOM.
. ,
~- 7
.. '.. Ff. a 1 r. ;,..
'1 , ,
The rnsuranoe for own and Country !
/1111 E Krt., (1.4141, gli li
tll 11.tstanme Cota.puty .-..1.,..-• 1..
..L. , iu•ur..,,•....,, 0, . . I. -.•nption .t pr"pert, , ni 1 , .4 . . .1,
'.etttttt. at am le a rate.. a. ate ...,tototent nth are,, rite Iti,tka is.
'll r t.1...1 .at,i t i.. 1 dais.. a., ,Ix th... V4rtnor .. in *loch rain U‘nr I. '
tn. property and dolling*, eAI I eel or u, .I . from ..i poits rm. A
"" '""ir /Al l l4 AillijAr• , llllLberVAll, ..1,./.. 'moun d ..I ptoporn ...
Lai ,r.d. 1%416E4. I %Agar 110piiitmoti Motet I.i.k. N. r 101 , w. '
1111. I th..r
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let,. I tI.• lib, rat I v 411uste4
F r 1•10, ..n tn.•, I.l.lldiew• nut nth., pt p,rt • • .1,
tow i 1 1.1 lint, Clint,,, tar • 4.0..1 tom ptr mato, I
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Th".pht/ 1 PaJi4.l
it4 , l%rrt Bart.,
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* .F ire 4:::1;: IL2 ;7 • I
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;4" •,,,t; •pirrt $40,( 1 .0 , ,d-raror, larrotittl
t 11:tfit it` \ r t irlllNCE Atilen, flra
f r t ;
ir. Co
forsakeby that* or gallon.
I , i it 1.. 1 ! ' ' I: -
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1.11., 1 fled, i .ii.i.ktl A , •ticir r
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Johnl.,rl,ll, 1,. , II F 1 Pt ornAP,'
lel i.„ a sr,l, ..r.ror , trirlL
f oli
FA war4 i ptlin ct
is i !Pit.: ih I,
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2,,hr, TAler. Jr
Pr H H Huvt. I/.
, 1wt044, Melts so,
IsOri D.
A „. , t•ti tw Intl. t
Carter's Female Restorative,
A bt b . -
Carter's Anti-Costiire and Liver 'Powder.
r ith .....,,,, 11, \. n,..., ti4l. 1.34k/il , l Li, 1./ , ‘ • " . iirit..i. , n. ,
, it . . , AVIV , A, , fiinniii , iit ii Ell 11 f
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•Atikriliii , «I- n , iirTni , 4 'it in,. friiiiiiiin iini4ii. Or no•ftsrn•foo• f• it ••••••-'
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.._,I ', ir I , 1 ' s 1; 011 , ft , it ', , I ~,i rtf f Ei 11 , / .11 , 41 ,, •
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I ',./-,1,011' . lid Anti-C u :thee. an,/
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•• (TA •• tri 101.4 r eallherw. Ile, .. •mal tit.... tilttinti. I •.
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... 1 e0... m.1.. , • • •I•• ' Inns. 5.01.11,1,1 I . It, f..r.r. Al t lir.• . ~ , , 1
r t .int• nr , ll , ltl. oil, IS (111.,.. •111(11(.I.• • III( /II . : :1611 , 14110110.(111
A M 011.... ...... oart.l 41 li..t.
lartlojytt, a- , 41. M
nit 1,..w ki,tr....
• tio. women ..1
iktinels Itarrl is.
Otsrz Stnroe on
ti lois"; Efoards I.
1-4 litch cherry Boards,
• an.! 4.llnctl :Iran:tore Board•
4-4 .41'1, men Black Walnut lit.a^ , t.
Pine, Clear and card quality Bonnie
innto,o‘a) Idy Inch Pine ,ningle4, Kona t no•knes
,ttrire, at Seitlen s Hardware Store, Erie, Pa
Ens, toc
_ AN . Befit N.
JOHN S. DYX LS riffs Al - 11 1t 1 It,
. Wh., ila, .had 111 years' tiperienee as a Ban.
ao ker, and Publisher, and Author of
~9, A ~-.. frOrtaree rat Vas.. p i rrilti j T,,,,,nosth
gt 4 wh n, for 10 ineeesilve niir 're, over
9 l iio,ooo PeOpin -et
4..0 tireei.<4 htih . with Rouetie of ApPlaape, while be
ex I,,hited l manner In wkiirn Counterfeiter. ehecute
0 their Frauds, and tari Stared sad Shortest
0 Meaty of ih r tvrting anew! /
CO ,
~.... The 1110. _Vote Enyrarer: (111 ~131 that be et
'''''' il • r i• I 1 I e f P . V
c I. :/ r 7 . 1 rS • 14 ,
./ 0 Op: r. 7 Lirin g ,
9 . 4 • a. ; .
1 -p.g.wm tnz ,.. , ~. Esgst
Sal ? I i • - 'I ,
' i liTlCtil C lII' '. ''.llol'll
hen nhing F:•ery Genuine Bill in r nirtenre, and Eahrbit•
at tglanne 'ounterfelt In l'irrulstionn
gl Armored nu idnurald•, JEA` , Y an.
• 17" Su Index t 0 'summit NO milli to hunt up'
Hut •dmphned and and areltnred, that tLe 'Merchant, Bank
CS •, I linxineme Man ran 14.• •ll •t 4 Claire
- _
ro9/ish, rreorult 41.41 •
4 4 1 '51n5• Each luny read T tbe wins? l a W. Own Ni nsf‘e
• 1/ 0 4
C '" ? Most Perfect Bask Aloes ,List Published.
4) All All the Private Bankers in a. Americ
k t plot, Sarrmukry of the Isx.krwe or I !tore ArD
Ar rtt,cl rill bepubluawkl to cacti rdltion, loirr•thrr vroh nil
ttnpurtsait aEWS Of THE DAY Alm, k AERIES (.1 ,
161 roru Lc. ~id If&puerript!ousd the fit, It (hr.
tt, 11.0 ( mu r d e r. „1
1:41 ,hoo rams; , i, hoot Peryleako.; Pt... Mon. 111 erbioh 0,4
Laaiia awl t;nntlemva of that tountry litre been eo often
Aki, f•mscul.'l.ere St..diehrig v. , ushrimOthrovighost tbe who/.
a p ,
lear ;a ntl e.j.: pr A. th• Nost Rotertatufnit her offered to the
O_ ;Jr we- 10 , tt. son.rnbor% .uly, at SI a year.
-tlll.-ttera must kaurema4,ln
JOKY N. BYR, Broker.
Priaprietor, 70 W•Il Street, Neer York.
Metalio Paint
Nvl ,ffir If re e Mtge sluardtty‘ci th i Ls lt, lasinutactarrd
. , 16i the , rfste Pk P 4 4 11 42V441111 1 .2. Mu* aa r g a paint
/ iner thsn *h *
i, e ill End this the moat SZ=ancl Shea 11aeg
An OAe se it eurpaees . In Bode, Depth and Richness of 4 ad. any
colored I aint in itar. Ibe following ram tr of volor enable us to
Stilt the taste of all
Rhin Ober,
()ramp Trap, Dark Bream,
. itl I, ttr liffl U MY (1 Mr
Eri, Mar :ln 10.57 ATE.H. ART AL ' , INCL./a
Umber — Wanted.
WE silt ler the highest market price In ( aah for
)0,000 fe..t tall , I 'I thick 10 feet long
b(1,00U " `• Ili " 12 " "
0110 ' " 14 " 14 0 "
50,000 . White Oak, 11, • • l/ '• • '
60,000 ' .. 1 +. "
samad growth tram snood, toogk and Moug ht rifted lop Also,
for 50 WO feet o f eh - M*4M Aftei and tough White Oak and Hicko r y
tog" 1 ~11 and 14 •et .ng tellveresl at our yard in Erie .
I nee Frh 111, late 3 4t) qE, DEN . 1 / 4 LANDMERE.
Sedrhaem li s ae l attt .— tat illetP Ll Meert it t At
En. Nap 30, IRS" J 1 1 Axsom
vir g wilt par e t 'fi and the Islgbeet market prior for
at OM Tim nik.r149)4411111.612i40i5".. ~ I
Bait ft Niobium 1 1 41v41
iir t Stock
Fu . 5kt!..4 1 g....!§1. 5 p f . ,la )41.4 mph Stock,
_ 11 41_11 .1 5i .../ 1 -Al ~/ .. A "IP." _
' SW4O NG Oil 1837.
LI t % 1113 ,) , MallsOhMilfinviPaper. Hanging% 1 roskil
IL in, 'Will. alterg eft aoltakr old customers to some new and
,Cr.t,s4rable Ntylei• awn imperiersee Jared from 11-dore,lhor
sale at 1... prima b. J C. 86.1.D10 f.
ON /4 • S UI - 1- 4 1 is t. 4 ,
. l I KS.-11r Jame. Anson 'a C , eletmated Female
Milk for remorin&ubstructloas kc.,
r fzenjhatssrer M
4 M.—
or Sale at Noi. 6 • xis f*.....ty 4, a, g# LDWIN.
-rfl.., Martha. MA , ...7. i
L - ook Here!
TH E .10 , crit4 . 7 .11 , 11 1 / 4 informthe publie that be has removed to
t1,,,.. , ,,,,,,i o n t h e corner of Eighth sod Stale Streets, where he
may be rowed s all .: roeeries, Fruit% eatttikeet*fiaung-up" Pies. In
ea reetnnem alb. op‘n.l time eAtnine•-etitat LP, the Sunbury aad
En. Rattrunkt-- he to. Allan t ht repleemb his she)yes with the "finest
an , l belt ,"a a To/ varnr.t,, .1..1 r. s "ever) body sad every body's child,"
oi l be him a gall. 11. iIIAIDWIIii.
. ,
Erie: April fs
A161)1104; KURA Nalfrirrib7ll-0111.,by
the ten-el or fa/lea, at the Aare of
_ilure 1 4 wales a 1111017111:1t
limlll.' I' —A,
liDee. we." artielr urelnciunati Whiter Bo oda for sale
, HI, JAS. S. II .
e Z47 e: *Md. JOTS
t% . \I thr , , 1',.. t
ier , • f ' , Ott
1 c 4 ~,t i
l.• Ct tnpn
$i !h et rev t, •
'llrUgl receive end
'wing ktude
Y feet Inng
11 .10
1- Au
i\ s, O.
tr. 11F
Pitxsf,oi tT a e it ir= of Treat-
her. allbitet Oil VIIInb there Is so much OUnerno‘ ell, among
t hesetirl .ser• and• that of OW MAI
It F. I'. 0 . boo: of phi sic.... est. bluster, bletol,
calomel .s.l Istadtbit drugs Utitil the ,ouliding lottient sinks
under their w • A b„,,jdb i . 4 t,,. the praelltfoner w tll tollpits
11131 the pollen • 1
• tutinnalleuht not tewr tn./A:newt, when the"
h,..s were the waamet se be boron eves ht owe to On
' health- • •
• en could [laps rte.,' on. to ”upPrfect
•mother pcb.4 • tom:tare t.-11 you that aut.,
tit cure all the tom:dm:op a vex. Still anoth. r adminislars
kerb., roots, and on on to the end of tits chapter. The di .'riot
wools betas. as 111111D8f01111 aa theirtheorles.
hew Hooligan Franklin, by the simple torane 14 hue kite,
I.t-ught the electricity from the Iles. ens, the world sundered
slat as* he would make of tt, What 14 he do ‘i Ile, the first
;Ling, as the benefactor of Meaksa4 applied Ittn Oro saving of
life from dtaltructiots I that subtle tluitt electrlcay. And
erkift IPA eetstaakable aupiladti tmobtilets theitskeiritn..nts
Istria fir tut Grua Tame. ot Llighttuall Auld atom of YruL
Busts, the ilLteeeeree and makes of the t r ea t ELEtt.
'CHIC OIL. Prr.f. Grath's experiments eornineneed 114 . 0,
means years ago and hare eons on orfttl vith rears OF toil and
nueentitted exertion be has produced, at Philasielpida, the scene et
ranklin't soca% r a wonder seeen-I only to that of his went fur. I
en nosy
Than this asitouishing AlinliallAror of th• Ws mud 1 ,,,,, s ~, u,,, fi
there does not eitsto more nierit••nous niedi• ins, nor •I Ur %Weil
tis...lrasra such universal and 'au:United testimonials lil Us favor
from ail who haws given It a simpl• trisl 1“ Clengralatn. rbp,l,l
I...htors, Congressmen, Nsrors of clue., Hotel pnopmetote sad
nret-slaea Merchants, in t h e coos of imuti duswowe and aikotioassis
the following—not everything—Rheumatism, fe ss , and R og ,
p s .u ssa s, Goat, Neuralgia, LO•lber, 2 Jekatblis WPosal sad thotiebk
•sl complai n hi, Tic Doi" reu t, ileadacu, Cramps, Croup, Piles, Felons,
.pains an•l Bruises, CUL/ and Wounds, Swklied Wood; Still Jolla%
••• rofula, Erropelas, sore Nipples, dwelled Hioisids Womb DM.
. nave, unit Rheoni, Cooker id the month and steowicia, Palpitation,
i.rupliona, Caked Breast s quinsy, Wore Throat, Paley, ki tur , ss ,
ese * Lot; Jew, art Hera , Tooth atot harmehe, Neriba.orsa;
. 00tir.n...., BUM .re Gums or,nil inhumes, kr
A. 4au e taniple th• estimation In whir& it , is toad by one of the
shoot J orMta and. tors no Ma, kr,
in ibis country. w• will tie r
. let ter rereired by Prof De Ga.fivu,fr‘im Job* Livingston, Kw},
Editor of the well known Monthly Law Malikedtie s 167 liroasioay,
N. w Volk: • word of such testimony is otwasret weight among the
~.t dam... of the rounder, than volume from unknown &Gorr...
uta an kronen,
tiny 7t 1868.
i'r,f Charles Dwitirstb—l freely giro it ms my *Moo thlit)utur
e Electric Ott" is among the most wuederfel inesedien st ar deco
runes. At the earnest reticent of a lady who alloyed she had been
r= of a zonal. "unto! allectioin ht its use, was loduce.l to try
, thoteterat'the This* of' pars hating, I Mlle bellevtel it to be
a gaud{ amoodicilift 444 4 Watch peony hurobee. Wit& trial einDrlnto
tty r t doe s poems • motor , ~, .'ref, aod Its use genre a
blown to pearling humanity.
i"rmently tea &old tram sloovtag istblonailkeete, so 4 neck
hnennew mach souse and notattril, Anal onsid vaot lora my
After owing, withoul nevem, weery - thing prerertbed by my phym
elan,l 1.4 evening tried your Electric 011. This morning I and
.711 • ill. relict Mining b,en as complete orp• was tostantatte tt os„
Yourefmtry trate,
Pips tiviNGsTOS, .
LW Et MOW a f
Mr. Ltt esrectica *longs to the old wealthy and highly swaparnabla
Amaliee of the ant settlers of trw York. Any moo call sldrits•
:Ow on the sub ret of the abos li•tori, which will be answered with
‘1 , 41144 1 2 , 431118 , hero eine waren ournionlawe ti./111.1 of
. • it rnaki — thit •
Nzt.At'oti ctil4.4
ILay Plat. ;
?foe. IR tiaattl.o-' 04 ..01) atlt street,
lhaee a reeratiabla rate lamely Abseil! Lair, of Plttaburgla,
Ma 1 • Tr:, soollou tool pamfol tritn•l. I applied the oil pots..nali3,
hteh pre instant relief He has recommended the oil to others
tel , ted with the results were moat facl•fre,-
, Yowl‘vvry truly,
IlfklitKOCH K. 4,1 'LK, IL 10
Dr Kr) owr ,tauds It, tirst rtuk.r, fats profriuti .11 ill rats
Ihe 41 Lasing thernseirm and some ul their Luutk. been
htsl.grptrrdulMalraatbe tidtpdt i4riptu "peak
.t la at utade life a burden and impart.) their uaefial
in tflr ream:, hare not been Isearattrd ersemellag
tialaalles of !urtietthg thiag peoph‘ net ik• elsnd gentle
nom, stow letbseirefg.!hitsh bents, to an g • number
of rrof. Deta(nthlrcarat and pamphlet, and handing them person..
all) to mambos,' of his eke:m.6 and ot the Isle Contemne. of the
N. E ('but 10
i s nfhanthrito,
Jl4n. Pth, 14:05 S
Nue! Da Gitate—lly dear sir mum% inforto t 1 1 1 i.
effeet• I have eraperienced^i putt Poeta, bit. I har«
be. n terribly afflicted for tboleett learr put with Neoralgta sou
other complaint •to h w rrtnot haw tqt rattatinrs been Wag
I na.. , lw.,n nable to wall two plume's! wilbent Orspiong to mat;
and for hie y searsl Woe mot had a good POW. test, befog upAltVe
to• sleep from loon Abend the Ed of thie month I stosonsessel Luting
our Yleetric tak! !, a's•ot tea drops intarrasity stet spislual
t.. the UM, t lumen' part. On the nowt sight
I.etter t:isn 1 tout ilon• ler many retro, and bow, tit - thread atilt
um,. lam li•e a tie , . ion con 'leen well, watt any d,..t4n 1 ,., t oo
aft nit" ml dultata. Your Ott-ba•%g dose for tne In this enort
1. hat the rutin Medical Yam: alien ot Use Kew York Col!
thoheine and autw of tie Jefferson and thettneytemonlet }An
!Lel phta have (Ailed to do in 13 1,4111,
310 :loath etre.; Ptb 4.40p411 4. 1 7i /
A"' lart. ku nbo
ir information if grantlid br mittr
%%. :” t I.lg a 1.., fruco • Alorebaot of :se 11A..14
1 YEAR • I/EA F \TEAS crßen
•Lw Harty , r '
alai Jbt )4 IVre
IwtGrwth--My brother has been deaf three yearn A fter
taytww many thins+, he tined your Oil • few owl., weei k erred Alm
- From 31err-haot lo lkraadt4a tia,o off ht.' rrutebos
in m anautes
July 11th, 1•601.
Prot. DeGmth,—Dres 11 stuck a 1.1: t L. f..ot ehd
was waskie to walk wtthmat the WM of a crutch, v. ben bribe
application of Prot. Chess. Deg; rattes Electric. 011, he wpa Immedia
tely relieved of pain and could walk without the use of the crutch.
I believe be wm sexed from becoming permanently lake thereby,
I would therefore, trrommend It to 1.11 whops ema a of complaint tt
professes to ewe.
.1 , 111 ARNOI-D,
We tot too adietatututo with these leriers fpf+atimuny, but
orporml, aeOttreihel Iftedno 11 who hike
IS theme who bare dem *MITI It 'for hemselres.
of thin (haat Dets4 bee jkels cpaspec.dented, hal year
Wont, area 11R15,1100 er'elfeelic" and Wheeeretk 4 known,
there It to used. PwreeM Ladd k Co., of Rkhmond, bought last
- $1 16. of Nee r ork 12suno worth
aer,14,000, Peak, pt Clumnnatt,
' , mange all over, the 1 oiled
Irtiaprot• ears, It Immediately
ail g n. ere darner a Park, :C. York,
pal r. the. teri ,of a frightlully swollen
ant 1.. nod, la Museum, mired ,1 N ours,-
ghi; .. V. Vrunder. __,, ... Fayette street, Philadelphia,
evmdiv day , Chart" Gweneer's tern r•hlldren, (and WO ethereal
nand of mpg, Prinoid mod rostre streets—lds ells of Nworaigra
June. II ,E d ui. Nobel, hetw,eu nth and Tth ids., Rheumatism
ettreel In o Way.. Jacob treteell, Plienond street Germantown
Raul, e ask Gen, W Ward, £w, , large Furrtlahlhg )t"re,
I th...snot t II it emred him The lite.... of PiUshougii, eye It
acted li a corm a ill) hail, and man, l'iy !titian{ are it, and
many oil rut notices nate neen ' olu ',tartly gi ren this naarttorious
Balm—i lanai "Wubingtin Star, - ". I,eland I:comae." Phil&
etelptua, • York sdtd 114,400 papers, although we bale pritifernii4
mot to . not ities. CO) inf di
on « medidine Itself!, bream. we
Irsow ti t itiaa he Merit, fire samayerrillee, rt wwdlil it,. Sown
mower by harms it noticed ber and its Merit. This 111 an expensive
preparation to c.,rilhtne and put up. and w. ,- cannot shout t., T A T i n ,
pulls, Wit those Doctors who uni...itcLui, Are ino•tiy composed of
wallow. Thia Oil autoot he ahlterated with ani thing that would
cheapen it, without epeeltngit. (.apt. Jae. Si. turner iil N, y e a
city sa doe hurt hla Welk, soukd not walk --wrote mg one effectual
rubbing with ttuetrit ',red arm.
(. telloN Ft la "A i I..TY
As there have MIMIi sprung wp many luso ttultatilom. of wy
s.rticle, wbirh the dare call lileetrte oil, I deemst well to put
the public on trot" fund ISsesstlis Missteln Oil as hartneless
sweet sasulogne, and always leases you better than It fuuu.l rutu.
One bottle always pamluats an Chet, "Item* oomph. to cum lima
must be aura thereforre. that eon ask Gtr and set
the name is blown 10 et ery huttle.--tnns, rya El.
The genus no u Pohl Gy
I . I* Martinson. .treet, Baltimore, i
( SAO. STOTT k Co., mid other prn.c,eise e , x atithisieu d , (,t ,
YOICIILL, LADD i lia , Richmond, Va.. X.& /cosmos is Sot, i% ~e .
told, iia., and J J lit Nl', Frederick. Yd„ mid Ifrrlggillra irk ever,
Wwn in the t . States , km2l.
A LallTstuAflaCtikrit--.TYYOkSATefir
a Hoinalbl ilk in Erie POB,OO Each
el 1 Holmes, Lot k Horn do 162' mo
47 building Lots do 1. pm 14 laie
I Euisdre out Lot -..ditli i t I.a tn. 4111 Si (MO
1 Partici Viti acres 14 0 <lean , : 111 i- , 2 Bang i-heide so .W. four
!nautili= Neat! AWL, Imo tom.-.. 6( ii:. tier acre
1 hasp 6U mirei24 l , males from Incl- , ,
8 Fiso mire Out Lots Cite ed Iftroes % i iskonaion
26 lii.jooki City of Liman 4O) "
340 Ow Of a . err choice 6iipienhe Lazo!, Mitchell oo limit.
in 6:rie coat
Aim, My eielsotied Manobiningsnet ostatiliaheoesit on the I ~,o1
2 lot, kr , kr , i*t 402 Morehouse*, large Nair Hewes, Kline nor a.,
The sulamereor let i n debeinamei t., , aril, , in the Ranking
fittarnella in dn ze Clfy ir, up:Nn the expiration nf his prw,..nt
Teem of Oak* as Preth, her leave In call the at lien lion of
those wanting real Mate to the shore &nimble pmpartv—Tlte
lalibal aonve eel its bailee.* ia Co Indureineli se.l.lonl tf
ever eeltead, Won ene of the West, some and wine ilorofitable
Ineeetemente teal e.tild be made.
The uhaeriber will !PI! eberwar Limb ntbstat WO na the uno.
Lavaca e terms Lad ,tire the most tiareanalatawbtatilleis--•'‘ of t 1,..
Palmate money require 4 demo and Ilehenee le 4 ecoia annul
Brett ePee. 13,15.:4.
;A. FaNt..
Oiraar & A ven t
- ir kkirttlit -, trit Win
xius, PA
J_ J. Duncan, Proprietor.
T HIN Jamotobr u pt has me been molt thnrnaghly cleanaed
and tie Proprietor reepeettully spikes 4 call free hbefrtende anti
tine neralllng paiiie esaeragb haling aeaared that he ma gm, Vile
*band intigeetion. Cbarget enemSerate,
litrie r nat 1. 13UL 1.12
B. TO - UV) - T — i I B — RTES — CUB ------ 011 - I,Y BODY ! 1.
le atateely netneaary to say that our ware stock of Goode
usee consumed by the late lire in this dW. Led vs Wet almost
raged front attempting business win; but throe Ai the en
couregenteert 'teen by kind Mende, sad the sollefbegion of our
meal old customers we bees been indoeed to try one/ mom hop
ing for better lock Inlet thine. We would therefore ail to the
public that wehave just and at No. 2, Reed Rouse, as entire
lon and SrediViltook. at Gmnrips,
Justin= New York,looropriaing, every thing la ode Itae, w hien
Wit Will Sidi dm* for rout, pay„ sinti, resporly op= the eYet
;stunt ors rnefcm• public is, orteadhig as a of their
patronage. arnh a view in that way of reatazing a perrtioa of our
late and heavy loss.
' Erie, Aprll 4, il r, ro i Zr t lr t BRO.
-N B,—Don't forget the place, Pie. S. Reed
1 3 0 1 ,
.0 C.=. l lt g ." "" airt.'„Trga
erplital he Shoes Iseso .three cent catehiann2Xethtnbag o
Introduce, Mist 111.4tekeeer ita. Per °stet, enclose
stamp. for esitansisese.ass. Address
tree -- T. L Walt& Bat N.. 6, lAwro".• Ma..
_ .
11M ten, t gtjoq wi 41.0 to the
pelt L e forlire a l / 4 231 , a0 for the charter of • Habil,
Aida* /Wis " trith a qspital arra
,isosi !My thollissad liars, 'with pima] istelstsg prirt
114Sasd this-sity sd Eris, Pa. t, „ O C.
Ri c ,
•.. t 6 4;ar b s i Zeit .
about 6 m. Sad mod, rut to 'this
A rn.ICAISON Viki D. 46 1.)
of Penner l
•. • 41,1 *. alb otrt 'WWllon'for The leeo l g a ntost of a Ban& to
be located at Zne Nona., to be called no Coal & Lumber
Dealeio Rank" vial a espilll of Tyro Dutaite4 Tbo boitara
W. A ftWrIWN, .1013 X X
a, Hanisburi, eadaista tI 111b9,1 Can.,flort, &way this
aad rear* ealmmuse usiaavaand
aale at the Grocery Depot of
- ff„ RAMO&
Alteirirr AND" eirtnAtA T D
• - -t,•
A •
4 ,
A I ..,-
4 . 11 N
Ae, NI ate corefortree as as ;NT/Tit/owl /ha
orders. Pyirepeits, Wiens ate/ GoplaScriptiolo,
rottemeowe !tie/whew, Yana' wad Afar, Coeur.-
,o•not, Pike, Dysentery mu/ I,horrhtret,
Worm c, Neat's,
Neropme Debtlitir, efe, it r„ sad
a *woo Preweeithiee o J
In Introllueing this remedy more gensmallig to an labelligent
pootk, we eootese nor &Beate teenage, there being en many pilie
trim". the people that are recommended s,highly, yet possessing
in little real" hint.. Indeed, we cosset blame the patient ler being
ekeptiesill. We offer the Autumn. .1 AP•91•111 LIPS PILLS on a more
ettensive orate, Bier ea hare hotted them la the worst forme of
(towline, and slier having been arced to bow by eminestphydesana,
who I name tried t heep to their siasetiori. Performing CUM When.
or, I dlier remedy had fatted, we feel it oar entente ditty to spread
the glad intelligence to every family *Otte globe: We ‘all mann
beton. them in immense quantitiett, to navel the demand which
is *wrote. iteeif upon we from all parte of the tomtit:iv Th'
parr the opefen fbarerghlte 4 all nerrapt kswears, penetrate sad
pore& the rite/ Jhosita, owl the cern". asowlissia orsreploorsi with
rich, leeeelther bleed. Parfet/lief trees rpm. deoaysag with /woos re
restored to a •••li'ltet rigeeseut arisen, owl elesteteoe walker./ es if
ke mope, teat - tog the erste. m • robust easelaseet, sod teat pre-
ihrPood I. r.wrsit Aware wreio. ratatorer !sod Possessing
sash penetratingand healing virtues, their success most be IneVlt
al.l.o Wn a vow IT A . ..NW read It Id the now glowing frailim
the onre pale and prostrated patient we eau read It to the friendly
creep of the father's band, and in the tonthees warm teems cif joy,
SA titer behold their darling child matched from the clutches of
death by their powerful licence: we eau read it In the younz man's
gayety, and In the old man'. yt , , : nr and "and Wee roe:" we ran
mufti in the husband's and wile', gratitude, nod in the children'.
' , battle: we renamd it away out upon the brotena of the ocean, in '
the apt Ighgy tread and invigorated eyetetn of the penteenaliner.—
Yet, and we Prtmetinte• fancy we ran simnel read it far up In the
blur moor or heaven, in aunts of living tire--Dtsditat 1s vii
Three Pate hare heel" used in Japan for centuries, and it in an
established fact among the Faculty of that country, that it fife
thin reason that Criesrupartne I. never known to her people They
are a sore prerratere of this horrible Atoms Wiitthoroidy parity.
rag the blood Mat s cement deposal corrupt natter es th.
leAkil form ter inherr/r. The plants from which these Pli.t. are
made are found PI efficacious In preserving the seetem in a healthy
elate, that the natives chew the leaves and 'mallow tbej nice; and
when they grew nactectfut of this habit, and contract disease, they
resort to the Mlle, which hes ever parried a sure remedy
?beer /termer Putts, are also an easystfitaWe remedy for fausaltall
euffenn g from suppres,ion of the, LOSOSen, the atone of on many
derlinee had Amnia areskisewerar The ;mimes thanes that attar IS
children ere quickly banished by their healing rirtues. Indeed, nit should lie without them, as life often hangs upon them:lion
01 a inoment. Motet all the eitseeme• that afflict humanity are
repldle cured 1,. th, resrelaing properties of these WOI.OOILITL
ASCII re Pita, wtosti minify sod tlitanee the entire vars. In re•
Teflon to our CRLAT lIILUCT.T for erinsomption, duo trial has vowed
that the 14..0 ND and the Ape iILIST J•raleter. Lirs PILL 4
sat is learcuomous ontuartion, and they should always be used t.,-
eetio r Fs evy hoe oPthe I'ii. Yon
, pii refuse, see that nut lathe'
tore ‘oi th e wrapper is afacqessele of the UPI on the direction. , --
If 3 ...It ha , r any ilno'lortonti, incluse the tempi or Igo us, and you will
he informed kit is gleoutue gar Ant lemon who mar be impos
ed on to a c ..enteenlier, will he bendsomely roc aided hr not hoe
than our Lewdest thaws, by comenuoicating to Se the particular.
of fhi same
Cholera Iforitur, Dysentery and Diarrheas., Ship, Typhus,
and all ; I' ever% are produce/I by foal humors of • poisonous and
malignant eliaractet, which endauge, the existerica of life
th e least particle s of this corrupt malls Peellanli in the 1,0,01 or
r,tal fluids. The Japanese Life have acted those frfablitli
diseases who u all other nownslool failed. And we have"abeadant
proof of the face eminent plirsicuineJas well as adhere In
deed, it 13 anew au.l imprudent for any reateel to, go to sea with
out* good supple of them on hoard *liar. a n d others who
travel to those ports ober.• the care air is hatred yeah corruption,
should by all mesas hair them on their rlehts, seedy focally etner
ncs mar &roe The f rill , malignant Cutter --that awith
agent—erithis theta, a faired to /mire Ito etroaghoili, Is driken nut
from the towed*, and Anil field., and replaced with the nib
and health v principles of life. In all malignant cheerer they quiet
be use 1 in powerful and frequent doe,.
Pennine who hare palmed the meridian of lif e kno• the
peroltar l uslittra and It* of the Waffle Compound and
Ancient Japanese Life metering a tartly sexes of youthful
itrigeration and a este-guard spinet the infirmities of old like
th a t it the muss would drier out the poison
u• humors, and porde their blood with these remedies, and (Plitt.
up the to aliment at interval. t hrough fate, they would alt arrive at
the rip, old age et ma ketedred ware, naivete taken oft be accident
These Pitt• err alread) meeting with success unprecedented in
the history of neoncine Thousands are being oared from Linger
tog disease* which were more terrible to them than death itself.-
122 .1... drivin g all other l olls, • bleb contain so much mercury,
lk;"the market—those pills which leave their horrible effect upon
ennetlentinn, rears after they hare been need
The ASCIAST JAP•MRPIt 1.1,11 PILLS as.. sent by UMW, from the
Proprietor only, to an• past of the corintry, on receipt of their
price. The postage in the L. tilted "States, not o'er .I,poo owe., in
fifteen cents on bre boom, and Mae Tea. on two tote*, whicch
must be inclowol la money or stamps If we hare no agent in
your Waco, Ow Wren may is to send hart to on by until, tootemeog
the ',nee Rerpousinle druggists and dealers supplied loth the
Orr - rier JAI irt.k I ITT LP at the soya tommladon, amil an
oproutit tmmedialely wetted with them: parrided they send ID a
certificate -too . I.y tau or moot 12..1. of {Mod a tand 'ng s t a li ng
new charart..r, ootpotteittillt T. he.
AIiTER k RM., Agents for Erie. And tor sale Is
respectable drumpst• and ..lealerl in medicine thro ug hout
Cnited State.. Canada.. lb. urn, tedutti Amenca, tc , rents a
box, or fire boles for $l.
JOSIAff (FRI% rw oho:, Sole Propnetor, to • hoe, all
r•anmumntton• moat 1.• 4.14 `K/le Proprietor ..f ylr
H helot CON• 411• h CriebraSed ,Waro, l agispowei, the greet reran: r
for Prustre•str Coasmitrllo•
tr' For a litsLorT of thcw. Pill., nd an explanin t .. o ..r the
11... e .•10. see Illfteli..nkigieh accounl.ry ow& boa
I's. opal Depot, No. 60 WllitiNetreet.
_ .
'ear Broadway, NM Volta.
Moot truly ream,
North Peon•ylrema
sere hopelessly masqle.l,
many sere 1141•Olf (rum hvr
ipplem for life, by the t melt
0 renete losing, and the t oil
h to meet the m.0.-tit ,lets,
st bum in twenty minutes
mg Otte for this Wallace
s ' lIAPT
esen , o ,
14:innuour in which this Liniment operates on the system
linething, yet powerful and effscr' 7 withont in any way what
,er endanger ing it. It Is • perfect • yrne and antidote to palm,
operatiroet Instantly upon the entire nerrons system; it ut
pnwertully penetrating even tr. the eery Nee: It relaxer contrset.]
rn noel. a:n.l rnitures - thern to thew wont.a power -it km. Pm'ed it
self in all mixes Ural rego Iry lin swine( remedy---luck as Reirwase.
teem, Ost• carom, mid eerie, Swears and Swain's al all bads,
Patinfried Weakness re lA. bate., side glad Garbs, Cramps and inessie
arm; also, for rkalliensw, Mires, eteelds, anseande er ems %any Im
portant cures have been perforce:l.l with the Übe of this Liniment
swellings and inhamations, lameness, recent spar
's.. "1", g. 11 ". 1 nest, and, ke, ke.—ariel all other die
elk." in w filch a Liniment can twi benhetaL
It is butt' abort tame allies than remedy was Grit Introduced to
the notice lit ite publie, an.: to that short time it has rained a
nspotat inn that rask•ilt among the ♦er7 lAA of all vrternal Remo-
it it not, houever, the Proprietors design to lavish unmerited
pruke upon their Linlatent, enr do they intend to (ienefre the
public in selguitm to th•t ItAIIKKI V properties which It dna, not
truly p,i.rue It his received, Ircorrever it ham been introduced,
thcutoivalltied approlietlon of all clan.., and needs only to ha
uee , t to pre to «eery person that it poesesee. all the virtues at
tributed to it tr.
Th. Ph plietnr. of this Liniment fatgbt a. 14 many testimonists
to Its rood qua:itios, but think it unorcrsduiry, IA it has already
established its r.lottation, srb.rurfer known, and needs theref ,, re
nnthinc of th. 2orf. Those who Art not anittainted with it thy
mi., to ••try lt"—tho priee t• only tnenty•live onnta—the even
ment will cost but little. and ttift good mutts of IL use may be
Prnpare.l &IA ~h 1 nlavlesal• and retail by.
CLARK 11" BALD Wts.:,
(Successors to J. H. Barton dt Co.).
Wholesale and Retail Druggists., Xo. 6, Read Rot" Erie
PINT •OW IS MS 41,31 b IS SOLD AT A Lim, Molt.
Ergold by all 'inmost/ and dealers in medicines.
, Jan. r, 36-ty.
Erie City Carriage Maanfa►ctory
aUmws. YA.44 ti: BREE SE
W n,,u
L ,, Dres ,, ri t l t 1
el sI 2 )L have laaaed the r t
airoosaaes their !nods antitb i :
sossui Lad try F. Wlttieb, .ea State street, near Salanal. & Ccee. Put
nam- and halo now "ii haul a Lary, and better assortment Of all
Wad. of
than ever before, which, for style, durability and elegance of finish,
tn. .1 to an, thing heretofore offered In this city
Tier employ a number of the best torten in wood and iron that
the ro untry produres, and from their long experience in the bum
mer., are iiaturfied ther can otter the beat quality of work.
The it EST tiATYRIAf. of all kinds that can be bad are put Into
all their work. Repairing of all kinds including
done on short notice and tarme.
rr o e ndlo g orders tuay rest assured of haetng them
•teeuteil to their entire sattetactlon, and dui/hint In every parttcu•
taro writ as tf they attended in person. Those enatitng neat sod
,t unt ,le work Ittli find it to theta advantaged to give them a call,
Krie. May 10, 1&.. • fi.l
Jewelry, EK Watches, Yankee Notions.
-tiro LLIST 4 CASS would reopeetfully beg irate
TX to return their cancers thank, to their Mends and the
public in general, for the literal patronage heretofore ex•
tended to them, and would also inform their customers that t ey are
now prepared to otter greater Inducements than erer, In the shape
of WATCHES—GoId and West Patent Lovers. do. Anchor do
Cylinder do. In JEWELRY not stock consists of a full variety o
Broaches, Ear Drops, Finger Maga, Goats. Ka., le" Locket
Guard Pot. do, Thimble*, Pr Dell Cases, Braakats; Spectacle,
Gold Plea, ka, In our stock of
we defy competition, sad to Uwee who marchaiseElleerVans of our
t ri ,"Hi ng ,a ir ebe e , 'camped J. Moilister's pureeeln," we Ensrante•
the same to be pas as '
To Merchants and :Pedlars mi Mrs otfar as well seleete a stock
of Yankee Notions Jewelry sa can be found weldor Now York city,
and at prices that can't be best. Engraving sad Welch
done In the neatest possible manner. The subeerfters
give emptot meat to twen ty-dvw young men of good business habits
to sell goods from Trunks. , . _
H. P. stockton. w id stand Park Row, Erio, Pa
7' 7' lIE OLD 87',4 - ND!!
Between Brown's Rotel and Reed lionise.
A urust 2
~VF on hand • largo and complete assertment of Hamm Fur
Lashing Goods I present two new patent Elevated
O Ste me, the CENTURION and GOVERNOR, of entirely at ' ,
pniicipal whieb can lat he excelled. Reversing the damper,
ly excludes the euttr, limit troth Ur Oven, which has .z be;tin ob-
pretion to the Elevated th M
eo Stored. The sty of o tis doe
and beautiful. The coatingeeinal to any in market. /
The largest and belt assortment of Cook..and
.. Parlor Stoves West of New
Constantly on band, among wldck an the goly.lM rk t b . ,,,
sties, Brilliant, Persian and Violet apse Parlor atomss. Also tbli
Ruhr, the Modern, the Lady Frank li n and GM'b to Coal Stoves.—
y o r"yromt, the Cottage, the Nubian and other Parlor Stoves., toe
o e monno, to mention. Cooking Stoves, theForeet Oak, the Royal
Oak the Royal Cook, the Empire City and Black Warrior. ,- Low
Oven Stoves, also the Vestal, Parlor Cook and raw Fern. -
I would call your attention to my stmlit of Tin, Copper and Shp*
Iron Ware t Also, • large apartment of Cutlery, Ivory khan, and
Wood Readied Tebbe and Desert Knives and Forks, Podket Xeres,
Shears.ficissens, Sc., ke. Brittailla Table Caxton amtlsiiirt z
Also,Tea sad Table Spoons, Bred; Capper, Poreelain end
Kettes ms4Pinst , Pum ps of all descriptlees. Lead Pips, %wet
, Li qi 4 v
Pump ‘.1.. Tubing, Stave Plpe and Elbows cm bead at all deem
Also, the tar ps and best Isaorfinent of Japan Ware in nutritete—
Aln, Lanterns, Tea Trays, odes Willa, Corn Popoin, Selma,
ping Knives, Flat Irons,/ Shovels and tonge, - palm % Coal H
Washboerds, W.atCuttersand,Sanwge dtoq,re. Jobbing done on
the shortest notice: Copper, Braes, Pewtarsad Re/sham in rs .
Naar lor
PINY. cars,lssatolne My stock, and Wiley year rem.
Irate Ones. Mkt 1 11 56. Years N. MURPHY.
XIACK • . lit • Markerel
kits, sat ea ntao, at Des. 1 1.
8 DLL • sPiDnilrlif ROB Al. Vsksitectl
ros TEI RAPID an a
Coldar, Coltsles, aad
amonas, oss
Ds. J. ••• loitat• t•
tad randy I bra snag *MA lir
Hostisstat, Whorish sod Xis oar
rpoptass of a Oofli It poir Ms= a
tt• aoastott use In ay pu sa4
dodo last tea pars has stsstru Y l•
-toopriar virtues for the trositarsit
sasaplalatst'T GaT, X. tr. _
A. E. MOTLEY, 10t,of thow, X. writes k'l boos owl
your ?soma oproltiktut to say fanny am doe yos- lartudsd
it, sad bottom St the bolt =odds- • for Its purport my put est.
WM • tot sold I 1110•34 lossm psy toostipliv• MWn fbr •
bottle tbaa do abbess* it, art tok• say other roomotp:'
Croup, Whooping C.ongb,hum.
rinonsno, onto, T, I.IK
Barran ♦rat : I will chnerfally you P AL ID*
Mu nomedy an imam kr Ur can of
sad the cheat diagram of children. We of your h=
Boob ammo:lair yoar MAI, and oomaissed mantlhi. an he OW
r y a , HOAX MNXlenr. Y. D.
AMPS LIB, gu, Mummy, 1., volts, 114-3aa.,, L
lied • Wines Wham% whit* coallnett ma la doryMkt Veep;
tool inedbethr erfthout relief; knotty hied youttl'aintaet.
by the atajaa of oar alsrusuu Tito tint {ma nothroad
mower In my =foot and bay: tar than one bar the louts
mots saa avoitbetaiy van. Tour mslietwo an the thew* as
veil es the beet we an buy, aad n meow jog% Dotter, mod
your romelhee, ea the peat SUMO felted."
Astir. or Plithistc, sad lirosokitis.
WOW Pa, WS 4, ISM.
tins :
Your Caul Possuat tap weans emu
In this seethoo. It boo relleval .sacral foam • symptom.
at coosamption, sod b sow curing suss who has nada'
au saistlos of the hop ke the INS bgty revs
WIT PAJLES, firth at
A. A. RAMUIIIy, AL D., Amos, You= Co.. logfA. writes,
1166: ' , Dories' my poetised mai* Two I hare Swot
equal to your Costar Pscosaar. Aw string mos wad ro.
lief to oosiscondivo patients, or curing such ss aro essobisk."
Ws might old sohnoss of sviassios, but tbs soot sonithaiski
proof Of tbs sinuses of this meshy Is bond I its 'Ahab epos
Probably sio one issestly hes awe bow 'mown whigionned so
many and welt dangirons cases as this. Some no human ad
can retch ; but even to those the OMIT PIICTOILLL after re
lief and comfort.
Aron Room, Nay Toni Orr 1, lift
DOOM Am, Low= I I fed It a duty • to In
form you what Jose Owns Paterows. has for any wife
Illie but been Ave atowths
_laboring under lOW
him. of Cansamption, from which no aid we pir•
her mach rine lee was steadily Deng, until Dr. of
this caty, where we bane coats lot ideas, nuennienOW a trial
of your medicine. We blow his linttnaw, no we do your
for she Ws secovsted from that day. She is oat pet r strong se
the used to be but is free flow her eoagh, end cab hersedrernil.
Tows, with gratitude and
aumwegatets, do riot deepelr till you bent tried Am'. C*mt
PIIONOAL lib made blow at the beet medical desialsts to the
world, and It. extras all round ask bespeak the high merits of tti
virtues. —. Abledelledie L. ..
Ayer's Cathartic :lir
11 HP, es ,
of Chemistry and Medieins. ha bean - tend
1,„ their utmost to produce this best, meld porpthe
Whkh is known to man. Inasnowable pro, shown tied
ot oupuf
thee* Mu an.. virtues whkik tames to ,:call the ordina.
ry stedkinesoind that they elm suprecedentadiy ths tete=
of ail awes Th ey are soli and pleasant to take, but ul to
curs. Their possirating properties stimulate the settrines
of the body, temove the obetreedoes of its ormins, mar* this
Mood, and expel diatom They purrs out the fool humans which
breed and grow dl , stimulate sluggish or disoidered er
pow Into their whom aid impart healthy IMMO=
strength to the what, Ryden. Not only do they care the
day oompialnta of every holy, but .1.0 Soundable and &r y a
sus dhows that have baffled the beet of human skill.
they prides* poworhil eticts, they axe, at the tams tone, to th
minished doses. the safest and best physic that can be employed
Yoe chlittorn. Being russecestatt, they rue pleasant. to take ,
and being tamely reptable, are tree from any risk of harm
Coriglier. ha made whkh surlier MOM were they not meth
stantialted by emu of such exalted position and character es to
forbid the suspicion of wreath. litany eminent clergyman and
=dial have ri tt&tr wi oji l m e es to certify th t e poth
m. gc , the re.
snot 1,1 of
couriction that my Pren e rs 000trf te e the im
mensely to the relief of my afflicted, entlaring fellowmen. 1
The Agent helms named Is pkesed to fornah grath my Amer. .
iota Almanac, containing directions Zs their use, and coedit
sates of their cams of the Sillowing coloplainlit.—
Coal Moos Complaints, Sheeniest:lam Dropsy, Heart
burn, HwdaeM arising from a fool lisomack Itssmaa. ladidoe
dos. Martdd unction of the Bo sal Pala Wang themtrorn,
listalancy, Loss of Appetit% all Morey' and Cotassom i Qp
mom whirl nook's an ~sant Medicine, licrofula or
Neg. They abo,by yorffylmt Om blood and atondollmg the ay.
tam, cum mow mimta which it ovoid oot be inspoomd OM,
could math, such as ellefteela Partied Idindoom illosse=d
In Irritability, Derangemmte of the Lint and
Goof, and otbar kindred comphdots arhlng from a tow mete of
the body or Motnection of its tnactions.
Do not be put off by unprincipled Molars with sous odor pal
dew =Jut smateproft at. Ask for A rah Puts, and Wm node.
ibur Mee. No Mbar they can give you compares with this In he
istrbsla mhos er eureleva powerti me sick Win{ the too aid
Urn Is for there, and they should bare It.
Prepared by Di. J. C. AYES
Medial red Amalytkal Chemist, Lowell lase.
Svcs, es cm Pan Raz. tire Para nose IL
i lay k R Baldwin, k ('arter k Rm. +or! Steuart k 6iocfau, Er...
use James A. W te,trinrd, and W. H.
; car _
VB ; 2 -7i t ?' /V.
_ •
rp, -
Wm A. Mostmt.
U. Marrs,
Joins L. EllratiLY, EN ,
'1 f. REIN Esti,
I' K
71 6 .4!L CTlCaMrir.
H BRYANT, H H rru.s, - PAS6tRD
J H G o uowrrn, W H HtH.LNTER, F R. FELT(IN
lustrurLors in the ScLence .'anti And Lecturer, (In BIM -
H t,
1;a0 W Lustoa
^ I - Vitiertewit
• rao". Y. FOOTL,
'• Coon,
" VICTOR H it/
Ww A Prim, Fp.
I' VR, J W 1 t 4K, W , IxitF.N Y JPENcEit, FIARVIrr
W srt3wltit, ..tottn....t,lrl In Li L1,p1.1.• and Ornannuitsl Proulanskup
and Lertor., on I ”moPrelal I orn-epnndence
nun. HORACE W CLAN - TU.\ - ,441•1
Hou. J.atio XIL.L,TL'N, A. .1 LILA S CHARD, lAvtUntt.
on Connuerrtil Law
J4I lAA •nil other I,tures Oa linty, F Hance.
it.r .1 Aram • WITH, .f 13 Armas, I.ecture•on Econ
y rs r 11 Fi. P Tnoersoe, W W licscort
Lecturers uu *err:souk Ethics.
(IL' VIR MJ. OatnaX,E C ralltßOT, 1.4 fturers rom-
Inertial timp_p_utations.
For 11131( t/11.4—.41:1CiUtillag ell departments o
Rook Keeping, all L.ectures, Commercial (Ammunitions and Pesci
tics' Fenno:unship 410 00
klor same course ha Lashes; Depertmeut, ........... _.2.5 00
Persons tett ug Penmanship alone, will receive '.,11 Leeeons for , Lai
Certtfintisi entititng the holder to instruction Practical
Penmanship, during the Space of one year,
For vartnus styles of urnavolatal Peconnualdp w. may be 1.0,0,1
Vf 3:l4,apjUsm.
the I,,stitutiono ll Sool perfect Ismilthot for sequlrkug oau
expedi noun manner, a thorough knowledge of Commercial !we
epee and .lrt, &a practtmlly emplo)e,l ih the Counting Room
end bulkiness puma* generells ,
la muter t h e personal supecluteealeoto et tlie most seenmpll.hod
"1111111114.5it , 11 TaarWirsoiod tt 111 barred that oo Mar-
MI p tate m V iir zliego le the 113 , W4 Sttes, po.sess superl-
DIP mit li. Ulnroftil. 1,01-&cal It vow I.qiire of
The cuatbloationn,of cahoot brought to boar upon tale department
is it aura pursuits, that the ipatruotioa will be thnenurb cod of
the h&gteast order.
AreAllsebeeteei with the greatest care end err the rel.% teed, tie,/
ran be-proaanni.
_ .
Nteriebaushs Ile•km of every variety and form.
ConsulateUm Ilooka, several di/bruit seta. em Set notoost
log of 11 vs 11WIC21, arranged I .r the exclusive usseit flih/coill1.•
2ope-rtglit seSu red
iltaimelactierer.• Book. 1.: to the set. Copy-rle secured.
Baskislog Books, 12 to the wet Copy- right see i.
Prisitlefg it:. Publiabluut Books, veto the s.X arranyyd for
the elioluntre toe of Iltla tied Ole. ,
ROW lilaniltis i j In the set. Cupy-rwht seyur..l.
Pllettals Scat aostax, siu th., wt. Copt' Alght Oblturt , t
Rail RMd BMRM a ensaplste art of 80nk... i mina, ke Copy
right secalveal. e...
Tvltetier. "1 Aißdegiiir% Z . lion mid Yoblie Seltoo:., eau /wad
their t s , liliollif here • ery plosaantly ti protttabl3
THESICITE Ili R 0011.4.
Tne Houma are larger, nay and a potty forto•hetl. an I rot,' eft
scoop arranged ttor p agnrill rig every department of Mercantile It.m.
Iv entirely pate (rum e Gentleman • sod ot hued up • err
tasterally .
Throalth the e r hust Der soy hat n taw-. I.f the I 'tt net pal e.
Many of tittadentli 0111 "NO tta ttn g I , tenttive attar
or For trirtbVitorretation wend (or ircutst andCatalog*. pun putinninecl, h will tie pa-bluntly forwarded free Al charge.
Brie, Jan. 1.
--- - ,
New Arrang e ment.
N EW I.; pLuery ar asisemeut at N 0 .4, Cheep SW. rail: The sob
nem of 4 r rrett k tu tiro . oar and added tiorst;teto a teak ltr l ei .r v e r the
snd fate
P 14,1 7 11 ° 01 of tflonbsPe , fliiied",ape b iteou that he cm. com
ith any A i 4 the city, Joshing or retailingloode .0 his line
i. nn
has been said about cheap Geoceries, but w' hoot boasting I
' only my otiose and aitaadoe my la, stock grocenee sot I
• lean °out - ince you that No. 4 C6e*Side, it flu Pin", to get
good goods andlOperrest lower peters than at toy outer revs/Pry
depot u the city All goods delivered foss of cheree within U.
city limits. AQUI Q. A. nhR2ItIT
late. Jab 10. 111/17. r t
ogl/ftti k. GRAY. * l7 - trirl I'M
House and Sign Paiirting,
rtudis subseribem would adopt We method of informing their
JI, friend/ sod the pubitcgreerally that they ham commeoeed
tee business of
otrAdOm "shoos. Übudas wad raps: 11...hisi
i tivet, between State and Pesch, la the She. formerly es
*opted by home Caninalne, where they are premixed to receive
and promptly execute all orders their itrtembmg to devot e their whole time to the tuatnes—a Wagner In which, from having
heeD 01 ~4 in it many Tears, they treat Um, writ—they pope to
nierltand secure a liberal *hare of public patranaire. Confident of
their ability to 'apart We tatishictioa, ily onlleit •
OlttlE GRAY',
t *arch 111411.-43. G RINFIY
Photograph & Ambrotype Artist
York ifwee, ease Boo4A 4 Sieteetrea.
Kacrvags transferred to penuxt Gather for writhe Is W
hist. These pictures sastioperietahtei tad masa light that
require no extra postage.
' enlar strastloagiren to takiag *torts of Chlhinto
.. • • WWI MN= 'LIU. PLACE •
Erb. Joie 11.11111.--4tl
44:7 aisle sad 4111114. be an siamaialia sad cakrts, is
miler no w quantities, just readved aad kept
T. ' J• J. UNCIN alPli
104 for If,. ruse .zy atoll*,
emt r-rnari rev of Yr.nth .n.l Irla'rantr,
Itnenhr N V. (face eurner .4 Math or I 1. A WO•rfT flCElrrflrfr •
An lastraoreat lb, Clare. ..1
Elt11•01n13•, rase. prfainArly ltorre le •. tint.
rrmarr-ntlr I re. rf to frrriro'r , l ••
of tia.• t 111•11,10.1.1. Itorri ea.jostbi“
yoq ‘,I. TAKF: ' • ,•:*".
111: Alfas Sr,,. aim ples.une la nstnn...4l'
in‘ rub htrrl a 0n...1 i„ „
.tern.... 4. It Iss. area sullyeatent to a tat ter
tYlatatt• to li,n, ••••• hfrlrr• sn'
&carrell O. he thee nutl metal aistrasaat
rare .f letnined %sane.., or sae r
esurre.l . l.y an wend /matt. )...sta,
If, A I irri outer to ilattort rn.,
the h .e ht e uFsl . ,a IOtO'OII4I.L. ioleAtir /U..
*tan. ..11011. timer ant t
~,11 Us ;el manderl by rearmiog
rerretrn. ifthrog the .I.ot e tanarrr Ind
the wtllln the aortountritipnrg
seat by ..pre.., I. tea 4011.1,
11.4311L1.1LS AN I , 4 , Jr ,
v.., the Volaporst hianldatta, sad all prilrn
itrietui.,.. ...anes... pa. n • •
Irktneirs, dawnw of the head. throat, an.. „,
d sentenl arfeet..... „c a „ .
dit re , rl.ndtt nt dolyllity, render. 11.,r1.
. . .
- State St.
Main st.
Superior St.
Clark st.
• •
the •I,u Je•fcr • both body and th...•:
Tba graft. wont Owe adapt Is lb.. t•-•nh
41..1 erasful practwe i, t ;• a
*wry of Velmaral Pb...... et
• rod • 'light haft'''. In I le° e..
nal" earth*. ourr "witimui •
In „ t•.• 1 •••••• a." pan. • t. th
%ashy • tad".
e , W
fa h N , r. A bay* .1..y.,1ad goof
o ••• omoloo,•tot
iO.l. eayabl•- , '• 1.5 n•rs,ltr [hr..
sod , t ,
d./1 1. o, to o
n. frnt
..1 isi
erns 11,1 MILL 51/.Wyt..tPICS,, • k l'Afals(4,
rsTrrirtyoreai In laefslifinv int.. lb. f
no o . s .„, „ , . •
Emma" 04orltvvItttivy
tv thr.r yrto•v•ctit.l, if, is
that lb. hontikle and naltrla..nt
mood 2111/11y. 51.1 e Ira crcl 50 Mir 1.5 4 . . f
Thlstis rt, girth. lil *Mal of .tlf,tl ,;,
fort I,)r. AM , & oat. . , •
tioo of rvaa.llols, a fait, „
Log .1.11 oorntanathin of rasnoNikli• ,
as sIRGIS *a thou whollat pthinitdh. of ilk,
L. pr4.dentl r• of bad annargiurucro - ,!1,.. •
nat. In •Lort, thr bandald, „!.h,
Of a kr...kink..a hntndM nn• ,,,- • • •••.
preaoLtion of thus. gMVIOn
..r it. and .high, • .
our vi.6l,lapt
isrtrAitE OF IMY'‘)!•1111,1z
11/. it , 5 that thonaao• •
•••• • •4 .0 .- 4 meek.. by tie '
.Idrr..ur • root •
ti , 44. ronalrlitis/011
Itr AM"IN have 1 a Inam melt
in 'Ann, • • .44. 51, 14 ti.r troatnom'
•O•• tt, thr
so 'Xi.drrn 10,15. S curt pril •‘',.
INI•.lf r,,,
ilarriiril •Iwilure IPYa u. , l u... • •,
Y.Armiorii• •11 runt sir rim 11 oat, ••/I
(411 , v • •
lir %Mil< +••\ •
Hemboki's 0.1(
Higitay Concentrate,
II•vr 1n..., J lA. Ailamialer, At Joe . ",
LlMillrsetuo.s. sent biiwode
4lf at Jr rata( 0rg....,
11111 , ‘ If., 41. •1.,• .
. !, ki ..t ,••
' , lat., rr ~ .,t,... • ...A.," ' 4
INIP MD 31 *IYIP/t.a Or HOW 1 .0% . t.
,11, 1 A P y rr 1., tin i .a.(1,0 ,
I•l.r.ek '
t Nvr, - ra : il..baitst.".l ..,, •• ~,
tom; .." , Irii) Jp•ioun4 -
:ttaiew,,, ; ,
Est rtion . ,
r, 1.4,, , ' %
..! ilr,,tlAL. .;•-.0. - %
ii"rr••r "i 1,....,
iug, Drywitu. h. - •
Id ren4 ‘k *ker.. • -
~ A, L 10 7 , 4 .i ( 1 1 :: 1,,. ;,. ::..
/pit -LI on IL. r ace, t
t.. lid, Trw,..,r) 11,
. 1..., Are I..he tue ky..k, . Ills leiiio.l.
. a 1..? 14 ,, "I , Qig 6 .l Wm.(
I , urilou.,ruat ii.bility, K.
i.• -.qv.'" • all it, .. ,
t' 1 !\ ot 111.,
. • 1.. 14,
I 1, H. ' kin
11 . n•
gr rvv i„f • r 'I We.
•.,.1 ..... ,t • 111. , 70 , 1
•vata• rtlefrOV••• —. lottt. I
• /1,1
01,1 t
t.-. - I 1-allit : I 1,,
)11,n4, SA. 181.11Ln:tin', 1,0 • '
/1 -I •••• • n r‘tillqt,n npo•-•• • r •
• ~..F- ,5 d...lltUts. •
./ ~10.1 of Sip lee 4 •
1tt......ha ~,..
I Pollen L. rt too,
144 t• 11..•1 torrlttl, X . -• • •,.
to uutnw4 cr.' , thu. t
.ta- It .to
If orc uflerits, or, 1.1
the rlord Extract kkbebu ollr. 10 I
..1 Itp
Beanara of QUA. .11,notacq4a 1'4,1 •
, f them, an I oar- 1,,,j 4 ,
.eog for • bottle of thin Popular
It •, all paita sad Initacuitinn, I. ported..
nod Gut ,inumtLate to tto action.
ffit L XllOl-13 , ..1 g 'C1'11 1 1(1' _
Rcepered directly ereenitag t.. tie kulee 01
• imEISTRY ...rah the geoeteet orbearer, ac
and eery .10.uted It. fuertilcieddoo
alltable WArka on the PrectiOe ed I •
3UIS1411"1 .orb of Motlicice.,
_ .• .
$ 1 OIA
Or, twriarr.: Pollan art!: tarp..
that the V... 41 .r 11.4. It•Yr 1,1)14,4111 I •
ti,r‘naan.t. ran 1. , prn.lileged •• ir • ' • •
1 !, flu: one. no. tbittren 1.. r.
~ iii ntar.
e.nn It• ctrtura tan} enratlF - •
mimes +ell knuara to Spew, : 1 .1...
100,000 Bottle* hat.. • • --
tailu re Las Wet, reported '
al.pearr•: hel. n r , 1 •
Kay, last 1101 preparati ,, n •
'r.R, but are purety Veretable II T. lILLW
•Ty. , rl. 4,14 • , // t •ra .• •
Prier $1 per ritirrtir ear MIT for Z.,
Ar ab1y.1.01.1 J 1,4141.4, arid nrstu•o• .01
l'r. 41,4 iktio by '
• ,t! 11. t). ,
wt. - or - I*o it twi a I LARK A pAt.toik
tub, I(,,,oucLtyalt 11. r..•
Proviseei Hews.-14 tvrfd)!.
itoor ti
00 E vor•iri. t wWI •
/1 . in.. utor 90R4/S 1,• .err I i
roi,t•t htt• .pent the greater part t t - 1
'Lump... Asia, And Africa, as troll M \ arth
tl,-”s .14r.. among the in.ittlut ..1 out tt ...tett.
(ht., Car that the, Indian Hoot Allr vine. tir
Morse •as the hrst Luau t.. establiett do. fact
from )IPURITV 01. HI 111.001•—this our 11 ,
tle Jepenclett tmpon tlaa ••Hat MILO.
t• the t ariou• pa•ma i se• become chary.
peri , ct hitrmou•lotth the dilllorent forrette,
.o•-•• 11, anion, btr , 3lllol tablet, cormyf
.41 •Il pun., slokuoss snd . • -
‘Lauetect. our health we are Alvt ,
nenisten In Ulm - m{lR ntf The stagent• •
engu, eltoted and cellae to act, 11111
wttl fnrerer he blown nut fle 4 . mt.
keg, .nrl2ousof the I. d
yM .I...nnt tr. ns that *elt to
101., neaell, I.4lllety, Mt•07‘111 La th am
.nd wbklyirro. a 1.61,10 •‘o
‘1 , 11 , 1 , • garden. h.r!,,e" health and
.r t ~.. vt , 0 , 111 % pick threw 1'111• •r.
.1; be. prOWTO 1110 h. Skin, WO ?VW' •
OW • kart% VI tLiv corrupttoo
whichat•n E\roctrpnialt,thon op ns
/u0y:(4•1.... s , 10 • t..•
hot elf 11.0 m, and otts. r
log : so a / 1 / 1 11 - 04.:, ',Ls. It 0 • a- VI the / t urre 1b... er`ourar <I. I'.
punts ran Ua Ukkokt, Its Lich tis rot t . sen , tt
ttrin snt "r• , 1,21.1.141,e, . h
,a I. ••
ed Au, rroy. rt., fourth In A • ALLIArt
I Atter .I..•rt 101 l of the. Phhl, whi p .
lbe n.anrr portsolito, of loopuottly ^
est.. r cutler., sr. tho• tAkeu up autl tu.l,. •
h. 014.• bowels.
..Eie ~or VREF: ALMA VAe4
r %:• ,• father, aid bow this sm.lictbe
I[l in out.
).,• k I .111 Pll , ll MI Prir.• its
A• Whst• pt.lonetor Nn LDr Pieter..
& 1%1
.1 it , as, and Shniclett M s %roll , Wm %Atm.." It,
• • u..„r amt 'n th. r..untrl
24 P. YAK onfat Papear.r m rA• , •
;11, r..wrwd ()Now. oi -
r. i;„„i
'art .n1:1.1. •
t 1 •
.1 f 441 •
on mete•i •
a[4.l rl'••
fain ma,
.1.1 4/01. .•. C r.
er disease. of the rtitli erglan%
topics, see RAW c... ).•.
Luce tiwansikl•-31 • e.mi , •
the /Imoolwgleal Mysteeio..q t!, MX • •
will be twOied iu sealed wrappers
e acredintil 4 - low prve ..!
Or hi, fr • et- •
AGES (all 4N TED. on every
the Utiltird t. a.
Dr. I.I9PEN AR!) enattnuop t. , d t, • '.• '
to Wore Afflicted • ittoteent
tairon•tvatotv years at ii•r•oaal elreariet ,
husion. Noo. le., • kits ttollooir•I r •
the beat et Nita/action l;m.rt hr. 44 ` — '•
prosaion of tle NIC11}•11111 Irtua.. 1
Yotaair two, nolalel nr
that acal-subdu nil 11 , 1 I tat/ , •
apply to Dr I,r•r• • •7111 101,10 driki
In tbeße, at a.;l tt Aber 4 . 11•1•• • of • 1. o st•
Atari cormoervie An aid. apidi At., . • •
miration, de. otietir makes tolit t, ~r
Mutt r‘".l . latirr him .tt hot. I ``'
B. wart at 1.1341414.11 0.11 , 1 ILLI.t. MSC. ••••: ••
?mart earns, but Tn... en.* •• ,• ,
eablight , dinkt N0wn,..1,1, ph,
ern New Torii, and ht. Era m, ,• * • •
Unity pod the Litlll.l3 1 '1•*$• 1 •••"
N K —Dr 1..„".„.„? „ . •
WOUttill AM/ o. U t.iwn th
TaialllY AIM, not • • • '
Ladies IA a Cirliabil a.tuatinn •"•••
nit.hich .11' h. 1,„,,,!,„ - •
Pricy gi• : 4 00t hr umill 141 an l ot • '
I 110
the nal, t,...
L 41 1 4 bet l Perak'« of 'J.
t word from to. n 1.. I 11-. , •
that liaao Rh ravine uoirol r - , •
nOt on sale at an. •
WOK'S wilkbn.onontn, •
‘,oe • • Ilidentionik *tither 4-•
, Y , 0 0 ,4 ; •,...
boars ft , a. • t Y • 4 ' ' . _
t 4
%fin. term.
" 4 ..drked *au*. sop u yeawl .k
uine Pr