PASTORAL 01100 E.—Rev. S. B. Her ring," recently from the German Re formed church, and pastor of the con gregiition at Blain, Perrr - tOluity, , has accepted . a call from the Eangelical Lutheran church at New -Cumberland, this county. The. Reverend gentleman expects to be dis Missed from the Re= formed Synod, at . its meeting, 1W May next, that ho may formally con nest himself with the "West Poonsylvania Synod of the• Evangelical I Lutheran church.. , . . ~. - . OUR musical friends — cep be glad to see the beautifully executed portrait of the venerable Lowell Mason, now in his eighty-first year, whiclr is given in The illtistrateil. Christian Weekly of March 6. It accompanies an interesting,slgotch;re-- counting his labors in thdcausa of church music during the last flay years. We • gladly commend this paper to all our readers, knowing that nothing which can corrupt, either through the aye or the heart, will be over found in its, column'. ^ " gm - mid hog' has proved him self to be a complete failure."— Volun seer of last week. • Not so fast, neighbor. If he has proved himself a failure " over there," we can assure ydu that he is no fraud at "this end of the avenue." As for in stance, Tuesday and Wednesday morn ings of th e-thermoino te marking four degrees above zero. If over the " animile" meant business, ho corainly.has •since the day he saw his " shadder." LARCENY.—During market hours on Battmday morning last, a colored indi vißA appropriated to his own special use, a basket belonging - to a country - woman, - and containing five dozen of eggs - and a new pair of shoes., Although Webster defines larceny as of tiro kinds, simple larceny or theft, and mixed or compound larceny, we are forced to the conclusion that this case of larceny would conic under the latter kind, as the eggs, basket and shoes were all mixed together. It was the boldest at tempt at stealing that has been brought to our notice lately, being 'in broad day light, an a great many persons in close —proximity f yet strange to say, Thrbody saw the "dark transact ion." No arrests have been made. Lloe " PATENTS.The toll ro ing patents were issued from the U.S. Patent Office, to citizens of Pennsylvania, out side of Philadelphia, for the weel: ending February, 27, 1872: Reported for ME HERALD by Alex ander L'it Mason, solicitors of 'patents, 605 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. Dinner pail, din ; .51111 ,, 1,101 and A. It Siinonson, Graniterille; key for locks„I. Koenig, Erie ; machine for rolling hat row . teeth,, A. II A Ileghrny ; boring' nmeltimp i Jobs Sintrsiin, )lead: ; chine E1,11:111, Pittihnrgh; packing for journal E S. Henan, Pmsbureh ; butler T. Pyle, Oxford; thin l'eci%t Chester ; padltick, Sion neyiewn ; conitosition uncial brake for hilroad ears, W. MoCtiniray. Pitts burgh. MEM= resibter, AVin. Young. priton ; method of applying ca,t surd to article, muck of iron, \V. 11, Singur, All,l4ltetty. Pknsorts having sale bills printed at THIS OFFICEJ will'receive a notice of the same in these columns until the day of sale. Bills for the fullowlng sales liar)) been printed here during the past week : Be Dr. 1. Y. Reed, on West Louther, st e vet, next door to the Union engine house, on W ecriiebtluy, March 13, exten eivesale of household and kitchen furni ture. BY George Klutz, in Middlesex toe n ship,'two miles east of Ca rlisk, 'flints"- day, Mara 7, horses, mules, VOW,, you!, cattle, farming implements, household and kitchen furniture, &c. B's S. Sprole. II , Woods,- in Dickm township, six miles west of Carlisle, on Thursday, IMarch 7. extensive sale of horses, [Minded cattle, young heifers, farming implements, &,c. By J. G. Zeigler, in Silver Spring township, ono-half mile north of fugues town,) and two fniles north of New Icip,,i , st Much on, on Friday, Mch 8, horses, cowk, young cattic, pigs, fainting imple ments BY Daniel Gre'en,in Westpenusbino* township, one mile northwest of NAM field, 'on Friday,-March 8, horses, colts, .cows, young cattle, hogs, farming utensils, &c. - BY John -A. 'Dellinger, in Dickinson township, one mile south of the Stone Tavern, on Friday, March 8, valuable ial estate and personal property.' In tde West. 1' Catharine Zinn, in Centreville, 4hold and kiteheb furniture, ,to. •iday, Mai r elt 8. litchael Shipp, one and one-half outh of Centreville, on Saturday 9, mare, cow, housediold and furniture, &c. ivid Mayberry, in Westpenns uship, about two miles south ainlield on Saturday, March 9, - of horses, cows, young cattle, • plements, of 'Ale;ander, „tixectitor of nder, deceased, in Moser - - ford township, on Monday, one, cow, . household and Aura. Doner, in Wectlionosburo , miles west of Carlisle, hod of Newyillo,.extunsi've sale of . 11, fat cattle, young ions, buggy, farming iture, 6.m„ on Tuesday, March P. Bontz,*one:tralf mile north .lrlisile, adjoining the Cumber ey Railroad freight dejiot, on y, March 11, thorvee, pews, 10, hogs, farming implement e, ~ B. Mules, otforncy • in, fact .. G. Wookley, in Milltown, .vexten csitlo of liotoichold rind 'kit Olen, fui Lo,lo. On WadileBday, Ainfiell'l3, BY William S. Miller, ia Dickinson township,. one-fourth of a mile south. of the Stone Tavel n, on. Thursday, Mara 14, horses, cows, buggy, household and kitchen furniture.' .; llr M. Francis Heiken,' in West 'ponnsboro', township, ono mile-west of Plainfield, on Friday, March 15,,wagon, rockaway,liousehold and kitchen ruriti-. tune, &o. 7 PT-Jacob ilernminger, is Penn town one-fourth of a mile from Milltown, on Saturday, March 10, 20 corn oultiVa-, ' tore, carponter'stools,yaluable mountain &c. I BY 11. M. Henderson, assignee ofJohn Schmohl, iu South Middleton township, 1 mile-east of Papertowii r horses; colts, cows, young cattle, finning implements, • mid a lot of loelist posts and ellestinit rails. (211 Friday, March 19, - lIY gtcob Greidor;, in Westpentudioro'' townslip, one mile west of Plainfield; pi . Nion4ay, March 18, mitre, cow, tied hotßudd and Ivltehon furriltnie. Y J. B. lieekey, in' Frankford town. • ehip; three-tourthe of .a. mile east of .%.Ploserville;9lr,7.Tuesdays Marnit , , 1 19,, hookas, mules, farming, implements, f;c: BY Oeorge 11lines, in Penn township; one half mile south-east Of- Centreville, on. Thursday, March 21, cow, sleigh, platform scales, 'spring wagon, house hold and kitchen furniture; -; • ' fly, .dam COover, in Penn . township, ' - or - the Pine Road, tuilln South of Centro ' villa, and 1 milo west Of Idilltent, Mares, (lows • buggies,' liousehold inud—icitelten itiridture, mountain' land, 4 0n- Sat, urday, Maroh 20. BT -Jacob Molderi..•er.', io '•Moitron township,. 2. miles • south-west , of Me Ohaniesburg, 'on. Saturday, Minh houachold and kitchen furniture.' : MEE Tua SdnooLlf SBTIPAr ~—This beanti.; rut little Quarterly Magazine, detoted to new and sparkling matter for &hood Extattions - and public 4ys, is received for Mara. No 'teacher oi pupil i3lMuld bo`without it. 'lt costs Only ,fifty .conts a year; single copy, fifti3en" conts. Write for it, Ilk) Alfred L: Sowell, Pub lisher, Chicago, 111. Send your sub seriptions now and you will not regret it. TRIBUTE OF RESPBOT.- - Tl l O commit tee appointed by the N. G. of'Silver Spring Lodge, No. 598 I. 0. of 0. F. at a meeting held February 24, 1872, for the purpose of preparing an appropriate memorial and resolutions upon the death of James W. Cornman, respectfully re port the following : win:RE:AB, The solemn saying "whom the Ged'sleve, die young," has riceived another illustration in the decease of our late brother James W. Cornman. Resolved, That we do-hel'eby express our sense of the great loss which we feel has been sustained in his death by the order, the business community and all who were associated with him. Resolved-, Tliat to the family of the deceased; so far as cold words'ean ex press our sorrow, we extend mil• heart felt symplithy, alone can soothe their wounded spirits, and to His sym pathy/ that above mortal, we commend them. For He has promised that all things shairworlE tog - ether for the good of them that love him. Resolved, That the - above memorial anti resolutions be published in the *county papers, and a copy of the same be sent to the widow of out ' deceased brother. J. B. LILIDIG, J. liosT., ,T. Committee Now Fllol.—The partnership hereto fore existing between Nagle & Smeltz, haying been 'dissolved by mutual con sent, and Mr. Henry Schilling having as sOciated'himself with Mr. Ben F. Smeltz, one of the former proprietors, the busi ness will hereafter be conducted under the name of Smeltz & Company. Dur ing the past year, this ostaNshment manufactured and disposed of $lO,OOO worth of new wink, which speaks Well for the enterpriso and ;good work' turned' out by the firm. , Both of the present. pinprietm-s are .practical workmen, and having an ex perience of a number of wars, they, feel confident, of giving satisfaction in every instance. They are building sonic of 'the Inindlinmet vehicles ever con struel6d in this plkice, while the paint ing is executed in . entirely different style, bring in in4atiou of checker mud 'cane work. - Ilepaiiing, in all its various branches, promptly attemded to. Thankful fur the iberal patronage extended to this estab islunent during the past, we' bespeak for the new firm a coniiIIIIMICIO of the same. Remember:the place, on Pitt streei - , a few deers south of the Cumber land Valley Depot, Carlisle, Pa. [ANNOUNCEMENTS.] KEEP POSTED. If you want to buy dried, canned or green fruits, dried meats, sauerkraut, Switzer or American cheese, pickles, cider, vinegar, cabbage, turnips, b ets, onions, codfish!, mackerel, ' bologna, spices, soap, dates, raisins, figs, prunes, oranges, lemons,' uttron, mince meat, peanuts, sholinarks, cocoitiods, walnuts, oysterS, poultry, Sc , call on W. A. Hum rich, and save from 10 to 20 per cent. CII4TMAN has the beat skylight in thu county• • • ti:il'Jct 'The u uclerslyiteat would respect furlit info, 111 the citizens of Car lisle ai , rl sarwOunding COUlltfy, that Fie still attends to the repair ing Of qtrateheriind .Thectrit, in all its various branches. 111 . 0,..1A5•C0N.L l'N, Next door to Farmers' Bank, East Main Street, Carlisle, Pa. Go to Chhpinan fur good pictures. MERE . are' probably a hundred or more persons in this and neighboring ing towns who daily, suffer from the dis tressing effects of kidney troubles; who do not know that Jolumen's Anodyne Liniment is almost a certain cure.. In severe cases, great relief' may be oh, tabled, 'if opt a perfect euro. CHAPMAN'S Photograph Gallery is at 21 West Main street. Wis notice that the agricultural papers all over the country recommend the use of Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Pow ders.—Exchange. Farmers and others in this section have long known and .appreciated the advantse of these powders over all others. NE and diud fraraes aro at; .Clrap man's. TliosE'of our readers who aro suffer ing, ii,nevernattacicof Rheumatism, licari4ie, or any ,pain, sheuld at once apply Pain Caro lris a sure airs. CITAPMAN has picture fiamos WII I 111 ‘y A. 8111 N 9 or ealelmiuing promptly attended to. All orders loft at No. 63 - North , West street, corner of Locust alley, will be attended to by - , 7r0ii722111 ' CHANtr.fl W. CONN CHAPMAN does not chatgo more for his ttian they aro niortln , GOOD TIMES "good time coming," has at , last arrived,.espcially to our lady friends. We to-day witnessed the working of the most , remarkable, invention of the, ago, and are forced to admit that an object long vahily sought, and goncrAy deemed impossible . 15 at last accomplished. Science, has wrought many remarkable changes heretofore, but none that excel in intrinsic worth, its present victory, over the Wash Board. , . With' , the aid of the " IlOWerd- BOO," any ordinary washing is dons without' washbo;,,ra or machine of .any kind, in tie° hours time. • ' The maunfaoturors pay Ono Dol-_ lar on demand to any portion using their Soap, If it fails in.. doing as elitiMed. Also ttintimes the value of all articles that may bo,injured by. its,use.. Two gniall.houtios to let, cheap rent Apply to Viral) BLAIR. LAntir,s' and .gOut's" furnishing , and fancy goods of .every description can bo liad,phoopor at,J. 11. Wolf's, No. 18 North Hanover• stecot, than at any other house in Own. .• • Mn;-24 thatio.a porfoct flptiog. shirt you Nvoar. Who made It iiisono of Thohordson'o, malco ; one most colobnaod . shirt makers m tho Wolf, ori'tNorth H lover stroof,,„takos ordora and guarantsei a porfootlit.• IM.I'ORTANT I Now stock of calicos, muslins and-giug , hams just received,' at Greenfield's; • Elegant assortment of black silks-tuw - ready at very-low prices. • Men's shirts made to ordor at short, no. I would call special attention to my new sick oflioup-furnishing goods. „Blknkets; tOcl quilts, titbit) linens, shootings, lowa's, napkins, shootings, Sm., at prices to suit everybody. °anal, T, T. GREENEIBLD:S New store, opposite the Bentz, House ttnd Saxton's Hardware store and scour° al'bar- gain. 29f072if WANTED 1 $2,000 or $3,00 ,wanted for one or more years. Apply to, C. Hum - riell; esq. $l,OOO. This amount is wanted - on , mortgage on April 1, 1872, forono year, or longer. Interest 8 poyent. Secur ity inidpubtecij - Call at TriteOFFlon. "' 221'01372U STILL another lot of good, flour at Meloy's. 22feb722t RECHIVING fresh butter , daily . at Me loy's store. MODNT HOLLY, CUNILR- } - •. t LAND COUNTY, PA.'. This is to certify that when I was foreman of the - lioroy - limi - Oris - Balik7 Wm. Dinkle told the the extent of the bank. I had a drift inado,and found it just as ho represented, Also, at another place whore I found, Silver and Lead, found the exact place, and told mo what was there without me showing him the place. JOHN O'NHILL. The location of mineral - voiriS be,de positi: and their length afia breadth can now bo determined for a certainty. Call on or address W r, DINKLE. Carlisle, Pa. Henry Rohrer, Rippon P. 0. Jefferson County, West Va. 22fontf. You farmers • who want a good. price for produce, go down .to Molny's new store. NV: A. tlamnica, north-west corner Hanover and Louther streets, No. 49k, 134 dealer it foreign'and domestic dried, canned and green fruits, dried meats, nuts, vegetables, oysters, poeltly, &c. COMBINOB made into switches,' chig nons, curls, frizetts, &c., at Madame Rotes. FOII SALE: • A valuable Family Horse. Inquire of JOTIN 11141.i.:En (Merchant.) 7d0e71-tf . DON'T BE HUMBUGGED but buy the best stoves- that have over been in 'the market, and pronounced so by all who them in use, the Ameri can Base Burner and Base Heater, the Radiont Fire Place Heater; and the Cabi net Range ?vith hot closet. Call at W Fridley . 's Stove sterd ou Hanover street, and see the endless variety of stoves. NOTICE 'All, persons knowing' themselves in dpbted to C. 'MIMI by book account or ottberwi - se, are .requested to make .pay• n\ent before the firsi of January, 1872, after which time all- accounts be placed in the hands of a proper .officer for collection. A. cash business only dune at reduced MEE PAT I ENT GATE At Dinkle's Machine Shop, in this place, can be seen ono of the best practi cal Farm Gates ever invented., It does not require any hinges. It opens twei ways, 'lt never rides in the mud, and can \ be raised to stving clear over snow drifts and other obStructions that are not over twenty-four inehes , high. It is offered for sale to all who - need gates at the following low prices. :For each farm, right, $2.00 ; for each township right, $20.00 ; fir each county right, $150.00. Gates made to order of any size or style desired, anti satisfaction guaran teed in all-cases.' 'Will exchange terri tory for a good horse. -Call on or ad dress CIIA.B. F. DINKLE. Also, 1 Wilson and 1 Wilcox & Sewing Machines for sale cheap. 241071tf. TO CHICKEN RAISERS The undersigned, devoting his time exclusively to the brgeding of choice fowls, is prepared to book orders for the following, varieties of eggs. During the past year have made large addi tions to ,my stock, having- recently ob . - tnined Abveral Imported Light Brahmas from P. Williams, Massachusetts. '-Most of my fowls drew premiums at- the late County Fair. All stock guaranteed to bo thorough bred. Chickens and eggs can bo obtained at all times. The fol lowing is the prices'fixed for, the''differ ent varieties of eggs: Dark Brahma, Premium, per.,doz. $2 Light Brahrna r amported, ," . 1 lloudan, Premium, (Bearded and Muffled,)- per.doz. 2 Black Cochin, Premium, " Gray Docking, " 1 Bronze Turkey, 4,. 2 JESSE B. Ihnann, . No. 121 South Pitt street, - 18jantf . Carlisle, Pa. CASH B U SINESS ! • On and after the first of March next - , I intend to do a OAsu Business, with all, without respect to persona e this ar ,rangeinent, strictly carried out, I willbe able to sell groceries at reduced prices. All persons knowing themselved indebted to the. undersigned by book account or otheiwise, are urgently requested. to Make payment before the first of March, 1872. G. B. 110FISMAN, No. 88 Bast'Pomfret street. 4ja72tf - SPECIAL NOTICES A lIANDSOVIE MOUSTACHE I ' O.IIOUSTACHE. . PROP.. ST. 'CIIOIX'S PRENdIi • W lIISK EMS. COMPOUND, The l Grot HALE DIOUSTACII E. GROWER, will product, a luxuriant WHISKERS, MOUSTACHE or WHISKEItS en' the . sinoutheet tam Pleaunnt to use, , 'rent to aux ulltirees on receipt of Fifty Cents.. , ,• .. , 11. T BOND. 0,1.1EM14T., • ' 'ENT!! and 011Eill'A'N UT Ste Phila. ~ N. 15, Car 22 r0b721. I3E WISE. Wane: wisdom will behellt your be not cramps na., trolled by your incrUddllty, hundred. hero solglat. relief ,frem the horrors 'at Dyspepsia through' the medium of DrIIIITH'S ANTI-DYBPZRTIOBTONAOIII3II7BMII and'found It. Why ehould you suffer when tale admi ral/10 etemachle hue cured many similar woos-why do . you doubt wit 110 other bed lois and aro sn red t Delay fn this metterie hothdangeroue stud Unpioll tab's: Your houlth, happiness and laminas. euffdrs, WWI° constant uoglect Is frequently folli We'd by serloess and uncoil trollable results. Dentine's BITTER. 1411901, in the nnmereu. dlBlmdtlo. reettn4fety 'Teed! Vuitton fIantIONSRE, CettiT/PATION ' i 80.0T13110 /5.r, Patch and AMA , and other .41.ordera proceeding iron hlhiesfetite, It Is the only reliable pierrentive and remedy 'Carers* , %tee ao W11311414/1.11(0. WIUI QVARDS, .fori.Piore, _Fronts, Arylnme, Ae. IrOn Modatoods; Wire 'Web. blogslor'sbeap mild poultry yards; Braes . .aud Iron ulre ;loth Bloroir, Pandora 41eromul 'for .edal, • mom Ind; ao.; l lfary Or!tripod OATH' roinark AroPitors Laudedapo Wirt tor yntidows aa.j 1111tor* Wir•oi Ornitooutal -Wire Works.. S.Ory.toknuu, Non by addrosilnktbobuirturucturom M. Willillll $lElOl4B' No. 11 North atxth otroot.Phlladolphia. mhYll7 • WHAZDTSPEPSIA SIAY END,-IN; , Indigestion la not dangeroba, say MR faculty. Rerbapi 'bat In Itself,mbile itretaalmrtnere lndtgee (ion; but look at tho consequences to which-it may ; Ipad. and often does lead; whenit-birebtocenachranio 'pietas - O. A'spark of lire Is • smell thing. 'A 'pea. euro of thp;pot will put It out; a Meath will extiti. [heft it. let it may tiro a powder mlil, or kindle a • llama that will consumo, a olty. in like manner Indigestion may produco. gastritis, cancer of the stomach, congestion of the boucle; apoplexy, livor diseaao;and ma rly•other dangerous maludlea,`. In It not wiso, then, to'check It in tho gertai jNothing la more clearly and indisputably , established than that Hostetter's Stomach Bitten will eradicate dyspepsia In all Ito doges. The true policy, how ever. io to,extingt.lah It In thellrat 'stages wlth.thle wholmonio, powerful, arid infallible tonic and littoral live. in easier to quench a spark then.a flame; and It le easier to care dyspepsia - when it-la flret developed, than when It has mado headway by neglect, and become complicated with other ail ments. Thero in nut the shadow of a doubt that the bitters are no direr t tfatitairdillstic lb • ilynpepsin ns vtatbe la team. 'fin, ern' theuraudn of cases on re cord proving thin fact. Thu fem , dy le safe and egroetdilo, the liquors of coininerce prescribed ne elloralanin I. 1113 it sting behind. lint the sting Is taken out of the epirltimun buds of thin .great remedy by ve., , ablo medication, and, moreover, the stimolant then medicated Is of ...optional purity. Of all tonics taken US tefegunrila or comedies for fever end ngun, bilious romittents, and other epi demic's, it la the only one that tan unifc.ruily ho de indult& on. 1717y&lmh721ta NERVOUS DEBILITY With its gloomy ationdants, low sr:4llU, depression , involuntary omlsslons, ir se of semen, spermatorflira, Iroo of power, dizzy 11.. ad, loss or momory,l abd throatened tmpotence end imbecility, find a sov ereign, num In lIUMPIIIIELS' 11331}:pr ATI= FPECI PIC No. TWENTY EIGHT. Composed oe , tire' 11109 t ru 111111)10 mild and potent Curativep„,they strike at once at the root of the mattertone up the system, arrest the discharges, and impart vigor and • orwrgy, I ire anal vitality to tine entire man. They have mood thousands of'onus. Price $5 per pecksge of fled Imies and II large $2 vial, whirl, is very im portant la elistiente or old cases, or $l per single box. Fold by Druggists, and sent by mall on, receipt IIOMEOPATLIIO MEDICINE CO', 562 broad-' way - ,!Now York. 2n0711y For nolo In Carll,ll3 by S. A. 17 troilitlek and Common A• IS orthl ngton. A CARD TO THE LADIES. I= GULDEN PERIODICAL PILLS, I= INFALLIBLE IN CONNECTING IRREGULARI- TIES, REMOVING 01.ISTRUCTIONS ON THE MONTHLY PERIODS, FIkOM WHATEVER CAUSE, AND ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL AS -A PREVENTIVE. TIIEJIA IS NOT A LADY LIVING But what at •sorne pork I of Mir Life will find the DUPONCO OOLDEN PILLS Just tho medicine she needs. For N ertuus' bold lily. itearl no do wn Pains, Palpitation of the Heart, Retained, .rreguier or. Painful Menstruation, Hush of Itkind to 'the (lead, Dizziness,. Ac, fie Theta are the col) Fills over known that will cure the Whites, (they wilt cure lu osery case.) They never fail, and um) , be depended upon in every case whsre the monthly flow tins been oh•trucind through cold or .IFsease. •DUPON CO'S GOLDEN s I hi.S rilwayo - pho i tn ou•di. , o ',lief elm -d f.a woo len :di? II A lady rite, It .tiew Guidon ru'loNo.d me to ouo di). wtetaerne b ii-e 1•:11; l/FALINE • Ig now poi np to bingo (o Mtn) 130%, rr nutb.jog doubt.. quuntity • f ['kit ~n 1 upon ..nell box, you n (II nod the Ravenna Stamp, protud IrPnu my r,tu 1111.1 n in 101 l L O /11/11/I.Vire . lif Stamp you n 11l tin( nurtbi 001.11 EN 1'1.1(1011. IL:AL ', In White Letters without. that nano aro gonuino. Foil and oxp'icit dirort ono 1100i - imp:toy encl. box. lii 51 Al per box. tax boxes Sold t.y ono Priiggiot cool) Loon. V/Ilitgo, city and liamlott, thioughout 100 world. ip Carlisle, Pa. by Si, A. Ilityondick, Pruitt:Litt, No. 10 North 0.60f,f Pt. Sold ohm by Brogh iSt'Motoir, Mochituldsbutt;. nod J. 0..111105, phipponoburg. L DIES: by tic:4lllg hint $1 to the Carliitio, post office. con have tho Pint %out by mail any purl of Country, froo of viola .0. Non,, gentiltio nacos the box Is oitood • " P. D. lIOWE, In Propel. tor. Now Yrri. I..„tiThfly . MARKETS. • • CARLISLE PRoDUCE MARKRT. Cartifte, Wlncsaily, Nara& 13,:072. P,1,1111, I• tr 50 ISUIRREINE FLOUT' 5 00 SUPERFINE RYE FLOUR 1 50 WHITE WHEA'f. RED IVIIEA T. RYE Co It A" HE W OATS OLOVERSEED TIM 0 TH }WEED.. FLAXSEED CARLISLE PILOVIHTON MARKET. Corrected Weekly by J. L. Metoy, corner /9f Pitt and South streets. ONE SQUARE 'WEST OF WM. BLAIR :b SON. Carlisle, Wednesday, ..Ifarch 0. 1872. IfGTTER "''@ 4l EGOS 21 Lill!) • 77,7.9 TALL° W ' it 7 II LESIVA • BACON!! A MS do SIIO UL DER 'I do SIDES WHIM BEANS PARED PEA UNPA lIRD do DRIED A PULES CHERI? IRS. PITTED do UNPITTED ONIONS RAGS [Pram the Philadelphia North Aniertpand PHILADELPHIA :MARKETS. • F . _ . L01711., GNAIN AND SEEDS. P.hilad March 5. 1872 EXTRA FA MILT FLOUR $7 fifl EXTRA FLOUR 6 64 RrE FLOUR S 00 NEW WESTERN RED ' 1 61616 102 NEW WHITE WHEAT 1 7500 rB5 RYE Vfl CORN 67 OA TSO6 CLOVERSEED 14100 por IL PLII 0 Tll rREED FL A PHIL IDELPIIIA CATTLII,3IKRKET. Monday, March 4, lAi2. ' CAl}•TLLr.—Ths gattle naarket was very dull thin week; end prices were lower. A lwat 2.200 head ar ,ll,A and sold at 1%8073. for extra Pennsylvania and Woriern steers; 51,4i01c for fair to goad do,And 4650 ? lh grow for common as to quality. COWS and Calves warn dull. Sales g prlngers at £35@)20, and -fresh rows S - 40045. Receipts 200 head. SIIIMP worn In fair requagt, but woro lower. Sales of oholi 7 o at oc, folr to good at 74toSc 111 h. end common ut i'd@lepor head Iteeo 000 Load • • 110(79 wews In demand; and the offerings were . ell Nikon op. MI. of core led at $707 lb 11 lOU the not. Receipts, 3,243 hood [7Vporledlor the HERALD by A. liedseeker ,6 co.] 'BALTIMORE .LIVE STOCK MARKET. 117114 In's Drone Yards, Baltimore, 2lhl , Fab 2U, 1872. CATTLE—The receipt. nt the Live Stunk :.e.tles nmt.imted to 521 1 bend. Wedneed.ty's mike. opened very slow oil c mtinuei so during tho day, but Most of the offering, were mold at a decline orirom to on last nealee, quotations ondeg to vrre lard tliarketiCep;t, ext•ento range of Writ,. from 4 to 7, N. and moot salesmade from 0 to 0; 7 .6. Ab• Sit it toads ware re shipped Mat krithout Inv. hands. • 11008—Tliore is on 0011 r Flintily, the marliet Ia my dull not downward f”eling, since toot report , ,prices hove declined about 250 on the Ifiolb net , . Wn quote tliem to-day at t9l to 7 nett very row art latter prtee,ss.4ll to 5,00 groan 811 BL"P = Ltlnstod nuppl, and good demand, ra..g. log in prices from li to 7% for fair to goad, 73. t: to 85 for ,:ootl to extra. 3IARRIED BEST—LART —No:4. Wont Falrytow, on the annul:lg of the twenty NOventlt ultlinu, by the Rnr, S. IC Herring, Mr:Jo:mph Bent, to Mini Bathe Lentz. 11.IFFHAN.—tin the WllllO dov, by the eat.. Mr. B. M. Fisher, to Miss Elmira Kauff map, bait of tide county. WAUREN—CeIt. sMA N.—On the fifth . day of , Sfarel!, , by G'. F.. etching, of Harrisburg, nt elolod l'Y omen. at the. reoldence of the bride's parents, Mr. Lucian It. :Warren. to Miss Annie 1. Common, both of rat lisle, In, The happy couple did .t forget the pri ntrt, as we were the recipients of a bountiful supply alio cako. Congratulate them fin. the auspi cious union, and wish thou a futuro of, unalloyed happluore. . LEGGETT-I'OlllEll-0u tiro Mir tnehth In stant, by 11ev. I;oorgo 11. Wender, at the real,l,,co or the.bri , to's tothor, Rotiort D. Porter,. 7.1111C11010, Ohio, vr. Wolla %V. Leggett, Waaltington, 0,0., nod Mien Maio rortor. DIED 0 A MITELL4In Franktord, township, on the twouty-second of 'February; Mrs, Anau Campbell, - wife of Andrew Campbell; nod 57yeors ; 2 months, :aud.l9 days: McCARTNE this boraugiw' on". Turaday,, - Morning last, after a very br.of illnoss. Borth, It; tam, or Robert and Mary C. t3lcCartiwy, aged 3 genre alol rho fun,-rhl will tulco.placothlkaft,emmon at hair poet 2 &clog:, Lam the rosblonve hispare parents on Boutl.l3mlfard stmt. • ' The great Jehovah Rat of lomi ; ' • Angola bright tlut nand; • ' • To take our liuraulem little dove,. ,ToJoYs that uever,end, • LAIRD—In Mount Molly 'Springs, on March I, /872 i darkh Laird, ag-d prate, xi:writhe and m days. COOVER , --At the Residence of David Poorer; -In Mckinnon townahip, ontfuneday: evening. February 27, of but a few day. illneee, IMre. Bomb. DoOvor, wife' or JOpr coovorg 0101 80 yearn, 8 mouths and 18 day.. . - • ItTQU tho twenti4lailt ofVabrhary, In Middlesex., nryvheeplng cough, Jontly Plan, infant deughlarA 'lid gteeele.ll.StuulTet, aged throe mohtb n't feet and gutetli 'sleeps, '•; "Udder that lore, groin tent,' • •• •. -IV , psa cattail never outward swings." IVI4IV ro-DAk:' . . VOR amtill r Two-Biory iter Ikust; West Mnitt strata, oppthillis tLo 001ligp Caupplt!l:' , ..p:Hiuln? of-- • 'lmlVl 2 3i ' : • It. 0. WOODWAIID...' • HEW TO-D4Y. EJ,_, • , Igj . ••i ~ tr ri .:l 9... p r. c' -to 1.19' vV , d ''', • ,0 • " Pli rn:J . M. 4,Z+,. . * p rJ,- , - , L - . •i-a ,_,lt 4 - : , , s' P' co , .' r E" o'4 • • t = i •• 111 t i i - 0 •iti , • . •,,,,, )-44- , .s.,•tti k - 0 Ek ...A - 0 (=I . rtj 0 ' ; C 4 l , t "."l ' 04 o== • ' g 'l. g . r "' t Cel., '. • - _ti•• .-. 1....1 ' a. P;iem; • . '4 o 'ti 2-A1 17 8,, - • • • :,..,,t'.' tr Tg•, , px) a. A' o=, v,.pd 294 • .. 1 - :' .• ) ,02,_, .° .= , -4w , -- 0 3:0 f°, , t •F',. F,,' " ''. '- t iJ '`c 2 q . P i . ' • t l. l ,A 4 .- wr-, , •,,,N ez - gllvig_ , 1 3 ‘..P ' c c 0, ,,„ t. , 4 1: 1 • Ft• R n d ;o me l ty F 4 ,. ~.; a &." no W r j ° Pep 2, 2 .9. .•t-.1.-0 • -0 , ,,z 5' . '''' ~__ .:, Er.- , , 1 :1 , i•l' • r 0 °•E', r , F.; -- - . 1,4 a. ) . 1 F ,_. -, CID 1 E- 1 - wt.-flat 00,. 3 '' ' 0 ' 7-1 , r o 4 ", P \ : . •P'Sn Ez' • ....,___ ' ' o t . . 1 ° E ;y-C o. 4 •''''" l ' • •c' sS' g • '7 L i pitl .IVERY AND EXCHANGE STA- V I ,L—E T A 2lr .ILE _T Z. 1- 1 - laving reeoptly purchnaed the livery stali of Goo. W Itilion„ ho would re.pectrully announ..e to the citirtms'of thin place. that Ito bee ree•ntly purchased a number t 4 new vehicles. In addition, alio,. ho has had thin entire p.tock tor baggier,. °armada and eat's. ••• • . RE-PAINTED, RE-MODELED, and ilnitibed up In tLu latest city style.' EZINSIIMENTEICCI MMMI Norton, AND irN A Bl,l'. TF.IOI, Vehicles furnighed for all. ,ccasion s s. Iteruemle• the place, n few 'Hoots tenth of the 0. V. It. It. de pot In 0. W. Hilton's old stood. Itnll72tf WM. 11. lIILETZ. DISSOLUTION,OF PARTNER p.—Thh c,,partmmillip heretofore elskt , hue 11etween the underangned at Carlisle, Pa., under the name of .Nagls`,S: Smel to," le this clay dissolved by mutual! consent. HENRY 4A01,E, 11. F. SMELT!,. Cu rlixlo Fob. 29,1572. 00-PARTNERSIIIP NOTICE.— _ V.:I -The undersigned, 'moo OA day formod a co partliornbip tinder tho union of Fmolta & Co., for ttio rune., of Mannino:wing and lteraldng curl lager and enamel Sr iti otho Old Stand" of Noglo & Soiodz, flit street, Carll do, Po Ihe "Nei, Firm" !teatime all Ilk, llubllitwx of the Into fir") of Nagln & Sinoltn, and hare tho right to tho collection of all bills 110103,1111 d Look Jettoints of dm tato firm of inglu & Sttielt4 B. F. SMELTZ, lIENHY SCHILLING rtrlislo, PA. 20, 1572. 7141172 U I) I SSOLUTION. - -'l'he co-parhi6rship in-i ht , ivert retolore rsim lox Ile twri. ti Williato 11. Brett awl Lewis tinder tho firm mime of 1ti,: 2 11 hoe 'ibis tiny imen ate eolrnl by 17111( LIM rotiiiiifit Permit, ifittotittfil to the_ late firm will I rottle with either of tho mitlersigord On ineillately IS= The livery hu.i,xs wi II li. reafter be condarted at the old ntal..l, by the utl.aalanail 711111723: 11.111113 TV, =I ME COYLE BROTHERS, JABBING AND COMMISRION MERCIIANTS, ' N0..24 SOOT!! ILAROVER ST., CARLISLE. They have constantly in stock a large selection of Notions and Panay Dry Goods, ladies' and gent's hosiery, gloves, suspenders, neck ties and bows, white trimming and rufiling,.paper collars and cuffs, note, cap, business, letter, billet, Wrapping paper, envelopes, paper bags, fie yarn, drugs, fancy soap, hair oil, perfume, and an endless variety of Ituick. s. All uitlors will recoivo prompt attom tion. 71111172d' plßoTnoNoTnny's is hrrnlo) git on flint th• follow ng tro.t accounts l u ll. Loco 111, d In my ollice nod n ill lot preanntnd to t: a Cont I C ucAu. Plan• of t' non berland r, o n ly for ntoatirontlion, too Wedne.d.,, the tonth J.,Z of Apr 4 I b 72, rig: .1. Viral aud partial ant:vont of J. Ito hoot, and Y. IL Long malt:oyes of Joh W. Hat tumor,. A. Tho auouat of It. NV 'loon, lumi t neo of 1,. W. A lormos. . . 3. klieg autt final account of 5 N. Eminger. sltcnee of Daniel Lloil>.•I. 4. The areolint nC James D. Rea, c , annaittne Richard C. Woo.l 5. ilot. account of Thoq C commit too of z , amool %V. Bratton. 14 8 .2 (0 to '2 50 k96:22 0 • '''''' 23 1 50 B. 11. account of Jocub Mumma., committee of Joe°litiroes, /t lunatic. 7. First and plink 1 scroont of W. 11 Miller awl W. Ssitivr, >ssil;ur.•s of William Clark W. V. CA VA NAUS/11, Prot ouots ry. Cori 7xlo, March 6, 1873. 7 tull72tc. List of unclaimed letters remaining in the poutofilee at Carlislo, Pa., for the WEEK ENDING, MARCH 0, 1872 : I=l Allrermuker Isl la Brown Sto M Macyßan Royer MArgAr.t. Brady .na y llavunport Wipers Anna Gntduor Clirlst'anna GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Murray II 1) Molar Thomas F. Purnell John Qrglek Win P 111C0 Chin Ira -4+m Mm L Sett George W Shakrepear Deo) Smith a w 'Snyder John W Tritt Ilenhanlu Tyliillion Jos. Thoinrinn A K :Vann William oltdom H ft Blister U A Barrack A adroit Diller 81...1 Datr Theodore Em.rla - Edward Balmer M F. Hero William (I aka A arlrow (lutalntll'l' A Uraeff U W llonolar James Kehler lAralsoy•Juka A liabrick 800 T Great Bargains MBE undersigned, agent — "for - David ustz, mat der....11;6(1, wishing to retire, flout busiiii,a, will toll at greatly roclucod cash rates, tile largo t.teelt of LADIES' AND ft c:NTLESI.IiN'SYCRS andOLOV ES, TRUNKS, e-- -q VALIS,S, TRAVELLING SATUUELS, RORES, EIEEIM • and n forgo vol'lory of Norio , f. .Thu •n tin• 'Hock will be o• Id tilt on liberal term( In ,kny ono , deal. log- TO co'd'a r the , nooln,, A Imo, 11. lbo N.r0.100111 ciin b 0 110 for, fur,a v. miler of JACOB Bons. No I North Ilanever Atreet, upptatito the Carlitee hunk, Carl to le, Po. 'Penton. knowing theinnelvea to be Itninbt oil wit plea.e cull nod genie their lICCOIIIVE • 4.11n72-31n. Carriage .Depository. HARRISBURG' CARRYAGEIS ' EPOSITOMY! 424-MARKET STREET.-424 IN PANSONfi 'Acimci3i;iunni ivnitugousE Alt kinds of Light Carrlagos,-Top Baptism. Op'en Daggles4 , llastons,Clirryalls,Rockttways, Itrowianle, Tllbarys, 'Ate., constantly 00 him), and at the very I.OWEAT Welliten I to null nothing . but GOOD. THOROUGH MAW, SUII.TA NTLt I,'WORIC of tho latest styles. 'leery, Carriage U arrtintetl; Call atulaeo tie Win titer eau think to buy or not. GEO. A. 'I'ITCO3I.II . S: .CO. 29feint •, Peter !lodge, .4(trber. NEW BARBER 6110 P Poter 'Fledge has recently opened the National Shemin4 Salami ' No 5, East. Main street, Irvine'a lea. . cutting, iihatopuolug. elinving,mouatache dying promptly attended to. ' Ladieei hair cutting ...cutal In the Intent City etylos My pricettarti un vony.shuhlo flu any oilier saloon In Hilo plift. I have none iiietontjehrtloymonymon my - wipley.. Ilonry Kennedy will, also, be 'found at - my atltion ...Plelse give ma a call. /iro lroi , lectit or Sato 100. R. RENT.—TiIe subsoribor. Wore JL! , for rent, from 'tat April nail, that Brick Dwell. lug Horace lu r..4r of Dic,klnson College, now ocou plod: by Huy. Frye loin.. It • lolling one ter- the moat plaaaapt hornea in this Borough, ' For Term,' enquire at the Pont Office. • .ELLEN:D. Nnaa:ra. 183a72tf. . . . VOW SALE OR' RENT:- , -A tommp diouls-Two.Story Brick Musa, No. 80 . North 'Pitt Btreot. ♦tply to Mrs. M. N.. Loo. • ,HOUSE FOR, BALD, NO. 36 WEST "7. Ii.'II,6YEABTION.. 12Jan71 ÜBT roceivod'anothor largo supply'. off thud' beautiful &lacono In cloth colors, for Zirmlkd sulk; at A. W. BRATZ It 3. MC= LEWIS BOSh, WM. II RRETZ W. SCOTT COYLII. 1872 billiNc COYLE BROTHERS pfi i g .torso fonco 51 50 ilridaflnokor, *flaying ytrifut 18 80 .1. Thiolio in, mann r 0...... 12, 00 Joh', liming, ffio. cow ' 55 00 S. Ponalorgrimo, moulding Caandle. 13 00 ll' Ohl, allfferoucil no mulo.. 250 00 Galvin Muffle Kiobb Sally Lino Laura M•Ulnughiin Auuo Puffer Alcinda Stewart Annie A 1% °oda C A To eneh from connty Treneurer, enn ui 1117,000 00 T” oash from other Itourcee as .hillittid to the ror . 4,olng elatemeot r 2,457 01 E. D. RHEEM, . Postmistress Number of papers In the Ilouse January. 1, IS7I (13 ut ohoui yo(u colored,) 117 Number of paupers admitted up to Derom• soul hero prugnant,) r g . - Atilt. number provided for 'during 'the Year 204 Number died, of whom &were cblered 18 Noinhoe boom' tatt ' 'S Nmubm dh 1. charged and ..ped 1 0 6 140 Numb.r relearning In the 11mose January 1, 1872, of whom 20 mo colored 148 Number of out door paupers support...' at pudic expellee 00 Whole `nambor chargeable on Ja . 4tary 8, GERE = Mad° 225 pair pants, 27 roots, 9 coat. 20 pair cloth inittons, 90 pair ',locking. knit, 40 pair mock;' toga footed, 20 bonnets, 40c apes, 107 locks,lll9l aprons. 90 comr , fos, 180 chemises, 300 .torte, 100 , frocks, 75 pillow al ipa, 22 holsters, 72 chaff beds, 180 shoots, 1511 handkorchinfoi hornmak 31 'pillow calm, 40 dhildrons' frocks, 16 children.' shirts, 100 Bus • ponderx, 100 tow ill shirts, 18 shroud', , 300 pounds hard soap, 85 barrels of soft soap woro made, , Made 141 pater now shoes. 2 pair boots footed, 1'25 ~.pelr half soled and horded, 29 pear half soled, 50 pair repetred. and 1 new halter. ' -- DONE . 410Ps PETER 1101,0 Pop' 41o!trie Otqtenient, POOH MENT TOR ° A.D. ISAAC WAGNER, 'JOHN•' , UMBER 7 GER and JACOB • WAGGONER, es quires, Directors of the ,Poor and of ' the' House of Employment et Cumber land county in account with • said county; from the first day 0f... January to the .tisirty-first day of December, A. D., 1871, inclusive :• : , •', • To caoh from County Treaituror; cotimato.3l7,ooo 00 To cook from Dario Wegner, eau , money reintidod ' ' 14'76 To - cook from SA. Bower., esq.„.money , refunded ' ' 200 'Tii — CitTh finni,J . . 51:Menne, esti., for sup. port of C. Laughlin 60 CO To cosh from J.. 4 J. Smith, Mp, for Bhp. port of Joseph Smith - ' 106 00 To cash from Joseph Baker, req , for sup- '' - port of 11,iry WM° - 75 00 To Soot, from Jacob Rhoads, eau., for the support ofSatnuol till! 75 00 To moth from Alm. Chitteuden, fori.the support of if. Chlttendon , St 00 To casts from William Trestla, fur thosup. port oft pauper 2 CO To cash from Ellen Juno Bowin, for . . boarding . its f 0 To cosh from Major Line and other., for 22 h 'lves sold 133 50 To cash from Berton, and othore, fur corn and o.rts - 0 . 1 . 0 19 To cash from Mrs Ruing and others, for '•• _: potitt,.ev ". 1 ' 800 To cash front .1. Livingston and othero, fur - lord nod tallow 104 29 To cash from ' tiliver Irvin and othorn, for rood corn 9 00 To cash from J. Cloodenlit and others, for hldos : 216 05 To earl, from Henry Snyder, for . eau .of teams to haul sued 20 50 To caoh trout Dowalt Wink, for wood, corn and onto 71 03 To assh from Michael t go, for flour, coal and potattoe 63 SO To cash front John Paul, for ' /goys 15 op 'u6:iialt froth a drover, for one cow - 05 00 To coh front James Smith, for uos )f . grain drill 210 To coil, from John taller, for egg. 1 07 To cash from John Paul. for candles,— , .71 To cash front lalanco on sott;oment of 1870 ' 249 02 EIEMMIT! • CR. - To cash paid John Faller and others, for groceries . 1,010 52 W. A. hillos and others„ ICON chandise ' • 2,295 87 131 rs. Salisbury and others, out door old ' 2,475 02 Detroit Wink and others, shoe .m‘king and tailoring 309 80 David 81pe and others, outdoor innorai expenses 310 22 Di rash paid D U Daps and oth ers, for outdoor.medreal aid.. 100 00 D Smith and others, coliktatles' nod Justirostfeas, 287 09 Beetent and others, cnAl for fuel 1,281 40 J 11 Bosier-and others, flour, bran and grinding 907 12 J Boas and other's, hats, shirts and mils 144,05 Henry :4txton anti others, hard- . , ware 259 80 Simon Sol ith and others, smith ing - • 173 25 A brain W Omer and others, wood for fuel 324 27 Fridioi and others, tinware nod tlnkorL g 161 71 It C Woodward and, others, Clover and tomithy seed „ „ 46 00 J 1110108 and others, rattle for beef 1 801 23 Clendcnin and others, leather 313 30 llescalt. .Wink and others, hAy.e making nod harvest 61 42 E h Itbeom and tethers, postage, box rent and atailonory : 19 26 Lour Wagner and others, trav eling expendes 34 33 I'lliladolph in a:mshouso and there, rapport of paupers.— 09 48 71 Miller nod others, cabbage plants te 9 16 John Lois not ethers, flab 7 20 .1 Ehright and others, repair/lig pump 8 25 I roar Witemsr and others, extra eervlce - 00 01 Cornumn A Worthlngton,.drugs es• l mod shim, 111. el/ Campbell .0 Ilcuw.o.l, fixtures I.lloBpitai 21 00 lie 01' end Goodyear, 1,210 clu,t not rolls 93 25 Ca. Eel , ' Dep. t 000 k, mucey holed 1 660 00 F thlrfleicr .1 Co., window grates 164 15 Ilardnor .4 Co., Caßtingti...... 12 00 'Dorn pike company, too 4 43 Hort/ay A. Halbert, chairs 64 25 A Eiblossuil it, flour - 420 80 Jacob 'f ego I. cunt 13.1 00 0,” 11 Einog, fl,xurnncn poilmeA. 250 11 C ages triaklug...„....el'' 46 45 Geo Sponeler, ion, br00m5..... 32 50 John plasterinc • 8 00 Lewis Either, mason work 18 MI John saddling V ui) l'etOr 11.1eV, r 5 17 It/ lleury.B Rupp: flowers lB 40 It) cash 1051 d Jacob Dryikle for reaper 70 00 n0w.48, check boob tag! 1,10., 101(z, repairing 1 311 i ' up, C. i•al I Itnoro making and r, Olver It yin. vinednr.., 10 25 11. Snyder. :Tides and r.1d0r... IT 00 Julio ['no!, 1/1!.11.1, doh and swei.t potato. .1 kII. Rhoads, fruight uii sopa [lorry Bear, grindston° 6 00 Juno, 4tea ard, pomp aioeli. • . 5 60 .lacoli Landis, firing limo iitack P. Ziegli.r, extra Rerviro....._ 10 00 .1.1111114 Rost fill I, wok in hospital 95 lib SIIS/111 Nof. cookroK Frau botking• E4c. eurpolitur Pet, 1l y yrs, tennotter t. 240 00 N St,dpr elelo owl loqllll,ltOr ano (0 .1; It. 10 tittornoy '4O 00 S. A. Bowers, tremor, 100 00 John Paul, 4 months' Rotary... IC 00 Henry Westing, 0 months' salary 225 00 Henry Suy.tor, salary as stow- ord . Jenne Wacurr. director- 'lOO 00 John Umbcrger, director ICKI 00 Jacob Wag,ou, r, dlroctor 100 00 $18,853 40 • Ilitlat v it lhando 414 Trott. 111 603 55 . -410,451 01 AMl7E", , mri If MTV t.lt9 , esq , 'Ammer of the Poor nous° and lloo•o of Employment of Ctiniberinnd County, irm cont with time Directors of said Institutio from o the drat day of January, to the thirty-first day of December, VOL DR. CR. Lly eroli N od on Dli.etors' order. '548,84,8 48 lialanco in of Tronottrar /MI 65 OPERATIONS OF 11116 INSTITU LION DURING TIME YEAR MTh STATEMENT OF STEWARD AND MATRON EIMER bar 31, 1871. Number of paupers horn In the Howie. (6 There ere In Ur. Homo as near as can be eater. tid red, ts under 1 year of ago, Cfrona 1 10b,6 from I to 10, 13 from 10 to 20, 12 from 20 to 30,17 from 20 to .10, 24 from' 40 tooo, 16 from 60 to rO, 21 from 60 to 70. 19 from 70 to 80, and 3 from 80 to DO. In addttldn to the above 1,010 traveling_ or tran eleut panne. a have been-rm-eived - Witliont regular of Oer•, to whom were given 10,826 meal', end many of them wore turnlahed with articles of clothing. 1110CZED8 01 , FARM. 1,300 bushels wheat; -- '4,11) 0 ''bushels eat.. 3,000, I neldee eh el mod ..eorn,"l,t‘o4l 6114115' potatoee,, 43 loads hey,„ 30 • loads fodder, 4 monde pumpliine, 12 busholtr our lie, 1 bushel sets onions. 35 bushels' red be , to, 20 bushels green beans, 5 bilehols peas, 20 bushel,. toulatees,'so buebols turnirs, t 0 bushels parsnip., 3 600 heeds e,bbage, 2,0 0 ducuinbere,•l - dried eh. trim 2 'bushele dried epPles, (100 dozens eggs wore glveb to . pauper.) burnt 4,000 bushels of limo, made 4;342 pounds of butter, and 45 erorlca of spplebutter worn mode. . AIITICLEB MADE IN Tme,trousr.. ' , 'WORK DONE IN 81I0ITASAItgn 8110 P Made 30 coffins, 2 harrow., 1 largo cultleator;f gates, 400 fret board • tonna, 200 Panel Of poet and rail fume, 6n panol of lone° mot, And mode a lot or olugro and doubler treoo, and Elam hammer handle.. BTOCEI.IPATTKNED AND KILLED 27 beeves. (average welgbt C 42 lbe.,) 17,492 Ibib k calve/4'(aseitige, weight 76 lbe ,)142 lbe., 4 bop (new ago weight 210 lbe 9;010 lbo.,lnaklng- Ia on 20,004 lba ' . • BTOCK ON NAXOS JANDA= 1, 1872 B.mules; 8 horses, 28 flinch colds , 5 head of Moil( cottlo, 18 atom, 4 town, 17 !shoots and 8 pip— UTIMBILB' ON.FAIIM JANUARY I r 187 r. broad and 1 harrow wheeled wagons, 1 tone wagon. 1 steno sled, 2 pair wood ladders, 1 pair rail laddere, 8 pair hay laddere,•l wagon bed, 1 Jack mow, 1 cart, and cart.geirs, 1 opting wagon and steam 2 large elode, 0 plows, 4 harrows, 8 carnhar7, rose, 2 singlo and 0 double shovel plows, 2 largo and 4 'email oultliators, 1 roller, 1 grain drill, 1 largr separator and' No. 1 brims power, 1 wind Mill, 1 fodder, cntter,-I hand corn sheller, six *whir •rowii,,2 log chains, 10 setts wagon geara 4Batttploan gem, 2 Ilftleutta 1 carrying chain, mriread_ and double trove, 10 fly. gotta, 2 wagon sadflhie, 11-% baiter,/ and chains, 46.c0w 0110100, 1 sett of carpen ter tools, 1 Bolt of blacksmith 'Prole, 7 grain cradles, rattelllfl itoYihes, rvilt? Wimp ;444011:0004/` _ . lion4Q•Rftltßinetzt."C mattock, 2 , crowbars, 2 -store?. 4014014 shoNels, grain reapers and mower's land' itfarietj'of steno hammers, .quarrying tools, spades, forks, rakes; pieltios, corn hoes, wood saws, axes, mauls, wedges, °ltraut knife, 6c _, are. , Steward. . ' 'ELIZAI3ETII SNYDER, Matron. We, the Dlrettors °flits Poor and !louse of Einj ployment of Cumberland county, do certify the' abuse aud foregoing to ho to eotrect statement p( the rottelPtaandexPendltdris of'dald Inktitutfori• from) the first day of January to the thirty-first day of. leoomb4 1871, and also of the operations of said In-; stltuflon daring the came perlod; and of its condi-. tlon on,January 1, 1871, accordineto the'boot of onrl knowledge. Olsen under our hands this eighth dayl , of January, A. D. 1872 ISAAC WAGNER, ,' JOHN UMBEROER - ; JACOB SVAGOODEfiI •il Directors of the Poor of Cumberland county. We, the.Abditbes. of Clumbinlitielli6tnfl; fintingi examln.d the account and 'mei - hors of the Directors of the Poor and House of Employment 'of said county, from Jauunry 1, to December thirty-Brat; 1811, Add elm' the account and von'ehers•of Patnitel A. Bowers, esti, 7 rresurer of mid Institution for the name ppriod. do certify that. we' find n balance in 'hands id Tritnurer tit 'Mx hundred MirPtiirce Abl.• lure nod tlfty.livo cent. Given under our - Ildttati this soveuteinith day. or.lranktery. , A. , D.• 1812. 0. V. KELLEY, - JACOB lIEMMINGEtti PETER SNYDER, Auditors of eureherlind county. ElisEl 1T" (1 ..* K.' o e E''. I 2 Cm 'w ..a H CO LI 0 • Pii' O n 5 . r1 dim 5V ~ -, sr-3: tl, 6 -Imic.o4 0 •- , 0 la.s"H sa , = = .. , =' • 13 1 iii= l 2Fl a--- V, Sao ' 17.1' ao r - E - *b4 ~.t ..I , xo ti f- > co ~.. 0 0 P.' ir ° .., N E '8 P '4l g .W eR : . r m r 4 :VOI J ri i. j..,,4 l l:dz' ci cu'l 0 = cl ' t ,c,:4 , .1,7p16,1 .2.,„4 0 K"g V , c' el ei y g ,-- tin iws-' cl gg.-.82.--bOl i t ls g --4 ..,. — O4 , . 4 a., ....,.., A mo stop , .:%. gy5. , , iti. ov wzi:t4 w.a , 1 cn i1r.1.44 °c . 1, ' .1; ? ,,--; :r• >ri ' 1 .1 R e ,,. P.- d CO: c/ a • - ~. ~., tv mr . - I' ~ -0 I''l r 4 MS 5. ° r) z,?,fw %-i„ 'z .1..1..4_0 Q ti 4. 5 iZto t=l.-3 la. ti . tigna' •-, c' - 0 t.i.i - ... (I) c 4 .p,, -4 1. .$10,957`01 Pain CuPe Oil PAIN CURE OIL, 'MERE 38 NOTIIIIT6 33KE IT FOR PAINS, SORES, WOUNDS AND LAUENESS BUY IZI TRY IT! FOIL RHEUMATISM,. USE PAIN CURE OIL. FOR NEURALGIA. - USE PAIN CURE OIL FOR FEVER 1. 4 01 LE. USE PAIN CURE OIL. FOR ctioLmwmoanus,.. USE PAIN, CURE OIL. FOIL SPRAINS. -' USE. PAIN CURE OIL. FOR 1111ADACHE, , - USE PAIN CURE OIL FOIL BRUISES, USE PAIN CURE OIL. FOR CORNS and BUNIONS, USE PAIN CURE OIL. FOR ASV SORE, USE PAIN ME OIL. FOR.ANY LAMENESS, USE PAIN CURDOIL. Eti=lll=73:23=ll And WO citation an the %frigid td produce Ito equal. Used Externally and Internally for MAN AND BEAST. Ask for PAIN CURE OIL. Take t o other, t r WARRANT IT TO CURE. 41 not a blister log preparation, hot an OIL, wade ft Ow pure Vegetable Oils,. herbs, and Extracts, anithi clean and sato to use: Bold by all Druggists and Dealerii iu Medicines. PRICE, FIFTY CENTS. Ifs-CLIME & EATON; Prog;riotoni, Roodlog, Pa. . Bold In Cailislo by J. IL Haveratlck, No, 5 South llanovor street, and d. A llnvilittot, North Hanover streak drugglsta,. 29feb721y FLIMEI OEM ..Pacijia (Piano'. SOLUBLE p A owrio GUANO. PRICES REDUCED. STANDARD GUARANTEED. Farmers and Dealers are informed that this article contains all the requisite elements as a Ferterlizer that the soil will digest, and 'while it is quirk in Ha action, it Is permanent In its effect. The increased demand for this Cian° in the Southern and Middle States, is a sore criterion of its JNO. S. REESE §• CO., Oen,nl Agents, •122 South Delaware Menus Philadelphia. IFB - Tre call the attention of Tobacco growers to thin Guano. LIDEI&I, DISCOUNT T.) VEALINIS. 29f01,72.imfiliu3rn 5.) 00 00 00 204 II 6.9 f:0 200 00 Fenton, Tkompson ,E Co .7. , •,, RNI 3. - tk, ,7 4 4, . 'O. Z.. - : , 41 . 7. to ;: ,1 -ii C=:) i ,t:S:( i P --1 ..7 '',.Nv:j .. 9 a; --I ZAI ;, ,-, -. 2,.;?,2,tii 6,41-1 ....S4 t , pm 4 l'g 0.. rcr-Nscq,a) ' ' &'tl", )."•e -c' 1 4 t-i' tal 0 to co - 0 S' tzl„,.._ ...F . 6 ...., .?0 c:, t, isp. .;' '1,.., i• m t I'„ '----' !'m ~, -. I ~..4 :-... ~,...,. ~.„ ~.w.-4 1 _ 4 7 ,—). %---i . a:i c..d !'" •••:,,. a....., ~, «.-- c- a. N ti b z 2 1..,r...,. . tr,,,.us:). :-1.•!:•-4 CV ''. .7t:;14.1, ...Ftx:l F t. 4 M. ';', t'l .0 R , -S.4+ CA .. i . 'i io 1 .3 , -. 4 N F, , , •g C , h. 41- 1,,,,, 0 - g:;t• .0 sm .....4 K % ' .4 ' . : .1 ' ri !... 0 1 . . 2 (::.) ;ie . g . .$ • 2 • ii 3.- MIMI ,Silverware and JetveirY: eCAL3EI.I3. ,E. C,.,.. , 0. . . ALDWELL &C NO. 002 CIIIESTNOT STREET, • • . . • PHILADELPHIA. , ,SIESSES. CAIDWEI,L,4 CO., ,DESIRII4O CALL ESPECIAL ...VETENT/ON , i TO 'FAKIR.. DEPAIVT IIENT OF SOLID SILVER WARES. • - ; POSSEBSINO SUPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL DE ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE THEIR Anpoipe 041ity. ,GENERAL MARKET, ALL TILE NOVELTIES AND IMPBOTE, MEETS z IN SILVER GOODS AS RAPIDLY AS PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION Bpimkgiv,EN :BPEct,IIMIII3,OIF BRI DAL AND OTHER PRESENTATION Min..' VIE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED BY THEM IS - TIT AT' OF ENOLOR STERLING,. 0254901Une FINE, Tua,QuAlurr by jimmy ARTICLE , SOLD BEING . STRICTLY GUAR • ATTENTION . ISM RESPETGIVGLLY - DIRMIED TO THE 'UNVARYING DGBINESS POLICY DI THIS HOUSE IN REGARD-TO TRH vinsiLy ES. TABLISqED SYSTEM OP FIX iSD PRIOES, , WRICH WILL . DR-RIGIDLY'-ADHERED 4N , ALL OASES, SECURING TO PURCIIASERH, FAIIOiSS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION.' . POLITE! -ATTENTION. MAY DE EXPECTED DY ALL WHO MAXPAVOR TIIE.SI WITTE A VISIT. LT ATTENDED TO ' .O:"E.'CALD WELL & CO. 0.1"0721y • . PIRST-OLAIA Stone and Itaith .km:.` EitiWalbrory tor, bulb or loan. Etiqulro "' !', !tAr§,4 13 ) , 0 ., • ) _42 . 9 , 1110 • . Mayville, Pe. HATS; Feathers, Ribbons, &0., just received at • A. W. DUN= & CO. I**lll. REGISTIARS' hereby given to all p.rsone intorestod, that the followilla oematints hdro hoar this Moo' by the accountants therein named for examination. and copfinnatlon. wilt bnprizaanted to the -Orphans" Cant t of Cumberland County, far confirmation and. ,olloWentodif TtieilaY ? ; 16,'A.:1),;1672: e"cdtnii ISMS' S.,CidiliVitilinlniiitiator of. Robt:Clark,late OCCArlfsfe, d ;- eco:dad: " „ 2. First and final tledidint.ior'ilL'and A. Womis,; administrators. of. H . Wonde r late of Frankton! , township, deceased: - `.• ;13."Aicontit of Ohristran'lt 11; genraltititit Polecat, "4. Flt 'and final diction! Of.X. 0. Dare, admlnis, tracer of estate of kevr.Line, Into of, least Yenns. : loth' torniship, decoisecL;. O. Tlicafirst account of Joseph' Meer, and edam& Clover, executors - of the nstata of Henry Clover, - deceased.' „ ' • 6, First andrinal account of Zucharian Smith, ad 'ininlstratot Of torah Ifofforty, lute of ,Upper Idn lowbebip, deceased. 7. First and final account of Joseph Young; ndmin ais_trator of James Ilarrls,,late of the .-b orough at N ew, Cumberland, deceased., • r . 11 i • 6: Tho account or. John' Dor err' nititainistrntdr; Samuollisher,'lnto of Pond tuslishlp;' dee - 61X o:'Adtillnlaratipn et.Ccou'n(Of Georg', administratorpf 'Susan Cle . ver, Into of Southamp l tan townsliii, deemed. 10,•Ac;ount of Jncnb and 11. 11,.RoLuck, ; execnt , ,ra of Christian 11,; deceased, Into of Southataptoti township. • Panitiol Foughtoleceased. Elect and 'final no.; totoil of Dr. George Pnliner,, executor', or calif 12. The Prat and Pool administrat;on account of ; Daniel Vire, executor of tho last will sind tests meat of Jacob Rife. late of Nast Peurisboro• town ship, Cumberland County, kn., doaeased. • . 13. First and'llual account of John Plank,'execntor of liabella Lucas, Into of eti,nroo tiamship; doomed. " • 14. ,, The first and final acepuukof itenry_ZiiLerninn • and Isaac Zimmerman. executors of Christian Zimmerman; of Lower Mimi township, deceased. ; lg. The account of John Gladder, Cr,, a'dministratori, de—Lenin nen Or - Frederick Zolgler, Into ; of Mast --Pen nabore`towurbly, doceased„ • la i Z u h;a p c , co i r to tof o .an f z . D t un i ta2leze o c i Vor t o o Ugv i c i! : . deceased. • ; 17. Account °t heater A. rlcutn,, ,, end Joseph A: Stuart, executors of LI, last will amt ta•tminsi4 of WllBOll Fleming, deceased. 18. The account of Alfred Illitnohart, administrator of Joseph Ithinehart, late of Booth Middleton_ townbhip, deceased. 10. First and final account of Famed A. McCtinei ' executor of Jame, McCann, late of Newton town, ebip. Cumburland county, deceased. • , 20. The account of J/1111. T. McElhinny and Robert .' McElhinny, executors Of '.tames .McElhinny, late of the borough of Newburg, Cumborlaud e6Unti . , deceased. • 11. The account of 3foeen Umuor ' adminierator of the, estate of Joseph Conner, Into of Frankford township, deceased. 22. 'The account Of George W. Livingston, now de ceased, one of the administrators ot,Jamos Lietog -aton, s ate of Monroe township, decoastd, as settled ' • •ay Benjamin Niesley,'adruinistrator of the said George W. Lirlemidon, deceased. 23. First ' and final account of Samuel Mamma, nd: ministratu'r of Fredrick Mumma, late of Hampden township, deceased. 24. Thi n account of Benjamin (Brier ; executor oi Benjamin Girler, sr., late of Monroe township, deceased. 29. The account of Jacob Mumma, g - usrdlan • of Parnual_ P. linucla; minor ton of Adam Mauch. de/. tensed. 20. Tito first and float account of Jolt afp nduistrator dl Saionno Aspor, into of Mini I n too,, ship, deceased... 27. Tito first arutflual account of 0. P. ifitrorlch, hil.ninbtraldt of tho wild° oh Mrs. 011...th0f F.guiff, late of shit borough oh cll/ Italy, deceased. 4. Account of Josoph Loss; Csq., exectitor of Mr . Pis:Omit Bennett, deccacutl.•latutt the borough • of Mccrianicsunrg. 39. The account of bore K. M. Curl - pick, execttiol. of• Asabella lieffictinger, Into of Bhippenshurgl, 30. Tho first and final account of Henry Snydes'., executor of Jacob net [line, deceased. 3i. The account'of Abraham Bonier, tehloinistratoe de tools now - WO t,stamento of - Nsthan Woods, Into of West Peunsboro' township, do ceased. USE 32. The account of James.'"). Poll, administratnr do Louis non cam testament° annexe, of Jaynes Denim" late of the township of West Ponneboto . deceased. 33. 'the account of James D. Bull, administrator de brads von of John Dunlap..late of the townsli p of {Vest Fenneboro deceased. 31.,The account of Joseph Erb atid Benjamin Erb. executors of the last will and tealanneit of Benjamin Erb, late of Ihtuipden township, ao reasnd. 33. First and final "account of Edwin James, ad Sinintrator C. t. n.. of the estate' of Sarah NV woyer,deceased, Into of the borough of News - Die, 'entints. or 213,' First and final account of John B. Shaeffer, ad ministrator of Samuel Strangler, lute of South Middleton tewnrhip, deceased 37. First and final account . of -John Unman, exeet}- tog of Catharine' dicholc, isle of the bcrough of Cerlfsle, deSeased. 34. The amount of Henry Barnlts,, now deceased, Daniel If. Barnitz and William Barnits, exectiters . of Jacob Barnlts, Imo 01 Dickinson' township, de ceased, as settled by William &traits, one of the servicing executors. - 39. Fired and final account of W. W. Wanbraigib adininistrator of Marla akin, Into of Siker Spring township, deceased, JOSEfil NEELY, e• 22fe72toe Resister. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on tho estato of trAniel IlP , roll, lot. of Now Cumberland, Gutohn-- land county, docemed, bare born issued by tho Ito;tistor of Cumberland county to tho residing In tho samo borough. All perso.•s In debted to said estate will Ritmo° mako immediate psyment, and those having claims will prep.t them, properly authenticated for sottlemont, to IE2EI ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letter, of administration on the estate of .Comild Throne. Into of West Pennsboro' township, &Yemeni, have been_litrued be the Register of Cumberlarid county, to the subscriber, reulding at Mount Rack. All persona Indebted to sold fetal., will please make payment, and those havlbit to present thorn, duly untlinnticated, to the under signed for settlement. =SI A DIIIIISTRA.TRIX'S NOTICE.- „LA. Letters of administration on the estate of Amos Whitener, deceased , Into of Dickinson town aldp,Cumberlande county, have been Issued ky the Register of Cumberland county to the undersigned residing In .1,1 township. All persons Indebted to Judd estate will pies. make immediate payment, add those having claims to present them, 1,01.0 y authenticated for settlement, to 20fobTlOt .ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate of Rebecca info Agnew, Cato of )Vest" Pennsboro' towns4lp, deceased, have burn issued by the Register of CUIll• beriand county, to tho subscriber, residing in the same township. All remons indebted to said tstato will please make payment. end those having claims to present them, d illy authenticated, to the node, signed for settlement. WM. C RLACIt, 1f072.00 Administrator. aq I rD Go ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Letti:rs of athalttiotrallnu on the estate of Wm. II Swartz, decoy Fed, late it Lust Penusboru tom, nshl,p, hay° been is.,ned hp tho Register of Cumberland County. to the umlyrolumed .4thtlinitarlitorti. All persons halcht..d to said estate will idolise mate pay ment, and thole having claims lit pr.aent them, duly unthantle.tod, to-.the Iludoi1111;11Pa for settlement. Ifo72Ct EXECUTOR'S NOTICE..-- Letturs teetomenttry ou thin estate of John hunn , ln , o or llletninlrn township, does:m.l, hare NMI Is-it i by ihn ltvgltiler.of thunbor.und county, to tho l u l amelgncd in tipper All. townthip: Alt Trevor. Indebted to sold relate will vet., runt, int;' malintepayntont,und those hoeing ululate to Fr: sent them duly outnenticeted, to 11m mutat-I%prd for settlement. col CZ= o- EXECU'rOIII3 NOTlGE..—Lettere testnruentary'on the (slate of Mins' Alex ruder, lat. of .Er5,n14 , ..1 townsl•ip, deceased, have bred in' sued by the Register of Cumberlttnd county, t. the 'Wherein, residing In 111 , sersville, Frankfor , town. ship. All pergolas Ind sided to sold estate will please malre•lmmedlntO psymont, and those havltnt.otnltee to present them duly outhunt)antell, to the tunfer+ signed, for settlement..„ • SAMUEL ALEXANDPI. 22febr2nt. • Rxectit,,k,. • - 2 - TN THE matter of tile aeligetntha of jt_ John Weber, forths houellt of erodltoro. . . . :Notion to herchr given.' that the undersis , lo4h (Auditor appointed by the Courtin!' eOllllllOll , of Cuirnbrrbind rbinity, to realm distribution of the lialahco •in the liatuts,'of Samuel /tborls itssigaro, among the creditors Ontitleg i wherato,) wll attend to the duties of hie appointment at hm °Piro 1 n't h borough or Carlisle, on Thursday, March 11, I at 10 o'clock,, a.m., et which limo and Disco , creditor. aro roquostod to previa , their chains against Om said .Aeolgoor.r • 0. 1.1. - 111AOLAII011LIN, Feb. 113,0187.2. ' Auditor. • 7.210b723t • .„ rlOOTlCE:WhorOas;.....idttiirs" of tul .A ministration .no' thu relate of. Jamtit tong, canker, late of Rant l'enneboru' townritip, di rratiril. kayo boon created, to the, suinoniber, resMitur in )4outb„1111dlleton townsbip. !All meant ' imireted to the'eatil relate are reime4- to iniik6 payMenh and; those bovine, ilaints or dein:m.le against the attain of Ito sold dCaßla will make known the INMAN In ' UEOItOIIOI,9ARTZ,I Mininistrat , r floiling.Syrings t. 0.. Oamberiand aunty. Pie. 20 , 072 W, , . •.• •I. . •• , WE have just koooived 500 yardri of splqudld Crath, at 12J contra per yard; at tha,c4ail 0.. 1 of. , . A. IV. DRUZ A W..: •' • • _ . 100 .fEW'PALti . E3144WL8, - . littotA' • Nail ', A. ' . ' gc. Iv. 'DENTE ,&. 00.8. rop,divcid augtlol:•fiitra )3.41 )uof .sup q , lakiALi:of 1i Alfmcdp, c re Mick, at A, W. BENTZ O. • A ,17. IL.' W.. BENTZ, ~,k.te CO 'S is Itho. -.CA. only pinata buy real lora uoOde I Real Dunne Lure Collar& ( Real Point Lace eon:me, . • .° 1 • " Real Valenelenn&LaCe Collars. Imitation Lace Collars at all , prices, kern tau (lonia and upwards. Real .and Imitation Lam. Ilandlcet , chiefs, and Linen' BetteVall purchased fob the holidays... ,••• • •• •, I V 4,3411 , 1 i, I Iteghttees Notices Legal Notices ONVIN JAMES. Admlnlgnitor GEORGE MILLER, - Administrator HANNAH L. NIIITDI F'.ll Athulufstrittrlx OEO. 0 SIIEAFFER, OrCa,l6lo . • .701111 DABoitH, Of twp. DANIEL IIARKLLY, • jzovnt,.r. , ,21ftsceiiqt:Iqqtit14 ::1 - 1 • litethecte . „ , STIGMA SIMILIBIRS lIRANTUji„ • H Pjiit 4 4 S' 11031E0 PA Tifl S ', ,PEETF/ AVE proved, fro We most maple experience, np ent c. income: Simple—. Srompt—Efilrlent rind Rollo Ile: They ore the poly Medicine, perfectly adapted t p pular 11110-,in etm plc that rnirtakee can not he made tef dieing - them' ; .so hornileas no to be free froni,danger, ded re 01110,31 a no to be always -tellable. IT I I O Y l orw 4 (tire biglieet conimonddileirfiein nil, mid der eatlefaction.'• ' Cents. Nos. . l reiers; Congestfoh. Inflammitt bins 26 i 20; do ,Wqrrqp, Worm Foyer, Worm COile. 25 .3, do. ' Crying•Coile or teething of Infants. 25 4, do rDlitelaisi of Ch A ildromor dults 2.1 5,1 , 110 Dysentery, Grillinz, Bilious Colin. 26 --13. do - "Cholera MorburAttitolting. " 7, do Conklin,' Colds, Bronchitis.-"."' 25 8; •do Neuralgia, TOothitcho, Paceacho. .do Handselled, Sick lloadache;Yertiib.• ". to, do Dyspepsia, Billoustitom4ch.2s 11, do Soppre.sed; tor Painful Porlodifi , '215 12, o Whites, too Profuse Poriods , 1225 13, do ',Croup:oooo. Difficult Broathing, 25 14, do Salt ithemu, Erysipolas,ilrnptions 2.5 15, to Rheninatlein."lllienitalic - Pahis, 26 rlB, , do Ophtillaniy; arid sore nr :BO :,10, . do dente er chronic, 55 20,- ..4c. 3 VhoopingStutgli,violent.coughe:. :: 50 , ' Asthma, opprossed Breathing. . • .50 Ear Dilicharges, linpaired Leaning., 60 23, do , Scrofula, enlarged' glands' do General Debility, physical ' weskutisti.. 50 Sweliings.' -50 75; ' 'do brapsy'and seanty Secretions. • 60 26, do Sea Sickness, sickness frain'r!ding. 24, do . KidtiorDlsomb, Gravel. 60 28 Nervous Debility. Nernitini Emissions. involuntary Discharges. .' 31 00 Five lloxes, with ono $2 vial of Powder, very ni•cesSnry in ierions.easen ' ' s 00 20, do Soro Month; Canker. 30, ^do Urinary Woaknesttovetting bed. So 31, do Painful Periods, with Sintsms. ' 50 32, 'do Sufferings at chango of life. 1 on 33, do• .Epilepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus Donee. 104 34„j0 Diphtheria, vim:rated sore thimit. - Si) .P.A MILS , C.4B' Of 35 to GO largo vials ' timr,ceo or reamwOnd case, Containing. a Specille, for_every ordl nary diSemin a• to soiled' to, and ,• books of directions. , from $35 Smaller Family. an Tiavoling eases, with 20 to 28 vials, t - • • • - from 35 to 34 Specifics for nil Pi irate 1 1 14easuclioth for and' for' Preventive treatment; in Tja , s and pocket...tee. : 32 to 3.1 POND'S EX'iItACT, • .+'. Cures Burns, Bruises. Lameness, Sorea,e, Sore Sprains, Toothaci.e, Bare - Cho Neuralgia, Itheunnitisni, Lumbago, Piles, Bolls. Rings, amt. Eyes, Bleeding of the Lungs, Noso, Stomach, or of Piles;, Corns, Ulcers, Olcf.Sores. , 0 50'crs ; S ESO; Qiiatie; - $1.75. .4.:0•41M50 Itetnedlea, except Pona'n r Eztrhol, by the cam or single, box, 'are sent to any part of the country, by mair ot express, free of charge, on celpt of the price. Address. • .• . Ilumphioys' Specific —: • Homeopathic Medicine Co. Wee and Bopot, No. tO2 Bromlway, Now York. For gallo lu Carnal°, by B. A. 1-fosorstick nwl Cornsonn & Worthington. - . _ 2n071.17 List ofSilles LIST OF SALES to be called by Wan DEVINNEY, AUCTIONEER.. MTN T—a en. Ku le., Middlesex. O. Zeigler, Sliver Spring. Eckert, Silver Spring. 11—Mielined lifter. Silver Spring. 12—'II rl, Ilaverntiek, Silver Spring. I.nngsdorf, Sliver Sp, • 1.1-6.0. W. Alin ight..Oliver Spring. I Stickel, Silver Spring, ' 19 —31,. Orttiz, Monroe. 2e—.lit Sheet/lA.4er, Oliver Spring. 21—M kneel Yelirst, S Middleton. • • 7,1-..lebn linttorr, Monroe. . LIST OF SALES to bo called by N. u.MOOED, AUCTIONEER. 7—eproll Woods, Dick Lehman; Seutlilifiddloton. U—Cleirlet Yeingst , Mount 1;1011Y.; ll—.7.'Shenk, Dickinson. 12-IDitniel,lloover, South 3lldiDelon. Ill—Abner Bentz, North Middleton. . 14—Jacob Znit, Aflame (*May 18-11Lirtha E. BuserMort)] Middleton. in --Simnel Sadler, Mbnnt Molly. • lU—John Fortino] I,'SMith Middleton. Yo—Lewin Faber, l'arlislo, Kinn: 20—John Sebum'', South Middleton:, Strict attention paid to calling of Salvo,. Terme moderate. MEI :ST OF SALES to be called by ' CO3I.IIODORH PORTER, AUCTIONNER A—Daniel Green, Woopenutboro'. • .—Dneld ,lityberry, Weetpenneboro'. 1. Jacob Itouer, H estpenekboro% 15-31 re. li. Hikes, Westpentelboro . , • 18-4Jnoel, Greeler,ltont 1.11111.'! • • - A tow tiny. open yot. 'l.'ortne very rnotloptte., • • MGM L IST OF SALES to bo .callod by Lovi AUCTION ERR. • S = .lrln Dellinger, Pick:firm:l. Micha 0 I Shipp, Penn. 13—. T. G. Weakley, Penn: I4—Wm. Tllilcr , Dlchlimbn. • 16—Jacol. Hrtnminger, Penn..• IS— Wm. Il lm es, Ulehlneon, F. Cramer, Penn. • 23—Adam C?over, Penn • OM .A. W. Beiktt a$ Con/pea/4j A.• w. BENTz k co. has just yo cvived n handsome mock oruliwk Telyote.s; a large line op Tattle Linens ix now (petted; prinos rathing trom tis to lii cents per yord. 11te [oat Itrard at Bloch alpacas can ho par rhintell 'ewer and better from A. If • It ItiNTZ A CO. Aloo, The largest at oh et Vinbrelln*, front tho eheopert to rho north it Ecotob ) Olithintal " ittep7l A W. BENTZ & CO., has thelargest Lx.• ,tok or Water-Foot (lensing. Velveteens wt[ll 811 k Fink!, , 11 Local . A W. BENTZ & have just re xa.• ceircd moonier invoico or bright and nob colored :ilk Veyline, gke at A. W. I.IENTZ a Co. A LARGE lot of Thibet and Casli xx mero Mack Hamls, tinulda and singlo, rocoived nt A. NV. REN'KZ & CO AN immense pile of remnants of fine Camohnercs, &c., very cheap nt , A. ly..ur.r!liz & co. AT A. W. BENTZ CO. On bo 061;4111rd Ow largest .ILSSOIlmout of zephyra, all pi las relit:cm! to .2.0 root, for ounce, 0 erinau tow a %%. oal, Woolen Stiiklt,t,g o Yarns, Jen dry, and cheap zintions of all Muth, A' VARIETY of bed, cradle and hose A. W... 111: CO. Various Arts PURE AND UNADULTERATED intutis cAli ALWAYS BP OBTAINED AT J. A. II A VIIILITICK'S No. 6 t,r,ullt Hanover Strop,. Carlisle, Pa. N. B.—Prescriptions carefully und 4,Ocurately compounded at all times. 16Jo'lltt CASH BUSINESS.—On and aftor tli flint of Si ptcc next. I ititanil to Jon CASII BUSINKSB with all, cell lout remect fie ,perrons Country produce received as radii In • xciiiiniia tor goods RS usual. Sly this srrundrnio tt, of nutty en. forced, I will to enabled to 'oil R,ps Jt. roduelJ rotes. 15Ju71t1 . • INHONF. B. lIAVERSTICIt, • , • NO 6 BOUT[[ lIANOV.ER. STREET, CAULIBI.A.PA Dealor in , Drugs, OARPETBICARPETSICARPETS! 8,•110v;.0 Oreat !.art,ai,is In , tail•Ote Win dow 1ia.1., Valret Itrifoland • " 7di:071 A. W. CV.NIV & CO. • A COMPLETE LINE , r Volvo' ll,', iUr WWI $11.14 ,1311.01., 4'041 Ornate's. Pobl., o lint b'foanalea, SA" Velvet., a.n.A V l• tratnanw, at c. , 14. , ra, Cut Man. ?deal . A. W. BENTZ 'NTOU can obtain pyo mud rtkuuy ~Arorksi 11,0vor ntick'ei Thytitclans• yoat poantiod at .1i Bryon, , ,Ila SlIn§TiCK. :to 5 itooio Tlaaaaor 84.4, Catllelo.T4 .„ Pj4ct7a • • - "Volt PIJIZE I)RUGS, CIIENIC4LS, and Vlttent Midi 1 mt.., tr. to J. )3, litroollok, No, 6 3.111 I itlo,ll,p IIt nitgrrt• no•tit of roll o.ip 3t.ruttoorit,3, nu l 4 opr.n'toii. . . .1 p. ILA vtilt,Sli, f, p o ut 411 AlwVer .1,11110 IMIMMI 'ls A'Ard.) (Li J . ( 3 , 1 cALLIO t . •;, , 11,, , 'C'ARtIBVE, Tbo R A TTRI: or CAF11.14,1.1 , . • whp ,LIATIIh;.g pf thi l lim The Inte.t xt, le. jutt revelVod 1 The Intent ntylea nivraya on hand 811:11. 11ATefrom tlto brut 11.uroptures 11 I • ; • II . , ; FAAIII6N Ali LB ixATsliihillit I I I • —• J.II.OALLI9 TriolmstoAl aitootioti to hla !Argo . . . ktook of • 'HA TR 41.. lr-D ate ienetafeettirie Mite' Au 'order, eat!' ham the beat ;or angernerAte for W,w.tifr Ouoda avd pv . dr'eciate, f 4 . lqui F t ,b,01,1c0 it The highest flAflll PRIOFB (lAN for .r ;• ' • " ) .0 0 N 'lll4. :FURS Arne-Girm ,ioe6p7o.No 2q M4IN.EaIIEIBT4,; IF .l,ll:ti-INTlAGB.—.Tust,rqcolved. a)nrgo 1L,4 owl:en:to( the beet quogty, ttt 47 1 4 eents per /Wee, et,tho Ob,stttp Store ot; Atiptieb 29,1 M, - t A. •Z , ;,ttlaulltt I'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers