NEVU FIRM CALL AND SEE THE NEW FAMILY GROCERY AND QUEENS- WARE STORE THE subscribers having purchased the 'took of (iroceries formerly belonging to Jos. D. albert, will continue the businesa at the old stand, and' re prepared to furnish their fritanis end the pub lic tVith everything that is nice, new and fresh, In the any of Family Groceries. Their stook Is large and selected with the greatest cam and will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. It con, ,lets in part of fine old ilorernment Java COFFEE, Prime Rio lo ` Prime Rio itoastial. SYRUPS.—Now Verlt, Raton, and Philadelphia Sly t upso.of the very best qualities. BROWN SITil A ItS.—The best the market affords.— Lororing's beat Crushed, Ss tat, and Pulverized Sugars Also, his A. B. and C. Sugars. which cannot be sur passed, and :111 the time It lute here for preserving, la dies will please giro him a call and examine for them selves. All his SPICES are of the purest nod best va rieties. No humbug about thole. Rice Corn Starch. F. rrina, Dandeline offee, Essence of Coffee, C Concentrated,Lye. Seep, Candles, &I. CHINA, LASS, AND QUEENSWA RE. A largo and selected stork of the very latest pat terns and and styles. loner than ever In prier, and better thing, Iy s over offered before In Carlisle.- 001 and 400. W(..,111.11 and WillowWarr, such ag'l'Llbs Ilucketa, and rharn.. Ita,,cts of every description,: Children's C.Altlll 1(1 lilt, Stonewan e, Cream Pots, But ter Jar,. Preserve ,tars, Jugs, all ',jot, Nro ft FISH--No 1, 2 and 3 Maolierni. No. 1 MESS SHAD No I Ironing. A large quantity the celebrated Excelsior HAMS. SALT by the S'IVIt. Niry and 11, A. Salt. ' The subscribers re , ally ask the pat rmluve nt their friends and the plaldir gonetally. and Invllo them to call 1111.1 ON:1111i11.1 111 , 1, new stark, at the old stand, aorner of 11.14. 111111 1.011t111 . 1 . S6a EII refs. 11 tl.ll T FLEMINO, Carlisle, May R, )ENV MrI'UAL . ,,I I IFE INSUR ANCE (ASSi!rq $1,151 i s° rioi ISESUS LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, oil fiiviir Otto to •111 e. The Board i , ("Frit.itooe I eve writ deed of fort; per e , rll. 111 1 ' , IA. on 01l l' los thiilll , t oomhor, nod have -111. the ;• , ,•rjp donde of 10.:1 1 , :•.1 in p.,lo.nit of 1 1 , mium N. , tr‘ or .1 , 1•• arili he cre(111,1 ti;' itil thi• r , lip of SUP! The Oil loth 1 , .1,111., to portion tilltititi Thom. 01 1 lin 1 at Pin \ 1.11.1 011 i•.• 1. it inn nflni the kilt° oft hie t • r 011 1, i cny In ,tn•ttku 10,1;141...01 1. illonit • 11in•h 1", IG~ 9 and TZ, ke74 rtl, over st, , q. . 11,,te1, largo ar ,111” , • , ,t • - Agricultural Implements, AuPh as IDnI hi,,, with 9 •ii rekt,s att-tei).,l rinse, kill lOr/i, Straw mid all “f which tdo•lat• Sat and 1,..5t. ~,,, ip_ .A 4. rlci I 81nglo and 1)0,1 , 1, , ,• Having a Smith Slip custom ss.,rk in town and c.,lntly will he d•nn , ollh noatii.•ss andt ilogpatch. • • ii a p a i r ja g .ar all 1,1a.1a ( I “an nit qliort nnl !or , and on ren,nahlo lei rot. Th ,”hr,d t.tvorm, 1 re ipoctfully a sham oi iit W p.kt August '2q. 1 n R IF:1110VA L. ILTNNEK 1 . II 1,, haviii.4.on accolint thil liarllp7ll , :q un11 , ,1t1tf01n0 ,, ,,1 fir mar nh..p nn II 1 , •• , •n , • , ./111111:111,1 t, therrll,ll,l: has pur•h-t , , ,,, f :111 , 1 ebnp. , V (...1 1,1,. Nporll,lo,'S i.t flee. fortnerly .1 NI, 1,, , girl 111 rvulcmm~ all his and ns in utr 111,1 . 01101 ra NVi3ll Sharp.] d. Clova an born. ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS WOOD & PEROT, 113 G Ridgo Avonue \I et.tIII I, IHI tIFFER for stile upon tho favor lon Inv net , 471,1 If.:11111:111 vro,t, ~ , , ,Hoty 4 I It n\ It %II I \it , Itt t t't• t t t ttittott.. kr, ot Wl,llq ht 11,1 • 1 , I, :kli•I 1, 1,11 111.1 anti Braga Titlttnr—, I nit V t untim Collnierp, 4,.1111La Ctiltinnts, I lit. hint Itttrtfts, Lamp St..l Va.i.4, Fltt, t•tantlq. Sifts, Chairs, Stattitti, :tip! lo n. I pm 1V.,r1; of a 1/antra:Avis character. rout Ittritante I Ittr uric(' l'ttrsttni mit f-i nAIIIO, pit. r.r al.tlu the kind of ,vl, l / 4 July 21. WHEELER & WI L*4ON'S SEWING MACHINES. EW 1 1 . \ le With the I teSt 1111 1 .I‘ ul3 cnmtly r.•,1 I / ri I 1•F. 1 . 11,..• 1113 .14.1111, 4' 11 , •i, , i , V4. 11111 f• 11.1.11 . tIII.I U110,11111,1 , 11V11.•111. pot rip. Tip, .w.•. tin.pp-tipip‘l , l‘ , 111 °HINES IN thoy will III: NI, FEI.I„ -I IL II ANn They ran kin :Ln It “t her Tnaviline ran (I, t )—Thil new in.mlno, An.l no, ilurr,vollici.ts witAn,ut 5511, ch,i,g, AV 11 EE 1.: It fi W I LSONS' SEIrI.V(; Noun better adopted fir far 1r rre Tho ltnderrlcur4 has in, :gent for Curnh,littnl r nnriv. utters it pines i s Itn• Ilr with aerie. t ,onilow th,it liurolutse trill !In.! theist As l'or4otsh wishing to sini the mo , llln, In the itailroad °llion, Cinllllo, For tat Cher inD rru itinti apply to l'A April 3, ISti3. NEW GOODS ! NEW GODS -T am now opening a choice lot of sum mer Goods, ought at Ow reduced prima for cash a n of wimm will bo sold at r. roe-p , ndlog• low prirrs. El, 1:0 A_V (' IL-I I, I I)ELAIN Lawns, Nlovimbi.itiop, Shepherd. I'Leld, foil ILA I'hrr- Ice, Ltivella., all NVII,I No I„linen, Frenell Timi u Chdh, llaregos, ,fin. Cambric and Swiss 3111511215. Talatans, White and (2,,1ai ell, ilish.p Lawn, LI Litton Handkerchiefs. :Spring Shawls, Stella Shawls, itahnorala. Oath Table eav ors, k,., ke. Muglinos, liinghams, Tlckings, ,at laver prices than heretmfore. HOSIERY AN!) CLOVES, In groat variety, Sun I! ,l ellas nod Para ~.nls. .nisses, and Children's !looped Shirts, rawest stylus, bent quality, and cheaper lila]) eau lie had In the country. tientionian's wear, su, has new Cloths, Causimores and Vestings, liandsomo Summer t'asmiuun•es, for and Buys w oar, Caslunorott's, Cuttonsdes, :"Lripped tont Plain Drillings, &c.. A (ow yattle of CarpCting on hand, tit loss than city All pergola In want of Cheap chaia, will do well lo call before purcha,ing elsewhere, an wu are now selling goods 'Or ra,ll at very low Recollect the place, Main :•qreet, ucarly opposite the Depot. May 15, 18r3 NEW DRUG STORE. /THE undersigned has just opened a new Drug Store, lu South Hanover street, next door to Inholre Grocery Store, where ho htis Just re ceived and opened a largo stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye-Stuffs, Porfumory, Toilot Soaps, and Fancy Articles. Aliso, a largo lot of Tobacco and Fegars, of the most favorite brands; Coal Oil Lamps and Shades Burning Fluid, Confectionaries. Fruits, Nutt!, Coal Oil, Alcohol, Stationary, Patent Medicines. nod all other articles connected with our lino. All of which we will soli at prices to Hutt the times. Prescriptions carefully compomulad by a competent druggist Carlisle, Doe. 19, 1062—1 y FRESH MA.CKEREL.- A. lot of Nlaokerol—now catch—ltt assorted pack* gas of lialvos,Quarter, and,Elghth Bartels. Also, gALMON, lbr sale at tho Store of the oubscrlber, Ont. 211, 'O2 NE VP GOODS. Ilvory description and quality (4' Groceries, Geeneware, nardwaro, Pieltels, Sauce, Tine Liquors, Tobacco, &gars, Pipes, Freah Fruits and Cana, Oysters do. , Spicea, Wood and Mow ware, all kinds and °Ulla best quality and to be Hold at tne lowest prices tot cash by June 6,'63. DOOO METALLIC PAINT prevents I ioofs frolmleaking, dries under water as - hard an iron, keeps aumness !from Nartheest walls, paints double tho surface lead will, no Ithbor In price, and wean( much longer. S. BOWEN, Agent, - Office VAN North Fourth Stroot Pllll4, 'Chei. 2. 1843—euj, .1. 1,. :7,1•ONS1,1:II .1. K 17,, Apt. Atanng'sOli,h to n lar,t• ,ttht• lialtl- Mott• dry I hal, 1 , . NI 11{1.1, at prices that I, milli Pirkels of all kind?, TOBACCO ANO SEGABS. 1, r - () , ,t. C nl %`11.1.,,,t f..I . CA:i!of C.,ttlitr, 1 . 141.1to•e. l% lll.vry, enrli•le•,.lunt• In :I ke.:1111 ‘s will t, 1.• -ral IIItY.IN•S l'Ul.111)N1(3 I\'.lll , :ltS V ItE itnroilin:4 in the ciire a e(),,His, ..„,.. ~,,,,,, ~...,t, I. ,—,,,,, 5.." ,r,„,... ,10:11-,•. tt , • ,, , I , illl lilt B1..10111: r. In. Iri. , •11t C.0,1/1111 , 1 i.. 11, alit( 1)1 ,,, :l.•, ' , I I 1,. I.llu_ , 'Hwy I;,is t• ti.. t,t,,,i 111,•,11. ino An.l :my . hill „ill IIII..• r1,•111. TI.. us.intl... It.tA e 14,11 I et , Hre 1 I“ 10.11t.11 Ilia 11,1 1...f,...1e•imir,1. Tesl i - ninny t:1,1.11 in 1111,11 - ,11,...1 . cits.n.. A N ingl u dune r,- lie, •••• in 1., litznutos r„ 11,,,„ I.olnumin Wnfors—the nod ,laininnl • " . I'r null orot. Sol , l Jolt 1111SES, S.)ln V. by S. Elliott, l'arlklp. FI.IIIII Ir . , /55. 1,61-1 y loati Agl iculturiht k._ Flil,l, as , Men and Boy's ' A. - ~, f_ , 1( . . , i, ..1.-1 , f 0., tillitlll , l 4 . 101010 , rioter. A1.,.i . Ladies and Misses's Itslntoral Bootees. l'hildren's Boots of all kind, Ladles and GVIlill'Illen'ACII: NI over Shoos My old eustunteres ittol all 111 ,1:111t of glOOl.l and . heap 111HILS Mit! Slices. will jibe., call and examine the stock, before purchasing. Nialti street, nearly opposite the Depot. . . .. L-.:.\z,L. 21'iL. ITST opened the largest and best as , surf lIII,t of Jinni ware, Paints, Oils, Vurni.h. al,. Iron, Ac., ever hr,ught t., i - ,,oherlanti county. honght ex,•ll,ively tor cash, mill v. nn it We are selling at the lon eel pile,. We invite the lorldie generally to give ~ , ,•,11 heinre making their purchases, as ire are fully sustaining our old reputation of selling the itel nrniug thaoLs to generous nubile for their past liberal patronage Loping by personal attchtion to their wants, to merit a continuance of the same. .1111 IN I.Y.\ SON, At the Old Stand Si, th I atiover Street. .111111' ii, 181;2. DA INTS AND ILS.— lo Tons white Lend. woo iiallons of oil. Just revolved with a large assOrtmvnt of lire Proof Turpentine, norenee 1P hlte, Japan, White Zinc., Putty,v . Colored Z no, Llthar,;o, lied Lead, Boiled Oil, Lard Oil, Sperm MI, CHAS. OUTLAY, 'Cr us , eo Veint Brushes, Fish Oil, ite., Colors of et 'lry it o ri ptlnn dry, and ill in cans and tubes at the hardware Shirr ui BREAD BISCUIT &c. The Cream of Tartar "Substitute" Is recommen• clod as a superior article in combination with Saloratus or Soda fu• Baking purposes. It produces broad eaten Arc., which when cold JP • O sweet, moist and gratoffl, while those of Cream ofTartsr are often dry and taste less. It will cost le, t hen Cream of Tartar and in used In the Home way for vanhing , Ac. T 1169, SUBSTITUTD, together with .9.rliikifus' Soda. Pure Cream of Tartar, Bermuda Arrow Rout, Mustard Seed, ground and un• ground, spices of ail kinds unadulterated, and also Groceries In every variety constantly on hand, and at the lowest prices for;salo by Dec..l4, 1893, DAVID RALSTON H AV ING SALOON.—Having fitted L jup In the very boot style, the meet An Cramer's building. nest door to A. L. Sponsler' c oftio. I apt pre. pared to Ova my tonsorial attentions to all tvito may honor mo with a vii t. I shall constantly too au:tplied with competes t and polite hands and sbal I apareno effort to give general satisfaction. I wish to atropin a good buy, between 14 and 17 years old, Apply itintimlint.oly to d. tll HRS. Carlisle, June 27. 1862-Iy. J NV EI3Y DR. I.C.LOOMIS Vt Wt.._ .r. South Hanover .otroat, ` 7 "'k "" ,, I 111 0 4,4(.2. - W oppoidto Bout e':dry goods , 9toro. Juuo 1,'62. QAMUELITEPBURN', Jr., Attorney k, Jat Law Oilleo with lion. Samuel Hepburn Main la St. Carlisle Pa. • Juno 6, '62 wnr. w:N4r, DAMES. 500 pairs Homes on haild of all kinds. Elizabethtown pattern, Loudon do...Clornman do , with and without' rattan t fhatoulugs, cheaper than ever at 11. kIAXTO.N'I3, East Mile eA, March 20, • Carlisle Foundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT I F. aardner & CO. now manufacture and keep con stantly for sale, at their extensive Steam Works on East Main street, Carnal°. a large assortment of AURICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Of well known, approved usefulness to farmers. among which they would call especial attention to WILLOUtiII BY'S CELEBRATED I'A'I'ENT ()UM SPRING G RAIN DRILL, which has tak on over fifty First Class Premiums at State and County Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumberland, York and Perry counties we need not speak In detail of the merits of HO. , drill. :1 ti scores Cl them are now In Use on the hest farms in these counties. Its reputa. tion is established as the most complete Grain Drill now manffilmtured In the United States. It SOUR Wheat, Rye, Oats. Barley and Grass, evenly and regular, without hunching the aced. The gum Springs pass the drill over stumps and stones, without breaking pi as er the drill. For even and regular sowing, the Willough by Gum Spring Drill is unequalled by any other. We also manufacture and sell the bblowing :trtleles, which we can C0,11111114..1 to Farmers as reliable implements, ol established character MORIIISON's PATENT CORN PLANTER, LA SII'S PATENT :.sT RA W k FODDER CUTTER, BR I D EN DOLPIES PATENT COR N ;HELLER, II A RN'S PATENT CIDER MILL, JOHNSON o CAST IKON HOG'S TROVG Also, Three and Four horse Powers and Threshing Machines. Cast Iron Field Rollers, Plough Castings of vat ions ii.kttoros. Corn Crnshers, and other articles for Farmers too numerous to mention. Also, Egg Cool Stove , and •I'en Philo 11 and :iitnves. with all immense variety . of Other rout i ego for housekeepers an de others. We have slilo an at tractive CRllety of patterns for IRON ThAILINGS and CENT ET tlItV ENCLOSURES to which we would call attentinn. Steam Engines and 111111 Gearing To this top; rtmont of our bu,lnet;s We give pactien. lar attention. nur already c‘l,ol,lve stork 01 patterns for Paper, Flour and Saw MII 1 t le.ifing, 18 constantly .21111 )1 iI 1 Ow no, and MIII ‘f r i g ht, will be fu r . niched aith a print od catalofrne of our ♦arious Mill Patterns, bn application. blur.l:o•Llur Shop cotnprise•s all the voriou, tools for turn;ng, and finishing Shrilling and I:l,,llncs, by gOO4l and, artinl )laeltinist, STATJONARA" STEAM EN6INES, of Any do , irnl•lo ..:iparity. from ton im ve h orse power. Lnilt iu t 1,91 , tylo :wenninintlating tettnq. 1.:1,111 , , 101111 NI 01, estaldi,htnent tinny no ,111•Vi's,t111 ,it 11.11 y ,pt the largest Iti , tillerls. 91111 nnerles in Carlisle. and cuinliel land Peres and Irtnphin 1.110 owners tit it !dell ly nrnrina (inn to thoiretllviet, .4, 1 n. tt Int in, Fteaut Encines :ITO earnestly ti,,1,11111d 1'X:111111W Irfnr (Ontractirg else w here. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. I is I irsic hich is Pow in complete mem' lob the ..or:will!, t.r ere] y Mown Iplii aul = I,lr-tll4l iii01,L,..14,11,,W 411, t./111t1-121i11144.110U50.. Win -1,111 3 coon. 1111 \1:11 . 11, ltvc , .rtling to : N‘ indow limn op‘,ord 1 Willa, nolo 7Jnpa'nrd. Four l'Ato•I Door , nom 00, ord. )1001i1i014,4, Castings A r , •1.1t rts Yoarkets. F.tocy Dinpory, Sewn, sui . 111 II I. IV. 111•,11,1 iu 11011,, I.lilllil, foriti,l2d of the best „11„,„1„.,. n , . 11 plotrotl,its herololore. to build and repaii ItUltliEN C U .\ S trAlo.porter•oo the ruin t I 0 itlk pi.qoptiles, ruol on u•a.ounl4clrnnt. Th,• p !Inv poldic o-po , pectloll) by mall promptly to. Ma 3 . F. U\ lull k LiELIANG OFF .1T TWENTY-F . l Vl': , :ENT BELMV ((-V! - - Atthe qiZrr,t th, •44,1tt \ alley Baal:, and t‘,/, doors \lethodist I Lurch NVI,.t struet, the largest and hest ,ele/ tial ,t 4, ,t WATCHES AND JEWELRI in thy , tnwu. w Ili ho , nl,l Mi per cent liiwor than Ida, in the 1 1.11 , The striel:rein I”rtzo anti Silvcr hunting-es -r nat., he , . I,QI A inericaii and all other st 2, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, ,of all tac:vs liold eud : 4 11%c1. %%are, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, oil Ninth gs. s tittv I T.. ,• Ik ti, -owl; 11Alt.f.inAlwr t.... 15, I:n use II i rrl bl• 1,11,i] 0 I, 010 11, Ilnvi TVZ -011 • 1 • 0 , 1 A flint r ks, wi•rliflrin All kimlsof r(6. p•kiriu! UM be lillll . .1 , 11,1,11. :It I ik.luvtql prises. I I V.\ l)1 , ' Fli ES I 1 (ilOW1:1;11 , .; , %1.1, i".1\11.4 S.AiTC VS, Pit aria :ass, In" u( uf Important Discovery FIE= BOOTS & SHOES CUAS. 0011.111 . , Trustee Carlkle, Nnv. 1862. =I Carlisle, ()et. 25, 1881 BALIRIORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACKERY DR. JOHNSTON has discovered the most certain, speedy and only effectual remedy in the werld for all private diseases, weakness of the back, or limbs, strictures, nifectionS of the kidneys and blad der, involuntary discharges, impotency, general debili ty, nervousness, dyspepsy, languor, low spirits, confu sion of ideas, palpitation of the heart, timidity, trem- Wings, dimness of sight or giddiness. disease of the head, throat, nose or sk in, aflections of the liver, lungs, et unmet, or bevels— those terrible disorders snafu g from the solitary habits of youth—those secret and solitary practice , n o ire fatal to their victims than the song of Sy: cos to the Mariners of Ulysses. MlL:Ming their most in Whin t hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Sc , imposbible. Especially, who hero t e •come the victims of solitary vice, that dreadful and destructive habit ohleh annu ally ex ceps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talentkand brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listenhe Senates n itb the thunders of 14011111,1 Ce or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. IVIARRIAGE. • :%Inri led persons, or young 1:11m contemplating mar rhge. 'wing aware of physical weakness, organic debit itYi deformities. &v., speedily cured. lie who iilarea himself midi, the care of 0r..1. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS limuediatety cured, and full viaor restored. This dls tressing affection—whieW renders Ilto miserahle and marrito.te impossible—is the penalty paid by the virtima of improper indulgences. Young pers o n s are too apt to commit excesses from not being nware•of the dreadful eonsequenees that may ensue Nose, Will) that II!RIP, Sialllll3 the subject will pretend to tinny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into Im proper habits than by the prudent _ Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy oflypring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind tills,. The ~y.tetti bornnn•s deranged. the physi c II and uu+ulul fn nctinns n 0:11)0111 . 11, Inns of procreative power. Irritnbllity, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heat t, ion, constitutional debility. in west tog of the frame, Notch, eonsumpt ion, decoy and death OFICE NO 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a tow doors from the e,rner. Fall nut to nltserre nnux•aud number %TILT, Tiflis!, I/0 Judd 1111.1 Toil liilll a:441111i. Thu Doc tor's Diplomas hang in his ninee. CURE WARRANTED IN TWO No Thiretiry or Nauseous yer of fil r urgeons, 'London. ilrattwitil Inns nu.• of Ilie noi , t pis in the l:uilod SI:11,, snit the 141 . 0:10 . 1 port nl tt hnsu lit ,, has beeirspent ho.iriltills London, and loitr, ein,c-i 5..1111101 ' the most ai.tordidiiiig thitwi re ever knot, ; With I hig hly in the head :l1141• Nile, asleep, great nervous nes,. loamalarmed at with ushi is. ill tended tionoitimes wllil do of mind, were t tired immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE• Dr..' with t•ttett ull t 1111,1• ~1 11, 1 13%. 1 . .1 11. 1 1/1,/ tlittittst.lves l , y Itttpt top, ittatiltzt.t, r and t-tolit.ttry Italtittt, ttltirlt ruin Loth hotly anti wind. militt itig thew kir rlthrr hut: ttess, st 11.1 v , Ntittittty in. ituttli,t These are,“lllt. et Ihe ,111 and tileltittehttly effeets peteltteetl Ity each, halt I. of yttuth, ‘V. 4 111111.,./ of tho 1, 1 , k I, ill t hr. head tlittines. of sitzlit, e t th e h em t, dy,pep. ye, 111.1%,11 , 111,2111V..1111.111, , •1 the digeetlve funrtnnu. ttehet, utility.. 'VIIIit.SIII. uhf • NIINI Ally --Tile it•.i1.1111 elit.l.ll, on the 1111 nil are much to he •Irea.lo,l--11, , Id nie nor, co nfusion 111 ideeg, de pre.-ion lot elehlinvs. el el ,ion to soriety, ,e 1 .1i:41,1,d.. love 01 'wilt Lte, ar• moult) of 111 persons of all :1,1"1'S I'llll 11.,W judge rl hat 1,--taus-caulia of Llielr.deulluing turalt.ll..lnwing-their vie— w , le•conling ~11S II 1.111:lojed, h“,ing a Un,ul 1. appeal:l,l4, :11)1,11t the 1') I's, rough and wpulp tout<uf 11,11 , uniption. YOUNG 211 - UN \\lin have injur.ol then,. i Tr, liS IL VOrtnin practice indillu,ol in %% hen .11,11,11 h u ll 1 1 , 1111.110 y )11,1111,1 1,111 hoot, the elfeets tlf will. nightie . fi•lt. 1, on 1,1., nsit•ep,:thol II 11111 1•111erl renders m nu' t, :11111 b o th Iniud :nut shouhl apply Imun , liately. \Slist a pit,' that a vonroz 011/11. the Lope his mon try Ll...Luling ol hi , pllllll en h, 01,011 .natelool Ir o n, all uro•pe , l , end enjoyment • ol t he consequence of ,i,•, ialiu , 115,1 ti14.1i . 011 111 nnturl. 11111 iullulhZinc in uo•rtain secret. habit. pet sons list ).I'lolo 4.1.11- tottip:atmg I that', (.elitol mite( and nu,lr are (Ile (11,1 ne re,,.try rr,ln I,tt 1, 1 meet e ren ettl.el I h,tilionet, Ireleed.(l itnm,lil Ines, the tottrery tll retl,.(ll Ines tt wean' I.(l,riiii I.le , Ihr loresperl .larteins to the view le•oeetes sh ((nn( rd ith 1i1 , 1121/1 . and nll et ,Vith the 1(1(.1(101,1y hut Ihchnppiuru.e of (meth, 1(1,111110S = ltr, the 111iii-t1.11 1 11 • 11 31141 impro.lent votary or till, 11 , 1 , LiNit 111 1 lil ..11111.11ii•i 111' 1 .1 . 1 . 111 , 111 11i , 1•11,1i, it L ko anal 1.•.p r ..0,. I h at all ill tlma•al of rv. thster , banal ftohf AhlflYllft.t to th—a• anll, I-I, Itiott nn I fo.itto•t II lIIIV fun all f tft t• fall ft,ttl him. doh, illl4 lilt I h.. ,• , oast at titiaawl nn t011t , .111 , 11111/11 , 111 1 11 111 , 11 .1 , 1111 .1 ,111 1, 1 r I 11l 11, 1111.1 1 . 11 , 1111 1111, 11 11 11, 1 . 1 1 It , 110,1 .1 1/.1 1111111 ii 10 11 , i/11 01 ,1 bill t nrTrfc, - thr , h a .,,f Ino• tot sttt•thitif , . 1 , 11i.'11-111, 1 111.1ti,1111111 at 1.1 , L 1 11/i 11111.11. i• ill tilt, InllltH 1 1 1 t 1111 . 11,11 . .10 tht• la •••f• 1111 hi. a tot ft•l 1111 1 1 1 1 hl.nufal dllae 1 / I , lu 1 11 , 1 - ri I I ltjt•t•t of rottlfutt.t•ttitioh. till tits:till plat, I ptktiotl hi , - tIrt•toll •ttlit•rth,,, lo• •011,1- 1„, 111111 11. "that t 11.11 , 1• 11 1 . 1,1 1:1 1 11111 1 . 1, froth at hence lift Uat 1•11,1 - tt•f tirtts It a. It 1111 1 1.111 1 • 11111 V fact that thttf3 , ,htl , fall a Irtio, to tli•••••1,.. loth, to than 1111s'ofIlf Itlnt•tt. of It nor.lnl htf•loloiot, 111111. In 111 ut-t• of lift th•ttilly s ala Ni o,.•111 a, laiha than Haiti utathe than re sititte 1111111' all nu I:11.11•. Trust not your lives, or Itt,tlt li, to the rare nf th u:tln IIIIIt• 1111 , 1:111A uortlite'd , per tenders kilo, led o•, Idtior or t•lititarld r. tt Ito ropy hr ,Johnstoo' h , tylo t111•111 , 1•1‘1,. ill f • I•4111.11 Iti• 111 . .1t.•11 1)111 . 1(•1411.-. i 111.11) t•I 4,11114. thvy Props nt ti ittin,t month 111111 iu , nith tal.l”r tlip•i, filth) as thenl:lll, , ,t, ran lienht.klin-ll.alni lit des', iii. loadt• you with ruined health b, tdrh ncor your ,tallins: dissi,pointtnont. De dolit,ton is illy only I.ld, .irittit adv., tishig. I I 1•ret,•n1.1•11, in hit "Ili,. t r. at 111.,t, are pr0p.,41 YI rim a lift. •peTit iu tiir j411.3t hospital, of E the first. In the vokmtiy tunil n 111111 - i• vxtensi p: lrntr p ra ,ti vo (hat) any ul 6er pll3 sichn in the worl INDORSEnENT OF THE PRESS rip many tloaminds cored at til'a Utioll year ant, year. and the bUlllerldle (um, rations performed by Dr. Johnston, wit ID•ssud by the repo. tore of the •• I'llimer,” and many tubber papers, male. of which have appeared ttgtilit attringain before the publto. beside.. his standhalZ as a guntieman of rharns., rssisols:bility, is n sutheient guarantee to the al - Meted. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED Persons writing should be purtlrulnr in tilt eetin their letters to this Institution. lu thi• fi.llowing uuu nor: JilllN )1 .11111N:-.TON, )1. I)., Of the Balt Mime Lark llospitel. Baltimore, :1,1 .„2 , 1. I y ' I FCONU SPRING' ARRIVAL. 0 LARUE SUPPLI Iti FOR i'UI HEAD AND FEET Aj. the st, e Irving. on the N. K. corner o the public square. is the plaeo to purchase Boots Shoos flats Caps. at prices that defy compel it iOll. Ile hnsjust returned from the"its the largest and moat complete assortment 0f Hoots. Shoes. lints it Caps that he has ever presented I. this community. and which he Is determined to sell et the lowest puss'. hie mires. Ills stunt embraces eveiything In hipline of business, such an MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip lloot.F, Calf and Patent Leather I)x lora 'lles, Ca and Patent Leather tlaiterd, Call Nullifiers, Calf au Kip Brogans, Slippers, I,II.DIES' IRTEAR• Pine French and Fnglish I,a,ting linitern, Morocco Ca)t and Kid Boots. 1.11111 l hi Sllpl•rs, Fancy flippers Morocco. 'lllll 1(1,1 1/WIIIIIIS. &. M 18 , ES A N I I,ldl 11 ofall deseriptions 011111r:wing ling Lasting Gaiters. Mnr4.ero and Lasting But Inn ts. linms of all kinds, fancy shoes of ,neious 22 II ATs 4. CA I'S, sill, Cassimere I.'nr and Won) lints of al: qualities and styles, idsn a large assortment of Boots and Shoos Ingit, to order et tile short os! notic Itepahing prompth done. Cl.lliith 11i ilO 111 , 111 t) t please ell classes of euctonters, be respectfully Ins Ito Ihe public to give hum a call. Remember the place, N. Is. corner of the Pub he 9 inure. May 30„'60 HENRY SAXTON, MANHOOD .IFFIO,t;? HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price A Lecture ou the Nature. Treatment and Radical (iro erSperinaprrlinki or Seminal Weak nem Skxual Debility ServollfllleHF, and Involuntary Inducing I mpotency, Ciontitunption, and Mrntal and l'hysleal Debility. By ktOn'T. J. CULVERAVILLI., .T. W. EBY The importfint fact that the awful consequences of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without Inter eel niodielnOnne 00 dangerous application of caustics, instruments. medicated bough.. tied other empirical devices is hero clearly demenstratfid. and the entirely nose Intl highly ,socceshful treatment as adopted by the celebrated author lulls e'xplained, by means of whlvh every one is enabled to cure ( himself pOrreetly And at the least pos rust ,ble tat, !herd y avoiding all the tisrd nostrums of the tiny. his lecture will prove a boon to thousands anti thousands. Mont under ssal. In a plain envelope, t any address, pod paid on receipt of two postage stamps, by addross log the publishers, PRICE & 00.'s well known ME'.O- DEONB end lIARMONIUNIS„ introducing the of. foot of pedal bass on every lost runient. ERN EST 0 liLEtCS unsurpassed PIANOS for cash, at a liberal deduction, or on monthly Instruments from $5 to $lO, 46r Over 500 sold In Philadelphia. .Jk MAAR, Sole Avent, 270 and 281 H. Fifth street, abovi. Spruce. lAbliadeLplah:, Pa. Aral x $14.11, THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED: VOUZIG MEN 111111RIAGE DISEASE or IMPRIIDENCI4: CI =1 S7'/LI /LI Cenfi CHAS. 1. C, ITLINE I,c CO., 12f Bowery, NoW.York, Post Wilco Box. 4580 GREEN GROCERS. Wo.have taken the Store Rooms formerly occupied by Greenfield k Shutter in East Main street, next door to the Jail, where we intend to - keep all kinds of I.4I:ELNOYARk. and Onoeetties. Our stock le uew end hook, carefully aelected in the Eagan] Cities. Ws in vile the public and friends in general to give us n call Hilo examine our stock of goods us we are determined to Cut CUICAP FOR anon. Our stock consists In part of SUGARS, COFFEE, TEAS, SYRUPS, moia,Queonsware, ware, Cedar ware. 131 , 01318 Brasile% Cards and apices In every kind, warranted pure, A ,Grccit and Dried Fruit, Foreiga and Domestic, and a full assortment of ve geuerally. Flour by the Mu.rel or pound, Covintry produce PIO. rei‘ EXCILInge fur pude IMIIMEMEME Watches Jewelry and Diamonds. LEWIS LADOMUS & CO. 802 Chestnut AS'lreet, Philadelphia. NAVE always on hand, a large stock _tot Gold and Silver Watches, suitable for Ladies, (teatime» or Boys wear. :Some of our own importa tion, extra tine quality. Our assortment of.teirelry consists of the most lash- Linable and rich deelitms; as also the plainer and less expensive. Silver Spoons, Narks, Pie, Cake and Fruit Knives; nlsn It large variety of fancy Silver Ware, suitable for ISrldal present,,,— We hare also on hand, a most splendid assortment of Diamond Jewelry °fall kinds, to which we invite es pecial attention. Our prices will be found considerably less than the same art inles err usually for. • All kinds of Watches repaired in the very beet man ner and warranted tO give satisfaction. Wt.:Of/LNG ItiNGS on band and made to order. Call (u. address P. P. The bhthest rash price paid for old field on Fiver. All ordeds Iron, the Country will receive esp chit attention. April 140:3__Ir* E have the lar g est and finest shirts y v offer,' in thispinrr. siil ItTS nt per doi. dn. 6 . 1:,00 6 6 do. 66 20,00 " 66 dn. " 2.),00 6 ' 6 6 dn. " 31).( 6 0 " " warriot oil to to of (he best and trio.t relebrated ronken 11,11:ht stirs the late gold by the d.poes or single, if you instil Perfect l'ittmg Shirt, call at JLu~chdd,3AG3:- - MEM F-11 UITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C S. W. HA VERSTICK, ivorlit Hanover Street, Carlesle, Penn'a. thsju,t opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan cy Hoods, lull Books, PerlinAery, Fruits, and Confer tionaly. which Inv; IleV, been surpassed in °ugh, I.Pr nog oily and eleganro. The artleles have been selected with great ra.C, and oaivilhted, in quality and 'nice, to ro.oisland the attention 01 put chasers. YANCY CIOODS, whieh,..nn prises very variety of fancy articles of - the most exquisite nnish such an. Papier Mache Goods, Elegant .o.tblstur and poreolaln ink-stands and trays, Fancy. ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladies' Valley Baskets. Fancy Work Boxes, with ..ewing instruments, ca has, Writ lug Desks. and Port-fedos. Pert Menintie:;. of every variety• (lid pens and panells, Fancy paper weights. and a large variety of ladies' Fancy stationery'. M.,tto ..eak, and wafers. Silk Ind 111,h.1 purses, Riding whips. elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. had and It. k G. Wright's Snaps and •Portumoc of various kinds, Fall,' Pins for head dresses and shawls. 114,1 instruinenl,!,, together w•lth an !ununPrable variety of articles elegant IS finished and suitable for fn nhi•h he Invites spJ.Phil attention. Ah ; ,,, all ox(,ensivo and idOgant rolleralon of 13 , 101:4, , olopt ioes 1';11;r1b..11 :11111 A me.,jean euthellislua IIIJET ICAL Bibles and Hymn Itoo.,„ elez.tritly bound iu velvet nit', metal elasps and core,. Itis 1, , ,:0rt MOTU It ,0)1101841iol, al. , complete, and eotupt hie: , everything used in the Schools Ile also denim, to toll the particular atten• l ino of M'amilies 10 his elegant a,,,.u•turent of From the extenslv,...stiblialinients of Cornelius, Archer and others of l'hihrdelphor. comprising every style of Parlor. Chamber and study [Amps. bar burning either hard Sper,. 1 1 ,1horia1 nil; aim, .DVOTT'S celebrated Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, together‘tith Flower Vases Fancy ~ w reens, Le. Ills ,issorturout in this lino is uul equaled In the borough. Also, 8F;11 AILS AND 'TOBACCO, embracing all the I..vorite brands, and It flue nssort• 111,•111“i 51 F. E 11:Z1 '1 1 kUM AND I'l 1 , KS, the celebrated liihocechiuit Lynchburg :molting Tobacco. F' It U I 'l' N , .Ulll as Ore ng,ts, it mains. Nectarines, Prutices.,te.. FANCY CONFECTDINARY— E. SERVED FRUITS, MIN ED-NIEAT, PICK IiES, In every aciety and at all prices, all of which are pure anti trash such as can be confidently recommended to his friend.s. Ills stoclionibrace.. everything In the line of Fancy ()min, with in iny tither articles useful to housekoepors which the public aro especially In•ited to call and ...Ifni!), RUIIIOIIIII, the 11141 Stand : nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover stre EMEEEMI r I E subscriber has removed his Hat and Cap Store to the opposite side Of the Street., to the house formerly ocrupiea by P. Monyer, nud 110 X t door to Common's $llOO Store. ilavlug n mu, 11 larger room. I hove increised toy stork ot goods, so that I am Hare prepared to furnish the public with :ill, the new ia Viva of HATS, CAI'S, AND STRAW HATS, at prices to suit the times. My stock entod F T sof Silk, Cas.intere and Russia flats, all kinds and prices of soft bats, city a well no IMMO 111.-11111faet.u re, front the VIM,. moo wool up to the linemt It ussia and Sutra. A good assortment ilt aunt and 110) 'l4 caps. Also, macs, WV a. and childrens fancy straw lints Having Implove.d means for manufacturing. any kind in OM Ile Of bats will be made to order, nt short notice. 11,111 g practicAl [latter, fully undurstwidlnu the business, I hope by strict attention to receive a liberal patronage. .1011 N •1, KELLER, Agt. I'. S. ()Id hats colored and repaired at modorat April 17, 1552. • o'l ot HENRY HARPER, (- 1 )7.0 No. ö2O ARCH Streot, - - Ilas Always a Large Stook of for Ladles and Getitlenien—in G o ld acid sliver, FINE .INIV ELlt Y, of the most fashionable styles. slim II SI LVEII.IV A ltli, in great variety, and Rog er's 8u perk, Hatt, Spk/lnlli, Fork., etc., etc. r:ep. 23. 18113—dm. JOHN IRVINE FANCY DYLING ESTABLISHMENT BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO., Proprietors, rAFFICES : No. 47 Nortb EIGFITII vIIILADELPIpA, and 5 & 7 JOAN St., NEW YORK. Our SUITOSN Dl,' LI NO and 01.1 l .4.Ik7SING G AitMENTS of Velvet, Cloth, Silt, kler no, Pa Lain° Ac., &at., and Sil A WI.S of alutost every description, is so well known that we only degioo to remind our friends and the pub. lie generally. that 00 R1331:011 fur getting ready their Fall Goode is now at handl m.(loodd rocolvod and, returned by Exprasc. BARRETT, NEPIIEWS & CO., Aug. 21, 1803-3 11108. I)000 METALLIC.-THIS RE- Ni 1 ftli 1111,1 i Paint has boon counterfeited, owing to Ito preventing Roofs from leaking The public ni•e cautioned, under penalty, not to use any plant of that brand, un Ism the agent's sJgnat ore is on nitob package. ' S. IhAVEN, Akanr, 011ie° No. 1.60!,41 Nofth Fourthatreet, Phila. Oct. 2, Ite 3 —am M , PENTIOSE, Attorney at Law • Office In • Itheem'i Hall. Professional bust nave promptly attended to. Febeuary 21. 1802. , . DR, I#2l R. COOK, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and ilccoucheur OF ICE." at his residence in North ionover. Niost door in itliwlner's bolsi, NEW , STORE. GEO. P. AIYERS & SON, O. P. MY NILS & SON LEWIS LADOMUS k CO. 80 . 2 Clne , tilut StrePt, Philadelphl ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S North hit uurrr Street Etuporiun B 0 0 IC h, FANCY (100 DB, CONFIXTIONA RIES 1" le ES E .N'T,S', H. W. lIAVERSTICK HO ! rOR KELLER'S HAT AND cu' sToRE. PHILADELPHIA, S. I. F. D. E, STATEN ISLAND NEW COAL AND LUMBER YARD. The subscribers have this day entered into part nership to trade fort JOAL AND LUMBER, We will have constantly on hand andfurnish to orddr all kinds and quality of weasoned 1.1.111111:11, BOARDS, SCANTLINO, FRAME STUFF, Paling, Plastering Lath,Shingllug - Lath, worked Floor. lug and SVilatherboarding, Poste and Italia, and everyar tiele that belongs to a LUMBER YARD. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitepine, Hemlock, and Oak, of different qualities. Having Cars of our own we can furnish bills to order of any length and size at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will be kept under cover so that they can be furnished dry at all times. We have constantly on hand all kinds of Penally Coal, under cover, which we will deliver clean to any port of the borough.' To wit : LY KENS VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVORTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LAMBERT, which we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest prices Bost quality or Limehurner',l and Blacknnith'B Coal, always on hand whlchwe will sell at the lowest figure Yard west side oi Grammar School, Main street. ARMSTRONG A HOFFER. July 20,1802 J. R. NoNEm.A.KER. , F ORWARDING AND COMMIS SION HOUSE, FLOUR AND FEED: COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. The subscriber hating taken the Ware Howe care and fixtures of Vm. It. Murray's well known establish ment. on West High street, opposite Dickinson College, would inform the public that he hay entered Into a general Forwarding and Commission business. 'r,he higllest Innticel pricn will be paid for Flour, 0 rain and prod Ure of all kinds. They are also prepared to freight produce and stork to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowest rates, with safety and despatch. PLASTER AND SALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FEED at Shoiesnle or retail. Coal of all kinds. embracing, LYKES'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, SUNBURY WHITE ASII, LOCUST GA P, Limebarner's and Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY FOR SAUL lc MDT UNDER COVER and dl•li Terrd dry to any part of the town. J. It. NONEMAK ER Carlisle, Augnat 17, ISSO. VV ATCII ES, JEWELRY, AND CONLYN'S (,141 es tahlished Stand, Weot Main St., newly oppoblte the Culuberinnti I have just received n new asaortment of eweiry, medallions. silver ware, Ac.. in addition to my ormer stoek to whieli I invite the attantion of the public, The asi , rtinent embraces fine gold and oilier lever Wia.:)lls. hunting and open rase do , gold An chors fur Ladles and l ientlemon and Silver Lephies and Quartier" watches °I every variety in style and Also fine gold 3fedalllone. Dreart-phis for Ladle, rind Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. llold fob. n est. curb and 'god, chains. livid bracelets. finger rings, st crosses, c h arms, Ac., f;o1.1 and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks, table. tea. sal( and inn:lined spoons of every variety. A large :issortnient rut gold, silver eoininon spectacles, to snit all '2. i ages to which we Inv ito special atton• tan - • . A floe lot of talLll 1.1.:1NIS from the best makers, .peettiele caves. fancy boxes. all err and pearl card rases, f , ,,141:,1111 vi.lllllloll brACeLtg, match chains, ft: , Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles uou- e ally kept in .lowidry entablishmonts, which lir I will Noll lair for cash. All articles war- • ) ranted to he what thay art represented. 4 Particular attanttin paid 45 usual to WATCH iIk:PAULIN° 4.1 d all work war-^' ran tad. = Interesting To Farmers. T WIN P. ',l'M'', & SON, have just ir reeeiyed a large lot of ill,se celebrated SCYTHES, made lur their own 1113111 F, whit. h have always given entire satsdaction to/111 , 121111 have used them.— You that want 21keeTi el/Wile, and easy running Scythe, we would say try one of their 11.1111erier 1111 lite WI 11211,1 211 SO II full stock of Snaths, Whet Stones, Ate. 11111<N:of Christ. Myers' and other onlebrAted makes. Grain er, dles of all the bast makes in the coun , y, with a lull etnek of all Rinds of Tools and 11111110111eht, for t'anner's line. All of which we aro stilling cheap at our store in North Hanover street Carlisle..luon ii. I Ana. The Great English Remedy Wt .1A \ I Eg CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS. l'rrparrd from T prPFrript on nf ',II' J. ClArkP, M. P I'll 3 trrini ‘lll)Ary It, thr r pills well known incdieine is no hil sure ann bate reinectv fur Fenntle Ditu ca tt not intn, hums atv) ;muse ahatever: and althnottlt a ;en, illl retnoy, It routxinl. nnthing htn tun! In the t, llart it-I Ladles It ib ne:ullurly suited. It will, I 11 Shirt tiwr, nring on the monthly period ith Yogi In allcases of Nervous and Spinal Affections Pain in he Pack anti Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight es ertien. Palpitation of the Ileart, Lowness cd Spirits. I lyste'ics. Sick Ifeadache,lWhites, and all the painful dlse:sses occasioned by a (16.11.110 t-cl system, these Pills will effect a cure when all other 1110005 have 'Then• Pills have never been known to fail where the directions on the 24 page of pamphlet are well observ ed. For prtieular., get a pamphlet, free, of the agent. $1 and n ',stage stamps eziehe.ed to any 110- th sized agent. will insole a hdttle, containing over f)0 pills, by return mall. S. Elliott, Agent, Carlisle. February IS, ly RE3IOVAL. GREENFIELD & SHEAFER ITAVE removed to their new and I , enutilul Store Room, South-oast corner of Mar ket Squaw, opposite Irs ir.dn SIIOO Store. flaring just returned from New York and Philadelphia. with an Immeng.. OHriety of Dr,. GotldS, we nru prepared to miter superwrlndffroments, to any other House ID the roe In try. Plain All,seas all Knobby' Shades, single nnd double 01 , 101. Droeadb °Oenlnl I.uNtres, all shades, Plain and Plaid i'nulins, more beautiful than any silk, nt one half the net .of silks. Pongee, Mix turns, De Lainee Laihis, Organdies, Chintses, he., he. Domestic Goods. .1 heavy Mork of Prints, Cheeks, 70 uslins, Gingham, Cot t.onadr, Drills, Ace., mill be sold at reasonable rat.. le NINO 000 DS. Mourning ooods to ho offered nt astonlohingly low priers. BoinbaAneg, Cashmeres, Summer Reps, Al pnens, Plait Bareges. all wool De I,:tlnes single and double width very exp. Cloths and Cassimeres. A good ascot town t of Cloths, nod the largest variety o Enmity Cashilneres. ever uttered in this anal kot. . . Al 1:11, our usual assortment of Notions, Hosiery Olcviss, Trkunungs, 4IiEENKIEI,I) & SIIEAFER, South East Corner )la , liet Square, opposite Irrioe's Shoe St re. llw•cL 20, 1003 " OMR A' (Mr dia ILL FAMILY GROCERY AND TEA STORE • Just reralved 41111 in store, a fresh and well a., looted assortment of Rio, Java and Mare. calbo Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushed Pulverized Sugars. Refined and other brown Sugars, superior Syrup Molasses, Orleans chat-ingt 310185008. Slaves of every variety— purr, only ; Starch, Farina and Chordate. Macearmil, Cheese and Crackers, Tapioca and Saga, Indigo, Sadoratus and Soda, Cream Tartar and as• sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TRAS.--A fine assortment In Packages , are . A „,„ , a u d In bulk—as well as all other articles st. t . 0 1 .4 belonging toline btuess—all at the lowest .4. and late reduced d prices. 4 I J. W. IfBY. • DR. GEORGE S. SEA 11101IT, DENTIST, from the Bel: seam timoro College of Dental Surgery. Illa..olllce at the roxldence Milk mother, East Loathe, street. three docrs;bolow Bedford. March 10,1850--tf. UFUS E. SLIAPLEY, Attorney at itLtiw,,Ciirntile Pu. Attends to scouring and col lecting S(ildiferie Pay, Bounties. and POILHIOIIB. Office on South Iluvover Street, opposite Dentz's store. Dee. 27. 1881 r ASV CA 11 D.-C II ARL ES FL MA• LA GLAUWILIN, Attorney at Law, Office In In holra t ullding, j ust onposlt o the. Market [louse. Carlisle, March 14, '6O-Iy. P. HUNIRICE., Attorney at Law. C•—oface on North 'fritterer street, it few doors south of Glass' Hotel. All business entrusted to him will he promptly attended to. (.401115. OSEI'H 1111'NER, JR., Attorney at PP Law awl, Surveyor. Meehanlenburg ; Pa. Wive .on Ball IthairSfreet. two do , ra north of tho Bank. Buslneaa promptly attended to. ,M. WEAKLEY.— . —Attor,ney at Law. IP,F • Odic° ou south Hanover street. Opposite Bentz' Dry Goo WI Im ds torpraer re. All nro *4s 4q toolusms entrusted • Mat pilly si Broken, Egg, Store nod N nt do. do THOI(AS CONLYN LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling•t.aths, Worked Floor lug, ‘V eatherboarding, Posts, ltailr,Vt bite Pine, Hemlock and Oak Shingles, of sorry quality. Ile also furnish bills to order of any length and size, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Ills worked boards are kept under cover, no that they can be fur nished dry at all times, Ile has constantly on lined all kinds of Family Coal under corer, which will be deny at ed clean to any part of the borough. To wit: LI'KEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TE EVE RT ON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varieties. and all the various sizes In use, which be offers to the public at the lowest. prices. LlMhltu RN ER'S AND BLACKSMITH'S COA Lalways on hand, at the lowest cash price. Thankful for the patronage of n generous public, lie stowed upon the late firm tit ((lack k Delaney, he would. solicit a continuance of the same as be will strive to please. All orders left at the residence of Jacob Shrum for Coal and Lumber, will be promptly attended to at heretofore. OLIVER I , ELAxcy July 26, 1 —ly. SPRING TRADE, 1863. NEW GOODS !!I VOW offering an immense variety o CLOTHS, CASS . Sl Ell HS, VESIINCIA, oorrox GOODS etc.. ror Iffen and Boys' Wear, In a larger variety, than eon be found In any estab ilshment in this place, and at an low prices an earl le sold any where, to suit tante and pocket We mann future the above goods to order, In the latent styles or sell per yard. Customers wishing to have the good bought of us, cut, can be aceonunodaed , free of elm tre, An early Inspection of our goods and 'prices, respectful ly solicited. ISAAC .I:TVINGSTON, North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium. emih 18, 1863, Dien &Boy's Clothing Bazaar. Second arrival of the ASeason. r rll E undersigned would most respect fully' Inform his o!d friends and customers and the public generally, that he has commenced tho CLOTHING •AND FURNISHING business In all I's branches in the Store Room of J. A. Iltunerich Egg ,pu ihe West emu or of Hanover and West Louther s reot. where he has opened one of the finest and mos fashionable selection of ready made made clothing S e .. In the Borough of Carlisle. Ills stock consist n great varieties as follows, 3 lx: MLNS AND 1101"8 COAT. do do. do PANTALOONS. do. do do. VESTS. Sults ihr Days, from 5 to 1.5 years of age. Shirts, Melton Flannel and Cessionary Bosoms. Prayers ' Sum. ponders, Cruva s, a variety of Fancy Neek Ties. Linen and Paper Collars, Idou's Ligon and Silk Ilitudkor chiefs, Umbrellas, Carpet and Leather Travelling Dap, &o All the above geode will' be hold thr Cash, at the very lowest prices the and the City Markets willjustify rurchasSra will please call and examine for them selves, before purchasing elsewhere, as my motto is quick sales and short profits. _ SAMUEL C. lIITYETT, May' 1,1883-3 m. Agent, T. 8. Partlealer attention giro) to Boys elotki4c, CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND 1,_./FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD. _tawfik(AtifTtr_ " qAat ha.- CHANGE OF HOURS! Ou and after MONDAY, MAY 6, 1862, Passenger Tralnn will run as follows: (Sundays excepted:) FOR CIIAIIII3ERSBURG AND HARRISBURO. let. Train. Al Train. 7.00 A. M. 2.46 P. M. 7.37 " 3.35 " 8.70 " Arr. 4.20 " Leave Ilagerstown, " Ureuneaetle. Chawbureburg, 41( • ol Learo 12.96 " Shippensburg, 9.00 " L2B " " Henrilie, 9.32 " 2.00 " " Carlisle, 10.10 " 2AO " Mechanicsburg, 10.42 " 0.02 " Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.15 " 3.40 " FOR CLIAMBERSEURO AND HAGERSTOWN, Int Train. 2tl Train. LeR7O Ilarrieburg 8.06 A. 51 1,85 P. 51. " slecb an icaburg 8.47 " 2.15 " " Carlisle, 9.27 " 2.60 t• " Newville, 10.02 " - 8.29 " " Shippensburg, 10.3;1 .. 4.00 w Chambg',(Arri•c) 11.10 4.40 t , " Greencastle, 11.56 5.30 " Arrive nt Hagerstown. 12.35 6.10 NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: ilageratown, 11 rroncnstio, Chem hershurg, Shippensburg, Newville. Cat-lisle. Mechanics burg and Harrisburg, a reduction ci TEN CENTS nn ench Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provide themselves with 'rickets before entering the Cars. O. N. LULL Super't Railroad Office. Chrimberaburg, j. 'May 1,1802. CARLISLE AND PHILADELPHIA - _ • . .4 4 - tr o-• ' 24:1-r-' " 7 -sk t • 1^4 4.41.7' TatrA‘ DAILY FREIGHT Llfllt. FREED, WARD & FREF:D, ,811 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA J. dc D. 111.10 ADS. MAIN STREET, CARLIbLE, TA AZ - Cars of this Line leave the Depot 811 :11;; Daily, at 4 o'eloek. P. M. Leave Carlisle. Daily, at 7 o'clork, A 11. lloodmintended for this Line should be narked C P. Deily Freight Line, end sent iu by 4 o'rh,rk. May lIAT AND CAP EMPORIUM: r he undersigned haying purchased the itork.&e., of the late Wm. 11. Trout der'd. wnvld respectfully announce to the public I lint lie will col thine the lIATTINII BUSINESS nt the old Plant!, in Rest High street. and w ith a renewed and eflirieto effort, produce articles of }lead Brexa of Kerrij ra — rlitY,NlyTe Clint Orel he 'strictly In keeping. with the I thproventeto of the .Art, nod fully up to the age in whirl] we I have on hued n splu•clid nerort¢lent of MATS AND CAPS, ‘• _ . _ of all dey , dlytinns, from the erim; - iiin to the finest FUR AND : 4 11,K HAT: , ; and at prier. that must snit every one who has an eye togritting the worth of his money. The stork inch:idea. MOLESKIN, CASSIMER R. ILEA TER d FELT lIATS of ovary style nod color and unanrparred for LIGHT Nblr+lL DURAHILITY AND PIS ISII : by those of any other eatnidishment-in-thr rotrntry. 1101(I 4 ' nod CHILD!! ENs (EATS and CAl's, of every learriptlon c n nal aptly on hand• He respectfully Invites all the old patrons and a many II 0 w Ones na postibl e, to glt e him a call. J. O. CALLIO. Apr. 25, lsro-1y A. IL EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROODt (--- '''''''::, • ' ''''' , '.. -- : ; .:4 '7' '-' 'Y A .....=• ',•,-;,-' .- -_ - " .4 l:Z4k;f .- - ' :1 .T1. -. s . :: :: •'''':','": 2-* :"..k t?"--1 West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Prem hI awarded at the Cuttiherl::nd Cour, Agricultural Fair of 1857.) The subscriber has just received the most splendid nssortimint i t articles in Ills line, over brought to this place—a hich he is determined to sell at prices that de ly compel it ion. Par o, 1 Clan 111 b. b-41 r, - I Dining-rooin, FURNITURE. Kitchen and ()Mee Embracing every article used by house and Hotel koepets, i f the count apprON 0 . 1.1 1111,1 laShion.i le drsigo and finish. In•ludiuyt, also Cottage furniture in net rureptlon and ramp Chairs, Mattiasnes, Gilt tram picture, ,te., Ao,,y- Part ',mkt- attention Oven no minimal to (liner, orders from town and country, attended to proton and on inoderate term, A. B. E Carlisle. May 12,11,58.-Iy. T I UMBEE, AND COA OLIVER DELANCEY, LIJNIIIER e()Al, yARD On the Rail Ryan', near the Gas Works. The subscriber keeps ron,tantly on hand, a full sort went of • Lumber & Coal, which he ran fur- COP! nigh to order promptly . 7 Alf and on the most ren• - enable terms. - • - . FRENCIr AND ,SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS AND VALISES. JAMES R. WEAVER'S ,t•EZigi,V.4„, , :ti.•: - ;L'Zz:.''l• • •-"" CABINET AND CHAIR MANUFACTORY, NORTII 11ANOTER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. Having been engaged in the business for over twang' years he would return thanks to his customers and friends, for the liberal encouragement extended to Dim in years gone by, and further assures them that no , pains will be spared, to give full satisfaction to all who , may favor bin, with a call. CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warrunted to be 1,1 the best quality, of the la test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible• prices for cash. Ile also continues business an an UNDERTAKER.-- Ready made Coflisas, ➢letallic or otherwise. kept con stantly on band and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or eountly, on the most reisonnblv terms. Cherry and Walnut Coffins, large slip, hell finished and lined Inside, from 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Coffins covered from 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES It. WRITER._ May 26,1860-Ij. LTILL TRIUMPHANT. ),1 The complete Rocco. of the Prairie Flower Coale Otev 0, warrants the subscriber railing the attenti•te of nil who may wont it superior stove to call and ell. amine the only stove that has given nniversel Batistes , - lion. WM AT IS CLAIMED OVER OTIIERS 18 lot. A totaling of from 30 to 60 per cent. in fuel. 2nd. A hotter and quicker Oven from the Farms are, 3d. A larger Oven than any other +Love of the sameaiea„ 4th. The preeervation of the centre piece from oinking% sieving repairs, 51k. The belt ilaker,llortoter, and Cook now In trs, 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaning the flues, 7th. A perfect flea Consumer for either 'toed or coal. The Prairie glower le won noted to glee satlaliketlere in story pnctliiulart, and will he shown with pleasure to. all who may rail, 'whether defining to purchase or sot, any quantity of reference Is town or country. A few other gond Cook Stoves on hand, which wllthils sold very low tin close stork. Spouting, ItoofIng„lob work, Crliper-stnithlng ti-ed Sheeting work promptly Attended to, in to . nr, or coon. try. All worn warrented at the old stand, Ilnuover street north of Lou ther. MANY Y.I. 3101i11111. N. B. Old Copper, Bracs andiliewler bought, and thii' highest peke paid in each or virile, March iB, IlOWARI) ASCOCIATION! Lill 1, AD E Pll 1 A A Benertlent Institution, established by special en dowment for the relief of the sich and distressed. afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases. and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the SeNual 0041505. MEDICA L A Dy ICE given gratis. by the A etlyg Wain geon, to all who apply by letter. with a dtArriptiOlt as their condit . lon, (age, 1). cups I , ita of life, A r.,, and in cases of extrenie poverty, )ledirines furniabeeb free of rho rke. VA LUA BLE R EPORTS on Sperm., to rrh Wll, a nd,Alhu. nrn s, NT.W R h EDI LP employed in the Dibpensar, sent to the attlictedi .in sealed let ter en riopr, fare ot rherge. Te,o or three Stain). for postage will I.F. arreptahle, Achlrrse. ILLEN 11OUG17TW , I. Acting Sur geon. Ilrmard A,sociation, No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, In, Hy the - HYARTIVELL, Prerid.nt BED. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. March S, NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS. HATS. CAPS AND STRAW GOODS. 114 T.S. C I' c. - L ,j ..The srthseriher hes recently opened a New Store. :At the old ,rood nit D. Halbert in North Ilenover opposite the Cerlisle Deponit Bonk. Hai iris! received !rem New Cock and Pb lln de Iph in, fine and well selected in.diortakent of goods in his line c, 11 , 11 as HATS and CAI'S, from the common.. Reel to the line }Or, SILK AND CASSDIERE HATS, Fall slid IVinter styles or Silk HON for 15th, Lune & Furs. such ns Stol/e )131till, Mln k Sable, Filrh , A I Der':l an Squirrel. If lsrk. lironll and Blue Cooney, Rork Mar-. do. Ar., Childrons Furs, Beaver Slats ro:r Girls and /toys, Fur Caps, Gloves and Collars for Gsn (Jewel, 1862 B LIFFA LO ROBES, 111111 prires to snit the times. Also, Carpet Bags &o. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES• Also, Carpet lingo, Valises, Trunks, Ilstnd Truuku. Umbrellas. An s e am tmeu tOf Arny- Prime Segars and Tobacco. —*ta Thauklul for the patronage already received he would, invite all his friend,. and the public generally to givo him a call. JACOB 110A3, Carlisle, April 10, 1801. I Q it 9 11 A.RDIVA BE .1. I 13 ,! WARE!! J 14 Irm.l A .Sun Lnsilust. corn plated- opening thcii :-pring, Stock nf Hardware, Paints, Oils, varnishes, ,tr.. to which they invite the early atttention of the public. We have greatly enlarged our stork In all its various hrunehes,and all now accommodate the pub lir with RELIABLE' GOODS. In large or small quantities, at the lowest prices. But we do not wish the public so underitand tint we haves 1,,,,,ght all the loads in Philadelphia and New Yolk to our tow n, but a e ran assure them that one look Into our store will convince them that we have ens-ugh to supply the demand in this market. Petsone wanting goods In liar line will find it to their advantage to giro us a call before making their purchases, —All orders personally and punctually attended to, and no misre presentations made to effect sales I'. LYNE sk BON, North Hanover Pt ('article MR% . fll Scythes & Snaths. JUST received the largest, best and hen pest assortment of Forka, Snaths, lt•kes. Whet Stone., Shovel., !titles, Hater Cans, Kegs, &c., ever broueht to tine county. All of which I h••• made expressly to order, in large quantities, so that :hey can be bold at very low primes end warranted as - epresentd. This trade and cradle maker • supplied at manufato• :tirer' prices, at, the cheap It a rdw n r score of HENRY SA XTOV, East Main St., Carlisle.. MIME NOVEMBER 2ND, 1,',33. .@A-The rondo: s of the 'HERALD" are reminded that I have Just brought from the city a large supply of BUtIA It CUBED II A fil.S• AND BEEF Dried Apples and Pearhes, Fresh Tomatoes in cans, fresh Mushrooms, the very best Pickles, dilferent Kinds 03 mixed Si ustnrds and Sauces, Lemons and Or•nge•, Prunes, Figs. Raisins, Sugars. Coffees. Tenn, Itlolass•s, Fish, Snit. Fine Segars and Tobacco: ref.) fine Brandies, Old Bye Whiskey, Wines Ac.; besides n general assort ment of goods in our line of trade, offered nt the very lowest prices, FOR CASH. WM. BENTZ. Nov ISi :3 TR UNA' ! TR UNK S! ! VALISES, Trunks, Cat pet Bugs, Um bernllas &r. Fre nub tole leather Trunk., Ladles -arelling Trunks of large size., brass bound, m flu tot makes, lu large rat hely at ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S North Hanover Street. Neady Made -Clothing, MENEM ()I? our own manufacture, the most ex. tens' vs stork ever exhibited. warranted as repro. sented, sold holesale or Retail at the lowest market price, gut up In the most I%ASIIIO.VABLE STYLE, please the most fastidious taste, be sure and call be le lurnbhlim elnen bete al _ _ _ ISAAC,LIVINGSTON, North !Taperer Street Clothing I'mporhun )fnrrh 13. 1t LOCHMAN'S New Sky-Light Photozraphio and Ambrotype Gallery. L, LOCEIMAN is happy to inform C. his numerous customers, and the public gene rally, that hu has removed his establishment to his New Sky-light Gattery, , ,, In the building ceouplod by Mrs Nei. o.n ry :14IPkneq Stern, opposite the Cumberland Valley Danl.. Mr. Imeinuan Is now able with hid qelslaltlld light, an the addition of new arnj exponslre eopylratlin, the ll4cit bust manufactured, to produce PHOTOGRAPIIS, CIVIITES DE 'VISITE, AiuTIROr TYPES, /ND EVERY STYLE . CiT PICTURES, equal to the host made In Ithiladelphia'or New rietureg can be taken now equally well In cloudy ay In clear weather. Daguerreotypes or Ambretypee of deceased peraong copied, enlarged, or made into carton cle , ,vlslte. Carlisle, Nov. 28, MIL ri 111 Al BELTING or Juni rooolved lake assortment of all alms (Thin Belthm, Gum nom, Gum Pa-king, &c., and for Rtlio chimp at tho Ilardware - Store of .tune 98. 11113 ANDKERCHIEFS, Ties, Stocks, II Ribbons. Suspenders, Under Shirts, Drawers, si beautiful assortment can he found at ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S North Panovrr Street Enipozilita. March 1.3. 1863. . 6) 000 Ilia. of Stagwan's: oelatmate4 l o,Hugar cured bents, pe„wtr.ped liiid - Uncithieeed, the corner of Maio and boat airoet 611ny 13, 1809-4. 5. DUMPS.& CEMENT. 100 bariels of Cernent..with'n large assortment of Chain and Iron Pumps, juet received and for solo cheaper than ever. Cement sold by the qtfantli yat manufactnret prieo MIMIA. SAXTON, A It D - 11. SA XTON A. BtNOISER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers