TE - RMS 'OF ADVERTISING. Orie Eitnire one insertion, iN) 'Ear each - aubservient Ineertlon;• Pqr Me? •eantlle tliementa, Legal Notices , Prbfeiiiicinal Cards wltlaut papers Oblttuiry Notiaes airs Coinmunica thingriiVting to mattet e'of prl *4o InjeFeats alone, 10 cants par tinb jOB, PRINTING,—Our n Job Printing OITICe Is-the largest and most completo establishment In the Colull Y. ,Your good Presses, and a general yarfety of material suited for plain aud Fancy work of every kind,,enables us to do Job Printing at the shortest notico, and on the most reasonable terms. Persons In . wantof Bills, Blanks, or anything In the Jobbing line, will find it to their interest to give ns a call. gOnli af,ll familia/lu. U. S. GOVERNMENT PrOBI,IOIa.—ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Vico Provident—llANNllßL HAMLIN, .Becrefarj , of Stoto—Msf. If. SEWMID, Bocrotary of Intorfor—Sno. P. USIIEft, • Secretary of Trossury—GYM. P. FESSENDEN, Secretary of War—l DWIN M. STA:ITON, :Secretary of No - coy—Oita:os WELLES, Post Master General-51ONTOOMBRY BLAIR, Attorney &moral—BOW/M lle TEN, Chief J ustfee of the United 9 lass-1100En B STATE GOVERNMENT Governor—AmmElV 0. CURTIN. Secretary of State—ELl SLIDER, Surveyor Geueral—.lonics BARR, Auditor General—ls% en SLEN R ER, Attorney Gonornl-315r. M. NI FREDITR Adjutant Geneml—A 1,. RUYIEI.I., ptato Treasurer—Da: 4ll r D Motion.. ChlefJuAle of the Supreme Court—Gtr. W.Woon. WARD. COUNTY OFFICERS President Judge—Hon. James 11.i/reborn. Associate Judges—Hon. Michael CockHu, Hen Hugh Stuart. District Attorney—J. W. D. (Melon. Prothonotary—Samuel Ski roman. Clerk and Itocorder—Pipliraim Common, Iteicistet.—Geo W. North. High Sheriff—J, Thompson Ilippoy. County Tronsurer—Henry S. Ritter. Coroner—David S,r.ith County Commlsalontirs—Michael Haat, John M. Coy, Mitchell McClellan, Superintendent of Poor House—Henry Snyder. Physician to Jall—Dr. W. W. Dale. Physician to Poor House—Dr. W. W. Dale. BOROUGH OFFICERS lef Burgess—Andrew B. Mogi or Assistant Burgess—,tobert Allison. Town Council—Mast IVard—.l. D. lthirilleart, Joshua P Blaler,.l. W. D, (Minion. ()porgy IVelzel, West Ward—Ueo. L Murray. 1 hos Paxton, A. Cath cart, Jno. li. Parker, Jon. D. U sr4as, President, or Council, A. Cathcart, Clerk, Jog. IV. V milky. high Constable Samuel Sip, Ward Constable, Andrew Martin. Assessor- -John 0 utshall. Assistant Assossors,.ino ➢felt, Ono. S. Roston, AU 11t ,r—ltobart D Cameron. Tag Collector— kirrea Ithun•• boor. Word C' I,e tors—Rast, W,, rd, Chas. A. Smith. West N 1 and. ee Coroml CI, dtroot Comnii , h,ionir, Worley II %t•it the e. Justices of the Penes—A. L. Spongier, Da vi.l tl, Abrm. Dehtift, Mlghatii I lolemob. Lsinp Lighters—Chas. 11. Meek, James Spangler. CHURCHES First Presbyterian Church. Northwest 1111 gle Cen tro Square. Rev. Con way P. tV i fig Pastor -- iurc iron Sunday Morning at II o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock P. M. Second Preabyterian Church, corner of South Ilao over and Pomfret atreots Rev. John C Itlins. Pastor Services commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'c,ocl• I'. M. St. John's Church, (Prot. Episcopal) northeast angle of Centre Square. Rev..l 0 (non% Rector. Senior. at 11 o'clock A. 1., and 6 o'clock. M. English Lutheran Church, Bedford, between Maio and bundler streets. nett. .1a •oh Fry, Pastor. Sur vices at It o'clock A.'l‘l., and 'clock I'. M. Gorman Roformod Church. I..th,r, bet se•n Ilan ever and Pitt stieots. Rev. Sun net Services at II o'clock A. M., and ii o'sl,ock M. Mothodlist, E. Church (first char„ al nal), of Main and Pitt Strents. Rev. Thomas 11. :7.lttorlork. Pastor. Survictse at 11 o'clock A. M.. and 7 o'clock I'. M. Methodist E. Church (second eharsiso,) Rev. S. L Bowman, Pastor. F. ervices its Emory M F. Church at 1. o'clock A. M., and 3 1 A P. M. Church of Cod. South West corner of West street and Chapel Alley. Rev. B. F. Beck, Petite . Services at 11 a, tn., and 7 p. m. St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Pomfret near East st. Rev Pastor. Services every other Sub bath. at 10 o'clock. Vespers at 3P. M. German Lutheran Church, corner of Pomfret and Bedford streets. 11ev U. Fritz°, Pastor. Semlees at 11 o'clock I'. M. cia,.When changes in the above are neressary On. proper persons are refloated to notify us. DICKINSON COLLEGE ROT. Herman M. Johnson, D. D., Presid-ni and Pro fessor of Moral Science. William 0. Wilson, A. IT:i.:PfflfeE6o::: - ..jif — Natural ..Scieiten and Curator the Museum. Rev. William L Boswell, A. M., Professor 'of the Ai reek and German Languages. Samuel D. Hillman, .1. M., Profa ear of Mathemat ics. John K. titaym in, A. M., Professor of the Latin and French Languages. Hon. James G. Grshain, LL. D , Professor of Law. Rey. Henry C. Choston, A. Et , _Principal of the ,Grammar :school. .. _ Jphu Hood, Assistant In the Grammar School. BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS E. Cornman, President, James 4amilton, II Saxton U. C. Woodward, Homy ~ewshatn. C..y. II unirrich, li3set'y , J. W. Eby, Troasurer, John Sphar, Messenger. Meet on the Ist Monday °roach Month at B o'clock A. 111, at Education CORPORATIONS Canvases DEPCIMT. BANK.—Preqident, It. M. Homier. son, W. M. Duet= Ilasslur sod C B. Kibler Tellers, W. AI. Kohler. Clerk, fun. Underwoo i Mes ganger. Directors, It. M. Henderson, Presldont, It C. Woodward, Stiles Woodburn, Moses Brieker, John Zug, W. W. Dais, John U. Gorgon, Joseph J. Logan, Juo. Stuart, jr. Fleas NATIMAL BANlC.—Prosidant, Sam nal Hepburn Ca. tiler. Jos. C. Caller, Teller, Abner C., Brindle, Men weeger, Jesse Brown. Wm. Kur, John Dunlap, itich'd Woods, John C. Dunlap, .saac Brenneman, Julio O. Sterrett, Sam'l. Ilepburn, Directors. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RULEDAD G)MPANY.—President, Frederick Watts: Secrutar and Treasurer, Edward M. Biddle: Superintendent, O. N. Lull. Passcnge. trains three times a day. Carlisle Accommo ation. Eastward, leaves Carlisle 5 55 A. M., arriving at Car lisle 52U P. 11. Through trains Eastward, lu.lo A, M. and 2.42, P. M. Westward at 9.27, A. M., and 2.55 P. CARLISLE Des AND Wien COMPANY.— PrOSidell t, Lem uel Todd; Treasurer, A. L. Spoil, ler ; Superliitoneelit George Wise: Directors, F. Watts, Wm. M. Beettun, E. AI. Biddle, Henry i , axton. It. C. Woodward, J. W. Fattnn, F. dardaer and D. A, Croft. SOCIETIES Cumberland Sten Lodgo No, HST, A. Y. M. meets at Marlon Call on the 'lad and 4th Tuesdays of every month. St. John's Lodge No. 260 A. Y. 31. Meats 3d Timm day.of cacti mouth, at Marion Hall. Carlisle Lodge No. 91 T.O of 0. P. Meets 31ouday eYening, at Troulkuilding. 0 FIRE COMPANIES. . rho 'Union Flee Company was organized In 1780. none° In Lonthor between l'iltand Ilanover. The•Cumberl:tnrl Fire Company was instituted Feb 18 6 18011. (louse iu nadford, between. Main tin, Pont Prat. The dead N,ltl Fire Campany wag in,ti tutor] i 1110re14 1855. - 4oilse in Pomfret, ncar l(anos r•r 'The Ithipiro.linelt and Ladder Company was usti u • tad in 1858. 110 LOB in Pitt, near Main. itATES OF POSTAGE 7 r•Poatage oti.nli lettere of ouo luiSf ounco undgbt or ;J:tollt•lt''PrePubl• • i.Tt• Poistagn.un tho•ltti ultbiu tho County, fret , Within oeAitatfilltt.uents'por annpin. To any part of the United Statue, ?A cants Postatco on 1111 rot gloat pitpera..2 Vents pei ounce. Advertised letters to 1 4 0 .0/tipPed with, iierif, of advoktleing. • '• 5,000 YARDS Good Dark • Calico Just Received AT GREENFIELD & SIIEAFER' S, East; Main Street, South Side. !Orli D9or, 2d Door. Rid Door. (i) pod „Darlf t' fete, 18% Doter, 20 qxtra " " 22 - enpor ' Extra, d0.,52 • ...131aschoul•Unsling at 20. 25, 30, 811, and AQ cente. Unbleached, front 20 to 40 cents. Summer, Pants stu ff s, at, last year's prices ; hating . purchasedOur.ataalt br Bummer Pants stuffs last. Fall we can and, wlll' Sell,thom from 10 to 45 cants a yard eimpqr ,,tmu iko rly haulm 10 town. Remember the place, , • , • 011}111INFIELD di susApos, ; ; ;; ; .; • OppOslte; 11, B.lllttor's. N0:29g0 dhostintt. 13t.;.1101aaolphla: .oP,JRN—l'Arle-Mado i4O I I:ANTIL.LAS, , pxyI. CLOAKS.. • ••! Alio, SPNINN• and 61.1)101.10..GARSIENTS, of our owhjiodtiofooturo, pie ,44tost L and OA great , vmioty. J,, W. • Pli,()Vf...Qli, Co,, • The. Paris ~ 111aatilla, l imporiam,L • 5320 .O:64§TVUI'. 4,,LtriA,l:o3Lrairk• . ptpa r At4tes 5 pqr, pont Tioxin, 'Werrate prepred - toTurnish the:lo-40 .llnitodt' States I,mairnuthorlted, !by the act tit : ),4r.Alpq r tyciA Other .Itegistered Or Coupon Bond.,as .paroea play p,ietie In denorninittOns of sfitl,oo SSUO, 1000,'50,000, and $10,000:' • ' iho interest on the $5O, and $lOO, , Bands is .payabie• apnpoiy, fulcrail . otikerdr.prulnat.to Rs 'Oatni-annually in coin. Thelion cai ,- dat d• Mayon. 1801 and. ata radeeinabie astire-Oftbe Government at 7 ter 10 yearednd, iintYabbil ,yinra from. date Ia • coin vlth;liaterestl4,o, ppycent Ver annum. _ 131111T1131, Cashier. earner° brnio A dt ilanll'Airivlsth;lB64; • SEGAV,S,&''IOBACCO, RALSTON'S.. NM ME 25 00 4'oo 7 00 VOL. 64. RAE= & WEAKLEY, Editor DisgsflintiM. POLITICAL DIALOGUE Soldiers on Their Right to Vote, and the Men They Should Support: SCENE.-THE ARMY OF THE POTO MAC, NEAR WELDON RAILROAD. States I?(!presented—Pennwlvon la, Ohio, Michigan, Wisronsin, Minnesota, Il linois, Indiana, .1V;ou York•, Etc. 13=1 Captain, Ponn. Ito,Wt. Lieut. Col. Mich. regiment Lieutenant, " " , Adjutant, Sl'lseorpi a " Drira to, " " Drum Major, Minn. " Sergeant, “ " Mout 111 'nob; Como, al, " " I chaplain, Indiana " Major, Oklo " " 1 Colonel, New York PART I PENNSYLVANIA Captain. 'Well, Lieutenant, what's on hand now? You seem quite engaged. Lieutenant. Not very specially. I have just been reading the la NV passed at the Au gust extra session of the Pennsylvania Legis lature regulating soldiers voting. It seems we are at length allowed the right to vote. Captain. Yes; 1 confess I could never scr why we were prevented from doing co. II beCOllling St0(110n , we certainly did not cease to be men, nor ratty hoc citizens thin before we put on our uniforms, drew our swords, nod shouldered our gun , . Priroe. io II hi id:, Captain. It wns al ways n puzzle to inc. I has in thought our rights should. if anything, be increased, nut lessened ; fur there is nous, in mincing mol ten,. Don't we do nnwe than those who stay /lt hi/1110-10 1) . 114 11),/re tllltll 1110 IP'rtee men We have left home, with al I its plea sures, jit3-si and comforts--wi“ , , children, initthers, fittlitirii i —to defend the o ld flag ; ri cd h vdlh and life to put down tint, who W 01111: 1111 , 11 MIT' 14,),)11 1)1,1 Utlloll ntoruin, /Ind, I 01 . 11111. \\`,llMlhl at I'lSt ho r. , :re1,1 thn , e wli v•untin I~rhiu 1. Ned, Fin ju.t your xviiy o. thinking. anti I. can't 61' , Wily IVI . 61`10 (rout V 4 .ting 10 , C111.1