Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 02, 1865, Image 3

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Kirby Smith. Surrenders ! !—The Flag
Waves from Maine to the Rio Oponde!
Preparations for the Surrender.
BATox Horan. Tuesday, May 23, 181;2
C , dtto. Saturday, Mil:{ 27 )
Brig. Gen. Brent, tel Cols. Debinu, C.
Bucke and ticip arrivud here to-day as Com
missioners trot Kirby :Smith. Gen Herron
and Lieut. Commander FoQter came down
from Red River with them. Gen Herron has
"-Cone to Gen. Canby. and it is believed hers
that term , ire art.:mg - ea the surrender of
The Surr nder— Official An-
\VAR 1)1.11 . . 111.' MEXT.
Saturday, ;May 27, IHW) j
Alajor-I;en Dix : A. dispatch from Gen.
canhx, doted at New Orleans. yesterday, the
20th state , that :irrangementi.., for the
stirreodet of the ( ' onfetlerare fur,e, in the
'Trani-lis•iissippi Department hat been
,oneinded. They inelode the iris
..ri Al of the arm \ oat V.
_A lout,
(ioorg,in• sac. : "The ‘V t. nt t 'lt Ill" milt
tllteldoll lltOtitt , ill this oity /it prosrnt. Tiw . \•
tlispluy tlwir rming by I.l.inv 111 HI- (•.1 . ..
of th , pan.l,l 11 l I that th..y
oaU tliviti iii thitir rroti. 1 1 th rani
trice them .\
\\ placed tt
futtlil. oil:tilted It L'; ,,, t11 -tippor, fifteen dol
lars in 1114.11.%1. and 1111111111Chti.10 itill.lllo, , os.
It NVIt- di-Ct.VOltt•it, ht. \\ . ,• vt.t . . Oita
1111, - 1 evt . r :411( . 1. 111, fair
Vt'l'y Ilitld Ith.tllt hiking iii
who prides- to ho ilisgtistetl lioraww
he \\war raptured \ atilsro
tee• Disp,nsiitory , ay , that
most of thr Sar , iipitrillit of tin. ,hop, i , inort
and worthlosq. Dr. AYER, ill hi , writings
on this, drug, stales that not only it inert
as found in tlie thops. Lnl soak° Itt , iii r
the prepttrationsfrom it, or bearing its name.
Ile lioNvt:xer, (lint thi. fact ari from
the it-e of Nvorth'es. Narielie-.,
preparations he incompetent melt; that the
(rile )1 edicinal Sarsapri Iht Sarza Smilax off. t
,if the tropic , , when 11'1 , 1*, ill the
1,11(1, one of the nto , t effectual alteratives
we po,,es,. Combined with other,tili:timco ,
of great alterative power, like lodine, Stil
lingin, &c., it undo. , ('.. 11) i 0 .
Ex I. tilt iell Pe irate.ost in t, be
lieve i= elle of the nmi4t4•lleetital rettmdie, for
lintimr., skin and for purifying the
Nvilii'll has evi•r Sot been found I.\
( 311 ), Alr•)•,/ 171,
-21 , at 1)111L': 11111-1.•.
F. i t Ito Carl kli• • I h•ra Id "
Tito 1-1111 .‘pril. Ili Mill ,• 1 4
membered by the . Al pecide da . ,
and vrb,mii. The man 1t lit..
1 . 111" tir t . llll biltt
guidcd the Ship \lllll it
lilt , " V.llO by 111, 111.1dit tbiltrit. - titr and
(tau it ti tt, haul 1 . 11tWill1 . 11 • Ii' 1a 4qlllll HIV
1 , (1111 \tit- 11,41111 , 1 ht fill! at
by the inurder.m- hand the
niart,\ r that taaintry !nal tit tlit , tit lirtllct
ple, which it liti+,l been hi- life-Imi4. Min ti
. .
A , t 1 0112; 11,k, Inllon. .\
local North had rt•clitted betivath it- braitch..-.
and !wen 1,1 . 01,c1411 I ' l'olll tilt` 4141nd- ;Ind
4:1%11 kV2ll'. ' filar gal. 11‘ , N1
111111 111 . 1.-gb , r\lll.lllol 1.
ati , l th , ‘vavittu; hratich , •-
hcartl nn ulorl. I,t I- 111 . 1111. t•
nitwrit hecait , .. 1“01. I.l44 . ttita!, that hi
death ‘vas a f2;l.ri..F. .•11 , 1ing . I.l ' onl \V}U,-4•
provi -4 11 that liro is not
staeam on which from 'light till morn
nnk3e....1 float ga/lug at the .tar+.
Inhaling eat Ils and tlailin!: olt
Thy hand through the erases."
Tlllll. Will 1114 rerlillt 11- t.. l'ilVieW;
%%hide 1 , 1 . Ile. lir, ; I,N .
i.mitiing 111.11 ,/1111 11 /1t111 . 1) ,1 1111, 111 111 ,
lii -
b , ry, 1 may puy it tribute
the rurposi. \\ ill he I ' lllllll.l
111 a 1111111111 e \i In, 1 . 1 1 111111 , 41 ing 1,1
and nimirn,il tiJr W 11,1111111.11.
\\ • III•11 11114.11
ut hi , ~ f tiov, th Id -Hp ''l Shoo. wi t , 1, 1 11;-
:" ''"1" and 1""'"• fr l "
-I,m to -.1,1'11. :11111 In-( drifting out 401 111 , •
curl, tit di.tinnui. It ith ill , . -.tarry Ilag ut
it- ina4t w.,rld thp
,•1(.11(1 of tren , i.n. Not wit h , tatidille;
ro:‘ -.and difficult Nchich him ;,I
.tell of the Nvay : not Ic ith,tanding -
hick , .01 !trill 1111111 , 41111.111 , l114 . 111ii•- ill
NOIIII, 101 1, iii.l 1111 111
16111 in 41 , •;i1 Wllllk, Ile
nii,w;•r% ing in hi= devotion
to hi, country. Irii , ting: in with
ev,4 fixed on that 11111ar star or his ,
till :11111 the
this For this ho died.
The eharaeter of Abraham Lincoln pre
sents iinii of the grandest models it the Chris
tian Slll.leSlllllll to be found within history.
Among the many heroes in the great strug
gle for liberty, he stood foremost of a ll, con
spicuous alike for his noble works and his
pure patriotism. Ile displayed dint happy
union of mildness and firnines , , which give,
strength and grace to a public MAD. lie
possessed flint calm, contemplative disposi
tion and habitual self-command %Odell led
him to look at every subject dispassionately
and without prejudice, and to bring to its
consideration, and to the support of his opin
ion when formed, the unencumbered puaw•rs
of his strong intellect. As a ruler, he id
ways exhibited that candtir and directness
of purpose which lire in consistency with
the republican character ~r ou r government.
A purer patriot than he has never existed
since the immortal Washington. Ile n •vor
sacrificed principle to popularity. Ile was
never known in a single Instance in his ca
reer, to resort to intrigue or stratagem. or
ever to make any personal effort of the most
trdinary and admissible character, with a
view solely to his own political aggrandize
lipent. It may truly be said of liitn (and of
lnlxv few can it be said!) that honor 1111(1 of
eu.sought hiin, 'babe honor or office. And
, et few men have risen more rapidly. lie
ascended by the buoyancy of his own inirit.,
steadily and majestically, to the a• nith of
fame and distinction I He will go down to
posterity honored and cherished in the mem
ory of a grateful people, and the American
heart will beat quicker and the life-blood of
the nation flow more rapidly at the mention
of the name of Abraham Lincoln.
Vita incerta rat. In the midst of his glory,
when his brightest hopes were about to be
realized, God called Win 1101111 , .
Not alone in America did the people
mourn, but from all parts of the civilized
world, the friends of freedom mourned for
the great apostle of liberty. In all classes,
from the highest to the lowest, sorrow reign
ed. They buried him amid the booming of
cannon and the mournful tooling of the bells,
with the great heart of the nation beating
the echo. And as that funeral procession
swept lacing, its pathway watered by the
tears of millions, the flowers "that night and
day gave all their looks to Heaven," seemed
to bend in mourning for the departed stllttts
man. ..
Yesterday was the thus set apart by the
President of the nited States for "humilia
tion and prayer." Again the nation mourns
the departed hero who now sleeps Jo the
patriot's grayo, than which earth offers no
prouder resting place, death no brighter por
tal to another lite. Again we weep to think
that the heart animated by such lofty prin
ciples lied ceased to heat ; that the soul fired
by such noble impulses is no longer among
uc, constantly to shed its influence upon us.
And now, while ho :deeps beneath the
green of his prairie home; sweetly slumber
ing with the sod upon his breast; " dust to
dust," while the winds amidst the leaves are
itihinting a requiem to departed greatness
over his grave, we ask, wit,. his life a failure?
Judge of life by success, measure it brmoral
nut okv3, staretoilay tiP , /7
thtin that his tens a life—a struggle fort the
success of great principles; that ho conquer
ed.; and that laying his all upon the altar of
his country in her hour of need, he-achieved
a renown nobler and greater thanmortal
man has yet received: His course was fin
ished• his race run; his work on earth com
pletett nndho hnlsrecoiycd the*"erown of
glory in the heavens,iiiitorni - groFriiiiiitli: ll
His is an example which may ever be pre
eented ae worthy of the ol , itseSt imitation.
~The beauty of onr9oVernment and of-our
Constitution shines forth more and more.—
The honors of the American nation are not
monopolised by a decorated and titled aris
tocracy. To the poorest citizen the 1.0:1(1 to
fame and distinction lies open. Merit alone
confers position. To the American youth,
Abraham Lincoln stands forth us the modal
of all that is great and good and pure in
public or in private life. In his "successor,
we bind, again, the self-Mode man. (no:ac
tuated by the same noble principles as his
predecessor. and who by his conduct thus
far, has gained for himself the eon tiden
and esteem of his countrymen.
Let us look for 11110.11101 a in the r 4,1111 of
this great struggle for liberty, for which
Abraham Lincoln died a...martyr. Troth
hue burst the hand; of silence and wall,- the
earth with giant trend. Liberty. -0 tong
eircumseribed. begin- to wheel in longer
circle , . soar to greater heights. The old
world is convubled with the throe- of re- :
form, and our own land a wake- n higher I
life of freeiln ond justiee. :Mr people hose
given evidence of greatness and nobleness.
iteeognizing !he cam , of civil war, the great
Innf , s o f the North have become anti-slavery.
lint the ( ver-ion lulls ,init made them fano
tie marched onward toward
t. gi,wit.t:' goal. I:MN:Tsai freedom, lint no
brutal inhumanity, no wild outrage, :::: deed
of in holly marks its progresA. Striving for
right• it commits no not of opi7ression.
and contends only I'm• the rights of man.--
For fhb , retv:trd the nation pay , a fearrol
D rive: reckoned not in gold and , ilver, but
in noble lives mieritieed 111,4011 our ettuntry'=
altar ; and if ever the hi-torian -hall doubt
the grentn, , s, noblene ,, and patriotism of
the :kmerican, let him rend the record ~1
the •l Shtveholders• Rebellion, - let him be
hold the heroism of the ['tither-. and the
agonizing devotion of the mother., who \
given their sons to the ewe,. ~t t;od, Liberty
Eniun anb Counip 'flatters.
with it 0 ,;(•,/ morn] char
acter. kill h, , t9l:en 01111 ., lu barn the
Printing InNI".'"• N""''"ther' "'"1"01)1Y•
PItOPOSAI,S POlt BEE.E.—In another
column kill hr found the tulvertisemnnt. of
(.2,lorterma-ter onnomMing that lie
will rec,iye prop,sal, for furni.lii nu; the
troop , at l'arlisle ‘%itl, beef. This
is an important contront, and floe:, of tie
reader.; who have tiny intntin-f in I 1,,• matter,
would do \Nell to note narnfoil\ Mt , provi
sion!, of Mr. )Tales ad \
Ili RI .—Last Wednesday evening
a man. ,n 1 , 1 ,,,,d nt.grt , , ttlib•rt•ll (Ito
111 . NV,t Nlain
niol ,$1111:4 111,1)"
,kll.l br,ttlit r had rtttirt•d
Itt lbrir rhatubt•lt. iilwn 001IIIH•11..i'd II II
,tlt.tut awl :11i-• Iw:it'd hint and Lt;ave
du. altoutt. I<ttt•lt heard rho
11,111'0 , aid litu. nn l t•art.ll,l du• tutu-, but
Ihn• rttltlttr had t-t•ttitt•tb ltudt,•vg.d by
that th , vitt:l,d thro*
1 . 1 , 111 n
L'l,lllit•cled Nlith OW Old Sc)l4.toi Pro,hylprinn
(11111 , ii tr( piari• intend 0. give it ,pl,ll
- r2iwlm•rr I.),tival in Ow Snhhut li
Selw,l "Flinr,day, t, n s_ _to
I), "pm laterip , , , ti mid ,iveilitig ~ f ,lit
.111.• ..1111.• I...ntiN/11 urr Itl lot• 1.11111',.-
1,..1:11..•.1 1... 1111. 1:111'1 . 11:1 , 1 . 1.1 . 14,r thc S81)-
bath Sch,.l Librnry. Thc mcnibcr , and
friend : . Ow church and 1111 I.tll , l'S {d1:1 1 " ,c1
int , .rc-t in ..111' 111, c"rdi
ClIAN(IP; ()I DATF: —NV e have received
a letter fr,ic, Nlr. .I.‘m (;ow EN :1111101111-
Cillg that hi , ..f I)Hrliam c:lttle will Lr
illt• 21-4 in-toad 20t1)
it !if Phil tr ri I \-•d Fir
\ I" " . "" 1 "I 11 , -1 11,0
I11:11 t•VI
bf . r , •l 1111 V .111,1• I•
l'et' ;4111:4 Inne, 1 . .1111.•.•11 I
0•11 11. , ;11111.- i'l . r t rely (l -t et I
Lt tire Friday 111,,r11111g in -t, u heap ttf
and t•littrited I”.ne- being the
early ce.~-
ligr that left t , t the heart-1 n.ken imretits
of what wie: so short a time since a large and
happy fluidly and a comfortable home NVe
giN o below a detailed aoreunt of this unj au •-
allcicd catastrophe, which Nye oldained from
neighlaw. A short distance north wo , t
Plainfield• lives or rather did lie .hrs. MA y_
BERRI - and sal A, ith seven
chi ro and ages were as fol
lows: Letii, year,; A ItY, II year:;
IsA BELLA, 7 years; Elt ENI , ir.l yVtirS;
LIZZIE, 4 veers; JosH:ru• :t years; and 1)A
-v nil() months. These people were living
here at the time of this sad occurretiee, gain
ing a livelihood by the cultivation of the
few acre; of land which constituted th. it
little home.
On Thursday last, Ills. MAvitEnitx had
been baking in 11 wooden kitchen which ad
joined the house, and in the evening the fam
ily retired as usual. the parents with the
youngest child occupying a bed-room on the
second floor, and the rest of the children oc
cupying a room immediately adjoining the
one in which the parents were sleeping.—
Shortly after twelve o'clock on Thursday
night, the latter were awakened by the
wailing of the infant child, and immediately
discovered that the house was on fire. Mr.
MAYBERRY immediately ran down stairs
and procuring a bucket of water attempted
to extinguish the Baines, but in a short time
discovered that his efforts would lie of no
avail, and he then, turned 'his attention to
the salvation of whatever personal erects
could be carried oat of the house--never for
an instant thinking of the wife and childr e n
left up stairs, some of whom woo even then
perishing in the flames. During this time
the mother had awakened the children in
the adjoining room and attempted to escape'
from the burning house, but found that the
stairs had already been destroyed and of
course, that avenue cut off Rushing fran
tically through the rooms, she finally suc
ceeding in reaching the roof of the back
building through a window, where, by her
direction, LE.itwas stationed with instruc
tions to pass the children out through the
window - to the mother. After making the
best disposition she-could for the reception
of the little ones Mrs. IMAynnanv crawled
to the open window and extended her at ms
to receive the baby; finding that LEAD was
not at her post, the mother called her. but
horror of horrors I the only response was a
fearful crash, followed by n dense column of
smoke with a forked tongue of flame rushing
through the open window. The distracted
woman's screams brought tier husband to
the place, when he at once united his •e_oer
tions to save the children. But their futile
efforts were only rewarded by it -number of
Revere burns, from which both parents are at
present lying in a very critical condition.
In a short time sympathizing • neighbors
'ffrriVed, — init - tiiu lfite to save the house
which was entirely consumed. From all - Of
the circumstances it wouldseem to be almost
certain that the fire was occasioned by some
coals left in the oven the 'night before.
These we believe, are the material facts
.p.nngatest with_the_saddwa.afluction ever
visited] upon the l people of our county, and
ono that present's the strongest appeal to our
liveliest sympatlliol. •
op., We have every week complaints
from some of our subscriber, that their pa
pers do not reach them regularly. Week
before last live packets sent to as many dif
ferent Post (Hikes failed to reach their des
tination and very frequently we hear that
our subseribers do not get their papers until
the Wednesday or Thursday after they are
published. Tiw"e complaints are getting so
very frequent that ‘‘e feel it our duty to re
mind Post )fasters and mail eturiers that
ear , and attention to their ditties would
oblige a great many persons in ' the 0011111111-
11. thlr paper, are all sent to the Post
Utlice by noon on Friday and t bereave 'nails
trout this pines in the afternoon in every di
reetion. How then our paper miss,: or is
delayed is a mystery. Mr. ZINN assure, us
that it is Itlways sent out by the first mail
and if this is the ease there moot he
carcle—ne , s nu the.route. Our suhseribors
in the County.should receive the HERALD
on Friday evening nr Saturday morning at
tle tortlie-1 and it hen f10e . % do not got Risen
b . \ that time the fault lie, beyond the pub
-114. hope that every ono who init.,:
OS paper or doe, not re eelWe it in duo
scan• will ti -lily promptly in order that
we may tind ont where the fault lie.: and if
Nl , who is It 1 , 1:11i1 , . WE. will sits
soon I - 01110(1V the
TIT E GROW 1.1•. E S.— A eetemporary just
ly et,eryo , that the prop, et or good crops
hrought not the growler- in full force.
They have once killed all the peach, cherry
and apple buds, by the late frost, ; :kt al now,
when that report failed them, they urn
insisting that corn which was planted before
the recent cold rains, has extensively rotted
in the ground: If _we have a reasonable
distribution of such kind of rains during the
next four weeks, the growlers will !Ind their
. gone, utile— they take up the
wire worm, the onion maggot, and the small
fry, to keep their r rnetiev
until another -pring set , in.
111/,111( lhr ,•:I , ,)11 WIIOII l'an•rtil how-ewives
axe busy putting away their I . lll'S 111111
111q1C10 , fr winter WOlll% the foll.wing re
ine(ly against mmlis may he useful and time
1\ 01_111C:12 1)1 gum camphor 1111/1
p.w.lered shell .1 red pepper are macerated
nei Lt 111111 , Pf , trong ,e Pen
4luy,, and then -I NVith this tincture
the fur. , .r are •prinlsled ever, 111111
l'l/111•1.1 up in ,111,1 , This remedy I , in
Russia under the name elnt'hine , e tincture
for Hmtly s , and ls I nln l were efi'eeti e.
(1()UNT1 FEES.—The
11 the AC( at the
se,siuntPl the Legi,lattire, inerea,ing the
fee.; the -overal ('ounty Otlieer , of this
t'untmonwealtli. It will I t,11.-.1.V01l that
he .\ merely teniporar in it- provi ,
ion , . and authorize , : the in rea.e 1 „ I,
nian'ed during tlay pre , cnt year only :
SiEl . los I. Pr 'flint for
one from the pa, , age of thi , Act, the
Prothonotarie-. Clerl, , of the Or
phan,' Court, Clerk , of the ('curt of Quarter
Clerl; , of the Court or User lull
Tormirler, Nocordor , of I)ee(Littlol liogi,turs
of WM.', of the countie , of thi, Cointnon
lVealth, Shall la' and they are hereby author
ized to laid to, collect and receive, twenty
per eol.ttim in addition to the ,ton total ot
all fees allowed law : I'rurided, 'l'lutt this
Act ,hall not aklply to the yountiv, of l'hil
adrlplria, A I leghony, Sticriool'otnan. Firatlf”rd
—The ladies
thi , is the•ea,m of iIi , WtTS, \\
he Itelleti t •
sir lad\ roaulori, the
ing Japan, , . meth ,, ,l d re.itormg them
to their mlginal beauty after t h ey
Juice faded
while fain
11,1111't all 1,-
111 , 111 , - .1' fr,li Nvat,•r. t .1 can bring
o, till it- lir-t Ls,l , wy i..V
Mid .it
Th.•\ :11111 Intt ti la
it- ,11.1)Pl intaa tlw lit, until that nr.• altar
r..4l. In a r , w twur,:tfwr, thi , , , iwration, the
th,wers ro•unw their natural hue-, anti c,,n
tintw lilting rre,h and anal
or, alai reuutin ,o fur It
'rite Bridal Chntnber, an Essay or Warning
and Instruction for V,•ung Men—published by the
Howard Association, and Pent free • f charge in sealed
envelope, Address, Dr .1. 11.1.1 N 11(11:011TON,
Howard As , :oelat hut. Feb. o—ly
i)o tho '2.3d of April lost, hy the 11ev. 11. F. Beek, T
C Es q., of Mowry, to Miss
M. CIIAM IIIIILAIN, of Carlisle.
On the 'Gad ult., by the Rey. S. P. Surecher, Mr
JONES, of Mechanlosburg, l'n
On the 18th ult., by he same, Mr. CIIA It!,Es II
1 I.A S.S. to Miss It UTII MURPHY. both of in rl
On Ihuredny, May 25th, 11 the Rev. W. D. Lelevre
DIS, both or Adams county.
IiETWEEN Mount Holly Spring and
wuich the owner can have by giving a description of
the sante, and paying for this advertisement, if he
calla ou S. FISK,. Nit. Holly Spring.
Juno 2,1865.-2 t.
ceired at this office until 3 o'clock, P. M., SATUR
DAY, Juno 10th, 1805, for furnishing the hoops at and
nem Carlisle Barracks, I 'a, with good PIIEOII BEEF,
lar one year, from and after the first day oISJuly, 1805,
or such lens time no the Commissary General of Subsis
fence U. S. Army nosy direct.
Proposals court he in duplicate, and endorsed " Pro
posals for Fresh Beef," and must con to in the names of
two responsible per , ons who will sign the bond and
become responsible for the faithiul performance of the
Persons who bid are requested to be present at the
opening of the proposals. The Gol,rumert reserves
the right to reject any or a I bids which they may COI.
older unreasonable, or for any other sufficient canoe
THOM A. 3 E. •M A LEY,
lot l.le , sth U. S. Cavalry. A. A C. S.
Wire of A. A. C. S. U.S. A.,
Carlisle Barracks, Pa., June I, 1805..-24. j
Carll,lo, Juno 2, at
Ihave just returned from New York
svith tho latest styles of
for the Season. Silks, Cloth and Lace Aleintles, Showls,
Hoop t kirts, Parasols. Hosiery, Gloves. dud all kinds
of White floods. •
Cloths. Ctuulineres, Linen Coatings. All kinds or
routings &e.
A largo supply of CARPETS, Oil CI( the, Shades, and
Furnishing Goods.
Please call and examine my Stock, as I always sell
at the lowest tintrltet
Additions of 0000 will he made no the Season ad
One dou below 111artlo'N Hotel, 'Melo Street
Juno 2, 1805.
The subscriber now inan ufactures and
keeps constantly on hand, on North Stro,t, east
hoodlum's Hotel, a largo ass rturont of
AGRICULTURAL 1M PLE E NTS, Horse Powers, Threshing Machines with Sep
„ . rotors attached, Clover Hullers Corn
Shelters, Straw and Fodder Cutters, all
*., • •••I of which are the latest and the host
• , 4 4 1F r .„.••••' improveme te•l
Particular attention paid to Repair
ing of all kinds of Agricultural Implements at short
notice and reasonable prices.
Thanitfut fur former favors 'I respectfully milleit a
share of Public patronage.
A. J. KUTZ, Agotn
THE Carlisle (has &•Water Company.
- has this any deelared a dividend of Fifty cents on
sac "sharo of the capital stock of said company, payable
to the stockholders, on and after the 16th Mat., oh ap
plication to The Treasurer. .
k. L. SPOI , IBLE'R, Treasurer.
, ..
.May.l2; 1866—.3t.. . .
theh Post Office at Carlisle,Statn of Pennsyl
vania, the let day ofJune, 180.
Published'hy official - authority in the pa,
per having the largest circulation.
Illgt„..To obtain any of these letter, the
anplicont must call for " advertised teller 47
give the date of the lint and pay two cents
for advertising.
ll' not called fur within one month. thvv
will he sent to the Dead Letter Office.
A.bbert,• Mary Maehen, Jane E
Adams, Elenora March all, Mary Ann
Angstadt, Annie McCracken, Daniel
Alexander, Arm 11 Mchaffie, ;lames
Bishop, Mary A Myers, Michael
Borns, Mary Million. Charlie
Baker, Enoch Baum, II (l
Baker, Johnson Alellen, Annie
Brown, Mary .1 Gekey, Mary A 2
Be _der & Handschip Oarzem, Mary
Canada, Itort Post, Kate I,
Carman. Kate Dowell, Ellen
Culins, Margot Reed, David II
.Dixon, Robert A. Stanley, Fretrk ti
De [-land , Asbury Shoop, .1 Al
Miley, Reny E Sugars, Jaeob W
De Gatreey,
Eigenbroad, Alert' Shaffer, John 2
George, Isaac Seibert, Wen
Gilmore, John Seymour, .1 II
Gaudy, Kate Shullenberger, Ben . )
hinder, _Margret tinter, II
Graham, A nut, Snyder, Sophia
Goodon. Mary Shambaught. M
nni.• Mary
!termer, Daniel Sheafler, I lannah
Heil, Relate Shively, C
_Harvey, Jeremiah Shaffer, Rebecca
Rumba r. Susan 2 Sygert, Catharine
Ileylands, :Mrs. Strickler, Sarah Jane
- Henry. Henry Tanner, Lemuel
lid hind, John S Tate, Abner
ngrabam, Josephine Thompson, I launali
1u in, 11 b' a Thompson, Klein
Kiser, Diller Vickeson, A„b ur y
Lincoln, A; (barber) Vickison, Ann
Lucas, Elizabeth Walbern, Amanda
Long, Wesley,(sold'r)Warbrook, Wm S
Lacy, Minnie lU 'Williams, II
Lamming, It' bar'ks)Wright, Eliza
Lepperd, George L Westfall, Jentima
Lwer, Wm II " Woods, Elizabeth
Mountz, Catharine Williatns, Mary ('
_Malan, Catharine Yeoman, 'rhos. tICk-t
Letters or .A thniulst ration on the estate of John
lhown dee'd.., late of Mifflin twp., having lie,/ Lsuad
to•rilwr residing in the mu t e top. Notke
herehy :riven to all persons indebted to said I'ne e to
Int,nedinte tw went, t-,.1 those hating chains to
present them duly :tothentieuted Sr oetthlnent
May 19, 1015. Administtattin.
JAI.IES GONVEN will sell at Public
Sale, at )fount Airy, Philadelphia, on Wl.ll/I , llilii.
DAY. 2lst JUNE, IOGS, a tine herd of Cows, Heifers,
1 . 0111,,! 11-11!1 , ,, 1110 lired Lc himself.
111111 expressly to combine ittioul milling with easy feed
log • The Catalogue kill in:Ott - aye 001110 40 hoi.oi
\ 011I1g Cattle, which should at this time oniinaint
particular attention. when 4.110 i, 1111i111:11S 1111. So 11111.11
in request. for !weeding. lint:dogma+ Will bit r.t.,ist.l
in die time. eon name?lit 11 '.l
~IIE Stoettho!ders of the Cumberland
valley Itond Company, will meet at lb Com
pany 'a in Chambershora, on NVednik , tlay.
day of 'Nay, at a'. lick M. to take iota 4...m..if , ration
the alllkjef t ,1 roan It their Faid copip.iny, o ith
the Franklin 111111 'toad Comp:inv. Ily
i.. 11. 11ll1111,E,
_Mu/• cf h./IW,, Pr.
THE Directors have this day declared
Cr the la , t in,, the. ofOe per
cont. clear of National to
May 12,
Letters 01 Administration on the e,..tate of Al,ra to
Nta. late of E.od Pennsborough top , having
Leon lose rd to lien, W. CI Isswell 4,1 East Pennsbore ugh
top., notice Is hereby given to 2111 persons indebted to
said estate, and tlu se having claling to present theta
for settlement to G EU. W. Clt ISS W ELL,
Awendatory of former ordinances, and
relating to partial pAymonts of Borough llottnty
whereas, former nrtlinanres thnse of P,, ,tither 17th
1,;:3„/uly 1301 1864 and August :that flit rplating
to the iNOIII.I of Bonds in payment of Bounty debts 1110 e
prodded only fot the payment of the whole amounts
at the Expiration of the tit, men tined therein thus
matins uo pet, loin fi,r part in I ptt . tn ts t.f the Ham,
N% her, a•. the a, t of Legislature require. rurb 1101)114
1.0 red ,• euu , d Within ten rears haul their date
Phrn•farr, for tho more cfrliVel,ll.ll( pii) men t
BIM.In :
Be it enacted, and ordained by the Too n Council of
the Borough of Cat lista and' it Is 100 nucled mid
ordained by the notion ity of - he same. That the
Ilonds to be ihstnid for Bounty purposed lie made pays
Isle In sums to stilt the purchasers, In each your begin
fog with Januar) Ist Ihtiti and that the President of
the Council be and is hereby lt uthorized to Issue said
hinds so that three thousand and City dollars of them
will fall clue on the lot day of January of each and
every your, begining with January lot, lhog. and ex
tending to January Ist, thin.
And said baud- shall be higned by the President and
0111/ tervigne d by the Clerk of the COU /Oland attested
by the Corp irate soul. And the effects, frunehls s and
property of the said Borough or Carlisle are hereby
pledged for the pas fount or the pri nc ipal nod interest
of said Bonds as they respectively become due,
Eunetv.l into an ordinal., the 6th day "t• !sky 0110
01011S/11111 right iltmlrod und sixty-hr r.
J. W . . D. GI (JAME:I,
President or Council
.1. CA M 1 1131.11.1.,
chit.r Burvesf4
A 1.111,1..
.1. M. 31.1.111 /.131 Eli, Secretary
Ma) 12,
rro an ordinance relating to nuisances
and of her offenses passed 20 May lain
Be It enacted by the Town Ci.uneil of the Borough of
Carlisle, and it is hereby enacted and t idalned by the
authority of the same.
That hereafter it shall, be unlawful far vats or oth
er animals to tun at large in ally client, lane or alley,
within the populated parts o' the Borough, a upon
the Public. Square, under the same penalties that are
prescribed to the runninit at large In said public
places or said Borough, of geese, ducks, swill(' and
Sheep, in the net to uhirt, this Is n supplemeht.
.1 W. 11.1111.1.ELEN,
President ot
(Adel It ortress.
Attest \1 A H,jm Ell,
Sor'y. of l'orporition
published for the benefit, and as a
CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN, and others. who cut
er Iron, Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Man
hood, dc., supplying at the !MUM Gore THE MEANS or
SELF-CURE. Ily ono who 11,333 en red Mimd' after un
dergoing ronsidurable quackery. 133 enclosing a post.
paid addressed envelope single copies may be had of
the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq.,
Dee. 9, 15i34.-33n0. Brooklyn, Kings Co , N. Y.
Agricultural Society.
911114; rebellion is now over, and we are
;gain restored to our peaceful avocations. We
cannot better mark this era, than by making prepare.
Lions to return to the accustomed tall exhibition of
our Society. and that we may have the most eXtensive
the best and most inlerest fug that Vs have over"had,
let us begin to prepare for it now. The 5C1113013 is most
propitious and promising of fruitful results, and our
appetites for tho enjoyment of such an exhibition as
we will have, have been sharpened by tho disappoint
ments of the last three years.
By order of the President,
D. S. CROFT, Secretary.
May 12, 18135-3 t .
C. P. Al Y . ERAS' t'• SON,
ITAVE just returned fron the east
ern cities and have opened at their store, in
Main St., Carlisle, apposite SasAnn!tl Hardware Store,
an immense stock of
comprised in part of Coffees, S ugars, Syrups, Teas, Salt,
Spices, ground and unground; Crackers, Cheese, Coffee
Brooms, Benches, Tobacco, Boom, Snell, Matches,
Blacking, Bud Odds, Glaes and Stoneware,
Queens are, Uedarware, Notions,
and all other artkieS usually kept lu a Pik class Gro
In regard to prices I am 4eterfulued to sell floods - at
-the-lowest -figures. -
and all kinds of Country Prtduco taken at market
Farman and Dairymen are particularly invited to
call .tud'se the cMobrated Pammx CHURN, which. ham
been pronounced by rompetont Judges ,tho euperlor
Churn of the ago.
May 6, '6E.-lm , ,
RESCRIPTIONS carefully compoun
ded atlitaTorettak's Drug and Book Sture. • ,
Y.EI Vlr (4 0 o.l)ti.
I HAVE just received a large asssort-
L mont of Now Gond., such no Calico - es. DoLitlnov,
Lowno, Alpacas, Chombreyo, Floonola. Idioms
Brown and Shoe) Intro, Brown and Modelled
:111rtingo, &e.
Alpo, it full assort .. , nt of
Men's Goods,
Snell Cloths, Cassimores, Sattin Abs. 3ran , . itt
sties. Denims. Stripes, Cheeks. Ideluding nil quality
and styles of Undershirts and Drawers. Dro s Shirts,
Shirt Collars, Nook Ties, Gloves, and all other goods
pertaining to a Gentleman's Wardrobe.
All of whleh n'ill be sold at lower prlees than i hey
are Felling elsewhere In Carlisle.
No door Wont of tho Pont Ofilco..enrlisio.
May 2d, 1865.
Reduction in Prices
OF Dry Goods at Ogilhy's Cheap Cash
1 am new another lel of Goods nought at
the present rednead Pity prices, and will run them off
at very I.mal I profit,.
Calicoes from 12 , !, :2001F.
Muslins f.orn 12!..: . ; to 25ets.
Tirkings, Ginghams at the very loweNt figures.
~rosn:nr AND 0 1,111".gc
tem-h lower than former prices.
I will open next wick a full assortment of all the 11.,
styles of Mourning floods. As my stork of goods NV!,
sely light when the Incline In prig,' took pings. I nut
now prepared to oiler great led ueenucnta to purehas
err. All In want of good and hoop 1)11V 1/110DS will
do well to enll nt till. ( T roop Ca , h Store.
lIAS.InIII,IIY, Trustee
cpril 13 'eth.
: - .0t),000 i\lt )1; E "Al I•:N \VA NTED
Spring and Summer Clothing of
T his cheap Clothing Establishment
on North Hanover street, Carlisle. from one of
the iargest and hoot storks.of
TN" riiiensfriNo 000ns„4
ter brought In this pinr•e 11 .' 1 01; • insl rat tuned for
the Campaign, he ackenwledgc, hi, gratitude b, the
citi, no Carlisle and vicinity fur the r.attnsivo ra
nmitgo they have bestowed upon hint, and tat o, the
present tippet tun ity to re,,pet tinny soil-it taalt inn
floe° of the saute. flis • Cock of road} north'
Sl'Itl:(; ANT) St`)1)11.:It (1.()T111 NG,
is SUIT:I , SM in this pisre. either 11l in
I•Xt I,llo' 1•111,:l e11n1.111)11'r tllll t hr stirO 111:11,S
lothit...: to order: having it. Ids employ an experi
enced cutter From my elten,ise purchase In the
ea-tern cities, I feel confident that I eannot be nude,
sold by any other establishment. either East. \\•est,
No, th or s n ntn. fd, inu,don has always been the fict
to supply y o u nith clotding, ta enty-five
dionpvi, cud one hundrrd per cent. better than put
purci t , elsewhere Come an , ' examine stock
when N•o.i want to pi,,rh,or -hit tiny.
April , I'
NAT 1.: t 1 uniler,igned Ladies. do here
by yearly to 111(1 soperiorrinality or the Silver
S 1 lop Floor, niarnufactured l v Slnariser t Mannlne, of
in- , Sit in. -1 Curnlerr laud Co., and sold by Sarno 'I
31. !looser .4 - (3,,ribb., Th“ prior, of Floor Iravi
doo it arloe eunld advise ill tris,
trial no it cann.d l so I'll, se,l.
Mrs 3. Eons, Mrs IV. M. Fleetest, Mr,. S. E. Itheem.
ElizaLel h A Loudon, Mrs. 11. It Illoover, Mrs..l. Hoover,
Itittettls, Miss I:. Egelff, E Bentley, Mrs. M.
'liege, 11 es. Ehy. Mrs. If Miller, Mrs. S.
A. hen er, Mrs. E. Rhoads, Mrs. A rmstro ag, Mrs. M st ray,
Mrs.,C. li inc we It, Mrs. C. 'l'n otter, Mrs. L . . It. Cowl'ort,
Geo. 1.. Merroy, Mrs. Jacob Setter, Mrs. A 13. Ewing
Mt s. It. 03rilliy, Miss : 1 E Miller, Mrs. S'. A. Hutton.
Magnificent Sale
anew - elm-sr, elfc4a.
One Gold and Silver Watch Manufacto
ry, Two Immense Jewelry Establish
meuts, One Silver Plating Warehouse,
One bold Pen and Pencil Maker,
To be disposed of ‘t . ii h dispatch
Thu 1,0 of fitahiolllllllo styles awl most exveli
lent ion, lonatiship, and are sae rifled In this manner
to relieve Cho prOfOietors IrOM embarrassment. Urea
sinned M a disitracting olvil war. It should be promii
:mot ly /dated. also, that they are mostly Of
nod therefote ;.neatly superior to the good., impoited
from abroad and hawked about as the chi tipm,t boor
sold. 'rho simple duty On Imported c o ots, and the
high premium on (hold tall foreign bills aro payablo In
mdd,) amount to more than tint entire root of ninny of
thourticles 'tiered by us to the puhtie. Ti tavilitste
the sale
will be charged for any article on our list, and this
CUD the purchaser need nut pay until he knows what
he is to get "lds plan accords with the method re
cently beeomo so popular for disposing of large stun he
Jewalry ni d similar productions.
The name of retch article offered fir sale—as ‘• doll
Hunting Watch," Oidd Oval Band Bracelet,"
Breastpin and Ear-Drops," " Ga,d Enamelled Bing,"
"Silvm Plated Cake Basket," Rr, Is written on a card
and enclosed in a sealed envelope; theseienvelopes are
then placed in a drawer and well mixed; then as an
ord,r is received, with twenty five cents for return
postage end other charlds, me of the cards or c rt Bi
rates Is taken at random and sent by first mall to the
customer, who will see at earn, what he ran get fur One
Della, If he is pleased with his lertune he ran for
ward the money acre. ding to directions on the rertlft
vial, and secure the prize if the article awarded
should be unsuited to toe purchaser—an, for example,
set of Pearl Ear-Drops and Breastpin to a young man
who could not wear them, and had no (tile to give tiles,
to—we Will send any other article on the catalogue of
equal price which may he pr. furred. Or if, for any
reason, you vhoo:03 to venture no further, then you
can let the matter drop where It in and spend 110 11101,
EX:1111i i.e carefully our ea' alogur• !
WATC 11 1) Ex m T.
:O Patent Lever Gold Hunting Case $6O to dud
3,10(1,a5• Detaeh'd Lever Il du Ilun C I ; Lts. 40 - 173
400 ( lenta' Swiss Gull Hunting Case, :id - 100
00) Ladiev . Gold and linalnol'd ll.tntinf. - rase, :01 - 00
400 Gents' Potent Lever Silver II tinting - 00
400 Gen ts' net Lever Silver Hunting Cove. - sii
:AM (lents' Dot. Lover Silver Open.faeu, 20 - 00
:.100 Gents' Patent Lever Oliver Opoll-fo r,•, di.- IA
800 Gents' : 4 1 , 15, Sliver, 1H- 4n
350 Diamond Binge, $4O to $l2O
300 Goole' Ithiniond 41118, 20 • lOU
3001 (1 enta' California Diamond Plna, 3 - IJ
3000 Gents' California Diamond Ringo, 3 - 12
5000 Genie' Gold and Enameled Fob Wilting, - 40
40 Al Gents Gold Vest Chain!, I - 40
4000 Pair Gents' Gold sleeve Buttons, - 10
4000 Pairtlen , s(lol,l,s Enani,Sleeve Dutton', ) - 10
1(000 Seto Gents' (I Id Studs. ii -
o.tio (lento' Stone Sot and Signet Rings, -
8000 I louts' Slone Out, it Signet Enani Rings .1 - 15
001 0 Ladies' Gold Neck Chain , 5 • 50
4000 Gold oval-Band Bracelets. 3 - 10
1)1101) Gold and Jet Bracelets, 8 - 12
000 d Gold and Enameled Bracelets, 8 - 15
11000 Gold Chatelain ChtllllB, 0 - 30
5(00 Pair Ladles' Gold Sl, eve Buttons, 3 •
4000 Pair Ladies' Gold Endm. Sleeve Dutton,' 4 - 10
8000 Solitaire Gold Brooches, 3 - 12
0000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooehee, 3 - 12
5000 Gold Cameo and Pearl Ear-Drops, - 8
7000 Mosaic, Jet, lava R. Florentine ear drops 3 It)
5000 Gold Thimbles, 5 • 10
10000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Ear-Drupe, :1 - 10
10000 Mini+ turelockets, 4 - 10
10000 Miniature Lockets—magic epring, 8 • 25
10000 Plain Gold Rings, 4 12
150,10 Sete Ladles' Jewelry, Gold and Jet, 5 - 20
100)50s Ladies' Jewelry, Cameo, Pearl, .4c. 5 - 20
10000 Ladles' Gilt nod Jet Bracelets, 4 - 17
10000 !pines' Gilt and Jet Het Supporters, 2 - 12
10000 Cups.
8000 Goblota,
10)00 Pair Napkin It lup.
2000 Card Baskets, 4 - 10
4000 Castor krrapies—eoulplote with bottles, 5 • 20
2000 Ice Sitebera ' 10 ' '2O
0000 Pair Butter Knives, 3 8
5000 Soup, Oyster and Gravy Ladles, '2 - 8
1000 Engraved Pie Knives, 3 -
8000 Dozen Ton Spoons, ' per dozen, 5- 15
6000 Dozen Tablo Spoons, per dozen, 8 - 24
6000 Dozen Desert Forks, per dozen, 8 - 00
12000 Gold Pons, Silver ixtension Holder, $3 to $lO
12000 Gold Pens, Sliver Mounted Holders, 2 - 8
8000 Gold Pene, Gold Mounted Holders, 3 - 15
0000 Gold Pens with Gold_gxtanidon Holders 10- 25
0000 Gold Pens, Gold nom. and Pencils, 10 • 20
0000 Gold Pencils, - 20
In all cases we charge for forwarding the Certificate,
postage, tind'dolug the business, the sum of Twenty
five Cents, which must bo in the order. Five Certifi
cates will be sent 'for :$1; eleven fur $2; thirty for
$5; sixty-five'for $10; ono hundred for $1.5.
AGENTS ARE -WANTED, - ,-' ,1 ,.
Throughout the Country .lo . Operato for u p .:
coMponsation Bend for terms,.&tl., en
closing stamp. , " " • •
, , • 75 Fulton Street, N. Y.
shirch, 2 4, ; • •
Folios,.Writing Desks, BSA
Clairiinon Boards', GatuOiof all description at Kay
eretick's Drug, n,and Book Store. — ,
COAL --,011 Laniii . a,. Shades and .Chire.
gays St Haverotloles Drug and Book more. '' •
N,orth To,.t
The Entire Stock of
Richmond has Fallen.
NI) with the fill of Richmond, we
.1.2.... are most happy to Eintiounce to the people. the
greet decline In goods.
I.II;i:INESS DONE ON A. Go 1.1) 13
(Inr coltiro stock rodurod to oorrosTond
with priros in the
I)It,I4ISS (400.D5.
S('O'l'(•H Gi NG lIA &(
("111 , ;(1(;-;,
all at greatly reduced eaten. Every one in want o
cheap goods, should give us a call. as we are deter
ruined to sell goods down at the very ',meet, nick.
Bargains Will be ell the rage nt
S. E. corner Market Squnro.
'2l) 1)004. 211 DOOR. '2l) DOOll.
toll 7.
74100'4,4 7.:./
Will, cure the Discuses thn THROAT k LUNOS,
Such as Colds. C .ghs, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, ;turn Throe', Hoernoness, Whooping
Cough, A'. Its ti nely use will prevent
P ( L. 41 R ' 0 .1 7- S "3/P7'lollr,
Awl Oven whore this fearful disease has taken hold it
will afford greater relief than any other medicine.
Silos Kate Vanderslice of Pottsville, says: " I WI.
benetitted more by using the I!lneuix Pectoral than
any other medicine I ON or used.'
Elias flberholtger. of Lionville, Cheker county, was
cured of ofugh of many 3 ears' standing by using the
I'hu•n is Pectoral.
Joseph Lukens, of Ilnll street , Phneelxville, certifies
that he was eared of a rough of twin years statnllng,
when all other medicines had tailed, by the l'lmmix
,Is,•nl, Power, certifies that lie has sold hnndri•J+ of
ul the l'hiruix l'oetoral, and that all idea used
it bear tostunrmy rd Its s,onderful e.liect:- in curing
John Royer, editor of the "Indep..nuent I'hn•uix,''
having used It, hag no hesitation in pronoum•io' it a
complete remedy ha . rough. hoarsonetiv and irritation
In the throat.
The West Chester '•.liithirsonian" say, •i We have
Irtir.wil 1)r. Olierholtzer personally a nambor of years,
and it gives us the greater pleasure to recommend his
ine,lnuch its the puhlir rarely listen, the
hen alit Of famllr leellie Ines prepared by a ph vnician of
his acquirements and experience.
lir, tibetholtzer is it member of the Al ennui of the
)leilical Department of the l'iliversiry t 'entisylxit
ula, at institution he graduated in 1954.-
The Reading - Gazette - tot:, s: rough fettled)
i• fund° up by Dr 1,. Glterholt 4er, of Plettnixeille,
and it ha% aettuirt•d flit Ussurpa..ell reputation in cut
in; roughs. It is cretully end skillfully prepared
ham Wild cherry Itar a lt and Seneka Snake Root "
1),.. (to" It. or the hi - active of Medi
cine in the l'uiversll3 of I't . lllltiV,lthia, Ph) sleifin to
he l'eunsylegoia Ilta,pitll, and one of the Htlthor, nt
Dispensattay, says of Sere.lia STl:llie
•• I t. 0 , 11,11 is ,pvi•lally throated to the lungs' .
pittprief or of this ine,lkj,, h as so ' ma th ,•,,nfi
tlt-thte in its rtlintli, 11111,,,, front the testintotiv of
hood: ea, stet ha, writ 11, that the ituttuty sill Le
pall hat I. to any pinch:A:ter xhn is not sati•lled with its
it is FO pleagant to take that children cry for it.
It c , ,sts only Thlt ty-ti ye cents—large bottles $l.
It is intended for only one ,•In, of di , etv-es, namely,
thi,e ui the Throat and Lungs.
Prepared Only 11. i,
Pho:nixrille, in.
Sold by all Druggists and Storekeep•r,.
Johnston. Holloway St Cowden, No. 23 Nm th Sixth
Street, Philadelphia, General Wholesale Agents.
It. W.G roes A Co., Wholesale Agents Harrisburg.
Hanoi stick's Drug Store. agency for Carli-le.
N Il —lf :your nearest druggist or storol«,per does
not keep this medicine do not, let him put yen off ,ith
some other medicine, because ho makes more money on
It. but send at once to one of the agents for it.
March In, 1005-1 y
Arii—ears of this Lino kayo the Ninrket St.
Daily, at 4 o'clock, I'. M.
Leave Dolly, at 7 o'clock, A. M.
duods Intended for this Line should be marked C. A
P. Daily Frol,:ht Line, and sent In by 4 o'clock.
July 1, 1A(34.
n.REAT Trunk Line from the North
and North We , t for Philadelphia. Now York
Reading, Potlarille. Lebanon, Allentown, Easton Ae.
I rains Inane Harrisburg for New York, an follows:
At and ' A M and 145 l'. M., arrivinv, at Now
York at 10 A. M and 2.15 and 10 P. M.
. .
The above conne t with himilar trains 011 Pen syl
yank Rail Road, and Sleoping,Carg accompany the first
two trains without change. .
Leave for Reading, Potter!llo, Tamaqua, Mlnersville,
Al lentiown and Philadelphia at 8.15 A M. and 1.45 P.
M., stopping at Lebanon and principal stations only.
Way Trains, stopping at nil points. at 7.25 a m. and
4.40 p. tn. Returning: Leavo New York at oa. In., 12
noon, and 7 p on. Philadelphia at Sa. m. and 330 p.
m.: Pottsville ut 8.50 a m and 2 35 p . m.; Tamaqua at
lit a in. and 2.15 p. in.. and Reading at 12 midnight,
7,05 and 10.45 a. in, 1.311 and 6,05 p. m.
An Accommodation Passenger train limy. Reading
at ti.3o A. M., and returns from Philadelphia at 4.3 J
Columbia Railroad tralna leave Reading at 6.40 and
11 a. m. for Ephrata, Litlti , Celumbia, &e.
On Sundays. Leans Now York at 7 p. m., PhiladeL
phis at 3,15 P. M., Pottsville at 7.30 A. M. Tamagus at
7 a, m., Ilarrisburg 8. 15 a. m. and Reading at 13 mid
night for Harrisburg.
Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion
Tickets at reduced rates to and from all points.
liaggage checked through. SU founds Baggage al•
lowed each Passenger
Nov. 25, .1864
ATALITABLE Presents for all at Haver
stl. les Drug. Book and Fancy Store.
Ice Ice ! ! Ice !! !
The subscriber is prepared to furnish
000 D, (LEA le ICE
In large or small of MID titles. Contracts for the season
will he made and ice delivered to any.'part of town. Ice
finni, on LoonSt alley. Apply to
Pictures that should be in every Album!
- DREsiDENT LINCOLN, and his son
Nyillie, a Photograph from Wu. Price 25 rents.
Catainlquo at the State House In Harrisburg, repre
senting the body of the President lying In state. Price
20 ren Le.
The same In a large situ Photograph Itlxll. Price
1,50. Übe same for tho Stereoscope, 50 cents.
Sent to any direction on receintof price, and a threS
cent stamp. 'rho trade supplied at wholesale rates.
Address. ./ HOSE:NI/A LE, Optician,
May 5,3 t. Ilarriaburg, Pa.
DIVIDEND of Five per cent. and
Five extra, free of National and State 'faxes, has
bon declared by the Board of Directors of this Bank,
which will be paid over to the stock-holders, on demand.
May Lnd 13)
4 .- to $2O
2- 10
SMALL FRUITS Ac., ke., Sold cheap at the
11 tile stock is largo tend will be removed, Trees will
be sold at greatly reduced prices. A largo lot of
Grape Vine, Goosebeiy, Raspberry,
Blackberry, Rhubarb, Strawberry, Flowering plants
such as Spirocas, llonesnekles, Paionies, Ac., Am., ail
will be sold vary low. An hemouse stack of
prices to suit purchasers. Prompt attendance andimr
feet satisfaction given, call at the Nursery.
. lIBNRT S. RUPP, Proprietor,
Successor to David Miller.
May 12, 1665-1 t,
cl•.---L.-.l4oo4lllANjong and- favora
• bly known as ono of the best Photographers hi .
't o country, has associated himself with Mr. Geo. M.
Preto, an ominont Photographer ' to carryon the Pho
tographic business in Nowville, Cumborland Co. Pa.
Their skill as artiste, with a complete set of the best
Instruments , and a superior conetructod SKY LlGH T, give them advantages overall other
. gallerion for au
-parlor worlcin this - county. , ^ .
Ihe public is cordially invited, An . work guaran.
teedlo please.
May 12, 1806-tf•
U. S. 7-30 LOAN.
The sale or the first series of $300,000,000 of the 7,30
Loan WWI completed on the 31st of March, 1005. The
sale of the second series of Three Hundred Millions,
payable thi en years front the loth day of Jun, ISM",
NV,,tl begun on the let of April. In the stun t orate of
thirty iayy over One Hundred Millions of thin nerlea
have been sold—leaving this day Icon than Two Mtn-
droll Millions t." be diaposed of. Tho interest Is payn
blo ncml•annually in currency no the 15th of Decom
her and 15th nfJ uno hy Coupons attached to each note,
whielt are nattily eashed :Inywltore. It amounts to
One cent per day on a $5O note
Two cents $lOO •
" " "
More and lYlore Desirable.
The Rebellion is suppressed, end the Government
hits already adopted measures to reduce expenditures
as rapidly so possible to a peace footing, thus with
drawing from market as borrower and purchaser.
This is the ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered
by the Government, end ronetltutes the GREAT POP
The Seven-Thirty Notes are convertible on their unt
Unity, at the option of the holder, into
U. S. 5-20 Six per cent.
Which are always worth a premium.
Free from Taxation.
The 7.30 Notes cannot be taxed by Towns, Cities,
Counties Cr States, and the Interekt Is not taxed un
less on a surplus of the owner's Income exceeding six
hundred dollars a year. This fart luereaiies their value
from one to three per cent. per annum, according to the
rate levied on other property.
Subscribe Quickly.
Less than $.200,000,000 of the Loan authorized by the
last Conga oss aro now on-the markot. This amount, at
the rate at which it la lt,ing abaorbed, will all be sal,
arribed for within two mouths, when the notes will un
douhtedly entumand a premium, as has uniformly hton
the v:isu on closing tho subseription, to other Loans
It 110 W lif.olllll probable that tn. ~Ishlorable amount b,
yand the pre.ent reries wlll he offered to the publi,
In order that ritlzros of every town and. portion of
the country may ho afforded. facilities for tale Inv the
limn, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private
13a nkurs throughou t t he you n try ha N) generally agreed
to reeeice subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select
their own avnts, in whom they have confidence, and
who only are to lie ri,pou,ihlo for the delivery of the
lotes for wLiell they receive orders
For sale at the First Nat. Bank and Carlkle Deposit
Bank. Carlini°, and First. Nat. Bank, Newville.
iptiirn Agent, Philadelphia.
May 12,
Richmond h. a s Fallen !
fact that is proven to every person
1 - Icalling at tha Chen', Ste, of Leidich & Miller,
a hero they are jest receiving II large supply of Spring
and Seamier Ii odds, purchnsvd hill, th e g r e,,t, decline
le gold.
The stock embraces in part
LA DI ES . DR Es., (:00Ds,
such as Black and Fancy Silks of all colors and quali
ties, 11000 styles Poplins, Mehairs, Lustres, Alpaccas all
colors, )lozambiques, Litmeriques, Valendlas, Do Lalnee
Chitflies, ike.
Basques, SnsqueF, Shawls, c eta,
of every kind, c,nsisting of Mourning Silks, A Ipacens,
Bombazines, Mohairs. Poplins, single and double width
DeLainss, 'Carols° Cloths, Craps Vella, Collars, Hand
,kerchlefq. Balmoral Skirls, a new style. black and
white Ginghams.
bleached and unbleached Mullins from 124 cents up.
A large assortment of Calicoes from 12!, cents to 25.
In 4 bleached and unbleached Sheeting, Pillow Case
Muslins. Tlebl age , Cottonades, (litighams, Nankeens,
Table Limper, and a great many other goods not men-
tioned hut always on hand. Our notion department
is complete, embracing Cotton Hosiery ,if every quality
for ladies, gOll [lemon, misses, boys and children,
Gloves of every description, Silk, Linen, and Gingham
Handkerchiefs, French Cornetts, Hoop Skirts all A 17.08,
810111,11 I Skirt• all sizes, Balmoral Skirts. Neck Ties,
Suspenders, Trimming and Mantua Ribbon e, Head
Netts, Sun Umbrellas, Parasols.
I,n mid /? ',s
Itt.ays a run assortment of every dear, iption at the
very Inwegt market prices. Clothing made at very
Amyl notice by a first class tailor
le PETS. (' RP E
n full line cf every description and quality, Matting,
Floor roil Cloth, Looking tilasseh. Oil and Paper Win
dow Blinds, Table Oil Cloths, Stair Oil Cloths, and
many other house furnishing goods for the season.
Feeling very thankful to the generous community
for their kind and liberal patronage so far extended to
the firm, WO earnestly and sincerely ask a continuance
of the Caine, as customers know that is a great pleas
ure to as to exhibit our stock, besides proving that we
always study the interest of our customers, as we are
determined not to be undersold by any merchant in
the country.
Please remember the well known stand south east
corner Market square, directly opposite Irvin's Boot
and Shoo Store.
April 1'415.
Corner of Hanover and South Ste.
Grocery and Queensware Store,
LJ S T opened with fresh and good
pv Goods, a choke variety of every thing usually kept
In a first rinse store. Particular attention given in the
selection of nice sets of
China and Granite Ware,
Canned and Pickled Fruits, Worcestershire, Cumber
land, and other Sallefiti,
Choose, Crackers, and every thing else In our lino that
a discriminating public may req uirn. Full assort
ments of Writing Papers, Coal 011 Lamps, Queenswsro,
Willow, Cedar, etono and Earthen Wares,
kept constantly on hand.
Goods will be replenished frequently, kept clean and
nice, sold at the lowest possible prices, and delivered
at any part of the town.
Please give us a call. Cash paid for Country Pro
duce. WM. BLAIR .4 SON.
Carlisle, March 3,18135.-1 m
HAVING just toturned from the
Eastern clties drake to inform their patrons that
they have laid in a Jar go and varied stock of Now and
Fresh goods at the lowest cash prices.
Their assortment is thorough and complete, contain
ing everything necessaay to constitute a First Class
in greatest abundance, and at lowest cash figures.—
Syrups, Spices, Canned Fruity, QUEENSWARE and
Crockery, Salt and Fish, Hams, Cheese, Crackers,
Brushes, Baskets and Willow Ware.
,S'egars and Tobacco,
of thu choicest brands. Brooms, Huelids, and a coin
ploto assortment of
Don't forgot the old stand, South East corner of
Hanover streets.
Feb. 24, 1804.
JUST received from the groat Nov
York Auction Salvo
3000 yartlc CaMoo&
2500 White M wino&
GOO Spring Dolalum
3000 " Brown 'Alaline
800 " Gingham. '
6000 "
Carpets. •
011 Cloths, Looking Glasses, Shados, &c.
Great Bargains in IloopSkirts, Linen Handkerchiefs,
Spring Mantles, Bosquines, Dross Goods, Dross GOods,
Ac. I will sell the above Goode and manly pthors at a
small advance on cost until the let of April. Pleaso
call, one door below Martin's Hotel. Main stmt.
March 10, 1805. W. 0. SAWYER.
.o.Mnioud acid swap oy •Sanqsuod
-(1 1 1 1S' ` O I O D 'll . 1) !olgilauo 1 11 mos
esti tti uooq suq Inq Spettioa mint ou el II
ismoo ‘sqlinoo ao:f 47, kg
'AGNITO 110110041,I0r1"13
PIPES, Tobacco,.(smoking mid chew.
In g ) and Began!, at ilarotiatlok's Drug and Book
E. BELT2HOOVER, Attoniey
o at Law Office 'ln South Hanirger divot, oppoidte
outs'a dry good otbro Wage, Pa.
September 0,1864. ,'.
Chains, Gold Pens and Pencil ,
, tad not to be paid until you know what you
All to be Sold for ONE DOLLAR Each
100 Gold Hunting Cases \Vetches each slou 00
lull Gold Watches 80.0 u
200 Ladles' Watches 35.00
500 Silver Watches 515.00 to X 25.00
000 Gold Neck end Vest Chains 12.00 to 25.00
1000 Chatelaletind Guard Chains 5.00 to 15.00
3000 Vest and Neck Chains 4.00 to 12.00.,
4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Brooches 4.00 to B.oo '
4000 Coral, Lava, Garnet, &c., Brooches 3.00 to 8.00
7000 Gold, Jet. Opal, &c., Ear Drops 3.00 to 8.00
5000 Gents' Breast and Scarf Pins 3.00 to 8.00
0000 Oval Band Bracelets 300 to 8.00
2000 Chased Bracelets 5.00 to 10.00
3500 California Diamond Plus and Rings 2.50 to 800
2000 Gold Watch Keys 2.50 to 6.00
5000 Solitairo Sleeve Buttons and Studs 2.00 to 8.50
:1000 gold thimbles 4.00 to 6.00
)000 Nllnlature Lockets
3000 Miniature Lockets, Magic
2500 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, Arc
3000 Fob and Ribbon Slides
5000 Chased Gold Rings 2.03 to 5.0 U
4000 Stone Sat Rings 2.00 to 6.00
6500 Sete Ladies' Jewelry—Jet and Gold 5.00 to 15.00
6000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry—varied styles 3.00 to 15.00
8000 Gold Pens, Silver Case and Pencil 400 to 8.00
4000 Gold Pens, Ebony Holder and Case 6.00 to 10.00
6000 Gold Pens, Mounted Holder 2.00 to 0.00
All the goods in the above List will be sold without
reservation, for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Certificates of
all the various articles are placed in similar envelopes
ended and mired. Those envelopes will be sent by mail,
pr delivered at our office, without regard to choice. On
receiving a Certificate, you will see what article it rep
resents, and it is optional with you to send one dollar,
and receive the article named, or any other in the list
of saute value.
By this mode we give selections from a varied stock
lof line goods, of the best make and latest styles, and of
ntriusle worth, at a nominal price, while all have a
chance of securing articles of the very highest value.
In all transactions by mall wo charge for forwarding
the Certificate, paying postage, and doing the business,
26 cents each. Five certificates will sent for $1 ; Elev
en for two $2; Thirty for $6; Sixty-five for $10; and
One Hundred for $l6.
We should supply your wants ; our facilities aro unsur•
passed; our work of unrivalled excellence; our promises
punctually observed. Our central location brings us
near the moat remote points. Our goods aro now from
the manufacturers, and of the latest and most &aka.
ble styles. The goods must be sold, and the terms are
unequaled. All articlesorodred aro &warded by return
We guarantee entire satisfaction in every Instance,
and if thorn should be any person dissatisfied with any
article they may receive, they will Immediately return
It, and the price will be refunded.
AGENTS.—We allow those acting as Agents Ten
Conte on each Certificate ordered, provided tholr remit
tance amount to Ono Dollar.
They will collect 25 cents Or every CartMeat°, and,
retaining 10 stints, remit to ud 16 cents for each.
803 Broadway, New York.
Mar. 8.-8 m
100,000 WATCHES,
WORTH $500,000 !
toil! receive.'
4.00 to 0.00
2.00 to 6.00
2.00 to 5.00