PEACE! Kirby Smith. Surrenders ! !—The Flag Waves from Maine to the Rio Oponde! Preparations for the Surrender. BATox Horan. Tuesday, May 23, 181;2 C , dtto. Saturday, Mil:{ 27 ) Brig. Gen. Brent, tel Cols. Debinu, C. Bucke and ticip arrivud here to-day as Com missioners trot Kirby :Smith. Gen Herron and Lieut. Commander FoQter came down from Red River with them. Gen Herron has "-Cone to Gen. Canby. and it is believed hers that term , ire art.:mg - ea the surrender of arni The Surr nder— Official An- nouncement• \VAR 1)1.11 . . 111.' MEXT. Saturday, ;May 27, IHW) j Alajor-I;en Dix : A. dispatch from Gen. canhx, doted at New Orleans. yesterday, the 20th state , that :irrangementi.., for the stirreodet of the ( ' onfetlerare fur,e, in the 'Trani-lis•iissippi Department hat been ,oneinded. They inelode the iris ..ri Al of the arm \ oat V. _A lout, FEM ALL. It E (ioorg,in• sac. : "The ‘V t. nt t 'lt Ill" milt tllteldoll lltOtitt , ill this oity /it prosrnt. Tiw . \• tlispluy tlwir rming by I.l.inv 111 HI- (•.1 . .. of th , pan.l,l 11 l I that th..y oaU tliviti iii thitir rroti. 1 1 th rani trice them .\ \\ placed tt futtlil. oil:tilted It L'; ,,, t11 -tippor, fifteen dol lars in 1114.11.%1. and 1111111111Chti.10 itill.lllo, , os. It NVIt- di-Ct.VOltt•it, ht. \\ . ,• vt.t . . Oita 1111, - 1 evt . r :411( . 1. 111, fair Vt'l'y Ilitld Ith.tllt hiking iii who prides- to ho ilisgtistetl lioraww he \\war raptured \ atilsro tee• Disp,nsiitory , ay , that most of thr Sar , iipitrillit of tin. ,hop, i , inort and worthlosq. Dr. AYER, ill hi , writings on this, drug, stales that not only it inert as found in tlie thops. Lnl soak° Itt , iii r the prepttrationsfrom it, or bearing its name. Ile lioNvt:xer, (lint thi. fact ari from the it-e of Nvorth'es. Narielie-., preparations he incompetent melt; that the (rile )1 edicinal Sarsapri Iht Sarza Smilax off. t ,if the tropic , , when 11'1 , 1*, ill the 1,11(1, one of the nto , t effectual alteratives we po,,es,. Combined with other,tili:timco , of great alterative power, like lodine, Stil lingin, &c., it undo. , ('.. 11) i 0 . Ex I. tilt iell Pe irate.ost in t, be lieve i= elle of the nmi4t4•lleetital rettmdie, for lintimr., skin and for purifying the Nvilii'll has evi•r Sot been found I.\ ( 311 ), Alr•)•,/ 171, -21 , at 1)111L': 11111-1.•. F. i t Ito Carl kli• • I h•ra Id " OUR MARTYRED PRESIDENT Tito 1-1111 .‘pril. Ili Mill ,• 1 4 membered by the . Al pecide da . , and vrb,mii. The man 1t lit.. 1 . 111" tir t . llll biltt guidcd the Ship \lllll it lilt , " V.llO by 111, 111.1dit tbiltrit. - titr and (tau it ti tt, haul 1 . 11tWill1 . 11 • Ii' 1a 4qlllll HIV 1 , (1111 \tit- 11,41111 , 1 ht fill! at by the inurder.m- hand the niart,\ r that taaintry !nal tit tlit , tit lirtllct ple, which it liti+,l been hi- life-Imi4. Min ti •tipp“rt. . . A , t 1 0112; 11,k, Inllon. .\ local North had rt•clitted betivath it- braitch..-. and !wen 1,1 . 01,c1411 I ' l'olll tilt` 4141nd- ;Ind 4:1%11 kV2ll'. ' filar gal. 11‘ , N1 111111 111 . 1.-gb , r\lll.lllol 1. ati , l th , ‘vavittu; hratich , •- hcartl nn ulorl. I,t I- 111 . 1111. t• nitwrit hecait , .. 1“01. I.l44 . ttita!, that hi death ‘vas a f2;l.ri..F. .•11 , 1ing . I.l ' onl \V}U,-4• provi -4 11 that liro is not staeam on which from 'light till morn nnk3e....1 float ga/lug at the .tar+. Inhaling eat Ils and tlailin!: olt Thy hand through the erases." Tlllll. Will 1114 rerlillt 11- t.. l'ilVieW; %%hide 1 , 1 . Ile. lir, ; I,N . i.mitiing 111.11 ,/1111 11 /1t111 . 1) ,1 1111, 111 111 , lii - b , ry, 1 may puy it tribute the rurposi. \\ ill he I ' lllllll.l 111 a 1111111111 e \i In, 1 . 1 1 111111 , 41 ing 1,1 and nimirn,il tiJr W 11,1111111.11. \\ • III•11 11114.11 ut hi , ~ f tiov, th Id -Hp ''l Shoo. wi t , 1, 1 11;- :" ''"1" and 1""'"• fr l " -I,m to -.1,1'11. :11111 In-( drifting out 401 111 , • curl, tit di.tinnui. It ith ill , . -.tarry Ilag ut it- ina4t w.,rld thp ,•1(.11(1 of tren , i.n. Not wit h , tatidille; ro:‘ -.and difficult Nchich him ;,I .tell of the Nvay : not Ic ith,tanding - hick , .01 !trill 1111111 , 41111.111 , l114 . 111ii•- ill NOIIII, 101 1, iii.l 1111 111 16111 in 41 , •;i1 Wllllk, Ile nii,w;•r% ing in hi= devotion to hi, country. Irii , ting: in with ev,4 fixed on that 11111ar star or his , till :11111 the this For this ho died. The eharaeter of Abraham Lincoln pre sents iinii of the grandest models it the Chris tian Slll.leSlllllll to be found within history. Among the many heroes in the great strug gle for liberty, he stood foremost of a ll, con spicuous alike for his noble works and his pure patriotism. Ile displayed dint happy union of mildness and firnines , , which give, strength and grace to a public MAD. lie possessed flint calm, contemplative disposi tion and habitual self-command %Odell led him to look at every subject dispassionately and without prejudice, and to bring to its consideration, and to the support of his opin ion when formed, the unencumbered puaw•rs of his strong intellect. As a ruler, he id ways exhibited that candtir and directness of purpose which lire in consistency with the republican character ~r ou r government. A purer patriot than he has never existed since the immortal Washington. Ile n •vor sacrificed principle to popularity. Ile was never known in a single Instance in his ca reer, to resort to intrigue or stratagem. or ever to make any personal effort of the most trdinary and admissible character, with a view solely to his own political aggrandize lipent. It may truly be said of liitn (and of lnlxv few can it be said!) that honor 1111(1 of eu.sought hiin, 'babe honor or office. And , et few men have risen more rapidly. lie ascended by the buoyancy of his own inirit., steadily and majestically, to the a• nith of fame and distinction I He will go down to posterity honored and cherished in the mem ory of a grateful people, and the American heart will beat quicker and the life-blood of the nation flow more rapidly at the mention of the name of Abraham Lincoln. Vita incerta rat. In the midst of his glory, when his brightest hopes were about to be realized, God called Win 1101111 , . Not alone in America did the people mourn, but from all parts of the civilized world, the friends of freedom mourned for the great apostle of liberty. In all classes, from the highest to the lowest, sorrow reign ed. They buried him amid the booming of cannon and the mournful tooling of the bells, with the great heart of the nation beating the echo. And as that funeral procession swept lacing, its pathway watered by the tears of millions, the flowers "that night and day gave all their looks to Heaven," seemed to bend in mourning for the departed stllttts man. .. Yesterday was the thus set apart by the President of the nited States for "humilia tion and prayer." Again the nation mourns the departed hero who now sleeps Jo the patriot's grayo, than which earth offers no prouder resting place, death no brighter por tal to another lite. Again we weep to think that the heart animated by such lofty prin ciples lied ceased to heat ; that the soul fired by such noble impulses is no longer among uc, constantly to shed its influence upon us. And now, while ho :deeps beneath the green of his prairie home; sweetly slumber ing with the sod upon his breast; " dust to dust," while the winds amidst the leaves are itihinting a requiem to departed greatness over his grave, we ask, wit,. his life a failure? Judge of life by success, measure it brmoral nut okv3, staretoilay tiP , /7 thtin that his tens a life—a struggle fort the success of great principles; that ho conquer ed.; and that laying his all upon the altar of his country in her hour of need, he-achieved a renown nobler and greater thanmortal man has yet received: His course was fin ished• his race run; his work on earth com pletett nndho hnlsrecoiycd the*"erown of glory in the heavens,iiiitorni - groFriiiiiitli: ll , His is an example which may ever be pre eented ae worthy of the ol , itseSt imitation. ~The beauty of onr9oVernment and of-our Constitution shines forth more and more.— The honors of the American nation are not monopolised by a decorated and titled aris tocracy. To the poorest citizen the 1.0:1(1 to fame and distinction lies open. Merit alone confers position. To the American youth, Abraham Lincoln stands forth us the modal of all that is great and good and pure in public or in private life. In his "successor, we bind, again, the self-Mode man. (no:ac tuated by the same noble principles as his predecessor. and who by his conduct thus far, has gained for himself the eon tiden and esteem of his countrymen. Let us look for 11110.11101 a in the r 4,1111 of this great struggle for liberty, for which Abraham Lincoln died a...martyr. Troth hue burst the hand; of silence and wall,- the earth with giant trend. Liberty. -0 tong eircumseribed. begin- to wheel in longer circle , . soar to greater heights. The old world is convubled with the throe- of re- : form, and our own land a wake- n higher I life of freeiln ond justiee. :Mr people hose given evidence of greatness and nobleness. iteeognizing !he cam , of civil war, the great Innf , s o f the North have become anti-slavery. lint the ( ver-ion lulls ,init made them fano tie marched onward toward t. gi,wit.t:' goal. I:MN:Tsai freedom, lint no brutal inhumanity, no wild outrage, :::: deed of in holly marks its progresA. Striving for right• it commits no not of opi7ression. and contends only I'm• the rights of man.-- For fhb , retv:trd the nation pay , a fearrol D rive: reckoned not in gold and , ilver, but in noble lives mieritieed 111,4011 our ettuntry'= altar ; and if ever the hi-torian -hall doubt the grentn, , s, noblene ,, and patriotism of the :kmerican, let him rend the record ~1 the •l Shtveholders• Rebellion, - let him be hold the heroism of the ['tither-. and the agonizing devotion of the mother., who \ given their sons to the ewe,. ~t t;od, Liberty and Eniun anb Counip 'flatters. A PI'IIENTICE WA NTED.—A stout boy, with it 0 ,;(•,/ morn] char acter. kill h, , t9l:en 01111 ., lu barn the Printing InNI".'"• N""''"ther' "'"1"01)1Y• PItOPOSAI,S POlt BEE.E.—In another column kill hr found the tulvertisemnnt. of (.2,lorterma-ter onnomMing that lie will rec,iye prop,sal, for furni.lii nu; the troop , at l'arlisle ‘%itl, beef. This is an important contront, and floe:, of tie reader.; who have tiny intntin-f in I 1,,• matter, would do \Nell to note narnfoil\ Mt , provi sion!, of Mr. )Tales ad \ Ili RI .—Last Wednesday evening a man. ,n 1 , 1 ,,,,d nt.grt , , ttlib•rt•ll (Ito 111 . NV,t Nlain niol ,$1111:4 111,1)" ,kll.l br,ttlit r had rtttirt•d Itt lbrir rhatubt•lt. iilwn 001IIIH•11..i'd II II ,tlt.tut awl :11i-• Iw:it'd hint and Lt;ave du. altoutt. I