• -I. *IST . • AT - cilAngs OGILBY'S a EAP,"DASH STORE. Frew open and ready for thil Inspection of the public pricess. itoci K r w o liieh wo defy competion a large and plot!. d Fall and Winter Goods, LADIE•S' DRESS GOODS, •niobraehig a spiondid stock of Biaok and Colored . French Mei-blocs. All Wool Delaines single and double 'width, Bieck and Fancy Colorod liipascas, Coburgs, Ingnrod - Deisloos, Ilaxolsomo Plaid Poplins, — black Who, Bombazines, and a largo variety stall the differ -cat styles Onto newest styles of Bras Goods. Gentlemen's and Boys' IVear, • Intending to keep a larger and-- hotter assortment of, Clothe and cassitaares,to,paot incrmood deman d for this class of goods tho public having found that T.___Ertadarip work is a humbug on the people, I have put , chased a .staili - 61 - 1116 — Viirrbast - makes of—Cloths-and casoknoreg that era hi th 6 market and am prepared to soil they :A the vary lowest figure, also Elattinetto, Kontucky Jeans, Plaids &c., for Boys wear, at lower prices than they have been sold for many years. L full stock of . , _ . • RED / YELLOW,. _s. • J3LUE, •- r 'WOOL FLANNELS, A • Mitt An the shades.of Suck Flannels, Clughamo,Checks, Table Dlipoin, .ToweSings and all other Domestid floods. 4 / CALICOES and MUSLINS; ,' a TromendOes Stork of all the malice In the market ' which I will moll from nun to three cents a yard eheap• . er than the choapest. Fancy and Woolen Hoods, Scarfs,'Sontags and Shawls of ovary shade and stylo. Fancy Notions a fall and complete stock embracing ovary article In use In a family. -SHOES. Also a full now stock of Ladles' and Children's Shoes of every description. T 'sell no auction work and can warrant every pair I soli nod bolog at no oxtra expense for keeping the same am enablod to soil •eheapoi" than' any Slam House in tho County, colt and sou them all who want good Intl neat Shoes. Thankful for tho liberal patronage which tho public horn long accorded nto I hope to be able to merit a con tinuance of the santb. . . Plitt ninlieitift Como Ouo and Al and convinco yourself - WO° pur chasing dawdler° seeing is believing. .• • CHARLES OGILBY. MONEY CAN BE SAVED ! - , BY CALLING ON RigtSMITTI & RUPP, who barojnet returned from the city with a eplondhl neeortmont of STOVES, consisting In part o. "BARLEY BREAF,". "GOV• PENN," ' , NIAGARA," IRON BIDES," "NOUN; COOK" and others, which they WM insure for SIX MONTI'S and guarantee to be tho best Bakers and Roasters in the market.. A trial will convince you. Their PARLOR STOVES aro unsurpassed this hide of the cities, among which to SPEAWS.AN,TIEGST, which cannot ho beat. Thoy refer by permission to Rev. Bliss and othorm; who Imre thorn In woo. Thoy are prepared to sot HEATERS and RANGES at short notice, and call xpecial attar. flea to SANDFORD',SHEATER, which they retommond and nek you to glye them a trlal,and If not satisfactory thoy will remove them without charge; Any quantity of referencos given. Their shelves are filled with all kinds of -TIN WARE their own manufacturo. which thoy arc determined tell at ahoy!: prollts, lauds of - - fSHEET IRON WORK, ROOFING AITD SPOUTING, tlyno at Short totles, and on ronsonablo torms.--JOl3- I.ILNO dono with =I examine and be convinced that Itinesmith and Rupp's stock Is unsurpassed In beauty, durability and cheapness, and that money can be saved by dealing with them. Thangul for past favors they ask a con. tinuance of the same. WARE ROOMS a low doors North of Wotzol's Hotel, Worth Hanover Stroot, Oarlido, Pa. • OLD STOVES TAKEN IN EXCHANGE: Oct. 12,1860-3 m. /W/C 1(127/ gatntne ( Great I In anti arm n nyvv:rtlx, A u•st CG isiinitsinti;s Cur lisle, Pa. -- ?THIS InstituCion is now entering upon Ito third year in its present location ; during which tine It bus received a liberal home support, and ahm an oncournging sham of patronago from six differ ent States of tile Union. We feel oncouragMl from the result of past efforts-and shall spare no pains or ex fiasco in building up nu institution second to none in the country. • Education adapted to all,—the Fa,Mer, the Mechan ic. the artikan. the Business or Proftsslonal man. YOUNG MEZI of limited eduelition. . Otl NG MEN well educated lu other respects. but first class Business College ; YOUNG MEN of limited moans, who would possess the best requisite to eminence and diatinctlon. . . - YOUNG MEN' %rte. are desirous of receiving 'UM greateat amount of useful Information . . . . at the least comparative.akpense aro -- invited-to invcatipte the peculiar merits of our Model Syr k tom of practical training and eminontfk..uopular ennribl of Study. BRANCHES TAUGHT Sluglo and Boubfe Entry Book-keeping, in Ito vari ous forms and appllca arms, including 0 eneral Whole tato and Retail Buninms, Forwarding, Commission, Ex.& /loft, Jobbllng and Importing, Railroading, Steam- InQtint,%nanking- - ' • Par', nershl p rlnttlementli, Business Calculations, 3!..rcan WU Law, Correspon dem., actical aminlnd Or ris mental, Penton nshlp, Phonography, English (I ram- OoMpoxitiint',l.'6legraPhing, &c. tittnlantg outer nt any timer - Ratio bur competent Instructors mnployed, and numbor to Insure inthilduat instruction .in" . Blmc.lll3l. a Clrcularg lying full pull:alai 8 A4klresa A. M. TR Aur,ust, /7, 1860. . .. Carliat67l,a • VARD ANT - 60 . - to.pe r clally incites tho ittoirtion of the raildit• gen ono ly to COMO All./ O,IIIIIUO on r 1100 :11111 0 011 lie.. booted 'nob ot and Table, Cutlio . ., -11vor l'rittod alto Oro,. oia 'Ma nod Table iipoooh, Shears. Scissor°. Curling, tirlniplug and iltaferlitel'ones Itont , , Riding. briving, titn,t Sleigh BUILDING SIATERI.t • govh ns Locks, hinges, Bolts, Screw° Nail°, So, Car penter, Coororn, 131aolunolths, and 81loomakera Tools acid and Finding°. GRAIN BAGS Our iiew stock of °rain hags me tho beet and cheat. est ever offend In town. ,Fariners and Forwarding mon will find It to their advantage to come and exam. Ins our stock before buying elsewhere. OEDAR-WARE • A.- complete ass, rtmont of Cedar Ware, comprising Tuba,' Clhuite,, Buckets, Bushel and Peck measures, Wa t kitublicia, Sc. duet received at the old and cheap - 14rtrotartv Store or • HENRY SAXTON' End 10111 Stroot,"u"oit . dooi to llippoy's'llotol. 8061., 13, 1860. " - . Gas Fitting and Plumbing • 91111.13 - subsoritreit, permanently . _IL located In Carlisle, respectfully solicit a 'Ohara of p the pua patiunage. Their shop Is eltuatod onAlut — pUblie Admire in roar of lst - PioshYteriaa Church, Itoy can alwaye ho toned - v BeiNt experienced mechanics,. they :aro prerarad , papeuto Nl orders that thoyimay he entrusted with In a:saiiarior manner, and nt vary moderato prices. H.YDRAULIO RAMS, - " • ER • WAT ER WHEELS, " . • • • • • HYDRANTS, - *,• LIFT & FORCE PUMPS , • V.ATEMIG TUBS, WASH BASINS and all ether art!- f..ltia in the trade. •.• • IoLUMIIING AND (1/113" AND - 13TEAld PITTING radiantly attended to in the most approved style. • PAZ-County workriromptly attended to. , _MAU work mirantood. Don't litfiot tho placo—immadiatoly in roar. ofthe Plat Presbyterian Church. ' ' IJAIIP . BELL /UIENWOOD. 31y 97,1000-1 y ' - ^d. w zre TII-E EAT CAUSE OF ,4t -T 34.„ 13. man! AudlPabliched, in a Seated Envelope. Przce it.Dedture an the Nature, Treatment. and Otero of Seminal Weaknom, or. Bpormator• rhom, Involuntary Ihnloslono, Impotency, Nervous _ Debility and Iropmllmonta to marriage gonorally ,• Con aumptlon,D y, pllepa and Fite; ?dental and Physical Incpatlly, DOD. ,T. outvratlvELL, Id. D., Author of thg "Groan &0., • The wdrld-renowned anther, In thin admhablo Lac ' !Wisp dearly .ptorea from ble own experionco that the • orrrfol conacquances of golf Alms° may be effectually removed withont smodlcino, and without dangoroua Orp,tod operations, bougiro, Instrumento, gaga or cot; S t e l t l t to I: , t o l tl i zit c Ai i 7 d E o i t i : f l r zo n a o t onto certain o r,t aLt i d e aondltlon may ho, may, aura htmaelfchooply,prlvately, mad rOlcally. lllw DHOTI:Mg !WILL- Pltol/11 A/ 11001 TO TEICIUSAND/3 AND TLIOUBANDS. " Bent'undot: seal, hi it rain kmalopeTto - atiffuldfoOic y. poet paid, on racelphhf alx nenta, or two poet damp!. Addreao the publlehdra, Alm, Dr. OULVDIOTELTII3"IIfarrIage Outdo," palm Addram the PnViabera: • OLEAB. J.O, rireaa ' 3,NDovrcry, now. York, Pod 0,714... box, 4400, Web 10.3804 , 41% • ' MEMM . . . - 7 ---- AMERICALOAGANS: • -- -- (From "Gocroyi.Ladies' Book" librziaiy, 1.86 q.) 'REED . ORGANS, &a 1 • h to lowing remarks and : g ! , :- Mons relative to this tmmonsoly popular instru ' snout will doubtless Interest and profit, very many of •ur readers, we commend the article to their careful .orusal:— A hundred and ono makers of Organs, Coltego, Par or,Cabinet, American, School Organs, etc. etc., are ouc claiming to make the boat instrument In the • orld. Being comparatively a now instrument, as at .resont - constructed, wo are convinced the public are • uch loss capable of judging of its merits, or demerits, han of most other inetruments: If there is really an osential difference in them,if there are some excel ont and sumo worthloolanos, the public, should have :omo crlterlon - forjudging,of thew, some facts which will enlighten thhm. We cheerfully ebucedethe space or this article knowing that there is hrirdly n family, r church, or school in all the land,loutho more or loos nterestedint his topiee.—Wo- are also-swore of .its bo ng a groat misfortune, a reel calamity, to any of them o purchase an iutorlor or worthless Organ,' ruinous to .00ti playing, and often tisourco of much - annoyance nd vexation. We know this article to emanate from ciondid and Intelligent ',source, and thus we give it to .urreaders. The question is often asked, what are "rood organs?" We ndswor, they are,.ln most cases, nothing in tho -- overldbutthe - old melodeon-in disguise,--Many of the. .o-called organs havo tho same bellows, the same reeds, nd the same genz,ral internal arrangement. With the ellows turued on cage to gain room, they have simply ut on a more prettlntloue extorter and a more high .ounding name. Bution organ, to be in reality an or an, must have a wind eloost or reservoir for air sopa ate front the bellows, into which wind-chest the reeds .pen, and the tone has room to expand and perfect it elf into tho full round tone, - similar to the !into or Pipe mon, ovon, - smooth, fine, and mellow; and thfs tone rem reeds cannot be obtained in any other way known. Nothing so annoys a true organist as to have the vol. me of sound swelling and jerking spasmodically with very variation of form, on thebellows which Is always he easo-where the deeds open direct Into the bellows :r air passages; instead of a wind.chost or sound -bog. And yet; some makers ovon go-so far no to claim this pnomodie or nutoimille jerking of the bellows on the ends as an excellence, just as though - they did not - noiv that it, must very soon throw the reeds out. of .unu, end injure tho hollows; Amine though it Imo tot an easier matter to obtain a much batter and more onanagoA swell by other methods: Tho truth e, any organ, so called, or molodoon which has the wind acting directly upon tho reeds, is nothing more .or loss thou a - hugnuccordeon, dress it up as you may. —And—whenurganists.anoltrue musielaml become ammo n fact as wet ain name, they wlliTtuy uo zoom of the objertionabje'onos. Then again the Novell should al ways be separato and distinct from the bellows, so no not to be acted on by the hand, - or soft blowing, but onvenient so that the player den use it with the knee, eparate tbom tlnj hoods or foot, and thas always un er only eontrol, to be stood ,ad libitum, The large ditideol bellows, or double; lielluivs, is also • - very - important - ilripiaventent. - By thiamenns- not rely cant the wled be suppllod more evenly, let with far greater ease. to the performer, from the fact . that .itherbollown alone will be sufficient for tine lighter .. clothes, thus permitting the player to change about nd rest the foot nt will y then, it the hallows ds of o requisite large sine, and haviug_tho wlnd.cheiit, or eservoir, All will be moll. As to the reeds; thliy,thust .O scientifically tuned and voiced, or all the other good qualities In the world cannot produce a good toned to. trumont. -The ,inquiry now 'very naturally arises, whore con the organ Inc procured combining all these .ssential and desirable • qualities 7 There is-only ono assessing all these polnts,and thatis the AMERICAN )ROAN, made by C. D. & 11. W. Emnr, of Boston, lonian OTT Wholesale Agent, 681 Broadway, Now York. These organs have a wind-chest extending the whole length of the instrument and so constructed no o act at the same Unions a reverberating sound-box .r board, and having the same important relation and • art to perform Bata the sounding-board long to_ tho lane. This feature tho makers have patented, and o it are owing in a great measure the nnttrely nue united fullness and richness of tone so highly prized ,y all Who hiSvo used thus° organs. They also have he largest and best divided bellows in use, which is nether important feature. No part of their work is - :lighted, no expcnoo or pains spared to - make the A, nerican Organs perfect musically, tit welt - ini oile - shalso . sally, and, judging from the immense sale of them at resent, they bid fair-to long maintain the proud posi lon the hay o_, won by superior_ merit alone. Wo would . tot heartily advise all Intorested to call upon •e.v.saa • MT. - 14151MM -thr, ITTIOICMIIO Agent, tot roadway, New York, and can assure them he will, in the untet gentlemanly Mod truthful manner, impart to then] all the information thug any desire relative to this truly dollghtfol instrument. M-USIC--ITEACIIERS DEALERS. - .The subscriber Is fully prepared .lo furnish Sheet Ithielc,4trings, 51usical Instruments, and Mnsie Books of all kinds at the lowest trade rates. wholesale and ro tall,from the largest collections in this country. /rders punctually and faithfully attended to. Address all orders MEI BOARDMAN, GRAY & CO PIANO-FORTES, Wholeste agency. The subscriber, late - a member agency, 081 Broadway, Now York City, wherehe will be ()leased to receive the orders of his friends and the public, and especially to hoar from those who have so liberally bestowed their patronage on the firm hereto fore. lie will supply linens superior instruments to the trade Wholesale and Retail, at Ono very Lowest Prises, made with the insulated Iron Rim and Frame (cast in one solid pinto). They excel all others in du rability superiority of tone, and elegance Of external appearance. , All thesellanos have ovorstrung Scalos, giving in connection with the patent iron rim and frame, Full Round, Pow erl ul, and Sweet. Mallow Tones. The Cases aro eAr,-,ent In 'appe rondo, and easily and safely ban.. %Vat ranted to prove satisfactory, or the money rob 113 noel. Address all orders to --- SIIIEIITA - OTT;'' 551 Broadway New York S. D. .W: SMITITS AMERICAN ORGANS THE MOStPERFNOT AND DEAUTIIUL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT IN THE wq.Ra_AD. 1 , :01t TIM AyERICAN lIOME CIRCLE rii7,4.,,-;;;;--,.,H..0, k. ` i ii,.:,, , (;L 7, ;(34F":; 1'0p, , i.:"4:%..! , r, i f - 40444a , : „,, i ,, 1 , 1 .. x LFi..4_?: . ,: .-.0.j.t4 , 43',tri,,' '; AMP/RJCAN . OR AN • Makes limo attOetivo, refinex,:did elevatea the min& of all, beautiful in appiiarance and effectp. SIBERIA orr, 581 Broadway, Novi York, WEOLVIALE AGENT —The immense popularity of these Organs, and their superior Mt - laical Powers, Is last bringing them before the publidl,as the Instrument so lona desired in-A MERICAN HOMES.- And although the cost price is but a trifle over the Melodeon; yet the musical advan tages, beauty of tone and quickness of touch and Sc-: Lion aro so far superior, that they are fast Suilercudlng -the Melodeon and the call is now almost exclusively for the r • AMERICAN.. ORGANS It to adllpiOd to any Music truce tho unickCst and moat lively, to the Ilea vy tone of the Church ,Organ. dud _nlmoet.unlvereally they. ore proferred_te thoitlano, persoikatuldt i ve thorn, yet costing less than half.and only talilngn small 'amount of room. Bend for deacclpttvo Circulate giving full t particulae • :and prices. • . . •,Exclusivo Agencies socnred to Dealers, and largo discounts to the trado and Tortillas, Address • -dare, • • el II EIVIA• 01T, • Wholesale Agora, 681 Broadway, Now York Match 30, 1861.1-Iy. •• •• ". ow . Sprin oohs; •• . • jas/iAo Lry..i-NdBTON, • at., hie whole • • fialjuindiValall Clothing Establ 'shown t on South unror otroat, adJoinh.g Miller lc horrors' llordwara - fra r ri,tinfidiniaditho'rercipt of a.fulland enimpletri as. ortmont ' - ' • Sl - 'RING, (474. S Mini El? G 0 ODS I rind minsonliblo IMADY'IItADE CLOTHING,. '..lthrotocic Consists In- part of. fine BJacic nod Blue FRENCH and EN . GLISH 'CLOTHS, Extra Heavy Dpeakin, ' ThrOo; 0 AS S•I 111 E , . Also n.large variety of Ceeeinata and Tweed, Ken tucky Jeans, and , Oottonnadoe, , Linens, and. Linon Drillings; In great variety. •• ' - 41tleit n, groat aseortinent,.of , • Ready Made ,PlothinW • • • - • - of ovary style: and quality,. W hito Men aneWoolon /Dilate. Summar Drawers, dm, constantly on Dante a largo issortinunt of TitanCollars,ltosteryand ftloyes,, Moon, Silks and Cotton Handkerchiefs.' ' , Alto It full assortment of Trunks, Curpot Bags and oilmen, al ovary also. !Clothltti mad° to order at the 'shorted notice. Call nd examine tho stook, , Morett. 28,1800, ISAAO 11110-ttE,liilititTY ail% LEAtO, ' AL, . This ly.hltose,, tbolnost (hirable,' and MO 'moat eooronlcal: „Try.it l.,lllanuthoturod only by • -*'"• • - ' • " Zie 1 As s t _wore : •-• • • •„4 1 — . .- - • _ -Extensive -Millinery._Establisinneritil No. 904. Walnut- Street, Philadoj*in. MADAMOISELLE KEOGH, • AutrrNEß DB-PARIS Flaying rebuilt and greatly oularbd 1;4 place Of: business, has now on land an entire now assortment Of the very boot styles of • , FRENCH an - mixtvEni. Through her numerous agenti in 'Paris, she is elm. bled to present in advance of ottuir establishMents the very latest European-styles In,' 3U:sahebs; Metid Drowses, Caps - •Fenthers, ItHobous, • Frames, ote. _ THE SALES ROOMS' Ardconstantly stocked with the choicest goods ' and - those sending orders can be accommodated at the shortest possible notice. • THE - MOURNING DEPARTMENT Is thoroughly organized, and,hanbeen made a spe ciality In the Estallishmont. • THE WHOLESALEDEPARTMENT (Niers great Inducements to Milliners, who can at any -time be furnished with- pattern bonnets of the very latest styles,_prior to their being exposed at re, tail. N. 11.--French,'English and Norman Spoken. ' Nov. 2, 1,1366—G05.- , . N cifA „, ..34-o,___, _3,,y , ,,,, ifi:l"--374-- , ,r l /3 _,,,,516 i ---,- 4- , 1-- Efipriii --- tofiyi. 4: ti , 40 , 0 4v.,,it, ' ', -,l :':_r; IV4 , :i.V'' ',. -•i': . 4:;-"-ii,''” Wheeler Br, Wilson. and Howe. • LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES. lie fßal -= S r ixiplest - 7 - andelteapsest. Wheeler & WilsOnmachines nre adapted to all kinds of family sowing,- working equally well upon 13111 c, Linen and Cotton goods, with Silk, Cotton and Linen threads, making a beautiful and perfect stitch altte - on both sides of the article sowed. Pikes Of machines No. 3 machine plain, 2 Ornamental bronzo, 1 Sliver plated, The. - Jtowe Sewing Tiachine. - Thu attention of Tailors, Shoemakers, Saddlers and Carriage Trimmers Is called to thls—the best of Shut tle Sewing :Carbines. It Is unanimously admitted to be the best machine for leather work or tailoring over given to the Price of Howe machines: - Letter A machine $6O Is recommended for family sowing Tailoring, Shoe binding and Gaiter fitting. Lotter B. machine. $7O Is one size larger thou A machine, stilted to the same work. Letter C. machine,, $B5 Is roc...in:aoudad for ,heavy Tailoring. Boot and Shoe work and Carriage trimming. It runs light and rapid and will do fine work well, and has a much larger Shut tle than the smaller-machines. Call and examine at Rail Road Telegraph Office, Car lisle, Pa. 0ct.27, 11365—tf. (o• oOrle as. HALBERT', j_irAVING just ieturned frotu the __UMW orn cities desire to Inform his patrons that u has laid inn large and varied stock of. Now and , Fresh Goodant the lowest cash prices. _ Ina assortment IS thorough and complute, contain. log overytbing necessary to_ constitute sib'irst Glass Grocery: T ils, COFFEES, SUGARS,' ' In ecatest ithundance, and at lowest cash flgures. 'Syrups, Spices; Canned Fruits, QUEENSWARE and Crockery, Salt and Fish, Dam, Cheese, Crackers, Brushes, Baskets au Willow Wars. ^ - • &gars and Tobacco, of the choicest brands. Brooms, Buckets, and a coo plots assortment of. EAMIJAY GROCERIES. Don't forgot the old stand, South Hitst corner of Hanover and Loather streets. 0. L. lIALMERT. Nov. 23, 1806. 7 OIBERIA OTT, Ilroudway, N. Y - Samaritan's Gift 1 - SAMARITAN'S GIFT '• HE - MOST - OEIRT - J RIMEDY Contains no Mineral, no Balsam, no Mercury Gnly Ten Pills to be Taken to Effect a cure. THEY are entirely vegetable, having no smollnor any_unpleacant taste, and-will-not, In any way IND.° the stomach o? bowels of the most delicate. Cures In from two to four days, and_reeent eases I 'twenty four hours. , • Prepared by - n graduate of the Unlvorrlty of Pennsylvania,-ono-of the most emluen Doctors and Chemists of the presont•day. —NO - EXPOSU It 1.1.,- - Nr);.Tlloliftißi, •NOXIIAtIO Let thoso who hovo despaired of getting ..Aired, o Who lurro been gorgod with - ltalsain`dc iilorcurA try tit Sunt by.mall In a plain env. lope Prlce—Malo-puckago, r.' ForuftlO, $B. BLOOD ! - BLOOD ! BLOOD SCROFULA, ULCERS, SORES, _SPOTS, _TErDERS SCALES, BOILS, OR VENEREAL DISEASES, ke,, SAMARITAN'S • ROOT AND - lIERR JUICE'S' Is offered to the-fliblic as a positive cure. Tll is SANIA itITAN'S SOOT AND HERB JUICES, IS the most potent, eortaln and effectual romo , ly over preserlbed— it roan hos and oradicatek every particle of the venereal pole., no that the cure le thorough and . pernuenent. Take then of this purifying remotly_and he healed, and do not transmit to your posterity that for whirl) you Sony repent in after years.' _ _ a 'though you - Inn'y bo prunoutici;d lucurab!o. tha SAMAR ' ITAN'S IZOOT AND iIERB ' JUICES lvtll romovo ovem , vostago of Impurities from the sys tam, as well as all tho bad offMds of Hoicury. FEMALES I :FEMALES .1n many affections with which numbers of Females suffer, the ^-= "ROOT Sc HERB JUICES is most happily adapted. in Whltes, , lit bowing down, Nulling of tho Womb, Debility, and for oil complaints Incident,tolho son. Sent by exproes.. . Price $1 25 per bottle. . - • . . , • SAMARPPAN'S WASH. is used In conjunetlon with thaßoot and Ilerb.Julees Full direct one. Prico 25 rents. Thoutlimey of these remodles 10 Itilkeritalchowlidged by Physicians and patients. Thoy aro- used In the United Status llospitale3hus restoring ties health of many of our bravo toddlers. - What the Surgetins say of the Sa : • maritan's - Remedies.' ' °I him groat .atisfiletion in .stating thathave used the eaßtinitaula Nomadlos' r Venereal Diseases faits most customary Ibruis; Matti Lave used thorn with 'llMfriont, discretion, and properly mud have found thorn respond to my anticipations proffintly ami effectually. limivellietheir composition, i hays: the fullest contidenco 'in thair efficacy, and as far as my use ok them ox r O.i lm l i v ro E n i ty s ir. "Assistant durgoon Dth Now York Vole.M -- Lerirlaciimhirstoint - that these remedloa - aro racouo minded, and will positively ~euro tho..dleeanoe for which they aro offered, • Voe.sa i o at Elavoratioh't Drug fitore, lialiover Street Carlisle, ra. . • . DESMOND & CO:. Proprhitore,- - 915 Raw pt., Ph 199101015 Dao. 7, 18657-191. ; *, - ; , VIVIPLOYMENT FOR BOTH SEX -..X.1j 88.--planbiod and. roturnod soldiSra, • widows and orphans of Main noldiers.' and the-unemployed 'or both soma gonarally; In want of rospootablo and prof!. WAS employment, incurrini no risk, can proem° such .by enclosing a postpaid addrossedonvolopo,for_partie ulare,-to Dx..101151 DI. DAONALL, . . . - Box 188, Brooklyn, N. Y. • • Jan. 28, 1850. Ivins' Patent. PEI& Ciiirkpers. For Crimping - dad Waving Ladies' it NO BRAT REQUIRED IN UgIING TEEM . Ask your Btorokobper tor nom. Ulm does not hoop thorn, write to the manuteeturar,ll, 'yule, Sixth Pt., And Columblit.AT. Philadelphia. " -Sept. 28,1800-oin. DORT :Fi? ' 'W.4tine Desks, Baok OttlllooXl Boards. atilnellef all dosorlfdlon atßav ratlok's Drug Fancy and Book Rota. •,• • • • • Rose, Ooff , "o7V,A;lllit and I)llicaniato. Loa. 15, 1665. • " lIAVEBBTIOKB . RITYSICIANS will find it to.thoir ad 'vantage to call and purchase their Medicine a ItALBTQWB. NEW AND ,FRESH "Yes, A Positivo Cure." CM= SAMARITAN'S GIFT DO NOT DESPAIR! Prom thn Ilaltimoro,l3un.) 08THostrrniFoar Bansivat,; - 4 - - - Baltimore, Mtl., Feb. 29, 1864. f .NEW_STORE and NEW.GOODS. • rraw.underoignea would 'most reiip_eot-' "x----run r -inrorm tho eltleonanf - Oarllsloi and our - county, that thoy have just opened a large and well solectedatock of " - . • Dry. Goo* arid : Atottoniti . 'IM - liiilglaughlin , s Building, North Hanover Strad, (one door South of the American IforMo.) Our stock, to now, having recently boon purchased, N cconlata of • Ladlos Dry.goods,.• - • • Branch blerlnges, Deteinee, . • • WoolDetablee, Agpacee. , . Cobnrgs, &0,, de - MS°, Domestics, such am Muslins, Gingham, Prints, Checks, Ticking, dec. You will also find a full line - of Fancy Cassimores, Cloths, Satinet, Kentucky Jeans, Ac„ with many other artlcloi too numerous to. niSn tldn. We aro doterinined to soil our goods vary chimp for cash. Our Motto itrt'Quick Sales and Small ,Pro. fits." And selling goods for cash .wo,aro onablo to soli cheap and ronder perfect satisfaction; ' Pleadd call and got. BARGAINS at the NEW AND WRAP CASH STORE of A. L. REESER, Co. Sopt. 7, 1g66. - LIFE-HEALTH-STRENFTH LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH LIFE-HpALTII-STRENGTH smog THE GREAT .FRENCH REMEDY . DR: - JUAN: Celebrated Bpeeiflo Pills, Prepared from a prescription of Dr. Juan Delamarre, Chief .rhysicia4 to the Hos pital du- Nord au Lariboisicre of , ' Pryris. . , • . . This 'medicine is' no Imposition, but in unildling in the cure of Sparmstorrhm or Seminal Weakness., Every species of Genital or Urinary Irrl tability.lnvoluntary or Nightly •Sentinal Emissions from whatovi r cause produced, or however severe. will be speedily relieved and the organs restored to healthy action. Read tho following opinions of eminent rronch phy , elelons: "We have used the Specific Pills .prepared by Oar anclore & Dupont, No. 214 Rue 'Lombard, from the prescription of Dr. Juan . Dolomarre, our private ' practice with uniform emcees, endive believe there is nther noollninu enwall atni.Lanisa in aa. per. eons suffering from Involuntary Emissions or p er. eons causod by a sedentary mode of living, excesses, or abuse. R. A. BEADREPARIE, O. D. DUJARDI N, M. D. JEAN LE LEIREIRE, M. D. l c' ails, May sth, '''''''''''''''' BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Tho Genuine Pills era sold by all tho principal Drug gistsrthroughout" tha World, price Ono Dollar purl:lox. or Six Doses for Five Dollars. CIARANCIERE & DUPONT, Solo Proprietors -, - No. 214' Rue Lombard, Paris One Dollar enclosed to any authorised Agon , will insure a box by return mail, securely sealed from all ob,erxation, six boxes for five dollars. • Solo Eioneuti Agents for America; • ' OSOAR G. MOSES kCo., 27 Cortlondt St., N.Y. N. 11.—Fronch,German,Spanish and Engll , llPamph lots, containing full particulars and directions for use sent froo to any address. Bold In Cnrllslo by J. W. ELLIOTT, and nt HAVER /WICK'S. . _ • Jan. 12 3 1866—1 y DR. _MARSHALL'S _CATARRH .-SNUF - F! - This Snuff has thoroughly proved Moil' to ho the host article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold in the Head and Headache. It haS boon found an excellent remedy in many cases Of Sore Eyes. Deafness has boon removed by it, and HoarlUg has often boon great -Iy-improved-by Itunse:- It is fragrant and agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief to the dull heavy pains caused-by diseases ortho bead. The sedsations after -using-It-.are -delightful - and in. Vlgoratlng. It opens and purges out all obstructions, strongthena the glands, and gives a healthy action to the parts affected. • More Than Thirty Years' ; • of Salo and use of,Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Head. echo Snuff, has proved its groat valUe for all the cam- Inell_disomtea!gf_tbe_lioad,_ttud_atAbis _moment It stands higher than over boforo. Ins recommended by of the beet physicians, and Is used with groat success and tatisfaction every whom. • . Read the Citiflentos of Wholesale Drug gists in 1164. , The undersigned, having for many years boon ac quainted with Dr. Marshall's 'Catarrh and headache duuff, and .01a it in our wholesale trade, cheerfully state, that, we believe it to be egual . ,4n, every respect, to the recemmendattions given of it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decidedly the beet article we have ever known for all common diseases of the head. Burr & Perry, Itoston,Batnes & Park, Now York. Reed, Austin & Co. " A. D. &D. Sands, Brown, Lamson &Co " Stephen Paul & Co. " Deed, Cutler & Co. Israel Minor & Co. " Seth W. Fowls, " MaKessOn & Bobbins," ' Fairbank & Co:" " lltinshaw, Edmands & Cold. Ward, Closo &Co " For Salo tv all Druggists. TRY IT. Jan. 12, 1860-Iy. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES Bryan's Tulmonie, • !Mahe original Medic'no established In 1837, and first article of tho kind over introduced under the damo of "PULISIONIC WAFERS," in this or any other Country;all•other Pnlmonic {Valera are counterfeits. The genuine can be known by the name BRYAN being _vamped on each Wafer. These Wafers have been before the public fel:warty thirty years, and the Immense sale attained, not only in - a morica but in foreign countries, fully attest their intrinsic worth. The medleal propoottes are superior ..tdatty.otheturtMlaMiered.for-the own. of-Pulmonary or Bronchial straitens ' and the quantity contained in each box is nearly double that of the many worthless Imitations advertised. • Bryan's - PuLmonie Wafers • cure Coughs; Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing; Spitting of Blood, rains in the Chest, Incipient Consumption and all diseases of the-lunge. Not only affording temper= ary relief, hut effecting' a rapid and lasting - cure aid 510 warranted to give satisfaction in ever instate°. They donotThauseate - like — alcotiollectififfolillUtcald" the medicinal properties are combined In a form so a greeablo and pleasant to the taste, that any child will readily lake them. Ono dose will always afford RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. To VOCALISTS and PUDLIC SPEAKERS, thew Wafers aro peculiarly valuable they will in one day remove the most severe - occasional - boarsennis ; and their regular use fora few days will, at all times, increase the pow tr and flexibility of tho voice , gt eatly improving its one, compass and clearness, for whioh purpose they aro regularly used by many professional vocaliste. Tlie very groat celebrity of this invaluable remedy has induced unprincipled personate prepare base Intl Cations, which disappoint the just- expectations.of -the purchaser, and- injure the' tharacter of the genuine medicine. . . .. . . . See that the word, n tlltYAN,"leratampad on each Wafer. and also obsorvo the fac simile of the algnature 'et the - Proptiotor -"Jolt MOSES" on - eachivrapper,---to oountorfolt which Is forguAy. ../trk•Offondllt portion will bo dealt with to tho full extontot tho law.. • litlyAN'a PULMONIC ViAYER 613 for ;ale by ell Drug• glnte. , • JOB MOSES, Solo Proprlotor, 27 Borthula. St., N, T. JIILU. 12, 1866-Iy. SIR .J.AMECOLAItIiF;I3 PELEERATED FEMALE FILM 'Prohnrod from a prescription of Sir J. Olark, M. D:, Phyolclan'Extraordintry to tho queen. ITHIS well known inedioint is no' ipi , 'position, but a sure and safe muddy for Female unities and Obstructions, from any cause whatever and although a powerful remedy, It contains nothing hurtful to the conetitutiori. • - To Married Ladles it Is peculiarly suited. It will, in a abort time, bring on the monthly period with regu larity. In ail rases of Nommen Spinial Affections, Paint in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Ilatig on slight e i Anion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lo se of Spirit Hystaics,iiick Headache, Whites,* 'the painful diseases occasianed by a :disordered s• m, theseP • will affect a cure when all other means have Gilled. Observe on each 'Dottie the name of Jacob Moser, without It none are genuine: Thmo Ellis bavo navor boon known to fail where the dins:llona on tho ild page of pamphlet are well °boom. ed. For furthar•particolars, got a pamphlet, fres; or the agent. $1 and 6 postage, clamps enclosed to any authorised agontorill inaure a bottlo. containing over -60 pills, by roturn mall. W. ELLIOTT, "Jon. 12, 1866-Iy. 'Agent, Oarllebo. ' • _ •WdRIK. BOXES; Cabas; P.Ort Fo lios, Tourists Dosks Confootiouary Boise, Dimes of all Muds. Dpa. 15, 1865. - AT LIAVERSTIOICS. QTIOKS,- •• .: : , ' 3 Nlnt, Teaberry, Lemon, Orange, Lavender, Nom Nouga, and V/41111111. —Deo 15, 1865. EESSIN G ' CASES, Lailios' oc. 16, 1506. . AT EAVERSTIdICS4 11.1ROpp,_—,.• ..". : ~ '• , fiVMint, Choeolet,O, Cream, Lemon, Orengei Yana ideo and Mona.... • • - Dee.ls 1.8130 - , . AT ISAVERSTIORB... . . ` .ad I.TRE. LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, preferred by all practical Pal:Aare l'Try• It I & you will havo'nunther. Manufactured only by ' - ' ZMGLER-&- SMITH, {Pluilesale ' Drug, Paint & GIO Da alers, N 0.187 North Third , Street, PII.ILKWA., Jan. 22, 1800-Iy. • lOLIN and Guitar Strings, r :Violin: • Bo*, Bawl,' dm; #to ~ n pw Jove Store, East Main St. GOLE . Agenby for the s salnof Morton's ,Gold Pepe, The new Jewelry. Store, Bait Blain VAMILY DYE COLORS, , my • AT nALI3TO\N'a rIHOICIE - SEGARB & TOBAOO 0, . _AT RALSTON'S 10PHYSTOIANS 'will find it "to lheir;i. .vanta g o to oall'aud purplreo Mel! Ilfulloines at July 1, _ • • ""LBT°NI3: WATCHES and Jewelry repaired at the now Jewelry Btoro. • HATS! CAPS! .FURS! • JUST received at liellees:;on North t R 47 N 0.16, five- dare .abovo- Faber's Had and neat to ClOrnlnliti's• Shoo 'store all tho No* Styles of Huts and Claps, which will bo Bold at the lowest cash prices. Now 'fork and Phlladolphla Styles, Soft felt Hata of ovary varloty and prko, Homo manta*. lured Hats cotudantlyny hand marls to arddr at short My manufacturing arrangements being complete I 'flatter myself,that I Will be able to give satisfaction in every particular. I „have a large assortment of FE M . , Qttoralearierflong an &Oath naps of all kinds Including "Grant" " Sher. man "-" Skating" 0 Boys" and Ohlitirell'a Turbans at all prices. I have added to my stock a large and varied assortment of rum including Gents collars, Pouvora; tqutra tAter and-Ladles' Muffs. • - . • .. Gents gloves Of the vory.,bast qualities. .• - • • Clothing rind nil kinda or woolen.' goods" colored promptly. and.wartantod to giro satisfantion. . Old hats repaired and made new at moderato char ges.• The highest cash prices paid for County Fare—Foe, Mink, Muskrat of cetera. J. A. KELLER, ngt. Bogue of tho limit brands Including Havana, °tuba Domestic &c. - • . . • Tobacco of all kinds brandlrig Fine cut, Congress Ipatural leaf, Navy dm. - THE7 . I3H - A:RTER =- oAlt- - • LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, • CONN. Incorporated, 1800., Charter Per petual. , CASH ASSETS, $2,000,000. -JAMES O ; WALKLEY, PFaeldent,:: Polidribi3 Itzakod an an PoPulak P4ins AFEW REASONS . WHY PEO PLE Insure la the Charter Oak. .Ist. All honking plivilegesitre prohibited, tbo bud ness being conflued exclusively to the Insurance. of lives.. . . . 2d.—lto Risks eta, seleoted vtltit groat care, thus in- - curring small losses, nud coniounently largo dividends, uo to Policy holtiers.—Boo Mass. Insuranco Reports last six years. 3rd.--fts natio of 11xpoudIthree Including Death Claims ao.Or.Rtitinspehlica,tcauceipts,-arn-unpr cadent - 6* lom—Same Reports. - - the profits are dlvldda among Policy hold ers the original cypltal being limited -by Charter -to eight per cent dividends; no more thou it earns for the Company at Interest. oth.—it declares and pays Its Dividends annually in 'OABII, thus assisting the insured In the payment o premiums. Oth:—lts business IS dLstrlbuted over more - than - twenty Northern Statesitnaltingit Impossible tomuch reduce its largo surplus,. set apart for contingencies, oven in the &Nut of a jscourge of Cholera, • 7th.—lt is prompt in thg payment of losses, having paid to Vidowe and Orphans nearly ONE MILLION DOLLARS, and hue never litigated a claim. V ai‘we"h r suresas' n i r stm t) nof emailm ancsuratogurttalr faue • illee agahifit want. . DAIL—Tim man of business insuro to provide against possible hum In trod° a life Polley, being a basis .for capital. llth.—Parsons In debtaWanio thitt their - Mir:Clings for years of toll may not bo enerlffeed at death from want of ready cash to cancel linbllltiee. • 12th.—Allinsure as money thus laid away by littler is sure to come back largely increased to their fami lies, death being cortain to occur. ..Dr. S. B. KIEFFER, M. D.,, Medical Examiner. J. D. ADAIR, Agont Carlisle, Pa. 11.1E - BIMIlt; State - Agbut, for Eastern Pa. 448 - • Office Bushong's Now Building, North. Sixth Street, Rending, Pe. Parsons desirous of, insurance will please apply to the agent. - For • information relative to - tigmitleg /ad dress the State Agent. , April 13, 15611. QCHENOK'S MANDB,A4 E Pilais S- 'FOR 'LIVER :COMPLA.h4I' -A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL. If your boweiSure costive, MM! Ii you havo vrorma, TRY MEM If your broach'ls hid, - I= sy,---- , • TRY , THEM. •If you arolow siiißedi • TRY THEM Ifyou have A sick hoidacho TRY 'AIR% If you have taken a diop too'mucb; TARE A FULL DOSE Tney only cost /5' centr a liox MMM Blue Mass, and other preparations of Mercury, -ac• tually produce more suffering end death than tho dis eases:which Choy Profess to curb. And yet this corro sive Millard so denounced by the allopathic doctors, Is proscribod by thorn almostpnivorsally in Liver Com plaint, Consumption Of Lungs - , Ad!' THE MANDRAKE PILLB . . . ' ere composed entirely of roots and herbe, obtained from ,the grout storehouse of 'Nature, and their salutary ef fects will appear_ an soon as the medicine is.brought to :the-teat-of—n-fair-experimont.—EOHENOK o ß—MAN DRAKE PILLS do not reduce any nausea or sickness " g i o t A acTii ts li liii t m ' i n ' TienteTtfo ' n ' ;IZMIR MTS . :SEAWEED TONIC. ilymthls judicious treatment the digestive faculties arrspeodlly restored to their full vigor, and the worst caps of indigestion may be cured. When we reflect that the liver is the largest inter -11,, nal organ of the_bedy, t at_to_it_lansaigned thole:lpm -- taut duty of filtering t ' blood and preparing the bile, that RD subject to ma y disorders, and that when it is diseased or Inactive/the whole body suffers sympa .thotically, it is not surprising that a medicine, which can restore the healthy operations of tboLivsr should produce wonderful changes in the general health, and offecttures which may appear to be almost miraculous. _Headache of long continuance,nevero pains inthe side, breast and shoulders, aching of the limbo. a lodine of general weakness and wretchodhess, and Othei alarm ing and distressing , symptoihs, Indicatiie of imperfect of disordered action of the liver, ire speedily removed brthauso of SCHENDK'S kIANDRARE - PIELS: -- • • . .• • Costiveness, piles. bitter or our eructations, and that indescribable fooling of oppression ' mental Muria ty, languor, lethargy, and depression of 'spirits which untlt a man -fop the mankement of business and. the 'onJoythent of life, aro all 'relieved _the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS...* _ - - .—D , Dr. Simeramear Sir I take pleasuro in sending ..y.fma,cortilleatoinnddition to many you Moro already recelvod_frina aufforing-humaulty.' I can scarcely find• language sufficiently strong to express my heartfelt -gratification of thexvonderful-curos-your-MANDRAKE PILLS and SEA WEED 'IONIC have effeatod in the en tire mini amid of thhlllo4 stubborn easesof the affec , lion Of the liver. For three years I sulfured beyond de scription; ell my friends, as well an myself, came to the conclusion that my time iu this lifo was short. - Such was the terrible condition to which I was reduced that tifo to mo had become a burthen ; my whole system was iu a state of inflammation ; I cotrid not eat, I could not sloop ; my wholo body was filled with pain; , swelling would arlso in my wrists and ankles, render log them totally useless. On rioveral occasions I was attackod with a limit of blood to the head, which would fell ma to the ground, and I would be carried away for dead. I applied to several'eminent:physielane or our city, who administered all the- Medicines that they' thought) would reach my cam, hut of to avail. 'One of them said he could do no more forme, and ad vlied me, eon last resort, to drink cod liver oil. Not relishing-the horrid trash I declined to take it. Acci dent put your advoidlsement to nry bands. 1 _called on you ; you examined mu and told in'o the naturo of my ammo. Yqu'thOn ordered me the Pills and Tonle With an observance of diet, pledging your word that in oneWeea 1-would findmyself another-moan. --- I ad your advice, and, anyou predicted, an astonishing euro was effected.. I continued your Pllle and Tonic for some time, and now thank God for his goodness, medlclne,l-am once more rustorod to porfect health. I most eunestly yeeoremend .thosq who are sufferings front elfdbtion of. the liver to. give , your I.llls and Tonle a fair trial, and a euro will be or footed.-- I Maya sent many persons to you, and they have all been cured. Any information my fellow chi"- none may require .1111 be freOly given by the aubscri ber, at his residence, No. 812 Federal street, between Bth street and,Dassyunk road. ' CHARLES JOHNSON, Su., ,Formerly Sauter's' Ink Manufacturer. -2 Dn. SCHENCK will bit professionally at hie principal ofilco, N 0.15 North Sixth street. cornor of Como - tom, PHILADELPIIIS, every Baturday p from 0 a, ni. until 4 p. m.; No. 32 Boud street, stew York, every Tuesday, horn 7 to a; No. 98 Summerstreet, Doston,kloss:- over • - Wedboaday, from 0 to 3, and estorytot.bor Fridayftt 108 sf tiMore atreot; Balt - Won 11s , Md. Aavice,freo, but a - thorough examination of the lungs with his Ilo;• inductor the charge is three•dollars. . . Price of the PultnouloSyrup and Softwood Toni; each $1.50 per bottle, or $7.50 per half dom. .Atandrako' •Fills, 25•conts per box., -• • ..• • ~ For sale by all Druggists and,Dedlora.' • --- Jan. 1,1800-17, . ITAT:11111MA:P - MISTP 081 IT a,HE undorsighod respoptfully : announ ce. to tin . public 'that be atilt 'continues the a tin& Businoes. at the 'old stand, In West Mph street, and with a renewed end oraolent effort produce &Weiss of head Drees of _ ; Ev_ery:Vnidty, Bt le and that Rhein be !aridly hi lioeplog . wlth tho Improve ment of tho Art, and fullup to the ,ege wPioh we gi;l b 4 4 ... i . T I h... 9ort kiind a siAandld assortment HATS ' AND OAPS,: XIIP:. . _ ' of all deserlptiono, from the oominon Wool to the &oot Bur and tillk flats; and at; - prices ilia Must suit ovory one who has an eye to,gotting no worth ands money. The stoals)ncludos, MOLEVITIN, OASSIPSERAIIIAAVEIt fr. BELT new, of every Milo and color and uniurpcasod for Llghirmas ,Dnrablllly and finish; by them of any.othor ostablish 4 moot in the country. • , : and-Ohildron!s hate And' Cape, ofovary deacriptlon constantly on hand. Xle rosprctfully Invites all the old patrons and as matey now ones as possible,, to glvo him a call. ziay I, 38!*, 4 . • • • . E.101,01 - 3tEINTT .ti'Oß-110T11. SEXES: . .. , , .. ..- ": t il t in a ii ' of i. S e i 0 41 4 1;11 e o e l a cil O ' r . li s , P a lai nd 6 fli t' s ) I)lB ,, A: 4o P w li e a E n p o : rp ' unemployed ofbothsoxes generally, in 16 ant - oflotpdcte able and prOfitablo" employment; incurring no riok, can procure ouch by onolostsign, postpaid addreirsad onvob opo, for iiattiOniiiris;to Dr. JOIIN M. Dd(ibiALL; . , Ti0..:1,53, Brooklyn, N.Y., ~ Jan: 2s, 2860—1 y _ _ , • 1,3 to suit all ageoiat tho now Jowhlry t3toro, East alftlaht. ' . ,_ • - 'WHITEand - bl adkturled: . Er' air; . Citi: - tom. Pumps, A'artil Tablc, and'Lightnhig ___ i Apple Posrers, at - Opt. /liana. , . • • OIIMBEIELAND- VAILEir-7 . 1 k,;21-d4, 47. in *IL 'R 0 A. ID • CHANGE OF HOURS: • •-:- • . ON and after 1 MON . DAY, May 21.8 N 1800, l'assongir Trains will run daily as follows, (Bundaysaxeinited): WESTWARD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN lonyes'Harrlsbutg 8.40 A. 82., Mechanicsburg 0.18, Carlisle 0 57, Nowvllle 10.34 84eneburg MOT, Ohambersburg 1.10 P. M., Groom. 1.43, arriving nt Ilagorkown 210 I'. 51. IL. TRAI,N leaves Harrisburg 2.00 P. MI, Meehan esburg 2.33, Carlisle 3.00, Neirville 3.40, Shippowsburg 4.lo,.Ohtimbersburg 4.00, Oreenbastle 5.25, arriving at Hagerstown 5.55 I'. 50.. . • - • • EXPILES2 TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 4.15 P. 11 , MeehanieSbUrg 4.51, Carlisle 1,21, Nowvlllo 5,53, Ship ponsburg 0 21, arriving at Obathbersburg at 0.50 P. M. A MIXED TRAIN loaves Cbatubersburg - 8.20 A. M., Troolicastlo 020 arriving at Hageratown 10.15 'EASTWARD AROOSI6RMATION. TRAIN loaves Chamberaburg 6.16 A. IL, Shlpponsburg 5.45, blowy' 0.15, Carllelo 0.50, s.lb6hanlcaburg 7.21 ant Ong .at -Ilairlsbirrg 7.50 MAIL TRAIN leaves HagarstOwn 8.10 A. M., Omen castle 8.45, Ohnmborsburg- 0.25, B hipponBburg Nowvlllo 10.20, earlielo 11.03, Mochanlenktqg 11.37; ar riving ntAlarrleburgl2.to - EXPIOIIBB '211A1. - 14 leaves • Hagerstown 12 00 . 31.; Greencastle 12.30, ,ghathboreburg.l.lo, fildpponsbnrg 1.43, Nowville 2.15, Carlisle 2,58, Mechanicsburg 3.20; arriving at IlarrlebUrg 8.55 P. 51. • - A MIXED TEAM leaves Hagerstown 8.05 P. M., Greencastle 4.00, arriving at Charnbersburg 4.50 P. M. 40-Mitklng close connectioas at Harrisburg with Trains to and from Plilladelphia,..Now York, Pittsburg, Baltimore mid Washington. , BAIL ROAD °PHU', h ambersburg, May 17,1800. READING RAIL ROAD Lea* simmprz ARIRANG;EMENT JUNEIIth,IB66. . REAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE, _ Are'44....tv.....6 per multadelphla, Now ark, ltoading, Pottsvilloa, Abhlifildrliebanon,- Allentown, 'Easton, Ilphrata, Lltiz, Lancaster; Colum 14a; eec., &c. - Inane kayo Harrisburg for Now York; as follews: At 8.00, 0.10 and 0.05 A. 01., and 2.10 and 5.15 P. M., connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving at - Naw - York at 6.00 inlet 10 10 A. M., and 4.10, 5.20 and 10A5 P. N. Sleeping Cars ac companying tho 3.00 A. M., and 0.15 P.. 51., Amine, - without change. • • „ . Learn Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsvillo, Tamaqua; Millersville, Ashland; Pine Grove, Allentown and Phil adelphia, at 8.10 A. and 2.10 and 4.10 P. 31., stop ping at Lobanou and,principal Way Stations; tho 4.10 P. M. Train making \ connections fur Columbia and Philadolphialsnly.. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Ila Sen and Auburn, via pelluylkill and Susquehanna Rail 'Road, leave Ilarrlalprg at 3.20 P. 31.. - Returning: Leave Now York at 7.00 and 9.00 A. M., 12.00 Noon and 8.00 P.' M; Philadelphia at 8 15 A. DI., 'And 3.30 P. DM:; - ?Way Passoogor- Train leaves Phila delphia at 7.30 A. M., returning from Heading at 6.30 P. , 111., stopping tit all Stations; Pottsvillo at 14.45 A. _M., null 2.46 P. !l.; Ashland 6.00 and 11 30 A. M., and 1.05 P. -31; Tamaqua at 9.45 A. 31., and 1,00 and 8.55 P.M. - . . . Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road. at 7.00 A. M. Reading Accommodation Train: Leaves Reading at 0.00 A. N., returning from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. M. - Columbia-1411111mM Trains leave Reading - at 5,45 A. M 412.05 Noon and 0.15 I'. 81. for Ephrata, LIU; Lan caster, Columbia; &c. " — On Sundays: Leave Now Tor at 8.00 P. 11.. Phila delnbia 8.00 A. N., and33511;31., the 8.00 A. 51. Train running only to Reading, rottevlllo A.OO A: u. Tam- AZ, rietrrlmuurg 006 A. N., and Roadlng at 1.33 and 7.80 A. N., for Harrisburg, and 10.52 A. N.- for Now York. and 4.25 P. N. for Philadelphia. Commutatlon, , , , Mileago,Peason, School and Bomar. eirnTrekots-to and from all points, at roducod Rates: o __Baggage chocked through 80 . pounds allouod 'each' Passongor. • 0. A, NICOLLS, 0., General Superintendent. _. _Ron ng, Pa: Junn2s, 180 The Family Grocery rr HE- subscribers, having taken the :Family-0 rocery-Store -of-Monamulth-4-Bikey, on Main. St., adjoining F. Gardner & Co's Machine Shop and Foundry. have - just-opened a now and ele gant assortment ol GROCERIES, CLASS and QUEENS WARE, selected with great -care for family supplies, which they will soli at the very lowest prices for cash. Every artlela in thd line-of Family Groceries Will always be kept fresh and cheap. They also call particular attention to .the • • - - Eureliii . Patent Glass Fruit Jars, of which they have the 'exclusive agen cy fir Carlisle, and which has proved its superiority over all other cans or jars novr.in use by Its gi eat simplicity, porfoe reliability iu keeping Fruit, and the extraordinary ease with which It Is sealed and opened, without injury for future uso.. No family should purchase other jare.wlthout first examining the Eureka, if they want to buy the best. We have - also KNOX'S PATENT STEP 'L - ADPIslt. anartlel,7iihlch no lirruse keeper should bo without. _ AILO . marara- commune - Tr AZ 111 - Cai MA CHINE, only Five Dollars, and the Ai:olden OLOTILES WRINGER, both of which they ionfidently recommend to give entire satisfaction. They Savo also been appointed Agents for the sale of c!i;llllu'! i PATENT MEI " EARTHEN DRAIN PIPES, . to which they would call the attention of Farmers and others needing them as the best and cheapest article to bo found for conveying water through yards and barn-yards. Also a variety of other articles, such as DOER MATS of several kinds and prices. .o.ir•Just opened e supply of Fresh Herring and sißThinas of Salt Fish, put _up this Spring. Also Flour in harrelS'and melts and Feed by the bushel. MARTIN A GARDNER. May 25, 1806. Walker-& . (Successors to J. 12!.:.G0rg - as,)_ 1 1 I i t! ' p s o u b b „ s o c ii r l b o e u r o s r. ' r t e h s a l t i . e t h ° f h ° a r s n o d l 13 Tin and Sheet Iron Establishment of Mr. Gorges, In rear of the Court noose, where they are prepared to accommodate the patrons of the old establishment and all - Others who may. favor them 'with their work. If -you want the very teat r COOKING STOVE • at tho lowest price, Como to'us. All ineurod fur six months or longer. We have nothing on hand but the .best bakers. and Warrant them to be such, for w e hoop none other. Come and see the great veriety. --- We - ean give 'hundreds of testimonials If ikesirod. COME . and, SEE, our Parlor and Mee Stoves for wood or coal HEATERS AND RANGES, Stationary and Portable. °MIDI NATAL.' 3E:L3M of all kloda in great variety; made from the very beet tlu-plate. All you need in our lloutembe liatt from us at a saving of 20 per -cent.-- rit:• - onr fit Ore and WarO - Rothne, In renr of the Court Rouse, and you' will save money In your purchases. It will fully pay you to come. - •- Tin Roofing and Spouting done at short notice , _ -- Iy - strlet - attention — to - business — the undeiglgnod hopo, to Merit and receive a liberal sharo of public patronage. • WALKER CLAIM?. Tune 20, 1860-1 y.•,, The Carlisle Cook ! TO NEW :PLOD OLD HOUSEKEEPERS A ' new and perfect Airtight GS ' S - 0011 eutniug Cooking Stovo for Coal or Wood. . AND BEE IT ! At ourltundry -and S(abe Rooms, Main S. The patterns of tbla Stovo are now and original In do• sign and golton ip oapressly for - our rase. Wo there fore call it rItE CARLISLE COOK I It combines ovary now and Valuable Improvement In Cooking Stoves. It Is exceedingly bandsow ein op. plod-once—is a perfect Alr-tb lr,Annd Gas Consuming_ - titorlfintitlyekraiifelf litilironouncedllniibeapeid, best And stoat complete Cooking Stove in the country. No east two elms, adapted to the wantscif both largo and email-families. Experienced Ilauselfeepers -will find upon examination that. tho' NEW , , C ARI IS LE 000-K combines every requisite for economy and offielency in cooking..' filo . public are specially roquoited to' all and seel4.4flarenre wilifident4 t will fully reaTnmend- Itself. . 1dare1a123,18613:-Ll;ir. F. GLARSIIER & CO. - , , MD .rI7.IIaNITEL:' A - lario:itip . oftnion.t of thbeat.qu.ality -6 1 rocieris, Belling ;:di at thc, •ary.lowast.prle - os run In -the State' of Pennsylvania, Call-And Saihdy..yoursollies of the truth 'of tho dolor- Bob, 23,1800. ' MI HOOP SKIRTS, HOPKIN'S DOWN, MAKE,"„ • . New fall Styles! :ARE in . -ay:cry respect first class, and, embrace a complete assortment for Ladles, sesrind 'Ohildroni of the Newest: Otylos, every Length and alzos of 'Waist., . • 01lit whorover, Icnowrii iris more Ettilvir• eally roman' than any.ethers. before • thd.publio. •Phoy retain their Shape hotter, are lighter, more blue tlo; more durable; and really °num than any rthor Mop Skirt In the market. Tho springs end fasten• lints are warranted perfect. EVERT LADY should Tnv ' Tutu] They aro now. being extensively Sold. by Men, aunts, throughont thlt__Penntry,.and,tt- IVIIOLPA V lEELII &METALL at Manufactory mut Saloi Boom `• ASCII Street; below-7 Aek for ll o l.ll l l OV' i- o - niaaka,'C-VdyriTo - thor OMITION,-Nano gounlno unlos .Stampod on oath ICid pad,.-."l.7opkin'a7loop 9411 t ktonittactory, Also, Constantly on hand full , lino. iime. fork 3:9a Telt i g3 d t t i lA tr eale -sg-PY-P cfN ices rilLicicztvi: 4u s. 17, 3.800,--ilm STOPTAND - 1 4 00 K IN. A3w—Fridle.re, li TLoitthor Sq Sigh of the Rod CotreePot ivhero you tan see the Bluest, Cheapest, sod Beat Mlii COOKING STOVES. -- .Ever offered in Carftolifi has ontand rho latest im proved Paterno, suelme . kho eelobrnted ' • Barley sheaf Cook, ' • • ' Iron. iclos;".' Tram Flower, And' Continofital t .:. • . - Bed Room and Office Stoves of the latest Pattern and best quality. Tho abovo Caok'Stovos aro ali warrint. ad to give entire sathaltetlon. Itoollng, Spouting, neat er work, and all Tin and Sheet Iron worledono In the neatest manner and at abort notice, all kinds of Tin and Bisect Iron ware constantly on band for houso fur. nlshlug, . . -FRUIT CANS and JARS. Two of the tied evor offered to tho nubile. - Fridley and Cornman's Sol (-Sealing and Self Tooting Cans and Jars lino, Fisher's Patent, the abovo Cans and Jars can• not ho surpassed in any market, FURNACES.. The be brick, Putt, and Portable Furnaces over of• fared to the public, for sale by 'Wm. Fridley, • Most _Lauther Pt., Carlisle.. Call and - sea them.in utio at Dr. Diddles, 1\ Conlyn'a "and O. Flaming's, Main St., Carlisle. ,Thatilifid for the Liberal Patroungolereafore -ex_ tended ho hopes by • said attention - to Modulus and desire to pleaso all tanaerit a continnanco of the same. March 23,1806-4 y. O.'N. LULL, Sup't CALL 628 subscriber havin.seoured .'.•• N. ~ D orofici Saw Mill, on Mountain Crook, posses. =alien October let, will now voodoo orders throtigh hidligont, Mr. Simeon Flelcjnit Mount holly fipringei for all kinds of Lumbar to bo got out Ms seam as can bo after the let of October. ' Slaving a large tract of. Timber lend; I am dosirotio to supply the domande of Aim country—it le contem plated Flitting on a Portable /Roam San 31'11 tho more -- readily to ineot - pnblio wants. hope to bo able to natiely.all who givo coo thelf.Fationago3hat Oil got - tattairgopd - inmber.andOttini ae any, other dealers In the Ang.ll,lBolll—tf. COAL AND LUMBER. • 1.6.1,7r1z ur Frail. With TTAVING as• C. CTIV r i 1.11; rdn d 8 1" in' r ' s too d tho of Delaney nod Blair, whoro wo will keep the hest and_ CLEANEST COAL. • thn h[nrlcot, aild • perfectly dry. itopt 'under cover. -- do well - to .try unl — lin we aro' &dill.; mined to sellcleaner, coal. nod at as low prices an Any other yard in the . town.. Fry us and ho convinced. Wo have also on hand AIL KINDS OF -• usually kept In a first Class Lumber yard which We will Roll as low, or lower , than the lowest • 12, istlg. •• • • DPLANC77 fi ,illllold. - op .. A..33.•-gwiNG, ,f, t!, , .,ii,i,1, Cabinei Makzr ancltfp. Al ALA . clorta er, l:-' - 1' r , ~,, west Main St. ;4,.45i '__-..11,--- 1 ~ ---, -7- 4 _,,-,.. -tert-- - - 1- . . -- ,--1 . ,,r-'7" - i-:-,F ...MT1* , 40, - ,.7„.. r!,,rp . itli-qi , ,iu , A'iot.r.ivg ; ~, ; ,;.--,atirr.:, ,, ,-.....„...,e.,..,.:4,..1 - ; l i ~,,.;.., r.!;- , tri i i,:-L„ 1 „,4 4 .-4---,- i -„,e,,,-;:otay-,... . - 4 1 . 111 ,-,-.. ,: , t:4,4-,.„1_,--,„4,..1;:,-__:,,,.,_„.._ ,i,„, OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREHOUSE [Frendum far Best Furniture awarde, at all County Fairs since 1857.] Furniture of all varieties and Styles of Foreign and Domestic manufacture, from the finest rosewood and Mahogany to the -lowest priced maple and pine. Parlor, - chamber, Dining-room, -FURNITURE), - Kitchen and - Omen_ Embracing gory articluusod by_ Rouse and liotal_ koopors,.of the most approvmeand fashionable . design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In sotto, reception and Camp ()Lairs, Mattrasses, Gilt frames, pictures, ttc.,"&c. ta.Particular attention given as usual to funorals; orders from town and country, attonded to promptly and on Moderate terms. March 21,1864 FIRE INSURANCE. HE. Allen and Easfpenn - sboro' Mu, tual Fire - Insuradco 'Company of , Cumberland entity, Incorporated by an act of Assembly, In the 1893, and having recently hail its charter extend 'ed to the year 1883, is now In active and rigorous by .eration, under thUsuperliatilndence - tictlie following hoard of Managers, viz : William R. tiorgas, Christi:Al StaymanrJacob Eberly D. Bally; Alex. Catheatt,'J. TI. Novel., John Eicheiber gor, Joseph Wickersham, Saml. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Convor, and.). 0. Dunlap. ' Tho rates of insurance aro as low -and fiii.orablo as any Company of the kind in tho Stato.' Porsonß wish ing to - becomo members aro invited to make apPlica- Mon to tho egents of alio Company, who aro willing to Wait upon lhom at any time. OFFICERS OF TIM COMPANY,__. Will. It. GORCIAS, President . , Rborly's Mlle. Cum. berloull county._ ALRX.. CATUO4RT, Vice President• Mechanicsburg, Cuntborland county. .101 IN C. DIINLAV, Sooty. Mechanicsburg, Cumber land county. A DANIEL BAILEY, Treasurer, Dhllsburg, York Co. MANAGERS. ' it Gorgas, dies. Cathcart, J. 0, Dunlap, Daniel Bailey, Christen Stayman, Jacob IL Coovor. 30- sort. tuTorallnlll, , zslenonorgdr, Moses Ilrlekk r, Ja cob Coovor, Jacob Eborly, James Anderson, John D. Coover. Enom Cumberland county.—John Sherrick, Allen; Henry Zoning, Shiremanstown; La Fayettee Pallor, DIAN son ; Ilonry Bowman, Churchtown; Mode Orifllth, South Middleton; Samuel Graham, West Ponnsbor. ough; Samuel Coover, Mechanicsburg; J. W. Cock ] in, Shopherdstown; J. Saxton, Silversring ; John Byer, Carlisle ; Valentino Yeoman, New Cumberland; Wm. 11. ,Woodburn, Nowville. . . York county.—James Griffith,Warrington; J. F. Deardorff, Dillsburg; Don't Ruter, Pairview ; John Williams, Carroll; Adam Stevens, Goldsborri; J. S. Diordorfl, Mulberry I'. 0. Dauphin county:—.Jaeob llousor, Harrisburg. LYNCH-&—F-00T-Br Plumbers & Gas Piit43rs rime subscribers inform the public tba they still esitinusTilie...- GAS FITTING AND PLtMBINQ busloos at the Ord Stand in'the basement of the Firs , Methodist Church! .They.tvill attend nrompttir to al buaims.,lp, thelraue I — Load andtkiirl'ltalinllydrarak-Ifot and c01d,.,, • SHOWER" BATES, Wator Closets, Force and Litt pampa, Wro't Wolded Tubes, Iron Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash Ba sins, 11YdrauLe llama, &b., and ovary description o. cocks and fittings for gas, - steam, - lac. -Superior cooking ranges, heaters and gas fixtures .put up in churches, stores and dot filings, at short notico, in tho most modern - itylin — Ail materials and work In our line at low rates and warran'ad. CS_Country nark and jahlillg D•4mptly attended to • July 1,1864. - DW ARE STORE. r§lllE. old . Hardware stand of Lewis F. azg.l . l r n o t , n o o t t l e le tr b an nzl c ag g y a lL7‘4ll . l n or , -dor tho.i)tanu'llild otvid of • MILLER & BOWERS. • . - Tho - new , firm hntejust roturood from tho city and aro now propnrod to furnish to a) public nttho lodiest pricee, oil kinda of - ' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC . Ilardwai.o, Coach Triming, Pointe, Oils, ' - GLASS, VARNISH, „ &e. Adock into thelratora wllteorivinee All That they have enough of goodit to fully supply the demand in this market. Persons wanting goods In our lion will find It to their advantage to give non call. All orders personally and promptly attendedtn. ,• • 1 July 7, 1865. • _ PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD will do more and butter work at a glven..Coat . than any other I Try It 1 IllanufneturadMddrby' ' . ZIEG .ER & SMITH. Wholesale Drug, Paint & Class Dealors, No. 1:17 North Third Street, Philadla., Jan. 22, 1866-Iy. - _ Presents, foraWat-Haverstick's: A - 1 - KITING - Papier, . Maohio, v Itosoivooil & Walnut: , Doc. 15, 1865. nmautsmcm.,- Always (hi, Hand A - Large and varied kook of firooories Quoouswnro, ' • CANNED FRUITS, Sauces, Fish, &c. arc ,ivltich I am soillogaCtbe vary lowest Casts Prices. - • Thou, Indebted to the anbecriber, and particularly those In 'arrears for nlength of Nino will come forward find prOtoptly pay up, as longer delay will not bo sub mitted to. Nov. 8, 18135. • „ WM. BATZ. Bryans Pulmonio Wafers, 41T RALSTON'S Dac.11,1803. , . ~._ .. . 0" good Photograph is worth a dos es poor Onog. Who wlll-glyo n poi:W.l4am° to a Mend 1 . AILPHOTOORAII.I2 made at , , ... LOPOIIM ' ANT. ROP.MS, - .. aro warranted tngivo aatlafactiou or tboy_will be re. taken. - - Oat. 20, 1800. - - '„' . , spipgs, Tobacco, (smoking and °Low ing) and Bogus, tit Ilavoratlok's Drug and Boots Coro. • 3r_Joiaikixiacnr.. Firid 4 tsso,rtinont Qt . _QtlO,7; .. of . v g ,:r:mti,. Tfroitil an . 4, 7o ilerlkn.lices.—ra. ' iliii 3s4, /UP: * .New Grogery Store 1 - • • CHANGE- OF , FIRMI -- -- rrHE'litideisigned hereby-annotinceato _ hie otd patrons and customers, tlfatheliaa _posed of his ontiro stock of Goods with the good will of the establishment to Meisrs:Peffer whom ho recommends to: the cltitons or Outaborianti County, as active, energetic and reliable bushier.. men, Who will eparo no pains to maintain and improve the character of the old `stand as a first class FANCILY GROCERY. .• With many thanks for the patronage hO has received ho'beepenks for the neivAlrm a-continuance of the same ' ' JOiTN LITER. PEFFERA WASIIMOOD will In a fow days rdcolvo the largest and best assorted stock of GRQPERIES f CHINA WARE, `QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE; • WILLOW WARE, Sze • over brought to this place, and Constantly. rap' 'on hand the choicest Groceries the Eastern Markets afford. A full assortment of Lamps nod Ott on hand. Call and one us at the old stand, 'South East corner of Market Square January 6,1868—`1y _N - ew_ Watch,_ Clock, AND JEWELRY STORE. UEYSINUER, respectfully an nounces to - tho citizens of Carlisle and ties surrounding country, that be has Opened an. entire now stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., consisting in part Of Gold and Silver,American, English and Swiss Watches, Ladles GolWatchos and chains, Fine Jewelry in sots, Finger and Ear ninge, Sleeve Buttons, &c., Gold Pens of Morton's colobrared manufacture at his published rates, Silver and Plated Ward; Castors, Fruit Baskets, Forks,.Spoons, Sc.; Clocks in every varie ty and of all prices. Spoctnclea In Gold,Bllrer, Stool arid Plated Franlos, to sett alleges. Accra...loons, Violins and Violin Strings,..tc. To which he Invites the 'at. tention of ties people, Loping to receive a liberatkhare of patronage. lt,bn:l - 113 Lest Main St.,, near pa:g.tim's Hardware . . . . . • All hinds Of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Areordeonfl, Ac., neatly and. substantially repaired and warranted. Work done - promptly. . • May 4, 180.. Cumberland Valley Rail liiiad Com- , FREIGUT DEPOT, CXRI,IBI,II. -- FHE Cumberland Valley, Pennaylin. ein and Northern Contra Rail„Road. Companies Lave made an nrrangoments to.do n— • Joint Fre'ght and Forivai•ding Business botwee..tho Cities of Philadelphia, Baltimore and New York. The Cumberland, Valley Rall Road Company will open their Freight Depot at Carlisle on the 10 - -January 1566 ferthe - receipt and shipment of allgooda , - entrusted to them. Phlght to be forwarded by this arrangement tenet bo lotto nt.Ponneylvanla Ilan 'Dead Company Depot corner of 16th and alarket St., Philadelphia. North ern Central Rail Bond Company's Depot Baltimore and Cumberland Valley Rail Dead Company's Depot at Carlisle. ' The public will find. It to there Interest to ship thiough the hull hood Company's Freight Ilouses anti' by,Company Cars. J. & D. Ruml8 2 _ Freight AVIA Carßelo Dec;-.2.2;1865. FORWARDING AND I • MISSION HOUSE • FLOUR & FEED, - COAL, PLASTER SI SALT. =ME! BEEVEM &BROTHERS having purchased of Snyder & Newcomer-their enten s vo Warehouse, (Ilendorson'a old stimdo head of High street, beg lcsvo to inform thoymbile that they will continue the Forwarding and Commission business on a more entensivo mule than heretofore.' The highest market priro will bo paid for Flour Ortdn and'Producoof ell kinds. Flour and Feed, Mater Salt and nay, kept con , stantly on hand al:1cl for solo. _ — Coal 51111 kind., embracing . LYKENS VALLEY, • LOCUST_MOUNTAIN,-• - LAWBEERY, &e., Llineburners' and .11.1acksmiths'_Coal, constantly for sale, Kept under cover, and delit'ered dry to any part ,of the town. - Also, all kinds of LUMBER constantly, on hand. - . A Daily Freight Line, will leavo their SVare'house ovory morning at 7 o'clock arrive at Marrlsburg.at 11. o'clock, land 'at Howard di Blechman's WarchouEe,Nos.BoB and 810 Market area Philadelphia, at 8 o'clock in the evening of qamo day J. BEFTBM & BROS. Nov. 10, 1505 BOOTS AINT_ILSHOES; ' - A T the store of - John Irvine, on ,th - i-Jov. E. corner of the pnblic square, is the place to purchase Bootn Shims tints and Caps, at prices that defy competition, ito has just returned from the East with the largest. and most complete assortment of Boots, Shoes, Bats & Caps that ho has ever presented to this community, and which ho is determined to-sell at the lowest pon e slide prices. Ms stock ..embraces everything in his line of business, Steal as - MEN'S Sr, BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, • Kip Boots; Calf and Patent Leather o . xford Ties, Cali and patent Leather Gaiters, Calf Nullifiers, Calf 'dud 'Kip Brogans, Slippers, he. , • LADIES' WEAR, Flue French and Engll6ll Lasting Gaiters, Morocco Cali 'and Kid Boots, Fins Kid Slippers, Fancy Slippers, Nor rocco, and Kid lluskins, ---31/8.-E SAND - CITILDREIVS — WEAR—of-allrdescrip-- : lions mnbracing tine Lasting Gaiters,_ Morroceo-and-- : ,Lasting Button Doak, Morroceu Lace boots of all kinds fancy shoes of various styles slipperit, HATS S CAPS, Silk, Cassimere, Fur and Wool lists of all qualities and styles, also a large assortment of STRAW - H - ATS. • .. I hoots and Shoes made Co ordeFat the_ abortest none° l it cp alrlo g.PliClMPMY_Adafident_othla_fddlltdLtP. __ _ — flosso all alas:es of eustomers,ha_r_esnectfuldtz_ _ 000 tam 11 call. — • - t` Romembar the place, N . E. corner of tbo Pub Square. July 1, 113D1 ---,- - WOW ISMC:I O I . 4e.. THE subscriber hereby informs his old I_ enamors and the public generally, that ho has • --- . REMOVED his Family Grocers. FROM Pitt Street TO the corner of Pomfret and Pitt Streets, in the building known as CART'S CORNER, which has just been thoroughly repaired and refitted expressly for his business. My stock •ensiste—oba, lirst•class essortinetif of . • - Willow,- Wooden and - Queenewaro, comprising ovary .thing In my lino of trade. I am In constant communication with the eastern cities, and Will Lo In dally.recelpt of the NEWEST and PREM. En GROCERIES the foreign markets afford. Don't forget tho.placec—Cart's Old Corner Carlisle, M JORN P. STEEL. at ch 30,1860. HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, &o AT HENRY SAXTON'S OLD AND CHEAP HARDWARE STORE, EAST MAIN STREET, NEXT DOOR TO THE CORMAN HOUSE,' - r,lfave just returnedfrom the East with the largest and best selection of HARDWARE over offered in old Cumberland, and am ablo to soli the following articles alittle lower than elsewhore the county. All orders attended to personally and with our usual promptness. Goods delivered to all parts of tho town sore or mynas. Ilammoied, Rollod and EnAleh Reflood Iron, Mrs.:Shoe Iron, Russia Shoot Iron,-Burden's Horse and Mule Shoos,-Norway - Nail Rods, Sanderson's Cast Men! English and Aroerl,i.- - can - Blister - Steo l o3 l eigh'Sole - Stonl, -- Spalltool, Car. rings Si:Hinge, Carriage Axles, Ao. The largest assort moat of OARRLAGEI& WAGON FIXTURES SPOKES, HUBS, sows,c••• "Plait and Finished Shafts, Weigh. Run nem, tf..e. • • -. • . SOO BARRELS. Resendale, Scotland and Ilanthck Cement, all wa ranted froth. Dougina' and Cowing'o ' „ • IRON AND CHAIN PUMPS:: r. • - powDER,.--k full stock ofbupont's Rock, ninth Duck.. Powder,• Safety Ruse, Dicke, Mattocks, Did Crow-bars, Sledges, de. • . •'1,60 . 0 KEGS NAILS, • which . we will tall Country , inOrchanta supplle:.— - at, inanufitotuferepiide:s. - • PAINTS: 2Q Tons of the following brands of 'Whit - , Lead and Zino c• Wotherill'e, • Zrench Zinc, , • • •• Liberty, . • - American go., ; Thick, •botored.do,. • Crystal, ' Snow White do., MILUSIOD; 'Froroneo do. and (dorm descriptfon, and Irroll in can and tubes, also; Sold Leac - brolfelz and Oermiii Lea Arouse, Ac. •- ' ' ' • ARILS and VARNISIIES' • .-„ Line ood 011, . Tdrpinitlne,' . Sperm do., . • Coach Tindal; do., 'Fish dO., - Heirniture do. Lard do:, , White Dorrier:do., Lubrlo do., .• Japrui dO4 • -; Matti - Foot do., & -.—Abiorrat„va_rAtti.m.;wittini : I:7bnit, Ahura., C01fe1....e .- , - Irorrinbroridez4,..a....sd,,,te, , 11.ENRY If a. nociElis 50pt,14,1800 4-4 1320,11.11,8 c.L r.17.6.b0bct;: , . - PEPPER & WABIIIMOD o.:. LIILL. HET =I GROCERIES. yot offered, such as FELLOES ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers