ANECDOTES OE LOND RAGLAN thri. • VinraiitlNe • Does any one know who Lord Raglan *Jul— Was he a General under Cornwallis in the Rev. , olutionary war, or did tie fight Napoleon in Spain, or who was be? It is so long since one heaq of him that perhaps none,,bnt very learned persons ought to be expected to remember his history. It is actually twenty months since he died; and twenty months in the present age are as long as twenty years of old= time. The general ides. circulated by the French and English press during the late war was that Lord Raglan was a slew coast' The Baron de Ba-, unites says thid. His staff officer says, on the con. trary, that Lord Raglan was really a fire eater; that he insisted on the expedition to the Crimea in opposition to the French; that he insisted on the rapid march to Sebastopol in spite of their objection; that ho wanted to assault on arrival, but was overruled by his allies: that he urged an assault after Inkermann, but was again thwarted by Canrobert; that the whole tenor of his intercourse with that unfortunate officer was entreaty on his side, timidity, indecision, and delay on that of his French ally. We have no ! doubt that the staff officer is right Pelissier was the'only man of rim the French had in the Crimea, and he and Lord Raglan were always fast friends. wa4 a man of extraordinary good nature and =liability. Never once durieg,. his many disputes with the French Generals did he offend any one 4 In his own army he was beloved.— His own carriage w's always used for wounded officers; hiq servo is and horses were perpetually at work for other people. staff were furious eorrtespondents of the Lomita papers for abasing / hint; their censures never ruffled him, nor .d'rd he ever retaliate in any way On one occi(sion when a party of lookers on crowded unpleasantly round him at a battle, his aids prof posed to order them tiff. "No, no:" said Lord Raglan with a sunk; -we wilr get under lire, 'and then you may dernd upon it, all who are not obliged to stay will depart." The staff inev ed forward accordingly, and in one minute from the first shot there was not an "outsider" to't'e seen. With his comrades-in‘arms by was gentle as a woman. ' When Caurobert gave up the cow mud of the army, he continued to treat him with the'satue respect as he had paid hins,pre viously:, which so affectell the poor French gene ral that he could nut helcsaying, "You, 'milord are the same to me id adstrsity, as you were in prosperity; it is not so with other men." Even in dealing with -o intractable an imbecile as Lord hucau, and so tirestonea bungler as Adini• ral DuudaQ, he was alway, kind, and gentle and considerate. (Yoder, fire dsring an, action, never noticed that men wer shot down by his side; lint—atter each affair he visited every hui , pital and vraunded officer, and was happy a, the elder Napoleon in his expressions of sympathy This habit of his getting under fire was Si) in veterate that the French used to say, "Milford rather likes being than othetwise At Inkermann he was exposed during the whole action, and a party of Russian riflemen made a target of hi, :gaff. several officers had fallen, when., one of the survivors ventured 'to suggest to his lordship that their position was dangerous, "Why; yes," answered Lord Raglan, -"they seem to be firing at us a little, but I iP a better view of the battle from here " And be staid where he w,s to the great discomfort of the staff It was at the same battle that a sergeant of fasileers, drawing himself up to salute Lord Raglan as be passed, had his cap knocked off by a round eh it The man picked up his cap, dilated it on, his knee, put it on, and completed the salute. near thing, that, my man," said Lord Raglan with a l i mo. "Yes, my lord; but a miss is as good as a mile," said the ser geaut At the ill-starred 'assault on the lgth of June Lord Raglan and General Jones took up *Or position 'n a mortar battery Shot and shell came flying round them so thick .that Lord Rag lan misdeal! his officers lid down. He and Jones leaned over the parapet to watch. They talked, we learn, very calmly and' quietly - while that ter rible assult was being made, with the round shot ssia Minnie balls singing incessantly round their heads, till General Jones was knocked down by a piece of shell One can fancy the feelings of the young officers as they looked up from their shelter at those two weatherbeateo, grizzly heads! so cool and quiet in that terrible moment., and so unconscious of the hail of shot. Even Napo leon required to allay his excitement by taking snuff. - Now that our European friends are at peace I once more, they must look back, one would think, with some feeling of horror at this war. There was young Tyron—a ootineetion it is believeli •)f the famous Governor of more than one or the American colonies just before the Revolutiou a very fine fello,w, we are told. He was a dad shot, and, though he was killed at an early part of the siege, be boasted that he had shot with his own band over a It andre4.l Russians. At Inkermann he toolt up his station oa an emi nence, with two men to load for him, and shot from thirty to forty Russians in little more than This staff officer was evidently one of those gentlemen who, the papers used to say, couldn't breakfast comfortably until they had "spotted & Russian. He says quietly, "A man in the rifle brigade made a good shot to-day. Seeing a Cossack Tartlet on awhile horse at a consider-- able distance he thought he might as well knock him over. He accordingly fired, and the man fell the horse trotting away. The distance was said to be upwards of 1800 yards." The staff officer is impartial in his oomOendation. lie adds that a Russian did just as well a day or two 'before. "A French Officer of engineers was making a reconoipanee of the enemy's works at a distance of nearly a mile. The Russians fired a gun at him,' his leg was taken, off by a round shot, and he bled to death before he oeuld be taken to the hospital " Poor Lord Raglan! Up every morning before daylight, writing for an hour or two before brtalt fest; ifter a hasty cup of coffee, visits front quar termaster general, adjutant general, general of engineers, officer commanding the artillery, coal • missary general, inspector of hospitals, with each of whom there was business of isportance to transact; then more writing till 1 or 2 P. H , when the brigade and divisiof officers well re . mitred; this over, he rode till dusk through the camp, visiting hospitals, camps, new regiments, sick officers; then-.sore writing till eight, the dinner hour; after dinner, business with th staff, orders for the next day; and day al as it began, withbirritiog often till past toi ght. A contrast thin sort of life, with that of e coin.) manderssin-chief of olden times! Stich a labor naturally fell heavy on a man who had been in his prime of youth at Water loo. Cares and trhipeties; the clamor of the press at home not t tnrosturaffi, though perhaps unjustly, making him responsible for the faults •••• -e system; the loss of friends by daily casu wore.the old General greaten". /away.. - t is deeply effected by some of the latter in 'ideate of his life. Returning slowly and sadly to headquarters after the repulse of the 18th of Juno, in which he had seen Ida friends slaugh tered, and the prestige of his army almost brok en, he 'found. on irrival that the mail from Ship land had just arrived. The-first leites he open• ed entained the death of his only surviving sister - .) Thin 7 Fsesteonrt,.lol old_ and dear .friond;'bell helestessly ill. load Andllsament - to wee his, sod took leave of his devil odifeeted: He in, tended te have gone to his' funeral, aed dressed f ur an pupae; hut aa- the last onoinent,bis for titude tare way, arid he wee trite overeome.— The hand of death was upon Ilenselt. That evening be fell ill, Two days afterwaids, hav ing sunk vertiter, ihee-Nolleeted his reinainiog strength, sad told Col. Steel, his secretary part ly is words and pertly . by signs, that he thought telegraphic lamer sitonld be sent to Eoflatid, Psinisting that a new eennnander is elm( .be appointed. The morning after his den* all the general gillesn collected - a:Quad his bedside to aloe Ma beep then was sot ow of the gray, Baird old soldiers who did not give wax at this sight Pekiiisier stood for wore than au hair at his heir sideeryitig like a ohild Of this great man, who is Jet destined to play an important part in history, the staff officer tells a story, which, we believe, has never appeased in point before. On the morning fiziqr-for the assault on the Mamelon, just as Geo Pelissier was mounting his horse to witness the attack, he received a telegraphic message from the Empe ror ordering him on no account to assault the Mamelon, as such a step could not fail to be at tended with defeat and disaster Men Pelissier put the message in his pocket without speaking, went off and toll( the Mamelon; then, on his ri - tura home, showed the message to his staff THE DEAD MAN'S CASTLE -- (110 Se to littah Territory, northwest from Sacrament), is a curi ous rock, called by its discoveries the "Dead Man's Castle." It stands on the edge of a deep, precipitous cannon, is %bout two hutolr,•l f.. t long, rises perpendi)Fularly to the hei: ( ht Aev enty or eighty feet; and at a dititance look% a , though it might have been the work of antique giants, who had si t ufi turrets awl dug ,tit notches like windows A stunted e. dar stand• segtinel on top, but it is of I, storm beaten awl drooping, and threaten's to total:11c down Al the tr ttom there is a small grotto, some tweEty feet in diameter and extending up, probably, nearly to the top of the rock, whence desc• tol. a small stream of wator, Which has dug nut a little, reservoir at the base The voice of au , water is sweet and musical ; it has been singing it, slue notorious song there for a thousand years The natue was applied t i it l'roru the menu:lst:int. E. of some hone, aupposed to be hoopla, beilig found in a caAity of the roes. - A ".11.kuti SitEld,”—A ;hard shell of a In.ti ieter down South, rec. oily: comment.' d his *sc . (tours , a. follow- : "Btethereu, rut gwitte preach a very plji tairmou W day—ilue that every woman can iito derstati—from the text— " An' 'now 1 thee, lady, Lhat we iove one another ' "Thew ar's the words youA find tu the - ou. eyt d ,•baptor of the tWo epd .I,•hu wa. ,)tue, time h. 1.• ed that he mount IL John, ehat,ei I SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES OF BOOTS AND SHCI-ES, oi'LNl\ , , ‘t Nu. ..C. Itertit► lii•ek.!ttlxtr i.. 1 1 rel. I- tfc, l'a s. R..•n,ng a Large •nd w e ll -t.,cl I BOOTS AND SHOES! Ihr,t fr.•ua g. 4.14 Ll' )14rolf.trtikrie*,*k l ich ' o I. A .• in . MMM= I. k Dr: l'ilVOTtEtz..: 0 AITER -i PLAIN AND BONI. It' -zt.liN, TIE:. AND Bt. ,ht, \., WI. ;t- TI. It TIE- . Omit,. Patent Leather, Calf, Om iii, i c-rgre•• liAlterli O.IC4rA Ties, Slipk, rte Meer, ~ :t .1. and `-r..,\ i'- i 'f, Kip and Atop' B 'A+, Chi en'. Shoe., of every desertptton, t.1...i her .k 1 every usually kept i' 4 th„,i and Shoe St .4r. All kind,' of work made to order ou rM.rt noii. 0. c ockNir if .01? 4 .. .OitaIIi2IOJNIPC‘ • 0 . . . ........ .0 • •;,.41 , 0 _-: `, • 1... I gill .i ,•!, . , , .....• t! 1 / 4 i * • I :-. I f Ail 911111 ..$ • ir . . - .. . . . • ---/ -7.. \ .. ... L. - • . ..., zi = Anything in the above Line a . . i=a. NEW FURNITITRE WARE ROOllB. No. t,.Meyeteae Sleek s State Street, Ante-sly oppoirit. tke /unmet. of Ledoitll, Kepi, 6Co 8,41. Pa-„ " I jciFAV I r Ici gAlisat, I/ROL/OA/I A ;mi.Au. DRUGGISTS Si; APOTHECARIES ) No 5 Reed Howe; Erie Pa. L.r.L.t.kB DRUGS Sc MEDICINES. Chii, Der- Glass, Perfumer., .corrrical sad apse! lesstwwwwls, Trustee. Supporlees, b- miss. Pere /fuss h.! Leiesorel leadeeai Asepses, 4, W. would cal. lbw attention of the public to the lett.. and -II 1w1r , t..1 •toek of itE.DICLNIE3, 'LC., which we lure on Land and will sell at the lowest possible bruit, country Mer chants Ponlif do well to else ties call, as we can furnish goods in our line at New York prices. All the popilar Patent Medicine* ..1 theday, W notarial* sad itetsul at Proprietor. prices and Just from their head& Being young men, and haring no sympathy valtkioist fogyism, no matter from what siurce It remelt, we shall artye p leaf rather them be led. Please Owe us a rail, as we helve h 7 stmt attention to Dustups to merit 'lllB liberal patronage which. his thus far been intended In oil r business career Yr* Fib. 21, 14;,7 dam Baah , Blind and Door lannfactory. 34UiCE8 CROOK & Co BUILDERS and Manufactures of mind, gash sad D our P. 141 it between lth 6th strettst.rti Pa. All kinds of butlding Lumber taken ld'earbaufre fr I A., v loan tit," of clear 1.0.110 6 00111 d Plne Lumber f..r which for highest market price will be paid In mist, JANIE , I. I Ft(W.K, W‘f I , L., U. *.)olt R, ;SA WI. hi , Feb "PI, I ii 47 RICH ARD PrrF. - Lumber Yard Removed .1 TfiE Subscriber hos rwanTed na , L ember Tatd to the fio of French Stroot,.—Esot Janos' Doc*, giber* be Is prepare 4 t. toi .rm y =latest as prim to CASH far go ,n i r k or in. Whiff. Wocii7 Boar: 10 &1Y rt " "Cbaar Plank,•• &XS, 47X6, 7X7, White Wood enlumnf, ln & ft ; li. la. 1 4 veamerrif R. AM*, 10 k . 12 fr.t lone, 13 k 13.nrnes Itl 12 G.a Iner t 4-4 • Cherr, Board. 10 t lone 4-4 inch Whits Wood 80111411, 10 k 12 3 k 1 1n hick " thick Plkuk." "•• • •• k., 1 , 4, 1 ' 4 In. ttuck 16, 12, 14 14, an.' 1.. !vet long. Bns, Jk.n , l7. 1.5,57 F. 1 s:A•44. PLASTER AND COAL DEPOT. E undersigned thankful for the general patronage which the IL citizens of LEI, and rteinav have heretofore ,1% en hub. seowld resptietfully tiitonn the public iksat he now hits and sill keep on stivatly on Land Plaster in Bulk or Barrel, of tbs best quality, at the ?Limon* or Goal Was. 9r st Lip CO9l Yud oo Eighth Stemt, k.ast. of King', Malt House Fanners, no is the time to DOUBLE TOUR CROPS, by using plenty of this Terelltzing mourn. It will pa, our m ,, or back with law pronto. Also the bort Blacksmith or Douse Coal! bald constantly on band: warranted to ere satisfaction. or mone refunded. and pa for all trouble, on return of the coal_ The posi tion tot Pint turd It Ulu rerj beat !Akins eltv hvlng on a level slat tie kand. thilWe Li so long gad Mete hlil Co Cur ouver n hauling. Eigh Street and the CanaJ,, of Lora Ron Roue, toteOrio . ko buy your Coal, where you can have it weighed' on s pair of Fairbamk's Hay Scales, sod save one -Hendliug. BILOOICETELD BIANNING'S t . Cosh It!pt , nod no other, whish ars Um best in the market GZIC VII A CA/64a_ Orders as Os met througlt the root or to the Coal pies of iris, March 7, 0 lit67.—ly. 418. MX) V. M. ?HOUR • ---- 1121 RI urANToo, 30IN000 fest of good WHITE W and CUCI.7II 11l BSA rtoome, Lig inahra *kid Ito WI lochel oddest owe Tteinting Milton If.torrenth Wyo.* 111411 .. - .. o I whoa it, may •• • • A .1.14 persons wile know themeless toddled tollairsbeesibere .11. either by Note's, Book Amount, sot ltottAettist palm p. r IWO /11108401 012 or before the lent day of Aprillvest=tes Sr s o seosts wlll be left wi th • Amur or OE . A 1 p fir Me, March 11, 11167. SIOSNBTT, BA 0 " T MeV_ OI L.-409 along f^ Le Erie, 1.110, MT. • SCHOOL BOOKS. Park How Book Store. Ayam larirs Melt tot I nialllllllllll sod Retail Trade, o f kind, just naselved and fur male cheaper than inner, by Ray 2. 11167. 1 1. LIVIN. ASIMr some ed yliorto i se, nut, Allege r Rao, asid Lon wogs Pruitt, to to told Tory low tor Cosh at Ibio, 9L BARK t BROTHER'S. :19,7,C s sllll:Cifilizi AGooD_ApookummT or Pala LO4 itiltiand and hour stns r R I ll* MO,. BIM Mir MOM. . , ~- 7 .. '.. Ff. a 1 r. ;,.. - '1 , , The rnsuranoe for own and Country ! /1111 E Krt., (1.4141, gli li tll 11.tstanme Cota.puty .-..1.,..-• 1.. ..L. , iu•ur..,,•....,, 0, . . I. -.•nption .t pr"pert, , ni 1 , .4 . . .1, '.etttttt. at am le a rate.. a. ate ...,tototent nth are,, rite Iti,tka is. 'll r t.1...1 .at,i t i.. 1 dais.. a., ,Ix th... V4rtnor .. in *loch rain U‘nr I. ' tn. property and dolling*, eAI I eel or u, .I . from ..i poits rm. A "" '""ir /Al l l4 AillijAr• , llllLberVAll, ..1,./.. 'moun d ..I ptoporn ... Lai ,r.d. 1%416E4. I %Agar 110piiitmoti Motet I.i.k. N. r 101 , w. ' 1111. I th..r re 1. I rh i ..•‘,". 41 a. 14 0 k \ 111 -La II )61•I• it, 11.4 11• • r, I VI,Di C Ah 11.4, $. i01 , 4•-•3, 1 1•••••ol • ),I• • or, J fitorreit . R, .tmet, ttl t6+ tuna Hoe., 1110 . 1.-11 , • 01 1.3 •Ilh . r Fr.. I. 1.11 II II It 0 %1. le h,.. I noirntu A i , tle‘l /Arts te I 1 : . 0 u 4 1 ': j i i r t, uglA.al4 ther Hi-k. phi" the I ak..a I.[lrf sysalinsur.4 4rll , ;jolt 14V..rabir let,. I tI.• lib, rat I v 411uste4 F r 1•10, ..n tn.•, I.l.lldiew• nut nth., pt p,rt • • .1, tow i 1 1.1 lint, Clint,,, tar • 4.0..1 tom ptr mato, I DIRECTORS. H `4,1, Th".pht/ 1 PaJi4.l it4 , l%rrt Bart., JELL Ar . ry * .F ire 4:::1;: IL2 ;7 • I r II i:N • _ • •••:` •. • : A ;i; .1 ! , • n ni, ks,r- 14 , :i A\ 11 .11:1 F V , 4 - It kV: Cr)IIrPASV ;4" •,,,t; •pirrt $40,( 1 .0 , ,d-raror, larrotittl ....00tt t 11:tfit it` \ r t irlllNCE Atilen, flra f r t ; Aft A. IL CLAt& A. HALDITI,I CAMS MALLERY ir. Co forsakeby that* or gallon. STIMART R SINCI.AIft I , i it 1.. 1 ! ' ' I: - r u ra,,,....,k% u i .1..htri.... 1,, i.,t4a tiamurt4. i I f"" 4 , t h 4 b, ' l ' , t. rt.. %I—• 4 J V.. •1310. , 1). V ItA4l I , %% ‘I li /IX' •. ~ l• I I . i. R =I 1.11., 1 fled, i .ii.i.ktl A , •ticir r • ~ .hn I fm,,, II loos,. Brooks, Johnl.,rl,ll, 1,. , II F 1 Pt ornAP,' lel i.„ a sr,l, ..r.ror , trirlL f oli FA war4 i ptlin ct is i !Pit.: ih I, '' '1 Alm 1 PWlit., 2,,hr, TAler. Jr Pr H H Huvt. I/. , 1wt044, Melts so, IsOri D. A „. , t•ti tw Intl. t TUT CUltEll ME. Carter's Female Restorative, A bt b . - Carter's Anti-Costiire and Liver 'Powder. r ith .....,,,, 11, \. n,..., ti4l. 1.34k/il , l Li, 1./ , ‘ • " . iirit..i. , n. , , it . . , AVIV , A, , fiinniii , iit ii Ell 11 f I t . ,31 o , • 7 •• of ii,Pl in tii •nin . t tiji• 144 •.. u i 1 fr' i% inviii tin( Wi•iitt i .r. , imil tho 1 Abs 4, ~, .., , . v , iiiraiiil and Ki•in• , iii,...linti, i • • , rli iii iiiii i iii.iii• ..1. ••1 tl,•• .••• t, Ct. /1110 •• pi, I / ''. /••• 1 , • VI /It; // / /1./.1 / 4 /ti I I 4-1., ~.• //I 11/ ../ I..,iiiiiiiii • f p i , 1i..4.1, ri ir A lifitittle, ,nill ILI, .. of fir.•it IL. 06•••.11 24t44,1131 IL it'.'.' •Atikriliii , «I- n , iirTni , 4 'it in,. friiiiiiiin iini4ii. Or no•ftsrn•foo• f• it ••••••-' . "•• " • ,• • • ( Lee 11••• rt it- . - .... ri iiii.• i-It, I. -.qui iili .1 /, 1 . 11, A ' IA / f .._,I ', ir I , 1 ' s 1; 011 , ft , it ', , I ~,i rtf f Ei 11 , / .11 , 41 ,, • 1 / 21 i tti I ',./-,1,011' . lid Anti-C u :thee. an,/ F rt , - 44, „.,„ mi .... 4 . r r E 1(1.1 MAW ',VW. 1,11 • •• (TA •• tri 101.4 r eallherw. Ile, .. •mal tit.... tilttinti. I •. tt 1... t, the, nr, r.. ..."...n.1...1 It Ita• 1..., tr1..1 gltit t'...... rt !....! ... 1 e0... m.1.. , • • •I•• ' Inns. 5.01.11,1,1 I . It, f..r.r. Al t lir.• . ~ , , 1 r t .int• nr , ll , ltl. oil, IS (111.,.. •111(11(.I.• • III( /II . : :1611 , 14110110.(111 A M 011.... ...... oart.l 41 li..t. lartlojytt, a- , 41. M nit 1,..w ki,tr.... • tio. women ..1 iktinels Itarrl is. Otsrz Stnroe on r.outall, ti lois"; Efoards I. 1-4 litch cherry Boards, • an.! 4.llnctl :Iran:tore Board• 4-4 .41'1, men Black Walnut lit.a^ , t. Pine, Clear and card quality Bonnie innto,o‘a) Idy Inch Pine ,ningle4, Kona t no•knes ,ttrire, at Seitlen s Hardware Store, Erie, Pa Ens, toc _ AN . Befit N. 011mb FORGER CONVICTED. ~.... JOHN S. DYX LS riffs Al - 11 1t 1 It, 115 . Wh., ila, .had 111 years' tiperienee as a Ban. ao ker, and Publisher, and Author of ~9, A ~-.. frOrtaree rat Vas.. p i rrilti j T,,,,,nosth gt 4 wh n, for 10 ineeesilve niir 're, over 9 l iio,ooo PeOpin -et 4..0 tireei.<4 htih . with Rouetie of ApPlaape, while be ex I,,hited l manner In wkiirn Counterfeiter. ehecute 0 their Frauds, and tari Stared sad Shortest 0 Meaty of ih r tvrting anew! / CO , ~.... The 1110. _Vote Enyrarer: (111 ~131 that be et '''''' il • r i• I 1 I e f P . V c I. :/ r 7 . 1 rS • 14 , ./ 0 Op: r. 7 Lirin g , 9 . 4 • a. ; . 1 -p.g.wm tnz ,.. , ~. Esgst Sal ? I i • - 'I , ' i liTlCtil C lII' '. ''.llol'll 1 hen nhing F:•ery Genuine Bill in r nirtenre, and Eahrbit• at tglanne 'ounterfelt In l'irrulstionn gl Armored nu idnurald•, JEA` , Y an. nrrEcTioN INFITANTAXeots • 17" Su Index t 0 'summit NO milli to hunt up' Hut •dmphned and and areltnred, that tLe 'Merchant, Bank CS •, I linxineme Man ran 14.• •ll •t 4 Claire - _ ro9/ish, rreorult 41.41 • 4 4 1 '51n5• Each luny read T tbe wins? l a W. Own Ni nsf‘e • 1/ 0 4 C '" ? Most Perfect Bask Aloes ,List Published. MEE 1.4 4) All All the Private Bankers in a. Americ k t plot, Sarrmukry of the Isx.krwe or I !tore ArD Ar rtt,cl rill bepubluawkl to cacti rdltion, loirr•thrr vroh nil ttnpurtsait aEWS Of THE DAY Alm, k AERIES (.1 , TA LAD 161 roru Lc. ~id If&puerript!ousd the fit, It (hr. tt, 11.0 ( mu r d e r. „1 oRIENTAf 0 • 1:41 ,hoo rams; , i, hoot Peryleako.; Pt... Mon. 111 erbioh 0,4 Laaiia awl t;nntlemva of that tountry litre been eo often Aki, f•mscul.'l.ere St..diehrig v. , ushrimOthrovighost tbe who/. a p , lear ;a ntl e.j.: pr A. th• Nost Rotertatufnit her offered to the O_ ;Jr we- 10 , tt. son.rnbor% .uly, at SI a year. -tlll.-ttera must kaurema4,ln • JOKY N. BYR, Broker. Priaprietor, 70 W•Il Street, Neer York. Metalio Paint Nvl ,ffir If re e Mtge sluardtty‘ci th i Ls lt, lasinutactarrd . , 16i the , rfste Pk P 4 4 11 42V441111 1 .2. Mu* aa r g a paint / iner thsn *h * i, e ill End this the moat SZ=ancl Shea 11aeg An OAe se it eurpaees . In Bode, Depth and Richness of 4 ad. any colored I aint in itar. Ibe following ram tr of volor enable us to Stilt the taste of all Rhin Ober, ()ramp Trap, Dark Bream, . itl I, ttr liffl U MY (1 Mr Eri, Mar :ln 10.57 ATE.H. ART AL ' , INCL./a 1,. Umber — Wanted. WE silt ler the highest market price In ( aah for )0,000 fe..t tall , I 'I thick 10 feet long b(1,00U " `• Ili " 12 " " 0110 ' " 14 " 14 0 " 50,000 . White Oak, 11, • • l/ '• • ' 60,000 ' .. 1 +. " samad growth tram snood, toogk and Moug ht rifted lop Also, for 50 WO feet o f eh - M*4M Aftei and tough White Oak and Hicko r y tog" 1 ~11 and 14 •et .ng tellveresl at our yard in Erie . I nee Frh 111, late 3 4t) qE, DEN . 1 / 4 LANDMERE. Sedrhaem li s ae l attt .— tat illetP Ll Meert it t At at En. Nap 30, IRS" J 1 1 Axsom WI3Q lATAMONI DIPKIPr ? ? ? vir g wilt par e t 'fi and the Islgbeet market prior for at OM Tim nik.r149)4411111.612i40i5".. ~ I 1 de, May JO, MI TIRBALS, HAYES A CO Bait ft Niobium 1 1 41v41 iir t Stock Fu . 5kt!..4 1 g....!§1. 5 p f . ,la )41.4 mph Stock, . l PERKINS ill!le.• _ 11 41_11 .1 5i .../ 1 -Al ~/ .. A "IP." _ SaM ' SW4O NG Oil 1837. LI t % 1113 ,) , MallsOhMilfinviPaper. Hanging% 1 roskil IL in, 'Will. alterg eft aoltakr old customers to some new and ,Cr.t,s4rable Ntylei• awn imperiersee Jared from 11-dore,lhor sale at 1... prima b. J C. 86.1.D10 f. --- ON /4 • S UI - 1- 4 1 is t. 4 , . l I KS.-11r Jame. Anson 'a C , eletmated Female Milk for remorin&ubstructloas kc., r fzenjhatssrer M 4 M.— or Sale at Noi. 6 • xis f*.....ty 4, a, g# LDWIN. -rfl.., Martha. MA , ...7. i L - ook Here! TH E .10 , crit4 . 7 .11 , 11 1 / 4 informthe publie that be has removed to t1,,,.. , ,,,,,,i o n t h e corner of Eighth sod Stale Streets, where he may be rowed s all .: roeeries, Fruit% eatttikeet*fiaung-up" Pies. In ea reetnnem alb. op‘n.l time eAtnine•-etitat LP, the Sunbury aad En. Rattrunkt-- he to. Allan t ht repleemb his she)yes with the "finest an , l belt ,"a a To/ varnr.t,, .1..1 r. s "ever) body sad every body's child," oi l be him a gall. 11. iIIAIDWIIii. . , Erie: April fs A161)1104; KURA Nalfrirrib7ll-0111.,by the ten-el or fa/lea, at the Aare of _ilure 1 4 wales a 1111017111:1t limlll.' I' —A, liDee. we." artielr urelnciunati Whiter Bo oda for sale , HI, JAS. S. II . e Z47 e: *Md. JOTS t% . \I thr , , 1',.. t I= ier , • f ' , Ott 1 c 4 ~,t i l.• Ct tnpn ;R. $i !h et rev t, • 'llrUgl receive end 'wing ktude Y feet Inng 11 .10 1- Au 11=!!! i\ s, O. i tr. 11F Pitxsf,oi tT a e it ir= of Treat- her. allbitet Oil VIIInb there Is so much OUnerno‘ ell, among ,t• t hesetirl .ser• and• that of OW MAI It F. I'. 0 . boo: of phi sic.... est. bluster, bletol, calomel .s.l Istadtbit drugs Utitil the ,ouliding lottient sinks under their w • A b„,,jdb i . 4 t,,. the praelltfoner w tll tollpits 11131 the pollen • 1 • tutinnalleuht not tewr tn./A:newt, when the" h,..s were the waamet se be boron eves ht owe to On ' health- • • • en could [laps rte.,' on. to ”upPrfect •mother pcb.4 • tom:tare t.-11 you that aut., tit cure all the tom:dm:op a vex. Still anoth. r adminislars kerb., roots, and on on to the end of tits chapter. The di .'riot wools betas. as 111111D8f01111 aa theirtheorles. hew Hooligan Franklin, by the simple torane 14 hue kite, I.t-ught the electricity from the Iles. ens, the world sundered slat as* he would make of tt, What 14 he do ‘i Ile, the first ;Ling, as the benefactor of Meaksa4 applied Ittn Oro saving of life from dtaltructiots I that subtle tluitt electrlcay. And erkift IPA eetstaakable aupiladti tmobtilets theitskeiritn..nts Istria fir tut Grua Tame. ot Llighttuall Auld atom of YruL Busts, the ilLteeeeree and makes of the t r ea t ELEtt. 'CHIC OIL. Prr.f. Grath's experiments eornineneed 114 . 0, means years ago and hare eons on orfttl vith rears OF toil and nueentitted exertion be has produced, at Philasielpida, the scene et ranklin't soca% r a wonder seeen-I only to that of his went fur. I en nosy Than this asitouishing AlinliallAror of th• Ws mud 1 ,,,,, s ~, u,,, fi there does not eitsto more nierit••nous niedi• ins, nor •I Ur %Weil tis...lrasra such universal and 'au:United testimonials lil Us favor from ail who haws given It a simpl• trisl 1“ Clengralatn. rbp,l,l I...htors, Congressmen, Nsrors of clue., Hotel pnopmetote sad nret-slaea Merchants, in t h e coos of imuti duswowe and aikotioassis the following—not everything—Rheumatism, fe ss , and R og , p s .u ssa s, Goat, Neuralgia, LO•lber, 2 Jekatblis WPosal sad thotiebk •sl complai n hi, Tic Doi" reu t, ileadacu, Cramps, Croup, Piles, Felons, .pains an•l Bruises, CUL/ and Wounds, Swklied Wood; Still Jolla% ••• rofula, Erropelas, sore Nipples, dwelled Hioisids Womb DM. . nave, unit Rheoni, Cooker id the month and steowicia, Palpitation, i.rupliona, Caked Breast s quinsy, Wore Throat, Paley, ki tur , ss , Nt ese * Lot; Jew, art Hera , Tooth atot harmehe, Neriba.orsa; . 00tir.n...., BUM .re Gums or,nil inhumes, kr A. 4au e taniple th• estimation In whir& it , is toad by one of the shoot J orMta and. tors no Ma, kr, in ibis country. w• will tie r . let ter rereired by Prof De Ga.fivu,fr‘im Job* Livingston, Kw}, Editor of the well known Monthly Law Malikedtie s 167 liroasioay, N. w Volk: • word of such testimony is otwasret weight among the ~.t dam... of the rounder, than volume from unknown &Gorr... uta an kronen, tiny 7t 1868. i'r,f Charles Dwitirstb—l freely giro it ms my *Moo thlit)utur e Electric Ott" is among the most wuederfel inesedien st ar deco runes. At the earnest reticent of a lady who alloyed she had been r= of a zonal. "unto! allectioin ht its use, was loduce.l to try , thoteterat'the This* of' pars hating, I Mlle bellevtel it to be a gaud{ amoodicilift 444 4 Watch peony hurobee. Wit& trial einDrlnto tty r t doe s poems • motor , ~, .'ref, aod Its use genre a blown to pearling humanity. i"rmently tea &old tram sloovtag istblonailkeete, so 4 neck hnennew mach souse and notattril, Anal onsid vaot lora my bend After owing, withoul nevem, weery - thing prerertbed by my phym elan,l 1.4 evening tried your Electric 011. This morning I and .711 • ill. relict Mining b,en as complete orp• was tostantatte tt os„ Yourefmtry trate, Pips tiviNGsTOS, . e• LW Et MOW a f Mr. Ltt esrectica *longs to the old wealthy and highly swaparnabla Amaliee of the ant settlers of trw York. Any moo call sldrits• :Ow on the sub ret of the abos li•tori, which will be answered with Moamar* ‘1 , 41144 1 2 , 431118 , hero eine waren ournionlawe ti./111.1 of . • it rnaki — thit • LETTKE nit KEYSER. Nzt.At'oti ctil4.4 ILay Plat. ; ?foe. IR tiaattl.o-' 04 ..01) atlt street, lhaee a reeratiabla rate lamely Abseil! Lair, of Plttaburgla, Ma 1 • Tr:, soollou tool pamfol tritn•l. I applied the oil pots..nali3, hteh pre instant relief He has recommended the oil to others tel , ted with the results were moat facl•fre,- , Yowl‘vvry truly, IlfklitKOCH K. 4,1 'LK, IL 10 Dr Kr) owr ,tauds It, tirst rtuk.r, fats profriuti .11 ill rats Ihe 41 Lasing thernseirm and some ul their Luutk. been htsl.grptrrdulMalraatbe tidtpdt i4riptu "peak .t la at utade life a burden and impart.) their uaefial in tflr ream:, hare not been Isearattrd ersemellag tialaalles of !urtietthg thiag peoph‘ net ik• elsnd gentle nom, stow letbseirefg.!hitsh bents, to an g • number of rrof. Deta(nthlrcarat and pamphlet, and handing them person.. all) to mambos,' of his eke:m.6 and ot the Isle Contemne. of the N. E ('but 10 i s nfhanthrito, Jl4n. Pth, 14:05 S Nue! Da Gitate—lly dear sir mum% inforto t 1 1 1 i. effeet• I have eraperienced^i putt Poeta, bit. I har« be. n terribly afflicted for tboleett learr put with Neoralgta sou other complaint •to h w rrtnot haw tqt rattatinrs been Wag I na.. , lw.,n nable to wall two plume's! wilbent Orspiong to mat; and for hie y searsl Woe mot had a good POW. test, befog upAltVe to• sleep from loon Abend the Ed of thie month I stosonsessel Luting our Yleetric tak! !, a's•ot tea drops intarrasity stet spislual t.. the UM, t lumen' part. On the nowt sight I.etter t:isn 1 tout ilon• ler many retro, and bow, tit - thread atilt um,. lam li•e a tie , . ion con 'leen well, watt any d,..t4n 1 ,., t oo aft nit" ml dultata. Your Ott-ba•%g dose for tne In this enort 1. hat the rutin Medical Yam: alien ot Use Kew York Col! thoheine and autw of tie Jefferson and thettneytemonlet }An !Lel phta have (Ailed to do in 13 1,4111, 310 :loath etre.; Ptb 4.40p411 4. 1 7i / A"' lart. ku nbo ir information if grantlid br mittr :Pr %%. :” t I.lg a 1.., fruco • Alorebaot of :se 11A..14 locknr,ticut 1 YEAR • I/EA F \TEAS crßen •Lw Harty , r ' alai Jbt )4 IVre IwtGrwth--My brother has been deaf three yearn A fter taytww many thins+, he tined your Oil • few owl., weei k erred Alm everreiy. CLIFFORD K. ritt" RA NTUM. - From 31err-haot lo lkraadt4a tia,o off ht.' rrutebos in m anautes talue•l,lo.,B July 11th, 1•601. Prot. DeGmth,—Dres 11 stuck a 1.1: t L. f..ot ehd was waskie to walk wtthmat the WM of a crutch, v. ben bribe application of Prot. Chess. Deg; rattes Electric. 011, he wpa Immedia tely relieved of pain and could walk without the use of the crutch. I believe be wm sexed from becoming permanently lake thereby, I would therefore, trrommend It to 1.11 whops ema a of complaint tt professes to ewe. .1 , 111 ARNOI-D, r_. We tot too adietatututo with these leriers fpf+atimuny, but orporml, aeOttreihel Iftedno 11 who hike IS theme who bare dem *MITI It 'for hemselres. of thin (haat Dets4 bee jkels cpaspec.dented, hal year Wont, area 11R15,1100 er'elfeelic" and Wheeeretk 4 known, there It to used. PwreeM Ladd k Co., of Rkhmond, bought last - $1 16. of Nee r ork 12suno worth aer,14,000, Peak, pt Clumnnatt, ' , mange all over, the 1 oiled Irtiaprot• ears, It Immediately ail g n. ere darner a Park, :C. York, pal r. the. teri ,of a frightlully swollen ant 1.. nod, la Museum, mired ,1 N ours,- ghi; .. V. Vrunder. __,, ... Fayette street, Philadelphia, evmdiv day , Chart" Gweneer's tern r•hlldren, (and WO ethereal nand of mpg, Prinoid mod rostre streets—lds ells of Nworaigra June. II ,E d ui. Nobel, hetw,eu nth and Tth ids., Rheumatism ettreel In o Way.. Jacob treteell, Plienond street Germantown Raul, e ask Gen, W Ward, £w, , large Furrtlahlhg )t"re, I th...snot t II it emred him The lite.... of PiUshougii, eye It acted li a corm a ill) hail, and man, l'iy !titian{ are it, and many oil rut notices nate neen ' olu ',tartly gi ren this naarttorious Balm—i lanai "Wubingtin Star, - ". I,eland I:comae." Phil& ir etelptua, • York sdtd 114,400 papers, although we bale pritifernii4 .11 mot to . not ities. CO) inf di on « medidine Itself!, bream. we 4 Irsow ti t itiaa he Merit, fire samayerrillee, rt wwdlil it,. Sown mower by harms it noticed ber and its Merit. This 111 an expensive preparation to c.,rilhtne and put up. and w. ,- cannot shout t., T A T i n , pulls, Wit those Doctors who uni...itcLui, Are ino•tiy composed of wallow. Thia Oil autoot he ahlterated with ani thing that would cheapen it, without epeeltngit. (.apt. Jae. Si. turner iil N, y e a city sa doe hurt hla Welk, soukd not walk --wrote mg one effectual rubbing with ttuetrit ',red arm. (. telloN Ft la "A i I..TY As there have MIMIi sprung wp many luso ttultatilom. of wy s.rticle, wbirh the dare call lileetrte oil, I deemst well to put the public on trot" fund ISsesstlis Missteln Oil as hartneless sweet sasulogne, and always leases you better than It fuuu.l rutu. One bottle always pamluats an Chet, "Item* oomph. to cum lima must be aura thereforre. that eon ask Gtr and set s ELECTRIC uIL, the name is blown 10 et ery huttle.--tnns, rya El. 1)11 The genus no u Pohl Gy . I . I* Martinson. .treet, Baltimore, i ( SAO. STOTT k Co., mid other prn.c,eise e , x atithisieu d , (,t , YOICIILL, LADD i lia , Richmond, Va.. X.& /cosmos is Sot, i% ~e . told, iia., and J J lit Nl', Frederick. Yd„ mid Ifrrlggillra irk ever, Wwn in the t . States , km2l. A LallTstuAflaCtikrit--.TYYOkSATefir a Hoinalbl ilk in Erie POB,OO Each el 1 Holmes, Lot k Horn do 162' mo 47 building Lots do 1. pm 14 laie I Euisdre out Lot -..ditli i t I.a tn. 4111 Si (MO 1 Partici Viti acres 14 0