THE HERALD. CARLISLE, PENN'A 0. L.-Haddock J. M. Weakley. EDITORS AND PaOPRIETOILS ; Volume - -11EPUBuCAN ATIONAI, TICKET, FOR PRESIDENT, GENERAL U. S. GIZANI DIECIGEE2 POlt VICE PRESIDENT 4 HENRY WILSON, . OF lIASSACHUSETTB F..s 4 c FO.ll GOVEIINOI. GEN. JOHN V. TIMITHANE,T, =II _ SUPREME JUDoL. HON: ULYSSES - MERL It qr BRAD YU 71 AUDITtat Oh:NEI:AL. GEN. HABEISON ALLEN, OF WARIe'r.v,I.V.V7'I =2E= Gon. Lemuel Todd, of Cumberland Gon. Harry Wham, of Indiana. DELEGATES AT LARGE TO THE CONSTITU TIONAL CONVENTION. Wm. M. Meredith, Philadelphia ; J. Gillingham Fell, Philadelphia ; Gen. Harry White, Indiana ; Gen. Wm. Lilly, Carbon ; Linn Bartholomew, Schuylkill ; H. N. M'Callister, Centre ; William H. Armstrong, L.icomin , t William Davis; Monroe ; James L. )Reynolds,' Lancaster ; Samuel E. Dimmick, Wayne ; Goo. V. LaWience, Washington : David - N. White, Allegheny, W. H. Ainey, Lehigh ; John H. Walker, Erie. AB will bo seen by the head of our paper, a change has been made in its editorial and business management. Mr. Wallace, who has been associated in the conduct of the paper for nearly three years, having disposed of his interest in run, 'HERALD, retires, and will be suc ceeded by Mr. 0. L. Haddock, of Phila delphia. The dissolution of the old firm has been entirely amicable and mutual, Mr Wallace desiring to engage in a more act it a business. During his connection with the business from which he now re tires, ho has made hirrielf many friends, by his kind and generous nature, and his integrity of character. Wherever he may go his warm and kindly disposition will secure him hosts of friends, and he has our best wishes for his success and pros perity. Mr. Haddock is a geutlmnau who is thoroughly familiar with every depa4t- ment of newspaper business--]cluing seen considerable service, as riTi'llter, publisher and editor. lie is mi ardent . Republican, and is hlcays to render his best services to promote tho success of the . party. lie received his collegiate education and is wall and favorably linoun in this community. His actual connection with the business will begin next. week. :13:1 000,000, one.sixth of the ~ .abt :'tended jof [nem. They, m lllety 11111 some debt of the nation, ereatod by a Demo-4 thing to unit yiduate Lfiemielres, and wet e erat ,, . rebellion, hat. beet. paid ,rnong their co- tetnpurarfe,s, Gr: at'• inauguration. 'lllO DemocratiJimiaj 1,,, ial, k jt j j ,w,lota, o, how he, pat y lIICO its Lid Is 11 , 1 ;. I juin 81 this yet cr• tion 1 l a Clow con,eient post L, help this I)eni,,,!at ° jay the liel,, of A pi”, 111 )11 sh:,, 4.1„.., :oat the unpm•tants. • :I' sclodrug sui di d egates to tint ( - 011,f it utional : Cot lei Glen is not sufficiently appreciated in is county. This Senatoi to I district is a titled to three delegates if, the Con- stitklional Convention. They appears to I •• an impression abroad that these . , deli ales are to bp, chosen en the eumu lati • system. This is tut the case. Tin ," are chosen by a limited, instead of a can illative vote. No per.ionTi can vote for''erullnin.two delegates, mid though ho •i, : yivote for but one, ho eau east but. ogle vote; ft is governed by the San • rule that regulates the choice of insilctors of elections, in which but a sint,M person can be voted ler, although two .ire to be chose/LP' The design is to inswe a represontatien of cacti party Prot . each district. r - Franklin county friends have chamn John Stewart, esij., Of Chambers- ' burg, as their. candidate, and wo hope our friends in Cumberland may ho ' fortunate in making a selection. This district was really carried last year. ph WO State' ticket. — It is true that thiiril was an aiparont majority of about soy- t enty against Stanton, hut UM; wig; camied by lie remarkable fig firing of the return judgus, by which he \was cheated out of 1 110 votes in- the Shippensburg district. hail that vote Veen fairly counted wp ( would have had a majoiity iu the districe In view of this we think our party should nominate two good nice and work heartily to elect them. We are sure of one o ia any event ; lot us make a good square light for two. THE. BALTIMORE NOMINATIONS. 'lin die is met. The old Demdcratic party ilefeated and vanquished every time k has come before the people has ventured its separate - existence as a party, on the success or failure of an experiment heretofore untried in our politiLs: Last year in most of the States it' "C . :e.t aside its former devotion to blind prejudice, oppression rind injustice, and putt-ended to acquiesce in the meas ures el right which Republitanism had engrafted in our constitution. Its re pentance, however, came too lite to beet 11. them. The people preferred to stand by the party whose principles' the Deniue env had been • compelled to ac cept. in their final desperatisin this yea;, .J;O3 , cast aside not only- llfose prin ciples which aro now -hold by all the wol Id to be infamous, but they go be yond i i , pale of their party and take for their I, ;tiers two men who never had or. pr0f05.....1 a single principle in ceininon . with the Democracy, wile have steadily . dcnonecod'all their actions,. and 'whose 'vanes would never have been breathed in • a Iniavocratie convention had there •been•a tiemocrat llving„whose nomina -1 than wrlild have offered boi) of sue- COE4B:. all Understand' that if this ei:ptrlment • Democratic • party Melt foroVer disband ; Ind that if it sileceed Wine 'may be' lioPo that the nceideete the. fuluro will again give it a lease of power. • liVili,;the' nomination of Greeley, and :rows—this_surrinidee of prinCiPles and, sacrifice oi.lcadcrs-bring victmq tolho. crushed and gfisping Democracy ? WL3 hate no fears that it will. .The experi. moot will prove . that, the POoplo' thor oughly undorstand tho hypocrisy of the politicians, who attempt , to ‘ obtain throUgh bargains - and • barters, / the' power which has been so long kept from their giasp. •We do not underestimate the importance of the coping struggle. We know tinit all thm*plionees, with „which deSperarii and unscrupulous politMmmi are familiar, will be used faiic the Democratie party to cast its tinited vote for (lrecloy.' I,Ve know, rit'o, how readily all the disappointed, place,-seekers of the dominant pirt/liof l be ready . to emr.bine their efforts With thpfDemecraciy, to avenge -some real or` innkivary gqikance, or to open up 'some pat.lo - hjrtaallich they may walk easily to places AA', , IQ'tYr and. profit. But we tiiitt there, is a limit to tie W. 111.1, solicraiug I,nhtiehmns have power to ac:oteplish. The p'.!ople cannot mail,: to forst.: the glorious triumphs he infamous hu 1 1 h - 21110er:icy. Their remein qtanee oi lil;nit . s 11006,111, valor and i.ltar , an.l his seise, 011.' ;1;41.1 .ii,;l4ted 3t,tesmanslicip cautiot Ire oldit crated by the pihlui prOonal attacks by his revilers seek to tarnish his fair fame. Aftta all file ititir.isu and censure which :venal politicians invent has been-ex pended, the people will 'sustain the Ad ministration of the - President, who has been faithful to all Ids trusts, and whom) personal career forms one of the bright cgt chapters of the National history, No. 80 I,ot nu man be imposed upon or de luded by the loud boasts of the Democ':' racy, that their candidate, •Buchalow, will be elected. .That is a part, and a largo of o, of thefi• system of electioneer ing andands been their main reliance in all times past. ,it each election we have heaTd similar confident predictions and reckless assertions, but the remit proved' how unfoithded they wore., and how im pudent were their pretensions to prophetic knowledge. Just now, their boasting and confident assumptions are as unreli able and as little entitled to respect as ever. Then• wish is father to the thought and this Icicle there to atlirm as a fact, that which is but the prequel of their• def-ire. What new virtue fias the Demo crahe party acquired that it should be trusted HOW after into ;lig bee n iepcatedly repudiated and defeated Tint same men who fornmily led it and .composed it, ate identical with those who now (hied, it. and form its. rank and file. They arc gov e rned by the sonic wishes ~td a in at (Ito .saute t‘b,teels Fs Corteeily, l i and all.; 110 111,./re to tiay, worthy of the confidence of the people than in former times. And as to their eandidate, does lie differ from the men who hereto form,„ were nomiwitod them for the position Can be column,: with Wo.ilward, Foster or Clymer ]'al, each of these were disastrously defeated, I.e . aits , the, people xin not place their It 1:4 in ,t patty Lief hat been rt.:cue:int • t• ,tlt i•riat:iple and taitidet, ;ttn,.;ty attti I n to ail I;iiiikak_si, it, it hoe .11 the ;mute Coo ItitIVON% ii111 , 11:1,1bittOl ,t , 1,14 politic,' life e,treLie devotion to the ex pidtled :mil dead which 11 r ood. AN:O.d... were eel! Cll, rind Irh 1.. nOL our, InCh in advance of them. Nay, lie 1, Lir Intel ;or LO ally one ~~: .;u~mri ~r :,•• otne,s, W.- I /had splunthil ol , pot .11•,, ;es Lot t/'it-elt4 , lll.y.t•lhle,L;elkitts ty,ti•.4ll„aild ',-.1,•,•.)(1 ill the 1;(`I y „1;:u(1 Lvent-, liar. 'thni ha,i `he • , el' •• , 01.:our h , mu] k hits prosev,...•r2 I••••• '.' For ::!1 Ow, he has era :•• he might as well hate 1), ou inatl(.: and peen vidli.)al the rvtl t,r of 5p(21261. . *kat into give I,9piliadity to ~nett x •1111111.' his admirers I,r specified, t po,int v,twil nd where he earned their laudations:, and how .their b . ,nl..;Litig . eau be justiticd. The triith is, its a game or brag, intended to impose upon the timid and credulous, and to opeiatt• on the Iloatiirg vote. But, 118 1151.1,11, il, 'Win fail them ano add one more unit to their, disappointment without teachlng them wisdom or honesty. The people are too intelligent for such tactics and cannot be driven' into the support of a iniumfactdieed great man, when the workineic are ILIAVII botches and liars. AT a I teent sessi, i of the Supteme Corot, in Philadslpl la, the wiestion Of the eonstiNiti , niality of the Local'Option Nti, NV:II4 taken up and postponed until next January. The ..i ty solicitor re `iiiiiclied that he would ask the Counhis newrs of the city, to grant .i lieenses in Ili: ward for e hitil the special act was. ls.ed the 'wOue as if no lam e.riNted. To the 'ainazoment of every ono present, Chief Justice Tht»noson remarked that lie hoped they world do so, as that would be au easy solution or the difficulty, The next morning the venerable head of tle court found it. necessary to explain I Is nuts; extraordinary remark - ,and to.dc., iy that he intended to advise or suggest the disregarding of the law, until there was an ad ve'rso decision upon it. It is must remarkable to ns, that the Chief Justice should have so far forgotten -himself, as to suggest or even, tolerate the idea that any law could be disregarded,. until it had-beet .judicially,detopnined to lie . miconslitutional. It wae his thity 'to have rebuked ' the city soliettei• t'or making any such intimation, instead of encouraging it. A' changc - iii plio of dm judges of the tinfireme Court this "all, would, we I 11111 k. lie. ;Ittl'illit'll ' with oX cellent. ivoilts. . . 'Cot— McCtunt: ponouneed at. Ball:' more Itbi istoutioo to support Ay. t low for Covoraor. This will iloubLleeo act ouro I the Deuweratic candidate pro 'digiously, for of course he did not; dream, fill i pohsiblo until be Loud We have, no doubt also, that, Col. Mc. Clore was deliborathuj; prayerfully ovei , .the queptiou on to thovilfy day on whiel.t ho Alcule this anuouncentent. ,(tb, y dear, good Ropublicans,who conscion , tiousb vu sal for the &mair from tlo Fourth' DisVricts.uuticr tho idea of re- Tottnn;,-you now under:Amur the of that pulitidal "bridge? if you, ha on not, had Anlibticht already to domonstral your follyi.:Prit tarn to now and la 1p; to . elect t./rtancy.: and then you. can e`;-• peat t t it . l.lte romainder of Your livev, S. S. Cox, whoni Mr. Grooloy 81111 Iliul Slinitet," iviim robbed 'of hi watch find abain. 811(1 a considerable SUM of milt%roilitto^attetaling the llalthnoro• Convention... • attonded Doinooratio'conientions long enough to know bottoo than• to ltavo alyint his person in.tbat 130(t of crowAit.. LooK out for a Republican victory. in North Caryjina next month:, The Demo - over the vast cd - rrirptio&- fulid+ which has boon sent down', there. Whenever a lintrnicrat roldizeh:that the people have' made up Moil" minds' to clean out his: party,le begins . to howl "money," "fraud," " corruption," 'Aley, aro 'conced ing the result' already doWn in the Tar State. Wonder hovi much these'conscl entions fellows will swear was spent to rlect after next November? • , A VOTE for Greeley moons hid and comfort to the persistent enemies of the Republican partyyits measures and pol icy.- It inEvs end ratement to the defiant rebel spirit which scorns and vie.. latea the law of the' land, enacted or thn protection Inl-111d r -I•berty - add 'property. It meads a tudllingness to restore to, power _ the Democratic party, aud.con fide to its levering dud direction Lieu trusts which it abused and betrayed. It incites a sorrender of the administration. of the Government, into the hands of the men who labored and fought to destroy it, and a, condemnation of the men who stood liy it thrtandi all perils dialtrettly and herontly rislrod tb,l lives and property to defend 011(1 maintain it. It means ingratitude to our benolactors and snviJars, ;Ind a mistaken and haz ardous confidence in the authors and perpetrators of our National calamities. It means the vet-opening of the questions Bottled by the N'4 ., ar, and a jeopardizing of the rights which 'were the fruits of the ,Union victories. It 111011115 agitation, dis turbances and conflicts, both in political and economic relations, and the unset tling of private and public, affairs. - It means the overthrow of safety and se curity for the hazard of an experiment that mayprove most disastrous. .It means the exchange of a (tortoni good for a doubtful one, of a fixed and satis fabtory policy for an erratic and experi mental ono i, of tried and reliable offic ials for inexperienced and visionary ones in connection with others proved to be corrupt and unfaithful. It means this and 'more and worso, whether intended by him who casts it or not. Let him, therefore, who moposes to vote for Greeley, thoughtfully consider the consetruenees,"and rigidly interrogate his judgment and' conscience before he commits himselfj)9.yond recall. Let him reflect whitheV‘he is drifting, into what company ho is entering, in whom he is placing his confidence, and_what will be the results. Let hint ask himself if he is ll ' il l bsistent and faithful to his honest con victions, and true to the great principles of justice and freedom, that hemtofore guided his alfeetions anti actions, and whether they still lead his heart and eon ibict. Lot hint not unrellet tingly allow old confidences to blin'ti Irvin to piesent unfaithfulness, and pi even' bim flotu . perceiving the wide chasm :hat2 , yawns between them. Let hint inqUire how it Nimes th,it Greeley bas abandoned the Rept,liiican ',tidy, and it in do m e and eentshml uu 'elution with the patty and men whom lie wiaparingly denounced and opliu:cd ye ,:is and how it happens that the worst elements of that party, coMpOSlng Tainmany and its v.otst associates and subside try gangs of thieve, tepeaters and rutli .no, are now hi, rinse .lutient and t',nspir , lous &Mulls 411 , i Let ldm ask in whom hasthe change been WI ought , and Whet her it not more probable that Greeley has gone over to his now allies; than that they have, as a bed y„recan t id4lmic long convictions and furopt,l his? lid even youvii:ce luni..cli of Greeley':. lolitic.,l integfify, let Itimillouiro Iffiv• that integrity could be ma ful allied or eNefeiNed if, throig,l, him, the 11e1110 , 101 le patty is pla,:•ed to power and put in possession of all influ ential positions. Would he control that p„fly, off the pitrly 111111 ? W 110 trutticl he the most dependent, the least powei . - f' WOI/111 stand most ill moil of the other " \Vile would have the hoolc , ill the nose ? The histsry of tho pilot answers these questions. No roan ever left Ins patty ant acted with its Tl , o ll ellts " ilhuul beoiluing etc of them iii feeling and action, and no President ever was able to catry out it poliei or embody his views it legislation without a supTierting party. They nat urally gt aviti.te towards cacti other, and inevitably itssiMilate— iti.onger and most numerous' absorbing :Aid merging the wealter and less numerous. By this lai'; should Greeley be elected, he and his liberal reform sup ,t,orters will be lost aturdlliappcar in then urasbes of the Democratic party, to be head of no more forever.,„, " 'mown y retipondd to Ulf: 17,01111iitait , ot the N•alional !Jon veation at Boltiotorc." nose wall.° the words inscribed on a lkinner unfurled from the city ball, New York, omithe receipt of the news of the nomination af Greeley. Is any 'other ovidenoe needed to prove Oreeley's bargain with the 'Tammany thieves? This corrule, ming, front Its head centre, presided over by Mayor Hall, who was Bayed from expulsion from ollico by the Tammany Republicans, flout, in tho face of the world, its impudent joy over . the nomination of its favorite and con federate, and gloats over the prospect of, regaining its-Power amtplunder. ' • Melt all mOiltion Ve"nough to sicken honest men, and make them shudder at the bum idea of the eleOtiait of a man who is the"cliMien leader of a gang of scoundrels, who have amazed and horri fied the world by their stupendous frauds and villainies. M this signal from their chief, the lesser rascals, who crOwd4he shahs and grogg,nriea of tic city, and . enact the role of peiJurc,l repeaters, kink up the cry and decorated their dens with bunting and transparencies, laudatory of thr nit whose fortunes were bound up with their own. How can the friend ship and support of such men for iffreeley j he accounted for, w.f.:vitt open the theory V that he is conimitted to their base pm roses ? Is it conceivable that they have. been won over from their crimes and, degradation, by love and admiration for the imputed virtues and purity of °me i! ley, and that they have voluntarily aban dotted their evil' praCtiees,'Und j suddonly p become 'honest men and good citizens ? :I No, that is too improbable an idea for 11 the Most emdulous.. Their adoptien of ()reeky lain only be explained on the hypothesis, ,that his election will enure to their advantage and subscrvo their t ends. Ptirtially beaten and brolcen-- Ipartinlly driven front place and plunder, they are necking rho means of protection . and safety, and : ultimate restoration to j the thieving uppoitudities thoy once 'enjoyed ; and no ,sooner is the nomina tion of Giceley,SuppoSotl tgbo attainable, than:they, uro seen to emerge from . thole' retreats• and looneealmigs, and. labor to make it a Alqainty. Oath() instant thet nomination is ,made„ they, boldly, eon- j flout an indignant nation;. and .loudly nod olionsively problaim their. approval ' 'of it. " Trunmanylesponds:" ' To what commendable act Aiit it ever before respond? When did its approval ever before indicate worth in the re: cipientt, When did -it ever ally itself With an he — nest-cause or cast,lts fortunes • Iyitli a good (inc.?: Lot the history of its Career answer, :IF; written in the liyes, thefts and peijuries Of Tweed, BA Connelly, Sweeney and their associated bandits. And let every. honeSt man:asli himself. the question, can iletTice.Grce loystuyontuled by such itssociates - and gn them, be a tit .-poMon to be (intrusted with the destinies of our great , Country, and ought - not the alliance be kween him and ',hem .sel)arato hiui from the support and e:Mlldenee of all 'honor able and true 111G11 event, since the assassination of _Lincoln and the at i ciitasy of Johnson, has so delighted the rebMs and • copperheads as the -nomination of Greeley by ibe'i Democracy at Baltimore. They fairly boil over with exultation, and exclaim, '• tet lot Pe' ye rt 4 . loWs uggestive' tile their toy and expres:dons, and how Plainly do they indicate the animus that , led them to make that nomination, No ri...can be so simple as to be deceived by the transparent - fraud and h~-pocrit icnl of repentance and renun cfn; ion :if all their desfiuctive principles and ir [relit the geneineness of the dtinveHi..ii c Lich transforms a whole party in the tWinkliing.of en. eyc, i'rem opposers and haters of relaibiican prin ciples and measures, into -warm and ardent supporters and friends'.' Such a belief is negatived by the Whole consistent history of the party, and is irreconcilable with human nature. No, Use Democracy aro, to-day, the same they were during all lhe years of the viar and since—the same negro-hating party —the same rebels and sympathizeta with rebels—the same enemies of reconstruc tion—the .same opponents of the Thir teenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth con stitutional amendment, as ever ; and the Cincinnati platforin no more ex presses their opinions and principles to-day, than it would have done four years ago, when Llteir platfirin distinctly and emphatically denounced and repu diated all that it titi,l,ains and declares. Then, they denounced all the now amendments, and demanded that they should be set aside as illegal and uncon stitutional. Then, they clamored for the repeal of s all thu reconstLction acts. Then, they liercellassailed the eufram , chist. mold. of the negro, and ctied about for . a White man's government; and then, proclaimed their pu . ..p.,se to ropu , , diate the war debt or the country. Since then, in all then county and State con ventions, they have le-asset ted aid re-, iterated the same e:entiments. What, has so suddenly revolutionized turned them inside out IV.hat bccn the prate:;, awl the infltionee" 1;y hand has the mist is aru wiungl4,' IVe answer, that thc whole performance . is a fraud 111111 pc' practiced for I. sole f regal powet, that 1.11 o .) ,coist.t.e their old xiews, nu , t iret•c.o th, which prevai iLd !II ISo: ;iceoropii:.ll those cud:, t toy now pr.. 10,. ., to ho'd io abeyaucc ilidt In In Loth. and to have become lot lowers of time ."swe heads,'' in older, by thin onin, to de feat the I:eicubliean,party, which origi- Rnied, 11111,111lil. .111. i now .111- 11Ulthl all the np.sosttlesot tioor Ile profession. • Tlll, realm's of the 11E1:AND will tnelnittic the I:hat:noted-A to eOll% o'll.joll o 1. •II 17-; 1 01•5110 , .' 1100110111 : Id . :New . 1 ~•• nn,i I'.'- .eolid ,v;,it.,,11 .0 the ral.clitl.t.te:, allog.:d I 0 t, 3 sm :a • F.,100 tleruia of New: Yuri:. tnan Libel al Don:ma:at:it: Avltioll w,:11 111 fo, :tied nI tog.ill; to the ti "Pi" - ion cl file Getill:111, 0: NeW VOlll, ILI ils issue :if the twelfth Instant, with regard to tills petit:on : "In collecting and counting these 1. - I,i'lott the same' at itionet it: gas cer:. la•cit used, whico 11. l cacti:wit in Ihe dranglit 11101 e.11(101,‘ liMlt of our goin:t litittse hills. in It hioli the addition of a :awe - ) did 1101 11111011111, to lunch. • 'Phis suppustion is titii — tt - ore as the gent lonlon who attebtletl to the business of collecting sign:times to this communication 7,111 a [mod oprort u y a Lei t•;/ <u iliated llla (lu! 112 , 11qie Y . arillt»Letic. One could wonder that Gov. Hoffman Undertook to pi etMut these assertions to thr convention withodt any examination into thee, if it u hot 1:1101V11 that notimati as maim of New York in (MS— by signing warrants of • Nery doubtful character, in the drawing of which a similar arithmetic W:1:3 used—adopted the corrupt practice to accept, without examination, the assertions tsich ema nate front such a stance, and -4 to endorse them with the weiglit of his name." INFORMATION from all quarters inch eatii the growing' popularity . eiGenural itartranft and the failure of the' in famous calumnies, invented by his enemies to ia jure him. The rebound has already taken place, and he, who was intended to be the victim, is stow more than conqueror over his assailants. Tlie people, always generous and fair, will cling the more closely to Lim, because . of the mean and cowardly attack made upon him. Loom' DoNELsoY, Vicksburg, Chatta nooga, Appomattox—well, what of them? Why, the Dolly yank:us tell us that_ the man vqtio won eternal life for American freedom on these gory fields, hasn't as flinch brains as the good i.taTarecl, credit• ions old fellow who writes the political articles fo_r the nibuse and grows, cab bages at Chappa9mit, ,qcntlionen, has Ilaltiiumo ca.ed you] t' POLITICAL —lion. Client ly.,Scolield, of Warren, and Col. C. 11. Curtis . ;. ,Brie, have re ceived and aceepted invitations from the Repubiican 'State Central Committee to 49aitiAii, State. - • 11,66 ii Ivry Derro; says that the Demecrats in that neighborhood are so long faced since the nomination of Gree ley, that die barbels are determined to strike for higher wages. They say they will have to be paid for mowing by the acre if the thing goes —Samuel Randall has been made chairman of the Democratic State Con tratCommit,tee: Having j..ecti an influ ential 'Umber in the Wltir;-, Know Noth ing and -Democratic parties, tosPectively, he , Is doubtless eminently qualified for his position.' —Tho,•Domocnititi organ .of .Centro candy; tho Bellefonte IVittglonan,' says of Greeley'o 'nOtnination : Of ,41.11 thu crazy; ridiculous ideas that have ever epypt`into the hoado of mo/nbers of 'ther 4 tilttneMth:: party, that which be 4eveo that we': aft sueeced with Hokum Greeley in the 11104' ( 7 06110; the 'most 11- .4'l(4lpm and Iho craKiefit.' . • — Says th ' e.....-Chattanaoga Herald.: tin "Some sillYTvspaporscoutimie to talk of- running - Andy'Johnson - for Congress for' the State at large. This is a species -of cruelty 'which' should be , frowned . down.. Anybody. who would attempt to bamboozle the old sinner. into believing he 9n.ovordie.Olee,tecl to any office : again deserves to .be scourged' for ti wanton abukyof credulous bumauitY•" —The Chicago fast - says; - ! 1 -An earnest Greeley paper in the in terior, after. a- severe wrestle with a standard work on alithinetic, has con chided that ' change of ten votes in each of 2,000, townships ,of - Illinois would make a diframico of 4, - 1100': in the majority of 1.868• for Grant' That 'is 4oulrequalled in delicious ing,enuonsness by the remark or :t boy who, basin. , found a live cent niChle - on the street', told his conmi'dos thnt he only wanted -ninety-nine dollars and ninety-five cents mate to make au oven hundred dollars." —Thu Spring ;4, lend ing Orec•ley 0rv,m,..0.q...1,,in, OEM "Ths,t, - soum of Lk xorst num in the Gauntry donned white Lets and aro It urrahing 47.ritily for (4 1 , 1010 Y; is a fact pste.nt, to all who have eyes and ears. This is especihlly Lille of his own Stale. :ifard/y. eo;amahtrAniir, , ,cl , 7ll;tr;ti in firm?. or mare ..ze,tiona supy) , o the Arew YnrA . polAriefa,o •,t boll, partici, cairn sat-I',/'c r;el of 311. Tweed ,sfl Mt? at 16i. , ; beer,;. --Thu, Cincinnati Codoi l ersi,d, rho ffhlost organ of (4 reeleYism in the : " It in tme, ice kIiONT, that the Demo cratic; party - machinery in :New York, in cluding Tammany, is at work for Gree ley. It' is trus, 0110, 001. g knowledye, that some of the morst 11100 this 'lama:unity, those mho have lived and fattened upon puldie mlunaer, and are notorious schemers to - , allay Vie pockets of the many into (he hands of the few, ,ire Grade!! 71200 and most anxfous to bo -known as sill?, evidently pushing them selves, hoping to hare profitable recogni tion. That nein mai (eh lett. mow ro II (14 1)70.41 Cl 0301 y 1.1 Tammany, is f o r Greeley. Oar Boss Pieced is a C (clog mot ff." ' • Wherefore, leirrah for Greeley ale I Honesty ! .15 in with the Rings ! ! • —The Richmori(k Va.) EnVI irer, while lauding a Jelin:taut Culpoit-to Greeley, perceives the hand-writing on the wall. To,trfully it says : "We honestly be lieve, with all the lighCs before us, that the nomitiation of Mr. Greeley at, Balti more will secure the election of that; conviction, could we insiet, upon his eallor,s;ement ilersonally we have nothing agai n st Mr. theeley inure than every other Southern lean may ilai e against . him, but we do not now believe he is available. We feat a top, , Jiii(in-of the di,tster of _ —.Tames Lyon', of IticluninnO' %vim was a co-signer ()I , the jell'. Davis hail- Lund with Mr. Greeley, hi resolutely op posed to the latter candidate. Ile says : "I will not vote for Grant, if I am nut fo:LUCI to 1•1100,C IwLVii`L•ti 111111 LIAILI ley , Let between Lbeni I will you, for hi:l,. Alt 40k,,v,11 no went into flit! war and fought. it ont,and suppil ,, ,sed tLo Con , litutimi, vet laeilid nil, like Grew lalior for r....unty yours to get it Lip, 1111i1 I hem s3ine !,ine to fan and urge tic name. We know. too, the worst of k;rant's .; it is pa:4, if ,cy • t . 1 Lr i. n evoid ; that. h.) bar 3.131..11 till. • :.ONi , C . o.lor :1.11110, f• very tliS111:.;:1,1/1410.1.: which has an ak.yed the, ItliA disturbed iLs . !kito.oll..l,ll.iti in , g hul li) , Ihe Routh; that hir will 11ling, in 1111,11 1.4 11`,111:jy illltl as 11110n1I:1,11;d ;is :t, pa!)QI. Itt;lted at the Cl,llllty seat. 01 \Vvstntore 11.1.iti, I comity y artLca the folloNviut; sitg-` fit the 1 voelit of its .li. •,11.1 of ado uii. I. •I 11 , • , 1 f 110.01 k• If f'.• fllll. f .1, Hey 11 . ; flo• 14.'111,1(7.0J • c.lrtycli- \YI• Lopo will not k"low.t L'.(l 1,1,4 A :toil! Win lit' C. 1,1.. 111. , ;t t•i!urt,t'y oon,i,le,tl if if, ••eitalit Jilt if (incly:. Iv , 1,11.1- :1.0 , 1 ill, le 'I ill Ito a h,.11: an.t ,‘• 1 1.'.0•,(:. ill the, hay the tiltDC:il , .Cl:ll:' \it!! l'lthel ;ray ,uipls.l;' 1:1.11.1 tLoy h:IVe to their toe lit all II )i• tlio le 1:11 U.\ OJ . 771 i' L . l; C ffISA ;1 . 110 AVIS , iOIIi o 1 unr pre,t:u f t pn1V ,. .:, - , * ;lna one of Lim qestestarguinents itria,ori-or the Kest* administration, will 101`eutel-ior-Ilittal reduction of :wur pu b be debt, ami the etee•eiputtit 'de crease of the rate of Lomtion. iiuco 3farch 1, LllO process of reduction has been going on, At no time has it appeared spasmodic, hut month after month viLitat , same tendency downward, until the final extinguish ment of our national debt becates matheinati'cal ee rl.ti lily if the same wise policy is continued:l • F11)1111 the ollietal hiatement, issued by Secretary [tout well we obtain a clear idea of the steady reduction of Um national debt which has been going on since March 1, 180 : .1 I ti Lo y th r yr!ll.l.k• d.I i 1101 Loae IMMBIESI July 1:1S71/.... .Innollry• I. 1,171 July 1, ::71 Who can look at this practical proof of the lioneSty cclinomy of the pres ent administration ant believe .the base charges which have been raised against President Grant ? This wonderfill re duction has caused no trouble in the money markets has not interfered with the industrial interests of the cation ; on the contrary, it . has increased the value of our bonds by decreasing the ex panses of the government, and has light ened the burdens of labor by removing from the necessities of life the high rate of taxation which had been formerly im posed to carry on the nation. These ggures speak volumes, and should silence. the "Liberal Reformers," who' shout themselves hoarse over the curr options .obthe Repnblican party. LIIO NOW y, rk a: late :tg :lanuary 1471, thus strongly st3tAld It judgment or the eon hequonees 'of a Doinociatic triumph in 1872 : u.\ Democraticllllli triumph means a restoration to power of -146:4 •.vhu deserted their seats in Congress arid their places under the last' Democratic President to plunge the, country into the Rea Sea - of secession , atul rebellion. Thongli you paint, an inoh thick, to this complexion you must come at last. The brain, the heart, this soul, of. the present Democratic party it; Ihe rebel clement at the South, with'its Northern and symputhizersit •It would _hail the y , elec tion of a Democratic' PreSident .1872. as a virtual reversal of the Appeinattiox• surrender. It would devote itself to tak ing offer vpdneing tax a ftertax until tho Tieusary was deprived of the means of itaynig interest on the National debt, and would bail - 11firtidin0 of Nati ona l hanky/nit cy with•unalloyed.gLidness and nneonAtialed exultation. ' Whatever. Thastisenient may be 'deserved' by our national.sins, we must hope thift gracie"and humiliation will lie sparekus," • That was .Mr. 'Greeley in 1671, when still trite to Republican piinciples, and before Jnis brain was :idatiiittitt hy • liisions of the :"1.1,e is, not the drst man that has fallen deeply under temp. tation, nor will he ho the last. That Mr. Greeley has turned his back on principles* long nu& persistently -. championed,. by him, and Consented to train under Demo cratic leadorshipln 161:2, does not.' alter facts to relieve thn" disgrace' and lunnil iatteit" that Would attend ." a Demo etratki national triumph." PIIILADEIPHIA MARKETS. AND BEEDB. - - 78, 1872 FLOUR—In dour there le alirmer tooling, owing to the linvnirement In Wheat, hot buyers operate sparingly. About 000 barrels changed Imnda;lt, eluding Superflutrat $565 25 per barrel; Extras at sf. 6use6; Wileonaln. and Minnesota Extra Family at $7(20 25; Pennsylvania and Ohio da. do. at $3 , 25 5510,+aal Caney lota nt higher gnules; ]lye Flour mid Corn Meal aro very quiet. The former Is hold nt $4 sa. - • I. • WillEAT.—'flio offerings alti•Whent aro small anti Hues are Inoltlne' up. Bales of 1,400 timbals. plum. old Western feed nt $l. 70e51 77; 400 bushels West ern Whim at $1 110. - In ltye nothing doing. Coin fleets to limited Inquiry. Sales of 400 bushels Western Yellow nt 34; and 0,000 bushels - Western I'd Ise,' at 02e05118 f. a. b. Oats urn firmer. ' Bales of IWhito nt`42(ii.,42,b4, and mixed at 40c. CLOVEttllCED.—Cloyersu,sl is wals and ranges Irani 11',. to 12,.5c..... -the In tier 14,dred Mr small lots front second hands. There - is-Mit little Timothy off ering, and It itt woo Ih SI St) per bushel. Flaxseed cannot be quoted over $2. ISKY.-•-il' Is h old at 97t, , without sales. , /11.1T11.—TO %Itll , in township, thin' ~ nity, on 1110 tn.ant, of .t 1.1 1, ,, in Out ettumtth, John (619 r, 30 yo:IrF, and 11 days. irt.l'ATlt —Tn thin hot ough, on ll*3.ll3nlay, .111I' In, tlney f'ffitharintt 1312patrielf, 6.11 t, of tflutitni r L613,1131t, ng, .1 27 )6008, Il months and 16 days. 11,t, Introunli, on tho thlrtvollb In httutt, :411431111A ltunvy, 11.11 , 19 yeooo. rhipp , Antlirg Vu,ters pluton ropy. lu thitt borough, en Staut.lay, July 13, 11,0(r) rho, Wlll,ty, young,tnt Hon tai Charina and C:o, , liot• ,111..1, /..nod 11 11111111110 days. D., 11.1 'Co ii. thy , N 1.1.1 3 .. i Illy I I/i1.3 .1. ,1 It 1 .111 , 1 S. 11. 1, 1. ~„~.,~~.,.,.,.,t..., ~........ n.... ~n, NET; TO-BA 1` I HAVE THIS DAY associated my !Joe tv.A Re %loth mt. 61 Irwslui...4 VII. Finn Xlll ht , It. C WOIIDWARD St SOY. Illy u,,r, :z i -iort sAr,E.—A fine family bay home, six yeats ti, u ill be cold at it rm. price. t fin hoc particul it, call tin 11. I;. rin;;XI:I.IUS, 71, 15 ritt VABY TTOME7=The fitimber land Comity Aitrictilrtnxl Foriety trill hold their ritgul.ii Ihirrent noon. thole g r i nind on Elittlirthty. Angimt 17, I t. 72. F. LYNN!, 1,1113 t. dormitory BOUGHTON'S ADJUSTABLE M*SQUITO AND FLY SCREEN. FIT 'AN Y IN DOW. C BRA - PEST BEST SCII.EI:N E VElt INVENTED. lime, EA) 1:1•11tS. order: by 111:1,1! prompt ly In. vototed UI eArry tote n, J. IV iiOI7OIITON, 121 1 0 elms, 101 l St., Philo. 31/intilartlirer of ' Wor•il Carpot " Con boyitrrlvel in n I rook. 011:11 List of unfOnimed lotters rcinamin g i n the p , stoffiee at Carlisle, Pa„ for the NVEEii ENDING JULY 10, 1872: I,A DI ES' LIST. 11lir tile, 1: .1 el,t.fpv, Franc IS 11,1:III.. I. M. het rit , , lit% IM r 111 tN• . i SI, ••.t, ..11.111i. lit I (;1, Sot . I It .1 IVILIs,I 4410:: =9 • 4,101..1.1 I, ,11. A I.l.hlorr-Olin, ..1.,;,0n .1. 10, ' I ...”. NV It - Bros% I. /.....1.1 .11elvillelh.e. D.t nu, :'..1111111.i Me Ftohht n JAn. D..r....h.010r V '" r lic•tVilnPll %Ytn Fonlk 1..1.- Paolo, John Faller John qh•koroon %Vol 1 1, .i II f+hoiloqn %V .1 - it, .1n 1 .}..1..0„.... . .----44trith %V. Hamlin l' -1 "I't.fon) Daniel Ilart,ol Wan \V....11 5.141111,1 Holler Ma , hi, Znln•nk le A 31 li..lllll.,l'Svollit.l A N N )1;1)INANC.1, 'Relating to-Contagious Diseases. Sup pletnt nt;try to an ordirtatice passed Match :28, t 562. 1. , it rind ordoinel by 11, Town (3nowll of ro• lob ' and I. ' f. eforci.<l.ool 1 . / 1.10. antloordl to! ' tin snot., ' That It shall L. tlo .111ty of tilr 0'f,11114 borough to itto to , di 0..1) rt port to thy eloof of Soto, vo• I 11.1 0.011'0.0 to lt,mo th.hula. :01, ol $2O) tml.111) 11, leo imt.l i" tilt. int •1 Icr. and Ow r rl,llClu tit. , Ept,rnll , 4ll. I.e• 1.011, le4l 1111111101tY ll' I INV. E 1111 1 . 1 ,4 hi:, • 111% 4.;0y. A. 11. IiI;o1ffil.: A Sit EA F1 , 1.:1t. o•idolt l'otniett iv .11. i. I 'E. .25 3 IT LIZ El., is i u7,ll 1'4,0 hA 4----'- On Wednesday, Sep't 4, '72, ,111 401 ul Sode • ou the t• day. ut Ilu BENBF.:MAN l'A .N7li VAC 'fi)!ll.,,di th l'ilt Cdrir+ll.. follim lug i D~li~~l%~i:`, Two-Seated Carriages. 1 Op Buggies, Trotting Buggies, Spring flagons. .1 .1) 1 1411 Second-Hand Buggies, o rut Hog., At 'J. , 1 4 •:,mitt) . v - 111 Lo .liLer un., :Li+ Lonnie , . . i• slivro 011.111111,14 V All, thin A cro:IIIT f)v -1 mosTils WILL Hi! EN A. B. sHEnK. C:artfl les F 01: P it()T11()NOTAlt Y. —A t lie t , rIIIIIIIYILITIIIPiIt aw trio nil:. I ant awdid m,. fal the alb,- • or P.athaao• tat t oI Cutrlarlatai noonty, t' , DA P.II) Itllo,\ . . e. A Al' the request, of many frimiihz, I 'am ollor we-el!„n cao,lfflate for Itl , :f ISTI:It lil NVI nuffilfethf off , offt Joet to the tivvisloo fti tiff , Iteptahl:cao Cotaffly Cot, ventlon. Iltifitfte 1110NISS It 11.31010,:. FOR OLEItIc- OF Tlll, COURTS.— At the careen! roll itntleu ol a entailer (detin, I hereby mamma. inynall nit tt instantiate fo r a ether of 1)1. counTs, cu.b., hind reality, nultient litil'tit'ibist 'a at the iteitaltii l'air COlllltY IMMI ...tic Sewing Machine THE Nip" " I.OMESTIC" 4 , ;‘,1 2 ._i!;(!,77 ,, : 4 3 , 1 811= 1:PJ.101.1.66 37 I' , 4.665,166 26 23;,1,2,4.'5 11 =MEI Family and Manufacturing SEWING MACHINES Leading points of exc4enco combined in the Domestic : P. Extra size and room under C. Simplicity and direct action. 8. Ease of operation. •1. quietness—no cams or gear wheels. Cylindrkal bardened cast stool shuttle ;• largest bobbin in use ; will carry 100 yards cotton or silk. - Superior automatic take up. 7. Self-adjusting tensions. 8, Can not be put out of time or ad. ,justmont by uso. This is a qbality pos. fiCSSed by no other machine in the world. Ai. Great ran 'of work... , . 10. DurebilitY of working parts. Every machine warranted to be all we elaith for it. Please call and carefully examine the "Domestic," as it will giveouo pleasure of show the Working: of the machine to all. whether they have or have not 'any utlier make in use. JOS: W... OGIT.IIY, Agept Cor..Culilberland,County. • 'Circulars with Lityths and 'prices sent to any address on request. 11 ju72;hu Unclass lit ea Advert tweinents IDUI - ?1 , 1 ANT) UNADITLTEIIATED 1111.1.R1110. N ALWA7BIII: O.IITAIN ND AT J. IL HAI' Eitzu.ows ' • No. .6 South Hanover gtroor, Carlhile, Pa. N. 11,—prestatitIona-.carafullx and acorately cum poutalo./ at all atm.. 13,10%41 • • • NE AT CO S1J:—'1110 tiUbSeribUr ‘_.l log rvannitql 110: rmln or CoAl., In to itupply Panllll,l Iclth :lily 01 11n. varletlva lu 11to tnarket, o.t oxtrumcly 1.. w lll'B' CORI, will, I v .1111,1slitul to Fat OW. ur;tl Lnnolasynora. at I‘ll p011:114 log tllo li, 0111.! (I,..,klmrlantl V.llO , ninatalkla Ordern rovpert flYlly molIcl(“1, Athlroga, Car Polo, I. j 072.0 KE 4 V . STONE SHAVENC SALOONi•' Ilit,tintiorahrinal having ramovoil his barbar ahnp (ion! •lirailior'x to North Hanover airoot o hntrwcon had alit! Ithineantith to 111:pp's tin .waro catablishniont, itnnonneos (hat thu rooni Ima boon gittatly enlarged until rininalallod, anti lit, Is m a w Nortond tohth•ial to Ihu *ml4l'oolll who may patronlzo low.. It Yinq n'el oloaintre, or your hair ont.anti &email 'alba latott otylo of tonsorial .art, giro hini a call. 11.10' RARE CHAN% • 4 k. . • • err . 4 • „ ! g : e • BUGGIES AND WAGONSJ ~„.. Saturday,* August. 3d 187 a 9 The subscribers having a large lot of Cai'riag,es, Wagons and BuL , g,ties on hand, have determined to reduce their stock by a public sale on the ahoy,: day, at Gee. AVAiilton's old stand, on,Pitt street, Carlisle, Pa., a few doorsulhof the Cum berland Valley depot. Amofig the vehicles to which we invite special attention are the following : Tr. coAL BUD T - I Ukiitll TA ole 8 Swell Hack, 11) Dolly Varden, and 1 Trolling I;n:_:'!•'ies, 1-I,ring Wagons, `..! two-seated Carriages 2 I'lnt.nns •kd 6 Second-hand 'Buggies_.•.an,d agons, This work is all now and coustrwicted of the very best material Rand in good style. They will all be sold, without reserve, slid a written guarantee given with each veluele, insuring it for one year. A Credit of have Months Given, if desired, and a deduction of FIVE PER CF)LNT on all Ash sales. Sale to coinmenee at 9 o'clock, a. m., when attendance will be given and terms made known by SIVIELTZ & 00. ' ,liu724t ME :%'‘ , 01)11.11tD. 18.i.1720t J. E. CALDWELL & CO Awetors, ,Srilv(q%sin ith s, HAVE NOW IN STORE, AND ARE CON STANTLY RECEI VINO, AN EXTENAI PE VARI ETY OF NINE 00 NW A PPERTA INI N O TO THEIR RCA] N ESP. E. D. RHEEM, Postmistress =I FATZ)IEIi,::3' 1)1101;F:12,S E The ands rsiatoal having taken and ro fitt , l tool furniehed coin hotel. i , . preOared to foratimh glad act. enonedationa to all olnyzlemire to make it their Inoue. A share of the patrol/ego of the snr roundingl..4untly t t 1111111 W Itilolng I tulor fab:o WI1) 1111,1 With lb, HARRY ELLInT Y. 1.1.11. 11 °ILL MONTGOitERY HOUSE, testwelfoll: 1111..,1 public that tit., 1'1 , .. , 1 :11 11.0 I. 1,10..0 tluik• , 1 , 111, It ‘- II14•11 11111,1111.11 /11111 ilk. y gi‘e 1 , . all 'AI, vny lut. r 111.1.1 whit rht , 41.111, Lll.l irk C. Lclit Itom h D. W. Il111(1:111)1,1)Elt, Carlink, ViL = Proprlt.tbe MI Silverwai No. 902 cilEsmuT STREET, Pll I LA DEL I'll TA A hint floorel IVo t h.• o.lltinelitttl nn•dirrt:its OF Watches, Diamonds, FINE BRO NZ, MS, PA NO 3' GOODS, EUROPEAN NOVELTIES RI.:PECTI.TI.I.I' IN% I TE'PERSONS visurrkai TN(WIRIES ANDONIELRS BY )1.111. PROMPTLY ATTENDED To 1.10T1:71:S =1313 N. W. WOODS. Provriotor I= EOM " . 11L'NTZ 11)t-;z}:, Col werly Corma n No,. 17 AND 11) ILAST MAIN sritEhr CARLISLE, PA •I h.• holing t01t...1.5,e.1 awl rotorly .00nn too ni•lool 1,80. lira rho., flesh too, 011-1, 1.1,41 Yid Atzlbiletha-1I hotel, bolicitn the vonttals ,of the • Ulllll/11 ILy hllil 11,11ing ',oldie lII' 1-1 X% ell pi 01.10 1.,1 1n 111 I 111 , 11 titht-rlon,icroomoolallo. to nil Who &vire to mat, .1 (hot,- 11011 E, or p10.0.00t tolopriar abode. front 9orromoling rnitntry rerpect folly ,011.1101, COltrit'oll!, slid utleitti,o servemtsuro oogitgoll ot th 6 pnpolor hotel. IiEOILI7E lIENTZ, Proptiottir N It. Alin...tola ,, a livery istttettl wan the hotel 'miler the management of •11.1,iph 1.. Sterner & Blether. 10 16913 WHITE, HALL HOTEL, M A ET STREET, II A RRISBURO, PA., la etintially Itivoted, oppooito the G n at Mom,. Th is :lodise In kept as n, second Class of Parinor.: Hotel, at moderato charge, ()nosh. admitted at any hour of the night. Otßol Stooling attached.. MOSES EiIIELIN, I lap% aik Proprietor. • Spectades. ,ipROVE TOUR BIGHT !. ,ny TILE USE OF PYICE .55 SON'S Parabola Spectacles MANUFACTORY AT UTICA, NEW YORK. S. 11. IFA YEIISTICIi,, • DEALER IN DRUGS, %lEDICINES, TOILET . AND FANCY ARTICLES, Ac. CARLISLE, PENN'A., bt,uppoln ten (wont for the aisle of tho i,bovoapectoclea. VeRSONS W.E.4RfNfi Ci4ASSES or those In need of them, well to call, for In (ivory cat. we 0 trAIt!,NTEE TO SUIT THE SIGIIT PERFECTLY ! NO Ninon. Employed. • . :nasally • - MONEY CANNOT BUY IT! FOIL Bunn . IS PRICELESS! put tho DIAMOND SP FCTACLES will preaervo it lf you vain° your eyeallait me Olean g , 0 'r J ENSBS• from minus., Eustisl pebbles. melted to. ' getter, and tiertvo thek nonsoulhatisonii"onarpiutat of their 11.410. 311(1 Thoy will loot wily yenta without thong°, nod are wariaqtpil 0111)01 .111 .1111,e lu use MANuFAcru It KID ISY .1. SPENCER A CO., OPTICIANS, NEW YORK. " CAUTION.—N”mo goon's., uolea atampod with our trade mark. For rule by rorponidblo agent; thi.ostesMst .tho THOMAS CONLYN, Jeweler,Carlbilo, Pic. Is a , ,ent, from whom they Con only 1.01 ObtllinCd. No milers' onstrinved. 7,1ec7 Amendment pI4OPW4D AMENDMENT TO Tlfl • Constitution of Pennsylvania. Joint Resolution Proposing an Amend ; .4nent to the Constitution of Penney': . Rp it resolved bg the .Vritate nod Ilodsr of Repre ,e,Jnfins.e of Commonwealth of l' , onsyleorio in ssoid fdy nol, That iho follQwhlr; • , 11,1- tooth. of 1140 Cohotltutloo of thlo C.mmonHeutlh ho proposed to ,the people for their lohootlon or toJoe 1100 to the prorkions of the tooth artlclo thet cot; to wit, • AMENDMpIiT tho sixth het:lion of filo xixth article of the Co,ollui tton, nod Insert In lion thole& .00 following; "A Shit° Trott/3,lrue blmlt be chosen by the qualified elector., of tho uto.ut suoh time.; and for anch torm of Pierrhui us" shell be preEctioell 31' law." AVH,LI iLLIOTA, FruhVl: tlit‘ lbw. of ReproxetilnUros 6 JAMES S, RUTAN, . _ , • f;poko: of 1714.401410. Approverliti iwenty•stlooll daY. of March, 411110 1)0111161, 9po thownwl eight Ing411•01 Mid aoyonty•two. • •. ' • • , • " • JOO. W. OltAltY. to'irfroTo'ulindrt'ig,"3"ti,o 4 g, , ,nl l ,sl!,';',.` l . l " 4 ".".nt ,I'RANOiB..3OIIDAN, ° fiel•rettiry of 1110 Commonwealth. Wilco finerptary of tlio I.7ommonwealtli, Ilarrloburg, 1 111114 211 1 1472: f 4fu72:lin • - • . • Radwa'ys Beady Relief: R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR rssding the advertisement ni.,•d AUFFEIL WITH PAIN. RA OW A I".i ILEA 1 , 17 it ELI Et -IS, A Clt C FOE EVERY PAIN. ' It wn. the first and is The Only Pain Remedy th,t 'moult tin stpf.s the niost ercrovint ruins, slhoti Inflammations. and Por Cong. stk.., whether of the lohns. Stain tell Bo wets, or other rtintols or nr,nnt. by altonnpliention, IN tit. M ONE TO TWENYV MINUTES. 110 onto, lird‘Triblrnt "Pe s xpowhoing the pain the It II 1..U31 ATI°, ;Sol-ridden, Infirm, Crlpphnl, Net vits, Neuralkic, or prontotted with dlsoptr only sager,. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF = INFLAMMATION OF TIIE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION I TIIK BLA DL ER INFLAMMATION OF TIIK DOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS SORE THROAT, DIFFICCLT BREATHING. P ‘I,PITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH, I hIFLUHNZ II HA DACHH, TOOTHACHE, 1c1.1 . 11 IA lA, RHEUM I'ILS3I. COLD AOII F. Cllll It , . The application of tit° RE \l'\ TEI El lEl' no tho part or parts whorn tho rain 0c41411.4 tilt) 44,1.14, a 141 allot 41 ellno anti 4 . 0111 'ort. Twuntv drops in mill n 1111111.1, of water will in it few - moinentn vitro CR I]l 1 1 8. 81 1 .3813, SOUR sTom ACII, HEA ItTllli RN , :1CI( HEADACHE, DIA Ilti HE I, DYSENTERY, clll.ll l , 11 11 11 ND IN '('..E 11011 1 nod nll INTERNAI, Travelers should nitt nrx Irry n ' , calk ItADW ItlIAl/1' It IA 111 , IQ A lest ph In‘‘att.l pt• so.t mtcl,n..n. /1:11,1 Irani •/1 s‘..tor. It I till. rr u It II: 111.1 y or 1.11t.ulla• a -I: ••”I.lnt. FEN, - En AND AcdrE It FR AND AiIUE for bfb) I . hot .• rewedial noy i 1:1.1t will cure Ve , br trua A0, .1.1 , thcr Matbk• woo, Hill :., end other Pererx (Filti byby R. %MAN . 'S PILLS) .4) ,int..k 10,11 W y's READY RELIEF. FIR). ve..t+ pot bottle. Sold by Drug;istr. _IIKALTII BRA 117' Y ! STROM) AND PURE Melt 111.001)-1VCREASE OF FLF. , II AND IV EDIIIT —FLEAIt SK IN AND BE ,UTIFUL COMPLEN.IoN•eit.CURED ro ALL. DR. R A 1.Y.A.N1 A '4B ItS:A l'A 1.T.1 A.N p,qcoi,vENT IL,: MANI •1'ilI: M05.1. , ,t,A 'Hirst; QUIcR . Plll 1111: 111 , 1.1' I I.AII, It A lir. IN -I:Ntli or I'M I I:1'1. kI4INI,r It FIA, TII A F.% Ory I)Zty all 111.•14,1`...• ill and is THE•IIREAT 1'1"R11•'1ER. th.i.•!! I! • .\ IJ.I .010, t• .0- I ki ••• lid In:, •,51.1.. •, • 1 , .11 t; t , • lif•• It, ‘l,l/11. ntl ;no •, ~, ev,15,..‘1.1 11.11 17.. u..; on, !Shrum , 1,1, I.e, 11l • t or., Itt ill, i 1•••11, At 11, • V. 0/1.1. .11.117111 ...Au' Spt.lll .illl.l 1111 4 , 1 111. 1,1, 1.1 lvrl.lo, are ItLio I!,. t. , ••i•lt 01.11 1••••., ,• ‘t. 111 H.., I' ti, . it 1..., 1011111 •tt theca.. 4110111 m j 0 1 1, , t. If 1110 rodent, Ilatl , . 1-.1,t , ••I I.y rue w.tst , t nod .leconip , "ll,, , n ih iy. ! n o gr. , l••ing, c.e.• 11/.1 eimir.4 4.11,10 11, healthy 1 , 10 ,,, 1-11/1 I di,. the- lISAI'AItII,I,I IN will :tivl .10,-i secure Neat only 1l ,es the ~ , r, t eti II a t2i R.,utonsix ext el oil knoon tnedlol Ag .1 160 01 Chronic, Setonnloos, to,lliollonalnios J. 10,11.0.04 hot it IA the nnly pc, Itibe eon , lor Kidnoy itud Bladder Complai tS, Urinary, and Wlllllll disonsim. thasel, Ins hetes, Dropsy, Stopteote 01 %Voter, 10, outinence of Urine, Bright's Dis. ass, Allnin•itnina tool in all 1101 , 1 Wilt,o done ore Ih,irkdti t oote,sas or on, water is thick, cloudy, ',lived si :MI/1 ,1W like the white of an egg, or threo.•. like wit to st I , ~r there is a morbid, dor , notion , opponent Wl', 0041 h i boot , dust depoeite, end when to ovy Is a pri, king, burning eensation when 1•1011ing aster, and pool In the 'Small of the Rut, and shod the Koine. 31 110. ITOIIIIF.—The only known and sues Itommly fo rbetor—Pin. Tor. etc. - "rumor of 12 Years' Growth''r ° liadway's Resolvent. Ittivriti.v, lives., July IS 1,1111. Dn. itt tot, I—i have had °int - Inn Tmnor Ip the ovaries s•ol bowel.. All the Doctor,' add " there was no hell, for It " I tried es ery thing that woo recommended; but nothing helped ti l e. I NOV ybur Resolvent. and then, 1,1 I wool,l try it; hut had no faith in it, beetoms 1 I,o,loolllored for twelve pot.s. I took his honk:, of the Besot , ent, and ono boy of Medway's Pill., 'and twin bottles of your Reedy Relief; and there Is not a sign of tumor to be seen orfelt, and I feel bettor, ruutrter, and happier than I here for twelve years. Tbe worst tumor wax In the left side of the 1,13% els, Dyer ilia groin. I svelte thie to yon for thy benefit of °there , You eon publfeL it If Tullchoose.. HANNAH P. KNAPP, . RAbWAY'S rERREcT PtiRa4TIV PILL s, perfectly tasteless. elegantly c. aleti 0 WI swei4 mita, purge, regulate. purify, cleanse, 11114 strengthen. Itatheay's Pills, for the earn of all disorders of the Stomach, Liter. Bowels, Kid neys, Bladder, Neryous Diseases, Headache. Constipution, Costiveness, In digestion, Dl spepsio, Itillaranintlon of the Bowels, Piles, snit all Deranges merits of thC Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetalre, containing -1.11:1 mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs, - iar , Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestlyo Organs : Constipation, Inn ard Piles, Fullness of the Blood In the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Ninnies, Heartburn, Disgust of Fowl; Fullness or Weight in -the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or flutter ing at the Pit of :he Slrolii , h. Swifolailln of till Ilead,llurried nod thilicult Breathing, Flutterinf at the Heart, Choking or , 4 ufforating ‘ Sewiationa lila Iu a Lying Posture, Dinineaadf bolder bilOS before the Sight, Fever and Dull Palo lu the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, 'Yellowness of the Skin iand El en, Pain to the Side, Chest Limbs, end sudden Flushes of Ilea', Burning in. the Flesh. A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will free ?tie stratum from all the 111 , 0,3 named disorders. Price, 25 ratite per box. 1-01,11 BY Itlttalti Idle. DEAD •` FALSE AND TRUE." :mid ono letter stamp to RADWAt Sr CO., No. S 7 Malden Lime, Nov - York. Inform:4km worth thowitutht will -Ito sent Y°l&72ly Bunther and Building Ilfaterial LUMBER ! LUMBER!! .‘ RANipLKENDIG . c 0.., • •DEAT,P.II9 IN 664130 NED PINK AND lIENILOCK LIINDEB, AND • MANIJFACTUItr.RN OP' SHIM/ LES, BIDIND, LOODINO, IIIiI,BOD, BOAT AND BUILDING TIMBERS. All Mitch:use ilderiat furtribh,l in ned, yep ,h or t Addros, MIDD?.BTOWN, Dolphin Co., PH, pANtLL P V. C. COOLDMII, irK. D. lICNDIIICKION, WALTI.It 11. 001111 p; 25.1021 y ` • I'lt4(ie SCI irr plnd() SA LE (Jr REA L ES xt?„ ~,,d„„!upd Sittllntay, the t hird of Augnet. 187'2, 11 o'cluel, a. in. of . that dny, taunt 'public male, the follo•Anc; desalted teal estate; to wit: A LOT ql gronnelan ratsornuto tAreet;in'tha borough' of Noweilhi; lalundea by said • street un tho South, on thy Webt by 9Y. It. Isl'llattuil, on tho North by on alloy, and' meth.: Etna by John IL Dunlap, rontaining ;10 feet front Icy IRO feet,ileon. It la n very'drairable building lot, nicely bituated, TOrlus of sale tondo known on day of onto 14 El/WIN JANIE.% , °Tallinn of Juinor Children of J. J. ceneud. • ' ' RILLTZHOOVER, 12 • Arromow AT LAW. °lke in Bout, '1 nord. xtreph oppenltt teri}lry gootpi 'loo.. • .—.104670 Vineiptr Bitters, VINE GAR •BITTERS! PURELY VEGETABLE, FREE .1?1;051 ALCOHOL ! pR. WALKER'S , CALIFORNIA I,;INEGAR BITTERS VINECI All BITTERS iire riot n vih . , Fancy, Driuk, rondo of Poor loin, Whifiltny, Proof :Valls, rind Ito- • torn• tirinni; doctored, spico,l, And mve,teiled in the t7tstt,. tailed Tt.l7lre;' " Apptizers," .• Iteitorois"'& ' a. loit lead the tippler on to-dritok 01111Nii 11.114 2 1 . 0 in, but are n tono tledicino , outdo from ii3the 'rout, and horW of California, freo from uli' Alcoholic Stininlidtii. They aro the O relit , Blood puritior and :1.1,1fq.1 , r;r,e Principle, It Per-fort llonovvor nod invlg.oretne or the en.tem, 07 t r e yi ne n 0" all peisohous 'natter and Teetering tho to 7t 17777717.17 y eundlti .7', eerich:l7 it, refl., MBA' non torn; ,raliugboth wird :Aid 1,• - 4 They etc ri y of ittheite,trat7oe, tron,pt fir their action, tethati 77t nod rtdicible in all forms of Noo, NO PIMSON CAN TAi . O T11C.91.: BITTERS ac - ter Mop- to dtreettont, :mil rentain lottu r. p.. ,nod tlnnt nt e net tivt•te trvol by fttnivea 1.0, in or n01,1'111,11, and lII' VOA! 1 11:4110.11,18i.A i , 11 , 111 repoi •. • I/1-1'1'.1.,1.1 toe. l'n .11 In the Plltottlll •In. 0,1411, rteltlvven•e t tr tint (.1”,1, Int., nn ut [lto II h, 1 4 .111 fn tho Aloutti. I' tlt•ltt,tion ~r inr Iltutt t, 11.1,111... ate. 1.11o,:s. t',,,rept.). oftt hundred other PAID.: evlttpt•Jukt, urn tut. ttlf-itt tog , 1),1,1.11%. In the-0 4.• . tuttl tittiv 'lt It •t •,•••,1 In It• If ha , It.. r I prt•vv •et,••l , 1,1,•15y adv. t• 1P. , " 111 IN'CF. in 4. 8.1.1. ..tri ;0,1 or ,t the dawn or wouratili.,tl,, Iho tun, II I.•, time. Tin, lc 11iM, 011 , . v !It o. Ih it IL parked naprefa /pod;omit (.11t111j0 FOR I'L.k MM.UP/11:1" .ISTI 1111 Eli• M I6Mnml..tact.hy.prp:ia,,-Intlipo.tion,nil n.ur, Item It tent 11,1 noit lilaciraeNaf th.. Bln , ni, Liver, Kidneys and 111.1thlei, these Bitten/ have 1.1,11 wee/dial. eel, Direr...a Tire C:1111.0 , 1 by I luntrd Iflood; tvlwzli isgoner:illy produced by iler.ingaineniT of Lim (Hp. TiIEY ARE A (iEN'CLE I'EItIiATIVE AS WELL. AS A. TONIC, norlesiing ut.o flue petallike inerit of main. as irpnwerfal nzent in reliesing Conge,tein or I tinaiivition.of .the Liver anti fever,,' tl:i•: 11/ 1;111 uu. fif FOR IN Ll7SEitsr;it, Et aptlow., Teller, Salt. litatat. Itlet. act, r pet , . rt.ielpattoles, !ling Worms, livaa, Seto 1.1,-, Ery:rpel,te. 1 wit, w u.:., Ilpt , lentiens el the :Sim • Hamert nail I,l,lttrt , tll tilt• teitill t of a hatever name or palare, are literally air!c lip an .1 carritil out et the s.t st• 111 111 tl Ittllttt I,e a,' of thane Sa lo Ono 11111111•1,011 i t ltlll ill, I, Illt ttt" t t `llll‘ , ll, ttik.•lt t 1t• CLEAN: 4 .II 141 11r1A1rth 1111)1.!. 3 .. find 11, 11111411 . 00, tiptionr, 0 ; trim. it t t y0(11111101 It iti.ntroi te.l r ,itirttiiitt tit „ the ,ells. rloitlise It Idiot, it Ix tool forlintr,. tofu 1.11 you Rettli Ito blood i t ud w., trri t titt‘ Ot the spitolit 0111 G4t,nv. Olt ATI:FUIe 1:1 lOU:ANDS pre. lotto Vluegn,itit• lore Ihr 11105 t [lvo_ blued the sinking Fyihun I'IN, TANI, AND 01 1 1 Elt lcOliMS. lurking tin , 'vett,. 01 5111111111 thou.aniln, are eflerculdiy de stroyvil rtql. Sity, There oulov i`l lull 11141 , vidnal upon the Inte of earth t• 4 vsetopt 0,111 pr•-•••itre of 500111 , It is lielt UllOll till' hea!tll:' 0/ the lowly 41,t1 eskt, hot upon the "'n'". "n ll 81,mY worms brond . throe lii Inc tonste, oI ltixelse. No, of 111111 e volinlloges, n AtLthoiloi 1.1 I Al 1 110111 WIPI . IIIq lihe 1111 v, . :k11“./ItANIVAI, 143r.Ab1.:14 mo,ap4alll 11,111 t 311111 im b. po tool, 111111 Ittatt44ol, ol 3lltivrr,am thoy /111111131 11111, 011,1.11 k e 4.1,0,1 to prim 3 - .14 ot 1100.14 gitonl ngu 1ue1.,l Lin Mkt. a 11,40. of 1n...1 ditty, oboe or t a Pro , ••11144e. 111 LAIOUS? It IiNIITTENT, AND'. 1 . 11t311'1"11T0 FEVEIO I , whirlt 11131 BO prov.dent ill Ire ..1 ..or bloat llsot , tht.010,114 the Ulllll.l expverdly 01 0111 3113,,,13, Ills onto, 1 . 1311/I`3lll, C 11111111.11.311.1, Arkal,4a, Red. olortolo. Itiol/ tamlo. .o - J, Alabam. 31.- I.lle, 5.14.11/11111, and loin) nth., 4.' ittr tlpol aOl trllollarb.o, tloolt4414o• our ebtlra country during tho Sara toxr . and AM0D111,11.1.111 markably so during or 110 ons of unmolol jp-tt abd dry twos, are Invarmld P am•oloict aim! dpraogeloonts of that. 111,1113,1, 301 l 111111 1 VIIII 1111111/1111111/ Vl•corti Thor, aro 3 111,1,3 'III 111.3 olntrnk tboo. of Ow a u(111 11113 Y• all.l blot, of 1110 alornach, and gri.ot torpor uI 1.... I oo.k. lodald r'oggol op wdlt vtti 1,11 1111 . 111111, In 1113111154111..1 IPIII,I/111,1,;,1411ov .1 pot omol 111111,no0 1I•••:• 1;1,1. 01,31/ 1. 111`11 1 I , I 1 I") . / •1I P t3,lll.irt h. foltbu plop mitml to 01..1 M'allsot',. tv.tavy 11111 ,prell'y no. tho •lark ulotml ‘131•1111 , i• llb 01111'11 1.11 1.., 10 0i tbo 4, 44 i •A'1‘4/. 00 1 0 111001, (11,1 331•11,11/Ii• It/ 11,1 'l, 1, 31 I :1311133i I restotlag tilt' healthy toot Lou not In 0r4;41,,. :•WIt.(IFUL.I, Ili; NTV( . . , I;Vri 1. • I p.•. I-It I vt. et , In tr., It. • • , ;1,1 , 1,1), o.:1‘, Ult. WA I.lil.:lt'S ‘1,11 , 011.Nt VIN 11'..1 It 1111T TEIIS n,t ..n a,' th.• 4 In 4tinisnr Ha' ton ,e g — Th„ mood 111..) Illoaltn4t., tout I.v rt , ./.1,1ne, Imlay tI,, eftvral ..1 1110 nrtilitntinal,,/ Wto t 111,01./ 1.1,r ditta..,ll•) o ct.• 1 1,1, Ittltltlt, anal w.rmttnent - - Iwo in /.ITvett..l. Tll Ft !It. , P 11l IF. 01 14. 1 , s 11, I t! , / L N , 144ati ye, 3.lti A itta./111011s. 111 Al'lt HI Phi' not any,. prop., to x,•, Dr. tYalker' , 4 Vittvgal 1111•. rt. .1- llto 11l all Ali I atli t otant re% vra, /11,1 . hettlimt, and to ta Ina,: I.' ..• Th. tt, 1,1 Ilt • 1 1 1 1.15•.5, ~.rtt Illlst T 111 4511, 5 5 4, 51 ,, ,V 05 , 1. th• . • All5l 11111. 11.1 plopt.r, 1•511 , 1 , 11 . 1 . :. • 1. I , ' 111 11'111,111 1 . 115, I 011..111 • t. -1• =la I t:tot ❑.• t itt ttrt .I , C I. e h Is '1116,1. I, .1. t4al, Ij, El% 1 N1.1.11`..\ 1.11 liggi , li.l N. :101,11 111 1.1.1 111:11..11:y1.-. ANL/ 1, 1 . 11.1.171111r.t..1; :11 IV, rarinftig Implements IMPLEMENTS FOR HARVEST' P r. NVts ,slTrr ral 1.0 I. 61r h• ri:;lett% ~ ,P.4.1, 0 ,41i :Ins] psssoklsit. I.:// hil,./s O ps./rs //Isl. - vs 111/ IP titer IL/ twit, titsedtsil 113 ill 1111 /to The Sprague Mower, „hi, It in g, :L t,..11,1 the.impl,t, et. 1111.1-111 oiliclt•ot 31.teltinu it Ow ~0 my Wt. tilt,. 1110,v, 13•1 71..1 1;•l"• vll pi Trili \ Lry liAi RAK pie. The re, etitiee this. tahv Iv well sal.thhvh-1 livery farmer who is lint Itheatly vuppheth 14h1/11141 hey a Novelty Flay , Hake. The Original and Improved fiPPOiV Y FORK with improved GizAppi.n, Thi.i Fork, In connoottun with the mime, onil Palle), is undoubtedly one of the nowt complete in ho twirl:et for bitoilling hay. CUIIIIIhIII.A.IIII 'IIIRESIIER AND The infprovoments we havej made in t e ionstria, lion or title Thresher mute lent eesamr, t . rrant in offering It to farmers es,one of the very best vlOllOB.lll the market. With the Mr., Power which goes with title machine. four !loves aro caleolated to do the merit, vhere si> ouch eight are required In homy other nawhines. Compared Critic Others the is SO loin that every thrifty farmer stay readily erminte the owner for Itimaelf,r n enmi,oriand Cnl lOh Thrasher and Separator for pm initiwnt use uq his barn floor. Parini,' would do melt In Fall :Ind examine It. s TII E CA II LISLE CIDE It Al I 1„ made :rt ,„ our eMoLoooonoot, 100, work Om highte.l recommendations front nil abut linen tried it. It both plead mid rrnthee tlu. .attics. It therefion roliehls liclitor pressure and pitehices the largest gonittl•y of cider froth the noinont of apples put Tho Willoughby Patent GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL is xo Wl-1I 1(11000 to far 1.111.1,111 otoxt part, of Pohl,. that no need not I peak at any length of . Its milt, We nose hppa It with op witliont timing Altai ot, atal-with the •nos els so lttachoil an iq witch no en nigh tranli 01 - xig-Siigi w liteh ov?Is pie: fi,re.l: To ld are also pot on by soli new patent airaogoinent, is Inch gisem them areatec flexibility and hum r ottaclontnt to the Drill: NG' gooil farmer,nn ntf,rd In Jn 0111..1(tbe WiilonA h y thin Spring 111111. bavo 010,1)0 on bond N Fply of odder Cutters, Corn of:dl,Nl .and If ',flirty of nth, i l / 1 1.10111111118 115111,d by throws ff, RI Ihe lux vet juices. • F. CIARI)NER A:: CO.' Carl I , .11111 P , 1872. • r•j07231,, HATS AND CAPS: jr . ( 3i CALLIO,'' No. 29 WEST MAIZI F.TitNZT C,A.I3IJSLE, Tho unTTEIS of Oarlintali Thu lIATTIIIt of elliiiMlo I The latest styleiJust rseelvoil l, , Tllll.lll4ttiNt G Lyleq slways on hand .111,1 S lIATri fritul bat Malltiftcylrys I IiASIIIQN/111.1:11A:T . Sjot4 0A1.1,10 wishes to coil ittt potion to his lars MS 11 A Tk? aND CA p,9 oluaultfit,c,t9rtp Ll f tt!, W ov4. 2.. 01, :lie bast Atit!znurtts for coloring. - IIALc W • Ooodt. nnA e.fop.ts, ' • Thd highosCdA3ll VI:101 , 9 pnid for C 1J N , nim A ll= lihri49 1 111111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers