'.. DECISION REVEasED.--,Pie Com missioner-of Internal Revenue has revoked . deoislon—publißbcd a forr: Week's since —that all= building associatione are liable, to pay special and income tax: as bankers, the subject haying been recently, reargued' before him,- wherein he was sftlifled that building associations' are •in prOper 501110 bankers. • SELECT SCHOOL--SVAEcTS9tkoi: .lie POll 00TOBER + l / 4 2•1D ' NOVEMBER, /868 —School No. 11—E:. S. Conlyik, J. it Tinlg W. L. Todd. ' ' No..:l2—Gertrude Salien t Sallie Kierff er, Mary Kuntz. . . No2lB—Hettio . Sbryrock, Kate Black, Kate McCartney. ' No 14- 7 -. W. gundorf,'.#....F.'Hoffer, D. No. I.o:—Annte. 8.•, Black, Mary R. Weaveri:Moillell; potter. No. 18--4 no. H. Blair, W. Z. Bentz, Danl. Corgnirin. No. 17.—Mary A. -Rhpitda, Mary Enspiingeir, ElletrF. - Ben'tz. . No. 18—E. P. Parsons, H. Neely, H. • Spangler D. Eciums, :Pres. S. S. ROLL OF pOyOII.7—,TJI.e.PMPRP.94- ding Secretary of the Soldiers' : gonument Association requests us to publish the fdl lowing list of names of officers and enlist: ed - men 'from. Cumberland county, who ,were killed in battle or died in service du <iing ihe War of the Rebellion.—There are Undoubtedly many otheY haniek to be added to this Roll, but they , have Mit'Yet been sent in to the Secretary. And unless sent in es requested, will not appear on the Monet:tient: It is earnestly requested that friends of deceased officers or privates will immerilaieiy7send in their names to Col E. Beatty ,;(16itespOnding Secretary... As the Associutien 4ekires to have a complete had accurate Bat, without the omission of a single name. Wo add to this 801 l this week a number 4Additional names, which have been s,epOrtairto yie Secretary; since our last.Al4,oB;lo'cirreetly, published -are also.cort:ected. - '; We would suggest a so, as many killed and': deeeiiiied - Soldiers have ho relatives to fuknish•their names tha€officers ,of companies or comrades will see that theii names are furnished in duo time. Before the monument is,eom• plated the officers: of the association will use every exertion to encore a _complete ' and accurate list, without the omission of a single name but at this time they' belie to be assisted in their work by hav ing names and brief military histories furnished 'them by relatives, friends or officers of companies.. OFFICERS Col. Henry A. Zinn, 130th Rog. Pa Vole. th.ddlo Blaney, 2d lowa O. First Lieut., J. Stuart, Co., H. lot, Beg P. R. V. C. Capt. Wm. Laughlin, Co. E:, 130th Pa Vol. - Cap. — Jame: 5: Caldwell; Co. A. 7th Cppl. Thomas P. Dween, 'Co. H. Ist Reg. P. R. V. C. P. R. V. C. Serg't Wm. W. beau, Co. r, 200th Reg. P. Vol. -Serg't Win. R. Holmes, Co. A. 7th-Rog: P. R. V. C. - . • . Sergt. Win, 31. Henderson Co. A. 7th P. R. V. C. Sorgt. Van B. Eby Co. A. 7th- P. It, -V Sergt. David Askow 7 , Cs.. H. Ist. Reg P. R. V. C. Sergt, Wilson Savor, Co. F. lith: Pa Carp. Alexander Koier, Co. 11., Pa. 3d., Cavalry. Corp. Abdel Triine, Co. H., 3d. Pa. C. • • - Corp, John A. Stickler, Ou. E., 130th Pa. Vol. •-•. Corp. John R. Kenyon Co. A. 7th P It, V. C. Corp. Jacob Landis,,Co. A. 7th P. R V. C. . . Corp. Wm. Zikumernirtn, Cu. A. 7tto P Corp. Wm. M. Culp, •Co. A. ith. P. R V. C. Corp. Martin V. Shoemaker, Co. F 1701. Pa. Cay. Corp. David F. Heerner, Co. F. 13th Pa. Cev. PRIVATES Lewis Rindwalt,; . Co, P., 17th Pa. C. Manuel D. Lutz, Co. 1). 187 Reg. P. Vol. Joseph,U. Steel, Co.'A. 7 Reg. P. R. V Henry S.,Lambgrt, Co. F. 130 Reg. P. V Chart& Fought., Co. A. 4 U. S. C. 31. J. Fought, Co. D. 7th Reg. P. R. V. Zsebarlas M'Luughlin, Co, H. 3d Pa. C Joshua,M'Coy, do do Win. Myers, do do Wm. Ewing, do ' do . Samuel Golden, do do Corn's. Vanderbilt do • do Edward Tarmon do do • Geo. W. Trout do do Henry Martin do . do Culbertson Koser do I do • John Nicholson do do Josiah Gamble, do do Anthony Y. Knisely, Co. F. 130th P. V Peter Y. Knisely Co.'F. 130 P. V. Vol. Satnuel May do do David Haverstlck; Co. A. 7-RorP. R. V C. Bon. F. Haverstick, Co. A. 7 Rog. P. R. V. C. Geo. L. Reighter, Co. A. 11th P. Vol. Enoch C. Sykes, Co. F. 200th Reg. P. Vol. John Lusk; Co. I. Ist Rog. P. R. V: C. Abraham Myers, Co. A. 168th Rog. P. V David Lenkor, Co. E. 200th Reg: P. Vol. John Linlnger, Co.' H. 7th Reg. P. R.V. C. - Henry-H. Irvin, Co. d. 9th Pa.. Cavalry Moses Griffith, Co. A. 20th do John MoKunkel Co. A.. 20th. do William Baxter, Co. 1. - Ist'. Reg. P. Vol David-Barnpill, Co. A. 1.68" do Jacob Bricker, do do Isaac Bear, db do James Cunning' ham ,do Joseph Butorff, Ist Reg:P. Vol. Andrew Brownawell, Co. A. 186th PA VOL Seabright ICefauver, Co, I. 9th 'Pa. Coy . airy. Thaddeus .151'.Keehan, Co. R. 180th Pa. Vol David L. Miller, do . do William A. M'Cune, do do William Dockery, do do William P. Woods, do John W. Crull_ do dO Joseph Connery, 'do rlo Chas. - Brechbill Co. ,A. 7th P. 'R. V. C -John Cuddy do, ' do , Leo. M. Faller. do do . Wm. Novel 'ltob. H. Spottswood do - •do David Sliahi do do Sarni R.Hmith,' do • , .do ~ Geo. 1.. Wilders do do . J. Harry Eby ; do 'r do Henry T. Orden do . 'do ' Wm. McOleaf do, do • i . Geo. W. Weiss do do ' • James.ll. McCroslcoy; do' "' John A.'-Schlusser. do ' - 4 0 1" ' ' • Rand. Hafilelinger do " do James 'Afflict do . • Jon. IJ..Steela -do ' JohnDellio f. 'do do John T. Addanis • ' Chas, Jarmier. do • do .lorad'le K. 'ROW, , do • ' t • . . , . ,• - , Ed w'd ir • David Walker. ao „.: ~, do ``Patrick Brannon •dd 'do ' • , 7-Ideo, Welsh, Battery A, lat..Ea. , Artillery. Chnrres Gould Co. - 1. 11184eg. P, John. Matthias..., do. ,do ~" John Shisler do • • dor CurtlrCrilffn Co' • ao qLevi Kennedy Wm. 11. Weaver Co. Coy. Thomas J. thiefrieteCe. , A.l2o9th ra Vd„l:' Marlon L. Carbone' Co:D. 130th Pd.' Vole. , 40e°. W. Green Co. 'Ai. IAPLIV4VOIii. Kauffman, H. let.' 9 H6g. P. B. V: C. . ,1 A ;.•'I I ^ti Sound MoNaughton Co. O. 180th. Pa j'ahn Barkloy; Co. G. t .1401,1i r Pa.V,',:i,16, , Janacl•Wftherow, do do Ne , ••• ind &heir irti/711 perfeotion4: . of the Hair ' A :011 bo regarded, as Inexcusable atter' a 4101_0 hirs,'S. A. ALLEN'S Impproved new style) flair testorerur Dreeitrig, (in% o!te bottle: E. ery ' D00.114m... •'• : • EMI ,LIST),pr" - LiFif---01M519Pf? ... ftp POR - TlE . R.,Auctkreer.• • . . . . , Feb. 12th. Rielyt . baugh & Moser, Fratikf'd " 18th: JOi•Corpmapj,)V,. Pefinsboro " Jr: .....Frankford " 2401:41aViuet,gtilAtt; - . 6 41 1 ht2p. " a5te , ,17.1 - ViriPtk;:',Wettlferinkboro' 3ipr lit ,IV„-41ountz; Wea i-jl7..elidb ore " ti','; - qetn F.bllo , ,Ockiik i koh., . , . =1 Jantioryk2Bthket,St:Cledmitt, Y ttabbyeb by tbin line.. 'II G. hpttersoinvVii: - .,Pn(nher, rtirildifejel4rlC, P 0.,, forrnerly_gfea t: lleldere,, , ,to Alr_lL LN A., ntoynnlde, eldent ditti - ghber 7 eq 4. ;?ik I.leffel!i7DitlTonctlat-Fity.-- ,DEA-TEIC " • i 1 T, ii t.4ot i t V 7 ti "0.114. V, It el " et 1 144 • ot etoelateVnniel lisiley/iee9 y e ti. LINTHUBST.—A4 Ititi pony, 9prlchly, oolbe 20th' cfJennit'iy. Phaertak .Roiffey,"nyonlikastreon of C. W. and C. C. Linthuretoaged 4 months and 0 days. '.• . 'kr° .ettriOolt•tillght 0,4 t aorta.. • fade?) 4.10 t . • ' iDestb catae, irikh felonr 5 4 54; •.••ri .. - .4•1,4 . "" — Tho.opening,hild ,to'hoity, 11.4097;ey.p., ~. ~ ~ • Atad ite4o'ft,bleeeoml.b .. , re: •'. • - -W.• ''.; 67 A .1 ?,/r-E 7B ; `," CIALCIpISLE P;t0131/9E Pt n4 - !:104 , F , ;Ariialtr Jamirt.ry.2o.*,l"l.B69:, Family .810ur.;:.. , ..; ..... q 7 50 Suporfina d 0.... 000 do RYE WIIITE WHEAT ' 1 40 RED do rib to ... .. „. REF .. 30 CORN ..... . OATS, (n0w).... . CLOT ERSEED.,..„ VIMoTtIYSEED PLA EBBED BARLEY General produce Market. January ?Kb, 1869. Corrected Weekly by Andrew Vitshmood BUTTER, , .303 BACON suouLpyits 12 EGGS, ' • 20111/WON SIDES, 16 -• 17 WIITTE - BEANB' 26 TALLOW, ", 10 PARED PEACHES,. VAP, , 81UNPARED,PEACI1ES 18 BEESWAX, • 40 DRIED APPLES, 2ho BACON 11A818 18 RAGS. SPECIAL NO7 ICES TO THE TRADE Wm. Blair A Son kayo just received 52 barrels hiackeruvu*s land Coal 011, 33 barrels Flirt 0 heavily leaded Sun Burner Chiranoys a goo I supply of cheap Lime Blase Okhnnoys, of all kinds, also a large supply of , Grocerleß, Queensware, Class. waro, COarwkre. - add such , 'utker articles as are needed fty storekeepers, and hound° opors genor ally. Remember our Cool 011 will rnit eaplode. WM. BLAIR & Wholehale and Retail Orators and Quoo a sware Merchants. "South End" Carlisle.. Special Notico' All persona Luanlog themselves Indebfed to the undersigned will pie coo ho klnitenangb to call and settle the same without further notice and Oblige LEIDICII Sian 65 An our-Goode reduced, Sllkx, Poplins, Mapes, Furl, Clothe and , Caselmeis. Special attention is called to our Stock. We guarantee our prices lower than lho lowest. HIM Sleighs I Sleighs I Sleighs y A. B. At . N. Shock have now on hand over a dozen 01 Ilrskelass Sleighs, bOth 'single, and dockblo— seated. For sale at their new klanuractory;''on the corner of Suuth and Ph t Strat4. - 27nov ACCIDE:iT. There wee en explosion in Boot Ayer's Laboratory, yeste'rday, which caused !Om,' excitement In the vicinity. Ayer'e Pills nro mknu factored under no enormous pressure, in cylinders, like cannon, which sometimes pro too weak for the compressed forces..and burst with terrific vlo: Foitunately tho - piebcs - - do-not-fly.-fore so that no one has ever hum, hurt by Mom The we Lion Is more like - lee thou peatlpr; but : It makes Pills which all the world iwknow lodge are Pills (Pally Journal. towel!. - • MI, 1 t. Ma. SCHEE'. : I have used th.• 14m, no 1 obtain ed from you rand find them to be all they are rev ,ommended to be.- I found one bottle to alTorri me r aot, t ,fpttl tin though I ',ninont do very wail without them trader my' pregent elate of health. ' P. r1EN111E . ,.:4. 111 South Sixth St., Phila., Pastor Baptist l'agoilinti. Church. Itaad SCHEETZ'S .tontling ad ♦ertlaement In another column. EME! rAir - DEAFNESS. BLINDNESS, and CATARRH eated with the niroo..l success by I PAACH and rrofessor of Dtsertres.ochi• Eye' nod Fair in the Medical (bllege of l'eriwyleania, 12 years o expericnoc (formerly of Lc) den. Rolland,/ No. SO;.. Alois SI., Phyla. Tenthnonlain can be !icon at.ttlis office. Thu Medical facultrare incited to accompany thely 4 pa tionts,as he has no secrets In 1(14 fb.actlce. Artificial eyes Inserted silthou I pale. Co charge for exam nation. I2juno IS ly DR• JACKSON'S ANALEPTICA NEW Iti:IIP,PY IN CONSUMPTIpN.—A Phyel-, ian wile had Consumption for several years Nalth. frequent bleedings of the' lunge, Cu, rd himself with aedicine unknown to the profession, when his ease appearulhoploss. LI?;It the onJy physician. who has need It In hie own person, or e'ho has any knowl edge of its sit tura, and ho can ascribe the degree of health ho,gose enjoys to nothing but the use of bI e medicine'; and nothing but utter &nosir and entire extinction °fall hope of recovery, together, want of coondeucolnailotherelo duced him to hazard the experiment. To those suffering with any disease of the' Lunge he proltere in treatment be confl gently believes will eradicate the disease. Price sl , ,fi o.p er bottle 0r,g.8 a half dozen, Bent by etpress. Send or circular or call on Mt IS. BOYLStON • N 0.2.50 North Tenth Street, 'Philadelphia. For sale by Henry P. Geyer, Meehan irebnig, Pa., and druggists generally. 22ma.r 081. ; • . - W. C. BAWER d CO, Wieling their Stock pi - Dry Goods for sale, also calla upon all who are Indebted to them, to call and make settlement. ore de -.Wow; of settling all acconfits.- ' ' HORSE and Cattle Ponders and.l.lnimuuts,togetb er with.a large assortment of fresh Drop and Modl eines, Dyo Ruda, &e., &c., just received at Cornmin & Worthingtor.'s Drug Store, No. 7,East Main %T 4 NEW AD VE R 17S. E ARENTS 'TOWN , PROPERTY AT PRI VATE SALE. " The residence of tho late Dr. I.'Q LOOMili, in Pumfret'Street, a short Meteor° IVest of Smith Ilanoeer Sfreet, Carlisle, le offered at private sale, If I am abrent,appirto W. 11. Miller, lisq. 6jeb 6D3tn: ' MART S. LOOMIS. t, STATE NOTlCE.—Lettersle's tamentary on the mint° of. George Boinman, dr., late of Upper Allot towilahlp.• dined.: having been issued to the subscriber, reading the same township, notice le hereby given Mall person. In• debtsd to said estate te undo' payment, and there having claims to relent them to '.; BEELMAN, 6feb 130-6 es. Executor. • `fIISSOLUTION OF PNRTNER. 13111.P.--Natlee Ie hereby Ova, that the part nershlP,,whiel4.oxleted between John' Underwood Uod W.,ldfUliey,i,,li,the time burning buelnose In pper Allen -triwneldp, ,Ountherland county, bag, dlesolved,,on' t he fFdlt driv of October, last. I .tligil: . bl..NIILRY. ,fob fil4ta , z•;1 1%1 trt '1,1"0 1 'S•A'VET' ,1 .., . . Wednesday; February 10th, 1869. •.. 7 If got io)dTirevlou'ely at Pilveto dels, will be sold ip front of (ho Court Ileum, am the above deli . F.l.7ifE . T E Vil FRAME DIVELLII4I; , on-East Louther Street. L'oesumalon glyen home. dlalely. , ' . . Bald tobooproseuce Alll o:clook. irn old day when tenni - Will bd rdadd kobwn. 1 Ilhidulrd.rits DELANCEY A. 811I1011'13' . . Cool and Lumber Yard Drab dllte. 'l$E ,'INCOME TAX: . , 1 11: • , kow rpris o6, tsonb ()tow it EVENUZ, 9th Diallo7l, 15th District, Dennrylvania; c 'I 04 nittAMl44Aihkin Al 9 tiIsIPPOP "q o ' df cOnlirteks2tho.st,nceaue Tea for 1808, andliscotipdatal .Taselll.tor Licensee) 'Rau Trades, Profeselons and dcaupatlons, for thd fount. I° l fl e t . illl.t:Atral d ig n Zin Theo the townships of North tOddietoni South 51144110- ton, lillddiesex end Dickinson or v in, the township of Carroll, Parry , C o o., are notleed c tb m 'ill . Slu r Vdt q urn o s nigax f igir r ipqoS c't;f4.llB,, of tel 'Gold: go, mut t , Add', Wir , Bliver Plate. ' 111 sp l pp 9Tv i d:rd lyc ov:Altot tp .: I, l l ' wh e o tt,4l, , it, R 1 11 . 4 , 47. It t • Ofi AY: Vibidad ttt Ftt 4 .6. ' Tubll o • Mouse oPpseph L. Knettle in Didwlriebn town Ship, 'On Priddy, February 12th, at the Publia House of Win. p. Dewait In- Sherniansdale.Terry crointl, ,Psnd on other ddye, prior to - March- let, 1860, at tbiliAispitant( deseitmorq office; VC' 7,' , Outh 'Mirka% to to WILLIAM ICKSVEVIrs Agin 4:0,4 1 14?‘ 'DP/. Bleb SOAK,. •• 75.t0.,r1 NEW, .4 - RZFr4 I -4 5, 6i ll ' EN _ Ta - - - 7p:F.ATFEMEST Or THE - FINA IA OF CV n IDER4NDSM LTY. r WaV loqg 91 1 8i 1 day - of Deceniber, 1868, inclusive. cr ! ,C.III.I4LINGER, .ER. . TrAnsurer-in ac'6Olinti*iiii , tlie (nu, rdihiloglane , e , . .. Tr. RECEIPT& - - • . i: . To balauca.dud at List )niltjerriertt, A , .4 7,013 40, To oasail - ding taxes ht the 'last BC t• • . Cement, , ,• - 5,431 05 To Courity'and Stater taxes loviedtfor! . . the year MB, I . R •'—', 70,393 06 To * Full,. Iptlon for Noble's ;bridge, boa 00 To subscription for Girler's bridge, 3'2B 04 To huckster licenses, „ 347.00 ° 4444 1° 4Tt " 4 1 .44 7 1 4 4 4 Aeri :1p To tax e s - on Unseated 'alias end ape. 30 , NoHouepte, To amounc received for old metal To lour ptr cont, of convoishion for cortectiukr6tatri %gbir co, A .%)tl . , 65 73 "I'MrifTV l49 z. 1 , I iFia!° co Bridgcs and Roads. By-Itr l ; paid for_Aritly'v 1 b , • By!itmotliat Teta'. row re , :' pairing old bridges, 300 42 By amount paid for road damages, By amount paid for road , , „views By ain't. paid mitoses fee! •.• In comtb. muies. 849 . 08 :By ttiourit - paidifor , jardre services, 4,008 08 „ By amount paid for board• tog jurors, lee, kc., 20 20 .By Mamma% paid for Jury •2 - • • Commissioners' sorTicos, 129 00 fly amount paid for District , ny attlogirmf fi, i ' ttitirt oiler; '58,4 . 89 70 8 26 226 • to - -4 70 By amount paid, S. Disler ()lee tees, BlUrneutitTild Lcitidon , dotkete; . 113 20 By aniont-petd W. B. But. ' ler, Auditor, By amount paid 11. Karns for services ao Comm'r. 1 47. 60, f 4 By amount paid A. F.'lslock for . ervices as Comm'r By amount paid M.G. Hain for services as Comm'r By amour] t paid Alien Floyd . for services as Com net. 650 00 By amount paid J. Arta stt ong, clerk. By amount paid M. C. Her. 11140, A ttorooy, lir atuoupl. rinid for 'ration By out. pnit! 1?r pnetsep By amouht:pild Constable.' for fa'. In Common wealth rages; By amount fold for Quar terly returnp, sta.-11.•• 1417 00 M- - 4. - c.., `:..:"‘: • ',.., •-• ?..i ,' i ' . ,' •,. . • .• —. ~. EleritioWa, By amount paid officers of Electioas for services, , 62,000 74 By amount paid for planks • By amount paid for bold- lug laquest6 on dead bodlaa~• • $26 36 Jail and E. S. Penitentiary. I= By amount paid .1. Jaeobs , - - - balance for support of - - ' prienuoix, 1 . , -_, $2,332 95 By ain't. paid J. C. Thomp --- --eon, support of fi'llannera, 5,477 03 By atn't paid B. S. Peal- - ' ---' to:Mary, _ 2,312 18 liy.e.mq. paid for fuel, 665 08 By met. paid for clothing. -.5 ' for priebnota,„ ; 160 39 .By &Wt., paifi'liir fixtures • ' . . and repairing same, 525 2b By ateo. paid for gas and 70 13 By am't paid flalsry of keeper, wo 00 By ain'kpaldsalory or . phy- - elalan:so OU Ity 'l‘lol. paid Stable root fur 11,11 T 24 00 13y amt. paid Intoro.t. • on bout's, , 13y amt. p.tld fur notes In hunk, liy Amt. paid Jacob Squire Trunsuriar, $14,0,0 uD -By Ault paid Directors' AAI arlos 13, amt. paid Visitors, 113. amt. pill on account of nys, By nett. patd for '3l2etleos fete in Commonwealth eieer7, By amt. paid Geo. TAY!, salary as keeper, $12,5 i 0 ity tont. pail For repairs at 4 Court House, lly nmc< paid for 'repairs at jell, By amt paid Bratt,m Kennedy, By amt. paid Itheem bar, .„ By amt. paid It. J. ColTeY, Nl:ice/laneOuft Patiff/Cliti l By auit. paid County Ail, tors, SIOS 00 By amt. paid for Ono and Water for Court ;Loupe, • 17,7 :03 By mot paid for apprdprla thol tar TeLfc!ir tut ' By Ana pnid ippropilation for Agricultural doctoty 200 00 By omc. paid for fuot for • Court flour, By amt. paid for COLIMIlli• • stun . ora' carMa, By amt. paid for Sundry ar: ' TO By amt. paid for lalair, fly amt. paid keeper of tour . • dock, ly sta. paid fm—repalrrng Total amt of Conielisalcium'a'bideia t 112,470 07 . r nTTiesteurer's egmoxispien onaaine at 1% por coot. $1,447 00 By State tax paid to, State Tjessurer, e - TriTsurPr'n cOtntnisslOn on mule at 6 per coal, BY Treanurer's cointolselon for collecting lcopptr: tax at Tper coal. lly tnconeretlond allowed collectors, • • By ..cnnimlaplon allowpdlryl lectorm, ' " • =I OtaiitaCt9 ' , kil•, , By amt. -taxes outstanding. By etraVe,Bolanco 10 1010d.J 1 r of Treasurer, r . Total Credits, ' ,!, j VAAL' STATEMENT. OF OUTSTANDING TAXES !ON .. TILE, let DAY OF r 7ANCARy 1809, "?.'1i.1`,141.?..1. 1 "`"1 1 . ( ..;;')1ig ol'ili,l - ' 4k:i'o'nvit...i. j, ' clohn Eminger, 1802 Silver Sprints, 173'40 J o.lteaser; . 18c4 slonroe, . 260 86 J.. 0. Vanandela,, ,10416 ;Ewe Promo,. ~ , 318 89 •11. P. Smyttr,,----181:6 Lower Allen, . 225 66 Jamie Widoer, 1907 W. Ward Carlisle, 90 00 J. Neefauver, " Dlcklocon,, •,:. -1, 100 83 Chorine Pullih, " Silver Purina, • 20 07_ }O. P. Senna. .1868 E. Ward Carliele, 070 10 - tEnnkuel - Line, - ,r t.• W., , yfyod Cprilain, 714 67 J. IteefauteC,; ''" ' DiCtratln,' _ 348 88 . Abraham Coble, " . East Penn, , 100 00 Daniel Bretz, " Haml ; den, 20 1 83, Wm 4. Italpftitze ,I' •, 81lidd eae44 kji 403 }JacobGufshall, " 11101 n, 235 82 Samuel Baker, " • Monroe . - 32 .00 :tti l a r kl7sll k at r qlep .3 1 11:21 I lffP , 0 ‘ 1 t l 6 . 1 11 0 3 rm. Buchman. "' . Newton, . . "52 46, Wtd, J. Hitter, , " North, s.llddetqu i ,, 349 07 c0rat,7.1111;4:. ~,- . . t.1 :T1,44,a4 i ./, .c. a'o r,.. ~, 2 0 6 87 W.A,11800. -' "'' Hiltirlilt ,, !''`l 3D3 89 try, i Cannpixisi r . ..' . l . Scnith' ld Ittim',:! 0613 48 4 3 1 'it a l ga . : ' . " gltl i p t u li e l rittlLO'" 07 g 1 0 ) VIIIIii -Nock,: " - Shlpferikb'rteOpt! 90 61 , AnititiVgaker, Y , • ....,, tripper Allah';'' ";:e 516 73 , Thoroae ll*b , ~ S. '• Wes Penn", ~'( e'. ) lop no ''.• 1..1.' , i.) a M.r . ',.. "' - 'O - • • ...--03,144 1 -341,2 V 49_ Those marked thus} havAtalubatipaid pairliuld ' those marked abut* tiat.llpald , in fail. • ; 4 -,t'il. A g'S . ,• ili r Yrel'lLL... . ~ 414 ,l'lti .... . wa the Commixelopers of Cumberland con ty `dd'ceftfy:Xiid'aisbridt'lhh fttregblrigJaCt'''Sdr err, statement of the receipts and .expendltErell-of aid county. from the let day ,3pl",,JanUall:49 the lost ,day of December, - 1808, incililyw Alcoa ickedu aof outettuding rates, in th,ao fop4taluid Vain ips, therein elated. ' ~• '?," "•'• • •- , A.! 1,...."..-1 . ~Iyikplat t itliNifialtild seal of Office x. a. at' Oak U 11,• WY ..22d day of. Jandary, ~.,-;• ~1009 " ' " A, F. 5110E 4 . 1 I " ''"'';''' M. 0.11 A LE, ; 4 - t',:t t .14t, , 0, WI:. Lt • . ALL - 14,N FLOYD, „,„ ~.., , , 6 , payninjwlAft Vtf i c uln bfriM i atr ARTIST'S. A EMSTII 0, erg. . „shss.r I i illsithelAndltsys of Cmislmix9o,,ygpntm+ no- to law'and haehlik' laftd"liefden; protioded to examine the atwount and 'volichera of 0. Mei -Iln gar, Esq., Treasurer, of said county, from t Ist day of Janu a ry WU* , illakollayx of: l oloeittabit, 808, includes; do certify that we grid' the • suns , o six thousandthree'hiul t red and ten dollars . and o ft b y • td ° 1 6 :47,1 1 , : r. gril i taPi r e a r ags; b ffix bit of said account. - InTitoses whereof we'i'bara- hereunto set our.- tut& St Csitlitlathe 22 der . olJanuari, A. - D. 869. a" 1 : • 1 . C '^'' t" • lAEI illOtlNi , istiliztiltW I.' A l.'. TP A ',',.1 $102,060 40 Total Debit -;,,10. BY:PAXN IiNTS.7,I- rrtt:7Rn.,i 120 00 .155, 50 tit,474 122 Court. County Officis.. [ice EIS Commiision'ers)'l6z,f 4 ? " " I= KIM 800 00 tat) 00 e 113 35 18 67 Cotatables' Fees ME] Ing testa MM=I Loans a nd Interest. MEI I=l I=l= Poor Foust 1:0 00 20 00. IMIII - $23,7h0 00 Justice: Fees Pub, le Buildings OM MEES Public Priniing MEM .3,,t, w 139 60 MIS :11 42 95 19 " 80 Cia 1,650 e 6 =l' 08'6o ' 1,776 60 Mil 9St:2:i - t 7,010 33 Balance, 9102,069 40 102,069 40 JOLIN AIDBBE Audi a xt.kl REM BA} GAINS! NlOttitift4 • calla W S& . -,. 06. - fle the ettentiOn'oftbe p'ubitc;TO) thik (1. • • mouse Stock of Foncyl4llll Striped DRY GOODS, Coo.lotlng of SILL N. 150 40 40 76 ;.',( I Orgini , Ra.o444si . , I( H CARPETSI i) A -11F1A - T§ I 1 Such net •S It't t ii.. . , BRUSSELS THREE PLY, P INGRAIN, YENITIAN, COTTAGE, RAG, LINEN ■ns LIEBIP n groat vrtrl?ty. i • 'OIL OZOTHS,ar =2 RUO9, Ice.; which will bo mold vary champ. • CLOTHS AND ,CASSIMERES, HOSIERY, .1 . 1 .1 t I/ 1G L 01 1 /1E 94 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, of every kind and in - abundant quantities IVA will make great sacrifice and offer a tine assortment to sates,t, „ , Please remember this large Stock will , he sold, and we ask prices with • view of closing out the entire Stock. !ME All who ITlsh.cbeep DRESS GOODS All who wish ahoap OkßPETill' '1;1 All who wlall cheap "HOUSE FURNISHING All .P w o h o o l3 N: 3 l . sh eheeeDßY GOODS of auy kltid Call at . W. SAWYER A CO'S., East Main Street. LEGAL NOTICES. N - vr10V.,,-lAetters Test,pmeptaFy on tho estate . of JOhn iloovor.9C. l Ist:, of Frank ford township. deceased, )m/411 ,hoen honed to the subscriber residing In the same township; notice is hereby glven'to all persons Indebted to sold estate to - make plyment, and those having ,eiSlaite"to present ttpica•Va • • k • k .10tiN rtovit, • ANDREW KENNEDY, Executors. ' $2,821 42 Lou 69.6 ts NOTICE is hereby given t at an application fora Charter, ineorporating the Collisle Brass !arid lutv.h.4 been presentegt. to. Slue Court of Common Pleas. *Cheirter‘• hir ranter on-the 16th of March, proximo, If no suf ficient ream - n appears ‘. hy sold Charter should not 1.9 grpurti. 2.3)16 68-3 EMI VOTRIP.Notice is hereby-giveri ll' that an application has been made to ttt e Court of Common Piro.' of has_ County! to grant certain amendments to the Charter .of the ttood Wilt Hone Company of tno Borough of Carlisle, and that it no sufficient capes be shown to the eoutrary to sold Court, that Mid amittudmen t will be granted on the 16th day of Birch, A. D. 1869 J. P. BRINDLE, 291 an 69-31.8 . Prothonotary. No r ncE:—Th ere will be a meeting of the Cumberland Chanty Agrimaturd So• ciety,at the Arbitration Chamber, in • tho Cou rt Ilona°, i Carlille on Tumidly, February 2d, 1869, at 10 o'clock, A. M. - The members of the Society are requested to attejsd, By order of the soelety. 'Jortrriuts;: Secretary. 2fijau 6D EStA.TE NOTlCE.—Letters of 4dmitammti 9 . de Lonis"npn, with the will Uvexed on thn estate of Dsvid llendtie, 'deed., of pper Allen towns]. Ip. bevlng been I.o.ued to tllni ofibi.eriner. - resldln - s - An-West- Pennshom - township _ 'tree Is Mosby given to all. psi - sons Indobted to paid 'Oatotsto mak° payment., and • -dims baying elation to prom, Limon w,• DA VII/ I PLII EN AdmlrdearaLor de boas non C. T. A :son' 11 XECUTORS' NOTICE.- 11 1.01.. r fi TeNVlCiosotory having Ibis doy boon 1./mod on Um ol•tatool Cloorge Hoover, tlee'd., Lao ot.franktorit townoUiP:Pumt,orkudXo'untY, to.tbo tolletrrlllet reeldent of Wert Pennsboro township, 01 mkt cOttoty i notion itr Demob],,V 4 Lmt. to •all port,k, Indebtr9 to etallie to mak on_roodiato pay Inept, and to 01 tgrozo haying claims against • it to pro,onl them properly authenticated for pay ment DILLER, 'jolt 1111-fit... OTICE" IN BANKRUPTCY. ' I:Lahrn Dbtrict of Poonay/ralifu TMII to give nailed that . .on to a 18th day of January, A. D., ISO 9, n warrant In Bankruptcy wao+ Issued against tis eatato of Jacob C. Bentz, $llO 40 of North Middleton township. to the County of CW71 1 40014 htfd State of Penneylannis, who has been adjudged n Brukrupt on his own putitioti, that tho payment of any debts hnd the deliveryof any p.operty belonging to such Bankrupt to him, or for hit.eupc, - ill the transferof any property by. Mulls forbidden by lair. That a mooting of the eredltors,of the said Bankrupt to proro„their debts r lid to phoose one or more /insigne. of hie Bstato, will be held at n Cqua, si: papkruptcy, , to be holdiße at hie ogle°. In the Cotirt'llouro, In the Borough•nf Carlisle, before Chas. A. Barnett, Register, on the 17th day of February, A. D., 1869, at 10, o'clOek, A. M. /MEM P. C. ELLIZAKVII . ,V;4.IIttrigh/G. Per tl. H. GAL BR A ITLI, Deputy Dep. U. S Marsballe 011Ice,•Bloomileld. 25jan 6U 2111',. $1,184 00 IN BANKRUPTCY. District Court of the United States, E'er, ,District of Pqrrisy!tionict. Samuel C. Iluyett, of MechanicsbUrg, County of Cmber'and, lie., Bankrupt, having petitioned for his discharge, meeting of creditors will he hold OniThi c nni,dey, the 18th d..y of February. 18110, at 1 'o'eloc D. M., before Register Chas. A. Barnett,;at his office in the Court house, lu Carlisle, when and where the examination of the Bankrupt may he Pi) ," I ' S h e d t lo e n n d t - Ir Y e ' ll b d ‘!'l. lB W o f f t a /% t t 4 gr i Xr i L e a d . transacted. 'A hearing will also he held on Wednesday the ' zSir flflX Nlareh, 18119, Wore the Court, at PhMet d6lnbfrt, at 10 o,clock A. M., when and whela parties interested may show cause against ho discharge. '4 • . &A B. Mt P. P:mr , h , q. t Deputy Marshal's 0111 co, Bloomfield . 1 29.htu 00-ale. $1,084 89 ~N'I3ANI{IierdiFJY: ; District Court ifthe United States, Eastern Didrict of Pennsyhmari. Jacob Enamingerof FrankfordolriblMp, ponnty of Cureb•rlaud, Pa., Bankrupt,' 'hike ing petiousd ,for his discharge, a mooting of creditort will, be held on Wednesday, the 17th day of February, 18V9,, , ett o'olock. 4'. 7,1 berme Register Chits: A. Intrnhtt, tri their.ohrt House, In Carlisle. when Sind where the examination ni Bankrupt may be fin• lobed, and any businesa of Meetings required• by Sections 27 and 28 01 - 4 ct 91 9/namtradr acted. s. v A .14 A bearing will also lor held on Wininesday the 3d dny of March, MO, before the Court, at palls. - dtlphiarat - 10 o'clock-A.-51,-whon and where pirtiee interested may show "luso against the dl sehOge, P. C. 111.1,11AKER, V.P. Mashed. Perk'itriGALßlLXlTlTiWkitilytj "' j • v o i d 51 I Boputy.lifershni's Office Bloomfield. 20Jan 00-3te. , • $0,274 40 IN BANKRUPTCY.' , Diairici t'otirt of the United Siam' Ensfern District of .1 2 unsylean. Charles al. Reynolds, of Shippensburg, Co unty, of Cumberland, Be., Bankrupt, having petitioned for hie discharge, a meeting of trod 'tors; will be lielldi do Thutiday, tub 14th I.l4lofstFebFunr YAK), at 9 o'clock A. M., before Register Chas. A. Bardett, at his office, in thu Court Ilona°, in Carlisle„when ' and ~where thriexarnination of the Bankrupt may ' be thliihed, end any business of ineetings rsqulrea :by t dattortiaol.lstied , 9B ef , ttieliat'Or 00{10,Hani Iran's. acted. ~: cA. hearing' will:ilea beheld on , Orlircdnekday Itliik; thlid day of March, 1809, before the Omi t At 'Phildaelphial sit , lo'o'clonk.:4ll , lll%,nwhirn.and'w ere parties intorrsted may show cause against the r • .. • 0 ' .' discharge. - .. '''''' ' . r e. 1.41,.... , , P. O. BUM A IL ill.- U. 8. Marshal. Paver ft. OAlAlRAlTlfirllePutils , it 4 - '.rill . ,1 ' Deputy Marshal'. 0111co,Rloomfle. d. i 20Jati138-.3ts, .”..f: fiat ' ' CI,AbE , Op„ PEASONAIL# PROP of,Aterti-Lisd,)eit.do; di.iii idiptetg, wil,l be cold at Om farm of the undereigned, a Milo add a half South-east - of Carlisle, on tho old Petersburg road, the following personal property, via; -, Six brad of borne, tour of which era goat Work i tilVSultrDd v ;Vbi r IV t a a ' grarA n sfe, l 4Tei• Ss° years old, of the Devon cross; two Hollore, throe -Farm-Wagons. ono Spring-Wagon,-one -Buggy, J our sets of Fafid. Harness, Plows, Harrows, As., tins sets' orPlow Gears, two rote of buggy and Wagon 11* nem, Cart Gears, Ac.. Also. ona Mt. Joy .1 hresblog Machine, with fixtufai complete, ono largo' illakok (re,apalttt',Vak7,ll:4l,',c6;tutiyaticle e l lti , and Cow Chains, Halters, de. AIM two' hotrod Nate, ready for solting;Ao.i together With a es loty of oihor articles to numerous to insert. Conditions of Sale—All males' of $lO and over , a credit °Lulus (g 0 — yrlH,lo3,Vran; all under sl,, am:I4IIO4MM ,-- 0— U. ii. i r..(41. W. nivra )r. 29Ja0 Mids. N, ILL' 1 3 11,QppATY , " P1 1 ,113; 1 ut - topatter.44).‘i i re;bruary , ll4. t • 6 . *III bo offend et Public Mc, In fro ' t of the Court House, in Carlisle, Pa., on the oboe day, the Mill Property with five Acres of Land, mo „,ori less; of the undersigned. Situated at the Ras end of Pomfret street in the Bomugh of Carlisle. This mill le aboutito finkibilliAth, and is pp:TWO by the Letort eptlbgt i'srllmbrldling stream, has Hew' Bare and one Chopper, all In good condition and hoe at Misant an excellent run of onstodi; the flour manlifactured at this mill being egq al In co l dtlity to that of any other mill. The improvement ere a Brießtgpilitiltoiciayp, grieltAegu, with thre Wog.' floor, a Rack Stable, an Orchard of excellent ru it, ,f e. Thine Is a well of good water at the door I VO' .--- dwelllngThis property is on the lino or-the outh Mountain Railroad which enhances Its value. Sale to commence at 10 o'olook,-when terms will beimade kiniwildtelko t N / stistol AIIygOISSTETt YOU T. AlOri 004 .- . . ' —...— „wvr:F({?_fir - In#R4 rig 3' 114 N ! Jinja 1 . 1. - -UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, CO, • 1.0 ut.,difilk-1; .vt . o -Er - 4 iq 11. C. , LI Oei4ral . Pacific Railroad O4S, St 24 at. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS • , Thle great retuirlsalti..siOrching completion with a reiddlti- p .e.4etalehla the World. Over Riteen (1600) htnertoo2.olevo been built by two (2) powerful colitiblOhOrtion Pacific beginning aV,OMtilmt4 helidingtest, Knit the Oen. ral Pacific Rittqiitalbeglntiltig,nt Sacramento, and building easktuitil'the two roadg eball meat. Leila than two hundred and fifty MIMs remain to bet built. The greater part of the interval le tam 'dad ed, and it la reasonably expected that the through connection between San Francisco and Now York will be completed by' July 1. As the amount of Goyornment aid given to eac.p. is Qiiiidenthiboti , tbirloilktb ioadldach' sball build bo th companies aro prompted to great, efforts to secure the construction and contml, of what, ,wbon completed , will ho one and the only grand Railroad Line conneeting the. :At/antic and raciflo oast. - One Hundred and T A n,ktilliou (11.10,000, O exiiindea by the two powerful companies engaged in this great en -411rDrhnhAnd.thPX.PIP.PPerisilly, ,templete., the por tion yet to be built. When the Dotted - States Gov-, ernment found it recesoary to secure the comstruc -"Oen efthd.Fatidellailroadeto develop and protect Ito own intereet, it gave the companies authorized to build it ouch nenple aid as should render Its opeedy completion beyond a doubt. The Govern, ment aid may be briefly summed up as follows: First. The right of way and all necenrary timber and stone from public domain. Second. It maker A deflation of, 12,003 acres of land to the mile, which, when the rend le compic'ed. will Amount to. twenty-three million (23,000y000) serer, and all of It ,withlw vrenty„(P.o) miles of, railroad. Third: It loans the c'omptnies fifty million dol lare($50,000,000), for which it takes a sedond lien, Vii6Ceverildaent haealready leaned the Union i f acifici. Railroad twenty-four million and fifty eight thou Sand dollars (f 24,058,000, and to the Central Pacific Railroad soventeen million nix bun , , ,drell and forty-eight thousand (17,0,18,000),kmount hig in' all to forty One miiliniVseVen _ Mk thousand dollark(stl . ,7oo,ooo).. The Companies are peril)! tied to lisiie their own First Mortgage Ronda to tho name amount an they receive from the United states, and no more. The oet4itilWilltave sold to nerinamint investors about j$40,000.009) forty million 'dollars of the First Mortgage Bonds. The companies have already paid In (Inclfidlog net,earnlngs not divided, grants . from Slate of California, and eacramento city and hpvierde of ($25,000,000) twdnty. five million dollars capital stock. . J. P. BRINDLE, Shrrthouotary In considering this question it moat -be remem bered that all the remaining iron to finish the wead ; le-contracted for, and the largest portion paid for and now delivered. on the-line of the litany Pacinoltallroad nod the - Central Pacific Railroad, ind that the grading is almost finished. - WHAT ilEinflltnlN HAVE Tllll etnfPANIES First. They will revolve from the iloverniatut as the road progresses sh.mt $9,000.000 liorond, They ran i•sos thelrowiti tg ego Bonds fnr n ' hout fionnonno Third. The companies now hold almost ail tho lend they hove op to this tittle resnlfed from tbn Cloyemment: upon tho ticrtopletlon of tho rood they will hese rersived in all 23,000.000 arrek, - which at $1,60 per sore 'Would be worth $14,500,000. In addition to the above the net earnings of the roads and additional capital, If neeeevary, redid .be relied In to ilnialt the road. WAY ken A I; EATIIINGS No nue has ever • xprenned a doubt that AS FWWO an the road In cone plated Ito through biathlons will be abundantly profitable. grain earaltigii'ef.tho Main Pa. attic Railroad Conipatry.,, for six months, endinkcJanual ylst. 1809 were upwards of The earnings of Central Pacific _Railroad, for nix months, end ing January let 1869, were I•:zpeoeen $550,000 gold Intereat 450,000 " Net profit of Central Pacific Rail• . • road, attar paylog all Juiciest and expenses for ai z months ' 1700,090 gold The present gross °analogs of the Undorti and Central Pacific. Railroads ore $1.,200,000 monthly. HOW LARGE A BUSINESS IS , VP SAFE TO PREDICT FOR THE GREAT RAoino RAIL p.OADI We wohleg)6 tht;i following larte derived from ithipping ,Insurance Companies, Railroads And goneml.!%loformatluu BF!Pktiiiiiq,il:!s,4khe nebauely sireund : Pape Hom o 100 Bteatimbine•ronneoling at Panama nith China, .55 Oearland,Trainedlitages, Horses, etc., eta. 30,000 Here wtl o 1 tiTo';hUndrod and thirty thousand tons caviled westward and experiOnco has shown that the het five years that the returned passengers from Calltdruis have been nearly as numerous as. those going. , TIONV , ,MANY. VANSENG EllS • ARV TURR R . We make the followlntr.:astimate •" 110. (both ways) 70,060 (actual fut , 'BB) 200 Vessels 4,000 estluantfid " Overlknd - •••• • ,100,000 • •!!:: • • .• N .A .r. P,PT,P9'.!!!I9 uu ):, }74M Present piles (averailng: hitT:tho cost of ; the . steamships), • both paseensera and tonpage dives tho.followlng, ' 174,000 passongees at $OOO 400,000 tone, rated BCE per euble foot •lee d Basing calculations upon the above figures stith uplisplowing, for the taiga Increase of inielnoes which can safely be looked for.' thed estimate the running . n3!penna at one half and we have a , net ditchtnaillt ttgadtbdOi.Whfoh;tilfesr.kiitytiig Ibis, • tn., terest on the Pleat Mortgage Bondi and the. sl• vancettnade hydbe • dovernMettt, .would hits a net annual Income of 1.p,000,000 over and abotie all ekponses and Interysti The that bhirtAase 'Donde' et ine Union PileMe ithdthoi !Vint liarifeige• Donde of the Central Pacific Railroad Co; ere both, p4nol , rud and lutereat,pa).able In gold cola;, tbey le per csii i k i d.4srpal,in.-7,014],5u1n, and run for thirty yearsoand they canna bo pare, before that 'time a ithout the consent of the bolder.. ' -First Mortgage Gold Bonds of dia UnlottNalll; i llikllrpoillor , „sal? . st , tor said, asfryd 14termit fr. iand Flf.doNOrtgego'o,old Iloildn'of Contra( • Italie nall• rood nt 3433 andarerued interest. ' m&nn. ipealera, an, Government; Soo Ik, 00 ..' 1,, f , at tieM, tigld. Zlto., 1041 %kw ,c .)111110l 1d tie. kaa P.b.rl ~o eothlit. strpet, -+.ld 14611 ,81. ,a'4P,l~gß4► fsJ ~.,,; '~ aoerta+ -• II RIA IVIIAT IS TUBER YET TO 0 _E. DONE I=l S 3 000,Q00 $1,750,00 gold 3 00,000 " 1.0,000 11=1 PIiILADILP =atA( l =! a id ' MILES - -( • - 41 0 TER' A It , I 1 7171 A , A 4 f r O. N . • o 1,fr a : •,11.13` .:1•47 / A.Aikaitcap./ ?,- 1 ` • 'F ,1 N160..y . .,rjh0 MA , L 2,• 1 1"E .04,1 • y t; „. .ter4loo ,Itelle+ of the Nr,efte'rn, itirlll4,4l , Abe ,Ilnej hoginehe4!;etAmcetne)tity Av erteilso 010611 4 0i, ifff To be Finitibtid,fifi 'Open the '.4 ''2frend ThrougX;Lthe to tbArabifle,,This Open. log wilreertainbi .telfe plaee, , ellr' this seasoh ?. , ' • "a - • ' • _Beidcleat,aulonalton from thetrtiveroutelttocrWat acreeld* buhl per Mile, the Company iw,eotltied to a attbildy in U. P. bonds on Ile line an completed and'aceepted;at.the avordtto rate olltettpf.ktisll(4oo pet-patio, acCording Id the , UllitculthuP t.tutottiMted, fOr trltleh r thc Government taken d,mcood lien at doeur‘ey.' Whether nubeldien ore µiron to any ,Other companiee nbt, thdtaint. bly with all Its deritritets the' . Chitin - Pachic ltalimadeompany. the•whole amount of bond to which the Company will be entitled hart Alr,•atiy bertr delfrerell. ' • FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS .4_lT PAR. — lly - Ita — rhartor, -- the — Company—le—perutltted—to Immo itfrown - .1 , 1103T MOICTUAUE 'I3OND.I to - thO &am'', amount an the Government. Bonds; .and no more. Them Bonds area Frrst Mortgage upon thi3 'entire road dud Ito equlpmenta, ‘' THEY NAVE 'MULTI , YEAlti!, To RUN, AT 8/XVER CENT , and both titINCIPAL *SD' 'i , ,,AYARLE IN GOLD .• , . Buell securities are. generally . valuatild in pro. 'porilon to the length Of time they have to 'run. The lon,got staler bent. Interest bondd of the U. B. (the 181.'s) will be duo hill years, and they are worth 112. If they had ,70 yearn to run; they wquid stand at not less than 126. A perfectly safe Fret Mortgage fiend like the Union 'Pacific shohld approach this rate. Thademand for Eutopean in vestment is already censiderahle, and on the com pletion of the work will doubtless carry •the price MA large premium. SECURITY ON THE BONDS It needs no argument to' shovr-that a Fret Mort 'gaga 520,400 per mile upon - what for a' long time - must bethe only. rallreinr,tonneeting tb Atlantla and Pacific States 's , gtt.Pgertir smug. ,The op tire amount of the martgage -.WEI be about $10,000,000„and tho Intereet.ll,Foo,oo3lper annum In gold. The prrsoni currently cost of thls Interest Is less than {:.,400,000 per annum, whir° the gross. earnings fnr rtie pnr 180'41%031 WAY DUSI N ES° only, AN. AI ERAGE. , 'OF '.LESS TRAM 700 lIIILEa.OF. ROAD IN OFERATION 'WERE MORE TITAN FIVE MILLION DOLLARS, The dot& Is of whiel are ne follows - From Vs/mongers. " • Freight. Exprol. ' MiscullemeoUs. Oriveromont troops. freight. Contractor? men. • 0 materiel. Total. I ' This largo ammi ut,ls only an Indication of the 'mums° traffic that munt go over the through line In a few months, when the great tide of Pacific coast tratel - and trade-wlll- , begin. It to estimated that this beam°en must make the earnings of the road trom_FLPTEEN TO .TiVENTV MILLION'S A As the supply of these Bonds wills oon ion., Parties who donlre to Invent In them will hod It for their Interest to do so at once. The price for' the proient Is par and accrued Interest from Jan. 1, In currency, Bubperlptins gill bo rocolvqd lu Carlisle by A. L. SPON LE It, and In Nen York At the Company's Mice, No. 20 Nooeoo Strom AND BY a • John J.lCisco.Ar-Son, Bankers No. 5. Wall St., And by the Company's advertised ammta throughout the United States. Ronda :rt./free, but partiis rubscrihing through local agate, will look to .lhem I:or_lheir safedelirery. A NEW PAILINMET AND MAP WAS ISSUED October let, containing a report of the work to that.date, and a more complete statement In rela tion to the valuo of the bonds then can ho grieu in en advertisement, which will be sent tree on appli cation at am Company's ollieesor to any of the ad • iirtised agents. JOIIN J. CISCO, Treasurer. Sew York. Der.2s; 1.8135.31 n s o pRD & Bf o ie COtI ST ITUTION TE RS , &'St Tonic in use A. PERFECT CURE For Dyspepsia, Fever and•. Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach,' Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Heait-burn, Jaundice, and all diseases arising from a disordered state of the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. • Prepared by SEWARD, EENTLEY & CHENEY Druggiata, BuMilo, N.Y. Bold by au Druggieta. 2 jan-69-Crm THIS "IS KNOWN AS DR. CAMPBELL. me CHEAT, MAGIC PAIN RILLING MAN,'FOR CURING ALI, THOSE WHO ARE AFFLICTED •- • By the use of the Made Pain Destroyer af,d Liver Pills, you can save health, money, and pro long life. There lo not is pain or ache nervous or Inflathitory, but what the great Magic Pain Doe troyor will relieve, and in most Mateo:es entirely cure. Try it before any other renmdy, for it is al most-certain In every rasa to be just the thing; and the only thing needed. References on, given of wonderful cures phrfortned by the mat Magic Medicine : Dr. Campbell—Sir—l had n • cold settled on my .breast forten yearn, .I woo not p,blo at—times In ipenicalcind'vrard.Nl,iaa told to gat Dr: Campbell's medicine and Iry It, and It cored me In F day, Jonrotown, May . :;o, .1868.—Dr. Compbrll, Dom Sir: I cheorlulli , revononend your 111N11,1110 of certain cure for fork headarhe. Derry Ple.7.—Cured of baelmeho qf 10 yoarg standing, by using Dr. CampbollN Palo Des troyer and Pllls, far 'hr... weeks.. nn] %two, ago past 72 years. Nowmanstown, Lubnouu county, 1867.—1 was of Illeted with rheumatism, using crutches for 20 years. I was told to scot Dr. Campbell's Damn De• stroyer qnd Pills , awl try them, Choy cured ma lu two months: VC:tr.:nick Dunn, amcd 13 years. 60 ,000 tone Union Dowitt, Dnaphin county. : Carna.3ll.—Denr `.lll-1 hnvesalfernd .for 'tho lost ' 23 Ynfkra loom and ennlolp . Olon; I tried your mc,dleing. n,l 111r.'etotl; they'cuied'tne 'ln" eli Sp•xdLen, mod flt genre. chamb..re..g, 29; 1861—Cyrae_curett Plies 9f.l7ty9tirsetn.m&lng by using Dr. gnmpbtll' ISingla,Ontult..ykj . tn I yilbi,ftr onf j month.' 'North Middleton township. Cumberland county I.MIB--;Dr:Catnilbell—l . cheirfully recommend. Your magic mediclOu ns a useful medicine In .a fatally, for phlhdren; 110,40 t -sweet child yap,. taken with tke'crottp if, tilt+ night; f• 'did no expert her to lire ten minutes; I had a bottle; my wife give , cording to direction.; It cured, in giro minutes. SAMUEL KIM:I6. 'Jackldn 140, 1 /Wry dounty, Augthit ihi liri 6- 74). Campbell, hear Mr: I bought tour botkles, end.two boxes of your Pills for my boy who had the matism for one your, then turned to scrofulous; lie way drawn crooked and-could not walk; I -tried nki: the medicine!' I )(now, and they all failed, but yom modielne cured'hini In twb weeks, Oeonaa gITARI7,,, WONDRI(PIit,i;II . IOVXRT Oi WOllll LOilllnmel Lebanon, 1800—I hare repeatedly need i Dr. OlatoPbe IVoiin 14engeji; torltny 'town poet who was oar; ale for a long time; I gave hire • one In the morning and _one in the afternoon; there were 211 large worms passeti.a• 4 not le t s then 700 to 800 geed worms.lioure Truly. 817,401.000 15,010,000 4--- Two miles East Carlisle, 1866•::-Dr.Slampbo.11. your, P4ln pestlover And Liver. .shoolu t ,hi, mad. known; my ‘rifek*ai, Ur bed with fate, for three Year"; bee bead, nealt t Mute, /ego, hands end gegen! were draved crooked with., rheumatism; do I.lieyifo' ipeut pee-thousadd.dollere for her, and fOritliod ilobeeerit; Louring nhout your m edict rius,,l botiga twelve bottles and gin' boxes; al'ter' using night bottles, with the pills, -she .licild walk rtikh, crutches; after she haruslul four nor.. she threW her" cerflehok • away, --- Thie lady's weight Ist 225 pounds, and aged over 50 years. 33,U 000 0 1 14 co Ao.4*. '1 The medicine VIM be had, fieni %fir. ellmpboll, at Carlisle market, on Wednesday %and ?slur ay, or _Any time at hie Office nod ifitore, 'Third nreet, ha tweed Market awl C,lmitput, fAirrisburg, ~ 22jan 13 , 1•1 ,rt '4, Decline° you havo to wily ou ') , o9y• Dry and. Fancy Goods, Limns, &Manna,' Gnatlier Goods, 'Bibles, Albums, Silver Plated Warr. Glittery, &e.: for-you ran - send to DODSON, MORAN-a CO'B'.' great Dollar ristitiitiou,, 4nd,,get your goodie , at mauulaFturien pricen,•orAftkW eiult.' leas 'Mail. refaii price.. - Bond for a circular, (It'worlit Bost anything.) And_ . yee *lint 'splendid qgpodo sending - t 5 ours Agents fru, of' eero. Address. • -nonsoN, 5101t8E A• GO., ' 4 . , 90 Bun bury Mass."•'• likianuifild'in. , • • '••••' ' 3 •P . . eAkiji, *tier mi I PER, BRA:8; LEAD, ZINO, *c, by. W. o. ILIUKOK A BON. svoika, liarlgtntrg, ,Pet. BJau ti l-Int • ll l ruiaco paid° Playetclaii, .00We to the: role er y °coupled by . I .J. Bonder, den'd, ' ; • • IPUBLIC SALE.—The subscriber " willsell at Public Sale,on hli premises isbout VlllNTlDVdtrl i rirdarnitaiVr*' following mums' property, to wit : — florses,lol4 . lio,: Upglynge,"end his sptlinetock.of fshiilh ids iinento;toiither 'With A nUmbir of artiqlss ,of Household and Kitchen Iturnituro. '__. •• ' 2iihs 090ite e. , JHBAVINALEDIIL,, t • 1 l' . . - 7 - 131? - Y - G60 S. DRY GOODS! Something. to hilt the ; timei and Season _ NEW & CHEAP CASH STORE OF • T11:011AS. A. HARPER, CSIINNII OB NANOVED, AND PONIBRICT 'STS., Who is no - w preparoff to exhlblt an olocant and well assorted Stock' of . • " lt Y. G 0 Q At exceedingly low price.' Bargains in ..-1; L A K. ET S , of fill tOloie ind' nixes town. . . FLANNELS. Plain and Trollied, all colors. Domets, Shakers, -Plaid Shirtlnge, • . -''''.;,- . Opera., • —Home-Made and a Ono ariiclerof Welch Plannola. SHAWLS ! SHAWai- Long awl Square, Paisley and Thibat: ' Ladies' Cloakings, 1: , ,' ... ; Velveteens, Geld Mixed, Water Proof and Heavy ,ItinIVIIYA. . . . hierino vests„ Shirts and Drawers, for Ladino' Allsiale, Men's and Boys' wear. •' A full lino of • Clothe and uassimores. FANCY DRESS GOODS.. In new an Rich Designs. Many of the above Goode Selling off at at greatly reduced prices. Immense 'Stock of all the leading brands of Domestics and HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS, at lean than regular prices. BLEACHED Sc BROWN SHEETINHS, PILLOW CASE MUSLIM, PILLOW CASE LINENS, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS AND DOYLIES. . Towels and; Towellingo- Marseilles Quilts and Table Covers, Nottingham Lace Curtin Material and Tidy,. • Full lines of WHITE GOODS, Embrolderlos, Laces end Inserting, Veils, Ilereges OnspeL . Hosiery and Gloves In greaLvegloty, an exten sive Stock of BALM9RAL ANDIIOOI. SKIRTS FANCY WOOLEN GOODS CORRET.SI CORSETS! Fren h Wove, Lllp Clore, and the celebrated Beekvi adviets. Ladle'. (111111 and Collars, Ftemeiltend To eked and Embmiderod Handkerchiefs, Oluney Lace lldkt'o and ninny articles suitable for• HOLIDAY PRESENTS. I fry Ito attention to recent parches,. of'Now and Ih.drable Goode, In which I can nifor special Induce -ate to cash buyers. , THOMAS A. HARPER, Cor. of Hanover and Pomfret Ste • lithe 08.17. 1,024 005 97 2,040,23.1 10 61,423 00 190.•236 19 91,1320 17 104,077 77 149,440 33 201,1,9 09 $5,066,051 61 ROSADALIS, Blood P Scrofula in its Various Forms; Oonsumptlon In Its earlier stages, Enlargement and Ulceration of the Gland., - Joints: Donee, - K Warps, • Uterus, Chronic Rhetimatiam, Eruptions of the Skin Chronis Born Eyes, Ac., Ac. •- . ALSO SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMS. • DISEASES OF Loss of Appitito, Sick ileedOcho, Liver Complaint Pain in the Back, Iniprucleuce In Idle, Gravel, GENERAL BAD.HEALTEI OLQ U. LIVER, KIDNEYS AND BLADDER It le a Perfect *eicovator • -44w-ItOSADA Lk; ,•radlvateet tt•t3 kin lul humor arid bed taint. 111111 I 0,,,r011 ti. mai, r.‘rittM - healthy condition. 44 - 7 t IS PEllt tairer produahig She el ightext I nju. i. iO-11 Ix unt a :txertit gutick !:ernel). The nrti• CIO, it ix !wide. 1, I,olllolyd nrour eaoh h. tie. Itecommended.by Vic Medical ftm(dty and wary Thetitalltit of our //at Mime. ea_For Teatlmonlala of remarkable curer,' Nee "ib.andalia Almanac" for tbla year. DR. .1. J. LAWRENCE & CO., 244 Baltimore, street, Itt 4 LTIMORE, MD. For Salo by Druggists Everwhere. YSSec (4, j 3• ABRIAGES, -In order to accommodate 'their rapidly increas ing trade, a. B. & N. SHERK, =I here just removed into their NEW CARRIAGE F4OT9EY, IM=l=l Corner South and Pitt Streets, =I where they have Increased leelntim; for manure°. tnrlog eyerything In their line. All 'the latest etylee of • Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, and Spring Wagons, constantly on baud ur made to order on short not Ice end roasonablo terms. fileaare. titiorrk reel confident tt o they eilu turn out work equal In tlithh and durabillty to any vetabilshment'outalde Theme wishing Anything In they Ileiaahouid give their erdera at 01101. . -• ItEPAIItiNG AND PAINTING PROMPTa I AT TENDED TO Mee 013-Iy. '1146 ' a#p's ritno siiß ET, t 1115 0 PT T'S • """ WDIVT.,7,IIOPRINS,,' CqA.*PAON, .1100 P SKIRTS, =I No. blii" . Cheztout Se., (Gi&ft,'ll - Rc,6,) 211ILADELI•111A • • alWelye'be found ~ `"li.'coinfilete assort ment of his well•known SKIRTS; all the , newest and most desirable Styles, Shape„ Sizes and Lengths tor Ladies, Mines and, Children, at, the very .fiurest Priceroand Warranted. in evorPrespoot. Blilladqiusdito order, altered and ripaiied. r. ' libee of good Medea; mode Slsleta very low priees.-14. springs, 35. c; 20 apringse !CS' r, 22 springs. 50 c; 80 springs, 60 c; 85 'springs, 06 c; and 40 epilogs, 75 cents. Alsei'tholargestuasorimputu - 2 ooßepas-iti city ; retailing af 'Mids. sale Tricis, fObindlirg Thompsoil Liingdon's Olove pitting ; Beck superior Shiliped Woven arid 'Extra quality hafid mode Whalebone ()ONSETS, making over forty, different styled And velem!, from 76 ctn. to, $7.00.' Sole Agent in t'ils city for Mrs. 'Moody's Patent' Suifiadluetlng Abdominal 0011.817;13„ highly recom•l mended by . Pliyeleleine. De not itirsot our New' .PlllO.-1.116 011148TNUT, ST., .PIIILAWiti.I6/11A• 25dee .1.. ,• WAX. = ~Wir i TAtc4.o4r;t*c#it.l o "- " , 4 1`titidittraribdr - offire et irlvAtir saleFthe-weiillnoyn' Neyrvillni k!tr47la! the "Ii" 0 p•A 11" 'H S 'H -• . , thich'tbenotetetandeYeautatlsl . 12111? r tirrAttDgets d a l ltln t :g. ITMAZ:. ° ! 4 Tlig e h • Use 'slime add SUbstantla ly bblltefetilij •centelidig , 8 • 'sleeping apattmente. l goosLitaid•Oolit Dlplbg‘hoom;Parlor Kitchen and all modanhoitlen . tences. • 'A'gpcial . VeflotWAt!r at tho „ ~, EXOI6,LI A IT I N' t t STABLING' ~_- • . ter ‘fortY‘ hdries,qelHddefilWood,flottse, Buick, 'tonne and all necessary outhulldlnget• . • ,Ml`he'Lllgan•Moludile widely and'faYdrably knoien and le largely patronised. It bee been quite recently- Vih'6iitvlto*.von4Ro4.4inkupalltejloE.: ! T ,C ornio to suit o o puro poor. • , , 14. 0 - T t.l • .1 or Yor further partloullate, apply to the embserl es,4 In htelibillitee eterW4bl,tpt Newillte, Yaw, JOB. A. VVOODlfi#ltt.'• ' ' ) • t•YRAU Bt. ' • • •• . • :`,O ARBILE - -YAIiD. • lITEIMOMUS,--neAteTortasinststal* r , 4 ~ .:,‘ OWBNi ' II,A ."TM The cheii - ant Stock In THE GREAT CURES SUCH AS WOMEN - ; And all diesaiies or the Buggies, Sleighs Spring Wagons CAILLISIX, PA '; Matufacturo of the ' 11 • . • i • Haw REMOVED to ~I "lifißM - n'A - NE?Pf,g. ° 4at131(4 0 ,,_ s c " . BAN KERS! N 0.35 SOUTH THIRD STREEI 'PHIEIPHIA, IqENEI - iirAENT3, Ir i " ,; L': PEANSYL '' . ilAkik ..." 1 . 71, ~E ViNEw . OF THE .X:Y. 6 (...) , i t - . - 0 0 , DE ANSUti ticE ' cra J I I IITE11. A&n. IAT E E T :OF AIViRICA ° - The NATIONAL LITTI IiNSIMANON . CosimANT is s sOrpOtation chartered by special Act of Congreas, op proved July 25,1869;w1t1va CASH CAPITAL, 61,000,000, ITLL PAID. Llberatterradoffered - to_ - Adentasand - Solleltorswho preinvited to apply at ou r b hd "1"' ll II t r °Moe. O . :art:MT:OJ ei'inaPoucr° 112114 a H ou se, .Where Circulars and Pomp lota, fully dread/lag the tdrpotaies offered by the Corapaoy, may be had. E. W. ' , CLARK & CO., y, 35 .S'oul It Third .S 1 S. S. Russel, Manager. C. H HEPBURN, Cashier bit National Bank, Agent for Carlisle, Pa. : AGENTS WANTED 875 to $ 200 Per month ! ! Of a Commieslon :from which. twice that amount um be wide by Belling the LATEST IMPROVED COMMON SENSE Family Sewing '‘fachine, PRICE $lB,OO Fur OlraWeirs arid Termertddress C. BOWERS & 00 320 south Third Urea, Philn.,Pa 4dec ll'a.3m Pacific Railroad Nearly Finished 1450 Miles Built TIM 'UNIT' PACIFIC:R.II. Co )\1) TH E CENTRAL PACIFIC R. R. CO Ilarl, added Soren -trundrod-(700#-Milao- to [twit lines du, in , the current fear, while 'dolog a large tout lomseoaernit lrelght buolooas. The through vonneeti.o. Wlll l lOll l l. II • be completed oral smotro'r, when the Illorouih. train': will be very. great_-Ft'y housollid nom are on, employed by ti ,t 1,11.11, ‘ll prersing forward th. -,roat Isati oall,l,ltwar ton speedy completion tlol3 300 milm. ormolu to be built, of Ohielt 200 arr graded and ready f o r the roll. ' Firta 11ortenoo tlohl flood 01 tho Uuiou Pacific Railroad Company for 'oak at 102 and interest, . 11 Plat ) 10 . 1 40 1 3 0 Gaol nond, of the 'Cruiral Pacific Railroad at 103 and Interoat, The principal and Internet of both bonds are pippin . in cold. DE HAVEN & BRO., DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT CURITIES, GOLD, &c No. 40 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA E:MIZZI 1869. HARDWARE., HENRY SAXTON, DU' CD. 15; MAST HIGIT '*TRTET, CarliFile, Pa • Wholesale and Retail baler in Hardware. Iron, Stool, Nails, Building Nlatorials, Palate, Oils, Olsen Sc. Finest quality of. American and English Pocket and 'Table CjitlerE, Every description of T(.016 adopted for all Me chanical Trades of the moat celebrated makers, and warranted in ovary instance.' Guns. Pistols and Ammunition. PU 41's, (o- goy depthyvarrauted to give 83tisthetlou t Blasting Powder, • . -. Mks. !,:' ~ .. Shovels, . Spaces, ~ . • Forks, - Crow:barb; Sledges, Ice. • BARS" BELLS, PLOWS, CHAINS, HAMM, GRAIN BAGS, A., be., Builders receive materials to a groat advantage both !uprise and quality. Housekeepers Goods a n d , utensils In groat rarlaty. ~ . - Te.B ARE SOLI; AGENTS FOR • THE GREAT 'UEL ECONOMIZER , OATENT.I XOELSIOR WEATHER 'STRIPPING, • adoptod'for doors or windows. • We fool ourselves competent of pleasing all as our goods aro of the highest in quality and. /meta inpriOe t • , • Orders by mixt/ Leming prompt attention, goods delincied in town/rm. •,„ • Parties Indebtod.to us for 146 will please 'be psnmpt liftbelc payrapnt, and all to. whom wo ore Indebted . wilt please present their . bills ton settlement. , Sian 68: '• , • • HENRY 'SAXTON. ic YRIVATE :SALE. "The'subgcrlb,or offerc at prirato.' • sale their' 're noble Property,sittiated In Mitilin township, • 3 mile" North•Edet of Newburg, containing 28 ACRES, 'toietherwith 8 Acres of timber' land*, thoro to mult plied to be a forgo quantity of Irina Ore on tho • main ractrWhith - msken it Vtalnable - pritpetty — . • The buildings consist of,a splendid DIU OK 110013111Wastilloneo, Double Leg Barn Nog Pon and other necossary out.bulididge'there le A:varie— ty bran kinds ler fruit: on the :prow isee4alse-e, 4welt of water. near the 'door. • The land le the test quality of elate hitting boon ' tecentljr Weillirtleiti•thip• la 'a 'desirable property near^te-Dittirehi School and Mill, • PernoniferlehltirtO ate tho 'property and )(now' tho' terms will pleas, call on "the , etibecriber rock!• lag on the BAMO.. ' • •- • MARGAREVELIGII: -1: , - , , ,,Lhatiltr 1110/1, , ' -,., • -: , •J • ,• ••• --* - ••••, 9,14 P gSTAPLIIMED d. d .nzollenlisol • • ago '. the larg+lo filanufAaturlng Clontettlohees an 'lod•gWhbleside Dellery vrultr4 3 ao:,ititti tidee,-1 t • • I '' ImatMly • • I).• , •• :• ~t. ''QAIgN . 1, 1 -•-MAXV4It-, Atilt-alum .win road/ employakentAitaw!:.: . Works, Mir'Aunt, Pi. 4 1;11 , Nt 804,g1. • • `~l~, t z~°~ ~ ari~~cz'N;~,~ Ayer's • , - • . .-Pot' •tlstoring• Gray •Hair to its natural ViUility and Oplor, - ....ys„ cured by 'use. Nothirg can restore the hair whore • the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. 'But such as re main can ir saved for ugefuLness by this application. Instead of fooling, the..bair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional Use' 'Will prevent the - hair - from-- turning gray- or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. ' Free from those deleterious substances a hick make soma preparatidne dangerous and injurious to • the hair,' the Vigor can only benefit but not .harm 'it. If 'wanted merely for it . HAIR DRES'SIN'G;" nothing else can be found, so desirable. Containing neither Oil or dye, it does not soil while cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lnstro and and a grateful perfume., 21ank 6S•ly Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer, & CO., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHRIIISTI, LOWELL MASS. • PRICE 41.00., aoct 06.1 Y iVer's Cathartic Pills. For all the purronos of a LaxatlvePtedlclno f t' Ayala far more effectual reme dy than on) ot her. Those who have tried it, know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and al, know that what it dock once it does always—that It never fails,through - any fault or neglect of its rf We kayo thousands upon thousands certitleatea of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such curs are known, in every, neighborhood, and wo need not publLh them. Adopted to 41 ages and conditione in ell climate.; contiining — neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they.may be taken with safety by anybody.• Then sugar coating pre erves them ever fresh and makesthom pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. , They operate by their powerful influence on the intotool viscera to purify the blood and stimulate ' into healthy notion—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and ether organs of the tocdy, teetering their irregular action o health, and by correcting, whoro•sr they exist, each 'derangements as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, whicti_these Pills rapidly cure : For Dyspepsia 'or Indigestion, Listlessness, Languor and Loss of Appetite, they should be taken moderate y to stimulate the stomach and restore its - healthy tone and action. For Liver Complaint and Its various :symptoms, Bilious Headache, Sick headache, Jaundice or Grelm Sickness, Bilious Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should I °judiciously taken for each ease, to correct the diseased - actiouor,„retuove the obstruc tions which cause It. For Dysontery.or Diarrluen, but ono mild door In genorldly.roquirod. For ltheumatihm, Gout, 'Gravel,l'alpitation ut the Ilona, l'afrrin the Sido, Dock ttrid Loins, they should be routlnuously takon, no required, to °Mingo the illioinsed nation of thO system. With such change than complaints disappear. Fd r Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings they should bo largs and frtiqwent doses to _produce Ili.• idle, of n drastic purge. r Sumo a largo doso show,' it plod. cs Fir ilocdred effect by sympathy. a Dion., Alf,d,skii ono or ion Pills to coT, Mate tii,,0..11 thu stomach. • . . • . A 0 ewe-Ishii.' dose stimulates not stomach sod boo elsinto 10,Ithy action. restores tho appetite, atid int the sybtem. Hones It is Otter atlvantogelds whore 00 serious ilerang.utillt ex ists. Ito. , wl , timis tolerably well. Ott, Arils I het o twe. 01 those Pills maks, hint feel to, hiod ly (lbl Col. t omit lava de.tosing and it timatinit elfeet 00 Iho ditestlve amine:au . I , H. .1. lER Practiod 17rms4s, ) wELL. Bar erstick Brothers, Agent, for ("nrlisle Can • 11 A S I'IIAMfIUs B R u G itG , T C un:, R ,pi L a AISLEit()A D a e n ( 3 - I Exhoit of tong receired,'repaira and' expends of the Ilarrkhorg, ()ankle and Chamborsburg Turnpike Road Company, from tbe - lat January to Met November ISilk, inclurf re, an followa, to wit: To amt of tolls received at bates, To balance at settlement ter 1807 By cash paid for repairs on road f0r,1866, 1635,80 By Gate Hoopoes' salaries. . 1483,20 By Manners' pay, 376,00 By Treasurer's ninny, 100,00 By Secretary's salarA ~_,115,00 By incidontal Oxpouses, 60,00 By stationary, taxes ac.,10,00 '1 By uncureant mono' received, • 2,50 1869. By balance paid Into Court to bo ap plied under tho Act of Assembly of -1a23, '25 and '3O Certified on oath to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, the oth day of .laiingry, t ; D., 19130. TA NOTICE.—That the Court of Common Pleas - of Cumberland county, have appointed Tues day, the 10th day of March next, nt the Court House, In the borough of Carlisle, at 10 o'clock. A. M., for hearing and-determining tho _claims of the roepoc. t lye creditors against the company, agreeably to the Acts of Assembly made for the relief of said credi. birs on tile Ist clay of April 1823, and the supple ments thereto. At the aforesaid limo and place, the iwferred tit any) end all other creditors, ere re.' quested to hoer their respeotire claims duly au thenticated and presented, and also to curable eel donee at the carne time, whether any Holum- have boon assigned, or are still held by the original own era; and also proof td establish the consideration of their elahns , whether for Work, materials Ay: IMMIE /18P < •A .L,,III : OTU RE TO YOUNG:ISEN, I'ubli.#ll . o in a Scale Envelope. Price A Lelture on tho Nature, Treatment and, Bath. cel Cut of' Sermatorrinea or Seminal and „Weak• ness, - Involuntar7 Einhisions,.Seitual Debility, and Imptallmouts . to Marriage generally; Nervousness, Cousumptlol Bullemy and Fits; Mental and Phy sical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, Ac. By ROBERT .1. CULVEItWI7LL, N. I)., Author of the "tireett* 'Book," Sac. • The world renowned author, In this admirtibte Lecture, clearly proves from his own caperlence that the awful, cousevences of . Self-Abuse may be effectually remwed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, boogies, in stromentp, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cute at once certain and effectual, -by -which ovary auffeter, 110 matter what lila condition may be, my" rare himself ahoaply, privately and rain catty—, '.,r1110 LECTUUE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under sent, to any address, in a plain seal ed envelope, pu the recopt 'of six cents, or two postage stamps. Also, Dr. Culverivell's "Marriage 0 tilde," price 26 cents. Address the unhitch, r, . CHAS. J. C. KLINK 800.1 127 Bowery, Neiv York, Post Offlre-Bow 4,600. „ , IrANSOLUTION PARTNEM 7 SHIP. Nonce la hereby Oven that ' the partnership heretofore existing between John Ilr.'Paust and floury S. Hyv, Mot tille 'day.- bum dissetrol, by mutual come t, and tbo. liminess will liereaftor be conducted y Hoary Byers, at the old , to Penn Township, Cumberland, County. Alt par soot Indebted to Tho firm 'era notified to setti... , with John W. Faust immediately.. 01IN )I*. r, • Jan 69-tie N_OTlPE=Ord6rs_ for co4l4;ri lancy Shrom, ,bo receivad and 'prompt. Y attended to at Corntund di ;W o r thin gto n' s 'Drug Store, at Faller's Elrorerir Moro, at liana's rat.ery Storv L. and 'John - Rhisid'a 'Confectionary . store: "DNLICN9. I4 F . ArtifIROit. Man 130.3 m. •, -CiAItLISLE • LAND ASSCOIA , IC TION.—A eio l tlug of. tho, umituliorti.„of tbtn !immolation will he hold thu Counbil'ellinabor, Vouli)o trotE!t r g el t e 7 . ;l 16JanOO-Its • '• . , . Mr. John Hann will. Willa Salo hie entire, Shirk Or House.' hold and Ktchen Furniture, on Wednosdey,ThUra' day and Friday, March 17th; 11th . apd"lgthr..!4.- bolo g the Furulture'norr in Anse" Whttlt 1 9: (Jarman Mouse s r ß.Lio sALEe.7...tr--( ; ..._ . ~.., • wi11,i)4,e,,,„„v5.,,,. ~,,_: .1.,,....,4g yillp . o f 325. ), ; -. 4 0.,di Air 0.,,,.. 17g e g i giZl 1 7 ' '...lita . ;? ' r ' ' * / r •.11,, _,_ _ _ 1 Mg ° -":—..' '.• .rt.' t" . - , ',,_ ,o,vai -...q. -,, ... ...., ,: . -': • 4 ,, , , . ,'' , - , SEEM ~r ng i t:o , n d e a r e: a s a ß g i a , i c i 1 t : ? ' f a: 1 1 r eff iri%ser ving the hair. Faded or , gray hair .it ,0071 r 6, or ed. to its ,no col or 'with the gloss , (DPI fresh e. , ,s s f yotith. Thin haiir.ie thiekened, falling hair chocked, and baldness .often, Perhaps no one medi cine Is so universally required by- everybody ns a cathartic. noe l ives ever any luenro so uni versally adripted Into every country and among all ..lnes..e, ale this mlld but eniri• ant purgative Pia.:Tha vonn.n h.. that ===MM $1112,16 MEE! $3652 ,0U ME MED EEO SAMUEL W. NEVIN, Treasurvr =9 MIME SE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers