10 I.IAT 1) ,IVAI?E. 4 *2 ' A 9, • "" - Tr' 77 -;,k7,A73 -*l'' •=1 - 5 4, . fe ilip;o- A5 ,... ve. "1- 1; 7'. IVIA'S TR lA. T .. . \ I il ITO illifliV !Ili it. iirif, IN 11:tifill 4' flil my all ropy E-X'I'ESSIV E. STO C . l(' (. i.' [I All I) W A ILE ii ,-, •I , l - : ,-1 .... , .. ,;_.... RP!Lne , ....: iii., .t.17,1,14 -- 1 - 4, - 1tig . 1 1 %.: ,—r...4.1415 , tr' - r:7 — l s as7l. nillS , b , ., 1.1 • 0,11,6. ,v if il Phil iii'.l. ,11 11114 .1.4 .f, c, I‘ r..i..a. ut..ikom facturir I Pries. ~ . ; Ali or 1, , itilliiiirtil to rur so , one. ood with our tteh II • proniphierr iiirril ,ie I vet 01 to all [init. - of the Clank . • •ir fl'ou'r: r .._. I% e Inv' to the mowed. ni I vial.. of liforliefotill'e moo a >lrvin iihoi •re .0 on' Walti/1•1 4 i0 ,AUCI, ko their to „dope Hog to p.tri IA:- 11.1001.'0J, , . , '- - • . . . Waled.' • - 1 'Eusliell.ll-Pulned. / nod , :cr.i,is,• IRO, ____ '._____uf_lubtiopiiso.d. ,- Izet , ko- i.o. ,•- It oo: and • Dlalt; S ho ws. -- i - ' istilie of ',rat ri ot lean , '', _. Itoirieti l'e 111 irti mud P.0010.a :0 - 0101.04, - - , • .. , . tn.. ,, • , • , •4 • n Cost Stool, _ • _.' Spring, . . • drib 11, • lilig,i . and ---- - -- . . ' , . Too S,eol. . . .. . • ' ' inaclo,nanl'a Prillo, Foltd-Box l'lsCa', 80110n , ,A 191...,, lia , .ps. and Case ' . .ili 4deneir, iWa r- gon, Ca . rlage. and Buggy dates., -CARRIAGE, WAGON ANa§I.,EIGtI _._ Fixtures, othisreitug•ln pit i • AU BUS, • • Sl'ult es, • EN:LI:WS, - .. . ' BOWe, i • . • - • • WAFTS, , • ": - -- CATGRIAGE - FOUIS -- , •• ~ - 'SLEIGH lc [INNERS, --- • FENDER'', • , . . TOP LKATIIER, • ' • DUCK CANVASS, • • Dttl 1.41.1 AC`, •,. . • • ~ , ,' , DA MAL.K, . LACK. - ' TRIMMING'S, Ac., A, • too otimoroua to mont7on. • Out and • It ',eh , iit tho very lowest morkof Intek. .Country.ller4onti bopplirtt a7l.lll.lllUratAtlrUni 1311C09. CARPENTERS'AND MOLDERS will fled ft 0 ti t q r hqy_ ~nllp_LncN F. Paints, Oils, and other Building 3laterials. to,n - ihnr with - . CA. It NT F. lt-S T_P ()I§ front the .Li X• i , irrentii to !five en thethititetion in ' ty and M A IKEIIS UNDERT.AIiERS .76 w. - 4,,1,11,v1.4. .no 111111 ebe.p _WAI,III. tl:3 I V.. r •r+ 11.. d I ags 11 V lir ,t 6. r.Olll 1,163. E. arul a 1 tlee..a..try ILYI.m . la B. and lit their SAI)LER'S FINDING AND TOOLS • ty, ron.pri,d I. par I of. Illmck It,•d and WI t• Etinsn.l.ll 11,. let SkIT.F End jr.Pc, I:rrltii.‘../.1, ma) `PT, llxnn , r Illookest, Col ,rrn Icis,l3,ectle, 111,, WOK sel“lt. 11111..ILtg Ives' and North'R Sell A 136.,Lt1ig . Trve. AC ..tr. A Q , ..1101‘11V1V 4 _ and tlediees. re. e e picoes kilt. I W. red v‘e., not ol el/ILn oil. Le sold rt the 101,04 ace rat., r - L , .. _PITS A 1. , D; .0 I L ;..,. f t. Ta, rit c• n- j., tau 'o'l.p. , I. g I , rnug!3 ., \l7, Ir. I.rd•fn and ZI t•g. ” . t:teeitr•• in a 1 1.,. .r. v d•,, It owl: d.. Cr. R.A. ai . ‘I .1...1.... lio. I ........1. Z.. ; 11...r.1cat. 0... ,' •€.00......1.%.4i140-4,..A.t ...VII. A. r..., t . • 1 r.. 1 11... OA .r., .1 b.,. y dI. Ad r....... lit) lit .1 It, , II In ~,,;: n ,, d. Lott+. A i... ..p.. 1,1. , L..,,h ...,1 ~. t...... 11,., ,, z , , at , . i'urt4l.lt . .anst Cann,' .11.,.., 141,,Ln: 'cl . ..iti.. p l. III) n 1,1 14,,,..b. 0 ' OILS AND I'AIIis.ZISIIES , LI it .1.1 Vit • ._... t‘nerni dn., , , . .Fl,ll do., . A .. La,' on, _ J.obrie do Nt itl.-1 , 0 , 4 dn., - . :,.. • - 1 f` ' L;: l V ~ r . ~ , ( II) -• , . • . - _ -k,u0,11118,..b0 , si-V _ -- • - ‘ll.it.• 1 g•11.1 - , 17 ,-- - -- 3AP VN 11t , .*: A, u LL:, i 11 y). 1 ... VAItISHES _ . ~, AIR., ratty, ---.1.1i1trz.., ,-- %I hitinz, ___ • _ • _ Ulkit., . , . . blo'lie, - .. . 1 . . :w.i vt, . • • . Ch.t . lt. Alum. • . • _ . 31,id-Irr. - - W. , m,0'41 4 , p , e.1.4113 . In 71 ,:tt;ffir. nirr-hrFn r ---FAa----.M,-e -r•nno-nA na n>..__Lo_.a._ .; _CLC_...C.!IIIIIIIItIILy I. genet , I--o-ilt. j.til,,..vi. ~ -- .t 1 ,11.-: • - .D 0 I: G I:AS CO \V I-N-0- ,S - ..• I: l.; 1\ liS EY'S iitrir i;:.h.tk • rjj irS D r t r r hgr,lo VA I 1101,1 FIVE TI) (INK 'm v; ilrry FEET IVo , d, I rod to•al I 1,, ios • II V. 1..)1CA RAMS (±7O. comliabt and frtsu supp:y of DUR.II • _JCL/ 6, • Lugl. , And . .• Dock Powder. Vogoth.r Ith fitlety I'u•e, Flung Jlutblrko !fare, Drlll=, • nlvdaes, - NapLontr Ilam•nere, • Cement of Ito • • F..11,,win., brands, • - " _ tfo4l • ,hurondole,• • • bcotlat•d nod Calcine Pouter, EMIII.I &C . • P.llZihot.htnan. and Louden 'names, strnisbt_ end to tted, LuL. atud.l.ut.g Irn eS bib Chttitio, t•pr,tvls 1181101 CUM' Thin, FARM liELL.S or an Ft 21,.. (iv:ttrantKl uot and Ch. Culevtiawit, liutaler rat , s. Z 4 .teelS. •A C. A LAJ.IC T E AND N.D STOCIi. OF A CEDAR, WARE COMPRISING IN . PART • TUNIS CILUItS: , , BrehLTS, BILUTBR BOWLS, - BOINTS, ea, dc. .... — Phibritnii ", .. '. , . Piero:lain-Lined, . . . Wal and ' , • - •. , • /initial natera t -•• • ''',_,, . , enrceinin; . • . . • -- - . • . I.tru.4s add . • . Omer, . . . . ... R l'reseriltiw Keltiem,_., , _____ ....--,- Jl'.uile . . . ' Urhi 11.016. A NEW LOT 61? GRAIN BAGS Al' 0111.:A*11.1' Hi:1)1101.11 l'ItICI:S. 'ITV:Cita Si IZJIMI \ 0 IRON i5.01,,..kE1t. IMP. M.:A O. SP Ii1;11,11 arLoCli TIN, l'lo -.- 1,1.0, :: 11 r.k.T BRA ~, au. - . . , SINGLE AND DUULIIY. II IIIREL ektIUT GUNS- Smooth n. d 1{10. , X and It :fie Ihrrek and M. unt n 8. lintof .18 and non to li n Ivor. &loo t Intail..;,"ntrk‘on, los, of og tho Lot roiol Iloin THE LA itGESI. At;SORTMENT A4NI) , MOT 8E.1.t1 r[I..3!.STV LES or 11 I A E - S. • lielhle•Tr noldee, 11btN & I er Hanging 13: . im et . CL OTII 13 NV, It I N CCE II ,-. CHIN ,E G O,N• G-6, HAND BELLS F 0 It II O.T E. L' li FFIPE PLAIN AND GILT.. • T 111.1 IL A N. itS>l !`' It LI 0 If. 8 . EXCL U ! S'i VP. .4akivq , " J • •. . • and nn Anors nn d ' tt,11,1/ w a• exa , mtti)l4, cold; rain,' dust;aud •40W Wl' li!nti 100140100100 . ibu , _H. • - , boni, • • iel , ldeannpurlng such comfort an no ottloi• - expon,ll. turn'of Juol can convaantl.,•• • 'ALSO 40L:E: iIaEPTS . . . . . . 9AIRT4NIU3 bT,,ANDAiID SCALES. War Ifernembci the I,ld Ft,ind. 14 q 4 c),' - L • 13R'r GOODS . tupU.SEKZ.EP E RS -A-T ! . r -E'N--.TraNT7 . ---,.--7-1 ~~' ~~ . Just.operitO'g a'very largo supply', ~,--,,g, tiOUSF: FURNISHING GOODS EEMMI wo - nro prepnred to ditposb of C.LD IfOUSEKEE"I'ERS.-- and all thnv. whn arf. jug beglniung housekeeping et very great. bargnion. CARPETS! _CARPETS! nr every gmde. every kind and every quality. Pow. ell Three Ply, Hartford Three Ply, Iltiglifdi• Tapettry, llrusstl, S u perdiA g rill Ls, _Extra .5 upure. ... - TWO-PLY ALL WOOL CARPETS, STRIPED'OA - R - PETS; pyiLLED VENETIAN, yard wide; TWILLED VENW.TIAN nll wid.tbsl PLAIN AND STRIPED CARPETS- ', - StATIILCARPETS, L6:EN O.:‘ , 2PETS, C'ARrETs, cOT.TAGE CARTETS 11031 E MADE RAG CARPErS FLOOR 011 CLOTHS, 411 wldthganEl Wallin. - GLASSES! LOOKING 0LA532,3, DiiolotArs, el,nnot be FurpnEsecl in I'ICEINGS, • .PILLOW CASES, MUSL; NS, SREETINGS, SMILE LINENS AND TONVELLIN3S; 31.1IISEILLES QUTI TS, LANCA , TEtt QUILTS, • HONEYCOMB .QUILT 2, VELY II LAVY,. HAND LOO.M. QUILTS 13 LA N KETSI Please remember that we aro also prepared to gii'tt E 9 . GREAVBARGAINS WWII ill all quilitles and descriptions of DQM s'..ric Goo -Ds, Vintlns In great varloly, and all quantities. Crillcordt front Nto 12% eta. por yard. Good aomostlc Ging\ hams at 12% ets„ par, lard. A largo stock of CLOT.HS 411 7 7) CASSINERES wuk;Tnn , lsnlss Goons; AND runs AT COST, and levithan onst,_,,to maim room for o'ber Ono no.d of ado,. to •rlr too wit, have mulrect cheulare Advertising the closing out of au old STOCK OF GARPETS :it cunt. Wt. WWI An Inform ttio community tint I torpots n hichr,s, TN, purch.isud in the the bolero n.human y-1; 11305; vitiru purchased at • HIGHER PRICES • 4gll 11 Nin nrn fully oreporntl to eh . ° ynu POW goo& 11111 i 311,±1y11.1. at thn tou•ent tlino,___Pleoso an - not TRU lia iVi• 1,13. ne we proxy isvory word tbn, iya LIT;LDICif AILLER Sion of the Carpet ILtll., - - NO. 2, EAST MAMSTREET, Car Pennsylvapia EU= P e VERY CHEAP. Very heavy, all wool nll r•'dills, lIASSOCKS, , 4•C OU-R -5T(5041- In great variety Closing oat BE . h F R .A 7 ITU B:E. ,rt T.Liwyz1.1.7.2: ,r.;,,r-TX) " ',..-- ,- 0 I , ,'",t..-.: .:x.:4,tv:•:, , •., .'h ' 7_ i Z'__. • ' .1." - 25", (ett- - 4: -I, •: - ' 7.- -- ,, ----1:-.T -1-4..1 '-' l', \ W tt;. , _ ~. ....., ~,,......... F-• 'l'll di ~ilVvi, i t,Up',; J? E ' r?: ''; :;. 'ldhlll",,. Plber^ i i}).'i-vi, ~ ~,,,,, • fnrnltoro'nf rdl VNII ace, , Apd- Stylof. Vof.elg. anli Dow, ILt fr.on I thOUNt - and 31ahojany lowwd primal maple And 'pin• • , Parlor • I.ltdi,g-ro m s nut( taco CU tNI URI 1---- --Embrvlng-I , nry nit We llFtlllly and llotul korp , rs or tt most sup •oret dnd •rishionnblo 1 and fnI•11 - ng al , O Cutiour 1111.1:111treth snits rrrep• too and Camp -Chain:. Muttrases,-011t frannm, Won,.dee tart rtleuisr ntteutlnn OA,. JIM nawrl h , f11110r0r; brd••rs • - npd ruu it y, Ittu9,t,,Lt to- promptly • and on IlgOth r.ito tern, • • • • • S..ECIAL TP.N'IION PAID TO TH EL E SECTION . . • OF PAPER 1m arell2l, fl I( . "?:' , ' • !t; iq 1,4V4 4 K „ R' . vh-g t ,„. , W li ,' „p icF.l.,vivor:i 174; 4 0. 0 1 ..,Itt 1 , :,--: - . , t 1 I m r ~: p •,, _ ,s.a-,.,.‘, 7, v ..,-,, .2.--4•', , 1 I : .',..-', --•,,, II N Nisi - , a pislity of :tell sdreted Wall Finer' for sail; very low lot ea,ll newt r.neet s all. Mods and look ing elatse4 It iNn. DI :iv. th'llenover, Stveet Carlisle. twiliin 67. . . D. G R 0 CER TES. LON,'D G Y_QKJI G ()OD BLACK, SITERLOCK & CO., GROCERS General l'. mmissionillere Si Ii ) PEP,S, =I Prbvisions, Western_ & - Southern .Piocluce. I'I'AS COI I. I" E. 5 1 - 7,1 A RS, SPIOLS, ..pin %cc°, . 1% IN I. /K1P..., • illessrs. Black, Sherlock. & Co , Clarit. the InoFt. v,717,1.! it/11 4 111 14111 South Atili:•rlean c, 11 111.1 . 1 . V y trp I to. tTkoo MOSS Litioral Advances lI\TNIEDIA - TE I:I7,TUITYSe ON r LI, Kinds of Ppoduce, finuters, l'arroel:, generally through oht the countly,., ill fled it'great!y to. their ridvan rth.e to ship to,•ir • Messrs, Black, Sherlock & Co., _ • I . '''SO'VESEY ST.. NEW YORK. inunense erders no f,lel, fr. oil out eorres rodent 1.. Li, el pool, lineal., St. Thoomv, Do ruing° "Hod several South Ainer!ean pi rts, •WO lire to num...hate want : llan, ahoy. 111111ItiOUV.1 artiVll2.4 of prod ut.o. We can eh, handle to advantage for 'our Southern' 61441145: KN.:Arts, • MI.ASE;ES, • • Messrs. Black, Sherlock &- Co.,_ IS,L11; P C E C U'R EEI T 7 - -- they util ho harm: to ftu uhlh Free of t , Charge to their Friciuls„ „and Customers. - G ROCERIES .i S .ROV.LSIONS. vu Luml and arrjoing at C.131111,N n BlaYran'S NOW ats re. 'to. an, tact Loot hor (A. M.O. stalth'll 0111 st:jud) a tory supvrinr and - aolectctl - , total . , FAMILY GROCERIES of all mblell will be n, Itl of ',the very lowest ~ a sh priers. oux soloist In putt of Ureed Lsown.Cohke, Syrup:, of ad grades,' ' , Sugars - Tens. Chocolate, Whole and 0 round Spleoc, • ''ltAielot, 0111110.5, Lemons, • • 111.4, Itive,• • • _ °l. Cornhinr..l.‘,. Occur, • Pearl rtareti, Unrest, Kc.• Cc. SUGAR CUP.ED ITAMS, StIOULDIKB AND SIDES. Wooden. Cedur nod ti ll' W of nit St die,. sudi us It. hots, -howls,- heelers, Spoons, 11,st,kets nod BrE N5 ; 4, will alba It evp constantly on hand tbo celebrated SHAFFNER FLOUR, .which competent iorpvetors any Is•tho :but In . th. ruhrt.vt. thud of all kinds lonhll ibo v.nhts of nll tho penpl Intend Loath I lien I.ovt thtlelen ai very tho 1 0,111 n , r .We o.peotiully Invite the public give lib a call even If they do hot Walit t . hu, Don't forgot the 01100;D:0.4h, K. I q.uther at. 0001 LAWN & 13110. nprlll2 07-19. - CUBA P ll elt S 1 RE. On SOutli-Most corner of Pitt nod Pomfret Itrp4•ts. I lin rttlimiTitA•r tsu-e0,,0r-to Jolio F- r. 4•4.1), Imvlug - just rut 061..0 jr..,. itiln, , tfully nu lbo• lie c” 0....pni0d to Fell it t. 1,0 ovVt•Nt owl] p1.1•••va It '/11 . 40 Viii , ty ul 0 1,4101,8 tattl -Pionto ititt, ~..00Fantlrig 0, • ueen‘iworn,' 131n1,,,nrn, Cvdm'A , :nro., , 11,0,1 Willow wore, Cool Oil. Lulalcating'oll, ugur, Corny FplceN MOIIIFFer, Chuoio, Tobitcvn, inpn r hluur Crachrr.g. thlimoil Frei t,, .' 4..ur0, =II - Pull and all the tirtleleshept to a flrFf, -- Gash 1 reapeetfully s ask, allure if tad autille pittronage lanyl; 174) --11.,KAIAIC , C 01.)D NEWS: . , • . . • C . , A largo Issortment of the hest . quality el Groverlex, Pr01 4 1..1..0n, eple. 14.4 tithe, dr,, seillog.cff et the .very 'lowest 'priers s . ullog, 1u the 6llite of l'vous)avahlo, N.Jlt (M.+ll. - ..-- - '.- . Cull owl H..tlsfy 3burselveroi kbe troth of the no sertloo. - .. . • WAI, HENTZ. , no 23-1860 . .: • . ..' . D. aerninau Loving to relloquin . h an eitensrve G IL rwact.ten j to llt.ii Ito MN Deug.liontoren to the city of 'l , ltte•finig, several Yie.rnrage'ro 0, count of 11l health, halt flow ,rened at No.,3li',Norlh Honorer street, to. tweun olaeo'a of Don. Itivlfer and Zitzerfa DItUO zaugE, , ,..bere he too nod hr FUreiVillg of Ilry few days a porn stik - of Drog ,, , Cheallrelo, Dye 'tuffs nod 'er, whing. g .orturlY ,apt Io 'a kroll.reguleced tAt3 Drug Si, ro. l'resciiptlotie amorally Nasptunded nod faintly ...late will - receive , lO , rlal rim,. The Dr. eon he cob, ulted at.ally hottr;' uf hie 011100,.beek oi •hle store. go. a, Mx tht oiling, N 0.1 1 .4 Nao th Hooey , r Street, 'offer store Loi era. - liionember the, place Nc:aN North ilnonver.Strut, catllide. . . ..' ~ , '1 , Alt. D, ,COUNMAN... :, 1Ag0it674,7 .- '• •, . ..' • ~ • .. - SE IV, ING -41 A CLII.NES. . . ' 7 , --.- ' , 3k -, . . • . . :pa , • ,„ 3N : 1.. ?,. —.,„ • _ , . •• ii,,.S* 1 1 ... .: .: —.4. , ),.. __. _:_":;_l_il , )r .,..„ii..; _A , ;: i• i , ... _ -- -,; -,1 , - .... -., ~- - d-„, : :...-4. , , , ,;:f,c:P ~..xp '' ' - . Y.y.f..?,1-, , -• . ..,...-: :Y. . fr., ii. ,er r , . Kt .. ,) ~:-.R',-,,?•, ; . - _, _ - - -•:- - ,,,4v. , ._;,' , .•• : AA, 4 t . , , 2 , , :. , ;,;: . , , 3, , 5, t ,L . : • - ....;:" ; :;; ; 44444 4 tWr,!!!•1!..30 „ 4 .lNSittil ; 1 ; - •-tr, , f-,l•eiOrel.: . 2; ; ltyr:f_::' ,; :[:" 2 , - ratTie , t42 l '..: . •, . ... .. - . , . 2 illieeler.& Wilson_; : and Ellip . .llo . . LOCK STITCII-11 ': '-' StWIIM ItAttillitS... ' The ,Best ASTnzplePt and Cheapest. ' • - r r 11 Tr,SE - iiitidllipmare,:qiinplecl to*a Marts of family slitting, witrk Inv. eqpnlly a eil up . n ; ttily,..l,tilen and Cotton rtnnas. atilt t•Illt. Cott , r,' and Liven t ',reads. • malting a beautiful and tolled otl telt allto .11111 bath. shies of • the artlrlo ustreht • ' All ta nelltt, ea 10,11 non war ranted. • . Coll rt nll I'XIIIIIIIIII.I at Rail Road Telegraph Offlce,Oar• lisle, Pa. - JOHN CAMPBELL; Roy 24, 1F67-4f.-'. . - • 111 BEE :, , __ 9' E G 1? E-11- 'l 7 4 - ' ,1? -f-Z-r; EXPOSITIOX U3IVERPC.I.I.; T'ZE 11101VE EIen:ENG MALCIIIINE Attpw; . dCfl over EVIly-tiv6 '• THE HIGHEST 'PREINITOI, Tho Only Cross of the 'Legion of„Honor H Klr,rito per Intl vrlN Uovrev,..publkhetl In tho - Ii n 1 vcr.l" Jltn Intl 01 Ili _TtiKE.titly,_ Ad .1u 1' FqbrlvtuitTe do MacIATICS • . ltiUtrre ELIAS U.OWI', JR. Manwact.or..s -ownig . _• • ..-"na, double first honor is COolller preol cane great SLBLEY & -- ff-riiiT,ll".s., - ..f.'; 0. 23, Soli Cri._ll,i_ght_ ~Berl, kv I y _1),114U art) • - it Yi1•2.4..t.1.11 MEE )1 II TN 11 I t' 11, POI I G , FILUI PP, GROVER • f: 'ELAS"-PIC - STITCH FAMILY SEWENP . FOR . THE FULLOWING REASONS : nle 1110111 nilfrit,lllll lui nil efteier kept in —or. r, , •1,1.;..r. at.l in. rt. Llnt.tle .tact., a and to re be.lllqllll ream than an nth, üb,b, b... tae COlllllOOll armaia, re . quira itnitha OI Ihrtad, btsbmlmt h 'Lids OI the .4. a.a by thmr all 00aratt 311, awl thou r {b toalry liitL Math ho Lit the scam a 111 not !lib The Very - Iliphest Prke, the Cross of the Lcgion WaS conferred on 'the representative d; GR-OVEIt BAK . EI{:E:II : I.',;G T AI„ICIIINES at, the E- position t f uiver,ull , ;, Purls, 1867; thus at testing U fir greht ei;p•riurfts over all_ _the swing-tuiuthiucs.—_ GROVInt C 13A1C-ER'S - SHUTTLE -MACHBNES Combine the moot modern anti easontial Improve ments. The attention to roloesiecl of Tailors, Manuto•to rers of hoots and Shoes, Carriage Triiionlog, Clot hhag and a I ottwn, requiring the ore of the r00 , ,t 4ct,T9o l o ry Lock Stitch Machines, • • To these tiew Stylt , e, whlrlt postnms unmistakable ad s;untagesuver all ahem • ~. 0111F,;180 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia- For lb by =I PIIOTOGR • • t, A. RS. It. A. :SM I - PHOTO iYA Urisplilitt (la lery Sonitb•mht orner Hanover •ktk vat, nod Narket r• pare, ivevre may hu lord all the iirlurcrrt ~ty l e n of pi ecographs, nook vklrd to Fite. LVOI.I. , AAI intor Y P.ES, •AND EEAIN OT PES : • .140 Plettirk•s P0rk:4 , 1310 I,ol7)lknilk Plain 111.1040,0 d, unit which are beautif 1 productions of :no' Photo • • apik io art.' Pall and svo thou. Parilculurattentiou given to copylognomDaguerro• .vpvs Ake. nike ilt•lteS patronage of thy public. Fob. 15, 11466. . _ lIIISCELLAIVEO US. V KW. IN GRAIN 'tact Li.s —Tho n 10.0 lb r,' borlp prorured n patcht for x 111 l yri and nn,r.t exo,licnt in!prorinhol.t. In , train brdln 11)..0 11%01 t1111 , g3.1111 FnArad or •Lon,g 1 , 1 . 1 t i 'it oaf and oven nospl:,ution or tho turd, and a con= martanly gmonr yhdd got°. ' - This itninurtonent Call m I caddy attarliperAlS any al Lb° dr.l.t nnly In Imo ,Clite nud o,,onty itlAts for title, 'ogenttr.'wonted. Tble hl'oo usrotwopcol,ortotiluy oner geti4l3 mon talooko itho too. ' i iiiiiiii lit bhitroutomu.,‘Ei Cuulb. CO. i'J yin ns-iy.. t9A A' Ab E' It Watchnio.-er ayrit - , . N0.j48 . NORTII 2E; Sr;, COIL _ar• QUAltitY7 . Au assortwebt , Watch., juylry.:lolver Old '''Platral Ward Ea;ustaiitly on; Laud. SUIDADIAI FOR:HOLIDAY PRRBENTSI . _ , • ta,.. .11epairlog of IVotehos and qierrelry 'Promptly A ttutaded to. . . . . . 0d001.7 I,o' -• . , . 1 , „ 14~AIi13LE YARD, . . • . T 034133, ILLIABTONES, 'Mar We, Dons .llte r mi Wm . .] Null othau to ord.orptuutk I.l:popror friltreut. . . • ,-_II.Oi ac - in= 41t OT4i tirERY ELIAS !WIVE, Pill I LA 14:1,P111.1 A'_,D BAKER'S 13= For Mmtracturlng, Mrs. E. A.-OCI CB R . ,. -isto‘cst.,outhstreet.. S7'OVES , AIVD A - TY YUU .WANT TO SEE. • THE. •porfect Pluton% Btovd - Over. *Auld 'to the public, atel Into . . I . W M - - ,FRIDLEY.'S -. . __, . . -Rove-Store East.- Loather--xtreet,Art- the roar of lialbort'x drooery Litore and sea the . - ~'• ' • -.. GREAT A.M.BRICAN.BASA - 7111.1111TER • In operator,. It Is a perpetual Burner, and per fect Radiator, an well' as a perfect Vet Motor of the room,. and.-Is warented, to consume-leas coal than any other `Rove of the same mite. Ivor offered to the public, requiring hu.. ono-ordinary scuttle of_outlllet,,nl. earn In twontptdollt-hours, befog perectly sintple lu all tie , w,orkimr, bati n g a simple ~11tte to rOgulate -the Are for keeping at night, one • ludling ot-fire hbtng Atli lb tt i, required durieg thu ,rloter, Ao dust;. no, gas,.no slag a duller, P H ,- • 4 . 0 0 - - - ''' IMMO I—Au ample Maea:tine. or- Poservalr, fur Coll, having a free di charge mouth, OM magazine being -adjustable to different beiAts of Ho. to nine Indies Wan the grate, au as to 'twcommodato the nuoply . of Ural na to its'siztr and quantity, thus permitting the maintenance of a certain depth of - coal for native combustion within the the-pot (whether it be of. nut or stove sia..).-whlch.lo the. only—waylf..-to—burti--An 01r:trite coal .to advantage. Different sizes of coal require morMor loss depth for perfect combiation. 2—A Funnel, or Hopper, for the passage of the coal WSW., magazio la is so arranged as •to permit the Introduction of fresh coal, without allowing , any escape cif fumeatted g..i13 Into the. room; nod further. ' when the Stove la.lelt with its top uncovered, cont. -pelling-anrfirtnes-that-iney-osrape—from—the—supply u the reservoir, upwards to Ito top, to pass over tim_ tap of the reservoir into the surrounding flue, and ho to the ba-e and oatlet. • ,3.—A of with a nJolluuous Flue, °far Its entire upper edge nod down Its whole body to the base nod outlet flues by ' which jocund the het - is ninsmltted, not In separate. flocs several torten apart, as Ix usual In downward drift Stoves, but to eOIIOIIIIOI3K sheet of flame In Vs, tpeb with the entire elreumftreneo of the falter casing of the Stove, from the top of the Fire-Pot - downWalds, 1;11 , 111g ... it far more ICRlTTridettliiirlheii7if — rafdrialivir cif 7 rtliii7hcarfliirlity down wsrd•draft Stove extant. • n amid° Grato.S art, Co and •Air Passages, and onnplete arrangedU rate, for slinktlig rind dumping, Men pad slot Ahh pho to reneive the ashes• lad 01,11011. .4a,-Wo also wish It to he noted, that thoro Is' an ~tIFS n ECURITY FROM EXPLOSIONS OF GAS ! ap , rt the removal of thu cover TrooLthe Stovo. which s ceolnionly (hears .upon the removal of .the covets‘,lo th other Islaprzhorktu.eh. for=lr-in—thrr—ofto tho Panne', as nisstrueted and arranged IN reference to the Flegasine and its stirrolittillng Flue, that 1-A NU - IS - ClAN=AWir—iff - ,,ern - i - Y - FrrEitinvult --- e - Aji:r Or 3IAGAZIF:I: TO EX 1.1.01)1'... For tete a current or_dtmFt, he eroded upwards through th e tlOger no Falls theme Ito contents. Itannens•with other Stoves I njuting and destroying the Alag.azitte tosturo if ibis tifav, in calcu7nteil to offoct OP4i C N 0 Y: ,„kw =II MIITIEZi ===MIIIMMM/LiMMI =I in o,:dith.n tr. 71,7 .1 - 100 V.: Store. Pridloy" I:00pa no trend 0 iutl : ttrid3 01t.he 10:et Coolt, Pat lar and didlee _ • Pn_aind L!..7ett9n:nynclu.pf hll kinds on haw], and Sim.Wog, and .1.1,bi".; ai Ai Itindn, don, nort. noLn2, iti, t uI LllO t..Ja Fruit Calls, Ind Jars I I tlu , 'mat m.plovrd plltalt., and In con elusion ti,,. I , e.t I'm 01.11 , nuct liralc (: ev• I.Ver ate, 1•Ii 1.1) Ltse 1,/ call on T. t:onlyn ;F. C. Fleming: Dr. (lee. Neeligh A. L. Spot,xl.ll-; IL Swami; Pre!. 11111111.1 IL ./..Leldlgb 1 .1. 11. slur: end others. • 2nney-67 lc jA M E.S ' 0_ 10 , A L MAN_UFACTIIIICR ANI) DEALERIS STOVES, TIN AND - BIIFIET-TRON WARE, goidlo 177 le? t 'f:`, R 7l . , T 7j s ny (2 The rtiher time Tirol !or rant favors.-respertfnlly inform.. his friends ana the piddle. that its has tow VT) hmid at thrum M. Mill =1 lIE %TRIM and ftANOF.9. in Ino Atovn Roplrtulont wn dindic to call particular — thoy do, NI NI Iti (U r lit R CITY, .E.X.•In,Sli It, FEN, NidtLE COOK, NIACARA. ' SUSQUEHANNA and IRONSIDES. To speak nt lung', of the di lt.reut Stovex would o-ropy homuch spm,ohut ilemn it -noeusqary - I o the attention or the public to-the EMPIIIE GAS BURNER. Tills truly woods , EFal Fader and (lines Stovo Is FQ constructed that tit rite tit quality of soul (Lithe- Intruer'r) can In used with cornts.—lt burns con -1 iutonney and the fire itttstil , v It hailed. Ii Is. clips f.ls or h•:ai lu g one mutt 1,41 it 'sod too rooms above. I bete Is no d test on I tie tenttu, IT vat+, and an salmi , nviog of mat, -rthatt i., Ls, us ttaki , e fie:tWO11::17111 pay Ilr the saws. The Klllol'o has tna7alththla q.ualltios which , an only htt aptrreoht ht. ho 50oIgg It In. op,a tloh. WO claim that It Is ti pet for to any other etuve new in ase, anti w.c..feel satiAllea that wo can ,011Vir, Ail 1.1/6 wlll favor us ,vith an examination _ of the Stara pt our - shop thls part. _li_t , laVil.s.liJanutLa_full,issurtni on t.of- TIN IV A R. E . gowning. promptly atientitartn. Spouting will put up On runauldbla Lorin , and With diapatell. Plopu Os* us a call at No. 83. South Hanover Stroot, adjoining Blair's Lirovery. • I= CHM OtTIZENS OF CAItIASLE AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY the undernignea call your attention to.thoir cornplato a,nct Uncut of PARLOR AND COOK STOVES„ TIN AND SIIERYIRON WARN cif all hinds and.qualitles which they %rill warrant in every parileular, rhoyrnll enftclal attention to their, Cook Stos'eft, (lateat-imprtivo -pAtterus) ennsiating .in part__ of, the celebrated ' . . BAR EY 'Slink' AND NIMROD, which thoy will warrant to give general eatislhetion .iu every 'reet,e.c. , • ' . 'rile:, call tho attention of all and I 11.rticularly thor.o eon tem pin Iwr bunsu keeping to thoh etnapluto askol ton, gill T n and Sheet-iron Ware maunfattured of the beet mats dal :Ind try tin, nest worktnen,"whieh thoy Will 61311 at rice:, to snit all.who havo no eyo to economy. . .. . . • ItoJr•lN . g. SP(.II7INI/ AND JOLIBINO Jou at short notice rind' on tho' 'most r4isonablo terms. - • . - F•heet-Iton work of all kinds — tin Laud, or motto' to order , t.na sioves . talc,n In excbaNto Thankful for past favor+, they Invite yoki to ran ,in 4 ...Will, thole ...tuck; as' they fool convinced limy on. -please all Iltonentlice thp old establialiment stand, No. 09 Nort lrilannver n treat, Carton,. GEE= THE CARLISLE COOK STOVE 31anulitctOrod at, F. I.IARDNIiIt k Co'e Foundry nod Nlinhinu Corllglo, CANT lIP Di.A.rl Thin In tho t.tothnony..of onwes of forulaes In - thaulno land, "erq and Adman Cuuntloo who are' now iisloo.llLin. ..11411 nod ino 00 RN E E R S, .nning either by powor or by band—:constantly on atital nod tor solo by F GARDNER & Co, I , ,,undry .and Moebitio t.-Lop, Eipt, nloln Btruut. , STEAM BOILER MAKING. We are prepared to make . room Boilers or all sizes and lands promptly and" 01V the boot terms. Alms ;.‘suelte eta and -nil articles In that tins. REPAIR -100 or HOILERY and langinis, promptly attended to 10 thalieet s u mmer.. -- F. aARDNEIi Or CO. •, Foundry and:Machine Shop, Carlisle, Pa. jan 21 G 7 CI,O • Fitrouci Arnold Informs his friends : and customers that his stock of WI ntrr Clothing In now coutpinte, that he lo ready to sell. nt, n 110.41011 • Wholesalo pukes. Before buy Ina I Isewhore exnntino our stock and Sou witi Cud tknt-yaftfan slive - TWENTY.PIVE PER CENT, MI Goods *aronntod to bb as roprosentod, Tbo'llomonco stock of • OVERQOATS . • •• . . • , free; $9 88 upwards. Call earlynC : J _ . . . . 313.1.1•1..AAN0LD,---. --- 81orth West Corner of Ifinni 6 el A . end Louther street. 8 nor 67; • . . • O. TIIE PUBLIC) • . :. ' T' I; o inaloslgnod haying &tannin f , hanging hie - badness. will Full of alb entire 't 4 READY MADE 01,0TIPh 0 ,'loco potato and - ' on 'a Fur. illal,lnir °ands In Oenoral, all and bolo,.- I In ord. to.clollo Os WIWI:Mg NN early an nocalblo. f&,All porconAlinocring ,ilicinlza!VO'Ri.deptdd'to rei , will pleas° call And sottlo iiaido'dlatiiiy: ..., ''''' . ' . . • , - ..' ' -. ' 38AAAI LIIINGETON; .. •No. 22, North I.la . novor Street, Carllslo,•ra. Y.Cd11167. . . . i •- . Fancy printing done liero,\:- MISGELLAIVEOU. N o pr: v! : NO GAS! :NO D.A.M- Established I'Bsl. J. Reynolds. & Son:, N. W. eon . 13th. and Filbert Sts 1"11.41 elp Solo manufacturers of TH - E - ELrE BRA - WROUGHT-IRON 0 , . 4 hl cez tn ti D: tZI tJ bra a; 0 4 ' 4 ca trj -t4 .A n., ; 2.14:3 .OA -go NSIT'Nt INCf 11 E A E WITH PATENT DUST SCREEN. „h `",,r4'10( ease of management without any. dampers, Tip rability, SltnplicitY, - Eaonomy, this Heater has on su itartor_ In this 'country. They are all guaranted to give nthlsfaction. Estimates mode• free oteharae. . COOKINI3 — RANGEK LATROBE HEATERS, • SLATE. MANTLES, LOW DOWN GRATES, . PORTABLE HEATERS, EGIR T-E RS, • TENTILATORS,..ki. • BeMl for one of our Illustrated pamillets• "FEE'S lANE. - • _ Tbo Only judlvidual,Thally Freight Linalmtwoon Car lisle, and l'hiladulphla., - . MERCHANTS LOOK TO YOUR IN ___ TERESTS.I!'_,___ s, __, INIPO4TANT ANNOI:'NOEIENT TO 7 , 3 MERCITANTS G - :F.II:EIGIITiE RS I • That on and atter the let day or , poovinber, 1 0 67, this ill tranappit (bowls of 1111 s ileserlptloth4, h from Philadelphia to Cot tote, at poets ids Company eatea. making this very intepri-er.4. anitbuttrement, to the Men halite nod hitippera the widen:ht. d, tea tenured that it .till meet with the hearty opnlyal and enropragement 'of their patrons. lied. ttoperi we hen telly denteustrated that. it Ir highly helot, aht to.patnthix• end 01100111,1Ve 11.1 kt-ideal interest and (menu, thereby'reetring fair competition 'nod pretentlett mainst retired ntettenely.. The ta u and very ielportent 4th - tattl:es eta - DAILY FREIGHT- LINE, „ EMI era too well Mir 0,. and to Ureriatmbliy this campus olty to be overtrmbed and forgotA en. We_ rely with rotilideneo outfit the active cokweration nur merous patrons and frieud+. In advauding - tho et' this line lixpvrh•uead COMillaol - 8 nee. inietuy Michimill to coo to ..tto mito..t delivery at vii 4t30.11 , eittruettel t thu Lll/0. The —Philadelphia and Reading Fkeight Depot will bens.' by this —Line. fur - the reception .of all flood,: the Inert. toed advatitageg olfur•d. in the same, je the Way or Light and :pace, M ill bu largely bene ficial. . , prtiyincin will and thie Deppot easy_ of fin trance, being,level with tho street. • lie iarrnd in have vnitr Cinch . marked and ordered In PIMA ULLI . IIIA and BEA DING , Depot. Goods delivered at Min Invit any tinie brfprit . tinillieldaibit FL - Crime. day. MIME ~~ PATENT CENTRA 1. AND OUTWARD DTE.OIIAIVIE IVAT ER WHEEL Bearing date April 30, 1837 JACOB A BRAM Are/or/He, Cumberland Cotinly, Pa., Proprietor,. of the above named Patent for the Counties nt CUMBERLAND and FRANKLIN, PA., and tt At3IIINDTON C UNTY MD. We deshe to roll tho attention of Milhvrlghly, ft 111 Owners, :Lint Whom to the merits of the above lima, o hielr foe thnoldlity. Efficiency nod Cheironcss, they are - vonintrut ran not he surpos:od, WheFever it hoe heen hilrod tired. socrmo lori In. yarisidy Edloweo. even under the most un thrum We eircuinKlam es. Buck wofrr and Imo Ilead' and economical ;ow of !rata, this Whecl is without a ilea!/ A IVorlAtis )lodul of the Mheel can I.n 0N:00100a_ Or tile rif .7:lanufactuiers. 01'011. . . We append the following references: AI. It. lIUItSII. . JOHN DIIORIMUOIT, B ENJ s MIN LANDES, ^ Millwright. BA MD El, LAN u ES. .-. O.& A. W. DA VID,ON ,I . S. LIND:IEY, . -Mlllwriglaw J. r: 1016,41L1,. LEWIS BOWMAN, _. - SAMBEUP iPER ;' - SOLOMON stiternm, - A DAM RAMP, : .Millwrlght. JACOB RAMP. - . septa) tf. , . • • ift - 0 TOE 0 4. FinsT PREMIUM V . Of. a. fillvest Arctisti 4 6, w. AWAIII/ED TO • VBARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE iiinhe N. 11. State Ay,ricultural. Society, at its lair holden to It:anima, cept.2o, JdN.lO. MAILIZ )0T IC'S . • VegetAle ,Hair Restorathie Reatores Gray :Hale to Ifs natural color, Pro- 141 if °tea tho growth of tho (lair. Change,. the mote to their ornrlnal nrctinla action. • h earli- rt, cater Dandruff and Manors. 'Prevents 0 llnlr I alllog.ont: to a Sarno 'or Dresniog* It continua Co Injurionn Ingurrheoh, * and to Iho to 'monk.. nod roli-• ablo ;article thronghout tho . ..t. o. Lau t, West, North and SP. South. . ~,, , : .. .. t t • 0 .5. , . • J. R.' BARRETT 4, co.;' Proprietors, DIANCIIESTLIti' Y. 11. - SOLDBY ALL PAUGOISTS. 22n0v.67-I,y; . -I'AS FITTING AND PLUMBING. ht,sultscribera h tyinu permanently located in Carlisle, respeetfully onticit a share of the public pat tranoga. Their shop is actuated on the public Square in the rear or the la 3 Presbyterian Church, where I they. can Maas a he found. , Doing experienced iiitteltantoe, they are prepared to execute all ci dere that they Indy- bu entrusted with :In u suttorlor manner, and at very moder tto prison. IIYDRAULIO CAMS, WATER wurEr.s., mrint.tivr- , Livrk LintoE rumps, BATHING TU134, - WASII.I3AMS and all other arti clox In the trade. HANDING AND GAS -AND STEAM FITTING prinnot ty_at tended to In the most approved. style. AT-Country work. promptly attended to: — A7.21 - A II work glharanteed. Don't forget the place— immediately In thg rear of • the First Pre;thytitrien Church. , CAMPflEftit & TIENWOOD". • july27 de, ty. . - SEEING. IS BELIEVING , • At 704 ARCH STRgET NEW PRICE" I NEW GOODS I , 1 ItichiSilitr_a4d_Sifver,Plated_Ware§, 1 / 4 4, , - ......, ~ lncl udlng:.ovory qtylo and , t o." vomAL , Ifocrintioniiinado oipropsl3 N . nainit____,, ~ fortho t'ii•ter trade wrldcll LS' iii - 9A . • for.neattecs and dnilbility 'or, :o. i,,,;:il ... cannot ho aincrassod at -• . 4 6, • :\'=„, il 4% ~,-. ' • • ' JOHN IIOWMAN'S • . . Wholesale and lictall Manufacturing Establsbinerit, '704 ARCH STRA'Et lEyßo•pintlug nt short notion 9.0 ;n7 ly 1 .FIRST CLA S. - LIVERY STABLE B;:ZEIGLER. .NflrihßeilfordArtreet' Carliste P . a , TAVIN . G . refitt e d my sttiblo With NAW I 2....i-ilonecif fidcoute AND ()ARMADAS I RDA flow Pro.. .paieit , to turoleb trartleif-autt:- (=Lilies with Imolingo Nod. Buggies et short notice , • • llsy 8, 1807.,tt ' ' • "" -0' DR_Y GOODS, G ,ODNEws, GOOD -G EAT DECLINE PRICES AT Tll5 NPWANP CHEAP CASH STOIC);, CORNER OF HANOVER AND I , O?iIFRET STEEtB Tbo subeiriber would rospectfully Infitrin ti° pub, tic that hula toadying altnt.st daily from the Eastern Mies, a large lievolcuot Now and Chttip Ooods, - such ' • LADIES' - DRESS o3IOOD'S, .. - Frproill 'Madams, • • -• • -111ohnirs, • Illacji and Tansy - • a _ • French ltappe,• • Plain and • Nanarbo Intern, - . 'l,lllln-abd Alpaca, : Poplins. • SHAW LSI- BHA W.L.SI BROOFIA LONG frislii,,SQUAltE, LANG AND'SQATARE.WO!_?LENS BREAIO4STpgAVILS in great variety nail Very cheep,- , - • . . . . CLOTH aAND - (IASSIMERES I. • French; • - Dorman and American Cloths, - • • ',Black and Fancy Cabsimeres, ° ' - - Inwsklus, Black:and Fancy ' Over Coatings, Sattinetts, . Kentucky Jcalm, Undershirts and ' Drawers. .D\ (Y:11 ST T (1, S Illeachod and 111 . 0,10, Tablo earn:ltem:lnes, "and Quilts, Cotton Flannels, _ • Illoached . and . • lickings, Choclck, • - 'rowels. • • • Napkins, ,kc, REMEMBER THE PLACE, ON- Tfi7•; CORNER fIANOV ER AND POMFRET STAtEETS, ....The room formerly (Jemmied by • B. R. JAMESON a CO. - ....1110A : A. HARPER. . Seer 67•tf. ' ==M -Thave Ililidaileonimanco aelling*iny entire Stock: of SVlntei• Goods at ureatly reduced prices for cash. , FRENCH :%lEicauEs., Rut , PS. ' - ALPACAS, • , WOOL rr,.6ns, PAIIMETAP, '. ankother Dress novds, at Cost. . ' Sltwls, lindsgys, &c., at very great batgall'lV. • I CLOTHS, CASSE - MEI/ES, CASSIN ETU'S, ..K.e.; --- wfy low. li.lWildltALS, tomer than ever sold in Carlisle. • - Muslins, -Tickinys . q r"ngh eon ,Cheeks, . . Cu n ton Flannels , • at the very inwei,t "wire. . All the best make CALICOES, nt 121rets : t. twit lots boon b , ouglt.. dnro the groat ;bl otto° ill prices, Rt out In opattos noty bn oxpoot ed. Some ttillote:. lets Um.; coot to I educe my t-,t00.; tmsotty, tts poxsible. E.iOOTS_.,AND GC-ICE*SY ..11t1.1tr.P.N'S hont;. Ord Shoos, nt.the very beet 100k.n., ot et,.t clo, not the stook. C." 0: EDE sow c)t.!:NrNri TN DO kifiE 3TPC, 800 S, ininssoooDs, • - CA: SDlElttkg. . . 11S.ETS 1 - .11.120, WHITE GOODS , - DREsKtitim [Nos • - , zu ims. 'NUTIONS,"&c. AT• • IU - N - d'S E\V STORE, No. 65 WE: , -T MAIN S IItiNT. Oppm-Ito 011.113n:1m Howe, nest to POst OMco - -. • , FyItNI ERN G ELM= -AND V-A R T STORE No. 13 South. HanOVCr Street - The subbiiriber begs leave to-inform graithunen.and houseksopers and the public gcnorelly, that be hoe now arid will keep constantly on hands. a large and elegant nose, talent of 0 PINT FURNISHING GOODS, such as'Cotten Morino and Woolen Shirts And Draw ers, kinds, Nark :mil White Kid Gloves, Tbrlnd and -other Gloves, NIN In Ties, Suiliendersi Handacrehiets,.Gents"Praveling Bags,. Linen and Taper Collars, Cully, he. :Jan, HODS!: PURN INU GOOD'S, consisting in part of Cedar and Willow Ware, :ill hinds, Choral,, Aq, Brushes and Combs, all winds Rugs Ilucliets, Feet Tubs. Steps, Perfum eries, Pens, Stationary, &e. Don't forget stand, N 0.13 South I lannrer Street. nice doors., South nl Washulood's Grocery Stein, Cu, lisle. trat.3.2l 11 L OOK OUT DRY GOODS NEN. "in THE PUBLIC. I have just returned from the I:aq with my Spring Stock - rand - ns - usual7l - nm - relitugattoo - dini Iltrniehiatp or than any other Dry Goods Hasa — in - town. - I do not think it nemoroary to occupy a opinion - of name• paper to endeav or . to keep up toy reputation for sell ing cheap Godda. nor do I wish te - ri4.ort any - clap trap to gull the public— All I ask of thorn to call wad oxatnine for themselves, and if not" satisfied with the prices, not- to -luty. -Remember -the--stand"---No. 12, North Hanover street, next door to Dr. Kieffer's; nod Millard, Dowers' lltirdtiare store. ; • . irk: A. MILES. P. S. 11,v1.11 say nothing _about my third and _ fourth gratin oponlogs. . . . .... aprilr9 67 , • -.... pENNSYIVANINHOTEL_ (Rccently lcppt by G. IVetzcl)` CUILN OP 'LOUTHE. I kayo become the proprietor of -this wall known lintel, and by strict nttontion to business -hope to receive and deserve a liberal share Ogle public pat., meg°. linviog long 'experienced In the business, I hope to be :dthe'to give general satlianc4.lon "to all who will patronize mo. All my eta friends and acquain tances aro cordially int lied—and us many new ones na aro deeirons of a hospitable reception. • .IZZ-tilt/trees reasoneble, and acconnuodationa for men and horses. , aprlll9 C7-ly CILVBEHLAND VALIEY HOTEL CORNER bI7 MAIN- & BIiNFORD STS., CARLISLE -- Thu' .unilerSis,ned desires to infnm his friends. and the traveling public that 110 .11144 talcm charge of this well known stand, and IA prepared to accomodate vis itors with boarding and lodging on reAs9palle terms Ills Mblo Is supplied with the hest, thu marhet 'buts. conta,as: the choicest of Jigume. Ills departments aru commodious and air): his stable is In charge 01 a enrelul and experiunred o rder, and bu tomes:to3fa, tibia' tegivo en. hu saritum to all Ills gu..tds. JOIE; ll,11.01:D. may 3,071 y. I{I ; T_TCIIISON:S . HOTEL Late Brady House, OORNBR 00 STAID A. STRP,ETS, • /0•10/4(110tety in front of the Capitol, . D. H. IIUTOHISON, Prop'r. . Ilardnbutg, On. inn 4 67-tf. BRICKS BRICKS. BRICKS No. 150 South Fourth Street. - . DOTJOLAS': BRICK MACHINE, Tile greatest Brick Making Ma : • chine. yet. initented! Ta now in full Oppyatlo Phlladalphla, at 'Mitt No,_4ll:l.(lermantostal ad„an :yturnlnr,__outtrom 25,000. to 40,0 0- Bricks Par Day .. . • ThO only tnachlito of hts hind now hi nen Oefft of. tho Mountains I • V' . ' • Bricks Pada Directly lan; the Machin,: To the saving chfr.M.reene, and risk of Dying 1 For bOl3l,liY RIOIIII3 and. any information: ad • • DOUGIA.S, 'No. 150 1 South Fohleth • • ' • • PIAIL4D4iI..PItIA. 4:il 1. S. 001 - 1.13 Y, No 47, 11',4...N1n1n BARGAINS 18(7 MIMED HO `I'ELS. ELM= I?AlLl?()A..bs:`, C. - EIINIBEII,LAWri VALLEY. RAIL ROAD COMPANY. n•.' FRRIORT DEPOT, CARLISLE: _ .• The Cninberland 'Paley, Pennsylvania and Norh... ern Central . Hall Road Compaul, a- have made an arrangements to do a Frqiglitrand I orwnrdily .1348 - iness . the Cities Df Baltimor e and eerYorlt. fin Contherlatid, - Yolloy Roll Hoed Cont.". piny opened' theft' freight Depot at Carlhle on the lot of.lonuary.lBU6 for the 'reeelpt and shipment of all goods elan tasted no th e m, Freight, to be forwarded by this arrangeniont moot 'ho lest ta t Penn yleatila frail, Road. Company - Depot corner pflAtli And Itfargen_St..-..Philedelphia.- -North, ,ernCentioTlioll good Company's Depot ,llattlinore, and Cumberland:Volley Road ,Cuinpants4Dopet at Cerll.4e. . The public will find it to there thinnest to ship b irlffi ugh the hall- Mad Company's Freight i 101.11308 . and by Company,.Carn. .7. & itißums, Ight•Agents Carnal°. „ R • MANOR OP uouns. - Qn and after.MONDAY. Mn'i .21st, 1805, Pasionger Traitia will run daily' as !allows, (Sunday excepted) WEST 1}4...:i.RD. ' ,ACCGMkODATIO'N'IRAINIeaves Harrisburg 8.40 A. 01., bleabatticsburg 9.18, Carlisle 9.57, N eivv111.10,34 slilppensburg 11.07, Cbambersburg 1.10 P. 51 , Green castlu 1.43. arriving at Hagerstown 2 0200 P.. MAII. 'Pita IN leaviis Harrisburg bletbanisburg 2.23, Carlisle 2.00, Newt/Ile 3 90, Ship ponelarg 4.10, Ghatnbarsburg 4 50; Greancastla 6.25, arriving at Hagerstown 5.55 P. M. • ' -I.lX9ltattEl TRAIN' leaves Ilardsbu - ag 4.16 P. '51., Moehanicsburg 4.51, Cat Halo 5.21, Nowrillo 613. Ship. _ ponsburg 0.21, arriving at Chambernburgat 8.20 -A. M. • A 104X1117 TRAIN Itasca .Chamberaburg 8.25 A. Mi r 'Greancattlu 9.50, arriving at Hagerstown 10.10 A. N. ASTIVAILD. ' Adtt4l:llo DATION TRAIN Icavaii • Clianborifburg 6.00 A. N. Ellipponstnirg 6.30, Newvilla' 0.01, Oarßaie 0.35 3lnclialliesburg 7.04 arriving at linerisburg 7,30 MAIL TRAlNleaves - Magorstown 8.10 A, M. Grooncastio 9.40, Chatubaraburg gbinpentburg 0 65,-Newrillo 10.59,, Owlish, 11.03, Mechanisburg 11.37, arriving at Harrlsbnrg,l2.lo e. 51. ' ' .... I E.X.PIiESA-Tli Al N - 1 env ea — llapffrolVirT2 - 0 - 0 ---. 3r.T --- (3 r et: n cas o Chambersburg 1.10, 'Shipp . enaburg P. 43, Nfiwrillo 2 16, Carlisle 2.58, Mechanicsburg 3.20, arriving at Harrisburg 3,55 P.M. A 511. X 141111A1.• leaves Hagerstown 305 *P.' 3.1.) reoneaWlo 4.00, arrl.7,ing_at_Chamborsburg4.6oP,-51. ' GB - Malting Mose eonnedtlcns at 'Harrisburg With Train's to and frplln., Phlladripluar. Now York, - Tilts. 11.m.Rom) OretcE,- . } CLainbersburg, May 17, IMO. RIiADING:RAIIi• ROAD - • '6;l' rt - it,./ after .21re.A . v..25; 18137,..trains will ,1.,._(1s follois GREAT TRUNK LINE Plioll TUB North and North West for• Philadelph , a, Now- York,'Reading,, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland;" 'Lebanon. Allentown, Banton, Ephrata, MI., Lancaster, Columbia, As., Ac. Irrnins leavr .11111Th/burg for New York as follows: 003.0, 5.25, and 0.10. A. M., and 2 05, and 9.06 P 0.51. connecting with bitailltr Trains On thr PenniAriinia Bail Ituad,and arrtylnp, at Now, York at 6.10, Wild 10. NI.. and 4.40, 6 20, and 10 25, P."TI, Sleeping Caro acioloPaniug lho 3.00. A. and 9.35 P. 211. Pratns without cbango. ' 31,0Availarrisbarg Po .- Ilearling; - PottsVillGTatnaqua, Sitnerer lie. Ashland, o tirovo. A llontown and Philadelphia - , at B.to, A.M., and 2 03, vnd 4.10, P. stooping at Lab:tuna and Principal Way Stations; tho 410, P. M. malilrag_counuations- for Philadelphia and" Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill 1102, , , Schuylkill, nod 'Susquehanna Rail IhurfSdiFilarrlf. 00,0 353 P.M. • -Rotarians: I.l.avegNew.York at 900, A.'511,- -12.00, Noon and 5.90 and kOO P. M.; Philandelyhili .6.15, A. M and 3.30, P. M. Way - Paosenger 'Crain' leaves Phi1ua..11,1,1,1 7 30, P. M., returning from Renting at 0, supping at all Station's Poltsrille at t, 45, a. 21 and 245, P. 21-, Ashland 6 00, a. m. and 11l lu,nl. awl 00. P. Ni ; Tau:aqua at 0.00, A. and 1.011, and 0.43, P. M. . - Luave Potti,ine for liatri,!l,urg; ria Sebuyll,lll an Stnrinrln_ena hall Rood at 7 10 A. O. nud MVO noon. Ern.fing nevoatulorlatirn 'Tjaln: lira,fin., r,t.rniog hTon, l'lnlatielnhia at 4.00 r. . rottstpwn Atvonnnodation Praia: Leaven Potts "'" town ,tt 0.17, A. R. returning kayos Philailelphi3 . . . . . . ... . Cotuiut,in Hail Rout Trains lettru Rending 7.00; A'. M.. awl o.la, P. M.. for Epl.st,•ll,ltiz, 'muenster, Cul un.l.ln. tzo. ' if • ten Sdnday - ,: Leave Now' York at 8,00, 3.1„. Philadelphia 00, A. 51„ 3 and .15, p.m., the 8,00 A. 31.'Tri.To to Ii ending; Potter Ho 0.00, A, 3i.. llrri,hurg 5 '25 A. 51. and 4.1 U and 0 : 75, P. -- and Itra.ling at 1.8.4 and 7.15 A. A. for Ila,rh.hurg, ..,,,,.1 .5. 31. and 1140;1'. M. fur NOW York tend 4.25, P. )1. On. Philadelphia. Ct•LIIIIILIiII , 1011.. , Iilettgil, Season, School and Excur pilln Arid from all pol:itti. sat rodneed nava. lhidgdge - cht,ted through; Rurponnds allowed .ch Sup't. - 11vadfitgi Pa., 'Nay. 2u, 18.87 SV _NCB_ co mPA N1.E67.. rrillE CHARTER, OAK j_ LIFE INSURANCE-COMPANY, OF HARTFORD CONN. Incorporated 1850, Charter Per- petual. . ' CASH ASSETS, $1,000,000 ...LIMES C. WALKLEY, Policies flssueci on all Popular Plans A few reasons why peoplo Insure in the Chaster banking privil'egos ant, prohibited, tho business being conlinini exclusively to the' insurance of Dreg. 2,l.—ns Risks srr selected with groat cars, thealu cut ring small losses. put consequently, large 4IF Mon& accrue to the Pettey. holders.—See Mass. Inhurtude .11e• ports last s'x yearn. :30 Ratio of Expenditures, including Death Claims and Working Expenses, to Receipts, aro un- precpdentedly low. Sarno Reports. dabs—.ill the profits :11.11 divided- among - Policy holdt.rs, the orignal capital being Mid ted by Charts r to - eight - per - contitividendsT - no - utore ttfanititll'uT fOr tho Company 4,1314:re5t. nth.—]t doelanfgaml.pas s its Dividends an in CA5n. thus anointing Om insured in the paymentor - promiumn. -, t is prompt in the payment of losses, having -paid to SCidowa and Orphans nearly TWO MILLION 001,1,ARS, and. has Harr 11[1'11111rd « duim. 711.-CllO man of stealth insures as an investment. Stit.—Men Orman means instils to guard their fam ilies against want. 17th—The _utatikof, business insures to provide against possible - loss in trade, - a - life - Polley; being- a - basis tor capital. , 10th —Persons In debt insure that their earnings tbr yO3Ol of toll may'not be sacrificed at death from scant of ready each to cancel liabilities. • ' Ware, as money • thus laid away by littles is sure to corn) back largely,inermised to their families, doallt•beinee4 :alit to occur. Dr. S. B. RIEVFER, IE - , - Modical Examiner. - J. C. ST IC, Agent Cariblo f Pa. .E. 11. BLAIIt, General Agon for Eastern Pa. , Office, No, 87-West Third St., --Williamsport, Pa. • IRE INSURANOI.i.I,- . . -" , illE Allenund linstponneboroi hiutuai Fire In surance Company of Cumberlanj: county, Incorpr ated by an act of Assembly, In[the year 1843 a nd hating recently had - Its charter etcendod to the year,lBB3.ls now In active and vigorous Speraticn, under the superintendence of the following . board - of . Managers, viz: 1% illiam It. Gorge's, Christian Stayman, Jacob I:b -ort', ii. Batty, Alga.. Cathcart. J. Coover,_John. hieholbergor, Joseph, Wickersham, Semi. liberty, Mores Bricker, Itudelph . itlifrtin, Jacob Cooper, and J. 0. Dunlap. • . The rates of ltisurancuare Its low and favorable as, 'any Company of the kind In the 'State. Pol3onll wibbing to boron., members are invited to plientiou to the agents of the Gontmy, who are will ing to wait upon them at any time. • I= AV)I. R. GORGAS, Prosittont, Eborly'.a Tfills, Cum be trout county. A LOX. CATIICA.RT, Vico Ptershbut,Carlisles, Cum 'who.] county. ,1011 N C. DUNLAP, Sect'i, Tilecbauicßburg, Currt borland county. • DANII27I, BALLY, l'ronsurer, DiUsburg, York 90 DIANACIERS. - • William H. Coritas, A lox. Cathcart, J. O D'Unlap, Daniel Halley, Christian Seayman., .lacub LI. Cancer, Joseph Wickersham, J. Elchelberger Moses Erleker, Jacob Coovor, Jacob Eberly, JameS :Anderson, "John 11. Center. EDEM Cumberlehd county—John !Merrick, Alloo; lionry Lear llg Bniremom.town; I,n Fityotide Peffor, Dicklo ooo, B, rj doo.uitiu, ,Clutrohtolvo; Slodo Orlflith, Shddloton; Nomuol • tirahom, Word Ponds horouglo Ccover, olucbaoic•burg; J WyCock lin, ShoollerdAow to J. Saxton, biloor e.priog . , J. W. P.l)}, Cal 110 e, Volenfino.,Footniio, NOW .yumberlarld; Woc. 11 oodliurn:NOorvillo. , • . YOrit Col tit% -,-Jaulea Griffith, . Warrlngtoq, J. F; Do.irdorff, litilaborii; Daniel Rutter; Fairview, Jolla % lithium. Carroll; dtilam,Stevenii,- Ooltlaborodgb; J. S. Dlordiirli, dl ulburry 1 , . 0, ' 1 - Dauphin couuty. , i-Jacob Houser, Itarrlaburg. • • N-tRADEI ut, Ladles, you'ean motto Ihr the stun of 0.N.8 poLL'A'R, Morino, and AlpeceaProseee, Shal4la, Balmorald, Linen Goods, Embussed Table Craven,- Watchoa, •lowelry; Paver Plated Ware, rowing Machines, do . Send Jabs of ton or more, with ton Conte' for each descriptive cheek,•and Abe getter. up of the club will recuive a present worth $3 to $3OO, according to-num. sent. • Agents waptod everywhere. Circulars sent free. PAttlf.Eß CO., el& 00 goderal Bt., Beaton. Jano3tl. 4 ‘ ' • • • THE HARRIS HAY ELiEVATO - R-1 . BLEVATOW stands unrivaled as a ghat labor Paving filathlno, and le meow attracting the attention of °Very oneAnterastediti the storing of bay. no Into linnrothhienta •on thiP.•llanli .1' nth bea corn• blood with Its former oxeollevenit.eompletehess that 'overshadows any other.l noention or tba bled now In two. Ear noatnoss, convoniencii, and" strength, this torn etands open ibr, lunge.; All , infairoation•res. necting.thesii for eon he obtained, ofre.illlLLEß howliftS, No. 26 North Ilanoveratreet, The forks ran on hand and for safe. .• Juna2l,674f. . , . jI.T2 . the'. best Photographs at Lochman'a Premium .notograo .alkaary, 21 81414 Street, 04[118101'n. . 1.6101354 y. II El 0. N ' Sup't
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers