A. 1L,,: Sir ONPIE.Mit' S o L: SPOSSLER, • Real7Eitate Agent, erl roner, Conveyancer, Too:m -ance and Claim Agent. • Ofllpri Mein &mut, near Centro tuare... ' VIRGINIA::LANDS l in :the Shenan doah Valley fore .lo.—A number of valuable, Cud highly Improved farms In '" tho Valle) , era of. feted.lor solo. The tnws tun from 00 to 3F.0 acres The land is of Om hest audit , / vf Ihnevtone. folly egad if not- superior, to, the land in , mnberlonJ Valloyond will be d' posed .f at astonishingly low ngures. The extension of the October and Volley Railroad Ante Virginia, WI now surveyed, wig run inintedintely through the on lion of country In Which thN,b ItindS — dte located, wlttelt,th-n cont. plo ed,oPh 11,,ntivan age of the /Mornay. ylab river traysp rtutlon will give thorn nil the sl- Mogen of Northe n and Rodent markets. A splendid onorlut.ity for literative inveautents hero offered. /id.); 1 mino to deirription of ilia location anal eli .rn t,r of the ra•snpx trials rim) in ht.!, by np. ph log to A. L. OPONSI.EIt, ,r.,. Real-}state Agent, Carible. O RANK FOR SALE —A rich deposit et % the' eat quality Hematite Oro yteidina t.O percent, compels' gwbuutelB ,ACIRKS, feinted iwAtimou toe nnhip , ab et 2 Innen trom the tree 17 echo uf U, W. 4 It. V. nil!, on oho south side el the floc. In imelmorrerk Them as n stream et outer running tit tough the trout 'aullielent for washing the pre, s li d toreishing water power tan Pm mina thisirlous of viewing Um lif nk litny call upon fio.orfro W. Luidlch, lit '.l..clitich't. mill," for morl; known as Brickoris null, 310iiruc township limil county, or upon A. 1.. SIN)I4SLEIt, Iteml Estatd dßan L , Carlls ESE (IRE 'WASHER FOR SALE..—An cx orlleul Or .1 the Oro Bleck of leeeelp, V. Lei( nern e ll new. Well 1, , vney low. At • . tel.) le. , A. L. SPO yz e l.• It. eirettlel _ • brick residence of .1.10101 -.Hoot. el oil :eolith hump:, riot. 11,11 ~pp bite, botol, will be I. anted MIL on.l of .\pill uent lino, .1 eonouotl son Ince Hors lint to IT , lele neee,•lbn • lion, 0.1 ' , no it Louth, :O. tent.; tool .1 bet 1 gromol on thee filo of doe Lebo t Spring, bolouning to too Jo ,r e. .1.•••epl1 t . ihreozb'ebrontoed, eiiii 1. nee le.:ore] I I ele pint. born 11l tient of 1 1 11 11100 CITY ADVERTISEMENTS AESTAITUSIIt D Is3o AvELcu &.oitTETITHs? SAWS!! i of 1,1 Lit.,c .•:c Aces. 11..1 not Yosol , with P.totlt , jo‘tlint -joy t•lor to all sertod tooth • RL•dnee 1. -1_73 =I IMCII &.. 1 3/trPF•Tii.g. 11..t0a, Maas.. nr L. r il, iir ECM THE DOLLAR SUN I MIA'S. A. DANA, EDITOR The Emartist, and inert N a V rh tu pap,. Everybody Meal It. Ph err 01 the.: Uri 113; Seial.Waeltly,sl end Wreitly, gl n p , ,,r the nerve uf half pre,. Full I , porh, in egricu ltui e, farmer s' and fruit are rver .• era 1 , . n„ roundel., diary every We li p artl Sit I 1111111 her. n prow , tof vnlu.,bla p red, a• d flee, et Pry auliaeriber; lutt reoluor 14 to eutrivart.orrn env parr.ol. SI toy II o Itourateratt, 0•n Nair eur log Nraehines, ruttier 0 gutter, Soule, r aa. her , *Thong the Prelelutre,4. Specimen/. :eel I. 4 fr :end a dollar .rudrtry MEE= AGENT?-CANV , §,...IVO lIO"iIS.}BNT PrtEK. S ECRETS of Internal Reventt by a Prnminent Of of the T.eiSum Sem ie., eboiwin'tip tho seerots And Inn •i• workings f the Refenno Pep: Millen t, list fl Id, •y Ith.g, O lit and Drawback Fr Isl., ti3st .I:untie Robbery, Depreilm 11 gs, Conspiracies, sod 111 la rhs tilt Guyer mem, Nlhilbt.lloo Tyranny, and Corruption of High OM. ride The 1110 t startlleg and Important Lout pub Holsed. Containing about 600 well fillet pages, sp , riteilly Illustrated. AGE •TS Ii ANT. D. Cain vassi g i Ook and rompleto nutlll sent free. Address W11.1.1A.N1 FLINT, Publisher, Pil.; Cli•rago 111 , or Cincinnati, Ohio. 908 PRIZES, WORTH FROM 1.10 TO $lOO IN oItENNO ACKS, awarded to bset then:, nod agents f r W. - otl'•• Howe , bold Matp Olnu, tho Inrg of and bent Dollar Monthly in tin nv rld prizes II be rep , aced noon. Full•pnrticularn In hlurch. 1111111/bl.l,- For ode by nll neweden ore, or sent with Comb ono t f front rns on rico pt' of In route, Addrobt 9: S. WOOD, New burgh, N. Y. • - - L IST OF '2,000 NEWSPAPERS FOR ONE =TAMP. O. P. ROWEL , . & CO., N. Y. MIMM! AROMATIC VEGETALE SOAP 'COLGATE & CO'S. TOILET SOAPS, NEW YORE ESTASLISIIL•D IN 1800. For the Delicate Skin of Ladlee and ChiBl,n. SOLD NY ALL DEUGGIoTS. 17:nh.tt AGENTS! ItEkl) TINS! I WE WILL PAY AGENTS. A SAL ART OF THIRTY DOLLAR, . ITEM -and rutpenttps, or allow n Itrge commission, to sol our new wonder ullncrutions. Addre•s M=lt3=Etlff 1!IMI! GEM A DAY.-40 NEW ARTI CLES FOIL AGENTS. ,A %IPI,I'S 11. 11. MAW, Alfred, Me. MEM - " FCONOIIY 4LTiI."—FRA NKLIN. LIY will people pay $5O, or more, for a when buy one that has u standard reput,tlon, in doubln thread, complete w th table, constructed upon cu. tirely now and pr•clleal pelnctples. runs by frictl. and es é s all a; hers? These c. lobrated 3lgthloos, futly tic ..rn-tl, ore intontiol for poor people who want to savo jimo. labor, and .m ney. Agents 'wanted Machines nent to agents, as given away to needy families. For millions and re :ore I prices. Redress J. 0..01. is tt. Co„ or Frons licod Liomond 0. 11 Fs Co., box aor, Boston,. Mos.. 110111-it PSYCHOEIANdY, FAKINATION, OR SOUL CIIAII3IINO,--400 pages; cloth. 'I his wonderful book bus hilt biota notion , . to suable the render to fits• Note dtber con, or uric at.itual,-at .111, Alesum lam, Spiritualism, Mill hundr da of other curl .us cup rlmouts. It can hn obtained by sending nddr, to. With 10 cents po , tam., to T EVANS, & CO, No. 41, South Eighth street, Chita. dolt hie.. DR. , WHITTIER, 017 Bt. Charles wt root, St. Lou!, Mo. of Union wide roptitn hon treat , all venereal disetute , ; sqloleal 1.1111.- COOP. Impotency, d c., the revolt et semi two stern!s for sealetl_pamphlet. Way. No math r who tailed, stale .80. Consultation live. 17mh.lt MANHOOD AND WOMANII66D Essays tor Vontig N.n, hoe, in malt,' 0.01 op.. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, but I.`, I , ltiladol pipn Pa. limb4t THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN TON Tilt VEAL...NT OF C..1t0 ;AN fi 81.,X1flit. JOSE tf3ES —A l'hyabilugioal Vow of blarria,o The eh. apeat book ever pet•llalifil—con. Mining nearly 300 p.g L ea, and V 0 fine.platea-and 01,- gravlpgs of tho on tinny or the Minute °roe, to tante Of he dth nod &Wean. with a fn ails., on _early er.ora, its tleitorahlo col floqueneea noon the wind and body, with the authrea Ono of tre.dine.lt—tho 0 , 3 r bon anti anc..eaaftil ofotle or core,. 0101,11 by it rep rt, f r.,ees trentol. A 'truthful advisor to tha worried. nod num e. , nt..mplatin/ iil tillage, who entortitin doubts-of their pin Meal 'ecriolloon. Sot t free of p. Hinge, to nov ad real en re elpt of .2.5 mire, In Rtanips. p stal et., reney by ,thlroxklAg. DR. LA C 01;i, N 0.3., Ili .ition Lane. At. cloy, N. Y. The author may ho coti.ulted : n • of On dbx elan, noon mulch his licoin treat • liter persomily,' or by nail, mill medicines s,itt l.r o 3 port. of the world. 17nihit A ROFI ST. CARPET WAREIRYUSE, 832 .ABCII SPIT. ET, Ihdow Ninth Street, Philadelphia. The old astal.ll.hed eland rreelviez for the Spring Trrtle a large Nt..ck of the n, NV 4)1." Of • . OARPETINGS, pa rebored thr; !thrust Geld Rotes, and nil ',l gold renorpds prlo e. Is stiLISII BRUSSELS nt 4;1 ro, and all altar I,,oa:is In prep,: than, • • JO =ITII - BLACAMOOI4 832 Arch atroot, 110 - MY CARPETiNGS I - . ' 24n1V03,11 wn ARE NOW OPEQNG 1 , 711:1. LINE OF FOREIGN AND ROMESTIQPARP; OIL CLOTIII3, AND IDATTIVO9,OI , ' ALL .(111 A D h S, WLlch, we nro ofterink tit greatly recilict4l kires =I LEEDOM,' STIAW 4'S''tEWART, '; 85 14AIIKET r... Tit 1 1 T I= 20ja 4uku Erni vp AND SUMMEI; 1,111!bltrATION:N, 187 a. ' • z : 1870. Ribbons, Millinery, and. Straw Goode, , ARMSTROZIG, CATOR & CO., Importers and .Itd>narn of lIONNET, TRIMMING, *BM' 11111110N8, •• :Bonnet Silks ; Satins,_ and Velvets, Dionda, Netts Grapes,. Iluellea, Flowers, Ventilate, Ornaments, EitlaNd Donn iu n, nod I, ndlm'Hate, trimmed And untilmnied, Hoods, kr. • ' 'ON AND 230 DALTIIIOIIII dritED r, • , • Baltimore, Md.; . . Offer the largeat stock' to he found In this country,' And unedualled In cholc6, varnny, surf skfamoos, comprising the latest Airlsian novelties. Ordara solicited, and prompt attention given, 34f0L79.3m • • . 1870 GOLD DOWN AND BO ARE DRY oimmi, AND DRY GOODS .STORE. Just receiving a Tory largo Invoice or all dcectip• Vono of goods vitect to tho Ppring moon TILE BEST LOWELL THREE PLY CARPETS TFIE BEST LOWELL TWO /IN CARPETS, Tllli BEST LOWELL EXTRA SUPERS, THE DEST.LOWELL^SITERFINES, MILE:BRAYED 1 NGLISII TA2EBTs Y DIMS EELS, in n,sr and he inlifnl patterni. All Widths Hallend Stair Carpets TOP LAROEST . VARIETY OF COTTON AND AL( N'l writ 11 , 001IOILCLOTH',,. ot..d for ,halle uATTINGS, al) wl ths, I=l .11170.) NIATTE4O, &c., all rrl Pre, t ft crest doellnn I" priers, TABLV. LI N EN nud DAMASKS, from lute Nom York unott, n ral.o—;rpat bnrgainn. 31ARSEiLLI{8 Qtrvi"aL-: loner thau ever. BORDERED TOWELS—a eat I t and Cirvtl'ar.t.-e,tt MEE Sheetings, ,Tickings, Pillow Cases, and till goods neeermary to furnish u bonen rotnid#to All the 111, Iktikll4 al ' !Lo MEE Thu n ht Pnpulur ms kwna [IL AC IC ALPIII %PIA :ME Do not foil to give ea u call, tie we ore prepared to prove the fact that wu cannot be uudoroold in any -tip:lon of Dry !La . ngin, ni.tl par: icularly lu Carpeta =BM Now Is the right time to secure your goods for the won at the right prieer. Come one sod all for MEE N. 11.--.10,000 pounds Carpet Rage wanted 24m1170 ~P-EGIEWRI2IOE4,. _:._~._.~._^-.._-I nEbucTios: TN PRICES EXTRAORDINARY; (4.-RAND DISPLAY Of all an, Novektlam In 'DRESS 1110009 Elegsot a,ortinent of MI .Npunvev_ and Striped diVe, Japtnee F~yi~rril 1' pflnn, I=l A splendid nueartrm nt of Now,Sprlng Pop'ltiii f.r tn, Very Cheap, nest Del4lllm9n:4llmA to 20 mut 22 cent., 2000 yarda tip tip Cs!Illn at 10 ccutc All the beet mikes of prints at 12%.cries, itt reduced prime, Beat 4 4 appletim. A mlndku 1 yard tvideaitt 12% &cot xr Id.•m 14 at 18 rent,, =I A job lot or itii4 U oh:e.t;•11oLl Ing poi *, = CHECKS, DENIMS, = 1k And nil nt grt ntly loductql pries A t .fChnek nt 1234 con's. 4, A SPECIAL BARGAIN the-nliovel-wo defy comp t lion fgr'Velett. Mf h. For berm ty Lgloot they cal;not'll4 rpnased b) any lii tho ,otptry. Pi let e 25, 40, 50, 60;711, 5100 bToCK OF Juut opouml fir DNN AND LOY E.:' , n'ry °heap. A foil stock of Cuti . 4l,rl9, 'H.. te,or, Nat oilouk Pliitito fifty: 'por.c . Nt! lower 0?IY.R1, The uttottion of biiyen. t. the likbovo ePeo);;?.le itymently .1!cliell.. isrlll orrov-bonailde . Bargains. tat cannot baefonturln large_ homiap, that' are over j stocked ertilkokl gonds , baught at war prices . . EICEI /MEE ffitir"G SPRING CARPETB,' , =I OENTRAL TO HOUSEKEEPERS WOOL. STICIPED RAO. CA H PETS. I=ll bruslino, Linonn, SPRING DRESS GOODS LEIDICH & MILLER GREENFIELDfB, E= BLACK SILKS LL 0 natty Reduced priers CO LO D ST L.ll 9, TIt7KINON, HICKORY /41.1 P! .:S, MEI BLACK ALPACAS CLOTHS A NDCASsINIHHES, WHITE GOODS, 114p0 your'Ji pricre .01,0VXLI, NOT;ONS, do:, ,in great variation L. T. GREESFIELD. ifaliftf b o, . ~ .. .a i T..r '%._ 1139 I.;PPPPPPPP.I-- ::; -:PPPPPP ; 1. •;' . • 4 , PPPPP. , . =ES lEEE Milian lIITII • HIM lITIII • • 111111 111111 . lITTII HIM A AAAAA AAA A AAA A A AAAAA .AA A A AAA A AAA AAA AAAAA NNNNNN, iNNN NNNN .NN, `g. NNNN NN iNINNNNN . NN NNNNKNNMN . NN,NNNNNN NN:'NNNNN NN NNNN NNN NNNN 000 OQO 000 000 ' 000 000. 000 - 000 000 000 000 000 000 SBBSS MSS 888888 BSS BBBSSS SS SIMS 138S8 888 MSS sass BB BM% 888 8888 SSIN 0 R -ki r A N 'N . . At No. 11, West Niglio 4treot.; CARId9LE, PA., wnuld call the attention of the pubPc to hie larg 681 , qtsnoot of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, among which will ta found slot of M ELODEONS MELOL YE.WDEONS, - :LODEONS The'entszilt.rittaving opeuct a MUSIC STOKE, NEW AND EIatGANT PIANOS, • manufactured by the celebrated Schoemaker A Co., of Philadelphia. A Molted number of these übw CI -nee will ho for RENT, and the rent will be allowed• In part payment f r he same In ease of. purchase. Title arraup meet will make the purchase easy, by giving timelier p iymerit, and will allow opportunity of bating the irtrument before purchasing. Also good BIrCONIY HAND PIANOS :.In or lout, at t, rms to suit the Cull and oicagalue Thom wbother you with to rent or buy. SILVER TONGURD 'ORGANS 'zl L 0 DI 0$ S, • from the world renowned 'Beaufort, ry of B. P.‘bleed him & (4,, (formerly Carhart * Neodhans). The cheapest and best lathe wol Id, and aft warranted and kept lo order by myself for Hie yes... A ~• IO I. I OUITAIP. AOCORDICONS, FLUTHS, tikiTMUS:D AND MURK BOOKS, STRINGS OF ALL KINDR, ovl o'er/thing oppekattlog to the music boolasoa . . . , Old Pianos, Sleleitnom, and Organ. takim In pert pr.! for /few ones. BEPAInING Itinde of toetramouts repaired and toned Dull MO Mgnin° my stork unit I am Mut; • I can JQEN 11,11EEDI rP . Do 1:11 forget the pike; °NO.' ii, '''W.g . ST 'STREET, (oppoeito kailort Zap,) 0f).RL114.13, PA. Vli 7MX 111 MB BWING, ci;stariet, Idnicar and UnderialAr; OPPOSITE LEES 74,14Grit.,4t3,JS Premium for fleas" Furizituri; ai, ' YUltilittrn •11 Vai 1..11. • 2 02)14n of Ynrelgn ind th. , 6eo• ollu:lufaetor, fr . .. Iho rngewiwil and slntioontl 1,4.• Ho! .rid Our •. Oh‘ttiu,,t, u. • tiltchvt. • illler ••••1••••••• •,•• iud 111. ii). .v r p 1vet11,141..11..i1 • I .p p i.t I Cor • AV/. A , usual 4. futwritio t••••,.. rt•••,•• 11•11 rt .pd. w.rotry at re, prOutotly ludo • ,•••••ti..r•tc. ordso. •• s'T •'• 1.•••'? ‘l.• •• Tit k: ...tt.erl•lN •11- 1,1• 1 , .• 1•10 i , • . .•••• • , • IMIEMI JAMES S. EARLE SONS, IMPORTER% Ana M t,11.7F • CTURERS The host ithtl chvpertt. PORTRAIT AND rictuuß FRAM EB B Most stmnut atyle, Enropean and iniericark 7 .an,i¢inlentie nsoollnpont The noweAt publicullora ROGERS' ortoupEs. We are tlau only , authorized wholesale and retail dealer. In the itogareGrotivo. In title State, end sell alter them at manufacturer. rates. Circulatv aunt on application. F RESH Of all Ma New Spring Style+, of HATS AND OA The kul.skribnr has just opened, at No. 16 North Hanover St, a few doors Northof theparl isle titipdsit kank, one of the largest and hest stock at !EATS k OAPS ever uffornd In Cerligge. Bilk Hats, Cassino..s of all styles end qualities, MDT Brims different eolnrs, and every desiiiptlou ei Solt Elate now made. Th.. Dankard and old fashioned hPush, kept constantly on hand and made to 'order, all warranted to give satisfaetion. A full assortment of STItAW HATS. Mete@ boy's and clnldren's fancy. I havek,lso added to my stork, Notions of different i‘deeliting of Ladles end Ornt's Stneklims Neck-Tiee.Peuelle Gloves, Moon& Sowluit $lll.. ~ u k, pendent, Umbrella., oke., Prirunr.egorn end Tobonc, elernye on bond. Olve ran • tall autl•Youllho tny - mt..tk. tiot. Relent 01 ploavittg, otoilde• 01•1.1.. tou moor). JOHN A. K 1.1.41111. Agt. No. 15 North Ilanc;vor =II CARPETS I CARPETS 1 l CARPETS I t FRABINOEII 8 wElsnro NEW CARPET STORE! No 23 East Main Crest, Carll9lo, to tho Dent: E3MI TIIE LARGEBT AND CLIEAPDPIT ASSORTMENT OP CARPETS, OIL CLO PII EL MATTI NOS, WINDOW STIADES, LOOKING OL BSES, MATS, and CARPET CtIAINS, alway• on Land. sir-wlt are prepa!ud t 6 turalnh liurchtu,rn W. 114 1. ALL GRADES OF CARPETS, rarAT THE LOWEST RATES. DEEM T G OALLIO, LP • CARLISLE., PENNA., =ME Tho latent stylon Just •otolved I The latest styles always ow hand I I BILK II .TB from the beet Manufactures 111 J. 0. CALLIO wild:ma to toff [Weapon to ble largo MEM HATS AND CAPS Ile mania• tur, 'pate to order, end has the heel. rrangements fur coloring• . llats, Woolen Good. od Onrcoati, akobort notice The hhtteet CABII PNICF S-,rdd for ''eCOUNTRY FURS lOsepC9 T E. CALDWELL & CO J • MELODEONS AND IMPORTERS, 002 CIIERTNUT STREET, PIIILADIMPALA, cue ONLY FIRST CL 183 GOODS AN UCUENSR VAILIRTY OF GOLD WATCHES PLATED PARR CLOCKS, DRONZEA. All pereut.e d.elring • really Ace totlelex la:104u In qualify, and moderate in price, erg o.rtniu to be pleased by our exceediutt, large and varied collec tion.. Our 'deck- la kept alwaye fr. oh 1•y ad Mica's from that bouncr, . . , Our Core 14 prOnouunol 4.; e of tho moo ologoot In the world; end any liatha rinitlug the city ore nor. dlully Waited to rail and I /Tact it, at their It:lnure. 9Alian:Oly . CORN lIELLEIF ANT) OT (Wit ki MILLS. Hickok', Pertain° Cider Mill • Y. Gardener & Co's., Portable C1,1e5 .11,1 , Star Corn Sheller, (Liea sizes.) „ Cannon Corn Sheller', . • ••• • Nalloted Fodder enear, Ohre" al , Cumberland Double...Action-Harrow Together with either , • AGRICULTUDAL' IMPLEMENTS. For sale at the Carlisle Foundry nud Machine Work F, GARDNER &CO. opOns, INFLUENZA, . , . . Bop. 3,3 m FIFES, &c BOAR THROAT. COLDB, WHOOPING COUGH, (BOUT. LIVER COON, 4INT; lIRONCIIITIB, a ABTIIMA, BLEEDING OP THE LUNGE, . and every affect ion of the Threat. Lunge, and Chest, araipelailly and permanently cured by the use of WISTAIO • BILSAII OP WILD CHERRY. Thle well known preparation dice not dry up a coital, end lease the cause behind, as le the ossawitlt meet medicines, but it idosons and cleanses the lun end anal e irritation, thus remoging the caps° of tho gs, complaint CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED by a timely resart to il;li.etandard remedy, •es In proved'be hundreds of tostimonisie regelyed by the proprietors. • Prepared', by atm W. FowLEr k SON 'BOsten and so d by dealers generally. 21.cohT0 ' " • • D. l ENTAL inky°ta on notice of a card In our Carlisle papers, cau tioning the, public% from employing any dentist to make or sell artlllellal teeth, on plates of hard rub, bar, who le not licensed by the company 'dc. •I take Able. method to inform toy Mende, and the pane danerallz, th trea sur er bo made ariangoinente with 3c. b Bacon, of too Goodyear Dental Val; culla Company, and have .taketi. oat licence up-to. 'January 1,1171. I am, therefore, legally autytan to mike ortltielel teeth oft herd rubber, In all I roe; and forms. '1 invite friends, mud 'the_ja 110.10 general, to glveNte a cad, Where they can have taith madlit on Rubber plate, as cheap as ever.. °Rice No. .26, Ilfgh ilitreet,''oppooltti the; hilret Nathipal Ilenk, Carib,. Pa. • `2(Uarkein,' =M ItEO West Main street, -tit County Foite Airce 18.571 %ITU .r. = • •. J ...1,1••111010.. , ealitt• Ars eirttp nttrag.N.llllt.,fraum, t II 6 EEO LOOKING GIASSNA ' CIIROSIO-LITHOGRATTIS, FINE ENaIIAVINGB EARLES' GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut street, PITILADIELPICIA. FILYAINGER WEISER. O. 28•{V282 MAIM 878111.2, The lIATTER of Carlin:el I PA 2 11IONABLE lIATSJuat out! I I Air OM AIIM A CALL...SA =! JEWELERS, =UM JIMPLRY, SILVER ivArtP, WV.DDING SILVER FORNION FANCY GOODS VINE PAINTE,OB, ke., &a 3: o—NEro,'Diattet., `fPA 1 04 , ..-4 - 4000;!. (Porf, way Cornian No. T7ikND:l9 EAST MAIN ST., '0.1 . 11LI8LE; PENN,A • The undersigned harLig purchased and; entire!y ratted, goo furnished now- throughout with first chug funtiture, thlll well•known a»d old`establlshed• Hotel. solicite khe,custma of the community and travelling public. fie Is well prepriredlo faro ih Ornivoleu acconinindetinni to ail who dealt. to make. a Rotel their Home or pleasant temporary. abode. The custbm from the surroandlug country. Is ra. .spectfully. solicited. Courteous and attar ttre ear, rants are engaged at this popular-hotel, • • ;;. ; ; GEO.;7, IMINTZ.,Prorp , . A pret•chuis Livery it connixted , with the Motel the managimesit of Mr. .109. L. Z.'"UIiNNR TIRO. i • ; : ; ; . . ' 30sPrIl 00-Iy. . , 'Wh►eeler and Wlisan' and" Elliptic LOOK STITCH SEWING MACHINhO, SEWING MACHINES The Brat Simplest and Claattp.r, , IHESE:machinesitai adaptedto do of ....Cog, working 0q...f1y silk Linen gild Cotton goods. with 011 k, gted•Lblgtli thremic,tocklitg n brautitul bud psi feet atitsh - align oo Islth Melon of. the article grwnd., • 111 vitiations ,111 tug starrilt . ted• "dl god gaginfog at ttall.a,ud felegtopli litheu; kintlfslo. t'n. EGGS . 1 EGGS! EGGS! From Light Drab.* login, psa conibsti, strictly puro trigs Impoi [ma rio k. $.2.01) PER:-Z.EN. No or or Wl.l . be' lo okea uul. no no onotlnn:ed by gm owl ! .- • A tow pairs for oode,' 81.00 PER - PAIR A 1. -ti Half-Breed 'Haan Bees, for to' inotoblo e nib blvoi —c hcnp Ads C U. IIOFFBR, P. 0 Box 14; Car Palo, Pd. lrua;io DENTAL NOTICE The GOODYE tR DENTAL VOLCANITI:O 1t PANY, through their agent, It. P. Conklin, ho, thy caution the public from employing any cleaner,. or Other pereon, to make or art:llelni teeth on plate. of . , VULCANIZED OR HARD RUBBER, who ie rot licensed by Ulla c•'mpnuy. The anty - Dominoes for. Cumberlorol county, aro, Die. IL Lem!, 3. C. boffin., and J. ply der,' for Menhan'ealoirg ; Dr Georg° W. Nuldigla, for Our let. ; Dr. H 11. Fetter holi, for Nowville;. m.d Dr:..- 11. Ponder, for Ship penoburg All weans wearing artiflebil teeth on Vuleaniv;il Rubber, nutile by peraohe who are not licensees of thin won, uy, are equally ',Fp naiblo with the par flee making them, and will be prosecuted for In frlngemouta of our rsteut,- Signed—ll. F. CONKLIN, Agent tf 0. D. V. Co =EI DRS. D..FAHRNEY & SONS' ol.brnted prepnralloil rta CLEANSING THE B,LOQD Tho long anal favorably known preparation of Dry. D. rahrney & Son for Ventining - the blow), ni:eda at this day no raeommendation nt our Immix, Ito virtues having boon entabliohed by than th heand, of runes when. It boa given relief in than Most Difficult FO'ins of Chronic pi9pyisea • durint the last sixty years. 8o• highly indeed Is It rsteemed. that the demand is eonatuntly increasing, not only at home, Lot we„aro doily receiving appllca- Um a for it from Om, most remote sections of the country— , orth East, South, and W est. To meet this demand, as wolf se to prevent the public from hoing Imposed upon, we have determined to put this PREPARATI - ON iu such n form that it may be within reach of every tad , / every whore. Other preparation°. far inferior to • iho genuine, honing be. n put ut by certain panted. hay boon mistaken by .ome for our own. and as a matter of couroo the old Preparation of - D. FArncy Sc on has been made to auff.f tu:nein renutati4n6 therefore to prevent tide miatakr, an Well an to moot the In. ,crearlott- amend ment:oned above, o have con cluded to °end the molichin out In ,LIQUID ED.R3f We will alto at.the samo time put out the original' in package form for the benefit of .1.11110 of our old customers and otherserho may yet pref, r the medt cineue Sat prepared. Not-ro.ninmoollitg It to,cure all divas.•e the human b,dy Is lair to, hut ns a fam ill' medl• toe, and f r all dieensescriglnating_t_rom and will b cure the fill .wing Scrofula, cutaneous diseases, erystiodrui, Dolls, roe eyes, scald hoed, pimples on the fuco, totter arta , lions, old and etubbern ulcers, rkeninstle affections, dyapopela, costiveness, sick litiaefacho, Jaundice, rheum, gen eraf'debllity, mercurial iliames, foul stomach, together with ell other disirders arising frbm Impure blood, and disordered Ile. r, Ac„-Ar., prepared by Drs. D. Pahrney A Son, - lloonaboto; filaryland, end Dr. P. Peltruey. Keedysvllle, 111 d. Surd by all diugglsts Ant merehants generally. None genuine unressslgned D. Fahrory it Sou So'd by W. P. Item dru :Flat, Carlisle; S. S Hub , r, druggist. N .wvIlle; James A Clark, Lees ('roes it' ad.; John C. Attick, druggist, Shipper., erg. 31mhOm BOWERS COMPLETE MANURE, rondo from Super Pborphoto of Lime,'Ammo. Ws, end Potash. For e de by it lending &Wore. A PRIM:CC FRRTILI7.I:II FOR ALL OROPS. On account of tha reduced root Of Raw Hated th lam onablod to re I Cornploto Manure," at .0 lower price, and by the old of now mochitiery it In Improved In rondillOn, alto in quality. ( Worranfttf free from adulteration ) HENRY BOWLIt, eanuncturing Chemist. they'll Ferry Road, I%lllooolla. Thia mama° c %tilos all tho olomentv of plant food la s Soluble form, coot dulu{ vral, food for giving lantlus fottlllty.to thn roll. E:p• Hence in the U4O of ^ Complete Dfanurto' by the Lest &rums t f Pennsylvan.a N-w Jer,ey, Del aware,.Slary'und, and of the Nex% England litat-s, running through a period of three yews' trial, has resulted In coaffrmlng It to be THE BEST PERTI .LITER NOW OFFERED Putt :AIR. DIXON, BO ANNA:64 & CO, .10 8 outh Delaware avenue, Chlladolphlft FYI LLIA I it EY N.ll D. 1,5 L'oath root, Cold mon., 9d lOpor7o.3mBttop3m CHEAP COAL!. CHEAP COAL I I M, subscriber le'prepared to deliver, by the car load, to-linirburners, and other cohautbere along the live of the Coml./v.lmA Volley Rant°. d, the cele brated LYKENS VALLEY COAL! AT TM: LOWEFT TI.SSIBLE RATES FOR C.lBll This cool Is of /leery super for quality. and will be furnillted at to lees which oill defy ail competition. The sulwriber will deliver c. of at (Nrliel., by the car load, du. lug the r.urrent month, at the lb lowing prices, per ton : . Pea £3'oo Nut 4 00 . Store . Erg• • . 6 25 . And.t t other point,. •4' the rued he will deliver I adding r dedwiln,e, the ext YllllO of 00rerenre frolehte. Th• above rates will Ito , tittlect to thin rise or F. of prices, en, It tnontli t S 4 the etm s. Ofllceje;truor of Mitts and Pitt street s. 104sell931rt A LECTURE TO YOUNG ➢LEN JUS PUBI,IBIIED IN A , ,PALED I NVELOPE Price, Six Qcutß A lecture on tho t alum, treattnent, on 1 radix rurr of 'Fpotnut•orhtoa or Seminal 4 . 1 , 1111PPA. It voluntary Emlsolone, Son nal Botollty and Impel manta to Marriage g.•nnally. Nun ViltlllllollK,' Cot au:option, Epl:epay, and Firs, Morita] awl rhyolc 'neap:wily. resulting mom so f atom. Re, by .Itolie .1. Colora ell, M. D o , author uf the Ure..ti Book, Thn world renowned anthor, to ties n(111,11111413 lecture, clearly t. 111,1•11 iro 111 his iiwn experience that the ac MI consequences of self abase may be Wort flatly nmoved without ms (Wino, a, d without clan gorous surgical onsmtlons, bon&i, Instrum, n se, rings or ...duds poln lug out a moils of CIAO at once teriasu and effectual, by which Livery sufferer: nn matter abet his condstiofnismay. bo, may airs himself, cheaply, p ely. an r. This I. atom wli I gr. e a boon to thousand,.a nd thoufaricle. - Sent under MUM, to any 'address, bu, pinitienvolopo, on the receipt • f ale rents, or two postage stamps. Also Dr. t ulverwell's b'Marring,, finale," price !!.15 cents. Address the publb.hors, . t IfAks. 4. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, Ne; 0111ce rtax, 24feL70 TATOaEB, , CLOCKS, CHARLES Al. ROGERS, .:0. tit), SduthlotlerSt., Carlisle, Pa:, Keeps conntanny on bawl a full assortui9ut of WATCHES, CLOCICS, JEWELRY, err.ol i CLxa, &o. • , - et the lowest c. eh prim. ' Icular attonttnn paid to the rerthing of Welchee, Cloc Cad Jewel q • N. B'-••/UHT 51..810 forwardly on hrnd. 6nC1304.4ri UnIsIITURE. JOECHPIIMALTON 4 CO:, (Vbilllit.s ; inkeyth iXIB :,WALNUT 13T., rIIILADELIVA • . Otir estiblhhnien't is one of the oldest Jn Phhada; and Vora tang 4perlande and sunertlr ftwllitioa ce no aros; preparedito'lnitlielrlood work ittietatontible We manufacture Ono furnitnre, 'and oleo bodkin' priced llorulturo of suporlor quality. A ItirgAtock' of Monitor° ninny. on hand. Clonda made to ordor ' .oountore, pock Work, and, 011 Ice Phrultnre for Banks, Viacom and iltorom made o Ordor: t : • JOE. WALTON. 'J. W. LIPPINCOTT. 1/:.EICOT.• lgel4"j ER mirsenr..r.AiN , FittS4' 01 16 0Ett?gS I\ 1. " • - ' • GfteicEnTE6 t Ala . rayp to he ki}d et the T O R•E NO 7 ' St. lust PODIPRET . • And why' are they Always fresh? ' Demme° we sell 'et great amotaht or them, and sell them tont.l Thar& .fore, torn our stock often, and minsequently 'our gods most flesh. • • You will Dad eN4 . 3rythlng yon wish In the .way of GROCERIES, ' ' •.'' QUEENSWARE, 'OLAeSWARE, " '' WILLOW and • CEDAR . ' STONEed CIOCHRRT , WARE, Choleirlfeall, , Dried Beef,, - Ba , 'Beef, , : ' , Tongues, , llliMdis and Crackers of every description. 'Tickled. • . Spiced and , Frock Oysters - • Sardines • ' English ... lch Pickles, Lemon Syrup, &e., amino end to It is useless to mentiou them, come Ad net forytmte selves; and porents If it don't eult you to come—send iaur children, as they will be dealt with the some cote rs if you wore hereyourselt .- . • JOITN 04 54 1,111:1.1 EOGB Q 0 IT N " T R • PR ODIJ t E taken U. exchange for goods, or cash (1-10. B. .1,101431AN'8 SONS No 'Bll PAST PONIPISET STREET, August 6-6 P NOTICS.-11nving trutarrred my entire Interest In tho grocery Imodumot to my a .ne, thcee Indebted to .mono requdetid to rettlo with them; during my ab- Ilene° In I urope GEO. B. noynu :v. • - DE HAVEN & BROTHER, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOERNIETINT RECURITIES; ANI) eI.NTRAL. PACIFIC ItAILIH)%11" No. 40 South Thirt - A street, Philadelphia Buy, P.-II awl prehnoge nil lesues of GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD bough tni.clooldno C.Omlsalon only AcCv , lits received, ood Intorwat allowed on daily baloucco. Subject to rhea at eight. =7J•o; 'ly JT REYNOLDS & SON, . ll'. CORNER 13 TH A.ND FILBERT =1 WROUGHT-1/10N, AIR-TIGHT GAS CONSUMING HEATER GAS CONSUMING Nr GRATK R ill sr.+, .pd MIDI:911T IRON RADIATOR These nesters two mule I s !limey Wrieght Ir well rlyittl.togethor, thw ow y tt , e twinentlun sirsholt the ...'rape of Nan ~r htwt. The; me waxily managed wltleout any damp •rs The Ontewt Hew illstor avoids the life sed stir oyshee of drum, In ,101113eb. stlswhed to the Ilettc7r Thle le h 1004 ralile, /Ample, potenwiltlrs• ew.d poplOnr llontlhg Avow:ate vet witer , l l'hey •r. eU jusr.twin d." • COON INII E A .11 , ..ti0r If to!. a0..1 hi - POILTAIII.I, to. L t molt K. IMATrIiS tiOWN int 17ES, 'LATE ;IA NVICLII , ItEOlB/1:118 god t.NTII.ATOR". Wo Ire Also monufwtorifor NEW VIA 4- Prod for o r Illostratr4 eouptile . April 230.1 y. • , • GAS FIXTURES AND KEItOSb:N A P A gioat variety of New t3tyleer - MERIDIAN' . E•URNER. Satentaed Meet le the tlirent IF orit the lart;eta. Hint •t any Flatus mule • , COULTER, JON ES k CO., Nanufnoturets and 'Wnoleanie Denlera.. • IV Antlif , 11:/. WE, 1 . 1111. A unroo • N EW LIQBOR STORM. ' JOHN HANNON, N. _E. Cor.'Hitnover riii4,Pomfrot 'street's . (A,fow doom south of Ttentz'autorn.) Pura Bye 'Whisky, • , ~.. ' . Best Common Whisky,' , • Pare Holland OM," 9h: war Brandy, • Port Wino, • Shag Wlv.e, • . • . Jamaica Rum, . . . . . Rasphorry dirup'. . .. • ~,_ •Champagna Auslimat's 'BITTERS; ',INIIOFirB and OLAndl3 • 160070 , 'BITTEBB. . AND JEWELRY AGENTS WANTED. Agentawant , otil;s7s to $lOO par month, male and female, to nell'the celebrated and original :CoMmon • kenals Fatally Rowing Br/Cathie, improved and perfected; It will hem, fell, stitch; tuck, Mud braid, and embroider la a moat supaCior manner. Price only all. For aim. plicity . and Mitabillty It has no nvai. Do not buy, from any parties' selling .macidnen under the name name 11111110_0/1 owe, unless having a CertifiCate of Agency plguill by ua, M they are worthless cast (non machines. Fp( circulars and terms, apply or add ens 11. CRAWFORD & COX • :1 Cbentnut street, Plillnd • J. ItEETEM BROillititfil, . Foricardi,nq t'opzrassiwa lgerchalits. . (HondoObtl'o eta oci ,•;!' _ At the goad ot.MAIN BTI4EET, Carllale, Pa. Tho,'.llaboat mar,lcat price wilt bo paid fol. Flour Grain sod produre of all klnda. , •,••. • Coal of althlßa l alnbracloq.• LLYKUNB yALLAY. • •• • 140081'. MOUNTAIN,' LaWBERAY, Ao4 ad' Llmebiartieri', and Dlaelustalthe 'Coati: l =4mill, et ode. • Kept under toyer, atni.dellvet:oo47 to pint, part ot gni - loft!. Aleo, allude Lum bezl 44'1' I= 11111 'o I 0 N S., / ALL KINDS OF 0 IlListe, PA Mil FIRST MORTGAGE BONIR4 U. S. 43 °a - 1)8 , I= =I COUPONS CABUED. =II STREET El= WROLIGIn 11IOt 'LAM A;COI intolll.lliT RADIATOR NM PEI I= EN TS CELLI2VEOVB. ► PLANT 6, and PLOW AL. SOS SALES AT TUE EUMSERLAND NURSE% IMPS Hate Spring. A Mtge stock of vary fine poach_ trent, grape sloes; osage orange., strawberry pianto, ,rhubarb,' ,ornatnental • tram, i a..d • genesis' nm seri , stock. Vegetable, plants, all tranaplanted, the bbst tarietles •of crebbego,. tometri, l caulifloivet, pepper,. boat, celery, eggplants, to. Sweet potato., and sr bkcces orients In large quaietity. ilardy awl g.aeh . bretuw. Cowin, ra fine neatortmont, great , inaumements • of:l'OPM to pitman . making up club,, Or any of the abom etocit.' Partin intandingto plena are hilted to call at the nunnery, or *end for club - prime dot, Orders promptly ferwardod In season. • ' - , \BBNBY 8. ATIPP, • Shirenaanatownr Cluitherland county, Pa. i firdb3m ' , VINE CLOTHING} TO ORDER AND READY MADE. .ISA , AG LIVINGSTON; No. 22;, NORTH ,HANOVER ST. . . I inyltd nil, attention of MY old tuationiers and the tublia at larva to my Lars° and Brilliant Stock of tillailditit GOODS for Mon, Youths' and Boys' wear. My Custom Departniont compriees the finest and most sabot pf Olotbe and eassimers, while thy ready mode Clothing Is carefully and moot tastefully go , ton np. I cannot , ond , wlll not be undersold. IFIAAO LIVINCISITON,t - N 0.22, North Llanever 80., Carlisle. N. B. Ftlll selling the Florence Bening Machines. limey OD QOLID SILVER. and • SILVER PLATHD WARE Of &feu des crlption and latest deslgns;sultabla for Bridal Gifts, Testimonials, and Holiday Presents. Prices lower than the regular rates. .Bxtraordhawy itulucentouttljo purahooora. OEO.II.IIECIITEL, No, 716 Arch street, PIIILADELPIII.4. (Old MOM)ll.9l2cd Ftand. 220c70 RtMO VAL CLARK & 'BIDDLE, JEWELERS & SILVERSMITHS rood froth 712 Chestnut Street, MUIR NE +V BUILDING No. 1124 Chestnut street, PHILADELPHIA .ire yeoit,py Inge nod Del, annortmout of Din mewl snit other flue Sewolty, A werlcali and de lee Watchwx, 2l , µlleh 4ierllug clor4sui Electro-plated Ware, 31antni Clorke, ktr Ar ISlune 88.77 HERRING'S PATENT cliAarioN FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF HAVES, SAFES, WITH DRY. FILLI3dc7, Awarded: - I•• lea Ile els of Warld'a Meth, London Wo• hdr, New York. Expoeition Universelle, Perim. FAIIREL, HERRING & CO., 29 011 ESTNUT STREET Harvey Ohas Mathews, 1-'III.V.A tieo W. Myers. 111 - lib Hi g, Farrel, & Sherman, N. York ihrring & Co., Chicago i leri log, Farrel, & Co., New Orleans More them 30.000 IlEhltlNtrti SAVES Lave ho en Iliad aro now hr Uro; ■nd over SIC 1113NDRZO hove paapea thin gh •celd.utnl firet; prunur•lng thvir um &hut $n wn , r me , anrea w hen many other* idltd =lll=C2r7 of iog tr. to. uhod lu port poy for thu Impound Pet , e.t Ohnigtpion, for tale nt Inn pr 14,10, En= ~ Plil NC, BAK A I '4 z•.' I=l DOMESTIC GOODS, .' 1,411 r JEAN AV LUTE . 1400.1)8, =l3 EffEEM 1110110:ib, NOVON:. ,t, RING'S NEW STORE, N. i IN STHENT. • pp. 8.11.8 1.14 r , 1888.8., lb UK*. • n.. is POrt 88Ent. ntllil. TO FARAINIts -AND TREE PLANTERS !THE CHAMBERSBURG NURSERY A. AR OCIATION. (Formerly Ryder Nornery immolation.) ' ii/610 'for sale,.ll. Inrgoor small iinuntlrlen, a l•holes Amortment of - ~.. Apple, .. Peach, ' '.:. . .. * Pear, , • • Plum, • , lit other tree., with all the new or good lilroln of Grape Vinos ; Over one hundred Varieties of Roses; And an rialleetialwartment oroverything that Is de sirable tastock a first class orchard or gordon. Our pliers two low and our trees aro as good as tho. beet. Orden. by mall will receive, our beet attontion, and .satisfaction gnarantied In all our dealings.' - For Qttalognee and other information additess the, - SUPERINTENDENT, Clutrnberelmrte Nuniery h PNOCiittiVII, ('A • Wo want a good, rollablo 4nun In ovary town to not es agent roc the, enlo of our trees and plorts. .BEST LYKENS . VALLEY LIME •• • • COAL, $1.25, - At tbo yards of . • , • ' A. 11. BLAIR, . .SUIIMIT DRANCII LYKEN.4 VAL' I.Y MG , . . ' StoYE COAL. dollverod ' $6, hp NDTCOAL. ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' 4' 75 La area e r i,l, , ? 5 . cents low 'At thole:A!! H U f LAIR; , ..'7. ~ LUM DKR OP ALL KINDS at the lowort pricer!. At the 3 Mlle of ' ' . 4111 HOOP SKIRTS. 1,:115 110P,K11f9 . ,'!0WN,,?,tAK4 . " ' In all the Now gyring Styles, for Ladies, bils4.l, and Children; the quality end. prima of which will t recnm mord themselves te 'every ow tower. fIETSI (011814T8I I cORSKT/01 I I .Just tour/fed down ittgeld at pa ;c making one pre/Mut pi et than they - Carr° alb Med, until g.lO declines to that point, and 3 percent lobe than ' the price Quo year, ng,a' Wo . we ro oho Ora to Pielade'phln• to gife olives In change to rur custotinas, and cow take. the lead In giving them Atli ndituitiv-e of the taunt tq a ape. - tie bale, Jet advance of the gold market; wh toh will be fully epprocist , d by all who Le:amino nor ex-, (rowdy low prices. lloop'Skirts, 'our bwell make, at 37,40, 60, 55, 00, 70, 75, t) 86, 00, 05, $1.00,.. &c., to $2.20. ! made • M'lmlatMns Gamete, at 5% 55, 15, ock, .11100, 0.6 , 81,76. uporlur Preimb {Norm Comte at .75:Conte, reduced fronildkut at 4 . 1 . 00 _ , 0 ° 41 „ ' o ° 4 !from 54,58: at 61.25, reduced from . s l4c, !rF;..c7to' • 55:05 - reduced filitn47.lo ' st,yjorly, Coreets'At 1;740, reduced from $2,,,5%, toy ,d'o. • Tbompeone'Olorb 1/Ittlue-Coreete et $1.75, iedueid I from 02.20, Sc. do dtrei, bloodr's,Petent Half Ad, littetirug ,Abd OnalinfOoiedte; ats redabtion' of 56 Oat* itO, 6.00, $1 11 , , alr, , ateorclitig All other, 5, 50141 . "Orokertlonably .I,duced. Bahia and Comte, ;made ta. indoN Altered. Lrepitred, irboloaele Una meted— one prim? 0n!y, , 5511,,0r, send for 4rettlerei . • • - 4 • • • • I , , .c • Wyk T., IIfIP,CINO, , I. 'iIIBatzLAIVE6 tr.& . HARPER, - ' . : • . C9r ! Hattaer and ?oinfrot stir NEW GOODS! NE,W GOODS OPENING. OPENING OF HEAVY BEAVNRB. LADIEIP, CLOANINOB' OPZNING OP OPENING OH OPENING OF OPENING OF NEW ALPACAS OPENING OF PLAIN AND FAN& DRESS GOODS. MOURNING SECOND MOURNING '.1300D8 HARPED, GREAT DARGATES IN GREAT BARGAINS IN ,CLOTIGI ANT) CASMIERES. GREAT BARGAINS,IN itotriainniNismaro DRY GOODS. IMMENSE -STOCK OY . .ALL THE LEADING BRANDB OF DOMESTICSI HARPER, WHITE GOOD 3. 'EAELE NAPKINS. BALMORAL and MERINO VESTS, ,SIIIRTS, AND DRAWERS Po t Ladles•, Mlases',Mon's, wallows' Woo.r. A good eless orGoods at the lowest pos sible prices. TIIOS. A. HARPER, CAM DEALER, 10070 Cor. Hanover and Pomfret s MILLER & BOWERS' HARD WA RI, 87 011 L, 26 NORTH H A NOVER -STREET would respect fuliyenll the at h n -I,one of th., public to our leteutly r.plotach eqi STUCK Oft HAM/WARN making it now tone of the lurpost lu Cumberlaud Volley and coucicLinit In pert of IIAII‘INIIRD AND PALM!) BUR DON 't! 1101tbli NAY It idie 13 LACKSMI WAGON IL Eltt , , COM-111 ICEit ANL) CA RPEN'I ToulS. BUILDING ,51 ER.I A ~Saddlery, Cnbfilet 31eFors, Uiaderlikers. and ti:ach 31-att MATERIAL 'lisl`un;'?L'or~Pa, ~ itoik~w',"lT~~ ( iui, Aa . .—.,•`_.._. Repots fur' Ato24JRIILCIVe. ILEA PHU eonetautly 'oDd. Wo are comitabtly l!. T.ralpt of good lE=IM!!E!!!EM!151i!1!111!1 OA; ...ountry tt . lerchaut;l at attrittbla and N York pricer. 0 - 4/00D+ d. 11,5,1,1 to Ali tha to'wu of ehrtriv.. WILCOX & GIBBS' SE WING , .11A(111 .A' E We here ,neared the &goner ..of the Wilcox • Gibbs' Notting. ?Igebine. a litre tautly armoire. mint uu one moue wll4ng le do . without after harlot , feet. cue In °iteration. lon Wile •x & Whin.' In a Single Thread "senior And 01011 OP superiority over all iloubir Thread tin cldnet ,In rhr Itemising tie rtlrulnn. 1t le 'hunter end less liable to get out ut repair. It In -beeper 1. runs with Ito, noise. It rune •ttltinf It rune rester - It bee the best device for worst:tins the wheel Irmo running backward. It ret4U:r.o. lees 1110chatt1- 00:1101II to operate It. It reit flees lose thus and Instruction to Isere to um It. It Is the most roe tole end reliable In Its. operations Its needle •it strait tit old leer liahlu to he hroken then A rut rod inn. The needle hi secured ha Its plate - by an Ingeniously patented device which renders It self adjusting at. that itelthet skill .110.r10.04 Ara: required in irrenging It. It Pont. elrectirirein the spool thus &ling away with the trtllol4/ operation 01 roe hailing the thread a..Jo-stnetil to the (shuttle. It trutt.ol. the Wilettl, twisted originals-with thoi machine and wade hy no other, the tenet, is mare' elastic And stronger than the Lurk titteli the 0,101 le the. more: tiVblltlll4 beautitul, the costa s lwnye self hatened thus naphtha s , r. vet sl fro Mid. Its lei:t aloa I. lucre 811111110 and morn cattily tolju ted. It In morn spirility chln.red how one kind of work to another, it duce heautitol. embroider; , itrhas best Inhume, it has the Lest filler, it 1140 the best braider, It has the beet belt. ?he Irli. or S tilishee,i has been in rite market, furs ID tlu pinto eight year., Teeing . wi t ch time unearth+ of misty thousand have been mode and A Id, a t umbee by fifty per cent Tamar then were sold al any Double Thrm,l elder In the 11.11fle number of Ito earlieet year, Oat /140000/ Is sulfielent to warrant the rale of this liechlue wherever It hue an Attuney without the .liiishiftg out, erre of testi.. Weis, of which (horror. !lough it, hill up the column. in the land. There ?leehture are on exhibition i t our a.m n, N o. 20, 1 Mirth Minors. air, et, t'Arliale, where they may be examined. nod the) war tube greet 'delimit° in ex plaining anything relailou to It. fitful.) ' ,t BOWERS, • No, 2d. Earth Hanover St., 4tuont9_ Carlisle, 1 a. SPECIAL BARGAINS ,~y. ~ _. , 1) 0 I I; B t f'.. W .E;Ei T N.:B.T.nE.kTr• A. U., nr, int M..Q I,g' OOODB 'Pleica call sud, be Con'cloCet4l4it rve entriell n'ipri4a . tht der" com.pet!tll.ll," IMO • p4mb7o 188 t NEW BIIA'SYLS VELVETEENS EATER PROOF OLOTI18: Cor. Hanover and Pomfret eta BLANIENIT Cor. Hanover and Pomfret ate Full Hum of 110g11:11Y. GLOVES. 001151P.T8. 1100 P r lIVPS I= I 12, 0 , Pail 1., FM A rim ,O, O;Q.(LHX. At.I,9E.L.AT,AN,E 9 rm. VieozioNnET's , , • . . .„ Your attent!ox' Is callod to tho Tact flip Ot' , RHINEt3MITH & RUPP'S Stordyou c¢u foeo tlio good . ovoi kept•ln any shul/nr IlatabllehluOnt in the eothdy, con elating in part of the following',, STOVES AicD HEATERS 1 . )Vorrootett to glvogc.irrol to fit tlnottoor 6 . :, fiU,ININY BliM3:l 4 rlltE PLACRILEA ER, STOVES AND HEATEIM ORIENTAL PARLOR . 11i:AT ER, ORIHNTAL ST(Wk, •LIVELY RADIATING BABE BUILVIR. JUNIATA PARLOR NEATER, PARLOR LIGHT BASE BURNER Which for MOM ECONOIII cannot be ourpamd = BA RLEY SIIRAP, NOWA: COOK, NOVELTY; PARLOR COOK, und NA TION L RA'NU F.. War Mal ti d, Ir BAKE. KO:UT:AND BEAT Dotter, xi th less fuel, 114111, any °thin atm - es fa this CM Attention Wonlied to our REVOLVIN6 WAIT IiASE REVOLVINO BASIC DURNEIt "Having ttetil!lrcil It t . ..rottitiou /II 0118 19:13 1111jOinillg STOVES, IVe are iletet Ittined to keep Ute .wine In lite future feeling ronfident that we ran Nell 3 on-good art& les ut rates kw.; thou 0111...,,ne1l bull wlt L111%1111146 h.nil , 11111 i it.r .1. .11 Yni tionort EMS 11 Al IRONS COSPEE .II LLN It N IL'L'S AN 1., POI( liti 'cR MEM Auk( 111 i bot In gal HOLLOW WARE, Of elood material and cheap. IVe Dore, awl keep rnuutantly tau hnud, u Very largt ME totinlly ktpt to a tirht-Aux. TLN AND :31IEET 'RUN WAREHOUSE, ROOFING hYOUTING, Done on wbort notice, and tpltontutblt, terms. None but good workmen Ittpispid.Xl4l,ll44u.band,___ _ IMINESMITH & RUPP; Nos. 62, 64, 68, - 7::011TII HANOVER - STREET, MEM STROM S.: SPONSLER.,' No. 13, &nth Hanover street, Carlisle Thankful to, they l upon g • t•Alt••utl•••1 !twn byre afar,. do rar an: lanes their tajaal large stock of SPRIMi STYLE,: OF BOOTS ASD 8110E9 r Emmm 3lisee%, Gents and Boys, Yovithsand rm. etonifort Al. TIII:NKS AND VALISES, =I Al: of wl.lrl. will 1,0 I I e, 1 , , , a nll Pry. t. ono nd a I, get a fu I equlvalen: for your ;annoy Lluit7o LIVERY, SALE, AND EXCHANGE STABLE. T. L. STERNEIt & BROTTIER, In rt.:, of LoTtA Jloo o. =1 riZEI=I FURNISHED FOR - FUNERALS =I tral n. BcuLln rauw for 50 10,11 r bone" on DEB TO THE LADIES • Tarr 11111 La no It'a :Let will .ti s leataa thii Mies Lett, t,sti at read ache le, which In auededlu every ranit y fu, eve y day la uae., — euclt en wino... le • II EY ENUI NE, AG ERICAN TALLOW=IOAP , reemouterk Ira 'or no follow! •v. purposes: Eon. oral Vous. 11,11 WO; for the t 11,1: for Iho Inupdry • for 'Oltoppe I 1x0..5. kr. old by grocers and storoheepers ores, 0 here NATIIA. Pl,ll it, mole spout, N. MP Muth e. reel. Phi1:1,4.44115: wr.b7o . I)EQLTNt IN GOLD! C - 011.1t F.Bl'6N VINO I) LI NE IN 000091 Quite mark exci tem ilne nio ns ent I M n i alio Dry floods in tricot, In very nol ilec of • t ~1 Dltljk;S GOOD,S, BiTgoll, Itspo, and 'hrgo , 81'9 Is • comprifil n mealy opyry th:og In thlm lino of• • icoots. STAPLE GOODS /limn.le, Tlettings. inglinnis,,Ellinkete Cottonedes; , Kentucky ! Jenne, Cler1:119 and CASSIMERES, LlllOl/ and Cotton Tiltlo Dimon), Meal Cheeks. WHITE GOODS. gwle . ~a, .. . , . . . Nnlmicok. • Cambrice, Tnroveta, Fremhithas floe. Tiniufonn,C4ambricoull ,Swhol, litlOnrrs ani In sorting.. , • . . . , . EMERY, GLOVER,, Trimming., in grog Ilibbog.e, of dm bout qnnlity, llntd and Smnlowhi." ' • FANOTi GOODS of 'o,!toen4 . tnnuy I p rots, Undo: ,Pry 11E414159n0y . OARRETS, OIL CLOTHS, • . tßuge n itidoye,. •Shedep, :Conoter- , parole and motty goodd not mentooed for want • • olefin to haeothe Inroad and •In•et stuck of tokyOoode lo the lOtector of the elute, end will itit • at such prices ge,Wlll NMlsfy.ull ylt t thla !slim place to'fmt good butgatna• ; •., • ••• Simbfo „•.• • • • • • nArryg.a •nd DURABILITY Quite a novelty I= uud JUIIHIN“
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers