Home and County' Ileum- TIFJESDAY, JULY 4, 11372. 30511.1 of our ealoonkerpers Bell meet milk, ht they 101 sell, lager beer, STRAWBERRIES wpm Hold nn low as aii routs par quart ou Saturday last• • THE last mu of strawberries vrero not unlik the Init. run of shad—sickly looking. - . . , FIFTY CENTS will pay for tho HERA f.D from 11w prutent-dato-noigAnnuary 1,1873. , EASPBERRIES.tvero Bold In market on !Saturday morning, at 7 and lq,ronta per quart. from Krrn flying and " inutablepeg" play big is indulged in by Yourfg America. THII Adams Penn.. company Inks placed a no wagon at the *moan' of the agont at this plaoo. . IF you aro In need at Job work of any dcwription visit thu HERALD Catuldlohment. 190 guar:lnto. valuta:non or no pay• ',SOME of our citizens complain of the weight of moat weighed on the spring balances used by many of our.butchors. WE but e recelvtol the first bomber of hither A 1,114111.1, J»11 , 11411ed nt Loncauf or, l'u , by J, I). oti, It will, Eloobtleno, ho or good serylOo In the upproneldng campaign, WE have received the drat loonbdr of the Herald, ptibljsl.l at Hanover, Pa., by. :,Heasre BR tlngar. Thu licrold Is UM independent Homed, and pre.i•u lon riTry neat appenronee. IIARIt18111d11(1 dry gonilii nerchnutn chi... tlioir gJnrux of linqui.rii nc 7 "'dock ouch evening during 11. it gueii4 Cariklo,cliirko mould not illuploaxidi if it slioilar tifilidit wits adopted liein. EXCLIISION Meh+. to the Itahnonre convention will be Rohl at the principal enttionil on the Climber 10101 I alley itailrofili, loom July to duly (I, good for return trip until the fifteenth inetout inelnsive. THE work of macadamizing and cleaning the streets goes biarely on, despite tho intense heat. Wu will venture the attsortion blunt no town in the State of the with, She eau boost 01 c loaner or better regulated streets. - ' JOHN STOUFFER, iso., of Poteisborg, loncesto county, Imo 11 Durham cow winch pro li.rth, colt on the twentyeecond ulliiuu, Out weighed 1513.; Ito, Rom houro niter birth. So sitys thu Lon. ruriur Expresc Tue , ladies and others engaged in the culture of flowers, complain that they do not thrive well the Present sea son. We have heard it said that this is always the case in Leap Year. Aro— Tho conduct of sonic of 1110 young fogs lu this hall in loot I ride eyolning was intolerable, and unbecoming ladles and gentlemen. The practice of evading insulting hanners,to the graduates is a ilea 1111.1lbillone, and ellerts should be mode to hoc ° It du n° away with in tan future. NEWSPAPP:IXS , -nr. NI. 0. Strath, httethe firm of Smith k Seitz, proprietors of the /fret. Olen Rork. Itott retired nod itlr. tioitz retains the notougo in en „r Abe, Sallll. The en tet s Nein Its 'Third year ender Uhl molt fat urablo THE initial number of thit Daily (I Erainiurr, bat 1,10101 nn. It In ilubllnltoti by Menton lilontouti x illuu,at the olllco of lite Er um! herald. 1.11 lite advent of th. 111'W dolly, fr , ot the fort that It lion been boldly pro- Inhood dolt, the Itopublicon party of Itooronter ovotary lion boon dentituto of o fooriern oxpottont lit the nltnitt. of a tinily pop,. We wish It nllllll6ll' PUCE 0.. WA LK I NIl NIATGII.—On Tuesday totqatag i Mr. John 11. Brooks. of Ilarrlnhurg, nrri rob at tho • Mintz tioutiti," ha% ing nerompllthed the feat of walklng hom that eat) to that photo forager of faint that I e oonlot not at. do o task i wa n fidir bourn. Mr 11. non thit hot, haring no. 1,10 tho din. tueo -in .3 hours -tont 5!4! 1 minute., A numb", of pusua. ”C.11111111i.11 th• gentleman it ,ohicks. CHICK EN On Friday night last, thief filmic a raid on Dr. Neff 'a bcnifery and f• ,word nn Iwo large I.iffek lorsioshe. „The Dornl hearing thu tilkfortenco, !milled forth with musket in liana:but Ora midnight odder funk 01.0.111111111 dieappenflol. Th. chickens mere found the follow ing HI. Jong off Dickinson alley, minus their heads. IVe mould MINIao our clfis..ne II) guard well the ick elo coot.. SONIE 1 , 1811 - .—M.1.. Ad. hYDoottol nod dolu li rmor, of Oda Ware, while tint li•hing ono day holt Wl.llk. I . lm4ht it pike, to it.., follow Ilrothdoot, at It that. otuahtir ol inches in londth .1 wilt:hod :0,4' 110. IV o Blood!! .y this wog Hoot, fiat,. tin Inforniont onyx that It was dalltlioa when 00101, hot, of ruttrau, we hare only Lot lain word for It. Boot It, whit nun., keyntoite shaving sato ti, Himeji Llutteknitl, proprietor, has bean rentorod from Kt ...les to the room lute!y trouplud by 11..3 Jewelry toitablialintnt. on Korn; Mann', er utrurt, to door north of Gill's hotel. Lune, ban fixed tip thin new wainon in lino'ittylo, and hopes by .kettplog competent worknieb lu his employ, and n strict iktterition to the tormot int teautn al the wattle, to merit a largo itharo of putronagu. NIIISICAL.—It loan been frequently talked us div ing tho past week what has become of tour band. Frill all tho facts that woo can obtain, we are forced to the gonclasion that want of encouragement by parties desiring mask has cau,ol tits disorganize. Boa of the Carlisle Brats Band. The other band 001 - Ti - tol during Oho past year has motor been able to raise aullieleat funds too parcheac the necessary Instratinobts. It Is it shame that a loon of the size et Carlisle cannot secotain an organization of this kind. Let as hare monde, but the kind that has boom Inflicted upon us during the past week. SCOTT WILSON, an attache° of the cirrus, rattling along North Manor°, street, on Sabbath morning test, ttpled a pair.olboote in t h e hall of Mr. John A. If ellor'n resitlanett, ne,l , sans Onllludint•ly seized with a desire to Lem o n t tho owner of Omni. Ile forthwith ttn.lt nlearge of them, but was subsequently arrested Or tar litetfor's servapt, Rutherford Jackson, and 'attend in jell. The hoots were sold to a colored limo .or It, and the owner, Mr tlaorga Kaltor,ltas sham tottovered Omni No Information having boon toed• against Wilson, lot was reloased from custody. EIiEC'EION.—At n regular.stated meeting of Boli ng Sp, Inge Council, No. CC 0. of U. A. NI.. ot Boli ng Si. Ingo, Cumberland tamitty, Ile„ the following lamed t Meer. were elected far the ensuing. term, •Io C.—C. Boonett ; A . • C.-3 W. COlwell ; It. —John ;Heim i LA. It. B.—Somuel Finkontiloiler; ± \Oen; I —A. J. 31errletin ; Es—John Conte ; J. IL—Jannis runlet: 0. IL—leums Smith; tax. Bi. CO. C.—S. Al Herr; True Br. Ex C.—L. r. Cottimil ; Jr. Ex. C.—Wm. 11. Wine; Sr. En. C.— i I'. llanfinati. After MIMI; the Council dined in lanataty, to meet ou Saturday, July G , nt II 11 . ( . 181,k, or. IIN AILED], Recording Bee:platy. NEW LC ELECTED OFFICERS.—Tho following itllerrs wor ti olertiiil by Carrislo Counril, No. gori, u. '. A. M., to Nerve for the ionising torn; C.—A. J. I ; Y.C.—W. M. Ogi iby ; —LBoloirt MC ',l,iney, Je t ; A. lt. 8.--tv in. Darr; F. W. trigort; I.—C. Holz; Ito IlartItIl; P —Oro I. Minor; 0. P.—A. F. ND*. ; Tr .01 —Dilinthilri • ',mono Trmtto,—J. II .x lor, .loin, Nlarlln uud V. M. Ogilby ; %WO W,/tali,' to Slate Council— it. oh Albert ; Jolotor--Ilori. 11. Miller I Ut' P.—grivo Fr bodge, No. of P., It.tull the following ollievre revently, to sem, no. Ile °mining term: %V, C.—.knee 11.1Imner ; V. C.— V. A. Hippie; O.—W. N. 11t.tings ; I. B.—.lo4epb leeley ; Trukee-11.1. it. Hepburn. lIROTIIFIMOOD.—The hollowing oltleets were lected by Cumberland. Circle, No It. C. (11. V.) .of A., to serve,the ensuing term : C. W —C. I). tall: C. J.—A.T. Meek; C. Y.—Jos A. Greet ; 11. Rathgault ;W. D D. Ithittehart W. I —Jot, Id. Green; 11. S. K.—D. SI. C. (Irina; 'IL . —Jesse I'. Zehehtr; 11. T —Jos Neely •, Reprusen- It toe to (I. C —J. P. NalT; Trustee—C. F. Shower. lIANTAOME 'GIFTS.-Ar. Joseph P: 'toss, one of the - graduates of '72, upon ho conclusion Of his oration on Corn. ion, ement Buy, was the recipient of a tagnilicent gold watch chain, valued at 50, presented by his father; also a Fann y Bible and - a $5 gold piece from his 'other. The Bible contains a space for hOtographs, in which Mr. Gross, had the ictures of the entire class'placed. The ook was a very appropriate gift, when . will bo romqnbered that the gentle tan contemplates studying for the legal rofossion. We congratulate' Joseph pun his exceedingly good fortune. We..learn that our townsman, Mr. amen C. Clark, has been appointed lencral Agent of the Cumberland Valley ;Itilroad, at liarrisburg r with , entire con •ol and super'vision of the entire bust ers, both freight and passenger, aithat ad of the dine. 151 r. Clark has beau; for nine years, connected with the buSiness f the railroad, and is known to the immunity, as an energetic, courteous ad thoroughly competent businessman. ho company could have found no better oneral agent, and Mr. Clarke's many lands will rejoice at his promotion. .r. Pickle, the former ticket agent at arriaburg, has boon transferred , to hambersbuii. Ur We briefly noticed' last week the irrible death of Mr: 'George Kline, in 'ltOona, on the twenty-fourth instant. r. lilin , o was Well known in this own unity, and was a young man of 'exem ary character. his sudden death will mourned by alargo circle of friends id acquaintances., ...The following ac unt of his , death is taken . from the • ltoona Ttibune of last . week ' A Mann. Elrtm.—About italbpnt ten o'clock - 811b14tth moittying, n young man intend George roil4lirtilth his brother, on Smooth aro •• 0, and nap hood In the core shop connoted with. u railroad company'. foundry, mut whits terrible. in Om yard, In. thl. city. At tho head of the rd, hl tho 'o4ll4y:of thu Eloccuteenth street :dip, Ito attomptitno get •tio a special tole from • , Watit, (Valelt Wu' Induct with .dologatlons from t,ttoburg and other Masco who wore coming to Al. you to pollutants to the Cethol lc demonstration ) , tha punkt.° of riding down -to the depot, when, are correctly informed by an employe en ,the foot.raught in • railway_ frog and he ell (ward Lats.°. the ear. mars thrown on tho • ,ck under the rain, leveret a the wheel. pausing or him, cutting 111. leg off aboei the kneel 'and thtfolly mangling Ail. 110011, arm. and other pm , 11,of his body. Ile wosnanhtionli killed Intently, e a bona° tho train cool ng° 'flopped was dragay,4a launo 01 - about on hundred ykrds front the opot tern hu lost Ids leg, by his head being eaoght be• eon the wheels of the roar truck of a Car end a ten rod. the heed was sectli,kol in en tightly ho. can the wheel and rod Plat, it roitolrell alint minutes 11a0 lattnr•and tho roninal bf some t o motplaAell befoto it mold ho extricated. From l oc id {tilde foot he was terribly mantled and' ,tuoted, and pretlonred a shocking might. 'A' °Culler was ininiudlitiely.preenred. on which ids Iv hid until ail employe of the eeilipaikymVni, k and proeurdd the portion of had .it col off, after whleh ho MOV,Oyall to tho oil mu 01111 sulontuuntlydaltott ti leaideara of brother, on\skir c trath akempo. Xlino Wag WIWI ~ty.six, pairs Ilia, wool otoprriqd, and" Nun, own " pro% Carll.lo, ka., to which plaeo hi. ro. ' • ..nki 'heroprward,od, on Monday', for burial. Hie Ibio,dpatit le another' end warning to tho • many - ono wlt,o aro continually lumping op, tnd, MOAN, iti,olo,SQUlrtiq'fvict _•,. . • , _ -• . TRH Calala , ;land MmHg held. a picnic ai-1 "oiv," 1.11 23t di day. ' ' . l'iris ols Aura infantunt prevails to considers., hi extoiit.in this lilacs.- .4P- MIA' I' year has already rim half Ito COllllll., and Jiirre have hem but comparatively few, mar. Hank W d would. advise the Indira. to" hurry tip" null net $ - .llow the prediction to paws in dor ml . Will ar (II compelled to forego the public tfo thin Philad,pl phis, produeo and cattle marital thi s N ook, owing - 1.0 the crowded Mato of our Manna. Who tiro $OO ck markot for'every doecription of stock was OXOO.i Noly (lull and prime favored buyetli: Tho Muir $ corbel In without Improvement, awl thin do mend for wheat continues Molted. 1 &R. GEOROR ZINN, of this place, is now_prepared to supply families •with tho dilikrent kinds of coal nt reduced prices. Orders respectfully solicited. See ad. IVE would call attention to the iimalmoth ndrcr thennent of Bineltz-,k auomuiciag. extensive public vale. ut earriuge gietory on the third 01 August. This firm has a large relabel' of vehicles oa band, and In order to reduce the stock, will havo solo on the above date. The work will recommend Itself; is put hp in good style and of the beet mate. riot. A.dodection of five per cent on all cash fielf, A credit of live months will ho given when desired. ROBINSON, HONE 5 COMPANY'S circus,- which exhibited hero on last Saturday, was poorly' attended, although the enter- tainment was fully up to the average of this class of shows - . They loft town sev eral dollars poorer than when they en tered. By reference to the now ads. it will be seen'that the South Mountain com— pany have placed tlu•ee trains iiaily.lM tween this place and Mount Holly. And two through to Pine Grove. Trains will leave for Mt. Holly at 7.30 a. in., 2.15 p. in., and 1.11,p. in. Leave-M Mr. Holly at 1.41 a. m., 10.30 a. in.; . and 5.10 p. THE attention of owners of real t•state whose deeds are Lot recorded Ix failed to the following Act of Assembly on that subject. )Inch tiouble and even loss of property may 110 voided by attending to the requirements of the low, which prof Ides that all deeds • tledl be recorded in the office for the le cording of Deeds [it the t•ounty where stall lands or heruditaments are lying and being:, w ,thin SIX 111001.1 N alter the execution 'lt Fll,ll Deeds and Con reptile.; fold every 81101 Recd 10111 Conveyance' that And', at any tone alter the publication hereof [the :for refer red to) be made and eneented, and st Melt shall net beTecorded WI aforesaid, 81,1,11 be adjudged Iraudulent and told 'against any suits, fluent purcluser pr mortgagee for Nitll.l,lo 1 . 011.1,1- (I,tloll, Ciallruystice, be ri•. corded hs nforesaill, heft.° the pro‘ Mg and re 1201,11. log or the Deed ur Conveyance` under which s u ch subsutpteut purchaser or mot td,,g.. nholl 11111 11 SCHOOL schoolo of thin Lot °ugh ulm.ed Jul the Summer va ention the EN WHOP. given by Um Nlala anal Female hidli Relodx. These exhibitions IN, 0 heroine unite nu Inelltntlon. land Iromllnie inimenuoml 1110 1' drawn criAviled luniaes. At a very muly hour Itheldn's 11011 was NOlli N ,onlionee, ond.nE hrlf-pnat 7 o'clock the r eels~ began. The tollow: hag wan the proden,unn ieo nylon : 0111/1:1i OF KXEIWISES.—Prap.. 1111..0. Solo tutery, l_lertle 11. Shnaek. intellectual and Moral Powel, iili"Milnuttory. Frank NV. Cialghead, 1,1,1,1. Thank fulne,,, 1.10/11. Slump!, Thoughla on Idfo, .r. ljplacpltor ~III.X. I.onglkg‘a for' th! — l:hattliiiied, Laura A. Shapley. Chill,. :Lod, FeNers. 1111110 m 11'. Trout. The %Nell ol Lilt' in 0e Nth/glad' Yarn, Soto M. Itinek Mush TaNennx of Lila, Allen Reproduetlon of Charm; lee, F. Marry Ifnßel. NI °ale The cloud old lkiya 01 'oar Ornioluedheix, Mira .1. KN.l,y The Cm mui I.lfted, David Blair 11 ua'a Caolleertl. 31usle. Valedicl Iy, Mary C. limiter. llutemnioo- • tlou and Labor. m 101 Volvilictery,(lllhert 11. Ilartler. 31male Olenedi• tton. The erom drd state of ow eolumna prevent to , from anti. mug the entertainment tii drtnll , hut all noleoly Flay that. It V.llaim ontiro suer., tho glado atea acunittlog thin...elves creditably. To-DAv.—The Ninety-Sixth Anniver sary uf American Independence recurs to-day. It Was customary in by-gone days to celebrate the Fourth of July in grand style, but our people, of late years, seem to have become totally indifferent, and we doubt if many of them would not remain in total ignorance of its recur rence were they not ,reminded of it by the papers and the general suspension of business. " This is a sad state of affairs, butnevertheless true as preaching. Many of our citizens doubtless will visit Ship pensburg, while the entire Fire Depart ment have made arrangements 4i par ticipate in the , demonstration. Others will visit the neighboring groves and picnic, so that our goodly old borough will present the appearance of the Saji bath. The several banking douses, post pilice, and all places of'business will be closed. For the accommodation of persons wishing to visit Shipponsburg, 'oxen).- sicn trains will run east and west on the Cumberland Valley. Hound trip tickets. will be issued for all trains to=day. A train will-leave Bridgeport at 6.15 a. in-; Mechanicsburg, 7 a. m ; Carlisle, 7.30 a. m 8 a. m., and arrive at Shipponsburg at 8.45, in time for the parade. All fire apparatus must be loaded and unloaded by the members, and will be transported free of charge, but at the risk of the owners. A train will leave Shippensburg at 5 o'clock p. m. for Bridgeport and intermediate sta tions. - 0 [For T. Ilrn‘t : COMMI4CEMEN T V ERA E=l That Providence helps those who help them elves certainly seemed false as-re gardsi the Eighty-Ninth Annual Com-, mence nent of Dickinson College. First came t to small pux, which, in a miraen louslY4ort space of time,-emptieef the college building—especially ',East College —nearly all the lower classmen, in their benevolent desire to give the patient perfect quiet, went by the quickest routes o their respective homes, even taking with them sonic seniors, who, however, returned. Then in ordeketo cheer the few seniors who .rolnatned, came the long rainy spell, which made one think of Noah'S time when.as you remember, there was a big rain. Then in order to help the matter came the news t)liat the,, band whom we had released undkie the first impression tharovery man, ivoman and child in the tbwar was about to get the disease, and that , with a drum ,and tire the dead march could be played more economically than witha *hand, had with commendable prudencie, made an engagement somewhere else. ' This was like striking a man when down, mid was especially painful to iiii, as we could blame no ono but ourselves for having so hastily released them. At length, `Low ever, just nee 1 ihty before, we engaged the liagerst,Pwn SilVpr Grays, who, al though hearing the iunall'pex was raging in Carlisle, yet uppn our assuring them that if it was raging, it was do(ing . it in a very quiet way, as no ono 'know it here, agreed to come and fano death. They Came and faced death in a Very ploEniant Manner, being voi7 kind and obliging to us, serenading and playing at the leven,,and on our part we tried to ti`dat them well. We are much indebted" to Gen. Biddle and Mr Campbellfor the interest they mapifested in getting us ex cursion tickets, for if it had been left to the courtesy of Mr. McCullough; our Alma Mater would have graduated her.Bighty- Ninth -class without the sound of trumpets. However, following out the motto of Our " We find a way or make one," we had everything working as well us possible, with a few exceptions; which' I Will note' in their order. On Saturday, . which was to have begun • Dominancoment week, with a lecture be fore the Scientific Society, by Olias. F. Ph.'D., nothing was commencer.] however, as the good doctor having boon hidoubt 'for the previous week as to the Whereabouts of said society, they,having in thoic . basto to vivo the sick man quiet, made no mention futto the time of their return. . ' On Sunday Morning: the sermon was. delivered . before,the Society of Religions Inquiry, bj Rey. 31r. Appleton, aid in the evening the Baccalaureate urns de livered, by Pr. DaShiell. It ''was. very eloquent, and notwithstanding the fact that it was one honi . and twenty min utes long, which with - most aerniona would bo a grave offence inflect], how ever this . Ono from the. DeetorwaS Ba te-tied to With great interest by the. audience, and especially by' , the class, for although N\) had had some ?uhsowith hint'on account of his not being able to understand our motives ;properly, ire knew it was always rather an error of the head than of the teart, and' each Ono, of as fiat that thwarentory of, the doptor. With - his kind heart for -any wan hf - trouble, would always 1s a'green sot in .our college reminiscent:a,. On -Idoptlay night was' to havo bath'. -the Junior• Contest, the medals were ready, but the rapidity with 'Which the Contestants disappeared the, previous week prevented their being awarded. I feel assured that if prompt action at the intimation of danger will ever save these gentlemen froth death, we will in the course of centuries have in them rivals of Methuselah. - • On Tuesday the Oration and Poem was delivered before the - B. L. -S. and the U. P. B. sorieties, by llpn. 3,13. 'Sterin-nnd Rev.' V: Bottomed a'nd - were, in every way, worthy of these gentlemen. On Wednesday came. Class Day, the _order •of exercises being as follows: Prayer, , 'Oration, Poem, Ridtory and Prophecy, t.l , ,en a parting ode to lie sung 'by the class. It was net sung, however, as no member of the class cared to-make a martyr of himself by breaking down, for in the class each man feels that he himself iv a poor vocalist, and as for the rest, ho knows they can't sing at all. The death of a near relative of Mr. Mar tin Herman, the Alunini orator, pre vented him delivering his oration. Wed ncsdity evening the Alumni held a Meeting, and adopted a now form for the 'lection of Alumni orator, that is'here after to elect h man under the auspices of the fraternities, beginning with the oldest, thou in succession each year. For next year the lion. James D. Wai ters was elected, under the. auspices of the PLi Kappa Sigma frateimity, to close with a banquet, at which all the fraternities in college will be present, bringing their wives, sisters and lady friends. This will go far toward healing the bitter feelings existing•between fra ternities, to the detriment of the College. On Thursday was Commencement Day ; this was our last mid principal day. Providence now seemed to realize the fact that we were helping ourselves, and sent us: some sunshine, for which the Lord makeus truly thankful. Ex ercises began at 1,0 o'clock ; cemenced with prayet, and each oration' followed `by music. • Tlfr. class consists of seven teen men, fourteen of whom-overe by their standing, 'entitled t orations. Messrs. Shoemaker, 'Madden, 'Shop'', Gross, Myers, llosley, hart and Post delivered orations, and on account of the general uncertainty not being fully pre pared, lleners Brandt, McC, , man, Grif- lith, A rmstrong and Timmons, were excused. All the orations delivered did great credit to the speaker.:, and among others we especially admired, the able manner with which Messrs. J. V. Shoe maker, ll: J. Myers and G. 11. Willis acquitted themselves,their subjects ben*: The Pi-ogress of Prep Principles, Loolc Within," and " Failures." illeiisrs. Shopp: delivered the Salutatoria, Post the Valedictory. Previous to the vale dictory the degree of A. B. was conferred on the graduating class, and A. N. on several of the class of 'la The exercises closed with a few apt remasks from the . Ex-President, followed by a short ad., dress from the President elett, who then gave the benediction, the audience de parted whils't the baud played "The Girl I left Behind me," by request of the class, Who are supposed to appreciate the sentiment. tin Thursday night, at 12 o'clock, was held the Eighteenth An niversary of theßosilon Chapter of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity, in the par lors of the Bentz house, this being the oldest fraternity in the college, order of exercises were as follows : Oration, by the Hon. dames D. , Wattors, of Mary land, class or '55 ; Poem, by Chas. W. Super, A. M., of Delawate, class ; History of the Fraternity, by Fred. F. McComas, A 8., 'of Maryland, class 'S_2. After literary exercises, t , el,ts were drank as rapidly as possible, and the fraternity adjourned at 4 o'clock. The festivities of the ;,'veelt, and which well sustained the reputation of Car lisle for its hospitality, began with the senior party, given by Prof. S. D. Hill 'man and wife, followed on - Wednesday night by a very pleasant party given I.y Mrs. Shearer and daughter, and on Thiunday the levee at the President's. And now the Eighty-.Nintli Chllege gen eration has passed away, an' in the lege the class of 'Tt? are among the things that Were. \A GnAm .vrt. tr,poriden4 of TM: C OMMENUMM E N 7 TX KIM! INES Carlisle, Jane 29, IST2, Notwithstanding the case of small pox and the succeeding panic, which threat ened tt prevent tho approaching Com mencement of Dickinson College, the Eighty-N inth (a:melon of the aminal fes tivities has come and gone, Despite the unfaroiable circumstance:, which hail .occurred'to blight the hopet of the Senior Class, they resolved to make the exer cises of the week as far successful as possible. 1. ,. ‘0r their efforts under such discouraging circumstances, the mem bers of "12 deserve coriimendation. But it was imposlsible . ;o do• all which hind been anticipated. (.Thee Juniors' having' loft for home, the 4Jratoriciil• Contest for the prize meanie vJivs necessarily post poned, while - Professor Minos was irented from delivering thn'qpeeted lec ture before the Monti fie Society. Igor did the usual exercise.s of the Alumni Association occur, on lArecinesday 'even ing. 4:Mut as Comment:clue nt week drew near, visitors began to arrive, and di though the great numbor expected wore deterred front being present, a fair aver ago canto to enjoy the scones of other years, or for the.iirst time to view 'the beauties of this old; historic. The exercises of the week - commenced with the Annual Sermon he•fore the So ciety of 'Religious Inquiry, by 11ev. E. W. Appleton, of the Protesta ut Episco pal church, on Sunday, the t'w enty-third instant Its appreciatian was evinced by the close attention paid the speaker by the cultured audiendo -- Present. In the evening, a largo audience assinnbled to hear the Baccalaureate Address by the President to the Senior Class. We have not patio to review at lontrth the Sermon, but it is enough to say that it was an eloquent mid classical °Art, holding the attention of the audience for nearly an hour:and a half. Tuesday evening saw "Emory" again filled with a fine audieuco=lnotwith standing the rain—to listen to thO Oration and Poem before the Belles Lettres and' Union' Philosophical Societies. The Orator, of the evening was rion. •J: Storm, M. A., C. (clasi 1801), Iv lio . delivered a very learned oration on the " I TentioneiOs of •Modorn Boiontifla Ideas." Tip Poorri by Rev. P. BOttome,. of Now , York City, was beautiful and. pleasing. ~. . . • At a noeonA mooting a the Board' of Trusteofe, !aolrt—o 'Wednesday morning,. Boy. ;bur. .il:`;' MK); nloy, D. 1)., of ,Wash ingtOn, (clan ) wa6;oloctod President of ,olio Coliogoi in place of lbw, R. L. paella, D. D., Whnno'rosignation' pre . , ...Mated HOl.OO. time affo;. took °Oct, ht tl -,.. Commencement. It agreed to elect an Additional Professor in August, at- Philadelphia. Wednesdaf„ having been substitated for Tueiday, _was Class- Day, and the class having reluctantly determined t,o foredo the ;usual afternoon' exorcises of the Campus, the pooling exercises Wercv held in the afternoon in , !3.4m0ry. , At two o'clock the Chapel was well • filled with an eager audience Which wail well ,hold for - over three hours.. The Oration was by d. R4Willis, of Maryland ; the Poem, -by J. G. — Bosley, 'of ,Maryland ; the History, by W. P. lleaddii, of Nev Jersok ; and the Prophecy, by Edwin Post, of New Jersey. Ode. was by J. 1.1 Shopp, of Poin4ylvania, 'but was not sung owing to the late hour. We have not space to mention more at length these exorcises, which were credit able to the gentlemen, and made the day . a success. On Wednesday evening an enthusias tic Alumni meeting Wag held in the Col' loge Chapel, instead of the regular ova tion in Emory Chapel, which unfoi•to nately could not be delivered. Commencement aniraing—as on most like occasions—was hoe . crud sunny, and at 10.:30 o'clock , the -exercises of the Eighty-Ninth Commencement morning, opened with pra; Or by Rev. Dr. Thom p son. The amlience was large and at tentive throughout the lengthy exercises. The programme was mcfollowß : Order of Faerei ,, es.—Music by the Maryland Fpilver Greys. Prayer. Music. °ratio ,Salutatoria, I I 11. Shopp, Shire manstown, Pa; Philosophical Oration, The. Function of Fear, J W. P. Hamblen, Bea . Bank, N. .1; 01;atiun, Above all Sects is Truth, Brandt, Big Spring, Pa; Oration, The—Prpwcsi, of Free Principler, .1. V. Shoenttker, Phila delphia, Pa; Oration, ‘"lllarough the Ages one Increasing Purpose 'Buns," F. McComas, Ilagerstown, 111 d; Oration, Failures, O. IL Willis, Ealtinune, Mcl ; Literary Orat,ion, Why ask the Why': T. Me. Griffith, 1 looversville, .111,1; °Cation, Political Depravity,