Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 04, 1872, Image 3

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    Home and County' Ileum-
30511.1 of our ealoonkerpers Bell meet milk, ht
they 101 sell, lager beer,
STRAWBERRIES wpm Hold nn low as aii routs
par quart ou Saturday last•
THE last mu of strawberries vrero not unlik
the Init. run of shad—sickly looking. -
. . ,
FIFTY CENTS will pay for tho HERA f.D from 11w
prutent-dato-noigAnnuary 1,1873. ,
EASPBERRIES.tvero Bold In market on !Saturday
morning, at 7 and lq,ronta per quart.
Krrn flying and " inutablepeg" play
big is indulged in by Yourfg America.
THII Adams Penn.. company Inks placed a no
wagon at the *moan' of the agont at this plaoo. .
IF you aro In need at Job work of any dcwription
visit thu HERALD Catuldlohment. 190 guar:lnto.
valuta:non or no pay•
',SOME of our citizens complain of the
weight of moat weighed on the spring
balances used by many of our.butchors.
WE but e recelvtol the first bomber of hither
A 1,114111.1, J»11 , 11411ed nt Loncauf or, l'u , by J, I).
oti, It will, Eloobtleno, ho or good serylOo In the
upproneldng campaign,
WE have received the drat loonbdr of the Herald,
ptibljsl.l at Hanover, Pa., by. :,Heasre BR
tlngar. Thu licrold Is UM independent Homed, and
pre.i•u lon riTry neat appenronee.
IIARIt18111d11(1 dry gonilii nerchnutn chi... tlioir
gJnrux of linqui.rii nc 7 "'dock ouch evening during
11. it gueii4 Cariklo,cliirko mould not
illuploaxidi if it slioilar tifilidit wits adopted liein.
EXCLIISION Meh+. to the Itahnonre convention
will be Rohl at the principal enttionil on the Climber
10101 I alley itailrofili, loom July to duly (I, good
for return trip until the fifteenth inetout inelnsive.
THE work of macadamizing and cleaning the
streets goes biarely on, despite tho intense heat.
Wu will venture the attsortion blunt no town in the
State of the with, She eau boost 01 c loaner or better
regulated streets. - '
JOHN STOUFFER, iso., of Poteisborg, loncesto
county, Imo 11 Durham cow winch pro li.rth,
colt on the twentyeecond ulliiuu, Out weighed
1513.; Ito, Rom houro niter birth. So sitys thu Lon.
ruriur Expresc
Tue , ladies and others engaged in
the culture of flowers, complain that
they do not thrive well the Present sea
son. We have heard it said that this
is always the case in Leap Year.
Aro— Tho conduct of sonic of 1110 young fogs lu
this hall in loot I ride eyolning was intolerable, and
unbecoming ladles and gentlemen. The practice of
evading insulting hanners,to the graduates is a ilea
1111.1lbillone, and ellerts should be mode to hoc ° It
du n° away with in tan future.
NEWSPAPP:IXS , -nr. NI. 0. Strath, httethe firm
of Smith k Seitz, proprietors of the /fret. Olen Rork.
Itott retired nod itlr. tioitz retains the notougo
in en „r Abe, Sallll. The en tet s Nein Its
'Third year ender Uhl molt fat urablo
THE initial number of thit Daily (I
Erainiurr, bat 1,10101 nn. It In ilubllnltoti by
Menton lilontouti x illuu,at the olllco of lite Er
um! herald. 1.11 lite advent of th.
111'W dolly, fr , ot the fort that It lion been boldly pro-
Inhood dolt, the Itopublicon party of Itooronter
ovotary lion boon dentituto of o fooriern oxpottont lit
the nltnitt. of a tinily pop,. We wish It nllllll6ll'
PUCE 0..
WA LK I NIl NIATGII.—On Tuesday totqatag i Mr.
John 11. Brooks. of Ilarrlnhurg, nrri rob at tho
• Mintz tioutiti," ha% ing nerompllthed the feat of
walklng hom that eat) to that photo forager of
faint that I e oonlot not at. do o task i wa n
bourn. Mr 11. non thit hot, haring no. 1,10 tho din.
tueo -in .3 hours -tont 5!4! 1 minute., A numb", of
pusua. ”C.11111111i.11 th• gentleman it ,ohicks.
CHICK EN On Friday night last,
thief filmic a raid on Dr. Neff 'a bcnifery and
,word nn Iwo large I.iffek lorsioshe. „The Dornl
hearing thu tilkfortenco, !milled forth with musket
in liana:but Ora midnight odder funk 01.0.111111111
dieappenflol. Th. chickens mere found the follow
ing HI. Jong off Dickinson alley, minus their heads.
IVe mould MINIao our II) guard well the
ick elo coot..
SONIE 1 , 1811 - .—M.1.. Ad. hYDoottol nod dolu
li rmor, of Oda Ware, while tint li•hing ono day
holt Wl.llk. I . lm4ht it pike, to it.., follow Ilrothdoot, at
It that. otuahtir ol inches in londth
.1 wilt:hod :0,4' 110. IV o Blood!! .y this wog Hoot,
fiat,. tin Inforniont onyx that It was dalltlioa when
00101, hot, of ruttrau, we hare only Lot lain word
for It. Boot It, whit nun.,
keyntoite shaving sato ti, Himeji
Llutteknitl, proprietor, has bean rentorod from
Kt ...les to the room lute!y trouplud by
11..3 Jewelry toitablialintnt. on Korn;
Mann', er utrurt, to door north of Gill's hotel.
Lune, ban fixed tip thin new wainon in lino'ittylo, and
hopes by .kettplog competent worknieb lu his
employ, and n strict iktterition to the tormot int teautn
al the wattle, to merit a largo itharo of putronagu.
NIIISICAL.—It loan been frequently talked us div
ing tho past week what has become of tour band.
Frill all tho facts that woo can obtain, we are forced
to the gonclasion that want of encouragement by
parties desiring mask has cau,ol tits disorganize.
Boa of the Carlisle Brats Band. The other band
001 - Ti - tol during Oho past year has motor been able
to raise aullieleat funds too parcheac the necessary
Instratinobts. It Is it shame that a loon of the size
et Carlisle cannot secotain an organization of this
kind. Let as hare monde, but the kind that has
boom Inflicted upon us during the past week.
SCOTT WILSON, an attache° of the cirrus, rattling
along North Manor°, street, on Sabbath morning
test, ttpled a pair.olboote in t h e hall of Mr. John A.
If ellor'n resitlanett, ne,l , sans Onllludint•ly seized with
a desire to Lem o n t tho owner of Omni. Ile forthwith nlearge of them, but was subsequently arrested
tar litetfor's servapt, Rutherford Jackson, and
'attend in jell. The hoots were sold to a colored limo
.or It, and the owner, Mr tlaorga Kaltor,ltas sham
tottovered Omni No Information having boon toed•
against Wilson, lot was reloased from custody.
EIiEC'EION.—At n regular.stated meeting of Boli
ng Sp, Inge Council, No. CC 0. of U. A. NI.. ot Boli
ng Si. Ingo, Cumberland tamitty, Ile„ the following
lamed t Meer. were elected far the ensuing. term,
•Io C.—C. Boonett ; A . • C.-3 W. COlwell ; It.
—John ;Heim
i LA. It. B.—Somuel Finkontiloiler;
± \Oen; I —A. J. 31errletin ; Es—John
Conte ; J. IL—Jannis runlet: 0. IL—leums Smith;
tax. Bi. CO. C.—S. Al Herr; True Br. Ex C.—L.
r. Cottimil ; Jr. Ex. C.—Wm. 11. Wine; Sr. En. C.—
i I'. llanfinati. After MIMI; the Council dined in
lanataty, to meet ou Saturday, July G , nt II 11 . ( . 181,k,
Recording Bee:platy.
itllerrs wor ti olertiiil by Carrislo Counril, No. gori, u.
'. A. M., to Nerve for the ionising torn; C.—A. J.
I ; Y.C.—W. M. Ogi iby ; —LBoloirt MC
',l,iney, Je t ; A. lt. 8.--tv in. Darr; F. W.
trigort; I.—C. Holz; Ito IlartItIl; P —Oro
I. Minor; 0. P.—A. F. ND*. ; Tr .01 —Dilinthilri
',mono Trmtto,—J. II .x lor, .loin, Nlarlln uud
V. M. Ogilby ; %WO W,/tali,' to Slate Council—
it. oh Albert ; Jolotor--Ilori. 11. Miller
I Ut' P.—grivo Fr bodge, No. of P.,
It.tull the following ollievre revently, to sem, no.
Ile °mining term: %V, C.—.knee 11.1Imner ; V. C.—
V. A. Hippie; O.—W. N. 11t.tings ; I. B.—.lo4epb
leeley ; Trukee-11.1. it. Hepburn.
lIROTIIFIMOOD.—The hollowing oltleets were
lected by Cumberland. Circle, No It. C. (11. V.)
.of A., to serve,the ensuing term : C. W —C. I).
tall: C. J.—A.T. Meek; C. Y.—Jos A. Greet ; 11.
Rathgault ;W. D D. Ithittehart W.
I —Jot, Id. Green; 11. S. K.—D. SI. C. (Irina; 'IL
. —Jesse I'. Zehehtr; 11. T —Jos Neely •, Reprusen-
It toe to (I. C —J. P. NalT; Trustee—C. F. Shower.
'toss, one of the - graduates of '72, upon
ho conclusion Of his oration on Corn.
ion, ement Buy, was the recipient of a
tagnilicent gold watch chain, valued at
50, presented by his father; also a Fann
y Bible and - a $5 gold piece from his
'other. The Bible contains a space for
hOtographs, in which Mr. Gross, had the
ictures of the entire class'placed. The
ook was a very appropriate gift, when
. will bo romqnbered that the gentle
tan contemplates studying for the legal
rofossion. We congratulate' Joseph
pun his exceedingly good fortune.
We..learn that our townsman, Mr.
amen C. Clark, has been appointed
lencral Agent of the Cumberland Valley
;Itilroad, at liarrisburg r with , entire con
•ol and super'vision of the entire bust
ers, both freight and passenger, aithat
ad of the dine. 151 r. Clark has beau; for
nine years, connected with the buSiness
f the railroad, and is known to the
immunity, as an energetic, courteous
ad thoroughly competent businessman.
ho company could have found no better
oneral agent, and Mr. Clarke's many
lands will rejoice at his promotion.
.r. Pickle, the former ticket agent at
arriaburg, has boon transferred , to
Ur We briefly noticed' last week the
irrible death of Mr: 'George Kline, in
'ltOona, on the twenty-fourth instant.
r. lilin , o was Well known in this own
unity, and was a young man of 'exem
ary character. his sudden death will
mourned by alargo circle of friends
id acquaintances., ...The following ac
unt of his , death is taken . from the
• ltoona Ttibune of last . week
' A Mann. Elrtm.—About italbpnt ten o'clock
- 811b14tth moittying, n young man intend George
roil4lirtilth his brother, on Smooth aro
•• 0, and nap hood In the core shop connoted with.
u railroad company'. foundry, mut whits terrible.
in Om yard, In. thl. city. At tho head of the
rd, hl tho 'o4ll4y:of thu Eloccuteenth street
:dip, Ito attomptitno get •tio a special tole from
• , Watit, (Valelt Wu' Induct with .dologatlons from
t,ttoburg and other Masco who wore coming to Al.
you to pollutants to the Cethol lc demonstration )
, tha punkt.° of riding down -to the depot, when,
are correctly informed by an employe en ,the
foot.raught in • railway_ frog and he ell
(ward Lats.°. the ear. mars thrown on tho
,ck under the rain, leveret a the wheel. pausing
or him, cutting 111. leg off aboei the kneel 'and
thtfolly mangling Ail. 110011, arm. and other pm ,
11,of his body. Ile wosnanhtionli killed Intently,
e a bona° tho train cool ng° 'flopped was dragay,4a
launo 01 - about on hundred ykrds front the opot
tern hu lost Ids leg, by his head being eaoght be•
eon the wheels of the roar truck of a Car end a
ten rod. the heed was sectli,kol in en tightly ho.
can the wheel and rod Plat, it roitolrell alint
minutes 11a0 lattnr•and tho roninal bf some
t o motplaAell befoto it mold ho extricated. From
l oc id {tilde foot he was terribly mantled and'
,tuoted, and pretlonred a shocking might. 'A'
°Culler was ininiudlitiely.preenred. on which ids
Iv hid until ail employe of the eeilipaikymVni,
k and proeurdd the portion of had
.it col off, after whleh ho MOV,Oyall to tho oil
mu 01111 sulontuuntlydaltott ti leaideara of
brother, on\skir c trath akempo. Xlino Wag WIWI
~ty.six, pairs Ilia, wool otoprriqd, and" Nun,
own " pro% Carll.lo, ka., to which plaeo hi. ro.
' • ..nki 'heroprward,od, on Monday', for burial. Hie
Ibio,dpatit le another' end warning to tho • many
- ono wlt,o aro continually lumping op, tnd, MOAN,
. • ,
_ -•
TRH Calala , ;land MmHg held. a picnic ai-1
"oiv," 1.11 23t di day. ' '
l'iris ols Aura infantunt prevails to
considers., hi this lilacs.-
.4P- MIA' I' year has already rim half Ito COllllll.,
and Jiirre have hem but comparatively few, mar.
Hank W d would. advise the Indira. to" hurry tip"
null net $ - .llow the prediction to paws in dor ml
Will ar (II compelled to forego the public tfo thin
Philad,pl phis, produeo and cattle marital thi s N ook,
owing - 1.0 the crowded Mato of our Manna. Who
tiro $OO ck markot for'every doecription of stock was
OXOO.i Noly (lull and prime favored buyetli: Tho
Muir $ corbel In without Improvement, awl thin do
mend for wheat continues Molted.
1 &R. GEOROR ZINN, of this place, is
now_prepared to supply families •with
tho dilikrent kinds of coal nt reduced
prices. Orders respectfully solicited.
See ad.
IVE would call attention to the iimalmoth ndrcr
thennent of Bineltz-,k auomuiciag. extensive
public vale. ut earriuge gietory on the third 01
August. This firm has a large relabel' of vehicles
oa band, and In order to reduce the stock, will havo
solo on the above date. The work will recommend
Itself; is put hp in good style and of the beet mate.
riot. A.dodection of five per cent on all cash fielf,
A credit of live months will ho given when desired.
which exhibited hero on last Saturday,
was poorly' attended, although the enter-
tainment was fully up to the average of
this class of shows - . They loft town sev
eral dollars poorer than when they en
By reference to the now ads. it will
be seen'that the South Mountain com—
pany have placed tlu•ee trains iiaily.lM
tween this place and Mount Holly. And
two through to Pine Grove. Trains
will leave for Mt. Holly at 7.30 a. in.,
2.15 p. in., and 1.11,p. in. Leave-M Mr.
Holly at 1.41 a. m., 10.30 a. in.; . and
5.10 p.
THE attention of owners of real t•state whose
deeds are Lot recorded Ix failed to the following Act
of Assembly on that subject. )Inch tiouble and
even loss of property may 110 voided by attending
to the requirements of the low, which prof Ides that
all deeds • tledl be recorded in the office for the le
cording of Deeds [it the t•ounty where stall lands or
heruditaments are lying and being:, w ,thin SIX
111001.1 N alter the execution 'lt Fll,ll Deeds and Con
reptile.; fold every 81101 Recd 10111 Conveyance'
that And', at any tone alter the publication hereof
[the :for refer red to) be made and eneented, and
st Melt shall net beTecorded WI aforesaid, 81,1,11 be
adjudged Iraudulent and told 'against any suits,
fluent purcluser pr mortgagee for Nitll.l,lo 1 . 011.1,1-
(I,tloll, Ciallruystice, be ri•.
corded hs nforesaill, heft.° the pro‘ Mg and re 1201,11.
log or the Deed ur Conveyance` under which s u ch
subsutpteut purchaser or mot td,,g.. nholl
11111 11 SCHOOL schoolo
of thin Lot °ugh ulm.ed Jul the Summer va ention
the EN WHOP. given by Um Nlala anal Female hidli
Relodx. These exhibitions IN, 0 heroine unite nu
Inelltntlon. land Iromllnie inimenuoml 1110 1' drawn
criAviled luniaes. At a very muly hour Itheldn's
11011 was NOlli N ,onlionee, ond.nE
hrlf-pnat 7 o'clock the r eels~ began. The tollow:
hag wan the proden,unn ieo nylon :
0111/1:1i OF KXEIWISES.—Prap.. 1111..0. Solo
tutery, l_lertle 11. Shnaek. intellectual and Moral
Powel, iili"Milnuttory. Frank NV. Cialghead,
1,1,1,1. Thank fulne,,, 1.10/11. Slump!, Thoughla
on Idfo, .r. ljplacpltor ~III.X. I.onglkg‘a
for' th! — l:hattliiiied, Laura A. Shapley. Chill,. :Lod,
FeNers. 1111110 m 11'. Trout. The %Nell ol Lilt' in 0e
Nth/glad' Yarn, Soto M. Itinek Mush TaNennx
of Lila, Allen Reproduetlon of Charm;
lee, F. Marry Ifnßel. NI °ale The cloud old lkiya
01 'oar Ornioluedheix, Mira .1. KN.l,y The Cm mui
I.lfted, David Blair 11 ua'a Caolleertl.
31usle. Valedicl Iy, Mary C. limiter. llutemnioo- •
tlou and Labor. m 101 Volvilictery,(lllhert 11. Ilartler.
31male Olenedi• tton.
The erom drd state of ow eolumna prevent to , from
anti. mug the entertainment tii drtnll , hut all
noleoly Flay that. It V.llaim ontiro suer., tho glado
atea acunittlog thin...elves creditably.
To-DAv.—The Ninety-Sixth Anniver
sary uf American Independence recurs
to-day. It Was customary in by-gone
days to celebrate the Fourth of July in
grand style, but our people, of late years,
seem to have become totally indifferent,
and we doubt if many of them would not
remain in total ignorance of its recur
rence were they not ,reminded of it by
the papers and the general suspension of
business. " This is a sad state of affairs,
butnevertheless true as preaching. Many
of our citizens doubtless will visit Ship
pensburg, while the entire Fire Depart
ment have made arrangements 4i par
ticipate in the , demonstration. Others
will visit the neighboring groves and
picnic, so that our goodly old borough
will present the appearance of the Saji
bath. The several banking douses, post
pilice, and all places of'business will be
For the accommodation of persons
wishing to visit Shipponsburg, 'oxen).-
sicn trains will run east and west on the
Cumberland Valley. Hound trip tickets.
will be issued for all trains to=day. A
train will-leave Bridgeport at 6.15 a. in-;
Mechanicsburg, 7 a. m ; Carlisle, 7.30 a.
m 8 a. m., and arrive at
Shipponsburg at 8.45, in time for the
parade. All fire apparatus must be
loaded and unloaded by the members,
and will be transported free of charge,
but at the risk of the owners. A train
will leave Shippensburg at 5 o'clock p.
m. for Bridgeport and intermediate sta
- 0
[For T. Ilrn‘t :
That Providence helps those who help
them elves certainly seemed false as-re
gardsi the Eighty-Ninth Annual Com-,
mence nent of Dickinson College. First
came t to small pux, which, in a miraen
louslY4ort space of time,-emptieef the
college building—especially ',East College
—nearly all the lower classmen, in their
benevolent desire to give the patient
perfect quiet, went by the quickest routes
o their respective homes, even taking
with them sonic seniors, who, however,
returned. Then in ordeketo cheer the
few seniors who .rolnatned, came the
long rainy spell, which made one think
of Noah'S time you remember,
there was a big rain. Then in order to
help the matter came the news t)liat the,,
band whom we had released undkie the
first impression tharovery man, ivoman
and child in the tbwar was about to get
the disease, and that , with a drum ,and
tire the dead march could be played
more economically than witha *hand,
had with commendable prudencie, made
an engagement somewhere else. ' This
was like striking a man when down, mid
was especially painful to iiii, as we could
blame no ono but ourselves for having so
hastily released them. At length, `Low
ever, just nee 1 ihty before, we engaged
the liagerst,Pwn SilVpr Grays, who, al
though hearing the iunall'pex was raging
in Carlisle, yet uppn our assuring them
that if it was raging, it was do(ing . it in
a very quiet way, as no ono 'know it
here, agreed to come and fano death.
They Came and faced death in a Very
ploEniant Manner, being voi7 kind and
obliging to us, serenading and playing
at the leven,,and on our part we tried to
ti`dat them well. We are much indebted"
to Gen. Biddle and Mr Campbellfor the
interest they mapifested in getting us ex
cursion tickets, for if it had been left to
the courtesy of Mr. McCullough; our Alma
Mater would have graduated her.Bighty-
Ninth -class without the sound of
However, following out the motto of
Our " We find a way or make
one," we had everything working as
well us possible, with a few exceptions;
which' I Will note' in their order. On
Saturday, . which was to have begun
• Dominancoment week, with a lecture be
fore the Scientific Society, by Olias. F.
Ph.'D., nothing was commencer.]
however, as the good doctor having boon
hidoubt 'for the previous week as to the
Whereabouts of said society, they,having
in thoic . basto to vivo the sick man quiet,
made no mention futto the time of their
return. . '
On Sunday Morning: the sermon was.
delivered . before,the Society of Religions
Inquiry, bj Rey. 31r. Appleton, aid in
the evening the Baccalaureate urns de
livered, by Pr. DaShiell. It ''was. very
eloquent, and notwithstanding the fact
that it was one honi . and twenty min
utes long, which with - most aerniona
would bo a grave offence inflect], how
ever this . Ono from the. DeetorwaS Ba
te-tied to With great interest by the.
audience, and especially by' , the class,
for although N\) had had some ?uhsowith
hint'on account of his not being able to
understand our motives ;properly, ire
knew it was always rather an error of
the head than of the teart, and' each Ono,
of as fiat that thwarentory of, the doptor.
With - his kind heart for -any wan hf
- trouble, would always 1s a'green sot in
.our college reminiscent:a,.
On -Idoptlay night was' to havo bath'.
-the Junior• Contest, the medals were
ready, but the rapidity with 'Which the
Contestants disappeared the, previous
week prevented their being awarded. I
feel assured that if prompt action at the
intimation of danger will ever save these
gentlemen froth death, we will in the
course of centuries have in them rivals of
Methuselah. - •
On Tuesday the Oration and Poem
was delivered before the - B. L. -S. and
the U. P. B. sorieties, by llpn. 3,13.
'Sterin-nnd Rev.' V: Bottomed a'nd - were,
in every way, worthy of these gentlemen.
On Wednesday came. Class Day, the
_order •of exercises being as follows:
Prayer, , 'Oration, Poem, Ridtory and
Prophecy, t.l , ,en a parting ode to lie sung
'by the class. It was net sung, however,
as no member of the class cared to-make
a martyr of himself by breaking down,
for in the class each man feels that he
himself iv a poor vocalist, and as for the
rest, ho knows they can't sing at all.
The death of a near relative of Mr. Mar
tin Herman, the Alunini orator, pre
vented him delivering his oration. Wed
ncsdity evening the Alumni held a
Meeting, and adopted a now form for the
'lection of Alumni orator, that is'here
after to elect h man under the auspices
of the fraternities, beginning with the
oldest, thou in succession each year.
For next year the lion. James D. Wai
ters was elected, under the. auspices of
the PLi Kappa Sigma frateimity, to
close with a banquet, at which all the
fraternities in college will be present,
bringing their wives, sisters and lady
friends. This will go far toward healing
the bitter feelings existing•between fra
ternities, to the detriment of the College.
On Thursday was Commencement
Day ; this was our last mid principal
day. Providence now seemed to realize
the fact that we were helping ourselves,
and sent us: some sunshine, for which
the Lord makeus truly thankful. Ex
ercises began at 1,0 o'clock ; cemenced
with prayet, and each oration' followed
`by music. • Tlfr. class consists of seven
teen men, fourteen of whom-overe by
their standing, 'entitled t orations.
Messrs. Shoemaker, 'Madden, 'Shop'',
Gross, Myers, llosley, hart and Post
delivered orations, and on account of the
general uncertainty not being fully pre
pared, lleners Brandt, McC, , man, Grif-
lith, A rmstrong and Timmons, were
excused. All the orations delivered did
great credit to the speaker.:, and among
others we especially admired, the able
manner with which Messrs. J. V. Shoe
maker, ll: J. Myers and G. 11. Willis
acquitted themselves,their subjects ben*:
The Pi-ogress of Prep Principles,
Loolc Within," and " Failures." illeiisrs.
Shopp: delivered the Salutatoria, Post
the Valedictory. Previous to the vale
dictory the degree of A. B. was conferred
on the graduating class, and A. N. on
several of the class of 'la The exercises
closed with a few apt remasks from the .
Ex-President, followed by a short ad.,
dress from the President elett, who then
gave the benediction, the audience de
parted whils't the baud played "The
Girl I left Behind me," by request of
the class, Who are supposed to appreciate
the sentiment. tin Thursday night, at
12 o'clock, was held the Eighteenth An
niversary of theßosilon Chapter of the
Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity, in the par
lors of the Bentz house, this being the
oldest fraternity in the college, order of
exercises were as follows : Oration, by
the Hon. dames D.
, Wattors, of Mary
land, class or '55 ; Poem, by Chas. W.
Super, A. M., of Delawate, class ;
History of the Fraternity, by Fred. F.
McComas, A 8., 'of Maryland, class 'S_2.
After literary exercises, t , el,ts were
drank as rapidly as possible, and the
fraternity adjourned at 4 o'clock.
The festivities of the ;,'veelt, and which
well sustained the reputation of Car
lisle for its hospitality, began with the
senior party, given by Prof. S. D. Hill
'man and wife, followed on - Wednesday
night by a very pleasant party given I.y
Mrs. Shearer and daughter, and on
Thiunday the levee at the President's.
And now the Eighty-.Nintli Chllege gen
eration has passed away, an' in the
lege the class of 'Tt? are among the things
that Were.
\A GnAm .vrt.
tr,poriden4 of TM:
Carlisle, Jane 29, IST2,
Notwithstanding the case of small pox
and the succeeding panic, which threat
ened tt prevent tho approaching Com
mencement of Dickinson College, the
Eighty-N inth (a:melon of the aminal fes
tivities has come and gone, Despite the
unfaroiable circumstance:, which hail
.occurred'to blight the hopet of the Senior
Class, they resolved to make the exer
cises of the week as far successful as
possible. 1. ,. ‘0r their efforts under such
discouraging circumstances, the mem
bers of "12 deserve coriimendation. But
it was imposlsible . ;o do• all which hind
been anticipated. (.Thee Juniors' having'
loft for home, the 4Jratoriciil• Contest for
the prize meanie vJivs necessarily post
poned, while - Professor Minos was
irented from delivering thn'qpeeted lec
ture before the Monti fie Society. Igor
did the usual exercise.s of the Alumni
Association occur, on lArecinesday 'even
4:Mut as Comment:clue nt week drew
near, visitors began to arrive, and
though the great numbor expected wore
deterred front being present, a fair aver
ago canto to enjoy the scones of other
years, or for the.iirst time to view 'the
beauties of this old; historic.
The exercises of the week - commenced
with the Annual Sermon he•fore the So
ciety of 'Religious Inquiry, by 11ev. E.
W. Appleton, of the Protesta ut Episco
pal church, on Sunday, the t'w enty-third
instant Its appreciatian was evinced
by the close attention paid the speaker
by the cultured audiendo -- Present. In
the evening, a largo audience assinnbled
to hear the Baccalaureate Address by
the President to the Senior Class. We
have not patio to review at lontrth the
Sermon, but it is enough to say that it
was an eloquent mid classical °Art,
holding the attention of the audience
for nearly an hour:and a half.
Tuesday evening saw "Emory" again
filled with a fine audieuco=lnotwith
standing the rain—to listen to thO Oration
and Poem before the Belles Lettres and'
Union' Philosophical Societies. The
Orator, of the evening was rion. •J:
Storm, M. A., C. (clasi 1801), Iv lio .
delivered a very learned oration on the
" I TentioneiOs of •Modorn Boiontifla
Ideas." Tip Poorri by Rev. P. BOttome,.
of Now , York City, was beautiful and.
pleasing. ~. . . •
At a noeonA mooting a the Board' of
Trusteofe, !aolrt—o 'Wednesday morning,.
Boy. ;bur. .il:`;' MK); nloy, D. 1)., of ,Wash
ingtOn, (clan ) wa6;oloctod President
,olio Coliogoi in place of lbw, R. L.
paella, D. D., Whnno'rosignation' pre . ,
...Mated HOl.OO. time affo;. took °Oct, ht
tl -,..
Commencement. It agreed to elect
an Additional Professor in August, at-
Wednesdaf„ having been substitated
for Tueiday,
_was Class- Day, and the
class having reluctantly determined t,o
foredo the ;usual afternoon' exorcises of
the Campus, the pooling exercises Wercv
held in the afternoon in , !3.4m0ry. , At
two o'clock the Chapel was well • filled
with an eager audience Which wail well
,hold for - over three hours.. The Oration
was by d. R4Willis, of Maryland ; the
Poem, -by J. G. — Bosley, 'of ,Maryland ;
the History, by W. P. lleaddii, of Nev
Jersok ; and the Prophecy, by Edwin
Post, of New Jersey. Ode. was
by J. 1.1 Shopp, of Poin4ylvania, 'but
was not sung owing to the late hour.
We have not space to mention more at
length these exorcises, which were credit
able to the gentlemen, and made the day
. a success.
On Wednesday evening an enthusias
tic Alumni meeting Wag held in the Col'
loge Chapel, instead of the regular ova
tion in Emory Chapel, which unfoi•to
nately could not be delivered.
Commencement aniraing—as on most
like occasions—was hoe . crud sunny, and
at 10.:30 o'clock , the -exercises of the
Eighty-Ninth Commencement morning,
opened with pra; Or by Rev. Dr. Thom p
son. The amlience was large and at
tentive throughout the lengthy exercises.
The programme was mcfollowß :
Order of Faerei ,, es.—Music by the
Maryland Fpilver Greys. Prayer. Music.
,Salutatoria, I I 11. Shopp, Shire
manstown, Pa; Philosophical Oration,
The. Function of Fear, J W. P. Hamblen,
Bea . Bank, N. .1; 01;atiun, Above all
Sects is Truth, Brandt, Big
Spring, Pa; Oration, The—Prpwcsi, of
Free Principler, .1. V. Shoenttker, Phila
delphia, Pa; Oration, ‘"lllarough the Ages
one Increasing Purpose 'Buns," F.
McComas, Ilagerstown, 111 d; Oration,
Failures, O. IL Willis, Ealtinune, Mcl ;
Literary Orat,ion, Why ask the Why':
T. Me. Griffith, 1 looversville, .111,1;
°Cation, Political Depravity, <II. 'P.
Ann:thong, r.0,,,m,0,
Philosophical thation, Tho A Mel lean
School or Polities, .1. P. I;rross• schnocks
yule, oration, The World of the So li. S. T:yunons, Baltimore,
; Oration, A Look 'Within, I). .1.
Myers, jr., Philadelphia, Pa. ; (*alien,
All ROM' of Iteill!Cti.ll, .1. 0. Bosley,
Coclmysville, ILI ; oration, Thu old
Landlord's llevery, \V. H. Wri,.;llt, Mid
dletown,' Del ; orstion, Worth and
\Vorthine , s, I). W. Hail, Eh.hain, l's;
Master's Oration, 1V lids 14nn, li, I).,
Ph: D., Philadelphia, Pa; kinship ith
Valedictory, Edwin Post, Caunkn,
We have not apace mention .at
greater length h these orations, which did
great credit t,ft the class, especia!ly when
we consider the discouraging circum
stances under Which they laboied, and
which showed that filch t:ollego cones,;
had not failed 10-be to them a means of
culture. -
The following seventeen
. gentlemen
commenced B. A.: 13. P. .lrmstrong,
.T. G. Bosley, .1' D. Brandt, B. H. Con
lyn, G. 'l'. Dunning, 'l'. 111. Uriltith , Jos.
P. Gross, 1). W. Hart, W. P. Ileadden,
F. F. McComas, D.. 1. Myers, jr., Edwin
Post, .1. V. Shoemalcer, .1. H. Sliopp,"il.
S. l'iminon , , (;. It. Willis and
The folloWing commenced' m. A.:
P., H. 1L Brown, 11. 11. Smith, 0. W.
01over, W. P. Hon., S. M. Leidich, S.
0. Bnively, T. S. Suively, T. •.1. Hunter,
1... L b. Watson, 11. Storm, 0. W. Linn,
J.,11 Shalcspearc and AT. It. ISailey.
The following honorary degrees were
eonforred : D. D., Rey. y. Ilettome and
Rev. Jos. Prance, Ph. 1).; J. M. Leon
ard, M. A., L.L. I)., Rev. Bishop This.
Bowman, D. 1)., M. A.; M. A., A. Z.
Hartman and T. S. Sheer.
After the closing oration MO been de
livered, Dr, Dashiell was loudly called
for, and after some happy remarks on
his part introdti'ced 1)1.. McCauley, Vresi
dent elect, who spok.l:itnid much enthn•
Sia , n].
The leree 'he 1.11
day ov.ming was a L;rond slit:Tess, o veil.
.number hdlg m atrendanee. TMe
music ryas furnished by the A1:1131;11;(1
Silver Grays. ehe H:ttrirrlay !mon Prof
Ilimes family soiled for b:ttiV.p: nu
trip aecompanied by 31r.
lleaddemof I ,Voodwar(i of
Ivho pivioos s
r.. 1.0 :,perul yeAl . , ,
study :it the Gerni'aii"fluivern;ti..4,
Aix w;ft . Ascot ATIoN. Tho 4 , n:rind
meeting of the - Hamilton .11onini As
tsociation, of Carlisle, wa,:i held in Eclora_
Lion Thiir,day, done Tr, :it :t
o'clock p, Plesident Dr. G. W.
Noidicli in Oki?. chair.
The following ollicert; were elected
the' ensuing year :
President—*. elass,:of Pi4S ;
Vice Presidents—A. M. Bilotti etig.,
class of ; .1. A.• Duncan., class of
and Miss Mary M. Bentv., crass of
I`- , 50; Treasurer—Jess P. Zeigler, class
of Seci'el M itifc
Mary Landis, class of I 81;0 ; Recording
Soureftry.--jno. Corinllllll, class of 17 , (10:
Executive Commit) ve-1). Eclzels, Miss
Mary Phillips, E. Cornman, esq., .1. A.
DUllettil :gild Mrs. J. M. Weal:ley.
The following were elected to serve
the assudiatioll at their spoon(' anniver
sary :
Orators—A. P. Adams, claw: of 'r.; ; J.
;11.'1111101bn, class of '5ll.
•, Poet—Jno. Cornman, class of •11 i
Essayists—Miss Annie "hutch, class
of 'till and Miss' L. G. Miles, class or 'Gil.
Historians—S . . IT. Uould, class of ;
Miss L.- V. Whiner, class of '7l.
The first anniversary OVOrCISOS of the
Association, wora herrn Rheum's Hall,
on Thursday 4vening, Juno 127,
. 4 ae: 7.30
p. The following was the proaTnine
on the occasion :
Prayer. Music. Oration, A. M.
Rhoads, clans of 180.2 ; class history,
Miss C. M. 1;4, claim of 'lBO5 ; Music.
,Oration, M. F. Thompson, class of 18(10 ;
.lissay;- Aliss - F. C. Brady, class of 180.8 ;
Poorm:J. W. Dale, class a 1808 ; Music.
Essay; Mrs: M. ,Kennedy, class of 18111;
Class history,T. P. humrich, class of
1.84.7. 'Music,: Benediction . • •
This first celebration of Owl organizit-
Lion of the Asso'ciation; was - a decided
success, and gives promise of much for
the future. Alf who were present at the
'meetings, • were highly gratified, and
expect to renew the-pleasant associations
at the next anniversary, and td revive'
the halloWed' recollections of their school
-days, passed away Vitt over fresh and
greefr in memory.
J . No. CoRNMAN , Sccrotiqy
. .
WE have received , frOm Lippincott S
Co., in interesting little volumo ontitica
Philadelphia tied its environs. It abounds
in information coneernina the early sot
it/eMent, growth, wealth and business of
'du - Felder city, and With full 'desoviptions
of its. educational and charitable institu
tions, places of amusement, li`otiils, pub
lic buildings and conspimmus residences.
It is neatly printed on tifitcd. paper and
profusely illdstrated.• It is at once inter
esting and instructise- For sale ate
fieudin's. "• . . •
Ito a goat] Uonal,iltttion , anrl
has once boon a good Tiorre, no milt or
boW old nil bow notch riot down* he. may
be, ho 6,34 .fie gie.atly 'hnprovedotud
many resPactiMnado as good as noW, by
ii liberal use of kTheridrul'i (favab;ll
Powders. • ".
rot:NIPOI; Dlikrrs.
!.:Wo 1137 i)01;11 3110 W II 'a very ingenious
courtii•amie for , bantin•s' checks, and
drafts, which 13 a perfect safeguard
against fraudulent alterations and eras-.
tires. It consists in adding to the ordi
nary blank a series of columns and cross
rules ; the columns being numbered deci
mally froml.o to 10,000 and the cross-rules
with-the numbers from f: to 10.. When
the chock is lilleffout the drawer punches
the columns in such a manner' as •to in
dicate the same niimbers' as the amount
for which the chock is filled, tearing off
the columns which indicate a higher
amount—, 'DM; at once constitutes a per
fect cheek against alterations, as it would
not be in the power-of any ono to restore
the portion of the numbered columns
which has been de . stroyed• The . ' credit
of this invention is due to CaPL •D.
Landis, the efficient Deputy. Collector of
internal Revenue for this district.
FIFTY boarders front the cities have
arrived at the Mt. }hilly -Springs hotel
kept by the Messrs. Mullin. Now aril=
'yak ever , day:' The other hotels_ are
also readying city buarden;. •
.NoTAin" l'unmc.--Wo are phased to
:union:we tho' appointmelof 'General
.1: Id Allen, as Notary . I.W is for this
borough. 'this is the General's second
tort and he has proven.himself a faith
ful public
AVIE are informed that Go vmtxon.
GEAISr has appointed ABRAHAM Warr
NIEL, eN., Annociate Judge, of the t , oc; - : -
6ral Cmtrts this county, to fill the
vat4cy .cmined by the death of
Judge Clendeutu. Thin he aft excellent
amMintment and trill give general satin
f'aclioti 011'011g:101H the county.
[ AiqNot 1.!1
country cabbag, , \S ays on
hand al, Iflirnrich's. 4j11726f
SpittNr; clhick'ens at linnivioll's
A respectable white girl, to do the
general lionseNvorlc of a snivll fairiily•
good home and permanent, omploymAit
to a;,,n. (I MSS I'so 409,
(...11.111:4112, post 0111 CO.
l'tr.u.trts rm.—Why does the
hair liecoine harsh and dry—why d'o2s it
fall out-- v,hy (ices it become gray
1 imply because the life has gone out of
it. The fibres draw §ustenanee front thi,
scalp as tho draws ailment from
the soil, and when the suppls - or nutri
ment is cut olr in eithmr caw; the pHyluet
ainl dies. At the lira symptom
of decay, the'refore, the unred or half-fed
roots or the hair ',Mudd be 11-rimslied and
reinforced with Lyon's K athairon,
only prcparation which will nourish the
filaments and tamp them in a vigorous
condition aftm low 1c ic.La pan tt)..sutfor
front a derici,,pcy I • their natural stimu
lant. As as the lailJaiion is faith
fully used, wOli a proper degree of fric
tion, morning 011 , 1 M111'11)14, so long will
it 'he impossible for the hail' to whiten or
fall out from the scalp.
repplCC.allllllt take Cos
tor (.)d From its terrible nauseating taste,
and recoil in the, throat. The Castoria
preheated by.llr. Pritcher is purely vege
table, ,and harmless, pleasent to take,
aml emir ,Ifective than castor oil. It
does not distiess or gripe, but regulates
the system, and operates Is hen all other
remedies have failed.. It acts like magic
f or ti,}oinach Ache, Constipation, Flat-
Croup and NVorms. It contains
neillber 'Minerals, Morphine nor Alcohol.
Ju i` soothing, quieting el?let., prod aces
natural sleep, and parti -Marty .adapts
it to crying and teething children. No.
article , has over met. such unqualified
endorsement by the Physicians. Take
no 111011) hitter pills, Narcotic syrups,
Griping Purgatives or Sickening Oils.
The Costoria costs but cents, and
when once tried you will never be with
out it.
.I,iuT9 It.
To -eradicate -id pies from the _rue,
ose the `• Dollar Itewartl Soup," 'unspar
IP you have a felon do nut run to the
doctor and hare it lanced, hot apply - rain
Care Oil, it will' fro 'ore.
cures all lmerry, pain and lamenoif%
GENTLI:,IIAN afflieted Nvith the chronic
rheurnatiqm snys, "No der.cription of roy
.tarf. 0311 CtollVlly Uho V.,t allli)1111t of limn—
.. 4! I have l'ecelVeil .•1)1 thv use Of .[A,,
110 I to,l. aI'OCIC 1.1 lfit• V odd i . ,11 . I iit . 11111,1,-
S. lirte. I:l‘l.V . ' lai
_,Old. A :+1•11t.:1'.10 rl•tt :11•1
trill hm by te;tt'llt , ,t •t
a J
RILL 011,4 them cffl . aud eltar
th, :Thee4l ily—Try it -- ;oh; h
•h•aler, .1.1117211 m
\ tram dinaPeduetion in pi ~TS
lloao nuusn.a tot to ti r;., o f 11,
.';y6,ll* rot' met I n i,ls to announre
r a redue
tine in the priors of their good , ;. !Mt i
is rare indeed that any business tiro
makes such a sweeping "i eduction
price, along the wlmle line as is llotrWo be
ing made by the vi , ll;known l'lont , o
Charles Ogilby, I\ lain street.
, Such an opportunity to ..;oeuro real hat
gains in silks, dress goods, para , oh
whit e• atinqli t ings, hand km
aml,every a - rt kin in the dry good
line, together with trunks, an
children':, hoes — and garters; h.,.; 11(`Ne
Leon ofrered
'they oft man
goods regardles::;i of oust.
will • do well to Pali immediately
take their fiiendr.
.IVe arm concerrung
substantial benefit in urging this upo
our readers
JEI,LIES 1/1, 1..111_,10t - IS I.
the 11:i(1 loloy"& l o s. lnuc viii
sitgur, cheap as ,over,
the advalicb, :hole ,
27,j07231:. ,
ComniNos inade . into s',s , ll;cli s cm chig
nons, curhi,,frizattn, at linilanie
,lost received a largo lot. of iille new
maelcerel, at,llMEman's, Nos. 41 and 88
East Pomfret stalte.
0 Jo ' I:',,M7` 31. f
Selling. low at Tiolrinan's cheap grocery
Nos. 41 and 85 East Pomfret street.
Tomatoes, 3 ponied cans nt tivonV Cents.
Winslow's corn', at twenty-five cent..
Peachefl, 3 'poUtul CllllB at twenty-eight
cents. Pine apple, thirty-five cents.
Oysters, pound cans at twenty-five
cents, 1 pound cans alflifteßn cents.,
We are the solo agents in Carlisle for
the salo of 'tho Genuine Harris' seamless
kid gloves. They are universally no.
knowledged to be thetest,and finest kid
glove imported.
thuaVi.r.. . limrroum , .
Motfr:T.llom.V, CUMBER-
Phis is tt l i.certify that whom J was
foreman of the-Lorey , Iron Oro Bank,
Weti. Dinkle told me the
of the
bank. ' had a drift made and found it
just as he roiwelionte.d.. Also, at another
place where 1 foetid Silver and Load, he
founthtlio exact. Maim, and told me what
was there without mo showing him the
place: Jour; O'NEILL.:
. ••
The lo . l6•Ltiolt vciilf;• de
posits a)1,1 their 11411;11i prom:n:l e:,01
lILUV t)e clot ormi'doil t'or : “ corittilay. (all
(In i)r addru•is
. Crailf4loo
ifenry'R6liver, ItiplKT P.' O. .Toirorson
(lanai" - , • ,
• 92.1:c72V , • ' '
5,6 . 00 . 11413 E - 1 ,1;
ant pow in possnuNioil o o 1.011:4 and a
half of the very finest In'ands oL 'Canvassed.
sugar cured hams, which I ofrer for sale
cheap for Cash. Every ham ig i. uaranteed
to be atOrepresorited. Also, dried beef
and',-.bologna constantly on hand at
,Holllnan's, Nos. .1.1 and 88 Ekvd,TPonaret,
aLreef. •,'Y' •
N. 13:—Nanis weighed when sold..
• 1:3.j0721f
As my books closed cc the first of ,Iliac,
all persons indebted arrf..4lquestild to
make,early svttlements of thini'acomints.
The hooks . will remain in the aims for
a limited thi). A. H. BLAIR.
CALIFORNIA and Rhyno wines at Ilan
non's liquor store, 41 South Hanover
1 3 1.3 11E LACIU ICE
The sulricriber having secured a largo
stock of the boot quality ice, aim from
snow and all impurities, off of mountain
streams, is now prepared . to 'deliver it
Lu taistom OM at low rates. Cyders left
at either of the coal offices will receive
prompt attention 4. • A. 11, lltAtu.
TIIE CENTRAL, 4111A11.\1
'Creating daily a gi'eat excitement by
lug all kitids of dress eoods very cheap,.
by giving trio 11031, ilaT gains ever heard of
ht lace stopte.; •and lace points, all jho
new styles of sun umbrellas and parasbls
eheapin at the Centre] Dry Goods Store
than any whine cla, 110 hest bargains in
all kinds of white dress goods can be had
at the Central' Dry Goo& St.Qre,, Spring
bu,r.en, the hest . C`Ver made, at the
teal. Splen lid silk ties, lace collars,
1 lainburg kid gloves,
call only lie, had by calling at the old
Central Colte., in Carlisle.
To know twee to get tile best stoves
ill L•he Inial:cl. Ahd 111 L:urivcd a nice
IYrn:•, awl poreelTrii •lined
Pt 1,•11
The 1,1 fruit can, rind
jar., a the eindiesiii, vari
ety 4,1 coolers,
gene, before purchasing at,
;'*(l.le 21 Norili llnnover
htrcul. I'•t. C
'f • hc lire
organi.:r6tionN trr :oly or the
neighb,,i tog towns Nvi,hing to purchal.le
a ,I.lenditl hanil eng:ne, can ob
tain ono at ::art iii by eaiLng Nl or
n.r.r W. ;),.It.i.:v.
'; - tvliAe, l'a.
• BI,ATCI - 11.1 , ,Y . ti CIA EMI:EIi \VOl)
PI" , I1' 1. 1111, Et. •I'.--- Foe "; , , tio Ly tho
lutriiwarc t lade, dealers in at.i,l icultural
implements, &c. Ii there no agent, in
your I otvn, :;e n.l n• ticscript ivo circular.
I. Cr. Illatnbley, idol Commerce street,
—,ap 6 -OW
(:111U1 1!.1. ISERS'
The undersigned, devoting his time
exchisively to the br,loding of choice
fowls, is prepared to hook orders for the
following varieties of eggs. During
the past year have made large. addi
tions to my stock, having recently ob
tained several liniorted Light Brahma'
from P. Williams, Massachusetts,: Most
of my fowls drew premiums at the late
County Pair. All stock guaranteed to
he thorough bred. Chickens Anil e„s
can lie obtained at all times. The. fol
lowing iv the prices fixed for the differ
ent varieties of eggs:
I)arre Brahma, l'reminel, per dui.. V 2.
Light Brahma, Importc(l, " 1
Howlite, Prehl,ium, ( Bearded anti
Mutlled,) , per do.z. t 3
Blank Cochin, Premium, I .
Gray Dfirkitw, • I
Ilrmi ie. cov "
Tml, ....
h l'it.t sired,
1:I iur PALI 1.'1(1 , r.
.1ao , 0) pplo the
iet; Erno.t Ci‘oloa•, on East
Main str6.l, has lit tl,l up a splendid
linrel'..;t rii. llv has
• recviveti lAvo
Chao, tablos from Now York, ;Ind
Mr \ kas elrlrgo of the
same. (,),:-4•Ors aat tho delio - aelorn of
, prvod -,p ,tyle to suit t,lu ,
tnosi 0TH,..110. GiVI! hiln
vall • 2nni.72tl.
1,1 , ,-4.1. Beer, (;ray's
111; - .1.1 ;:.I , a ;CI a rl porter,
and. Currant. Wines. I.:nrl;islL
WI Ill` 1 Fl';‘,ll 1111i1111 . tl:li %Or
\Villl'i : l,imberg cheese,
Bvaditig lmlogna,
ant, an,d L, ilrrl, yystek.s
,t inati:ll to :light. p..onr .
0,411c,L1-; . 1)./1711 Parr/4., 1)11ily
,1 . , ' , I lit, / !r . ,
r -, , -ring,o. ;4. tret'
Irr 117, and
('. 1 .kntAt,
T. 'ati,.l.l In ywa .1.11 id ono call.
AT , removed from IVe,t, ltain street, to
N. Tltiuvllt Hanover street., whore
:Lnylll,lm, all unable at a first-class mar
ble y.tol !Hay ho hall. Marble and mar
bleized mantels, and encaustic tile a'
speeialty. Having a heavy apd carefully
selected ,tuck tnt hand, I wail sell it at
rates hich cannot be undersold, or ex
worfrAnamliip. • ,
lap". l2•on lticliAltotheta:.
(1 1 i and alter the first of April, next;
1 inlend to do a cAsu busintisS with all
my customers. By employing none but
the 'best'workmen and using the best
leaf her in the market, I wotild 'respectr
fully solicit a share or the public patron-
DYsEicr, '
Boot and Shoe' Dealer,
No. d East Maih Arect, Carlisle, l'u.
281111173 V. . .
A. ',kiwi.; e'rocK. of dry burdier, plaect
to the yards before rise in prices, foi
sale at low figures,. J.afit,,,,mbing.les
pickets,- &e.,.p.lways eli hiked.
uplier nr lokver yards.' A. 11. BLAIR.
05a1.72.if •
TuE best assortment of Hamburg
edg''es'and insertings'ean be found at
27j9731f J. 11. Woix's.
' l'Aumois, fans,. bustles, hoop skirts
aud corsets aro sold cheaper at' J. 11.
Wolf's than at any other hOfisc in town.
Ton hid glovas, hosiery and summer
- underclothing, gst to No. 18 North Han
over•hreet. ' '
Am, persons. wishing ice daring the
day will find a large stock at Jack Sites'
store West Pomfret street:
27j0 . 72i1t . A. lt. Brom.
• Go. : to .f. li, Wolf's for tho',bost as
i;ortinev Lof ladies' and gents' ties aowl
fancy bows. ,
'Bomt:4lttriu interesting to piCniolters
lisberinem,and the public generally. I
yoti want 'smoked hallibut, scotch her
ring, bloatei•S,sPiceil or canned oysters,
sardines, , clic4 chow; dried beef, bee
tomitte, bologna, sweitzer,..liMberger
American cheese, crackers., pickolii
lemons, &c., call on llnnitich, i t;_i
goo(' article at :Ow rate.
.7J1':ao.:•:)n can by , „the •toso
I).`hicloy Cosa : good brown colve
Lost •lapan tea. , •
• . ' •
.AN leant lot of atone (loo p Kweoli Lam
Just rogoived MOO ,
7 - 27.1'61,2;4 . •
Machine Shop, in this
place, can be seemoue of the best practi,-`
cyf Farm gates ever invented. It (foes
not require any hinges: It opens two
ways. IL neyer rides in the mud, and
can be raised to swing cidar over t3lloNif
drifts and other obstructions that are
not over twenty-four inches high. It is
offered for sale to all who need gates at
• ,
the. following low prices.
For each farm right, $2.00 ; for each
township right, $2,9,00 ; for each,-county
right, $150.00.
Cates made to oilier of
.:Luy size or
style desired, and satisfaction z guaran
teed in all cases. Will exchange terri
tory for a good - horse. Call on or ad
dress CHAB. F. DINKLF,.
- We keep constantly on hand a hirge and
choiae : assortment, of BABY CAP:
RIAU overy description. Our
stock of carriages is by far theJargest in
this place, while they arc unevalled for
durability or style. We „ids° keep on
hand a lailte stock of furniture of every
descriptimi. Priens leasonable.
take pride in showing persons through
our ware rooms, whether they desire to
purchase or not. Give us a call.
30111:1:141 SHAPLEY & HALBERT.
Pricciii an low its in Phil:l , l(2ll.ldd. or
2.1ap721 y
M E. K.
CorrectrA Weekly by J. L. ifeloy, corner
. of I'i/ nod South etreds.
11' , an, via y„bily 1 , i7.2.
/.Lrr it 07
1 I'; II"
ict II .I ,11:'
Jn Nii , l GI. DE NS
511,1,S SLR d .13t rroi;
PEA' ..
11E1'1,.11.;:: 1'1711:1 ,
do r.viq r I. I)
.1111.181.1.1 PRODUCE MARKET.
y , 1872.
11 , . , 1111
.51 . 1 . h1l rv.Vi. Fn K 5.1
11'1117'1, 11111.L1 I
'ILI , 11 /£.!I
le 17
ir • :
. _
A Fm. iot , of litnebuours, pea and
anttCoal oil halal. _Prices reduced.. Call
at upper or-lowor yards.?
Also; 1 Wilson and 1 Wilcox & Gibbs
Sewing Machines for sale cheap.
W Hub ESAI, I.
01; C f.°l N C/ (1 i S,
Li:rdrrrtll/s Itqa it y
R. R. R.
In from One to Twenty Minuys.
.%f:,•r this ailtsrttsitrth,t nr.•d an ) ou
El' PRY l'A I N.•
Wiln tho ling and I
- 'rho Only Pain Remedy
twit 11,1.113 ,t,•1,8 Iliv niort exerneinting
Allays I ullanuunlluus, and • ure. Con
v..11,41t0 I Lt. Longs, Steoue li. Reuel, or tilt ,
our tipulielitiou,
rip mut ho" 11.,1..111...q . minting the rdn the
It cifirm, C, ipplod,
Niv VOU., Non valgle, pr....tinted n,II, cliscwo
. . ,
CoNW:S . I'IIIN 01 , Tlll , , LUNGS
;011E1111:0AT, 1,111 , 11'1'1.T IIREATII1S(1.
1 , 1 I'ITATI.,S 01."111E 111 , :.11IT
UV I'l !Orin 11E111.%
.'.V1'.11:!t11, IS
111.111 'l'.h El 1(11E,
It A 1.01.1, IllrEl:11 Vn,)l
I. Clll 1.1,5,
The ippe Ow IL I: I/V Itl.F I 1 , .F I" the
iAe r the p,n 1111:1 , . ill)
T,,••. • ef NHI ill It
few ee •.e ~ P .IIOIS, S1)111.,
111 \ N', , A IND IN TIM
I,ltei „ f 2,1 IN'I'ERNA I. I N:4
Ale v• ,r - ry A ...MI. e:
1: 11/11 .\l' It EADN' wllli 111..111 A tee
.1. p,t. etetlo , NA;sl , 1 , 1,, , ,er fn,
Ai ~n:.e A . eAtAr e .
111 , Mae 1 . 11.10 1, 1.1 . 1111 . 1
4.1 ill, 1 • xO,IIIIIIIE,
I' AN It .11.0 E rut etl Ittr•l.ll3 cents. t rltt.i ,
.1 let...lntl 111 ~.“/ Ilutt will t Itre
t't et A .tte i
it, 1..3/111 th r Io .I
t 1 i I. I .li. t • ILA 11 tt .
II I ' t II El. I ES'. entr pet I.nttle S.; Id - by
t/rutta, tts.
I,l'l / /;E,l 117'1'1.!
• ficr:,: AND I . ) 1)1(f) 111,D1)11—INCILkASF:
111 , I.E-11 AND Wri,nri . - •I'LEAIt SKIN AN'
It li ‘1:111.1 O , NII , I,I'XIDN 111:1)
1) H. H A I) NV A Y.' S
i.\s„;,ADE THE cuicEs:
s RANI , .k1:1.: Till; CIIANCEs
IioDV t '1 . 111•; IN•
11 AT
~ , , vry Day an Increase in Flesh and
\Vcigld it. Seen and Pelt,.
711 E C; 1 , ;..i1" 111,0 D
tln.i• of tlio t•AIiS 11,1,1 A N RE-01.1'•
111,11,W illor,pl,Sorot,
ond wit os of Lill. ,:11,10111 tilt , vigor lot
tr, I. r it top lit, t wastrx of tine lily hill, nolo
to! 1,n,1 10:otoisl. : 4 4140111A, SyplOoN Cuifoltop.
on, Goooloho o, in Iho 'I lo oat, 'Mouth:
rt,.Nodon (Ifooln :11oPtitlief . parttrof lb°
,m on, Forotrt tn, Stromottv Df , cloog - o• Irmo tutu
lar,,llo• trol.t torms of Skin illsot,vr,
1.119, I,Vro, S. .11.1 [UM, tn 7 ,It %Vont], .IS2III,
',lom. .kt UV, BL.O/, IVorois In
lie Eh ~it, 'rumors, (:volcoro in the, IVontb,mul nll
'eolc toting nod n dlseharglo , , MOIL :3,i'eats,
I,nsx „rl:porlii, awl nil wnstex ot , the le principle,
II w ntowt it n motto ne , tllls worrier of
)Icoloin y. nww ow. will 'orlon Ito
ao) poinon raring iii eltlinr Ilinst , Winnsof
dilwatlt 11.2 t pntnot pgwvr to now tlient.
II the tuttlnot, dolly hi4tonllng tlin
ilevoolloodtion hut I. I . olltlllllllily
. 11P11
14111 . 1 . 1 . 011,1 ill tll,olllg wosles,
opolrs loiloo oath ov,l - ninloroll moth , from
healthy blowl-lull this the IiAItSAPAII iN
will owl gloss soon.,
oI ktieiwi; Chronic,
SKI° but 41.,
is dm cll.. for
rloory, nod 1 Viotti, tilionnee, lintel,
epxy, tin/pp:lnv of "Suter. 110 . 0ilti0010 . 0 01
tight't, • DiseleniAlbontinorla. oncl In all 1.11.1 ex
here Ilion urn In lcledaN depoxitx, ur Ihe water ix
cloit4,llthe,l with xohntativeA like the white
on egg. or threadi like white RIM, or there kJ,
,104, I.llionx 111110111111.019, nod whim 11000
use depo,,lts, nod wheel there lea pricking, burning
, oxothrit when "passing water, nod polo In the
mall of the Bock, owl:along the Loinx. Price,
IVORil.—The only known And sure llonu•dy t'e
Wrfono . —Pin, Ihpa, rde.
Tumor of 12 Years' Growth . Cured by
Radway's Resolvent.
DR. Il.lntiv,ttt-11131 . 0 haul.Olarlan Tumor In the
,vatles and bowels. All the Doetuie bald there
ins no help for It." IWO every
, thlnK that was
r. K Hulls your
fi:s ' oTv ' t7ll " l ‘ l l ,l ' ll ' „ t tL u' l l „ hi l " i g v, l . ' „ " l l ,l * t d ry
th; but hurl no
111 it, tit.1:31180 I 114 ittlir,4ll for tAVOIVO years..
took Oa hnitlrb of. the , Itesolvent,,and one hits of
tadwdy's Pills, tool two bottles of . your Ready
Holler; and thorn In pub a sign of tumor to ha stirs
ur folt, mat I fool bat tor, smarter, mid happlor than
1 have for twelft. yonrif.•. Tht, worst tumor wan In
tho butt side of the bowels ' ovor thii groin. 1 write
this to you for dm benollt of Milani. You cult
publish It If yon elan's°. HANNAH P, IiNAPP..,.
rfoaly olqrtitly roulj l with.qwe,A
novae,- yogulate. purify, cleanse', and atrongthen.
Attila ay a for „Om corn of all diaortlorti of tho
Sl oo mar It o Liver, 1110,1dor,Nervonl.,
Constipation, Cohtivonosa, In
dlitostlon, Dyapepaitt, Dillon, none, 11111ints Sevar,
Intl tunnufflon of tho llowols, 511,11., 01111 all Dorango.
nionli , of the Internal IYarraitted to effect
it.po.9ltlVO eitra. Purely Vegetable, tiontalning no
mercury, 1111noritlx, or lloloteriona drugs.
45' Oliservo tho following symptoms 3:exulting
I from Disorilorglif thii Ingostlvo Organs
' •Conatipittion, Inward Piles, I , itlltioss of tho Blood
tho Head, Acidity of 'filo Stomach,. Natiqua,
Dhignst of rood, Follticas or Weight In
' •tho Stomach, Sour Ilruelittlons, Sinking or Fitator.
log at the lilt of tho Stomaell, B,i/funning of
Head, IDilriid and Ullllrult 11....lithIng, Fluttering at
tho llrnrt, Choi:lug or /innovating Sensation,. whon
in 0 Lying Pouturti,'lninlie of botany %VIVI.
Inifroo 11., , Fever 111111 Dlllll./1111 11, I (lord,
Dellrioney of Periinivation, Yellii, piss of tho Blau
and Pain in Side, Cho, t and slultlett
n,'Ilui•IIIII1 , 1111 111, .
A .10,3 of ItADWAV.3 alit fro ? , tho
1'1,11,111 11111 111/lIVi, 10,1111.11 ,11501,10111. Price,
Lu ',lint,. per trod. SOLD BY DltU(ltiiiirP6.
. RICAO " PALI AND '511011^&nil ono latter
xinugl Y No. 57 :illation talith-Now
.York. 'lnformation •Nytirth .. thousand,. will ha deal '
• ' •
k q
, ~,,
. .
• • Groceries.' 4 -
IV.ENV !, N 111 V FIRM
JAMES j• IV. E (11? EEK::
Havlog porehased tub °Wire stock and likturiat of
LeOa Faller, esq., In s Mr. Sndler'h, 110 W, building
next dobr to lhu Carllalo Doposlt Hank; olTor Oro
pohlle ii largo nod well selected atoelc or
Fresh G-roceries
Flll . ll Coiloos,lpi, ON,
11l Soda, 1)1 . 111 . 1011 , , l'111111 . , s ) 1.11 1 11
Fix Ilmn, Laid, l'1,1“•ls, (.:ate.nno,
•,• • , ,
AIV .1V E _1) le U 'l'
L'nxla la, Chaim, Popper, Broome, Tuna,
Soap, Cinnamon, Corn Starch, Cant Oil,
gVint.gar, Blacking, Store Polish;
Queensware,' Glassware, Stoneware,
Goode delivered to. till parts 01 the town
AtirTiko highest marital •priee link! Ihr ConntrY
Produce. Thoy ON, by fair deal iti4vlrlet atten•
don to boainewi; end p. iledlro to plo.iee, to turd a
shore of Ilia public petr ,, nego
141111172t1ap NV 11 (IREEN.
"South End. :9
The apilid , ignial teope , tfally . infer. the
~intent of 011 1.14..1tity, that Ise hag put -
plumed Ilia 'die I; ,11 r. lb , IMMO, :1114 hitting
added Ineptly !het , t'', it ..t all tint, Pied, a paid
0 OA" OP ,trin 0 (1 , :le ES
o,i 0151515 'AVM iVil 11t s'l•ly , t , tall till
anew on 11l st,rid. said: will consist of Bogor
~f oil the vifeieue prod.'s, Collars at all grit es, dice
1111,('N, Syrups,, Tea, Spin's, (11/01.114, are, tilassavitriii,
snitCrddierd , Basket', Ike hots. Tillie,
Crarliers, all R iaile, Markel:ll, Shad awl Ilan lag,
l'oliactiti anti 'Sepals, lirlialtes 0! till
Wed Cord, sits,! Idniat, 111.1101118. I mill also
kmp ceitstaatly tin hand a 11111. quality 61
«clitily 1'1°717. (171.(1 iced!,
nt ulna, a I.ttgoll,4•ly of Catottql anti
Wird Fruit, t onhi , ting of Petachott, Applos, Untottnte,
Lemon+, Tonuttnott, to., togothor With
11.1,10HD - 10f t of [ONIONS' nhottlly kept. In Stook"
CIitINTIIV PRODUCE of all I:lutist:thou in o xchango
hot north., at ntarloql
Uniting that by ntrit
attention to 1.11,11,4 nod tollanto or all, that
!nay favor litni ith thon. nstoto t ho n ill rot t it., a
bane, or thy l ento"nag,•, Ilaytng root) . tat 111ty
nod ntivanta,n in thr pureltantog m iny :Stool: for
CASII, I hull 110 ill, 11111101'Nuill by :illy lo Hot latit
nett, ILenntinton Ito ploro—No. 7n 81.111 th 1111110 TOP
otroot, rot., of Ult Tel
Itap72ll . .Inu.s A. NEANs.
Poots and Shoes
DAVID n'ILIAQDM, JOITN W. sal co rot .
Boot and Shoe House!
Wi• hJll,t viNeel or , ll . Spt tOork goutltt
front no Vt•
It:tottero woo, and tho: .111. 11.• to
the 1nt1.., non ot lotto, itVt• hot, tloott
to moll, anti at fot l'A;11 tjut stock
conni•to o I
. .
. . . .
. 4
11 (1() S AN 1) Sll I) S
for '.\111+, , , fly .111.1 11.11.1r,n
cl toting ei ury qtVll in lilt' 111:11 . 1,E'.
It 1 :111, • g gal
oty stylq, 'rur+i .11 1..1 1110, 1%1.1, I'1•b1,11.
111111.1, 43r:kib 1•ren1.11
mul 1!Iliti•111 . .1 11.14 M::
11'51'+' and Votith awl
d.' riOthol. Irout a to u.Slipp. I. .111 1111
lc bar 111,1 111113 :WI, 1 , 1, MI!! •
1. . I 4)
Bargains will be t.; Purchasers
n nil.
patron:kg, a, friend/I
anal lha publit rally, art. o , aalially 1.1% Itl'li t ,
1,1111 f,tork.
Remember the plam., No. LI Soul 11 Illanover ireet
one duel sout)rot H. M. Smiley's Clelhing tame
nearly oppo , Me the hanklln 111/11,1'.
51 A5l M 'l' II 800
BOOT • A NI) ,` , ll(fE 57'0,1? E,
on Forth nano, rr otroot,.C4rlislo,
will manilla, tore to orator ill.. best Ina.,ls, •1 awl
goiters, that ran iorrolouo , l in Ow - mail ot. ll, I
1101 1
t/10 vtoy nest inatoroll. n 1,11.• I employ none but
otoopotent work Anon. All lily good. 1., ovl.l at
tho lowest cloth prices. I also hn cr 0 to w style P.
gentlonon. It is the " •
American G ter,
.11 emoot bn 1,111,t:e.t.a et env iilbey Hine Sfoi , a,
e•eiipt lit .1. Cit'irtiiiiite'eostablieli
tovitt. It ie tbe linen , tyie or
fee ,erillutiten. 1 will al , n nntic: in nhle, Coleee
id . Ship., to, Awl (1111c.r..”. at tlu
slm uotit At low ~ .1.11 pri4 I mill u.l
ull.l,rold. 1 . 1 1.1 i , •ey Mr. ..1 il.•
.01 int yul Ow NI; 1!: no . All.
It. .11 •q. .r
.T(2 Arl'll AN COHN )1:1.N.
(li•ch iflrr G rimro
c pm , the Lh..u.irhl c. , 1. Pans
I< m lett . I 0,1 :1131111,1 o'llllol, Mill .1i1.1[1•11
Phr.i.httto .11 1.1.11., NH% ...lila , ..”1-
11111.. 11. II". :111.t Phomplhot . Hy
"hl.), has Ii ci..tort•
h Holt
A‘ no‘v ~ , •11 11 , 1 X .in , l
,ills thi• Supor-l' tn. awl I.t.
1...pp1y it.toinot• 11, P..
Ay, hvg li• :di )..1111L111.111.4,tik
" ORCB-HLLA cum v 9."
, il,lll. \Vt . r,..•11 !ill., littut tit° ttlttlltt
Rh,. t 1,4 .• Itttutt tail) IEI,I A t iliortt
ttol ittltt ttl two' ttl I ilttiitW. itt
1111. Mall, I.
\1'1101.6::.\ 1.1: AGE: , I'S.
117 ",•4milb I Street,
.2...111 -• %•111•00•,;_tito
Steamship Line.
. N•pnv rottu, coicw„‘Ni, LIN Eli VOW.
TUE tilX 1 4 IN 'l'll h. NWILD.
()CEA Nil!, ANTA REP) 411.1 C,
6,000 tons h. to each.
141111illit 1 . 11/111 VOit on SATORDAI'S, from
Liverpool 011 /1111 i Corti Ihitt or tho
tin) hillowing
Flinn tho Whitt , :to] Ih oh, 11...11110 Port y,.1 , r,03
city. . ,•-
novithlwilit !holt+ 1,
r 01l 111114 . $) our
Safety, Speeikand Comfort
i .
Stint on tire •-.111, ri
. N.ekliiii-reelli, Anil ' , alit.
l'ilinfier in tilde II ~ortlon, o 1.4, Irti•t mot one in lelt.
Surgeons and iowat do,ol ot colopan iltr•o oiran,
' j , lT.lce,—Sal.,,,n, ;So cold. tttoolago, 4,30 curium y.
Tlif.Bo W 114101114 10 tend 10, Blends twin the Old
Country Can new 1.1411111 reeving , . In ellitill verlillollieii,
$.3:: rurrettry
Patoongvrs bool,d to or roini 111111111'h; 01.11111.elea,
Park, Itankburg, Nor ay, So v•Ion, 111411:1, All4l/11111,
Chilli'. ele.
Envormion tirl.ols grunted 41- Invest. riots.
DraftslsomLl npward.
Fel inspeOlon it thorn and tiller Information, op
ply to . .1. 11. Sl'A lilt 5, Agent,
" N 0.19 Broadway, Now York, or to
251ki "-I y
Alarm Cain • Drawer.
18ap'723m YLihidylpLin
Sond. for 111ustrat . ixl Ch eltlar { uul Price
. 3 ist. ,
‘• • Nor°ol Church Strout, . '
A. it 15 ITU TUT:. til:;1'• WOlitiMEN TN
WOC11) 11'011.1c !num' rso, TRIMMINCI lad
IlAl N(1 dont, 6i the brut _l.ulllllllT.
buggies alai sill hr„ NV14.7011111113110
.Iti WON( 11 X111.11:thy. Call at A. 801.0.
uld Millllll awl °savant, for yourtiolvia4. •
A, D. 8111,11t1i, NO
11, 17' f--
It is 1/1111 of Um reninriodho facts of this remark.:
Ole age, not merely that so many persons ore the
victims of dyspepsia oreindlg.tion, but Ito willing
victims. Now, we would not be undoratood to say
that any auo regards dyspepsia with flavor. nr feels
disposud In rankit nntong Om luxuries Of 'life. Far,
hunt it. Those who have experienced its torments
jr,olld scout such on id.. All timid 11,"and,Would
gladly Meilensu with its nopleasant:
ramie Tapley, who wait jolly undor all th.trying
eiremnstoltroeln which he win placed, borer bad au
attack' onlyspopsia, or his jollity would havo spoed
tly him. Blew and women sometim. sutler
Ito takures uncomplainingly', lout whaetur heard
of a pe , tron mho nujoyell them?
Of ttlf the multit,o hoto dioenvo to l,irrilTria .
man system i,, tin le, there Is perhaps no nun xo
generally prevalent . dyompsi a , u dixennro
noon acute and painful, and whirl, morn frequently
eye fetal; but none, flu, egrets of which are so
4loprt•, , ,ioa to the nd nud vii yuuiilvoly ilharesslng
ft. the laaly. It there is a mretehrd to-Ing to the
you 11l a id
lint It ix lint our !quill°u to dtheant +m Abu hor•
rol: of 1)y spepolo. htorritte them truthfullylo sim
ply 40 hotto,illlllly, hut it 13 I.. , ,Sibli..•lo,llottifmttn
re1,11.41y. We hove Said that 11y0111 . 13111 to perhaps
the mint unit - toted of human tlisonstor. This is urn
plottionlly the race in the (totted g totro. +vhotiwr
thin go ner:ll proontenee in - dun to the chorooter of
the fod, the method of It,. preparation, or the bury
/111111, iu which it i 4 itutally eu el lowed, to not our
i• lox tm e to e,ploitt. Thu groat fm t with which we
are t., deal i. dill • •
Nitric 1,1.1 y of her porno° you smelt in it victim,
on Appori oily wittlim inn, for Ni Oil, !hit not the
on,r. why so malty mutn.l,H,.when a violin:l, mimed);
Roil soils , iontioly In within this ravy Vetch of all who
ilonirii to .is :ill theninisllon of it 3 Dot thin majority
will list. Mind,: by this projinlire, or deterred lii
..tier mnixpl.lintil lolluentis thoy v /rune. (is
iiiiiit the relict proffered them. l'hey tot n loaf
oar to this tentinnioy of the Holtman& wli .ii Huffer
inirs :mi.:mon iilloNliitiol, and pith strain infatua
tion, imps!, to I Img si Ili dosperate deto olnation to
thoir. intliliin tormentor. hut nnyn i ilyspoptio :
Windt is tills ronwily I to whirls an reply: This
groat ;lilt, Int, of bullion oalloring Is illtoont as
widely Ittiewn its,l he lltigllell tanglinga•. It line n11a.341
la . 341 the ilinilliiiii of thounando, anti Is to-day carry
ing oionfoi t :toil onoinnomoment to thin:muds 01
of horn. 'lisle'lir knowledged panacea Is none othor
Weida you know, toiler nfj the itterith of thin won
derful iin Ito learned from the experi•
tint it of wiz, s Try It yourself, 1111.1 %, 11011 1 tpint
fir in t ont old iti.suranin• of ibt oilleitey given by
the -proprietor. then gbitnitot: Will in it.
iT not It rum li.r„riign.
They MI. not alcoholic in any sense of thu term.
The are 0mp0,..1 wholly of Ilio - pore-i‘doo or Vital
pi ). r "r Thw h, not 3 more assertion.
Tin extract,. 10. WWI II they ate compounded are
prel nr,li hy eof the oirit.t. of (l mean chemist,.
Cobh,. oliy,Xt on her hitters in the 1/111r1Lot, they are
wholly free from spirilnnwt ingredient's. 'rho 010-
Joenoba w hick hold with en toprit form ngainot
levpardtlone of ,
Bus class, namely—that a deelre !Or
Intoxicating dritlibi ix stiolulattal by their tole, aro
hot mild In tlle eitee at' the German Bitters. Sr, far
hoa l o o• o uroaina or inculratlng a taste dr desire
Im lischrialing beverage:, it'tany In rottlidently as
el led that their tetelein• is inn diametrically
~ppositt, direct 1011. Their ellectr can he
lit OH wetn.. Ifoollatol'n (10,-
10311 Bitty., stood without all iiquel,lieting promptly
ed: igorously upon the Liver .they retuove its
torpidity and I n se seervtion tit Idle— t t
tt supt.l si the stomach with the most intik- ;I
peosoble element.; of sound digestion In proper
poi thee, They ON, WOO to the stools(
1114 and ountilliez it to perform Its
11a1111,1i0Pi,11,i Iln. They impart
{lgor I :or, ugth to the syr.tion, viiiistog the
I..itielit to le. I Ill; enorher le blot, giving
hit. 3 In tile.
cleansing the ‘LtAI full or hurtful Impurities '
and onpplonting them with tho elements of goilulno
1/c,ltlitullno, In a wort!, these Is FI nrcely tlls
vaqo In which they cannot be safely loenefloially
employed 101 l in thant most ,cenerolly prevalent
.11-In e-ilng and a, nndnd Ilyrpepslo,
Nt•% , , a• 1, la, ,a la,•••• i•t•reple la win
exit lint. 21.4 * ( , 111., 111111ailtttlith., tart 111111
till 1 It inlaa. , •ll•le I • Lt., ih.:11,1 1,1111.11 pOditi%
.01 . /000 i
np, 111113 1.11 , 311 J. It interplol tor um,
„11.•,u.1 nllght All'ol/1.11 , niimillant roJiilll.4 to
..torto-tion ,fll.ll tho oull-hoown Tonto proportion of
tho polo Gounott Thin vonfititto nll
th. tot, ottitnitg of thit nut., hot nav,,,od 0. 1.,
tho otttotoo lottortfinfit. Thm itroporntion is
polotthl.. Inn...tolonch, in ofioliti•••1 ho - to.
.1„• itot tont, Ifittors. Tho solid
• VI o i• ••I V.ll tilt . 4
411 ,, i. t.t rontorttitte-4
uit It tltno. I mart 11011 S e.t.l "ft not onto
Ul/11 , and teavttut;enet 1;100, but
loik ntren,theic,i - Tr; naiou
Ow lover anti Stolnaelt: and though perhnpnleint
pl.nopt llt4lll Um Bitter', al, n the sal.'
tokenl• the 1 , -,1 COI 1111.
In Pi1y.,1e..1 yr NertnuA Progtolttlon, yield
z id) to 11, petret tellueneo 11 gir os Ow inN
loul stronger 11..1,1 upon Mo. temoven
,no tirel iu p,nn eleler1111111•48. slip
plant.. the pato I Ili. , witk the tr.. , 'rani comfort
of p.ll„t !Leith h. I 1 git elrength to uenliness,
thievs .1, the tolt. awl N irirt. the r e - -
e.l total 1.1 open it new tun! gllelnlone cure,.
1111 i 111 . 1 looilund,loulolootietet to the 11111 an Inco
II II hil big el,1,r1.1”1
.t 111, ~tublo TUNIC. Ile 11:14 another
1. dit NS1111 • 11. In ntiddly Way to
.11 Ll\ 1,11111,. 401 11, initillSie 111,1113. Thu, u.
pri L. t suktituto 1.. r 1110,1113, oithout ally of
o. 3's diilllllll.4.
tyttntlt thJ 1 . 01,, which nrtt intention] to ant
tut,' fit. I.llttr. mainly ttomitt+ntl ttl'
hit, 111 stili•
No o demi.• the reader to distinctly understand
llilt thin ex tract. Of 11111 in ninny time.,
111011' 110, 4.1 . 1111 tllllll itendr. Ist ix the
medicinal vie lutes nl tido hoolthoriviem Omit in et
pprierily 111111 . 14. 111111 highly. roneentratrel term.
Hence it is Unit two of the, hulephyllin Pills cenoti
tute n Cull &ISO, ,VllllO nnywhore fut. nix to elittit er a
handled i t outer preparations of the Meoldroku 1111
required 'rho Vetelophylllie
et Militating ita amt Onuslag it torairam Its
I,iliary avcrellons in regular raid proper iratintitien.
The injurioux re-raltil at !Lich Iramrittlily follow the
unr of ultra ray am ell ltely avoided by their use.
lint 11.10 to t maul the Liver curly that their 110WItil
no. extract :rho extract of 3lundrako contained, to
th e m 1.. ahilllelly combine.' with fora 091oroxtract4,
of wide', arta upon the stomach, bile upon the
limier lira, eta, ono upon thy lower bowels, and., one
prrrumt•: al l y griping effort, 111110 ptollueing n pill,
that influence:, the ruttru illgestllo and Illialriltary
'aytittuti, In an 1 , 41111 , 11 311111 10111010101 H arm :ter, and
Itx nction 11,(Iroly free I naumea, ,op,iting or
griping [lllllll, 1,411111.A1 tool) other pragativiat.
Posies:dug the, much definable guelltimi, the
Pialophylliu !mamma Inl nlndde al 31
Carl! IL, Pa
No houlothoill hhould be without him. They are
porteutly Hate, require but tau for an ordinary dose,
are prompt and.ellielent in action, and when mod
lu eouneetion with Dr. Medan d'o lie:team Bittern,
In 'Toady, may he regarded no certain operlfica in all
a Liver Complaint, Dyopepalo, nr Any or the
ilkordein to which th e syntent in ordinary subject
Thu •
1111 upmi thu lit 041111 Ch unit homlB, varrying oil I'm
proper , obstructioon,'whijo thu Bittern or Tonic
purify thu blood; atrungthen nod Invigomto. the
fratho, givo tone nod appall.) to thu almond', and
hum build up the invalid
Dr. Iloollond, having pros Idea Interpol reinfollon
for illseosee boo glvon lho world oun unduly for ex
ternal application, in the wonderful propotallon
known Ito
.OIL. .
ThiH Oil In a Huvvreign ronmly for 'mine and name
of nil ldndi.
,Ithettinatioin, Neuralgia, Toothache, Chilblains,
Sprolno,.lltwas, P.M in theidlaelt and Leine, Ring
UtO me, *„. nil yield to It, external appllcatlea.
The wither Ar ' ourro effected by It 14 notonlehins!,
and they aro therm/ling every !Iv.
Taken Internally, It to a cure for Heart-burns,
Kidney Noe:toes, Het: Headache, Collo, Dyoluttlrr,'
Cledera Morino., Cramps, Pointe In - the
Ciihb., Asthma, ,tc. r '
The Creek 4.11 t Ix compost., entirely of lib:1111m
gene and onentlatollo. The principal Ingrodlent
to SO "HIS h‘lbStlpp'o, proeUrASI to three Sudan% part
Ilreeur. Ito pledS no n destioyor of pain aro ,
truly Illogical. ,'lrltotfottntlo Imre been benefited by
Ito use, moth 1.11,11 by those siloo urn akepl teal will
tionotOdy puttying° Huelva Ito Inestimable value. r
These fetneil les will be 50111 by express to any
locality; open OppllLatlon to the PRINCIPAL,
OUVICE, Cu. CI:01.1N AIEDIOINE tilijnE, No,
C 11 AS: 'BL , EV A N 13, .
.Proprielo . r.
Forinorly 0. 11.1.,4ACKSON Ai CO.
,_ . They Renholleo arks for Salo by 1ir0416t6, Store ,
heoperemzel Meilkino . boalero, o . yerywhoeo. . ,
__:.L., , - OntaIVICIt ' :"'"--":-
l/o IJrti~trlhs, IIL4 ltcbtcs,
I ) Ytil PSIA pl'lU
.loth 11 1., a I.llllllloux ap•llt of tho
to 01 1.111:411, or 4,4 . exytti , do•
11.• .t-tt•rn appot, to. 'Hive Ilnrnntu