Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 18, 1862, Image 3

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    female leaning on medallion with
. 2 in it.
Farmers' and' Drovers' Bank, _Waynesburg.
Jesse Hook, Pres,; J. Lazear, Cash.
28, spbrious,-vig„ man with sickle, on
right end 2 , and female, on left end 2 and
Farmers' Bank of Reading, Reading.-a
Astute Eckert, Pres ; H. H. Muhlenburg, •
spurious—vig., cattle scene ; female on
right, locomotive on left.
Farmers'.Bank' z•clinylk4ll Co Pottsville
Henry Say_lor i Pres:; J. W. Cake, Cash.
Is, spurious—vig., cattle scene, fetnal eon
right, locomotiim on left.
Is and 2s, spurious—vig., boy lying near
b;iy sheaves, Sz:e. ; Wash. ngton right, female
with trumpet left.
Aiarrisburg Bank, Harrisburg, A.
W. M. Kerr, Pres. ; .T. W. Weir Cash.
Is, imitation-aßelief re issue. Well done.
28,' Relief re-issue—vig., three standing
figures; two females on the right ; female
and eagle on left.
Bs-Faltered-form '
Scott, in
Centre; woman and child on left end ; two
girls on right end.
Lancaster County panic; Lancaster, par.
John Landes, Pres. ; W.. L. helper, Cash.
. 2s, Relief notes, photographed—vig., fe
tunics reclining.
ss, altered—man standiny, female sea t e d,
two boys reclining, rake and hay fork besides
the boys; on right end, girl with sickle ; on
left end, two men, -
Miner's Bank nt . l'attsrille, Pottsville, par.
J. Shippen, Pros. ; Charles Loeser, C as h,
2s, imitation—vig., Iwo horses, blaeksm tit
and boy ; po.trait of Columbus on right
2s, altered from relief I s—vig., three men,
anvil, &c.
Octorora /rank, Oxford, Chester county
Samuel Dickey, Pres. ; .1. If. Cunningham
2s, altered—rig., man in the field cutting
grain ; mar. ploughing uu left end ; two
cupids on right end.
Tribute of ResrJect.
" Loaves hare their lio n • to fall,
And flowers with, in thii North breath
And stars to sat—but all.
Thou has all tif,S. , IIF Gn Llulue. pw,tl,
At a Special meeting of the Union Philo
.itiop_hteal Society of Dickinson College held
April Elifi — llSTl2; The - rittOWlTir Restitutions'
were unanimously adopted.
WHErteAs it has please 1 Col lo rerouve from
our midst. our beloved friend and youthful
brother Lewis 11 - Ani.AN KENNEDY, an obedient
and respectful son, a hind brother, a true
friend, and a sociable and cheerful compan
ion—one who wive evidence of an honorable
and successful career in life, therefore, be it
1, That while we deeply. deplore the loss of
one whose character gentle nn
dear him to all who knew llnn, yet bow in
humble submission to the will of an All. Wire
Providence, knowing thot--" Ile doeth all
things well "
2, That we re , Teel folly lemier our heartfelt
sympathies to his al - 1110rd flmily.
3, That the inemhers of the Society wear
the usual hadge , if t h at oar 111d1
be draped in crepe for thirty days.
4. That these lesolulions he published in
the papers of Carlisle, and is copy of the same
be sent to the family of the deceased.
J, MoCramty,
J. Ito , tuts, }Committee
U. 0, KI:ywORTII,
Eke Illathets.
Reported Avet•lcl y for the, II erttla by
:Woodward &. Schmidt.
Ft,IIIIR (Sdporfthel
do. (Extra )
0 VES ......
cLoVERS EE ...
Blarria . gcs.
On Tung , lnv evenlrg I , th, nt thr rosidet,.., of
tho br , thr's fmth. , r, by the I,rc. Mr 1:1:Ick. Alt WI I,
LIAM 11. (:111:N MAN, M 1411E1Z.
Oh Friday morning, April I !th, I 1:1VIS II 1111. \
son of F. A. and .)lary li.eonody. at.tod 19)1,11, and 11
In th is Itnmuclr, on the Shi instant, r.fctAlsurription,
Miss ANNA DA I)tit >N. nerd 1,
.1 ,tr,
On Fraley morning leet. in III!. p rfrr 2t
'Sn¢illee'v,!!,,l wed 0.1 . n NW,
Died int 11.3rni,1 , 011,, .korlLth figs. E1,1,1!IN
for 111311 y years on re... 1.10111.1 111.,.. 11.01 .3;11.
liv th e death of !his excellgoit woman, seelety In
general, and a large ctoinection ol honor:gill° hilidrent
hire been deprived ~f oar of thilir in, distinguished
ornaments Her virtues, h !wever, were 01 that peel,
linrly retiring and ministering rho ranter which so
often enc. gpo the applause of in busy world arid are esp.
claily appreciated only when ithliction comes ne when
their silent Influence is lost forever. It was her lot to
son Ivo moat of her nearest kindred. and have to expe
rience the seduce! , of a series of distressing bereave
ments daring her latest years, but her prof... dly pious
spirit ever shrank from the no iglitoet approach to in
suspicion of the Mr one wood see•+. Ile r a t opin manna
wore net spent sr Itlrally, the poor always found In her
a sympathizing visitor and friend, :and she lent es prob
ably not 01111 on earth to speak 01 1101 unkindly. Cath
olic In all her feelings she Was yet Warinly attached to
the church of this Borough. with whirl, since her re
moval Iron, Linithlinglittrit N. V. in 1534, she hits been
Xamigected, , whose civilities. she always f•hared : given
when she tens at a distance, and which hex n number
of perpetual motnentos of her elfectiou
New 114tiertis erne tits
81 , 17 hIA /VMS, No, 16 North 6th
• t, Ph n LI fact ut or of
The largegt, Awl finest Assortrn,t in the city, at the
lowest prices. Blinds plueled and trimmed equal to
new, Stare : 4 1lades made and lettered.
THE undersigned having suspended
bu.dness during the illness of his wife, from a
tense bf duty to the public. Is happy to announce that
she has Hilly recovered, and he in now able to resume
business, as will be seen by the certificate of her at
tending Physician, published holevsith. He 'hopes for
at continuance of the patronage which ban been so lib
erally extended to him.
Carlisle, April 11, 1862-4 t
I take pleasure In stating that Mre. GreFSlll/111, who
has suffered from a slight attack of varinloid. hag now
entirely recovered. Whilst we felt satisfied that from
the - first there woo no danger of transmitting the din.
Mtge through the Bakery, it was thought tight that
Mr. Orossman's eustemets should not in tiny way ho
Impoaeit urn, aial hence Ln ninth, a frank statoment
of htf,_ ttilliotiorni Now. that his wife has entirel;
cavot•ed, it la hoped 'Oat . h is lbririei business relations
Stith be resumed na Muni. r. B. KIEFFER,
TACOB SENER'S Boot & Shoe Store,
ty has been removed next door to Plrmr's Book Store
and opposite the Cumberland Aulley Bonk.
Grand Bargains
now offered at Seller's Cheap Boot and Shoe Store.
Spring Arrival of New. Boots cr.7 S7tocs.
The subscriber-bait-just returned from Phil.
- tf 1 adelphliThrid MMtl)ll — With - Inf e*tensive - and
splendid assortment of Gentlemen's and- La.
, dlestShass, lifen's and Boys' Boots. Shors'atid
brogans, Moo's and Boys' Walking Shoes, Calf,. Patent
Leather and Cloth Gaiters.
fables' Button Boots, Balmoral and Loco boots. Gsi.
tars. Buskinil and Kid Slippers, Misses and Children's
Boots and Shoes., Carpet Bags, Trunks,llmbrellne;&c.,
which will ho sold low for Cash.
Purchasers aro Invited to Call and examine our stoolt,
they will find that In prises and quality It will retaliate
'with any 'shoe store In the • platvo, nt the New Store
Room nos.t..door to Piper's llooK Store. •
^ Aeon SENER,
Carlisle, April 11, 1802—Gm
A 'Superior LimpstOrto Farm For
Sale. •
liinostono•farin of the best quality
containfng about 240 or 215 arreais offered for sale.
s farm produced lest year 1000 bushels of wheat,
and large .quentitios of corn and oats.
- : • Pliertrare excellent improvements oUttm farm, consfst—
Ing of a tiew . house,''n good barn', .4 Mg- now and T.o ll * ,
crib, spring house ,- bake oven, and. good - water nein , the
door. On the northern side 'of the 'farm is Aerated a
,ilmestona Ridge proteethig the' crone 'from the 'Winds:
and furnishing tire teeter limestone •for • lithe. 'there'
ore about 100 Midi; cleared and the feet Is covered4.lth
• timber:. - Withltidicions liming ,the
,thrm Would, pro
duce 15,00 bosholaof Wheat.' It can 'Conveniently be,
divided into two farms.
Tho farm lien In Madison "township', the idelrest earl.
cultural oettlomont In Perry' , County., bettorpa)ing .
investmentnannot be made.— .. • . ' ,
For particulars ,all upon or address the undorsigned,.
who wilt answer all Jun:Odes. .
April 4,1802. ' A , L. scoNsug.n•
- r" -ani novel rociVioga krge"assortment of
j_now and elegant Spring godde,to which I respect
fully call the attention of my. d. friends '.and mist°.
mere, and all in want of handsome and cheap goods.
l'articultint In nest weeks paper. -I will sell as cheap
as any store In the !Through.
April 4, 1612.
A t Ogilby's cheap cash store. Just
received an assortment of Ladles, Misses, and
C Hideous °alters. Boots & Shoes of the best quality
and haudsoine styles. April 4, - 1E62: -
Balance in hands of Treasurer at
last settlement, $ 6 93
Outstanding taxes of 1859 & 1800
at last settlement, 1,822 34
Ani't. added to-duplicate of 1860, 88 97
Loan of Carlisle Dept)Sit, Bank, 500 00
Received of Abm. llehuff, clerk of
market, &o , 90 99
Received of P. Monyer, stall rents
of market, 568 00
Received of P. Monyer, for exhi
bition licenses, 33 00
Received of .1. 11. Grove, for use of
market square, 13 00
Received of George Weise, former
Treasurer, 251 47
Am't. of taxes levied for 1861, 6,750 83
Paid (leo. Miller balance of salary
as clerk of market., $22 50
Geo. Bendy, balance of salary as
policeman, 60 00
l'ark, balance of salary as
policernitn, 37 50
0. MeGlaugklin, Esq., attorney's
salary anti roes, 50 00
P. Monyer, treasurer Union Fire
Comp , 34 00
F. D. Quigley, treasurer of Cum
berland Fire Comp:, . 34 00
J. W. Ogilby, treasurer of Good
Will Pik, Comp , 34 00
John Campbell, treasurer Empire
14004 c-and Ladder •Gomp., - . 3100
W. P. Lynch, plumbing, 17 25
Armstrong & Molter coal, 4 50
11. Saxton, hardware, 13 15
C eundriPs, 2 21
Gutshall, repairs to street cross-
Jam , , Loudon, sntirmery,
Geo. Altllcr, bhuvtling snow,
Poi I int. on bonds and judgment, $Oll3 37
Carlisle Dep. Bank, loon and int., 883 03
Carlisle Gas and Water Co., front
net. 1, 1860,.
Coupon redeemed,
E tlornn nn, piloting,
(too Zinn,
A. K. Itheem, "
J. Thorripson,
J. B Bratton, "
J. Postlethwait, election expenses
West Word,
Joe. Neely expenses election East
-Wand, 10 00
A. Kerr, salary & work on streets, 270 50
M. Neely, " 101 00
A. Kerr, shoveling snow, 0 00
11. Gibb, blocksmithing for street '
emoinisSltiner, „
Treas. Cumb. Co.; stone, 31 87
C. Stoyman, 13 80
Stoufer, 1 80
Bretxond Martin, serving notices, .2
0. Miller, extra services as clerk
of market, 10 00
J—E—rengst, collector of 18:39,
bnlnncr of error in settling Lis
account, 10(3 811
J. Yengst, repairing tree boxes, 4 00
John Ontshall, materials and re•
pairs to grave yard wall, 24 90
B E. Foot, plunthing, &c , 79 23
Mary Morris, " 11l (i 2
Jacob Bretz, cleansing spring, 41 75
J. Armstrong, preparing tax du
F. S. Pinkie, repairs to bridge,
tamnson, mason work,
M. Holcomb, foes,
11. McCartney, use of jail ns lock
J Goodyear. for picks,
P. Monyer, blanks for use of Bo
rough, - 2 00
Henry Saxton. hardware, G tki
Henderson & Deed, freight, 41
1). Thompson, tire plug, 17 00
Arnold & Son, gum coat for High
Constable, 3 00
p. Spahr, laying pavement)), 47 98'
E. Steel, winding clock. 15 00
J. Thitner, plan 01 Borough, S 110
J. Spahr, hauling, 1 08
Black & Delaney, lumber, &c., 11 78
0. Delaney, 10 50
Geo. (lonelier, posting bills, 2.1
J. P. Gorgae, lamps, Sc., 1(1 75
I'. Monyer, Tr Union Fire Comp., 34 00
I:. D. Quigley, Tr. Cumbld. Fire
Company, 31 00
J. W. Ugilby, Tr. Good Will Fire
Company, 31 00
J. Campbell, Tr Empire Hook and
Ladder Company, 31 00
F. Pinkie and others, night po
lice, 732 00
S. linsminger. stars for police, 3 (30
Jos. Stuart, salary as High Con
stable, 50 00
And Martin, salary as High Con
stable, 118 75
Georgeßently, salary as night po•
liceman, Sc., 118 50
A. Dating, salary as clerk of mar
ket, Pc., 92 90
J. Whiner, salary as night police-
man. &ellB 75
J. M . lNonheirner, salary an &telly.
of Corprral ion, 90 00
Jas. Martin, balance of salary as
Curator of Grave yard rir 12 50
I'. Monyer, salary as Treasurer
and extra services, 98 00
R. Nateher, salary as janitor, 25 00
total cash payments, $6,366 30
By cionerations alloyed Collectors
of 1860 and 1861; ' 314 77
By commissions allowed Collectors
of 1860 and 1861, 279 71
By error in charge of balance of
duplicate of 1859, 172 09
By amount of taxes of 1861 01It-.
tllandingi 2,910 50
Total credits,
Balance due by Treasurer,
Bonds issued for gas and rater
stook, Ist subscription, $25,000 00
*Bonds issued for gas and water
olock, 2d subscription, 85,000 00
Bonds issued to George Line and a
9,063 83
Judgment of Mararot Warden use
of P. Quigley, • 500 00
Nolo of Carlisle Dep. Bank, 1,482 60
Outstanding orders of Council, 54 00
1000 shares Chas and ,
water stook, Ist sub
scription, par value, .125,000 00
*l4OO shares gas and
-*Neater stock, 2d sub
soription, par value, 85,000 00
Dickinseti Ctolleg6 and
other liens,. 1,271 07
outstanding taxes of -
1861,• - 2,410 60
• ' '
03,681 '57
Buses of indebtedness, $7,418 86
Etoess of debt list year,. .• — .58,612 98
". as above,- .;` 7,418 86
' . 'Decrease, • , $A,89.1 12
Ally agreement between Ole Carlisle cies and
'Water Company and the Borough.of Carlisle,
entered into July 1;1858, said CMnpany cove•
PETER MONTER, Treasurer.
Total credits,
$316 03
t t o l usc,[l. Ont,rns OF 1801-2.
nanted to pay the interest: on theittoVe bonds, '
issued'for the second sithsiiription steak, as it
matures, and to establish a sinking fund for.
the redemption of the principal thereof; an 4,
said Borough agreed to transfer to said com
pany said stook equal in nrribunt to the bonds
thus redeemed. The said Company also exe
cuted a mortgage •tti Trustees, as collateral
security to the holders of said bonds for the
payment of the Annie arid interest: - No claim
for interest on said bonds has been made on
the Borough.
haVe this day examined the foregoing
account 6f - Peter - Monyer; — .Treasurer of - the -
Borough of Carlisle, and find a balance due
by him of forty six dollars and twenty-six
cents—we have also--examined the , above
statement of the finances of said Borough and
find the same correct.
Carlisle, March 27, 1862. Auditora.
List of Dealers
Of Goods,_ Vares,-._ and _Merchandise. __Alee,_Breaork,
Distillers, Lumbermen, to., within tho County of Cum
berland, returned and classified according to the eater.
al acts of Assembly as follows, to wit:
Mot'. ',taiga
A. W. Bentz. dry•goods, CO $2O 00
Loidlgh, Eluwyor &111111or,dry goods 10 20 OU
Philip Arnold, dry goods 12 12 50
J. W. liby, grocerleir, 11 15 OU
0 Inholl. . •• 11 15 00
Wm, Bentz, " 11 10 00
Al. Alyeru ••13 10 00
J. F. Stool., " 14 700
Berney . !Raman, groceries, 14 7 OU
A. (1. Lechler, 14 7 00
George Lulby, 14 7 OU
floury Ilarkticsr, " " 14 700
Susan Mucha], 14 7 00
*9,300 63
1). Echols & Son, ~ 14 7 00
Woodward & Schmidt, produce, - 11 it, 110
IlenderFon & Reed, l2 12 60
J. It. Nonemaker, ~ • 13 10 00
J. & 1). Rhoads, .4 14 7 00
:four) , Saxton, hardware, 10 20 00
./. Lynn & Sou, •' 11 15 20
MmFtrong & Hoffer. lumb. &. coal 13 10 00
011ver Delancey, lumber & coal, 13 10 00
S. M. Hoover, •
A. 13. Eirin7, furniture,
Agt., dry goods,
N. fit'. Woods, Agt , dry goods,
I. I'. Orounfitild et, Co., -
'• 14 7 00
B R. rktnesou, fancy goods, 14 7 00
It. E. Shapley, jewelry,l4 r 700
Thom. Lou 1p u, "
P.O. Kramer,
W. 11! 1. Nsbgla, "
dom. U - "
:Imes Idtudon, IFoks, 7 Wi
J. 1) I;orgai,
M-r, 41, Mon is, "
,111 u, I Elll,lt. di ug,s,
S. NN 11..tvel drugs,
S. B. Pa...10,3k0r. "
S. con foci ion ary,
2 25
6 00
S. Ensoliiiv..n• robes,
11. S Iltttnrr, n,rclotnt 1.,1105,
Mrs. 11 . . .1. Stutnph,grucurios,. 11_7 ..11.1
.1 1) Mock.
,la • ob Wolf, 14 7 00
J. I. C3lllO, hate, 11 7 00
11010, 0 Co,. 14 7
10110 1 i i 00
Gib 0:i
7,_!- 01,
21 25
1 i 0O
2r, 00
5 00
20 50
3lts M. Seff, millinery
Elizt Sth
Davidyi.rutan, flour and food, 14 7 00
10 00
• T. W ‘. . Smiley. 13 10 00
I.:. It. I,onutd, 13 10 00
Allison 0 Koony, marketing, 14 7 00
.L. 11. I:retie...lrk.
~...` .
Ha rid l't vdericks, " 14 7 00
William A ,h , ow,
James CalIM k Son,"
Wm. I.3Mmos,oth,
l'etur Fat.:4,_,prortpre l
%VIII. A ert,
Strohm. Ilock & Coffoy, dry goods, 13' 10 00
Ilet.jamin Plunk, I fry goods. 14 7 00
Kerr & Hummel, lumber,
:slay S: Lingleimbl, '•
Euvlehart H Wormley, lumber
.1. lihitirbard .4 Co, 14 7 00
11 0 0. W. Fe,,le,, dry ironils, 17 10 1 1 1
DenTh,ger, 1 4 7 tit,
In. Ilan I,n, 14 7 on
Ileonitmor, 1I 00
johil McCormick., . 14 7 on
4 Loomineekrr, " 14 7no
F 1l l'Atler.oo, produce, 111 110
Uich,r hi Yrer, 14 7 1,0
10 00
a 37
Jaa mtt., markoting
Da v id Brum'
5 1 , 1
I -I_,
W 01. Gunn,ry Fond,,
11. IWO:Au:titer, gr.:ol les,
D. It MIT , . dry goods, 13 )0 00
.1110,, 11. Johnson, dry goods, 14 7 00
A. shriver, 34 7 00
Cyrus Tempi' n, turn itul e, 34 7 00
Jeremiah Nl'Cartney, marketing, 14 7 00
M. Baggot, roilfeatonnry, kc.,
U. O. SloNier, produce,
Bitner & and Wise, shoos.
Abra Lam Brower, dry goods,
John Coleman, •'
Mt W. WI- e,
Wm. 1,,,y1. drugs, 14 7 00
Crall, tuarketlug, 14 7 t 0
.1. Young, 14 7 00
(1. 14 7 00
C. Ll.,orly, denier. 14 7 00
itt 111.11 e Song, dry Bonds, 13 10 00
11 J Stt•vettr.. 14 7 00
U. I. Pov I 'ley. drugs, 14 7 00
Homy /4 7 00
dealer, 14 7 01
Christian Hoover, marketing, 14 7 00
Jacob tire egos grace rich, 14 7 (.0
Daniel Markley, marketing. 14 7 CO
Klink & ('n. dry gouda, 13 10 00
T. McraiiilliFh. '• 13 10 00
I,tough & Elliott " 73 12 00
J. C. & J IL Brown, hardware, 12 10 0 ,
0, 0. Wild, drugs, 14 7 00
William Recd." 14 7 00
W. 1. McCullough, gro 'Pries, 14 7 00
S. M Cilauscr, 14 7 00
.10, Laughlin, clothing, 14 7 00
.1. M. Ilaviiison, Agt . shown, . 14 7 00
J. Ill:oh:toll. Agt , NRIVO2I, 11 7 (di
. A , Cul i mi d an, marketing, 14 7(0
14 7 00
8. D. McKinney, dry gon&,
1.131 V TON
Ferguson & Co., dry goods, 14 7 00
S. Miller and & Son 8, .. 14 700
Bowers L. Nyors, 14 7 00
J. & .1. Kyle," 13 10 00
A 1 1 lninch, 14 7 00
ilursh & 1111),I, 14 7 00
bowls & Co., lied Barn. prod uco, 14 7 00
Snyder A Knettle, 71 lb 10
J. & J. 11. Ilursh, e 11 16 00
Newcomer & II ore, 13 10 00
llunry F. Snyder, shoes, 14 -7 00
.1. &J .11. Hersh, Oakville, produce, 13 10 0)
J. bf. {Vaguer, tnarkeling,. 14 7 1/0
Koontz & Stevick, dry goods, 13 10 00
James Omen, . " 03 10 OP
David Hoover, flour, 13 10 00
E. St or Irk, furniture, 14 7 Oh
W. W . Frazer, shoes, 14 7 00
.T. P. Wise, dry goads, 14 , 7 00
Ono. Russell, .‘ . 14 7 00
1V.•51 Watts, ' 1 11 7 00
Miss E. Russoll, dry goods, 1I 7 00
Deetem, markoling. 14 7 Op
A, Hoodheart t Co., marketing, 11 T 00
Alexander ,4 Mull, la) dry goods, 11 10 CO
Kauffman 0 DreeLtbill, HI .10 00
$9,644 27
46 26
4;9,600 53
A. M. Loldigh;
8. N. Divan.
Barney Gardner,
Eamnel Shupp, flour,
Wm. Ward, confectionery, 14 7 00
C. Deep, furnitgro, 14 7 00
S., marketing, . ''. 14 7 - A0
D. Newman, shop, ; 14 7 00
- scnymeligtox. '
_ _
George Coffey, dry goods,
73 10 60
L Strohm, " 13 10 lb
Geogd. Weyer, n 11 7 00
J. Scheel' A Dro, " 14 7 00
N. IS. iteifsnyder, confostlonary, . 14 700
Wm. llawk, marketing, ' 14 7 00
4171,100 43
7. 11. Swiler, dry goods,
It L. ShrydcW
S. C. Haller, groceries, - • . 14 7 00
Tonna') & Bro., " . • , ' 14 7 00
P. Pariah, 34 7 00
Jacob Pogue " , . .14 • 7 0i
3, 11. FaStuach A: Co., geocerles, • - • 14 7.00
P S. Arta, 4.4 14 7'oo
Cox Az McCune; dry. goods,. • 13 10 00.
.1. heck & Co., . " 13 10 00
: J. & J. D. needing, " 12 12 00
Stuart & Bone, " •-' . 13 - 10 00
Stoviok & McPherson, dry goods, • 13 10 00
11 3, Snoddy, furniture. ' 14 7 00
Ilastotter & iiitYles, clinbing, ' 14 ' ' - 7 00
J.Jiridges, ruarcllttpt tailor, 14 ' 7 00
Rankin . & Bro., drugs, ' - 14 7 CO
John Sternbach, " - " . 14 7 01
3. 0. Atlick,: "
14 7 00
John McCurdy, " ' . 14 7 00
Mrs. 11. Sturgodu, inillihOry, ' .. l4 . 7 CO
Mrs. M. Dubbs, ' 4. ' . 14 7 00
J. bruldle,joireiry.------- 1 '
.• 14 . 7'oo'
Ifyrani Ityslnger,jowalry,• - •• I. 74 7,06
0 ral)ill & Johnson, hardware, '.. 10 13 to
Forney. & bleitherson, " , -•'.. 13 10 00
A. 3. - Wolf,
,stoves,, . ~. , •• - 3 14 '7 00
.1 ..41:ITylori, " \ ' - ' 14 7 00
Ruby & Lawtol/1 , produce, . • ' :10 '2O 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
11{ 10 00
14 ^ 00
74 7 00
14 7 00
14 '0
14 7 UU
14 7 00
14 7 (11
14. " Ott
1 • 7 OU
1,1 11) uu
1-1 rs 'i 011
If 7 U)
a =EI
11 70,
li ; • u,
II 7 01
It 7 o
11, 7 00
]a - 00
11 7 00
14 7 111
14 i
14 7 on
1d i 00
11 7 CO
14 7 0)
14 7 lu
14 7 00
1 7 00
13 10 00.
14 7 00
13 7 00
14 7 00
14 , 00
14 ' OD
1" 12 SO
13 10 00
14 7 (0
14 7 01
14 - op
11 - tit
14 7 (
11 10 00
It 7 00
14 7 00
14 7(0
41 13 10 00
34 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7. 00
14 7 00
. .
Martin Angle, lumber, - ' • 14 7CO
T. B. Blair, produce, CR 16 00
'Kelso A Hinkle stationary,
Johnson. A fitunr ' or, coal, AT., 'i; ' 14 700
B. B. Colo, hate, &a.,14 7 ..
G. W. Croft, . . '. ' ,14 , 7
Benj. Biggs, marketing', ' l4 7
S. 15Iyore, - a - • :14 7
.. .
Ebarles Oyster, luulbei.,•
~., 13 10 00
Leek Eberly, • -..' . • ,12 " 12, 50
Mulisq & 3 - tunew, ic - '
~ • • , ' -13 10
V. Proomah; ''l4 - _7
T. Willa, dry good 0,• ..
. • 14 • 7 •
.1. 0. Igillur ' • 4 -- 14 - 7 •
Andrew Redcfri r elluee 13 10 00
. .
kitoaW.Ear & Zook, dry. Roods, •!.-. - 13 10
D. K. Noel, . -'' ' 14a'7
Robert Eletrick, marketing, • 14 7
Hiram Longaneeker, dealer, l4 7
. . WEST VEinisnoiiotram
Lino & aivler, produce,,.. 13 10 00
Theo. ilumehire , •• ' -
.• - 13 10 •
Henderson J. Reed, prodnce,:.•,,---
14 7
Edwin James, dry goods, 14 7
D. Martz, & Co., '. j 14 7
Eber James, . 13 10
Tobias Sites, marketing, 14 7
Wm. Bishop, 14 7
Wm. Van nerd & Co y ,
marketing, 14 7
0. W. Robinson, dry geode, 14 7
1 . 7111:11. - EW113 6, dry goods, ..
14 7 -
.1. J. Coble, . - 1‘ l3 10
David Strohm, ri 13 10 00
Jacob Simmons, '. 14 7
Jai:oh Leidigh,
Joy. Fink, merchant tailor,l4 7 00
, '
Fisher 4: Knapp. dealers, 14 7
Wm. S. Burk holder. doalor, 14 7
John 11. Leidigh,' produce,.. 13 10 00
F. Breekomaicer, marketing, 5 14- 7
J. Brandt & Son, dry goods, 14 10 03
B. Comfort & Sons, " 13 10
Brindle & Nelswunger, f` 11 16
John Iteigle, 14 7 00
lieny Lease, 14 7
Kaufman & Oswald, producM, 13 -10
Thomas B. Bryson, " 32 12 10
John Johnston & Son, " 12 12 50
Erumingor & Singizer, " 13 10
Zacharias & flacorstlck, produce, 14 7
Jos. MlBelson, lumber, 14 7 00
Seldo/ Eberly & Co., lumber,l4 7
(feu. Hummel, lumber & coal, 14 7 00
Daniel iirablil, clothing, 14 7 00
h. 15. Abrams, " 14 7
Arnold & Co., 14 7
Bold, & Oarretson, hardware, 13 10
John S. Boyers, 13 10 .
11. Wilson & Sella, 5i0136, r 14 7 00
Wm. Wouderllch, " 14 7
Lsidigh Or "'hallows, " 14 7 00
J. 11. Herring, drugs, 14 7 01
J. S. Unfelt, " 14 7
Ira Day. 14 7
It. 'Thomas, gi °cedes, 14 7
Robert Mills, ‘• 14 7
Sagan & A rmstr ng, grorcrles, 13 10
S. O. Bowman, ‘•- 14 7
J. Emoiger, - 14 7
11. W. Irvine. roof •ctimiery, 14 7
Samuel W. Worst, furniture, 11 7
.101,0 Burp, "
Milli., & P.borly, dealers, 13 10
C. Belnv• - ., , ,, m)o-a-i - - 14 -7-
licorgetit<t..ft.. - 14 7 .
Lori Iteigle, hats & SllO,, 14 7
J. F. lia lieu Om nis.r. mucl,, 14 7 00
Jacob Swartz, jewelry, 14 7
11 S. been, •• 14 7
wil, 3. 14,130. in,clinet lailers, 11 7 on
Jacob 11 ,noun,,. baker.. 44 7
. 1 . 11, tl , i tee. , inininerj.
Mrs S 11ii on, "
iieurge 00.:lbour, marisoih.g.
Hank Mai shall, •
George Kos,
J.. 1. 1,1n11.11, bakrr , 14 7
'red, kw< Renner, r 3,11810. 7 10 00
z , eeitzer, " 7 10 00
Michael Meehen. 7 10
11r, M. 11e0. Hough, " 7 lit
Andrew 1;nu1,I, 7 10
John C:10,, 7 10
'Sirs li. Vi•lors '• 7 10
11 illiato 7 10
John lion - dein, 7 10
IA o 11 7 10
Ewing Clock, 7 10
. 31 J. I.obach 7 10
George Fehind, 't 10
Nlre .1. how, 4, 7 10
1 11,4. C. N " ve/n, 7 10
George Berg, 4 • 7 10
Henri - String, 7 10
Emanuel IVelrieh, '• 7 10
.Inrob ;Bent-ton, 7 10
Joseph Ithoo4ls. Hopewell, 8 5
Joseph Unlit., 14;:1 , 4 Pen, hero', 7 10
Adam Burkholder, Newburg, 8 5
(hauler Brwster. Newton 7 10
C. A. If onnehery'r, '' 7 10
J.. 1. Crawford ; Nowv 11141,-4-- - --. 5... is
Win. S. Dunlnp, " 7 10
John Nlaloy, Nleelinlesburg, 7 10
I'. NVagner. 7 10
11. 11. If.lionly, " 7 10
Sam tie 1 Ito pert, . 4. 7 • 10
C. thatle. : , .11ippensbuig, 7 1 4 )
Peter Nllller, " Ii 5
Jnmes Nlnekey, 4 , 7 10
John NIIIIer, " 13 Is
S. drone, Upper Allen. 7 10
Wm. AlnxAlMor, Cm 1 islo,
Wm. Ilan
lle iron 31, are, Silver Sin - 1114.
7,34'l:arias. I ilei G,, A !Inn,
11l 1.1,1 A RD TA III
Coorao . I'olarl tubhis,
Ern mild W,rlrll. I (able,
All porsonr, feeling thenuo.elvesAmtrieved Ay the above
ra , 11 . 0 or t•la.+lfic:o,lor, will have au opportunity of ab
peeling by calling VII lh. subNerlhor et the Court House
in car' Isle. .n the 4th, I Ith. 18th. or 28th of April, af
ter which time no appeal will be breed.
fir„01111.E SCOIII7,
April .1. IRc.2. Mercantile Appraiser.
-1-Y a 111 ',lens, rill n t th n
na Tam soiling heap, thou ever for cash or short
1.;00 Nails and Splkeii.ltuit resets ed, of the very
best makers and warronted. Country meridian is up•
plied with nails at Illanola , turers prison.
Inn Toni hammered and Rolled IRON, of all Mies,
jug re,iived nod warranted to be of the boot quality,
with a lards. assortment of
Sheet lon,
Mired Iron,
Hoop Iron,
:Aloe iron,
Spring St,el. Cast Staid,
Illi , Thired Steel, ohhco, Shoo Sails, Wasboril.
Anvils. Vices.
Ill:icksmith !follows, Au., k r., rhenper
thrill the the pest, at tho • .Dnrdrr are store, Emit Main
street. Carlisle
Marrli 15012. IT. SAXTON.
I)LOWS. Jost received and for sale
at manufacturers prices, a large assortment of
Plank's Pliov,
lien wood's !low,
elrich's Plow,
York ‘letal Plow,
Bloomfield Plow,
Eagle Plow,
Cultivators, &c.,
at the cheap hardware store of it. SAXTON', East Nroin
street. March 28.
I),U MPS &C EM ENT. 100 barrels of
Comont, with a largo asg.qrtrnent of Chain and Iron
Pumps, just received :tad for sale cheaper than ever.
Cement sold by the quantity at mauufartur••,a prices
March 11. 8 &WON.
The Confessions and Experience of
an Invalid,
DUMAS D for the benefit and as a
warning and a (motion to young mon who suffer
from Necrotic Debility, Premature Decay, &e.; supply
ing at the Haan; Ham the means of, Self cure. By one
who nns cured himtelf after being pnt to great expense
through mediral imposition and quackery. Ity onelo-
Muir a poet paid addressed envelope, mingle copies may
be had of the author, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq.,
liedfortl.-Li&Ags no., N.Y.
March 14, 18112—ly
INCE the late vietorieli Domestic Cot
ton Cords bare declined, atiti ' there le now a prov•
pee of getting n eupply of Cotton, We s , (LETIMCII,
SA WYliti it 31 CU 11, at the new store, under Martin's
lintel; East Main otreet,) aro receiving daily large
kilos of
whleh. our old stock Wo are &tainting - al to poll a CITY
PRICES. DRESS GOODS of ovary rarity;
Plain And Fancy Silks at all Prices.
A largo lot of now Black Silks at, 1 75, t 17%, 1.00, 1.25,, 1.75, 00 0,00: now Spring*Bulttlnes. at 25 canto:
4,0i0 yards host quality Mortal:to, Coeheco, Pacific And
Anwrfoan Prints. dark and light colors, now styles, at
12,%; a largo lot at ti, 8 and 10. Full and
best quality Enash,.l23. els. , Alt kinds Domestic
0 Ingham ft 1.44; Manchester 18V0 60 pieces French and
Scotch Dress and Bonnet Gingrranut at !a.
at wholnanlo and retail, n good qUality 8, • Ono 16,44 -1
wide 1234 Also, 03, 10.4, 114, 124 at corresponding
prices. MI Muds of 11F,AVY GOODS in large supply at
reduced prices—Ticklugg, Stripes,: Cheeks. Drillings,
Ognaliarge, Cotton Diapaer, &o. 'Linen - Goods of
all kinds, Table Clo(hs, Sheetings ' . Linos Diaper; Nap
kins, Shirting Llnens, Shirt Fronts, Collars, to the old
prices. White Goods, all kinds, at o)d prices.
Shawls, Ilrubrolderies, &c.,'
_Mop Prirtsdlreckftom the
11 %dory. 800 `doz. Ladies', Mom 111On'ti and Boi's
1108 E, 12 1 4 to 25. Mon's and Boy's 'Mar—
all grades, Fancy CassiroeteS, latest ptyles, Vestings,
Satio as, Jeans, tottohades, &e., &c,. Having secured
the servires of a first clans Tailor, we are prepared to
gat up Clothiog In the :Oast. fashlogable style at short
. notice. .
We are recelvlnG our Spriog supply of Varpots,ComprlaZ
ofig.ell-1110, 'lcept -- 10 . Ilrerclass - carpet,
House. Carpets ranglpg, in price from:l2% to
Oil :widths. 'ATAttinks, Looking Wanes ?
Shades Rad - blinds ofall kinds. 1,000 lim.i.larpot 011aln;
Feathers; Cotton Batting: Counterpanes, - kn., &0. -- e
• 411 tho above goods and ;many above, we alai• to:
pluelvienre at .a smell ttclvanee abnvo' cost. .Winter
Dregs Goode--;.Shawls, 10antics, Furs, less than first hoot.
'We are oot,ertnined not to be undersold. Pleate call and
examine our lanneuce stock.
tryi.,.l4e will make additions of MIN Gm/dans tho sea
son advances, All Goods Farr:tinted, .what tre Fell
thorn for.' ,
•. . .
Carlli er do robrnar„y 28,
.1862, . ,
, ._ . . . .
ORDIN AlllOl3l. - ,
1. De In enacted and ordained by tho Thin Council
of the borough of Carlisle; and it is hereby. „enacted
and ordained by the. attthnrity of the tame ;, That it
ghat be the duty of the bead of s och family, wherein
any member is Rick ot a contagi Us disease. to report
the fact personally or thrmigh the attending physi
cian, to the Ctilef ilurgoas as soon as the aemo shall
conietcrids or.hor knowledge, under a penalty of Five
I..citisas, fur any such neglect. , /
2. That the Chief Burgos's ehltll give immediate no
Lice to the teat:harp Of the common schools, of the name
- and residence of the-faintly In which such contagious
disease exists; and that during its prevalence in said
family, neither the children nor any member thereof.
shall-be-permitted toattond tho.publio.schools, under
a 'penalty of Fiva DOLLARS, for any sudh offense, to be
collected off. the parent, guardian or other person, al
lowing each child to be sent to school.
S:, That all persdns having such disease shall be pro -
hlbited from coaling upon the ettblic streets and al
lefrof the borough Until they have entirely recovered,
under a penalty of Pm. DOLIARS. Provided, however,
that if they produce the certificate of a physician, that
they are free from contaminating otbpre, the above
penalty shall not be imposed.
4. Thatparenta, guardians and all other persons In
whose familia the disease is known. or reported so
aforesaid to exist, shall be Muffled immediately by the
chief Burgess, of the prohibition In'the preceding sec
ThAt alTifolicrellUtrait of - the- chief - Durgeoo
thia ordinance, shall be in writing, and be served by
the high constable
Doncted Into-on ordinance tiro 28th-day of tfarcbi
A. D, 1802. C. P. II umitteur, Prea't of Council.
Attest-200.W. 0C111.211', A. BiINSENIAN,
Secretary of Corporation. Chief Burgeso.
Has been raised in Carlisle and sur
rnunding country on learning that the subscriber
has returned from the City - with a tremendous stock of
Dry Goods, all bought for Cash and to ho abld at such
low prices as-Will cause Boon PEOPLE 10 shako in their
In this Tory oxtonstyro stock mny bo found grent plies
Of Silk Poplins, Turen Lustre, Fancy Silks In Tarlntv,
Black Silks of the most celebrated manufacture, Molbili
Plaid, Poll do Chore, Silk Check, Embroidered Madl-,
Salle Plaid, Cheek Mozambique, Challl De Lathes, Bom
bazines, Lawns. &c., ac.,
Vest ings, Boys wear of gond quality and desirable sty/es,
Tlckings, Checks, Flannels, Gingham'', Lawn and
of very handsome styles and In sufficient quantity to
clothe every female I n,the County.
1 have alao the largest assortment Of
and 011 Cloth to tlii inferier of Pennsylvania, of all
qualitica and at very Aatklavtory prices to the purchn•
Besides, I have alinnst every desirable articlein — niy
line of business that can he mentioned, selected with
great en re. and MILL an eye single to the wants of this
community and the present tiltif,
The public, is advised to see these Magnifirant loads
of gond.s before purchn•lng elsowhere, eel turreonfidnet
that ad vente,,ex will be gained by a careful examina
tion of my stock of floods, whirl, fur immensity has nee.
rr been, and Perhaps never will be. equ.siled in this
place, for size beauty, and cheapness.
At the old, well Known stand of _
Arrtl 4. 1852
"Matrimony Made Easy."
N I,'W work showing how either sex
j_ may bo suit-ily married, Irreipoetive of age Cr
- petition, propoßFOßging'nrotherwlFoiNvith,-treatise on
the Act of iesidnetinii apy porsen SOU wish. A curl
out scientific oxperimept w - Lleh never fails. Free for
25 vents. Address T. WILLIAM A CO., Publishers,
hoe 2.1300, Philarlilpl/111„
March 11, 11412—1 y
rrIIE undersigned are desirous of semi
rhka; t h e services of a few Vont - Ig' Men, to cocoon
In a Moo,Mug Agency, upon a saiary of FORTI:
per month, and all expons, paid. This in an
opportunity seldom ofTerod,and to thoke who merit the
.I , Probe lion of the sascribers, by F triet Attention to
business, curl rely upon constant employthent for a
term - of „rears. For further particulars, address
113 & 115 Broad Street.
March 14, 1862-3 m Ati.inson Depot, N.
FSTA TE NOTlCE.—fetters of ad
ministration nn the c.t..ate of Peter Zimu,rman.
dee'd,, late of Lower Allen tt.xnAltp, Cumb.Co,, having
been granted by the Iburister of said county, to the
sub.•eriben residing iu Hampden township, notice la
hereby given to all prisons Indebted to lonics payment;
and those having cl.iltas to present them to
5131[71t11, IIIiERLY, Adm . ,
March H. IStl2
rpm , : UNDERSIGNED begs leave to
inf v rin you, that he 'has just opened a PRIG
STOKE In Ill+, of Carlisle, in the room former
ly • coupled by ItoyllolliN l'lolfer. ns n DruoStore, next
door to lubotf 's Grocery Store. South Hanover street,
whore ho will always be found ready and willing to ply
the spatula and postal.
The MilflWillg lint entripriscs the twain portion of his
stork:—patent Medicine..
/D 00
2 ) )0
no no
30 0)
Suspensory Bandages, Window Glass, Toilet Soaps,
Perfumery, Cranny, N,,tlmis and Vari,tien Il enerally,
Confoefinuari , ..s,•Tnilaren; end t+-n - r.ars, Lithngrnphß and
'Frames, urntuz Paiut, l'arnibli and Snail 13iithl,
Ps, (.'sal Oil,
generally having had eV'er fifteen years' experience In
the Drug Business, with a de.dre to aceoututodate and
plen..e my cludorners, I hope to !weir(' n rosonable share
of public patrenage. It is lay intention and desire to
give perfect splisfaction in every particular, to all who
may favor tie 'anti a coll.
Carefully compounded, at fair prices. Glyn me a call
Carlisle, Due, 6, 1661. S. ii. l'A NN 'MAK Elt.
CRANFORD & CO., Wholesale and
Retell Glues and Cnrled hair Warehouse, Nu. 21
South ith Strout, Phlladolphia. (lino, Sand and Erne.
ry Paper, Emory Cloth, Racy Hide Whir., and Curled
Hair at the lowQst prices. Ordors solicited by mail and
altinfaction g uaran toed.
for Printers, lloi,kbinders, Caliinet
Coach Makers, &c. &c.
Poitiers In tha above will find It of special advantage
to give us a call,
iIItEEN.FrELD iC CO , Pa ,
k_A having jest racsived another largo addition to
their stuck of Cheap Ono Is, are now determined that
In the future consumers of Goods In Ca.lisio and the
County of Cumberland, shall have-the benallt of I ov
prices. We shall protect all classes and conditions of
the community, the poor as wall as the rich, strains:
Imposition In the shape of high prices. We shall make
our chief object the accommodation of our customers
with all kinds of desirable Hoods at reasonable prices;
arid if by the use of the " moans" always at our
command, we shall undersell the old .merellants, of
course our customers Will not object. As we purchase
for ca,h and spit for cash, consumers will, of course.
have all the benefit.
Prices Reduced
Good Calicoes. 5 cats.
Better Cali .oes, 6l
Choice Calicoes, 8 ate.
Extra Itladdur Colors, 10 sts.
l Cochocos, 1
r f ); -
the most desirable assortment over cpened In Carlisle.
English and French Brilliants in Chiuti colors at low
prices. •
Beautiful Brilliants 1235 . rents.
Something ems beside row cotton arriving, and some
thing else besideVotten ports opened! The
• oyes of the People opened I
Bleached minding;
8 6‘ la c . t!.
do do
do Extra quality 10 ctn.
1 yard wide bleached minding, 1216
Unbleached Nuelins.
Fine unbleached minding, 8 cts.
Extra heavy quality, lO ets,
rest heavy llooda 1 yard wide,2 l
Elegant firm quality 1 yard wide, I . ' lo
Thu above mllBllllB are from 1 1 ,5 to 3 cents per yard
cheaper than they are now sold In Carlisle.
Good Cotton pant stun;
Dotter quality, •
Deist Cottnnadee.
Weiare retailing 800 yards of tho ftbove , Cottonades
at.less_privo than merchants can now purehaaa them in
the east. . . _ _
- _
A large assortment of Ladles embroidered and plain
kid giovee, in all numbera,just received. -
Embroiderlds in great ihriaty mitt vory low Nina
,varlotr.ot beauttrul•neir style Spring Dn
Itiorp Skirts for Misoos quit Ladles voriati,
TheAttiderslgneddeterniltied to make our store a per.,
matr..t. Institution •In this Borough,,wlll be glad to
P apply those persons needing anythpgin our 111141'1th
desirable floods at fair prices. , Virkshall at, least have
the satisfaction of kidvelng that wo litre regulated the,
,prices of Peods that all Mode l& in the reach, 0f.41
and.t_hfit Om 'Miura there. will be no exorbitant
prices -deruanded — fori inien.the
plea of their . enhanced value In the east. While we
shill always keep step to tko musk of the Union,"
we shall make others keep atep,to the cheering news of
01.t.E . AV ()00D4 for, all-classes zit . :
Carlisle, March-14;1E62. . Now stars.,
„ . •
• .
Ce . . . . ~ .
AItPETISGS, Scc. , L—Juat fatleived at
„oatiams Cban - P Clisti Stoio, o. new ottiek 'of Oori
put tigs,'Ditiligoes tool' Mom. 111 Olotlig, WWI 11 , 111 .b/
sold at Very low flgwren. ;.:' ". - . l' • '•,"" ' " ~ .
Mafia call mul elcarwirtecthe tilocl.'
Ciri , ,sle, Oct. 2.5, 18tnt ~.. • " . ' • '
21 South 7th !Strout Phi ladetphitt.
c c ; . •-(10 116 " 1 '" ' -
_ ..... .....4....._ # . z,,,,.. 1 ,,[5r15gri,........TT.+ - ____.--. E.-•
-----:::.. 3 , i,tnit 4 ;(UA; 4 1 17-. =z-< , :" •
lirr• - k2'-
7 1 1 - 71 1 n -.--- " 1 1" 0 -. 7 4.- , •. --- ce e," i% ‘
,1 , r c• - ' - c —.7,
_ -
Second door east of the Market House in
Zug's Corner.
wood Pinion, from tho bast makers.
The beat manufactured instruments from $45 to $lOO.
Violins. Guitars, A ceordeons, Pluto% Fifes, Drums, Dam
jos, Tambourines. Violin and Guitar Strlngsi and Moot.
col Morclleneltse in gonoral.
A complete assortment for all instruments. The latest
publications always on hand.
Teacher on the Piano and Guitar, Instrumental and
Vocal music.
Monne and 81elodeons tuned and repaired.
March 21,1852. A, DENK.
Millinery, Strata Goods, &c,
WE liaye the pleasure of infdrming
you that we are now prepared to offer, at, our
Old Stand, Noe. 103. 105 A: 107, North Second St., above
..... Arch, Phila ., a well selected stock of MILLI:I.
,g,ERY and STRAW GOODS, In every variety, of
the lateSt importations, and of tho newest and
...5.1.4.. most fashionabos styles.
will comprise every variety of ilonnots, lints and Trim ,
wings, to bo found in that lino, Of the Ititest and most
approved shapes and stYlos.
eolleitine; an early call. I remain yours, respectfully.,
Morel, 21, 1802— t 11. WARD.
The Citizens of Carlisle & Vicinity,
A RE invited to an examination of my
la_ stock of Groceries, Queensuare, Spices, Ac. Beet
us HAMS at 11 cbbts per lb , Dried DBBF, best Pickels,
Katsups, Sauces, Buttered sad Boneless Sardines of the
most approved brands, Table Oil,
in cans, Dried Fruit, very fine Syrup nt 60 cts. prr gall.
Fish; i'ine Apple, Sap Sago and Dutch Head Chem°,
Coal Oil, Fluid, Whale 011, best Tobacco and Sognrs,
Wines and Liquors, and an ondless variety of small
wares. Torms Cash.
Yoh. 7, 1862. Wbt. DENTZ.
Kollook's Dandelion Coffee,
rrillS preparation, made front the best
L Jain Coffee, is recomMeniled by physicians as a
superior Nutrition.; lioverago for general Debility, Dys
pepsin, and all bilious disorders Thousands who have
been compelled to :Abandon the use (,f eoffm, will use
this without injurious effects. One can contains the
strength of - two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25
Ku LUCK'S LEVAIN. the purest and Lost Baking
powde r hoeo n , for Insiting light, Sweet and nutritious
bread and cab cs. Price lb cents. Manufectmed by NI.
11. Konoel.. Chemist, corner of Broad is tiestnut
Phila.. and cold by all Druggists and Clrocers.
Nebrusay 26,18e12—1y
RANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorpm
_rated lay au act of,Ansetubly, in- the.yonr-ISI3, and hay.
ing recetilly had its charter extended to the year 3883,
is now in active and vigils ons opeiation. under the su•
Perinterlon co of the following Boa , d of Managers, viz:
William R. Dorgan, Christian Stay num. M. CoCkilo,
D. gaily, Alex' Cathcart, 3 TI. Coover,John Eialelber
ger..lossph Wickersham. Saml. Eberly, Moses Bricker,
itedelph Martin. Jacob Cower, and J. C. Dunlap.
The rates of ineuranee are as low and (arc rablo as any
Company of the kind In the State. Persons wishing , to
become members are Invited to make application to the
agents of the company, who aro willing to wait upon
teem at any time.
. . _ . . .
WM. R, 00110 AS. Pre.ident,
}:body's Mills, P. 0,
Carl/xle. P 0.
JOIIN C. DUNLAP. Seery., Mrehauirsbulg
MICHAEL COCK lAN, Treasurer, Sheplierdstown.
CUNIIIMILAND Cc/UM:Y.—John Sherelek, Allen
Iles ry Zearing, Shirnmanstriven Lafayette l'eMir
Dickinson; Henry Bowman, Chin n ; Mode Orli
11l 11, South Middleton; Samuel 0 rahain, W. Penns
'Samuel (mover, Mechanlesbnrg,: J. W. Cock 1171,
Shepherdstown; I). Coovor, Upper Allen t .1 0. Sax•
ton, Silver Spring; John Ilyer, Carlisle; Valentino
Feel:Min ' NI`W Ciirnbetland.
YORKCOUNTY.—W. S. ('lrking. Dover; Jae. Orilllth.
Warrington : .1. F. DeatdoriT. Washington: Ii ichev
Clark D, Rutter, Fairview : John Willlatnit,
DA II PliT N Ttonsor, Ira rrt situ rg.
Nieto hors of-the. company 1111,111 G.polirlrsahout to pi
plre, can hate them raunwod by matting applteattorrto
any of the Agsnts.
Felt. 20. IACI.
irl..'s'TEß .4 RRA N GE2II ENT.
7 : 10 , _
On and alter MONDAY. NOVEMBER 4, Iq6l, Passenger
'r aim will run as follows: (Sunday= excepted:)
Ist Train. 2d Ttain..
. _
Lcave 7 00 A. M. P lii P. 41.
•• ticeencaxt 10. ••
(.11:unbersburg, " Ar, 1 (0 "
•• Shipponsburg, .01,0 •• 1.12 "
" New villa, 9.32 " 2.15
Carlisle. 10.10 " 2,55 a
Mechanicsburg, 1 6 .42 "
Arrive at Harrisburg. 11.15 " 3,55 "
Int Tr:llu. 2,1 Tratn.
Leave Harrisburg 8.05 .1.111 1.50 P. 41.
•• Mechanicsburg 8.47 " 2.80 "
" Carllnle , 0.27 " 5.08
New v We, 10.02 " 5.14 "
Shipponsburg, 10.33 " 4.15
Chambg', (Arrive) 11. IR 4.55 "
G revue:tat le, 11.55 545 "
Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.35 8,25 "
TII,REE Daily Traln s leave Harrisburg for Pittsburi
at 3.18. and 7.110, A. M.. and 4 20, P. M..
For Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Central Ratite:lc
At 2.40 A. 41 , 2.SG, 1.15, and 5.25 P. Si. Via Lebann,
V , ;-11. B. a/ 8.00 A. 11., and 1.4.5, P. M. For Baltimore,
at 3.00 7,10 A. Si., . 1 / 4 1.110 P. M.
Fur Irr =caulk nail Williamsport at I.4o(and 8.15, P.
M. Trains on Dauphin Road at 2.00, P. M.
NOTICE TO PASSENGERS : At all Stations where
Tickets are sold, viz: Hagerstown, Greencastle, C 1,,..,
bernburg, Shipponsburg, Newville. Carlisle, Moclmicp•
burg and Harrisburg, a reduction at TEN CENTS on
each Ticket will be made to all Passengers that provide
themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars.
0. N. LULL Supor't
Railroad Office, Cbambersburg, }
Nov. 8.1881.
riAItI(IOES GI, 8 and 10 ce nt s , b es t
k /quality Calico at 12% cents, Donwatle Ginglonns at
12% cents, Domestic Muslins 8 Ar It) cents. .1--i Dom )gie
Muslin, good article, I 2,.%, Tichlugs, Cheeks, Table Dia
per Shooting, Sc.. at low prices. Canton Flannels 12 1 ,5,
lloolled Skirts, the cheapest in the county.
at very low prices. blankets and Flannels ender price.
Cll,OlllB, CA`ISI2LEIII:B, Jeans, Vestings, at astonish
ingly Into 'Aces.
All my old friends and customer. aro resportfully in•
yited to call end examine for themselves, as I will not
be undersold by any store in the county.
Main street, opposite the Depot.
CHAS. COILDY, Trustee.
Carlisle, Feb. 28, 1862.
J. We smiLEy
Hereby gives notice to his friends, customers. and the
public, that ho has removed his store frOm- Leonard's
corner to his now. imom—forinerly known as holler's
bat store—on North Hanover Street, bativenn the Car
lisle Deposit Bank and llnyett's Grocery Store.
His stock of It LADY- MADE CLOTIIING, Boots, r
Shoes and Eats is largo and complete, and you
can depend upon the fart that-hu 'eon and will ' •
soli cheapor• than ever: and always intends:o .- i
sell good goods and at a lower price than any person
Always on hand, the most scannable, best mode
and- fashionable Coats, Pantaloons and 'Vests
from the commonest to the best qualities, which
cannot WI to lit, please the-eye and give satis
faction in general. Also, Shirts, Under-shirta and
drawers, collars, cravats. suspenders, gloves, stockings,
Au, 21.:., all to he sold-at-the-very lowest prices,
Alwayton hand, a large and complete assert-
ment of every variety of lloots,Brogans. Oxford? 1
Ties, Slipp ors, Gai tars, Joffe rsons, Ac., for /Adios ''
and Gentlemen; Misses and Rom yeuth and "
children, all to be sold' chub. - Alen on band and con
stantly manufacturing the beat Etna French and Mona
Morocco Roots, and deffersorla for Ladles. pa. All rips
sewed Ram of charge. ",
it 4 irlaiiii - itelebrltititfor - Man, Mors and rm
. 4 Children, common, good and Bile. All sell-6%
—•-• log cheaper than over(
I hereby tender my, thanks to my customers and
friends, for past favors, and - earnestly solicit you all to
call and:aeo the and my stock ofgoods, bolero- you Intr.
thrum elsewhere:as .1 - situ determined to ties every effort
,to atqiply y.3 . ilvith the very boat, and at such prices as
villieult all. Be particular to look for myelgn,.
';April , a,ista,—ly " -3: W. SMILEY. •
.. . . . '
.. , .
2 1 4
25 ate
.1 - 41 OR . , •
Tholarge Stone MOO, on Unto otrebt, nenflpnpl
• ,
F. fhtnAnor.k Co's.lioob
propo kty' .7[A. Anu t-
it if inon - IkisaciL ) don glren 11$ of
-- •• 7 1.a62 . ' ForlOnna '40.• 'jinn,' tplo ,
•••-• - • . Car . llalof o ..7; •
--vsirAT . t.s . ollo.ll,--Whereas letters
. of,Adroloistrlition, , iritb ttio'*lll - ttnnelsed . , on tiro
,c•J o bn ,Lretrtok, into of Carroll Coutity,lndtana,'
hciva• bee n . . geanted- by the - Register "o? Otimboolktd
countrAo•the eobeeriber; rOsidlug In NORIA Bilddiuton
township, %Ake isitereby ell persons inclebt•
edt to Old' coititto to malto paylAtent, ontt.those having
rltilro . s to Tirestuat. them,•doly authentleatell for sottlo•
rneut to . SINGART, Sr.,: •
-_ 1602.1--Otfr T. , • ettitit'r.- •
3SusingsB* garti§:,
i 1%1, - PENIIOSI3, At t tretiey tit, Law .
.6 - olB6i, in Itheet 's,Mali. Prornstlomil !mei
nits promptly attended to:; •.
February 21, 1862.
TO UFUM E. 811A.PLEY, Attorney at
LA, Law.„,Carlida Pa.' Attends - to ;goetitinx - and col
foating SnldH Par, Donn tlog, and Pandang, aid fur
'Athos Information. (dative thototo., OUlee on Eolith
Ilavovor Street, oppodto Beaten diva.
Doc, 27, Ism.
.LAW °Mee with W. M. Penrose, In noon's
T WEARLEY.—Attorney at Law:
!Jr . Once on south Hanover street, opposite Bente.
Dry Donde store. All nroNssional business entrUsted
to him wlll bo promptly attended to.
RITNER, JR., Attorney at
10 Law and Surveyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Office on
Ralf Bond Strout, two doors north of tho Bank.
Xar - Business promptly ottontled to.
OLAUG.IILIN, Attorney at Law, Office in Id ,
half's, building, just opposite Llid Mat•ket flown,
LJ. W. FOULK, - Attorney at Law
o Office with J. R. Smith, Esq., in Itheem'a
All Business eutusted to him will
A he promptly at
tondad to.
May A, '60.-Iy.
4 - 1 P. HUMRICH, Attorney at Law.
\J.—Office on North Hanover street, n few doors
south of Glass' /Tote/. All business entrusted to him
will be promptly attended to. [Aprills.
Minneapolis, Illinnesota.
M T ILL give special attention to collections through
out the State, make investments, buy and eel
Real Estate and securities. Negotiate loans, pay taxon
locate laud warrants, &e, hc. Refer to the members n
the Cu.nberland County 113 r, and to - all prominent citi-
Zone of Carlisle, Pa. A ugPsl9—ly
SURGEON, has removed his office to South
Hanover street, directly opposite Dente's store. All pa
tients entrusted to his care, either from town dr - min.
try, will be promptly tit tocdod to.
Nov. 11, 18111.
Tn. S. B. KI .14.31e1e ER °filo° in North
nahover street two doors from Arnold k &it'd
tore. 011leo hours, more particularly from 7 to 9 o'cloclirl
A. and from 5 to 7 u'elork, I'. M.
pill- GEORGE S. sEA..
, 1 ,
f( HT, DENT .1737, - Trom the BM
IM• tunorr. Dental Surgery.
tpAin,, e t It , ht, n , r , thcr,Per.t L,ut her
street. three thorh
March 19,1,156-- tt.
South Hanover street, I . .ATA.
next door to the Post
0 Mee
GEO. W. NE'1.1)1(11, 1). D. S.—
Late Demonstrator of °paint live Dentistry to the
. • • - - Deltlmnro - • College - of
Mill om. Dental Surge*.
• X` Office at his residence,
oproslte Marion 8011, tt est Ntate street, Carlisle, Penn
Not. 11. 1857.
S. W. HAVE HSTIOK, Druggist )
North Honorer Street, Carlisle.
PhyAcian'sprescrlptionararefully compounded
A full qupply of fresh I r ugm and ^henUrals.
COB & 130 S Market St., above sixth,
JAMES W. POWER ; Proprietor.
TERMS :-91 2ry per day.
S. E. Cor. 11th S Market Sts.,
A. 13. EWING'S
z ir s . ;
:f., ~., - , ,r ., , ,....--4 ,:r.,--7-7Ti - -- '
West High Street, Carlisle, Pa.
(Premium al (he Cumber' und Gaunt
Ayrtoottaral Pair of 18674
The subscriber hes just recd cud the most splendid
assortment of artielmi in his line, over brought to OAS
place—NO - 11 , h ho Is determined to sell at prices that do
fy competition.
Parlor 1
Che.inher, i _
1 17t;RNITURt.
'Kitcen and
Embracing every article used by House and hotel
licepars, of the most approved and fashionable design
and finish. Mchiding also Cottage furniture In tititliri
reception and Cainp Chairs, Illattrasgos, Gilt frames,
pictures, Ac.,
Purchasers are requested to call and examine hie
stock, at h 0 extensive ware-rooms, West street,
North aide,' A. B. IVING.
4rir Particular littentlon given as usual to funerals:
ordors from town nod country, attended to promptly
and on moderate terms. A. B.
Carthdo, May 12. 1h58.-13.,
"T - lIRST OF 1711.17, SEASON.-
- Lane arrival of Nov- Slylos of PALL AND WINTER
Tho undersigned tahrs pleasuro to Inform his friends
and the public generally of thu large andlvaried itesnld •
meat 01 pleat go. qls cur
MENS A -VD nYS IFE.4 /-&
reet•lvo , l corn' i :t'l 1-,L 51y1.4 and
onvidliev ill the irt, t, ,Ink•ln h :%.0 Lpnn ,11,4
(-ire and %yid lint I. at A, v•
obtall,d nu), !len, e,o.
eDiT If ,
Overt,Ontings So , Intita and Jtans. which ivlll bc niacin
to ardor, or pct. ys, d at the Inwcst prices.
The public Is respectfully invited to iuslieet our stock,
bofore purchasing OISOWIIIII.O
North Hanover Street, opposite the American House.
fr,y-Mlittary work made at tho shorttilt llotico, and
with dospliteh.
Madame ZAZOC
Is warranted, if used ac—
cording to the directions,
cure in all cases, Coughs,
Colds, Whooping Cough,
Asthma, and all affections
of the Throat and Lungs.
~ g\
,~~ ~
Madame Z/COOO POR—
TFI Is prepared
with all thbreoulaito care
and stall, frbm a combina
tion of the best remedies
the vegetable . kingdom af
fords.' Its remedial quell
this are band on its power
to assist the healthy and
rigorous circulation of the
blood, through the Lunge.
It is not a violent reme
dy; hut emolliant, warm
ing, searching and arm
tiro; can ha taken by tbs.
oldest person or youngosA
I 1 • s:\.‹, ` _ _ Mad'a 7.ad00 Porter't
, Balsam has boon. used by
k4S ,\ . \ \ \V„‘tN the plibile for 'over lg
Nksi.,, ...."„l years, and, We acquired
. , \ , 1., tl s r• Ito to•sootrk salo•elutPlo' bY
... ' ',.: 4 ••'' ' being iscommunded by
--.,—...,— ' —' these who have used it to
sheir aftlictod fi tondo and others. s
HOST ItIrOUT/ 4 :11: 1 -MadatTIO ZedoO POrteea Curative
Baleani le sold at a price which brings it in the reach of
every ODD to hoop it convo,qlent for nee. The timely
useaf a„alttgle bottle will prove tube Worth Mt times
its east. `,,
NOlsos.—Eletve yoilr 'lortey I—Do not be.persuaded to
punebose articles at ..le to $l4 which do net contain the
virtues of a Dime Bottlo of Madate,* Porter'a Curative
Balsam, the coat's., manufacturing whichin as great as
that of almost any other Laatitotiset -and the very low
price at which It le sold, makes the profit to the seller
apparently small, and unprlnc'pled dealeis will tome=
times recommend other needicinew on svbleta their
prollte are larger, *unless the easterners:l)36lot upou
having Modem° "Porter's and none other. •Ask for
lifadame Potter's Curattve' Balsam, erica 10 tits. and la
largo bottles at .90 ors, and take no other. If you can,
not get it at one etoro ,ou can at another.
Alaeltold by all Druggists and Eitore.lteepore at 10 ctit,'
and In larger bottles at 00 ate. •
HALL & MICKEL, Proprioters, New YoAic
Tor sale in Carlisle, by St P. Pannebaker.
January 10,1802: ,
wAlwrir.l), '
A Sexton for tliotB '`P}ttpb'3.teriaq