4)tralt ,:. .. 1 •, ic..1., 5 ,.. )), ,4, 1 1 (4,_ , , ,, - ' ' '.4. t; ;'- g . Tc_ 1 1 6 ,1 4 , , '-s Na„ l -,4_ , ‘,,,... „4„- CARLISLE, PA. FRIDAY, VEPrEoeEUER 29, 1%6:- S. M. PET•IVENGIL.I. at utp., IVO. 37 Park ROW, New Yuck, and I St. ilosion. :Aro our .titento for th.. lIrnAL Clu 1110 H 4, ink. and aro auth. , rizeul to rake. Advertise ,ut.n and 4uleperiptions for no at nur Irme•t roteo UNION. STA TB NOMINATIONS AUDITOR ENER A : MuJ. Gen. JOHN F. HARTRANFT OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY. sußvEvott w , ',NERAL: Col. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, cAmool A COUNTY. County Ticket Dr. ALEX. STEW A ET, , C 1. T. IL Is: A FM AN. South Mid Distriet t/oriiry C. I'. 11(; NI1(1(21I. ratrilde. 7 .r lei JOHN lIYER, JOIN A. W AGGUS JOSEPH RITN ER. Miq•hanit•=borg Direee,•, ! i ANI 11. ALLEN. S,tithanipton A Id f I JOHN sT Roc K , "f C roan JOHN TIN 01 PSUN UNION MEETINGS Th.('“unty Exoctitivp(%.tutlitt h.v. through its Chairman. Ntlll,•linev , tho grnmnie Invo.tiNg,l, , r ~•ni»paign is ul nu= NVe vilinla init. 11.1(.11(1. In 1 ) alive t‘)LIH. iwpw . tatics , 4)f i o ar.ri ni. lint =hart } us etni.l‘ , y it that cry v4)te may be hr nr it , Sit. 4,11 olrl ti n dny. Neill be held at ur!1„11(11triri!) ' ;lP. ( )e . l,,her 2el Tormlm, .• I!'c.ll'nrrriru • , Irei//11 :4,1 I) • • • • 411, t'r,•ll .• 31/ • • 11 ,‘‘,/ ,, ille ' rp • • " 7 •• " 9 By ~n.lcv A. 911 El', .1. SENATORIAL CONFERENCE Wt• tiltit• 1)r..11.rN Shiplit'll,llllN imm 011 , 1 I.llliot .11 tlm int,l of thy conf.o.t.nee nt BI 1 , i , “.1)01 t2-lerd:l,‘ In , 11.11110 11!. , 11 1111 Ili I , lll' I I u ll 111 . I- (Mc our ken' ~I ll,ll,lrter ,Inini.,ll,o r Litrroin and !edr..tv J - .11141,)11,.11 141'11.1,1111M 11-i (,jun•mioil ;0,1 r, hot itionl.ll;- ‘e.ll odd 5tr, , i1;, , ,11, 1,, ~,.r I Ht ut 11,•1.,,,T The Doctrine 11,11%01.1`,1 .0- ❑ I. Which i- !Ind Hid, re:2,T , •t it in lb.' WI i 1 ntr,l hut w,-11,t11 lois,. htti,l2, it h, hot, unu i n l.r It ‘‘,,u1,1 I HtiV ofl • .1t)l• 01.1 It% un , l tl •%(, 11011 1 ,, 111 Q ,tll-1• 4.1 . II , •I'l\ w.•Il 1i.!1, , c1 111.11 .1 11r. Sh.von-. and tin gre•tl,4 e•);11 , •1 iii ni w • o.in I. •rzt. , ,w .11 Hi speech i, to 't\ that w,prtliN Of IL, di , llii,u,>h , •,l 11111',1% )11% 1,1.V1 I tlll,l, kvitl 104 , 11'1 t Ill' t'• , ; , I;1111 , I6P• Crin 1;,11, will , :•1 t ad- that ~\\ Act- RS theui is un I i itto•rt,tir,, ()C dl1:111.4 1.11" w.rr, th. bitvu bVI ii, ile a ' , Tana(' and in d n for t nation. and in. , in , ty e,,n-e -quently in ll' a pie. Mr. iew ut (110 0,111',0 Hur,tit•(l by m' Gov orn.n .lit in 'blockading. their ports . ; iu holding nt prisoner, of war the loured crews of Lit it privateer, in-teini of exeenting them 111 pirates and in treating tint rintrau dors who 1 int , ad , d the North, ztlid lturiit our towns and d.tva-tale' our IL Id , it., 1.111b•rs, instead of outlaw,. lin cont,mds that it is now the right and duty or th,. (:,.vernmimt. to use the advantages miertiing to the eon (' , eroi• in order to settle the manifold .I,lli culties growing init of our pregent condition of public affairs. lie argues for the comas cation of the property of all belligerent eh. whose estatesi-exceed in value the sum of ten thousand dollars, and he show,: conelu sively that this would at once wipe out at least three-fourths of our present enoi m•ius public rdebt. lle contend, further, that this course and this•Mone, will forever eo ;troy that haughty and defiant aristocracy of the Southern States, which have made their U iv, rnments despotisms instead of Derma,- raeies, and effectually prevent the recur rence of a rebellion which is inevitable if power over comes back to thee vanquished traitors ; that by this means alone will slit very be entirely and legally obliterated fiom th • country, and as a eonstiqu.inee of 1.),,th that the South w.ll attain a d• gree of pros p r:ty and wealth heretofore unknown. We are free to say that we have. long .garded_Mr...Stevens'-theory .only. ~ n o upon which our GoverninNit, could act safely and consistently either in the actual suppres sion of the Rebellion or in. the settlement of the questions consequent on its tor ruination. It of course received the violent denuneht• tions o, the Democratic PreSs as would any other measure that w s calculated to do ma terial tinuntie to the rebels. The Adminis tration opposed the idea directly at first and' oven more lately only gave a very qualified ,adherence tq the doctrine, If, however we view the entire conduct of the Government toward the rebellion we must. be- convinced that it was substantially the principle upon it based its actions. The' cantered belliger ents of the rebellious States, were.treated ‘ as prisoners of war, no matter whether th y were talc , n in tiny, of the gigantic battles of •the war, or on the cowardly raids of Morgan, Stuart rind Afreaushind.. The toyed uri Vetoers Were•also entitled t