end freVerably, ktown as the host of the How ard House, in Baltimore, whose long experi ence in the Hotel business, renders him a valuable acquisition to the establishment. In ;the way of amusements, Washington seems to have its full share, but I have not apace to glance at their claims to public pat konage, should leisure and inclination again form a conjunction in my favor, you will hear from me. In the meantime #51)33 an gaunt!! iltattars. WANTED.—Board in a private family by a young lady, apply immediately at this office. _litel-The "rotary editor, - Gen. W Gouch er, Esq., desires us to remind his friend's and patrons that he will Intake his annual call on New Year's day, and will be pre pared to exchange his currency poetic for theirs cf the verdant hue. No PAPER N tar 1V E E common with all our Carl•sle cutempuraries, and in compliance with a petition of the compositors and pressmen of the several offices, we have consented to en ipewl puhliciati in for the ensuing: week. Dertng the' past year we have all lalxireil faithfully and we feel as- eared-our realeri will not grudi,e the I. e weeks vacation (luring the ensuing Ii i;i daps. To one-and.all of our patrons, then, Iv , extend our I.ourtosics at the closing of tho and our best wishes at the opening or the New Year. giS.We notice diet the time for strik ing from the enrollment lists the 1111.111 PS of persona who claim exemption on account of ailenage, non residence, unsuitableness (doge and manifest permanent physical • disability, has been extended until January 5, 1854. xtiSk„. If you intend to purcliase a holi• day gift that will be a "joy lorever" to the recipient, go to Shapley's jewelry store and . buy one of Prof. Stayman's elegant pio.n,H. They are from the factories of Steinway, whose name ranks highest among piano manufactures. The tone, finish, and quality of the material from which they are male are of the highest order of excellence. We personally guarantee that no better instru ment can be had anywhere in America. gm:Ladies, Mrs. S. A. HurroN, is now opening at the sigh of the Big Bonnet, North Hanover street Carlisle, a large and beautiful assortment of Winter Bonnets, Hats and millinery, of the latest styles. The ladies are particularly requested to give het: a call, as she i 9 satisfied that an examina tion will satisfy them that th r e largest and most splendid assortment of millinery arti cles can be obtained at her establishment. PROMOTED.—Our young friend and fellow townsman, ISSIC 13. PARKER, has been promoted from the rank of Ist lieuten ant, A. D. C. on Maj. Gen. ll.tne )el;'s staff, to that of Captain on the slum) (;.•neral's staff. Mr_ P. entered the army as a prn•ate ,nearly three years ago, and has, 11 1 ,- merit alone, won his way to his present honorable position. The same xemarks will apply to another townsman, A. Kennedy Lotrr, wh,, has been promoted to Ist Lieut. in the l!Wi eavalary. It gives us peculiar ple.tinro to notice promotions such as these. BOROUGH I3DUNTY.—Our T3croil2;ll Council at a late meeting appropriate 1 the mum of five thousand five hundred dollars for the purpose of paying an ad litional b minty of one hundred dollars, in order that the quota of our Borough may be filled without resorting .to a draft. This act of the Council was titian t thorized by the Borough Charter and there was r oonsefluently a difficulty to obtain the fun li ,peoeseary to pay the bounty proposal. To obviate this difficulty six. of our citizens, on their individual obligations raised the tabovo s eam tyld have place I it. in tho hands of our Borough Treasurer, to enable him to carry put, the intentions of the Council. Toe taine. ,of these patriotic an I public gnirite I gentle ,men aro, Fleury Sax to.u„lehn Noble, Win. M. ! Penrose, F. Gardner, Philip .1 rnoltl, an I A. I L. Sponsler, and we are sure our c.untwihity ,will thankfully appreciate their dittutteregted i iiberality. It alford3 119 pleasure to say that ;, Volunteering has already commenced and that . there is every prDhabilty that our quota will be filled before the-diew Year. Teachers institute The members of the Erankford tenehers' Institute convened at Logan's School lease on Saturday Nov. ''Oh at half past ten o'clock, S. Alexander presiding. Mem bers present ; Graham, Ployer, Myers, Well er, Diener, A. A. Wolf and C. E. Welt' Absent Miller and Zeigler. The minutes of last meeting were then road awl a d oph .d. (habeas then read an Essay ; Subject Edu cation, the great mistake Oration by Weller, Subject The first error of teaching. Sub ject oPenmanship etas then taken up and dissccssed. The question for debate was , , postponed until the next . meeting. The teachers then formed a reading class and were instructed by Mr. Weller, Programme tOr next meeting Essay by Diener, Oration by Ployer, Subject tbr d iscussiou Arithmetic, Adjourned to meet at Fairview on'Saturtlay Dec. 12th at 10i o'clock A M. PR4,IIANI. Sect'y. Monroe Te=hers ,Institute 'Met in School house No 11 (Brindle's( on Saturday llto. 12th. horning Session—Ab sent Mestirs.ollerkheiuer, Plank and Schriv. Cr., J. A. Eberly was appointed Secretary pro tem. Minutes of last meeting adopted -- J. R. Boyer exhibited his method of teaching 'tending. S. Kline read selection. S. S. Sollenberger drilled a class iu Men tal A:ithmetio, atter which all the Teachers present explained' their ,method of teaching this subject. Afternoon Session ; Absent : Berkbeirffer an d Plank, Mental Arithmetic was discussed at some length by members of the Institute. J. It Boyer delivered an excellent lecture ,pia the Teachers of our common sohoole—his -Ampiirtani duties how his labors are offer unappreciated by the public—his motives and aktiens misrepresented—hew parents men unconsciously injure the school by improper remarks. J. H Sohriver drilled a glass in English Grammar Pupils must apply the rules of grammar to all their conversation, should grit it each other. Grammar can be made very interesting, to pupils. J M. Graybill read au essay, How Americana are educated," a bounding with many valuable suggestions Deptored . Lbo great waste of. time by young peritons Comparatively few avail themselves of the full privileges of .opromen School Sys tem, -.l2l:tepreciankarms of attendancent 5011901 I am &c ME 'rho Institute met in Pleasant Hall School House, on Saturday, December I:2th 1863. and was_openeJl with prayer by Mr. Daniel Nailer. Severtl of the members lavcrod the Institute with excellent singing. The min Ives of last meeting, were read and adopted. Roll being called, Miss Mary E. Anderson, was absent. The first business in order, WAS the reading of Selections by Miss Clara K. Culver awl Mr. M. Johnson, Oration, by Butler, subject Our country as it was, as it is, and Future Destiny, Miss Lyde C. Flom - ing took charge of a class of teachers, and drilled them in Written Arithmetic:, thereby, giving her inetinel of tea• Ming that !winch in her seho.d. Adjourne Ito meet at I o'clock. President in the chair. The exercises were opened Wllll VOllO and instrumental e E Kenyon from Dickinson, read, ut tI to .toll instrnotive Essay, upon, The I the Thss Kenyon 11111 the sub. it credit, and by her masterly powers .1 I ~p•, s itton, re e-qablished upon the minds ut heard her E-nly, that she cf , rtain ly pos-e!-s,• I talents, as a wrill r, rarely loond. Aritlitnotic, w is again taken up, by Miss Vl"ining subject for debate, was 0pk! , 1.?..1 hy Mr. NI. John-on. an I - forther dis cusse I by Messrs II t,ward. K tulfm in an I Nlountz. Mr Eittinge” o;ekin.i.m Di+trict, was called upon by the president, to glee 111.1 views .11 the subject, aid respondod Mr. 11. E Brechbill took an active part, in the vari ous dp-enssions. t)rt motion of Miss Culver, it tvum ro that the th,tiks of the Ins Pluto be lewlored to Miss I..zzie lienyon ,n , l t hi' :Lbie. awl rtprroprtule I . S'. 1 )11 IRO 1,1:1 01 \V 111. If 1;11.1er, It W N 1 , •01 , 1.• I, til ct b•• 1(•tolt.re1 to Its.. .4tlln tor !Ile portorlitrwes 1111 , /11 the Ate 101,111, :1 , 1ri114 t..e::. 1 11 111 4 Livet" 1. ; 11C11:, 1 111,tI ltlIZt! , 1 111-11 , 1110 court— y exteoAod t., her a= :L loaner !,I,le'ler in the I 3ii l I, lie I do 11 , )111)' 4 , 11-11111 ii. 1 Ily the pre-_ . lll 11 1 ,01erY, e,»1111111(3 to pro,per were h.' I t.•) \Tr fir his I' let 1 I tile errors 111 . 110, 1111'0I11,111 111 . I'l'o4l'l , llllle bn nell 111,t•ting, It ; AIN; It N icier aa•l Mr. tlirarn .1 Gold., Essay ; Allis Alainia I,,agaeck.- e r ; .1.1 Ircaa ; Mr. l a Afarialz, 11,11:31 Ar• ; ,\H--I Culver, IVritten Arlrtimetie; Ega , Critic; .1. 11. How- of the In . stit lite wore iellered to lion Ihigh S;it irl, LoLA;I Nailer atut Solo non 1:r t:oer, for their ilo.pi• tal. , iy tile oleintwrs Alj mrn, I to rovt , t in t '• ' n S ot:r 1 ty, 21ith I Sc 3. \V M. IS BUTLER, The In,dituin not at the ustpd p!rwn on Thur. , lay evening:, 1)..c. 10 , 11 dent in the ch•lir. Teleher , 4 ill 1,1 I!' II l'ra)er by the Rev .lohn f , er the reading tel :L , loj.tlng munites, .r , .:Ja K. Beidler nn I Nev. 11,-igy Ire I 1111.! 111.'1:1 l'i 01 the IIPSi it 11 , V. \lr lirwg then .I,l:cere , t nn oratiou on the sahjo.t whlch Hoe precepts, of ;11r. Per w:Ll(decled tem porary of th.• •Tito :Lllll,llW' his , ;;I:LI nr lii,; ;,; 1;•••„:11.;;;;;ii nl the evelimp: rho ;;; ‘‘; ;•;;;;;I ; hy .\[l. , tif which \I; IJ hi I ac• ir, ;1;11 ';; !,1; - . ,c;;; In trwer t goio conduct .•it.d inoe;t e lit orl 111,1. and ati ., 9, , r111g of .ititt•iltnntt being the l'rr,il,•or Hutto nu al t1i,!1.)1',/iving ogr tnittiO for Itit, next ;noel - hit!: Mr ft: •rilz. 10 ,1t.,;‘,1 . ornlloll, Nlr 11.tra It) etin , llltl it In , S in oritiog.ipby, Tritywr ri , idirr4, awl Mr. Stock one ill arithmetic. (4 tool ion the Ine r ititute ,Innrur.~l to ineet. ag tin on the evoning of 11313 or lici;ei l iber. .1 (..`, 310(2K, The liddleiex "Ceacher.4 [unit tie met fie cording to ,I , JJ,M/ . At the time appoin terl rot opootog the l'r,•!.:1 lent e ilie, l th e to 0'11(.1 . , tiered a fervent pr tv..r Aripr which, the roll K a ty e tiled au I .1 Stock 1.“111 I 1 1 rot. Tho lilirlillt : 4 \a' Cue pre reeding Wor.2 urxi re.L , l nii , l adopt, ,l .\ to n prevt.•tp , arraugeownt the lira regokr i xeretqe t:i nt•riin n. by Mr. lino ; ;, who whml ;1011 ha Wilti hilly prep tred, but on onto null nt e, se vere hmirseile.s throat It. would he 1110 , 1 all 11101 Inn proceed, and theretoi e a..1;e41 to be exou. , ed, Itis request was unantotou-dy grquted 'l'he Pre-Mew then ma le some approbri !Lk, remark. , to the at,,ltetico iu regard to the The so';ect of ren.finv, was next. di. , pos"d of by Mr T, 110.0r.by re.olving the teacheri, 1 ,,E 0 n elmiy 01;1,5 .L tll in arithmetic was coo looted by G. (1 lot in of Mr. Stock ab-et“. The exercises of Geography Wt:rt, .fispnov , l of by Mr. The ant , wc..inß and proposin of questions concluded the reptlar esercise.t of the oven lug . The exercises (or next eveniog. were ,In• ,Lounce.l rut folioAs Algebra by Mr. ([ring, Nlemal Arithmetic by Mr. lieagy, Grammar by Mr. ituhi. The In4iitute then adjourned to meet at the u,tml time an I place. G. U LEA .SecrOary. The Teachers of North Middleton district convened at School hou-e N fi on ;Saturday evening Dec 19th. The Presuden in the choir. The In-dime Wilts opened by siogmg and prayer The roll wor called and Mr. Waggoner, Mr Voter and Mr blokes were absent. The minutes of the I,va meeting w , re reed and adopted. The (hate appoiu tad at the last mee:lng being absent his crit— icisin was read by Mr. \Volt', who Willi appoin led a critic for the evening to prepare critic ism to be read before the next meeting. An essay whs.read by Mr Mohler, subject The true end of education. Written *Arithmetic was dismissed by Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Mohler, Wolfe eatubited his method of leaching is class of pupils Grammar W.l`3 discussed by Mr. Mohler and Mr. Wolfe. The President appointed Mr Wolfe and-Mr. Mohler a-buisinens committee for the neat meeting 'who reported as fol lows viz. Mr. Waggoner and Mr. Yoter to read essay's, Mr. Mohler to rend selections, Mr toter the subject or 0, ography, Mr. Waggoner the - subjt;ot Of Grammar. Mr Stokes to deliver an oration, and Mr. Mohler, the sohjeut'of Parental Cooperation On motion the minutes were read and re ceived. On motion the in9litate adjourned to meet at So out house No. I on Saturday; eve uiug Deo. 2tith at ti P M. S MOHLER, .„, Secretary The Richmond papers of Wednesday morning on dispatches from Bristol, Tenn., ut the 13th inst. They state the: the rebel cavalry is at Morristown, and the Fed alm are retiring. Longsireet's Vance!s and Ransom's commands have been consol idated, and Vaughn's command. has suc ceeded in joining the main body. Long - Street's headgnarters are at Rodgersville.-- of those admissible is much too low. News. papers are very important feature in oduca• Lion, their value as a means of education is not properly appreciated. Messrs Goodyear, Eberly and Boyer were appointed a committee on Books and porodi. cals. Appointments for next meeting, Selection, D. Richwine, Lecture, S S Sollenherg'er, Essay Miss Kate Gleiro, Grammar and Alge bra, continued as subjects for class•drills. The thanks of the Institute were tendered to Messrs. F. Asper, C. Itingwalt, .1. Brindle, A. Goodyear and..d. Bowers for hospitality to members. Adjourned to rued nt Bell School honco Dec. IGcic. J. 11. BCIIRIVER, South Middleton Institute , IrTEßsoos S LSHI ON Middlesex Institute Teachers Institute Teachers Institute DISCOVERY OF THE AGE, FARMERS, FAMILIES AND OTIIEIiS CAN purchn so no remedy equal to Dr Toblas'.V. netian Liniment, for dysentery, colic , anmp , chronic rhoutnn titan, gore throats, toothace, sea sicknoss, outs, hums, swellinas, old sores, he..Aoche, mosquito hit ot, poles in the limbs, chest, hack, .Mc if it does !Mt girl+ rchi c the ',lnc) , a ill be refund...l. All tint Is asked ii a trial,and 11, it moo - troth.q to IL,, directions Da. Tom kti—l.l.Or Sir: I hint,, 11-ea sour Venetia.. Liniment in nit thmily fora number of years, and ba llot,, it to be tine host article for what it is rat:nun...mi nd that I bare ever used. For sudden attank or er.up It is invaluable. I have no hestintion In recmnincild ing it for all the urns it profess,,s to run.. 1 have sold it for many 3 ears, 111111 fives entire satisfaction. CIIAS. 11. Tll.l SINER. Q 1: ItEIITOWN, May S. IST'S. Iblea :2.5 and 50 Cell tx. 55141 by all druggikts. (11ieo 50 1 '001.0:0014 Streit, New. York. DI, 4, I'o4l. Secretary On the inner I ritr of f, In urch. I.v It V. Vralleff .1. ('..tr. \lr. .1. NI. f. Mist, ANNA d Ift 41. t......: llf —.. )1. i.otff (Po tho 17th Ly Roy .Ltool, Fry, lr FPUR.IIII W I:I ZEL, C., Miss NI ANG.I /: NT E. NV Lit U. Loth of the 111,' thr 1-,nmo. \lr. .1, 4 1:1'11 I'llll, l'otintv. 11 ihr.)•, 1,1 \TII lib N 1.:%1 of ibis C. may. tb.•y. by lbhw tr F \WEI, 511 . .\ h 7/„ tu g \ 118 , : \ 1(11.11tET 1,,,11 of ()T1 thi,l7lh t. 11.• bri.l(.%; fithor, tlti, plnve, I,v 'ohm ) , ‘l, JoiLN 11. It110.t1).:,}li n o 11.Uf11.1).111. IN 11,1,1 11..;. Chi Iho 14th 11,1,.. Se•trlel 4.•,•r, .5N \ tl.tlightor \ )larg it t•E, t i ,1; 1 ;. yt•org alicl 111011 In this 1,,,r0u,:h Thq,.l.c.. the 17th int.t \lrs, .11:‘ E ti.11,11.t A iTI I 111.1.1. it, /II the •itli 0m...f CAItI.ISL PROLUCE. Zi A Hat HT. Reported .1 veelcly for the /1 ern 0 . 11. •1 1:1 . 1; . E 1): \ u\lr 111R1,1: V \ • I. =I I. 11 . 4 21.1[1•••••:.v.,., Muse an: Lot for Sale I 1J MED I= MEM S(wiety ttC l:uniller pt, 111 in 1 11.,” thy nth rt., nt-,l,lmry I at I I o .•I t ‘,111,11 ttn.” Iti ••F r,•l. t Ito ~ ,tt it wi 11 1. • (.1, o =ME part. I,l' 111.1 - .l ir-o s tnry I." , ;ssials• 1 a I 1 at P1"4.•11i • 111,...1 i 110. r .`lll. ssi Ilse lii 5--tsel rins•sst, to • 'as 11.1 e. ,h ~t itises••ss;st .an sss s• s silt ll,' and s•sll , •silssns.s. sa err Isesil chsitss , - tor 1 lea • ;tr.. 1 1 .. Isssal enssellesst Issly sslll in the 1511 1 s is are s'lrs,-•1 Irse l'e—sass s issu ill5l 0 t lliss I.tssf .11,111. ror Lerstos .HV !h.^ "1'W() sh,ry R pot Th.. 11,i ,, is ...onplrlt,..l, , s1111..!1 tlltt 11,,1i.t0t .11t. .L11.1..11t, pit. api.l3 :hi.. N - (yriin 1' " • them auth.•1111.•.0.,11,1 • For Sale or Rent, t T \V() and a 11;111' •-;t,)ry 1;.•1;•1; 1)-T.1 , lin K 11 .1.1 , 1 . i Mini It' 1,11.01 1,...,1.1.:1 A ht. , hvotllll4 11. .it, 1% 11,1; i1 , i , 11 0 .1 :1111 r t , ! •.,,„„‘.l„, 1.,. : i. 4 11 . , ;. , +‘ ,, l '1: , • .1”. ,' I '"," •. " 1:: r te_i, a rirti eirtlit, f..t• :1113' p.. 1,11 W .. .-lii ll_ OE= s 111 blllll 11 I r. , •n,;,r.a in the gesin Mul , lr4 1, , ,v31 , 1mz n,rMv, l'or terms ,10. :Li p 1) In =I r l l lll] Alll'll3ll'l VCIStI.OIIII , IMrt) . )111111:11 In , urstiro C11110.'1,111 Pionlitv. r , •....1110 ha its .•11,1., ..,11.11t1t• I 'io Is 11 , t1,..111.1 Ull t.l to:I, I . l,Artl ot iZt ft ILn SIF.I LIi.I. In St I% Ititin, ,• 11. 1:1?:%. Alex I', I Ite, L./ 11. 1.1c11.1,0er .1• ~ .1.11 1% LI., I v. it, t.. .I .1 C. tp. Aro , of 1,1-.11,111,•:111• "f the 1,i11 , 11 .11,k 11 itt•i•. , lll ill.• 1111.114 MI• tkt—tlT'i'ttt'ttt„ lii th , t • . , 'lt nrly, ttl . llllt2, it , .‘ 311 11,...1 t. 11,1/ at tuuc I -TI 1N ST YNI AN, I'. DUNI. IP. Sort v. \11,11.1111 I/ \ IEI, 1:.111.) . , Al; I. l'S. ootnil , 4 111•Niv%. Allen :thlruttlal,t.,w 11 I.lt,lll • tte 11.•ury I Aug A. Booth Sa,llll - 1 an. \\ I-I I. •111,11, z . .. S/11111.11.1 l'oovt•r, ‘10 , 1,11,1,1.1/I . Z , .1. \V, I). • Ailer , • . 1 . ". ver 1 01'. 111 , ..r. Ne,, 1, I. .1111111.. 1;r1,11t NV:in inaqou :.1 P. 1/earilorll. LV,t,;lllne:ta.,; lloy ioli e•y orti, 1/1110,tirg; D. I:utter. Fairvio,, J o h,‘ WO. Hams. rroll. Irluphin 1.1.--.144,1) liou,,r, 11,11.1111 r,, I,,ro,torF, or li,F4 t.Xlpiri, 0,1 11.1Ve tho'lll rvuo,,e4 by issakits,s, stisplbsitiuss LO ans . or 11,. kroitt,. I ict.,i,er I" , .1. NEW GOOES,! NEW GOOES: I AT OCI I LLIY'S CIiKAP CASH STORE Intn ii pw opening n second supply of elt•gat)t :inn ,r) Ie lull IluuQs, , hln It I w ill sell Lhu very limest 112:uru 1)11' ENS GOODS, such ai lorinoel„ A IpachaA, silkB. De 1.3111,1, Tureen Cloth, 110 pp. I ashtnerch. Pnll 1/e Cheriers..t-e• LADIES CLOI'll NLANTLEti, A‘11) A lialtito al Skirts, Fronc•h (',lrss:l4, Hoods, Son Lags, Nu Lin,, 1.1,11,,s A compl , .te assortment of ;;nods tbr!rens wear of all Itnyin. .nt . t,llll4S, (fingharllS Cheeks, 31uslitm, Flannels, Man\lets, al the lowest .in.lry.s. Gents Ilepart►nent. CLITIII3, 6ASSIMDRES, — VESTINIIS, kr.. A hill, sh sortwent Shirts. Drawers, ()loves. Collars, Pun panders, C”avats, Nec , < Ties, &c. Particular attention paid to this department. I now buy °ad usively for cash, anal sell at very short profits lhr the cash. I ain Plodded from my bola expo : Hoorn in the business, to oiler my old friends and ens touters !treat Inclueeinen La In their purchases. All persons la want .1' 111111dHOVIO nand cheap goods, will please to call and OXlLllliee toy stock laica: purchasing. eisewhere. Recollect the place 15 est Main St , nearly opp,rd to the Depot. . _ N. 11 All elnlha CAsqlmoren And Vesting, will he mode up to (Mil", Of 0 - by MI OXllerlaileeoi Wrql, Map • e 0 BOOTS &, SHOES. t FULL assort tnent of Men and Boys' .OR. suitable iiir the winter Also. Ladies and Bootees. Children's Boots of d II I( [Mi.:o+lolli Gentlemen's fl LINI Over Shoes. aty 014 cll/4011101 . 1.1S lllld ell iu Want Of 14110 d Bud hung Bouts and -thous. will please mill and examine the stook, before purelieslng Main street, nearly %gingko the ILepet Carllnlo, Nov. 21;,1862 THE GREATEST llarriages. pcatijs. =EI Dry thy t01r , .: fi n.I paront, Thhw liar- 11,1,en„ Vry ]i4itt, her an.l,ll.row, :she wAs hit lent. n. t uiven. =I I= =1 =EI A griCTiltllral Sock ty :"...•1 0:11 FOR RENT Private S tle =ll2l MEM lIMIE I . 1i :1‘,.•1:1.1.1 =BEI I LT.' lIMI MIME Fire Insurahee EZEMBEEI p. (1 cHAS. 0111,11 Y, Trustnej CHAS. OGILBY. Trwitme NEW GOODS AGAIN A t Ogilby's cheap G r asp Store. Thave just returned from the city, and nnw ripening, another lot of elegant Winter Goods. which I will soil cheap for rash. :%lany artiolen suits lie furCliristinas presonta al• luw figures. MOURNING GOODS, In gr..at varl'ty front Boson's 41ourning Store. Ladies Cl tir '1“211:s. all I:lnds A o..th •r It t of tho, cheap I lth. for ',ldles nhrthq. liltwlc Silks lower than act' al -1150 fury Colored Sill,. A grant aNHortmenl. of nil tlr• new style Irrests floods In the nrtrliet. Ladles an.l Italmorals, IVoolen Hods. and N uhlas, a full assortment of hi"od Cloths and Casslmeres, for Cent's and Boy's Breat My n,sortmont know large and eoinplete, and no ox. ortioo will IA- spared to gli e v,erw satisfaetion to par eir,ers boll. in and go Wry. (ior motto I.; short prfit, and quirk •alos bouoe, the great !Ln,h we 10,.,, /1.1.1 1. , 1 * the lief month.. .41Freneli Nterilow, at induced at the old stand, oniaaAl•• the Dt pot =REM W WITEit,I4',AS the lion. Jainos IL . 1 11 , 12 , .. r Ilia ~.v oral i'auata of Camila, Pia la at Ilia raiiiit jai. at rninbrrhw J. I'1• Jan , 1 ~ with aN at Ilia .y , kr • 1 -11 lvalivary raid \ll'll,l , lCi.vh Ili! 'tl.llllt. 11 Ow , ••01 . nll.l •11111 Dont. n.r th.• all dapil and nila volidaiiiiari. iii th" inn' t il , f 1,3 l'.l - 11,10., 1 1 . h,.t 'Y 1 101: ta ciait imp, a a a Ni 1133:1; 123,••11 'araiiiir, .1 ri,ticaa of and iil Ilia 4..1 Can, liarlaril. tit kt. t I,l' • 1 pia l, tli, iii !hail 1.C..p0r athl .•• .110iTt3t all iitliar d 1r I Oniontit,t 4 ,••• ittol nll that nt.,. rtl/.1 1 1 ,1,4 thn ..111• •. tit'', 111 , 111 n `ttilLi jlltt .1, I' I(11 . 1'1:1, I •• Pt. 1 , W: : "1.•• TOWN P ROPE STY PUB!, I A r, E =IEEE 11101.1.,“, la , rts 1 ., ,ufr0•1, H p,•41. ~ 1t31,111,' 6.J ~,, t 111 ~•: !I I. 1.1...,z•. 1., 1010, I I I: :t 1.. 11. 1:1•!'' Ut,1 , 1 1,. .11.. ~. 111.1 rloOr Ilia PL =I e. "0 g 4 4 ' • E Valuable Town Lots 1\ II T)lvellin:z. I loiNe for S_;tile. %xi Puidic .o) tip Tit, II :11•••,.11 p , party ot i, a... 1 sr; ~ ,At 1/..a'•l. I A.. st. Itt Ica: I 1.1.1.• i.,t111. N't .1,11 il••tit•tt. tt la I 1•••tt 4 4 • ", •I • t •••,••11•• - 11., ‘• B • ..itt 1.1111. nh ri• • •1.1• I• t 1,, • t rite lottt..•d ;Ind 414,, 4,r1 "4.7e:1,-zt =I !I t •.1 ie... .1,1 • It lIMM=IIII.I MEM MESE U. S. TAXES NiaccE r() TAx PAVERS Ten Por Coat Sp.vod by Prompt Payment 1 ,, V , • llt )1 ; T to tilu provi7:poN of 'IC r .11,1 • it 1 L 11 -I, ,1 I 1. c. 1:1 Ito. 1 ;,, tti MEE MIMI IBM 111V:41 0, 1 ., 1 - t :IL 111- PIO 11. , t,.• -I :1 .t. •11 tol.l ;1.1 I I, 4,0 ME =II t:o•.•I 1.1 1.•, , !Ci. J.,' 111 ICI 1\ .I,', I. 1.114.. r r 1,, t. I .1 1,1 1 . 1 , •.L.-et. .1.1, II: it 11 it I I • It A t.ll t 11.` 1111 1 11. I =MEI Min IBM th It 1 .1 ItIN ME ,11.1.1 , .1, I \ \, =EMI I=l 1 , 1l1:10`; 7, I r %lit, I j. . Co II ~, 1. I . \ ttlLL:wri.lll,l. nt ntl.l,:op =II I . PI Rl', 1/p•iolly PI! , lII\ \ 12_ I.i 7i1r11,,, I 1,1, 11, p.LI\ r., • I . tl , l ‘I, , IpPA•pi• P .PI.III, II I. 11, .11 Ile 1(111,er, pt 1I1•1)1,1La)1,1,,T4..I, I 1 1. .1111 :\ \I I I rp•i op, plt; ):1•!.1i , 1,11, , 11,1,ta at rh,...•/11 .1 11.1 C1111,.•,•'1 , 1 ',A.,' 111‘1 , 1‘ , \, 1,1 1,1 II i at \ Lui 311.1 1 \% , .t I ..111 P. r..t1.11,.‘t Pt; ;tip- 1...:01 i . 11t, 1 ' 111i • . /1• , 10 ./.t1.. , . 1 \ I, 11. I{lll,lll ;tali. 1111(11 2 4 , C1 .Cl., I. M. I= .1 \ Nl,l. t. J:1111,1t.1 tt, 7. 0111 41,1 II:ti • iu I , •rry Gmnly dtv I h.. rVo• p 1 n•••e \ llopt,l 111 p0r.N.11 , 4 1:11 nhnii Itothwt 1u rav tho tn,.. e,‘,l •,•- Ilip 1.10,1, t till, .1 Ito, • ~ .p.•.•1 ii.. 11. pt. 1••11 )1,1 0.1111 111 .1.11 (1./lin ll' . ,r•r• ,1•1 • Li1111 hi, II Said .k 1 L. fOr 111111,1 Carl in :r•-. Av., tie,titill 77.3111 • a^ • I. liAblo to an io .tl 11k.11,1t1 .• trqviolo IMM=I Hpiwial o , llllllli , tweessAry it ree , ll,C hy HAN Si,rt Cut tiniiy or It, in Piii "I inlice him; h nin o'i 1 It, A. 11 . t I 11. ` , l I. .1( A1..F1 , .%1 15111 Dirtiirl PIA Ck1:111.orl.c tot I•,1. Do , I. D, 3 It READING RA t LROLD, :e l izmy TIVINIVIV - MT - TT ea. - WINT Elt A lilt A.Ner E )1 ENT k - -1.13.10AT Trunk Line from the North irand North-West far Philadelphia, No . York litta- Ina, Pottsville, Lebanon; Allentown, Easton. A c', tr :tills leave Harrisburg far Philadelphia, New-Yerk. Reading Pottsville, and all Intermediate Stations, at A. 31.. and 2 I'-31. New-York Express leaves Harrisburg at 3.00 A. arriving at New Y . 4”.1: at 10.15 the name itiorniug. Faros from Ilarrislm . rg: New•lurk sl'.l 15; to Phil adelphia $3 25 lin,tl $2 80. Ilag.olge checked through. Potturninr. leave Now-York at II A. M., 12 noon, and 7 P. (Pittsburg Express arriving at. Harrit,burg at '2 A 31.) heave Plillatielphin at 815 A, 11., and 3.3 t I'. M. p•lopplog ears in the Now t l •trlt. Express Trains th rim 0 to and, from Pitt sours. itlthuut Pinnies. Passengers by the' 'antwlssa liitilrtnel leave Tamaqua at 8.50 A. 31 , nul 2 13 P. 31 , fat Philadelphia, New-, York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 0 15 A. M. and 2.30 P. 31., for Philadelphia. Harrisbur and Now , A,, •Accoanutaltitiou Passenger Clain leaves 'leading at 0 30 A. Al., nod returns from Philadelphia at 4 :JO I'. 31. - irra-All the above trains run daily, Sundays except ed ' A ', , unday train loavt , N Pottsvlllo at 7 30 A. 31., and Philadelphia at 3.15 I'. 11. cntmuotat km, Miltotee, Season, and Expulsion Tick ets at reduced rates to and from all points. 80 Pounds Baggage allowed eaeli'Pas auger:. G. A. N ICOLL°, N.". 11, IPI , GanProl Superlnteutieni. II1; 7 . , M11.111", Tru.l,o Proclamation h t.l dnn u'',vi 4,1,.“111 It, =MEM IL I "IgII I. LIII 1,,v0 - ft. , 116.1 115', lt.l Ih..t p tl .1 y ,rlll he lomy 11a: f.a 3 N I .;. u1...r..1e• .1 hi. 1.1.1,11.• i.. 11 I -I t$ tP; , . I lt,,tur. the •eml t.r. =MIME I ht. 0:4 , (i•k• =EI =II It th I 01 lIMIII .t. I Ow 15., , t,11"1 al DEE %OP I •P‘1,11,,,1p • 1;••,112 • 11 , 1 I , lli P I n.,qa•. 111 EMI IL ‘1.11.•I'I. 1!11111111/II:1 ~~ n,d, i., ~~ , 1nb..~.~. .ia n. `~ sp,Thi,,, 4 11111 TM 1 . 1 ho .it tit° • tvn.• =ME Something New in Philadelphia COOPER'S Photograph & Art Gallery, No 1338 Chestnut street, Opponitu U. B. Miut Gallery, Reeeptiwt and Operating Rooms ALL ON PI ltS T FLOOR. . LL the styles and sizes of Photo l_grap hs, Ivory ty pea, Fe, roty pow or .• Tintypoe taken at prices to ~uit the times. PietureA Vinn•hed in Water Cetera, Oil, India lute and llorSeti and nthor ml imnia , Etkuipttg,eF, Country Seats, Ruins, Models of Nlachiner), Ae., for Patenting aeou rately photozraphorl. F..Jonper desires to cell the 01,1.01111011 of pory,ar, visiting Pillitnitnitilla to tun IntsV UlOOlllll El,tor ttaiterYt a hers /is has Introduced newly patented earm,rah, pain() ul ill a 11.04` ,Lo,lliist Otnt 1101.11101 Panto graphs, from the small stamp autographic, to the I inin.rial and I.lfe After natty e.,periniento liv+ trallit•tlettOti In plae log his ,Icylight at an 1 tho light in I'lo.l pr,portion,, ;OM prodridop that snit gr idation of Lone it hich tahaht, Lu O ,IVIII by the t.hle ad ,$) 1.1.0,1. anti whin - 11 it. 01 MIIIIIIIII ntlnintalloo Ln 1110 beauty to the beauty 01 0 ilitnlitt• 111., MAW, of Fronvli and Is the argot \I,. Ills 1..•0n en , 4:ed 'sore than Ise )1,, ill llf ii it It 4,1 practi. , I r I lent!, :Ls 3 ‘11'11:11.11, Anil Ito trait Pall/ ter is kilt Aultratiteit 4n tn:.,},t,0 , •11011,0 pit:Cul, motet[. his estal,lishoooll. 'DM 51 of idovlixis, I.s IVOII U 11114,0,04 ; muse. hlii LIsLS odiployo the rPspertn, r.oluteots. I I pl. tut, \Val ratili-I;—ilia Ivniyt3pon will naf vldinge pi any (nil. itn, yid xui ,Latid the Loot nr;te Id-. P. tit lillll atiellti//1 IS 10:11./ 11l giving graaelnl and rune It.ightert . ttot)pps awl All other kind. of pin tures rtop from t..ltt:tll uu••tnilt., to lite ant: Lni.ol,ed In 1.9t1., h.,' 111,11311 1111(, to I.tcttt 0911:11 to ph•tu res taltt, from ttfo rnro• f.i. it it ice for 1;, ing Equrs. Iran 'ICI'. In ll,.rv.rr builduig. xiet., 1101111 m i, S. tat)* 11 , T ,, 4,11 hi. 111, , i.._:rni.114.41 al a Limr•. N. It--I'u 111. )I.P e::.1I'111: C.)1,.)1;1, 4 1'.; AND t'i II .1 I'S•T :\ \V N‘t)l(K (IN l'Avloirai , l4.lorny, (cory )I,hl „S c. Ctttall itt.t rm•tiuu<grtrn for tualsing It t.ru I IT, t, av,ilattldt• t ht•f a ptitJt.titt.l ll 1:11 , , , , , ,:r.tti11ta s, for tole s , f altiell a.argt nu :s hs,. I.t•t•tt if. tl,e Lhe eontline.l in this I.nA, 1.141 1.11,11.t1N /1 . !It:1114,11/ml. !.til (•,14.1 ,pll% ic. I irr '2 , 1 1 10. 1; . ). 1; 0 1 , illrt• ‘,lll 1.0 n11'111,11,1 =I Da Vll.l - .1111.1.: ci;. ,V 1,4•1: th , •;lti Fi4ialt•.l•., 11 \ 1 . . , :'l•n 1.l .11.1 .111,-(.. \it I 1.111...11.11.111 1 Et, .t..•:itt. t • Ito 1 tito.. ‘ll.l • it tittirtitt • tr-t • 01 1.1 .1 :111.1 t .t t It I'l' I T pf 1.1-t tt.- n 1 . 1, hi. 11.11 1%, It.•;• •41sil n ,tatttro - • - ME= =I I 1 •ri \ i.•l-1 \ rt.q 11 .10 , 1 Cl'irlA ! • \ • (In 1'4•01‘. \V. A. \i t, I,i , 11k•ot. St. .1!1//tn*/: MI -t , ,rl .1 I. & I'rt. %% I'. 1.o.1{:o. F 7.9. 7 , mean. Front , ll C,14111 v• 11. f.k; LS'OV:"4 . 4 'Zt; u ° Cfg /.14',C; With Glass Cloil• Prosser, Improved Loop' Chock, Now 6'3 , 11., Hammer, Binder, Colder, Braider, etc. At the hell rvad fjj un r 1 Isle. l'a , , , t. in C•. , 1, ‘l-.llt.ti 1,11 I .•11.. I 1,1•11 i),. \ \I.• h I,i • u•tlt '.-- in I INN \I \ \ Is. I.lt`l \ I !'4:\\rll,l I\ll. 111(11 Ik. 1\ lilk \ k 1)11 A TENN', 11,;.1 \Ol., 11101.) , IO . I.`1,3ttoi NY:1 , •111110S Oro' fatmly %, . r lighl hi, to 'OW .•I .thq. ta, 3Ooi cot - i 11 , 1 ,11111.. Mill io , lol/1..,'!,•t0t itoJt ,lit •th .idos la I p , ,f 4014 p.;ON, ot stOk 11•51 . 1 . 111 ilOl. huitt", 11 , •ios 3O'i It• I , u , e WI I krt 4nll in t ha s l,4 11, ‘l,ll • hiii. • v,.a it - T.(1111-1,h dt Ow a llos Sao:, 'Alt., LI, ‘H.liill4. s 1110 dist allk•o. 100 i•ls!r11 , •Ii.01 ,all t.I h a The 4.1 . 0111,4 II ii•it 1'14,111111011d (lan 11hOolOr ri -16.5.• I 11.,‘ 11 ts all 4•,01.11ene0 ir 1,,:1,,t. I t li.• seSS.O4I. rhrrnpth. tinun~•v,. it i;I 11.4 lip unr in v.. 1. Mild 111:,le 1. 11, 13 I f fn purl, nu , l nhateri . And I•l.,azlce 111. , .1.1 tit,l ,ittll,ll4•it s' ail 11.1J.” . .1t1v1in0.,...f ~ 11, 1 1 u. 11 , m. ! , 1,••••.1. I'l,o of t., , ,,11.1..11 1,1 maniagmtwilt, nut: quit•tut g.l .v.• 1111.111. C111.:1)( . 1.1.: (IF ICES No.:1 Marb.ine, sriili i',ls 0 11,kIt 1 . 1 , 111..111 , 1, .•0 (.11 )1,1! l'4•I I 1/.,Ch IV/1/1111 t or b 5 00 11=1 1":1)0 6TI 0) 00 Oil II,)0 NVNlnut elr rki,d ) ,,,:any 6r, 00 N... Loki :Over ith l'lnita 6:i 00 11:11cra•e, I'ollooll, Black \Valuta, 70 011 111 . 1 t' taa. Putta 0.1. Watt, )Iftbotany 00. 113 It IM=M Full Casa, IL,:ewood, :Ntl. 1 IL„•hlue, Large avid' Pl.tin Table, 75 00 No. 5 Machin°, Cylinder, n ith I= Every Machine IF sold with 11 llemmer, Nos. 1 and 2 )I t , o l,lous ane Fold ~00plete, v. iii the Now Ulu. Cloth ProF,or, New rh 10 I hookser 11.1 Braider. Wheeler a Wilson's A gooey at' Railroad and Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, PA. Nov. :27, Ih6g-Iy. rphe winter term of' Greasoti Seminary Iwill counneneo January 4th 'that. understand Sin:lu and laiulda Eli try Ituak•Kaapins are thuronAlly taught.. Cirenlark in ly Lu ”litahled at Italstoa'a Di ug Stnra. also at Shapla3'd I.l,*olry StuWe, ]lulu St. lice. 11, DlO-1111. • NAILS! NAILS!! NAILS!!! A large stoch of good, Clean, Neat, and Tough [Lillis, at the lowest Prices. 'Our nails are worth :diets a Idig more. than any other multe of nallB sold in our town. this is the opinion of SlSChilnirA who have tried them, we also liars a full zkbAtlrtimint. or IIUILDINO MATERIALS, of the latest and most approved styles. all goods ware muted as s•epresetstvl. JOHN .I . :LYNE SON Bryans PUlmonieWafers) AT RALSTON'S. Doc. 11.15P3. A YAR'S FAAIIJAY 1111i1DIOINES, AT RITMTONIII I' I'l,o t,! EEO 11M111111111111 n'i•i, I'. •'R'nrrli ll= K 1: \TI i' Is V It 1114; \ =MEM SEEM OM NOTICE. Tr HE undersigned hereby gives notice that haring retired from the MIR., of Register of Cumberland County, he will from thin time be found In .1. R•. Smiley's Clothing and Shoo Store in Carlisle. item I will he pleased to see all my friends and the public generally, and promise to use every effort to serve you by selling goods and reliable Clothing, Bents, Singes, ri n d flats, at tine lowest possible prices. D. not fall to give 1110 a ...MI: Doe. 11, 186:1 FURS! FURS!! JUST received a large addition of new Furs, Muff's, Cape, Victurines. A V., Cloaks Mantles. Cloaking Cloths, from New York. very cheap. Plain 114ured and Fancy Dress 117 NT E DRESS (00 Ds, k•eg styles, heavy Woolen Mures ('r th e (d a,, ther mnimi,rd skirts. Burk I; lovng anti _ Ilease ral , En t II:lit Street.. UIII3 door 1.0019 Mai tin's Hotel. =IEEE THE UNITED STATES HOTEL. 11. It tt I - It(I, PA COVER H Proprietors riIIITS well I;no‘vii Hotel is now in a niuwila , o thy travelling puhlie,af Itno!” c ,, n,entenr,s alike for the tl . llllSi., I enrol till the ,T 1 I'ES 11 , 11 - ..1. ha= tirely r••- fitte , l throu,lpont, arol n!, ha: t•.•o equal to .• , 11111,1i Wl , l lti,lry to any 1,4,1 Pitt , 1..1,!. It. 1 , 1'11,1 I, Hu. hr-1 ill the , State , apit.ll. littiv v e to all the rail - owl depots. tel iii proximtt, to all tho olth•es and hth-illesq lor,.tlitics ttf the c , tr. It has Ul • W all the 0111, enit•ilree tit FIPST (7,.1.5.•,' HOTEL tltt• Proptit.t,tr. 11, .11t•rtninvil lu spar° neither i•Nimge, Untie or hale rotut.,rt eh tilt. ttttv•ts. Tltt• p.ttr ktt the t ec t.lttlg pttkic 1. ti•• sp,•ttillty Dr, 11, I,;.;—:it ti. ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS. WOOD'& pERoT, 1136 Ridge Avenue, PAIL\ Dm,Put.t. ()FFE t . l . sale upon the most favora b:.• Tcru,..\ lIE \ rirt I, orso . . \ .n ~i, Le 11t9.\ it ( . 1-'," CEI:1 I\ rotrzlit and r,t,t. Iron. find C.,51.‘ A 11;4. \ TI \ f; \ 1\1)1114. It :I'.\ \ I t ll,t' \ II I' l 9 !ITV; j• it t,„1:..1, k II 1,11 t 1 , •••1,11 , pr,11..j.. II r lOU PO 1..,.11.4 1,1/10, =I Two Tri:zhly Improved Limestone larms at PeivO•e N O. 1--;-irmitv nt )Ir. p•oven 511,11,5 e. 115. iv ~,,, I , .1 ~ ~ , :••IL ..,., 1, ~ I 5 1. , 1 . . , '- . .1 , t. 1 .., ..-It. , ~t , I , t, e ... , r • I Ai, I 1 1 , 1,11-t., 55 , 4 ett , tls Ili , .5 , I lit , . 1.• , ' : 5. ~.,.., I n ti, ti , .;',l 1 41 .. 1 ... :"1 i i . i r , , , 1 , :•i . ,,, , ,t . -- . /., , ,. „ . , ,p ' .. ,. . . .., , I . I/2 , ..•,:1 , ,2 - kW ; _) ' ' , : ., ' ll - 1 , - t ,I I, I ,1 11. I : srk I" ~::. n 1.; f I ' , 2 1 .1 1 . '!:. _ , .. 1 ,.....,-4 v.1.6,1 ~".11"1 IL :•,. II„, entire lira, 1...1. ,t ~ ..1 1.55'1 5. , rt! 1 , , -t 555.1 r5:5, Vt , 1. , 5- .% I ,/ t Ind , 1 ,•,,,, r r : 4 . ..1, Ow 1., 111- ,, -- ~,,ur 1! , ,• 1.11,1P11.,_ , :1,1 t t,,e• , uI, ~.I .'1 ~..;1 ', 1,1 , 1 t',lll ”, '•'l I..,ri'''.l ..,!. r TI.• 5 .511 ,, •... lat. I al, : ia1i...,1 tt1e5,5... :Ito 115 Ole 1. ,,,, , 5 , — , 11,1,5 ,•.• .150,1 \,,. 2 ---,ft , .te t tl 1:,,• \\ ,15.11 t lI—II HI r .5. 1' , IC., ‘,....t ..rc.,;i.i, 1 t.•;,...,.” i l , .1 '',lL i"..t 411: ~t tinita; 1, " 1 ., ~ re, .:.I (•;. , ... , I .It. Li. Wt., ~,, -, wrmeh 'lnc , e,verFql mllll -, ' , 61 tin,l',l. '1'!"."11ni , ,,,,• - ",. ~1.• ..• ,L n,, , 11,i. , ,;.,,, i,.1, A .-q‘ 4 ,l - , - _ , -- 1 II ti..,L, I; tl,', L.: it, At:Li L , IL, .tl t. t, , ,,, , ,, , ..„,,. 4 „,„...„,. Th.._ ~.. Ii ~,... ~,..„..., „,,..,,, :„„ .:„..• ~ f..... 5,..,,....„,..,.,,„ .1 lailry "I 1.11.•11,111, Ili .1 111,,h ~r ,11.• ,; 1. ,, t./,,, ,, ,1,,,,/ I.tl the impr..,1•111,51, 111 _•, , I It 1, Lir. 11, 55'...r.• Irrito, 'SIP I ~. 1-',. '.. 0 i Ilp , r 1 1,• , , L. id. ~.1 tlt-et.il.i.• tit ..551 1.5, e 5, ..1.•5 4.1 , 51 iheilltel.,s to , . tt...1;5115.1 , 5, ! r .., , Illi. :tr. 1 r., .11, 111 , •••4111.•11I, Hsi 1, - 1 ,i 1,,, 411 tilt' I' , —I ii 1.1,!,•• . ill, 1,1 1.. r 7,1:, And Inictl., rtit....', , 1 0: , •.: IMIUIIMI For Rent cr Sale ri'l 1 .1T W: . 11 Lll , wn png,orty 11,11.111 1.: 11.1 , .1 1 11/ 1 . • 11. Thi• 1:11.•k I„ terry l lll I •1.1 1, ••1,•. .11..1:1 I /•• 1..•1 L 1,01.1, trr I 1 I II ht. 1.1o . r• orr t r.r. sr!' .Ir-o 11. rr • 1 111 I 01..1.1 II 11- Ilr •141 roll rr—.lr tr , • 1,1 r•IN ,-111.o•1110 r.triro•rll , • — rout •1.,1 t. 1 .1. I. 1 11 1.1.1. 11/ • 011 1. , : ITEM l'own Itesidenee at Pr',vale Sale. I„,4l'l't 11,••i• the ~.“•; •r t Pitt anti ' 111.. fl/ 11 I 11, r It- I .1. r)• 1.•1k.•.5 111. i. lit rkt.• 1111 Iktii , hu.l 111 th.• 11.1,1 . 1, 31: 11, 11....11.r11 II t .1,1 itt-r, it..th I'.,- :1,.•. , 1 . 1. 1 3(1111, rlill . l 1.11(1'11 11 , , (I, 111,1 , 1' 1•11.0111 t. , 11,1: 1i...•1....1 I= Valuable and highly Cultivated Farm I'itIV.ITE s 11"1 AT E in Silvur ;•s•prin:2; .k t " rt WWI, 11. all p••;. L., atandl lt .-ml. I I,:t t 1 pct 6 aro 3 I 'rwr St“ry linot: II; aII.I llount.. - 1 _ I= N‘lll, ”Itt. .\u . :1 , 'U,111:11, , , 'll,l n ‘‘1•11 ••1 . ,10.0er 11,,0 ti , ...r. 'I 11.• 0.1,11,0• .... , ...11.•11•••11,•1 1,101.0,1 1111.1 111 the' 111:/11,1 1.1 to ••I i9liti%:lti../1 I t•• 1 m. rin•l frrtlior parttel)l,:rs, u, limo at the ~ i,~mio-i , „~ ~~~ =I Town Property at Private Sale L'ITI...\TE on l'otnrrct street near the 13,1 t, t•t•t, li tho Tiro Lot rontain, I,n feyt in front n.l ttlo fret in !41 , 111, inTrovoinents ail, a 1 trgo 'I WI/ 11 UI - I', fIRICK rontaining 1 rams nn each ‘‘ith thrnn2htlia out Thu, pr..porty will I tlisp“attll ul at. a groat bargain. 101 terms At., apply to N P., 1W:1-C4 Notice of Co-Partnership, public :Ire hereby informerl that thu twdereittlted hale 11118 day entered , Part tterstilw uudr, t Ile i :Iwr 111,111 Dolnuoy 111 tit. 11.1 Ult. 10,11 11./M0 Of ...IA!) iligl,B 1.11 ttt her hitt...l- ,10,, ;11loan4 01111vor near the it. orkt; ; « hew all only], In their lino or bu.inena .0 re,pectfull) awl will pr,,,,,p11y 18.13 t f fer ewl will he tereived at Halbert Fletniug's Orocery Store; Rohert Moire's shoe Store and A. 11. Curryiug For Sale or Rent. r 111 AT certain valuable residence and Store Room, situated 111 Iluguestowm, Silver Spring' township. Oumherland County, 11101 113 owned and occupied by the late JOllll CO) le dee'd , Tho House has ell the eouvenlemel and to make it a most d••viralde r, silene•+, cod the Store hoop' is our of the beet locallons"for mete...llle business lu Ihn County mul h,ts 1,0111/ OCIO11111:11 fur that purpose fur many sears. lor terms apply MEM CLOAKS ! CLOAKS I! UST received and very cheap at GREIENPIIMAD (St , SHEAVE/WS. AH we purchase these goods of en extensive Cloak Ntounn:tor) in NEW YORK, wo are aide to offer ouperl• Or tint u4nnen to to any House he the cowl try • FURS: FURS We defy competition. having tnad,ttarrangyinents with one of the largest New York . Fur 11) eupply" un with choice aoods. We fuel confident we eau cell Fore at Oily prices. GREEN FIELD k SHE AFER. S. E. Cur. of Market Sq aaro, 2d door Nov. 13, 1860 FAMILY DYE COLORS,' RALSTON'S , t • 1.1 A. ItRADY W. E. SAWYER 1!' 1. t• r 11 , I I.; l'.lltlS N.kNTILLA CLOAK ji sr! I; I. \11 . 1)1:1( N. 92. orriEsTNum Street, I'llll. \1 ri; 1 . 0 invite the attention of their F::.,1.1. L.O t!ioir ldr4e and nuperl. Stock of nq In. 1 , 1,•li , nokll niThrthni In our now t.. devote the, fullest attention to 1••• r.,,t1r1 II every t nu ..r /- Fr will he guaranteed an pre.en n:euey pa : tl ill he refunded. per le iil, sill he c..refolly attended to. and Li•• , %•• pr.., charge, paid, arty distance Inside of I u IMEE=I3 3 'MINCE fi CO.'s well-known AIELO - .• :ml lIARNItt:\ I U3IS, intruduclog the of 1.. 0 to la.• lii , n every tr,tiunient, It 1 1 , ; S 'l' G A 131. IC It's It l I I It troV,.. and II'. Ii \ Co., celebrated I JANOS for sash at a :Ott d a...tact:on 0,3 .1,1311:9 BELLAI3, Solo Agent. 270Ytil S. Fifth street, above Spruce. PLIII.ADELPIII.4., Pe. $2 l'ositively made from 20 cents. 011: I'IIING I'IMENTLY NEEDED I.:\ EIZI PERSON. 1 10 Samples sent free by Mail fur 36 cents that retails fur $2, by R. L. WOLCOIT, 170, ( /w (ham Square, New York. 1S1;;;-:11u. W 11,1, 1 ..1)1. FRIDLEY respectfully t., lbe citizens of Ourlisle and tho itttl.tto ccnoratly, tli II ho still 0.111 'flues thu roanufac tont td all kinds of till and short iroll ware In 3. D. liudding Lank Louther street Carl 10 At the FIA II I=ll where be will at all thaw+ be ready to de all kinds of m.,-1( ui Lis litie a ith tied despatch. A Ito rni tit till Ulm: It hug those celebrated, self. sealing twd snit testing I,olllittrli airtight, Ito Ali ire, Spouting, a.td all kinds of J,,bldug done et the sin,rteAt t`a>h paid tor old lead, pewter and copper. Thank- Ril the patronage heretofore extended; he hope. by strict attetithin. and a desire to pl coon al/ to merit cam tinuance iit the f. 211110. (ILI% ER DI]LANCV, ANDREW 11. BLAIR Dont forget the sign of the Red Coffee Pot April EO. W. NEIDICII, D. D. S lut [ado Demonstrator of Opoz ativo Dontistry to . tha D ltzl n t t l a uma ror eo y llege of vilirr-Ntv , Office at hie reeldence, oprosito Marion halt, $1 oat Main street, Carlisle, Penn Noy. 11.1867. I= • ENER AL ))!EALE :1,1/ Pour , and Tall kinds of country produce. Warobouno on the corner of `ain and Went streets. The boat Fresh Ground Family Flour at A. BINGI. May P, 1863—t. f. W. M. PENROSE, Esq FSTATE NOTICE. • Letters of Administration, on the estate Wain Weigle dec'd., late of Dickinson township, Cumber laud county. have beeu issued by the Itegistqr Cumberland county to the subscriber, residing In the above township. Notice is hereby given to all par- Indebted to sold estate to matte payment', and ttll.Bo having ci , ims to presant them duly autbenllef tud for settlement to N nv. 20,1803 fIHOICE SEU ARS & TOBACCO, AT RA [MON'S DEI YSICI ANS will find it to their ad. ♦ente'je to cell end pyrobes• their Medicines et IitALErfOrIV GRAND OPENING AT GREENFIELD & SHEAFtR'S, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS 5000 yds. Super Extra at 20 as. Good 4-1 Bill Musle'n, 25cts. Extra heavy 4-4 Iff.lla Muslin at 3 let& bemes, le i;in g litimx, eltvck,., Ticking's, Jeans, Flannels or ill ndord , Home Mule Flail nein aray and Whits, linwe Mario Jean, the ha, e ale all the lower prlctnl MAlinHnnfl Printo on hand, anti SILKS Plain Black Silks at all prices. a now soli MI extra quality of Black Silk at $1,21, worth.fl,dn per pud. Plain and Fancy Silks of every dons i iption at low prices. DRESS GOODS, aff wo hay(' purchafteoft our tintlra stock of Dream Goode 10 Nfffy York to hieli in Ilfotflfiffat tern. Ibr all the New Styles.) Jilf,ofry f.no find It to their advantage to Rive our stoek a look before going n.efewhertf, an you aill 14.0 all tho !afoot Now l'orlt tityles, at prieei to nult 1k tinfeo It )1: IRTIA, from $2,50 up to: the flneet Cloths and Cassimeres; a full a rsortruout of Cloths, Cassluierus and Bearers, all of tht! N ,ver,t A Isu full at,ic i MOURNING GOODS, nt iuw prices. Notions and Woolen Goods, •u, .roolcn 1111.1 cotton: Collars, &C. In our stock o: Llcods. N ulnas, Sontag', Scarfs, we dot) rnnp••l it i•u. Id 0 Inn 0 a a‘norttn,nt of Regular made goods, (not A urlion (J 00,15.) which wo ran sell at lower price. than any Whnlesale 110ut..0, largo or omull , either In city (Jr ~,u tary. ,11,in In nr cry deseript lon, at the lowest figure. Ali We is a call, we Ale eellfidelet, we can please 1..:1.11 iu styl., pt icos ..f goods. 61:I.:ENFIELD A :ill PIA FER, Niarktd :.'4CIIII e, '2.ad door from Cur. tot. 1,,•; STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Modal at tho World's Fair, London, 1862. ,____„.._.crg......„,,............„ ..•,,,_.,,,, ‘1...,...v.--rz1i....,...,....,:...;..,...:„../ it,___ L _, v„,..,.,..__,:.._,_.:,,,,t.17. ~ , i• .-..---61116/ fill I.: 11:vi just received, 1..1. t 1,.. i•li.tarltlr ell band n full ne s 11:11e.II .1 tin 3/1 4. 111:1111,f wanufnetured by et New E. i:ehl ,1 , 1'11.1112, seleetod In the \I viii wiil New York Cash Factor'. Prices. rr1 , f,4111, \ n I.' I 21111:r.t. o ,if sati-fietiOn 121 , i/ he -111 • Ii ,I I , 11•11 pun hntrr. I •.i' , on- on plnt—tm , F. r innyitwi to cell and At R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, ,/ rear, .:,t I.( 01 tho Mau,icn HouSa, near e Depot If I'. I. I'l d\US received in exchange And h.-1. 1 ., i tAlu And f. rent. Mhnv K 1.47, NOTICE. r7`llE Firm of Leidicli sawyer & 3EI - h.r, I..ll.i:.!axLu died vad I.y tha mutual fnl! Li, I inn are in the hands ofJ. D. (Al- N Vsl'it, ysan be seen by t1i....1.1 ci tml . it It earnestly expected .1 - yes indebted to said Firm, C.., .aid le Ili.. came pr..niptiy.. .1111 Miller. 41,3 , 111,1 out their en , •1". nl iu `Mkt tik thr I:lldarhiplad, who lit • ' , HMI• tli. lir, at the rid well Si malice hip -t the SPEC! .1 1. ArcvricE. 'llll. PI: 1 . 1:11:1'011S OE Tllg I AR.I)If 0 U E • PIIII..II)ELPHIA .•.•11 . 1111, ort:I the /i11..01/100 01 1110.,,, 51,. 0 vn r i the . • .0; 11 00. 1.. !hp .010,i, : - /,‘ , 100.1 , -,1..1i00 t, 0011 , rt 011, I 0 lin 11,0 oNlablishineut. K FUWLKR d co - , 11, 1.11*: =1 FUR DEP -111 TM ENT .1. W picot—roil & CO. \ 9'20 , IIESI'SIT 6t.ruct, PIIILAD .11.. -t :I'. 111 , '1 I;, 15t1:1- 1y COFFEE POT. RED COFFEE POP, FRUIT CANS AND.JARS .:, SXITI ISER. JNO. B. 6TERTIETT. Adminiatrator JulIN K. STAYMAN D. J. LEIDIC“; * lows; 111.,T,E11.. I=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers