Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 29, 1865, Image 2

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'-s Na„ l -,4_ ,
FRIDAY, VEPrEoeEUER 29, 1%6:-
S. M. PET•IVENGIL.I. at utp.,
IVO. 37 Park ROW, New Yuck, and I
St. ilosion. :Aro our .titento for th.. lIrnAL
Clu 1110 H 4, ink. and aro auth. , rizeul to rake. Advertise
,ut.n and 4uleperiptions for no at nur Irme•t roteo
sußvEvott w , ',NERAL:
cAmool A COUNTY.
County Ticket
C 1. T. IL Is: A FM AN. South Mid
Distriet t/oriiry
C. I'. 11(; NI1(1(21I. ratrilde.
7 .r lei
JOSEPH RITN ER. Miq•hanit•=borg
Direee,•, ! i
ANI 11. ALLEN. S,tithanipton
A Id f I
JOHN sT Roc K , "f
C roan
Th.('“unty Exoctitivp(%.tutlitt h.v. through
its Chairman. Ntlll,•linev , tho
grnmnie Invo.tiNg,l, , r ~•ni»paign
is ul nu= NVe vilinla init. 11.1(.11(1. In 1 )
alive t‘)LIH. iwpw . tatics , 4)f i o ar.ri ni. lint
=hart }
us etni.l‘ , y it that cry v4)te may be
hr nr it , Sit. 4,11 olrl ti n dny. Neill
be held at
ur!1„11(11triri!) ' ;lP. ( )e . l,,her 2el
Tormlm, .•
I!'c.ll'nrrriru • , Irei//11 :4,1 I) • • • • 411,
t'r,•ll .• 31/
• • 11
,‘‘,/ ,, ille ' rp • • " 7
•• " 9
By ~n.lcv
A. 911 El', .1.
Wt• tiltit• 1)r..11.rN
Shiplit'll,llllN imm
011 , 1 I.llliot .11 tlm int,l
of thy conf.o.t.nee nt BI 1 , i , “.1)01 t2-lerd:l,‘
In , 11.11110 11!. , 11 1111 Ili
I , lll' I I u ll 111 . I- (Mc
our ken'
~I ll,ll,lrter ,Inini.,ll,o r
Litrroin and ! J - .11141,)11,.11 141'11.1,1111M 11-i
(,jun•mioil ;0,1 r, hot itionl.ll;- ‘e.ll odd
5tr, , i1;, , ,11, 1,, ~,.r I Ht ut 11,•1.,,,T
The Doctrine
.0- ❑ I.
Which i-
!Ind Hid,
re:2,T , •t it in lb.' WI
i 1
hut w,-11,t11 lois,.
htti,l2, it h, hot, unu i n l.r It ‘‘,,u1,1 I
ofl •
.1t)l• 01.1 It% un , l tl •%(,
11011 1 ,, 111 Q ,tll-1• 4.1 . II , •I'l\ w.•Il
1i.!1, , c1 111.11 .1 11r. Sh.von-. and tin
gre•tl,4 e•);11 , •1 iii ni w • I. •rzt. , ,w .11 Hi
speech i, to 't\ that w,prtliN
Of IL, di , llii,u,>h , •,l 11111',1% )11% 1,1.V1
I tlll,l, kvitl
104 , 11'1 t Ill' t'• , ; , I;1111 ,
I6P• Crin 1;,11, will , :•1
t ad- that ~\\ Act-
RS theui is un I i itto•rt,tir,, ()C
dl1:111.4 1.11" w.rr, th.
bitvu bVI ii, ile a ' , Tana('
and in
d n for t nation. and in. , in , ty e,,n-e
-quently in ll' a
pie. Mr.
iew ut (110 0,111',0 Hur,tit•(l by m' Gov
orn.n .lit in 'blockading. their ports . ; iu
holding nt prisoner, of war the loured
crews of Lit it privateer, in-teini of exeenting
them 111 pirates and in treating tint rintrau
dors who 1 int , ad , d the North, ztlid lturiit our
towns and d.tva-tale' our IL Id , it., 1.111b•rs,
instead of outlaw,. lin cont,mds that it is
now the right and duty or th,. (:,.vernmimt.
to use the advantages miertiing to the eon
(' , eroi• in order to settle the manifold .I,lli
culties growing init of our pregent condition
of public affairs. lie argues for the comas
cation of the property of all belligerent
eh. whose estatesi-exceed in value the sum of
ten thousand dollars, and he show,: conelu
sively that this would at once wipe out
at least three-fourths of our present enoi
m•ius public rdebt. lle contend, further,
that this course and this•Mone, will forever
eo ;troy that haughty and defiant aristocracy
of the Southern States, which have made their
U iv, rnments despotisms instead of Derma,-
raeies, and effectually prevent the recur
rence of a rebellion which is inevitable if
power over comes back to thee vanquished
traitors ; that by this means alone will slit
very be entirely and legally obliterated fiom
th • country, and as a eonstiqu.inee of 1.),,th
that the South w.ll attain a d• gree of pros
p r:ty and wealth heretofore unknown.
We are free to say that we have. long
.garded_Mr...Stevens'-theory .only. ~ n o
upon which our GoverninNit, could act safely
and consistently either in the actual suppres
sion of the Rebellion or in. the settlement of
the questions consequent on its tor ruination.
It of course received the violent denuneht•
tions o, the Democratic PreSs as would any
other measure that w s calculated to do ma
terial tinuntie to the rebels. The Adminis
tration opposed the idea directly at first and'
oven more lately only gave a very qualified
,adherence tq the doctrine, If, however we
view the entire conduct of the Government
toward the rebellion we must. be- convinced
that it was substantially the principle upon
it based its actions. The' cantered belliger
ents of the rebellious States, were.treated ‘ as
prisoners of war, no matter whether th y
were talc , n in tiny, of the gigantic battles of
•the war, or on the cowardly raids of Morgan,
Stuart rind Afreaushind.. The
toyed uri Vetoers Were•also entitled t<i sivailitr
immunities instead of being hanged asp rates
• The exchango, , or prisoners Was„ conducted
with the sarde, r forli aiities and upon the same
pri ciplcS - 7that would halo- Won -observed
hatinereontlictbeen with England or Franco.'
This 410 ilene instiince, desire iorixid : _
unind 'Of .the.rebolai iesinted t 0;
•etaliation wheneve'r we insisted upon any
, ther course of pri;cedure. If they claimed
mil received fgom the (;overnment all the
,enetits arising from that position during the
time they defied the Nation's authority, by
.what right do they or their friends claim
that they shall be exempt from the eonse
•uev whi, h their own treason has brought
home to them ?
luu itrwiiii.•tit figainqt tlris policy during
he vontin 1.111(!t! Of the war was that it wit,
•itleulated to exasperate the Itidads and pro
.1 , 114 lan tieci, , :trily tlle duration nF the 'eon-
Let. To ailvaite,. thi, now world he liitilis
2.rtoutly absurd. The eolitif,t is ended not by
,-,..rot:lffutiorl, bin by conquest. The mbelliiin
its been ()veil flu,t, by co ne e . fs i o ns an d
•ntreaties, hut by hard blows a n d fierce bat t
Cho time when mild ittea , ttres could prevent
flifialslitql is put in tact had pas•ed when
lie fir,-t gun was tired on Sumter. It re
nnin. now to ptir,tie the c ourse th a t
intl a jii , l regard for tee interest: of the en.
UnIPSS wit treat the
robel•; as it etuilittered enemy - , whilst., proerty.
:an he' ; who.e law, have Reel'
throgated by their own treason ; wino.
iestitution- has 1)0011 aw2ty — r,3'
rob Ilion which they inaugurated of thuir
, ‘,ll fret! gill. then our entire conte,t ha ,
iterely substantial
.111, been gained b) the friend,: of freedom or
dm... who supported nor in-tittition: in their
flour of trial. Is shivery to be restored to
.1, former ffliflitiffn Every one w ho tGinh•
th.• t4iir years, ite.dinetively
tt tlw very ,tl._;:ge,tion. .4y,•t, it . the rele
111!Vel . 110( 1 1 (lilt Of the I T Ilit,1).
A . 1 . 11t hglll. have we to illsiet that they s 4111
li ardSlavery in firder,Lhat their ri12,111 , may
e restored them. Do we ‘N i-li Gr ~'r tit" load
•r, of the lute rebellion —th•iferals of th
onfederate army. and member: of the Con
.eflerate Cotigre-f , find (:itliinet take their
,t!ttri , t, in sir Nit.tienal Legklatiire, a nd en
law: for men \rho , altl o r t,.,l
the Gocrr•n
'tl•nt Nvltilt , they were I:W..1'111g
? Could f4refiter indignity
t , . the local North, which fur
liter lon, s call , 11;14 lit , ‘ , ll,ll',liiied itl' hor t
tiro and her lieeati , e of the treason of
t1i,•,, , ! Ilut him shall it lit , provi'l ted !
If tlw lifivt , their former ,tn
Ulm!, 111 , lit, ri• t .
lout run 111,•ir, !e1t , c1,,t , ,
1110,1 -1 0 to 111 , ' National
l'onf4re,e? A great porty I,t • the Not th ea
,ty awa it, a n Opportunity to hand over
Ile fleqinifs of the nation to men who are
a- thoroughly and inten , ely is they
\nor: , whin tlicy took Hit 211.11, , t h 2,
1;o\ t , rtittwitt. Shall thi. be done? I , 1.111 . 1 . 1 1
11o1111j1114 to preVellt, till , gll l ,ll. 111j111 . .\ to the
loyal men of die 11111 . 1.: 111 , 12,1:1110
from flit- t1,1111.1.1' to our nation. more
Wilde than sscn frea.on iI ill ~nn•ls not,
heir "i' t- allowed t"ltrr
:1!_!:;$11,1 I ernmeat re-uttie, ofwf ht r
relation_ upon being conquered.
The it n 1 , . I...determined
t•111111` , 1 111 , 111 1 .-1 !none mow. in 1111'ir 1 . 11111 . 110-
Th„ 1 , 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 t 111, 1 , 1,141 . is. 111 , 1
ourttlutont ft-ort, the •nirun
ot . the Negro. \lank will
\ pfe... , la I' ire the 1 1 111-.1 shin it ~,i
tall , 1111 . . 1 11. 1111' stint.. race are et.
I the p iwe whip It the \ alor - our
di. .ha. ..on tin fed lie .hall it
n; tali Le tdic , il liy rni=inig to ra , w , r and
silo it !! 7411.111
-12, , 2 Iti, h 1121-, I. ~t t t• 11, t•,11.11, Its
\v2ti., r..i is ~1 again to , ff , efffl if: blightiw2.-
,‘,l of ni
N hi.'
I , 1. , 111 , ir !4...1,,.1.1 . ‘ 11111 H: 1114.
'tit It tittk\ tt Tit
flit.:: 11...1 I in .r.•
,n 1.400' Th. I) 11111 . \ ~ 1.111
it,,11.•11 tol “.16,11
\III loirL4 ..•.1111try
ct , n ill- :111 kv,.111,1
1 1 • nrit)111k•I• \I.;111,11 ;L
:uII the
tin t , f ,tithii-11111 1 `la 111 I.•
\\ wll , .
it th ,
11 , \\ tio•y
f n un 1 , 1• co of the Dem..croti
C 4.11 V 1 111 . 1“11 ,c.lll,
lilt Cho-Arno wolll.l re•
11,•\ .s 1 fartli,.;• trolable in the
isilff,tl soml as tilt. S , •11 . 11 , 11,11
NVe w ro (11,11 , 11t , 1110 , 1 in re
~,rd lino` I, t Iho result is till:Illy ill-I
\VIIItt Wl' r.prot,l,l. 'knot. alino-t
Ipallotilbe , the
-day 11l t roirniiiatod 1.1.111.
(;ho , tlt Yiwl; us the cml.lidnte to he , op .
I,ortt•tl by the unterritiod in this Sonatoria.
l)i,triet. We t,n't proton(' at all to 1:11 , 1w
Lye what ,ti)i)ftre,4t pr,wes , this roAllt
rcitchrd nor is it 14 . 111, slioit. , ,t
I,,•hatever. \\ bother Chesmit's e , lllreroo , I
/I 1\ i I
wnnr wvitry Nparontly innl
luting; and nt 1:11 ett , t their vote: 1,, r (;; ; o z
nr whether (110 , l1111t, 6eoamc ctun ire rl (hill
hi s d u ty to the ettuntry 1111 , 1 party, rogltirt , (l
his Sacrifice, and withdrew his slime, i nly
known to the ‘venrit.(l(•ollr•reWho tt r e lim y
reetirrating themselve, uttrt the weary
work of the la , t mnth. 'l'ht! I'rr•quent Invet
ings and 111,1)111(mtl! , de-Twine conflicts be
tween the friends of the re.mective candi
dates were of course necessary to concilime
ththie who were simple enough to believe tlut:
the men who arr•range all the political slates
for the District, ever intended that Chestnut
should receive the nomination. The Col.
has been one of the hardest working
` pnliti
chins in the county• and as such was always
regarded by the managers with the greatest
respect. Hut when he appears as candi
date for olliee the east, is bravely altered.—
He has not the influences within his coin
mend that would render him of much 'ac
count in securing future nominations to as•
piring demagogues, and consequently his in
trinsic value its a member of the ring is very
much lower then that of the gentlemen who
hold- in-their- hen , -s-the-vt- te and-influence of
a county so hugely and certainly democratic
as Yantis There is but one clique- in Cum
berland that is at all powerful enough to
contend against the politicians of our sister
county. and that one has never been known
to prefer the interests of any outsider to
those of its own members. York .C 91130 to
the Conference prepared to demand the nom
ination of Glats, and too well she knew her
b:•hests would not be disregarded. Gentleman
fume, and rage timiswear, but all that wasn't
of the slightest consequence us everybody,
Chestnut excepted, well new even, before
the Conferees met. ' Future prospects, must
it be spoiled even to alleviate the heartburn
ingS of the disappointed candidate from
'Cumberland, as to saw his last earthly Lope
of political prefermentl"vanish. ,
-)ye sympathize heartily with Chestnut,
_this _matte r r -us-we -wou with - itiay - Mir!
Who 'had received si ilar treatment; and 'we
hope ho will heneafortli see the utter . folly
of mingling with the ;managing Miliciuna
of hip party. 'lle deserres more than' aay
them, is the SUporier of most of them in .
every particular that would :entitle, him to
rut butorlion Ito tltt9mptstu:secure u
nomination that. ill 10/Eig .111Lavitu,c6 deter
mined against him, he essays a hopeless task.
The D.,mocratic party is the only organiza
tion in this cOuntry, that we know of in
which the people don't rule, and thi: l / 2 fact we
think the (Jul. fully understands by this"
time. Nominations are first made by the
r ng-masters ; conventions are thenmani•
pulated so as to ratify them and the dear: ,
people are finally drilled into their support..
rho truth of this the last senatorial contest
fully attests. Bruton is ltdroitly beat n in
Convention because has some show of
getting the fork county support, and the
mania dill] t- given to Che-nut who very
certainly eauCt get it; consequently the York
men tire relieved from any previous obliga
tions and they gobble up the S.!nator us they
previously did the Congressman. This wsC
at most beautiful little arrangement and the
manner in which it w,ts accomplished,
infinite credit to the thimble rig4ers of the
party. Who did it and why it was alone,
rill Dr(dtably be apparent next year WllOll
C• , 11grt , SIII:111 i 10 be n minuted.
But, we repeat, it i: the nuked truth. IThr
ing the whole ol Mr. Lincoln's term in utilee.
hum \ proserihed because of their
eal I.ilititry 111111 and civilian:
%Vone alike discarded, and 110 illun could ex
peel an hour . work from the (;,,verninent.
‘vlio did nio first swear allegiance to the
Illael:•.\bulttion faith. Never in the history
of tuition: did a rut,•r require err ile
submissien to his do~tnas than did 11r. LiN
cul,N require ofthose in the eniploy of the
over he' presided. Not -
‘vithstan lint; our country ‘vii: emzitx;ed us it
fearful intestine rebellion, which -required
the elier:u. the and
ow whole North to mit (low n, the
' , tuition never appenn•lt to rise a ds, ‘ , th •
jiLroilv 11r pot ty,gra:pin;_c, sordid polit ici a it,.
Nvill 1)1 , thy th•oth „r you.
one .c th,,• du y,. ihutry in .TI :Ind el .
WerV 111110• mli<rmuml I.:11111 m Man 1111)111
i•XII , C1:11) hour', work from the (;ov er n i n k • h t
10 . 10 .101 not lir-I -w1•11r :tHeLtilloe.o to tile
IS That will
(;,.4.1.7• , v h., ‘1:1-''
alai paid a , aJt j ,, • irom Nhly. 'l.
I' l N''‘ - '111 11, 1% 1 ,4 1 1. 111 wa, in :in.
1 ' 1 " " 1 "1' 1 "\ l(- a- the ic;«vartintatit.
and tilt a-aalat (.1 the lb.hels after
heir ...,•erthro.a . When hi,
itr,,criptiva AdiiiiiCattrrti.(ll (lid actually
l'«re , hnn t« li VII nn the nib...T.lloa iiittaiwe
of ?ti WO a year,
.j-11.1. 110 , (11t .1 - hi, 1).
itn.eracy. •1 , .. n l'orter, Mel),ttvrll. llal
leek. l'ath'e-, , 11. \I
Clem:nal, :Ind nth
halt a cohunit, wore iii
-1..1 by the Adiniiii-tritti..ti t. , the extent of
t , . \year 1.11. n tif,rut dra tc
the pay of 11,•1111 ,, I 'WS Were
D• . 111..1 rat.. it alaait I/at - Nand
ion, y.. Sian- They
\\ " 111 It
military 1,1...%111.11 2 .1-. \O hl, the
and vat it a t , . ill (iail,a a ‘‘ ti it 1,41 1
the-.. Mete r , 'u - Ved lo . r in«uth
cr«ro Ihi- nh„ii , i , nl „ \ernn,enl 111 , /ril 111 ,, re
than the . i 0v..1 earned in the ,ann• length
timi• 11.siv b. it, ragatil it,
i hitt y•.iir party nom”!
Tette ill
C n 11.11. , of
\Vara thay all (liditi—ad and re
fu-r',l hi work - fr, rrirt
•nt,h...•atbe tin y -it allegiance
I „ Ili,•
It i‘,.111,1 appear that tall the. lii trade
Hint Demo-
in lin 1),•).1•011,•nt- :it R,;-I;
"--:1"11 • r. 1 .1 ill• I Ir , nu ~.,•r; t
111 , •\ & IL\
it I- 11-4•11.-- E.ljt,.r
i the Yee i'1•111 in 4 titat
C , Ti:1111 Uc ilACI":111‘ ti, ni 111 ill, cbillit%
in 8 , 10 111. , re mit th.iti
.11,V at,' MIT. of I Ilti
rirtr//// , ‘,•. diaracter V tic
• n
.t iatp
iiiid it, g,t, off tlik, tng :
Tn.. 1 . .11.“% . .n.4. - • . .•Ll i•xpr f
th,t, ••,i,.1.•-
..fatt , .. - 1":11)I.4 I 1.,ut,l •..1r Ii n•nd.
I 41.1 ,11111
S 111,, 1",‘114!
r 11.1/ •.n d,311' 141.01 V
How, y yit,‘
be tt,pp,imt d.y 1 Ca., 11.1 W
•• What - ea Jr ti. kotea!—Foelt 'l.lll straivial
I ,2it•S "A.'S late
-1 011.11-.-1 1011% tight—
aaarallaus 1,11110-
111.tia uwi braddvr—,•qa.,l banu—
Do M.aNca o tat ago tat at Daral)
De glary ah Ju rimin Jay—
De otialital rue from Aar, a!
stialko. !
It alga am t gaory. toJ 1111. BO
T re arc soini• rt•kv pa, ere in the country
w Cacti odued puld..,bed ent.rely
b ..,•1: 1111.11—verity We niggers. \V Itencver
aay of then' lo conies debas -ti i.noti4ll to
tat such trash there will 42vi•
de ice I.f record that ,uelt neuroei ale tit to
exercise the right or mitfrage, provided they
vote the Donlon:laic ticket
—The latest ad vii es from kingliind state that
great excitenomt and Marin hal been created
by the incraasin4 boklm!s4 of Fenian &min
strations in Irelan I. ' Fur countie-., Cork
Tipperary, Kerry and Limerick, in which
the Order was supposed to be strongest. had
been placed under a species of martial law,
and many arrests had been mad In 0.. e
of these counties alone, it is estiunded that
bete are fifty thousand Fenians. There
were the strongest indications, it is alleged,
- that the fraternity was preparing for ail early
and powerful outbreak. Many of the news
palatriOharg,t that the Order was started in
the United States, and derives its aid and
inspiration thence, the design being to effect
, the independence of Ireland through an em
broilinent of America and England in war,
addle one journal, announces that its head
quarters are in Liverpool. The Fenians are
said to be qiiitu C \ deflan' in the city of Cork,
and aro nightly holding meetings and dril
ling. They have alsoliad demonstrations in
Belfast and Linierick. The Catholic clergy
continue to denon ace them; and urge the peo
ple not to be carried away, by „he 9xeitem eat.
of Governor Kossuth ; the illustrious Hun
garian patriot, died on September 1, at
Lurid, of the illness of which she had been
suffering,' for years. Madame Ko'suth, at
the time of her death, was fici years old. Her
remains aro to be conveyed to•Genua for in
torment by the side of her only daughter who .
died a few years ago. Kossuth has 44tiring
the lest few' rettre lust several of his'nearest
rein ions, and thin death of hi; wile !env( s
him nearly alone. Ihe millions of his coon
tqtrietl who still cheriSk.hia.tnenniry-as-of-
_Nut of triendi and : admirers in . Other
eOUntries, will feel the deepest ssuipathy
with hini itythis sad bereavement.'
,entiro .revonuo receipt from in
ternal tuxes, from thu tirstrdpy of lust. July
up .to toe 180 mama, amounted to
-472. 2. THIS tar '
expectation., lne
reetUpts now ,rungo 40m: one Mo.l tOull to
Lam uud'Llifoolourter milltiisTorday;,
The following table embraces all the de
cidedly democratic Counties in thiS Stale.
In the first column we give the Counties;
in tlie•seen - fta the character of the County
tickets nomi• - nted therein :
_ -
Barks, Only on(7'soldier offered as a canal
date in County Convention, and he was
n Not EL s4)idier on the tivA et
Oar' •n
Cunt berband
I :oh! It) bias
Fa vette,
(, re •tit
L high
N 1 4 ,1110
Nortliti in lwrland
These counties all Cate najorrities for
Met:kill:in, last year, and all are moderately
certain to elect the democratic tickets this
year: yet in all these, where it was possible
tor the democrats to show tl,eir regard for
the solders by giving bhp (dice, not a sin
gie soldier has been nominatel by that party.
It is only it counties where they have n.
power to elect that they- nominate soldier,.
(Th the contrary, in the Itepittiliciiii'celie
ties, a fair share of the nominations ha; been
to the soldiers, end in smite coon
ti s. such ns 11,:ntin.1,don and Smiler-et,
where a rtontination is 0111;11 Li, an Plection
every nomination liitS !Well to .Si ldtrr.
Th,•re is nut it'lean etallity ticket it.
rho Mate that hat not several soldier, ui
it. This is the crucial to.-t ul sincerity :
rho I),anocrats, by rct•u<inu to nominate oil
du r...„ where they ha ir 1 , 14.1.1.
hat e AlloWil that no soldier ' , hall get oak,.
through th •ir instrumentality, where the%
r. n help it.
y"ii ,J 1,4
The Copperhead the Infidel Party o:
Ih2. C,uuta y.
11c have fr•yucnlle heretofore iii isteu
[hot brit thatirdl tendency of inthlern Demo,
rocy, or Copperlt mlistn, wit, to ittlitielit
utt•ll or the Copperhead utgou.-
ttioh, hy their deleuce of stover . ) trill -cm
pottly with treason ❑g itt6t, freedom, hot
.CCilr 1111..111,12 . k CS 011 111 U re urd aS the gre,
:1111.1g1,111 , 1e of CI VllO/. l!1011. All over tilt
t,.,r1•1 I lie Cuilirertle ils Ltif ,I.tvelloldevd ur
rug ,11.1,1 a , the opponehts of the ell
I,r,,gretts moulittul. It note becomes out
Butt to show trout the ret:u tl Hoc Co t -
1„ cheml Icoolcri or: intidcdt; Ittot they tut
tm1,,, , e,1 to lords cr. Iliot they ictlYCCil, I;
their Whet:o copocity, to recogthze the t let
gy ul the State :it het g lit to inittgle the,.
prayers „edit the htitoness of legislotitm.
Tam tollitwing exit - Jul from the
18111. page 12. edoitthmt lb,
11111 t" our ,ttt,ter
Nir I•ONN RV. the 1011;t" , Il_f I'l,olll
re , /, Thi n the 1.1 . 1' rt•itiii•-t•
I) lls \ I t• Ole I per; y lIIC II lit
iiiii.ll • 1,1 lhr S. t• Li , Willi -
In the question, Will
.1 e.“ 11. g 01 th,
KIN -FY tit. svr , F,.
1 tp, Fi4
,:,%. T urr , I
I, .1 rs \1,111,g, , ,111. • i:'•11
h. .`tt•l ,1111 tl 111,1 L,
rtu; 11011 51.5 , 1 1,1C , 1i111U./ lil t h
1 . 11.‘1 Mort , , nn Cnr-tier wen Jinn
ek• ,r in ih, it it, 11 , 1-' ilit.h•rii
1tit..1.11 . )1. r.,,t0 ttl ininteht . ; It \\ 111 lot• -,•t•
butt :1111(1,1:1 I "led riftp
ohn•Tht,ii I ,il' d
turf 4.1%
11. 1\ ALL siE, lust choir!, lilt if Ilte I) C et:c.ptr Comm tit v. ibtr
I'l I I• . 1 tr 1111
I Ire copper head tioiumee of 0/1/ li;n•ic t
—TILE B .Id tlio
11,14 it 1114•1.t,ng in 1.,011(1c.1, I
ri•II; Iv, :it \\
1 - .,.1111 - 1. , 11- \Vert.' 1,at.,•,1 the
that. a. Unit , tl
',11(12 , 1•Ji It, tliv R. I)..lA,lniscrii. tht•
was r.•sponsible for the Itebel debt! This al,
•iird a , .,litoption has be, a e‘atipletely ulia
Seeretary Seward. who in a letter [to 11 i
.plane-. our .Nlinister to England, says ilia
impre , -ion could he noire erron'eous, all.
Una there is no that ny pal t
th.• Confederate debt, Whether pledged L.l . ‘
e.,tton as security, oi otherwise, will ever b.
prod I y the Uit led States. lie requests that
:Mr. Adams should noiSse this fact public.. in
Ela;land, su that the lio.ders of the Confed
erate Loan! may Itilow, once for all, tint
no part of it will , be &stoned by the Gaited
State , . The British Secessionists will thus
have to put down their investments iu C. a
feder.ite bonds as a tutu! lies, and it sery, ri
them right.
TII E SEC N.:D EL) STATES. — . l' he political con
it of the lately seceded :Antes is as till
i lq W,
1 .- „vinia.Congressional and Legislati‘
election, Tti - tir - sday, October 12th.
North Carolina Del gate election ; Sept
21st; Convention meots Oct. 2nd .
South Cdi - otimi—Convention now in ses
sion. The ord Hance of tieceasiun has beet
repealed without,' debate, three delegates vot
ing in the negative. A committee has re
ported in favor of abolishing slavery Nutt'
izing representation, theelvetion of Gover
nor and Presidential electors by the people
and voting viva voce in the Legislature.
The measures will all pass.
Georgia—Delegate election October
Conventon meets October 25th.
Florida —Dplegnte election October 10th
Convention meets October 2.5 th.
Alabama—Convention now in session, It
has repeal,d'ilie ordinance of Secession, but
r efus d, by a vote of 58 to 34, to repudiate
the Rebel debt.
. Mississippi—Election for all State officers
and Members of Congross, Oct. 2nd.
Louisiana—Cont,res,:ional kind Legislative
election Nov. 7th.
Texas—Election not yet ordered.
Arkansas—Congressional an • Legislative
election Oct. 9tli. -
—The Derdocrats. of Lancaster county
have placedeight soldiers on their local tick
et. This generosity of. these bravo fellows
is the more characteristic wher it is known
"that the leaders, whose empty honors they
accept, never received news of any Ea their
victories without regarding Was the defeat
of-thcir-party. -- . •
—.Her mirror may satisfy u. lady mat her
dress is faultless—that all that can faSeiMite
the eye is eombini d in her coStutne—hut y t
site will nut consider herself irresistible tin=
61 - she has itdded the crowning charm to her
uttroetions, by sprhtliling7Phationt‘"Night: :
Uerens!',un her:lueehaudkerehief. :
Auld everywhere.. • • • ... • - •
Character of County Ticket.
Not a soldier on the ticket
.Itl.l unly he mime of Mr. (;LA z
-ig•k•clit S w,•rt• wall.. oil
See to it, that EVERY SOLDIER who is
yet in the service is assessed. Remember
that Sa urday, .S'epleniber'3jth is the last day.
in which an assessment can be made. Set
t/It:RS will do well give some attention,
and see that their . " color oles in arias" are
not neglected. If. the able-bodied stay-at
homes ls i.I not attend to the organizatii n
or the districts and the assessment, let the
soldiers take it in hands, and show thorn
that they can attend to the organiz ition for
the elections as well as the filliting. But by
all means tittend to the us-as moils.
E artranft and Davis
(;morn' Ilartranit, the candblate
fur Auditor (I, maul. received his promotion
for galltint and meritorious conduct, ju the
field. In li,at of l'etersburg, he was aiming
the brit‘est of the heat tint' to tise an old
soldier s expression, "bought 111(1 a tiger."
Col. I)avis, his opponent, mai the smt Idled
I)eitio(•rittic nominee, all the while he wit ,
in the field, continued io edit a t 111.! and Ml
isi ng c..j.lwrlwn(l sheet wllirh adopt_
ecl the Niel:mil:ln Chicago platform as the
rule of its faith, denounced the war its un
constitutional and 11 1111 1111 V, the private sol
diers in the field its a th timriti zed nob and
depraved Lincoln hireling-. and opposed
thou right to Vote ut Our elootions. If ,N 1..-
Ciellan had been elected, CoMnel 1),1‘ 1.
would have been tit tir-a to didaind his reg
iment, at the balding of that functionary,
and return to llis 11,0110. lie bt•;ll . Vl,tl the
war to Ile wrong and uncon,titutional, that
the South could never be oulaltmd, and; that
Itirth r s wa- a ma..!-
ie.:. expenditure of blood and (len.
oral tiartratift thougitt 111111 111..t1 . 6
11CCOrd , I.gly, 1111 d the IV,IIII.
ill. tea. 1 . 1g111... \Vlloll [NV,' d cr, twloce
the in;1,1O fig' their nulrragon, that. 4,1.1.! Is
,urving of their votes, whose prin,d
01C, are sotinuest and can be the itn,a. mu it
tiepe:.dctl upon. G t aNH 1/1111'/Llll . l
•1.11 , 1.1 by the i .oVcritnielit :Old the
crow lint In I+l,l It 111
overy trying e'vergollt•y., it,
eVvre Li I:tin and nulfcrillgn, Mitt 111 Ile
Lriunlpth.; tt lit•rottn ;
tie wore the uniform and drew his
flit onglimit the , A \‘l , r. laved he
NI, 11.411'111g oil tile Nvroll2; not
.1,"11111,t, I 111 . hit , l'h . " l Ug lll 11.-Ithe got
•rnntellt NV1114 . 11 11"Iito1,41 111111 1111)1 Om atlllll 11-
.-1.1111i,11 Wll,l, UtillliorLt\ Ilr \V,I ,
Ihri,ll , ll Ills liltlly ~,1111111, 1,1 a h.w
-lo•i•L 111 tdii• UI till . hi ,
11;111 , '(• -Inte
,i1,1Ci117..•11, \Vtl art. I , ..vai lllnl patrh.iic. wOl
.I.IL tic Hale lit, ( . 11.4,0 w, II I hi,k•
1 . 'l', ,Ic
TII T T)F.IIT. — ( 10V.
nrrtn 119. , 1,4110 , 1 n rrtwloript.if 1111T1.11T1 , -
~ I, l lll‘ 574 - ..811.2i;
1 .. t i- n lino vior rr
i,,rl I }lntl h l= oV"I'
: : rl , lO \•...1r. 11 f
IN it \SII-
n.+ /1 \Own ih^ oxrwri ,,, .1 Ow Font,
v-r, tit - 111 , 1.111v 110:I . (111 th.. 1-t
1 qr,
1,1,1 t ho
l' ,, nry-viv . .11 . ,1 nil I Er; ,, Cto)pultij
.1m..111) , th,•
'l'll lillt : 4.) 9. 1 '70.110 . 1. 1 ) • , I , ll`t
11;, Ih 11 , 1,1111 , \ 6 11,11 , 11" , 1, ”11.1 Nk
N•I. I,g t rl , i‘t th0.‘4+10,...n1y
..)4 . .i3.17 , .) It th•kt rlr v,.nr
v. Ii 1 ,11 nrul tho
' , 11.%x tn!,
Tur. —A loitor frnm
'art- Sewar , l •!fimz hsc hr,n
1 . 1 , 11 , 11111 ' 1e. NV)111•1i 111
rth that t h.. It•
I Till` 1 , ill
1, If, •
;tl.l •101•11 , 11,. \\ll.
f [flirt %•. flint lit , I. , ofrf , f
v thf. r“1”.1 )11.
fifirl, if'
~ , try t.. I.rinL , truitl.•r
,1 Tmtivo I ' rho 1.11.i,1
' , I:W.- %OH 1•, tho
11,1 d hv
c..ctirity f”r !heir tho "
'r lorneN
(;1)v. S11,110:1'1' , 1111.1'1'1A pri vntr ,
-tter frn•n II rtr
0",4 tho
militia malimiztal I,‘• I:,i‘aaamr
T .fmar m lie mit-totaal rMito.l
:two, 1111'1 Wil t.•
A- ` 4 lllll. 1111 , 1 . ill" Silt , 11;ILr. Th's
that Stop.
11 , ty
-till ralfillltnt in
WrillVn 1.-ttOr to VI"
';•A , ( . I. ih It o n .1 . 0.11,116e:A %VII. 11
N•r, not, 1,)
.li.mnrch, but lon hoard 4)f learned jlirislS,
t rociiitt to• sonie Eul'lllll,lll
ity, I.cplcii or Berlin.
Tut , . Indio Poitsihooth, Virginia. ore
n etc toNily rirrill.itin for signature, .t
atidr4sed to his •Q.1....Ce-llrrirY Andrew
Johnson, I'r ,, sident of the I . :lilted tit,,t, s.
llnty i pardon l'elP.l frOIJ)
Collin of .1 t•iff. r.. 1011 D a v is , Pre o ide il i of
the htte.cottleklerory.
Os ['Tidily last, at Little \Miley, in the
Penn 31rania oil region, a boring en ine up g tiVnu. rh,m, the
engineei, sea ding I,llli breaking the arm or
Dr. Leonard, litsßniKilo, blue cantrile•or, and
s erely' scolding five others, one or whum
ltd uttSitturdity night.
THE census returns of 1860 represent. 713
establishments for the mattujacture of liiue
in the United States in that year, with an
invested capital of $2,189,331; pitying l'or
raw Ina'erial. $2,051.5)31; fur labor, $1,113,-
933; employing •11(17 hands, and producing
for the yetis• ending June I, 18(10, $1,726,793.
A Limo frog was found in abe I of hard
blue clay, welly three feel below the sur
lace of the gromal, in Leicestat, ;lass., last
week. The heat of the sun warmed the dormant creature, and he 'hopped away in
the most lively manner.
All discharged Volunteer Officers and Sol
d:ers of Pennsylvania, are requested to as__
semble at the Court House, in Harrisburg,
on Wednesday, October 01, at 12 d'elock
noon, to ratify the neminations of HART
BANFF and CAMPBELL, and form a per
manent organization:
THE Secretary of the Treasury has modi
fied the instructions in relation to shipment
of [imams and ammunition into the States
lately in•rebellion. Sporting guns and am
munition, therefor, ,and powder for milling
purposes-eun be shipped on permits gran .ed
by a collector of customs without reference
to the Departmbnt..
GOVERNOR PERRY, of South Carolina, in
forms Pregident Jo %mon that the Ordinanec
of Seeession'has been repealed, and a corp
mitthe kayo xeported in favor of abolishias
slavery, equalizing representation, the elee
tioti of GOVernor - iind 'Prosiduntial eleetors
by the people, and voting viva. voce in the
Legislature. The tit4asures - wil all pass.
W,Ewr Vtitonits.. furnished to the ar
mies of the United States 81,884 n' en. This,
'howeve. &Ups not include the who were
in the service'of the State, and-who rendered
nutterial servici, to theGovo.nnient, bfpt.6-
totting the ,horder. and.,supyri..rbSing
,the. op..
tr#Lio/m of guerrillas. • ''••
—The weekly meeting of the Nations
Lincoln Monument Association wits held a.
Springfield, Ohio, en the 2.lst, Gov Oglesb y
in the chair. The Treasurer's report sinew.
the gross receipts of the Association, includ
ing interest on 7.3 t bends, to tiff, $53 000, ()-
which 551,1 00 are still in the trensury, tl.e
bale nee halving been e pendent for inciden
teel expenses., A very benietifill and appar
ently eepproprintee design for tie nominee n
wus Fulemitted ley the Govertior'fruni Mr
Lierkin .1. :%lewl, the , well herein n ''en itent
sculptor. It is a f'orintliiiin column. slip
porting a colecesiel figure of Lincoln, nine
resting 1)11 a 1H•11.,t/11. F,)111' groups, repre
seentim, the dill . branches of the mili
tary serviee, occupy as ninny corner , of the
ticeleseeel. t the liecne eel' the Tiede—till. line,
looking outward from the V.llllllll, 1111.; th
figures of tour Ley', upon pedestal., reeler,-
, •titing a sailor Ley'. drummer bee)', bugle
boy, and flog boy. The de , ieth wet.
111111111'tql by the niceibeere., but no action
!Wiwi) ing it
—_At, th e recent, ..ession of the U. S. Cir
cuit (.•ourt in Mil watilde•Nl r. Steven •
recovered daninges of : 1 -•,500 (runt B„„j a • i n
C'h,tiowort.h. L. wis Iht ven port , L. Rood
and other citizen- of Mottrn.., Germ coun
ty, for asuult, rhliin2; hint oti n roil, end
injuries in the , inurnPr of 1562. 3L• trrt-
I,r disloynity. Itud, in ..pursttiitice
of sundry re.olutions Inloide,l I,y tt nievtitas
of citizetii there, putt-.ell un •• l)rder
N. 8, - they cuden vet d to 1111111_. hill) 11110
till' truth of nlle iunc tehich 11r refII:W(1 to
du until he thought. his life wee in diii.get
—Genera I)l,,'ge•s reached
F ,, rt leu anlie ~n the 1601,1,11 11 ' , retitrt,
ri% cr. 11,,1,..1,1111, A. Kll.sot, tele
graph, to the 1311,11 . ,
it w,,- se-curt:it nett at I.',,wder river Ilia( 11,111
Vie,. not \vyet., 1.'11,41 1t . % the 1 teiti,
Nv Sl,ll' li;11 . 1 . ‘ 111171CkV , I.
tct•rcti ll 1111c1.1. NE'i, , ll, ;1 Nt/I . Wi•
0,111, ;111E1 11 (711 III;111 Tht• Intdi
:111E1 in cell unit t 1 ,N[tliii:lll;
With SIC1Vyt•I'' , 111111. \\ - yer .,
ft•sv ,„•t•i<, li4.y laai a I a 112,1
tit! I , N , r t lit; unit li,~ii
fho tb•in.tild nll Lint , 1;11,“ral
i , fur in t I
supply. 'Flu. tit. 1; I
\ku uJ rrti e fiir 5 u tarn ;
St. 50, mini h.• Sr. ill
l'llll , l ouut 1111'11. NVlll4l lit IT
I•lil i II \ " 11l 111111
v , :11 cdrp,
:114 51111111. , 1 I \Vt;
\\*Hell 1111,1
- In 11:11'.1.111111 , 2; hi II 1.11. - r, 111.1 111,.
'g ' l luui t.• ; ,
I.tdilit ; - Thill• i It I.)
.111 . \ 11 (11 in
h., tnlu• th,• ,troth 1.1'.• -trii
Ise iln• at t ~ 1 ( . 1.11U1•-.' I i
t, , to ,t 1 1,,
I:,:; I - Li; ,111- n 41.,
1,1 , ,r1,611 . \ I ,r ,•,•1,,
L. 11,12 of I If- T . TI II in
II I 1 I -Ii
n.llll 1111 Mod.
o•1111 1 .•1.ol, I,lli
'II I I- \ 1/.•.i Ir.
Itirni-1,..1 7 \kar
chtiillott by (;,Tr.
Bids, r Im%! 111'
fr,•thilerl wls-hti
~ • it t rt•l'
-(i 11. Sii Ii I i 1 . ),1 , 1 , 1111t.11 1111 , 11
Hun t d tq, I' • tart a 11'111,1 S ,
`.ll trill • 1 in In
Gn• ih.• 4)l' 1101'1.11.c:11n
!MT(' tr..lit into th (.: , wry Si \
alr,ndy imp 01-
:tll-1110' , oI thr , •,•Hty.
Tit. ,inn, 11. woricttn
nir . v(.(l lit hi , Itmno in
ClLnnl,n 1 1 / I yS = 7/ (2 , . in good bertllh rind
Thy 11)' r hunt: ~f
enarmv, rrws t.. 0.41111.1 i n lino of tcnnm.3
hot 11P? `ll ihnt port and Frnn
\ vi.; VoTED votvr , ,- of Iho tat
Merin , v A ittill-rv. stittiore , I intie'ol
AV,i-hin , ron HI v. nl the rl .etion in Oieir
1.1111111 rill' Si to rifiiitor , . runt 9 , f) ot ont of
1r( for thr , Union S.or. A , Ihr
boron , : of tho cAtuto of )Dijon vototl. so «•itl
or Ihr Kovctono Stnto vote on
tho 2d Ttil.dfiv of Oetol,or
PA RI, tli D;IVOT , r ,, PI 11 ,111 10 r:, 1 , 11
nee ,, rocd of 'lf 11 , 01 in. wi,o
prnrniQrsc to ttnr ° n''m fill tbrkir trick a. Thy
i i inkr, rondition, how,,nr, thilt .do
=hall rinnmit Ih^ =llm of t
(1,111111, 11111 that 01" PN , ,1 4 1 - nnf F1)411 Ink
p 1.,. i n 1 1 1 1 nr n., i n of W I
Thnv rnooirn IT. Rohin to norferro rieorirdv
c , orn" nymmovt.r., 71Q III O V. to 111,11:C6
of their rordQ, nrr..c, nod in.f*otor , ot.=, rind
to pronnvoli , ll the cn mo frn4c in tho 9111111 ,
spnee of time nc they linvo tnkon.
WriNf "i in Now inn. N. .1.,
intoly .ny , rl from -11 violont (Muth nt
of bor lr , bnnl h. bor •
TTo I,rolco n ..nrim , -1 . 1.0,1 ovor hor 1 10
bponller. ~ h o not vivo rn , hr.,. 111011" V
Tho burrorptrikin- , tho nin of filtho nt hot
nook provontod so inns iniurv.
Fr_rintr Orounfil N'afttrs
EQIITNIOeTT t r Clot M' —We hive brul
quite n chlingn in thus nfrnn.nlinro within the
Inpt Inn duty"; Thn rn•Arcniry hi tg flu to bn
inw 5-0 . amt from hnlitg Of ROMITIor. WP
have pn.sod to thus del 4 icion4 ennine.a of nn
tumn, On Ttfonilav mm•nin... it (—la rnin.
neennipnnind by wind. qA in hilt did not lno
long. It hnd snmothinn: of flit' orininnotial,
about it. and gnve 'OllO to understand that
summer Was 'past and guns.
Tug NFAV rtittitENoY , —The new ten
cent frnetionnl currency in.eirenlnting, The
pia Fire n little inreer lban the o'd term
and shorter than the twenty-five cent clipQ.
Upon the Nee is n tnodnlliorr head of Wnnh-
Thelon ~_w ith_n_fnetamehimney, nn4
rigging on either; side, and a fl , nr- 10 in•
gilt. in fonr pineon:, thehaeltin of a red color ;
and the fhotre l sAltilp large gilt. Tl•ey ere
printed on hnhit note paper, nnd,:protn'se to
be more durable tinin the present currency,
Vat '& jeqi
rceetyprl the beat OPFihkITIMIt
the county: which they offer TV:holeadte
Retail; . for Cash:'• ' ' '
111.1.1 Nr.ti V.-11. Al A YER Iths j iit•t open
od an extenFtve millinery establi,lniwnt on
Nurtli Hanover et reet next door ,to 1)r. I.)lle's
Oar readers the female
hill he gratified In learn that Mr. MAY It ii
dvtoronned to Inpi, tilt e,1.1ib1i,11101.111 iv 'licit
in every re,p•et de , erve tae link e toss
character ho untiiitinees rill . it. Ile keep: ,
'NerYtihng now th.• pdtte
and Irout the
If, the ciizie , t t.
11 eNliectlllll,
Ile oNliect , tl. f)/oh, 1/Cr CV( I'S 111 111011/11111• !sir
MIT' hie nllt ,011:0 o liar
us to reeeialwr walla \\ Ind)
tai, Ilrllllu
•11iun will ho wet by hti,liiiiids and lovets,
tali we are entirely ',lire the ladle,. will per
mit idle tl”•iii ill the uptgie ,'?•,•h•
\dila ,lire
Il 1 I pl I/
Sr.\ 1(1)11.‘ l 1.31.11,E 11:s:Alt`i.—
I...l.•rring tti “us. colltiwi:7 it
Itir ‘RI,
tliken clinrge thi , I iNtitut h
tielm4.l null the 111.1. well
o.lllllllffilty thnt rc,t.iiiiii,ndtt
to,n, \ in t ; ditti.lliter ,
tlu br•II .1 tltun 1. , thein
E FA he Cuullierland
c,,u1,t 3 Enir will commie co on the 111
II 01
111011111, and nee vo.•
itutig tl e Fair Orin utls. where the :speed ill
ht• horses is tried the tit t
-41', 111 !IV (11'.11V11. 111111 111.1111 . g ll 1 1 / 1 1 ., f ll /' 111,
the 1111'-
11i111•, IVilll null 211111 r.1,1111111/1-
101• Stilts gIIIICII tip ill the I.l‘lll stiles :111,1
Itotight lit the stare Nettwohl. Lt -
vren Dr-. Nit licr Zitice. N. r
Ali .1 . them ‘t 1111 Im‘
retell ;Ire 11111 ,4111,i1
111 11 , 11':11.1111 . V. f,1•1111.11 Pllll illl.lllll <a I,t
, lort• in 1 , 1‘v1) nr III•II2Illawl$taid
- I r<a•ei , ‘ : I•Il'gC awl trim.
row, lie lir, :trod
I. Iltiti lii iiIII
N _\
\\ • C . i'"" n " . "
-hip with him hi:
.j4OIN .k. 1 4 :
wivoi , 4.1 til,• CHM al
till , Till c,I,iIJ
-11-11,..i•11t 11,1, 1 . ..1 IP, o Utrg.
1 , 11-111 t • - Will 1.31r"1i
IT ill 11 , iit.• w , 4•1 , r floW 1:111.,11
lllcri. , 111‘.11,1'17.
pilrill , •N yin poltg %%HI 10,,,kvi)
-,N rnl d
..111111111111 . \ pti111:_!: t.111:11'!Z.,
troll! r , inr - tri , n• -tttt•
iii•lt J lit•—••1•\ potilhir
" , 11 I•lt , 111 . \ • 11(1 'H\l 10.11. l',1111!:111.,11
011- !HMI Rim ~ t tht
I In, ifl :11,1 i II ii rill
oh•r. 11, •
I.:\ llli
(.“ \I \II. lo I\ I I . ..11. l, I 1 t\l,rl
I \ ( ) i
• 11111 , v. OH lii,.. )1,1,)111i.1
1•:.11,111• 111 1 . .0' 1,11... N\ 1 1 t 1 11 11.4• V
\\ rl
, "Igq
-16 , 1 Maio
itp :11quilt,111.11, at h,.
it I'. V.I.E. I . t,tror, for e:31(
111 ,p 1
In 11, Lind. Ilh.r.pi;;2„l,
HIt•11 , 1I;d1-H,
Ili tier autr 51111 , 1111 , 1 , 111- b, It
It I hlit .111 , 1 1.1,11111.111
/Intl 0, , 11 • , 1111 HU , ‘C%II ,
thl • 1),I:i1. Spring , 11..1 , I • ~i i/l/
I% 4;1'1 i , Pl . 111,,
p iii‘.. , in,•lll, iii Ilit• t•.iIIIIII•y.
trntitiiri• lit 1111 I IP, Or/ Ilirr 111.
THE INV.XI,III :1,1,011 it:.; AND SAii
(IRS .111,1,111 e
iu tlur EtiderS -
hel S Iu this n"l,le entelini-e
untl IL II the Rev. Dr, \Vtng„ has
ed lit net Its I cal ire..,urtr 101' 11116 pill%
,‘ In, but
Ut 1. \V. I klli , t)ti, ngenl) w.l
1111,15 e 1,,,n,1 into DO; WI di :in t•. 111)
tl hate% el' tnuutlul the . \ reel free to gi% e. \Vt
s oltil,l be in our next to lifive
iii..ny 111.1 e name+
The huln rititoti.l.ktit ot
I.wor iu ['hind tlt t F. Bolll'll,, NI. 1)..
ul Phil th. 1111111 1: t under C., B.ntrd)
nlll.llii , in the supplying I'llotogr..l,l}sAA the
till that vvery .chool ii
expected to take 100. By this means, 1:11.0'-
Iy, it is expected that t.lie
,Ctritlitins . !owe
(.ottottitoi to to. itt tieLlyslttirg is to be got
up . Supe,Th teMbi /N G rcn nrr / 0 0:) ,, frd. ILI
Silllfite I SCIII.IIIC.
Tile belleVOleill ' „ riche, il/1 , 111( hiliiilleeS
ell ilillilk, elillid not, We think, do better
generully than iii es-rli-i_rihe thew to such ii
(id se its this. Tue Ladies Mile society no
doubt ncied wisely in doing so.
'1 he Ladies Mae Society or CiirliAle per
M s. Ellen E. Irwin, 'l're.isiirer, 5150.00;
Cc, Metzger, 251)(1. V. Cutheiiit, 20 Ito, J
ll.inolton, 10.00, Mrs. A ex 'roues, *la 00, 11.
ii . [L ust i ng ., 10 00, Mrs. Blenney, I 0.00„1(ilin
S. Sierreii, 5 00, Rev. Gr. Joloision, 5 ( 0 1.
Mrs. ' , Av..' M. Baird, 5.00, D. V. Al i t, 5 . 00 .
A, !I , Binir, 5.00. R. C. W.,i,v.ird, 5.00, j
• Ititner, 5,00, J. W. Marshull, 5.00 F. (liiril
•ii r & Co 5 00. 1.11:48, KJ1.1...r ;11,,,,,,, It 00 jileig,
W lIIIS, 5.00. A. Blair, 5 On, J. Newciiiiier.
3.00. Geo. Line, 3 00, 11 Law, 3 00, 'Choi
15a&tun,.2...00,.. M,s. 1111110,30,
_2 AO, _ IL.Rhiii,_
2 00, G o. S. Beetent, 2.00, S. 11 Homer,
2.00, A. B. Z.egler, 2,00, C. P. Cli:ver, 2.00,
Docid Rhoads, 2.00, H. W. Mahon, 2 00, 11.
linker, '2 00, Mrs. Thorn, 2.00, Wm. (larder,
2 00, S. M. Coyle, 2.00, Mrs. Peebles, 2,00,,
Jon. R. Turner, 2.00, Mrs. U inner, 2 00, J.
C. Steel, 2.00, Jilt). R. Wilgorer, 2 00, A.
Slotubly„2.oo, J. J. Bender, 2.00 U. linker,
1.00, A. Beeietn, 1.00, Geo. 'Mind, 100, J..
Gituley, 1.00, Louden, 1,00, J. Iletidel,
I 00, J. Shrum, 1.00, G. W. [loser, 1.00, Eli
(lyer, 1.00, J. B. Bixler, I 00, 11. S, Ritter,
1.00, 'l'. Myers. 1.00, U. P. Myers. 1.10, florid
Myers, 1.00, D. J. Leiclich, 1.00, 11. Biter
1.00, J. W. Stuiley,"l:oo, I. Livingstr.i), 1.00,
Mrs. 11. 11averstjek,.1.00, J. W ()witty, 1.00,
MI M.Ggilby, 1.00, P. g. Beltzhopeer, 1.00,
A. NV. Ile, tz. 1.00, Gem. MniT,y, 1 00,' Jno
deMlllOO, 1.00, Mrs. H. Wlllintos, 1.00, Alms;
Robson, 1.00. Mrs. Seller, 1.00, W. H Zook,
1:00, Aline S poi swood, 1.00, Margt. It \V00(1,,
1.00, Jane MeD4bell, 1.00, MisS..Phillips,
- 1700', - 11 rs -- Cn - pr. - Long,- 400i --- 11: -- J-.-Bricker:-
1.00, J. 130 , .5, 100, 11. J.'l.Cidly., 1 00, Lit,o6
.N . lttiy Peebles, COI she hod in the I,i , rid for
:'oor SOl liero' e01.t1ren,),,25, 'Mrs. Delatieey,
1,00, 811101. Ltipfer, 1.00; IL .1.51 r'slllol,
LOO, J. I.o...Fleming, 1.00, Jacob Hollingetv
1 00, A; S. bpinster,,l.oo, W., J. Cl9oeroo,
W. .51.- Ilastittg,i, 1,00. Lewis MRAotifikain.,
1.00, Ibitiry IVetzel,.l.oo; Sam itelSjpeil.l_.oA,:,
IL B. fleck, 1:00,.C. 11. Meek, 0n1y,31 yew's.
.tld 1.00. 11. E.' NI urnini , n, 1.00 Gen. Weirieh,
1.00. .J. Mi)Gooe4111, - 1,00,: 61.uliskin . House'
.11061 ) 6.00. . z..' , , ~.:. • ~'. '1 .'.•'f
t,p, ii,.
)i TIC 1 M I
1,, tt,.• fir-1 r:,t 11.,;‘,1
\V L, 1111,1,1'
The Twelfth Annum' Jlcrtin, of the Own . -
brl'lN lid o , llllly 'l' , lich,rA . n-titute, will ho
held in • Ling•ory 111111. 1 in Newrille. cone.
tmhwing (irtotp•i• 31, , t. 1861. nt
lu. „'t i m .k. A. ;%1.. und cl4.6ing on Friday
evenin , . :id.
I'aihor< 11 he prlinred. 11 id rend boron
the lii-tittite. 1%. :
1). IL Trilvcr , j •el : Orllingrarliv ;
; S. A.
. rit Int• Lie; A. 1
ritionoik: 11.411,.finutor_
G ( . O ;•;;; ; 3fis: Gr: :
11. I. .1. N. l'nyliPr
Ig , Lirn : .1. IL
.1. .1. I'i D i nii,l
('l:un(olcri ill till
ecln, ; Moinlz in (:r"_
g t.,, 1 hy ; S. ,A. Follenl I.lg r. in Grnilininr ;
Zitiii, ; \
.1 Fit
f.. 11111 1, in th 111,11111h' Will bls
tho (*minty Super 1111 , 1
onl . v Wilrll,s
Tell op es of W , l) ,, tet.':: will
In. dirt olitoo; to tii ten hest spid
ler-. The h,,t Will rnepi% t. It on l y of
W,dpd. , .l' • i'letnrinl :Sl2:
th, tlo• 1 oliwrial NV.1.111
SG ; the third. the I''tttl th•t,l\'n. Worth S
. entopetitnr inind print Iwn
:id a S111:111 Itt.ok nn which to WHIP.
Writn Ili, word s w ill it
r0r0i,114,1: toolll,rod so that olini,nood
not be I
F nu „1. (',•ninlitier will nii,l“ ,
l)i.limlllrie4; hnt
'llw wor;11
nit \vi•, llopi• 1.11 will emiw
wha 111 11111 ia.. , •paid at r,lll call 011 11 , 1,111 Way 11.1 b.. tHk , ll
-11 , 11111 , Z C. .k. 11:IITIS,
c, H em ./
11. 111,r. Cathuriaa (4rt , 1111. .\.
I'. )1..-
1 , ..1 ,, ,p.,1,ataatv. .1. 1,, Il4.ary, J.
K. "iii. 11l n PoP"r "n
it I.llllp, 1111. 111 titul(.
111 ,1 “1: , ,1;i11,1itn. L'Airt
;11111 til I . N111:( . 14,1 111 I) ,
111.111i1” . 1 ., .1 fr,on env.ll
rt•ll.aa.,l th, Stale Sal..aanten.l.ait.
\ (hill 1)ir.a.11a.:4 tvill
wit. , 1 , ..111,11y t , . :wpm' tht• I ..-
it ,
t.. tin:
Em•i, Nr•h.r:ri iit th
\VIII 1.1,•:1,.. 1,, :it 1,.:14,
r 1,1,?•,• -4 1,1 1 It. II in iii ~ , unfy
I • ..h N
• nuLrr 2 ,1 II t I,t
.k. , ler :lir into
the re-...1:di11-lir:lent el' the
The Ili Inl. iif
Ole 11:i11 :mil nll liver
-Ted ni I hi- lii :iiiilv
•ii kip 'I
kVIII 11 , 111. \\ 21":!2: , .11,1% of lli
:I , 1 , 011/111 , 11”1 , . ,11.1 ul abut
T. P.\ 1.11.
I) Al L. (;Iti \I;
F. \ l',llN.
;\. (;
7,111 , '1.111.1• iS
I r• ;.I‘N . n r 1.1%. r
1,11 t
111 iL••
I 41•• 01111.1111114
t \ --11(•11 -111.1•1,1 y
1 1,,,(,•t1 ;In
11.1 iitly n .1 ;11,1 cultiv,tl,l
1..1, :111 , 1,1 i ..11.1, 1111• 1411.114 ,
,!;•• t , .1 in l nl,ll ;liiil;2:
;1 ( 11,,
„ 11.111111 111.11 11,111 L 1 I'll
.'ll 111.' 1“1 1 . 1.1 1 . 211114. 111• \lt
1, 11111 ... 1 .1.•111.1 11s In.• In. 11r,\S,:ui11 10, 11:11
‘% 11',..".k 4 1 1... 11 11112' 11 1 '11 \‘''L
•••••• t,..••,• I , 11,2 NC. n t 12111,1 I,l'ill. :11 , 01g 11.111
his priticipl,,
.\ \‘lll
I ,
A. .\.
\ w • i• -tii
NV 11 : 1\ 1.1 •SK
1.111 IN 141 111
fitrt tir halo
it,. i 1) lit
\ .‘ r...‘ ,
IT( II ! 1"1( . 11 1 . ( 11 !
c/,',1 TC I scll.inif
iii'llt•atton's 0 i I vile is t
Will cure tl.e Itch in 48 Hours
k LS() LT ){ Er si. I
it 4 i oil, Lk' Itol
j/,,„ • •••, /1 . 1 . 1.1 t -••I •
17•• N 1,•••••1 1b , .1u, ..111
r• ar 1..1 by 1114 Ii, f.e.• tt, an) pia ,r
11e1., I .t
I YOUle IA +. o quT or
I T i a (liffiellit I;//'p 0 e liver
ii‘ 10 111 11 rile lu t ie f•h • penile .1 1.10 II 19
- it • 1 1 111 cn l• 111,11 •••Iv 11111.0 L ,111
•• I h. r • st , e a II 4 rtlol l l , l n I- , t.. •f., n ~-
,11 , 0,1. 1 014 1 1 •I, r Illu-I art oith ro Il 001) ll' ~,g
gi 1 11.01 1. -11 11, 0 ,1 tta recillsrlf) ti-n
ll' thole i, 11,1 g is - flr, tLo Itatiga 'LI
001 0 gig I'll s. 1 ill., i,00,01 11 , 0. le J. 1.. qua,
,11 111 ,1 r 0I sertlll- r, 'I 11, ja 11011 if .. • the II et 1-
0 1 1/00; the fever alril 111 11,y ••ther 1 •1 1 1 , •us
111 e• 1,110 I 00•011,10,0.• g, g t
.1. , 1 , 11. 1111 • I'.ll 11 1 1 ,. 1111
, 11.
lIF 1 111'3 I'V.-I• 11111 111 111,, hill' 1.11 , 0 .•1 till U. 14
1 1 011 100 'I hey HP p.. 0,1.11 111 the r ow,t, ane.P.w.
to eO. 13 . .8,1.1100 OI
d 1.01 11,vir 0i1 . .., N 111,41 /1 lull I ied
(.Iti,a) Ile.wonth g 1 . 111, 1111 a peeuhel
i•• is; i • 11, h 1041, I.log 101 1
. 11 .1 j ji fl, 111 nfolwre tlf rry
rhe .1,1 1101 LI strt.,..s the de•lea•.• e at, ••I
woo, ich IWO:O , AM illl4 12/ . 1/1.. pal .0. I , heseles, mid 110
Jrln rf•rilt4llll. al , 10 , 1 111 1 113 hth,
, 1 . 1. d•• I hey pulite e• ii.. tegoooly. n d wlth , Lat,
,0 1 1. 0 00 1, 1 ,01 0 /{4 1,011 I 101 1111,111.
1 10, are .••I, tw take awl a e ,L het 23 r• nts
.1 hue
—II If unnu.y ehe h 111,11 1.1P4 yllll Cr . - six itehatis !mit
•II I e,l'-ht d h , efit• le 111111,1 1.1 1111. 111 teal llrell Is
new to." he tdre aver e thplewil 0. Yi•ur I•l•l..usness
,111 a, hon 1.0 roll I +ll,l. d. 00 tWo l'••ur
11 , .1 I 0. tt ryllr l••le•I li see , •• •
.lu•y. 1 ., II gi I lie .1 g ell 111.111 or woman I I 3
druggwls. 2 weeks.
„ the 111 It Ite•L Its t e mom. l'r •
N of rli ett I'4 to ttt.o. NIA I.): N of
Sprit.e, re. p.. Cuutbet Int.! Co.
Mt, ins. to 11. v It T. fleck Ite.
1.1 It /.1) cltl.S. I. Lt: A . It, f
I •
'pi.ol '' boot . by l'or,t . 1' ‘• NltAll IzObliTZ
I/ DE I 1%1S• 1'; b tip ‘ ' r 1' nit loskttehip Cutu•
CIL It L ISL 1111 - PlttYl3l.lo
(7001101 e, Crptembv . r 28, 1805.
'•••• • 700
b ud
2 .5
1 05
do. (E , i tr.) ...
1,17111 TE WHEAT
3 E El
jr, )V EBB ;F.11..
CINt /CllCdlilitl
Corrected Wceil
I. 1 ,I)
111.M.:SW A X.
Philadelphia Markets.
• tingrii,TTEMBER 27—Evening. •
Ilia •itati.Thrrltotenutipues-flrmratl-prieetrarewell
mallitallied. 400 Ws Northweolern extra lantily ao,d
.01.373.5; 1,200 bble Pounaylvania and Ohio do. nt
110.60 , O11; , 600 bide fancy do. at 811.60 m 11.60, nod 100
phis auperflou nt 27.60 bbl. The Mallen! aild.blthers
are being within the above range of prices, 00 to brawl
and quality.. Rye Flour he selling at $0 741- bbl. gyre
Moth le nuletituai we hear or no'sales.
011.14N.-I.'hure to a lair doutaral for Wheat, at about
former ratea, with tales of 6,oooints nt ionnow
, redo, allke:0:70 tor old do,,the latter rate r, and
whiteia front -26 , ,a;20;-o-sbl-tuta, , aa , -to.
Bulling at 08,014 e la boa for Dulaw.tre tdal
, curia la dull and, drooping: 1, '0 qua KO tat i) e,
hot:pile! prime lota are offered at Mo. qua,
with- .•
out change :;6.00 hue.ould at 260f0r - prinae, ku&
limiter inferior afloat.' '
I uL but apply ih
\ 'hall
It 7:1
4 tO
DUCE MARKET er 1,h115.
y by Wm. Bentz.
-2f - lOW IN SIDE'S.
2 W1111111110.1N4.
”Ilt I D APPLUS, 2 00
AtiS, 6
11 ,