Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 04, 1864, Image 1

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'Ear each - aubservient Ineertlon;•
Pqr Me? •eantlle tliementa,
Legal Notices ,
Prbfeiiiicinal Cards wltlaut papers
Oblttuiry Notiaes airs Coinmunica
thingriiVting to mattet e'of prl
*4o InjeFeats alone, 10 cants par
jOB, PRINTING,—Our n Job Printing OITICe Is-the
largest and most completo establishment In the
Colull Y. ,Your good Presses, and a general yarfety of
material suited for plain aud Fancy work of every
kind,,enables us to do Job Printing at the shortest
notico, and on the most reasonable terms. Persons
In . wantof Bills, Blanks, or anything In the Jobbing
line, will find it to their interest to give ns a call.
gOnli af,ll familia/lu.
Vico Provident—llANNllßL HAMLIN,
.Becrefarj , of Stoto—Msf. If. SEWMID,
Bocrotary of Intorfor—Sno. P. USIIEft,
Secretary of Trossury—GYM. P. FESSENDEN,
Secretary of War—l DWIN M. STA:ITON,
:Secretary of No - coy—Oita:os WELLES,
Post Master General-51ONTOOMBRY BLAIR,
Attorney &moral—BOW/M lle TEN,
Chief J ustfee of the United 9 lass-1100En B
Governor—AmmElV 0. CURTIN.
Secretary of State—ELl SLIDER,
Surveyor Geueral—.lonics BARR,
Auditor General—ls% en SLEN R ER,
Attorney Gonornl-315r. M. NI FREDITR
Adjutant Geneml—A 1,. RUYIEI.I.,
ptato Treasurer—Da: 4ll r D Motion..
ChlefJuAle of the Supreme Court—Gtr. W.Woon.
President Judge—Hon. James 11.i/reborn.
Associate Judges—Hon. Michael CockHu, Hen
Hugh Stuart.
District Attorney—J. W. D. (Melon.
Prothonotary—Samuel Ski roman.
Clerk and Itocorder—Pipliraim Common,
Iteicistet.—Geo W. North.
High Sheriff—J, Thompson Ilippoy.
County Tronsurer—Henry S. Ritter.
Coroner—David S,r.ith
County Commlsalontirs—Michael Haat, John M.
Coy, Mitchell McClellan,
Superintendent of Poor House—Henry Snyder.
Physician to Jall—Dr. W. W. Dale.
Physician to Poor House—Dr. W. W. Dale.
lef Burgess—Andrew B. Mogi or
Assistant Burgess—,tobert Allison.
Town Council—Mast IVard—.l. D. lthirilleart,
Joshua P Blaler,.l. W. D, (Minion. ()porgy IVelzel,
West Ward—Ueo. L Murray. 1 hos Paxton, A. Cath
cart, Jno. li. Parker, Jon. D. U sr4as, President, or
Council, A. Cathcart, Clerk, Jog. IV. V milky.
high Constable Samuel Sip, Ward Constable,
Andrew Martin.
Assessor- -John 0 utshall. Assistant Assossors,.ino
➢felt, Ono. S. Roston,
AU 11t ,r—ltobart D Cameron.
Tag Collector— kirrea Ithun•• boor. Word C' I,e
tors—Rast, W,, rd, Chas. A. Smith. West N 1 and. ee
Coroml CI, dtroot Comnii , h,ionir, Worley II %t•it the e.
Justices of the Penes—A. L. Spongier, Da vi.l tl,
Abrm. Dehtift, Mlghatii I lolemob.
Lsinp Lighters—Chas. 11. Meek, James Spangler.
First Presbyterian Church. Northwest 1111 gle Cen
tro Square. Rev. Con way P. tV i fig Pastor -- iurc iron
Sunday Morning at II o'clock, A. M., and 7
o'clock P. M.
Second Preabyterian Church, corner of South Ilao
over and Pomfret atreots Rev. John C Itlins. Pastor
Services commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'c,ocl•
I'. M.
St. John's Church, (Prot. Episcopal) northeast angle
of Centre Square. Rev..l 0 (non% Rector. Senior.
at 11 o'clock A. 1., and 6 o'clock. M.
English Lutheran Church, Bedford, between Maio
and bundler streets. nett. .1a •oh Fry, Pastor. Sur
vices at It o'clock A.'l‘l., and 'clock I'. M.
Gorman Roformod Church.,r, bet se•n Ilan
ever and Pitt stieots. Rev. Sun net
Services at II o'clock A. M., and ii o'sl,ock M.
Mothodlist, E. Church (first char„ al nal), of Main
and Pitt Strents. Rev. Thomas 11. :7.lttorlork. Pastor.
Survictse at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 o'clock I'. M.
Methodist E. Church (second eharsiso,) Rev. S. L
Bowman, Pastor. F. ervices its Emory M F. Church at 1.
o'clock A. M., and 3 1 A P. M.
Church of Cod. South West corner of West street
and Chapel Alley. Rev. B. F. Beck, Petite . Services
at 11 a, tn., and 7 p. m.
St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Pomfret near East st.
Rev Pastor. Services every other Sub
bath. at 10 o'clock. Vespers at 3P. M.
German Lutheran Church, corner of Pomfret and
Bedford streets. 11ev U. Fritz°, Pastor. Semlees at
11 o'clock I'. M.
cia,.When changes in the above are neressary On.
proper persons are refloated to notify us.
ROT. Herman M. Johnson, D. D., Presid-ni and Pro
fessor of Moral Science.
William 0. Wilson, A. IT:i.:PfflfeE6o::: - ..jif — Natural
..Scieiten and Curator the Museum.
Rev. William L Boswell, A. M., Professor 'of the
Ai reek and German Languages.
Samuel D. Hillman, .1. M., Profa ear of Mathemat
John K. titaym in, A. M., Professor of the Latin and
French Languages.
Hon. James G. Grshain, LL. D , Professor of Law.
Rey. Henry C. Choston, A. Et , _Principal of the
,Grammar :school. .. _
Jphu Hood, Assistant In the Grammar School.
E. Cornman, President, James 4amilton, II Saxton
U. C. Woodward, Homy ~ewshatn. C..y. II unirrich,
li3set'y , J. W. Eby, Troasurer, John Sphar, Messenger.
Meet on the Ist Monday °roach Month at B o'clock A.
111, at Education
Canvases DEPCIMT. BANK.—Preqident, It. M. Homier.
son, W. M. Duet= Ilasslur sod C B. Kibler
Tellers, W. AI. Kohler. Clerk, fun. Underwoo i Mes
ganger. Directors, It. M. Henderson, Presldont, It C.
Woodward, Stiles Woodburn, Moses Brieker, John
Zug, W. W. Dais, John U. Gorgon, Joseph J. Logan,
Juo. Stuart, jr.
Fleas NATIMAL BANlC.—Prosidant, Sam nal Hepburn
Ca. tiler. Jos. C. Caller, Teller, Abner C., Brindle, Men
weeger, Jesse Brown. Wm. Kur, John Dunlap, itich'd
Woods, John C. Dunlap, .saac Brenneman, Julio O.
Sterrett, Sam'l. Ilepburn, Directors.
Frederick Watts: Secrutar and Treasurer, Edward
M. Biddle: Superintendent, O. N. Lull. Passcnge.
trains three times a day. Carlisle Accommo ation.
Eastward, leaves Carlisle 5 55 A. M., arriving at Car
lisle 52U P. 11. Through trains Eastward, lu.lo A, M.
and 2.42, P. M. Westward at 9.27, A. M., and 2.55 P.
CARLISLE Des AND Wien COMPANY.— PrOSidell t, Lem
uel Todd; Treasurer, A. L. Spoil, ler ; Superliitoneelit
George Wise: Directors, F. Watts, Wm. M. Beettun,
E. AI. Biddle, Henry i , axton. It. C. Woodward, J. W.
Fattnn, F. dardaer and D. A, Croft.
Cumberland Sten Lodgo No, HST, A. Y. M. meets at
Marlon Call on the 'lad and 4th Tuesdays of every
St. John's Lodge No. 260 A. Y. 31. Meats 3d Timm
day.of cacti mouth, at Marion Hall.
Carlisle Lodge No. 91 T.O of 0. P. Meets 31ouday
eYening, at Troulkuilding.
. rho 'Union Flee Company was organized In 1780.
none° In Lonthor between l'iltand Ilanover.
The•Cumberl:tnrl Fire Company was instituted Feb
18 6 18011. (louse iu nadford, between. Main tin, Pont
The dead N,ltl Fire Campany wag in,ti tutor] i
1110re14 1855. - 4oilse in Pomfret, ncar l(anos r•r
'The Ithipiro.linelt and Ladder Company was usti u •
tad in 1858. 110 LOB in Pitt, near Main.
7 r•Poatage oti.nli lettere of ouo luiSf ounco undgbt or
;J:tollt•lt''PrePubl• • i.Tt•
Poistagn.un tho•ltti ultbiu tho County, fret ,
Within oeAitatfilltt.uents'por annpin. To any part
of the United Statue, ?A cants Postatco on 1111 rot
gloat pitpera..2 Vents pei ounce. Advertised letters to
1 4 0 .0/tipPed with, iierif, of advoktleing.
• '• 5,000 YARDS
Good Dark • Calico Just Received
East; Main Street, South Side.
!Orli D9or, 2d Door. Rid Door.
(i) pod „Darlf t' fete, 18%
Doter, 20
qxtra " " 22
- enpor ' Extra, d0.,52
• ...131aschoul•Unsling at 20. 25, 30, 811, and AQ cente.
Unbleached, front 20 to 40 cents.
Summer, Pants stu ff s, at, last year's prices ; hating .
purchasedOur.ataalt br Bummer Pants stuffs last. Fall
we can and, wlll' Sell,thom from 10 to 45 cants a yard
eimpqr ,,tmu iko rly haulm 10 town. Remember the place,
, • , • 011}111INFIELD di susApos,
; ; ;; ; .; • OppOslte; 11, B.lllttor's.
N0:29g0 dhostintt. 13t.;.1101aaolphla:
i4O I I:ANTIL.LAS, , pxyI. CLOAKS.. •
••! Alio, SPNINN• and 61.1)101.10..GARSIENTS, of our
owhjiodtiofooturo, pie
,44tost L and OA great
, vmioty.
J,, W. • Pli,()Vf...Qli, Co,, •
The. Paris ~ 111aatilla, l imporiam,L
• 5320 .O:64§TVUI'.
. ptpa r At4tes 5 pqr, pont Tioxin,
'Werrate prepred - toTurnish the:lo-40
.llnitodt' States I,mairnuthorlted, !by the act tit
: ),4r.Alpq r tyciA Other .Itegistered Or Coupon Bond.,as
.paroea play p,ietie In denorninittOns of sfitl,oo SSUO,
1000,'50,000, and $10,000:' • '
iho interest on the $5O, and $lOO, , Bands is .payabie•
apnpoiy, fulcrail . Rs 'Oatni-annually
in coin. Thelion cai ,- dat d• Mayon. 1801 and.
ata radeeinabie astire-Oftbe Government at 7
ter 10 yearednd, iintYabbil ,yinra from. date Ia • coin
vlth;liaterestl4,o, ppycent Ver annum. _
131111T1131, Cashier.
earner° brnio A dt ilanll'Airivlsth;lB64; •
25 00
7 00
VOL. 64.
RAE= & WEAKLEY, Editor
Soldiers on Their Right to Vote, and
the Men They Should Support:
States I?(!presented—Pennwlvon la, Ohio,
Michigan, Wisronsin, Minnesota, Il
linois, Indiana, .1V;ou York•, Etc.
Captain, Ponn. Ito,Wt. Lieut. Col. Mich. regiment
Lieutenant, " " , Adjutant, Sl'lseorpi a "
Drira to, " " Drum Major, Minn. "
Sergeant, “ " Mout 111 'nob;
Como, al, " " I chaplain, Indiana "
Major, Oklo " " 1 Colonel, New York
Captain. 'Well, Lieutenant, what's on
hand now? You seem quite engaged.
Lieutenant. Not very specially. I have
just been reading the la NV passed at the Au
gust extra session of the Pennsylvania Legis
lature regulating soldiers voting. It seems
we are at length allowed the right to vote.
Captain. Yes; 1 confess I could never
scr why we were prevented from doing co.
II beCOllling St0(110n , we certainly did not
cease to be men, nor ratty hoc citizens thin
before we put on our uniforms, drew our
swords, nod shouldered our gun , .
Priroe. io II hi id:, Captain. It wns al
ways n puzzle to inc. I has in thought our
rights should. if anything, be increased, nut
lessened ; fur there is nous, in mincing mol
ten,. Don't we do nnwe than those who
stay /lt hi/1110-10 1) . 114 11),/re tllltll 1110 IP'rtee
men We have left home, with al I its plea
sures, jit3-si and comforts--wi“ , , children,
initthers, fittlitirii i —to defend the o ld
flag ; ri cd h vdlh and life to put down
tint, who W 01111: 1111 , 11 MIT' 14,),)11 1)1,1 Utlloll
ntoruin, /Ind, I 01 . 11111. \\`,llMlhl at I'lSt ho
r. , :re1,1 thn , e wli v•untin I~rhiu 1.
Ned, Fin ju.t your xviiy o.
thinking. anti I. can't 61' , Wily IVI . 61`10
(rout V 4 .ting 10 , C111.1<t2
Tall: and Nvnte (i I am juntas
lunch aititied to a cute as inn at home.
`, ,(I I
1 ' 1'11'11(
I 2tlll as good a
it ati u., \vhen in '• the Old lie\••lono,"
itt,t as lit to vote 1111 d f :LIU ght.l Ave
are going to hat e a chance of voting t,ee
13ut, see here. l'aptain, how was
it that we have been key trom doing so
heretocuro ; and that those who did vote
had their votes ca,t out'. .1 ain't sure 1 un
derstand it.
Capt,/in. Well I'll try and explain. In
days of old, soldiers were hold in high esti
timation. In 1 1:; a law wa , pa,cd
than a right to vote. In 18.19 the law Wll-,
11.1111.51 word for word, re-enacted. I t stsilds
ace. 4:3 of the_ General Election Law, ap
proved 2d July of that year. It is in these
words :
Whonover :kny of lii citizoni of thi:
Commonwe:thh, fpuilifiod as 1101 , 111 hern.
Provided, he in nny aehmi
detachwont of thy. militia 'ni
(211r1jS ;)1 . N'(.11111021 , 1S fl 7 , 711,,;(.1 ,, n owl
(he l'i•r.Nideitt of the Untlt'd or by tho
autlwri this (:oninionw , •:ili'o, , ou ,lad .
or Ilit. :41211i•ral elPction, such citiz..ll:i
1 ; 1;2:11t. of stltrrH , go ',kWh pitwo
utne be ,%,mtnandi),‘i
of coinpany to which they ,hall
rovectively belong, as fully a l , if Hwy R t.r..
10 . 0 ,, nt at the u- , ual plaeP c,f t•h , etion ;
riled, That no member of any hitch troop or
company shall 1), portnittod to vote at t it,
place ,o uppointod, if ut the time or ,och ,11,-
tion he shall ho within tell miles or the pla,e
at which he would be entitled to lute if not
in the service aforesaid."
Under this law, I beliute :•oldiers - \
Burin lu• 11.'):1421111 war. No one objected
to it then. Well in Ii(1, the .oldies in
Luzern, county voted in camp for Jerome
.Miller, 1t gtaal Union man, fur prosecuting
attorney, and lig:111161 EZira 11. Cl l / 1 , 0, 1t 1111111
tche elawo•il to bc a Democrat. Tito camp
vote elected Chase contended that
soldiers had no right to vote, took the ylVS
tion into the Court or Quarter Sessions,
where Judge Cunningham, an o/d War .DC
IIIOeIat, decided in favor of soldiers against
Chase and for Afillor.
.Chase carried the
case to the Supreme Court, WilVro Jntlge
Cunningham's opinion was reversed, and a
(I,eision given against us
Private. Who gRVIJ flint
. 01.1111011 7 It
couldn ' t have been any soldier's friend. It
must have been some rebel sympathizer.
Captain. Ton are correct. It was George
N.V. Woodward. In contending for imp
right to vote, Messrs. Longstreet and Whar
ton had used their argument:
Why should the bravo vAinteer be de
nied the priv.ilege and facilities of voting?
Is lie less intelligent ; less honest than those
who stay a t home ? is it against the spirit
of our institutions that he should lave those
titeiliti l iis . eitended to him, or
dues public policy demand his disfranchise
ment? ? W hy, then. this attempt to annul the
t.tatute securing to him these rights? Neither
the Constitution, the spirit of our institutions,
nor public policy demand it.
Judge Cunningham had used a similar ar
gument. In replying to it, WoOdWard took
occasion to fling at tis.stteli insults as these :
-Tho 48d : section "opens a wide door for most
odious fraud ;" that is, we can't act as
right citizens because We are soldiers I' 'Again
4 "ro scenic purity 'of election; it (the Con
. woald. have its voters in the place
where they aro best known on the day of the
efealmi-". that is we arc not as pure iuitbOse
atimper---ca,n't be trusted, to do right abroad I
Now my lads, I tell you, that is infaluous.
But ho goes on in this manner : ";.A. gcbil
deal has been said about the.hardship of. de
priv_ing'so ,moritorietts a class of tutors as our
'volunteer soldiors , of the . right of voting.,'As
a court of justice We cannot fob) the fOr6o'"of
~.W'elay,p, l i;Onn-.
ty to:grant to soldiers,.' l , , ,etc..LNo .soldiers.
had.olaimed from. tho•.ebuit ' , any bou;ity`"
—only tltt, - . 10
tied iii the fit 69, too,. lt1)9 . ';0 of r s
,Liongstroot and Wharton.. ' , .
• :•; .priaute. Just like renienihei; new. I
Ho isAhanian'too •that
t, , o
. “1,1
s drisk Scotek—ull. !nun front
foreign elhnes—froin voting ;
ho had found °tit • that 'they:wouldn't..
vote for *•,' • .•
• • • • - ` j- ••
•••:! • • • I
•, .C4pftiia. • it. ;Woodward• knor .1
that:ie sohlierc.wouldn't,,whep,,thby name
~ '.
: '
. .
- * _.. - q
. . /1 ., i ,7, .„,• ::..
0,, ,•, '.. , Ll 4 , .:.- . 1 4 i ~.- 0 1 .r _ -Itii:.-
, ...... ;.....
~, .
• I, r.
s & Proprietors
to reflect, vote for him or any of his crowd.
For, while,they went in for the whole coun
' try, he had particular leanings for the'South ;
while they stood by freedom, he went in for
slavery; while they shouted with Old Hickory,
" The Union, it must be preserved," he was
for changing and mending it to suit the bolds
of Virginia, and South Carolina, and Georgia,
and other places in the sunny South.
Sergeant. Hold on, captain; I think you
are a little too hard on Woodward. Have
you got the record for what you say
Captain. That] have! Here it is in black
and white. Here is a speech which he read
" at the great Union meeting in Philadel
phia, December 13, 1860.''
Sergeant. Is it genuine ?
Captain. See. It was printed at the Age
Aloe in 1863, and was scot out by Charley
Biddle, Chairman of the Democratic State
Central Committee, on the 10th of Septem
ber, 1863.
Now, let us see what, he says. On page 0
he ~..11.,
The South seems inclined to accept the
judgment of the people at the pulls in IStio.
.Everywhere in the South the people begin
ning to look out for the means of self-defence.
Could it be expected that they would' be in
,different to such events as have iiceurred ?
that they would be idle and see 'measures
concerted and carried iorward for the anni
hilation, sooner er later, of their property in
slaves. Such expectatiens, if indulged, are
not reasonable. And it appear:, to Inc that
therii !oust be a time in the progre,s of this
conflict, if it be indeed irrepressible, when
slaveholdcrs may lawfully fall inch uu their
ma twat right,, and employ in lit•rellet , of
their sieve proprriy whateve'r mean, of pro
tectiun they po.-,e, or Call eol.l4lllalld.
Ovit a im that is 4 4 going it :AMT. "
5111 . 1 1 ,-,11111 tip to the hub. ...)lorc than that,
actual dii,truetnin 1111 d rUIII, and 1111 1 . 11C0111 . -
/Ige111( . 11t to the South to use all Ulu wean, in
their power to carry out tll , ll'
That-, a full liectii-o for the theit- and mr
ders of the relieliii; for thii iit our
pri-iiincrs, and their making I'llll4, Of the
ilOllO, 0r 0111' dell,l and rap., 111 I.lloll'
unit all the re,iiit on 17<c
tuts ...VorIA. But 11t2r42,
erg.' tl, 110 S :
•• The l'on,tittit:oti,
to govern such the rc lath
r- 1., too heal. to rc , traiii U. , V. 11,. ilut out
gro‘v t.) the grave 11111 Wi,t1,,111 that
,Xi. 110,1 no irr'fpre,,illc cwitlict, be: \vecit
tm!thrt•ii, lila taught 1.11.•1u to (Ixell in unit).
\\.ould make it ,trolig cunuhh to I , ntYillll
11111(111l,6 one day."
.1 nil on page 10, Ir,• says :
We must arouse otirsel \es and re-assert
the rights of the sla \ eholder, /111,1 ADD such
guarantees to the Constitution as will pro
tect his property from the spoliation of re
li loos big(//ry and persecution, or else we
must, give up our Constitution and liniotr."
Private. \V by 1 thought the motto of the
peace party r,•as " The Union as it was the
o,nstitation as it is." But I see that is a
hypocritical cry.
slug( co. Only notice whet he
says. Tl 1.; the , lavoliolder Whose rights . '
are to be •, re-assert,t - -not a word about
the non-slaveholders, the poor whites. And
them for these ski\ eliolders tho Constitution
i s to be a/tered-- added" to—or we 11111'4
under, /111(1 give up the old chip of
Mate—the good old Union. I suppose this
i, t h e kind of peace that do! Cor.en
tom is after—a peace u•rl/ .sla eery IT mot
er ,-, 1-lalil,len. But go on.
Private. Any nmre of th,• stuff?
Gfptain. Oh, yes. Take this, also from
NV hocvi;r will, study the Patriarchal and
Levitical institutions \\•ill see the/wine/pie ol
human bondage and of property in MAD di
vinely san . ctioned, if not divinely ordainod. -
Srryeant.—Let vie see that Captain. Woll,
that s clear. It s hard to believe ; but here
it is. Not slavery in the United States—
not flegeo slorePg—but the principle of hu
man bondage and property . 114 man, Wood
ward says, is divinely sanctioned. Nothing
about color I That's hard to swallow, and if it
wasn't where it is, 1 could hardly believe it.
know I'm an old Democrat.
Private. And I too.
Crpinin. Yes, and I too ; but the old
part y has gone to pieces, aid they try to
tize this hind 'lit truck "Do, .cincy." It
won't do.
Private. By-the-Lye, while on that point,
I - remember a book we found at Frederick,i
burg, called '• for the South, or
he Failure of Free Society, by George Fitz
'ugh, Richmond, Va., 1851."
"We deem this peculiar question of nrgro
slavery of very little importance. The issue
is made throughiint the world on the
al subject of shivery in the abstract."
Ham, a son of Noah, was condemned to
slavery, and kis posterity Idler him- We do
riot adopt the theory that he was the ances
tor of the negro race. The Jewish slaves
were hot negroes, and to confine the justifi
cation of - slarry to that race would be to
weaken its Scriptural authority, and to lose
the whole woightof profane authority, for we
read of no negro slavery in ancient times."
And ho adds, page. 225
"Slavery, black or white, is right and nec-
Corporal. To this it comes in the end ;
in other words, just what Woodward
sa r ys. „Yes, and the substance of what every
Copperhc'ud sari. Den't 'you , remember
what I,lcrsclipi' ;Toll'nsbn . said on the 47th
of ioptember,. 1856, in,PhiladelphiaP ;
,ptlrlto 9 s,, an cl \ under
every - forin of Social organization, ) th4e. must
lie a laboring . ela.4.-La class of menAiho get
'their. living liy i the'svioat'of their brow ; and
flani there Mast bo another 'eltiss thht 'con
trots 'and directs the Capital of tlio I
That is, the rich'4oust'o l Wn the pgor'white,,
orldacy ; add - ,W6hayo se4 enough,, to,
.thiult, of 1 ‘ Ulm ,poor,white tritsliy?..lll3 they are.
called, by the slaye:oWnei.s 'andidrers down.
liciol;Thai's, '
boys, I Mayo ' more , i tAmut
,Wood Ward. :Itterola a Piriladolplia. papor
of last . fall.-"j`ront.tliis , tbatt
ho' said to'George'W flirt; oft) nt'lilhGe t ! osi'
. WitY . , :. fk . on?,,,44ettYsti,Urg,;ouu
ground of, , V ictoyy, that , "tholvar. : wailoico7r.
it/halo/id,' and that iilead7l,6 iiitera,st en the*-
''t Also - seems that,' he told 'Join
7'n/fit. And
.01 1 1 11 ingbami Peaver cquatY, tit at "our
only course . was to withdraw our • arruies
north of Mason and Dixon's line, and offer
terms to the rebels.".
Corporal. That's tough, after all we have
suffered and done; but I suppose that is ex
actly what the Chicago Convention means by
an "armistice" and "suspension of hostilities."
It would be a great idea, boys, when a fel
low breaks into your house to rob and mur
der, and you get him knocked over, and just
need to give him a few more knocks, to al
low him to get up, recover, and at you again.
That would be an “armistice," "a suspen
sion of hostilities," but I rather think we
can't go it. •
Private. No, no. We'll fight it out now;
and, when we atop, have a sure thing of it—
a peace forever. We don't want patch-work
Sergeant. I'll 64 Vo up Woodward, that's
sure. But we have got off the track, Cap
tain. Finish that account of thO soldier's
Captain. Well, Woodward's decision was
given in May, 1862. The Copperheads re
juiced. The Republicans and Union men
determined to stick by us, and have the-Con
stitution so amended as to g,ive'ris the right
to vote, without regard to Woodward's opin
ion. Accordingly on the 22d of Janitary,
1863, Mr. Johnson, n Republican, offered in
the Senate a joint resolution, to amend the
Constitution for this purpose. Mr. Bene
dict., a Republican, from Huntingdon coun
ty, did the same in the House, on the sth of
February. This resolution was
You know, by our Constitution, it had 'to I e
acted on by a second Legislature. It came
up. therefore, in this year's sessions. It was
befire the Senate on the 9th of March, 1854.
Here is the Senate vote: fur the amend
ment, oi• for soldiers voting, 7; dodging, or
against soldiers voting, S.
Scrirant. Lel Inc look. at that.
se r; it. Every Union. man and Republi-:an
vatc.ifor us, Not one against us. -The seven
~ 1 against us were all Copperheads call
ing themsel v es Democrats. The eight dodg
ers, all Cppeeheads.
Prirate. And yet they have the itnpu
deniiii to ask our votes for their side of the
house in the coining election !
Corp -rat. 'flint's what I call impudence
~ t iUj. But, huts. did notie, this
ont• thom• voting against us, and no of
the cladgeni, Were del -gates to the Chicago
Con v,ait ion.
Sergeant Is that so?
Cuptuitt. ,I have it li-t or the delegates.
Twentieth District, Jiihn Latta. - Vim find.
Ili; 1111111 e annim4 thnsc in the Senate \rho
voted itgaiiii , t un. Ninetoenth District, C.
L. Litinberti,n, dialy,ed in the Senate;
sung dumb ; ' Od nu role for us.
Privafr. Both the l . haps are against us
at hionein the Si•nate—and for 3,feelellan
at ; hasn't the Little Corporal, our
our old friend Mac, sold out to our enemies?
It looks likh it.
Captain. That it, tees. But let me tell
how it was in the House. All the opposi
tion the amendment taut pith was from the
Copperhead side. Now, Ilse men WhO are
al ways cursing Uncle Abe, and praising Lit
tle Mau:We're tile TlintYagitinsitinur witting:
Lb:tn.:rat «8 I ant. 1,1, m.l. likc his cuinpa?Ly.
But, notwithstanding the Copperhead oppo
sition, a majority voted for the amenilinent.
A spit hil election was held in August, end
it was carried by a majority of ;13,1;07 votes.
Seiveuni. That was first rate ; hut if it
lied nut been fur the llepubliceni, the people
would unt have had the chimee to vote,
Priot/.!. That's so ; but it strikes me
that the majority for our voting in the Au
gust election \iits just abput i•Old Abes"
vote in
pirli 11 . in =Or. ilk nin j nrify wn
You'ro right, .1 Front that it
irnufet ihnt the men who went in for him
?rent in fur us. The Friend:± of Old Abe are
our Friend.;.
Corporal. 1-et us look into that matter a
little further. Let us make a list of the Re
publican or Union counties, and of what
they call Democratic counties, and see how
the majorities stood in them.
Co/ph/in. Aged idea; let us try it. Let
us Make two columns. Well, here are the
Reimblicau counties ; hero are the Demo
cratic counties, with the majority in both
cases :
Majorities agniiist Soldiers
vuti ng.
Majorltios for Soltliors
kll , ghony
„Puiribrkt .1 A
(2 . 1.111 - 1411
You have nine of the
311 side eighteen in all.
•every one of Use Demo-
erotic counties ayainid . us; every one of the
Republican or Union counties arc strong for
us. You see, take it as you will, the thing
comes out the, same way.. As judges, as leg
islators, as voters, the one side against us;
the other for us. Such things aro hard to
take down ; and this modern Democracy,
alias peace'partY, can't have Any 'claims on
us. Bie there is ono thing troubles me—
General McClellan. I don't like to give him
Sergeant. Hold up
lending counties on cal
Wo all see how it is
Captain. Well, I've been thinking in the
same way. - Wedicl love him; alld think him
badly used. But themhe was our command
er, and it was natural' for us to think well of
him.' And, then, it riniy . ;l3o,after all, the
goVerninent.know more, abegtillm Ave,
did: We Must'adMit, at times, he was mon
strous slpw. s' '
•.Pri.vate That is trkie' but" 'see hare,
a,while ago, ,Clap tam, you , wore giving us
WoOdwtird's views , about-the . rebellion, the
rights of: the South; the UmendnuMt of the
constitution, IP I P 3 o np't
pz . a.ieity;;;, jiAsf b;iltore the pot eleetio,n;:enOe
• IVOiJdivai;d without any V or, and ?.1 .And :if
Sol,;ivhet'i: is the differenc'd ilie
Paptiqn, 1-,,6•00ea
Oat ',latter in an uicl copy
of tho•Bittgburg Yost,. of. i ruesq.a.y. morning,:
'o,eto.iiar tit° 43, 18o3; \Adak . SOMIV.OIIO - 1111S'
. f 60 4 6 ?*•0 , :; '1 . 6 . 3 . •
11)- Hon. Charles Deino.;
era tic Pentilt:l'
Btata that, having . m days (Igo .
hnd a , kuj..r; ccinVoraticin with Judg6Wool.
ward ?
as'ooVo . 4r of pa . riiiyl-: . ,!1
:1•.•• • hiFo6ld r :iitoti3 it
in my power - , give to Judge Woodward my
voice and vote.
I am, very respectfully, yours,
UAPTAIN. That is surely a full endorse
ment ; and mark, all that I quote from Wood
ward was before AleClellan'a letter. Ile
makes no exception of any part of Wood
ward's speech or sayings. And, besides that,
he siys he had "a full conversation " with
WO.odward, and of course must have had a
full knowledge of his views ; and, having
this, he says their views agree, and urges his
election. I can't see how to avoid the condo
-81072 that what oue has said the other approved,
and that's what I can't do.
SERGEAUT. After all, didn't Jim hit the
nail on the head awhile ago?
It comes to this: Little Mac has given us
up, and gone over, either in whole or in part,
and it don't make much difference which, to
the Chicago peace party.
When he was fighting with us for the
ion and the old flag, I was for him. But I
ain't for any man who would give "his voice
and - vote for Woodward."
CORPORAL. That's well put. I ngreo with
you Mac, by - accepting the Chicago nomi
nation, has' gone in with its armistice talk,
joined himself with Bill Bigler, Vallandig
ham, Wood, Cox, Pendleton, and the rest,
and I can't travel on that craft. The man
who goes with that crowd don't go with me,
lUld I don't go with him.
l'advATE. But hain't Vallandigham and
Wood given up McOhdlan ?
CAPTAIN. Over the left. There is a trick
in that. The othe day, when there was a
a talk of getting up a new convention, Ben
Wood threw up both hands and said, "No
no; don't you do it." It's a good way to
make a fuss, " put on," and pretend to he dis
satisfied, in order to gel the votes of soldiers
and war Dertpwrats.
.Sergeant. Well, well, I can't see, as
tllings stand, how we can go McClellan.—
That idea is a centre shot. lie has left us,
and we in turn may have him.
Private. That's what do.• Why, I
would not look nor speak to Wood, or•Voor
bees, or old ur any or tl e crew;
and 1. won't, vote ror any man who can walk
arm-in:arm with th m I'or any purpose.
Corepora/. The old saying is, "Birds of a
feather flock t ,ether," and as Mac has gone
with the peace birds, I won't any longer
sing his song,.
Captain. After all, "It ain't to swap
hor:;e: , in the middle of a river." We have
tried Old Abe, we have Meade and Grant,
and 6heril an and Sheridan, and we had bet
ter keep the old pilot and not try eliang. , '•
Mite is young; if he behaves well, and turns
out all right, we Can try biro in four y, ars.
But this heat we'll go Lincoln and Johnson,
and against the whole peace tribe.
A Major of That Stale, Gov. Brough's
Captain. But hove comes some of the
&take \ a burs,
ilbijor Ohio li,viment. Good morning,
boys:- •Whatihave you t.wendriving at?
' Captain We've been talking p;Aitie's.-= ,
You know we are now on a par with the
Ohioans ; we've the right to vote. We got
the right in the face of the Copperhead op
posit ion.
Major. So I under;tand. 'But what con
clusion did you reach ?
Gip That we couldn't go Little Mac
and his Viru;ittia companion—Pendleton—
because we do not believe in giving up the
strug g l e when the re be arc on their last legs
—penned in, driven to the wall. We van t
a peace that will last, not one out of which
will spring a new war. As to McClellan,
we have hung on to him long; but he has
deserted our ranks and keeps company with
such men as VallandiOain. Long and Pugh.
What Major, do you think of the result of
our talk '!
Jlajoi•. All right. And I think I have
here what would load you to that conclusion,
if nothing eke would.
Ulpfain. What is it?
Abtior. The speech of our Gov. Brough,
at Circleville, to the returned one hundred
days men. I tell you he shows up the feel
ing of the Chicago Convention toward the
soldiers in capital style.
Captain. Let's have it. Read it ctut to
3 .111,
ilittjor. I will. It refers chiefly to the
resolution of that convention relative to sol
diers; but hear the Governor.
" There is a body of men several hundred
thousand strong, and with arms in their
bands, who are endeavoring to uphold the
dear old flag, and to bring us peace by law
ful means. There are four hundred thous
and men standing upon fields of the United
States under its banner, ready to lay down
their lives for the success of the Union
cause. There are four hundred thousand of
those, these scamps at Chicago i,vere angling
alter. It would not do, therefore, after pass
ing resolutions of armistice, .and calling
back the:army in disgrace, to let this bill go
without a little sugarcoating.' It is notori
ous that the soldies have good jaws to crack
hard tack with, and gullets to get them
down, but they could not swallow that pill
without a little sugarnoating ; ' SCA they must
pass a resolution Complimentlit — tlM soldiers.
'I want your papers to print this platform
at the head of your c,olunie: to the election.—
'I Want every main of
. Yoli to read thisresOlu-1
Vim in regircl:tO' the 'scildiers: Coolly con
sider its lanivtge: 'lt: is the most infernal
insult to a body, of bravo and noble . Men
,over offered,• even: by the Southern, Confed
eracy. For Davis hirtiself hits acknowledged
' were brave and gallant. What do
these Men say.? : ,
, qteso.lued, That the sympathy of Demo-,
critic party is• heartily aild'enroestly exten
:ded to the soldidrs 'of:Our - army wh6 are and:
have peon on:the field under the flag of Our..
country,'• and, in the event of our atatining-
Power; will rebeive-all - L cane, proteblion,-
regard, 'and ticsa :Unit - 41m La 4 wve . soldiers:
of :the'lloptiblic
' '1:low does it road -
Poscilved. ;Tina • '‘ , :!e' , tendor our thanlfli
;the robl'e;:nfen in tho;irettt l y, • .1 .1
We fee el' ger: ff,,„ l . 3 TA ,9 1 J;P; .I'l o.
tuir enlaiorsdri the field.;,;We;ddliotglarif,y
them, Virci"tlfi'unt
Irian id',
.h v .
-that-that3l9ago envf-le; e N ( 1RJ(;:?•Lg.,..9..
;.nor mily : •rdan
TERMS:--$2,00 in Advance, or $2,50 within the year.
the Chicago platform was ever‘found kind
ling a bonfire over a victory won by our
arins. [Cheers.] This is not a bare asser
tion. They do not rejoice in the -victories
won. No, but they "sympaihize':with the
soldiers who are standing under the old flag,
'and on the battle-field. Well, they. might
as well sympathize with horses that stood on
the battle-tleld, for the horses would care as
much about it as the soldier.; ; and the mules,
too. I don't know but the mules would have
kicked up their heels at their sympathies for
the soldiers, too.
The language of that resolution is simply
impudent; it is simply abuse. It is simply
cowardly, and means disgrace. With the
outward tongue it speaks in accents of affec
tion, but inwardly of the traitor• "We
sympathize with our soldiers." We don't
rejoice with them that their patriotism called
them forth to uphold that banner. We don't
sympathize with the brave that have gone
forth to die. We don't glory in anything
they do. We don't say their cause is just;
we don't thank them. We simply pity them.
Then what? Don't trust me for these
words, for although they are ground in my
memory, and burned into my brain. I won't
ask you to trust to my memory. "In the
event 'of our coming into power, they (the
soldiers) will receive all the care, protection,
-and regard that the soldiers of the Repub
lic have earned." If they come into power
which they are after—they wi•l protect and
-send them-to, their homes t -torsin /10 , 1110r0 by
hiking up arms against their Southern breth
ren. They shan't be punished because they
dared to fight agairst Jeff. Davis. They
shan't be put into prison ; there shan't any
harm come upon them ; ;hey will protect
them and send them out of danger. We
want their votes, and we must be kind to
them. And as the devil promised what did
not belong. to him, and what he could not.
give to Christ, these fellows promise their
protection ; and as that distinguished gen-'
ileman was cast out of heaven into the lower
regions, a similar fate awaits the Chicago
fellows. Look at the naked infamy at
tempted to be practised on the people by
the passage of this resolution. They want
the ordinary reader to suppose that they
intenl to compliment the soldiers for do
ing what they have done. But they
don't mean any sue]] thing. If they had
meant it, why could they not have said :
"\\'e tender our thank: to our brave sol
diers who have been upholding our flag
against armed rebellion ?•' They could not
say it, because the train'-s: did not mean it.
Captain. That's sharp talk.
'Corporal. Yes ? but just. What do we
want with the sympathy of 'such men, as
composed the Chicago Convention'? That s
Nair stuff for soldiers.
Private. We don't forget the votes of
that part of them who were in Congress.
Llad their wishes or policy-been carried out,
we woud. have been without ration, with
out clothing, without shelter, without medi
cines, without hospitals—under the sod, most
of us. SYMPATHY I We never get even that
until voting time. Major, your Governor
understands Intl Lora.
Sergeant. By the ,way, what floes the
Baltimore platform say on that subject?
Major. I think I have it. Here it is.
“Resolved, That the thanks of the Atheri
can people are due to the soldiers and sailors
of the army and navy who have perilled their
lives in defence of their country, and in vin
dication of the honor of the flag ; that the
nation owes to them sonic permanent reeog
nition of their patriotism and their valor,
and ample and permanent provision for those
of the survivors who have received disabling
and honorable wounds in the service of tile
country ; and that the memories of those
who have fallen in its defence shall he held
in grateful and everlasting remembrance.”
Captain. Boys, that, hes a different ring.
You get thanks there, and are to be rein-in
hered fur your noble deeds—not pitied. Your
wounds and scars are considered honorable
in that resolution ; and you are to be hand
ed down to the future, nut as objects of sym
pathy, but of care, if ever your wants and
condition require it, and of honor and glory
under alleireumstances. What a difference!
Major. Well, out of the abundance of
the heart the mouth speaketh, the pen writes,
and resolutions flow.
Captain. And that is another argument
against :;11eClellan. The very president of
the coilirbntion that nominated him—the
great talker and plito nor of that convention—
couldn't allow the bill giving New York
eoldiors the right to vote to go along with
out vetoing it. If Mac dont't feel and
think like Seymour, he paver woold have
touched him.
Lieut. Colonel. Well, that closed-up
question. Men only shout on and uphold
those ye hosb sentiments and aims are like
their, own. Virtue admires virtue I vice
atickt to vide ; devils praise devils ; unfallen
angels adore God ;'.disloyalty' worships dis
loyalty ; patriotism eulogizes patriotism.
Judged by these truths, Mac can't get any
favors from us.
Major. The truth is, the Chicago party is
a fraud throughout, it has no more claim to
t4egood: eld:word Denumrat, out of which
itmakes'nearly, all its capital, than the lords
of - England, pr the Xing of 'Franeo.
Colonel. That is, as, true as : preaching—l
wean,our friend the ghaplain's preaching;
not ;that, rehel preaghiclg. ,w4ion • 4isgr4cas
sowu aNortherp pulpits, • o,panionr boysjot,'
hold the ether, day . of It b9ek•bY:•!74zllllol'
called". Cannibals ..A.ll,t' published in Mich.',
niond,.iv c ieh tells the truth on , that". point.. 370• he says : , , • ,
The. Demobrtitic party, put - odic& iM.141- .
dioalism and largely riOrai'teclr Nom thou fOld i
•l i ine .has; becolne evidently and
aativoly conservative_ It is the antipodes of •
- the Democratic , iparty of ,tho days
iri.the'groinds •which it '• ocUtipies arid
the uPinitnis..ivhicli'it
1}10.4 1 ;to hold is • another,itthinkiY
beiin.'it•laonsiatiMt! party !throughont. Do lt=
gigto ll ll ‘viselr
tiotiito'tho:iothoigidiewsdi;l4 , l
• ig tatthplogiridl;‘, and !praFtieetzttecording to.
ptovhiliti '.syraptonis: ; •fr Lica , it
mighty posology in the Declaration of Inde ri
-16i1n§; . /Ltul prof) liables, and resolutlonS'l bat,'
'lllcifatilmi phihfiCian;,' it \Ariltches tho:stide:oi
the patient, and casts nosology to the dogs
when the symptoms require it."
Captain. That is about it. The old party
was one of principle. The thing that takes
its name is a humbug—worse, a nest of trea-
son—made up.of all kinds of materials. only
seeking, by any means, fair or foul, place
and power. I just think of a rhyme that
hits it off as it has existed for the last few
years, and which each member of the Chi
cago Convention, and, I will add, its candi
dates too, might sing:
" But I care not a lig for a name,
If I can succeed in my wishes ;
For this has been always my game,
Tostrive for the loaves and the fishes."
Colonel. Well, they won't get much of a
feast from us. But, there's the call to parade.
As good soldiers, we'll answer; turn out.
Lieutenant Colonel. REMENIBkR THE ELEC
TION Boys.
Lieutenant Colonel. THE UNION FOR
Major. Yes, and all the sympathizers
and defenders above Mason & Dixon's line.
IT ashinyton Chronicle.
Alexander 11. Stephens, rebel Vice Presi
dent says, in his recent letter, that this is a
"cruel and remorseless war." This is un
doubtedly true. But how could it be other
wise? In the inscrutable order of the uni
verse slavery found footing, on till; 6tintinont;
and imbruted the character of the southern
people. Opposing it at first, they came at
length to adore the institution with an abso
lute idolatry, and they practised without re
morse the horrid cruelties which it naturally
engendered. They sent ships with brutalized
crews to drag the unfortunate victims from
their African homes, to toil without reward
or hope on southern plantations. Row the
poor slaves were stinted, and driven, and
scourged we need not reiterate. When it is
known that tlie planters of Louisiana delib
erately calculated that it was better to work
the slaves to death in a short term of years,
and renew the stock by continual purchases,
we may from some faint conception of the
baneful influence of slavery over the human
heart. Whilst the bondman was degraded to
the level of a submissive brute, his master's
violent instincts became unavoidably excit
ed, and•he often displayed a tiger-like fero
It was impossible that men could use the
lash daily on unretitiating, men and women
without becoming "cruel and remorseless."
Even had the slaves been well fed and clad,
with comfortable lodgings and the allowance
of don estic affections, the infliction of daily
turtufe to insure the, reatest amount of task
work must be a terrible example to place be
fore the eye of the planter's Jeffer ,
son, himself a slaveholder. described the evil
vividly and deplored it with a deprecating
forecast. No wonder the young whites were
early tyrants, and carried their ferocity be
yond plantation limits ; no wonder the duel
became an institution, and street assassina
tion so common that it ettaSed to excite sur
prise or reprobation. Of course such people
were "cruel and remorseless" even in peace
ful linies ; and to what a pitch their fury
might arise w hen they become combatants
in war, we have seen clearly enough by the
light of a thousand fiendish outrages, from
the desecrated graves of Bull Run to the in
human massacres of Lawrence end Fort
Pillow. Savages could do no worse. The
scene around Fort Henry in the ante-revolu
tionary days, or those on the river Rusin in
our second war with Great Britian, present
no spectacle more horrid and revolting.
In thus assuming that to the southern par
ticipants in this war are chiefly duo the acts
which make it "cruel and remorseless," we
claim no peculiar virtue for our northern
' people. They, as well as southern people,
are what circumstances have made them.—
We got rid of the debasing and hardening
institution many years ago, whilst the south
hugged it to its bosom because it was deemed
profitable. Tints the slaveholder became a
hard and cruel man, practicing the gainfutin
iqui ty, and becoming so hostile to his fellow
countrymen who had abolished it, that he
set upon innocent persons merely because of
their northern birth, killing, torturing and
robbing many of them oven before the rebel
Congress declared war against us. We might
justly, for such atrocities alone, have had re
course to arms. But wo forebore, and with
p, degree of patient endurance that claims
commendation from every disciple of peace;
we waited to ace if some avenue of escape
'inight'not ho opened to us. Only when to
multiplied private wrongs of this discriptitin
was added armed and organized rebellion
against the supreme authority did we rally
to save the republic itself from destructio'.
Had our government been Fuel and, 1'
morseless, the murders of Larrenee . in
Fort Pillow would long 'ego' . hit.Ve be r eft
avenged in a bloody retaliation;cyet have: We
tone on taking southern i.toWns 'and , :giil-
AiSciiiiii:and treating.the LprisollerS:With , .4
varying kin 4.4 P':-. , F9r; 4 1 .9 If/49!9. 3 A; . r -
P,rat4PsA7 o )gicti° , ?l9: 9 9r , PAP ti ° ,9 PqM'?.. ,B.
il l every 'eleuthern'prison we have 7reaked..•
.no ad, of zietribiition . on cine'di' thiise tixty ,
Alichiiitnefreb'elif *horn' welltad iii"di.titiii
,,tivhioVeliurrit:no.scinthein. town 'even ef
': ter the nut ill oss'dcts trim ti tin: of Oh run bersburiv
;though every pips 9f Allow in the Shemin- ,
.cloalt:Yalley,, front ;Winchester to §tatintani:
lay at our mercy. .It barns and prOVisi'ons.
\IN r 9 destsoyecl . by biteridim fmtliat valfey,
it' Weis . Sirictly,lt defimilirri . Meashro,' ' 'to lcbep
'hook hideVtietating ,. 'faniyWhieW:liad'thrie
com e , .
e torward through, tliat/WbiliprOvisio4d.
Aistrict to ravage Maryland.altd Penrlsyl4L
i Ili n, •If p4 9 ri- 9 1 3n daptagefl ftpr tholl ,Genitja, l
ikwas : in precise accordapp with what itolul
hinielfhad done for several previous months,
and' , With. all the usage of modern: Warfarci.' ,
' 7 VV•if ' nave litirned ifti 1 'toiiinq iiiiiiigh ii,manY
liave'yfolded to :Our'arius=gWei:ll ave rravaied'
„no, nultiNateci;..regieriy,
.tinlese. .the:Milit#3P
, 4 coessi ty ; , was,. 41Nar "1.14 ,j, iLc49 p . 1 .4 04.9 1 9 , : ; •,16!
! have neither shot 'nor starved ti,itr,prisoruirs,
-.-we have not,invented.or usedbullets Wiitli
. Ci4AriViiticee'tni.Atieeill4 the woutvlecl, for
.I; , y!J 7 , II: I.:•tt)l.f, , ' : I
have been picked- np'in large nurnliera' on
the Debt of GOttYekidig-- If, in4.lll3: l ciinsso
pf this war, Y uCine'l AndremeOclitifi" 'anti
have been committed, as - in every war there
ire more or lesi:of, thein e ivA belleVe that fit
this, our civil contel we speak thylrerris of
truth and impartiality when iskei attribute
nine-tenths of theta' to the rebels:
. •
TAIT, El l l 4 i P V OTE.
[Prom Ohm. Sumner's Sansull 11611 !beach.]
A vote for McClellan will be; Ant and fore
most, a vote for slavery at that time when
this crime has plunged the corintry• fdto the
sorrows and waste'of war.'
It will be a vote for the rebellion at a mo
ment when the rebellion . 4a about fall.
It will be a vote for .disunion at a moment
when the Union is about to be restored. ,
But disunion, when' once started, cahriot
be stopped, so that a vote for McClellan will
bo a vote to break this• pieces, and
to set each State sinning in space:
It will be a vote for ehronit war arnotik
follow-citizens, which will be ever begianing
and never ending untill the fate of .Mexicto
will be ours.
NO, 35.
It will be a vote for the repudiation of the
national debt, involving the destructioir of
property. and the overthrow of business.:•
It will be a vote for anarchy and•cbdps at
It will bo a vote for •national degradation
It will be a vote against civilization itself.
It will be a vote for the kingdom of Satan
on earth.
On the other hand a vote for Abraham
Lincoln willte, first and foremost for
Freedom, Union and . Peace, that political
trinity under whose-guardianship we place
the repul , lic. It will be a vote also to flx Rut
influence and good name of our boltiitry, do
that it shall become the pride of history. It
will le a vote for civilization itself. Athome
it wil, secure tranquility throughout the
whole land, with freedom of travelandspeech,
so that the eloquence 01 Wendell Phillipsmay
be enjoyed at Richmond and Charleston as
it is now enjoyed at 'New York and Boltoh,
and the designation of " border States," now
exclusively applicable to interior States, will
be removed, so that our only " border States"
will be on Canada at the North and Nexico
at the South. Doing all this at borne, it
will do much more abroad, for it will secure
the triumph of American institutions every
Surely all this is something to vote for.
And you will not hesitate. Forward, then,
in the name of Freedom, Union and Peace:
Crush the enemy everywhere. Crush him
on the field of battle. Crush him at the
ballot-box. And may the November elec
tion bo the final peal of thunder which shall
clear the sky and fill the heavens with glory..
A Lotter From John Bright.
In giving to the public the following im-.
pressive and timely letter from the most indo- .
fatigable and influential British vindicator of
our National struggle for existence, HIS fit --
that we should say that it was in no mariner --
solicited or invited. While we for thirteen
years have personally known and honored
JOUN BRIGHT, we have had little correspon
dence with him, and have never sought there
by to enlist his sympathies in the cause of the
Union. But he is a tirM believer in the jue-.
tice, safety, and beneficence of Human Free
dom ; he knows that our slaveholdcrs' revolt
is en aristocratic uprising against democratic
light and liberty; and his heart is wholly
with us because he realizes that our success
is the triumph of humanity and Progress.
We ask special attention to what he says of
the identity in Great Britain of 'the Rebel
sympathizers with the advocates of McClel
lan's election. Let every hearty Unionist,
of whatever name or sect, weigh well these
words of the foremost of British Reformers :
—N. Y. Pribunc.
ROCHELLE, Oct. 1, 1864.
DEAR SIR: For more than three years, the
people of this country have watched, with a
constant interest, the progress of the great
conflict in which your people have bean en
gaged ; and, as you know, some have rejoiced
over the ternperary'success of the enemies of
your Government, and some have
men ted them.
-At this-moment,_we turn _our_ey : Ps rather
to the political than to the military struggle
and there is with us, the satne difference of
opinion and of sympathy, as regards your
coming Presidential Election, that has beon
manifested is connection with your contest
in the field.
All those of my countrymen who have
wished. well to the rebellionovhahave hoped
fur the break-up of your Union, whola - ve
preferred to see a Southern Slave Empire
than a restored and free Republic, so far as I
can observe, are now in favor of the election
of Gen. McClellan. All those who have de
plored the calamities which the leaders of
Secession have brought upon your country,
who believe that Slavery weakens your pow
er acct tarnishes yuur good narne thioughout
the world, and who regard the restoration of
your Union as a thing to be desired and
prayed for by all good men, sQiiitrzas Lean—,
judge, are heartily longing for there-election
of Mr. Lincoln. Every lriend Of your Un
ion, perhaps, in Europe, every speaker and.
writer who has sought to do justice to your
cause since the war began, is now hoping,
with an intense anxiety, that Mr. Lincoln
way be placed at the head of your Executive
for another term.
It is not because they believe Mr. Lincoln
to be wiser and better than all other mon on
your continent, but they think they have ob
served in his career a grand simplicity of
purpose, and a patriotism which knoWs no
change and which does not falter. To somo
of his countrymen, there may appear to
. have
been errors in his course. It would ~be
strange incleceif in the midst of difficulties
so stupendous and so unexpected, any ttdmin
ist ration or any ruler should wholly avoid
mistakes. To us, looking on from this dis
tance, and unmoved by the passions ,frbin
which many of your people cat hardly be
expected to be free—regarding his l'residoo
tial path with 'the calm judgment which be
longs rather to history than to-the present
time, as our outside position enables us, in
some degree, to regard it—we aee in it an
honest endeavor faithfully to do the work of
his great office, and, in the do(ng of it, a
brightness of personal honor on which no
adversary has yet been able to fix a stain;
l•believe that the effect of Mr. Zinc°inls
re election in England, and in Europe, and
indeed, throughout the world, will be this:
it will convince all men that the integrity — of
your great country will be preserved, aridit
will show that Republican Institutionsiftoith
an instructed and patriotic peqple,-ct,tirboitr
a nation safely and steadily .through the
nao!st desperate perils. '. " "'
I am one of your friends in England-who
have never lost Sahli in your cause,,,llnve
spoken to my countrymen'on,i4J)priql td•
'now, in .writing_thia,„letter.ao_you, I believe
I speak the sentirnentS, and, thehleart's„wish
of every mfininiEngland Wholiiipes'Att_tho
freedOrn and greatness of your donntry.a4lrdr
-4ive me this Tatra - don : upon yOu ; but I ekin.
not hold back from telling-you what,is,pms
ing in my. mind,
~ancVA-wish, pOsaibl , e c to
sand a ward Of oncenragement." "
. 'Believe Mb, - alwiniiiith great respeet;
Yours, very truly,
r •. JOHN
#ona.oz V. S.
What Donlootats, nay of
' Domoortitlitt
"We 'are et"seittfolly •arie:teeratie."*.Jithn
.a Calhoun:: . t • , u; ~* t
Wcl spooled, to ..rid ourselves ef, th9„t•ple
' Let 'us seek "it onie6 't6''eTtuktNitkiniery
vestige of , railiCtil Dernocilteyi; eliel'y:feafare
tendi ag,to;nialce out's a pOpular goverruniust."
qq l 4?tern" Literarl/ 4fessen er, 4i 4 / 4 tflonif,
444 1863, •
hunifiriity, liberty an'4
miea ciVi ruin d thut.inimediate efforts ho &ado
fur a e 03tiation; of lio , tilities.' , 4-4,7Aicogd 15.1 at
-4 I . • , • • • 4 .
~ "The. pltitforni is quito gooa,' ad",
htivci beau dv.peQt‘3l(l."—:Nubile
. ,A.-SarlitogaAlshiCiu4Sssippur
I " Girls,• none towriting to-be isi the mar
rsory, malce threty4r: fouTD.4lsites a
I ,4;LY!! .w4tulkxjje,.posto.u,..-.P9a:tTl6tids'f
Was told to 141 - .)i!! 4 ‘ferhient,'
ilind-12',f , ifir ifs iiiO4(1111k: with "''n deikfgoon in
iii iJl~iah it, ~lu~Uaild i %6s
h etzlino Wei: • .r, m ,ip, v .t,
striiityind to mirk ley° forniecit
;in-:the gtircletil" , l , 7m " • ••, • ; ‘.