Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 03, 1870, Image 1

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J.. M; WALLACE. Jo -
Whoro brick ami rnortaT Ilfu nuy couHe
To mlt down In a pot of grona
go—ng, I me All n grit of poac:.
I'd chooso a ~,r4vo by trln's Avaro,
With not a nomad to me tannin lot,
I'd by tha cannon lia , A; a nhot,
No—by , tlia gri Lava a cot. ,
How fair tiaa rocky ( Into ar,nuntl,
wander forth whora few frequent
love n ndtivarivilla a roar,
I la o river by the shore.
.Nat xwent at moonlight's mystic hoar.
That wild.oxparain to scan It o'er,
ro voila, upon a typay gent-L-
No—no, I IOOEIII it gym tont.
In that ratlromont, T nonld
Parma BOHN rustle industry;
A d Make nipiolf a: boiling tea—
No-3/0, r 'roma) .11.4:ing Lea.
Beneath kallady wyeamoro
• Bow tie ;et t, breath° toVv . d tender vow
c Your our one bitten by a f 0W—
NoAlo, I mean Hitting by a hough.
Or .w!et with your fond %rata to sit
Outside the do,r, at daylight's clow
mhe'. hard hitting at )our
I inuau liard huittiug at your hoe,
ill I still you watch that fairy sham,
A Hu n uuer dress which dons adults,
Admiring much liar laugh of scorn,
Sc, no—l mean a scarf of lawn.
- 1, was the height of the "Reign of
Terror" in Faris. A crowded audience ,
wore breathlessly listening to their fa;
vorite tenor, Alcidor, with ;whose . sing
ing they seemed perfectly efiehanted.
ree magnyique l c'esf . eliurmott !
IL is superb !, ravishing!" was whis
pered alike, in pit, boxes, and gallery, as
Aleidor was singing in the most eiqui-:
site style, the air, " 0, Richard mon..
roi !"
And when he finished the lirwlifu
song, in the second act of the opera, "
revs ri tlnnz !" the public enthusiasm no
I, ingv r could be restrained. The house
shook with thunders of applau , se. Thbes
pierce's features were, for the moment,
lit up with an agreeable smile, as, lean.:
ing tnw . i rd Danton, Lc whispered : " Cit
i Z(.11 if all the proscribed had such a
voice, there would be little wink f u• the
" And wherefore I" miswered DiNhe
that sanguinary rev . ,?lutionist, as, will
his small eyes, lie looked fixedly, with .
piereing glance, ntthe singer.
'" -Robespierre
" the people 'would never assent, if it was
proposed, to doom so splendid a throat to
anything else than singing. Only look
I pray you, at onr friend the tisherwo. ,
man, up there in the shots quite
mad with enthusiasm."
At this monmat, another storm of ap
platNe burst forth, as, the singer, in com
pliance with the AVISII of the audience re
peated the ; and when King Riolw nd
in a song in , reply, shonld have answered
Monde!, pa, and gallery loudly ap
plauded, and drowned both the Ringers
. yo . i,N and his song.
The favorite Tie - eTiiirrici.MlTiF - TO — rior
tiro the entlmiia,sin of the' audience nor
the smile of satisfactioii on - the counte
nance of the terrible Robespierre. 11.18
eyes were steadily, fixed on One of the
hoses in the first, tier, in which sat the
.beautiful and nolde.,widew, the - Marquise
d'Anville, Vainly he sought to catch
the g,lance of the marquitie ; 6e was so
deeply engaged in conversation with a
gentleman who was sitting liear her in
the same box, that chit seemed to be to
tally unconscious or tho :;io gv p. Bur Ids
ardent gaze at length aroused her ; she
seemed to recollect herself, and, leaning
over the front of the box, she waved to
witr4 him tier handkerchief and fan ;
what he quite beside himself, stretelied
out both his arMs toward her. The au
dience knew very well that the marquise
was Alcidor's betrothed ; that he, like
the eltivilrous knight of old, devoted his
love, voice, yea, life to her ; and they ad
mired and honored the lady to whom Al.
eidor so frequently alluded'hflis raptur l
oils song as his guardian angel. Thu
applause was now, therefore, as much
for the marquise as the singer.
" Curses on the marquise,” Dentin
morosely whispered ; " 1 do not like
her ; it seems to me that her neck is
ready for the guillotine."
" Talc earv, citizen," said M
i ies
pferre, On undertone, .".that . no one
hears wli tt yort are saying ; tit* people
would be fearfully enuagutlif they heard
you, fur A leidor is the pet of the people,
and the marquise is his belovqd. Indeed
it is even said that the proud marquise
is abouCto become wife ; that
she IV - MilintiOrin marry thin darling of the
people, and this is her ittzAection. 'We
dart) 'Da
, opposo the people, :did the
ple love Alcitlor more, far more, (I verily
believe) than they do either you or 1,
Citizen General." •
- The licxt morning Meld& was reclin
ing on a tioUch, fooling ° exhausted with
the past evening's excitement, arrayed .
in a gorgeous silk dressing gown, led
with pis feet thrust carelessly in a pair
of Tut:lash slippers.
Trete was an air of agreeable coda
- Hioll about , the room. On a itemborine
Was the•dmine mantle,,in which The sing,
or had appeared oehthe previous evening.
On a chair, lay luiddledtog,etlA a Si;an
ish.dress and an elegant gypsy costume.
On a small table was a guitar and a duig.
gee ; while on'the pihno; where lay, the
open music book, stood bottlo and chain-
Paipo chimes. Aljidor cast a quick
- glance around the elegant disorder ; and
then with: an ironical' smile, leaned his
kead back on tiro cushions of the conch,
and sank into a pleasant reverie. •
.41. slight rustling at the door aroused
Lit', and the next minute p, sweet
. iu a soft musical tent, asked, " 3,la;y
COlllO in r Alcidor started up,,lds coun
tenance ra:diant'with delight, has
tened to the 'door, opened it, nnd- the
marquise entered. 'The 'speaker
.stood .
'speechless with joy and astonishment at •
thiq,unexpeeted visit ;• but the marquise
who did not AOOlll to:miirk Lis embainsp
dent hastily bolted thodoor„inquiiing,
&tithe Ramo time, very earnestly,
,•" Can
any ono hear us ?",
" No one—no one" ho replied,' scerco
,ly able tooommand hin voice, from emo
tion_; mulfalling'down on his , knees, lm
exclainaed; "0, Cecelia I you come to
nip ; you.dosign to . bonoe thin wretched
apartment with your neblo presence
Thanks, ten thmisaad thankn,'rny 'titn
lai;genins, my guardian angel I my b'e.
loved . .
' Not so--not
.so," &lid tho niarquiso,
in an anxiOus,tono of voice , . " Stand op,
. .
. . .
. •
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I beseech you. Some thus ago I gave
into your easterly a small box, which yott
kindly promised to take earn for me ;
may I now ask you 'to return it to me ?"
Silently Alcidor went to •his hureali to
'search for the boz. _The - marquiso watoh
inghim breathlcusly, as he sought for
the box among papers, notes and books ;
and when he had found it, and. brought
it to her: she could nor repress a loud,
,joyful scream. Quickly she. pressed a
spring ; the lid dew open, and glittering,
costly jewels were exposed to view.
" Look, Alcidor," said the marquise„
excitedly ; " this is all the property I
possess, and you have very carefully ;we
-served it for me."
Alcidor bowed low :did kissed her out
stretched hands. 0, Cecelia !" he ex
claimed, " what do L 'care for dazzling
jewels, costly and valuable though they
are ? Your eyes are my precious jewels,
and your love my costly treasure. Say
you still love toe he urgently asked,
and looked imploringly at her.
The.mar4uise trembled, but wa.‘i'n
" (ill ray you still loye'me ?" • be
sought Aleidor , " spealtle me, I beseech
you ; you are the harCriiness and' joy of
my life I",
' The initrft o turned pale, and her
eyes weye-tilled with tears.. Suddenly, if
yichjidg to a hankie): deteilnination, she
!lung herself down at his feet, and raising
.her beautiful arms, she sobbel,,forth :
"0, Aleidifi., I have deceived' you for
give me !"
• The singer drew back a few paces am'
exclaimed, breathlessly, "-lon no longei
love , me"
" Forgive me !" again entreated the
marquise ; Oh, do not look at lite like that !
Oumut endnre it. Spurn me ; kill me ;
but do; not look at me like that."
By this time Xlcidor had recovered his
self command, stretching out his Band
toward the marquise, lie cried, "Stand up ,
Madame ! This is no true position for
But the marguse replied " I will not
quit until you say you
forgive. me, Alvidor. Listen to
thmtly a nunneut. You remember the
ciucl outrages of the'teMh of August. 1
saw my father and nuhlter slaughtered
by the barbanms men Whom you call the
Pixtvetors of Frame. ' Alley dragged me
out of prison and foiced Inc to be a wit
ness, A leity, of their death by the
They,again thrust me back into
niy prison, dumb = mml, senseless;—to
bring me forth to be guillotined some
other day. But that night I was net
•fr . oe. ('mint Roger Obtained my pardon
from Robespierre. IRA diAained Ins
lom_i but he saved my
.life, and out jit
grntitmle, I resolved to devote my life
to him."
Meidor - tio•nod pale; as she, went on
speaking he covered his face with his
I ands. ' His low sobs alit6nedthe mar
quise, and the tears started even into her
eyes.. However, seen she continued :
"1 secretly belil/143 , his wife 1. could
not - re=
cumpcnse hint fur saving, me."
".Toil wherefore did you marry hito
thus secretly?" said Alcidor, reproach
"In order to pre - vent suspicion. Ap
parently ho rescued Inc (ruin the selfish
motivi; of obtaining possession or my
estate, which he could only obtain by
my marrying him. After our marriage,
when the count had ineurt'ed Danton's
hatred, the marriage was still kept a se
cret, in order that lmight not be includ
ed in the COMA'S Mill."
'• Rise, rise, I implore you!" said' Al
eidor, endeavoring to st raise the near
eppeisc. "I forgive yon all—everything;
only leave me now, this moment !"
The marquise follmved him ty,, thecouch,
couch, on Winch •Alehlor had again flung
himself. and, seating herself by his side,
she emit hilted : "Danton still remorsely
pui'sues my husband with his hatred ;
and only ,Robespierre, as yet, saves hint
from the guillotine, Will you aid me?"
•' Uh !" 'said Aleitior, trembling with
agitation and anger, •‘ now I understand
the whole matter. They have played
with my feelings," he went on, as if
talking to himself aloud—" they have let
me think that my feelings were recipro
cated they have openly suffered it to
be Understood that it, was so. ' And, now
it appears that all tbis has been done
and allowed only because they knew that
I was a favorite of the people, and that
the beloved of the singer, Aleidor, would
thus be perfectly safe, In spite of her
aristocratic rank, front. the people's
wrath. Now it appears that in their
hearts they were laughing at the con
ceited fop,. who could be CO vain as-to
hatter h imstSlf that he had won the love
'of the highborn marquise. That was
not noble, madame," lie said, suddenly
turning his head toward her ; "You may
despise my love, bid
,you dare not play
with it."
"Aleidor whispered the marMthie,
Limb presses! life mid my
husband's sire at stalea: Miami has put
the (limes name on the 'list of the pro.:
scribed, and very soon my
.101111 e will be
added also. My estate is confiscated ;
these jewels, Which. wi , h a sorrOwftil
foreboding, I entrusted to your elrge,
are limy my only property. With them
must flee into Germany. My carriage
is at the door.. We must separate:"
" Separate 1 Must I, indeed, lose
you?" sorrowfully exclaimed thd singer.
"Cecelia, will you Itillmm?".
Rho trembled ; she tdiik his hand, Auld
murmured, strong,, that I
may also bedomo so I .130 :a man ; aild
teach mo to do what I ought
so," said AlbidOe, cincr
getically, .yonr Haredy &ponds
upon. it 1 Why do you not go?". ho.ox
.claiumd, in h moniant, most bitter
tone of voieg.
"Oh 1 surely I am -fiot, deceived in
you?" cried the marquise, clasping his
hand; I I beseech you, re
member that I gave niy hand the
count, as my "protector and 'deliverer,
before I'evei saw you;, and that since
the time we met my life has beim ono
series of tortures. Do. net answer; do
not 'speak let me finish L boo I" 6116
continued, leading him to the window ;
"there is my carriage: 'There mats the
count (disguised as a servant) besidd dhe
Mon diettl how the people' are
already eromiding around the carriage; in
the horrible .antiCipatiou of another vic
tim, Alcidorl you atomic can and Uinta
save bah myself amid immyhusband.,";.
them," Lo said, xpoliitely
"Como ; if my heart breaks, I will save
you both." •
As he : spoke, lie led her down the stair
case to the hall .door. Alieluly an im
mense crowd had surrounded the car
riage ; women with disheveled hair and
and in tattered rags; men with murder-
ous countenances and blood stained gar
moots, shouting madly to each "other :
" Wherefore this traveling carriage?
They are fleeing from justice, fiom the
wrath of the people ! We will not per
:nit it! - Nu one shall quit the city
" Unharness the htms'es I" cried a man.
Pull the servant; from the .box
screamed a vixenish woman. With hor-.
rible howls the maddened crowd were
proceeding to act upon these orders. At
this moment, Alcidor, icho, until now,
had remained speechless by the 'side of
tho, marquise,' stepped courageously fo
NY ard.Awinging into the carriage, he
jumped upon the seat, co as to obtain a
yrosition in. which every one could see
"Wh at are yon.doing, my friends
he called out, in a loud voice. "Do you
not know me? Am I not of you? Do*
can you be so cruel as to prevent My be
loved from setting forth on her journey
to her country house?"
At the sound of the favorite's voice,
the covntenanoes of the murderous crowd
"That is Alcidor, our singer !" they
whispered to each other. They smiled
•on the Binger ; and they becanie sudden
ly still and quiet.
Aleidor, taking advantage of the im-
pression he had. made, quitted the car
riage, mar handing in the marquise, ho
stepped tip on a high stone, and, follow
ing the inspiration - of the moment, he
Commenced the song, "lin rove Si
d 011 X."
The crowd, which had again begun to
murmur when the marquise mounted
into the carriage, became ngaiii, as if by
magic, suddenly silent. They pressed
nearer and nearer to the singer, who had
never ,so sang this song before.
His yangiy his dothts, his grievances
soul—breathed foith in the
tones of, his marvellous, rinrivalred
The stream of song gushed forth from
his breast like the soft sighing of the
zephyr; and as Ito sung, and sung,
his face brightened ; every tone seemed
o be instinct IVith life and meaning.
The throng of people stood silently en-
raptured. It mattered not to them, now,
that the carriage began sloWly to move ;
they willing °pelf a passage to allow it
to pass. Every look was fixed on' Alei
dor. They even exclaimed, as die ear-.
riage rolled away, "Not so loud—not so
loud ; MadOx is singing !!' fearing lest
they might lose one word or note of the
beautiful-song. Yes, this same crowd,
which had been HA ferociously 'thirsting
for human blood, was now, even as a
tamed lion beneath the power of his
keeper, tranquil by the spell of the
singer's voice. Ills song swelled up
louder and louder, and his voice, trenib/-
ling now, as if from serroW, 7- iii - draW7
catty as if from rapture, made tho hearts
of all his hearers :vibrate, and called
forth low murmurs of applause. Gradu
ally hjs voice grew feebler, and, as the
sound of the'earriage wheehl died away,
it suddenly ceased. lie stepped down
from the high stone on which he had
been idandi»g, and covering his face
with his hands, retreated into the house.
The people dispersed with shouts, an d
far into the night were to be heard in
stro,ts the words of the son, "Un rove
(loos !"
The mlong 'of ttie Louvre were bril-
liantly illuminated, and an 'elegantly
dressed company were promenading
them, It was the birthday of the Etn ;
press, and Napoleon had commanded
that a splendid ball should be given. In
a sump 6)l«boir, at the end or the grand
suite of reception rooms, 'Napoleon, with
Josephine by his side, was sitting be
neath a canopy; the chamberlains and
generals standing by the folding doors.
Napoleon apparently was in earnest con
versation with two „gentlemen standing
near hint. "Vraiment," said he, sod
dimly mid his dark eyes glanced round the
apartment like a flash of lightening. "I
shall be very angry with you, Talma ;
came to I?aris to repose, and you prevent
my having ally."
"lie who can look upon Scipio with.:
out deep-thrilling emotion, west either
be a god or a blockhead! Is it true,
sire?" answered Telma.
Napoleon's face grew tile:* ss, night ;
he loot ed at. Talmo and said, Amply ;
•"•An ' artiste' rthovil, _'tot flatter !, Do
you remember the old spng, ' La flotterie
est it ne ealornnie, one_ poi iron nerie :ah
ea oh en entendez ?"! Ah l" the
emperor suddenly addeWturaing to the
ether gentlemen ; "can not ion slug us
That sizing; Alcidor, that I have just .
quoted? It would sound well from your
lips, But stay ; that reininds' me. Peo-
pie complain - that you are capricious,
-Alcidor.• How is Unita, you
,will .never
now sing,' as lam informed, ' Blonder's
Song ?' lam told you sung it in Robe
spierre's time. How is it that you re=
fuse to sing 'tin i.eve 8i doux P now?"
Alcidor replied; with a trembling
voico, "Sire, I ; cannot sing that song ; it
is so closely bound tip with ,tnally, pain,
ful recollections that I should break
down with emotion if I attempted to sing
The eniperoli' impatiently s/Mok his
head,- and said, Itarsl9y, "Ile a man, Al
"I haVt, vowed most 'kohnquly,!' rd.
" 'Myer again to sing that
song, sire, unless at my /dying , hour,
Aleidor stiu•tcd ; ho trembled ; ho
Pressed hie .lips firmly together, and
looked diedlrin-thA distance, as if ho
saw an apparition. .
The emperor's glance also, at the 'Hanle
moment, litul,wbailor through the fold:,
in 14 . 'doors into thd quiekly, filling salons,
and,. with a. triumphant smile ho
claimed turning towards ,tho empress,'
" Como,•JOSephine, lot us welcome• bur
guests," -'• •• .
- All oyes followed the imperial couple
as they slowed Wended their way through
the taioas. As to ,Aleillor,„ though ,no
ono noticed it, he stood, for some time
immovableias a statute, murmuring to
himself, "It muss have been nitro t I can
not—have hem 'Mistaken. I must, ,pt
least, know Whether she !Mil forgotten
& past, 1" •'" - " '
So murmuring, ho qUitttid the room,
and mingled with the &mots. ,
. .
The emperor was standing conversing
with a lady, attired hi the decipest mourn- ,
ing; wholni beautifully' expressive coml.;
tenance - Um traces of deepeet:
- •
clioly. • • -
" ! eon*esS, " said*. in the' bourseof the friendly" conversation, "Bo yoti
returned to Paris only yesterday!, 'sow,
Will you tell me something of Alio last
moments of Count Roger; how did , he.
die ?"
. .
" Praying for Lis eniptirok;" said ffic!
beautiful Marquiss_d'A,nillls,_ tho f ie;
liverir of France." •
"The_ prayer of a dying
w 'reatz,:";..
plied Napoleon; "has onderfurPOwey,
to---. But stop I 'What that ? Is
it not Alchlor's voice ? Why, he is sing.
ing that song, iIIn yevs el detiltfl • And;
countess, what is the matter with yst'f
You turn pale—you treruble.".
" Permit me, sire - , to withdraw;"!,im
plored the conntess ,
am taken
suddenly ill."
"I have an idea that there lung be
Some connection
.between your' sudden'
'and - Ahlidor'fi -refuge],' just - now, ,
to sing," said the emperor. "Follow the,
countess," he added, hastily.
Trembling, and.searcely ahle to breathe,
the countess followed 'the, emperor into
the salon in which Alcidor was seated at
the harpsichord
.singing'. HaVing his
back to them, ho did not oliServe their
entrance. Napoleon, 'taking the' corn.
tess by the hand, stepped Up close be -j
hind Alcidor, and, with a wave of hie
hand, motioned all the listeners back.
When every ono had quitted the apaf
meet, he laughingly leaning over
Alcidor's shoulder, " You did not finish
one sentence earlier in the evening. That
song you are singing . you- said you would
sing again only nt your dying hour;
Sleidor - turned quickly round, thp
tears glistening, in his eyes. His glance
met that of the trembling, yet happy
countess ; and he quite forgot to reply
to the emperor.
Napoleon laughed. " Your 'unhappy
love has beetralready related to me, Al
cidor ; so that t can easily read the lan
guage of your eyes. Countess," -con
tinued he, " I hope you will no longe r
suffer their true knight to remain silent,
and to go on singing,• `l.lh revs si deux.T
but that will make,the dream a reality.
To-morrow you must sing ‘Blondel's
Sortg„' Alcidor."
With a gracious shake- of the hand,
the emperor quitted the room, and the
/flyers were ahute. _
Wq long for the day when this enstoni
shall be obsolete. It is uube'coming the
truly afflicted ono. The wearer says by
the black garments : have lost n dent:
friend. I am in deep serrci)v." Brit
true grel does-not wish th parade itself
before the eye of the stranger • much less
does it assort its extent. The stricken
one naturally goes apart. from the world
to pour out, the toars. Real affliction
seeks -privacy,. -It-is _mi. respect_ to_ the
departing filend to say we are in sorrow.
If we have real grief, itm ill be discovered.
When God has entered a household in
the awful chastisement-of death it istime
for religious meditation and communion
with God on the part of the survivors.
How sadly out of place, thou,
.arc' the
milliner and the dressmaker, the trying
on of dresses, and the trimming- of bon
nets. There is something profane in ex
citing the vanity of a young girl by fit-
thug a waist or trying on a hat, wheti the
corpse of a father is lying' in an adjoining
room. It is - a sacrilege to drag tho wid
ow forth from her . grief to be fitted for a
gown, or to select a veil. It is ofton ter
ribly oppressive to the poor. The widow,
left desolate, with half a dozen little chil
dren; the family means already reduced
by the long sickness of the father,must
draw on her scanty purse to pay for a
new wardrobe for herself and children,
throwing away the goodly stock of gar
ments. already prepared, when she most
likely knows not where she is to get
bread for those little ones. Truly may
fashion be called a tyrant, when it robe
a widow of her last dollar. Surely your
sorrow will not be questioned, 'even if
you should not call in the Milliner to help
display it. Do not, in your affliction,
helptufflohl a custom which trill turn the
afflictions of your poorer neighbor to
deeper poverty an well :is narrow.—Cen
tral Baptist.
The jewels dangle in her ears, her
waist is but a slender span ; and as she
swings along, she says, " I am going' to
catch a dandy man." llis hat is the la
test style, he totes his sane with a dan
dy hold ; and lie struts about, ho says,
" I'm going to marry a fool for money."
They came together at the hall ; they
dance and gig and waltz and whirl ; her
dress is fine " damnation liana," his
purse is lank, his hair is curl, " Ile is so
nice," " she is
,so :rich ;" ho lacks for
cents, she lacks for brains ;. he , fiattbrx
her, she dazzles him, they call each • oth
er " lii atty. names." ti
, With gouty curse, papa sayi; "Ten;' ;
mamma says noughtL-mannua is dead; his
debts are - large, . her Purse . ,is deep,
the fop and fool together wed. mar_
rings of convenience, quite a Very re_
cherche affair ! They . live " up tow n"in
freestone front ; the halls are grand, the
rooms are high ; 'tho,beau• monde
, froni .
their coaches trip, and enter with 'Ali en
vious sigh: They do *love; they do
hatti ;. their only bonds are those of law;
they frogent operas and :plays, and scorn
"ditty raLblo, awl]." holdflie cards
she held the stakes ; the load was-brasS,
the trimly) was gold a perfect; rnatch, , ,
an even pair ; for he was bought and he
tons'sold l •
A. Irronehrnan,, • but hopoFfodly no
quainiod with - Um English languago, 66-
ing iii a company of ladies and gontlinnOn,
inquired of a friend:'
44 toll mo who iz zat fat lady opposed?"
"Hush saidhis you t
say fat.; you rhould say stout."
" Elt I'varOo
The next day,, at dinner, "upon 'being,
asked which part of the. beef he preferred,
recollecting his friend's correction of the,
previous day,. he replied,
". I' vill take apiece are i"
' When a itroat \ Ameriectu • dido;" -
the Boaton. Travel/en , qt t ho fist .thing
done la Co , regolve •to build iC spOurookit ,
to Ms poon'oryi and t!los9oondirknot t c O
to bildd
Hu'vb-rfisi 'll] 2\
.1 -
Ono of the carton,' features o.', Pacific
,(jolt life, is the startliagiincertainty that
'! / P l r a Rill'-° career in: the relikii. .".11e
7 ,
aySpriag:frona ioverty . to ' yrititith ao
. siiitdeidilia 'to liiim' hie ' hair ii 1,16, , and
:tiMpi"aft . eiii, : addle:he:May beoo 0 4Mr.
again so sifaenly"nii 'tr; Make7:li 'that'
.White hair Offluid leaVeltia heist 4(a clean
as a billiard Viill. -7- The - great'Neliada sib
'er 9,4c#9M l * , ,cif. 1 51 , 2 7 , 7' 0) ' NYa NeFF °l 4 ic
in t h is sort of vicissitudes.
Two brother, teamsters, did so4ao haul
ing for a man In Virginia city, and had to.
take a small, segregated portion Of a sit
'ver mine in lieu of $3OO cash. They gave
artoutsider a third to, open th&ratap, and
they'Went On teaming, lint. 40t, long.
'Ton months afterward the tuipOras out
of - debtund paying' each• owner $B,OOO to
,$10.,i/DCt a month—say, $100,004 a•year„
Th'eyLlulditlittt handsome ineprat for, just
abOute_tven years,andthoydroff4'.ll.l: - thil
lottdestichad.OfOostitmes andwqr mighty
diamonds, played-poker for,: amusement,.
these mens.wila seldom. ,hid .110; at. ono
time i n all their lives be fore, 00. of them
is tending lair for wages,,,,,and ,the
other is serving hie country as comman
der in Chief on a street car in - Ban Fran
cisco at $,75 athonth, Be. wasitery.glad
:toga that cmployinent, too.
'. One ef ' , the earliest nabobs nit Nevada
WaSAelivered of wore s6,ooo:Vorth of
aihmondei in his Lomita,. fuldleiv - drrli'
waelnitlzaripy becanso-he conldi't spend
his:Money as fast as he made:it. But
lot us' learn from 'him that4ersistent
effort is bound to achieve anceelis at last:
Withirin, year'it , time his - 'happiness'-was
secure ; (Or he hadn't a cent ten'pend...
l" Another Nevada nabob boaited an'in
comethat often reached Vo,oo'll, month;
and he used to love to telt :hale he had
worked in the very mine that yielded it,
for c. 6 a day, when ho first Caine' to the
country. Three years afterward he at
tabled to the far more exceedifig 'gilt!
deur of working in it again at four dol.
lays a day.
The silver and sage bush State has
knowledge of another of thotie pets 'of
fortune—lifted from actual * - i - eity to
affluence almost in a 'single tiight—Whe.
Was able to offer $16,000 for a position.
of high Official distinction, shortly after
ward, and did 'Direr it—and a little ovor
a year ago a friend saw hiai j'hoveling,
sitowmn the Pacific Itailroedfora living,
awtiy-itp on the summit of the - SierraS,
some 7,000 feet above the level -of zeom
fort and the 'set. The friend voinarked
that it must be pretty hard workltheugh,
as the snow was-twoitty.five feet deep, it
promised to be asteatly job,. at least,
Yes, ho said, lie didn't, mind-it •hoty,
though a month
, or so ago when 'it was
sixty-two feet deep and still sntiwing, he
wasn't so much - attached to-it. Such is
Then there was John Smith. That
wasn't Itio name, but, Ile „val. ; eaWidin
that. lie 4 .,wan honest,_ .khad
hearted fellow, born ainl .reared in, the
rank_ s of life; ;Md. rikkaiiidotibt .
ignorant. lb, drove a team, and the
team c -... G'mge - irtif - itittlielt - tfuttr:'
and by he married. an excellent woman,
who owned a small much—a ranch that
paid them a comfortable • living, for al:-
though it yielded but little 'bay, whet
little it did yiehtetai.3vorth from $250 to
jss(.o in geld per ton in the market.
Presently Smith traded a' few gene of
the ranch for a small, undeveloped silver
mine in Gold Ii ill. lie opened the mine
and built a little unpretending ten stamp
mill. Itightutor months afterward lie
quit raising hay, for his mining inembe
had reached a most comfortable figure.
Some people said it was $30,000 a month,
and others said it was $60,000. Smith
was very rich anyhow. He built a house
out in the deEert---Iright in the most for-
bidding an otherwise howling dear' t 2—
Ild it wen etirrontly reported that that
houso cost him a quarter of a million.
Possibly that was exaggerated somewhat,
though iteertaiffly was a line li&lste and
a costly our. The bedsteads cost $4OO
or $5OO apiece. •
Abd then the Smiths went to Europe,'
and traveled. And' When they came
back Smith was never tired of telling of
the fine hogs ho had seen, iii England,
and the gorgeoui sheep be had ACED in
Spain, and the Sod cattle' he bad noticed
in the vicinity of Mune. in was full' of
the wonder of the old :World,. arid ad
vised everybody 'to travel. He said a
man never imagined :What 'surprising
things, there - we're iu tho World till ho had
One day, on board ship,. the passeitgers
made a pool of s:',op, which watt to •be
the prod rty of the Man:who gum near
eNtta knessing the rntrof the xestiel,- for
the next twenty-foui• hours,. Next day,
toward noon, the figure's wore all in the
purser's- hands !untied enielops.
Smith wan ere fie and happy, for ho had
been bribing the engineer. But'luiothcr•
won the prize. Smith said : •
"Here, That won't do`! Ho guessed
two miles wider of the mark than I did !"
‘v The purser said; "Mr. WO, Yon .
Missed it fut4her than tiny Man onboard.
We traveled 'two l hundred and eight
yestbrday." •
air," said Smith, "that's, jUnt
whireTve got you, for I guessed two
hundred: and nine. If you'll look at my
figgers. again llnd 2 and two
noughts, 'which stands for two hundred;
don't it.?—and after em , find a
(2009) Which stands for two linudred Mad
nine, I'll reckon
you please."
Well, Smith is dead. And when he .
"died he:Wafin`tWoilli' : l4; - e - ent. - •. The les - -
Roo of thilks; that Mae 'nand Main, how to'
(1u everything ho does--One must have
noperience in being,rich .before, lie can
141*(1n rich. The hititoey*'6tiliforiii . "
will proVe this to your entire satisfacti6M'
tiudden wilalih is an awfnl misfortune to
the average run of is vtaigtini
breath to instruct the rdor - "after
fashiou, though, for no "pi :was ,ever
'convinced' of it 'yettill Ihe ' had, tried it
hihielf—and I ant around noir . hunting
for a mom whO :is...afraid, to try it. I
haven'C had guy:Adel?' sd '
--An the early pioncorsof California
quires; morn 'or 'stealth, -but turencii
mons iikajoriy. of thons.hato not got, any
now, Thostrthitt have, got, it slowly anil
reason: WoinaiiteelsWlnird'nian
acts Whew.ho dolltiorates, .hopea wherb'
ho disairetirS, and irionsihi• sOi4lo . ho
Tho reader Lau, beard • of the ffeerst
Cienltl di qprl filyar riihie!of
believe ire shareware still quoted: in too
retook sales in the 14,ivloricpapers, TLe
M”. n‘
‘ :.-' f‘
:claim comprised one thousand two hun
dred feet, if I remember rightly, Or mr.Y
be it was eight hundred—andl think it,
all belonged .Originally to the two men
WhOS6naines it bears. Mr. Curry owned
two-thirds' of it-'--and ho sold that ho
Sold it out for iwenty-file ' , hundred dol
hare, iii caslk and,an old 'plug horse that
ate up his market value in hay and,
in seventeen days by the watch. And
he saiclthat Gould sold out fora pair, of
second haild governMent blankets and
a bottle., of whisky that killed 'nine.
mon hythree hours, and-an- unoffending,
stranger that smelt the cork
abldd for Foin-Years.afterward_the.
mine thus disposed of was worth in the
Ban Franciseofnarket;eeven million, six
hundred thousand dollars in gold coin.
In'tho early days a' poverty stricken
bfaxidan, who a canon right
back 'of Virginia City, had a stream of
_water as forge as, a, man's wrist trickling
from Om hillside on his.-premises... The
.ophir Company segregated one Mindred
feet _of their mine and swapped it to him
for the stream of water. The one hun
dred feet proved to be the richest part of
'the . entire, mime ; four, years after the
swap, its market value (including the
mill), was $1,500,000. I was , dowa in it
about that time, six hundred feet under
the grpund-,-and about half of it caved
iu over my bead—and yet, Valuable as
that_property was, would hex!) given
the entire mine to have been out of that.
I do not wish to brag—but I can bo
if you take, rue,right.
An individual who owned 20 feet. in
'the;OPhir..mine before its great riehes
were 'revealed to men, traded it for a
horse, and a very sorry-looking brute he
was too. A year or so afterward, when
Ophir stock went up to $B,OOO a foot, this
man, who hadn't a cent, used to say he
was the most startling example of mag
nificme the world had over seen-4e-_
~ .- -C , r aablerfei, E fttra $OO,OOO horse
and yet he had to ride him bareback • be
cause could u't scare up cash enough to
buy a saddle, lie said if fortune were
to give him another $OO,OOO horse, it
would ruin him.„
The shiftless peOple I have 'been talk
ing about have settledsodimentally down
to their proper place on the bottom, but
the solid mining prosperity of California
and Nevada continues—the two togeth
er producing some $40,000,000, annually,
in gold and. silver. White Pine' is giv
ing birth to the" usualnurnber of suddtin
ly created nabob's, but three years hence
nearly every one of them will be scratch
ing for wages again. Petroleum bred a
row of these butterflies for the eastern
market. They don't live long in Neva
da. I was worth half 4 , million dollars,.
Myself, once, for ton days,. and noWl.;am
prowling aroundthe lecture field and the
field of journalism, instructing the pub
lic for subsistence. I was just as happy
as the other buttorthea, and no wiser-- ;
except that I am sincerely glad - that my
supernatural stupidity lest me iny - great
windfall before it had a chance to make
a more inspired ass of me than I vas be
t:arc...l am satisfied that I do not know
enough to ho wealthy
it. 4 1Intd twopartners in this brilliant
stroke ,of fortune. The Bensiblo one is
still worth a lnindred thousand dollars or
,so—he never lost his wits—but the other
one, (and by far the worthiest and
of our trio,) can't pay his board.
I was personally acquainted with the
seyeral nabobs mentioned in this letter,
and so, for old acquaintance sake, I have
swapped their occupations and experien
ces around in such a way as to keep the
Pacific public from recognizing ilier no
torious men. I have no desire Ito drag
them'out of their retirement, and make
them uncomfortable by exhibiting them,
without masks or dii";guise. -I merely wish
to use their fortunes and misfortunes for
a moment for the adornment of this
newspaper article. •
Let me introduce you, Hays the corres
pcinditit of the Chicago Tribune, into the
sumptuous mansion of General H. W..
HaHeck, at San F . rancisco. The time was
lint a few weeks ago. General Heck
.had been ordered to report himself in the
AliAsiasippi Valley, and before•aetting out
ho had out of lair; abundant wealth, given a
fine (limier to . General George IL Tlioidak
his successor in the command of the. De
partment of the Pacific, and invited there
for4bout a dozen prominent ofttepra and
gentlemen, among witom were General
Whipple and oovei'llOT L 137, MAY our
Miiiisterto China.
The dinner was over, the blood dr. the
- )(Yitloweliequot bad warnied itp.the.menn•
ory. and ardent feelings of everybody prem.
'cut; emtvermatfolt en ited; and it turned
upon the disagreeable relit ions that possi
bly might continue to exist between Hal
leek 4114 Thomas, if. the .Islashville mys
tery Were not frankly and fully explained
between -theint General Halleek aft
preached this subjectstjuarely,'and it wa
, bt the, .ii,teneest interest to. dotterel .
while is deliberate and
even a slow;ls a meneitive, man upon the
'fine'points of his honor and reputation;
and so far - :iti'refers to the movement
against him before
and aptti..
hilated Hood, le never been queru.:.
'lens, but always grave and huA;for many
of his friends. !mm led hint to suppose
that the order - which Witted for Lis
removal, - was as much the fruit of a mil
ititrY ewe:piracy es . of his cautious tar
dineSS; ciepirtte,Y tirnely 'overthrown
by the interposition, of _the battle
As General llalleek apiireacbed ' this
istiWeet; thertifere,'Thonms gathered: up
his treat StAtlit'll; polliti hands' behind
Its btiok, tad' witl his withnxitisive Magnet:
',i;nn looked llalleekthroUgh end through.
'General Thomas, I was present,"
'BlO ilalleek," , :" when the order' same
fromGity mit for your superseclence.,
I was astounded; I was dismayed at it:.
I carried it to ;Stanton and asked him
to interpose, : if only, to
. delay the trans'-'
, Mission (kit three 41:48.' 4 ' •
"Bunton said : I am •as muck sur.
prised as, yoti are, I think it a mistake.
intervene. I. elian't take
thesponsibility: It must in 3 ? '
Thomas folloWed all. tide' with . kia
• .„ •
whelp nature and liistory In . k!s.eyes..
it Weill Well he ‘flatilsuppressed
• inli&afilleo•
I li I want yOir
r n-.
. o •
,thrued " for . . we'
,may never,
meet opportunely r wanted to,
YPu to know lt , o„ace ; •
l' !- . , . • •
„ .
"I took Grant's order to Pretadrnit Lin
coin,. aiad asked him to interpose,to allovi
me to detain the orderfor a few days un
til you got ready. In Was as sorry about
it as Stanton or I ; but -he staid,
shan't take the responsibility ; Grant has
ordered it,.and it must go. ' "
'"I Went back to Stanton again. I said
to him that I was satisfied this thing was.
Untimely and unjust, and 3 said :
" Mr. Stanton, if I Mit this order le
moving .General Thomai in my. pocket.
and keep it•for three days,'will you order .
me under arrest?" .
" Do your duty,' said Stanton ; 'it's a
-mistake, but do your duty.'
"I wane to know if you will have me
court martialed if I detain it."
"No," said Stanton, " I won't l'!
" I put that order in my pocket, Gener
al Thomas," saidlialleck, (all present ea
gerly listening) "and you fought tho bat,
tle of Nashville in time to save 'yourself,
to save Grant,.to save i3taidon, • and Lin
coln and me, and tke country." •
"Well I well, sir 1" said Thomas, stern
and big as a mountain of wall. "Is that
"I tell you again,'„' r eplied Halleck that
I have been wanting to talk to you about
this. I wanted to get it oir my mind and
ymirs. I may never have a similar op
portunity. nit order fromGeneralGrant
relieved you from the command before,
-Nashville. It specified, in the order, who
was to take your plebe, and that man's
name was not John A. Logan."
Here there was a sensation all 'around.
Father Thomas seemed forghe first time
to have lost his imperturbability. "Well?
well?" was unequal to the oceasion, sobs
said nothing. • .
"I tell you, General Thomas, that I saw
the order. I carried the order about.
The name of the maw , was given, and it
was. not John A. Logan."
The_company burst
, >know who it was,-
• -"And the name of in that or
der," said Halleck, with duo emphask
"was John M. !Schofield." -
, I know it I" burst forth General Thom
as, nolonger self contained. "I knew it 1
I knew he was the man I"-,
I haveliven General Halleck's version
of the conversation as I believe it to have
been exactly rendered. From under the
teacup_ where Lheard it, some words
might have been lost, but I think not.
You have, probably . , had set before you:
the.precise.statement, ' and have shared
the just spirit of the interview.
GelMral Schofield continued to share
the preferenee of General Grant, after.
the events recounted had paused aVay,
and people stopped writing war histoiy.
He became Secretary Of war, by. General
Grant's advice. after Stanton's resigna
Lion. He was retained in that place by
Courtesy sOnie tithe by' General Grant.
And he„is now a 'Brigadier General in the
regular army'of the tinged States with'
aranlcing command. • •
• .
The "Chicago Tribune tells the follow
ing story: Them appeared, on a -certain
day, 2 in-eaelLuf_the_datiy..PaPers, an ad
4ertiseinent setting forth that a "young
widow lady, of refinement, wsaith, , edu
cation, and beauty, intends making the
tour of the continent. and wishes to en
gage, as a tcompanion and protector, a
young gentleman of--cultivation and re
finement, who will receive a liberal sal
ary, and have all his expenses paid."
That brings a crowd of the - prettiest
young men in
-town to the office of the
"employMent bureau" man, who acts
as her agent. Each takealdrri aside and
says, quite confidentially, Pliy dear fel
low, if you get this engagement for me,
I will give you"—(twenty-five or flfty
dollars, as the case may be).. Then the
agent nays, ' . :Stydear sir, I do n't think
I ought to do it, but still, I like your
looks; and think the lady will—yea. I sin
sure she will, and.l have influence with
her ; so just take a note from me, ace
her, and come back, Each understands,
that "come back." It moans "come
down," after the engagement in ob
tained. Each and all .ACC her in turn, in
a magnificent brownstone mansion, mil
they find her very pretty, very mart ;
and when she neenin to take a great
fancy to each in his - prder, and engagpn
hint as her companion at a npleilidrrail
ary, each pronounces he• an exceedingly
charming woman, and himself
.ono of the
luckiest mou alive. She engages them
all, and they all return and' pay the
agent his handsome fee. The next s day
the office is closed; the' rout has been
about due, and this was the 'grand eeap
of the agent' to.close in a blaze of
professional glory, " bilking " even
the landlord and the Man from whom he
hired his fprniture., As for the beaut!-
4,lyoungthe places
.which knew
her, kiteif j her .no more, 'She only en
gaged board fora week in the browii
stone mansion, and 'left before the, week
was up. ,
Credit-A. wine provishin by. widen'
constables and sheriff's get a living'r•
•Cool;' - even' for' the season—asking' a
friend fur the loan of his^ skate's, to be
returned in the spring.
' Why is a man Who has just cervical his,
- earptit'llagashore from a' steamboat like
an owner ot,the Soil? Becatnie he is
possessed .rd* lauded property. •
A blushing damsel called at ono of the
agencies the 'other day to buy a Sewing
machine. - "Do you want a lair Y", in,
(mired the modest clerk in attendance ;
Tho ingenuous Maidoreplied, .with seine
asperity : sir haio ora;."
"•Mr.. Jouev," said • Mrs. au
.air of triumph, ."dou'A you 'think mar
riage:is Pluoaos of litra ?",
yes,.'.' arsour ‘ kcj Jones, suppose; anything
id a meauS of . .kraeo that breaks down'
prido mid lends to,ropoutoupo." l ' ,
An urchin of 'seven years went info- a .
harbor shop in Racine, Wisconsin, and or=
doted the barber to out ; his l!air as close
ati sbears uould dolt. He was asked if
his Mother ordered it way. " i'to;'! ,
said he, " but school ooromeneos next
week, and we've got a school ma'am that•
----•--..Ø. 4.----
'Net long iiipee - atilngenioue inilivitluel
maniged,to, get druelcfree' of expeupo
altnoet daily iu the 'etreete of by
felling down in ii small placard`
lirehoti'"Don'tbleed me; bit give hot trendy and viietei.. : '
:I!Tovet 'entry viitliouilove, -rite' love
A.." French .rnerchant, having some
money due him in a neighboring
set out on horieback, accomvnied by
his dog, In order to recover Er' Having
settled the bithiness, lila set out for his
residence with the bag of money tied
'Veers, him. The faithful dog seemed to
partake of his master's satisfaction.,
After some miles the merchant alig
- ed to rest in the shade, and taking the
bag of money in hi& hand, laid it down
by his side under 'a hedge, and 'on re
mounting,_ forgot it.. The dog perceiving
the forgetfulness of Mil master, ran 'to
fetch the bag, but it was too heavy for
him to drag along.
He then ran back to his master, and,
by whining; barking, and howling, seemed .
to endeaVor to remind him of his mis
take. The merchant did not understand
halanguage ; but the faithful creature
persevered in its efforts, and trying to
stop the : horse in vain, et last began to
bite his heels.
The merchant, absorbed in deep thought
as he rode along, and wholly forgetful of
hisbag of money, began to think that the
dog was mad. Full of this suspicion, in
crossing a brook ho turned back to 'see if
the dog would drink; but the faithful an
imal, too intent on his master's business
to think of itself, continued to bark and
bite with greater violence than before.
"Mercy!" cried the afflicted merchant,
must be so; my poor dog is certainly
mad - ; what must I do? Iraust kill him;
lest some greater misfortune befall me;
but with what regret I Oh, could I find
any one to perform "this cruel- office for
me 1 But there is no time to lose ; I my
self may be_ some tho victim if I spire
him." . .
With thesci words ho took a pistOl from
his pocket, andi with trembling hand,
took aim at his faithful servant. Ho
turned away in 'agony as he fired, but his
aim was Coo sure. Tho poor animal fell
-wounded and weltering in his blood, still
endeavoring to erawrtowards his master,
as it to tax him with ingratitude.
out, resolved to
Tho merchant could not bear the sight.
He spurred on his horse with a -heart full
of sorrow, and lamented he had taken a
journey which had cost him* so dear.
Still, however, , the money never entered
his mind; he only thought of his poor
dog, and tried to console himself with the
reflection that he bad prevented a greater
evil,by despatching a, mad animal, than
he had suffered a calamity by his foss:
But such 'thought gave him little satis
' "I am most unfortunate, " said ho -to
himsslf ; "I would almost rather have
lost my money'than my dog. "
this,.he stretched out his hand
to grasp tho treastire.. , It was missing ;
no bag was to be found. In an instant
he'opened his oyes to his rashness and
"Wretch that lons, " "laloti e
am to blame ! -I could not understand
the - meaning of my dog's netions, and I
have killed him for his zeal, lie only
Wished' to inform me of my - mistake, and
he has paid for his fidelity with his life,"
— lnshuitly—he-- turned,. his_horse,
went off at full, gallop to the place Where
he had stopped. He saw with half
averted eyes the steno where the tragedy
was acted ; ho porcoived the traces, of
blood as he proceeded ; he was oppressed
and distracted ; but in vain did he look
for his dog ; he was riot to be seen on the
At last he arrived at the spot where he
had left his money. But what were his
sensations ! The heart wies"feadyto bleed•
with the sight thai then met his view.
The poor dog, unable to follow his dear
but cruel master, had determined to give
his last mornenta to his service. Ile lead
crawled, all bloody as he was, to the for
gotten bag, and now, in the agonies of
dent)), ho lay watching beside it.
When he saw his master ha still ter
!led his joy by the wagging of his tail.
He could do norriore ; he tried to rise
but his strength wax gone ; oven the ca
resses of his roaster
,could not prolong
his life for a few moments.
Ile stretched out Lis tongue to lick the
hand that. was now fondling him hi the
agonies of regret ; as if to. seal forgiveness
of•the deed that had deprived him of
lle then east 'a look of kindness on his
master, and closed his eyes in death. '
Indolent people are' the only tine dis
ciples of luck, and luck alone is their
god. They are always. sure .something
is going to "turn up" for their benefit,
and therefore wait in idleness " with
folded hands,, while the industrious,
with strong, sharp will go manfully to
work and "turn, up" something from.
the mo•t unpromising materials.
Luck sloops on the hope of a legacy to
morrow,,breakfasts on disappointincut,
and sits out the day 'in cold and hunger,
still awaiting tor-thu fertune that labor
achieves by sturdy blows and well direct
ed efforts. 'The ringing hammer, and the
busy pen, are laying the foundation 'of
competence, while indolence fosters mis
ery and. crime; -
Luck is simply the-bautling of th,; most
precarious chalice, jeldlo labor is the all
powerful god of IitICCQIIH, that overloaps
°rill , obstacle and conquers the yroild itio
totajl. ' • .
' ludolent poople are tlefonly true disc
es of luck, and luck,alone is the'ii° god.
They Aro always sure something higo:
ing,to "tttria up" for their benefit; and
therefore wait iu idleness " with Tdlded
hands, while theindustriouS,with strong,
sharp w 111,40 ruffutlilly to-work and "Writ
up" something from the unpromising Ma
terials:. • - -
Lusk shaops'•on the hope of a:leg:toy
to-morrow, breakfasts on disappeintment,
and sits out the day in cold and hunger.
Luck wins: Lather whistles.. Luck
relies oh the turn of a card.. Labor on
sturdy blows and honesty of purpOse.
. Luckalipa downward to penury. - La
bor atridos upward to indepondOnee.
Luck makes the outcast and
Labor the roan of anbstaneo and tbo
Chrlatian . gentloman. '.•
Low necked ebirtd are pronounced' the
'Wed "atyle"'for nieojoung mon. •Just
imaging a mink youth with Me hair
,partedin the - middle,* braes headed multi,,
and a low necked shirt. .
When sve have no pleasure in gond
riess, we may With certainty conclude
09 rensontolie that onr tdosisuid,i9 all
doriv,ed from an oppotite quarter.:
. . , •
Ought a man over to go surety for
another? 'Why not? jt is a most friend
ly act. If prudently done, it may be of
the most eminent benefit, to a neighbor.
It gives yin 'tlto benefit of your good
reputation when' fie is ,not known. It
lends him your credit whore liis own is
net sufficient. 'lt, puts him in funds
which otherwise he could not command.
Such Service to 'a friend is generous, and
sometimes even noble. No better use
can be made Of one's money than to help,
a true friend. We are commanded to
.- nrernember - those in bonds as bouintWith
them." To be sure, this was originally
applied to bonds of a different kind, but
with not a whit more - propriety than to
pecuniary bonds. .A man who, by a feW
thousand dollars, can save his friend and
perhaps his family; from bankruptcy and _
want, could hardly spend hi money in
a manner which, all _his -life long, he
would remember with more .sa c isfaction.
But there are eertainmoral and pruden
tial considerationii which should always:
be 'Mum in mind in going surety- far a
friend. You should make up your mind
how tnueh property you. have, end hots
math you are-wilting to give atea:y, abso
lutely, for that friend whom you endorse.
For no blunder can be worse than to 'on-
dorso on the siipP, - Ysitiou that you will not
haae•to pay. Never indorse without say,
,ing to yourself, "This may come round
upon me. I may have to pay it ; and if it
cornea to that, I am able and willing. "
Nine out of ten of the fatal mistakes-made
by bondsmen - arise from taking the op
posite course to this. They consider the
act of indorsing a friend's paper as a
mere conamercial form. There is no risk:.
I shall not have it to pay. He is abundantly
able to take ear() of his paper. I shall
help him without' harming myself, and
he is a stingy man who will that."
This is the calculation on which a man
hinds hiniselrayW,Triolicrs debts in
case the friend cannot pay them himself.;
' But how do these things turn oat ? One
need not go far to ascertain Every vil-
lage-Las an illustration. '`borrower
was More involved than you supposed,
or,, perhaps, than-he himself know, and
his• creditors cloied on 'him and wound
him up, and were ovcryjoyed to find such
a good name on his paper, Or, the san
guine scheme on which Imbed ventured,
which seemed_ sure of success, almost
without possibility of failure, suddenly,
like a loaded wagon, slipped off a wheel
and upset into the - dirt ! Or, just as every,
thing was at the point of success, TOM'
friend sickened and could not look after
his affairs, some critical matter was ne
glected, or some dsslionest person stop
ped in and crooked matters ; your friend
died, the estate went into the execu
tor's hands for settlement, was badly
managed,_ warped, and crooked,' and
finally turned out insolvent.
And what became of you P Why, you
were surety for - the full amount of what
you are 'worth I In an hour you, find
Yourself confronted with debt that sWeePs
' away your house, your farm, your little
'sum in bank, and leaves you just where
you began tWenty-five years ago, with
thia - afffbitifeb, -- thai then -you--bad-.only
yourself to provide for, and-*ow yotilkavo
a wife and eight children. •
Then you were twenty-five years old,
and life was all before you, and now you
are fifty years,, and life pretty much be
hind you 1 You have given away your
children's bread. You leave not yet saved
your friend, but have ruined yourself !
Perhaps your friend had settled on his
wife a small property. So much the bet
ter for her, if he had. Of course slid
will divide with You, since it was to save
her husband, that i you were ruined. But,
if she will not (and human nature is
made up of shaky stuff;) and her chil
dren go to school, while yours stay at
home ; and if they live in a comfortable•
house, pleasantly furnished, while you
are hiring a few rooms in the cheapest
quarter of the town, then I Suspect that
you will chew the cud of a great many
bitter reflections.
When it is too late, you will be very
wise. You will say to yourself, it may
be, "A man is a fool who signs for any
larger sum than he can conveniently
pay.": Amen, say I ! •
"Ileforo a man puts his name dOWII on
another man's paper, he should ask him•
self, Am ,I trilling to give this person as
mach money as I - sign , for ?" Amon,
say I ?
"To sign a bond on a supposition that
it is a ;nem form, and that you will have
nothing to pay, is to pi one's Bead into
a fool's noose." Amen, again, say I! •
There is no harm in signing for a neigh
bor if you have got the property ; if you
are able to pay the, amount
harming your oVot household ;.and if you
love the man for whom you sign enough
to be willing to . orvt; him outright the
sum eoveted by youreAdorsement. Other
„Wise, to gotr:iiitycfm a _Neighbor is a
folly, a sill, and a shame—ll - tory Ward
Monkeys aro scarce in Michigan. A •
saddler inTretroit her lip ono for a pot,
who ustudly'sat on the counter. A coun
tryman came in one .day who probably ••
had never seen a 'monkey, the proprietor
being in the back room, ' The customer
seeing a saddlcrthat suited him, asked" •
the price. The monkey said whiting.
Customer said :. "VII give you twenty
dollars for it." which on being laid ,on
the counter the Monkey shoved into the
'drieWer. The nutu;thett took the saddle,
but monkey Mounted the man, tore' his
hair, 'watched his feed, and the frigh
toned customer summated for dear, life.
Proprietor rushes in, and wants to tilde!
what's the fuse:• " rues!" said the ens..
tomer, " fug? I bought . a saddle from'
your Son sittiu' there, and 'llium I went •
to take it ho wouldn't let me . have it."
The saddler apologized fa? the monkey, .•
but, assured him he was no relation. of
Conscience is clod pit Lin.. It, is man's
beet friend, •or his •dniadful enemy ;,„it;
haunts &matt everywhere. Ho has no
powOr to resist it x and ho lies porpotn
ally at itooneicy. At is a dams kindled
in his 'scam which inwardly torus:sits and
consumes him. : It is a' viper which
twins itself about his heart and stings
him In the tomlerost places. It is a hun
gry vulture, allow dying woiin, which
secretly preys upon his vitals; and fills
him with agony and dismay. "Bid where
conkcionce is obeyed, it is a friend in
deed—a'fitend at home—an inward,
UM* trutylimiom friend. It never de-•
sorts us,.ovO4,jin the greatest extremity.
{Tiara: 7M ADVAMOS:
12.00 a year.